Hanjo Stier
Although it was claimed by a more modern Japanese brand, I believe that classic Mercedes-Benzes are your best bet in the pursuit of perfection.
The fact that you’re currently reading this text confirms that you’re also a fan of classic vehicles bearing the three-pointed star, so all that’s left for me to do is safely assumeisthatyoualsothinkofthe 23-series as the most perfect Mercedes-Benzeverbuilt.
Why? Because this E-Class precursor broke order books, bulged waiting lists, smashed sales records and eventually ruled the reliability charts in equal measure. And while the whole range wasn’t completely bomb-proof, it turns out to have become one of the
most reliable passenger car series Mercedes-Benz ever made. On top of that, it was offered in multiple body shapes (including the brand’s pioneering T-Modell luxury estate) andavastspreadofengines.
Before I get carried away even more (as I intend to do in a future W 23 video documentary) I hope you enjoy the article and photos of our scenic W 23 outing in the WesternCape.
Also, the amazing content in thislatesteditionofyourBenzLens isspear-headedbyourrecentAGM andNationalGatheringinKZN,and also features stories about relaxed Sunday lunches, loads of cars in multiple parks, sunny river cruises, coffee-infused meets (including one at a comic book store), divine dinners and a mid-winter fishing trip.
So this edition of our Club’s humble newsletter is packed with wholesome goodness, contained in sensible design and based on a provenplatform.MuchlikeaW 23, wouldn’tyouagree?
Waldo Scribante
Dear Members of the
Mercedes-Benz Club of SouthAfrica,
As I sit here reflecting on the recentAGMandNationalGathering 2024, hosted by the KZN Region, I am filled with immense gratitude and excitement. The weekend was nothing short of spectacular, reviving the camaraderie and spirit of togetherness that have always beenthefoundationofourClub
A heartfelt thanks goes to Avish Maharaj and his exceptional team from the KZN Region for their meticulous planning and execution of this event Their dedication was supportedbyacommittedgroupof volunteers who worked tirelessly
on tasks like registration and logistics, ensuring everything ran smoothly.
The AGM was a key part of the weekend'sagenda Itwasmyhonor to present the President's Report for 2023, a review of our Club's activities and accomplishments overthepastyear.
This was followed by insightful reports from the Treasurer, Membership, and various regions The positive reception to these presentations reaffirmed the collective strength and enthusiasm ofourClub.
I must extend my gratitude to all the members who have supported me over the past year
and to the National Committee for their unwavering belief in my leadership.Yourtrustmotivatesme to continue serving with dedication andpurpose
Special congratulations are in order for Annalie Kachelhoffer, JanWillem Wielsma, and Johan Kemp on their re-election to the National Committee.
I look forward to another year of collaboration with them and our regional chair-persons as we work togethertoachieveourgoals.
On a personal note, I want to express my deepest thanks to my wife, René, whose steadfast support allows me to lead this Club withthededicationitdeserves.
The highlights of the weekend were not limited to the AGM. I'm suremanyofyouhavealreadyseen the photos and heard the stories about the special moments we shared.
The Gala Evening was an absolute standout occasion, showcasing the elegance and prestige that define our Club This year’s glamorous event, which was generously sponsored by Mercedes-Benz South Africa (MBSA), remains a cornerstone of our gatherings I am immensely gratefulfortheircontinuedsupport andgenerosity.
During the evening, I had the privilege of recognizing individuals who’ve gone above and beyond in their contributions to the Club and the Mercedes-Benz brand Special membershipswerepresentedto:
• Fatima Motala, Dealer Principal ofMercedes-BenzUmhlanga
• Sanjay Nathoo from the Pencil Club
Additionally, the prestigious Hero Award was presented to Warren Geyer for his outstanding service to the Club. These individuals exemplify the dedication and passion that drive ourClub'ssuccess.
As we wrapped up this extraordinary weekend, I couldn't help but feel immense pride in our members and the work we've done together To Avish Maharaj and his team, once again, thank you for organizing a flawless event that celebrated everything we love about the Mercedes-Benz marque andourClub'suniqueculture.
Let us carry this spirit forward as we continue to drive our Club intothefuture.
WaldoScribante President, Mercedes-Benz Club of SouthAfrica.■
As a Mercedes-Benz Club member, you will receive a 10% discount on everything except technical literature on your purchase at the Mercedes-Benz Classic Store provided by EVO Eitel & Volland GmbH. The discount cannot be combined with other promotions.
Enter your Mercedes-Benz ClubCard ID when you enter your customer details..
Mercedes-Benz Classic Store www.mercedes-benz-classic-store.com
May - August 2024
DMG: new headquarters in Untertürkheim
26 May 1904
The administration of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft moves from Cannstatt to the new plant in Untertürkheim. The relocation is officially listed in the Commercial Register on 17 October
Crossing Africa by car
1 May 1909
German Paul Graetz completes the first crossing of Africa by car, arriving at Swakopmund, German South West Africa. The 9,500-km journey in his specially-designed 35 hp car began in Dar-es-Salaam, German East Africa, on 10 August 1907
Daimler and Benz agree cooperation
1 May 1924
Benz & Cie. and Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft form a community of interests. Mercedes-Benz Automobil GmbH is established on 30 May and takes over responsibility for joint sales activities for the Mercedes and Benz brands.
Last vehicle repaired in Untertürkheim handed over
13 May 1949
Chairman of the Board of Management Dr Wilhelm Haspel hands over the last Ford repaired in Untertürkheim to the US Army. The "Ford Sedan Repair Line" was then transferred to the Esslingen repair facility for capacity reasons.
Waxenberger wins the Macao six-hour race
18 May 1969
Erich Waxenberger wins the Macao six-hour race in a Mercedes-Benz 300 SEL 6.3.
Record for the C 111-IV: 403.978 km/h
5 May 1979
Test engineer Dr Hans Liebold drives a C 111-IV to a new record of 403.978 km/h on the Nardò circuit in Italy. He also sets new records for 10 km, 100 km, 10 miles and 100 miles. The record-breaking car is powered by a 368 kW, twin turbocharged 4.8-litre V8 based on the 4.5-litre production engine.
Nürburgring: opening with twenty Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.3-16 12 May 1984
A race featuring 20 identical Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.3-16 is the climax at the inauguration of the new Nürburgring. Twenty international racing drivers and former Nürburgring winners, compete for victory, which ultimately goes to Ayrton Senna.
International award for AMG V12 engine
26 May 2004
The Mercedes-AMG M 275 6.0 biturbo V12 receives the "International Engine of the Year Award" at the Engine Expo 2004 in Stuttgart in the category "Best Performance Engine". The 450 kW / 612 hp twelve-cylinder is used in the S-Class, CL and SL.
Daimler builds first two-cylinder V-engine
9 June 1889
Gottlieb Daimler has his new two-cylinder V-engine patented on 5 February 1890.
The world's first V-engine has a bank angle of 17° and develops 1.5 hp at 600 rpm. This universal power unit serves road, rail and water-based vehicles, including the motorised quadricycle (the wire-wheel car) designed by Daimler and Maybach.
The star becomes a trademark
24 June 1909
DMG applies to protect designs for a three-pointed star and, four days later, for a four-pointed star. Both variants are registered as trademarks on 9 February 1911
The four-pointed star is not used until 1989 by Deutsche Aerospace AG (DASA).
"Silver Arrows" start their series of victories
3 June 1934
The W 25 Grand Prix racing car – developed in accordance with the new 750-kg formula – ushers in the era of the Silver Arrows. Manfred von Brauchitsch drives the new car to victory in record time in its first competitive outing, the International Eifel Race at the Nürburgring. The Mercedes-Benz team also includes Rudolf Caracciola, Luigi Fagioli, Hanns Geier, Ernst Henne and racing manager Alfred Neubauer
Hermann Lang is "Pan-German Hillclimb champion"
11 June 1939
Hermann Lang wins the Vienna Höhenstrasse mountain race in a Mercedes-Benz W 154 hillclimb car. On August 6 he also wins the German Mountain Grand Prix on the Grossglockner Pass in a W 125 hillclimb car to be crowned "Pan-German Hillclimb champion" of the 1939 season.
First production OM 312 engine is completed
15 June 1949
The first production unit of the OM 312 engine is completed at the Mannheim factory
The 90 hp / 66 kW six-cylinder diesel is the first commercial vehicle engine developed after the war and the first version of the successful OM 300 engine family
Mercedes-Benz 300 SE wins on Nürburgring
21 June 1964
Eugen Böhringer and Dieter Glemser win overall victory in the six-hour race on the Nürburgring, driving a Mercedes-Benz 300 SE at an average speed of 127.2 km/h.
ESF 24 experimental safety vehicle
4 June 1974
The latest version of the experimental safety vehicle, the ESF 24, is presented at the Fifth International ESV Conference taking place in London. This marks the completion of the ESV programme after more than three years of intensive development work
International Engine of the Year Awards 2009
17 June 2009
The AMG 6.2L M 156 V8 engine wins first place for "Best Performance Engine" and "Above 4 litres". In the category "2 - 2.5 litres" the top spot is taken by the OM 651 four-cylinder diesel engine.
The first win by a “Blitzen Benz” was on 22 August 1909 when Fritz Erle took victory at the one-kilometre race in Frankfurt am Main (at an average speed of 159.3 km/h) at the wheel of the 200 hp Benz racing car, which would later become famous as the "Lightning Benz" or "Blitzen Benz".
#BlitzenBenz #LightningBenz #FritzErle #MercedesBenz #MBMuseum #MBClassic
Nine-day long-distance journey in a Benz Victoria 16 - 22 July 1894
Theodor von Liebieg undertakes a remarkable long-distance journey in his Benz Victoria. The 939km route starts from Reichenberg in Bohemia and continues via Mannheim to Gondorf, on the Moselle river. After a brief excursion to the French city of Reims, Liebieg sets out on the return journey from Gondorf on 22 August, arriving in Reichenberg nine days later
Top three places for DMG in French Grand Prix
4 July 1914
Christian Lautenschlager wins the French Grand Prix in Lyon at the wheel of a 4.5L Mercedes racing car, whose 85 kW four-cylinder engine has two intake valves and two exhaust valves per cylinder. Louis Wagner and Otto Salzer finish second and third respectively, driving the same Mercedes model. This clean sweep of the top three places in an extremely competitive field marks DMG's second triumph in the most important race on the international motorsport calendar
Mercedes-Benz triumphs at "2,000 Kilometers Across Germany" 21/22 July 1934
In the "2,000 Kilometres Across Germany" endurance event, Mercedes-Benz drivers claim a total of 26 gold, three silver and three bronze medals in the individual and team rankings. The 1.5L Sports Saloon, the chassis of which forms the basis for the 150 Sports Roadster presented at the start of 1935, has its first competitive outing.
Mercedes-Benz reports back to the Formula One 4 July 1954
The first race in which the new 2.5-litre W 196 Formula One racing car is entered brings a spectacular one-two victory for Mercedes-Benz. In the streamlined version of the W 196, Juan Manuel Fangio, competing for Mercedes-Benz for the first time, wins the French Grand Prix in Reims, with Karl Kling coming in second.
Spa: victory in the 24-hour race
25/26 July 1964
Robert Crevits and Gustave Gosselin drive a Mercedes-Benz 300 SE to victory in the 24-hour race at Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium. The Belgian team attains an average speed of 164.875 km/h.
World premiere: first five-cylinder passenger car
July 1974
Mercedes-Benz presents three new passenger car models to the international press in Frankfurt am Main and Hockenheim. The 59 kW, 5-cylinder 3-litre OM 617 engine of the 240 D 3.0 (115 series) makes this not only the world's most powerful dieselengined passenger car, but also the world's first five-cylinder series-produced model.
Millionth passenger car in the 123 series
July 1979
In Sindelfingen the one-millionth passenger car of the 123 series is completed.
Benz advertises with stylized laurel wreath
6 August 1909
Benz & Cie. submits its new trademark to the Imperial Patent Office. It shows the name Benz inside a stylised laurel wreath and is officially registered as a trademark on 10 October 1910.
Caracciola wins the International Klausen Race
5 August 1934
Rudolf Caracciola wins the International Klausen Race in the day's best time, setting a new track record of 83.9 km/h in the process. This is Carraciola's first win in the Mercedes-Benz W 25 750-kg formula racing car
Successful year for Daimler-Benz racing team
20 August 1939
The Swiss Grand Prix at the Bremgarten circuit near Bern ends in a triple triumph for Mercedes-Benz: Hermann Lang wins, followed by Rudolf Caracciola and Manfred von Brauchitsch, ending the season as the most successful driver.
Fangio Formula One world champion ahead of time
1 August 1954
After finishing fourth in the British Grand Prix in Silverstone, Juan Manuel Fangio wins the German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring.The Argentinean follows this up with victories in the Swiss Grand Prix on 22 August and the Italian Grand Prix in Monza on 5 September. Fangio can already celebrate winning the Formula One World Championship crown by a huge margin after the penultimate race of the season.
250,000th Mercedes-Benz passenger car with gasoline injection
6 August 1969
The 250,000th Mercedes-Benz passenger car with petrol injection engine leaves the production line at Sindelfingen. The landmark vehicle is a W 108 series 280 SE.
Last example from the R 107 SL series
4 August 1989
More than 18 years after the start of series production, the 237,287th and last R107 series SL rolls off Sindelfingen’s assembly line. The landmark vehicle is a Signal Red 500 SL, which is transferred to the collection of the Mercedes-Benz Museum.
Front passenger airbag and rear head restraints as standard
1 August 1994
A front passenger airbag and head restraints for the rear are fitted as standard in all Mercedes-Benz passenger car models.
Photovoltaic system at the Mercedes-Benz Berlin plant
27 August 2009
In the presence of Berlin's governing mayor, Klaus Wowereit, a 3,740 m² photovoltaic system is officially inaugurated on the roof of one of the production halls at the Mercedes-Benz Berlin-Marienfelde plant. The largest continuous stretch of solar roofing in Berlin, it is capable of generating around 430,000 kWh of energy a year
ThenaamsaSouthAfricanAutoWeek2024tookplacefrom15to18October2024atthe CapeTownInternationalConventionCentre.
Mercedes-Benz South Africa was in full swing, and we're proud to be part of the celebrations,marking100yearsofautomotivemanufacturinginthecountry. As one of the seven Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in South Africa, we continue to drive innovation,sustainability,andexcellencewithintheindustry
In keeping with the event's theme, we showcased the Benz Patent Motorwagen, a symbol of our pioneering heritage, juxtaposed with the modern automotive and performance luxury of the AMG C63se. Alongside these, the Mercedes-Benz Ponton and W202 C-Class - both proudly manufactured at our East London plant - highlight our rich history of craftsmanship and innovation. These displays reflect our commitment to a sustainablefutureforthenextcenturyofmobility.
39th AGM and National Gathering
By Hanjo Stier
The KwaZulu-Natal Region of our Club hosted the 39th Annual General Meeting and National Gathering in and around Durban on the weekend of 14 to 16 June 2024.
As the only recognised club
by Mercedes-Benz Classic International, our 39-year-old enthusiast owners association enjoys the kind support of Mercedes-Benz South Africa and its network of dealers; this most recent AGM being hosted at the amazing Umhlanga brand centre oftheprestigiousGermanbrand.
Mercedes-Benz Umhlanga not only welcomed dozens of club members for Friday's AGM formalities, they also hosted associated supplier stands and a club regalia desk, while providing the use of a new GLA 200 AMG Line aswellasanairportshuttleservice.
The very impressive multi-level showrooms of Mercedes-Benz Umhlanga were also interspersed with beautiful classic vehicles carrying the three-pointed star. Rumours were flying around that Avish Maharaj, Chairman of the KZN Region, had polished them all himself,byhand.
Over the years it has become MBCSAtraditiontohosttheAGMin every one of our six regions on an annual rotational basis, so after last year’s Northern Region AGM (hosted in Gauteng), the 2024 event was based in KwaZulu Natal, with next year’s festivities moving totheWesternCape.
A further tradition is the extended weekend action added onto each AGM as "the National Gathering"; usually held each year somewhere between April and June.
Each region takes great pride in showcasing their best venues, latest restaurants and most scenic drives when their turn rolls around every six years. These experiences are mixed with fancy dress parties, gymkhanas, road rallies and other fun activities, usually culminating in a gala dinner on the last night, where prize giving meets special recognitionandacharityauction.
This year's 39th MBCSA meetup was no different, with the KZN Region pulling out all the stops to impress their many members and guests.
Friday's official Club AGM at the Mercedes-Benz Umhlanga Brand Centre was followed in the evening by a 950's-themed dinner at the nearby Premier Hotel, while Saturday morning started with everyone’schoicebetweenascenic harbour cruise or a precision drivinggymkhanaintheparkinglot of the MSC Nelson Mandela cruise terminal. Around lunchtime, all attending club members gathered here for photo opportunities and a casuallunch.
Saturdayeveningwowedeven themostseasonedsocialiteswhen everyone was asked to dress in white and enter the exclusive Pencil Club at Umhlanga Arch. It's difficult to decide which was more impressive: the view, venue or ambience!
Sunday's program started off withaclue-huntandscenicdriveto Zinkwazi Lagoon Beach and Forest Resort, where live music and leisurely boat cruises made for a relaxedlunchtimeouting.
And as tradition dictates, that evening'sfinaleventwasablack-tie gala dinner (again at the Premier Hotel) which gave recognition to
sponsors and valued members, raised R 05,000 for animal and paraplegic charities, while handing the baton of next year's AGM and national gathering to the Western Cape.
Our club president (Waldo Scribante) and the mischievous KZN Regional Chairman (Avish Maharaj) took this opportunity to thank all of our kind sponsors for this momentous event, most notably Mercedes-Benz South Africa and the Umhlanga Brand Centre, whose generous and professional assistance made this Juneweekendatrulyunforgettable one!■
By Koot & Saartjie du Toit
Waldo and René kindly led the peloton from the Sasol filling station in George to the Fairy Knowe Hotel.
What a memorable sight to see,
shining three-pointed stars and two Smart cars entering the premises of the Fairy Knowe Hotel; and parking side by side on the southernsideofthehotel.
Weallgatheredinadiningroom of the Fairy Knowe, where the staff had laid out (and beautifully decorated) a long table for our gathering.
Die Bestuur en Personeel word bedank vir hul bekwame en vriendelike diens, asook vir die smaaklike etes wat keurig vir ons voorgesitis.
Die moontlikheid bestaan dat ons volgende keer na 'n buffet ete kan uitsien wat ook op 'n gunstiger tariefvoorgesitkanword.
Nadat die verwelkoming gedoenisenalmalbedankisvirhul teenwoordigheid, is ook Waldo, ons Klub President en Rene ons SuidKaapVoorsitter,virhulleiding, voorbeeldengasvryheidbedank.
Daarna is twee toekennings gedoen. JC, wat die eerste bespreking vir hierdie geleentheid gedoen het, en Pieter Lourens, wat die meeste gaste bespreek het vir diebyeenkoms.
Hulle het elkeen 'n MercedesBenz SLR McLaren ontvang om die geleentheidtegedenk.
Aangesien die byeenkoms vir die derde keer plaasgevind het en dit in Augustus, wat bekend staan asVrouemaand,is'naanhalingvan Florence Nitingale voorgelees. Sy hetgesê:
“No man, not even a Doctor, ever gives any other definition of what a Nurse should be than this ‘Devoted and Obedient’. This
definition would do just as well for a Porter. It would not do for a Policeman.”
Die lede is gevra om vir die volgende byeenkoms (in 2025) 'n aanhaling van Sister Teresa saam te bring om voor te lees. René het die moontlikheid uitgespreek dat hierdie jaarlikse ete byeenkoms voortaan'ninstellingkanword.
She presented Saartjie with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and I received a gift of a very special bottle
of wine, which was gratefully accepted.
Die twee liefdadigheidsinstansies, nl EMMAUS en BADISA, was so bevoorreg en baie dankbaar om elkeen 'n groot geskenk van voedsel te ontvang wat deur almal teenwoordig by die ete, vir hullegeskenkis.
Nadat Wilna Lourens 'n tafelgebed gedoen het, kon almal aansiten'nheerlikeetegeniet. Tot'nvolgendekeer,Groete.■
By René Scribante SCOCC Annual Potjiekos Feast
Winter's chill could not
dampen the spirits as members gathered for one of our most treasured traditions: the annual SCOCC potjiekos feast at “dieBENZ.”Thoughthemorningair bit with icy sharpness, the warmth of friendship and the promise of culinary indulgence made the gathering feel like a midsummer celebration.
The day began at first light, as veteran chefs Pierre Fourie and Kobus Harris, joined by their skilled sous-chefs, took charge of preparing the centerpiece of the event:awholelamb,pairedwithan arrayoffresh,vibrantvegetables.
Their culinary expertise transformed simple ingredients into something extraordinary, while the comforting aroma of sizzling lamb filled the crisp morning air. A well-timed glass of sherry added a touch of warmth, helping to ward off the lingering chill.
Adding a dash of excitement totheoccasion,ChrisKühnbravely donned the chef's hat and for the first time, crafting his debut oxtail potjie - a true masterpiece that wouldsoonhaveeveryoneraving.
As the morning stretched into midday, members began arriving; their laughter and chatter creating a lively atmosphere. Stories of classic cars and shared memories echoed through the space, accompanied by the cheerful clinking of glasses and plates. It was more than just a gathering - it was a celebration of community andcamaraderie.
When the moment finally arrived to taste the fruits of our collective efforts, the feast exceeded every expectation. Each dish was a testament to the skill and passion poured into its preparation.
Though our appetites were hearty, the portions proved even heartier, leaving us with an abundance of food. In the spirit of generosity, any extra food was donatedtoalocalshelter,ensuring the day's joy extended beyond our gatheringtothoseinneed.
As the festivities drew to a close,Waldo,ourever-enthusiastic club leader, took a moment to express heartfelt gratitude to all who made the day possible. He acknowledged the SCOCC for hosting, the chefs for their culinary brilliance, and every member for their contributions to the event's success.
To honor the dedication of Pierre, Kobus and Chris, Waldo presented each of them with a special token of appreciation: a bottle of 2-year-old whiskey - a fitting tribute to the craftsmanship theydisplayed.
By the end of the day, it was clear this was more than just an event. It was a reflection of who we are as clubs - a family bound by a love of classic cars, fine food, and a shared spirit of generosity. As we packed away the pots and bid our farewells, our hearts were full, alreadylookingforwardtothenext time we would gather under the SCOCCbanner.■
Our outing for June was a
By René Scribante
combination of our monthly meeting and a visit to “Friends & I” Art Exhibition at “The Attic” in Georgeon2 June2024.
Their walls were as colourful as the conversations about art, vehicles and so much more. Our members were entertained by the participating artists, and it was surelyanighttoremember.
Thank you to “Friends & I” for the invitation and an inspiring eveningspenttogether.■
By staff writer
Regions beware: the editor has been making his rounds and recently sprung a surprise visit on the friendly Southern Cape Region during their mid-winter regional meeting and pasta evening.
By Jaco Kachelhoffer
Our Bloemfontein Cars in the Park is now being held during May and no longer August, which makes for a welcome, less freezing, change.
Earlyonthemorningof Maywe
started the lineup of all the beautiful classics and some of the youngerbeautiesaswell.
Asalways,ourmembersdidnot disappointandtheMercedes-Benz stand once again had the biggest display of all the motor brands. JohanMeyerbroughthis450SEL6.9 and300SEL6.3,andwithJapieVos's lovely 90SL,amongothers,wehad some serious eye candy in our display. Patrick Bopape also went the extra mile in bringing his vehicles from Pretoria for the occasion.
A huge thanks to our members who supported us and made this CITPaverysuccessfulone.
Later in May we came together at Fanie and Anita's place for some snacks and to ogle their grand collection, after which we visited the Naval Hill Planetarium to go fromcargazingtostargazing. With the facilities at the Planetarium we wereableto“travel”toviewvarious planetsandconstellations.
In June some of our members travelledtoDurbanfortheNational Gathering hosted by Avish and his teamfromtheKZNregion.
Unfortunately, Annalie and I could not attend this, but our members enjoyed all that was on offerduringthisweekend.
In July our members from Kimberley treated us to a safari dining trip, starting off with a game drive on a game farm close to Kimberley. From there we moved on to Johan Meyer's place for a superblunchandtoviewtherestof his beautiful collection. Deon Nel andhiswifeSandraroundedoffthe daywithyummydesserttreatsand aviewingoftheircartreatsaswell.
Even the Mustang added lustre to the day! Our thanks to members Jaco Maartens, Johan Meyer, Deon Nel (and their spouses) for making thisdayatrulymemorableone.
In August it was time for a soup and sherry evening at our Benz Barn. Apart from a good supply of OBS we also had a chicken and mealie soup, biltong soup, a “boerebrood” and a lemon and malva dessert on the menu. After everyonehadmorethanenoughof all on offer, Annalie started the Bingogame.
Thiswasnewtoanumberofour members, but was enjoyed so much that numerous games were played and the prize money put back in the pot for future games. Johan Strydom won first prize (a bottleofwineandaMercedes-Benz water bottle) while Fanie du Preez clinchedthefinalmoneypot.
Therestofouryearwillincludea visit to a local businessman who buildsracingcars,aboatrideonthe Modder River and our year-end function, but more of that in our nextedition.■
“...a two hour cruise on the Kowie river..."
By Joe Janssens
A river cruise and Christmas in July were on the cards for this EC region weekend getaway...
On a blessed sunny weekend
in July, eleven Eastern Cape Regionmembersandtheirfamilies from East London, Kidd's Beach, Bokness,Ggeberha,PortAlfredand Kleinemonde met on late Saturday morning for a social outing at the Port Alfred Halliard Hotel... for a two hour cruise on the Kowie river aboardtheSpiritofAdventure.
Onboard,andtotheenjoyment of the children, all guests had the opportunity to catch a bit of winter sunandweretreatedtosumptuous snackplattersanddrinks.
The Kowie River offers more than 25km of breathtaking views andsomewild-orbird-lifealongthe riverbanks.
Upon our return we had some free time to relax, explore the town and prepare our Christmas outfits before regrouping later that afternoon at Bathurst, for a Christmas in July dinner with live musicattheHistoricPigandWhistle Inn.
This is the oldest pub in South Africa which hasn’t closed its doors since openingin1832.
Some of us watched some rugby in the bar before proceeding to dinner.
Upon our arrival, hosts Lucille and Gavin accommodated our group at a large 22-seater table decorated with Christmas regalia. We were treated with a sumptuous 3-course dinner. No need to say thatdrinkswereflowing,especially forthosewhobookedinatthehotel forthenight.
OnSundayweregroupedatthe SouthAfricaCountryStyleStanley's RestaurantinKentononSea,where some members from PE and EL joinedusforagreatfamousSunday lunchwithaspectacularviewofthe Kariega River. After lunch we all hit theroadhome.
As usual, a good outing with greatcamaraderie. ■
By Niki Georgiou
A great opportunity to give our three-pointed stars a night burn, with a delicious Mediterranean ending...
It was a lovely warm Saturday
evening for a late dinner at Shannon’sPortugueseRestaurant.
Most of our time around the table was spent talking about the precious moments with our threepointed stars. The one that stood out for the evening was that of FabianCairnsandhisGLE63S.What amachinethatis!
After dinner we proceeded to takeawalktoFabian’sbeastanddo some exploring through all the fancygadgetsandgizmos.Whatan unbelievable motor vehicle with suchadistinctivegrowl.■
By Rudi Le Roux
The annual Wizard on Wheels, affectionately known as the “WOW” show, was held on 29 June on a beautiful warm winter’s day in East London.
As a brand, the three-pointed
star dominated WOW again. Theshowwaswellsupportedbythe local community as well as Eastern Capemembers.
Ipersonallyhadfun(withsome help) moving nine of my own cars across town, into position at the show and back into storage, then home again after the show. I also had the opportunity to drive the latest W223 S500 to the show from our local dealer, Ronnies Motors. AsanS-Classnut,thiswasatreat.
There was a lovely mix of old andnewcoupés,roadsters,sedans and wagons on display. The oldest Mercedes on show was Lawrence Kropf’s beautiful 1953 170 D-S, all thewaythroughthedecadestothe currentnewMercedes-Benzmodel range.
As always, it’s good to touch basewithourdearfellowmembers and broader community in the presence of the cars and brand we lovesomuch.■
By Matt Du Sart
The (1000) hills were alive with the sound of Mercedes-Benz!
Hot on the heels of the
successful 39th AGM and NationalGathering,theKZNRegion hadrestedlongenough.
It was time to commune once again with our beautiful province, this time in the stunning backdrop of the Valley of 1000 Hills in outerwestDurban.
Sunday showed off in a spectacular fashion as members dined at The Castle restaurant. Boasting a sumptuous menu and impeccable service from Thembisa and her team, The Castle is definitely on the list of must-do's whenexploringthisheritageroute.
While we dined, Durban winter gloriedastheonce-a-monthsteam trainbillowedby.Definitelyadayfit forKingsandQueens.■
“...welcomed with open arms and taut fishing lines."
By Matt du Sart
When winter threatens its icy grip, geese are not the only creatures to migrate south. Our KZN Region members do too!
We’ve been working tirelessly
in fervent preparation for the Club's highly anticipated AGM and National Gathering taking place in June. So the perfect opportunity to take some time out in the southern interior of our beautiful province was welcomed with open arms and taut fishing lines.
Member Barry Cole and his lovely wife Jane graciously hosted many of our region’s members in theserenesurroundsoftheirfarm. The warm autumn sunshine welcomed friendly chatter on the banks of an extremely picturesque damteemingwithbassanddiverse avifauna.
Those who were adventurous (and patient) enough took bait to hookandtriedtheirluckatreelingin a live one. I, for one, will leave such activities to the youth who seem to havetheknackforsuchactivities…
And what is an outing without breaking bread together? With the charcoals hot and beverages ice cold,lunchwasservedasthebanter continued into the late afternoon. This gifted us the perfect pause as we look forward to hosting our Mercedes-Benz Club family in the sunshineprovince! ■
By Johan Krogh
On invitation from the VVC (Vintage and Veteran Club), a vintage cars club that was established in 1959, members of the Northern Region attended the “Mercedes-Benz Day” display at the club house of the VVC in Oaklands, Johannesburg.
The committee decided to
combine our bi-monthly Stars &Coffeeoutingtocoincidewiththis invitation, as the members of the VVC are not only known for their vintage cars from all marques but also for their hospitality. They’re also quite famous for their scones with cream or jam and cheese - an integral part of a good tea and coffee invitation; and definitely not tobemissed!
The outing was very well attended by our members and we received a warm welcome from membersoftheVVC...inparticular, their chairperson Brian Noik. This outing allowed our members not only to display their own special stars, but also to admire the automobilesofclubmembersfrom theVVC.
We thank the VVC for their hospitality and look forward to the nextevent!■
By Johan Krogh
Despite a lot of excitement, the
Parys Air Show drive planned on the 8th of May 2024 could not proceedastheeventwascancelled by the organiser. However, this did notdiscourageourcommittee,and a new event was identified. We attended the 30th Northwest Car Show held in Potchefstroom on Wednesday the first of May 2024, whichwasapublicholiday.
With more than 300 vehicles attending the show, this event exceeded all expectations – and
was very well supported by our members; to such an extent that the Mercedes-Benz Club, I believe, was the biggest club represented on the day! Well done to all our memberswhoattended
In addition, and after judging more than 300 vehicles, our club members managed to walk away with three of the five prizes awarded on the day And special congratulations go to Kobus Delport for winning the cleanest vehicleaward;withhis 969W 08.
Connie Oosthuizen won the award for the most unique vehicle with his rare 300SL Roadster, while Steffan Liebenberg was the overall winner with his beautiful W 3 Pagoda
We thank members Johan Gerber and Johan van Heerden for arranging and demarcating our standinadvance.Aftersuchahuge success, the Northern Region has decided to add this event to our agenda for 2025 and we hope to seemoremembersnextyear!■
By Johan Krogh
In line with our regional committee's strategy to make events more accessible to members, our July Stars & Coffee outing was hosted on the East Rand.
It’s safe to say that our drive
to the Comic Warehouse in Bedfordview did not disappoint, especially for those Northern Region members whose “inner child” is still very much alive and active!
TheComicWarehouseisknown for a fast selection of model cars, comic books, games and much more!Childrenofallages,yeseven those above 30 years, were totally mesmerised by everything to see andbuyattheComicWarehouse.
Who is not taken back to their youth by Star Wars, Green Lantern, Spiderman and other Marvel characters?
With an in-house coffee shop, memberscouldenjoyagoodcupof coffee and a breakfast to conclude the retail therapy experience, even ifsomepurchasesweredoneunder coverfora“grandchild”ortwo...
Thank you to our committee members, Christopher Dooley and Jan-Willem Wielsma for organising thissuper(man)event! ■
By Johan Krogh
Currently POMC Cars in the Park is the biggest event of this nature in the country, with more than 2,500 vintage and classic vehicles being displayed by more than 100 clubs and a number of private individuals, hosted at Zwartskop Raceway in Pretoria.
The first POMC - CARS in the
PARK was held in 980 at the POMC Club grounds in Silverton. Nine cars of POMC club members weredisplayed.
From 982onwards,otheronemarque clubs were also invited to display their vehicles. By 2005, morethan80clubsdisplayedabout 2,000 vehicles and the POMC grounds became too small to accommodate any further growth. In 2006 the event was moved to ZwartkopsRaceway
The Mercedes-Benz Club and itsmembersonceagainsupported this event in 2024; and it remains one of the biggest events on our annual calendar. We are however very privileged to be hosted by the AMG Driving Academy which has their premises very conveniently
situated at Zwartkops; directly across from the Mercedes-Benz stand. We thank the AMG Driving Academyfortheirhospitalityonthe day!
Thisdaywouldnothavebeena success if it was not for all our members who attended – and we absolutely packed our stand to the brim!Ahugeshout-outtoNorthern Region secretary Koos du Toit, who had the daunting task of getting all the vehicles neatly parked on the stand.
We thank the Club’s National Committee for their contribution, ensuring that all members present were treated to welcoming snacks andlunch.Also,thankyoutoallour committee members for your arrangements in making this event suchasuccess.■
By Hanjo Stier
Our Western Cape Region held a very convivial W123 brunch run to The Grill Shack's “Pitstop” on Sunday 5 May 2024.
ost attendees met at the Meast-boundN2Engen -Stop and followed organisers Mikhail Kunneke(inhischarmingwhite-onblue 200 Automatic) and Hanjo Stier (driving his Mom's Smoke Silver280EAutomatic)foraconvoy along Strand's sunny beachfront, with a mid-route coffee stop at BikiniBeachBooksinGordon'sBay. It's hard to miss, as there's a W 26 parkedontheroof!
By this time, the 23 Series was still outnumbered, but in the most stunning ways. These included a svelte pair of 07 SLC's, a stunning black “Big Fin”, an elegant 380 SEC plus a collection of beautiful second-generationSLK's.
View a short video here
The group then headed to the family-friendly venue along False Bay's picturesque Marine Drive, also known as Clarens Drive or the Rooi Els Road. Despite many stopand-go roadworks to fix recent storm damage, the scenic road is frequented by many international touristsandlocaldayvisitors.
With such beautiful Sunday weatherandnoshortageofhungry motorists, we were grateful that Pitstophadreservedsomeparking forourvehicles.Twomorecarsmet usatthevenuewhichfinallytookus up to five W 23's in total; one of which was a well-loved S 23 280TE
estate,completewithabigdoggoin theback.
TheremainingtwoW 23'swere a very clean silver-over-black 230E and a pristine pre-facelift, lowmileage white 280E with a striking greeninterior.
Afteraveryheartybrunch,four spot prizes from Gift Experience South Africa were handed to winners for the best W 23, best coupé, best estate and ladies' choice.
Well done to the winners and a big thank you to everyone who joined us on this relaxed and friendlyWesternCapeouting. ■
By Zillen Venter
members braved a rather cold winter's morning for a breakfast runorganisedbyKurtStassen.
The chosen venue for this outing was The Postcard Café at Stark Condé Winery in the rather secluded Jonkershoek Valley near Stellenbosch.
Everyone enjoyed a delicious breakfast as well as the beautiful scenery provided by Jonkershoek Valley.
Then, in June, a number of our members attended the 39th AGM and National Gathering hosted by theKwa-ZuluNatalRegion.
TheCattleBaroninDurbanville was the venue for our regional meetinginJuly.Also,inthemidstof afierceJulywinterstorm,members travelled to Franschhoek for lunch at Hey Joe Brewing Co. Our regular meetings returned to the MultiMotorClubclubhouseinAugust.
Members experienced a busy end to the month with some membersjoiningtheAutoExtremo Tour from Franschhoek to Mossel Bayandafewmemberstravelledto HopefieldfortheHopefieldFynbos Showtodisplaytheirvehicles. ■
By Hanjo Stier
After testing the smallest, most affordable MercedesBenz hatchback, and then its sedan twin, it's only natural that we went for an East Coast whirl in sibling number three: this crossover GLA200 kindly provided by Mercedes-Benz Umhlanga.
You should know: The GLA is
now in its second generation (internal code H247) and updated form, following Mercedes-Benz' new naming strategy where any urban off-roady vehicle badge starts with “GL”. This one gets the letter “A” because it really is the smallest crossover in Stuttgart's line-up: just 4.4m long, .6m high andabout .8to2mwide.
Other vital dimensions include a kerb weight of ,500kg, .4m turning radius, 525L boot space, 8.3°approachand22. °departure angle, but only front-wheel drive and 43mm of ground clearance, thereby underlining its city SUV credentials. The GLA may also lack knobblytiresorlockingdiffsbuthas anoff-roadprograminitsstability/ drivesystem.
What else? Interestingly, the new GLA is ever-so-slightly shorter and a bit narrower than its X 56 predecessor,althoughitdoesshow a smidgen more height and wheelbaseinitstechnicaldrawings.
This translates to marginally better head- and shoulder-room for all occupants, although I would caution against placing more than twoadultsattheback.
More info: In today's amazing world of product scaling and platform sharing, you might be bored to discover that this GLA is, in fact, based on the same sexysounding MFA2 (modular frontwheel drive architecture version 2) platform as the aforementioned AClass hatchback and sedan, as well as the current B-Class, GLB and allelectricEQA.
Why you shouldn't: Your first problem is the steep starting price of ZAR 926,703. No, I also don't know what those three Rand are for. This AMG-Line model costs exactly29,000extra,andwhilethat maybeacomparativebargain,Ipity anyone who wants the base-line “Progressive” model… because it seemslikethefactoryonlywantsto makepretend-AMG's.
Why you should: For most people,problemnumbertwoisthe Renault-alliance M282 .3L turbopetrol four cylinder, although I will quicklyaddthatourfairlyfreshtest vehicle provided plenty of punch in most modern driving situations. Theonlypowergapsappearatpullaway or upper highway speeds, where 35kW or 270Nm may seem insufficienttoaspoiltpetrol-kop!
I'm sure you'd agree that the claimed acceleration of 0- 00km/h in 8.9 seconds and a top speed of 2 0km/hareextremelyadequatein today's crazy traffic. The little Benz can also be pretty efficient, with claimed average fuel use of 7.3L/ 00km from the 43L tank. I averagedninewithouteventrying.
Summary: With a surprisingly pliant ride (even on this faux AMG derivative) and decent drive train, comfortablechairsandclevertech, loads of charging and storage options, great parking and safety features, the handsomely chunky GLA200makesalotofsense. ■
Engine: Transmission:
Max. Power:
Max. Torque:
Avg. cons.: 0-100km/h:
Top Speed: List Price:
1,332cc i-4 Turbo-petrol 7-speed DCT, FWD
135kW @ 5,500rpm
270Nm @ 2,000rpm
Claimed 7.3L/100km
Claimed 8.9 seconds
Claimed 210km/h
From about ZAR927,000
By Hanjo Stier
Aren't you lucky! As in a previous review, this new S 350d found a forebear in my garage. Together with a few shared photos, this will help me to delve into five decades of progress…
Class stands for “Sonder” or Special (Class). Mercedes-Benz first used this letterontheirW116largesaloonwhich debuted in 1972. The tomato red example I cherish more than any other earthly possession was first registered tomyuncle'saddressinlateAugust'73. It was called “special” because the German carmaker started a trend of includingthelatestsafety,comfortand luxury features into their big sedans. This goes back a few generations, encompassing the jolly expensive but over-engineered 600 “Großer” (Big One)sedan,limousineorlandaulet.
The 1970's S-Class had a clever protective passenger cell, extra safety padding for the interior, new-age headlights and innovative suspension for its day. It even featured passive technology which has faded into
obscurity, like ribbed rear lights (to prevent complete dirt build-up) or a wrap-around chrome gutter which keepsallwindowsclear.
Its W126 successor of the 1980's brought new lightweight plastics, less chromeandopulence,butarguablythe most understated and well-received SClassesofthemall.Italsocontinuedthe gadget count with optional ABS, front airbags, power seats and windows, multi-tuner radio, mobile telephone andothersuchwitchcraft.
The 1990's weren't the party we expectedsothedoubleglazedandsoftclose W140 waded into battle with complete overkill in terms of size, motorization and specs. It also turns out that first-generation tech doesn't agewell,likethetroublesomeflip-blade key fob which Mercedes refuses to remake;tothisday.
Around the new millennium, M-B introduced the elegant W220 chassis whichremediedallofthe140'ssinsbut forgot to include the hallmark S-Class quality. Or rust-proofing. It had a great mix of new technology, bomb-proof drivetrainsandsoftstylingbutthesales figuresweren’tkindtoit.
Andso,afteroneoftheshortestlifespans ever, the 220-chassis handed over to the 221 with improvements in most departments and gadgets like heads-up display, digital speedo and infra-red camera. It’s one of the bestlooking S-Classes in my book, but I admitthatmyoddtastewasconfirmed longagobymyloveoftheW116;which isjustasunlovedasthebeautifulW221.
Theoutgoing222modelfollowedin its ancestor's footsteps by retaining trusted values and pioneering new gadgets.Afterheightenedsafetyspecs, more power goodies and additional tech toys, my favourite feature of the W222wasitsactivebump-cancellingair suspension.
So. What does this new one offer? Well,theheadlinesareflush/retracting door handles and airbags for the rear passengers. Other features include a gigantic info-tainment system or rear first-class seats with removable tablet, although these were either pioneered by its forebears or have become the norminmodernluxuryvehicles.
As if the catastrophic onslaught of SUV's (and mega-luxury SUV's) wasn't enough to contend with, any new SClass has to compete with the amazing tech-fest inside the latest hatchback Hyundais or crossover Mazdas. BMW went totally crazy with the rear cinema and styling of their new 7-Series but Mercedes-Benzisplayingitsafe.
ThisnewW223(orV223forthelongwheelbase) still looks understated by comparison. It shows the obligatory upright bluntness in its nose – mostly for packaging and pedestrian crash safety – and flows past a fairly uneventful silhouette to a rump with thinner yet confident-looking light clusters.
Some personal notes include the Mercedes-typical fake exhaust trims, contemporary trend of putting lowclassblackalloysonpremiumproducts,
and the continued dilution of their erstwhileperformancebrand,AMG.On thehappierside,Iwasdelightedtofind a traditional Mercedes star at the tip of its bonnet; as most buyers seem to prefershoutynew-moneytruckstars.
Ohdear,wasIabitcynicalthere?Just afewblocksofdrivingthisnewWaBenzi usuallycalmedmedownagainbecause thankfully, Mercedes-Benz retained the ethos of this big range-topping saloon by carefully crafting its drive train response, noise and vibration insulation,steeringandridecomfortto a level where you almost feel removed fromallproceedings.
Trust me, this is exactly how an SClassshouldfeel,andtheonlycarsthat mimicthisattributearemodernBritish vehicles whose names start with two R's. We also had a go in Merc's electric equivalentofthisvehicle–thenewEQS
– and while it rides and performs as smoothlyasanSshould,itdidn'tfeelas substantialorrefinedasthis.
For best results, get yourself this L (long wheelbase) model and enjoy the spacious opulence of its rear quarters while someone tickles the beefy 3L turbo-diesel 6-cylinder on your behalf. With up to 247kW and 600Nm going through nine super-smooth gears, the S350d makes a strong case for itself as thebesteverydayS-Classinthecurrent range.Ifthereissuchathing…
Go for the V8 or AMG models if you want crazy power or more red carpet clout,butourperformancetestsofthis car showed that it means business; on the way to your business meeting. 0100km/h was absolved in just 6.7 seconds (although MB claims 5.6), with a14.87second1/4mile(at95mph).Top speedistheusual,limited,250km/h.
To showcase its intentions even more, the huge Pirelli P-Zero tyres helped this 2.1-ton car to stop from 100km/h in a mere 2.63 seconds and just 37.01 meters. This top-drawer performanceismirroredintheabilities of the headlights, Burmester sound system,multi-zoneclimatecontroland climatisedseats.
Now factor in a 570L boot (if you don't opt for a champagne fridge), 12.5m turning radius, claimed average dieseluseof6.7L/100km,uptodoubledigitairbagcount,multiplecabinshade features, adaptive driving aids, plus a two-year warranty and generous maintenanceplan…toendupwithone oftheworld'sbestluxurysedans.
Inotherwords,aproperS-Class. ■
PO. Box 999, George, 6530 | www.mercedesbenzclub.co.za
The only ofcially recognized Mercedes-Benz Club in Southern Africa Member of the SA Motor Club Association
Waldo Scribante (President) 082 802 3280 | president@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Annalie Kachelhoffer (Vice President) 084 205 5411 | vp@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Johan Kemp (Treasurer) 083 457 1092 treasurer@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Johan Krogh (Chairperson: Northern Region) 082 495 1650 northern@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
René Scribante (Chairperson: Southern Cape) 083 627 6757 scape@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Jaco Kachelhoffer (Chairman: Central Region) 082 771 1731 central@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Marlize Heroldt (Membership Secretary) 073 305 6214 | 086 684 0235 membership@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Hanjo Stier (Editor) 082 646 4099 editor@mercedesbenzclub.co.za Regalia Officer
Marlize Heroldt 073 305 6214 | 086 684 0235 regalia@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Jan-Willem Wielsma (National Secretary) 082 461 5883 secretary@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Zillen Venter (Chairman: Western Cape) 083 440 6814 wcape@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Fabian Cairns (Chairman: Eastern Cape) 082 900 0359 ecape@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Avish Maharaj (Chairman: KZN) 061 507 8803 kzn@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Brandon Inkley (Social Media) 082 860 4770 socialmedia@mercedesbenzclub.co.za
Sven Krassnokutski (National Concourse Director) 082 685 8204 nationalconcourse@mercedesbenzclub.co.za Club Approved Insurance Brokers
Elsabé van Zyl (MUA) 086 196 7568 | 082 807 9052 elsabe@execbrokers.co.za
Smythe Insurance Brokers CC 031 701 0226 info@smythebros.com
Sir Stirling Moss | Steve Rademeyer | Ettienne Geel | Ria Geel | Philip Kannemeyer Graham van Heerden | Dirk van der Westhuizen Hero Awards
Kobus Harris | Norman Hickel | Louis Coetzer | Chris Calisle-Kitz | Maxim Erdmann (Posthumous) | Bill Tolken | Fred Winkel Okkie Potgieter | Theo Claassen | Waldo Scribante | Annalie Kachelhoffer | Colin Meyer | Pieter Moolman Pieter Booysen | Sven Krassnokutski | Koos du Toit | Warren Geyser Special Members
Chris Carlisle-Kitz | Hein Lorentz | Okkie Potgieter | Brian Slingers | Anna-Lee Dos Santos | Selvin Govender | Warren Geyser Fanie du Preez | Jeff Sansom | Russell Grigg | Esté Campher | Ian Matthews | André Fourie | Clint Weston | Miklos Hegy Pius Mokgokong | Fatima Motala | Derek Cikes | Sanjay Nathoo | Justin Arnold
PLEASE NOTE: The placement of ads is a service rendered to our members. Neither the editor nor the committee accepts any liability pertaining to condition or ownership of goods advertised. It remains the responsibility of the reader to investigate these issues before closing any transaction. DISCLAIMER: The Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa, although an authorized user of the Mercedes-Benz Trademarks, is an independent organisation and the views expressed in the Newsletter are not necessarily those Mercedes-Benz SA, Mercedes-Benz AG or the Mercedes-Benz Museum GmbH.* Opinions expressed are those of the individual contributors and should not be interpreted as ofcial club policy. While great care has been exercised in the compilation of the material published, members are advised to personally verify information, statements and claims before committing themselves to acts on transactions.
* Mercedes-Benz Museum GmbH is a Mercedes-Benz AG.