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Year Beginning Function
By Anna Lee Dos Santos
The Northern Region had its
Beginning-of-Year function on 22 January in the lovely town of Parys, on the banks of the Vaal River.
As is now a tradition, we were hosted by Leon Erasmus and the Klerksdorp Sportscar Club. There were 62 members and spouses present, making this a wellattendedevent.
Gauteng members formed a convoy from Bryanston in Johannesburg and met the Klerksdorp-based members at the Engen filling station near Fochvile. From there, we took a leisurely drive south over the Vaal River to Parys,wherewewerewelcomedat the Garden Boutique Eatery for an AlFrescolunch.
This restaurant is a newer additiontoParysandoffersquality artisinal food and drinks. Its quiet location off the busy main street makes for a laid back experience in the tranquility of a real Free State "dorp".
Anybody who attended this eventwillnodoubtrememberitfor beingoneofthehottestBeginningof-Year events, due to the heat wavethatstartedearlierinJanuary.
I'm sure the bar made an absolute fortune from us thirsty Northern Region members constantlydrainingandrefilingour glasses.
Leon handed out some prizes and I shared the committee's vision for the upcoming National GatheringandAGM.
The food was really the highlight of the event, with a threecourselunchbeingserved.Starters wereacombinationoftwoslicesof locally-baked bread with cheese, homemadepreservesandolives.
For the main meal, we had a choice of beef short rib or sweet and sour chicken thighs and drumsticks, with sweet potato, green beans in bacon and deepfried mashed potato balls for side dishes. Afterwards, we were all treated to a dessert of sweet Malva puddingwithcustard.
It was a most magnificent drive out and day at the Garden BoutiqueEatery. ■

February Garden Luncheon
By Anna-Lee Dos Santos
TheNorthernRegion’sFebruary calendar kicked off with a Sunday garden luncheon in the beautiful setting of Buitengeluk in Broadacres, Fourways, with the classic cars showing off at the entrance of this beautiful wedding venue.

Marthie Van Aswegen planned a most delicious 3-course lunch in the lush green gardens of Buitengeluk. There was also a fun Quiz in the theme of “greens” –covering Mercedes-Benz famous green paint colours, green racing cars,famousgardensandallthings green! Prizes were awarded to the topthreewinners.

This was a most enjoyable SundayafternoonoutwiththeClub family.■