1 minute read
Driving across Merriam, you wouldn’t guess that nearly 520 businesses are sprinkled throughout our 4.3-square miles. This community is popular for businesses calling Merriam their operations hub. Whether a new business owner is searching for its first storefront location, a corporate headquarters lands on the prestigious Fortune 500 list, or a growing business needs room for expansion due to company growth – Merriam is home to all!
Merriam’s healthy balance of community vitality and progressive economic development is, in part, due to our convenient location in the Kansas City metro region, favorable and affordable business climate, accessibility to major transportation systems, updated infrastructure, and many opportunities to recruit quality employees.
Merriam recently added economic development to its mix of services as a way to better connect and engage with our business community.
Karen Crane, the City’s Tourism and Economic Development manager, is your go-to for questions concerning business retention, available state resources, grant opportunities for Merriam businesses, upcoming trainings and events, and available sites and commercial properties. Karen also created an economic development e-newsletter delivered to all Merriam businesses each quarter. Visit merriam.org/ecodevo to sign up!
The City’s committed to helping businesses and providing support as they grow and expand. Reach out to Karen at kcrane@merriam.org for assistance!
Did You Know?
Walnut Grove RV Park was established in 1956, making it the longest-standing business in Merriam. Nancy Thompson recently accepted an award of appreciation from Mayor Bob Pape in recognition of Walnut Grove’s 67 years of business in Merriam!
Debra Roark, owner of Spirit Life Apparel & Screenprinting, recently won the Kansas Minority-Owned Business Manufacturer of the Year award from the Kansas Department of Commerce.
Helpful Business Resources
Want to apply or renew your business license?
Scan the QR code or visit: merriam.org/businesslicense
Interested in featuring your business in an upcoming e-newsletter?
Scan the QR code or visit: bit.ly/435cNVs
Want to share a coupon or special offer with our residents and visitors?
Scan the QR code or visit: exploremerriam.com/specialoffers
Need a permit?
‣ Call the Community Development Department at 913-322-5520.
‣ Find out if your contractor is licensed in Merriam by scanning the QR code or visiting: merriam.org/comdev