Kennedy 2020 vision

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20 20 vision kennedy catholic high school

2014-15 Year Two Accomplishments 2015-16 School Improvement Planning Action Targets

Goal One: Serve as a model in our commitment to Catholic identity and the spiritual formation of the entire Kennedy Catholic community. 2014-2015 Achievements • Implemented a three-day freshman retreat with engagement of the entire faculty and staff and the parent community. • Established a comprehensive plan for the sophomore retreat to be implemented in the 2015 - 2016 school year. • Published a booklet of daily Advent reflections written by faculty and staff and shared with the entire community. • Actively included alumni, extended families, and friends in all school Masses and liturgies. • Participated in school-wide service to the community during Catholic Schools Week. • Formal prayer opportunities, including confession, were offered every day throughout Lent. • At the direction of the President, strategic planning, visioning, evaluation, and program implementation of the campus ministry department occurred. • Increased staff in campus ministry to support on-going faith initiatives. • President and Chaplain visited alumni at Gonzaga University to explore and strengthen continuity of faith practices with our graduates.

2015-2016 School Improvement Action Targets • At the direction of the President, establish a clear job description for each member of the Campus Ministry team. • Expand outreach ministry to faculty, students, parents, and the wider community to extend into the community of believers. • Establish and deepen connections to colleges and universities to strengthen continuity of faith practice in our graduates. • Expand the role of campus ministry as an extension of the role of Fr. Bryan Dolejsi. • Expand opportunities for faculty, students, parents, and the wider community to participate in immersion activities, service, retreats, and leadership development.

2014-2015 Achievements STUDENT ADVANCEMENT • Actively and purposefully worked to increase the scholarships received by students with more intentional college admissions support through the counseling department. Scholarship awards to the Class of 2015 were increased by 38%. • Hired an IT Systems Administrator to support building technology efforts and establish a clear academic pathway for computer programming and robotics courses. • Established connections to professional alumni and community members for career internship and mentorship opportunities. • Implemented a career day for Mother Teresa students featuring alumni and guests in 14 professional fields. STUDENT LIFE • The Campus Life office established the foundation for school-wide policies and disciplinary practices and a committee was formed to engage faculty, students, and parents in this process. • Reduced total absences by 20% and tardiness by 50% through proactive and intentional practices. FACULTY AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT • Instituted PLG (Professional Learning Group) initiatives promoting a peer observation process. • Actively recruited numerous highly qualified faculty members including a new Band Director, new counselor, and several new teachers. ACADEMIC PROGRAM • Formed a strategic partnership with the Seattle App Academy to offer higher-level Computer Programming classes. • Added Mandarin and Digital Photography classes and moved to AP Calculus. • Prepared the template for the 2015 - 2016 self-study.

2015-2016 School Improvement Action Targets • Improve technology infrastructure to insure connectivity for students and staff. • Conduct a comprehensive technology audit and begin to develop a strategic technology plan. • Expand and explore the use of technology and student learning, to include but not be limited to additional computer science offerings. The TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools) initiative will be researched as a platform for the introduction of a computer science curriculum pathway. • Initiate formal career awareness activities by building relationships within the alumni and current parent community. Offer a career day/s with coordinated classroom visits to further connect career paths established from purposeful use of Naviance. • Continue PLG (Professional Learning Group) initiative by expanding meeting dates and opportunities. • Explore AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) as an option to improve college readiness for our marginalized, incoming students. • Develop a 21st-century vision for the Library to include facility upgrades, personnel evaluation, and technology needs. • Work with teachers on establishing and regularly communicating school-wide and classroom expectations, norms, disciplinary protocols and procedures.

Goal Two: Provide a provocative educational relationship that challenges the fullest potential of every Kennedy Catholic student.

Goal Three: Refine the governance and leadership structure of the school.

2014-2015 Achievements ADVISORY BOARD • Secured three additional board members that provide strategic roles in development, facilities, and governance. • Continued to build an active finance committee to support the strategic direction of the school finance office. SCHOOL LEADERSHIP • After a nation-wide search, recruited and hired a highly skilled Principal to be the academic leader of the school. • Recruited and hired an experienced and professional Finance Director to serve as a member of the President’s cabinet. • Recruited and hired a highly skilled Athletic Director to serve as a member of the President’s cabinet. • Successfully rolled-out the new archdiocesan benefits program to all employees. • Finance Director established comprehensive budgeting policies, procedures, and practices and implemented with the entire faculty and staff including the Finance committee. • Reduced accounts receivables through systemic and coordinated efforts. PARTNERSHIPS • Actively communicated to the community a formal volunteer program and linked it to the business office and Campus Life office. • Actively worked with school parent volunteer organizations to advance their efforts to mutually benefit the school and the parent volunteer organizations. • Developed relationships with neighboring businesses for future partnerships, collaborative initiatives, and philanthropic support.

2015-2016 School Improvement Action Targets • Add diversity to the advisory board that represents the Kennedy Catholic community. • Develop an organizational chart to further delineate the role of the president and principal. • Continue to develop and enhance the five-year financial plan to establish the sustainability of Kennedy Catholic. • Continue to refine the endowment board and define the strategic role of endowments in the future sustainability of Kennedy Catholic. • Promote the role of a career counselor to strengthen partnerships with alumni, current parents, and the business community.

2014-2015 Achievements NEW RECRUITMENT • Continued to build healthy relationships with Catholic partner school principals and staff. • Continued to build relationships with faculty, staff and all constituents to enlist all available resources to support marketing and admissions efforts. • Completed a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of the international program. • Initiated use of SKYPE interviews to insure expressive language skills and required higher TOEFL score for international applicants. • Researched and collected data to create CRC (Country Report Card) for the international program. • Completed a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of the athletic program. • Conducted regular monthly meetings with Ministry of Youth and Catholic and non-Catholic youth ministers to build relationships. RETENTION • Researched, evaluated, and secured a new School-wide Information System (Skyward) and began the process of implementation. BUSINESS PRACTICES • Converted to new software for comprehensive on-line registration and enrollment for all current and incoming families. • Developed a contract with guidelines and expectations for students and families receiving financial support from the school. • Formalized the evaluation process and distribution of scholarship dollars. • Established international homestay policies and procedures, which were formalized and implemented. ACCESSIBILITY • Implemented an on-line transportation process and hired a transportation manager.

2015-2016 School Improvement Action Targets • Complete the implementation of the international admissions process to on-line applications, registration, and enrollment. • Begin to use the CRC (Country Report Card) to develop a recruiting and marketing plan aligned with the mission of Kennedy Catholic for the international program. • Create positive connections through intentional outreach to our Hispanic and Latino population in South Seattle. • Invite intentional involvement of the new athletic director in the role of admissions, student retention, and the strategic direction of the athletic department. • Elevate ADA compliance as it relates to facility targets. • Undertake the research, strategic direction, migration, and implementation of a new school web site. • Successfully implement new School Information System (Skyward) and provide professional training to ensure successful transition. • Use the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of the athletic program to create a strategic plan for athletics.

Goal Four: Cultivate a robust, dynamic, and globally diverse student population.

Goal Five: Develop a Master Plan for future development of the campus facilities and grounds. 2014-2015 Achievements NEW PROJECTS • Completed Phase 1 of the Athletic Field complex. • Created architectural plans for future locker room renovations. • Completed renovation of three lab/classrooms in the third-floor science complex. • Designed Phase 2 & 3 of the Athletic Field Complex to submit for Land Use permitting. • Installed a new sound system for the gymnasium. • Renovated the international program dormitory facility. EXISTING FACILITIES • Hired a building Superintendent and Plant Manager. • Formalized a highly effective facilities committee and created a comprehensive list of facilities projects. • Completed a formal, professional, external facilities audit to guide future facility project plans. • Hired a professional colorist to create a standard of colors and finishes for the building. • Began to execute a facilities improvement plan that includes painting, lighting, flooring and carpeting. • Developed and implemented a systematic process for faculty and staff to request facilities and maintenance work requests. • Improved telecommunications capabilities. • Implemented security improvements including electronic door access and door replacements.

2015-2016 School Improvement Action Targets • Continue the momentum of the facilities committee. • Coordinate and implement identified and approved projects for the upcoming year.

2014-2015 Achievements • Hired an experienced professional to manage marketing and communications. • Continue to improve digital communications with parents and alumni. • Developed lasting relationships with key foundation and corporate funders and secured leadership gifts from both sectors. • Deepened relations with alumni through improved communications and personal relationship building, resulting in adding a Strategic Program Manager to support alumni relations and the strategic direction of the school. • Implemented a formal “Career Day” featuring alumni from every decade. • Established initial plans for the 50th anniversary celebration. • Converted to a new donor management system for improved functionality and relationship tracking.

2015-2016 School Improvement Action Targets • Increase the visibility of the President through strategic partnerships and developing relationships with advocates of Kennedy Catholic High School. • Establish a platform for the President that reflects the mission of Kennedy Catholic High School and begin to engage the community to promote that platform. • Create a comprehensive set of brand guidelines and a complete marcom plan. • Begin to build momentum for the 50th anniversary of the school.

Goal Six: Advance the philanthropic culture of the school. Use advanced marketing and communications strategies to ensure continued success and future development of Kennedy Catholic.

Kennedy Catholic High School 140 S 140th Street Burien, Washington 98168-3496

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