September 2023 Natural Awakenings Gulf Coast AL/MS

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YOGA MONTH SEPTEMBER 2023 GULF COAST AL/MS EDITION Sign up for the digital magazine Simple Yoga Tips for Travelers A Dollop of Awareness Tips for Mindful Eating Tapping Into the Global Health Network Finding Purpose in Challenging Times

PUBLISHER Michelle Smith

EDITOR Julie Peterson

AD DESIGN Mandy Ullerich

LAYOUT DESIGN Melanie Rankin

DISTRIBUTION Veronica Miller 251-422-9114


123 Fig Ave., Fairhope, AL 36532 Ph: 251-990-9552

S is for September and Slowing down

D ear Friends,

Happy September! Welcome to Natural Awakenings Yoga Month issue. I hope you are enjoying some cooler weather. After August on the Gulf Coast, cooler will feel amazing!

Today, I was thinking about you. My top goal with every issue of Natural Awakenings Gulf Coast is to offer HOPE and HELP. HOPE that there are others out there just like you, that you are not alone in your struggles and that, yes, there are workarounds, possibilities, answers and people who care! So, I’m here to HELP you find those workarounds, possibilities, solutions and people who care. Just flip a few pages and you will see what I mean.


Subscribe to the free digital magazine at Mailed subscriptions are available by sending $12.99 (for 12 issues) to the above address.


CEO Kimberly B. Whittle

National Editor Sandra Yeyati

Editor Brooke Goode

Copy Editor/Proofreader Melanie Rankin

Design & Production Gabrielle W-Perillo

National Advertising Lisa Doyle-Mitchell


Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 350 Main Street, Suite 9B Bedminster, NJ 07921

Ph: 239-206-2000

© 2023 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.

Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business.

We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

Natural Awakenings has always been about three things: Education, Connection and Empowerment. Education leads to informed decisions about holistic healthy living on a healthy planet. Connection to those locally and nationally that offer holistic solutions such as healthier foods, activities and therapies that work for you. Empowerment to use these things for your good because you’ve trusted us for 29 years to provide progressive, healthy and sustainable living practices throughout the world. The world we live in is complex. Navigating it can be tough. But if we come together with the best solutions, the best practices, the best offerings of physical, emotional and spiritual healing we will all win!

As you read our Wise Words article, Finding Your Calling, Stephen Cope highlights why it is important to find our calling and how to go about our life’s purpose in the midst of so many distractions and demands in our life. My take is, it helps to SLOW DOWN and listen to your inner being, the inner self that has the wisdom of the ages and is guided by God.

Paraphrasing Cope, slowing down brings about discernment and focus. The second step is to bring everything you’ve got to whatever you decide is your calling. Third, let go of the outcome, also known as relinquishing the fruit. The ancient yogis discovered that if you’re grasping for a particular outcome, it takes you out of the moment and into some future fantasized moment. By letting go, you empower yourself to be more present to the possibilities of the moment. I can get on board with that! The fourth step is to turn the whole process over to God or to something bigger than just yourself.

Now we’re talking. This is where things will really get good. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

May God bless you and keep you,

2 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition
Natural Awakenings is printed on recyclable newsprint. HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET GULF COAST EDITION Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines
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The 11th Annual Fairhope Film Festival

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English Spanish. SomatIQTM Breathwork liberates you from

Online or in

stress and overwhelm in your body so that you become free in your mind and connected with your purpose. It’s an experience that takes you out of your thinking mind and into your body’s electrical network via two common breathing techniques, so you are able to release unneeded energy.

4 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition
Respira with Morgan Tyner Corporate Wellness | Small Business Wellness
Retreats Corporate Wellness
Small Wellness 1:1
1:1 | Groups | Events |
| Groups | Events | Retreats
or in
Book your session or discovery call today! Morgan Tyner @respirawithmorgan Fairhope, AL Empowering you to feel balance & calm with SomatIQTM Breathwork Willing to travel to your retreat! to to your retreat! Respira with Morgan 16 MEDICAL TOURISM Navigating the Risks and Rewards 18 YOGA ON VACATION Simple Poses and Tips for Travelers 24 STEPHEN COPE on Finding Your Calling 26 SAVOR THE PRESENT MOMENT How to Add Mindfulness to Mealtime 29 EMBRACE THE WINDING ROAD 30 HELPING KIDS COPE Guiding Children Through Trauma and Anxiety 32 DOG PARENTING How to Shape Behavior and Strengthen Our Bond 18 30 Contents DEPARTMENTS 6 local briefs 9 health briefs 12 global briefs 15 business spotlight 16 healing ways 18 fit body 20 healthy eats 22 eco tip 23 gulf coast green living 24 wise words 26 conscious eating 29 inspiration 30 healthy kids 32 natural pet 34 calendar 35 resource guide 39 classifieds 16 29

Natural Awakenings is a network of natural lifestyle magazine publishers empowering local communities with knowledge, resources and connections to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.

Living with Resistant Depression, Dementia? We



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Dr. Brown is one of only a few functional neurologists in the U.S. providing brain pathway activation therapy in conjunction with deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and Bredesen’s science-based nutritional program.

5 September 2023
Mind Performance
Dr. J Douglas Brown DC DACNB, Board Certified Neurology-Chiropractic
can help.
24 32 26

Healing Services and Classes Now Offered at Wild Flier Boutique

Revitalize Your Energy: The Transformative Power of IV Hydration for Fatigue


Flier Boutique is a holistically and coastal inspired boutique in downtown Ocean Springs that offers crystals and tarot, along with unique apparel and accessories for men and women. Wild Flier is also a full skateboard shop and has recently added healing services by appointment that include ear seeding, energy balancing, hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping classes. Classes can be taken individually or in groups.

“With stressful experiences and situations in life, it’s important to take time for yourself and acknowledge the journey we have all been through in one way or another,” says Amanda Schmidt, Owner. “Traumatic experiences require healing and this is something we can support our community in doing and share in the uplifting of all. Wild Flier is excited to be a platform to offer these alternative and innovative services.”

Follow Wild Flier on Instagram and Facebook for upcoming events like ecstatic dance and sound journeys. The next ecstatic dance is October 1, with location TBA. Please LIKE and FOLLOW all that is Wild Flier.

Location: 1018 Government St., Ocean Springs, MS. For more information, call 228-334-5574 or email Check out the shop at See ad, below.

Intravenous (IV) hydration has been touted as a potent solution to combat fatigue. Because IV therapy can administer a blend of essential fluids, nutrients and electrolytes directly into the bloodstream, it’s a targeted infusion that surpasses oral methods, swiftly replenishing hydration levels and resolving nutrient imbalances.

Fatigue can be caused by dehydration, nutrient deficiencies and toxins in the body. “IV hydration addresses these causes head-on, restoring balance and offering a surge of revitalization,” says Janet Baker, RN and owner of enrG Wellness. "I love my work. It’s so rewarding to watch someone begin to feel better right before your eyes. We see it happen every day at enrG Wellness."

Baker points out that customized nutrient blends, encompassing B vitamins, vitamin C and amino acids act as energy catalysts, supporting immune function and stress management. “The process goes beyond physical benefits, promoting mental and emotional well-being through relaxation and mindfulness,” she says.

The enrG Wellness IV therapies transformative journey begins with a healthcare consultation, ensuring a tailored regimen aligned with individual needs and goals. “This holistic approach elevates wellbeing on multiple levels. As the IV solution drips, fatigue wanes and a wave of energy surges forth,” says Baker. “Experience the science-backed renaissance of vitality through IV hydration. It could be your pathway to a rejuvenated life.”

Locations: 620 N. McKenzie St., Ste. 200, Foley, AL, or 3099 Loop Rd., Orange Beach, AL. Call 251-943-9355 or visit See ad, page 15.

6 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition local briefs

New Location for Integrative Healthcare of Lower Alabama

New Holistic Wellness Center— Harmonic Health Alabama


and owner of Integrative Healthcare of Lower Alabama, has moved her office to a more convenient location so that more residents may easily access the benefits of functional medicine.

According to the Institute of Functional Medicine, the functional medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans and improved patient outcomes.

“So many of my new patients come to me feeling frustrated that the underlying cause of their symptoms has not yet been discovered. Others have been prescribed medications for their symptoms but really want to avoid taking drugs that may have side effects. They have had numerous tests and diagnostic procedures, but they may not have had the correct testing done,” according to McLellan.

In addition to standard bloodwork, McLellan offers testing that provides a more comprehensive look at hormones, thyroid function or gut imbalances and microbiome (e.g., parasites, yeast overgrowth, function of digestive organs). Other tests look at vitamin and mineral imbalances in the body to reveal foods and supplements for optimal nutrition and function.

Issues McLellan sees typically deal with hormone imbalances, chronic fatigue, brain fog, autoimmune diseases and gut health—chronic constipation or diarrhea, to leaky gut and yeast or parasite overgrowths.

McLellan describes one successful outcome involving a woman who could not travel or go out with friends due to her gut issues.

“She had developed sensitivities to some of her favorite foods and had a very limited diet. Based on her symptoms, we tested for small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and did stool testing to look for parasites, an imbalanced gut or possible digestive insufficiencies,” says McLellan. “After the patient eliminated foods that contributed to the SIBO and used herbal supplements to correct imbalances, she returned to eating foods she loves and is not suffering from intestinal distress as she was before.”

McLellan sees new patients on Mondays through Thursdays. Please call well in advance for an appointment.

Location: 28720 Hwy. 98, Ste. 1, Daphne, AL. For more information call Tara McLellan 251-241-4346 or visit AlabamaIntegrative See ad, page 17.

Melanie Eyler is the owner and visionary behind Harmonic Health Alabama, Daphne’s newest holistic health and wellness center. As an oasis of rejuvenation and inner balance, clients are invited to embark on a transformative journey where wellness comes from within thanks to a remarkable technology called The Harmonic Egg.

Eyler’s passion and desire to aid others in their wellbeing came from watching an interview with the creator of The Harmonic Egg, Gail Lynn. Fascinated by its potential after learning about sound therapy’s role in shrinking breast cancer tumors, Eyler delved into research to understand its workings. Motivated by a calling to facilitate healing, she decided to introduce The Harmonic Egg to the Mobile/Eastern Shore community.

“This innovative therapy aligns with ancient practices such as acupuncture, yoga and Qigong, addressing the notion that illness arises from blockages or imbalances in the body’s life energy,” says Eyler. The Harmonic Egg uses sound and light therapy to guide individuals into a state of relaxation, which some say is like the resting asana in yoga called “shavasana.” Its wooden eggshaped resonant chamber serves as a conduit for harmonizing energy fields, which is believed to offer relief from stress or pain.

“During your session, nestled in a zero-gravity chair, you’ll be immersed in restorative vibrations, highly resonant music and soothing colored light that blend seamlessly to create a unique symphony designed to address your specific health needs and provide a renewed sense of inner peace,” says Eyler. “Harmonic Health Alabama is intended to be a space where the body’s innate inner rhythm is nurtured and rekindled. Schedule a session to experience its transformative power and let The Harmonic Egg guide you to a serene, revitalized state.”

Location: 9930 Milton Jones Rd., Daphne, AL. For more information call or visit 251-374-7707. See ad, below.

7 September 2023
8 September 2023 Masters of Yoga & Bodyworks READY TO GET BACK IN TOUCH WITH YOUR SOUL-SELF? Neuromuscular Therapy Restorative Massage Personalized Yoga Sessions Massage & yoga are therapeutic on so many levels. Midtown Mobile Text: (251) 458-6584 2158 Government St., Mobile, AL 36606 Facebook: Quiet Mind Massage, Yoga, Life Coach Inspiration and Support for your Health & Wellness since 2006 2429 W Commerce St STE C, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 228-365-3191 Yoga Pilates Yoga Teacher Training Mental Health Services You’re invited... Join our Masters of Yoga & Bodyworks section. Rates include ad, articles, calendar listings and social media posts. Contact us 251-990-9552 Original Hot Yoga Hot Pilates – Vinyasa Yoga Sculpt – Yin Yoga In the heart of Midtown Mobile 2540 Old Shell Road, Suite A 251-471-5775

Impacts of Radio Frequency Radiation

The introduction of 5G mobile phones and infrastructure has given rise to concerns about their safety, as more than 1 million new antennas will be required in the U.S. Currently, the Federal Communications Commission and International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection consider only the thermal effects (tissue heating) from electromagnetic frequency (EMF) exposure as potentially harmful.

A group of researchers led by Ariel University, in Israel, evaluated the non-thermal effects of exposure to EMF radiation on biological systems and human populations by reviewing in vitro [outside a living organism] and in vivo [inside a living organism] studies, as well as clinical studies on electromagnetic hypersensitivity and the epidemiological evidence for cancer due to the action of mobile-based radiation exposure Although data derived from these studies was inconsistent, the researchers found supporting evidence that this radiation may contribute to cancer, endocrinological, neurological and other adverse health consequences. The researchers call for a more targeted, interdisciplinary research effort by national governments to ensure public health.

Sucralose May Damage DNA

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener 600 times sweeter than table sugar. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved its use in baked goods, beverages, chewing gum, gelatins and frozen dairy desserts. A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of North Carolina found that ingesting sucralose may cause the formation of a genotoxic chemical called sucralose-6-acetate. Genotoxicity refers to the breaking up of DNA, resulting in damage that could potentially contribute to health problems. Researchers also found trace amounts of this dangerous chemical in sucralose itself, even before it was consumed and metabolized.

The study included eight projects that exposed human blood cells to sucralose-6-acetate, which researchers found induces the expression of genes associated with inflammation, oxidative stress and cancer. Exposure to certain concentrations of sucralose-6-acetate and sucralose also appeared to impair the gut lining, and sucralose6-acetate inhibited certain enzymes, which could interfere with the body’s ability to metabolize medications.

Children’s Physical Activity Declined Since Pandemic

In a new systematic review and meta-analysis published in JAMA Pediatrics, researchers found that children’s physical activity has been greatly reduced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers looked at data from 22 studies that included 14,216 participants ranging from 3 to 18 years old. The data showed that children’s total daily physical activity decreased by 20 percent (17 minutes), irrespective of pre-pandemic baseline levels, and the reduction was larger for higher-intensity physical activity. This reduction represents almost one-third of the daily dose of moderateto-vigorous physical activity recommended for young children and adolescents.

These effects are largely due to social distancing policies and related school closures, which affected 1.5 billion youth worldwide. Under lockdown, children no longer had access to regular physical activities, recreational facilities or outdoor recess, and online learning increased sedentary screen time, disrupting healthy habits. Physical activity affects not only physical health, but also psychosocial functioning and mental well-being.

The study’s results align with another meta-analysis showing that the pandemic increased the prevalence of youth depression and anxiety symptoms, highlighting the tremendous challenges that public health officials face to revive young people’s interest in physical activity since the pandemic.

9 September 2023
Photography/ health briefs
Alex photohub/ Fuss Sergey/
10 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition FREQUENCIES CAN HELP IN MANY WAYS... frequencies furry friends! Reduce anxious feelings Detect food sensitivities Ease pain and discomfort Improve emotional well-being Balance chakras & meridians Call for a c omplim e n t a r y RE M OT E s c an ! ( 251) 210 - 9255. Want to know how frequencies can help you? for YOU and Whether it’s for yourself or someone you love — with or without fur — a quick and easy way you can support your health is with frequencies. your and more! THIS IS NO TIME FOR PAIN NON-SURGICAL ORTHOPEDICS THIS IS NO TIME FOR PAIN
Ron Torrance, DO James Leiber, DO Ignatios Papas, DO Lisa Valastro, DO Duron Lee, DO

Testing Acupuncture for Long-Term COVID

Long COVID affects nearly 14 percent of adult patients that had COVID-19. It is characterized by symptoms lasting at least 12 weeks after the initial infection, including fatigue, brain fog and breathlessness. Although there is no standard treatment for this clinical diagnosis, researchers in the UK are currently studying the impact of acupuncture on this lingering condition, as the practice has been successfully used to treat similar symptoms associated with other ailments.

The randomized trial began in 2022 and is expected to collect data from 160 participants until the year 2025. Participants with long COVID are selected if they have a fatigue score greater than five on the COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitation Scale. The experimental group will be offered weekly 15-minute acupuncture treatments for six weeks, while the control group will receive no acupuncture treatments. Both groups will be required to complete questionnaires on their general physical and mental fatigue at baseline and at two, six and 12 weeks. Throughout the study, both groups will be provided with general advice on managing their symptoms. As reported by NBC News, the participants receiving acupuncture so far “do seem to be responding” positively to the treatments, according to Dr. Imogen Locke, a clinical oncologist at the Royal Marsden Hospital, in London, who is leading the study.

Rise in Children With Autism

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released updated statistics on the rate of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which has been on the rise. The data is based on reviews of developmental evaluations and records from medical and educational service providers.

One in 36 children was diagnosed with autism by age 8 in 2020, or about 2.8 percent of children, up from one in 44 children in 2018 and one in 150 children in 2000, when the CDC first began tracking ASD prevalence in this country. Autism was also 3.8 times as prevalent among boys as girls, and for the first time the prevalence was slightly lower among white children compared to other racial and ethnic groups, which is a reversal of racial and ethnic differences observed in the past. However, Black children with ASD remain more likely than white children with ASD to have a co-occurring intellectual disability.

The CDC partially attributes these patterns to improved screening, awareness and access to services. They highlight the importance of accessible and equitable ASD diagnostic treatment and services for children of different backgrounds and call for more research to comprehend the emergence of diagnostic differences across states.

11 September 2023
Andrey_Popov/ Maryna_Auramchuk/
Daphne: 251-725-4334 Mobile: 251-607-6666

Harvesting Solar Power in Space

Ayurvedic Cosmetics on the Rise

Space-based solar power (SBSP) is the concept of collecting solar energy during a space orbit and beaming it safely to a fixed point on Earth. Recently, the British government sponsored an SBSP competition to award more than $5.5 million in grants to the most promising innovators of this novel technology, which may be the key to producing cost-effective, cleaner, more renewable energy. The goal is an array of spacecraft to collect sunlight and convert it into microwaves before beaming them to a receiver on Earth, where it is converted into electricity.

Because space has no atmosphere, the sunlight is undiluted, which means that a space-based solar panel would be able to generate more energy than a comparable panel on Earth. The other potential benefit to collecting solar power in space is that there are no day-night cycles, cloud cover or seasonal variations to contend with.

Among the grant winners were two British schools: Cambridge University, which is developing ultra-lightweight panels that can withstand high radiation levels, and Queen Mary University, which is working on a wireless system to safely beam the energy to Earth. In related research, scientists at the California Institute of Technology were able to successfully transmit power wirelessly in space and to beam detectable power to Earth using an experimental spacecraft.

In Sanskrit, Ayurveda translates to “the science of everyday living,” and it is one of the world’s oldest systems of medicine. Offering a holistic path for cultivating health and well-being, Ayurveda promotes balance and harmony with the use of natural herbs, plant-based medicines and spices.

According to a recent comprehensive research report by Market Research Future (MRFR), the worldwide Ayurvedic products market size is expected to grow from $12.6 billion in 2023 to $31.8 billion by 2032. MRFR analysts ascribe this impressive growth to increased availability and public awareness of such goods, as well as a deepening distaste for the adverse side effects of conventional medicines and products.

Demand for Ayurvedic cosmetic products is also on the rise, according to the same MRFR report. Supporting the idea that outer beauty reflects what is going on inside the body, beauty brands like Kama Ayurveda, RANAVAT and Forest Essentials are expanding into the global sector. Their increasing popularity follows broader trends toward organic and natural medicines and “clean beauty”, as well as increasing awareness about toxic ingredients in some Western products. Ayurvedic components have been used recently to balance Western formulas. For instance, in skincare, sandalwood is added as an antioxidant, and turmeric is combined with topical retinoid medications to reduce irritation.

12 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition Lash Lift & Tints Ayurvedic Based Salon Green Circle Certified Facials • Massage Full Body Waxing Dermaplaning Vegan Haircare 251-200-2131 19 N Church Street | | Suite B Fairhope AL Loved. Heard. Important.
global briefs
Dinusha/ Anna Ok/

Global Warming May Threaten Heart Health

Light-Emitting Technology on the Horizon

As temperatures rise due to global warming, scientists are worried about how extreme heat may impact heart health. Research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology warns that air temperatures as low as 93° F may lead to a steady increase in heart rate under humid conditions. This increase, referred to as cardiovascular heart strain, can occur even before a person’s internal temperature starts to rise.

The study involved healthy participants engaging in light physical activity inside an environmental chamber. As the chamber got hotter, participants’ heart rates increased and then plateaued. However, when the chamber continued to heat up, heart rates began to rise again and continued to rise even after the experiment. This rapidly increased heart rate indicates cardiovascular strain.

A related study published in Physiological Reports reported that even at rest, heat can affect the heart. Researchers found that at 50 percent humidity, the heart rate of participants at rest was, on average, 64 percent higher at 122° F than at 82° F. These findings are concerning, as extreme heat events are becoming more common around the world and could be lethal for vulnerable and older populations.

Hummingbirds That Don’t Pollinate

Researchers from Japan and Germany are developing eco-friendly light devices that use a single layer of organic film mixed with light-emitting materials and an electrolyte. These light-emitting electrochemical cells (LEC) are gaining attention due to their simplified structure and because they consume less energy and cost less than the organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) currently on the market.

The research team is using molecules called dendrimers, new organic materials that can extend the life of LECs. The electrolyte in an LEC can be made from inexpensive materials, such as biomass-derived cellulose acetate, a compound used in clothing fibers and eyeglass frames, whereas OLEDs use rare or heavy metals. Researchers are also using graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms, as the electrode. While the progress is exciting, the developers of this new lighting technology note that more research is needed before it goes to market in order to make the devices brighter and capable of illuminating in three primary colors.

Every day, hummingbirds must drink nearly their body weight in nectar to survive. Most hover above their food by beating their wings up to 80 times a second and inserting their beaks into the tubes of flowers. As they consume their food, grains of pollen stick to their foreheads, pollinating the next flowers they encounter.

Scientists from the University of Connecticut recently identified 66 species of hummingbirds that may be harvesting nectar without pollinating flowers by using tiny toes to cling to a nearby branch rather than hovering above. These birds, which have a longer hallux claw to hold on to a stem and a shorter beak to get in closer, are able to save energy and obtain nectar from previously inaccessible flowers by poking into the side of the flower tube. This method, however, appears to prevent pollination from occurring.

13 September 2023
Ondrej Prosicky/

19th Annual Alabama Coastal BirdFest and Nature Festival

The 19th Annual Alabama Coastal BirdFest, a birding and a nature festival, will be held October 4 through 7 and is one of the South Alabama Land Trust’s (SALT) annual fundraising events.

The headquarters of the event will be at 5 Rivers Delta Resource Center nestled between Mobile and Baldwin, Alabama’s two coastal counties. Bus trips, nearly all workshops and the closing reception will be held there. The last day of the BirdFest will feature a free, family-oriented Bird & Nature Expo on the grounds of the Resource Center from 9 a.m. to noon.

SALT is honored to announce this year’s keynote speaker, Emma Rhodes, co-founder of the Banding Coalition of the

Americas, a non-profit organization focused on better understanding migratory birds using banding and advanced tracking techniques. Emma’s presentation for the closing reception is titled Alabama Sojourn: Through the Eyes of a Migrant.


Registration opens August 4, 9am CST

Each day of the event will be filled with different events, including guided birding trips for all levels, kayak paddle tours, pontoon excursions and a sunset cruise. Also, workshops will be held to cover topics like beginner birding, hummingbirds, nature and bird photography and bird box building. Event trips take place from Ft. Morgan to Dauphin Island, from Bon Secour to the Mobile Tensaw Delta, to Mississippi and points in between.

Throughout the next few weeks leading up to BirdFest, there will be photos by local photographer, Stephanie Pluscht, this year’s BirdFest featured photographer, on SALT social media channels and promotional materials. “We thank Stephanie for sharing her talent and capturing beautiful moments of nature in coastal Alabama,” says Katherine Kuhn, SALT Outreach and Communications.

The BirdFest schedule, including information on speakers, partners, vendors and more can be found online. Registration is from August 4 through September 22. Trips and workshops will be filled on a first come first served basis.

Location: 30945 Five Rivers Blvd., Spanish Fort, AL, 36527. For more information, visit See ad, this page.

14 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition Alabama Coastal
4-7 Join us to experience Alabama’s rich biodiversity
event spotlight
Both photos by Stephanie Pluscht, BirdFest 2023 Featured Photographer


In 2007, Jeff Nursey was hit by a pickup truck while cycling. He suffered five broken ribs, a punctured lung, his left tibia was shattered and his pelvis was fractured on both sides. His doctor told him that he would not be able to walk again. He was on 100 percent disability and trying everything to manage his pain. Two years after his accident, he was in so much pain he told his orthopedic surgeon to cut off his leg.

“A friend gifted me a New You Miracle Band and I told her she got ripped off,” says Nursey, who decided he had nothing to lose and put it on. “It was like magic, a miracle. My agonizing pain went away. In a few days, I felt like I could walk a thousand miles and over the following year I did.”

In 2021, Nursey went back to his orthopedic surgeon for another X-ray, his leg was still broken and his surgeon was surprised that he was not in any pain. It has been 13 years since Nursey started wearing his New You Miracle Band and he has been painfree and able to walk. He enjoys walking a few miles every day.

“The New You Miracle Band is pain-relief that works to help alleviate pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel and other joint and body aches,” says Nursey. “It improves your strength and balance along with providing relief from seasickness. In addition to providing pain-relief, they protect you from the negative effects of 5G and EMFs.”

Nursey has heard countless testimonies on how the New You Miracle Bands have helped people and resulted in a better quality life for them and it is something that he will never get tired of hearing. Nursey does not want to stop there: “We want the whole family to find pain relief and protection from 5G and that includes our four-legged family members, which is why we’re excited about the new launch of a line of collars for pets. Our pets can’t tell us how they feel but we can see when they are feeling good!”

The New You Miracle Bands are in many local health stores such as Fairhope Health Foods, Virginia's Health Foods and Sunshine Health Foods. Check out TNYMB. com for more information and testimonials. Shop online or find a store near you. See ad on back cover.

15 September 2023
Miracle Band Provides
More Experience optimal health with our X39 STEM CELL REACTIVATION PATCH VISIT US TODAY! 217-B Fairhope Ave, Fairhope, AL | 251-270-7200 3,000-4,000 GENES begin to reset within 24 hours! EASY TO USE AND COST-EFFECTIVE! ORANGE BEACH: 3099 Loop Road (251) 240-0842 FOLEY: 620 N. McKenzie St. (251) 943-9355 HEALTH BACK Call Today! Slimmer Slimmer+ Skinny+ 4 Week Plan $190 4 Week Plan $322 4 Week Plan $563 JUMP START YOUR WEIGHT LOSS
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Many Americans have experienced sticker shock upon receiving a medical or dental bill, whether or not they have health insurance. As healthcare costs continue to rise in the United States, patients are grabbing their passports and turning to medical tourism—the act of crossing borders to obtain quality medical care at a lower cost.

“We have a great healthcare system in the United States, but it is priced out of the market for millions of people at the bottom of the economic pyramid,” says Josef Woodman, CEO of Patients Beyond Borders, a medical tourism resource. He estimates that to date, 2.1 to 2.4 million Americans have intentionally crossed borders specifically for medical care. Approximately 65 percent of those people sought complex dental treatments.

The town of Los Algodones, Mexico, located just over the U.S.Mexico border near Baja California, has approximately 300 dental clinics. Known as “Molar City”, the town is a mecca for people looking for more affordable dentistry. U.S. travelers also head to Costa Rica, Turkey and Thailand for elective cosmetic surgery, bariatrics, infertility treatments, orthopedic medicine, cardiology and cancer care, or to obtain low-cost pharmaceuticals.

Add holistic treatments to the list, says David G. Vequist IV, Ph.D., the founder and director of the Center for Medical Tourism Research at the University of the Incarnate Word, in San Antonio. “People are very interested in how Asian countries naturally combine both alternative and traditional medicine. Philosophies like ‘food as medicine’ are commonly used in treatments there,” says the 15-year scholar of medical tourism trends.

Planning for the Best Outcomes

According to Vequist, “The best Mexican hospitals are using the same standards that we have in the U.S.” In 2009, for example, when Mexico’s General Health Council set out to create national hospital certification standards in their country, officials followed protocols established by Joint Commission International, an influential U.S.-based nonprofit that has served as a global driver of health care quality improvement and patient safety for the past 20 years.

Nevertheless, it is important to understand that complications may arise during a healthcare procedure regardless of where it is performed. Vequist cautions that the farther a patient travels from home, the more likely they will be exposed to bacteria that is unfamiliar to their body. Also, traveling in a pressurized airplane after complex surgical procedures should be avoided, and seeking medical care outside of a patient’s regular care network may break the continuum of care, leading to miscommunication and errors in the transfer of medical records.

“Although global health care isn’t for everyone, those who try it will find the quality is the same or better than at home, with modern facilities at a fraction of the cost,” says Paul McTaggart, founder of two specialized travel agencies—Medical Departures and Dental Departures—that help patients become informed about the best and most appropriate clinics and doctors around the world

16 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition healing ways
Sergey Nivens/

for their medical needs. They also book appointments, forward medical records and make travel arrangements.

McTaggart vets medical providers outside of the U.S. by verifying doctor credentials with local regulatory authorities; measuring web reputations; conducting onsite inspections when possible; posting authentic, patient-verified reviews; removing partners that consistently receive poor reviews; and checking the web for legal and other claims against hospitals or clinics.

Woodman advises that extensive research of foreign hospitals, clinics and providers is crucial for a positive medical-tourism outcome and cautions against making a decision based solely on cost. “There are some bad actors out there that advertise mostly on price to attract U.S. patients. If a clinic advertises that you’ll save 80 or 90 percent off U.S. healthcare prices, be wary—that’s way too high of a discount.”

Other red flags include clinics that are located in strip malls or a lack of verifiable credentials for a provider. “A medical tourist needs to be a little more adaptable and critical of their surroundings,” Woodman says, adding that even if they’ve made the trip, when the circumstances seem off, a patient should never feel pressured to go through with the treatment or procedure.

Jonathan Edelheit, president of the Medical Tourism Association, recommends using healthcare providers that are certified or accredited by international organizations like Global Healthcare Accreditation. “Be careful of trusting any website,” he warns. “Some medical tourism facilitators are middlemen or agencies that receive a commission. Some will refer you to the best provider, but some will refer you to a provider that provides the largest commission, but who isn’t the best.”

Edelheit believes that with proper research and planning, costeffective, quality health care is possible. He reminds travelers to avoid countries where the U.S. Department of State has issued a travel advisory, and he recommends speaking with several patients that have gone through the same procedure to get a firsthand review and manage expectations. He asserts, “The value you receive and being able to immerse yourself in another culture and integrate a vacation is something that most medical tourists treasure and cherish.”

17 September 2023
Andrew Angelov/ Integrative Healthcare of Lower Alabama Integrative Healthcare of Lower Alabama Discover the underlying causes of illness so you can heal from within. “Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal themselves.” Tara McLellan, Family Nurse Practitioner and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner We go beyond medication & symptom management. 28720 HWY 98, Ste1, Daphne, AL 251-241-4346 RELATIONAL MINDFULNESS: CULTIVATING SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP MEDITATION RETREAT with published author Deborah Eden Tull Deborah Eden Tull WILLIAM J. KELLEY RETREAT CENTER 510 N 2nd St, Bay St Louis, MS October 6-8, 2023 A transformative exploration of the personal, interpersonal, transpersonal, ecological, societal, and mystical impacts of Relational Mindfulness.
Sheila Julson is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings.

Travel can broaden our perspective of the world and take us on breathtaking adventures. These new experiences, however, often come with unexpected mental and physical challenges, stresses and anxieties. By incorporating yoga into the itinerary, we can cultivate a sense of peace, allowing us to show up as our best selves. From asanas after long hours of sitting to breathing exercises while waiting for a flight, yogic techniques can open the body and mind, letting us enjoy both the journey and destination.

According to Jenny Kaufman, a Chicagobased yoga professional who leads international retreats and manages yogaview, in Wilmette, Illinois, a mindful yoga practice is different from stretching and is available for anyone, regardless of physical flexibility. “Yoga encompasses well-being, mindfulness, breathing and spiritual awareness. It leads you to pull inward, notice what and where you feel a sensation, and mindfully progress to another asana, or pose. Increased flexibility might be the byproduct of the practice, but that is not the point,” she explains.

Yoga on Vacation


“Long layovers, changing time zones and different foods can confuse nal clocks and wreak havoc on sleep and digestion,” Kaufman says. She recommends some poses to mitigate disruption and bring renewed vigor to body and mind: “To wind down before bed, incorporate cooling postures, such as Seated Forward Bend and Child’s Pose, that encourage the body to fold in and rest. For a burst of energy, try warming poses and heart openers, such as Cobra, Sphinx and Backbends. If space is limited, stand with fingers interlaced behind the back and gently press the pelvis forward. If digestion is slowed, simple twists and Wind-Relieving Pose can help move things along.”

Kim Larkin, a New Jersey-based certified yoga teacher, leads international retreats as a way to share heart-opening cultural adventures with other curious beings. “My main practice when travel stress is creeping in is to drop my attention into my breath,” she says. “Just focusing on one breath cycle at a time will help to settle my attention into my body, begin to quiet my nervous system and bring me to a more grounded place. It can also be helpful to count the breath, as in Sama Vritti Pranayama or “box breathing”. Like a square, box breathing has four even-

length parts to it. Inhale to a count of four or five; hold the inhale for the same count; exhale to four or five; and hold at the bottom of the exhale. Repeating this as needed helps to calm both the mind and body.”

Margi Young, an Oakland, Californiabased yoga instructor and retreat leader, says, “When traveling, it’s natural to want to jump into a busy schedule of exploring new destinations, but starting the day with a few conscious breaths and Sun Salutations can set the foundation for a more grounded experience. This allows you to be your best self and move through your journeys with less anxiety and fresh eyes. Or, get off the traditional yoga script and take a few minutes to put on your favorite tunes and dance to get into your body.”

Young also recommends incorporating yoga throughout the day while traveling to reset from any physical and mental stress. “In an airport, find a secluded place you feel comfortable doing a Downward Dog. Instead of putting your hands on the ground, you could put them on the seat of a chair. This grounding pose lengthens the spine, opens the shoulders and draws your attention inward,” she explains. “On a plane or bus, reaching your arms overhead gives space to condensed organs; ankle circles help increase circulation; and seated Figure Four opens up tight hips,” she advises.

If time allows, Young also suggests finding a yoga studio and popping in for a class. “Taking a yoga class in a new country or city can provide an immediate sense of community and is often a uniting gateway to other connections when navigating new and different surroundings,” she asserts.

18 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition
fit body Sun Salutations_Art Alex/

Yoga helps to develop patience, an aptitude that Kaufman says can serve us throughout our travels. “Mindfully moving through a practice encourages us to listen and be patient with our bodies, and it provides valuable feedback on where we are and what we need. Instead of jumping into a deep stretch, purposefully encourage the hamstring to open up and notice how that feels. Cultivating that patience for ourselves changes the chemistry in your brain and becomes a microcosm for how you put yourself into the world. You’re able to be more patient with flight attendants, travel partners and everyone else you may encounter,” she shares.

For Larkin, practicing yoga while traveling cultivates inner peace. “The stress of travel can bring out the worst in us, but we can do our best to stay kind and considerate by keeping in mind the yoga teaching of Ahimsa: non-harming,” she says. “Most things work out, even if you lose your luggage or miss your flight. And most people are good, wanting to help you find your luggage or rebook your flight or commiserate when your vacation didn’t go quite to plan.”

Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer. Connect at


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20 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition local healthy eats guide

September’s guide to local healthy food in Baldwin County


Nourishing your body, mind and spirit. Fountain Plaza Shopping Center

3782 South McKenzie St., Foley, AL


Fairhope Gourmet Market. Guaranteed fresh and highest quality seafood, beef and pork.

18874 S. Section St., Fairhope, AL 251-517-7533 •


Committed to Baldwin County’s local community & agriculture.

781 Farmers Market Ln., Foley, AL


Homegrown in the South since 1975.

280 Eastern Shore Shopping Center Fairhope, AL • 251-928-0644


Nourish the body. Fuel the soul. Battles Wharf Market

18327 Scenic Hwy. 98, Fairhope, AL


Quaint, mom-n-pop eatery providing healthy eats in a casual atmosphere. 312 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL


Family-owned market supplying fresh produce and more to our community.

17558 A Greeno Rd., Fairhope, AL


Poke combines ingredients of a delicious sushi roll into a quick meal.

561 Fairhope Ave. #102, Fairhope, AL


Made with fresh ingredients in-house daily, approachable, not intimidating.

365 S. Greeno Rd., Fairhope, AL



Unique casual & fine dining, green certified, family oriented and “wild”.

20499 Oak Rd. E., Gulf Shores, AL • 251-256-7007


A surprising blend of traditional and new Mediterranean & Lebanese cuisine.

319 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL


Offering a healthy dining experience in a cozy, casual environment. 320 Eastern Shore Shopping Center


Be happy, eat healthy, live well. Taste and experience culinary delight! 314 De La Mare Ave., Fairhope, AL


Always fresh, all-natural ingredients prepared to melt in your mouth. Located inside Piggly Wiggly 100 Plantation Pointe Rd., Fairhope, AL Call ahead to order, 251-928-0239

TWO SISTERS BAKERY & DELI Gluten-free, keto-friendly options, featuring Boar’s Head meats & cheeses. 19452 Scenic Hwy. 98, Fairhope, AL 251-517-0622


A neighborhood eatery serving made-fromscratch, vegan friendly, gluten-free goodness 759 Nichols Ave., Fairhope, AL


Simple and colorful high-vibe cooking classes, events and fresh recipes. 251-656-9112

For an online list of local healthy food sources, visit healthyeats. To list your healthy market, restaurant or cooking event/class, email

21 September 2023

Eco Travel 101

While checking places off the travel bucket list, keep in mind these traveling tips for leaving small footprints across the Earth.


Burning up jet fuel to fly to places represents a large affront to the environment. Staycations are the most eco-friendly. The shorter the distance we travel from home, the lower our carbon footprint. Because takeoffs and landings use the most fuel, fly direct whenever possible.


Some sites are so popular that they are prone to being overrun and abused. To avoid becoming part of the trampling herd and minimize tourist impact, visit the most popular tourist destinations during off-peak months or avoid them altogether. A green travel agent can help find less-trafficked destinations, book hotels with green certifications and secure eco-friendly tours and adventures.


Put together a travel kit that doesn’t include throwaway plastics. Pack soap, shampoo and conditioner bars, as well as soap sheets that fit in a wallet, lather up with water and disintegrate. Invest in a reusable travel bottle—collapsible types use less space—along with a filter or purifier, in case of non-potable water. Pack a few lightweight cloth bags for souvenir shopping.


Most transportation tickets can be purchased online and stored on a phone, with no paper needed. The same is true for maps, brochures and guidebooks.


Help the local economy by using less of the area’s resources. Turn off the lights and air conditioning when not in the hotel room. Take short showers. Don’t get the bed remade with fresh sheets every day, and reuse towels as much as possible.


To support community talent, purchase from local artisans for unique gifts. While a chain restaurant might seem fun, a local restaurant is more likely to serve authentic dishes. Ask residents where they would go, or hire a guide that lives in the area.


Rental cars and taxis use more resources and may not give the best travel experience. Taking a local bus or train across town helps the environment and provides a great way to experience the culture. Biking and walking are even more environmentally friendly and allow for some of the best meandering and sightseeing


Leave nothing behind. Place trash in receptacles, or, better yet, carry a bag and pick up trash to beautify the landscape.

22 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition
den-belitsky/ eco tip

Team Up to Get the Trash Out of the Splash

Saturday, September 16, marks the 36th annual Alabama Coastal Cleanup held in conjunction with the International Coastal Cleanup to remove debris from marine waters worldwide. It’s a good opportunity for Fairhope residents to clean up along the coast and to also clean up within the city (because trash on the sidewalk can easily end up in a waterway) to protect wildlife and keep waters clean and beautiful. The City of Fairhope is once again encouraging neighborhood groups and others to join in to pick up trash and make a difference in the cleanliness of the area. Volunteers in the past have included families, community groups, Rotary, scout clubs, environmental science clubs, green clubs, Fairhope Educational Enrichment Foundation and many others.

Volunteers will receive separate bags to collect trash and recycling. Cleanup volunteers may keep track of recycling and trash via their data card or the Clean Swell app ( The data entered in the app helps scientists and advocates around the world tackle ocean trash at a global scale and fuels solutions for plastic pollution.

Alabama joined the International Coastal Cleanup in 1987. In 2019, the event coordinators partnered with the Osprey Initiative to recycle aluminum and plastic #1.

Paige Crawford, Director of Community Affairs in Fairhope, says, “Last year, Fairhope’s Coastal Cleanup yielded 3,400

pounds of trash from 387 adult volunteers and 91 children. Some of the most eclectic items collected were Christmas decorations, shower curtains, and a car bumper!”

Over the years, tons of trash has been recovered and disposed of properly. Crawford says, “We would love to have less and less trash to clean up each year.”

Since the partnership with the Osprey Initiative, some of the trash has been able to be recycled, which is a big win. In 2021, for example, 2,757 aluminum cans and 3,696 bottles with a total weight of 263 pounds were collected and taken to the Mobile Recycling Center. While it’s important to keep Alabama and her coasts beautiful, it’s also exciting to be part of the International Coastal Cleanup, which takes place the third Saturday every September and involves states and territories throughout the U.S. and more than 150 countries. Since 1986, when two women at Ocean Conservancy started the event, millions of volunteers around the world have collected more than 350 million pounds of trash to clean up beaches and waterways and work toward cleaner healthier oceans.

On Friday, September 15, Alabama volunteers can pick up packets of supplies at the James P. Nix Senior Center, 1 Bayou Drive, Fairhope, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sign up will also take place at the Fairhope Pier beginning at 8 a.m. on Saturday, September 16, the day of the event. The cleanup takes place from 8 a.m. to noon. The City of Fairhope will cook hotdogs for all volunteers between 10 a.m. and noon at the south end of the Fairhope beachfront park.

To view Alabama’s Coastal Clean-Up Zones visit: AlabamaCoastal For additional information or to register your group or organization, call 251-929-1474. For more information on the International Coastal Cleanup, see

23 September 2023
gulf coast green living


Stephen Cope ON

to hold together the net at that point. This introduces the view that each of us has a responsibility to contribute our gifts in such a way that we hold together our little piece of the net. If we don’t, the net starts to unravel. Dharma is Sanskrit for sacred vocation or sacred duty, which comes from the root dhri, “to hold together”. It’s this fascinating notion that we have a responsibility to our own idiosyncratic genius, which sustains not only us by providing a fulfilling life, but also the whole world by taking care of our corner of the world.

How can we find our life’s purpose?

Specializing in the relationship between Eastern contemplative traditions and Western psychology, Stephen Cope has been a scholar-inresidence for more than three decades at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, the largest residential yoga center in North America. He also founded the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living, a global network of scientists that researches the effects and mechanisms of yoga-based practices. Cope is a classically trained pianist, dancer and psychotherapist, as well as the bestselling author of Yoga and the Quest for the True Self, The Wisdom of Yoga and The

Great Work of Your Life. His latest book is The Dharma in Difficult Times: Finding Your Calling in Times of Loss, Change, Struggle and Doubt.

Why is it important to find our calling?

In classical yoga, there’s a view that everybody has a vocation. The earliest myth that supports this dates back several thousand years to the Vedic tradition in India and involves the god Indra, who is said to have cast a vast net over the entire universe. At each vertex of this net there’s a gem, and that gem is an individual soul whose job is

The practice of yoga and meditation is about increasing our connection with the subtle, internal world. Thoreau called it the distant drummer. While our culture constantly draws us out and distracts us, Eastern contemplative traditions invite us to quiet our monkey mind and listen inside to that still, small voice that is attuned to our deepest needs and to the way the world works. It’s that awake, or enlightened, part of the mind that can connect you to your true calling.

There are three questions that people can ask themselves.

First: What lights you up? This is an energetic experience in our bodies when we come close to the occupation or endeavors that are important to our soul. Get familiar on a day-to-day basis with what lights you up, then slowly move toward those things and integrate them into your life.

Second: What duties do you feel called to? I don’t mean those onerous things that are imposed on us by our culture. I mean a

24 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition wise words
photo courtesy ofKripalu Canter for Yoga & Health

duty that if you don’t do it in this lifetime, you’ll feel a profound sense of regret and self-betrayal.

Third: What problems or difficulties are you facing in your life right now? Difficulties can point you to something that might be your dharma. Marion Woodman, a good friend and feminist who was diagnosed with bone cancer in her mid-60s, decided to close her psychoanalytic practice and devote the rest of her life to being in relationship with the cancer, investigating it as her calling. Very often, somebody’s calling is something really difficult they’re experiencing, like an unhappy marriage or dissatisfaction in career, and their dharma is to investigate what this means for their life.

How do we follow the still, small voice when it feels like we’re stepping off the cliff?

Robert Frost stepped off a series of smaller curbs that added up to a cliff. He was concerned, as we all are, about security, making money and keeping his family safe, so he became a teacher. But there was a point

at which he had to give up teaching and follow this deep voice that said, “Poetry is your calling.” He was 38 when he made the final decision to let go of other sources of income, and when he did that, his poetry came alive.

What advice do you have for fulfilling our life’s work?

In the Bhagavad Gita [Hindu scripture], there are four pillars of dharma. The first is discernment—finding your calling in this lifetime. The second—the doctrine of unified action—is to bring everything you’ve got to whatever you decide is your calling. Third is to let go of the outcome, also known as relinquishing the fruit. The ancient yogis discovered that if you’re grasping for a particular outcome, it takes you out of the moment and into some future fantasized moment. By letting go, you empower yourself to be more present to the possibilities of the moment. The fourth pillar is to turn the whole process over to God or to something bigger than just yourself. My friends who don’t believe in a higher power or god understand

that concept of dedication to the planet, to humanity or to all beings.

Are you hopeful about the future?

Very hopeful. The contemplative traditions discovered that human beings who were jivanmukta, or soul-awake, were special versions of human beings in that they had capacities of compassion, lovingkindness, joy, generosity and selflessness. Those qualities, which are developed in the practice of yoga and meditation, add to the common good. I’m hopeful that as we become everything we can be, we will have the capacity to solve some of the huge problems that we have. As reckless as we are these days with our world, human beings have very often risen to the challenge of complex dilemmas and resolved them. As we come together, we start manifesting unified action. The power of human beings working together for the common good is almost limitless.

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Not Now, When?
Sandra Yeyati is the national editor of Natural Awakenings

Savor the Present Moment


preparing,” Pierce says, adding that calm focus can even help us when shopping for ingredients at the farmers market or grocery store.

Recipes That Enrich Mindful Eating

The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute, in Aguada, Puerto Rico, offers a mindful eating class that invites diners to practice with a bowl of Ann Wigmore’s Energy Soup—a recipe by the institute’s founder containing an array of vegetables, legumes and grains. “It’s fulfilling, nutritious and cleansing, all in one,” says Executive Director Carolyn Marin. “Key in what makes this a mindful eating meal is that while it is pulsed in a blender, it is not a liquid, and it requires chewing. Also, it is served at room temperature, which helps with mindful eating and proper digestion.”

There is a sharp difference between grabbing a fast-food burger at the drive-through and paying full attention to a home-prepared meal. For many of us, busy schedules and harried lifestyles get in the way of a more introspective dining experience. Mindful eating—the practice of slowing down, appreciating the present moment and becoming consciously aware of the ingredients, flavors, aromas and textures that we consume—can be a worthwhile meditative endeavor.

“If we’re mindful of what we eat, when we eat and how we eat, we are supporting the vibrancy of what our bodies are so capable of,” says Dr. Carrie Demers, medical director at the Himalayan Institute, in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. “Studies show

that when people stop to sit down and chew their food carefully, they not only eat less, but they actually get more enjoyment out of their meal. Food tastes better when we are actually present with it.”

“When we slow down, we become more aware,” says Shawngela Pierce of Seek Within You, who leads spiritual retreats in Sedona, Arizona. “Sometimes people eat out of habit, but when we become more mindful, we start to notice patterns that, once understood, can help us harness a whole new way of eating and living.”

Mindfulness can begin before we even sit at the dining room table, “when we aren’t distracted by watching television or something else, and we take the time to think deeply about what we are

While soft music plays in the background, students of the mindful eating class are instructed to slowly pick up their spoons, place a serving of soup in their mouths, set their spoons down and unhurriedly chew 30 times. “They look out at the ocean, breathing carefully, eating consciously and slowly, taking their time and getting their body out of fightor-flight mode and into healing mode. It can be very emotional,” Marin explains. “Mindful eating also aids in digestion because the person is chewing the food fully and allowing it to spend more time in the mouth, where digestion begins. Many of our guests have experienced noticeable improvement with acid reflux, stomach aches and nausea.”

26 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition conscious eating

Four Aspects of Mindful Eating

Marc Demers, head chef at The Himalayan Institute, says there are four aspects of mindful eating—right food, right time, right quantity and right attitude or environment— each of which can be individualized and honed to deepen awareness and improve health. Here are his recommendations.

RIGHT FOOD: Eat fresh, whole foods that are easy to digest and give energy. We need mindfulness to notice which foods support us and which cause indigestion, mucus or fatigue.

RIGHT TIME: Our bodies naturally digest better in the daytime and when we feel hunger. Stop eating at least three hours prior to bedtime. We need mindfulness to notice the difference in digestion between eating ice cream at 3 p.m. and at 11 p.m.

RIGHT QUANTITY: Eat just the right amount of food—enough to feel satisfied and fuel the day’s activities, but not so much that we feel lethargic or sleepy. Mindfulness helps us notice our hunger and fullness, as well as how we feel after we eat.


MENT: Sit down in a peaceful place, ideally with people we like, rather than eating while driving, working or walking. Don’t eat when stressed or angry. If we are upset, it is better to take a moment to mindfully breathe and calm the nervous system before eating. The goal is to welcome the food with gratitude and openness.

Take It Slow and Steady

For those struggling to commit to mindful eating, Pierce says, “Start practicing mindful eating with the food that you enjoy the most. Don’t try to do it all at once. Just try one meal each week as a start. Make it a priority. Set a reminder if it helps. Have fun with it. Make it a playful practice. Say, ‘Today is going to be my mindful eating day.’ That opens the gateway to something that will become an integral part of your spiritual life.”

Veronica Hinke is a food historian and author of The Last Night on the Titanic: Unsinkable Drinking, Dining and Style and Titanic: The Official Cookbook. Learn more at

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BONUS RECIPE online at HEARTY QUINOA SALAD Turn the page for delicious, healthy recipes Plus


This recipe by Vincci Tsui, a dietician and intuitive eating counselor in Calgary, Canada, can inspire mindfulness because it requires chopping, dicing and cubing ingredients, which can be methodical and meditative activities. In terms of eating the salad, the numerous flavors and textures provide ample opportunity to engage the senses and be present with the food.


8 oz orzo

1 19-oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed (about 2 cups cooked)

1 pint grape tomatoes, halved

1 large English cucumber, chopped

1 red bell pepper, chopped

1 bunch green onions, chopped

1 cup chopped basil

7 oz feta, cut into ½-inch cubes


¼ cup red wine vinegar

2 Tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp honey

1 tsp dried oregano

½ cup olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Cook the orzo according to the package directions. Drain and rinse with cold water. Set aside.

Meanwhile, make the dressing by whisking together the red wine vinegar, lemon juice, honey and oregano until honey is dissolved. Slowly whisk in olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.

In a large bowl, mix together cooked orzo and remaining salad ingredients. Add in dressing and toss to coat.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Dietician and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor Vincci Tsui.


This soup has several properties that facilitate mindful eating. It is served at room temperature, loaded with diverse ingredients and pulsed, rather than liquified, allowing for purposeful chewing, attentive tasting and proper digestion. The liquid base includes cabbage rejuvelac, a fermented, bubbly probiotic resembling unsalted sauerkraut juice that restores electrolytes, B vitamins and gut balance.


½ cup cabbage rejuvelac (recipe below)

1 cup non-starchy vegetables such as zucchini, yellow squash, radishes, beets, carrots, celery or cucumbers, chopped

1 cup non-bitter, leafy greens or herbs, chopped

1 Tbsp seaweed

1 Tbsp lentil or pea sprouts

6 cups sunflower microgreens

2 cups buckwheat microgreens

1 Tbsp grated ginger

1 cup papaya, chopped

1 fresh lime, cut into wedges


6 cups red or green cabbage, chopped

3½ cups filtered or spring water

To make the rejuvelac, use a blender to purée the water and cabbage. Pour the mixture into a glass jar, cover and store in a room that is 74°F or warmer for 3 days. Open and close the lid of the jar once each day to release air.

To make the soup, use a blender to combine the rejuvelac, vegetables, seaweed and sprouts, pulsing so as to not over-blend, and slowly add the micro greens. Pour into bowls and add ginger, papaya and lime juice. Serve at room temperature.

Can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 weeks.

28 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition
Recipe and photo courtesy of the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute. Photo by Vincci Tsui Photo by Carolyn Marin

Embrace the Winding Road

Count your age by friends, not years.

Count your life by smiles, not tears.

Life’s transitions can feel like a broken bead necklace, with scattered pieces of ourselves waiting to be restrung. When we pack up our lives to move into a new home or organize neglected drawers, we may stir up clouds of bittersweet memories. Watching our kids leave the nest, we might wonder where the time has gone. As a new self struggles to emerge from the chrysalis, our hormones might take us on a rollercoaster ride before unveiling breathtaking wings.

At times, we have one foot on shifting sands and the other in midair, waiting to connect to solid ground. Inspirational author Neale Donald Walsch says, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”—wise words for those of us that are halfway across the rickety swinging bridge of change.

Breaking our own rules can gift us with a brand of freedom that we’ve only imagined. Seasoned travelers and weekend adventurers might agree that setting aside plans and maps invites unforeseen magic. Ordering something we cannot pronounce on the menu, turning left instead of right or revisiting an old dream might be a wonderful decision.

When we take our hands off the wheel and float into possibility, the universe smiles and nudges our secret longing for something new, something more harmonically aligned with our own unique frequency. Meeting life in the moment, wherever we happen to be, can be a challenging but rewarding spiritual discipline.

When we take a deep breath and turn the page, life deepens in color and gets more interesting. When we resist the well-meaning way that has been carved out for us and choose to go off the beaten path despite the uncertainty ahead, we will meet ourselves more deeply, no matter what happens. Perhaps this is the meaning behind it all—the magical door we seek. Honoring the sanctity of change is the key to fulfillment.

Marlaina Donato is an author, visionary painter and composer. Connect at

29 September 2023 Introducing a New Recycling Option Recycle by ReFill 23858 US Hwy 98, Suite A | Fairhope (251) 533-8050 | Bring your own container and ReFill it with products that are plant-based without harsh chemicals. Mary
251-300-9912 inspiration
Beth Svatek, M. A Ce
t ified Hypnotherapist & Life Coach
G-Stock Studio/



and to ask for help, the less power fear and anxiety will have over their brains.”

According to Dr. Carol Penn, author of Meditation in a Time of Madness: A Guidebook for Talented Tweens, Teens, Their Parents & Guardians Who Need to Thrive, “Fear is a natural phenomenon. It’s how we’re hardwired to survive as a species. However, when fear turns into anxiety and the body enters a chronic state of hyperarousal with raised cortisol levels, it can be debilitating. This shortens attention spans and disrupts the hypothalamic loop, which deals with creating short-term memory, causing kids to lose the ability to engrain long-term learning.”

Children today are facing ever-increasing amounts of stress and anxiety. In addition to academic pressure, bullying and family dynamics, kids are worried about navigating social media, climate change and school shootings. While a certain amount of stress is normal and healthy, too much can cause debilitating physical, emotional and cognitive effects.

A 2010 study published by the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, at Harvard University, reports that persistent fear and chronic anxiety can have lifelong consequences by disrupting the developing architecture of the brain. Parents can help anxious kids by modeling stress-management and problem-solving techniques, and inviting their children to talk about their feelings.

Acknowledging and Coping With Fear

While each child’s anxiety is unique, the themes are often universal. “Children fear not being liked, being made fun of, failing when they try new things, getting hurt, losing a loved one, being left out and not fitting in. If this list seems familiar, it’s because they are all the same fears adults have too,” says Michelle Nelson-Schmidt, an author and illustrator of 32 children’s books, including What If I Know My Feelings? and The Whatif Monster series “It is debilitating when we don’t talk about our fears and anxieties. Children often don’t have the vocabulary to verbalize their fears, so they bottle it up, letting fears get bigger and scarier. The earlier they learn that it’s okay to be scared, to talk about their fears

Penn notes that kids can pick up on their parents’ anxiety, so it is imperative to model self-care and create a soothing home environment. “Children are unsettled when their parents are unsettled. By observing body language and energy, kids can intuitively gauge when something is wrong, and they often make up stories about why,” she explains. “Teaching kids to take regular breaks throughout the day for relaxed awareness encourages them to notice a mind-body connection. Take two minutes before getting out of the car or starting a new activity to pay attention to your breath and observe and label pain or tension in the body. If you are hunching your shoulders or clenching your jaw, make mindful adjustments to reset and settle the body and nervous system.”

Overcoming Anxiety

After a Traumatic Event

Last year, Highland Park, Illinois, experi-

30 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition healthy kids

enced the improbable yet possible event of a mass shooting during their Fourth of July parade. “While the community worked to rediscover a sense of safety, our school focused on the necessary structures and initiatives to help students heal and rebuild,” says Holly Fleischer, the assistant principal of diversity, equity and inclusion at Highland Park High School. “As we started the school year, we recommitted to a focus on social-emotional learning by teaching strategies to manage emotions, sustain healthy relationships, develop an awareness of self and make healthy decisions. By practicing coping skills with everyday stressors, our students are learning to develop feelings of control, safety and resiliency as they navigate a traumatic experience or event.”

According to Fleischer, “While there is little control of one’s outside world and circumstances, kids can find calm in a storm through strategies like deep breathing, recognizing your five senses, listening to music, reaching out to loved ones, using ice packs for sensory intervention and giving oneself a strong bear hug. Students will get to know which ones work for them. It is also essential to disrupt maladaptive coping mechanisms like avoidance, which do not allow for the practice of these healthier ways of self-management.”

Building Resilience for the Future

“Thoughts are the language of the mind, and feelings are the language of the body,” Penn counsels. “When stress develops, have kids draw three pictures identifying

what it looks like for them. The first is a picture of themselves right now; the second is the challenge they’re facing; and the third is how they will feel when the challenge is resolved. This gives children control over their feelings, allowing them to self-soothe and creatively work through challenging situations. When children learn to be adaptable, flexible and imaginative critical thinkers, they can respond to even the darkest days and move forward with grace and hope.”

31 September 2023
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer. Connect at Therapeutic Massage, Scar Tissue Release, Relfexology, Post Op Lymphatic Massage, Wellness Consulting, Reiki & Chakra Balancing Now Booking Winter Appointments 28170 N. Main St, Ste C, Daphne, AL 36526 | 251-616-4201 Book Online 24/7 • AL MT#3263 UNITY on the Eastern Shore Celebrating the Divine Within! SUNDAY SERVICE 10:30AM MEDITATION - TAI CHI - SOCIAL EVENTS - SO MUCH MORE working to be a force for good in our world SPIRITUAL CONNECTION COMMUNITY GROWTH & ADVENTURE 22979 US HWY 98, Fairhope LIVE Maria/



Although the saying is that dogs are our best friends, canine companions are a lot like kids, too. In the same way that parenting styles impact children’s mental and emotional development, so do pet parenting choices. How we guide and care for our dogs can shape their behavior, responsiveness, attachment, cognition and overall well-being.

A 2022 study in the journal Animal Cognition found that authoritative pet parents, defined as those with high expectations for their dogs, have the most positive influence on the behavior and cognition of their pets. The study’s co-author, Monique Udell, an associate professor at Oregon State University, says, “We found that pet parenting style does predict patterns of dog behavior and

cognition. This is an important finding because it suggests that dog owners who take the time to understand and meet their dog’s needs are more likely to end up with secure, resilient dogs.”

Pet Parenting Styles

A range of factors will determine a dog owner’s parenting style, but in general there are three categories:

n Authoritative (high expectations, high responsiveness)

n Authoritarian (high expectations, low responsiveness)

n Permissive (low expectations, low responsiveness)

Dogs with authoritative owners are the most likely to have secure attachment styles, be highly responsive to social cues, prefer to be close to their owner over an unfamiliar person and be more independently persistent in solving problems.

Understanding the Human-Canine Connection

Dogs track human eye movements, linking them with intent. One study has suggested that when a dog’s gaze follows a human’s, it’s not simply a reflex; rather, it is associated with the human’s “communicative intent”. A dog’s ability to interact with its owner at this level helps strengthen the bond they share.

According to study co-author and behavioral scientist Lauren Brubaker, research into human-dog relationships parallels human psychological research in that, just as a child’s development, mental health, intellectual success, social cognition, attachment and job performance are influenced by their upbringing, human-dog relationships influence a dog’s behavior and cognition.

A positive connection between humans and their canine family members is mutually beneficial on many levels. Science has revealed a demonstrable chemistry between dogs and their humans, and, in fact, daily interactions with our canine companions have a measurably beneficial effect on our biochemistry, thanks to a hormone called oxytocin, sometimes called the “hug hormone” or the “love chemical”.

A Japanese study involving 55 dogs and owners proved that

32 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition
natural pet

when we share loving visual connections with our dogs, everyone benefits. The researchers found that people whose dogs looked upon them for two minutes or more showed increased levels of oxytocin and claimed to be happier than owners whose dogs regarded them for a minute or less.

In a 2003 study conducted at the University of Pretoria, in South Africa, researchers had dog owners focus solely on their pets for half an hour, talking with them as they stroked, scratched and petted them. The owners’ blood was drawn at the beginning and at the end of the 30-minute session.

The scientists found that blood pressure decreased in the human subjects, while oxytocin increased, as did other beneficial hormones, such as beta-endorphins, which are associated with both pain relief and euphoria; prolactin, which promotes bonding between parent and child; phenylethylamine, which is increased in people involved in romantic relationships; and dopamine, which heightens feelings of pleasure. These hormones were also elevated in the dogs, which suggests the feelings of attachment are mutual.

As we see, there is a demonstrable positive chemistry between dogs and humans. Not only can our pet parenting style shape a dog’s behavior, it also has potential wellness benefits for us mentally, physically, emotionally or all the above.

Veterinarian Karen Shaw Becker has spent her career empowering animal guardians to make knowledgeable decisions to extend the life and well-being of their animals. To learn more, visit

33 September 2023
If a metal does this to your skin... Imagine what it will do implanted inside of your body? UNDERSTANDING LIGHT POLLUTION Environmental Concerns and Achievable Remedies Website Exclusive at!
The Passenger Photography/

For questions or to appear in the calendar, email by the 10th of the previous month. Online-only calendar listings may be submitted anytime at

Saturday, September 9

UNITY ON THE EASTERN SHORE Wellness Movement and Sound Healing Retreat – 9amnoon. Join local Qigong, Gentle Yoga and Sound Healing practitioners for a morning of wellness. The retreat is aimed at fostering holistic well-being. No prior experience is required. $25 per attendee. Bring yoga mats. Unity on the Eastern Shore, 22979 Hwy 98, Fairhope, AL.



Discounts on Supplements – Every Sunday 15% off supplements at Fairhope Health Foods (251-928-0644) and Virginia’s Health Foods (251479-3952). 280 Eastern Shore Shopping Center, Fairhope, AL and 3055-A Dauphin St, Mobile, AL.

Spiritual Awakening Center 360 Sunday Service – 10:30am. In person and streaming LIVE at Join our loving, inclusive spiritual community for an inspired morning of music, message and encouragement. We honor all spiritual paths, religions and lifestyles, believing the presence of God is found within all living beings. We are grateful to see humanity awaken to its spiritual magnificence. You are a part of this transformation. We meet at Daphne CoWork, 25369 Hwy 98, Daphne, AL (next to Badcock Furniture). Spiritual Awakening Center 360, P.O. Box 848, Daphne.

Unity on the Eastern Shore Sunday Gathering – 10:30am. At Unity, everyone is recognized as a true spiritual being, awakening to the truth that sets them free. A love-focused place that embraces all people and honors all spiritual paths, Unity could be your answer. A friendly, all-inclusive community offering a positive and practical spiritual message. Experience Sunday’s Celebration Service with meditation & accompanying music to refresh and uplift your soul. In person, streaming on Facebook @UnityEasternShore or via Zoom. Unity on the Eastern Shore, 22979 Hwy 98, Fairhope, AL.

Fairhope Unitarian Sunday Service – 11amnoon. Held inside and streamed on Zoom. Different guest speakers each week—either a member of our congregation or someone from the surrounding community. Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship, 1150 Fairhope Ave, Fairhope, AL. FairhopeUnitarian

Mobile Bay Makers Market – 11am-3pm, 2nd and 4th Sundays. Open air, sustainably driven market showcasing 25+ local artisans and growers. Music. Food trucks. Year-round, family and dog friendly. Free. South Park of Fairhope Pier, Fairhope, AL.

Conversations on ‘A Course in Miracles’ – noon. (In person and on Zoom) 2nd and 4th Sundays. Join us for a discussion of these life-altering concepts that teach us to see the world through the eyes of love instead of fear. Meet at Daphne CoWork Atrium, 25369 Hwy 98, Daphne (next to Badcock Furniture). Spiritual Awakening Center 360, P.O. Box 848, Daphne. 251-289-1038.

Ecstatic Dance – 6:30-8pm, 1st Sundays. Explore the wisdom of your body and connect with your intuition through free-form dance. This is a safe space for releasing stagnant energy and emotions to find self-expression and freedom within. No experience required, only openness and curiosity. $25. The Yoga Hive Studio, 1901 Main St, Daphne, AL. Contact Rebecca Washburn at Dance@RebeccaWashburn. com or 251-929-4634.


Forever Young – 11:30am-12:30pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Monthly registration for 12-class series. The class starts with an assessment which measures balance, flexibility, strength, posture and cognition. $125 per month. Naturally Guided Health, 809B Holcomb Blvd, Ocean Springs, MS. or 228-215-0909.

Qigong & Tai Chi Drop-in Sessions – On HIATUS until September. Casual movement sessions with James Harkins. Any skill level from novice to expert are welcome to come and move with Jim. A spiritual practice can change your health and well being. Unity on the Eastern Shore, 22979 Hwy 98, Fairhope, AL. UnityEastern

Evening of Restoration – 7-8pm, 1st Mondays unless holiday. Join us for a meditation journey that wakes up your soul and gives you exactly what you need in the moment. De-stress, increase concentration, decrease anxiety and lower blood pressure with this practice. Dress comfortably, sweat pants or jammies welcome. Bring yoga mat, meditation pillow or blanket. $10. Naturally Guided Health, 809B Holcomb Blvd, Ocean Springs, MS. or 228-215-0909.

Let’s Chat–Spiritual Conversation – Noon1:30pm. Bring questions about faith to a safe and welcoming place. Love Lives Here! Rev. Linda Fisher will host these open-door sessions on the first Tuesday of the month. FREE. Share your heart and mind and possibly find a new way of being and doing. Interfaith dialogues. Unity on the Eastern Shore, 22979 Hwy 98, Fairhope.


Forever Young – 11:30am-12:30pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. (See Monday.)

Nature After School for ages 5-10 – 3:15pm5:30pm. Fall 2023 Session *ENROLLMENT OPENS AUGUST 21* This after-school program offers children a fun and adventurous complement to their busy, structured school day. Through games, stories, and exploration, children are supported to develop meaningful friendships and an appreciation of the outdoors. Skills introduced include plant identification, firemaking, animal tracking, shelter building, bird calls and identification, storytelling and hazard awareness. MayDay Park, Daphne, AL. (Chaperoned walk from Christ the King & Bayside available.) 251-513-7892.

Spiritual Conversations Spiritual Awakening Center 360 – 6pm. Meet at Summer Moon Coffee, 1539 US 98, Suite 203, Daphne, AL. Join us for coffee or tea and conversation. Each week we will discuss spiritual questions with each other. All are welcome to join. This is an open conversation and we look forward to hearing all points of view. Bring your questions and we’ll discuss them. For information call 251-289-1038.


Forever Young – 11:30am-12:30pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. (See Monday.)


Tai Chi & Qigong – On HIATUS until September. Join James Harkins for an interactive morning of Mind, Body and Spirit rejuvenation. Beginners and newbies welcomed. $20 donation to UES is suggested but not mandatory. Unity on the Eastern Shore, 22979 Hwy 98, Fairhope.

Crystal Singing Bowls with Kim Anderson –11am. Second Saturday. Singing Bowl Meditation. A different focus each month: Healing, Health, Energy, Stress-relief, Forgiveness. $10 cash. Bring a pillow, floor cushions, shawls or blankets. Hosted by Unity on the Eastern Shore, 22979 Hwy 98, Fairhope. Experience sound healing. Studies show a reduction in blood pressure, chronic pain, anxiety through singing bowl therapy sessions.

34 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition
your calendar

community resource guide

Connecting you to local resources for natural and green living. To find out how you can be included in the directory, email or call 251-990-9552.




19 N. Church St., Ste. B, Fairhope, AL 251-200-2131 •

@huessalonwellness (Instagram)

Our team wants you to feel LOVED, HEARD & IMPORTANT. Come in for a cup of tea and enjoy up to 93% naturally derived permanent hair color along with massage, Rolfing, lashes, facials, hydrofacials, curly hair & blonding specialists, body & Brazilian waxing. Green Circle Certified. See ad, page 12


Old Government, Mobile: 251-607-6666

2101 Hwy. 98, Daphne: 251-725-4334

A relaxing salon environment that is free of harmful chemicals, impurities and fragrance. Offering customized hair services and regenerative treatments with 100% vegan organic products and essential oils. Ask about following the lunar calendar effective hair treatments. See ad, page 11.



Mandy Ullerich, Quantum Living Advocate Bon Secour, AL • 251-210-9255

Albert Einstein said, “The medicine of the future will be frequency medicine.” The future is here. Discover the power of frequencies and experience them for yourself with a complimentary scan. Watch a video to learn more and call today.

See ad, page 10.


Carolyn Olson, Owner, Therapist

Laura Worthington, Assistant, Therapist

Mobile & Foley (other locations by request)


Offering multiple biofeedback services such as the AO Scan Technology by Solex™, which includes the scan, consultation and custom imprinted patches that can be worn 24 hours a day to continue frequency balancing, along with listening to daily frequencies on your smartphone. AO Scan provides impactful results as does EVOX BY ZYTO emotional therapy. Call today to determine which service will best meet your needs. The first AO Scan is complimentary. See ad, page 25.



9930 Milton Jones Rd., Daphne, AL 251-374-7707

Harmonic Health Alabama features the Harmonic Egg, a science-based, sound and light therapy for physical, emotional and spiritual energy healing. Please call, text or visit our website for more information! See ad, page 7



Carolyn Olson, Certified Thermographer Mobile & Foley (other locations by request) 251-623-2225

FDA registered thermography offers breast/full-body screenings that are noninvasive and radiation-free, without compression or bodily contact. Valuable for detecting early-stage breast disease and more. Also offering ElectroLymphatic Therapy. See ad, page 25.



280 Eastern Shore Shopping Center


Comprehensive health food store offering a range of CBD products: caps, soft gels, gummies, sprays, tinctures, topicals, mixed with ghee, teas, waters, hot cocoa, infused honey, pedicure powders. See ad, page 27.


3055 A Dauphin St., Mobile, AL


Comprehensive health food store offering a range of CBD products: caps, soft gels, gummies, sprays, tinctures, topicals, mixed with ghee, teas, waters, hot cocoa, infused honey, pedicure powders. See ad, page 27.



1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL 251-929-3207 •

Welcoming people of any age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or cultural background. We seek truth and knowledge, care for the Earth and show kindness to others while creating an atmosphere of love.


25369 Hwy 98, Daphne CoWork Atrium

Daphne, AL 36526

251-289-1038 • •

An inclusive spiritual community focused on integration of spirit, mind and body. If you like Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay and other contemporary authors, you will love us. Sunday Service 10:30am. All are welcome. We Get You.

35 September 2023
Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
—C. S. Lewis


22979 US-98, Fairhope, AL 36532


An extraordinary spiritual family honoring every religion, path and lifestyle. All are welcome at our progressive Sunday morning service or life-affirming classes & events. With the presence of God within each of us, we are co-creating a world that works for everyone. See ad, page 31.



112 West Section Ave., Foley, AL


Drugs are not the only answer. Our unique approach is noninvasive and has helped dementia patients that originally scored poorly on cognitive assessments restore to normal scoring on the same assessment. See ad, page 5.



112 West Section Ave., Foley, AL


We can reduce or eliminate symptoms of depression. Our treatments often deliver improvement when nothing else has. 70% of our depression patients see symptoms reduced by at least 50%. See ad, page 5.



9930 Milton Jones Rd., Daphne, AL


Harmonic Health Alabama features the Harmonic Egg, a science-based, sound and light therapy for physical, emotional and spiritual energy healing. Please call, text or visit our website for more information! See ad, page 7


Jeff Nursey, Customer Service


Change your frequency, change your life! Our jewelry has an integrated charged disk to protect against 5G and EMFs along with the added benefits of alleviating pain and improving strength and balance. See ad, back cover


Cindy Sabogal, Certified Reiki Healer

21040 Miflin Rd., Ste. 7, Foley, AL 251-504-5171 • Find Us on Facebook

Sacred Fire Wellness Reiki Studio is a place of healing, using Eastern based energy and sound therapy for physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Please call or text to book an appointment or for more information. See ad, page 19


Emily Sommerville, Reiki Master

103B N. Bancroft St., Fairhope, AL 251-225-8994 •

Reiki is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonizing all aspects of the person - body, mind, emotions and spirit - and it can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth. Offering individual sessions and Reiki attunements. Call or email to book.



781 Farmers Market Ln., Foley, AL 251-709-4469

Open year-round on Saturdays only, 9am2pm. Featuring local farms with seasonal produce, meat, eggs, honey, jellies, baked goods, seafood, hand-crafted soaps and more. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest


Foley, AL

100% sustainable farming practices. Your source for local, ethically grown food. Pasture raised eggs, grass fed and finished beef. Find us at your local Piggly Wiggly Fairhope, Greers Markets or order online at Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.





280 Eastern Shore Shopping Center 251-928-0644 • Café: 251-929-0055

Comprehensive health food store and organic café serving the public for 40+ years. Extensive supplement selection: organic groceries, produce and meats; bath and body products; bulk bins; pet supplies; baby products; CBD and more. See ad, page 27.


3055 A Dauphin St., Mobile, AL 251-479-3952

Comprehensive health food store and organic café serving the public for 40+ years. Extensive supplement selection: organic groceries, produce and meats; bath and body products; bulk bins; pet supplies; baby products; CBD and more. See ad, page 27.



28720 Hwy. 98, Ste. 1, Daphne, AL 251-241-4346

Certified Functional Medicine

Practitioner and Family Nurse

Practitioner Tara McLellan addresses the root cause of disease with integrative medicine—a blend of traditional western medicine and science-based functional medicine. Ask about our custom weight loss program. See ad, page 17.

36 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition



Jeff Nursey, Customer Service


Change your frequency, change your life! Our jewelry has an integrated charged disk to protect against 5G and EMFs along with the added benefits of alleviating pain and improving strength and balance. See ad, back cover.



217-B Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL


Offering cleansing far infrared sauna sessions followed by a hydrating collagen shower. Plus ionic foot detox, Himalayan salt therapy and revitalizing oxygen bar. Ask about package specials.

See ad, page 15.



National Board Certified Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Coach

251-635-6250 •

Attention health conscious, men and women struggling to prioritize things that will prolong your life—healthy meals, exercise, recovery. Health Coaches help you make changes when change is hard, in all areas of your life. I’ll offer guidance + tools that work. See ad, page 25.



Mary Beth Svatek, M.A.

Certified Hypnotherapist, IMDHA


35 years’ experience with anxiety, PTSD, weight loss, smoking cessation, removing blockages, regression, behavior modification, energy healing & streamlining, pain management. See ad, page 29.



Carolyn Olson, Certified Lymphatic Therapist Mobile & Foley (other locations by request)


Electro-Lymphatic Therapy is noninvasive, painless and calming. Like a light touch massage, the certified lymphatic therapist uses two small handheld wands that are lightly moved across the body in a direction that correlates to the body’s lymphatic flow. The proper flow of lymphatic fluid can have a positive impact on conditions such as inflammation, colds/flu, sinus problems, edema, water retention, heart disease, fibrocystic and tender breast, cellulite, enlarged prostate and cancer. See ad, page 25.



6920 Airport Blvd., Ste. 111, Mobile, AL 251-342-6415

A therapeutic massage handcrafted just for you. Reduced stress, elevated mood and a strengthened immune system are all part of experiencing a therapeutic massage The Elements Way. Schedule an appointment today. See ad, page 11.


Jennifer (Adams) Killgo, LMT #3263

28170 N. Main St., Ste. C, Daphne, AL 251-616-4201 •

Intuitive integrative massage techniques are used to facilitate the body into a state of healing without the “no pain no gain” mentality. Over 15 years’ experience in the bodywork and natural wellness field.



3099 Loop Rd., Orange Beach, AL

620 N. McKenzie St., Ste. 200, Foley, AL 251-240-0842 •

Weight loss, fat burning, food programs, vitamin IV lounge, chiropractic and functional medicine clinic. Custom plans include nutrition, medication and peptide combo. IV vitamin therapies provide relief, healing and recovery for people with health concerns ranging from dehydration to chronic illness. Free consultations. See ad, page 15.



Destin HarborWalk Village, FL, Booth 11am-6pm

1018 Government St., Ocean Springs, MS

We carry a wide selection of crystals, jewelry, yoga apparel and accessories along with men’s and women’s coastal fashion. Find your inner Zen and fly high with us. See ad, page 6.



Mary Beth Svatek, M.A.

Certified Hypnotherapist, IMDHA 251-300-9912

35 years’ experience with anxiety, PTSD, weight loss, smoking cessation, removing blockages, regression, behavior modification, energy healing & streamlining, pain management. See ad, page 29.

37 September 2023
We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.
—Thomas S. Monson



320 Eastern Shore Shopping Center, Fairhope, AL • 251-929-0055

An organic café offering vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and dairyfree options. Open for lunch daily.

See ad, page 27


3055 A Dauphin St., Mobile, AL


An organic café offering vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and dairyfree options. Open for lunch daily.

See ad, page 27.



23858 Hwy. 98, Fairhope, AL


Open Tuesday-Saturday

Providing the Gulf Coast with real RECYCLING options that allow for recycling within the home. ReUse plastic containers with Recycle by ReFill. Products are safe, sulfate free, paraben free and free of synthetic fragrances. Enjoy ReFill Fridays with 15% off.

See ad, page 29




Cindy Sabogal, Certified Reiki Healer

21040 Miflin Rd., Ste. 7, Foley, AL

251-504-5171 • Find Us on Facebook

Sacred Fire Wellness Reiki Studio is a place of healing, using Eastern based energy and sound therapy for physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Please call or text to book an appointment or for more information. See ad, page 19


Emily Sommerville, Reiki Master 103B N. Bancroft St., Fairhope, AL 251-225-8994 •

Reiki is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonizing all aspects of the person - body, mind, emotions and spirit - and it can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth. Offering individual sessions and Reiki attunements. Call or email to book.



Treat yourself to a relaxing, healing and rejuvenating session of Restorative Yoga with Bobbi Jo Machholz. Bring mat, pillow, blocks and willingness. 1st Saturday each month, 9am. Donations to Unity accepted. See ad, page 31.



Pam Reaves, Certified Rolfer® 22806 Hwy. 98, Fairhope, AL 706-681-2935

Rolfing® is a holistic approach to manual therapy that seeks to improve your health and function by reestablishing the natural alignment and structural integration of the human body. More information at See ad, page 19.



Pam Reaves, Certified Rolfer® 22806 Hwy. 98, Fairhope, AL 706-681-2935

Rolfing® is a holistic approach to manual therapy that seeks to improve your health and function by reestablishing the natural alignment and structural integration of the human body. Now offering Somatic Breath Therapy. Based on the work of Peter Levine, Somatic Therapy helps release stored negative emotions that have been trapped in the body. More information at

See ad, page 19.


Morgan Tyner, (Bilingual) SomatIQ

Breathwork Practitioner

Fairhope, AL • 901-581-0434

Corporate wellness, groups, retreats, 1:1, events: SomatIQ Breathwork is a transformative wellness practice that releases suppressed stress from the body utilizing two breathing techniques. It empowers you to clear mental and emotional blockages, leading to enhanced clarity, wellness and more harmonious alignment in personal wellness and purpose. For more information: See ad, page 4.




601 N. Section St., Fairhope, AL 251-990-2364 • fairhope/thehartycarpentergroup

THE HARTY CARPENTER GROUP is a distinguished wealth management team that has significant experience advising successful professionals, retirees and other business owners with virtually all aspects of their finances including Retirement Planning and Income Strategies, Investment Management and Estate Strategies. Working with us means working with advisors truly dedicated to your success. Our approach is simple, transparent and supported by thoughtful investment guidance. See ad, page 4.




19 N. Church St., Ste. B, Fairhope, AL 251-200-2131 • @huessalonwellness (Instagram)

Our team wants you to feel LOVED, HEARD & IMPORTANT. Come in for a cup of tea and enjoy up to 93% naturally derived permanent hair color along with massage, Rolfing, lashes, facials, hydrofacials, curly hair & blonding specialists, body & Brazilian waxing. Green Circle Certified. See ad, page 12.

38 Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition



Personal Trainer; Board Certified Health Coach; Traditional Naturopath

809B Holcomb Blvd., Ocean Springs, MS 228-215-0909 •

A wellness studio offering personal training, group classes, coaching and education. Specialize in mature adults, post injury/ surgery recovery and compassionate coaching. Check out our Forever Young class.



Destin HarborWalk Village, FL, Booth 11am-6pm

1018 Government St., Ocean Springs, MS

We carry a wide selection of crystals, jewelry, yoga apparel and accessories along with men’s and women’s coastal fashion. Find your inner Zen and fly high with us. See ad, page 6

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$1 per word, per month. Email content to Deadline is the 10th of the month.


FAIRHOPE SUNFLOWER CAF É IS LOOKING TO HIRE full- and part-time cooks and servers. The café is open for lunch Monday-Saturday 10:30am-3pm; Sunday 11am-2pm. Apply in store or call Sunflower Café. 251-929-0055.


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ADVERTISE your products, services or help wanted here.


ADVERTISE your products, services or help wanted here.


DO YOU WANT YOUR HEALTHSPAN TO EQUAL YOUR LIFESPAN? Are you struggling to prioritize healthier choices? Get focused, get active, make a plan. Michelle Smith, Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach will take you by the hand to help you design change by creating an ACTION PLAN OF BEST PRACTICES for your life. Find out how. 251-635-6250 or TryMyCoach@

39 September 2023
Priceless lifetime, life-changing whole health bene ts for less than the cost of a smoothie a week!



Jeff was hit by a pickup truck in 2007, two years later he was still in pain, and his leg was still broken.

13 years ago, I told my hopedic surgeon Dr. Roland ester to cut my left leg off because it hurt so bad.

Dr. Hester told him he was not going to be able to walk again. He was on 100% disability and trying everything to manage his pain.

He was gifted a Miracle Band and didn't think it would work, but he was wrong!

A V A I L A B L E A T M O B I L E , A L F A I R H O P E , A L P A S C A G O U L A , M S ( 2 5 1 ) 9 2 8 - 0 6 4 4 ( 2 5 1 ) 4 7 9 - 3 9 5 2 ( 2 2 8 ) 7 6 2 - 6 8 5 6
Disclaimer: The New You Miracle Bands have not been evaluated by the FDA. All claims are the result of testimonials of our satisfied customers and our own product testing. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any illness. We recommend consulting with your physician before use.
Jeff Nursey (R) with Homer Gibbins 2x world champion boxer (L)

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