1 minute read
Region meets at Stellenbosch Flying Club

By Zillen Venter
As part of an effort to increase member engagement and participation in the Western Cape Region, we decided to hold our regular club meetings at various venues throughout the greater CapeTownarea;inaninformaland socialenvironment.
The first meeting of the year took place early in February 2023 at the Stellenbosch Flying Club just outside Stellenbosch and was well supported by members from the surroundingarea.
Later in February, a number of our Western Cape members travelled to the beautiful Garden Route for the annual George Old Car Show and, of course, to attend the famous President's Braai hosted by Waldo and René Scribante.

The 2023 edition of the George OldCarShowwasredhotintermsof the show's quality and the outside temperature!■

Western Cape Regions meets at The Bomb Shelter

By Zillen Venter
As part of our roving club meeting initiative our next meeting was held in Pinelands at TheBombShelterRestaurant.

The meeting was well attended and was thoroughly enjoy by everyoneinattendance.Thankyou to George Padley for making the necessary arrangements with the venue.■

Workshop Day at Rola Motors
By Zillen Venter
ola Mercedes-Benz in RSomerset West hosted our members for a Workshop Day late inMarch.
Two technicians were available to inspect members' classic and modern Mercedes-Benz vehicles andtoprovidesomeadvice.

A big thank you to Francois Botha and his friendly team at Rola Mercedes-Benz for organising the Workshop Day and for the coffee andmuffins.
The Western Cape Region aims to have at least three workshop days during 2023 and we really appreciate their support in this regard.
A number of members joined usforlunchatImEimerRestaurant after the workshop day, where everyone enjoyed traditional Germanfood.■