After the trials and tribulations of previous years, 2022 proved to be a time of resurgence for our Club and its adventurous members. Our star events and the many activities of our six regions are evidence of this.
First and foremost, I would like
to thank the Club and our National Committee for bestowing the honour of Editor on me.
Steering the Benz Lens has been an insightful and rewarding task. A big thanks to everyone who’s been a part of this journey; your passionate writing and photography are now forever captured in this “best of 2022" Benz Lens Annual.
To sum up this year ’ s activities (in alphabetical order) the Central Region started 2022 with an “afskop braai”. ere was a stunning garden picnic in February, while March hosted a breakfast run and visit to Upington; including a ferry ride!
April saw two breakfast runs and 35 vehicles attended Bloemfontein’s Cars in the Park on 2 May. is was followed by a gettogether at Bloemfontein Bearing Works, while members witnessed their region’s Annalie Kachelhoffer being elected Vice President of our Club at the 2022 AGM and National Gathering.
A “ soup and sherry” weekend fought the cold July weather around Frankfort and Villiers, with visits to two amazing vehicle collections. In August, Silverton Radiators hosted a technical evening, and there was another braai at the Kachelhoffer barn.
ree Central Region members entered the National Concours in September and came away with multiple prizes. ere was also a Vaalharts region visit, including multiple museum and collection visits. Two matriculants were treated to Fintail goodness in October, while the region held its regional AGM in November.
Eastern Cape members started 2022 with an evening braai, followed by some shenanigans during their visit of the George Old Car Show.
en there was the region’s pilgrimage to omas River for a cold but jovial weekend, plus the Ronnies Motors Wizard on Wheels Show; with 40 Mercedes’ on display.
ree EC teams took part in the 9th JamJar Rally, ending with a solid 1-2 result. e region’s resident 108/109 guru, Niki, started his 6.3 restoration in earnest, while the Intle Boutique Hotel welcomed members for a very picturesque October run. Finally, the region’s Christmas lunch was combined with their AGM at Kenton on Sea during a relaxed weekend stay.
Kwazulu-Natal started off the new year with a daring expedition up the Sani Pass, followed by a jovial surfside gettother in August. "e KZN family caught up on news over drinks, [...] meals and some obligatory Ricksha Rides on Durban’s beachfront."
eir attendance of the National Concours was also a success with a second and first place result.
e region’s Year-end Function was a multi-venue affair which included the impressive Munshi family collection and a dazzling dinner at the Calderwood Hall.
Besides planning 2023's AGM and National Gathering, the Northern Region had a fun-filled Klerksdorp weekend run in January, followed by 42 members attending the George Old Car Show.
Aer a Valentine’s drive and quiz lunch in February, March saw the first Noggin for 2022, as well as 36 members attending a breakfast run to Colin Keen’s collection. The 39th Angela’s Picnic took place in April, while May featured an outing to the Nirox Art & Sculpture Park.
Aer another Noggin in June, 40 members attended the AGM and National Gathering in Mossel Bay. Later in June, 50 members visited the new Mo’s Restorations premises, while 50 vehicles graced Cars in the Park at Zwartkops on 31 July.
On 10 and 11 September, the Northern Region proudly hosted the National Concours at Mercedes-Benz Sandton; and a concours preparation workshop preceding that in August.
Northern Region Chairlady AnnaLee Dos Santos writes: “e 2022 Concours event was a huge success!”
e Southern Cape started their year off with a Strawberries and Cream affair, followed a valuation seminar and the 25th anniversary of the George Old Car Show.
Our Club’s 37th AGM and National Gathering was proudly hosted by the Southern Cape region from 16 to 19 June 2022.
e slogan said it all: “eScape to the Luxury of the Southern Cape.”
René Scribante took over the region’s reigns at the regional AGM in December, while 2022 ended on a high note with a “Pig on a Spit” picnic at SCRIBS BENZeum.
Last but certainly not least, the Western Cape started off the year with a clubhouse braai, followed by their attendance of the George Old Car Show and a visit to the Elgin Railway Market in February.
In March they travelled to Mura Restaurant near Riebeek-Kasteel, and of course a few members joined the 37th AGM and National Gathering in Mossel Bay.
Cold and wet July weather saw a small run to Skotnes Restaurant at the Norval Foundation, with a pizza outing near Paarl happening later that month. August hosted a club meeting at a new supercar storage facility near Paarl, while members met for a winelands lunch at Glen Carlou two months later.
A wide selection of member cars attended the Killarney Motor Show in October, the region’s AGM was held at Rola Motors (Somerset West) in November, and the year ended with a frantic lunch at the Cape Point Vineyards in December.
e details of these outings, as well as beautiful photographs and lots of club information, can be found on the following pages.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed putting together this stunning coffee table book.
Happy reading! n
Dear Members and Friends. As I sit down to write this foreword,
I am filled with a sense of gratitude and optimism. After the challenges we faced in the previous years, I am thrilled to report that the Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa is once again thriving, and our spirits are lifted by the return of normalcy in our lives.
The year 2022 has brought us renewed hope and
energy, as we emerge from the shadows of the global pandemic. We have faced uncertainty and adversity together, and it is with immense pleasure that I share the news of our club's resurgence. With the liing of COVID-19 restrictions, we have witnessed a revival of our activities, and the enthusiasm among our members is contagious.
It is remarkable to witness the power of camaraderie within our club. rough thick and thin, we have stood by each other, supporting, caring, and inspiring one another.
e recent Annual General Meeting and National Gathering held in the Southern Cape region was a testament to the unwavering bond that unites us. e weekend was filled with joy, laughter, and the
unmistakable sense of community that has defined our club for years.
I am immensely proud to be part of this fellowship of passionate individuals who not only cherish their Mercedes-Benz vehicles but also value the connections and friendships forged within our community. Our club is built on determination, loyalty, and a genuine care for one another. It is in each member's commitment to living life to the fullest that we find inspiration.
As we turn the pages of this yearbook, we are reminded of the adventures we embarked on, the memories we created, and the bonds we formed. It is through these shared experiences that our passion for the three-pointed star has deepened, and our love for life itself has grown stronger.
In oduction
Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa
President -
Waldo Scribante
To the members who have dedicated their time and efforts to keep our club thriving, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your contributions, whether big or small, have made a significant impact on our journey. Together, we have weathered storms and celebrated triumphs, and it is your unwavering support that makes our club what it is today.
Looking ahead, I am filled with anticipation for the adventures that await us in the coming years. Let us continue to seize every opportunity to explore new horizons, to share stories and banter, and to forge friendships that will last a lifetime.
May the three-pointed star guide us on our journeys and remind us that the pursuit of excellence is not just about the cars we drive, but the way we live our lives.
In closing, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the honour of serving as President of the Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa. It is a privilege to lead such an extraordinary group of individuals, and I am excited about the future.
As we celebrate the joys and accomplishments of 2022, let us also remember those who are no longer with us. eir memories will forever inspire us to embrace life with passion and to cherish the time we have.
To all our members and friends, I wish you good health, great adventures, and the utmost joy as we continue this remarkable journey together. n
Only the best,
WALDO SCRIBANTE President, Mercedes-Benz Club of
South Africa
In oduction
President’s Report 2022
Although the year started off with Covid-19 regulations still in place, 2022 saw a tremendous upturn of activity as lockdown restrictions eased and finally fell away. It felt fantastic getting back into the swing of things, with an even greater appreciation for our Club and the camaraderie between wonderful friends.
t is my privilege to deliver the
President's report for 2022.
Regional Chairmen 2022
We congratulated Zillen Venter (Western Cape), Aldo van Zyl (Southern Cape), Jaco Kachelhoffer (Central Region) and Avish Maharaj (KZN) for being re-elected as Regional Chairmen in 2022.
e National Committee also extended a warm welcome to newly elected chairpersons AnnaLee Dos Santos (Northern Region) and Fabian Cairns (Eastern Cape). Aldo van Zyl resigned mid-year and René Scribante became temporary Chairperson of the Southern Cape region.
We thanked our outgoing Regional Chairmen, Sven Krassnokutsi (Northern Region) and Erald Hohls (Eastern Cape), for their enthusiasm, dedication and service.
Recognition and grateful thanks go to all our Chairs and committee members for their commitment to their regions and roles.
National Committee
Our newly-elected Vice-President Annalie Kachelhoffer, as well as National Secretary Jan-Willem Wielsma, joined myself and National Treasurer Johan Kemp in being re-elected unanimously for another term on the National Committee.
Having the support of Annalie, Jan-Willem and Johan was invaluable and I once again express my sincere gratitude for their hard work and dedication.
Grateful thanks also goes to bookkeeper Gerrida Baard and Membership Secretary Marlize Herholdt for their excellent administrative work.
With all major events cancelled the previous year due to the impact of Covid-19 and lockdown measures, our Regalia Officers, Jacky Levin and Leon Erasmus, did excellent sales at the George Old Car Show and 37th AGM & National Gathering. It is with deep sorrow and affection we remember Mark Lavin, a young Star of our Club.
Benz Lens
With events returning to normal, we managed to fill four editions of the Benz Lens. Our new Editor, Hanjo Stier, produced the last edition for the year, with some new and interesting features. We hope to work with Hanjo for many years to come.
e Benz Lenz Annual 2021 is available to all members at a reduced cost, thanks to the
Annual 2021 2022
advertising sponsorship Anna-Lee Dos Santos managed to secure. Should you wish to order a printed version, these are available through your Regional Chairperson at a special price of R250.00 + postage.
Social Media
Marcell Mostert keeps our online presence active, which drives interest in events and attracts new members. We are very grateful for his regular posts, which you can find on Facebook and Instagram.
Please remember the #tags when posting photos of the Club on our social media platforms. is helps to drive our social presence, as well as interest in our Club.
An exciting new hashtag is #mbfanphoto, an initiative created by the MB Museum. Post a photo of your classic on a Friday with the possibility of them sharing your photo on Facebook/Instagram.
Please remember that our website forum is still available online or through the mobile app, Tapatalk.
Don't forget to look here for specific details or advice. With Facebook and WhatsApp taking over, very little is still posted on our forum, but it remains an invaluable source of information that will never date.
Should you run into any hassles accessing the forum, please check your login credentials with our Membership Secretary.
MBSA Sponsorship
We are very fortunate that our Club is valued and supported by Mercedes-Benz South Africa.
We received an amount of R225,000.00 for 2022. is was greatly appreciated, particularly considering the many uncertainties of the time. We also received a generous increase for 2023, and for this we are also very thankful. Times are still tough for the motor industry and I ask Club members to support our beloved brand whenever possible.
I once again extend our appreciation to Mercedes-Benz South Africa and especially Mr Selvin Govender (who unfortunately for us, was promoted to an overseas position) for their continued support of the Club.
Our 2022 Highlights
As Covid-19 related restrictions eased and then dropped, we were only too happy to leave behind the uncertainties, cancellations and postponements of events. Some of our major events of the year included the following:
• George Old Car Show 2022
• 5th President's Braai and Valuation Seminar
• 37th AGM and National Gathering 2022
• National Concourse 2022
George Old Car Show 2022
It was my privilege and pleasure as Chairman Of the Southern Cape Old Car Club to have welcomed everybody to the George Old Car Show's Silver celebration, marking 25 years of the coming together of like-minded motor enthusiasts from all corners of the country – and, indeed, from elsewhere on our continent and the globe.
We've come a long way since those days when the display of exquisite old motor cars could be accommodated on the grounds of Glenwood Riding School, let alone at the show's inaugural venue: the farm of Paul and Leonora Fick, with its views of the ocean beyond Victoria Bay.
Long-time participants joined me in paying tribute to Paul and Leonora Fick who, along with founding members of the Southern Cape Old Car Club, cemented the foundation and ensured the longevity of this popular event.
Invariably, members of the club's organising committee over the years crossed their Ts and dotted all Is to provide a safe and spacious platform for old-car owners to share their stories while proudly providing an opportunity for show-goers to get up close and personal with the expertly polished products of their labours.
e organisers of this year's post-lockdown show deserve a special word of praise: chairman Alewijn Dippenaar and his team dealt with ever-changing Covid scenarios as the country went through its third and fourth waves, and the turnout was witness to their sheer determination in the face of unknown outcomes.
eir efforts to ensure a safe George Old Car Show 2022 were most obvious with the increased size of showgrounds, but also in the division of time slots, roomier space for stalls, and observation of the most important Covid protocols regarding masks and sanitisation.
Hats off to them for making it happen when mere months before the show, the pandemic threatened to indefinitely postpone the event.
It's bound to be a mouthful when expressing gratitude to the hundreds of participants who registered a display area for their cars, bikes, tractors, ancient engines, model cars or ultramodern machines. e passion we share transcends labels – be they petrolheads, motor maniacs or wannabe mechanics.
is year was extra special, perhaps more so as it's been 24 months since we last convened for George Old Car Show purposes. Our heartfelt thanks go out not only to exhibitors but also to every stallholder and finally to you, members of the public, for your unwavering support.
A quarter century down the line, it's clear that the love for old cars is alive in the Southern Cape, and among all those clubs across SA and especially the MercedesBenz Club of South Africa whose members were there, sharing that seminal occasion with us.
5th President's Braai and Valuation Seminar
Our 5th Valuation seminar was presented by Sven Krassnokutsi. We thank Chris Kühn for imparting invaluable information that adds to our Club's impressive knowledge base, enabling us to provide accurate valuations for classic MB sale and insurance purposes.
Nou gaan ons braai!
We also finally enjoyed our 5th President's braai (still my personal highlight of the year). When the Old Car Show and all associated events were cancelled last year due to Covid, I was bitterly disappointed, but Barry Hilton's “ ons gaan nou braai” became the mantra of positivity that got me through the tough times. Seriously though, we had a truly wonderful time together, with 135 members and friends in attendance.
It was great to enjoy the inperson camaraderie and classic MB banter again, and we look forward to enjoying many more fantastic events together.
37th AGM & National Gathering 2022
Aer the successful 36th National Gathering, hosted by Erald Hohls and his Eastern Cape team, the Southern Cape hosted the 37th National Gathering in Mossel Bay.
An enthusiastic committee held nothing back and organised a highly successful event with 145 members and family in attendance.
We had a wonderful time in Mossel Bay, with a magnificent Gala evening where we raised R155k for the Carpe Diem School and ODIN (Oudtshoorn Dogs in Need).
ank you to everyone who contributed to these worthy causes. I had the privilege of bestowing a Hero award to André Fourie. Special memberships were awarded to Esté Campher from MBSA, Ian Matthews (Stanmar Motors Dealer Principle, George) and Marius van Huyssteen, for their contributions to the Club and the Marque.
National Concourse 2022
I would like to express my gratitude to Alex Boavida, the former Dealer Principal at Mercedes-Benz Sandown Motors, for graciously allowing us to hold the 2022 National Concours in their stunning showroom aer a three-year hiatus due to Covid-19. I also extend my heartfelt thanks for their generous sponsorship!
e National Concours Director, Sven Krassnokutski, with the assistance of Koos du Toit and the Northern Region, has done an exceptional job in organizing and hosting a highly successful eventa STAR event, indeed.
I must acknowledge Pieter Booysen, who played a crucial role in arranging the special display of S-Class Mercedes-Benzes.
It's worth noting that the concours wouldn't have been possible without our relatively new team of judges.
2022 Year-end Functions
Our Regional Chairs and their Committee members once again pulled out all the stops for memorable year-end functions.
ank you to each and every one who contributed to their time, energy and creative flair, ending a successful year on a high note.
A Meeting of Presidents
For the first time since 2019, October brought another amazing opportunity for me to represent South Africa at the annual International Presidents' Meeting, hosted in Stuttgart by MercedesBenz Classic Club Management (MBCCM). It is an incredible honour and for club leaders from around the world to get together.
e annual event is a valuable networking opportunity, allowing for the exchange of advice and ideas. I’ve made wonderful friends in the process and although our time together oen feels too short, I always leave feeling inspired.
I am pleased to report that Marcus Breitschwerdt, Executive Vice President Mercedes-Benz AG, was appointed Head of MercedesBenz Heritage. It’s the first time that MB Heritage is represented so high up in Mercedes-Benz AG and we hope to see some interesting developments from MBCCM.
MBCCM also introduced a digital International Membership card from 2023, and all paid-up members can download their club card via the MBLounge website, using their SAF membership number. No physical membership cards will be ordered this year.
With 2021's trials and tribulations behind us, 2022 has once again showcased the caliber of people with whom we are fortunate to share incredible experiences. It is evident that our Club's appreciation and the countless opportunities it provides continue to grow, along with the cherished friendships grounded in our shared passion for the marque.
Being a part of such a distinguished community of determined, supportive, and inspiring individuals is an incredible privilege. I am grateful for your friendship and for the dedication, energy, and passion you contribute. You are the ones who make our Club one of the very best.
May we continue to embark on many more adventures together.
As always, the best or nothing. Or in classic terms, Only the Best! n
Waldo Scribante - President Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa
News from Mercedes-Benz Classic Club Management
Georg Wohlfarth Head of Mercedes-Benz Classic Events & Club Management
The Mercedes-Benz Classic Organisation - MH/CC
Phone: +49 711 17-49105
Phone: +49 711 17-83602
Phone: +49 711 17-83799
Phone: +49 711 17-83407
HPC P111
70546 Stuttgart
Good things to know and other events in 2023
Product anniversaries
• 125 years of DMG's first four-cylinder engine
• 120 years first Mercedes-Simplex 60 hp to Jellinek
• 70 years Mercedes-Benz 180 "Ponton"
• 70 years Mercedes-Benz 220 Coupé (W 187)
• 50 years ESF 22 based on series 116
• 40 years world record Nardò 190 E 2.3-16
• 30 years New Nomenclature
• 30 years coupé study with four-eye face
• 30 years C & E 36 AMG and SL 60 AMG
• 30 years VISION A 93 – forerunner of the A-Class
• 25 years CLK-Cabriolet (A 208)
• 25 years S-Class (220 series)
• 25 years E 55 AMG Estate (S 210)
• 20 years E-Class Estate (S 211)
• 20 years CLK Cabriolet (A 209)
• 20 years A-Class F-CELL
• 20 years VISION CLS (C 219)
• 20 years Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren (C 199)
• 120 years of double victory Nice-La Turbie
• 120 years of victory Gordon-Bennett race
• 120 years of victory Semmering Race
• 110 years world record Brooklands Blitzen Benz
• 60 years of victory Acropolis Rallye Böhringer/Knoll
• 60 years of Victory Spa-Sofia-Liège 230 SL
• 40 years of victory Paris-Dakar Ickx/Brasseur
• 30 years of Sauber F1
• 25 years of victory FiA GT Ludwig/Zonta
• 25 years of victory Formula 1 World Championship Mika Häkkinen
Company anniversaries
• 140 years of founding Benz & Co. Mannheim
• 130 years of Daimler presents first automobile in the USA
• 130 years of foundation Daimler Motor Syndicate UK
• 120 years of major fire at the Cannstatt plant
• 110 years "Mercedes-Palast" Berlin
• 100 years F. Porsche becomes Technical Head of DMG
• 60 years of foundation of Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH
• 50 years of cooperation with Puch (G-Class)
• 30 years of introduction of new type designations
Racing driver
• 155. Birthday Camille Jenatzy (Nov 4)
• 95. Birthday Hans Herrmann (Feb 23)
• 80. Birthday Peter Sauber (Oct 13)
• 75. Birthday Jean-Louis Schlesser (Sept 12)
• 65. Birthday Kurt Thiim (Aug 3)
• 55. Birthday Mika Hakkinen (Sept 28)
• 40. Birthday Bruno Spengler (Aug 23)
• 180. Birthday Max von Duttenhofer (May 20)
• 180. Birthday Emile Levassor (Jan 21)
• 175. Birthday Max Rose (Feb 16)
• 170. Birthday Emil Jellinek (Apr 6)
• 160. Birthday Frederick Simm's (Aug 12)
• 150. Birthday Eugen Benz (May 1)
• 125. Birthday Dr. Wilhelm Haspel (Apr 29)
• 125. Birthday of Prof. Dr. Fritz Nallinger (Aug 6)
• 115. Birthday Walter Hitzinger (Apr 8)
• 95. Birthday Prof. Dr. Dr. Werner Niefer (Aug 26)
• 95. Birthday Edzard Reuter (Feb 16)
• 90. Birthday Bruno Sacco (Nov 12)
• 80. Birthday Prof. Dr. Peter Pfeiffer (Aug 21)
• 70. Birthday Dr. Dieter Zetsche (May 5)
Special birthday exhibition: “55 YEARS AMG – CHANGING THE GAME”
Stuttgart. Mercedes-AMG is celebrating its birthday: in its 55-year history, the company has repeatedly set standards in the performance and sports car market and thus written an impressive success story. The future of AMG will now be electric, combining high efficiency with added performance and passion Having a decisive influence on events are both a will and aspiration that run through the history of the brand
The new special exhibition “55 YEARS AMG – CHANGING THE GAME” at the Mercedes-Benz Museum picks up on this momentum with a special concept: eight of the twelve vehicles on display have the legendary AMG 5.5-litre V8 engine under the bonnet – providing the appropriate setting for this birthday with this power unit and its displacement abbreviation “55” in the model designation.
This engine used from 1997 onwards is considered a milestone in AMG history – a real game changer As was the AMG 300 SEL 6 8 racing touring car, with which the then still young brand achieved an impressive class victory and second place overall at the 24-hour race in Spa-Francorchamps in 1971, a feat that still impresses today.
Three further vehicle exhibits illustrate the future of Mercedes-AMG: the 2017 show car for the Mercedes-AMG ONE, the current Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E PERFORMANCE and the Vision AMG study – a four-door coupé that offers a fascinating view into the all-electric future of Mercedes-AMG
The latter two can however only be displayed temporarily Numerous other exhibits round off the special exhibition, including the M 113 K 5.5-litre V8 engine on its own pedestal, plaques signed by AMG engine technicians as Mercedes-AMG’s “One Man – One Engine” seal of quality, the trophy from the 1971 24-hour race at SpaFrancorchamps and the vehicle log book issued for the AMG 300 SEL 6.8 racing touring car
The special exhibition “55 YEARS AMG – CHANGING THE GAME” is open to the public free of charge until the end of February 2023. It will be held in the public areas in the foyer and on Level 0 of the Mercedes-Benz Museum Five original Formula One Safety Cars are also on display in the Museum car park: legendary AMG models are also the basis for the silver high-performance cars bearing the Mercedes star that ensure safety on international race tracks.
Photos from our president’s visit to the Mercedes-Benz Museum and special AMG exhibit:
4.8 Hero Award
4.8.1 e National Committee may bestow a Hero Award on a club member who has rendered exceptional service in the interest of the Club.
4.8.2 is distinguished and esteemed award is presented on merit and in exceptional cases only. It affords the recipient life-long recognition with no financial benefits.
4.7 Special Membership
4.7.1 e National Committee may, with the approval of the Electorate at an Annual General Meeting, bestow a Special Membership on an individual who renders a service in support of the Club’s short-term aims and objectives.
4.7.2 is award is granted annually and for a period of one year only.
André Fourie is a resident of the Langkloof. He attended
school in George and worked at Allied Building Society when he was a young man. He developed into a successful businessman and is a respected figure in George.
Aer the Southern Cape was registered as a region of the Mercedes-Benz Club, Kobus Harris started recruiting members for the region. André was one of the first people to join and has been a loyal supporter from day one, rarely missing any events.
In the beginning, André proudly displayed the latest SL models on the market and quickly started building an impressive collection. Soon, one of the first SLS Gullwings in South Africa adorned our region, with a broad-smiling André behind the wheel. Kobus Harris and Gertjie Lamprecht later convinced André to acquire older cars as well. e bug bit him, and soon a few collector's items appeared in his collection. Truly something to be proud of.
e car that André uses the most, I believe, is the 1958 300 SL Roadster, and he's not shy about taking it on long journeys. His collection ranges from a 1958 190 SL to the beautiful Maybach, and he is a great supporter of our region, displaying his cars at the George Old Car Show every year.
André is a well-deserved recipient of the Hero award. n
Esté Campher, Head of the Dealer Network and Training
Academy of Mercedes-Benz South Africa.
She has been with MBSA for 26 years and worked in various sales and marketing departments, as well as in retail.
I met Esté in 2016, when she represented MBSA at the AGM held in Gauteng, and it has been a privilege to continue our association. She and her husband are already well known as supporters of our Club and it is my absolute pleasure to officially welcome her into our MBCSA family.
She is a true Mercedes-Benz ambassador – very passionate in her work and in her love for the Brand. n
In April 2010, Ian Matthews started as Dealer Principal at
Stanmar Motors, which is part of the Hallmark Motor Group, owned by the Bolton family. ey have had a long history with the Mercedes-Benz brand, as well as Stanmar Motors.
Ian arrived from the UK, where he had been working for two years at a Mercedes-Benz franchise in Birmingham. Prior to this, Ian worked for Cargo Motors (Imperial) where he was the Brand Centre Manager, Commercial Vehicles.
He also worked for the Mercedes-Benz New Vaal Hallmark franchise since 1998, so 2010 was almost a coming home for him. is brings his Hallmark and Mercedes-Benz experience to 25 years, 21 of which have been with the Hallmark Group.
Ian was promoted to Group Dealer Principal in September 2019, which makes him responsible for the five Mercedes-Benz dealerships within the Hallmark Group’s stable of 40.
Congratulations Ian and welcome to the MBCSA family. n
National Committee
National Committee 2022
Waldo Scribante
President | C: 082 802 3280 | E:
Date of joining Club: 1996 | Date elected as President: 2016
Previous position held in the Club: Southern Cape Chairman 2004 | Membership Secretary 2006
Name of spouse: René | Occupation: Radiologist
In brief: Waldo’s first memory is of him in his father’s 1960 219 Ponton, towing a caravan over the Prince Albert pass in the Southern Cape. As a teenager, his father owned a W116 280SE and an R107 450SL, and he became passionate about the Mercedes-Benz star. He bought his first classic car in 1996, a W112 300SEL Fintail. And the rest is history! His collection of Mercedes-Benz vehicles can be seen in his SCRIBS BENZeum. He is supported by his wife René, also a passionate member of the club, enthusiast and veteran driver of their 1913 8/20 PS Benz Tourer. | Affiliations to other clubs: ChairmanSouthern Cape Old Car Club | Top 10 Pre-war cars: 1886 BENZ Patent Motorwagen | 1901 Mercedes 35 hp | 1909
Date of joining the club: 2012 | Positions/duties held since then: 2012 – 2014 Chairlady of Central Region 2015 – 2021 National Secretary | 2022 Vice-President | Additional: 2015 – 2017 Regalia officer | Name of Spouse: Jaco
Names and ages of children: Son Hein (40) and stepchildren Hanco (37), Werner (34) and Anè (30)
Occupation: Officially a pensioner and apart from my passion for the club I am also an avid Bridge player Favourite car in collection: My 1959 190 Ponton – still dreaming about a Ponton Cabriolet! What I enjoy most about the club: Being able to join any event in any region and have a seriously good time with my extended Mercedes-Benz Club members family. Secondly – there is no better view than driving in a long line of classics in a convoy!
Date of joining Club: 2015 | Date elected as Region Chairman: 2019
Name of spouse/partner: Adele van Zyl | Names and ages of children: Annika (9), Albertus (6) and Almé (3)
Occupation: Attorney | Favourite vehicle in own collection: R-Class, but so many more, difficult to choose from. In brief: I enjoy the cars, friendships, and the great style and sophistication that is imbued altogether with Mercedes-Benz, and the fact that it is a club that stands out from the rest, one that is non-generic.
Date of joining Club: 2018 | Date elected as Eastern Cape Chairman: 2021
Name of spouse/partner: Lianne | Names and ages of children: Faith (29) and Caroline (19)
Occupation: Dry cargo and shipbroker | In brief: I have a love for all machines with motors but the Mercedes holds a special place from a very early age when my grandfather got his first one back in the early 1970’s. To be part of this club is a privilege and to carry the baton in preserving these special Ladies and continuing to maintain the Mercedes-Benz heritage. Affiliations to other clubs: EPVCC (Eastern Province Vintage and Classic Car Club)
Favourite vehicle in own collection: A tough question, love them all but probably my Finny, 1968 W111 230S
National Committee 2022
Avish Maharaj
KwaZulu-Natal Region | C: 061 507 8803 | E:
Date of joining Club: 2007 | Date elected as KZN Region Chairman: 2015
Name of spouse/partner: Mira | Names and ages of children: Kush (16) and Kashmir (11)
Occupation: Business Owner | In brief: What I enjoy most of all is meeting up and spending time with like-minded enthusiasts. Hosting and attending events. e camaraderie and friendships.
Taking photos of Johan Kemp when he least expects it.
Favourite vehicle in own collection: R107 500SL
Jaco Kachelhoffer
Central Region | C: 082 7711 731 | E:
Date of joining the club: 2010 Date elected as Chairman: 2021
Name of Spouse: Annalie | Names and ages of children: Hanco (37), Werner (34) and Anè (30) and stepson Hein (40) | Occupation: Lawyer
Favourite car in collection: My 1967 230 Fintail – also our 1982 Mango Green 123 230CE
What I enjoy most about the club: Apart from my wife still subtly encouraging me to buy another classic, it is meeting and making lifelong friends with a shared passion!
National Committee 2022
Jan-Willem Wielsma
National Secretary | C: 082 461 5883 | E:
Date of joining Club: 2015 | Date elected as National Secretary: 2022
Previous positions held in the Club: Northern Region Secretary 2018-2020, Vice Chairperson 2022-2023
Name of spouse / partner: Single | Occupation: I am a qualified and admitted Attorney, working in the financial services industry since 2001. Currently working at a South African bank in the legal and compliance department.
In brief: My introduction to the Mercedes-Benz brand was during June 1973, as my father was the proud owner of a W114 compact body 280E Manual. Shortly aer my introduction I was upgraded to W108 luxury with a 280SE automatic and thereaer my foundation and love for the brand (and more specifically, W108's) grew to the point that I became a collector and club member. I admire the brand and follow the star, but my love for our members and the Mercedes-Benz club family motivates me passionately. Favourite vehicle in my collection: 1974 W116 Mercedes-Benz 280SE automatic
Which car do you still dream about: My absolute desire and lifelong dream is a W113 Pagoda. Please, if you are looking for a custodian of your Pagoda, contact me.
Johan Kemp
National Treasurer | C: 083 457 1092 | E:
Date of joining Club: 2010 | Date elected as National Treasurer: 2016
Name of spouse/partner: Lizaan | Names and ages of children: Mari (17) and Ane (14)
Occupation: Accountant CA (SA) | In brief: I enjoy the the good times of socialising with the friends I have made all over the country. | Affiliations to other clubs: None at the moment – unlikely but not impossible. Favourite vehicle in own collection: An unfair question, usually the one I am driving at the time of the question, but if I have to pick one, it would be my 1952 W191 170DS. I have a passion for the W123, W124 and W126. You get a normal Mercedes-Benz and then you get a W123.
National Committee 2022
Anna-Lee Dos Santos
Northern Region | C: 083 373 1462 | E:
Date joining the club: e year 2008, when we attended our first East London AGM
Date elected as Northern Region Chairperson: 2022
Name of spouse/partner: Deceased ex-Club Vice President, Chris Carlisle-Kitz
Names and ages of children: Nina (30) | Occupation: Group Head: Retail (Africa)
Favourite vehicle in your collection: Original East Africa Mercedes-Benz Fintail Rally Car and my GLE Coupe as my daily driver. Originally was a BMW driver until I met Chris Carlisle-Kitz and we started the KZN Region within the Club. I am passionate about the Mercedes-Benz brand and have met the most wonderful friends through the Club. “Life is a daring adventure or it’s nothing”.
Zillen Venter
Western Cape Region | C: 083 440 6814 | E:
Date of joining Club: 2016 | Date elected as Western Cape Chairman: 2019
Name of spouse/partner: Engela | Names and ages of children: Tané
Occupation: Attorney | In brief: Most of all I enjoy the opportunity to build new friendships with like-minded people from all over the country who are passionate about Mercedes-Benz and cars in general. Affiliations to other clubs: None | Favourite vehicle in own collection: My R107 restoration project. My favourite Mercedes-Benz is any two-door model from the 60’s and 70’s, the golden era for Mercedes-Benz.
Date of joining club: 2010 at the Rola Motors “Benz Fest” | Date elected as Benz Lens Editor: 2022
Name of spouse/partner: Claire | Names and ages of children: Isabel (5)
Occupation: Multimedia Producer | In brief: I've become obsessed with purpose, quality and elegance, all of which I find in the club's many members with their beautiful vehicles.
Favourite vehicle in own collection: At the moment, my recently refurbished 1998 C43 AMG
Affiliation to other clubs: South African Guild of Motoring Journalists, MB Archive of Namibia
Marcell Mostert
Social Media Director | C: 083 704 3223 | E:
Date of joining Club: 2014 | Date joined committee: 2017
Occupation: CA(SA) | Favourite vehicle in own collection: 1998 BMW 540i In brief: I enjoy the company of fellow car nerds.
National Committee 2022
Sven Krassnokutski
National Concours Director | C: 082 685 8204 | E:
Date of joining club: 2010 | Previous positions held in the club: Northern Region Chairman
Name of spouse/partner: Bee | Names and ages of children: Leah (15), Nina (13)
Occupation: Chief Financial Officer | Favourite vehicle in own collection: S55 AMG
In brief: I have met wonderful friends through the Club and enjoy opportunities to spend time with like-minded people.
Date of joining Club: 2018 | Date co-opted as Regalia Officers: 2019
Occupation: Leon is a motor vehicle salesman and Jacky is a primary school teacher. In brief: We have always loved cars and Jacky learned to love the brand when she met Leon.
Northern Regional Review
Northern Region
The Northern Region enjoyed a busy 2022 calendar. It is important to reflect on special individuals who we sadly lost along the way: Johan Coetzee, Johan Beytel, Frank Liebenberg and Mark Lavin.
Our region kicked off 2022
with a most successful Year Beginning Function, hosted by Leon Erasmus and the Klerksdorp members.
On 22 January, more than 60 people made their way to a funfilled Klerksdorp weekend, which included a monthly Cars & Coffee event at Mike's Kitchen in Klerksdorp, check in at the beautiful C'est la Belle wedding venue of club members Johan and Hannetjie van der Walt, as well as a stop at Czanks Racing, where members viewed a rare collection of racing cars, mostly used for drag racing. A highlight of the weekend was the evening event at C'est la Belle – a night of “Musiekpret” with entertainer, Jaco. February events kicked off with the George Old Car Show. e Northern Region attended in full force with 42 members travelling from Gauteng and Klerksdorp to the beautiful Southern Cape Region, to attend this event.
February is the month of love and we were excited that new Club member, Winifred Du Toit, offered to host the 2022 Valentine's drive out, quiz and lunch on Sunday, 27 February. A group of 50 members enjoyed the clear day with blue skies for the perfect Valentine's outing at Goya's Hanging Garden.
On 10 March, Club Secretary Koos Du Toit arranged the first Noggin of the year at Doppio Zero Southdowns in Centurion. Our club members enjoyed a lovely meal while catching up on adventures, projects, future outings or events.
Also in March, Colin Kean kindly hosted us for a breakfast run to his car collection on his Muldersdri farm. 36 members attended this beautiful Sunday drive out to the picturesque rural area 30km's north west of the Johannesburg CBD, in the Magaliesberg mountain range.
e 39th annual Angela's Picnic took place on Sunday 3 April at a brand-new venue: Riversands Farm,
Rose Road, Knoppieslaagte, Midrand. is was the first Angela's Picnic since 2019, with both 2020 and 2021's events having been cancelled due to COVID-19. Gates opened at 08h00 and the entry fee was a donation to Hospice Wits. Due to excessive rain on the day, the event was not as well attended as previous years, but nevertheless it was great to see the classic cars out and about at the new Angela's Picnic venue!
An outing to the Nirox Art & Sculpture Park on Sunday 15 May was arranged by Marcell Mostert. 30 members enjoyed lunch and an aernoon of appreciating art.
NIROX Sculpture Park is a beautifully landscaped 15-hectare park in the Cradle of Humankind, housing contemporary sculptures in displays that are changed regularly.
Jan-Willem Wielmsa arranged the June Noggin at Mozambik, at one of their largest restaurants in the East Rand. A special welcome to our new Club members.
Annual 2021 2022
e June events calendar kicked off with the National Gathering & AGM, which is the prestigious annual event, this time organized by the Southern Cape Region. e Northern Region attended in full force with 40 members, who travelled from all over Gauteng to attend our AGM in the beautiful George and Mosselbay area.
anks to Morne and Shynelle Greeff from Mo’s Restorations who hosted the Northern Region at their new premises in the greater Benoni area. 50 Northerners came together to visit the new premises and enjoy the facililty walkabout.
The Pretoria Old Motor Car Club hosted the annual Cars in the Park at Zwarkops on 31 July.
A big thanks to Mercedes-Benz AMG Centre for the use of their beautiful AMG Dynamic Driving Centre. It was the perfect day and we had 50 cars on display. anks to Andre Esterhuizen and Willem Terblanche for supplying the most delicious breakfast and lunch.
On 13 August 2022, Sven Krassnokutski arranged the first Concours Preparation Workshop, with the objective to drive the interest and a community of inclusivity for Concours.
Approximately 45 people attended the workshop, hosted at Spike Middleton's workshop premises. Big thanks to Avish Maharaj, who travelled from KZN and who handled the tips on the preparation needed for the authenticity category.
It was wonderful that the Northern Region was able to host the 2022 National Concours event on 10 & 11 September. e Club was hosted by one of MercedesBenz South Africa's flagship dealerships at 92 Rivonia Road in Sandton. From early Saturday morning, it was a hive of activity and a line of sparkling clean Mercs of all shapes and sizes eagerly ready for the judging process to be kicked off. is year's event was a bittersweet experience for many as it was the first time that the club was able to hold Concours since the devastating effects of COVID19. Special thanks must go to the Mercedes-Benz dealership for their generous sponsorship, the judges for their time and effort, the Northern Region committee and in particular Sven Krassnokutski and Koos Du Toit. e 2022 Concours event was a huge success!
Cullinan never disappoints! We planned the Cullinan Run for October and the organising was kicked off by Steve Rademayer, who visited the town and selected the lunch venue. Subsequently, Steve announced that he was getting married and it was the one year anniversary of him being discharged from hospital, aer a lengthy Covid battle; so he was unable to join the planned outing.
On Sunday 6 November, the Northern Region gathered at the Mercedes-Benz Bryanston dealership for coffee and muffins. Members enjoyed viewing some beautiful new cars and experienced the warm hospitality from the dealership management. e convoy kicked off and headed for the Prison Break Market in the Lonehill area. Forty beautiful twodoor cars arrived on the day and were parked in a prime and demarcated area; at the entrance of the Market. Members were able to spend time enjoying the attractions and offers at their leisure. anks to Jan-Willem Wielsma, as well as Sven and Brigitte Krassnokutski, who organized the successful twodoor day!
e Northern Region committee is well underway with the planning of the 2023 National Gathering & AGM. Every six years the Northern Region gets to host a National Gathering & AGM.
Aer lengthy discussions, the date was set for end of April 2023. e proposed programme includes a Gatsby themed opening function, an AMG Dynamic Driving Experience at Zwartkops, an African-themed evening at Pius Mokgokong Classic Car Museum and many more!
Due to the work involved in planning the 2023 National Gathering and AGM, the Northern Region made the decision to have a more casual, fun-filled end-ofyear function to wrap up the 2022 calendar. anks to 40 of our club family who will be joining us on Sunday, 4 December. All in attendance will enjoy a lovely live show, a beautiful gi and a delicious finger lunch!
On behalf of myself and the Northern Region committee, I would like to thank everyone for their support and participation throughout 2022. Wishing you and your families a wonderful holiday season and looking forward to a great 2023! n
Chairperson Northern Region 2022
Western Cape Region
We finally saw a gradual lifting of COVID-19 restrictions during the first half of 2022, which meant that we could start a slow return to normalcy.
The Western Cape Region kicked
off proceedings for 2022 with a boerewors braai at the Multi-Motor Club clubhouse.
A number of members travelled to George early in February for the return of the Old Car Motor Show; albeit still in the shadows of COVID19 regulations. As per usual, the President’s Braai was a highlight of the weekend. ank you to Waldo and René for once again inviting us into your home. Later that month we travelled over Sir Lowry’s Pass along the N2 to the Elgin Railway Market.
In March we travelled towards the little hamlet of Riebeek-Kasteel. e venue for our club run was the picturesque Mura Restaurant at the Eight Feet Village situated on top of Bothmaskloof, just outside RiebeekKasteel.
Our club’s 37th AGM & National Gathering was hosted by the Southern
Cape Region and a number of our region’s members attended this event which took place in the George / Mossel Bay area. e event was very well organised and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Congratulations to the leadership team and members of the Southern Cape Region for hosting a hugely successful event.
e wet and cold Cape winter always makes organising club runs during the winter months somewhat of a challenge. Our July club run took place in between the arrival of a few cold fronts, and members braved the weather to visit Skotnes Restaurant at the Norval Foundation in Steenberg. Shortly aerwards, we had another boerewors braai at the Multi-Motor Club clubhouse.
Late in July we travelled to Under the Oaks Restaurant outside Paarl for pizza on a sunny winter aernoon.
e venue for our August club meeting was the impressive SCS (Supercar Cellar Storage) facility in Paarl. Members were taken on a tour of the impressive facility consisting of vehicle storage, detailing, cigar lounge and boardroom facilities. Persistent wet weather during September meant that a planned outing to Franschoek Motor Museum could not take place.
e Glen Carlou Wine Estate was our venue for a club run early in October, where members enjoyed a wonderful lunch and excellent wine.
e Killarney Motor Show also made a return in October, where Cape Town’s weather provided all four seasons in one day. We presented the public with a wide variety of classic and modern classic Mercedes-Benz vehicles from the 1950’s to 2010’s. e successful show would not be possible without the support of our members who made cars available for the day.
Our regional AGM took place in November and was hosted by Rola Mercedes-Benz in Somerset West. e existing regional committee was reelected for 2023. Our region’s year-end function took place early in December at the Cape Point Vineyard in Noordhoek. e event was well attended by our members. n
Western Cape Region Chairman
Southern Cape Region
2022 Southern Cape's regional committee consisted of Aldo van Zyl as Chairman and René Scribante as regional Secretary.
We began the year 2022 with 60
members and ended on 62, of which four were new members. Sadly, Bernd Rohloff, a beloved member of the Club, passed away in 2022.
To get the year going, we celebrated the new year with “ a Strawberries and Cream affair”.
Two major events were lined up for 2022, the first being the George Old Car Show, celebrating the 25th anniversary of the show. It started off with our MBCSA Valuation Seminar hosted by the SCRIBS BENZeum on Friday the 11th of February 2022, followed by the big event itself on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 February 2022.
We had just short of 100 beautiful Mercedes-Benz cars on display and, even with some Covid-19 restrictions still in place, the show was a major success.
e 5th President's braai was attended by 140 members, a STAR event which should not be missed; and a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old and new friends.
e second of the major events was the most exciting and biggest of all!
Our Club’s 37th AGM and National Gathering was proudly hosted by the Southern Cape region on the weekend of 16 to 19 June 2022. e slogan said it all: “eScape to the Luxury of the Southern Cape.”
It was a privilege for us as a region to host this annual event, and I can report that we had an extremely successful 37th AGM and National Gathering. I would like to thank the members who attended this event and all the committee members for their presence, which helped to make this an unforgettable event for our Club.
We were 147 attendees in total, of which there were three children under
the age of 12 and 84 actual members of the club. Esté Campher of MBSA also joined us for the occasion.
I can also report that our budget unfortunately went a tiny bit into the red... but we simply couldn’t have le the oompah band out of the weekend's festivities.
At the Gala evening, our charity auction collected a record amount of R155,000. ank you to everyone for making this possible. e proceeds were evenly distributed between Carpe Diem School and ODIN (Oudtshoorn Dogs in Need) as our beneficiaries.
Aldo van Zyl resigned as Chairman of the Southern Cape region in August and as secretary, I filled in temporarily until our regional AGM was held in December.
e year ended on a high note at our annual year-end function with a “Pig on the Spit” picnic at the SCRIBS BENZeum. It was so good!
I was elected as Chairperson at our Regional AGM held in December 2022. e secretary’s position stayed vacant.
e Southern Cape region of our Club continues with regular meetings and activities on a monthly basis. We are very excited and enthusiastic going forward and wish all the other regions a successful 2023. May your MB star shine bright!
I thank you. n
Southern Cape Region Chairperson
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Since 1956
Eastern Cape Region
What a year 2022 proved to be. With Covid finally behind us, the wheels started turning slowly but eventually picked up a manic pace. However, after the previous two years, this was rather welcome in our region.
We had a pretty full calendar
and it was lovely getting together on these occasions to catch up, share memories of members passed, see new faces and continue the comradery we have become used to.
We were able to start the monthly evening braai at the EPVCC in PE, this over and above the breakfast runs and other activities that we put together.
e George Old Car Show was well attended by team EC; fun as always but not without a few casualties over the weekend. My car ’ s shock and tyre issues, the Racing Pig’s stubbornness with carbs, Erald’s exhaust mod and Colin’s rally stint on the chalet grounds... fortunately there were no casualties and all made it home safely.
e “omas River weekend” in May saw a bunch of us from throughout the Eastern Cape descend on the area situated between Cathcart and Stutterheim.
Just the drive itself is an absolute treat, with spectacular scenery and roads in decent condition. Most of us arrived on Friday aernoon to a cold and wet omas River, which included gathering at a fireplace in the pub, talk around the engine bay of a G-Wagon in limp mode, and a special meal by Jeff Sansom and his wife Anne.
We had some fishing planned for Saturday, but with the weather not playing ball, we busied ourselves with a walk around the omas River village, looking at all the cars, spare parts and memorabilia that Jeff has gathered over the years. Saturday evening was hosted by Jeff and Anne with a wonderful, fully catered-for braai, which was a real treat.
On Sunday the boys were back at the G-wagon, but alas, even with a diagnostic machine the fault could not be cleared, so Colin and Joe had a very sedate drive back to ELS.
e Ronnies Motors Wizard on Wheels Show (a.k.a. “WOW SHOW”) was held on 2 July on a beautiful warm winter’s day in East London.
As per usual, the three-pointed star dominated the event with over 40 cars in attendance. e title sponsor was Ronnies Motors, our local ELS Mercedes-Benz dealership which meant there was a strong mix of modern Mercs to add to the older beauties on show.
e show was well supported by the local community as well as Eastern Cape members and their families. e oldest car with a three-pointed star was Erald Hohls’ 1951 170Da and the newest a locally-built W206 C-Class.
e Jamjar Rally 2022 saw our EC region enter three teams. Now in its 9th year, this has become an annual charity drive. We had great fun and found comradery between the teams. All did well and Fabian’s team came
first (with the help of team Murphy), while Rudi’s finished second. e amount of older Mercedes’ used in the “rally” is testament to their longevity and toughness.
Also in 2022, Niki’s 1969 6.3 Resto project got started in earnest. With his everlong love for the 108/9, he just had to get this lady back on the road.
Specially ordered for a customer in Zambia, she finally made her way to South Africa in 1994. Since he picked up the baton, she was taken down to bare metal for a complete respray in the factory Blue Metallic paint. All loose panels were chemically dipped, while the entire air suspension, brake system, automatic transmission and fuel system were redone; the latter by a leading specialist in the United States. e engine has never run so smoothly.
ere’s still a way to go with some of the bling, and hopefully she will be on the road soon.
Intle’ Boutique Hotel was one of our destinations for a run in October. e hotel is just outside PE (on the George side) and gave members a chance to give their old dames a nice run.
We had with us a 450 SLC, Pagoda, 190E, W124, CL500, CLK500 and three 108's. e open road was great, with perfect weather giving us all the chance to push our cars a little harder.
e venue is stunning, with unbroken views of bush and green pastures on one side and the sea on the other; this all from the deck of the restaurant.
Given how busy the year was, it was decided to combine our AGM and Christmas lunch as a Saturday outing.
Kenton on Sea was the destination as it’s a fairly central spot for the Eastern Cape chapter and, given it was a Saturday, this gave everyone sufficient travel time. e day started off sunny but turned damp around lunchtime, so there wasn’t much chance to get all the cars lined up for a photo moment.
Despite our early arrival, the venue was very accommodating as members checked in, while one of the hotel rooms was the venue for our AGM.
All went smoothly with Niki and Fabian being re-elected Secretary and Chairman for 2023.
Aer the AGM, we went back to the House Kitchen to join everyone for a great meal. It was a festive time with small gis being handed out and a good chinwag enjoyed, all very relaxed given most of the 40 attending members were staying at (or close to) Kenton for the night.
A big thanks to the Eastern Cape members for the friendship, fellowship and comradery. e extra effort they all put in makes it a great chapter in the club. n
FABIAN CAIRNS Eastern Cape Region Chairman
Regional Review
Cen al
Central Region
While Covid-19 was slowly becoming a dim view in the rear-view mirror, the Central Region fully resumed our monthly activities, thankful that the pandemic gave us some breathing room to get together again.
We started 2022 off in January
with our usual afskop braai at the Kachelhoffer “Benz Barn”.
As per usual, all were in good and relaxed spirits, fires were lit and many stories about beauties that have been bought, could have been bought and should have been bought, were shared.
In February, a few of our Bloemfontein Club members attended a very enjoyable picnic in the beautiful garden of our members Loy Nel and Fanie Vorster. In the parking area, 123’s, Fintails and Pieter Pienaar’s beautifully restored Ponton added class to the event.
In March we had a very enjoyable gathering in Upington. Four of us, Fanie and Anita du Preez, myself and Annalie, started our trip from Bloemfontein. We first made a brief stop at Kimberley where Deon and Sandra Nel welcomed and treated us with coffee and delicious scones.
At Upington we were welcomed by the Northern Cape members with a very festive braai at Jurie and Carina’s place, and where we were joined by
Paul and ea van Wyk (Frankfort) and Koos and Hannie Kruger (Villiers).
e Upington clan, with Jurie Schneider and Michael Holland-Muter at the steer, were extremely hospitable. One of the highlights was a trip on a large ferry on the Orange River, where we were once again treated to good food and drinks.
Some of our other Northern Cape Region members also had one of their regular breakfast runs in March, where they could display a variety of their beautiful vehicles.
In April, a few of our members enjoyed a breakfast run to Tom”s Place, approximately 35km from Bloemfontein. We gathered at the Mercedes-Benz Motors dealership and travelled to our destination, enjoying the sunshine and good company.
Our Northern Cape contingent also had a breakfast run to the Border Hotel in Jan Kempdorp.
e annual Cars in the Park event was presented by the Bloemfontein Old Car Club on the public holiday,
2 May 2022 in Bloemfontein, and our Club was well represented with about 35 vehicles, which included the three beautiful Pagodas of Japie Vos, Fanie du Preez and eo van Rensburg, respectively. It was exceptional to have a trio of beautiful Pagodas at one event. Clearly people were “hungry” for such an event here in Bloemfontein and we were fortunate to enjoy nice sunny weather and a windless day.
Johan Strydom of the MercedesBenz dealership in Bloemfontein also arranged for the display of a beautiful black (brand-new) C-Class, which attracted a lot of attention.
Even the local newspaper made a special mention of the Mercedes-Benz presence at the show, when remarking in lighter vein that the Merc owners displayed their vehicles separately from the other “warmed-up” cars!
Later in May, some of our members visited Bloemfontein Bearing Works, where the owner Bennie Claassen shared his knowledge of overhauling engines; followed by worsbroodjies and drinks.
Annual 2021 2022
On June 8, some of our members travelled to Mossel Bay for the longawaited 2022 AGM and National Gathering. e weekend started well with our Annalie Kachelhoffer being elected as the Vice President of the Club at the Annual General Meeting. Our thanks also to the Southern Cape Region for an excellent event.
Following the success of the Club’s National Gathering in Mossel Bay during June 2022, our region had to go back to the cold weather of the Free State and Northern Cape!
ere’s no better way to combat the cold than with a glass of Old Brown Sherry (a.k.a Vrystaat Kombersie) in hand. So we kickstarted July events with a soup and sherry evening at our barn on Friday 22 July where we hosted, apart from our Bloemfontein members, our Upington members en route to Frankfort the next day.
On Saturday morning our group le Bloemfontein for Frankfort and the long-awaited visit to view Paul van Wyk’s collection of beauties. We knew beforehand that we were going to be in
awe of what we were about to see – we just did not realise the extent that our awe would take. Paul really has an impressive collection of both older and newer models of not only MercedesBenz’s with exceptionally low mileage, but his love for all classics shows in his Borgwards, Peugeots, etc., etc. Way too many to mention all of them.
It felt like being a child in a chocolate shop... feasting on the sight of rows upon rows of beautiful classics! You won’t find another collection like Paul’s very easily.
We were in for another treat on the Sunday morning in that we paid a visit to our member, Koos Kruger and his wife Hannie, on his farm near the town of Villiers. Apart from the varied collection of beautiful classics (and motorbikes) awaiting us, milk tart and coffee were also served – true Free State hospitality.
We were sad to leave for our various destinations, but were happy to know that Paul and Koos have certainly placed Frankfort and Villiers on the must-see classic vehicles map!
Our August events were on a much smaller scale. On the 3rd, a few of our region’s members attended another “Technical Evening” at Silverton Radiators, arranged by Charlie Simkin.
On 9 August, a few members of the Free State Veteran Car Club joined us for a braai at the Kachelhoffer barn.
In warmer September, it was time for our Club’s flagship event, the National Concours.
I was happy I could convince three of our members to take part in this event, and months of hard work was rewarded when they all did extremely well in their respective divisions.
Niekie Nell was second in the Concours d’ Etat Stroke 8 with his 1974 280E W114, Van Zyl van Pletsen also came second in the Concours d’Etat Fintail with his 1963 Finny, and Fanie du Preez claimed the first spot in the Concours d’Elegance Youngtimer with his 1985 W123 280E. e Central Region is proud of our members’ success in this event!
Towards the end of September, we were also looking forward to an event that was postponed previously due to the Covid-19 restrictions: a visit to our Northern Cape Vaalharts region.
On Saturday 24th September, members travelling from Upington and Bloemfontein had to meet up with the local members at Warrenton, but due to our navigator Annalie, some of us went ahead to Christiana where everybody met up at the premises of Rascal Seed Research Laboratories.
Our member and CEO/founder of Rascal Seeds, Dawie Ras, gave us a totally new insight on potatoes!
is was followed by a lunch at the Border Hotel in Jan Kempdorp from where we were driven (very suitably) in a Mercedes-Benz Vito to the Vaalharts Veteran Club Museum, where we could view their outstanding collection of classic tractors kept in very good condition.
One turn of the key enough to start them. From there we went to club member Kobus Du Plessis and wife Willa’s farm near Magogong to enjoy their collection of classic vehicles, tractors and other memorabilia from years gone by. A very festive dinner at the Border Hotel awaited us where we were given a goody bag filled with pecan nuts, peanuts, wines, etc. famous for that region. ank you to Bart Opperman and Johann Smit for sponsoring our goodies.
Aer breakfast on the Sunday, we visited the collection of a non-club member, Jopie Fourie, in Warrenton. Jopie also has a varied collection of classics with (amongst others) a very scarce 380SL R107 and a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud II – both in mint condition. From there we travelled back to Kimberley where we enjoyed lunch in the company of some of our Kimberley members.
Our sincere thanks to Bart, Johann and all the others involved in arranging a very enjoyable weekend for us! Our thanks also go to our very active Upington members committing to long hours of driving to attend our events during this quarter, and also to Paul and ea van Wyk (Frankfort) who rarely miss a club event.
In October, as part of our region’s charity drive, two of our members made their beloved Fintails available for two Matric pupils from a local orphanage. anks to Gert Coetzee and Van Zyl van Pletsen!
We had our region’s Annual General Meeting and year-end function on Saturday 26 November 2022 at the Garden City MercedesBenz dealership in Bloemfontein. Earlier the Saturday aernoon, prior to the Annual General Meeting, some of our members visited the very interesting and impressive Volksie Museum on a smallholding at the outskirts of Bloemfontein. Paul van Wyk received the Central Region’s Star Member award for 2022 for his loyal support and attendance of Club events during 2022.
Jaco and Annalie Kachelhoffer were again elected as Chairman and Secretary of the Central Region for 2023.
We look back on a reasonably full and successful year. Our member attendance at functions was not always as we would have liked but we hope that 2023 brings back the enthusiasm and joy in club events; and that our love of following the three-pointed star flourishes in the coming year! n
Central Region Chairman
Regional Review
KwaZulu-Natal Region
The KZN Region resumed its usual adventurous outings and camaraderie with an expedition up Sani Pass, successful entrants to the National Concours, surfside breakfast and a festive year-end function.
The KZN Region started off 2022
with quite an expedition...
Sani Pass the legendary Sani Pass and a stop-over at the Sani Mountain Lodge. e intrepid driver Matt describes part of his experience as follows: “It makes me wonder at how steely-nerved the local communities who use this pass daily must be!”
Surfin' KZN
In August we went Surfin' KZN with a sojourn to the balmy East Coast beach and gleaming Golden Mile, at Surf Rider's Café, a popular sun-kissed hangout just a few metres from the water's edge. As the seagull flies.
e KZN family caught up on news over drinks, venue-appropriate meals and some obligatory Ricksha Rides on Durban's beachfront.
Wherever there is a car enthusiast, an interesting set of wheels will not be far away…
KZN attends the National Concours
e first National Concours within the auspices of the Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa since 2019 was held in September, and the anticipation of such a prestigious event was palpable. With four entries from KwaZulu Natal, two competitive and two for display, it’s difficult to determine what was more exciting: the preparation or the eagerness for a road trip?
Well in advance of their debut on the parkway, the contestants were primped and preened, polished and dressed in finery.
Our region sashayed away with three awards: Warren Geyser's golden 1982 R107 450SL placing second in the 107-Class Prix d'État and Peter Graham's uniquely hued 2007 C203 C230 Coupe taking top honours in the category Open Class Young-timers; as well as the highest overall score for the same category.
Resounding congratulations to all winners and participants, we cannot wait for the next star-studded event.
Year-End Event
KZN’s Region End-of-Year Function is one of the most anticipated events of the year and there is a lot of fun, laughter, easing into the festive season, food, drinks and cheer around the table; and this year definitely took that up a notch.
Our meeting point was e Mushroom Farm for a quick cup of coffee and a croissant with our first stop being one of the finest car collections; of Moobeen Munshis. e Munshi family kindly hosted our members for the day at their beautiful museum and treated us to food and drinks for the morning too. What an incredible time... going through the variety of cars on show as well as hearing stories of the family being involved in the workshop in their own unique ways.
Next stop was lunch at the quaint Picklepot Café which involved a lot of chatting, shopping, being entertained by the resident dogs at Pickle Pot, and chatting to the owner too.
Annual 2021 2022
Our evening venue was the glorious historical Calderwood Hall, which is just a delight and luxury to stay in at Christmas time. e glorious End of Year dinner at Calderwood was indeed spectacularly laid out and meals were served as formalities, speeches, thank you's, quizzes, live music and dancing were done in between each course. Not many went to sleep that night as they partied into the wee hours of the morning.
A special thank you goes to Mercedes-Benz Umhlanga for their sponsorships and gis for the event.
KZN Region Chairman
Star Events
Star Events
George Old Car Show: 25th Celebration
Shall we? Perhaps, maybe, maybe not, it’s on, no its off, it’s on again!
That was the trending line of thought that was running through the organisers, sponsors and attendees of the George Old Car Show.
It was “toing and froing” for months
and weeks on end, but in the end the call was made, and the Old Motor Show went ahead.
With not much time to organise the event, we all had to work in overdrive to come up with an event that would not disappoint.
e stalwart of our motoring community, Waldo, together with his various committees put on their thinking caps and really pulled out the proverbial rabbit out of the hat. Within the matter of a month, the whole event was organised, the exhibitors were gathered and brought down a variety of cars for all to enjoy. e whole weekend went as smooth as a drive in a Mercedes S-Class, and everything went according to plan. Even the weather played along. We were all a bit sceptical, but the cards were really in our favour.
e show was a great success and
there were more than enough attendees, exhibitors, and a lot of absolutely beautiful cars for everyone to enjoy.
e Southern Cape Region did not disappoint, and we pulled out all of the stops for a terrific exhibition of fine Mercedes-Benz cars. We had the robust yet elegant W116 as backbone of our exhibit for the weekend.
And there were even a few 6.9 W116 cars for all to indulge in.
e W116 Mercedes S-Class was showed off and a juxtaposition was created next to the brilliant new W223, contrasting the effect of years of research and development by Mercedes-Benz. is was certainly appreciated by all who were perusing the very finely curated exhibition of cars. e “drive by” of classic and more modern cars is always a highlight of the Saturday and creates the chance for all of the owners and
enthusiasts to glean more information and background knowledge of the autos on show.
e weekend went by without so much as a hitch and was indeed flawlessly organised and enjoyed.
Well, the “George motor weekend” is definitely not done if we don’t have our annual President’s Braai at Waldo and Renè. Aer all that was said and done the motoring afficionados descended on one of the Southern Cape’s most revered Mercedes-Benz collections. e traditional sheep braaied on the spit and, together with flavourful pap en sous, was plated to a bevy of hungry Mercedes lovers. e laughing and storytelling went on into the late, late hours of the night, but was of course very much relished by all in attendance.
We would like to thank all of the attendees, exhibitors and sponsors who made the weekend possible and
unforgettable. en a great big thank you to Waldo and Renè for all of their trouble in hosting what is now arguably one of the best motoring shows in South Africa.
ank you all for attending, and here is to seeing you next year. n
Southern Cape Region Chairman
5th President’s Braai 2022
"e George Motor Weekend wouldn't be complete without our annual President’s Braai hosted by Waldo and Renè Scribante.
Aer the day's events, enthusiasts of Mercedes motoring gathered at one of the Southern Cape's most esteemed Mercedes collections. A traditional sheep roast on the spit, accompanied by flavorful pap en sous, was served to a group of eager Mercedes lovers.
Laughter and storytelling filled the air, continuing into the late hours of the night, thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present. And let's not forget the delightful addition of ice cream and chocolate sauce!
e 5th President's Braai was a tremendous success and undoubtedly stood out as one of our club's premier events."
37th AGM & National Gathering 2022: George & Mossel Bay
After last year’s successful and enjoyable National Gathering, hosted by the Eastern Cape in Graaff-Reinet, this year we were invited by their southern counterparts to “eSCape to the Luxury of the Southern Cape”.
Taking advantage of a long
weekend starting on 16 June 2022, the 37th National Gathering and AGM took place in and around Mossel Bay with a wide variety of relaxing activities and luxurious venues.
ese included gin and chocolate pairing, a pirate-themed evening at the Diaz Museum, visiting a custom coffee machine facility, convoy drive to a secluded wine estate lunch, Oktoberfest dinner complete with oompah band, tours of some amazing vehicle collections in George, plus a glitzy Gala dinner to complete the weekend’s festivities.
With sunny winter weather prevailing, members and their loved ones (totalling 148 people) were greeted by a friendly mob of Southern Cape representatives at the Gannet Restaurant. Lunch quickly ensued and I witnessed many smiles and much chatter as a stream of club members
arrived at the seaside restaurant. ere was also a constant buzz around the Regalia stand, dely manned by Leon Erasmus and Mark Lavin.
An optional activity took place right next door: the comical tutor at Cape Saint Blaize was entertaining and educating folks about gin and chocolate in half-hour intervals. Our AGM was held later that aernoon at the Diaz Hotel & Resort, where Annalie Kachelhoffer was elected Vice President and Jan-Willem Wielsma accepted the role of Club (National) Secretary.
e first evening event was stationed in the amphitheatre surrounding a replica Portuguese caravel; at the Bartolomeu Dias Museum. Most attendees seemed to delight in this dress-up party as there was much swashbuckling, plenty of har-har to be heard, and more eye patches than at a fencing convention.
Day two started with individual vehicle photos at the Mossel Bay Point, interspersed with voluntary tours of the Super Veloce factory – a coffee and petrol addict’s paradise where the attention to detail is only outdone by their price tags.
Later that morning we regrouped on the Herbertsdale road and drove in convoy to Jakkalsvlei Winery; a secluded yet world-class destination with superb wines and excellent food. Stanmar Motors (George) exhibited four vehicles at the entrance, neatly stacked in pairs of black and white.
Aer a lengthy and jovial lunch, everyone got plenty of time to strap on their Lederhosen and practise “Ein Prosit” for the evening’s Germanthemed (Oktoberfest) dinner at Salt & Copper, a modern function venue on the outskirts of Mossel Bay.
e evening got progressively livelier as the beer and brass music flowed; at some point I remember oompha-renditions of AC/DC and witnessing half the room in a conga line, snaking through the tables.
Although it seemed difficult to top our wonderful experiences so far, the last day was most certainly my favourite as we got to visit André Fourie and Waldo Scribante’s car collections in George.
e weather had turned a bit drippy, yet André’s voluminous garage hosted dozens of club members for a hot beverage and closer inspection of his amazing vehicles. Some highlights include a 300SL Roadster, Maybach, SLS Gullwing, a flurry of SL’s and one of the smartest 111 Coupés I’ve ever seen.
Waldo’s collection was next... and reaffirmed its status as an absolute
must for fans of the brand. e quality and quantity is extraordinary, befitting of a proper museum and incredible for a private collection.
e gracious hosts treated us to a buffet lunch before opening Waldo’s truck store for the last viewing of the day.
at evening saw the final event of the 37th National Gathering: an elegant gala dinner at Laminin Agora, another stylish function venue in the area. Notable incidents include a mad dash as the bar opened, flaming braziers next to Stanmar’s best metal, a congenial group photo of everyone in their best bib and tucker, as well as scrumptious dinner with delicate table decorations. ese formed part of the evening’s charity auction, which was flanked by speeches of gratitude, awards and recognition.
Typing of which, I’d like to join everyone in thanking our amazing hosts of the Southern Cape region once more. Waldo, René, Aldo, Adele, Kobus, Marlize and your many friendly helpers – you put together a wonderful weekend of activities which perfectly matched your claim: escaping to the luxury of the region. n
Incoming Editor in 2022
National Concours 2022
Saturday morning 10 September 2022 and the colossus that is Mercedes-Benz South Africa’s flagship dealership, is already a hive of activity. A line of sparkling-clean Mercs of all shapes and sizes eagerly await their turn to be appointed a parking bay in the immaculate basement workshop.
The event sparks a memory of the
first Concours event I ever attended, many years ago at MercedesBenz Menlyn. My friend Marcell Mostert was instrumental in convincing me to attend that event. I took my dad along on the day and we both thoroughly enjoyed the cars, the camaraderie, and the enthusiasm. I decided there and then that I had to join the Club.
is year ’ s event was a bittersweet experience for many of us since it was the first time that the Club was able to hold a Concours since the devastating effects of Covid had passed. A lot has changed in the more than two years, and the loss of some dear friends such as Chris Carlisle-Kitz who, amongst others, was a major contributing force in past Concours events, is once again a reminder of the aermath that we are still recovering from.
Under the watchful eye of Sven Krassnokutski, a new judging panel took on the mammoth task of going
through each car in great detail. is was my first experience as an authenticity judge and it was great to witness the high standard of our members’ cars first hand, and to speak with these enthusiasts who had spent hours and days preparing their cars; and many who drove great distances in order to participate.
e second day of the Concours kicked off with a new category: “Spectacle Spécial” where members got to share the story of their cars. I had brought a car with great sentimental value - a 230SL family heirloom entrusted to me. My dad had passed away in July and I was grateful to be able to pay tribute to his legacy in this way. It was fascinating to hear the delightful history that came with other members’ cars. e stories of fastidious ownership and devotion bears testimony to the fact that we are all custodians of these great cars, so that future generations may one day appreciate the mechanical integrity
and elegant design synonymous with the three-pointed star, as a result of these efforts.
e culmination of this year ’ s event took place around midday with the commencement of the prize-giving ceremony. is year, Louis Fourie’s stunning 220SE coupe walked away with the Prix d’Etat. e Prix d’Honneur was awarded to Roley Nöe’s immaculately restored 1928 “Stuttgart” and the Prix d’Elegance was awarded to Fanie du Preez’s gleaming W123 280E.
My experience of this event leaves me with a new take on why it is important to have such an event in our calendar and secondly, why one should participate. I have a friend who is a detailer by trade. He spends a great deal of time cleaning high-end classic cars and over the years has attended Concours events all over the country.
He spent most of Saturday morning at our event and commented aerwards that it was the best
presented and most professionally-run Concours that he had witnessed to date in South Africa. It is always good to hear an outsider’s opinion and this once again reinforces the strong foundation and high standards maintained by the Club.
Entering for Concours is daunting and I know that many of our members aren’t that keen on the time and effort associated with the preparation for this event. e fortunate upside to this sort of effort is much more than a certificate or an award.
is is an opportunity to rectify all the details that may irritate you about your pride and joy, plus it also highlights the things that you may not have been aware of. It is, in short, a collaborative effort to assist you in making your classic car even better!
I’m grateful for the new friendships formed, for the fun and camaraderie of the Club members, for the opportunity to pay homage to those who have devoted so much of their energy in the past, and above all, to celebrate the bright future of our vibrant Club.
I hope to see you all at Concours 2023! n
National Concours Results for 2022
National Concours Results for 2022
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By Annalie Kachelhoffer
WOW, what a journey it has been!
As is typical towards the end of a year, one tends
to reflect on your journey through the years. For me, my time with the Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa sometimes still feels surreal.
Our good friends Fanie and Anita du Preez introduced my hubby, Jaco, and I to the club in 2010. Jaco joined and we attended our first National Gathering at the Gariep dam in 2011. e late Louis Coetzer and his wife Hermien were steering the Central Region at the time and little did I know that Louis had his sights set on making me the next “Chairman” for the region; a female chairperson was something unheard of in the club at that time. When I became aware of Louis’ plans, I was terrified!
is is a man ’ s world, and just listening to all the numbers being thrown around (W108, W116, etc.) was enough to make my head spin. I had the love of classics for sure, but the knowledge and the knowhow... not a chance. But Louis was not to be deterred and in 2012 I became the Chair”man” of the Central Region.
I spent hours drawing list upon list from the internet on all the alternative model codes, but soon realised that only time and experience would teach me this information; so needed to speak the manspeak.
I still vividly remember presenting my first regional report at the 2012 AGM. I practised on Fanie as my audience before the meeting and I could see that he was a bit uncomfortable and did not know how to tell me what I had to know. I soon learnt what his unease was about.
When I was on page two of my five-page regional report, I could hear the rustle as the club members started moving about in their seats. Restless, bored and hoping that this would end soon; maybe also thinking that this is what you get when you give a woman a chance to speak?
I think the ending of my report was the most abrupt one at an Annual General Meeting to date.
Over the years I found my feet and enjoyed being part of the National Committee. From Regional Chair I advanced to National Secretary and this year was elected your Vice-President. A position in which Chris Carlisle-Kitz le a special brand of shoes so big that I will not even think of trying to fill them.
I can merely fill my own – with experience and knowledge gained over the 11 years as a National Committee member, my love for the club, and the extended family that goes with it. (I sometimes wonder what Louis would say about the outcome of the journey he put his protégé on?)
Time to say thank you to each and every member of our beloved club who made my journey so worthwhile and will continue to do so in the years to come. You are a very special brand of people with the most special brand of vehicle ever.
Enjoy the club and all it has to offer, take part in the events – aer all, your vehicle is your attitude, so show the world your classy attitude!