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On Saturday 28 January 2023, the Central Region kickstarted their year's activities with the traditional braai at the Kachelhoffer Benz Barn. All the usual elements were there – cars, bola, friends, more cars, fires, more friends and more cars.
Also, as per usual, the main topics for the evening were those dearly beloved vehicles in various collections. Our Central Region members seem to be quite content with the states of their current collections as no new and excitingpurchasesweredisclosed.
The meat and salads were followed by ice cream and chocolate sauce – lots of chocolate sauce!
Our next drive was to the George Show and our region was well represented in terms of numberofmemberspresentatthe show. Johan Strydom reluctantly decided to add kilometres to his beautiful 1993 W124 220E (the odometer ticking over the 70,000 kmmarkonthetrip).
Our Northern Cape section was also well represented even though our members from Upington (Michael Holland-Muter, Johan van der Merwe and Jurie Schneider) decided to do the long trip in their otherloves,VolkswagenBeetles.
We also had two Geländewagens which could park in the VIP sectionundertheMBCSAtent–the two lucky owners being Paul van Wyk (1981 240GD) and Jacques Pieterse (G500). As always, this eventwasenjoyedbyall.
Our next event was a technical eveningheldattheMercedes-Benz dealership, Garden City Motors, in Bloemfontein. Johan Strydom and his crew explained the technical aspects and advantages of electric vehicles and a quite impressive piece of information was the fact that they can accelerate from 0 to 100kphinaboutthreeseconds.
Our members were then spoiled with a test drive in the vehicle and they certainly tested thisfact! Afterthatweweretreated to a “worsbraai” and we spent the rest of our evening discussing the new era of the electric motor; and how this will feature in the current SouthAfricansituation.
In the meantime, our Vaalharts contingent also met for their regular weekend breakfasts and in Upingtonourmemberscontinueto take their beauties out for a coffee driveoverweekends.

OurnexteventinMarchwillbea short drive for a relaxed breakfast atadamnearBloemfontein.■