1 minute read
By René Scribante
We awakened to a beautiful sunny day, namely the first of January 2023!
The MBCSA Southern Cape
Region kicked off this first day of the year with a Champagne and Strawberryaffair
Ourinvitationwasextendedto include the SCOCC (Southern Cape Old Car Club) to join us, and what fun was had: a joyous morning filled with laughter and chatter abouttheyearahead.
We were blessed with visitors such as Erold and Sherryn Holtz from the Eastern Cape region, as wellasJP,NadineandMiekevander PoelfromtheWesternCaperegion.
Enjoying a few glasses of champagne and indulging in strawberries with ice cream is the perfect way to invigorate oneself fortheyearahead.
Here's to a fantastic 2023 filled with more wonderful events and gatheringslikethisone!