Annual 2021
Annual 2021
Annual 2021
Contents Preface
President’s Report 2021
Second Digital International Mercedes-Benz Club President’s Meeting
Hero Awards
Special Membership
National Committee 2021
Northern Regional Review
Western Cape Regional Review
Southern Cape Regional Review
Eastern Cape Regional Review
Central Regional Review
KwaZulu-Natal Regional Review
Star Events
Annual 2021
Contents 103
Preface Annual 2021
The driving force behind owning, investing in and cherishing an older Mercedes-Benz will always be for sentimental reasons.
e are often nostalgic about the years that we had to shift our car’s gears on the steering column and winding our windows up or down for better control over the climate. We so loved the days when the cars we drove had exhaust tail pieces that could burn white after a long roadtrip and when efficiency wasn’t measured by kilometers per litre, but by smiles per mile! Isn’t the real reason for investing in our beloved older Mercedes-Benz actually a yearning for an idealized past, contrary to the norm of the time we live in? Ladies and gentlemen, that idealized past is not that long ago. We are looking nostalgically in the rear view mirror and seeing the happenings for 2021 through our Club’s pair of spectacles - the Benz Lens. I feel humbled to be able to report on all the glamour and glories. Today I am thankful to report on a whole year of happenings in our wonderful Club and to highlight it for you. Dear reader, I present to you the Benz Lens Annual 2021. 2021 kicked off with the first Benz
Preface Stephen Kaalsen
Editor Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa
Lens of the the 36th volume where Prince and Princess Hohenlohe from Langenburg of the German Empire were on the front page. They proudly showed off their newly acquired Mercedes-Benz W111 220 in the attractive colour DB516 Mittelrot. We also reported on the Western Cape’s Anniversary lunch, their Breakfast Run and their Workshop Day. We went with the Northern Region to the garage of Wat Swaai Jy in Menlyn and visited Black Horse Brewery. Browsing through the Eastern Cape’s happenings, we saw Erald Hohls’s W202 C250, we read more about Rudi Le Roux’s Mercedes-Benz obsession and we took a trip to sunny Port Elizabeth in the article of Gareth Henning. Matt du Sart took us on a virtual trip with his article on the KwaZuluNatal region’s R/C107 pre-birthday celebration festivities in Umhlanga and we also paid a visit to the Bird of Prey sanctuary in Pietermaritzburg. Jaco Kachelhoffer from the Central Region told us more about the weekend that celebrated 50 years of the R/C 107
hosted by them, he wrote about their “Afskopbraai” and also told about their visit to “Piet se gat”. Aldo van Zyl wrote an article of a roadtrip with a C107 450SLC from the Southern Cape Region, and Waldo Scribante paid a last tribute to Chris Carlisle-Kitz who sadly passed away. The second edition of the 36th volume of the Benz Lens had Walt Disney’s timeless 230SL Pagoda on the front page. We had a decent virtual tour of the 36th AGM and National Gathering that happened in the beautiful sceneries of Graaff-Reinet. We had a bird’s eye view with the Stellenbosch Flying Club’s Breakfast Run hosted in the Western Cape, and we took a leopard’s leap with the Western Cape’s year end function. Roger Metcalfe wrote an interesting trip down memory lane, or is it a trip down a classic teutonic dream? We had a gracious look at the Northern Region, Eastern Cape, Central Region and KwaZulu Natal Region’s end of year functions. 2021 was a wonderful year filled with the most amazing memories from
all over the country. And without knowing it, we made memories as a club that we will be nostalgic about forever! The driving force behind owning a classic Mercedes-Benz will always be sentiment, but so will our membership of this esteemed Club be. We will always be sentimental about our friendships with each other as well as the good times we had. Not even to mention the good times with good people in good cars! Dear reader, sit back and enjoy this wonderful coffee table book. It is one of your most prized Mercedes-Benz memoirs! n
Volume 35 | No. 1
March 2020 DIE THE
M E RC E D E S - B E N Z
M E RC E D E S - B E N Z
June 2021
M E RC E D E S - B E N Z
MERCEDES-BENZ A Prince, A Princess and a Car with No Peer, a portrait. The formal dignity and mien of the Prince and Princess Hohenlohe is complemented by the proud, new Mercedes-Benz 220 photographed at the Hohenlohe shooting lodge. The Prince himself has been a Mercedes-Benz owner for decades because he has never found a car he considers to be better. Now, however, he is pleased to learn that tradition has not been despoiled. The new Mercedes-Benz models, through discreet improvements and evolutionary changes, also add to their heritage as cars of exemplary breeding ... carefully constructed for connoisseurs. MERCEDES-BENZ SALES, INC. (A subsidiary of StudebakerPackard Corporation) Sedans, convertibles, sport cars ... (price range from about $3,300 to $13,000).
IN THIS EDITION SCOCC George Old Car Show 2020 4th President’s Braai Vettoer with the Benz 4th Valuation Seminar The Humble W123 240D
Volume 36 | No. 1 Volume 35 | No. 2
December 2020
7 13 16 17 22
My Ponton 219 restoration journey Central region happenings New beginnings for Steampunk Timour Hall Classic Car Show - Jan 2020 40 Years of Geländewagen celebration
23 25 26 28 31
IN THIS EDITION First Digital MB Club President’s Meeting Locked Down Photo Challenge KZN Region End of Year Function Central Region Year End Function Southern Cape Activities
7 15 19 23 25
Thomas River Weekend AGM & Year End Function: Bathurst Northern Region Jacaranda Run Western Cape Spring Run Lockdown Activities
27 31 34 40 41
Introduction Looking back on 2021, an African proverb comes to mind: “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” 2020 was a shock to the system, bringing about very sudden and unexpected changes that impacted every country, community and individual.
or many of us, 2021 was the real test. Fatigued by the waves that kept rolling in, it certainly wasn’t smooth sailing. The year started on a very sad note, when we lost our dear friend and Vice-President Chris Carlisle-Kitz. I know I’m not alone in missing his endless enthusiasm and energy. His adventure stories and remarkable knowledge of so many things. But those very same things that I miss have also become gifts, inspiring me to make the most of the precious time I have on this earth. As things slowly started heading back to normal toward the end of the year, those who were able jumped at the opportunities to get back to life. To living. And though attendance was understandably lower than usual, it was with immense gratitude (and relief) that we slowly returned to our normal Club activities.
No longer did we take for granted our ability to hit the road in beautiful cars. To meet up with dear friends and to share that old-school camaraderie and banter that simply isn’t the same over modern technology. To share our love for the three-pointed star that has initiated so many wonderful friendships. My thoughts are with all who have lost family and friends recently – and my wish for you is that you, too, will be inspired to live life to its fullest. To make the most of every opportunity and to immerse yourself in whatever makes you happiest. 2021 wasn’t easy, but it taught me that living with passion is truly a gift. And to share that passion, no less than a blessing. May we continue to share many more years of adventure, great stories and wonderful friends. Stay well, stay safe, and as always, the best or nothing! n
Annual 2021
Waldo Scribante
President Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa
President’s Report 2021 It was a challenging year indeed, getting off to a slow start with South Africa and much of the world still in lockdown due to Covid-19. It was a year of significant loss and disappointments for our Club, but in true MBCSA style we persevered and pulled through together.
he relief was truly evident as the lockdown restrictions eased and we could slowly resume our normal Club activities. And thank goodness, because I think many a garage was about to burst at the seams. MB passion simply cannot be locked up (or down) for long.
members for their commitment to their posts during another trying year. It was far from easy staying motivated during uncertain times, but things have slowly normalised and for that we are most grateful.
Regional Chairmen 2021
Vice-President Chris CarlisleKitz, National Secretary Annalie Kachelhoffer, and National Treasurer Johan Kemp, were all re-elected for another term, though we sadly lost Chris early in the year. This was a devastating blow to the Club and his absence has truly been felt. Having the support of Annalie and Johan was invaluable and I once again express my sincere gratitude for their professionalism and their expertise. I also extend my sincere appreciation to bookkeeper Gerrida Baard and Membership Secretary Marlize Herholdt. Your hard work is recognised and greatly appreciated.
Congratulations to Sven Krassnokutski (Northern Region), Zillen Venter (Western Cape), Aldo van Zyl (Southern Cape), Erald Hohls (Eastern Cape) and Avish Maharaj (Kwa-Zulu Natal) for being re-elected as Regional Chairmen in 2021. The National Committee also extended a warm welcome to Jaco Kachelhoffer (Central Region). We thank our outgoing Regional Chairman, Fanie du Preez (Central Region), for his enthusiasm, dedication and service. Recognition and heartfelt thanks go to all of our chairmen and committee
National Committee
Annual 2021
Benz Lens
With all major events cancelled due to the impact of Covid-19 and lockdown measures, our Regalia Officers, Jacky Levin and Leon Erasmus, still managed to do a few sales on our online shop. The missed opportunities were obviously disappointing to the team, but we were still grateful for the online sales. Please visit the secure shop at where you can find all of our quality regalia products. Leon Erasmus did a brilliant job with great sales at the National Gathering 2021 in Graaff-Reinet. Unfortunately, that was our last event for the year. I commend them for their great attitudes and commitment to the roles, despite unfortunate circumstances having a significant impact on sales.
With events being at a minimum, we were short on content and only two editions of the Benz Lens were published in 2021. We are grateful to Stephen Kaalsen, who nonetheless continued to produce top class editions of the Benz Lens. He has done a sterling job with development and digitisation of our beloved quarterly and annual, and it is with a heavy heart that we accepted his resignation as Editor at the end of 2021. We wish him very well with his growing family and work commitments, and hope to see him back in the editorial seat in the not too distant future. A free version of The Benz Lenz Annual 2020 is available to all members in digital format. Should you wish to order a printed version, these are available through your Regional Chairman at a cost of R350.00 + R95.00 postage.
Report 7
Social media Marcell Mostert is the man behind our social media and we are grateful to him for keeping our online presence active and interesting. Especially over the times that we could not see each other often, it was great to stay connected in this way. Please remember the #tags when posting photos of the Club on our social media platforms. This helps to drive our social presence, as well as interest in our Club. Please use the following #tags: #mbcsa #mbcsa1 #mercedesbenzclubsa #mbsa #mbmuseum #mbclassic #northernregion #westerncape #southerncape #easterncape #centralregion #kzn #southafrica #classicmercedes #classicbenz Model-related hashtags, for example: #W116 #R107 #W109 Please remember that our website forum is also still available. The forum contains a wealth of information, so don’t forget to look here if you are in need of specific details or advice. The
beauty of this information is that it never dates – it simply becomes more valuable! Should you run into any hassles accessing the forum, please check your login credentials with our Membership Secretary.
MBSA Sponsorship We are very fortunate that our Club is valued and supported by MercedesBenz South Africa. The sponsorship of the postponed 2020 AGM event was luckily carried over to 2021, and we received the full amount for 2021. Considering the many uncertainties of the time, this was very generous and greatly appreciated. I once again extend our appreciation to Mercedes-Benz South Africa and especially Mr Selvin Govender, for their continued support of the Club.
Our 2021 Highlights As we all tried to stay positive and Covid negative, unfortunately many of our events were cancelled due to Covidrelated lockdown and restrictions, but we still got to spend some quality time together, later in the year. I am very grateful to our Regional Chairmen and their committees for their hard work. Even through the uncertainties, cancellations and postponements, their efforts and can-do attitudes were an inspiration.
Many of our major events had to be cancelled, to name a few. George Old Car Show 2021 including the 4th President’s Braai and Valuation Seminar, National Concourse, Knysna Motor Show, Pietermaritzburg Cars in the Park, Bloemfontein Cars in the Park and Pretoria Cars in the Park.
36th AGM
For the second year running, we held our AGM via a ZOOM meeting. Admittedly not ideal, but we got the job done. 36th National Gathering
At last we were able to have our National Gathering, hosted by Erald Hohls and his Eastern Cape team. We had a wonderful time in Graaff-Reinet, with a magnificent Gala evening where we raised R100k for the Vuyani Safe Haven in Graaff-Reinet. I also had the privilege to bestow Hero awards to Pieter Moolman and Colin Meyer, with Selvin Govender, Jeff Sansom and Russell Grigg awarded Special Memberships, for their contributions to the Club and the Marque. 2021 Year-end Functions
R/C107 50th Anniversary Celebrations
We were fortunate that between the second and third lockdowns, we had the opportunity to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the R107 SL. Between Chris and Avish, the idea of a National event was formed and Jaco and the Central Region took up the challenge and arranged a wonderful weekend away at Gariep with 49 attendees. Aldo and I had the opportunity to join the Western Cape’s R107 celebrations at D’Aria Wine Estate.
We were fortunate to spend some more quality time together, thanks to the hard work of our Regional Chairmen and their committee members. At the end of a trying year, it was wonderful that our year-end functions could go ahead, paving the road forward for the events that were soon to come. A Meeting of Presidents
The annual Mercedes-Benz Classic Club Management’s President’s meeting in Stuttgart was again cancelled due to various levels of lockdown and travel restrictions. It was little
consolation to know that it wasn’t just South Africans feeling the frustration – which was further exacerbated by differing time zones that meant we couldn’t even meet online. We were therefore sent recorded meetings and greetings by the management team. In closing, the trials and tribulations of 2021 highlighted the calibre of people we are fortunate to know through our shared passion for the three-pointed star. The year once again put into context the value of our Club and the sheer enjoyment that we derive not only from our beloved cars, but the cherished friendships that we have gained along the way. I am very proud to be a part of a fellowship of people who are not only determined, loyal, caring and supportive, but also passionate about people, things and life. To recognise this within others is to be inspired and I thank every member of the MBCSA for being a friend and an inspiration. It has been an honour to once again serve as President of the MBCSA and I look forward to many more adventures with you. As always, the best or nothing! n Waldo Scribante - President Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa
WELCOME TO THE SECOND DIGITAL INTERNATIONAL MERCEDES-BENZ CLUB PRESIDENT’S MEETING Dear Mercedes-Benz Club Presidents, Herewith we are happy to provide your personal log-in data for our digital International Mercedes-Benz Club Presidents’ Meeting 2021. As already communicated, we want to familiarize you with the most important topics and content for 2022 and it is our goal to provide this content in digital form on demand. We also take this e-mail as an opportunity to inform you about a current personnel change, which came up after the editorial deadline of our digital content. Thus, it was unfortunately no longer possible to take this topic into account in the lectures and presentations. However, it is important to us not to withhold this information from you. Christian Boucke, currently Head of Mercedes-Benz Classic, will retire well on December 31, 2021 after 28 years in various management positions in the Daimler Group. Under the leadership of Marcus Breitschwerdt, currently Head of Mercedes-Benz Vans, all aspects of brand and corporate heritage incl. the Mercedes-Benz Museum, as well as all business activities in the Classic area will be realigned on January 1, 2022. Best regards, Your Mercedes-Benz Classic Club Management 10
George Wohlfarth Manager Mercedes-Benz Classic Events & Club Management
Britta Seeger Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG, responsible for Marketing & Sales
Bettina Haussman Member of the Management Board Mercedes-Benz Museum GmbH
Ralph Wagenknecht Mercedes-Benz Classic Communications
Dennis Heck Manager Strategy, Topic & Collections Management Mercedes-Benz Classic
Michael Abelle Social media Manager Mercedes-Benz Museum
Mercedes-Benz Classic Topic Planning 2022 MS/MCC November 2021
Daimler Internal
Topics 2022 Mercedes-Benz Classic
Mercedes-Benz Classic Topic Planning 2022
Daimler Internal
Mercedes-Benz Classic Topic Planning 2022 Mercedes-Benz Classic „Insight“ 125 years TAXI
An event format with static and dynamic components. We focus on the brand(s) and the uniqueness of their products. Special stories and individual pieces play a special role.
70 years SL
50 years: 116-series
40 years: 201-series
New E-Class (214-series)
AMG Classic
Spare Parts – Workshop – Classic M@RS – Expertise – Originality/Brand protection Storytelling: Collection/Archives/Workshop/Museum Daimler Internal
Think and act like a luxury brand
40 years 201-series
50 years 116-series
70 years of SL
„Insight 2.0“
Topic Planning 2022 – Communication Messages I
Mercedes-Benz Classic Topic Planning 2022
10 years of Mercedes-Benz Classic Insight: In authentic places, bringing together inspiring people and historic vehicles to provide different media and multipliers with ideas for stories. Together, we further develop the format and contribute to the brand(s) and their products with the measure.
70 years: SL – Two letters one myth. Since its launch in 1952 with the W 194, no other Mercedes-Benz vehicle has stood more for sport, luxury and lifestyle. With this milestone anniversary, we are extending the SL theme into the year of the market launch Market launch of new cars: Mercedes-AMG SL 43 – 63 S E (R 232) 30 years 600 SL (R 129) 10 years of the R 231 series
With the 116-series Mercedes-Benz celebrates a double premiere in September 1972: Together with the full-size vehicle, the Stuttgartbased brand is establishing a new name at the International Motor Show (IAA) in Frankfurt am Main – henceforth the luxury-class sedans are officially called "Mercedes-Benz S-Class".
40 years ago, the premiere of the 201-series in autumn of 1982 was a milestone. As the third model series family, the compact and technically groundbreaking sedan paves the way for a broader portfolio and points to the future of the entire brand. Additional C-Class themes:: Market launch of new cars: Mercedes-AMG C 43 & C 63 (four-cylinder engine – direct reference to 190 E 16-valve engine can be created) 30 years of DTM Championship Klaus Ludwig on 190 E 2.5-16 Evolution II 30 years of special models AVANTGARDE 25 years of the C 43 AMG (202-series) Mercedes-Benz Classic Topic Planning 2022
Daimler Internal
AMG Classic
E-Class / EQ
Topic Planning 2022 – Communication Messages II Mercedes-Benz Classic supports the new vehicle communication of the new E-Class (214-series) as well as Mercedes-EQ products. In addition to the new vehicle event, the E-Class communication also includes historical anniversaries: 75 years 170 V sedan 20 years of the E-Class Saloon (W 211)
Idea: Broad approach that is not model-related but brand-related an supports the EQ brand towards future communication.
As part of the AMG Classic project, the hist. Communication will be taken over by Mercedes-Benz Classic. In addition, there are the following occasions for the sporty exclusive products from Affalterbach: Market launch of new vehicles: Mercedes-AMG SL 43 – 63 S and C 43 / C 63 25 years CLK-GTR (C 297); C 43 (W/S 202); E 55 (W/S 210)
125 years TAXI
With motorsport story(ies) we trigger emotions. In addition to luxury, motorsport is part of the DNA of our brand. The following events in 2022: 120 years of race victories Mercedes-Simplex 40 PS 100 years of victory Targa Florio G. Masetti 90 years of victory SSKL on AVUS 60 years of rally successes 220 SE
30 years of DTM victory Klaus Ludwig (190 E 2.5-16 Evolution II) 25 years FiA GT World Championship (CLK-GTR) 10 years of 3-fold victory 24h Dubai (SLS GT3) 10 years 1. Victory of the new F1 works team (GP China, N. Rosberg)
On June 18, 1897, the first motorised taxi, a Daimler Victoria with taximeter, is delivered to Stuttgart-based operator Friedrich Greiner. His Motorised Carriage Service "Motor-Wagen-Kutscherei" duly becomes the first motorised taxi company.
Daimler Internal
Good things to know and other events in 2022
Mercedes-Benz Classic Topic Planning 2022
Product anniversaries
Company anniversaries
Racing drivers
130 years of delivery of DMG's first production car
175 years founding of Maschinenfabrik Esslingen
130. Christian Werner (19 May)
125 years of construction of tube coolers (Wilhelm Maybach)
140 years Gottlieb Daimler buys villa in Cannstatt
100. Birthday of Eugen Böhringer (22 Jan.)
60 years of the 300 SE Coupé/Cabriolet (W 112)
140 years of expansion of Daimler greenhouse
100. Birthday Werner Engel (29 May)
50 years of ESF 13 (Experimental Safety Vehicle)
130 years of construction of the Daimler Tower
75. Birthday Ron Dennis (June 1st)
50 years of LE 306 electric van with battery change technology
60 years of the Wörth plant (ground-breaking
70. Birthday Stanley Dickens (May 7)
50 years of the M 110 engine
70. Birthday Norbert Haug (24 Nov.)
40 years 280 TH hydrogen
60 years SG Stern
60. Birthday Jörg van Ommen (27 Sept.)
30 years of the S-Class Coupé (C 140)
40 years opening of assembly plant Jakarta, IDN
60. Birthday Al Unser junior (April 19th)
30 years of large-scale electrical project (190 E & MB 100)
30 Years Advanced Design Studio Yokohama, JPN
60. Birthday Heinz-Harald Frentzen (18 May)
30 years 400 E (W 124)
25 years of The Cannstatt engine plant
50. Birthday Toto Wolff (January 12th)
25 years of product offensive (CLK-, A-, M-Class)
25 years of Tuscaloosa plant, USA
40. Birthday Susie Wolff (December 6th)
25 years "Moose Test" (A-Class W 168 available)
20 years of Center of Excellence, Sindelfingen
40. Birthday Jamie Green (June 14)
25 years F 300 Life Jet
20 years of the Kölleda plant
20 years CLK-Class Coupé (C 209)
15 years of day nursery "sternchen"
115. Béla Barényi's birthday (1 March)
20 years of PRE-SAFE
10 years Kecskemét plant, HUN (opening)
115. Birthday of Karl Wilfert (1 July)
20 years Maybach (W/V 240)
10 Years Chennai Plant, IND
95. Prof. Werner Breitschwerdt`s birthday
10 years new generation A-Class (W 176)
(Sept. 23)
10 years SLS electric drive Mercedes-Benz Classic Topic Planning 2022
Daimler Internal
Now available finally: the new book on the development of the C 111.
Daimler Internal
Special edition limited to 111 copies, signed by the authors exclusively available at the Mercedes-Benz Classic Store ( while stocks last. 432 pages, 940 pictures/illustrations, 69 Euro Language: German (others unfortunately not available) Mercedes-Benz Classic Topic Planning 2022
Mercedes-Benz Classic Topic Planning 2022
Thank you
ieter is the second-youngest of five children of the late Dominee Danie Moolman and his wife, who were the pastoral pair at the Dutch Reformed Nuwe Kerk in GraaffReinet in the early sixties. He had two older brothers, one older sister and one younger sister. The family moved to Port Elizabeth, where Pieter completed his schooling, first at Newton Primary and then matriculated at Cilliers High School. After completing his military training, Pieter studied Theology at the PE and Stellenbosch Universities. He then became a dominee in Randburg and Johannesburg, before being appointed as Police Chaplain in East London.
Hero 18
He is married to Hetta, who grew up in George, and the couple are proud parents of two daughters and one son. After completing his military training, Pieter bought a 230S Fintail, which he named Miesies Benz, a car which he owns to this day. Pieter has also been a member of the Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa for many years. He is an avid collector of 1:43 scale Mercedes-Benz models as well as MB grill badges and pins. He served the club with distinction as Chairman of the Eastern Cape for many years and is a true Hero of the Club. n
e joined the Club in 1999 and has been a reliable stalwart in the Eastern Cape Region. Colin Meyer has been a committee member of the Eastern Cape Region since the club’s inception and is very well-liked and respected. Colin has supported every club gathering or event over the years where possible. Colin and his wife Ann are rally champions and have taken part in rallies all over the country.
Colin has always been extremely helpful and generous whenever someone was in need and his knowledge on classic cars and his willingness to help, have made him a dependable and trustworthy friend. He made his garage available to his friends and club members not only as a workshop, but as a special watering hole for our regular meets. Colin is a true Hero of the Club. n
Hero 19
elvin Govender brings his flair for interpreting trends, and understanding market needs to the role of Marketing Director for Mercedes-Benz Cars – a division of Mercedes-Benz South Africa. His career advancement in the Mercedes-Benz South Africa group of companies is based on a wide range of expertise gained throughout his career, and also through his formal studies. Having an MBA, Selvin also has a degree in Supply Chain Management and National Diplomas in Transportation Management and Mechanical Engineering. He has excelled in all three of the organisations that make up the Mercedes-Benz group in South Africa, having cut his teeth at Debis Fleet Management (a part of the company’s Services Group) as a key accounts executive. Other positions include gaining experience in areas such as remarketing, pre-owned, residual value management, and fleet services at Mercedes-Benz Financial Services. Selvin’s position as National Sales Manager for Mercedes-Benz SA has been the final stepping stone before his appointment to head up the Marketing Division as Marketing Director, Mercedes-Benz Cars, making him a well-rounded asset to the business.
Special 20
A posh evening like our Gala Dinner at the Wild Coast Sun could not have happened without our main sponsor, Mercedes-Benz South Africa. I wish to thank Mr. Selvin Govender for his continued support of the club and his generous sponsorship of that evening and the club in general. I am looking forward to our continued professional cooperation. I am sure he agrees that this prestigious event follows the standard set by Mercedes-Benz. The National Committee proposed to bestow a special membership to Selvin Govender, which was unanimously accepted by the members at the AGM. This award is bestowed on a person who has rendered a valuable and beneficial service to the Mercedes-Benz Club and Mercedes-Benz marque. I cannot think of a better recipient than Selvin. I first met him in 2009 when he represented MBSA at the AGM held in George. We cannot forget his generous sponsorship of last year’s AGM in Gauteng, having sponsored the track day at Zwartkop for us. He is well known in the club and a very worthy recipient. n Selvin, I salute you.
ussell Grigg was born in Pietermaritzburg and after completing his school education at Dale College in Grahamstown and the one year’s compulsory military service, he started his Motor Industry career at Norris Ford in King William’s Town in 1976, as Sales Executive. He was later promoted to Sales Manager and in 1984 he was brought onto the Board of Directors. He had a total of 25 years’ service with Norris Ford. Russel then joined Ronnies Motors in 2001 and after a term of approximately 10 years as Sales Manager for Mercedes-Benz passenger cars, he was promoted to Dealer Principal in 2012. He is also a trustee of the Ronnies Motors Group. Having a compassionate nature, Russell is very well - liked and highly respected by his staff and everyone he
interacts with in the Motor Industry, both locally and nationally. He goes the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction and has made many loyal friends through his integrity and commitment to relationship building. Russell has previously served as Chairman of various governing bodies and is also the recipient of the Rotary International Paul Harris award in recognition for outstanding service to the community. We are very grateful to Russell and his team for generously supporting the activities of the Mercedes-Benz Club in the Eastern Cape Region n
Special 21
e joined the Club in 2000 and with his generous and free-giving spirit has won the hearts of everyone in the region. Jeff Sansom is a passionate dreamer with a heart of gold. Jeff has a passion for historical values. Having acquired the Thomas River Historical Village in the early 2000’s, he has built up an enviable collection of memorabilia items and has some special Mercedes-Benz classic cars in his collection. Jeff has a large collection of classic MercedesBenz and other car parts, which he has generously helped club members with over the years.
Special 22
Jeff is extremely knowledgeable and a great raconteur on the South African frontier wars. Jeff and Ann Sansom have generously hosted the Eastern Cape Region of the club at their village every year for almost 10 years. Visiting Thomas River is a highlight on the Eastern Cape Events Calendar. Jeff deserves a Special Membership Award through kind generosity. n
National Committee
Committee 23
National Committee 2021 Waldo Scribante President | C: 082 802 3280 | E: Date of joining Club: 1996 | Date elected as President: 2016 Previous position held in the Club: Southern Cape Chairman 2004; Membership Secretary 2006 Name of spouse: René | Occupation: Radiologist In brief: Waldo’s first memory is of him in his father’s 1960 219 Ponton, towing a caravan over the Prince Albert pass in the Southern Cape. As a teenager, his father owned a W116 280SE and an R107 450SL, and he became passionate about the Mercedes-Benz star. He bought his first classic car in 1996, a W112 300SEL Fintail. And the rest is history! His collection of Mercedes-Benz vehicles can be seen in his SCRIBS BENZeum. He is supported by his wife René, also a passionate member of the club, enthusiast and veteran driver of their 1913 8/20 PS Benz Tourer. | Affiliations to other clubs: Southern Cape Old Car Club (SCOCC) | Top 10 Pre-war cars: 1886 BENZ Patent Motorwagen | 1901 Mercedes 35 hp | 1909 Blitzen Benz | 1931 Mercedes-Benz SSK – Streamlined Count Trossi | 1936 Mercedes-Benz 540K - Special Roadster - W29 | 1938 Mercedes-Benz 320 Cabriolet A – W142 | 1938 Mercedes-Benz G4 – W31 | 1938 Mercedes-Benz G5 – W152 | 1938 Mercedes-Benz 770 Sedan – W07 | 1938 Mercedes-Benz 770 Cabriolet – W150
Chris Carlisle-Kitz Vice-President | C: 082 966 3463 | E: Date of joining Club: 2008 | Date/year elected as Chairman/other: Vice-president -2017 Previous positions held in Club – both regional and national committees: Chairman - KZN region 2008; Committee member - Northern Region | Name of spouse / partner: Anna-Lee Dos Santos | Names and ages of children: 3 all over 21 | Occupation: Retired | Favourite vehicle in own collection: 1963 220SEb Fintail; East African Safari Rally car | What do you enjoy most about the club? Events, AGM’s, Noggin and comraderie | Affiliations to other clubs? Legends of the 9-hour racing club, Historic racing South Africa, Sport Car Club of South Africa and Retro Racing South Africa.
National Committee 2021 Annalie Kachelhoffer National Secretary | C: 084 205 5411 | E: Date of joining Club: 2012 | Date elected as National Secretary: 2015 Previous positions held in the Club: Regalia: 2015-2017; Central Region Chair Lady 2012-2014 Name of spouse/partner: Jaco | Names and ages of children: Hein (39) and stepchildren Hanco (36), Werner (32) and Ané (29) Occupation: Part-time retired and part-time bridge player In brief: The most I enjoy about the club, is my extended family and their vehicles. All the events and especially the AGM’s and register events are also included. | Favourite vehicle in own collection: 1959 190 Ponton Which car do you still dream about?: Most definitely a Ponton 220S / SE Cabriolet
Johan Kemp National Treasurer | C: 083 457 1092 | E: Date of joining Club: 2010 | Date elected as National Treasurer: 2016 Name of spouse/partner: Lizaan | Names and ages of children: Mari (14) and Ane (11) Occupation: Accountant CA (SA) | In brief: I enjoy the the good times of socialising with the friends I have made all over the country. | Affiliations to other clubs: None at the moment – unlikely but not impossible Favourite vehicle in own collection: An unfair question, usually the one I am driving at the time of the question, but if I have to pick one, it would be my 1952 W191 170DS. I have a passion for the W123, W124 and W126. You get a normal MercedesBenz and then you get a W123.
National Committee 2021 Sven Krassnokutski Northern Region | C: 082 685 8204 | E: Date of joining Club: 2010 | Date elected as Northern Region Chairman: 2019 Name of spouse/partner: Bee | Names and ages of children: Leah (13), Nina (11) | Occupation: Financial Director Favourite vehicle in your collection: S55 AMG | In brief: For as long as I can remember, I have been extremely passionate about the Mercedes-Benz brand. I have met wonderful friends through the Club and enjoy opportunities to spend time with like-minded enthusiasts.
Zillen Venter Western Cape Region | C: 083 440 6814 | E: Date of joining Club: 2016 | Date elected as Western Cape Chairman: 2019 Name of spouse/partner: Engela | Names and ages of children: Tané Occupation: Attorney | In brief: Most of all I enjoy the opportunity to build new friendships with like-minded people from all over the country who are passionate about Mercedes-Benz and cars in general. Affiliations to other clubs: None | Favourite vehicle in own collection: My R107 restoration project. My favourite MercedesBenz is any two-door model from the 60’s and 70’s, the golden era for Mercedes-Benz.
National Committee 2021 Aldo van Zyl Southern Cape Region | C: 083 603 1076 | E: Date of joining Club: 2015 | Date elected as Region Chairman: 2019 Name of spouse/partner: Adele van Zyl | Names and ages of children: Annika (9), Albertus (6) and Almé (3) Occupation: Attorney | Favourite vehicle in own collection: R-Class, but so many more, difficult to choose from. In brief: I enjoy the cars, friendships, and the great style and sophistication that is imbued altogether with Mercedes-Benz, and the fact that it is a club that stands out from the rest, one that is non-generic.
Erald Hohls Eastern Cape Region | C: 082 443 8379 | E: Date of joining Club: 2007 | Date elected as Eastern Cape Chairman: 2015 Name of spouse/partner: Sherrol | Names and ages of children: Yvonne (31) and Nicola (29) Occupation: Consultant | In brief: Most of all I enjoy the sharing and passion for the Brand with fellow Club Members and preserving the Mercedes-Benz Heritage. Affiliations to other clubs: BVCC (Border Vintage Car Club). Favourite vehicle in own collection: 1951 W136 170DA
National Committee 2021 Avish Maharaj KwaZulu-Natal Region | C: 071 672 8156 | E: Date of joining Club: 2007 | Date elected as KZN Region Chairman: 2015 Name of spouse/partner: Mira | Names and ages of children: Kush (13) and Kashmir (7) Occupation: Business Owner | In brief: What I enjoy most of all is meeting up and spending time with like-minded enthusiasts. Hosting and attending events. The camaraderie and friendships. Taking photos of Johan Kemp when he least expects it. | Favourite vehicle in own collection: R107 500SL
Jaco Kachelhoffer Central Region | C: 083 262 2713 | E: Date of joining the Club: 2010 | Date elected as Chairman: 2021 Name of spouse: Annalie | Names and Ages of children: Hanco (36), Werner (32), Anè (29) and stepson Hein (39) Occupation: Lawyer | Favourite car in my collection: Very difficult choice, but would say 1967 230 Fintail. What I enjoy most about the club: Meeting and making lifelong friends with a shared passion. (Also, my wife always “subtly” encouraging me to buy more classics!)
National Committee 2021 Stephen Kaalsen Editor | C: 083 234 7653 | E: Date of joining club: 2012 | Date elected as Benz Lens Editor: 2017 Name of spouse/partner: Claudine | Names and ages of children: Simeon (todler) Occupation: Pastor | In brief: I enjoy convoys the most. I adore driving behind a few stars taking the lead, and seeing the rest of our stars in my rear-view mirror enroute to a special car outing. Favourite vehicle in own collection: 1966 W111 230S
Marcell Mostert Social Media Director | C: 083 704 3223 | E: Date of joining Club: 2014 | Date joined committee: 2017 Occupation: CA(SA) - Financial Manager | Favourite vehicle in own collection: My 1988 BMW E34 525i was my favourite until it was stolen in late 2020 | In brief: I enjoy the company of fellow car nerds.
Leon Erasmus and Jacky Lavin Northern Region | C: 082 685 8204 | E: Date of joining Club: 2018 | Date co-opted as Regalia Officers: 2019 Occupation: Leon is a motor vehicle salesman and Jacky is a primary school teacher In brief: We have always loved cars and Jacky learned to love the brand when she met Leon.
Regional Review
Northern 31
Northern Region What started out as a 3-week lockdown request from the President (of the Republic, not the Club) in March 2020 unfortunately turned out to be a little longer than initially anticipated...
s a result, sadly, most Club activities in 2021 were again curtailed. However, the Northern Region did enjoy some appropriately socially distanced events and kept alive the spirit of camaraderie for which the Mercedes-Benz Club is famous. This was evident in the attendance at our events at a time when everyone was still understandably reluctant to gather in large groups. We took advantage of the gaps as lockdown levels fluctuated to enjoy Noggins and more formal events. We started the year with a most enjoyable lunch at Black Horse Brewery in the Magaliesberg. It was a welcome opportunity to take our cars out for a nice long drive and to reconnect after a long break. In the spirit of bringing a variety of events to members, we congregated at Wat Swaai Jy on a rainy Saturday morning to admire the wide variety of vintage Americana and various offerings from Continental car marques. Wat Swaai Jy also offers a garaging service for private individuals
and there were many tantalising beauties safely locked away behind mesh gates – near enough to marvel at their gorgeous lines, but too far to scrutinise the details which we all love so much. One of the highlights of the 2021 year was undoubtedly the R/C107 commemorative run to Gariep. The limited number of 50 bookings due to Covid regulations disappeared almost overnight, and seven Northern Region members were fortunate to be among those in attendance. It is an event which is still regularly spoken of. Thank you to our Central Region hosts, Jaco and Annalie, for a most memorable event. As winter approached, the lockdown levels started climbing as the number of Covid infections began to rise, and we sadly had to cancel many popular annual events, including the National Concours, for the second year running. The Region and the Club were also devastated to lose a number of friends to Covid during this time, including our Club Vice-President,
Chris Carlisle-Kitz. Our thoughts go out to all those who have lost loved ones and we offer our Merc family our condolences and our support. By the time we were allowed to mingle again, the end of the year was almost upon us, and we enjoyed an elegant year-end function at the Pretoria Country Club. Anna-Lee Dos Santos and Christopher Dooley pulled out all the stops to ensure the year ended on a high, including a gift for attending members of funky socks bearing the Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa logo. We hope that this will help to continue the Northern Region tradition of “Funky Sock Fridays” and spread it to the other regions of the Club. At the regional AGM held on the day, Anna-Lee Dos Santos was elected as the Chair of the Northern region for 2022. Anna-Lee will be ably supported by Koos du Toit, who continues his dedicated service as Northern Region Secretary. Co-opted committee members who will continue to serve in 2022 are Jan-Willem Wielsma,
Annual 2021
Christopher Dooley, Marcell Mostert and Sven Krassnokutski. We are delighted that Winnie du Toit has joined the Northern Region committee and look forward to the fresh ideas she will bring to the Region. André Esterhuizen has elected to step down and we thank him for his years of service to the Region. We thank the regional office holders for their continued work for the Region and the Club and wish them everything of the best into 2022 as the Northern Region prepares to host the National Gathering and AGM in 2023. n SVEN KRASSNOKUTSKI Northern Region Chairman – 2021
Regional Review
Western 39
Western Cape Region
Annual 2021
The Western Cape Region’s activities during 2021 were once again impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying restrictions; although not as badly as in 2020.
s a result, our region’s activities for the year only kicked off in March. We gathered at Mercedes-Benz Paarl for a workshop day followed later that morning by our monthly meeting. During April, we once again travelled to Paarl for a breakfast event at Reuben’s & Co. at the Val-de-Vie Estate. To celebrate the model anniversary of the R/C107, Botany @ D’Aria Wine Estate was the venue for a Sunday lunch event. This event was very well supported by our members (given the circumstances) and we managed to put together a very successful display of R107 and C107 models supported by other classic models. During the winter months, activities were suspended due to the pandemic and the cold and wet weather experienced made it impossible to organise any club events that entailed outdoor activities. Our monthly meetings resumed in October and our members were
welcomed to a newly-renovated clubhouse. The Cape Multi-Motor Club, of which the MBCSA was a founding member, renovated the clubhouse after the finalisation of a long term lease agreement with the City of Cape Town. The highlight of the year was undoubtedly our region’s yearend function which took place early in December at the Leopard’s Leap Family Vineyards near Franschoek. This event was our region’s first club event since May and was very well attended. Approximately 90 members and spouses attended the event. Each member attending the year-end function received a complimentary wine cooler. Our regional AGM was also held in December at Mercedes-Benz Century City. The regional committee was reelected at the meeting. The Western Cape Regional Committee is: Zillen Venter – Chairman, Brendan Moran – Vice-Chairman (co-opted) and
Jeanne-Pierre van der Poel – Secretary. Thank you for all the hard work behind the scenes. Despite the impact of the pandemic on club events since 2020, our region’s membership numbers have remained relatively stable. Our region has experienced a small reduction in membership numbers over the period. This can be attributed to the impact of the pandemic on club activities, and the demographic profile of our region’s members. Our challenge for 2022 will be to increase club activities in our region and to motivate and encourage existing members to become more involved in club activities. Our hope is therefore that 2022 will signal a return to normality. n
Chairman Western Cape Region
Regional Review
Southern 49
Southern Cape Region We had our first outing for the year to Eight Bells, a hotel up in the mountains in the Ruiterbosch area. We knew that things were not the way they were supposed to be with all of the new Covid-19 regulations that were being imposed on our lives.
e as a club had a great time enjoying the fresh mountain air and the great company of the three-pointed stars. There were quite a few autos bringing their drivers up the mountain to experience the breathtaking views, great food and crisp mountain air. The situation with the restrictions and new infection waves were however hampering us to fully enjoy all of the benefits that the club could provide us. During winter, our area’s infection rates were dangerously high and no club activities were organised, even the lovely Knysna Motor Show was cancelled. Our club was however invited by the end of May to attend an outing hosted by the Western Cape Club, so
myself and my son, as well as Waldo and René went down to D’Aria. There was a large compliment of 107’s on offer to peruse at your leisure. Zillen and his team did a great job organising the event. By the end of September, we decided to proceed with a small gathering at Salina’s restaurant. The club members really jumped at the idea of an outing and we had a great time at Salina’s. The conversations were so interesting and it was good to see some of the club members that you have not seen in a long time, so all of us really had a great time in exchanging our views on one of our favourite topics, the Three -Pointed Star. Once October was upon us, we had our usual October Fest at “The Benz”.
Chris and Rensche went out of their way to recreate a traditional “German” evening and our club really enjoyed it, the Eisbeins and beer together with great pretzels were absolutely fantastic. As the real AGM was done via a Zoom meeting, October was set aside to hold the physical Annual Gathering and this time it was held in Graaff-Reinet. A group of our members set their sight to attend in the weekend filled with activities deep in the Eastern Cape. November we had a breakfast run to Salt & Copper in Hartenbos, where we caught up with old acquaintances and good friends while discussing the year that has flown past and already discussing the December holidays that were beckoning us. December was around the corner, and we had
Annual 2021
our year-end function at “Die Benz”, where we were treated to a great spit braai. The meat was great and so was the company, the year flew past, and we all had a great time as we keep our sight set on the new year, that will hopefully be filled with fun activities. Until then, let’s keep our eyes on the road. n
Chairman Southern Cape Region
Regional Review
Eastern 55
Eastern Cape Region 2021 was an extraordinary year due to the continued disruptions caused by the Corona Virus. Notwithstanding the limitations imposed on gatherings, we still managed to have some activities.
he regional membership has remained steady at around 50 members, and we enjoy wonderful camaraderie among our members. We had several runs and get togethers during the year. These included the traditional EC run to the George Old Car Show. We also had two dealer visits to Ronnies Motors, a few lunch runs and bring ‘n braais with members, a weekend with the guys in Port Elizabeth and a weekend getaway at the Huntshoek Game Lodge overlooking the Great Fish River. We were also able to see the superb Hoft Brothers Porsche and classic car collection in Fort Beaufort where we were kindly welcomed by the Hoft family. We enjoyed a wonderful weekend at Thomas River once again generously hosted by Jeff and Ann Sansom. The annual Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride to the East Coast Resorts was well supported. This is an international fundraising initiative in aid of men’s health and
prostate cancer research. The Annual Wizard on Wheels Car Show was cancelled and rescheduled to 2022. The Eastern Cape Region’s highlight was undoubtedly National Gathering which we were finally able to host in the historic Karoo town of Graaff-Reinet, over the weekend of 29th to 31st October 2021. Celebrating the 36th year of the club’s existence, the 3-day event was based at the Drostdy Hotel, with a well-planned programme. This included a drive to the Rubidge family’s Wellwood Sheep Farm established in 1938 and the Rubidge Palaeontology Museum which houses one of the largest private collections of fossils in the world and started by Dr Sydney Rubidge in 1934. Some interesting facts on Sheep farming and historical Palaeontology were given by Rob and Bruce Rubidge respectively, which gave real value to the visit. The lovely Homestead and the immaculately kept gardens, flower
beads and lawns are testament to the commitment of Marion Rubidge in maintaining such an oasis in the harsh Karoo environment. The hospitality at the farm was awesome. This was followed by a drive to the interesting village of Nieu Bethesda, where members experienced the historic village and the well-known Owl House, which is where the reclusive and enigmatic artist Helen Martins lived. This was followed by a wonderful country style lunch at ‘Die Waenhuis’ Restaurant. Upon return from Nieu Bethesda, we paid a visit to the ‘Recollection Ride’s classic car museum in GraaffRinet which is owned by Hannes van Jaarsveld. A very special and lively Oktoberfest was enjoyed by everyone that evening, at the Recollection Village across the road from the museum, which carried on till late. Also on the programme was a drive up to the Valley of Desolation viewpoint in the Camdeboo
Annual 2021
Conservancy the following day, after which we listened to a moving organ recital in the historic Dutch Reformed Church in the centre of Graaff-Reinet, which built in 1886. At the lavish Gala Dinner held at the Drostdy Hotel on the last evening, a well supported auction was held in aid of the Vuyani Safe Haven, where an amount of more than one hundred thousand rand was raised. Thank you to everyone who supported this worthy cause. During the evening, acknowledgement was also given to Dr Carl Benz, who patented his motorised carriage in 1886, officially introducing the first Automobile to the world, 135 years ago. Supported by Mercedes-Benz South Africa, the new W206 C Class sedan, proudly built in East London, was positioned next to the 1886 Benz Three-Wheeler replica in the courtyard of the Drostdy Hotel. This was to show the evolution of the Automobile from the humble, revolutionary motorized carriage in 1886, to the technologically
advanced new W206 C-Class of today. Both vehicles were kindly loaned to the club by the Daimler Plant in East London. Special thanks to Mercedes-Benz South Africa and Ronnies Motors as major sponsors of the event, as well as all other contributors for their support. Selvin Govender, Sales & Marketing Director of MBSA and Russell Grigg, Dealer Principal and Trustee of the Ronnies Motor Group, and their wives also attended the event as special guests. Selvin Govender gave a presentation with an overview at the Gala Dinner as to the direction Mercedes-Benz is going with future products. A big thank you to the Eastern Cape Region’s organising committee, who put in many hours to make the weekend such a great success. I should not single out anyone, as the combined efforts were enormous, but I must mention Johan Minnaar who did a sterling job as MC by keeping everyone well informed and amused throughout the weekend. Being a local resident, Johan had some invaluable information and many stories to tell of the greater Graaff-Reinet area’s people and its wonderful history. The Eastern Cape Year-end Function was held at the Red Apple Farm Stall and Eatery at Bushman’s River about half- way between Port Elizabeth and East London. The lovely lunch was well supported and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.
I was with a sad heart that I decided to step down as Chairman of the Eastern Cape Region after six years, due to personal commitments. Our regional secretary, Johannes Coetzer also decided to step-down from the committee. At the Regional AGM held at Ronnies Motors in Beacon Bay in October, Fabian Cairns was elected as the new Regional Chairman for 2022 and Niki Georgiou as Secretary. Congratulations to Fabian and Niki. I would like to thank the Eastern Cape committee and everyone in the region for their wonderful support over the years. We’ve had great times together and I’m sure this will continue under the leadership of the new regional committee. Many thanks also to Waldo Scribante, Annalie Kachelhoffer and every member of the National committee for their guidance and support during my time as Regional Chairman, it is greatly appreciated. n
Regional Chairman 2021
Regional Review
Central 65
Central Region The annual activities of the Central Region kicked off with the “Afskop Braai” on Saturday 6 March 2021 at the “Benz Barn” in Bloemfontein with 22 people attending.
t was a wonderful reunion of friends after a long absence due to the CoVid pandemic restrictions. As usual, everybody had to be updated on new additions to collections, restoration projects, repair tips, maintenance and so forth – and even the men did the same! Our second event for the year was held in April in the rural town of Petrusburg between Bloemfontein and Kimberley. The name of the venue is “Piet se Gat”, the name obviously referring to the name of the owner and we hope the rest refers to what is called in English: “a watering hole”. Our members from Bloemfontein met up at a central location and started the +- 80 km to Petrusburg. Several of our Northern Cape members joined from the other side as well – in total we were 19 adults and 2 children. The Bloemfontein contingent was led by Gert Coetzee in his 1968 230S Fintail and he kept up a steady pace of more
or less 120 kph without any hassles. He was followed by Johnny Fourie in his beautiful 1985 W123 200 and then some newer models. Japie Vos in his CLK 63 Black Series was being kept under control by placing him in the middle of our line of vehicles. He did, however, give us a satisfactory earful of the powerful engine when he departed the venue heading home! A few National Committee meetings ago, Avish Maharaj (KZN Chairman) raised the idea of a club road trip to Gariep dam. His motivation for such a trip was to uplift the spirit amongst the club members which was low as a result of the impact of the CoVid restrictions and consequences. Annalie and I gladly accepted the challenge to arrange such a trip and it was decided that this event would also be to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 107-model series. Unfortunately, and to many members’ frustration, we had to limit the number of participants
Annual 2021
to only 50 as a result of the Covid restrictions. The 50 limit was reached within 2 days after sending out the invitations to the event and we soon had quite a significant waiting list for members wishing to join, should any cancellations occur. Despite late CoVid related cancellations, we still ended up with 49 participants. The weekend started off with a visit to a non-club member, Frikkie Esterhuizen’s exceptional car collection which turned out to be a highlight of the weekend. On the Saturday morning we departed for Gariep at 11h00 with the 107’s in front of our convoy – a great sight to see. On the way to Gariep we stopped at the Kuilfontein Farmstall near Springfontein where the members from Eastern and Western Cape joined the convoy. We were fortunate in having 15 107’s on this trip (would be 16 if not for Gill’s mishap). All in all this event was certainly
one of the highlights of 2021, despite all the restrictions and uncertainties the Covid situation has brought about. I must also thank the Mercedes-Benz Club of SA for their financial support which aided in our goal to make this weekend a relatively low-cost weekend for our members. A huge thank you also to all our members and their partners who attended and contributed to the success of the event. After the success of our region’s 50th celebration of the 107 models, the CoVid factor started looming again and larger official club events were put on hold once again with our big event, Bloemfontein Cars in the Park, being cancelled for a second year. Despite this, our region still managed to get together on a smaller scale and during August the Bloemfontein members gathered at the Kachelhoffer barn for a steak and hotdog lunch. In September, our Northern Cape members had a very successful get together at the Kimberley Mercedes-Benz dealership. Our Northern Cape contingent also hosted other breakfast runs in their area. October fortunately brought some more opportunities and on 16 October 2021 we again visited the exceptional collection of Bloemfontein’s Frikkie Esterhuizen, consisting of about six Ferraris, three Firenza V8 Can Am’s, Capri and Cortina Peranas, Mustang Shelby’s and other rare models, all in concours condition. A few of our Region were
privileged to attend the 2021 National Gathering function that was held over the weekend of 29 to 31 October 2021 at Graaff-Reinet. This function was organised and presented by the Eastern Cape Region, with Erald Hohls at the steer. I believe that all of us who visited Graaff- Reinet, gained a much better perspective and appreciation for this historical Karoo town and its surroundings, of which the history and attributes were so well told and presented by Johan Minnaar. There were numerous highlights to this weekend and the Eastern Cape organising committee did a splendid job, in all respects! In November it was time for our year-end function and regional Annual General Meeting. This event was planned for Saturday 27 November to Sunday 28 November 2021 in the small town of Orania in the Northern Cape. Our regional Annual General Meeting was attended by 15 members and I was re-elected as Chairman and Annalie as Regional Secretary. We had a small prize-giving ceremony where Bart Opperman was awarded the region’s Star Member Award for his enthusiasm, support and ongoing commitment to the club. Michael Holland- Muter (Northern Cape) and Paul van Wyk (Free State) received gifts for travelling the furthest to attend this event and Meyburgh Erasmus received a gift as an Eastern Cape member regularly supporting Central Region activities. I again want to thank the following people: Mercedes-Benz
Club of South Africa for their financial contribution towards our year-end function; Annalie for her work done as National as well as Regional Secretary; Bart Opperman and Charlie Simkin as additional members to our committee; John Williams Motors and especially Gustav Rossouw and Johan Strydom for the gifts they have sponsored; Dups Towing who is always there to lend a helping hand (ride) to our members and then lastly but very importantly our members who have supported and joined the few events that we were able to host. Without our members’ participation the club will die a slow death. Despite the Covid pandemic that hampered our activities, our region managed to increase its membership from 39 at the end of 2020 to 42 at the end of 2021. We are carefully optimistic about the 2022 possibilities and we sincerely hope that we will be able to resume a closer to normal year of events for our club. n
Chairman Central Region
Regional Review
KwaZulu 75
KwaZulu-Natal Region Being the chairman of the KZN region gives me one of life’s greatest pleasures. We are a proud, culturally diverse region, passionate about everything we do, and it shows in our club events and at our social gatherings. Our interaction with our members goes way beyond just the bond binding us through the love and friendship of the three-pointed star, we have become like family.
ur fun and laughter and shenanigans always create a vibe wherever we go. KZN is a region bursting with colour and vibrancy from its many personalties and different age groups of our members. We cater for everyone’s needs and interests - from the kids to the more distinguished crowd. We enjoy food very much in our region and many of our events are based around different types of cuisines in our province. Be it wine tasting, Italian food, Greek cuisine or our famous bunny chow barometer held monthly for a catch up. These are usually integrated into a beautiful drive to indulge in some automotive pleasure, courtesy of our Stuttgart chariots. Our fun spanner days are the most eventful. Working on each other’s cars while getting expert opinions and assistance from the various specialist technicians present. The evidence all lies in the many photos that get shared afterwards. Understandably, these pics sometimes make the wives question whether any actual work got done. However, I can asssure you that work does get done, problems and car troubles do get solved and all while having the
best time. As chairman of the region, it is also my greatest pride to ensure that my members are having a good time, and part of this is making new members feel welcome by including them in the day’s activities. As mentioned before, we thouroughly enjoy the scenic drives through our province in our classic and modern cars and pride ourselves on living in the sunshine province of South Africa. Whether it be in Durban, Midlands, Drakensberg, North Coast or South Coast of KZN, we are spoilt for choice for things to do and see. I myself have explored the entirety of our province and our country by being a member of this club. Opportunities that I would never have gotten without being a member of the Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa. The largest motor event in our region is Cars in the Park (Pietermaritzburg) at which our Club has the biggest and most desirable hospitality tent. We have ample parking and seating for all our members and their families as well as drinks, snacks and lunch served to everyone. This is provided at absolutely zero cost to our members and is sponsored by the National Club and Garden City Motors.
Annual 2021
As well as kind sponsorships from the regional committee and a few other generous members. Our stand boasts some of the most prized MercedesBenz cars in KZN and it is a visual feast to be in the company of them all at once. We have a wonderful regional committee with our Vice-Chairman Warren Geyser, Secretary Matt du Sart and Events Co-ordinator Raymond van Rooyen. As your regional committee we are always striving to give our best to our Kwa-Zulu Natal members. With the support of the national committee and our president Waldo Scribante we are constantly brainstorming new ideas to make our club ever more exciting, innovative and enjoyable, so that members find value within the MBCSA. In the future, I look forward to welcoming many more new and existing members to our regional events. I am also excited to engage with other regions within our club and to support the various events that they have planned. n
Avish Maharaj
Chairman KwaZulu-Natal
C 80
Star Events
Star Events 81
R/C107 50 Celebration Weekend TH
Annual 2021
A few National Committee meetings ago, Avish Maharaj (KZN Chairman) raised the idea of a club road trip to Gariep Dam. His motivation for such a trip was to uplift the spirit amongst the club members which was low as a result of the impact of the Covid-19 restrictions and consequences.
nnalie and I gladly accepted the challenge to arrange such a trip and it was decided that this event would also celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 107-model series. Our aim was also to arrange a relatively low-cost event for our members as we knew that the Covid-19 restrictions placed financial burdens on them. Annalie’s efforts and experience made the arrangements and organising a pleasure. Unfortunately, and to many members’ frustration, we had to limit the number of participants to only 50 as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions. The 50 limit was reached within two days after sending out the invitations to the event and we soon had quite a significant waiting list for members wishing to join, should any cancellations occur. Despite late Covid-19 related cancellations, we still ended up with 49 participants.
From there the excitement just grew as we neared the date for the weekend. On Friday 14 May 2021 our members from Northern Region and KwaZuluNatal arrived in Bloemfontein. KZN member Gill Cooper’s 450SLC proved to be the only mishap for the weekend as she hit the rail of a sliding gate at the entrance to the guest house which caused the manifold to break off. Fortunately, KZN came prepared with a back-up vehicle so Gill and Steve could still take part in the weekend. The weekend started off with a visit to a non-club member, Frikkie Esterhuizen’s exceptional car collection. There were Ferraris, Mustangs, Chev CanAms, a Ford Capri Perana as well as a Ford Cortina Perana to name only some of the vehicles on display. Frikkie also has extensive model car and model train collections.
All this housed in an extraordinary venue in top standard quality. Frikkie enthusiastically shared his knowledge on the history and attributes of his collection. It proved to be the highlight of the weekend. From there we returned to our venue for dinner and get-together in an open lapa at a guesthouse. (We were quite fortunate that the notorious Bloemfontein cold did not punish us for arranging an open lapa due to Covid-19.) On the Saturday morning we met up at our local dealership, John Williams Motors, where our member and Mercedes-Benz staff member Johan Strydom, welcomed us with coffee, muffins and a peanut padkos snack. We must convey our heartfelt thanks to both John Williams Motors and Johan. We departed for Gariep at 11h00
with the 107’s in front of our convoy – a great sight to behold. On the way to Gariep we stopped at the Kuilfontein Farmstall near Springfontein where the members from Eastern and Western Cape joined the convoy. We were fortunate in having 15 107’s on this trip (would have been 16 if not for Gill’s mishap). After checking in at Gariep we did a photoshoot of all the 107’s lined up with the dam and sail boats as a beautiful backdrop. A photoshoot is one thing that the MBCSA members do very well! At 19h00 it was time to gather (in an open lapa again) for our evening’s festivities. The fires were soon burning (some with more success than others) and the members could braai their meat packs and generally just engage in some much-needed cameraderie and companionship. Then it was time for our small prizegiving and the following prizes were awarded:
1. Hannes Viljoen 500SL - KZN Chairman’s Choice
2. Nico van Rooyen 280SL – 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Central Region Chairman’s Choice Johan Krogh 350SLC – 1973 model oldest 107 at the event Kurt Stassen 500SL – Ladies Choice Bart Opperman – First Registration for the event Gill Cooper – female member who travelled furthest and a consolation for her mishap Furthest travels per region:
Central – Paul van Wyk; Eastern Cape – Andrew Murphy; KZN – Ashwin Singh; Northern Region – Zack Marques; Western Cape – Johan Kemp. 8. Most persistent participant – Rashmi Kooverjee Western Cape (I myself was very relieved when I could at last accommodate this member.) Some of our members already had to leave early on the Sunday morning and just a small number had breakfast at the resort. Thereafter it was time for goodbyes and fortunately all travelled safely back to their destinations. All in all, this event was certainly one of the highlights of 2021, despite all the restrictions and uncertainties the Covid-19 situation has brought about. I must also thank the Mercedes-Benz Club of SA for their financial support which aided in our goal to make this weekend a relatively low-cost weekend for our members. A huge thank you also to all our members and their partners who attended and contributed to the success of the event. With the Covid-19 infection numbers on the increase again, we were fortunate in being able to host this event - the memories of which will have to serve as a buffer against the expected decline in club activities again. n
Central Region
2021 National Gathering – Graaff-Reinet
Annual 2021
After several postponements brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Eastern Cape Region of the Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa was finally able to host the club’s National Gathering in the historic Karoo town of Graaff-Reinet; established in 1786.
assionate Mercedes-Benz Club members came from all over the country in their classic cars to attend the special weekend. Celebrating the 36th year of the club’s existence, the 3-day event was based at the Drostdy Hotel, with a well-planned program including a drive to the Rubidge family’s Wellwood Sheep Farm established in 1938, and the Rubidge Paleontology Museum which houses one of the largest private collections of fossils in the world; started by Dr Sydney Rubidge in 1934. Some interesting facts on sheep farming and historical Paleontology were given by Rob & Bruce Rubidge respectively, which gave real value to the visit. The lovely Homestead and the immaculately kept gardens, flower beads and lawns are testament to the commitment of Marion Rubidge in maintaining such an oasis in the harsh
Karoo environment. The hospitality at the farm was awesome. This was followed by a drive to the interesting village of NieuBethesda, where members experienced the historic village and the well-known Owl House, where the reclusive and enigmatic artist Helen Martins lived. This was followed by a wonderful country style lunch at ‘Die Waenhuis Restaurant’. Upon returning from NieuBethesda, we paid a visit to the Recollection Rides Classic Car Museum owned by Hannes van Jaarsveld. A very special and lively Oktoberfest was enjoyed by everyone that evening, at the Recollection Village across the road from the museum, which carried on till late. Also on the program was a drive up to the Valley of Desolation viewpoint in the Camdeboo Conservancy the following day, where refreshments (including champagne)
were a welcome treat after the long walk to the viewpoint. Following a moving organ recital in the Dutch reformed church, built in 1886, a lavish Gala Dinner was held at the Drostdy Hotel on the last evening of the National Gathering. A well-supported auction was held in aid of the Vuyani Safe Haven, which provides safety and care for children whose families cannot or do not care adequately for them. During the evening, acknowledgement was also given to Dr Carl Benz, who patented his motorised carriage in 1886, officially introducing the first automobile to the world, 135 years ago. Supported by Mercedes-Benz South Africa, the new W206 C-Class sedan, proudly built in East London, was positioned next to the 1886 Benz Three-Wheeler replica in the courtyard of the historic Drostdy Hotel. This was to show the evolution
of the automobile from the humble, revolutionary motorized carriage in 1886, to the technologically advanced new W206 C-Class of today. Both vehicles were kindly loaned to the club by the Daimler Plant in East London. Norman Hickel was our ThreeWheeler specialist on hand to give a run-down of the vehicle’s history and mechanical workings. Special guests; Selvin Govender, Vice President Sales & Marketing of MBSA and Russell Grigg, Dealer Principal of Ronnies Motors were thanked for their generous contributions as major sponsors towards hosting this prestigious event. Special mention must also be made to Janus Schoeman, Drostdy Hotel Manager for the commitment to ensure a successful weekend stay at the Hotel. The generosity from the Hotel Management and excellent service received from the staff there
was outstanding. I wish to thank the National Committee and in particular, our Club President, Waldo Scribante and National Secretary Annalie Kachelhoffer for their support in our planning of the National Gathering, it is much appreciated. Lastly, but by no means least, a big thank you to the Eastern Cape Region’s organising committee, who put in many hours to make the weekend such a great success. I should not single out anyone as the combined efforts were enormous, but I must mention Johan Minnaar who did a sterling job as MC by keeping everyone well informed and amused throughout the weekend. Being a local resident, Johan had some invaluable information and many stories to tell of the greater GraaffReinet area’s people and its wonderful history. A big thank you to everyone who attended this memorable weekend in the Gem of the Karoo. n
Eastern Cape Regional Chairman
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Tailend 103
The end of the TAILEND By Waldo Scribante
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Chris Carlisle-Kitz, a man who inspired all of us. It was a great honour to have Chris serving as my Vice President. But we all know he was really so much more than that. He was one of my best friends and my confidant. I am going to miss our phone calls… I am going to miss him dearly. Chris was a true gentleman, a friend to many, a pioneer, a legend and a hero of the Club. A one-of-a-kind person with incredible knowledge, which he was so eager and happy to share. Even though Chris may be gone, his memory
will live on in all of us forever. We will all miss his advice, support and encouragement. Jason, Annemarie, Francis, Nina… our sincere condolences. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Anna-Lee, may you always find peace and love in your Merc family. Chris, we appreciated your true friendship, kindness and gentle ways, always smiling and
happy. Always going out of your way. You will be forever in our hearts…. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for me to bid farewell to our beloved friend, and so I leave you with a message from our Vice President, Chris Carlisle-Kitz: “Life is a daring adventure, or it is nothing”. You have lived your life to the full, my friend. May you now rest in peace. n