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Wynnifred's Year Opener 2023
By Matt du Sart
It'sanewdawn,it'sanewyearand the stars continue to shine at their brightest! Especially in the balmy sunshine of the KwaZulu Natalsummer.
Our Region opened the year's events calendar with a Saturday sojourn to Wynnifred's Café and ShoppeinCamperdown.
Welcome, Twenty-Twenty Three-Pointed Star!
Established at the beginning of 2020, Wynnifred's was forced into hiatuswiththeCOVID-19lockdown. Thankfully, they have been able to reopen with aplomb! A truly magnificent venue in the middle of the KZN green hills, it offers the most exquisite backdrop to members and their gleaming vehicles.
As temperatures flirted with the low thirties, the congregation setforthfromTheMushroomFarm inOuterWestDurban,makingtheir way to Wynnifred's just in time for lunchandacoolingbeverage.
Ourspotofreposesetbeneath the canopies of Wild Fig trees, the committee took this opportunity to welcome a good many new members, as well as to share what istobeanexcitingyearahead,both nationallyandwithintheregion.
Dust off those driving gloves andgetreadyforsomehighoctane (andlow-sulphurdiesel)quests!

Bunny Chow Barometer Britannia
By Matt Du Sart
Ann Peebles lyricised “I can’t standtherain”,buthereinKZN we welcome it! Most of the time. Okay,reallyonlyonSundayswhenit means that the weather provides excusetoenjoyaDurbanstaple:the BunnyChow

A 144-year-old institution to Durban Culture set the stage for a coolSundayofculinaryexcellence.
Unassuming from the exterior, this landmark along uMgeni Road established by E K Green Liquor Company in 1879 is an assault on the senses. From the aromas wafting from the kitchen to the architecture and artwork, the Britannia is a true Durban gem. No visittoourlittlePortTownwouldbe complete without it! Just ask our members.■

KZN Region
By Matt Du Sart
panner Days in the KZN Region Sof our club are more than just nutsandbolts,greaseandthesmell ofpetrolordiesel.

Theyareanopportunityforour members to get together, share a boerie roll, an anecdote and collectiveknowledge.
Our most recent KZN Spanner Day was hosted at BenzBoyz and that meant a tour in a late 1970’s Mercedes-Benz207D.
Lookingfornewthingstolearn, excellentcamaraderieandthebest food this side of the uMgeni? ALL ABOARDFORKZN!■
View a short video here