MESA+ P.O.Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands Tel. + 31 53 4892715 Fax + 31 53 4892575 E-mail: Internet:
Annual Report 2001 Materials, technologies and systems for the information society
I present you the third annual report of MESA+. With this report, we close the first half of the first five-year period of the institute. Overall, 2001 proved to be an excellent year. With hard work, excellent science, and a growing ambition to create an institute of international esteem, the MESA+ community has made a difference. I am proud of the more than 400 persons who create MESA+ together, and grateful for the effort and long hours they put in to it. Thank you! MESA+ is growing in visibility. We have also grown in size. A new research group decided to join us, you can read about it in the following pages. Turnover has also grown, as did the relative amount of money that we have acquired outside (now approximately 55% of the total budget). All in all, we can look back at a year that brought us further ahead. A good year. There is enough to do ahead of us. Nanotechnology is still young, and promises lots of intriguing science. I hope the future will continue to deliver us challenges, and the resources meet them.
Prof. dr. ir. David N. Reinhoudt Scientific Director
Sketch of the institute
A Program Director is responsible for the scientific responsible to the Scientific Director of the institute.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Field and mission MESA+ focuses on the materials, technologies and
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
systems of the information society (‘the hardware
Sketch of the institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MESA+ Annual Report 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
of ICT’). Its mission is
+ To excel in its field of science and technology;
coordination of each SRO. The Program Director is directly
+ To educate researchers and designers in the field;
The SROs will be evaluated after two years, based on the criteria mentioned above. MESA+ will use its
Scientific Highlights in 2001
+ To build up fruitful national and international
external reviewers (e.g. Scientific Advisory Board,
A molecular ruler: Layer thickness measured
the technology foundation STW, or others) for this
by the Atomic Force Microscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
cooperation with industry and fellow institutes. MESA+ is an ‘onderzoekschool’, designated by the
Hollow microneedles for transdermal applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Royal Dutch Academy of Science.
evaluation, which can result in (dis)continuation of the program. In case of discontinuation, MESA+ will only fund salaries of existing Ph.D.’s and post docs
Revealing photophysics in red autofluorescent proteins with nano-scale optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Magnesium diboride: The road to thin films and devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Key words are nanotechnology, materials science,
Twente Microcooling in Space! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
microsystem technology and engineering, micro-optics
Simulation of anisotropic etching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
and self assembly.
for the remainder of their appointment. The SROs and their Program Directors should achieve a strong presence and exposure in the (inter)national
Optical microresonators as building blocks for VLSI photonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Femtosecond light pulses caught in the act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
MESA+ has defined the following indicators for
scientific world. The Program Directors are appointed
A new type of magnetic semiconductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
achieving its mission:
(at least) at the level of associate professor.
Supported thin-film perovskite membranes for oxygen separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
+ Scientific papers at the level of Science, Nature,
Spin filter contacts for spin-injection into a semiconductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Research Highlight 2001 MTP (Title needed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 On-chip Hydrodynamic Chromatography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Publications MESA+ Scientific Publications 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 About MESA+ MESA+ Governing Board, Scientific Advisory Board and Management in 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 How to reach MESA+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
or journals of comparable stature; + 1:1 balance between university funding and externally acquired funds;
The current MESA+ SROs are: + Micro Chemical Systems (MiCS), Albert van den Berg (Lab-on-a-chip);
+ Sizable spin-off activities.
+ NanoLink, dr. Jürgen P. Brugger (Tying top-down to
Organisational structure and programs MESA+ has a matrix structure in which scientific
+ TeraHertz Signal Processing (TeraHertz),
bottom-up micro-, nano- and molecular engineering);
disciplines, led by a responsible professor, are Gerrit J. Gerritsma (Acquisition, transportation and manipulation of information at very high speed).
combined with strong and ambitious multidisciplinary programs, the Strategic Research Orientations (SROs) which aim at the various aspects of Nanotechnology. This structure is depicted below. The creation of SROs ensures a strong multidisciplinary activity within the institute and is a basis for realization of its goals. An SRO is a large scientific program (in the order of 30-35 full-time researchers), which satisfies the following criteria: + Combining high-quality research of at least five groups within the institute into a genuine multidisciplinary program; + Providing excellent opportunities for international top-level research;
+ Attractive for external funding (which is a quality indicator in its own right).
+ Advanced Photonic Structure (APS), dr. Laurens (Kobus) Kuipers (Novel optical devices based on
Participating research groups
MESA+ Annual Report 2001
low-dimensional photonic crystals and microcavities); + Materials Sciences of Interfaces (MASIF),
Within MESA+, four faculties combine their Dave H.A. Blank (Material growth on an
strengths within the following fields of expertise:
atomic scale for the realization of junctions for
Applied Mathematics (TW), Applied Physics (TN),
advanced nanometer-scale devices).
Chemical Engineering (CT) and Electrical Engineering (EL). From these faculties, the following
The SROs cover approximately 70% of MESA+ research.
research groups participate:
This activity is completed by disciplinary research, which has an important role in the further development of each research group’s disciplinary activities (founding research), in the exploration of new fields (potentials), etc.. This research is referred to as Complementary Research. MESA+ is the largest research institute of the University of Twente. It employs approximately 400
a wide scientific basis in three disciplines, focused
The position of Program Director in a SRO within MESA+ is a crucial one, requiring a very high level
prof.dr. G.J. Vancso
on five ambitious multidisciplinary programs. Taken
of commitment, quality and initiative. Providing
as a whole, the year can be seen as proof-positive of
an intensive scientific challenge and international
SupraMolecular Chemistry and Technology,
the strength of our concept and its practical results.
exposure, the position can also be an excellent D.N. Reinhoudt
We are well on the way to creating and consolidating
stepping stone in the career of promising researchers.
+ CT-CA: Chemical Analysis, vacant + CT-IMS:
of approximately Mf 55, of which 50% is acquired in
Foundations, European Union, industry etc.).
Inorganic Materials Science, H. Verweij Biosensor Technology, P. Bergveld + EL-ICD: Integrated Circuit Design, B. Nauta
MESA+ has extensive laboratory facilities at its
Program Directors
reflected the true quality of an approach that offers
Materials Science and Technology of Polymers,
people, almost 300 of whom are scientists including over 200 Ph.D.’s, post docs, etc.. MESA+ has a turnover competition from external sources (National Science
The second year of MESA+ in its current state, 2001
a nanotechnology research institution of international esteem.
a tenure-track position at EPFL in Lausanne (CH). The scientific output of MESA+ continues to maintain
position. Jürgen’s successor, dr. ir. Martin L. Bennink,
Publications in refereed scientific journals grew from
was appointed with a slightly modified mission. This
228 in 2000 to 245 in 2001. These include an impressive
year also saw dr. L. (Kobus) Kuipers, Program Director
total of 25 papers in leading mono-disciplinary journals
of the SRO Advanced Photonic Structures, take up an
such as, Journal of the American Chemical Society,
appointment as part-time professor at the University of Amsterdam.
IC-Technology, Devices and Reliability,
Journal of Applied Physics, Angewandte Chemie and
+ A 1000 m2 fully equipped clean room, with a focus
prof.dr. H. Wallinga
Physical Review Letters. However, as only one paper
CMOS and Materials and Process Engineering; + A fully equipped Central Materials Analysis Laboratory; + A number of specialized laboratories for chemical synthesis and analysis, materials research and analysis, and device characterization.
appeared in Science, there is still work to do in this
The central facilities that are needed for high-level
Systems and Materials for Information storage,
respect. The number of patents and patent applications
prof.dr. J.C. Lodder
amounted to 15.
research in nano- and microtechnologies are of central importance for attracting the best researchers. MESA+
+ EL-LDG: Lightwave Devices Group, dr. A. Driessen, dr. P.V. Lambeck + EL-TDT: Testable Design and Testing of Microsystems,
MESA+ has a strong relationship with industry, both through joint research projects with the larger H.G. Kerkhoff + EL-TT:
was very pleased with two facility grants from the The year 2001 saw a satisfactory number of 29 Ph.D. degrees awarded. Since the start of MESA+, the number
Dutch Technology Foundation (STW), worth a total of
of appointed Ph.D. students has grown from 115 to 154.
maintaining a sufficient environment for ambitious
Approximately half of this increase can be attributed to the central MESA+ budget, the rest from externally
e 2.25 million. This kind of support is crucial in
acquired projects. This equality of funding has been
Another interesting development is the agreement
multinational companies, and through a cooperation
Micromechanical Transducers,
achieved much sooner than expected, proving that the
between the central services department of the
policy focused on small and medium-sized enterprises.
prof.dr. M.C. Elwenspoek
right choices were made in the scientific programmes
Technical University of Eindhoven and the MESA+
and strategy.
clean room facilities for outsourcing processes to
+ TN-BFT: Biophysical Techniques, prof.dr. J. Greve + TN-CMS: Computational Materials Science, prof.dr. P.J. Kelly + TN-LT: Low Temperature Division, prof.dr. H. Rogalla + TN-OT: Optical Techniques, prof.dr. N.F. van Hulst + TN-VSF: Solid State Physics, B. Poelsema
Twente. This agreement resulted in its first prototypes Since 70% of the research within MESA+ is carried out within the framework of the five Strategic Research
Applied Analysis and Mathematical Physics, prof.dr. E.W.C. van Groesen
in 2001.
Orientations (SRO’s), these programs play a central role
in achieving and supporting the above successes. It is
Facilities and scientific ambition were two aspects that
good to see that the contribution of SRO’s and research
were important in the decision of Prof. Ad Lagendijk,
groups to the scientific output cannot be separated. This shows the strong cohesion within the MESA+
Prof. Willem Vos and their Amsterdam-based group to join MESA+. We warmly welcome these new colleagues
to the MESA+ family, who formed the new research
We wish him success in this new and ambitious
a very high level, and is increasing in volume.
disposal: on Micro Systems Technology (MST); Nanotechnology,
In 2001, dr. Jürgen Brugger of NanoLink accepted
group Complex Photonic Systems (COPS). The scientific program of MESA+ was reviewed during 2001, with a focus on the five SRO’s. The results were
“When we first arrived at MESA+ in December 2001,
very satisfactory. The strategy and scientific results of
we were invited to a Sinterklaas party,” report Professors
the SRO’s are clearly appreciated by the international
Lagendijk and Vos. “We had to prove to ‘Sinterklaas’
research community. The reviews also provided us with some new ideas and viewpoints with respect to the
that we were able to put on a clean room suit. It was a very pleasant evening, confirming that MESA+ has
further continuation of the SRO’s. Thanks go to our
the type of atmosphere within which researchers can
reviewers for their efforts.
“It also has unique infrastructure facilities in the
Award-Winning Research
company is able to apply different techniques for
Netherlands, which are very useful for research in the
Another achievement worthy of mention is the
various channel specifications.
field of optics and optical structures. And the fact that
“Vernieuwingsimpuls” Award won by a young innovative
the University of Amsterdam was already familiar with the MESA+ research groups was another reason behind
researcher, Dr. ir. Richard Schasfoort. Granted by
Lion Photonix Technologies BV is another success story.
the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Although only started in June 2001, the company
our decision to come here.
(NWO), the award provides research funding of
already occupies a strong competitive position in the
e 680,670 over a period of five years.
area of optical Micro System Technology because of its access to knowledge and patents. It commercialises
“Our research will contribute to the Advanced Photonic
components for promising high-tech markets.
Structures SRO. The activities of the group will be
Dr. Schasfoort received this distinction for his research
mainly oriented at scientific achievements and less
into a new Field Directed Electrophoresis separation
on the realisation of start-ups. Our goal is to have
(system? technique?) in combination with Surface
Lion Photonix’s product range consists of advanced
results published in Physical Review Letters, Science
Plasmon Resonance Imaging Network Technology in
optical circuits for application in telecommunication
or Nature.”
a Lab On a Chip (SPRINTLOC). The aim is to develop
systems, and optical sensors for lab-on-a-chip
this system in such a way that resolutions will be
applications in, for example, medical and
obtained for total separation of the proteome in individual proteins. The combination of the two
pharmaceutical industries. The University of Twente is one of the shareholders, and at MESA+ we are
technologies is fundamental, challenging and,
contributing our unique knowledge of siliconoxynitride
if successful, will have a dramatic impact.
(SiON) technology.
With the financial impulse present, the high risk
This work reinforces the importance of facility sharing
capital (do you mean the award funding?) can be turned into?? commercial targets, including finding
for the success of the cluster. Some 30% of the man hours spent in the MESA+ clean room are taken up
the funding for fundamental integrated instrumentation
by MESA+ spin-offs and other industrial relations.
with embedded intelligence. In this way, the (system? technique?) will have major implications for globally
Finally, a few words on the nationwide activity to
Prof. Dr. Ad Lagendijk (54) is internationally known for
challenging applications using "lab on a chip"
build a national nanotechnology effort, with shared
his research into localising light. He studied Physical
instrumentation. The right basic multi-disciplines
Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) until
are available at the University of Twente.
infrastructure and in cooperation with industry. This initiative, chaired by the Scientific Director of MESA+, aligns the Dutch universities that are active in the
1969 and achieved his PhD from the same university in 1974. Ad developed his scientific career primarily
Creating a Cluster
field: Twente, Delft, Groningen, Eindhoven, Nijmegen,
at UvA, while working at the University of Antwerp.
Next to being very successful in obtaining external
Wageningen and Amsterdam, along with the Dutch
He is also a member of KNAW, the Royal Netherlands
Organisation for Applied Research (TNO). In 2002,
Academy of Arts and Science and, until 1996, was head
projects from the national science foundations, the European Commission and industry, MESA+ also
of the Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics department
did well in the field of commercialisation. Three new
Government. (what’s the link here?)
of the Foundation of Fundamental Research on Matter
companies were founded as a start up, and equity was
(FOM). Professor Lagendijk is also known for his
taken in two companies in return for rights concerning
The following pages offer a review of just some of
columns in the Volkskrant, a national newspaper.
research results. This policy will be continued as we
the scientific highlights from 2001, and demonstrate the wide scope of activities carried out at MESA+.
continue our quest for a science and technology cluster
Nanoned will make a final proposition to the Dutch
on and around our university campus. The number of companies within this cluster currently numbers around 25 (OK? 20 to 30 is a very vague figure). Micronit Microfluidics BV is a good example. Started in 1999, this company offers the development of glass and silicon microfluidic chips, including design, simulation, prototyping and low- to high-volume production. Micronit Microfluidics has access to the Class 100 clean room facilities at MESA+, used for prototyping and low-volume production. For high-volume production,
Prof. Dr. Willem Vos (37) headed the research into
it cooperates with OnStream Foundry Service (a former
photonic bandgap materials at the Van der Waals-
business unit of Philips NV) in an ISO 9001 certified
Zeeman institute of the University of Amsterdam
(UvA). He studied physics at the UvA until 1987 and took his doctor’s degree at the same university in 1991.
Micronit is the first to make cost-effective customised
Willem worked has since worked as a post-doc at
glass microchips. These chips can be used for capillary
the Carnegie Institution of Washington, among other
electrophoresis and other microfluidic applications.
Because of the wide variety of machines it uses, the
A molecular ruler: Layer thickness measured by the Atomic Force Microscope
Hollow microneedles for transdermal applications
Self-assembly of molecules on (flat) surfaces is an
Drugs are typically delivered these days through
attractive method for engineering surface properties.
hypodermic needles, via (iontophoretic) patches or by
Metal surfaces, silicon, silicon oxide, glass, quartz an
oral or respiratory administration. Diagnostic sampling
the like can now conveniently be engineered when
in most cases requires extraction of blood through
the appropriate reactive group is present in the organic
a hypodermic syringe needle, followed by analysis
molecule. We (who is we here? Name group/dept) have
of blood components in a specialised laboratory
over the years synthesised functional molecules that
environment. All these techniques have some
self-assemble in a well-defined monolayer on gold and
disadvantages, depending on the particular drug that
glass. We have also shown that these self-assembled
is to be administered, or the analysis to be performed.
An array of 400 µm
Close-up of the tip
monolayers can recognise guest species from the gas
In some cases the methods are too slow, in others
high microneedles
of a microneedle
phase and aqueous solutions.
ineffective or wasteful with respect to the volumes of blood or other substances that are consumed.
small size of the needles, the penetration of the skin
Such a characterisation is inherently difficult due
Some simply cause too much inconvenience for the
is so shallow that tissue damage is minimiszed while
to the fact that only a minute amount of material is
patient, such as pain and/or skin irritation or damage.
all sensation of pain is eliminated. The necessary
present. Commonly employed techniques are infrared
fluid flow will be achieved by using a high density of
spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, X-ray photo-electron
Over the last decade, it has become clear that the
needles. The fabrication procedure for the out-of-plane
spectroscopy and electrochemical techniques. The
introduction of MEMS offers exciting opportunities
determination of the layer thickness can be carried
to advance this medical field. The buzz phrase here
needle design builds on the directional deep RIE work that was previously developed by MESA+ to fabricate
out by ellipsometry or by capacitance measurements
is "minimally invasive" – a reference to the limited
buried microchannels in silicon. It combines anisotropic
(e.g. by cyclic voltammetry). The drawback to these
tissue damage and reduced pain involved. In addition,
wet etching and directional (deep) reactive ion etching
techniques, however, is that two parameters are
miniaturisation of analysis methods enables the
processes. The microneedles have a flow channel
unknown – the refractive index or the dielectric
development of versatile, portable equipment for
extending to the opposite side of the substrate, leaving
constant have to be assumed to calculate the layer
"point-of-care" monitoring and treatment of patients.
space for other fluidic components on that side.
This trend will eventually lead to mobile telephone
Preliminary tests have shown that the microneedles
or Internet-based healthcare monitoring systems
have the proper mechanical strength and sharpness
In collaboration with the Dalcanale group (University
four sulfide groups for binding to the gold surface.
that allow medical specialists to track the patient's
to be applied for painless transdermal transfer of,
of Parma, Italy), Twente researchers have designed
The capsule was closed in the next step. The two
situation on-line. Additionally, handy equipment will
for example, blood, which is drawn into the needles by
a generic method to determine the layer thickness
halves of the capsule are held together by coordination
give patients the option of being more directly involved
capillary forces. The development of a complete micro-
of self-assembled monolayers without the need to
of cyano groups to divalent palladium or platinum
in monitoring their own health, thereby increasing the
TAS for blood analysis is currently being investigated.
assume a parameter. This method is also able to
complexes. The height differences as determined by
chances of improving their quality of life and reducing
follow subsequent reactions of these self-assembled
AFM nicely matched the expected differences based on
healthcare expenses.
monolayers. In addition, it was demonstrated that
the molecular dimensions of the various components.
Partners: NanoPass Technologies Ltd., Nazareth Illit, Israel
the self-assembly of capsules - “molecular containers” -
Ultimately, advances in the field may lead to ‘drugs-
Micronit Microfluidics B.V., Enschede, The Netherlands
is not restricted to solutions. It can also be carried out
on-demand’ possibilities, in which monitoring and
Leiden-Amsterdam Centre for Drug Research, Leiden,
by starting with a self-assembled monolayer as the
dispensing components are integrated in an intelligent
The Netherlands
molecular platform.
feedback system so small that it can be carried on the body of the patient without obstructing movement.
The method starts with a flat gold surface that is
Once in place, the system is continuously connected
patterned with a self-assembled monolayer of a
to the blood stream and releases the required drug
Blood sampling using an array of needles
simple thiol using micro-contact printing. In this way,
whenever a certain monitored analyte reaches a
(the white spots are droplets of blood)
alternating stripes of a self-assembled monolayer and
critical value.
bare gold were obtained. The bare gold stripes were etched a little to increase the contrast of the Atomic
Force Microscopy (AFM) measurements.
Recent developments at MESA+ focus on an essential part of such medical Microsystems: an array of micro-
– Levi, S., Guatteri, P., Van Veggel, F.C.J.M., Vancso, G.J., Dalcanale,
machined hollow microneedles for transdermal liquid
At this stage, the patterned substrate has an internal
E., Reinhoudt, D.N.: Direct observation of surface controlled
transfer. Such hollow needles can be used either for
calibration. Subsequently, the stripes of bare gold were
self-assembly of coordination cages by an AFM as molecular
blood extraction, drug delivery, or both. The basic idea
filled by self-assembly of one half of a capsule that has
ruler. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, p. 1892-1896.
behind the microneedle approach is that, due to the
– This work was also discussed in the NEWS section of Anal. Chem. August 1, 2001, p. 405A.
Revealing photophysics in red autofluorescent proteins with nano-scale optics
Magnesium diboride: The road to thin films and devices
For many years, the only way to study protein in a cell
superconducting community. The remarkably high
The obtained results are as follows:
was to label the protein externally with a fluorescent
superconducting transition temperature Tc of 39 K
Smooth and high quality MgB2 thin films with
antibody. A major breakthrough in biotechnology
for this non-cuprate intermetallic compound - the
occurred eight years ago when scientists first isolated
correspondingly large energy gap as well as the large
Quantum interference in using nano bridges
and cloned a green autofluorescent protein (GFP) from
carrier-density - make this material attractive for use
the jellyfish Aequorea victoria.
in superconducting electronic devices, possibly cooled
high critical currents; as a weak link; –
All-MgB2 ramp-type Josephson junctions.
by cryocoolers. Since then, biochemists have managed to create different mutated strains of the GFP to extend the palette of
To this end, the availability of high-quality thin films
colours further into the red. However, no GFP has
and Josephson junctions are essential, which triggered
been produced with a longer wavelength emission than
intensive research in these areas. One year on, the
530nm. In October 1999, a group of researchers from
realisation of various Josephson devices in MgB2
the Russian Academy of Sciences managed to clone
DsRed, a recently cloned red
has been reported based on thin film nanobridges,
a fluorescent protein from tropical corals. This protein
autofluorescent protein from tropical
localised ion damage, point-contacts and thin film
is the only one in Nature that gives bright red light,
corals (left) has attracted great interest
and was named DsRed.
as an expression tracer and fusion
Recent studies on DsRed have shown the tremendous
partner for multicolour imaging.
MESA+ was among the first to realise in situ preparation
The coloured spots on the right image
of thin films, nanobridges, quantum interference
advantages to be accrued from bright red fluorescence
correspond to the fluorescence emission of individual DsRed
devices and ramp-type junction. To optimally exploit
combined with resistance to photobleaching. On
proteins immobilised in a water-pore gel. The real-time
the beneficial properties of MgB2 and to be able to
the downside however, it appeared that the protein
multi-step behaviour of the fluorescence emission (below)
tune the junction characteristics by choosing the barrier
aggregates when expressed in cells, and there has
reflects its tetrameric nature.
parameters, it is crucial to realise MgB2/artificialbarrier/MgB2 thin film Josephson junctions.
been an indication of some residual green fluorescence instead of red. The Applied Optics group used a near-
The figure shows a schematic drawing of the SQUID
field scanning optical microscope equipped with single
mature proteins, we found that 86% of the DsRed
The MgB2 films are prepared at MASIF/MESA+ using
made with nanaobridges. The SEM image shows one of the
molecule detection sensitivity to address individual
contained at least one green sub-unit with a red-to-green
pulsed laser deposition via an Mg-enriched MgB2
nanobridges. The measured field modulation is also given,
DsRed proteins. This could reveal the nature of the
ratio of 1.2 to 1.5.
target. Deposition took place at 200 ∞C in Ar pressure,
where one period is equal to one flux quantum.
fluorescence emission in the DsRed.
using a laser density of 4 J/cm2. The MgB2 layer was Only by detecting the signal from individual proteins
subsequently annealed at 600 ∞C for five minutes, and
It was remarkable to discover that even at very dilute
has it been possible to elucidate the mechanism
the film was then cooled down to room temperature.
concentrations (10-9M), the DsRed formed aggregates
of fluorescence emission in the DsRed and to reveal
The Tc can be as high as 30K with this method. This is
consisting of four sub-units, so-called tetramers. By
the precise stoichiometry of green-to-red species.
somewhat suppressed compared to bulk, and effort is
detecting the fluorescence emission of the individual
The future of single molecule detection lies not only
required to adjust the deposition technique to increase
sub-units that make up a tetramer, we could see how
in its ability to address and study individual molecules,
Tc (and its epitaxy.)
each sub-unit absorbs the excitation light and rapidly
but even more in the chance to control and manipulate
transfers it to its neighbour. Our data proved that the
the emission properties of individual entities.
The junctions were prepared by fabricating nano
red emission could equally likely arise from any of the
structures via FIB milling and using a ramp-type
four sub-units. The Figure shows how the fluorescence
configuration. In the latter case, a bilayer of MgB2
of one DsRed protein is emitted in time, each step
(200 nm) and MgO (100 nm) was deposited in situ
corresponding in intensity to the fluorescence
by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on an MgO substrate.
emission of one of the sub-units.
Then, a bevelled edge (ramp) was defined by photolithography and argon ion beam milling, at an
Surprisingly, not all the tetramers would give us
four intensity steps: in other words, we were missing some sub-units in the tetramer. By exciting individual tetramers with blue and yellow light, we then discovered the existence of a considerable number of green sub-units in each tetramer. Even in nominally
angle of 45∞. After removing the photoresist, a 12 nm
MgO barrier-layer was deposited by ablating Mg in O2. – Garcia-Parajo, M.F., Koopman, M., van Dijk, E.M.H.P., Subramaniam, V., van Hulst, N.F.: The nature of the fluorescence emission in the red fluorescent protein DsRed, revealed by single molecule detection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 98, (2001), p. 14392-14396.
Subsequently, a 200 nm MgB2 counter-electrode was
– Dave H.A. Blank, Hans Hilgenkamp, Alexander Brinkman,
deposited in the same way as the base electrode.
Dragana Mijatovic, Guus Rijnders and Horst Rogalla:
The sample was then patterned by photolithography
Superconducting Mg-B films by pulsed-laser deposition in an
and ion milling to define the junctions.
in-situ two-step process using multicomponent targets. Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (2001) 394-396. – Alexander Brinkman, Dick Veldhuis, Dragana Mijatovic, Guus Rijnders, Dave H.A. Blank, Hans Hilgenkamp and Horst Rogalla: Superconducting Quantum interference device based on MgB2 nanobridges. Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 (2001) 2420-2422.
Twente Microcooling in Space!
Microcooling is a research programme shared by the
The 70 K radiator pre-cools the hydrogen stage, which
Low Temperature division and the Micromechanical Transducers group, both part of MESA+. It has realised
supplies a tiny 11.5 mW of pre-cooling at 14.5 K for the helium cold stage. This hydrogen stage is, therefore, very small – resulting in a radiator area of 0.9 m2 at 70 K.
a 165 K demonstrator cooler with a micromechanical cold stage driven by a small sorption compressor. In addition, a feasibility study was performed for the
A number of advantages can be identified: the cooler
European Space Agency (ESA) on the application of
itself is small, light and compact; it requires a very
the microcooler technology in a future space mission.
small input power; it can easily be made redundant; both cold stages with thermal interfaces might be
A sorption cooler consists of a compressor unit and
integrated in a single micromachined design; and the
a cold stage (see Figure 1). Compressed gas coming
small compressor cells may easily be integrated with
out of the compressor unit is cooled to environmental
the radiator. Having demonstrated the feasibility of this
temperature, after which it is fed into the counterflow
concept, we now expect to get additional ESA support
heat exchanger. The lowest temperature is reached by
for the development of a prototype cooler.
pressure reduction through Joule Thomson expansion, whereby evaporation of the low-pressure liquid in the boiler produces the cooling power. The low-pressure refrigerant returns through the
Figure 1. Schematic presentation of a sorption cooler
recuperative heat exchangers to the compressor unit. This unit contains four sorption cells and several check valves to control the gas flows. Low and high pressures are generated by the cyclic aborption and desorption
In 2001, a study was performed for ESA on the
of a working gas on a sorption material. This is
feasibility of our sorption cooler concept. There are four
accomplished by cooling and heating of the sorption
important cooler requirements that can be identified
material. The gas can either be physically absorbed
for ESA’s Darwin mission:
onto, or chemically absorbed into, various solids.
1) The cooler should be essentially vibration-free;
Heating is usually from an electrical heater and
2) It should have a cooling power of 10 mW at 5 K;
cooling is done with a heat-switch between the
3) A 2 W, 50 K radiator can be applied – which
sorption cell and a heat sink on the outside (typically a gas-gap switch).
corresponds to about 7 m2 of surface area; 4) The cooler should have a lifetime of more than five years.
In sharp contrast to standard mechanical coolers,
a sorption cooler has no moving parts except for the
The thermodynamic performance of a number of
check valves. Consequently, the cooler has an absolute
different sorption cooler configurations was compared
minimum of emitted vibrations as well as a potentially
in the study. One configuration is especially appealing
long lifetime (no wear-related issues). Moreover, the
as it can be made rather small and still fulfil the
cooler is very suitable for scaling to small dimensions.
requirements. This cooler, schematically depicted in Figure 2, uses two small sorption stages that can both
Figure 2. Two-stage carbon/helium, carbon/hydrogen
An example of a specific application in which these
be located at the cold end of the spacecraft. A helium
sorption cooler with radiators at 50 K and 70 K. The
advantages can be exploited is the ESA Darwin mission,
stage cools to 5 K and is pre-cooled by a hydrogen
hydrogen compressor operates between 70 K and 280 K
scheduled for launch in 2012. In this mission,
stage establishing 14.5 K. Both stages apply activated
and compresses hydrogen from a low pressure of 0.1 bar
a detector has to be cooled to about 5 K (i.e. –268 oC).
carbon as the absorption material.
to a high pressure of 50 bar with a mass flow of 0.044 mg/s.
As the detector will be used in an interferometer that
The input power of the hydrogen compressor is 1.0 W.
will search for Earth-like planets, any vibrations
Two radiators are incorporated, operating at 50 and
in the interferometer are clearly unacceptable.
70 K. The 50 K radiator acts as the heat sink for the
stage operating with a sorption compressor in a vapour
helium sorption compressor with a cooling power of about 2 W, resulting in a surface area of about 7 m2.
compression cycle. PhD Thesis, University of Twente (2001).
Labelling for the helium stage is analogous.
1 J.F. Burger: Cryogenic microcooling - A micromachined cold
– J.F. Burger, H.J.M. ter Brake, H. Rogalla, M. Linder: Vibration-free 5 K sorption cooler for ESA’s Darwin mission. Cryogenics, vol. 42 (2002), p. 97-107.
Simulation of anisotropic etching
Optical microresonators as building blocks for VLSI photonics
Although anisotropic etching of single crystalline
essentially on the Huijgens principle of wave propagation
A remarkable division can be observed in the handling
silicon is one of the key fabrication processes in
[3]. Figure 2 shows that the simulated step patterns
of digital data: transport is increasingly carried out
The work on MRs has been carried out by the Lightwave Device Group in collaboration with MESA+ groups such
microtechnology, the understanding of its physical/
agree in fine detail with the experimental step patterns.
in the optical domain by optical fibers, whereas data
as Biophysical Techniques, Optical Techniques, Applied
chemical properties remains unsatisfactory. We
processing is carried out by electronic circuits. The
Analysis and Mathematical Physics, and Supramolecular
finished two Ph.D. theses on the subject, one of
former offers virtually unlimited bandwidth and data
Chemistry and Technology. The results have been
the important results of which is that the etching
speed. The latter provides compact and complex
presented at major conferences, published in scientific
processes can be understood by the removal of atoms
processors based on Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI)
journals and have led to two patent applications.
at steps on atomically flat surfaces. Leading to so-
electronic circuits with millions of functional elements
called step flow, this discovery has been experimentally
on a square centimeter. In order to connect the best
of the optical and the electronic world, new optical and electro-optical circuits have to be conceived for
It is also theoretically possible to use the step flow
the routing, switching, multiplexing and preprocessing
idea to simulate the propagation of etch fronts. These
of optical data.
Fig. 1
contain physically meaningful parameters, such as the crystallographic orientation of the flat face, the
Integrated optics microresonators (MR) have been
removal rate of atoms from the steps, the nucleation
shown to combine extreme compactness with a
rate of new steps on the flat face and, at specific
rich functionality, which could eventually lead to
sites such as dislocations, mask-silicon interfaces
VLSI photonics. The basic device, which could serve
or adsorbed particles (so-called velocity sources).
as the optical equivalent of a transistor, is built
The simulation fits within 50% of all published etch
from a circular, high quality resonator (Q ~ 104)
rate data for silicon in all orientations, using at most
with adjacent in- and output waveguides.
nine parameters.
Figure 1: (a) DICM image of a large etch pit formed by four interacting trigons originating from dislocations
Here we demonstrate the power of the theory with
A, B, C and D. (b), (c), (d) AFM images showing details of (a).
a complex but typical etchpit on natural diamond {111} surfaces:
Fig.2 Figure 1 shows such a device fabricated by the Lightwave Device Group in the MESA+ clean room, together with the response to a tunable laser (Figure 2). The most
Figure 2: Simulated step pattern reproducing the etch
striking feature seen is the extremely sharp resonance
feature in figure 1.
peaks, with a bandwidth of 5 GHz (0.04 nm). The
Natural diamonds are formed in the upper mantle of
device, with a chip area of less than 0.005 mm2 and
the earth, at a depth of 150 to 200 km. After a period
an on-chip insertion loss of 0.2 dB, can be applied
of residence in the upper mantle of up to three billion
as a filter, multiplexer or router. In combination
years, the crystals are brought to the earth’s surface
with specific optical materials, it can be applied
via volcanic activity. All diamonds are slightly etched
as a thermo-optical, electro-optical and all-optical
during this period of ascent.
switch, and even as a low threshold laser. Serving
Fig. 3
as an ultra-compact optical sensor is another option. Figure 1(a) shows the most prominent etch feature
on natural diamond {111} surfaces, the so-called trigon:
To exploit these promising MR properties, an EU-
a triangular etch pit centred on an edge dislocation.
funded IST project has been initiated by the Lightwave
Figure 1(b) is a detail of Figure 1(a), which shows what
Device Group as part of a consortium that includes
happens when two trigons meet. The meeting point
companies such as Alcatel (NL), Nortel (UK) and PCAS
is a saddlepoint in the surface from which fast steps
(F); research institutes such as ENS Cachan (F) and IREE
are emanating: the V-shaped step sections scale with
(CR); and universities such as Hamburg Harburg (D), ETH (CH), Roma (I) and Montpellier (F). The objective of
the distance from the saddlepoint. The scaling allows us to extract the orientation dependence of the step velocity for a small range of step orientations [1]. This
Publications – E. van Veenendaal, F.K. de Theije, J. van Suchtelen and W.J.P. van
this NAIS (Next generation Advanced Integrated optics Subsystem) project is to demonstrate a potentially low-
Publications – D.J.W. Klunder, E. Krioukov, F.S. Tan, T. van der Veen, H.F.
information enables us to construct an analytical step
Enckevort: Simulation of step patterns on natural diamond {111}
cost, multi gigabit/s and multi-wavelength transceiver
Bulthuis, G. Sengo, C. Otto, H.J.W.M. Hoekstra, A. Driessen:
velocity function for the full orientation range. This is
surfaces. Diamond and Related Materials 11 (2002), p. 145.
for the optical access network. Figure 3 shows the
Vertically and laterally waveguide-coupled cylindrical
functional scheme, with all functions implemented
microresonators in Si3N4 on SiO2 technology. Appl. Phys. B.,
then used to reproduce the step patterns of Figure 1, using a self-developed simulation tool, based
– E. van Veenendaal, A. J. Nijdam, J. van Suchtelen, K. Sato, J.G.E. Gardeniers, W.J.P. van Enckevort and M. Elwenspoek: Simulation
on a single chip by applying active and passive MR
of wet chemical etching of silicon using a physical model.
Sensors and Actuators A 84 (2000), p. 324. – E. van Veenendaal, A.J. Nijdam and J. van Suchtelen: Simulation of crystal shape evolution in two dimensions. J. Crystal Growth 235 (2002), p. 603.
73 (2001) p. 603-608. – D. J. W. Klunder, M. L. M. Balistreri, F. C. Blom, H. J. W. M. Hoekstra, A. Driessen, L. Kuipers, and N. F. van Hulst: Detailed Analysis of the Intracavity Phenomena Inside a Cylindrical Microresonator. J. Lightw. Techn. 20 (2002) p. 519-529.
Femtosecond light pulses caught in the act
A new type of magnetic semiconductor
Ultra-short laser pulses will play a key role in the
of the light can be unambiguously determined.
Calcium hexaboride (CaB6) doped with lanthanum
telecommunication networks of the future. The
The local phase evolution is also measured in these
has puzzled magnetism researchers in recent years,
behaviour of fast pulses in nanostructured materials
time-resolved measurements.
primarily because it retains a modest ferromagnetism
such as photonic crystals is currently the recipient
even at 900 K. This is a surprisingly high Curie
of a great deal of attention, as both the direction
Figure 2 show the straight wavefronts formed by
temperature for a compound which does not contain
and the speed of the pulses can be manipulated.
the phase signal as contained within the amplitude
traditional magnetic metals such as nickel or iron.
Until now, it was only possible to perform the
envelope. The period of the wavefronts immediately
investigations indirectly: by looking from the outside.
yields the wavelength of the light inside the structure,
All of the explanations so far proposed for this have
In the context of the Advanced Photonic Structures
and thus the phase velocity of the pulse inside the
been based upon the assumption that the parent
project, the Applied Optics Group has developed an
material, CaB6, is a semi-metal. This conclusion
instrument to track femtosecond pulses in space and
was drawn from calculations performed within This novel method has significant potential for direct,
the framework of Density Functional Theory (the
local measurements of slowing down, dispersion,
importance of which was recognised with the award
The basis for this novel instrument is a conventional
self-phase modulation and spectra of short pulses
of a Nobel prize two years ago).
photon scanning tunnelling microscope. In photon
in (non)linear media, photonic crystals and other
tunnelling, the local evanescent field above a photonic
complex and advanced structures.
time as they propagate through a photonic structure.
structure is picked up by a near-field optical probe
However, this DFT framework was designed for calculating ground state properties and is known to
with a typical dimension that is much smaller than
Figure 1: Femtosecond
systematically underestimate band gaps – the well-
the wavelength of light. By raster scanning the probe
pulse tracked through
known semiconductor germanium is predicted by DFT
across the surface of the structure, the intensity
ridge waveguide (all
to be a semi-metal. A better framework for calculating
distribution of the light inside the structure is mapped
image sizes 144 mm
excitations is the so-called "GW approximation", which
with nanometer resolution.
¥ 14 mm). A: the
has been shown to predict the fundamental band gaps
topography of the
of anorganic semiconductors extremely well.
In 2001, the Applied Optics group showed that not
ridge waveguide (height 4 nm) that confines the light. B-F:
only the intensity distribution of the light but also
the amplitude of the optical signal as a function of position
In the Computational Materials Science group, such
its phase evolution could be visualised. Unexpected
with respect to the waveguide for increasing reference time
GW calculations were performed for CaB6, and it
phase singularities were discovered during these
in increments of 133 fs. The position of the heart of the signal
was found to have a band gap of 0.8 eV, comparable
experiments, and a new dimension has now been
as a function of time shows that the group velocity for this
to that of germanium. If this prediction is confirmed
added to the local optical measurements: time.
particular part of the waveguide is 1.67 ± 0.03 ¥ 108 m/s.
by experiments, then important applications await the compound in the field of spintronics. Here an
In these measurements, femtosecond laser pulses
Figure 2A: The
electron's spin -and not just its charge - carries
are coupled into the structure in question. The light
measured phase
of a propagating femtosecond pulse that is locally
evolution within the
picked up (signal pulse) is mixed with a similar pulse
amplitude envelope
To date, it has been difficult to combine semiconductors
that has propagated along a reference path. The length
for the light in the
with magnetic metals due to a conductivity mismatch
of the reference path defines a reference time that
centre of the waveguide in fig. 1D: a fringe pattern with
which kills the spin polarised current injected into a
determines the time-overlap between the signal pulse
an asymmetric envelope is observed. B: the wavefronts for
semiconductor. Unlike doped CaB6, most conventional
and the reference pulse. At a certain position of the
the tail of the pulse in the waveguide structure. The period
magnetic semiconductors have low Curie temperatures.
probe, interference between the signal and reference
directly yields the wavelength inside the structure: 415 ± 6 nm,
In other words, they typically cease to be magnetic at
pulses will only be detected at the reference time when
which corresponds to a phase velocity of 1.97 ± 0.03 ¥ 108 m/s.
room temperature. In addition, it is frequently difficult
the pulse in the structure has reached the position of
to dope such semiconductors with both p-type and n-
the probe.
type. Publications
Figure 1 shows the amplitude of the interference in a series of five measurements on pulse propagation
Publications This should not be a problem for CaB6. Entirely new
– M.L.M. Balistreri, H. Gersen, J.P. Korterik, L. Kuipers and
applications such as reprogrammable logic can be
in a ridge waveguide. The reference path has been
N.F. van Hulst: Tracking femtosecond light pulses in space
envisaged if a true spin-transistor exhibiting gain could
lengthened between each measurement, so that
and time. Science 294 (2001), p. 1080-1082.
be made with CaB6 in addition to magnetic sensors
the reference time increases from Figure B to F. The propagation of the heart of the pulse inside the structure is clear. From the displacement of the centre of the pulse with time, the so-called group velocity
and memory elements.
– H.J. Tromp, P. van Gelderen, P.J. Kelly, G. Brocks, and P.A. Bobbert: Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 016401 (2001). – Two papers by Jeroen van den Brink from our group appeared in the list of most-cited Dutch physics publications since 1999, as compiled by the Dutch physics funding agency FOM: – J. van den Brink and D. Khomskii: Double-exchange via degenerate orbitals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1016 (1999); – J. van den Brink, G. Khaliullin and D. Khomskii: Charge and orbital order in half-doped manganites. Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5118 (1999).
Supported thin-film perovskite membranes for oxygen separation
Oxygen separation from air is a very important
Fig. 2 SEM micrographs
industrial process, one for which new applications
showing the surface (A) of
are continuously being found. Large-scale applications
the bare porous support,
are expected in the Alaskan gas fields, where oxidative
surface (B) and cross-
dehydrogenation will be used to transform methane
section (C) of the deposited
gas into high-value organic liquids. Small-scale
thin film.
applications, such as a portable oxygen generator for medical use, are also being developed on a commercial scale. Cryogenic separation techniques are not an option for these production processes. New developments in materials science, however, have resulted in a group of perovskite-type ceramic oxides (ABO3, with A and B representing different types of cations) that exhibit mixed (ionic and electronic) conductivity. The presence of multivalent cations leads to high
Fig. 3 Dependence of the oxygen flux on oxygen partial
electronic conductivity, while suitable doping increases
pressure maintained at the oxygen lean-side of the
the oxygen vacancy concentration and hence the
membrane at various temperatures for a supported
oxygen ionic conductivity. When a dense ceramic layer
20-mm-thick film membrane. Results for self-supported
is placed between two gas atmospheres with different
pressed disc membranes are shown for comparison.
partial pressures of oxygen (e.g. air and nitrogen),
Movement across these dense ceramic membranes can
oxygen gas will flow from the high-pressure side to
be modelled by classical Wagner theory (see Figure 1).
the low-pressure side. Oxygen dissociation and charge
This theory makes it obvious that the oxygen flux
transfer (ionisation) takes place at the high-pressure
will increase linearly at a rate inverse to membrane
layer with a thickness of ~20 mm. This combined
ambient/interface; the oxygen flux is then carried by
thickness, provided that the surface dissociation/
structural-functional ceramic system showed an
electrons and oxygen ions (through vacancy hopping).
association reactions are not rate limiting. As a result,
enhancement in oxygen flux by a factor of ~20 over
Once at the low-pressure side, the recombined oxygen
a significant enhancement of the oxygen flux can
that through a 2 mm thick self-supported membrane.
molecules desorb.
be realised by minimising the membrane thickness, provided that sufficient mechanical support can
Representative oxygen flux values are presented in
be added. To avoid a mismatch in thermal expansion
Figure 3 as a function of the low-PO2 side and of the
coefficients, it is advantageous to use the same
PLD-layer thickness. Analysis of the permeation fluxes
ceramic composition for the porous support.
as a function of layer thickness indicates a change from rate control by ionic transport to surface reaction
Recent advances in preparing homogeneous, defect-
control for a layer thickness of around 20-50 mm.
free porous substrates by colloidal filtration have
enabled us to prepare membrane supports of
A significant advantage of these types of semi-
La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-d with an average pore diameter
permeable oxygen membranes lies in the possibility
of 0.40 mm. Subsequently, 5 to 20 mm thick dense
of combining the controlled oxygen delivery with
ceramic layers were successfully deposited on these
a (catalysed) oxygenation (or dehydration) reaction.
polished substrates using Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD).
The research was carried out within the Strategic
Research Orientation MASIF, and was a cooperation Figure 2A shows the, bare, polished porous support and
between the Inorganic Materials Science group and
Fig. 1. Schematic of a supported mixed-conducting perovskite
Figure 2B the deposited, continuous membrane layer.
the Low Temperature Division group.
thin-film membrane.
Figure 2C shows a cross section of the supported La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-d membrane, indicating a defect-free
– L.M. van der Haar: Mixed-conducting perovskite membranes for oxygen separation – Towards the development of a supported thin-film membrane. PhD Thesis, University of Twente (2001). – E.A.F. Span: Oxygen-permeable perovskite thin-film membranes by pulsed laser deposition. PhD Thesis, University of Twente (2001). – Henny J.M. Bouwmeester, L. Marco van der Haar, Henk Verweij, Edward A.F. Span, Horst Rogalla and Dave H.A. Blank: High-flux perovskite thin-film membranes for oxygen separation (to be submitted).
Spin filter contacts for spin-injection into a semiconductor
Research Highlight 2001 MTP (Title needed)
What started as a search for the fundamental origin of
The controlled patterning of surfaces on various length
magnetocurrent effects in the spin-valve transistor has
scales is of tremendous importance in current and
now led to an alternative approach for the injection
future micro and nanoscale technologies. Exciting
of an almost completely spin-polarized current into
progress in the area of patterned etch-resistant
a semiconductor. The new method may be applied in
polymers was achieved by the MTP group during 2001.
future spintronic devices and circuits, in magnetic field sensors, MRAM (Magno Random Access Memory – or
Firstly, we have shown that polymers based on
does every reader know this?) or re-programmable logic
poly(ferrocenyldimethylsilane) (PFS) can be utilised
to form patterns on length scales of > 10 Âľm (layer by layer assembly of novel water-soluble PFS derivatives)
Across the globe, researchers are working on a
down to the 25 nm level (PFS-organic block copolymers),
revolutionary type of electronics that relies on the
and that these patterns can be transferred into an
electron spin, rather than its charge. Starting with
underlying substrate (e.g. silicon, silicon nitride)
metallic systems, the interest has recently shifted
by a simple one-step reactive ion etching procedure (1).
towards manipulation of spins in semiconductors.
Figure 1: Spin filtering due to spin-dependent transmission
As a result, virtually any length scale can be achieved
An important first step is the controlled injection
of a ferromagnetic thin film. The attenuation of minority spin
via this simple, yet highly effective strategy.
of a spin-polarized current into a semiconductor.
hot electrons (in blue) is much stronger than that of majority
Unfortunately, despite extensive efforts the success
spins (red).
The second area can be termed a genuine breakthrough
has been limited. The simple approach for injecting
- the application of nanometer scale patterns in the
electrons (passing a current from a ferromagnetic
formation of a cobalt magnetic dot array (2). Single-
metal contact into the semiconductor) shows negligible
domain cobalt dot arrays have been fabricated in
spin-polarization, while alternative approaches so far
collaboration with the groups of Professors Ross
require low temperature and/or large magnetic fields.
and Thomas (both MIT) using the above-mentioned self-assembled block copolymer lithography with
Now, new prospects have arisen from basic research
a magnetic particle density of 30 Gparticles cm -2. Special report (cover story) on MESA+ in Chemical
on the spin-transport of hot electrons [1,2], performed in the Systems and Materials for Information storage (SMI) group of MESA+. While investigating the origin
The process, which is generally applicable to a wide
Engineering News (see:
variety of materials, can pattern large areas, such as 10
of the large magnetic response of the spin-valve
cm diameter wafers. In addition, by controlling particle
transistor, it was found that a thin magnetic layer acts
sizes and spacing through the choice of the block
as a surprisingly efficient spin-filter for hot electrons.
Figure 2: Contact geometry of a hot-electron spin-filter
copolymer template and etching conditions, magnetic
As shown in Figure 1, the much stronger attenuation
for injection of a highly spin-polarized current into
properties such as coercivity, anisotropy, magnetostatic
of the minority spin hot electrons in a ferromagnet
a semiconductor.
interactions and thermal stability are adjustable in
causes the transmitted current to be highly spin-
this fabrication system through both the geometric
polarized. For example, a spin-polarization of 96%
parameters of the particle array and the composition
was determined for a 5 nm thick film of Ni80Fe20.
and growth of the magnetic thin film.
The filtering effect is barely reduced at room temperature, and can be manipulated with small magnetic fields. This makes it an attractive approach and opens the way to actually building semiconductor
This work was published in
spin-devices. To do that, we use the contact geometry given in Figure 2, in which hot tunnelling electrons
1 Lammertink, R.G.H., Hempenius, M.A., Chan, V.Z.-H., Thomas,
This work was published in
are filtered by a ferromagnetic thin film, just prior to entering the semiconductor. To fabricate the structures, SMI is collaborating with IBM Almaden Research
Etch Barrier Applications. Chemistry of Materials, 13, p. 429-434 1 R. Jansen, S.D. Kim, R. Vlutters, O.M.J. van 't Erve and J.C. Lodder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 166601 (2001).
Centre, where in 2001 Ph.D student Olaf van 't Erve fabricated our first magnetic tunnel transistors.
E.L., Vancso, G.J.: Poly(ferrocenyldimethylsilanes) for reactive Ion
(2001); Hempenius, M.A., Robins, N.S., Lammertink, R.G.H., Vancso, G.J.: Organometallic Polyelectrolytes: Synthesis, Characterization and Layer-By-Layer Deposition of Cationic
2 R. Vlutters, R. Jansen, O.M.J. van 't Erve, S.D. Kim and J.C. Lodder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 027202 (2002).
Poly(ferrocenyl(3-ammoniumpropyl)methylsilane). Macromol. Rapid. Commun., 22, p. 30-33 (2001) (cover story). 2 Cheng, J.Y., Ross, C.A., Chan, V.Z.-H., Thomas, E.L., Lammertink, R.G.H., Julius,G.: Vancso, Formation of a Cobalt Magnetic Dot Array via Block Copolymer Lithography. Advanced Materials, 13, no. 15, p. 1174-1178 (2001).
MESA+ Scientific Publications 2001
On-chip Hydrodynamic Chromatography
Hydrodynamic chromatography (HDC) is a well-known
Figure 2: Schematic
technique for the separation of biopolymers and
of the chip design – a
synthetic polymers, which can be performed in
sample plug is injected
micrometer-sized capillaries. Separation takes place
into the buffer flow
due to the fact that, in a generated parabolic velocity
through narrow inlet
profile, the larger particles are positioned more in
slits. The separation
the high-velocity regions in the centre of the channel
channel is 1 µm high,
particles (Figure 1).
0.5-1 mm wide and 80 mm long.
Since capillary HDC suffers from low detection volumes due to the required small capillary diameters, a chipbased HDC system was realised (Figure 2). It comprises a wide, shallow (1 µm deep) separation channel, which combines a large cross section with the small dimension necessary for separation. The prototype system consists of an integrated injector and separation channel in which detection is performed optically by fluorescent labelling of the fractions (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Top view of the separation of 26nm particles and fluorescein: injection of the sample plug (above), separation
A viscosity detector suitable for integration with
the HDC chip was simultaneously developed. This viscometer (Figure 4) consists of a newly developed and patented design, based on a hydraulic version of the Wheatstone bridge with a built-in time delay [1]. In addition to integrating detection, future developments for the HDC chip include the realisation of a fused silica version. This chip will be more transparent for UV light, thus enabling UV absorption detection - a powerful detection technique in polymer analysis.
Figure 4: A finished viscosity detector.
Publications – Chmela, E., Blom, M.T., Gardeniers, J.G.E., Van den Berg, A., Tijssen, R.: A chip system for size separation of macromolecules and particles by hydrodynamic
Figure 1: The HDC separation principle.
chromatography. Submitted to Anal. Chem.
(1) European patent application, no. PCT/NL01/00365
PHD THESES Bearda, T. Gate Oxide Evaluation by Characterisation of Oxide Breakdown. (2001, november 16). 136 pp. Enschede, the Netherlands Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. P.H. Woerlee, Prof.dr. H. Wallinga. ISBN: 90-365-1656-0 Boselli, G. On High Injection Mechanisms in Semiconductor Devices under ESD Conditions. (2001, april 6). 178 pp. Enschede, the Netherlands Universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): F.G. Kuper, A.J. Mouthaan. ISBN: 90-365-1554-8 Burger, J.F. Cryogenic Microcooling, A micromachined cold stage operating with a sorption compressor in a vapor compression cycle. (2001, januari 12). 269 pp. University of Twente Thesis advisor(s): Prof. H. Rogalla, Prof.dr. M.C. Elwenspoek, H.J.M. ter Brake. ISBN: 90-365-1536-X Esser, M. Kinetically Controlled Si-Epitaxy on Si(100) and Ge(100). (2001, september 13). Enschede Solid State Physics Group, University of Twente Thesis advisor(s): B. Poelsema, H. Wormeester. ISBN: 90-365-1641-2 Gelderen, P. van The nature of the band gap in switchable mirror metal hydrides. (2001, november 9). 146 pp. Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. P.J. Kelly, Prof.dr. R.A. de Groot, P.A. Bobbert. Haar, L.M. van der Mixed-conducting perovskite membranes for oxygen separation. Towards the development of a supported thin-film membrane. (2001, juni 21). 118 pp. Enschede Universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): H. Verweij. ISBN: 9036516153 Hendriks, M.G.H.M. Solid state supercapacitors based on metal/yttria stabilised zirconia composites. (2001, oktober 5). 118 pp. Enschede universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): H. Verweij. ISBN: 9036516307 Jong, M.R. de Cyclodextrins for sensing. Solution, surface and single molecule chemistry. (2001, september 26). 134 pp. Enschede Thesis advisor(s): D.N. Reinhoudt, J. Huskens. ISBN: 90-365-1653-6 Levi, S.A. Supramolecular chemistry at the nanometer level. (2001, december 21). 170 pp. Enschede Thesis advisor(s): D.N. Reinhoudt, F.C.J.M. van Veggel. ISBN: 90-365-1671-4
Mahmoudi, R. A multidisciplinary design method for second and third generation mobile communication system microwave components. (2001, november 23). 170 pp. Thesis advisor(s): prof.dr. J.L. Tauritz, prof.dr. R. Prasad. ISBN: 90-365-1661-7 Manen, H.W.J. van Functional metallodendrimers. From solution ensembles to surface-confinement. (2001, september 28). 186 pp. Enschede Thesis advisor(s): D.N. Reinhoudt, F.C.J.M. van Veggel. ISBN: 90-365-1629-3 Michels, J.J. Cyclodextrin assemblies based on multiple non-covalent interactions. (2001, juni 28). 151 pp. Enschede Thesis advisor(s): D.N. Reinhoudt, J. Huskens. ISBN: 90-365-1596-3 Nguyen Hoang, V. Chemical Mechanical Polishing of Copper. (2001, september 20). 114 pp. Enschede, the Netherlands Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. P.H. Woerlee, H. van Kranenburg. ISBN: 90-365-1659-5 Nijdam, A.J. Anisotropic wet-chemical etching of silicon pits, peaks, principles, pyramids and particles. (2001, januari 18). 124 pp. Enschede, The Netherlands University of Twente Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. M.C. Elwenspoek, E. Vlieg, Dr. J.G.E. Gardeniers. ISBN: 90-365-15351 Pickering, J.P. Interfacial Materials Properties of Polymers: From Mesoscale to Nanoscale Contacts. (2001, maart 16). 191 pp. Enschede Universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. G.J. Vancso. ISBN: 90 36515653 Prins, L.J. Non-covalent synthesis of chiral hydrogen-bonded assemblies. (2001, augustus 31). 224 pp. Enschede Thesis advisor(s): D.N. Reinhoudt, P. Timmerman. ISBN: 90-365-1627-7 Rabbers, J.J. AC Loss in Superconducting Tapes and Coils. (2001, oktober 5). 202 pp. Enschede Universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): H.H.J. ten Kate, B. ten Haken. ISBN: 90-365-1648-X Rijnders, A.J.H.M. The Intial Growth of Complex Oxides: Study and Manipulation. (2001, oktober 31). 144 pp. Enschede Printpartners Ipskamp Thesis advisor(s): Prof. H. Rogalla, D.H.A. Blank. ISBN: 90-365-1657-9 Römer, E.W.J. Amperometric NOx sensor for combustion exhaust gas control. Studies on transport properties and catalytic activity of oxygen permeable ceramic membranes. (2001, april 27). 139 pp. Enschede Universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): H. Verweij. ISBN: 9036515734
Smilde, H.J.H. Josephson Contacts between High-Tc and Low-Tc Superconductors. (2001, september 19). 212 pp. Enschede FEBO druk Thesis advisor(s): Prof. H. Rogalla, D.H.A. Blank, J.W.M. Hilgenkamp. ISBN: 90-365-1636-6 Span, E.A.F. Oxygen-Permeable Perovskite Thin-Film Membranes by Pulsed Laser Deposition. (2001, november 1). 142 pp. Enschede Printpartners Ipskamp Thesis advisor(s): Prof. H. Rogalla, D.H.A. Blank. ISBN: 90-365-1663-3 Stoffer, R. Uni- and omnidirectional simulation tools for integrated optics. (2001, mei 3). 116 pp. Enschede Thesis advisor(s): E.W.C. van Groesen, Dr. H.J.W.M. Hoekstra. ISBN: 90-365-1576-9 Vaucher, C.S. Architectures for RF frequency sythesizers. (2001, augustus 30). Enschede, The Netherlands University of Twente Thesis advisor(s): B. Nauta. Veenendaal, E. van From an atomistic to a continuum description of crystal growth application to wet chemical etching of silicon.. (2001, maart 20). 315 pp. Nijmegen Thesis advisor(s): E. Vlieg, Prof.dr. M.C. Elwenspoek. ISBN: 90-3730560-1 Veenstra, T.T. MAFIAS: An integrated lab-on-a-chip for the measurement of ammonium. (2001, juni 22). 134 pp. Enschede, The Netherlands University of Twente Thesis advisor(s): A. van den Berg, Prof.dr. M.C. Elwenspoek. ISBN: 90-365-1602-1 Vlutters, R. Hot-electron transport in the spin-valve transistor. (2001, mei 18). 142 pp. University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands University of Twente Thesis advisor(s): Dr. J.C. Lodder, Prof.dr. T.J.A. Popma. ISBN: 9036515858 Woudenberg, F.C.M. Nanostructured oxide coatings via modified emulsion precipitation. (2001, juni 28). 134 pp. Enschede universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): H. Verweij. ISBN: 9036516145 Zivkovic, V. Testability in Hardware/Software Codesign Systems. (2001, oktober 19). 144 pp. Enschede, the Netherlands Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. H. Wallinga, H.G. Kerkhoff. ISBN: 90-365-1645-5 Zoethout, E. Growth and Dynamics of Strained Surfaces. (2001, september 13). 94 pp. Enschede Solid State Physics Group, University of Twente Thesis advisor(s): B. Poelsema, H.J.W. Zandvliet. ISBN: 90-365-1633-1
Ackaert, J. , Wang, Z., Backer, E., Colson, P., Coppens, P. Non Contact Surface Potential Measurements for Charging Reduction During Manufacturing of Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors. Microelectronics reliability 41, (2001). (pp. 1403-1407) ISSN: 0026-2714 Afanasieva, T.V. , Koval, I., Nakhodkin, N., Pyatnitsky, M.Y., Zandvliet, H.J.W. Rotation of Ge ad-dimers on Ge(001). Surface science 482-485, (2001). (pp. 702-707) ISSN: 0039-6028 Allier, C.P. , Hollander, R.W., Eijk, C.W.E. van, Sarro, P.M., Czirr, J.B., Chaminade, J.P., Fouassier, C., Boer, M.J. de Thin photodiodes for a neutron scintillator silicon-well detector. IEEE transactions on nuclear science nr: 4, 48, (2001). (pp. 1154-1157) ISSN: 0018-9499 Annema, A.J. , Geelen, G.J.G.M., Jong, P. de 5.5V I/O in a 2.5-um CMOS Technology. IEEE journal of solid-state circuits nr: 3, 36, (2001). (pp. 528-538) ISSN: 0018-9200 Baar, J.J. van , Wiegerink, R.J., Lammerink, T.S.J., Krijnen, G.J.M., Elwenspoek, M.C. Micro-machined structures for thermal measurements of fluid and flow parameters. Journal of micromechanics and microengineering 11, (2001). (pp. 311-318) ISSN: 0960-1317 Bakker, B.I. de , Garcia parajo, M.F., Rensen, W.H.J., Hulst, N.F. van, Lange, F. de, Cambi, A., Figdor, C.G. Study of individual transmembrane proteins using a combined confocal/near field optical microscope. Biophysical journal nr: 1, 80, (2001). (pp. 150a-150a) ISSN: 0006-3495 Bal, K. , Kirilyuk, A., Rasing, T., Luo, Y., Samwer, K., Haast, M.A.M., Lodder, J.C. CoNi/Pt interface roughness probed by nonlinear Magneto-optics, x-ray scattering and atomic force microscopy. Journal of applied physics nr: 8, 89, (2001). (pp. 4670-4672) ISSN: 0021-8979 Balistreri, M.L.M. , Korterik, J.P., Kuipers, L., Hulst, N.F. van Phase mapping of optical fields in integrated optical waveguide structures. Journal of lightwave technology nr: 8, 19, (2001). (pp. 1169-1176) ISSN: 0733-8724 Balistreri, M.L.M. , Klunder, D.J.W., Blom, F.C., Driessen, A., Korterik, J.P., Kuipers, L., Hulst, N.F. van Experimental analysis of the whispering-gallery modes in a cylindrical optical microcavity. Journal of the Optical Society of America B (Optical physics) nr: 4, 18, (2001). (pp. 465-471) ISSN: 0740-3224 Balistreri, M.L.M. , Korterik, J.P., Veldhuis, G.J., Kuipers, L., Hulst, N.F. van Quantitative photon tunneling and shear-force microscopy of planar waveguide splitter and mixers. Journal of applied physics nr: 6, 89, (2001). (pp. 3307-3314) ISSN: 0021-8979 Balistreri, M.L.M. , Gersen, H., Korterik, J.P.,
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BOOKS Berg, A. van den , Ramsey, J.M. Micro Total Analysis Systems 2001. microTAS 2001 Symposium, Monterey, CA, USA, 21-25 October 2001 (2001). 689 pp. Dordrecht Kluwer Academic Publishers ISBN: I-4020-0148-7 (Editor(s)) Elwenspoek, M.C. Sensor Technology 2001. (2001). 200 pp. Dordrecht, The Netherlands Kluwer Academic Publishers ISBN: 0-7923-7012-0 (Editor(s)) Elwenspoek, M.C. , Wiegerink, R.J. Mechanical microsensors. (2001). 295 pp. Germany Springer Verlag ISBN: 3540675825
BOOKCHAPTERS Bos, A.G. van den , Dijk, A.C.J. van, Heskamp, I.R., Abelmann, L., Lodder, J.C. A new concept in magnetic force microscope cantilevers. NATO Science Series nr: 41, (2001). (pp. 307-312) Dordrecht Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN: 1-4020-0117-7 Erve, O.M.J. van 't , Vlutters, R., Kumar, P.S.A., Kim, S.D., Jansen, R., Lodder, J.C. A highly sensitive spin-valve transistor. Nato science series nr: 41, (2001). (pp. 441-444) Dordrecht Kluwer Academic Publishers ISBN: 1-4020-0117-7 Lodder, J.C. , Haast, M.A.M., Abelmann, L. Patterned Magnetic thin films for Ultra high density recording. Nato Science Series nr: 41, (2001). (pp. 117-143) Dordrecht Kluwer Academic Publishers ISBN: 1-4020-0117-7 Manen, H.W.J. van , Veggel, F.C.J.M. van, Reinhoudt, D.N. Non-covalent synthesis of metallodendrimers. Topics in Current Chemistry nr: 217, (2001). (pp. 121-162) Berlin Springer ISBN: 3-540-42095-9 Schönherr, H. , Beulen, M.W.J., Bügler, J., Huskens, J., Veggel, F.C.J.M. van, Reinhoudt, D.N., Vancso, G.J. Individual Supramoleculair Host-Guest Interactions Probed by Dynamic Single Molecules Force Microscopy. 218th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (2001). 323 pp. American Chemical Society ISBN: 0-8412-3691-7 Schönherr, H. , Chechik, V., Stirling, C.J.M., Vancso, G.J. Kinetics and Domain Formation in Surface Reactions by Inverted Chemical Force Microscopy and FTIR Spectroscopy. 218th National Meeting on the American Chemical Society (2001). 323 pp. American Chemical Society ISBN: 0-8412-3691-7 Schönherr, H. , Vancso, G.J. AFM Study on Lattice Orientation and Tribilogy of SAMS of Fluorinated Thiols and Disulfides on Au (111): The Influence of the Molecular Structure. 218th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (2001). 323 pp. American Chemical Society ISBN: 0-8412-3691-7 Unen, D.J. van , Engbersen, J.F.J., Reinhoudt, D.N. The effects of crown ethers on the activity of enzymes in organic solvents. (2001). (pp. 213-225) Totowa, New Jersey Humana Press ISBN: 0-89603-929-3 Verboom, W. Cavitands. (2001). (pp. 181-198) Dordrecht Kluwer Academic Publishers ISBN: 0-7923-6960-2
PATENTS Annema, A.J. , Westra, J.R. D/A Converter with Multibit Input. (2001, oktober 10). Annema, A.J. , Geelen, G.G. A level converter provided with slew-rate controlling means. (2000, december 7). Annema, A.J. A Level Converter provided with Slew-Rate Controlling Means. 2001, mei 23). Annema, A.J. , Geelen, G.J.G.M. An Integrated Circuit Provided with a Fail-Safe Mode. (2001, oktober 16). Annema, A.J. , Geelen, G.J.G.M. An Integrated Circuit Provided with
a Fail-Safe Mode. (2001, augustus 1). Annema, A.J. , Westra, J.R. D/A Converter with Multibit Input. (2001, mei 3). Annema, A.J. , Geelen, G.J.G.M. A High-Voltage Level Tolerant Transistor Circuit. (2001, mei 16). Annema, A.J. , Westra, J.R. D/A converter with Multibit Input. (2000, augustus 23). Annema, A.J. , Geelen, G.J.G.M. An Integrated Circuit Provided with a Fail-Safe Mode. (2001, februari 15). Annema, A.J. , Geelen, G.J.G.M. High Voltage Level Tolerant Transistor Circuit. (2001, november 20). Driessen, A. Inrichting en werkwijze voor het ontvangen, bewerken en zenden van optische en elektrische signalen en werkwijze voor het vervaardigen van zo een inrichting. (2001, mei 14). Godeke, A. , Krooshoop, H.J.G., Chevtchenko, O.A., Haken, B. ten, Kate, H.H.J. ten, Scholten, A.M.A., Klein schiphorst, P. Method of insulating an elongated conductor comprised of high-temperaturesuperconductive, substantially ceramic material and an apparatus for the implementation of the method. (2001, april 4). Klunder, D.J.W. , Roeloffzen, C.G.H., Driessen, A. Werkwijze en inrichting voor het bewerken van licht. (2001, november 6). Pelgrom, M.J.M. , Widdershoven, F.P., Annema, A.J., Storms, M. Non-volatile MOS RAM cell with capacitor-isolated nodes that are radiation accessible for rendering a non-permanance programmes information in the cell of a non-volatile one. (2001, december 18). Pelgrom, M.J.M. , Widdershoven, F.P., Annema, A.J., Storms, M. Integrated Circuit with a Non-Volatile MOS RAM Cell. (2001, oktober 10). Tijssen, R. , Chmela, E., Blom, M.T., Heyden, F.H.J. van der, Gardeniers, J.G.E., Berg, A. van den Device for measuring the viscosity of a fluid. (2001, mei 1). Westra, J.R. , Annema, A.J., Boom, J.M. van de, Dijkmans, E.C. A High Voltage Digital-to-Analog Converter. (2000, september 27). Widdershoven, F.P. , Annema, A.J., Storms, M., Pelgrom, M.J.M. Integrated Circuit with a Non-Volatile MOS RAM Cell. (2001, april 12).
MESA+ Governing Board, Scientific Advisory Board and Management in 2001
MESA+ Governing Board Ir. J.J.M. Mulderink Dr. A.J. Nijman Prof. dr. ir. J.H.A. de Smit Ir. C.M. Vermeulen Prof. dr. H. Wallinga Ir. M. Westermann
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