P.O. Box 1749, George Western Cape, 6530
Email info@scocc.co.za Website www.scocc.co.za
P.O. Box 1749, George Western Cape, 6530
Email info@scocc.co.za Website www.scocc.co.za
083 226 7219 Roelf Vermeulen Snr clubpatron@scocc.co.za President 082 491 4780 Chris van Staden president@scocc.co.za
Chairman 082 802 3280 Waldo Scribante chairman@scocc.co.za
Vice Chairman
082 856 5153 Philip Kuschke vice.chairman@scocc.co.za
Chris van Staden
Rensche Kühn
Treasurer Events
Kobus Harris
Naas van Zyl
Kobus Mostert
secretary@scocc.co.za 082 557 9224
082 491 5254 082 453 1497
Secretary Clubhouse Safety
082 779 0451 Chris Kühn events@scocc.co.za savva@scocc.co.za
SAVVA & Dating
Youth Enthusiasts
Jan van Deventer clubhouse@scocc.co.za technical@scocc.co.za youth@scocc.co.za
082 410 0399 082 673 2822 082 325 0989
The opinions expressed in Spanner do not necessarily reflect the views of the SCOCC club committee, the editor, club members and/or officers of SAVVA or advertisers in this magazine.
P.O. Box 1749, George Western Cape, 6530
Email info@scocc.co.za Website www.scocc.co.za
What a privilege its been to attend our 1st Erfenistoer. Our sincere thank you to Pierre Olivier and his organising committee for arranging such a wonderful event. René and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
We initially planned to take our 1970 Mercedes-Benz W111 280SE 3.5 Coupé, but due to mechanical problems, we had to make another plan. We decided to take our 1st classic car, a 1965 Mercedes-Benz W112 300SEL and what a good choice it was, with the power steering, automatic gearbox and air suspension, not to mention the huge boot, it turned out to be an excellent touring car with a smooth cruise all the way.
As you read this, our Annual General Meeting is around the corner, scheduled for Saturday , the 26th of November 2022, to be followed by our Yearend function, a lovely sheepbraai at die BENZ.
Please join us to celebrate a successful year with Covid-19 almost behind us.
From the Chairman – Spanner – September 2022Kennisgewing van Algemene Jaarvergadering wat gehou sal word op 26 November 2022 te Protea Hotel King George, GEORGE.
Soos bepaal word in klousule 19 van ons grondwet, word u uitgenooi om die Algemene Jaarvergadering van die Suid-Kaap Oumotorklub by te woon op 26 November 2022 om 16h00 by die Protea Hotel King George. Indien enige lid objeksie wil aanteken, agv van die verkorte kennisgewing tydperk (< 21 dae) moet hy/sy skriftelik voor 12h00 die 11de November 2022 aan die sekretaris voorsien waarna die vergadering geherskeduleer sal moet word.
Die doel van die AJV: Voorlegging van die Voorsitter se verslag 2022 Voorlegging van die Klub se Finansiële State 2022 Verslag van klubaktiwiteite aangebied gedurende 20 22 Verkiesing van nuwe komiteelede Verkiesing van Komitee Voorsitter
Indien u sake op die sakelys van die AJV wil plaas, moet u dit skriftelik voor 11 November 2022 aan die sekretaris voorsien. Indien u enige navrae het rakende die klub se finansiële state moet dit ook voor 11 November 2022 aan die sekretaris gerig word.
Neem asseblief kennis dat u klub ledegeld op datum betaal MOET wees indien u wil deelneem aan die Algemene Jaarvergadering verkiesings proses.
Neem verder kennis dat VIER van ons huidige komitee lede moet terugstaan. Kobus Harris en Jan van Deventer staan terug en het kennis gegee dat hulle nie weer verkiesbaar is nie. Ons Tesourier, Chris van Staden en Chris Kühn staan terug, maar is weer verkiesbaar. Waldo Scribante, Philip Kuschke, Kobus Mostert en Naas van Zyl, bly aan in vir nog ‘n termyn.
Ons verwelkom nominasies vir hierdie posisies en posisie van Voorsitter. Indien u wel nominasies wil inhandig, versoek ons graag dat u die aangehegde nominasievorm sal invul waar dit van toepassing is. Maak ook asseblief seker dat elke persoon wat u nomineer instem tot sy/haar nominasie en dat die genomineerde persoon sowel as u en 'n persoon wat die genomineerde persoon sekondeer die nominasie vorm teken alvorens u dit inhandig. Enige nie volledige of inkorrek vorm wat ingehandig word, sal nie aanvaar word nie.
Indien u nie persoonlik die Algemene Jaarvergadering kan bywoon nie is u welkom om die aangehegde proksievorm in te vul met u begunsdigde se naam.
Voltooi asseblief die aangehegde vorms en pos dit so spoedig moontlik aan: Die Sekretaris, SKOMK, Posbus 1749, GEORGE, 6530 of per epos: secretary@scocc.co.za voor 11 November 2022.
Geen laat nominasie of proksievorms sal oorweeg word nie!
Notice of Annual General Meeting to be held on the 26 November 2022 at Protea Hotel King George, GEORGE at 16h00
As per clause 19 of the constitution of theSouthern CapeOld Car Club you arehereby informed of theAnnual General Meeting which will take place on 26 NOVEMBER 2022 at 16h00 at the Protea Hotel King George. If any member wants to object, against the shortened time of notification (<21days), he/she must in writing notifies the secretary before 12h00 on the 11th of November 2022, whereafter the meeting will have to be rescheduled.
The purpose of the AGM will b e to: Present the Chairman’s report Present the Club’s Financial Statements Report on club activities of the past year Elect a new committee Elect a new Committee Chairman
If you wish to add additional points to the Agenda, you must submit these in writing to the club secretary before 11 November 2022.
If you have any queries regarding the club’s financial statements please submit these to the club secretary before 11 November 2022.
Please note that your subscription fees MUST be fully paid up to vote. FOUR of the current committee members are required to stand back this year Kobus Harris and Jan van Deventer indicated that they are not available for re election. Our treasurer, Chris van Staden and Chris Kühn are standing back, but are available for re election Waldo Scribante, Philip Kuschke, Kobus Mostert and Naas van Zyl remains on the committee for another term.
You are welcome to nominate members of your choice to stand for election into next year’s committee , as well as the position of Chairman. Please submit your choices by completing the attached nomination forms. Make sure that all nominations are signed as accepted by the member that you have chosen (Nominee) as well as by yourself as the proposer together with a third person to second your nomination. Any incomplete or incorrect form will not be accepted.
If you are unable to attend Annual General Meeting in person, you are welcome to complete the attached Proxy form with your nominees’ name.
Kindly complete these attached forms and return by post to: The Secretary, SCOCC, P O Box 1749, GEORGE, 6530, or by email: secretary@scocc.co.za before 11 November 2022,
No late nominations or proxies will be considered !
Invitation - George Old Car Show 2023
‘Italian? Si, signore e signori!’
The Southern Cape Old Car Club is inviting all classic car clubs and motor enthusiasts to the 2023 George Old Car Show, scheduled for the 11th & 12th of February 2023.
The focus in 2023 will be on Italian marques to make this ‘uno spettacolare motor show italiano’ one spectacular italian motor show, be these contributions in the form of ‘automobili, motociclette e trattori’ motorcars, motor bikes and tractors including Vespas.
It’s the 26th anniversary of this annual event, held at Eden Technical High School, with its ample grounds accommodating motorcars and motorcycles of all ages and marques.
The Southern Cape Old Car Club and GOCS organisers are inviting motor enthusiasts and clubs from across Southern Africa to start planning their participation in next year’s Italian-themed event – all classic marques are welcome to join us.
Most importantly, all participants and stallholders should take note that the only way to register is through the Southern Cape Old Car Club website – click on www.scocc.co.za to access the registration form, which will be open for registration from 1st of November 2022 onwards.
For further info, contact or SMS 076 764 0897. See you at the George Old Car Show on 11th & 12th of February next year!
With an enlarged exhibit area for motorcycles, GOCS chairman Alewijn Dippenaar and his committee extend an urgent request to owners of two-wheelers manufactured before 1939 – that is pre-World War II – to get in contact and book their spot in a special expo for these machines.
Founded 3rd June 1988
The members of the Southern Cape Old Car Club present at the Technical/Garage evening, were treated to a most memorable get together imaginable, last evening, at the lovely home of our Chairman, Waldo Scribante and his good lady, René.
Dit was omtrent ‘n belewenis om tussen die pragtige versorgde voertuie deur te beweeg en hulle almal te bewonder en dit was baie interessant om te hoor, toe Waldo die teenwoordiges toegespreek het, van die herkoms en geskiedenis van sommige van die motors.
Baie Geluk Waldo en Rene, met jul pragtige versameling, elkeen ‘n pronkstuk om op trots te wees.
Nadat elkeen op iets te drinke en ‘n heerlike worsrolletjie getrakteer is, kon ons huiswaarts keer met baie aangename gedagtes.
Baie dankie Waldo en Rene vir julle vriendelike gasvryheid en baie dankie ook vir elkeen wat gehelp het om die aand so ‘n groot sukses te maak.
Laaste, maar nie die minste nie, baie dankie aan elke lid en die gaste wat teenwoordig was. Julle onders teuning word waardeer.
Beste Wense, Koot du ToitHierdie byeenkoms het al sinoniem geword met die eerste naweek in September elke jaar.
Kobus Harris het gister bevestigdat dit die eerste sosiale geleentheid was wat gereel is na die ontstaan van die Klub en dat hy van die aanvang daarvan verantwoordelik is vir die reelingen uitvoer daarvan. Hy kon nie met sekerheid bevestig of dit die afgelope naweek nommer 25 of nommer 26 op die kerfstok was nie.
Heartiest of Congratulations and thanks to Kobus, Naas, Chris , Renscke and Robert as well as Waldo for arranging for, amongst other things, the very handy portable drums used for doing the braai as well as everyone else that contributed to make it such a great success.
Die venue sowel as die weer was met een word onverbeterlik. Dit was so ‘n rustige gemoedelike en gesellige samekoms en dit was heerlik om saam met soveel lede van die Suid Kaap Oumotorklub te kuier. Baie dankie aan Pierre Conradie vir die woorde van dank wat hy tydens die geleentheid namens die Oumotorklub se lede uitgespreek het.
Mag ons almal gespaar word om dit DV volgende jaar weer te doen.
Beste Wense.
Met Koot du ToitOur AGM for 2022 was held in Queenstown, hosted by the Queenstown Automobile Club.
I would like to the thank the club for hosting the meeting and making all those that attended the meeting in person, feel so welcome.
In conjunction with the in-person meeting, a virtual ZOOM meeting was held, and total attendance was excellent. We had a small hiccup when we experienced load shedding at 11:00, but after about ten minutes we were all back online.
The SAVVA National Council members that were proposed and who accepted their nominations are as follows:
John Reid Chairman
Gavin Allison Vice Chairman
Philip Kuschke President
Megan Woodward Secretary
Paul Koski Treasurer
Hennie van der Walt Motorsport
The last few years have not been conducive for clubs to organize outings and we are all pleased to be able to get together once again with our friends and use the old vehicles we love. Just attending a few club meetings here in Gauteng showed that we are almost back to pre-COVID levels of attendance and people are once again out and about.
Youth participation is vital for the organisation and with Riaan Hanekom leading our youth development wing, 2022/2023 should see a younger breed of member attending our events. The youngsters are just as passionate about their cars as us older members are, it is just that they love a different type of vehicle and sometimes are not too keen on structured outings and prefer casual gatherings. Philip Kuschke has kindly agreed to help Riaan this coming year to progress this endeavor and I look forward to being able to report a great number of new young members at our next AGM. Please make the effort to encourage the younger members and make them and their cars feel welcome at club meetings.
Baie klubs het in die verlede ‘n jaarlikse tydren gereël. Dit het daartoe gelei dat baie nuwe lede blootges tel is aan die kuns, vaardigheid en pret van stiptheidstydrenne (regularity rallying). Sover my kennis strek, het slegs drie klubs in 2022 ‘n klub-tydren aangebied, wat beteken dat die kuns en pret wat met hierdie tipe tydren gepaardgaan, verlore gaan. Verskeie faktore kan as rede aangevoer word waarom klub-tydrenne nié gereël is nie. Bestuur het egter ‘n besluit geneem om klubs te help om weer hul jaarlikse stiptheidstydrenne te organiseer. Enige klub wat hulp benodig met die reël van ‘n klubtydren, moet asseblief enigeen van die komiteelede kontak, sodat die klub hiermee gehelp kan word.
FROMOur communications with FIVA have improved over the last couple of years and we have had numerous meetings with their executives as well as their events commission chairman and members. One of the things we are looking at organising is a FIVA World Tour in 2024. This Tour will be arranged to start in Cape Town and proceed up the Garden Route with members and visitors able to join for the entire tour or decide where best suits them to join and exit the tour. More details to follow as we progress with the organisation.
Registering a vehicle on the NATIS system has become a nightmare and prices of R12000 are being quoted to do the job for you. Even paying this exorbitant fee will still see you waiting up to 12 months for the contracted person to complete the process. SAVVA has over the years tried various options to fix or understand the system and we find ourselves having some people say it is easy to do and others saying it is impossible. One of the problems seems to be that one rule that applies in Province A does not seem to apply in Province B and visa versa. Brian Bruce from Knysna has kindly agreed to help SAVVA in this regard and he has been busy for the last six months or so examining the laws and then seeing how to formulate a policy to be followed that will work in all the provinces. It is not going to be an easy task so please don’t expect us to wave a magic wand and the problem will be solved. As we progress, we will feed back to you, the members.
Die SAVVA Motorskema is baie goed deur klublede aanvaar, en die getal mense wat hul voertuie by die skema verseker, groei steeds. Indien daar klubs is wat nog nie hul lede oor hierdie skema ingelig het nie, versoek ek dat dit wel gedoen word, aangesien klublede verseker baie beïndruk sal wees met die premies en voordele wat hulle sal ontvang.
Fred and Aisne Rascher have for many years produced our SAVVA newsletter. Aisne has not been well recently, and they have requested that we relieve them of this duty and we say thank you to both of them for producing the publication for many years. Anyone who has served as an editor of a club magazine will know how much work is involved in doing this task. Chris Cardwell has kindly agreed to take over this task and we hope to see a Christmas edition of the magazine. One of the things that has come to our attention is that many clubs do not circulate the Automobilist to their members. I am not sure why someone in the club can take the decision that their members DO NOT WANT TO READ the publication! This should be for the member to decide whether he/she wishes to read it. All sorts of excuses have been offered for not forwarding the newsletter, from “the document is too large” to “our members have limited data available”. We will ensure the document will be as small as possible so please make the effort to send the Automobilist out to your members.
Gedurende die afgelope twee jaar het Bestuur landwyd gereis om verskeie klubs te besoek. Dit is ons voorneme om vorentoe nog sulke besoeke te doen om nog meer klubs te besoek en lede te ontmoet.
Tot dan, geniét en waardeer jul oumotors!
JOHN REIDY Onder - Voorsitter GAVIN ALLISON President PE KUSCHKE VoorsitterThe preservation of our automobile heritage is a subject close to the heart of Erfenistoer organiser Pierre Olivier, and this year’s roadtrip from September 22-25 once again presented an opportunity to expose the Western Cape public to the fine art of automobilepreservation.
Lovingly cared-for cars, ranging from antique to vintage to classic, were part of this year’s Erfenistoer fleet – a majority of participants hailing from George and surrounding towns. The area is home to members of the Southern Cape Old Car Club (SCOCC), many of whom were among the happy drivers that set off from Halfway Toyota on the bright Spring Thursday that preceded this year’s Heritage weekend.
“Our members are not only obsessed with old cars, but also feel very strongly about the preservation and restoration of cars from days gone by. It is especially satisfying to show the fruits of our painstaking maintenance work to the younger generation, and members of the public encountered along the way,” says Pierre.
Two of the snazziest cars in the Erfenistoer ’22 line-up were Andre Fourie’s silver 1970 Mercedes Benz 280 SE Coupé, and Chris van Staden’s red 1968 Porche 912 Targa, which celebrated its 10th anniversary of participation in this year’s special event.
But these cars are veritable teenagers when compared to some of the more senior models that featured at Erfenistoer 2022: Gert Albertyn in a 1932 Ford Model A; and Gerhard and Fienie Hoepfner in a 1956 Borgward Isabella.
The tour kicked off in George and headed to Oudtshoorn, De Rust, Prins Albert and Matjiesfontein on September 22.
Day 2’s itinerary included the towns of Ceres, Tulbagh, Porterville, Velddrif and St Helena Bay, with the Day 3 route leading past Vredenburg, Windmeul, Worcester, Robertson and Montagu.
The final day on September 25 saw Erfenistoer drivers return to George via Barrydale, Tradouw Pass, Buffelsjagrivier, and Riversdale.
Erfenistoer ’22 was proudly supported by Multi-fine Products, and took place under the auspices of the SCOCC, which was founded back in 1988.
Indeed, all participants in this year’s outride are affiliated to the club, and so share a passion to preserve our motoring history while creat ing public awareness in the process.
Email mimi@gojipr.net or call 084 583 3144 to find out more.
Die SKOMK Erfenis Toer vind elke jaar plaas in September maand. Die eerste Erfenis toer was in 2012, en vanjaar se 2022 toer sal die tiende toer in elf jaar wees.
September is altyd propvol aksie: in Suid-Afrika is dit Erfenismaand, Toerismemaand, en vier ons Nasio nale Braaidag. Daarby nog is dit SAVVA se National Drive It Day – als geleenthede wat mens ten volle kan geniet in die goeie geselskap van oumotors en hul eienaars.
Vanjaar se SKOMK Erfenis Toer van nagenoeg 1200km’s vind plaas in die Wes-Kaap, en strek oor 4 dae vanaf 22 – 25 September 2022.
082 872 6456
Ons is dankbaar dat die 2022 SKOMK Erfenis Toer vanjaar geborg word deur Multi-Fine Products an Ojanna Distributors
We are a national food ingredient supplier, providing commodities and specialised raw food ingredients to the manufacturing industry in South Africa and abroad.
We deliver innovative solutions, differential food products, reliable service and sound technical advice to our customers.
Multi-Fine Products are proud to sponsor and to be associated with the 2022, SCOCC Heritage Tour to be held in September this year. We are looking forward to participate in this special anniversary Heritage tour.
Niel en Ria Kasselman is die eienaars van OJanna Distributors in George. Na ‘n klein begin vanuit ‘n enkel stooreenheid in Julie 2017 beslaan hul reeks vandag amper 400 stelselkomponente, insluitende plafon, par tisie, insulasie en akoestiese komponente, met nuwe produkte maandeliks bygevoeg.
OJanna staan kliënte in enige streek of dorp in Suid-Afrika by met hul projekte, groot of klein. Naas hul passie vir die besigheid, kom die Kasselmans se liefde vir oumotors. Niel is sedert 2007 deel van die SKOMK en haal altyd makliker asem met een of ander ou enjin in die motorhuis.
“Ons is trotse Oumotorklub lede en sien uit na die 10de Erfenistoer!”
Pierre Olivier, as SKOMK Erfenis Toer Voorsitter kan gekontak word by:Magriet and I have attended many of the South Cape Old Car Club shows as a member of the Queenstown Automobile Club. They have always been top class. So it was an easy choice to join the SCOCC when we moved down to Mossel Bay. However, it did take some time to finally get to signing up, slow to move, like a Mercedes Ponton 180D! But more of that later.
Our first outing we attended was the Potjiekos day held at the SCOCC Clubhouse and that was terrific. I saw the poster advertising the 2022 Heritage Tour and asked whether there was still place on the tour. Huge disappointment when I was told that it was fully booked. However, Chris van Staden said that he would see what he could do. Our disappointment turned to joy when I received a call from Chris the following Monday. We were in!
Now, the next call. What car to use? The 1948 Plymouth had tons of space, but very heavy on fuel. My 64 VW Beetle could easily manage the 80 km/h needed to stay in sight of some of the “slower” vehicles, but my gut feeling was to go with the180 D Ponton, a 1958 model. Choice made.
Well, what an experience. The four days are deeply etched in Magriet and my minds, because we saw most of it in slow motion! My merc, affectionally called “Black Betty”, was, at the best of times, b.... slow. Driving on the N1, against a strong headwind, and with long trucks, sometimes two abreast, passing us, was hair-raising. Thank goodness I don’t have much of that, talking about hair, of course.
Nevertheless, what an exceptional experience as first-time Tour participants The route was meticulously planned, the accommodation and refreshments of the highest standard and the camaraderie, well, besides being teased about our slow pace, the best that one could hope for on an outing of this kind.
Just a few highlights: Outeniqua Pass - only 30 Lamborghinis passed us. Dicing with a 1931 Model A Ford between Prince Albert and Laingsburg. The red bus trip at Matjiesfontein with Johnnie (Mostly because the bus was slower than my Ponton.) The mussel soup at the St. Helena Hotel, and finally, getting lost in Wellington. I knew that we should have followed the 1970 Mercedes-Benz 280SE Hahaha!
Thanks to the organizers. You did a great job. We shall certainly recommend the tour to any first-timers. No second thoughts about the next one!
Richard and Magriet.
Hello everyone, let me introduce myself:
I am Mercedes, a 1965 Mercedes-Benz 300SEL and my owners are Waldo and René. I am part of a few vehicles of the “SCRIBS BENZeum”, actually I am the car that started the collection.
Enough of that, I want to tell you about our recent road trip called the Erfenis toer. I was so excited when I realised that I am the chosen one for this Erfenis toer, as it was a first for my owners… I felt very special when we arrived the morning all washed and polished up for the starting event at Halfway Toyota, and oh yes for the media.
We left Halfway Toyota and drove across the Outeniqua pass to Prince Albert. And yes it was my drive across the pass that got caught by the guy with the camera and I ended up on the SABC news that eve ning. Exciting stuff!
1965 Mercedes-Benz 300SEL - René Scribante was delighted meet with old friends, Mercedes-Benz 280SE Coupé owned by Andre Fourie, a Mercedes-Benz 280 Roadster owned by Pieter and Wilma Lourens and a Mercedes-Benz 280E owned by Peet Botha from theAfter
in the beautiful Manor Hotel.
Even a little cat came to watch us and made friends with my owner René.
St Helena Bay was a treat with a few of us venturing off to find proper local fish and chips at the harbour for our owners. The seagulls loved the meal out on our boots with the wind doing all kinds of tricks. Such a feast!
MBCSA Southern Cape region. Then there were new friends to be made like the Mercedes-Benz 180D Ponton owened by Richard and Margriet Second. Some friends were a bit weirder than others but al gorgeous like the little blue Morris Minor with a little trayler hooked on. It belongs to the chief in charge of the Erfenis toer, Pierre and Tilly Olivier. a “Lekker” lunch at Prince Albert Hotel, me and my friends set of to Matjiesfontein where we would stay over We departed to St Helena Bay the next morning with a pit stop at Tulbagh. We were parked under a beautiful lane of trees, we looked so very handsome!The following day we set off to Montagu for the last evening of our road trip with a stop over at Hoeka Toeka. What a place, old cars, tractors, oxwagens just to name a few!
The Montagu hotel was splendid with a themed 50/60’s party! Whoop whoop lots of fun was had.
The next morning we said our goodbuys to old friends and new… We did stop for a massive milkshake along the way!
I was a bit sad to say goodbye to all my friends, but also happy to return home to my brothers and sisters at home, even the 914 Porsche is not to bad…
I hear this happens every year and I hope I get picked again to be part of the Erfenis toer of 2023…
Gerrit & Mareli Wassenaar 1934 Fordor Ford
Krige & Esmé Bolton
1973 Alfa Romeo Giulia Spider 1982 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Group 1
Jonathan & Janine Mentz 1950 MG TD
Dennis & Josephine Cook 1958 Triumph TR3A 1974 Triumph TR6 1979 Morgan Plus 8
Richard & Magriet Second 1948 Playmouth - Special Deluxe 1958 Mercedes-Benz 180D Ponton 1964 Volkswagen Beetle 1200 Yvonne Botha 2001 Isuzu KB250
Bernadette Botha Borgward Isabella
Francois & Olga van der Westhuizen 1983 230E Mercedes-Benz 1992 300E Mercedes-Benz 2005 C180K Mercedes-Benz
Adam & Mushfiqah 1962 Chevrolet Biscayne James & Lente Swift
Ons wens die volgende lede ‘n gelukkige verjaarsdag en ‘n gesonde jaar toe.
We wish the following members a happy birthday and a healthy year:
2 Apr Gerrie Bezuidenhout
2 Apr Riaan Brand
2 Apr Magda Conrad
2 Apr Shaughneen Kruger
4 Apr Marlene Beyers
5 Apr MC Botha
5 Apr Pieter Coetzer
6 Apr Andre’ Kritzinger
7 Apr Leon Oelofse
8 Apr Lenie Stokes
9 Apr Tom Meiring
10 Apr Eugene Crous
10 Apr Magda Jacobs
10 Apr Kobus Swart
10 Apr Judy Meyer
12 Apr Roelf Vermeulen
12 Apr Bets Coetzee
13 Apr Hermann Mostert
14 Apr Ingrid Hewetson
14 Apr Ria Kasselman
14 Apr Lettie van Zyl
15 Apr Poena Le Grange
15 Apr Sep Serfontein
15 Apr Japie van Rooyen Jnr
15 Apr Gesina Koch
16 Apr Leonie Purcocks
16 Apr Susanna Theart
19 Apr Johan Duvenhage
19 Apr Quinton Nauschutz
19 Apr George van Zyl
20 Apr George Peach
20 Apr Magda Conrad
23 Apr Hannes Basson
23 Apr Hein Rust
24 Apr Jozua van der Merwe
26 Apr Alicia Mienie
27 Apr Calvyn Vlok
28 Apr Herman Neethling
3 May Gerald Coetzee
4 May Rossouw Labuschange
6 May Desire Lund
7 May Riaan van Niekerk
8 May Dawie Koch
8 May Sandra Bezuidenhout
8 May Jeanette Ellis
9 May Jacqueline Boshoff
9 May Charl Pretoruis
10 May Maryke Haasbroek
12 May Andrew Stroebel
12 May Rensche Kühn
14 May Desmond Casey
17 May Ted Burden
18 May Marthinus Botha
18 May Albert Wiffen
19 May Peet Botha 19 May Mike Roumanoff
19 May Magretha Vlok 20 May Bob Hafner
20 May Johan van der Merwe
21 May Anita Harris
21 May Janetta Bellingan 22 May Johan Klue
22 May Waldo Scribante 23 May Susan Alexander 24 May Gerrard Hoek
24 May Fienie Halliday
25 May Anita Wright 26 May Donald Goldfain 28 May Marilyn Houseman 30 May Jan Enslin 31 May Dalene Oelofse
2 Jun Christof Olivier 5 Jun Franshelle Botha 7 Jun Naas van Zyl 8 Jun Kevin Irwin 9 Jun Evert Janse van Rensburg 9 Jun Sybrand van der Spuy 9 Jun Shirlane Mostert 10 Jun Wilna Brand 11 Jun Johan Spies 13 Jun Luther Niemand 14 Jun Koos Alberts 15 Jun Stuart Cox 16 Jun Thinus Nel 16 Jun Mienke Strydom 17 Jun Ray Kretschmann 17 Jun Evelyn Rust 20 Jun Nico Janse van Rensburg 21 Jun Jaco Pretorius 23 Jun Wikus Terblanche 23 Jun At Weyers 23 Jun Martie Daines 23 Jun Rina Thompson 24 Jun Daniel Niewenhuis 25 Jun Lynette van Niekerk 26 Jun Jana von Steen 28 Jun Rene Hafner 30 Jun Petro Grobbelaar 30 Jun Omella Iacopini Snr 30 Jun Delia van Rooyen
1 Jul Bes Bezuidenhout
2 Jul Clifford Daines
2 Jul Gideon Haasbroek
2 Jul Swanie Swanepoel
2 Jul Rudi Conrad
3 Jul Hugo Basson
4 Jul Liezl Barnard
5 Jul Rudi Conrad
5 Jul Niel Kasselman
5 Jul Lourens Wright
7 Jul Andrea Iacopini
10 Jul Dwayne Erasmus
12 Jul Brenda kretschmann
14 Jul Pierre Conradie
16 Jul André Fourie
16 Jul Stephanus Terblanche
17 Jul Manie Rademeyer
20 Jul Wenda Vermeulen Snr
22 Jul Mike Bailey
22 Jul Willie Swift
22 Jul Heleen van Deventer
25 Jul Hennig Marais
27 Jul Mike Alexander
27 Jul Erik Janse van Rensburg
30 Jul Nell Kingwill
30 Jul Miela Pesstena
31 Jul Mauritz Meiring
31 Jul Marthie Bornman
3 Aug Werner Barnard
6 Aug Jack Collier
7 Aug Kobus Swanepoel
8 Aug Tilly Olivier
8 Aug Philip Lochner
9 Aug Jo Cook
12 Aug Julie Goldfain
12 Aug Nadia Kasselman
12 Aug Nadia van der Merwe
15 Aug Johan Lund
16 Aug Riaan van Rensburg
17 Aug Maré Weyers
18 Aug Tommy Hough
18 Aug Enrico Iacopini Snr
18 Aug Marlise Steenekamp
19 Aug Rian Duminy
19 Aug Willie van Rooyen
22 Aug Marianne Alberts
23 Aug Egmond Coetzee
24 Aug Koot du Toit
24 Aug Susan Erskine
25 Aug Andro Theart
28 Aug Brian Zechlin
28 Aug Mario Vermeulen
29 Aug Jacob van Rooyen
29 Aug Kobus Halliday
29 Aug Johan Lötter
29 Aug Hugo van Dyk
29 Aug Cornè Bosch
29 Aug Laurette Smit
29 Aug Dee Venski van der Merwe
29 Aug Gert Greyling
30 Aug Lousi du Plessis
30 Aug Natasja la Grange
2 Sep Wendy Rademeyer
5 Sep Charmaine Pienaar
5 Sep Henri von Steen
7 Sep Johan Claassen
7 Sep Sonja Erasmus
9 Sep Paul van Jaarsveld
9 Sep Alma van Tonder
10 Sep Ockert van der Berg
12 Sep Hermien de Swardt
13 Sep Rina Steenkamp
15 Sep George Marx
16 Sep Jan Wright
16 Sep Linda Kleinhans
16 Sep Lillibet nel
18 Sep Eddie Haumann
2 Sep Jan van Deventer
19 Sep Robbie Hewetson
20 Sep Willie Thompson
21 Sep Stan Stander
22 Sep Walter Fivaz
22 Sep Chris Kühn
22 Sep Otto Reinecke
22 Sep Marianne Kritzinger
23 Sep Graham Davies
23 Sep Frank Erskine
23 Sep Carel Smit
26 Sep Gerhard Hoepfner
26 Sep Riette Marais
27 Sep Niel Moolman
27 Sep Marianna van Rooyen
29 Sep Christine Botha
30 Sep Reho Le Riche
30 Sep Rina Durandt
If your name is not here, your Identity Number is not on our records / Indien u naam nie hier verskyn nie, is u Identiteitsnommer nie op ons rekords nie.