September 2021 Natural Awakenings Gulf Coast AL/MS

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CONQUERING CHRONIC PAIN Choose Healthy, Non-Toxic Cookware HEALING TRAUMA WITH YOGA The Art of the Handwritten Note


September 2021 | Gulf Coast AL/MS Edition |

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Oct. 6-9, 2021 Don’t miss the Gulf Coast’s premier birding and nature festival, featuring popular trips and new opportunities to experience the area’s beautiful and varied bird, plant and wildlife communities. Guided walking and boat tours | Workshops | Evening events | Free Bird & Conservation Expo

Photos by Andrew Haffenden

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September 2021



How the Body-Mind Connection Works

“Make your passion your profession and you’ll never work another day of your life.” - Joseph Campbell

This morning I enjoyed the sounds of nature on the patio while sipping tea and a smoothie made with homegrown greens. After my meditation, I planned out my herb presentation for an upcoming Garden Club talk. I walked the dog and did some yoga stretches before answering emails, FaceTiming with clients and enjoying a virtual planning meeting with other teachers at the Southern Institute of Natural Health. This could be your day too. Follow your passion each and every day and start your career in natural medicine today.

~ Betty Sue O’Brian, N.D., B.S., M.S.

18 ART'S EMBRACE Healing Through Creativity


Equine Therapy has Physical and Emotional Benefits


Soothing Poses Calm the Nervous System


on Living with Integrity



How to Choose Non-Toxic Pots and Pans

Instructor, Southern Institute of Natural Health



30 FORAGED FUNGI FARE Cooking with Wild Mushrooms


How to Nurture Imagination

Learn at home, work from home, live a life you love. Offering a variety of educational and certification programs, virtually and in-person in:

Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy, Aromatherapy, Iridology & Sclerology, Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles and more.


228-257-1946 4

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

DEPARTMENTS 7 news briefs 9 community

spotlight 10 business spotlight 12 health briefs 14 global briefs 16 healing ways 22 natural pet 24 fit body

26 wise words 27 inspiration 28 green living 30 conscious eating 34 healthy kids 36 eco tip 37 calendar 38 classifieds 39 local community directory

Natural Awakenings is a family of 50+ healthy living magazines celebrating 27 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.

Caring for someone with dementia is hard.

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Treating a range of brain disorders including Dementia | Depression | Brain Injuries | ADHD

Cutting-Edge | Non-Invasive | Drug-Free Our unique approach is non-invasive and has helped dementia patients that originally scored in the teens on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment be restored to the point of scoring normal (26-30) on the same assessment.

ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 251-990-9552 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Publisher@ Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month prior to the month of publication. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Submit dated and ongoing calendar events online at Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-434-9392. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit

Contact us today to schedule a comprehensive neurological evaluation (includes Quantitative EEG) to identify the potential for brain pathway improvement. Once a treatment program is put in place, many patients see notable improvements within a few weeks, but the benefits can last a lifetime.

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We can help. Call today:

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September 2021



letter from publisher

GULF COAST EDITION PUBLISHER Michelle Smith EDITOR Julie Peterson LAYOUT Gabrielle W-Perillo DISTRIBUTION MGR. Stephanie Klumpp

CONTACT US P.O. Box 725, Fairhope, AL 36533 Ph: 251-990-9552

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© 2021 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.

Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines

Greetings friends, At Natural Awakenings we focus on the positive news not the negative. This September issue is our “Inspired Living” issue. What inspires you? Is it a sunrise? Or a blank canvas promising hope for something beautiful to come into being? (More about this later.) This is how I feel each month as we put together this wonderful magazine, piece by piece, with educational, empowering content enmeshed with informative, creative advertisers who provide a variety of unique services to the Gulf Coast area. Together with my team, we are designing a beautiful thing every month! In the following pages, I’m pleased to present creativity in healing and health, and other inspired articles such as “The Art of the Written Note.” These things are profoundly important and personal to me, and I hope to you too. September is also a month for new seasons. Football is back, Fall is in the air, marriages are happening, babies are being born, kids are going back to school—they are leveling up to a new grade, they are making new friends and they are learning new and exciting things. Speaking of babies, my granddaughter, Annabelle Larae Austin came into this world to dazzle us, humble us and remind us about what is good and pure. Born August 18, 7lbs, 8oz, the daughter of my son Zach, and Brianne Austin, she has already captured my heart. She is the blank canvas promising hope for something beautiful to come. She will be inundated with love and care. She will know the hope of Jesus Christ her savior, every day of her life. She will know she is His. She was born for a purpose, and I can’t wait to get to know her. That brings me to my close… I look for inspiration in people passionate, kind, caring people who search for hope and for answers in unexpected places. Today I received a weekly email from a friend with a message: Empty your cup and keep an open mind in everything you do—a receptive, beginner’s state of mind. He says “Our biggest folly then is to believe that we know it all. It’s like surrounding ourselves with a fortress wall that prevents the entry of anything new from the outside—a barrier that ultimately restricts learning and growing.” He goes on to say, “Thus, the only way to experience something completely different and new is to keep an open mind, by removing all previous traces of knowing, and creating a state of emptiness. What you know is the familiar. It may have worked in the past, and helped you deal with old situations, but it may not be useful in the present or the future.” Each new moment brings with it its own set of dynamics… and nothing in your past can ever prepare you for it. A Zen proverb sums up the idea aptly—“Knowledge is learning something every day. Wisdom is letting something go every day.” Moving from knowledge to wisdom is the ultimate aim. So, empty your cup, clear away what was and get ready to experience a new way of thinking and living! God bless you and keep you until we meet,

Natural Awakenings is printed on recyclable newsprint.


Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

news briefs

Brain Injuries Treated at Mind Performance Center Sports activities and car accidents are two of the top causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). At Mind Performance Center, J. Douglas Brown, DC, DACNB, specializes in functional neurology, an advanced and holistic approach that promotes recovery from a brain injury by correcting brain pathway damage. A TBI occurs when an impact to the head or body causes the brain to strike the skull.The trauma that occurs depends on the severity of the injury. “The brain must have all that it needs at one time, at a specific rate that it can tolerate,” says Brown. “For example, you can enjoy chocolate malts but not through a fire hose as this could drown you. This is true with good things and the brain. Not enough is bad, but too much is also bad. This is especially true with the extremely delicate injured brain.” A concussion is the mildest type of TBI, yet it damages nerves and affects brain function. Most people who have a concussion don’t pass out. However, a moderate-to-

severe TBI can cause loss of consciousness for 20 minutes to six hours or longer. Other symptoms may appear immediately or be delayed for days to weeks. After identifying the damaged brain pathways and assessing the likelihood of restoring nerve activity, Brown develops a treatment plan, which could include sensory, physical and cognitive exercises, to stimulate nerve growth and reestablish neural communication. Whether due to a TBI or stroke, it has been shown that combining the disciplines of neurology, functional neurology, functional medicine and clinical nutrition provides optimal results.

For more information, call 251-270-0162, email or visit See ad, page 5.

Move Better with Angel Curtin Certified yoga teacher and owner of Journey with Angel, LLC, is sporting a new location at 368 Commercial Park Drive in Fairhope. The studio offers a variety of yoga classes, ranging from $5 to $25 each. The new Hard Core Restore yoga class helps clients achieve true restoration with a monthly intensive reset. Journey with Angel also offers life, happiness and recovery coaching services, private yoga instruction and BeautyCounter skincare solutions. Curtin’s authenticity, drive and expertise create empowering personalized experiences and inspire clients with a renewed clarity of purpose. Curtin is a registered 500-hour yoga teacher (E-RYT 500) and Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider, as well as a certified yoga instructor for children. Since 2001, she has also been a licensed realtor and attributes much of her success to a daily yoga practice.

For more information call 251-423-7535, email or visit See ad, page 25.

How you look is how you feel. Going back to school? Searching for a new job? Starting a new relationship?

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September 2021







Time for a Natural Alignment Assessment Eastern Shore Rolfing® is celebrating 5 years in business and, as an anniversary special, is offering new and existing patients $20 off a single visit this month. Pam Reaves, certified Rolfer, treats clients from Mobile to Orange Beach helping them to relieve pain and improve posture. Rolfing involves the use of slow, intentional pressure on the body to help realign and hydrate tissue. Clients at Eastern Shore Rolfing have found relief from shoulder pain, low back pain, plantar fasciitis and many other impairments. Reaves is accepting new patients for a whole-body checkup that are interested in transforming their lives through the power of touch. “For many, the beginning of a new school year marks the beginning of a new year in every way,” says Reaves. “Slowing down often reveals aches and pains we have been ignoring, so it may be time to address your body in a whole new systematic way.” Rolfing Structural Integration is a unique form of bodywork that looks at the whole body including lifestyle, posture and genetics. The techniques employed by a certified Rolfer helps people live with more ease and less pain.

Eastern Shore Rolfing, 151 Fly Creek Ave., Ste 411 (inside Eastern Shore Chiropractic), Fairhope. For more information call 251-990-8383 or visit See ad, page 29.

End of Life Compassionate Pet Care End of life care for a beloved pet is a time often rife with concern and secondguessing. How to handle the decisions that arise can be gut-wrenching and agonizing for pet parents as it is easy to be overwhelmed by fears, doubts and even a sense of guilt.” All these emotions are completely normal. After all, our pets are a piece of our hearts and our lives. Just as each pet is unique, as is each family and situation, so too are the answers to end of life questions,” says EverLoved veterinarian Dr. Lydia Sullivan.


850-687-0825 8

EverLoved Veterinary offers guidance and understanding in making the best possible choices for family pets, allowing families to have greater confidence and peace of mind during this journey. Though caring for a geriatric or terminally ill pet is a very personal experience, it is not one that must be faced alone. Sullivan is an expert at helping navigate there path, offers compassion and comfort for ever loved pets. EverLoved provides veterinary home hospice, acupuncture and euthanasia services. Home euthanasia gives families a way to provide a peaceful passing in the secure comfort of home and surrounded by the love of family. It is also an opportunity for the family to say goodbye in a calm, comfortable and private environment.

For more information on home hospice care, call 251-229-1043, email or visit See ad, page 23.

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

supplement spotlight



ccording to Medical Expo EMagazine, multiple studies are now ongoing around the world to determine whether supplements of common nutrients and vitamins could help ward off infections of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.Treating the disease by limiting its inflammatory effect on the lungs and other organs. What is clear is that the greatest benefit of supplements is likely for people who suffer from specific nutrient deficiencies. Many nutrients and elements influence the resilience of the human immune system. Among these, vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc stand out as some of the most important. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin known for its role in supporting a healthy immune system. Because the body cannot make vitamin C, it must come from food or supplements. Research shows that vitamin C is essential for the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body and is a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen the body’s natural defenses. Vitamin D is one of the most important immune system strengthening nutrients that can reduce the risk of colds and flu. Some research has shown that healthy levels of vitamin D help keep the immune system healthy and may protect against respiratory illnesses. A recent study shows that patients hospitalized with Covid-19 that had sufficient levels of vitamin D had a decreased risk for adverse outcomes and death. Zinc, a nutrient found throughout the body, helps the immune system

and metabolism function. It’s also important to wound healing and the senses of taste and smell. Low levels of zinc can increase the risk of infections, such as pneumonia. Quercetin is a flavonoid that is found in many plants. It can be consumed in foods such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, berries and others. Quercetin may have benefits for some airway infections. Olive leaf extract comes from the leaves of the olive tree and has a variety of health benefits. Research shows oleuropein, the main component in olive leaf extract, has antioxidant, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating properties. With the Covid-19 pandemic currently showing no signs of abating, there has been much speculation about whether these supplements could play a role in both the prevention and treatment of the virus.

Look for these and other supplements at Virginia’s Health Foods in Mobile or Fairhope Health Foods. For more information call Fairhope Health Foods, 251-928-0644, or Virginia’s Health Foods, 251-4793952, or visit See ad, page 2. September 2021


business spotlight



has worked for others and how it has helped their medical conditions.”

wner, Aaron VanHauter of Simply CBD has earned Google status as the highest ranked CBD store in Alabama by providing his customers with an experience. Simply CBD is a spa-like environment that is relaxing and conversational. VanHauter routinely spends ample time with customers, as he provides samples, educates and illuminates about CBD products. By listening to a customer’s struggles, VanHauter can recognize the source of their pain, then provide education as he offers a variety of solutions to try. Above all, he wants to know what issues people are having and how he can help. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is effective for numerous issues including inflammation, pain, anxiety, depression, ADD, cancer, sleep, PTSD, diabetes and more. All mammals have an endocannabinoid system, but as the body ages, the naturally occurring cannabinoids decrease. In order to create homeostasis, plantbased CBD products can be used as supplements to mimic the cannabinoids the body used to make. But back in 2018, VanHauter didn’t know this. He was running a digital marketing company and had CBD advertisers that were looking to get noticed online. He sought to learn about and understand the products by going to conferences, taking online courses, talking with suppliers and gaining as much information as possible to understand all the forms of CBD and how each product works for different issues. He discovered something that changed everything. “What I then considered to be a fad was actually helping change people’s lives,” says VanHauter, who then looked for the best CBD product available. In August 2019, VanHauter opened Simply CBD, but only after spending six months looking at different companies.Through diligent trials with many “seed-to-shelf” CBD enterprises, he was sure he had found the best available products from the best available suppliers. “In each of its forms—gummies, oils, capsules, pain creams, etc.—we carry the top brand in any given category,” he says.

And while the products are high quality, it’s the customer service that has ranked this store at the top. “We take our position as advisors very seriously,” says VanHauter. “We’re not doctors but we can advise and help customers understand what 10

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

It’s a complicated industry and not all products are effective for everyone. Consumers are wise to seek out experts to wade through the complexities. VanHauter notes that “80 percent of what’s out there is not developed in certified labs.” Indeed, American Pharmaceutical found that one out of three CBD products contained no cannabinoids, and two out of three only some cannabinoids. One of the most amazing testimonials VanHauter has received is from one of his first customers, a cancer patient in her 60s who had received her fourth diagnosis. Skeptical that anything could help her, she visited Simply CBD for a recommendation. After she stayed on a specific type of CBD that is known to inhibit cancer cell growth, her surgery was repeatedly postponed and three years later she still has not had the planned surgery. VanHauter himself has his own CBD success story. As a Type 1 Diabetic, he used CBD products for two months and lowered his A1C (blood sugar benchmark) by 1.2 points, and that was without changing his diet or level of exercise. CBD helps the pancreas work more efficiently. VanHauter has heard success stories from people that have dealt with sleep issues, cancer, pain and more. He’s happy to relate stories to all that stop in to help create new success stories. All ages are being helped. Parents bring in their children with a variety of attention and learning issues. Seniors are finding relief from pain with topical creams. There are many ways to use CBD. VanHauter regularly leads conferences and workshops at the YMCA, Thomas Hospital, Orange Theory and for medical professionals that then refer their patients to him. “The bottom line… go somewhere you trust to someone that does their homework,” he says. Because CBD metabolizes differently with everyone, it can take 15 to 20 days to be effective, but in VanHauter’s experience, it works nine out of ten times. Customers can try products in the store and after purchase, all products are guaranteed.

For more information, call 251-586-8890, email or visit See ad, back cover.

THC: A Closer Look For decades, THC, a cannabinoid of the cannabis plant, has been talked about in the wellness industry. In 1964, Raphael Mechoulam identified and isolated the plant-derived molecule. THC is believed to have evolved to mimic anandamide, which is a cannabinoid produced by the human body naturally. The word “anandamide” is derived from the Sanskrit word “ananda,” which means “bliss, joy and delight.” This is fascinating and important because hundreds of plant-derived cannabinoids are able to interact harmoniously with the body’s endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is a biological entity shared by humans as well as other animals, and it contains numerous receptors that are constantly engaging within the body to promote homeostasis—that is, a true state of optimal balance and well-being. The two types of receptors are CB1 —predominantly focused on neurological cells; and CB2—located within immune tissues. When different molecular compounds enter the body (specifically, cannabinoids), depending on the exact structure of the molecule, it can positively impact and influence the endocannabinoid system. Many people don’t realize that “THC“ is not one specific compound with one genetic fingerprint. There are several variations of THC, called chemical analogs, and these analogs distinguish various types of THC from one another. These unique THC compounds feature some similarities as well as relatively minor differences. These differences impact the way the body reacts to them and whether they comply with the law. Get to know the family of compounds under the THC umbrella to better distinguish what’s in products when shopping and how the compounds can affect mind and body. For more information, visit


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September 2021


health briefs

Plant-Based Meals Reduce Severe COVID-19 Risks

vegan liftz/

Eating more plants than meat is not only good for the planet, it might also be protective against COVID-19 severity, reports a new study in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health. Researchers from Johns Hopkins and other universities analyzed web-based responses from almost 2,900 frontline doctors and nurses in the U.S., France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK that had been significantly exposed to COVID-19, 95 percent of which were doctors and 70 percent males. Those that ate a plant-based diet, described as high in vegetables, legumes and nuts, and low in poultry and meats, were 73 percent less likely to contract moderate to severe COVID-19. Those with pescatarian diets allowing fish were 59 percent less likely. However, those following low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets had 48 percent greater odds of moderate to severe COVID-19. “Our results suggest that a healthy diet rich in Eating two servings of fruit a day lowers the risk of nutrient-dense foods may be considered for protection developing Type 2 diabetes by 36 percent in five years against severe COVID-19,” researchers concluded. compared to eating less than half a serving, suggests research from Australia’s Edith Cowan University Institute for Nutrition Research. The study followed 7,676 people and found that higher total fruit intake of apples, bananas, oranges and other citrus fruits was linked to better measures of glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. The same pattern did not hold for fruit juice. Previous U.S. cohort studies have found that eating three servings per week of certain fruits lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes by the following percentages: blueberries (26 percent), grapes and raisins (12 percent), apples and pears (7 percent) and bananas and grapefruits (5 percent). Three servings of cantaloupe, however, raises the risk by 10 percent.

mikhail nilov/

Healthy Choices Mitigate Cognitive Health Reduction


Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

A Chinese study of 6,160 adults 80 or older found that a healthy lifestyle cuts the risk of cognitive impairment by half, even if a person carries the APOE ε4 gene that is linked to cognitive loss and Alzheimer’s. Researchers used data from the ongoing Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey to determine the eating, exercising and smoking habits of subjects. They found that those with healthy lifestyles were 55 percent less likely to be cognitively impaired and those with intermediately healthy lifestyles lowered their risk 28 percent. This reduction was greater than the increased risk of cognitive impairment resulting from the APOE ε4 gene, which was 17 percent.

doxiao productions/

Certain Fruits Can Protect Against Diabetes

Expectant mothers that follow a healthy diet from conception through the second trimester lower their risk of such pregnancy complications as gestational diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia and preterm delivery, concludes a new study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development surveyed nearly 1,900 women at two points in their pregnancies. Their responses were scored according to three measures of healthy eating: the Alternate Healthy Eating Index, Alternate Mediterranean Diet and Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet. All three emphasize consuming fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes, while limiting red and processed meat.


Stay in Tune with Our Body Clock to Sidestep the Blues Being an early bird or night owl is more than a matter of preference: A person’s natural rhythms are dictated by 351 genetic variants, scientists have found. New research published in Molecular Psychiatry shows that sleeping out of sync with that inborn body clock makes a person more likely to experience depression, anxiety and reduced well-being. Researchers from the UK University of Exeter used genetic data on more than 450,000 people to determine their natural body clocks, including whether they identified themselves as a morning or evening person. Data from the digital wrist devices of 85,000 people was also used to measure the “social jet lag” of variations in sleep patterns between work and free days— when early birds stay up late to socialize on weekends or night owls wake up early for work. The researchers found that being genetically programmed to be an early riser protects against major depression and improves wellbeing, perhaps because society’s 9-to-5 working pattern coincides with early risers. Generally, morning people had a lower BMI and were older, more likely to be female, of higher socioeconomic status and less likely to be current smokers than evening people.

shvets productions/

Lower Pregnancy Risks with a Healthy Diet

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global briefs

Happy Homes

Fitter Fodder

Wild Bees Thrive on Forest Deadwood

ralph gnonlonfoun/

Farm Waste Doubles as Construction Material Agricultural waste (agro-waste) such as manure, leaf litter and crop residues may not be thought of as likely raw materials for sustainable construction, but with traditional materials like concrete eliciting a negative environmental reputation, implementation of agrowaste is being explored around the world. Recycling, as an important part of agro-waste’s green potential, is making the use of construction materials more organic and sustainable, and helping reduce landfill issues. A 2018 study, Agro-industrial wastes and their utilization using solid state fermentation: a review, notes agrowastes are an eco-friendly means of manufacturing “biofuels, enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants, animal feed, antibiotics and other chemicals.” This same study observed, “Many agro-industrial wastes are untreated and underutilized, therefore disposed of either by burning, dumping or unplanned landfilling, which contributes to climate change by increasing greenhouse gases.” Another study found that integrating agrowastes such as sugarcane bagasse, rice husks and groundnut shells improved the construction materials by enhancing their sustainability properties, boosting their durability and reducing costs.

Scientists from the University of Freiburg surveyed the German Black Forest National Park to determine the number of tree species, how the trees are scattered, the heights of individual tree crowns and if there are fallen trees or hollowed-out tree trunks. They found that creating deadwood in coniferous forests is a promising restoration measure to promote an abundance of aboveground nesting bees. Their findings, “Wild Bees Benefit from Structural Complexity Enhancement in a Forest Restoration Experiment,” were published in the journal Forest Ecology and Management. As part of an experiment, structural richness was artificially created in 2016 on several sample plots by felling and uprooting 20 spruce trees per plot, creating deadwood and small gaps. Six other plots were left in their natural state as a control group. The researchers compared how many wild bees were in the different plots in June 2018 and 2019. Results show that deadwood increases the abundance and biodiversity of wild bees. Professor Dr. Alexandra Klein, head of the Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, says, “In the course of climate change, forest areas will be increasingly characterized by deadwood and sparse areas caused by storms, droughts or bark beetles. As a result, forest habitat will increase in importance for wild bees.”

Penny Pincher


Electric Vehicles Demand Far Less Maintenance


The U.S. Department of Energy Argonne National Laboratory reports that overall maintenance costs for a light-duty, battery-powered car are around 40 percent less per mile than for a gasoline-powered model. Not only do they not require motor oil, they also have no timing belts, oxygen sensors, fuel filters, spark plugs, multiple-speed transmissions and other parts. The difference is on average for gasoline-powered cars—10 cents per mile; hybrid cars—

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

nine cents per mile; and electric cars (EV)—six cents per mile. EVs may have a higher initial investment cost, but their lower maintenance and increased mileage make them especially attractive to companies or government agencies with large fleets of vehicles. Motor Trend magazine estimates that an all-electric fleet of the federal government’s light-duty vehicles would be $78 million cheaper per year to maintain than if it were entirely gas-powered.

Finny Friendship

Holy Cow

Worldwide Shark Extinction Risk


A study by Global FinPrint (Tinyurl. com/SharkMap) discovered sharks to be absent from many of the world’s coral reefs, indicating they are “functionally extinct”, that is, too rare to fulfill their normal role in the ecosystem. Of the 371 reefs surveyed in 58 countries and territories, sharks were not observed on nearly 20 percent, indicating a widespread decline that has gone undocumented on this scale until now. Other studies of shark populations show a decrease of more than 70 percent over the last 50 years. According to nonprofit Oceana, more than 73 million sharks are killed and traded annually. An article in Nature lists overfishing as the primary cause and found that three-quarters of shark species are threatened with extinction. On June 8, World Oceans Day, the Senate took steps to ban U.S. commercial shark fin trade. The Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act is part of the broader United States Innovation and Competition Act. Similar legislation has been introduced in Congress with more than 130 bipartisan cosponsors, but has not yet become law. Industry resource SeafoodSource notes that fishing industries in the U.S. have traditionally opposed bans, citing our successful management of shark fisheries.

Artificial Milk is Next ‘Frankenfood’ The contemporary factory-farmed meat and dairy-producing industry is an egregious polluter, and just as the crisis has inspired “fake foods” like the Impossible Burger, genetically recombined Trichoderma reesei fungus is producing synthetic versions of dairy proteins casein and whey for Perfect Day, a company founded in 2014 by two vegan bioengineers looking for an animal-free milk. The cow genes used can be obtained from hair or even a swab, and are catalogued in free scientific databases. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already given the genetically engineered proteins the status of Generally Recognized As Safe, although it’s unknown what the long-term consequences of ingestion will be. Vandana Shiva, a founder of Navdanya, an Indianbased, non-governmental organization that promotes biodiversity conservation, biodiversity, organic farming, the rights of farmers and the process of seed saving, says, “On a small scale, you can help by supporting your local organic and regenerative farmers by purchasing their goods at local farmers’ markets or purchasing your meat and dairy products directly from your local farm, while avoiding lab-produced fake food for the sake of your health and the planet’s.”

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September 2021


healing ways

Conquering Chronic Pain How the Body-Mind Connection Works


by Ronica O’Hara


or three decades, David Hanscom was a top-ranked orthopedic surgeon in Seattle who daily put the scalpel to injured, deformed and twisted spines. Privately, he writhed in pain himself. He was beset over 15 years with burning feet, insomnia, tinnitus, anxiety, skin rashes, crushing chest pain, depression, sweats, heart palpitations and tension headaches, among other symptoms. That put him among the estimated 50 million American adults afflicted with chronic pain for which relief is hard to come by and often short-lived. The standard medical approaches of surgery and injections often don’t work well or last long for many patients, research shows. Opioids, once a standby, are now prescribed sparingly after being implicated in half a million overdose deaths. Treatment is especially elusive for the one in six adults and 30 to 40 percent of primary care patients with pain or chronic conditions considered “medically unexplained”. As a result, integrative pain management, which focuses on both mind and body and incorporates medical and holistic approaches, is growing in importance. Major medical centers such as the Mount Sinai Health System and Cleveland Clinic, as well as practitioners such as chiropractors and homeopaths, offer dozens of modalities to turn around painful conditions. Sometimes a single simple method works quickly for a patient with a 16

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straightforward symptom; more often, it takes a combination of approaches over time to reverse pain, especially if it is complex, sustained or recurring. Launching on his own healing path, Hanscom came to a critical understanding: The abuse he had suffered as a child from a rage-filled mother, coupled with emotional repression and a fierce drive to excel as a surgeon, produced his high levels of anxiety. It turbocharged his central nervous system and set off a cascade of reactions that fed ever-rising levels of pain. “Your mind and body function as a unit with no separation,” he says. “Chronic pain results when your body is exposed to sustained levels of stress hormones, excitatory neurotransmitters and inflammatory protein. Your brain is sensitized and the nerve conduction speed is faster, so you physically feel more pain. It’s not ‘all in your mind’—it’s a normal physiological process.” After six months of intense inner work focused on his rage, Hanscom calmed his overwrought nervous system and his symptoms “essentially disappeared.” He began applying his experience to hundreds of spine patients, helping the great majority of them to avoid surgery altogether. In the book Back in Control, he describes his approach, which is designed for people with pain that is not caused by underlying structural or organ issues. He recommends these initial steps.

n Getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, which may require sleeping pills or natural methods. n Doing expressive writing twice a day,

which involves writing down in longhand

whatever is on the mind using graphic and descriptive language for 10 to 30 minutes, and then promptly tearing it up. Neurological research shows that this simple practice rewires the brain. “Some people experience remarkable pain relief right away,” he says.

n Practicing “active meditation” throughout the day by mindfully focusing each time on a sight, sound or sensation for five to 10 seconds.

For deep, sustained healing, he stresses the importance of forgiveness, gratitude, self-discovery, exploring a spiritual path, relearning playfulness and connecting with others. Medication may be necessary initially, he says, and as pain levels recede, most people become ready to improve their diet and exercise more. Understanding the mind/body connection is key in pain management, concurs gastroenterologist David D. Clarke, M.D., author of They Can’t Find Anything Wrong!

PROMISING PAIN RELIEF THERAPIES In the offices of holistic practitioners and in some medical centers, a wide range of integrative modalities to treat chronic pain are healing the afflicted. Some commonly used options, which can be part of a multipronged approach or effective individually, include:

n CBD. Studies show this cannabis-derived substance, the non-mind-altering

form of marijuana, acts on multiple pain targets in the central and peripheral nervous systems. It has demonstrated pain-relieving effects for neuropathy, some cancers, arthritis and irritable bowel disease, among other conditions. A University of Michigan study of 878 people with fibromyalgia that had used cannabidiol (CBD) products found that more than 70 percent had substituted it for opioids or other pain medications, with many stopping them altogether as a result. With research mounting, almost every state now allows CBD use in some form.

n TURMERIC/CURCUMIN. The Indian spice that makes curry yellow has potent anti-inflammatory properties, especially in formulations that combine it with piperine (black pepper) to enhance bioavailability. A meta-analysis in Oxford Pain Medicine of eight randomized controlled trials of curcumin involving 800 patients with muscle pain, osteoarthritis or postoperative pain found that it effectively lowered pain levels without adverse reactions, outperforming nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol (ibuprofen) for knee osteoarthritis pain. n HYPNOSIS. By lowering the fear and anxiety that aggravate pain sensations, hypnosis reduces pain as effectively as many other approaches at a relatively low cost. A meta-analysis of 18 studies found that 75 percent of people, including those with both acute and chronic pain, received substantial relief from hypnotic techniques without side effects. In a University of Washington study, patients kept practicing self-hypnosis after completing the study even if it had not relieved their pain, saying it gave them better sleep, lower stress and a greater sense of calm and well-being. Hypnotherapy treatment usually involves four to 10 sessions and is often covered in full or in part by insurance companies or Medicare.

and president of the Portland, Oregonbased Psychophysiologic Disorders Association. “When medical evaluation shows no problems with organs or structures, then the pain is being generated by the brain, similar to what happens in phantom limb pain, where people feel pain in the location of an amputated arm or leg,” he says. “Chronic pain generated by the brain generally occurs due to stress, an emotional/psychological trauma or strong negative emotions (often toward people the patient cares about) that are not fully recognized. Often, these issues began due to adverse childhood experiences, which can be anything you would not want a child of your own to endure. I recommend people explore these possibilities on their own, with a loved one or with a therapist.” That process might sound daunting, but so is suffering crippling pain. “The most important thing for people to know is that pain can be successfully treated, relieved and often cured with the right techniques,” says Clarke. Health writer Ronica O’Hara can be reached at

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Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

ART’S EMBRACE Healing Through Creativity by Sandra Yeyati


rt can be a powerful force for healing. Its potential manifests in a disabled man’s triumphant dance or cancer patient’s stirring self-portrait. Throughout America, art’s redemption takes center stage at hospitals, nursing homes, jails and homeless shelters. Even an entire city can be transformed when its citizens embrace public art to add beauty, create community and heal its broken places.

Art in Medical Settings According to Jill Sonke, director of the University of Florida (UF) Center for Arts in Medicine, approximately half of U.S. hospitals have art programs that provide positive distraction, enjoyment and connection. To humanize otherwise intimidating environments, visual artists and musicians are employed to install appealing exhibits and play relaxing music. Artists also work at the bedside with patients as part of inter-professional care teams. Serving as an artist-in-residence early in her career, Sonke remembers a young female patient with sickle cell disease whose bouts of extreme pain required hospitalization. Dance sessions eased her suffering and enabled doctors to reduce pain medications. “The way the patient described it was not that the pain was going away, but that she didn’t mind it as much because she was enjoying dancing,” she says. While facilitating Dance for Life classes for Parkinson’s patients, Sonke encountered a man suffering limited mobility and an inability to form facial expressions. After two months of biweekly sessions,

he could lift his arms over his head and, to his wife’s delight, smile again. “It’s that multimodal capacity of the arts,” Sonke explains. “All at the same time, he was engaging in music, movement and imagery. He was moving with others and experiencing joy and laughter.” According to Sonke, ongoing research seeks to pinpoint the public health benefits of art. In Britain, they have learned that people over 50 visiting museums or concerts once a month are almost half as likely to develop depression in older age. Other studies suggest that music can unlock memories and improve cognition. UF researchers are currently investigating whether live music in emergency and trauma care settings can reduce the need for opioids. “When people engage in the arts, they often enter into a flow state, that experience of losing yourself in art where we lose track of time and what we’re doing is intrinsically motivated,” Sonke says. “A flow state can engage a relaxation response, helping to reduce stress and anxiety, which can enhance immune function.”

Art Therapy for Cancer Patients Board-certified art therapist Mallory Montgomery helps cancer patients in Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospital work through symptoms of depression, anxiety or trauma. “Any person seeking a talk therapist or social worker could also consult with an art therapist,” she says. “We have the same training, but use art instead of just words. Evidence suggests that art therapy accesses healing faster because you’re forging a deep mind/body connection.” When counseling a double mastectomy patient that has questions about who they are now that they’re missing a part of their identity, Montgomery might offer a printed body map so that they can pinpoint where they carry feelings of loss, pain or confusion. “By drawing or coloring in those areas, I’m asking them to show how they’re being affected physically, emotionally and spiritually, and to externalize the overwhelming, negative side of their problem,” she explains. Using a second body map, Montgomery might invite the patient to draw or paint in those same areas to transform the pain into something more positive. “Is it going to blossom like a flower or be soothed with water? What imagery can you create that represents the opposite of your pain or an improvement of your concerns? We might also do a portrait to highlight other aspects of you and your personality that still exist, even though you no longer have a body part that was killing you,” she says. Montgomery’s emphasis is never on the quality of the art. “I walk the fine line between allowing patients to problem-solve how September 2021


to make something look like what’s in their head and providing them with comfort and intervention so they don’t get so frustrated that they want to give up,” she notes. Montgomery keeps a visual journal for her own self-expression. “It helps me make sense of the world,” she says. “Art gives my voice and thoughts an outlet, something concrete and representational that reaches into the depth of what I’m experiencing.”

Redemption Songs in Skid Row

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About 10 years ago, violinist and recording artist Vijay Gupta took a wrong turn and ended up in Skid Row, a disadvantaged downtown Los Angeles neighborhood. “It felt like a gut punch,” he recalls. “I saw the gross inequality between Walt Disney Concert Hall where I performed for the LA Philharmonic and a community of 5,000 people less than two miles away sleeping in tents in extreme poverty.” To uplift and inspire people recovering from homelessness, addiction and incarceration, Gupta founded Street Symphony in 2011 as a series of concert performances by world-class musicians. “One of our first venues was the Department of Mental Health,” he recalls. “After the second movement, the young violist I was performing with turned to the audience with tears in his eyes and said, ‘I’ve loved playing for you because I can feel your hearts.’ He shared that his mother had grappled with schizophrenia, his father was a prison guard and whenever he played for his family, he felt more connected to them. That’s when I began to see him as a human being who was in deep need of this work himself.” Gupta has learned firsthand that healing is a two-way street. “When I come to Skid Row, I’m the one who feels lifted,” he says. As a result, Street Symphony has morphed into a collection of workshops and conversations that also employs jazz, reggae, hip-hop and West African musicians and vocalists from the Skid Row community. “We might play 30 minutes of music and then ask the audience what images, thoughts or memories came up for them,” he explains. In this community, art is neither entertainment nor a commodity, Gupta says.

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

“It’s a lifeline; a way for people that have been devastated by poverty, addiction or trauma to add to their lives in a constructive way. We all have devastated places within ourselves that need healing and attention. Visiting Skid Row is a pilgrimage to the broken place within myself, and in that way, it’s a spiritual place; my temple where I go to worship.”

Creative Care for People with Dementia Drawing from her theater background, Anne Basting, author of Creative Care, has developed an innovative approach to dementia and elder care. “Our current caregiving model envisions one person that’s empty and has lots of needs and the other person that’s full and pours themself into the other person, which leads to burnout,” she says. “Dementia and aging are experiences of increasing separation. People isolate themselves and learn not to trust their own expressive capacities, because their relatives and friends no longer know how to relate with them and often ignore their words.” Basting’s Creative Care changes this depleting dynamic. “In improvisational theater, you observe everything that’s happen-ing on stage and try to figure out how you can add to the performance positively,” she explains. “Applying that idea to a care situation, you observe the person’s facial expressions, what they’re saying, how they’re behaving and then invite them into expression out of that moment with what we call a ‘beautiful question’, one that has no right or wrong answers and draws on the person’s strengths.” A beautiful question might be, “If your feet could talk, what would they say?” This offers people with pain a poetic way to express it. “I invited a gentleman with dementia who had no language—no words left—to show me how water moves. His response was the most beautiful dance I’d ever experienced, performed in the kitchen of his duplex,” Basting recalls, adding that it’s important to acknowledge the person’s expression so they know they’ve been heard. The final step in Creative Care is to accumulate these experiences over time and

studio melange/

Magic Garden Philadelphia’s is a non-profit organization, folk art environment, and gallery space. It is the largest work created by mosaic artist Isaiah Zagar

shape something larger and universally meaningful that can be shared with others—an artistic product. Basting founded the nonprofit TimeSlips to train artists and caregivers worldwide to do this visionary work. Their efforts have resulted in art exhibits, dance and theater productions, books and animations. “My dream is that meaning and beauty will be made every day in nursing homes, creating care settings so interesting that people want to visit them—a new kind of cultural center, integrating health and art,” she says.

Transforming a City with Public Art More than 4,000 works of public art grace the city of Philadelphia, three-quarters of which are breathtaking murals that combine world-class paintings and images with provocative words and healing messages. Art permeates virtually every neighborhood on walls, billboards, sidewalks, rooftops, swimming pools and basketball courts, enriching people from all walks of life, even those that don’t have access to galleries and museums.

Sit, Breathe, and Relax

“Public art lifts our spirits, provides us with beauty and inspires us,” says Jane Golden, founder and executive director of Mural Arts Philadelphia (MAP). “It can be evocative, challenging and educational, as well, serving as a barometer of our time—a system of checks and balances and a mirror that we hold up to people and say that your life counts and you matter.” In addition to sponsoring 75 to 100 new works every year, MAP’s $10 million budget funds programs related to criminal justice, art education, housing insecurity, behavioral health, community development and environmental justice. According to Golden, the healing power of art is not just in the mural, but also in its collaborative creation. In addition to artists and educators, hundreds of people work on these projects, including individuals grappling with addiction or homelessness, veterans with PTSD and immigrants and refugees facing isolation and stigma. “The act of creating is a meditative and healing experience, and because you’re part of a larger effort, it connects you to your community,” Golden says. “People start to feel a sense of purpose and value. They start to believe in themselves again.” Sandra Yeyati, J.D., is a professional writer and editor. Reach her at SandraY


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natural pet

HORSES AS HEALERS Equine Therapy has Physical and Emotional Benefits by Julie Peterson


establish routines, structure and a sense of responsibility—all skills that are transferable to daily life.

Equine Psychotherapists Equine-assisted psychotherapy involves counseling with a mental health professional and time riding or caring for a horse. The horse is considered a co-therapist. Forming a relationship with an animal that weighs 1,000 pounds or more may be intimidating, but the required vulnerability and trust is part of the process.

“Horses show us how to live together in harmony. They teach us about acceptance of others and of ourselves,” says Marcy Tocker, clinical mental health counselor and founder and executive director of Grey Muzzle Manor Sanctuary, in Mohrsville, Pennsylvania. “In some cases, I see results more quickly using equine therapy than solely with office therapy. I also see more motivation from typically resistant clients because this can actually be fun, too,” says Meagan Good, a counselor and owner of Take Heart Counseling & Equine Assisted


orses are being increasingly used to help people work through emotional and physical challenges, and for good reason: Numerous studies have shown that equine-assisted therapy helps with anger, anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder and dissociative or other emotional problems. It works whether the therapy involves riding or simply feeding and grooming. Building the relationship increases people’s selfconfidence, social skills, trust, empathy and emotional regulation, and helps them


Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

Therapy, in Wernersville, Pennsylvania. “Horses are relationship-oriented and intuitively sense and honestly respond to the emotions of those around them, which makes the horse-human bond a powerful healing mechanism.” “Horses have similar emotions to humans—they get stressed out, happy, impatient. That’s why equine-assisted services are so popular,” says Traci Leigh, equine manager and instructor at Dream Riders TLC, in Crystal Lake, Illinois.

Therapeutic Riding Beyond working as co-therapists for emotional issues, horses are excellent for occupational, speech and physical therapy. “Riding a horse rhythmically moves the rider’s body in a manner similar to a human gait. Their pelvic movement is the same as ours, so riders with physical needs often show improvement in flexibility, balance, muscle strength, circulation and breathing,” says Pamela J. Rogan, founder, executive director and certified therapeutic riding instructor at Harmony Farms, in Cocoa, Florida. “It will also enhance a rider’s quality of life, build confidence, independence and selfesteem. This is particularly true of riders with emotional or behavioral disabilities.” Research shows that children and adults with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke and other conditions that affect motor control saw improvements in balance, gait, gross motor function and posture after several weeks of equineassisted treatment.

Horses at Work “I look for horses who are not afraid of new things, but curious about them … a horse that thinks through a new situation, that expresses himself freely and that enjoys interacting with humans,” says Good. “From there, my professional team works on building a relationship with that horse so that the horse feels safe to build relationships with clients who may or may not have any horse background.”

Horses are relationshiporiented and intuitively sense and honestly respond to the emotions of those around them, which makes the horsehuman bond a powerful healing mechanism. There are certifications and advanced courses that ensure appropriate training of the therapists and instructors, the safety of the people receiving services and the training and well-being of the horses. Reputable organizations include the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (, the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International ( and Natural Lifemanship ( “In addition to requiring that the horses are quiet, gentle animals and physically and mentally sound, they are trained to be desensitized to noise, wheelchairs, walkers and different types of therapeutic equipment that riders may need for safety or postural assistance,” says Leigh. Her horses get four weeks off every year and

work a schedule that ensures ample time to rest and recharge during the day. “The horse is a co-therapist. They are doing a job, and it’s a not an easy job,” says Tocker. “To ensure the well-being of our equine therapists, they get ample time off and massages. They’re taking on a lot, so we want to make sure they don’t burn out.” “I have horses that seem to step in and ‘protect’ clients when they are feeling vulnerable. I have horses who try to help regulate the anxious client by breathing or yawning or nuzzling,” says Good. “For the most part, we trust the horses to just be themselves, and what they bring is always helpful for the client.” “Horses are able to be present and focus solely on what is going on around them. They do not think about the future or the past or judge people based on what they look like or what experiences they may have had,” says Tocker. “I feel like I witness miracles every time I do a session at the barn.” Julie Peterson writes about health and wellness from rural Wisconsin. Reach out at

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fit body

YOGA TO HEAL TRAUMA Soothing Poses Calm the Nervous System


by Marlaina Donato


etting on the yoga mat can be a powerful stress-buster that lowers blood pressure and excessive cortisol, but yoga can offer an added boon for those living with the lasting effects of traumatic events. Trauma-informed yoga (also called trauma-sensitive yoga) is a promising therapeutic branch of the yogic system designed to quell the body’s programmed “fight-or-flight” responses. Founded on yoga, psychology and neurobiology principles, the approach is in harmony with the ancient yogic concept of 24

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samskaras, or memories imprinted on our cellular consciousness. People from many walks of life can benefit from trauma-sensitive yoga including bullied teens, women rebounding from abuse and anyone impacted by pandemic turmoil. Research published in the journal Military Medicine in 2018 reports that U.S. veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that participated in a one-hour vinyasa-style yoga session for six weeks showed significantly lowered post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, as well as less insomnia, depression and anxiety.

Trauma-Intelligent Fitness Yoga performed with trauma sensitivity can pick up where talk therapy leaves off, targeting the amygdala, the danger detector in the brain, and the vagus nerve that runs from the brain to the abdomen, which plays a vital role in processing trauma. “Somatic processing and treatment methodologies like yoga are now being used to help repair and rebuild distressed nervous systems, which in turn helps the brain integrate and ‘file’ distressing memories,” says Beth Shaw, founder of YogaFit Training Systems Worldwide, the largest yoga teacher training school in North America, and the author of Healing Trauma with Yoga: Go From Surviving to Thriving with Mind-Body Techniques. The Fort Lauderdale-based yoga therapist and entrepreneur highlights the body’s role in trauma and stress. “The brain rewires itself around the traumatic event and memories stored in the tissues throughout the body. Yoga can help to free those memories, alleviating troubling emotions and thought patterns, as well as chronic somatic tension and hypervigilance.” Shaw draws upon new psychological and neurological discoveries, including polyvagal theory, that help explain the full impact of trauma and most importantly, how and why yoga helps to lessen these impacts. Trauma-informed yoga keeps the nervous system in mind, excluding poses and breathing techniques that might provoke a sense of vulnerability or overstimulation. Trained teachers adhere to non-touch assistance methods and often opt for well-lit studios to avoid a possible triggering atmosphere. A trauma-informed yoga teacher knows the inner workings of the nervous system,” explains Mandy Eubanks, a traumatrained yoga educator and certified yoga instructor in Tulsa. “We have respect for the variety of responses that our clients have to yoga, meditation and breathwork practices. For example, we understand deep breathing will be calming to one person and agitating to another. We normalize clients’ responses and work with them to find an effective technique for that individual.” Teachers with specialized training and access to props can also support people on a yoga journey that are limited physically. Eubanks emphasizes, “Yoga truly is for everyone and every body.”

The Power of Choice and Individuality Lisa Danylchuk, the Oakland-based author of Yoga for Trauma Recovery: Theory, Philosophy, and Practice, underscores that in a

trauma-informed environment, everything a teacher instructs is an offering or invitation. “This is important because people who have endured trauma have often not had a say over what happens to their bodies. A good trauma-informed class cultivates somatic and psychological resources, and focuses, above all, on cultivating a sense of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual safety.” The founder of The Center for Yoga and Trauma Recovery believes it’s important to be responsive to individual needs. “Trauma affects so many different individuals and groups of people and in such a variety of ways that it is impossible to give one prescription. Some people might benefit from a weekly, 60- to 90-minute vinyasa-style class. Others might benefit from a short, five-minute daily restorative practice.” Shaw also stresses a tailored approach. “How one wishes to practice is up to the individual, but I suggest a combination of both one-on-one instruction and class format. If someone is in the throes of trauma, they will need a private session to start.” Eubanks adds the importance of consistency. “In my experience, it is about finding which yoga practices work best for the client and then encouraging them to find time to practice every day. Yoga for PTSD is not a one-and-done deal. It takes time, effort and belief in oneself.” Marlaina Donato is a body-mind-spirit author and recording artist. Connect at


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wise words

Martha Beck on Living with Integrity by Sandra Yeyati


monthly contributor to O, The Oprah Magazine, for the last 17 years, Martha Beck, Ph.D., is a Harvard-trained sociologist and New York Times bestselling author of nine nonfiction books, one novel and more than 200 magazine articles. Her most recent book is The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self.

of meaning in your life. Without a sense of purpose, our lives start to feel dull, and then we start to experience anger, sadness, grief, irritability, anxiety and depression. If we don’t pay attention, our bodies start to give out because we’re deeply biologically programmed to tell the truth. Our career and relationships start to fall apart, and often we end up being addicted to cope with the pain.

Why did you write this new book? They say the truth will set you free, so 30 years ago, I decided I wouldn’t lie once for an entire calendar year, and it completely changed my life. Ever since, I’ve done integrity cleanses: If anything doesn’t feel like my real self, if it isn’t what I really want to do or what I truly believe, I just won’t do. I started my last integrity cleanse seven years ago, and I’m still in the middle of it because it’s so liberating, dramatically improving my health, business and relationships. After 30 years, I have a method, so I decided to share it with people.

How do you define integrity? The word comes from the Latin integer, meaning whole or undivided. In engineering, if an airplane is in perfect structural integrity, it can do amazing things. But if its parts aren’t all working in harmony with each other, it may not take off, it may be impossible to steer, it may crash. Being in harmony with your true self enables you to do all the things that will most fulfill you and to realize your destiny if you believe you have one—and I believe we do.

Why, when and how do we lose sight of our true selves? From the moment we’re born, we start 26

How do we regain our integrity?

getting messages from people about how they’d like us to behave. We try to do it to fit in, to belong. When someone tries to get us to do something that isn’t true for us, we abandon ourselves and decide to do what pleases them. Every person I’ve worked with, including psychopaths and murderers, has at some point said, “I need to please people. I need to be admired. I need to be liked. I need to be accepted.” It’s such a deep part of the psyche that we will abandon our own comfort to satisfy it, and we won’t even know that we’re out of integrity.

How does this inner conflict manifest itself? When you stray from your integrity, it’s an abandonment of self. You’ll feel a deep but sometimes subtle unease. Most of us are trained not to notice, but if you’re not paying attention to your own truth and what you really want, you eventually develop symptoms. The most painful is loss

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

You feel what you’re feeling and notice any place you’re uncomfortable, which is information that’s always available to you. Many of us are frightened to do that and maybe haven’t done it for many years, but once you find out you’re not comfortable, I advise making a series of one-degree turns away from the things that aren’t right for you, nudging yourself gently toward things that make you happy every day. As you edge your life in that direction with small changes, enormous things can happen.

What are the benefits of living with integrity? Any time we yearn for something in a very deep, intense way, it’s always immediately given to us, but it’s sent to the place that is our real home, which is peace. It waits for you there. When you get into your integrity, you find incredible peace. And at that point, everything you’ve wanted in your whole life seems to be waiting for you. Peace is your home. Integrity is the way to it, and everything you have ever longed for will meet you there. Sandra Yeyati, J.D., is a professional writer and editor. Reach her at SandraYeyati@


The Power of the Written Note by Julie Peterson

Talk-Write Don’t get stuck when pen hits paper, just imagine what would be said out loud and write those words. Our words won’t sound like the poem in a store-bought card, but words from the heart are better because they are personal and likely more meaningful to the recipient. The reader will hear the writer’s voice in the note. Be honest and sincere.


jacob lund/

Write and Repeat

irthdays, weddings, holidays and other momentous occasions have long been celebrated with cards and letters. The rise of emailing, texting and social media has made writing letters a forgotten treasure as many of us have instead come to use quick but fleeting messages via technology. Perhaps it’s time to bring back the nostalgia, the handwriting and a box full of stationery for all occasions. A handwritten note ensures someone will know we took the time to think, write and send. Here’s how to get started.

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Nothing inspires writing notes more than a box or drawer full of inviting cards and paper. Cards that are blank inside are multi-purpose. Stickers and beautiful postage stamps can make an envelope look like a gift. Get a few good pens in a variety of colors and start writing.

Make writing a habit by sending three notes each week. If nothing spurs a thank-you, then send a card just to say hello or give appreciation. Perhaps it’s a “remember when” or an “I miss you” note. Browse through contact lists to get inspiration. If nobody strikes a chord for a note, write a self-praise letter. Be sure to list your best and most lovable qualities and put it in the mail. It will be a nice warm-fuzzy surprise when it arrives. These kinds of letters and cards are like loving hugs. For some, a sweet note via mail or tucked somewhere to be discovered may be a much needed joyful spark. Julie Peterson writes from Wisconsin. Reach her at

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Be Thankful After receiving a gift or an act of kindness, send a thank-you card or letter. Do it soon after the event, so that the memory is fresh and the note will contain specifics. But even if it’s for something that took place farther in the past, “better late than never” certainly applies.

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September 2021



green living

Healthy Cookware How to Choose Non-Toxic Pots and Pans by Amy Coyle


rganic and locally sourced foods are eco-friendly and contribute to better health, a greener world and thriving communities. However, once the food is cooked, it may no longer be as healthy, depending on the cookware used. The myriad options, from classic pots and pans to the latest modern synthetic materials, can be confusing, but there are some basic factors to watch for in choosing environmentally sound and chemical-free cookware.

Pots and crocks derived from pure, uncontaminated clay are excellent for slowcooking stews and sauces, particularly recipes containing acidic foods like tomato or cabbage. Cooking foods in earthenware dates back 15,000 years.


Cast Iron

Pure ceramic cookware is made with clay and baked in a kiln. If made in Latin America, including Mexico, such items may contain high lead levels. It’s recommended that these pieces not be used to cook, serve or store food. A kit is available to test for contaminants, if desired.

For classic, durable and versatile cookware, cast iron, although heavy, will last a lifetime. While some iron can transfer to food, it’s difficult to measure and depends on


Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

the pan and the food. Naturopathic doctor Kara Fitzgerald, in Newtown, Connecticut, suggests caution. “If you have a history of iron overload (hemochromatosis), you should avoid cast iron cookware, especially for acidic foods.” Enameled cast iron has a nonstick, porcelain coating and is unaffected by acidity. Research published in the Japanese Journal of Hygiene suggests that the risk of acute or chronic toxicity associated with the use of this cookware under normal circumstances is extremely low.

Stainless Steel Stainless steel cookware is easy to clean and durable. It releases low levels of nickel and chromium if used to cook acidic foods, which is only a concern for those with corresponding sensitivities or allergies.

Copper High-quality copper pots and pans have a long lifespan and heat foods evenly. They are usually lined with stainless steel or tin to prevent toxicity. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends staying away from unlined copper cookware because copper can leach into acidic foods like tomatoes, fish, processed meats, grains and citrus fruits. When the coating starts to wear off lined copper, it’s time to replace the pot or pan.

Ceramic-Coated Aluminum Aluminum dipped in a ceramic mixture is safe to use, but wears away over time. To preserve the surface longer, refrain from using metal utensils or scouring pads or putting it in the dishwasher. Once the coating is compromised, the cookware may be unsafe due to aluminum toxicity. Look for ceramic-coated pans that are PFA-, PFOA-, lead- and cadmium-free.


Glass Glass cookware is a healthy option if it’s new and handled carefully. Glass is an inert material, so nothing reacts with it or leaches from it. However, it can break easily if exposed to extreme temperature changes. If any chips or cracks develop, discard it.

Nonstick Teflon coating, made from polytetrafluoroethylene, is for many consumers the go-to coating for nonstick cookware, but studies show that the chemical leaks into food at high temperatures or when scratched. Prior to 2013, the “forever chemical” perfluorooctanoic acid was used in the manufacturing process. Although discontinued after studies showed a possible link to cancer, older Teflon pans and those made in foreign countries still may pose a risk. Overall, the American Cancer Society considers Teflon safe. Caution should be used; however, once Teflon reaches 464° F, according to the Environmental Working Group, it begins to deteriorate. At 680° F, at least six toxic gases are released which may cause flulike symptoms. Still, some cooks find nonstick cookware to be convenient because the surface works for most foods. “As long as the coating on your nonstick pots and pans is intact without scratches, then they should be safe to use. Nonstick cookware is budget-friendly and easy to clean,” says San Luis Obispo County, California, nutritionist and cookbook author Carrie Forrest of

Healthiest Choice “Stainless steel, cast iron and ceramiccoated pans don’t fully match the old-style nonstick ease, but are much better for you,” says kitchenware product researcher and designer Adam Heck, creator of TheGood, in Toms River, New Jersey. “Grab a nonstick ceramic pan and use it only for busy days or super-delicate foods …. with proper care, you can enjoy years of use. Then, grab cast iron or stainless steel for everything else,” suggests Forrest. In the final analysis, the best cookware choice may be a variety of pots and pans for different meals and varied health concerns. Amy Coyle is a freelance writer in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.

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September 2021


conscious eating


Cooking with Wild Mushrooms


by April Thompson


ild mushrooms can infuse exciting new flavors and textures into familiar dishes, along with a taste of the local terroir, the natural habitat, from woods to plate. “I first encountered wild mushrooms through local foragers, then later from specialty food purveyors who would fly mushrooms from around the world into our kitchen. They were the most unique ingredients I could find, offering colors, flavors and textures I had never experienced … pure catnip for a chef,” says Alan Bergo, a Minnesota chef and author of The Forager Chef ’s Book of Flora. Recipes at feature more than 60 species of wild edible fungi, from common deer mushrooms to prized porcinis. The intriguing flavors of wild mushrooms in part come from their diets, akin to the difference between grain- and grass-fed meats. “For fungi, their food is their habitat. Cul30

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

tivated mushrooms have less variety of the micronutrients and secondary metabolites that can add flavor to a wild mushroom,” says Eugenia Bone, a New York City food journalist and editor of Fantastic Fungi: The Community Cookbook. Foraged fungi also offer a host of nutritional benefits surpassing commercially grown mushrooms. Wild mushrooms like chanterelles and morels can contain up to 1,200 international units (IU) of vitamin D

per serving, whereas commercial mushrooms, typically grown in dark conditions, contain less than 40 IU, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. While foraging is the most satisfying way to procure wild mushrooms, they are becoming increasingly available through farmers’ markets, online purveyors and gourmet stores. Some species that grow wild throughout North America such as oysters, maitake (hen of the woods) and lion’s mane are also grown commercially; these can be suitable for transitioning from buying to hunting. Sam Fitz, owner of ANXO Cidery & Tasting Room, a neighborhood taproom in Washington, D.C., picked up mushrooming when COVID-19 hit, in part mentored by the restaurant’s wild food purveyor. Fitz started ANXO making hyperlocal ciders from crabapples foraged on bike rides through the nation’s capital, salvaging fruit that otherwise would go to waste. Today, the seasonally focused menu often features wild fungi and other foraged ingredients from savory tartelettes made with beech and hedgehog mushrooms to cocktails

made from bitter boletes. One of ANXO’s signature dishes is a vegan “chicken of the woods” sandwich, served hot, Nashville-style. This orangecolored tree mushroom, also known as sulphur shelf, has a taste, texture and color that so closely resembles chicken that many recipes use it as a meat substitute. “People are so blown away by its meaty texture they can’t believe they are being served mushrooms,” says Fitz. When preparing mushrooms, “Forget what you know about cooking vegetables,” says Bone. “Also forget the notion that mushrooms are too delicate to take washing or high heat. Mushrooms are extremely hardy because of the chitin in their cell walls, a compound that is more like fingernails than the cellulose of plants. You can cook mushrooms twice and they will still retain their integrity.” Because the amino acids in mushrooms respond to heat more like meat than vegetables, Bone suggests searing mushrooms on the grill or under the broiler. “A slice of maitake will cook beautifully on the grill,” she says.

When cooking a particular species for the first time, Bone recommends ovenroasting the mushrooms wrapped in parchment paper. “When you open up the parchment, you can really smell the mushroom. It’s a wonderful way to pick up subtle flavor differences and see how the mushroom handles,” she says. Since fungi take on all sorts of shapes and sizes, Bergo suggests letting a mushroom’s morphology inform how to cook it. Lion’s mane, for example, has a texture that mimics crabmeat, so faux crab cakes make a fun dish that honors its form. “Chefs tend to chop things up, but I prefer to cook many mushrooms whole, especially when they have interesting shapes,” says Bergo. One of the chef ’s go-to preparations of oyster mushrooms is to toss large pieces in seasoned flour or brush them with mustard, then bake until crispy. “They turn into cool-looking, crispy croutons you can put on a salad or eat as a snack,” he says. Connect with Washington, D.C., freelance writer April Thompson at

Wild mushrooms are a culinary delight, but beginning foragers should harvest with caution. The forager’s rule of thumb is to be 100 percent sure of an identification 100 percent of the time given that toxic lookalikes can exist. It’s also important to try a small amount of a mushroom the first time around, as some individuals can respond adversely to a particular species despite its general edibility.

Hen of the Woods Steaks 4-oz pieces of hen of the woods (Grifola frondosa) mushrooms, broken into large clusters Kosher salt Cooking oil as needed, about ¼ cup Clean the hens by swishing them in cool water, gently peering inside the caps to make sure they are cleaned, trimming with a paring knife as needed, then allowing to drain on paper towels. Heat the oil in a pan or on a griddle until hot, but not smoking. Add the mushroom clump and season with salt, placing a weight—like a rock, log, crumbly wood or cinder block wrapped in foil or a pan— on top, then cook until the underside is deeply caramelized, then flip and repeat.


Alan Bergo,

yield: 1 serving per 4 ounces mushrooms

If the pan gets dry, add a little more oil. When both sides of the mushrooms are deeply caramelized and browned, serve immediately, with extra finishing salt on the side. Recipe from Alan Bergo, September 2021


Sicilian Chicken of the Woods Here is a traditional Italian preparation for chicken of the woods (Laetiporus sulphureus or Laetiporus cincinnatus), flavored with wild monarda leaves and served with charred bread rubbed with garlic. yield: 4 to 6 servings

Heat the oil in a wide pan with high sides. A cast iron skillet will work, but isn’t ideal as the sauce is acidic. Add the mushrooms and cook until they’ve given up their moisture, then push them to the side of the pan, add a little extra oil if the pan looks dry, or if the mushrooms were very juicy. Add the garlic to the clean spot of the pan, then arrange the pan off-center on the burner so that the heat is focused on the garlic.

Meanwhile, lightly oil the bread and char on a grill. It should have good black spots, but not be ashy. Rub a garlic clove gently into the toasted bread slices, press-

ing down so that it “melts” into the bread a bit—don’t go crazy, a little goes a long way. Double check the seasoning of the mushrooms for salt and chili, adjust as needed, then serve the stewed mushrooms with the grilled garlic bread on the side. Drizzle some oil over the top to give the dish an attractive sheen. Spoon the mushrooms and their sauce on the bread and eat. Leftovers make killer mushroom hoagies a la cheesy meatball sub sandwiches. Recipe from Alan Bergo,


Sweat the garlic in the oil slowly until it’s light golden and aromatic, then add the shallots and cook for 1 minute.

Add the crushed red pepper directly to the garlic and shallot, cook for a moment more, then deglaze the pan with the wine, tossing in the bay leaf. Reduce the sauce by one half, then add the tomato puree, water, capers or olives, bergamot or other herbs and cook until the mixture is thickened lightly and the mushrooms are coated with a rich sauce, about 15 minutes.

photo by Alan Bergo,

1 lb young tender chicken of the woods, sliced ¼- to ½-inch thick 1 large clove garlic ¼ cup mild or extra-virgin olive oil mixed with flavorless oil, like grapeseed (plus 1 or 2 Tbsp extra if the pan threatens to dry out), along with a drizzle at the end 1 large shallot or small yellow onion 1 Tbsp sliced Monarda fistulosa (also known as bee balm or wild bergamot) or fresh mint or oregano Crushed red pepper flakes or hot chili to taste 1 Tbsp capers or a small handful of Castelvetrano olives (or other green olives) 2 dried bay leaves ¼ cup dry white wine ¼ cup water or stock 1½ cups seedless tomato puree or tomato sauce Grilled high-quality bread, preferably slightly charred, for serving 2 whole fresh garlic cloves as needed for rubbing into the bread


Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

Warm Endive and Oyster Mushroom Salad


2 Tbsp olive oil ½ cup minced shallots 1 tsp sliced garlic 1 to 2 tsp grated ginger Freshly ground black pepper 6 oz oyster mushrooms 1 Tbsp white or black sesame seeds 2 marinated white anchovy fillets, chopped 2 Belgian endives, leaves separated and cut into 2-inch sections ½ Meyer or regular lemon Pinch of kosher salt ⅓ cup chopped fresh cilantro or flat-leafed parsley for garnish 2 whole scallions, chopped diagonally for garnish Drizzle of high-quality white truffle oil for garnish (optional) Grated Parmigiano cheese for garnish (optional) In a wide skillet, heat the olive oil over medium high heat. Add the shallots and garlic, and sauté until golden, a few minutes. Stir in the ginger and pepper to taste. Tear the oyster mushrooms into bite-sized pieces and add. Cook for about 5 minutes, flipping the mushrooms over, until they release their liquid. Add the sesame seeds and toast them in a bald spot in the pan for a minute or so. Turn the heat down to medium, add the anchovies and endives, and cook until the endives wilt, a few more minutes. Take off the heat, add the lemon juice and season with salt. Garnish with the cilantro and scallions, and optionally, white truffle oil and a sprinkle of the cheese.


The book that has c hanged the lives of millions Paperback, only $8.50 Also available in eBook and audio editions

Recipe by Annaliese Bischoff from Fantastic Fungi: The Community Cookbook, edited by Eugenia Bone.

Natural Awakenings recommends using organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and nonbromated ingredients whenever possible.

w w w. AYa n n i ve rs a r y. o rg September 2021


healthy kids

Creative Kids

How to Nurture Imagination

jacob lund/

by Ronica O’Hara


oung children are naturally curious and inventive, yet research shows that their creative thinking skills peak at around age 6 and start to decline once they start formal schooling—a trend that’s accelerating in recent years with kids’ heavy digital use. This doesn’t bode well for their future on our rapidly changing planet. “Our world continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate. It’s estimated that many of the jobs we will need in 10 or 20 or 30 years haven’t yet been invented,” says children’s education psychologist Charlotte Reznick, Ph.D., author of The Power of Your Child’s Imagination. “Kids of today need to stretch their creative juices to come up with these new jobs and prepare for an ever-challenging and changing world.” Parents are integral in nourishing creativity, but according to research from the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, the role of parents is less about “teaching” creativity and more about creating a fertile environment in which creativity will take root, grow and flourish. Establishing that rich forum involves some simple strategies. 34

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

Encourage their curiosity. “An attitude of curiosity connected to wonder, acceptance, flexibility and openness can bring out innovation and novelty,” says Reznick. That means not only being responsive to kids’ questions like, “Why do strawberries have seeds on the outside?” but also engaging their imagination to explore the world and to solve everyday problems. “Ask them, ‘What would it take to finish this project?’ Make it fun, brainstorm and mind-map, rather than make linear lists,” she suggests. “Ask open-ended questions, perhaps a bit out of the norm. ‘How did you feel when you were writing that short

story? What colors crossed your mind as you were singing? What music was flowing through your body as you were painting?’ The idea is to mix things up a bit to allow a new take on your child’s emerging creativity.” Let them follow their bliss. “The biggest mistake I see parents making in wanting to encourage creativity is leading their children and telling them what to do,” says Jen Lumanlan, host and founder of the research-based parenting podcast YourParenting “When we instead see our role not as being the Sage on the Stage but rather the Guide on the Side, we don’t have to drag the child through a curriculum kicking and screaming; instead, the child asks us for more opportunities to follow their interest. They will ask insightful questions, read books, watch videos, draw their ideas, consult with experts, put on plays, develop an understanding of the world with their whole bodies (not just their heads) and teach others. It’s truly incredible to see.”

THE AFTERLIFE FREQUENCY THE AFTERLIFE FREQUENCY: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How That Awareness Will Change Your Life by

Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer


World-renowned 4th generation psychic medium and Oxford educated attorney Mark Anthony bridges the divide between faith and science in this fascinating afterlife exploration taking you around the globe, from the cosmic to the subatomic, into the human soul itself. Combining physics, neuroscience and riveting true stories this book:

Make creativity easy. Having lots of paper, paints, pens and other craft items on hand in a place where a child can easily access them enables creativity to flow when the mood hits. “You don’t have to have a huge budget for supplies. Save old cardboard boxes, empty paper towel rolls, cereal boxes and scrap paper. Give your child some markers and masking tape. I bet you’ll be amazed at what

• Reveals how our “Electromagnetic Soul” is pure eternal energy which never dies.

I turned off the screens and stopped trying to provide entertainment for my children and the results were amazing.

• Provides hope for victims of grief, homicide, suicide, PTSD and survivor’s guilt.

can be created from the simplest materials,” says Liam Davies, a Berkeley dad of two who blogs about sustainable family fishing at “Have plenty of loose parts available. Loose parts can be anything your child turns into something else,” suggests Maria Kemery, of Philadelphia, who blogs at the parenting website “Bottlecaps become money, scarves become a doll’s dress, clean recycle bin items become robot parts or a collection of acorns becomes a bowl of soup. Having an assortment of loose parts encourages your child to engage in symbolic play (substituting one item for another), which builds creativity.”

“To put it bluntly, this is an “amazing book that deserves to be enjoyed by millions of readers.”

Allow them to be bored. “Kids often complain they are bored. I love that, because bored is also where new ideas come from,” says Reznick. “Our mind abhors a vacuum, so sooner or later, a creative spark will ignite.” That’s what Lorton, Virginia, mom Lauren Schmitz, who blogs at, witnessed. “I turned off the screens and stopped trying to provide entertainment for my children and the results were amazing. My middle child, who is the most screen-obsessed kid that I know, started doing things like making her own magazine, building dioramas and putting on plays. She suddenly wanted to paint, build a robot and learn about aerial dancing. Boredom is the best way to give a child space to think, create, imagine and build.” Natural health writer Ronica O’Hara can be reached at

• Takes spirit communication, near-death experiences, and deathbed visions out of the shadows of superstition and into The Light of 21st Century Quantum Physics. • Teaches Anthony’s “RAFT Technique” to Recognize contact with spirits, Accept it as real, Feel it without fear, and Trust in the experience.

• Illuminates how contact with spirits is a powerful instrument of healing and love.

Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health, University of Arizona and author of “The Afterlife Experiments”.

“Mark Anthony shows that while we cannot control death, we can control how we understand and react to it in healthy ways.” Bruce Greyson, MD, co-founder of IANDS and author of “After: A doctor Explores what Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond”

Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer author of The Afterlife Frequency and his other best sellers, Never Letting Go and Evidence of Eternity is cohost of The Psychic & the Doc on The Transformation Network and columnist for Best Holistic Magazine. He appears nationwide on TV and radio as an expert in spirit communication, near-death experiences, paranormal phenomena and as a legal expert. ®

To get your copy go to: Amazon, fine book stores or Also available on audio, narrated by Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer (Psychic Lawyer ) ®

® September 2021


eco tip

Shedding Light on Lightbulbs The Ins and Outs of Our Options

INCANDESCENT BULBS, the iconic symbol for a bright idea, were the only option until the early 2000s. They’re hot to the touch and no longer easy to find because governments worldwide have ordered them phased out to lower energy consumption. Energy efficiency: Each bulb lasts one to two years, and 80 percent of the electricity is lost as heat. Cost efficiency: Estimated $4.80 to $7.01 annual cost of operation. Potential health risks: No toxic chemicals. They can cause burns or fires if hot from use.


Don’t be left in the dark when choosing lightbulbs. Lighting accounts for up to 20 percent of a household’s energy bill, and untold numbers of bulbs end up in landfills. Let’s illuminate some bulb options to increase savings and reduce waste.

Proper disposal: Not recyclable. Throw away in garbage. COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHTS (CFL) were a great answer to the incandescent bulbs that came before them as far as energy efficiency, but they have disadvantages, as well. Energy efficiency: About 65 to 75 percent more efficient than incandescent. Potential health risks: CFLs contain small traces of mercury a nd emit puffs of toxic powder when they break. Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s website for safe clean-up instructions. Proper disposal: Go to to search for nearby CFL disposal facilities. LIGHT EMITTING DIODES (LED) bulbs are here to stay and illuminate the majority of households. To compute old bulb wattage compared to LED wattage, divide roughly by five or six. For example, a 60-watt incandescent bulb is equivalent to a 10-watt LED. It’s not an exact equation, but it’s close.


Cost efficiency: Estimated $1.25 to $1.75 annual cost of operation.

Energy efficiency: Up to 83 percent more efficient than incandescent. Potential health risks: Age-related macular degeneration is more likely with high exposure to low-intensity “blue light”; however, the warmer glow from LEDs typically used in home light fixtures is not the culprit. The “blue light” LEDs are typically glowing from computer screens, mobile phones and other devices or appliances. Proper disposal: Big-box and local hardware stores often offer free or low-cost recycling, as do online recyclers and local facilities because there are no toxins or hard-to-recycle wires. 36

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition


Cost efficiency: Estimated $1.19 annual cost of operation per bulb.

calendar SUNDAYS Discounts on Supplements – Every Sunday get 15% off supplements at Fairhope Health Foods (251-928-0644) and Virginia’s Health Foods (251479-3952). 280 Eastern Shore Shopping Center, Fairhope, AL and 3055-A Dauphin St, Mobile, AL. Yoga at Soul Shine Yoga – Heated and unheated classes in studio and online on demand. Visit our website and sign up for our new client special. Soul Shine Yoga, 103B N Bancroft St, Fairhope, AL. 251-225-4597. Open Table Worship Service (United Church of Christ) – Progressive Christian worship. Weekly podcast of sermon, song and interview available on our website (under “sermons”) no later than 10am Sunday mornings. 11am gathering for prayer and connection via Zoom. 251-545-1011. Baha’i’s of Fairhope Diversity Devotions – On hold due to the pandemic restrictions. Contact for more information and to participate in online gatherings to celebrate our unity and strengthen the spiritual health of the community. Fairhope Unitarian Sunday Service – 11am12pm. Currently held inside and streamed on Zoom. Different guest speakers each week—either a member of our congregation or someone from the surrounding community. Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship, 1150 Fairhope Ave, Fairhope, AL. Mobile Bay Makers Market – 11am-3pm, 2nd and 4th Sundays. Open air, sustainably driven market showcasing 25+ local artisans and growers. Music. Food trucks. Year-round. Family and dog friendly. Free. South Park of Fairhope Pier, Fairhope, AL.

MONDAYS Yoga at Glow – Join us for indoor and outdoor classes at our studio plus virtual classes via live stream and YouTube. Glow Yoga, 314 E 21st Ave, Gulf Shores, AL. 251-968-4569. Yoga at Soul Shine Yoga – Heated and unheated classes in studio and online on demand. Visit our website and sign up for our new client special. Soul Shine Yoga, 103B N Bancroft St, Fairhope, AL. 251-225-4597. Yoga at True – A peaceful place to find mindbody wellness. Check our schedule online and on social media for this week’s classes. True Mind + Body Wellness, Daphne, AL. 251-250-9440.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. ~C.S. Lewis

Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong. ~Ella Fitzgerald Yoga with Chris McFadyen – 7:45-8:45am. Join Chris McFadyen for some energizing yoga as his breath work, asana and flow calms the mind and also enhances and refocuses the body. Relocate your passion while finding your joy and humor smile to start your day! Also on Wednesday with Susan Kangal. Synergy Yoga & Pilates, Mobile, AL. 251-473-1104. Wholistic Health – Book a facial for 10% off total services. Wholistic Health, 7272 Theodore Dawes Rd #B, Theodore, AL 36582. 251-6076653.

TUESDAYS Yoga at Soul Shine Yoga – Heated and unheated classes in studio and online on demand. Visit our website and sign up for our new client special. Soul Shine Yoga, 103B N Bancroft St, Fairhope, AL. 251-225-4597.

WEDNESDAYS SAVE THE DATE Wednesday, October 6 John L. Borom Alabama Coastal BirdFest – Oct. 6-9. Enjoy guided walking tours and boat trips, workshops from beginner birding to bird and nature photography, to building a backyard habitat plus a free Bird & Conservation Expo. 251-9905004. MS Support Group – 11-12:30pm, second Wednesdays. Meeting for lunch every month at Cafe 98 in Fairhope. Family, friends and caregivers welcome. Cafe 98, Corner of 98 and Fairhope Ave, Fairhope, AL. Weezer: 251-928-7606. Group Health Nutrition Coaching – 5:30-6:30pm. Envision and create lasting change. Surround yourself with motivated people for accountability and encouragement and boost your resolve to meet healthy nutrition goals. Learn creative tools to effect these changes along the way. Group coaching is $150 for 5 weeks on Zoom. Michelle Smith, Good Life Health Coaching: 251-635-6250.

Praying for Peace Devotional Gathering – On hold due to the pandemic restrictions. Contact for more information and to participate in online gatherings to celebrate our unity and strengthen the spiritual health of the community.

Yoga at Soul Shine Yoga – Heated and unheated classes in studio and online on demand. Visit our website and sign up for our new client special. Soul Shine Yoga, 103B N Bancroft St, Fairhope, AL. 251-225-4597.

Yoga with Sarah – 9-10am. Take a break during your Tuesday morning and enjoy some fluid movement and grace – join Sarah Deshauteurs as her yoga adds energy to your day, a smile to your face and a bounce to your step... it will make your world right! Synergy Yoga & Pilates. Mobile, AL. 251-473-1104.

Guided Meditation & Singing Bowls – 7-8pm. Come relax and be inspired! Our crystal singing bowls are tuned to a frequency of 432HZ for deep meditation and sound healing. New to meditation? This experience is for beginners and pros alike. $10/person. Vitality Studios, 26992 Hwy 181 N, Daphne, AL. 251-895-7877.

Wholistic Health – Book a medical consult and receive 20% off vitamin supplements. Wholistic Health, 7272 Theodore Dawes Rd #B, Theodore, AL. 251-607-6653. Yoga Flow & Go – 8-9am. Yoga classes for all levels at new Fairhope studio. Ask about my new 1.5-hour Hard Core Restore healing yoga class that meets once a month! Venmo accepted. 60-min classes $10; 30-min classes $5. Journey with Angel Studio, 368 Commercial Park Dr, Fairhope, AL. 251-423-7535. 30-min Sun Salutation Class – 5:30-6pm. Yoga classes for all levels at new Fairhope studio. Ask about my new 1.5-hour Hard Core Restore healing yoga class that meets once a month! Venmo accepted. 60-min classes $10; 30-min classes $5. Journey with Angel Studio, 368 Commercial Park Dr, Fairhope, AL. 251-423-7535.

MELT Method class – 3-4pm. MELT is a simple self-treatment that helps prevent pain, heal injury and erase the negative effects of aging and active living. MELT is for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level, and can improve their longevity through self-treatment. Synergy Yoga & Pilates, Mobile, AL. 251-473-1104. Restorative Yoga with Patsy – 4:30-5:30pm. Been a tough week so far? No stresses and no worries! Join Patsy and ease down a relaxing path with some restorative yoga. Be supported by all the right props as the poses plus gravity gently melt away the anxieties of the day... oh yeah! Synergy Yoga & Pilates, Mobile, AL. 251-473-1104.

You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens. ~Mandy Hale September 2021


Yin Yoga – 5:45-6:45pm. A slow meditative practice that calms and balances the mind and body by reducing stress and anxiety. Seated poses are passively held for longer focusing on the deep, dense connective tissues and joints in the body creating tissues that are stronger, flexible and juicier. $15 drop-in rate. Vitality Studios, 26992 Hwy 181 N, Daphne, AL. 251-895-7877.

Yoga with Susan – 7:45-8:45am. Join Susan Kangal and enjoy her refreshing energy as she challenges you with a strong emphasis on alignment and focus while still calming the mind. Sink into the moment and experience the bliss—aaaah! Also on Mondays with Chris M. Synergy Yoga & Pilates. Mobile, AL. 251-473-1104.

Wholistic Health – 10% off for Military, Police, and Healthcare Personnel for any services. Wholistic Health, 7272 Theodore Dawes Rd #B, Theodore, AL. 251-607-6653.

Yoga at Soul Shine Yoga – Heated and unheated classes in studio and online on demand. Visit our website and sign up for our new client special. Soul Shine Yoga, 103B N Bancroft St, Fairhope, AL. 251-225-4597.

It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get. ~Confucius

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PRODUCTS PLANT-BASED SUPPLEMENTS – Get Greens, Chlorophyll, Oil Blends, Electrolytes, Cleansers, Herbal Teas & More. All organic. See Special Offer for Free Samples. 954-459-1134.

SERVICES ATTENTION BUSY PROFESSIONALS! Struggling to prioritize eating well, sleeping well, transforming stress into positive energy or just get moving? Certified Health Coach, Michelle Smith will help you get back on track. 251-6356250.



Gentle Yoga with Mary Ann – 12-1pm. A stressful morning? Synergy can fix that! Join Mary Ann Sinde in the land of “ahhhhs” for a relaxing hour long gentle yoga class to soothe the spirit, calm the mind, and replenish the soul - a Meditation in Motion to leave class refreshed & focused! Synergy Yoga & Pilates, 3152 Old Shell Rd, Mobile, AL. 251-473-1104. Yoga with Chris Dana – 10-11am. Take a break in the middle of the day to recharge. Join Dana to transform your body, relieve stress and relax your mind. Leave feeling on top of the world and really enjoy the splendor of the morning! Synergy Yoga & Pilates, Mobile, AL. 251-473-1104. Yoga with Chris McFadyen – 5:45-7pm. Join Chris McFadyen for some energizing yoga as his breath work, asana and flow calms the mind and also enhances and refocuses the body. Relocate your passion while finding your joy and humor– smile after a long day! Synergy Yoga & Pilates, Mobile, AL. 251-473-1104. Guided Meditation and Singing Bowls – 7-8pm. Come relax and be inspired! Our crystal singing bowls are tuned to a frequency of 432HZ for deep meditation and sound healing. New to meditation? This experience is for beginners and pros alike. $10/person. Robertson Gallery, 312 Marine St, Mobile, AL 36604. 404-429-1651. Wholistic Health – Book a facial today for 20% off all beauty products. Wholistic Health, 7272 Theodore Dawes Rd #B, Theodore, AL 36582. 251-607-6653. Yoga Flow & Go – 8-9am. Yoga classes for all levels at new Fairhope studio. Ask about my new 1.5-hour Hard Core Restore healing yoga class that meets once a month! Venmo accepted. 60-min classes $10; 30-min classes $5. Journey with Angel Studio, 368 Commercial Park Dr, Fairhope, AL. 251-423-7535. Angel.Curtin@

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. ~Zig Ziglar

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

30-Minute Meditation – 5:30-6:30pm. Yoga classes for all levels at new Fairhope studio. Ask about my new 1.5-hour Hard Core Restore healing yoga class that meets once a month! Venmo accepted. 60-min classes $10; 30-min classes $5. Journey with Angel Studio, 368 Commercial Park Dr, Fairhope, AL. 251-423-7535. Angel.Curtin@

FRIDAYS Yoga at Soul Shine Yoga – Heated and unheated classes in studio and online on demand. Visit our website and sign up for our new client special. Soul Shine Yoga, 103B N Bancroft St, Fairhope, AL. 251-225-4597. Wholistic Health – For any IV nutritional infusions book on Friday 10% off. Wholistic Health, 7272 Theodore Dawes Rd #B, Theodore, AL. 251-607-6653.

SATURDAYS MARK YOUR CALENDAR Saturday, September 11 Emerald Coast Holistic Health Expo – Sept 11-12. Explore, experience and embrace natural health, complementary medicine, holistic wellness and inspired living. Emerald Coast Convention Center, Ft. Walton Beach, FL. Yoga at Soul Shine Yoga – Heated and unheated classes in studio and online on demand. Visit our website and sign up for our new client special. Soul Shine Yoga, 103B N Bancroft St, Fairhope, AL. 251-225-4597. Farmers Market – 9am-2pm. Open Saturdays year-round. Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermens Market, 20733 Miflin Rd, Foley, AL. 251-709-4469. Peaceful Warrior Yoga with Angel – 10-11am. Yoga classes for all levels at new Fairhope studio. Ask about my new 1.5-hour Hard Core Restore healing yoga class that meets once a month! Venmo accepted. 60-min classes $10; 30-min classes $5. Journey with Angel Studio, 368 Commercial Park Dr, Fairhope, AL. 251-423-7535.

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local community directory Connecting you to local resources for natural and green living. To find out how you can be included in the directory, email or call 251-990-9552. TMAC’S HAIR STUDIO




Contact us to find out where you can find a copy of our 2021 Healthy & Green Living Directory issue or read it online at





Available at enrG-Wellness Orange Beach and Foley, AL 251-240-0842 • Vollara air purifiers use ActivePure Technology (NASA-certified space technology) to eliminate more than 99 percent of harmful pathogens in the air and on surfaces including viruses, bacteria, germs, mold, odors, allergens and VOCs.

AUDIOLOGY COASTAL ALABAMA HEARING Foley Location: 251-971-1152 Fairhope Location: 251-990-0535

Offering comprehensive and individualized hearing care: hearing evaluations; hearing aids, accessories and repair; cochlear implants; rehabilitation services and counseling for hearing loss; and educational seminars. Veteranowned. See ad, page 15.


8230 Spanish Fort Blvd., Ste. C Spanish Fort, AL 251-250-7343 Nautilus Hearing Clinic offers a personalized hearing health experience. Let us provide you with a comfortable environment and discuss your hearing needs. Insurance accepted. Follow us on Facebook: Facebook. com/nautilushearingclinic. See ad, page 29.

103A N. Bancroft St., Fairhope, AL 251-990-9934

Old Government, Mobile: 251-607-6666 2101 Hwy. 98, Daphne: 251-725-4334 A relaxing salon environment that is free of harmful chemicals, impurities and fragrance. Offering hair services, facials and massage with 100% organic products. See ad, page 27.


salon offering B-Butterfly Aorganic products

Carolyn Olson, Certified Thermographer Gulf Coast Locations from LA to FL 251-623-2225


FDA registered thermography offers breast screenings that are non-invasive and radiation-free, without compression or bodily contact. Valuable for detecting early stage breast disease and more. Also offering ElectroLymphatic Therapy. See ad, page 13.


and services including hair color and shampoo. Make a difference today in your hair, your life and the Earth. Visit us for a free hair exam today and go organic! See ad, page 7.

at Dynamic Therapeutics 9037 Independence Ave., Daphne, AL 251-459-0500 Achieve facelift results or slim and tone the body naturally. Cryoskin, a revolutionary machine from Europe, destroys fat cells permanently. No suction. No surgery. Results in 30 minutes. Learn more:


TruAura Skincare Specialist/Makeup Artist Daphne, AL • 256-508-0389 Skincare, anti-aging, cosmetics and body care that are pure, clean, safe and effective with zero harmful ingredients. Prebiotic/probioticbased and microbiomefriendly. See ad, page 20.


280 Eastern Shore Shopping Center 251-928-0644 Comprehensive health food store offering a range of CBD products: caps, soft gels, gummies, sprays, tinctures, topicals, mixed with ghee, teas, waters, hot cocoa, infused honey, pedicure powders. See ad, page 2.

VIRGINIA’S HEALTH FOODS 3055 A Dauphin St., Mobile, AL 251-479-3952

Comprehensive health food store offering a range of CBD products: caps, soft gels, gummies, sprays, tinctures, topicals, mixed with ghee, teas, waters, hot cocoa, infused honey, pedicure powders. See ad, page 2.

September 2021






Aaron VanHauter,owner 2005 Hwy 98 Daphne, AL 251-586-8890 • At Simply CBD our goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality hemp-derived CBD products in a multitude of ways, helping you experience the healing benefits you deserve. See ad, back cover.


81 Magnolia Ave., Fairhope, AL 251-928-5692 Join our gathering of people from diverse religions and backgrounds to celebrate unity and support the spiritual health of the community. (On hold due to pandemic restrictions. Email us to participate in online gatherings.)

FAIRHOPE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 1150 Fairhope Ave., Fairhope, AL 251-929-3207 •

Welcoming people of any age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or cultural background. We seek truth and knowledge, care for the Earth and show kindness to others while creating an atmosphere of love.

(Located inside Path to Wellness) 240 W. Laurel Ave., Foley, AL 251-597-8787

Offering Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Brainsway—a proven tool in the fight against depression that is non-invasive, painless and drug-free) with functional medicine and brain pathway rehabilitation for the most robust changes possible. See ad, page 5.


20733 Miflin Rd. (Co. Rd. 20), Foley, AL 251-709-4469 Open year round Tu e s d a y s ( 1 0 a m 3pm, Nov-Mar; 2-6pm, Apr-Oct) and Saturdays (9am2pm). During COVID-19 pandemic, open Saturdays only. Featuring local farms with seasonal produce, meat, eggs, honey, jellies, baked goods, seafood, hand-crafted soaps and more. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


280 Eastern Shore Shopping Center 251-928-0644 • Café: 251-929-0055

DEMENTIA MIND PERFORMANCE CENTER, LLC (Located inside Path To Wellness) 240 W. Laurel Ave., Foley, AL 251-597-8787

Our non-invasive, drug-free approach helps dementia patients that originally scored in the teens on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment be restored to the point of scoring normal (26-30). See ad, page 5.

Comprehensive health food store and organic café serving the public for 40+ years. Extensive supplement selection; organic groceries, produce and meats; bath and body products; bulk bins; pet supplies; baby products, CBD and more. See ad, page 2.

find out how to be

included IN THIS SECTION call 251-990-9552


Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition


Comprehensive health food store and organic café serving the public for 40+ years. Extensive supplement selection; organic groceries, produce and meats; bath and body products; bulk bins; pet supplies; baby products, CBD and more. See ad, page 2.


Certified Health & Wellness Coach 251-635-6250 Attention Health Conscious High Performing Professionals! Struggling to prioritize healthy eating, exercise, rejuvenation, restful sleep? Health coaches take you by the hand and offer self-discovery + tools you can use! See ad, page 3.


620 N. McKenzie St. Ste 200, Foley, AL 251-210-8615 Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and Family Nurse Practitioner Tara McLellan addresses the root cause of disease with integrative medicine—a blend of traditional western medicine and science-based functional medicine. See ad, page 17.


Susan Gillispie, Nurse Practitioner 7272 Theodore Dawes Rd. #B Theodore, AL • 251-607-6653 Wholistic Health works with you to define your health goals and ways to achieve your optimum health. It is important to treat the whole person, not just symptoms. See ad, page 13.





Charlotte Stutts, Creator and Owner 404-665-6614 We create one-of-a-kind healing jewelry with the intention to raise the vibration of humanity and the planet through healing energy exchange and healthy self-awareness. See ad, page 20.


A Coastal Alabama Kombucha Company We take pride in providing handcrafted, small batched kombucha infused with love, laughter and a dash of southern sarcasm. #blessyourgut Check our website for retailers. See ad, page 21.

MASSAGE THERAPY ELEMENTS THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE 6920 Airport Blvd., Ste. 111, Mobile, AL 251-342-6415

A therapeutic massage handcrafted just for you. Reduced stress, elevated mood and a strengthened immune system are all part of experiencing a therapeutic massage The Elements Way. Schedule an appointment today.


Jennifer (Adams) Killgo, LMT #3263 28170 N. Main St., Ste. C, Daphne, AL 251-616-4201 • Intuitive integrative massage techniques are used to facilitate the body into a state of healing without the “no pain no gain” mentality. Over 15 years experience in the bodywork and natural wellness field.

Alabama Coastal Birding Trail 251-990-5004 Alabama Coastal Birding Trail.South

From October 6-9, enjoy guided walking tours and boat trips, workshops from beginner birding to bird and nature photography, to building a backyard habitat plus a free Bird & Conservation Expo. See ad, page 2.

coming in the october healthy planet issue


Breast Health


Angela Day Fairhope, AL Call/Text: 404-429-1651 Psych-K practitioner, Reiki Master and Certified Life Coach offering Psych-K, life coaching, meditation, Reiki and sound bath/ crystal singing bowls. Become a magnet to what you want! See ad, page 20.


Meryl Hyderally Feng Shui Design Consultant 251-463-1862 • Gain a better understanding of who you are energetically and then discover how best to use the strengths of that energy to navigate a more productive and holistic approach to life. See ad, page 29.


Lydia M. Sullivan, DVM, CCRP, CVMA Serving Mobile and the Eastern Shore 251-229-1043 • Providing in-home, veterinary medical acupuncture (for all ages), plus gentle care of geriatric and terminallyill pets in the comfort of your own home. Hospice and euthanasia services available. See ad, page 23.

plus: water scarcity talking to kids about climate change

September 2021


coming in the october healthy planet issue

Breast Health and Living a Simpler Life





Betty Sue O’Brian, N.D., MS, CII 228-257-1946 • SINH offers virtual classes worldwide; based in Mississippi and Carolina Coasts. Check website, text or email for more information. Online classes available 24/7 in Iridology, Traditional Naturopathy, Herbalism and RBTI Reams Testing, and others. See ad, pg 4.


Anna Grantham, Certified Canine Herbalist and Dietician 251-455-3738 • From the farm to the treat in 72 hrs or less! Providing holistic paw- and skincare, dog treats, and fresh food. Recipes created to promote canine wellness. Facebook. com/FarmToTreat

Pam Reaves, Certified Rolfer® 22806 Hwy. 98, Fairhope, AL 706-681-2935

Rolfing® is a holistic approach to manual therapy that seeks to improve your health and function by reestablishing the natural alignment and structural integration of the human body. More information at See ad, page 29.


Carolyn Olson, Certified Thermographer Gulf Coast Locations from LA to FL 251-623-2225 FDA registered thermography (digital Infrared thermal imaging) offers breast screenings that are non-invasive and radiation-free, without compression or bodily contact. Valuable for detecting early stage breast disease and more. See ad, page 13.


3055 A Dauphin St., Mobile, AL 251-479-3952


Certified Health & Wellness Coach 251-635-6250 Attention Health Conscious High Performing Professionals! Struggling to prioritize healthy eating, exercise, rejuvenation, restful sleep? Health coaches take you by the hand and offer self-discovery + tools you can use! See ad, page 3.

An organic cafe offering vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free options. Open for lunch M o n d a y - S a t u r d a y. See ad, page 2.

RESTORATIVE YOGA plus: water scarcity talking to kids about climate change



Angel Curtin, E-RYT 500, YACEP 368 Commercial Park Dr., Fairhope, AL 251-423-7535 •

Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi Edition

Certified yoga teacher and real estate agent Angel Curtin offers weekly yoga classes and Hard Core Restore—a new monthly 1.5 hour class to focus on true restoration and healing. See ads, pages 11 & 25.

YOGA MASTERS OF YOGA See ads on page 11.

Copper Stops Germs Before They Spread

presents ever. This little jewel really works.” Frequent flier Karen Gauci had been suffering after crowded flights. Though skeptical, she tried copper on travel days for 2 months. “Sixteen flights and not a sniffle!” she exclaimed. Businesswoman Rosaleen says when people around her show signs of cold or flu, she uses copper morning and night. cientists have discovered a illnesses by over half and saved lives. “It saved me last holidays,” she said. natural way to kill germs fast. The strong scientific evidence gave “The kids had crud going round and Now thousands of people are using it inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made round, but not me.” against unwanted viruses and bacteria in a smooth copper probe with a tip to fit in Attorney Donna Blight tried copper the nose and on skin. the bottom of his nose. for her sinus. “I am shocked!” she said. Germs, such The next time “My head cleared, no more headache, no as viruses and he felt a tickle in more congestion.” bacteria, can his nose that felt A man with trouble breathing though multiply fast. like a cold about his nose at night tried copper just before When disease to start, he rubbed bed. “Best sleep I’ve had in years!” he germs get in your the copper gently said. nose they can in his nose for 60 In a lab test, technicians placed 25 spread and cause seconds. million live flu viruses on a CopperZap. misery unless you “I didn’t No viruses were found surviving soon stop them early. get sick,” he after. New device puts copper right where you need it. Hundreds exclaimed. Some people press of studies in the last 20 years by “Due to regulation we don’t copper on a lip right government and university scientists make health claims, so I can’t away if a warning tingle show that copper, a natural element, say if it is cause and effect.” suggests unwanted germs kills germs just by touch. “That was September 2012,” gathering there. The EPA officially declared copper he continued. “I have been using The handle is curved to be “antimicrobial”, meaning it kills it every time and have not had a and textured to increase microbes, including viruses, bacteria, single cold since then.” contact. Copper can and fungus. He asked relatives and kill germs picked up on The National Institutes of Health friends to try it. They reported fingers and hands after Dr. Bill Keevil: Copper kills viruses you touch things other says, “The antimicrobial activity of the same thing, so he patented on contact. copper is now well established.” CopperZap® and put it on the people have touched. Copper’s power to kill germs has market. The EPA says copper still works even been used for thousands of years. Soon hundreds of people had tried it. when tarnished. Buy once, use forever. Ancient Greeks and Egyptians used The feedback was 99% positive if they Made in America of pure copper. copper to purify water and heal wounds. used the copper within 3 hours after 90-day full money back guarantee. Price They didn’t know about microbes, but the first sign of unwanted germs, like a $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap now we do. tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat. with code NATA21. Scientists say the high conductance Early user Mary Pickrell said, “I Go to or call of copper disrupts the electrical balance can’t believe how good my nose feels.” toll-free 1-888-411-6114. in a microbe cell by touch and destroys “What a wonderful thing!” exclaimed Statements herein are not intended it in seconds. Physician’s Assistant Julie. Another and should not be interpreted as product Some hospitals tried copper for touch customer asked, “Is it supposed to work health claims, and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. that fast?” diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any They say this cut the spread of MRSA, Pat McAllister, 70, received one for disease. which is antibiotic resistant, and other Christmas and called it “one of the best ADVERTORIAL


September 2021



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