Annual Report 2002
Dear reader, In this annual report, you will find the highlights of the activities of MESA+ in 2002. The middle part presents some of the scientfic highlights we achieved in the past year. We have chosen these examples on the basis of the scientific impact, the importance of the application or the general interest of the work. At the end of the report, you will find a cross-section of our scientific output (refereed papers, Ph.D. Theses, patents, etc.), which reflects the size of the activities and their scientific impact. In the pages behind this preface, the institute itself and the most important milestones of the institute as a whole in 2002 are shown. MESA+ has consolidated its position as a national and international leader in nanotechnology, based on a broad scientific basis ranging from materials science to systems engineering and from optics to supramolecular chemistry. I am proud of the achievements, based on the hard work and long hours of all MESAns, and dedicate this annual report to them. Together they make it work.
Prof. dr. ir. David N. Reinhoudt Scientific Director
3 Left page: Next to scientific publications, MESA+ makes an effort of promoting its work to the general public.
General Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sketch of the institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MESA+ Annual Report 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 7
Scientific Highlights in 2002 Integrated Optical Microcavity: A Photonic Structure For Biosensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Microfabrication of palladium-silver alloy membranes for hydrogen separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Nanostructure of Supramolecular Assemblies of Hydrogen-Bonded Rosettes on Graphite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Measuring Spin Polarisation with Superconducting Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Substrate topology orders block copolymer domains for nanolithography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 A New Methodology for Testing Analogue Cores in Mixed-Signal System-on-Chips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The CantiClever: A dedicated probe for magnetic force microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Photonic crystals: ultrafast switching of emission and storage of light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Thermal Noise Cancelling in Wideband Low Noise Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 A two stage SQUID system for the readout of MiniGRAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Publications MESA+ Scientific Publications 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 About MESA+ MESA+ Governing Board, Scientific Advisory Board and Management in 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 How to reach MESA+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Sketch of the institute
Field and mission MESA+ focuses on Nanotechnology based on its
A Program Director is responsible for the scientific
underlying strengths in materials science, microsystem
responsible to the Scientific Director of the institute.
coordination of each SRO. The Program Director is directly
technology, bottom-up chemistry, optics and systems. + To excel in its field of science and technology;
The SROs will be evaluated every two years, based on the criteria mentioned above. MESA+ will use its
+ To educate researchers and designers in the field;
external reviewers (e.g. Scientific Advisory Board,
+ To build up fruitful national and international
the technology foundation STW, or others) for this
cooperation with industry and fellow institutes. MESA+ is an ‘onderzoekschool’, designated by the
evaluation, which can result in (dis)continuation of the program. In case of discontinuation, MESA+ will
Royal Dutch Academy of Science.
only fund salaries of existing Ph.D.’s and post docs
Its mission is
for the remainder of their appointment. MESA+ has defined the following indicators for achieving its mission:
The SROs and their Program Directors should achieve
+ Scientific papers at the level of Science, Nature,
a strong presence and exposure in the (inter)national
or journals of comparable stature; + 1:1 balance between university funding and
scientific world. The Program Directors are appointed (at least) at the level of associate professor.
externally acquired funds; + Sizable spin-off activities.
The current MESA+ SROs are: + Micro Chemical Systems (MiCS),
Organisational structure and programs MESA+ has a matrix structure in which scientific disciplines, led by a responsible professor, are combined with strong and ambitious multidisciplinary programs, the Strategic Research Orientations (SROs), Albert van den Berg (Lab-on-a-chip); + NanoLink, dr. Jürgen P. Brugger and Martin L. Bennink (Tying top-down to bottom-up micro-, nano- and molecular engineering); + TeraHertz Signal Processing (TeraHertz),
which aim at the various aspects of Nanotechnology. Gerrit J. Gerritsma , dr. J. Flokstra (Acquisition,
This structure is depicted below.
transportation and manipulation of information at very high speed).
The creation of SROs ensures a strong multidisciplinary activity within the institute and is a basis for realization of its goals. An SRO is a large scientific program (in the order of 30-35 full-time researchers), which satisfies the following criteria: + Combining high-quality research of at least five groups within the institute into a genuine multidisciplinary program; + Providing excellent opportunities for international top-level research; + Attractive for external funding (which is a quality indicator in its own right).
+ Advanced Photonic Structure (APS), dr. Laurens (Kobus) Kuipers (Novel optical devices based on
Participating research groups
low-dimensional photonic crystals and microcavities); + Materials Sciences of Interfaces (MASIF),
Within MESA+, four faculties combine their Dave H.A. Blank (Material growth on an
strengths within the following fields of expertise:
atomic scale for the realization of junctions for
Applied Mathematics (TW), Applied Physics (TN),
advanced nanometer-scale devices).
Chemical Engineering (CT) and Electrical Engineering (EL). From these faculties, the following
The SROs cover approximately 70% of MESA+ research.
research groups participate:
This activity is completed by disciplinary research, which has an important role in the further development of each research group’s disciplinary activities and strength (founding research), in the exploration of new fields (potentials), etc.. This research is referred to as Complementary Research.
+ CT-MTP: Materials Science and Technology of Polymers, prof.dr. G.J. Vancso + CT-SMCT: SupraMolecular Chemistry and Technology, D.N. Reinhoudt
MESA+ is the largest research institute of the University of Twente. It employs approximately 430 people, 300 of whom are scientists including over 200 Ph.D.’s, post docs, etc.. MESA+ has a turnover of approximately Me 33, of which more than 50% is acquired in competition from external sources (National Science Foundations, European Union, industry etc.).
+ CT-CA: Chemical Analysis, prof. U. Karst + CT-IMS: Inorganic Materials Science, D.H.A. Blank + EL-BIOS: Biosensor Technology, P. Bergveld, A. van den Berg + EL-ICD:
MESA+ has extensive laboratory facilities at its disposal: + A 1000 m2 fully equipped clean room, with a focus on Micro Systems Technology (MST), Nanotechnology, CMOS and Materials and Process Engineering; + A fully equipped Central Materials Analysis Laboratory; + A number of specialized laboratories for chemical synthesis and analysis, materials research and analysis, and device characterization.
Integrated Circuit Design, B. Nauta + EL-IDR: IC-Technology, Devices and Reliability, prof.dr. H. Wallinga, prof.dr. J. Schmitz + EL-SMI: Systems and Materials for Information storage, prof.dr. J.C. Lodder + EL-LDG: Lightwave Devices Group, prof.dr. A. Driessen, prof.dr. P.V. Lambeck + EL-TDT:
MESA+ has a strong relationship with industry, both through joint research projects with the larger multinational companies, and through a cooperation policy focused on small and medium-sized enterprises.
Testable Design and Testing of Microsystems, H.G. Kerkhoff + EL-TT: Micromechanical Transducers, prof.dr. M.C. Elwenspoek + TN-BFT: Biophysical Techniques, prof.dr. J. Greve + TN-CMS: Computational Materials Science, prof.dr. P.J. Kelly + TN-COPS: Complex Photonic Systems, prof.dr. A. Lagendijk + TN-LT: Low Temperature Division, prof.dr. H. Rogalla + TN-OT:
Optical Techniques, prof.dr. N.F. van Hulst + TN-VSF: Solid State Physics, B. Poelsema + TW-AAMP: Applied Analysis and Mathematical Physics, prof.dr. E.W.C. van Groesen
MESA+ Annual Report 2002
Changes in 2002
the eight institutions involved, the initiative matured
The third year of the current MESA+ scientific
to become a comprehensive national programme.
programme was a turbulent one; not only in a
Research focuses on 11 fields of nanotechnology,
scientific context, but also on a personal level. In spring 2002, Gerrit Gerritsma, our Programme Director for the
carried out by combining the extensive facilities of MESA+, DIMES, TNO-TPD and BioMade into a single,
TeraHertz SRO, was diagnosed with a life-threatening
virtual, national lab: NanoLab NL. The entire
disease. In autumn he lost this fight and, in Gerrit, we lose one of our pioneers in the MESA+ scientific
application for this was submitted in February 2003,
programme. We wish his wife and family strength
within the framework of the national programme ICES-
in their terrible loss.
KIS 3.
programme’s budget is 275 million and the
Gerrit’s work within MESA+ is being continued by
At the end of 2002, the Dutch Ministry of Economic
Jaap Flokstra. All Programme Directors are key figures
Affairs gave NanoNed a major boost by providing funds
in the development of our institute, responsible
for the first phase of the programme, with a budget of
for creating coherence in scientific activities across the multidisciplinary MESA+ programme and for
supports a sub-set of five of the 11 NanoNed
stimulating scientific progress.
programmes, as well as the start-up of NanoLab. The
46 million. This sub-programme, called NanoImpuls,
strong development of nanotechnology has led to new The current status of the Strategic Research
chairs being required in this important scientific field.
Orientations (SRO’s) is excellent: output, visibility and attractiveness to external funding have all exceeded
expectations. This is also reflected in the scientific
Members of MESA+ received a number of prestigious
careers of the individual Programme Directors, which
awards and research grants in 2002. Some of the most
was an intentional side effect of the SRO formula from
important included:
the very outset. Albert van den Berg accepted a chair in
• Ad Lagendijk receiving the Spinoza Award from the
Biomedical and Environmental Sensor Systems at our
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
university; Dave Blank accepted a chair in Inorganic
(NWO) for his work on the boundary between optics
Materials Science at our university; and Kobus Kuipers
and solid-state physics and the propagation of waves
accepted a group leader position in Nano-Photonics at the Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF) in Amsterdam. All three will maintain their SRO responsibilities until the end of 2004.
in strongly scattering media; • Albert van den Berg and Cock Lodder both receiving the Simon Stevin Mastership from the Dutch Technology Foundation (STW); • Gert-Jan Koster receiving a VENI grant;
The scientific output of MESA+ is increasing at the expected rate, reflecting the anticipated growth when
• Hans Hilgenkamp, Harold Zandvliet and Jurriaan Huskens receiving a VIDI award;
the programme was set up, in 1999. This has been
• Dave Blank receiving a VICI award;
achieved by maintaining a stable number of permanent
• Piet Bergveld receiving the Microsystem Leadership
scientific staff and reflects the integration and cohesion within MESA+, together with strong ambition and long working days. Preparations for the programme’s second five-year period are now in full
Award at the MicroTas 2002 meeting in Nara, Japan; and • Mercedes Crego Calama receiving a renewal of her KNAW fellowship.
swing. Discussions have already started and should lead to a new or upgraded set of SRO programmes,
VENI, VIDI and VICI grants are awarded to young and
starting in 2004.
promising researchers at different stages of their careers. They are presented by the Netherlands
Nanotechnology in the Netherlands In 2001, MESA+, together with DIMES (Delft) and BioMade (Groningen), took the initiative to create a nationwide nanotechnology programme called NanoNed. In 2002, after intensive discussions between
Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
Applied Nano Technology Systems (TwANTS),
Continuing the focus on nucleation and the growth of commercial spin-off activities connected with MESA+
is now in its pre-seed development phase.
is an explicit part of our mission, and further growth
Changes in the organisation
has been achieved in this area. An IPR arrangement on
The year 2002 saw intensive discussion on the
silicon microfluidics was reached with Lionix, in return
organisational structure within the University of
for shares in the company. On a similar basis, shares
Twente. Part of this was aimed at providing a more
are currently held in Micronit and Avantium.
dynamic structure to the research institutes and to facilitate multidisciplinary research across the
In December 2002, construction got underway of an
institutes’ various departments. Institutes now report
incubator unit, providing offices for start-ups and
directly to the University Board and have full financial
companies that have their technologists close to MESA+ facilities. The building is supported by the
responsibility, providing them with the necessary
European Fund for Regional Development. In recent
processes and to operate on an (inter)national level.
years, the number of start-ups and spin-offs in this
The institutes are now represented directly on
management structure for internal and external
field has grown by an average of two a year, to 20.
the university’s management team. Although the
The excellent growth rate of these companies shows
minimum requirements for the further development of MESA+ have been met, much will still depend
that a healthy foundation has been laid.
on the implementation phase in 2003. In 2002, MESA+ set up a private technology accelerator company to realise business development and IPR portfolio management, on the basis of the available knowledge base within MESA+. The company, Twente
The following pages comprise the scientific section of the MESA+ annual report, in the form of research highlights during 2002.
Two Simon Stevin Masters within MESA+
Prof. Dr. J. C. Lodder (62) was awarded for his pioneering
The STW Technology Foundation named Prof. Albert van
research on the magnetic storage of data. His group,
den Berg and Prof. Cock Lodder as the Simon Stevin
Systems and Materials for Information Storage, is
Masters for 2002: the Netherlands’ highest award for
researching new ways to store information. The hard
research in technical sciences. On 3 October 2002, they
drive is becoming outdated and Prof. Lodder now
were presented with the Simon Stevin sculpture by STW
heads a leading international group researching probe
director Erik van de Linde, along with 0.5 million prize
recording: writing and reading information through
money for their outstanding scientific research and
hundreds of tiny needles simultaneously. His approach
ability to attract industrial partners. The new Stevin
integrates research on recording materials, devices and
Masters can use the prize money for research in technical
complete systems.
sciences. STW selects candidates for the Simon Stevin Mastership Prof. A. van den Berg (44) received the highest honour for
by comparing appraisals of their research plans by different
his research on lab-on-a-chip: complete laboratories
juries. The productivity of the research group led by the
the size of a credit card, which use silicon chip
candidate is also taken into account. With the appointment
technology as their basis. Micro Chemical Systems, Prof. van den Berg’s group at MESA+, will put the
of Prof. Lodder and Prof. van den Berg, there are now nine
prize money towards the NanoScan project, aiming to
the STW Technology Foundation.
develop a system to obtain fluids for analysis from a single cell. Already, it is possible to painlessly extract miniscule amounts of blood with very small needles and Prof. van den Berg has developed a large number
of technologies and devices to pump, filter, mix, analyse or handle nanolitres, and even picolitres, of chemicals for lab-on-a-chip applications.
Stevin Masters who have received this honorary title from
Dave Blank receives NWO subsidy for excellent researchers
deposition system, developed at the University of
Prof. Dave Blank received a subsidy of 1.25 million from
design. Using equipment developed together with Guus
the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), for
Rijnders, the growth of materials can be monitored
his research into new materials for nanotechnology. This
at the atomic level, which also makes it possible to
so-called VICI subsidy is awarded to excellent researchers
deposit one molecular layer after another with atomic
who have successfully developed an innovative research
Twente, it is possible to realise materials of one’s own
line. The money will be used to establish a research group within the next five years.
Prof. David N. Reinhoudt, scientific director of MESA+, expressed his pride in this achievement: "It is, of
Prof. Dave H. A. Blank (49) was recently appointed
course, fantastic that we have someone in our midst
Professor of Inorganic Materials Science within MESA+
who, little over a month after his appointment as
at the University of Twente’s faculty of Science and
professor, has received a VICI grant. The research
Technology. He received the VICI subsidy for his
conducted by Blank is an important field within
research into nanodevices, based on artificially
nanotechnology and therefore strengthens MESA+."
constructed materials. By means of a pulsed laser
Spinoza Award 2002 for Ad Lagendijk
University of Twente’s MESA+ research institute.
On 28 August 2002, Prof. Ad Lagendijk (54) received
Lagendijk is well-known for his research on ‘pestering
the Spinoza Award 2002 from the Dutch Organisation
light’, as he calls it, which consists of localising and
for Scientific Research (NWO) in The Hague. The award,
manipulating light. Using advanced materials and
also known as the ‘Dutch Nobel Prize’, consists of
structures, he attempts to control the behaviour of
a small statue of Spinoza and 1.5 million. Ad Lagendijk,
light. This fundamental research could lead to new
Professor of Waves in Complex Media within MESA+,
applications in information technology, such as optical
is one of four Dutch scientists to receive this prestigious
telecommunication, microscopy and miniature lasers.
award in only eight occasions that the prize has been
Ad Lagendijk intends to use the prize money to enable
him to devote more time to research. "Both my staff and I need to spend more time on real science and let other people
On 1 March 2002, Ad Lagendijk, together with his
take care of the non-science parts. I would also like to make
colleague Prof. Willem Vos, established the research
it easier for scientists from abroad to join our group for
group Complex Photonic Systems (COPS) at the
anything from a month to a year."
Mercedes Crego Calama’s KNAW fellowship renewed
as well as the possibility of the researcher’s permanent
Mercedes Crego Calama, staff member at Twente
appointment at the university at the end of the project.
University’s Supramolecular Chemistry and Technology
At present, Dr. Crego supervises seven PhD students,
group, has received another two-year fellowship from
two post doctorate students and several undergraduate
the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences
students and technicians.
(KNAW), for her research on sensor arrays.
Dr. Crego said of the research project: "We are developing the technology for the high-speed fabrication and screening of
KNAW promotes the entire field of learning in the
a new generation of molecular sensors. The project is based
Netherlands. Fundamental research is tomorrow’s
on the new combinatorial approach. Combinatorial
applied research source and, thus, the basis of future
Chemistry is the art and science of synthesising and testing
applications. In 1986, KNAW established the academy
compounds for bio-activity en masse, instead of one by one.
researchers’ programme. Mercedes Crego Calama (35)
The general aim is to discover chemicals, catalysts and drugs
was among the 37 researchers appointed in 2000.
quicker and less expensively than was previously possible.
She comes from Salamanca, in Spain, and in 1997 she
We have discovered a very selective and sensitive way to
began her post doctorate research ‘Combinatorial
detect metal ions."
Library based on Self Assembled Nanocavities’ in
Three years ago, Dr. Crego’s comments on her stay in
Professor D. N. Reinhoudt’s group at Twente University.
the Netherlands were about the disadvantages of the
During her post doctorate, she wrote a proposal for a
Dutch weather, which was compensated by being able
project of five year’s duration. This proposal was
to work with a world-renowned team at an institution
submitted to KNAW, which awarded funding for the
with the same merit. Today, Dr. Crego says: "Obviously,
research for a period of three years. In 2002, KNAW
the weather has not changed and neither has the
supplied the funding for the remaining two years, after
quality of the team and institution. So…"
taking the quality of the research into consideration,
Integrated Optical Microcavity: A Photonic Structure For Biosensing
The Lightwave Devices Group (LDG) has proposed
We have demonstrated the use of the MC for refractive
the use of a photonic structure based on an integrated
index sensing (Figure 2a) and optical (fluorescence)
optical (IO) microcavity (MC) as a new tool for
spectroscopy (Figure 2b). As a multiple interference
spectroscopy and sensing of (bio)molecules. Due to
device, the IO MC offers the following advantages
its resonant properties and compactness, MC-assisted
for biosensing compared to conventional, straight
analyte detection may become a major innovation in
waveguide-based sensors:
(bio)sensing. (i) Resonant-enhanced sensitivity, proportional to the Q of the MC, i.e., a resolution better than 10-7 A MC-based sensor consists of a high refractive index
refractive index units in index sensing and
disk positioned in between two straight waveguides
potential improvement by a factor of 50 in
(Figure 1a). This disk, when evanescently excited by the laser light coupled into the waveguide, is capable
fluorescence sensing versus waveguide excitation. (ii) Compactness (from 5 to 15 Âľm in radius), which
of supporting high-Q resonances at specific laser
allows a reduction of analyte volume to several
wavelengths. At resonance, the intracavity intensity is many times enhanced inside the MC and can be
femtolitres. (iii) Compatibility with IO technology, which enables
observed as a bright light circle at the rim of the MC
combinations of many MCs (104 - 105 per cm2)
(Figure 1b). This resonant-enhanced field can efficiently
on a single chip and integration with a lab-on-chip.
probe analyte molecules in the evanescent field of the MC mode.
Fig. 1. (a) A schematic view of the MC-sensor coupled to two
Fig. 2. (a) The scattering spectra from the MC recorded
waveguides. The device was realised in Si3N4 on SiO2 technology. The MC is excited by the tunable laser light
with increasing concentrations of glucose applied on top
source coupled into one of the waveguides. Refractive index
wavelength. (b) Fluorescence excitation spectrum of
sensing: an analyte on top of the MC induces a change in the
Indocyanine Green (IR absorbing dye) excited near a MC
scattering signal Ps measured from the top, in transmittance (Pt) or in reflectance (Pr). Fluorescence sensing: top-emitted
resonance, showing an enhancement of about 3 in the
fluorescence Pfluo from an analyte evanescently excited at the MC surface is detected. (b) Top CCD image of the MC
resonance. The sampling volume is estimated to be about
(R = 15 Âľm) showing an enhancement of the intracavity field
at resonance.
of the MC, showing a progressive upshift of the resonance
fluorescence emission intensity, when the MC is tuned to its 7 femtolitres in both cases.
Figure 3. Conceptual layout of 5x5 multiple MCs combined into a sensing platform. Many MC sensors can be combined on a single chip. A number of different schemes incorporating many MCs can be proposed, in which refractive index and fluorescence sensing modes can be applied simultaneously on a single platform (Figure 3). By functionalising the sensing area of each MC in such an array, a high throughput biosensing platform can be realised with potential applications in express genomic analysis, drug screening, etc. As a result of this successful research, it is expected that other resonant photonic structures will also be of interest for (bio)sensing applications. This work has been carried out in the framework of the collaborative project between Biophysical Techniques and the Lightwave Devices Group and was financially supported by the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) (grant number: 98PR1771).
Publications – E. Krioukov, D.J.W. Klunder, A. Driessen, J. Greve and C. Otto: A new type of sensor based on an integrated optical microcavity. Opt. Lett. 27, p. 512-514 (2002). – E. Krioukov, D.J.W. Klunder, A. Driessen, J. Greve and C. Otto: Integrated optical microcavities for enhanced evanescent wave spectroscopy. Opt. Lett. 27, p. 1504-1506 (2002).
Microfabrication of palladium-silver alloy membranes for hydrogen separation
Recent years have seen an increased demand for hydrogen in many sectors, including petroleum refining, petrochemical and material processing and new energy-related applications, e.g. clean fuel for fuel cells and vehicles. This has led to a revival of interest in methods concerning separation and purification of hydrogen from gas mixtures. Palladium (Pd)-based membranes have been the subject of many studies, largely due to their unmatched potential as hydrogenselective membranes for separation or purification
Figure 1.
and membrane reactors for dehydrogenation.
SEM picture of the microfabricated Pd-Ag membranes; 200-750 nm thick Pd-Ag membranes are supported by a strong silicon nitride microsieves.
The conventional technologies have a number of limitations. For example, the fabrication methods result in thick palladium films for tube-type membranes, or the gas selectivity is often poor due to insufficient step coverage of thin Pd film on porous supports. Recent developments at MESA+ have focused on the utilisation of microfabrication technology (a sequence of well-known thin film and silicon micromachining techniques) as a novel approach for fabricating extremely thin, pin-hole free Pd composite membranes. This can offer a dramatic increase in the flux and the selectivity of the membrane, plus potential reductions in costs (see Figure 1). Figure 2. The measuring results illustrate that the microfabricated
Dependence of hydrogen fluxes on hydrogen pressure
PdAg membranes have the proper mechanical strength,
in retentate side. The membrane was 700 nm thick
high hydrogen flux as well as high selectivity (see Figure
of Pd-Ag and the temperature was kept at 4500C.
2). This membrane can be used for hydrogen purification
Note: average flow rates for period of 100 hours was used
from gas mixtures, or as a membrane reactor for
for the graph.
hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions. Partners: Transducer Science and Technology Group, MESA+ Research Institute, University of Twente, The Netherlands. Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Aquamarijn Micro Filtration B.V., Hengelo Gld., The Netherlands
Publications – H.D. Tong, F.C. Gielens, J.W. Berenschot, M.J. De Boer, J.G.E. Gardeniers, W. Nijdam, C.J.M. van Rijn and M.C. Elwenspoek: Fabrication and characterization of MEMS based wafer-scale palladium-silver alloy membranes for hydrogen separation and hydrogenation/dehydrogenation reactions. Proc.IEEE Conf. MEMS’02, p.268-272. – F.C. Gielens, H. D. Tong, C.J.M. van Rijn, M.A.G. Vorstman and J.T.F. Keurentjes: High-flux palladium-silver alloy membranes fabricated by microsystem technology. Desalination 147 (2002) p 417-423.
Nanostructure of Supramolecular Assemblies of Hydrogen-Bonded Rosettes on Graphite
The self-assembly of low molecular weight building blocks into noncovalent polymeric nanostructures has become a promising alternative in nanotechnology for the construction of molecular scale devices via the socalled bottom-up approach. For this purpose, several requisites have to be fulfilled. In the first place, the components involved in the final molecular construction sets should serve as platforms for the incorporation of further functional groups, in such a way that the final molecular construction sets will inherit the recognition and electronic and/or magnetic properties of the new functionalities introduced. Secondly, the molecules should self-organise on the substrates by self-assembly.
Researchers from the Supramolecular and Technology group have developed a supramolecular system with nanodimensions of 3.3 x 3 nm, namely tetrarosette assembly. This system is the result of the spontaneous self-assembly in apolar media of three molecules
Schematic representation and gas phase minimised structure
of tetramelamine and 12 molecules of a barbiturate
of the tetrarosette assembly. (A) Unfiltered high resolution
derivative as a result of 72 cooperative hydrogen bonds.
tapping mode AFM phase image of the tetrarosette nanorod
Moreover, the group demonstrated that it is possible to
domain structure; (Inset) 2D fast Fourier transform. (B)
introduce new chemical functionalities in the building
Fourier filtered section of raw data shown in A and unit cell
blocks without disturbing their capability to form the
of the lattice structure.
assemblies. In the year 2002, the self-organisation of these assemblies into ordered nanostructures on high oriented pyrolitic graphite (HOPG) surfaces has been studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in collaboration with the Material Science and Technology of Polymers group. The results show that the tetrarosette assembly arranges in parallel rows with a spacing of 4.6 ± 0.1 nm. Furthermore, high resolution AFM images revealed a superstructure for the internal packing of the assemblies. This superstructure can be described as a unit cell with an oblique lattice of a = 2.5 ± 0.3 nm, b = 5.0 ± 0.1 nm and γ = 122 ± 3°. The perfect order of these assemblies into well-defined 2D structures on HOPG, together with the versatility of the building
Publications – H. Schönherr, V. Paraschiv, S. Zapotoczny, M. Crego-Calama,
blocks for chemical modification, makes these
P. Timmerman, C.W. Frank, G.J. Vancso and D.N. Reinhoudt:
assemblies an ideal platform for tailoring surface
Proc. Ntl. Am. Soc 2002, 8, p. 5024-5027.
Measuring Spin Polarisation with Superconducting Contacts
Less than ten years after the Giant MagnetoResistance
By reformulating PCAR in terms of scattering matrices,
(GMR) effect was discovered in magnetic multilayers
the Computational Materials Science group was able
in 1988, it was commercially applied to the reading of
to make detailed, material-specific calculations.
information stored on magnetic hard-disk drives. This
These took into account the spin-dependent interface
success stimulated a large amount of research on spin-
reflection and transmission without introducing any
dependent electrical transport and refocused attention
fitting parameters. Comparison with the measured
on how the spin-polarisation of magnetic material is
results for Pb/Cu, Pb/Ni and Pb/Co allowed us to
conclude that the formalism conventionally used to describe transport through ferromagnet/ superconducting interfaces is incomplete and
At an interface between normal and superconducting
that PCAR measurements do not determine bulk
metals, there is an enhancement of the conductance.
This occurs because a Cooper pair in a superconductor carries double the charge of an electron in the normal material which is 'retro-reflected' at the interface – an effect called Andreev reflection (see figure). This enhancement should be suppressed when the normal metal is replaced by a ferromagnetic metal and the degree of suppression depends on the spinpolarisation of the ferromagnet. Determining spin-polarisation using Point Contact Andreev Reflection (PCAR) has received a great deal of attention. However, the determination is indirect because it requires fitting the measured currentvoltage characteristic to a theoretical model and as such depends on the details of the theoretical model.
A spin-up electron incident from the left on a normal metal
A good fit could be achieved without including any
(N) must pair up with a spin-down electron in order to be
spin-dependence of the interface transparency
able to pass into the superconducting metal (S) on the right
– which is especially surprising considering that such
where the charge carriers are Cooper pairs. In other words,
a spin-dependence is the origin of the GMR effect!
the first spin-up electron is 'retro-reflected' as a spin-down hole.
Publications – JK. Xia, P.J. Kelly, G.E.W. Bauer and I. Turek: Spin-dependent transparency of ferromagnet/superconductor interfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) 166603.
Substrate topology orders block copolymer domains for nanolithography
The Materials Science and Technology of Polymers (MTP) group explores the use of self-assembled di-block copolymers as templates for various nanofabrication approaches. The di-block copolymers employed consist of an etch-resistant organometallic block, connected to an organic block at well-defined total chain length and block length ratio. Thin films of these copolymers can form different structures, such as organometallic spherical domains with diameters on the nanoscale, embedded in the matrix of the organic component.
Nanodots ordered in prefabricated silica grooves after reactive ion etching. Groove width: 240 nm; dot size: 20 nm.
In a collaboration with Prof. N.P. Balsara of the University of California at Berkeley, we developed a thermodynamic understanding which governs this phase separation [1]. If such thin films are coated to substrates like Si, and exposed to reactive ion etching conditions, areas covered by the organometallic nanodomains are selectively protected. Thus the negative of the corresponding patterns will be etched into the substrate. Self-assembly generally produces structures that possess only short-range order. However, long-range order can be imposed if self-assembly takes place on a template. Ordered rows of domains form within the grooves, but, unexpectedly, the domain periodicity is not uniform across the groove. Defects and dislocations in the domain array can be deliberately introduced by variations in groove geometry. This model system illustrates the power of the templating process in its ability to tailor the spacing of a self-assembled structure and to engineer the location of defects, which enables the design of precisely patterned hierarchical structures for a variety of applications. These results were achieved in a collaborative project with the groups of professor C.A. Ross and E.L. Thomas of MIT [2].
Publications – [1] H. B. Eitouni, N.P. Balsara, H. Hahn, J. A. Pople and M. A. Hempenius: Macromolecules, 35, p. 7765-7772 (2002). – [2] J. Y. Cheng, C. A. Ross, E. L. Thomas, Henry I. Smith, and G. J. Vancso: Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, p. 3657 (2002).
A New Methodology for Testing Analogue Cores in Mixed-Signal System-on-Chips
As the new generations of complex ICs (100 million
Finally, an innovative way of propagating the generated
transistors), such as those required for 3G-mobile
test signals for embedded cores to the external pins
communication and advanced televisions, require a
(primary inputs and outputs) of such a complex SoC
great deal of time and effort in design and testing, and
has been implemented. It is based on the PID algorithm
have incredibly short life cycles (c. nine months), only
originating from the control theory.
the Systems-on-Chip (SoC) approach seems feasible.
The figure below shows the subsequent automatically
This approach reuses designs and tests of functional
generated analogue test signal for an embedded
blocks, so-called IPs (Intellectual Property). These
operational amplifier (OPAMP) core. This is required for
implemented IPs, referred to as cores, can be complete
detecting an internal bridging fault (type of short) in
microprocessors, large memories of different types
the circuit. The next signal shows the generated signal
(e.g. DRAM, SRAM or EEPROMS), and dedicated cores,
required at the primary input of the SoC, for when the
such as a USB interface or mixed-signal data
operational amplifier is preceded by a (fault-free)
converters. These cores are usually interconnected
analogue voltage buffer. The last signal depicts the
by means of standardised busses.
primary output of the SoC after propagating the output of the embedded (faulty) amplifier via a voltage-tocurrent converter. Care has been taken that there is a
For the cores, the VSIA standardisation for the design-
significant measurement difference between the fault-
data exchange between the different core vendors and
free and faulty cases, even in the presence of allowed
core users has been developed, while the emerging
process variations.
P1500 standard is now being suggested for testing pure digital SoCs on the basis of individual core tests. At the beginning of 2000, the MESA+ TDT group had already suggested firstly extending P1500 to analogue
Waveform input for faulty core Waveform input for faulty core
Waveform Input to primary input SoC
Waveform primary SoC (Faculty embedded core)
Automatically generated input signal for a bridging fault in an embedded OPAMP core
Generated input signal at primary input of a SoC using the PID back-trace algorithm (preceding buffer)
Resulting signal at primary output of SoC (succeeding VI converter) in the event of a faulty OPAMP core
and mixed-signal cores, consequently enabling a complete mixed-signal test architecture for these SoCs. This is important, as the vast majority of SoCs are expected to incorporate analogue and mixed-signal cores in the years ahead. At the end of 2002, the TDT group finalised and published a complete environment. Consisting of methods, hardware and software tools, this made the testing of analogue cores in a complex mixed-signal SoC a practical reality. First, a software tool was developed which
This complete test environment has been verified on
automatically generates the proper analogue signals
an actual design. This includes using our advanced
for detecting actual physical manufacturing defects in
mixed-signal test system at the MESA Test Centre.
analogue cores. This process is guided by the derived
The result is the outcome of more than ten years of
testability factors of nodes in the core transistor netlist
research, which will be recognised by the award of two
which indicate potential test problems. It selects the
PhDs in 2003.
proper frequencies of sinusoidal input signals which are easy to generate in hardware.
Secondly, a tool was developed for finding weak testability spots between cores in a complex SoC. This enables designers to avoid these weak spots
Publications – M. Stancic, L. Fang, M. Weusthof, R. Tijink and H. Kerkhoff:
during the necessary insertion of dedicated, P1500
A New Test Generation Approach for Embedded Analogue Cores
compatible, test hardware. The required architecture
in System-on-Chip. IEEE International Test Conference (ITC),
and design of these mixed-signal wrapper cells around
Baltimore USA, Oct. 2002, p. 861 - 869.
cores has also been proposed and carried out.
The CantiClever: A dedicated probe for magnetic force microscopy
Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) is a scanning probe technique used for generating a high-resolution image of stray fields above a magnetic thin film. Requiring very little sample preparation, MFM is the instrument of choice for the analysis of bit patterns in hard disks. However, the tremendous increases in the data density of magnetic storage systems has pushed the bit size down into the nanometer range, close to the maximum resolution of current MFM’s. This resolution, which is currently limited by the geometry of the magnetic tip, has to be improved if the hard disk research community is not to lose a very powerful imaging technique.
Figure 1. CantiClever
In response to this challenge, the SMI group has invented the CantiClever process. This enables virtually perfect MFM tips to be produced in the MESA+ clean room in a highly reproducible manufacturing process. Unlike commercially available probes, which are merely prepared by depositing magnetic layers on AFM cantilevers, the new design integrates the magnetic probe and the cantilever in a single fabrication process. Figure 2. CAMST reference sample
The CantiClever process allows control of the cross section of the magnetic needle in the nanometer range, by defining both lateral dimensions using thin film deposition techniques. The magnetic tip is made by depositing magnetic material on the side of a free hanging, ultra-thin SiN layer. The width and thickness of the magnetic tip are defined by the thickness of this tip plane and the magnetic layer, respectively. The length of the tip is defined using photolithography. Using anisotropic wet chemical etching of silicon and deposition of silicon nitride layers in a low stress LPCVD process, MFM tips were realised with tip cross sections as small as 50x50 nm with a length of 20 microns. On a special sample used for resolution benchmarking of MFM’s, magnetic features as small as 30 nm could be observed using a tip with a 50 nm cross section. This is comparable to the best commercial sensors available. It is expected that the cross section of the tip will be reduced to even smaller sizes and that the resolution can be improved to 10 nm and possibly even lower.
Publications – A. van den Bos, I. Heskamp, M. Siekmann, L. Abelmann and C. Lodder: The CantiClever: a dedicated probe for magnetic force microscopy. IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 38 (2002), p. 2441-2443. – A.G. Van den Bos, L.Abelmann and J.C.Lodder: Probe en werkwijze voor de vervaardiging van een dergelijke probe. Patent Nr. PCT NL02/00842.
Photonic crystals: ultrafast switching of emission and storage of light
Photonic crystals are nanostructured optical materials
Such control over the band gap is based on switching
that are currently generating a lot of interest as
of the refractive index of the semiconductor backbone
prospective `semiconductors for light'. Such materials
of the photonic crystals. Photons in a short pump
are expected to allow full control over the propagation
pulse excite free charge carriers in the semiconductor,
and emission of light. The wide range of possibilities
causing a large reduction of its refractive index.
offered by photonic crystals will be greatly enhanced
Consequently, the photonic band gap for probe light
if the photonic properties can be switched in time.
exhibits a major shift in frequency in a matter
As part of the Advanced Photonic Structures project,
of femtoseconds (Figure 2). We have theoretically
the Complex Photonic Systems group is pioneering
investigated the effect and feasibility of this switching
a method to control photonic crystals on ultrafast
method for GaAs and Si inverse opals.
timescales. The switching effect at a certain probe frequency, set by the emission wavelength of the embedded light To this end, the availability of high-quality thin films
source, is of major importance for manipulating
Photonic crystals are composite dielectric materials in
efficient miniature light sources. The emission decay
which the refractive index varies periodically on length
rate of embedded quantum dots or fluorescent
scales comparable to the wavelength of light. To
molecules can, for instance, be switched from
achieve a sufficiently high refractive index contrast
accelerated decay to complete inhibition of emission,
between the constituents, and for suitably engineered
or vice versa. Using multiple switching pulses in
3D geometry, a photonic band gap can occur. Like the
succession, one can also switch off emission with
energy gap for electrons in a semiconductor, a photonic
a first pump pulse, and then switch it on again with
band gap is a frequency window for which propagation
a second pulse that further reduces the refractive index
of photons is forbidden in all directions. A band gap
of the semiconductor. Most importantly, this type of
promises full control over spontaneous emission of
switching can be done at a rate independent of the
light sources: emission can be either accelerated or
relaxation time of the semiconductor backbone.
completely forbidden.
This switching method will not only be useful for controlling emission. It opens up a wide range of
Figure 1 shows a photonic ‘inverse opal': an array of
opportunities based on the switching of, for instance,
submicron air spheres ordered in a face-centred cubic
wavelength-size microcavities embedded as point
crystal lattice. We have recently observed five-fold
defects in the photonic crystal backbone. The ability to
modified spontaneous emission in such photonic
quickly open or close the gap at the cavity frequency
crystals made of titanium dioxide. Inverse opals will
may allow photons to be encaged near defects for a
have a photonic band gap if the space between the air
specified time. Control of emission and storage of light
spheres is filled with, for example, silicon or gallium arsenide, which is currently being set up at MESA+.
are useful for applications involving nanoscale lasers
In addition, new methods are being developed in
This work has recently led to a patent application.
collaboration with ASML, Philips and the group of John Kelly and DaniĂŤl Vanmaekelbergh at Utrecht University, to create semiconductor photonic crystals by etching. These semiconductors are ideally suited for realising all-optical and ultrafast switching of photonic band
and optical (quantum) information processing.
Figure 2. Spontaneous emission rate relative to the free space decay rate versus normalised optical frequency, before (blue) and after (red) switching a GaAs inverse opal. At the frequency indicated in green, emission can be switched from completely inhibited to eight-fold accelerated. Depending on the optical frequency, different switching schemes are possible. Band gaps are indicated by coloured bars at the bottom. Figure 1. SEM micrograph of a photonic inverse opal of air spheres (radius ~ 350 nm) in a backbone of titanium dioxide.
Publications – P. M. Johnson, A. F. Koenderink and W. L. Vos: Ultrafast switching of photonic density of states in photonic crystals. Phys. Rev. B 66, 081102(R) (2002). – A. F. Koenderink, L. Bechger, H. P. Schriemer, A. Lagendijk and W. L. Vos: Broadband fivefold reduction of vacuum fluctuations probed by dyes in photonic crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88,143903 (2002). – A. F. Koenderink: Emission and transport of light in photonic crystals. PhD Thesis, University of Amsterdam (2003).
Thermal Noise Cancelling in Wideband Low Noise Amplifiers
Noise is a problem in almost any amplifier, but
Normally we use node Y as output. Now, by adding
especially in the first amplifier of wireless
weighted versions of the signals at node X and Y, we
communication receiver systems. Antenna signal
have created a new output. To show that this cancels
strengths may be well below one microVolt, which is
the noise of M1, the noise is modelled by a current
far too low for direct processing via analogue to digital converters or mixers. A low noise amplifier is therefore
In1 (red-coloured, noisy signal). This current flows via resistor R – and the source resistance RS – to ground,
used to first amplify the antenna signal. To avoid
resulting in two fully correlated noise voltages at node
reflections at the operating frequency in the GHz range,
X and Y. These noise voltages have the same 'shape'
this amplifier needs to have an input impedance which
as a function of time, but have different amplitude.
is 'matched' to the antenna impedance – typically
The noise voltage at node X is amplified by an
50 ohm. Implementing this matching impedance via
inverting amplifier A, again resulting in a fully
a resistor is usually unacceptable as the resistor adds
correlated but now anti-phase noise signal. If the
too much thermal noise. To solve this problem, these
amplification 'A' has the right value, the noise voltages
amplifiers are commonly implemented using an
cancel after addition at the output. In contrast,
integrated inductor and capacitor in a resonator circuit.
the desired signals that come from the source add
Close to the resonance frequency, this network renders
constructively (blue coloured sine wave signal).
the desired resistive input impedance and
Thus we achieve gain and input impedance matching
amplification, while inductors and capacitors ideally
for signals coming from the source, while cancelling
do not add thermal noise.
the key thermal noise contribution of transistor M1.
Inductors do, however, take up a large part of the chip area, and limit the flexibility of the radio receiver, as each radio band requires its own resonator. This is becoming increasingly impractical with the trend towards multi-band radio receivers being integrated on a single chip (e.g. 3-band GSM phone). The ultimate system designer's dream is to implement the radio functionality in software for maximum flexibility ('software radio'). For this purpose a flexible, (i.e. wideband) amplifier is needed to amplify the weak antenna signals prior to analogue to digital conversion. The IC Design group developed a new noise cancelling technique to enable flexible wideband amplification. This technique does not exploit inflexible inductors to achieve low noise, but instead cancels the key thermal noise contribution which is generally associated with the impedance-matching device. Figure 1 shows the principle of the new noise cancellation technique. The well-known amplifier configuration consisting of
M1 and resistor R realises an amplifier with the desired matching impedance. However, its noise is problematic and we therefore demonstrated how to eliminate the noise.
Figure 1: Noise Cancellation Principle
We designed a chip to demonstrate the feasibility of noise cancellation. The amplifier A and adder can actually be implemented with only two transistors (not shown for simplicity) [1]. The amplifier has 14dB of gain over 2GHz of bandwidth, covering the most important communication bands for mobile telephony. It can therefore replace multiple inductor-based amplifiers – for example, the three amplifiers in a triple-band GSM phone. Figure 2 shows a photo of a chip realised in an industrial CMOS process with 0.25-micrometer minimum feature size. The chip area is 0.08 mm2, which is smaller than the typical area taken by even one inductor. The noise figure, a quality measurement for noise performance, is between 2 and 3dB over the whole band, which is comparable to inductor-based amplifiers. This work was presented at the ISSCC conference [1] and received the 'Jan van Vessem' award for the best European paper.
Figure 2: Chip photograph
Figure 3: Noise Figure Performance
Publications – [1] F. Bruccoleri, E. A. M. Klumperink and B. Nauta: Noise Cancelling in Wideband CMOS LNAs. Proceedings of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), Vol. 45, Paper 24.6, p. 406-407, San Francisco, 6 February 2002.
A two stage SQUID system for the readout of MiniGRAIL
The Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
of the AlOx barrier layer of the Josephson junctions.
(SQUID) is one of the most successful applications of
The thickness of this layer (about 1 nm) is controlled
superconductivity. It is renowned for being the most
by the oxygen pressure and determines important
sensitive sensor for magnetic flux currently available,
parameters of the SQUIDs, such as the critical current,
with a sensitivity that can approach the quantum limit
i.e. the maximum current at which the SQUID is
and a frequency response that extends from dc to a
few GHz. At the Low Temperature Division, we have developed new SQUID concepts based on a Double
Other topics that are studied within this project
Relaxation Oscillation SQUID (DROS). This resulted in
include the damping of resonances in the flux
digital SQUIDs with very high slew rates and two-stage
transformer network, (RF) filtering of the wires
SQUID systems with very low noise levels (Figure 1).
between the SQUIDs and the room temperature electronics, and the design of shielded SQUID modules.
The two-stage SQUID systems based on DROSs are deployed in a spherical gravitational wave antenna called MiniGRAIL ( A complete SQUID readout for the antenna is currently being developed in cooperation with Leiden University. If a gravitational wave excites the sphere, with a diameter of 65 cm, it will show a size variation of the order of 10-20m, i.e. ten billion times smaller than the size of an atom. In order to amplify these extremely small displacements, two mechanical resonators with a large
Figure 1.
quality factor and with decreasing masses are used.
Micrograph of an integrated two-stage SQUID system
A superconducting plate is mounted on top of the last mass, which modulates the magnetic field generated by a persistent current in a superconducting coil. The superconducting coil is coupled to a nearly quantum limited two-stage SQUID system via a flux transformer network. In this way, the small displacement is converted to a flux change in the sensor SQUID. The output signal of the sensor SQUID is amplified by a DROS to prevent the overall system sensitivity being limited by the room temperature readout electronics. Figure 2 gives a schematic overview of the SQUID readout of the MiniGRAIL. Figure 2. By cooling down the SQUIDs to a temperature around
Schematic overview of the SQUID readout
20 mK, the energy resolution of the SQUID can in
of a gravitational wave antenna.
principle reach the quantum limit (~h). However,
cooling down the SQUID to the mK range is not easy. For example, Joule heating in the shunt resistors of the SQUID causes the temperature of the SQUID to level off. To prevent this so-called hot-electron effect, new SQUIDs have been designed with cooling fins added to the resistors, in order that the SQUID can be cooled down to lower temperatures.
Publications – M. Podt: Wideband low-noise integrated SQUID systems. Ph.D. thesis, University of Twente (2002). – M. Podt, J. Flokstra and H. Rogalla: Low-noise SQUIDs with large transfer: Two-stage SQUIDs based on DROSs. Physica C vol. 372-376 (2002), p. 225-228. – Supergevoelige sensor: Twentse SQUID kan zwaartekrachts-
The SQUIDs have been fabricated using the lift-off technique, sputtering and reactive ion etching. A crucial step in the fabrication process is the growth
golven oppikken. NRC Handelsblad (18-1-2003).
MESA+ Scientific Publications 2002
PHD THESES Beekmans, L.G.M. Morphology Development in Semi-Crystalline Polymers by in situ Scanning Force Microscopy. (2002, februari 8). 127 pp. Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. G.J. Vancso. ISBN: 90 365 1714 1 Baar, J.J. van Distributed thermal micro sensors for fluid flow. (2002, november 13). 132 pp. Enschede Universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. M.C. Elwenspoek, P.P.L. Regtien. ISBN: 9036518288 Bartolome pocar, M.E. Cryogenic current comparators with optimum SQUID readout for current and resistance quantum metrology. (2002, maart 1). 194 pp. Enschede Ipskamp Print Partners Thesis advisor(s): Prof. H. Rogalla, J. Flokstra. ISBN: 90-365-1701-x Blom, M.T. On-chip separation and sensing systems for hydrodynamic chromatography. (2002, december 13). 233 pp. Enschede Universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): A. van den Berg, R.E. Oosterbroek, R.P Tijssen. ISBN: 9036518415 Bouwman, P.J. Lithium intercalation in preferentially oriented submicron LiCoO2 films. (2002, april 5). 188 pp. Enschede Universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): D.N. Reinhoudt, P.H.L. Notten, Dr. B.A. Boukamp. ISBN: 90-365-1728-1 Chevtchenko, O.A. On the application of HighTc superconductors in power coils and transformers. (2002, oktober 17). 152 pp. Enschede Universiteit Twente Thesis advisor(s): H.H.J. ten Kate. ISBN: 90365-1791-5 Diehl, J.G.R. Liquid chromatography / electrochemistry / mass spectrometry of ferrocene derivatives. (2002, februari 22). 150 pp. Enschede Twente University Press Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. U. Karst, J.H.A. de Smit. ISBN: 9036517184 Doeswijk, L.M. Pulsed Laser Deposition of Oxides on Silicon: Exploring their Passivating Qualities. (2002, november 8). 136 pp. Enschede Febodruk B.V. Thesis advisor(s): Prof. H. Rogalla, Prof.Dr.Ing. D.H.A. Blank. ISBN: 90-365-1810-5
Erve, O.M.J. van 't Device properties of the spin-valve transistor and the magnetic tunnel transistor. (2002, mei 17). 128 pp. Enschede Twente University Press Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. J.C. Lodder. ISBN: 9036517354 Fiammengo, R. Supramolecular mimics of heme-protein binding sites. (2002, september 27). 163 pp. Enschede Thesis advisor(s): D.N. Reinhoudt, Dr. M. Crego calama. ISBN: 9036518040 Gaal, S.B. Novel methods to calculate guided and radiation modes in slab en channel waveguides. (2002, december 19). 130 pp. Enschede University Press Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. T.J.A. Popma, Prof.dr. P. Richter, Dr. H.J.W.M. Hoekstra. ISBN: 9036518504 Golo-Tosic, N. Electrostatic Discharge Effects in Thin Film Transistors. (2002, oktober 2). 132 pp. Enschede, The Netherlands Twente University Press Thesis advisor(s): F.G. Kuper, A.J. Mouthaan. ISBN: 9036518091 Gomez Rivas, J. Light in strongly scattering semiconductors; diffuse transport and Anderson localization. (2002, april 16). 137 pp. Amsterdam Universiteit van Amsterdam Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. A. Lagendijk, Dr. R. Sprik. ISBN: 90-5776-082-7 Gonzalez Cuenca, M.M. Novel anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells. (2002, augustus 30). 151 pp. Enschede Twente University Press Thesis advisor(s): D.N. Reinhoudt, Prof.dr. J. Schoonman, Dr. B.A. Boukamp. ISBN: 90-365-17907 Hebbink, G.A. Luminescent materials based on lanthanide ions. Basic properties and application in NIR-LEDs and optical amplifiers. (2002, augustus 29). 163 pp. Enschede Thesis advisor(s): D.N. Reinhoudt, F.C.J.M. van Veggel. ISBN: 9036517869 Klunder, D.J.W. Photon Physics in Integrated Optics Microresonator. (2002, oktober 4). 136 pp. Enschede University Press Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. T.J.A. Popma, Dr. H.J.W.M. Hoekstra. ISBN: 90-365-1802-4 Meyer, W.V. Volume and Interface Studies of Complex Liquid Media. (2002, december 13). 127 pp. Amsterdam Universiteit van Amsterdam Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. A. Lagendijk, Dr. G.H. Wegdam.
Middel, O. Cavitand and calixarene modules for capsules and water-soluble receptors. (2002, januari 11). 198 pp. Enschede Thesis advisor(s): D.N. Reinhoudt, Dr. W. Verboom. ISBN: 90-365-1684-6 Peter, M. Engineering of Surfaces with Organometallic Poly(ferrocenylsilanes). (2002, maart 15). 161 pp. Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. G.J. Vancso, Dr. M.A. Hempenius. ISBN: 90 365 1715 x Reeuwijk, S.J. van Deformations in Crystals Induced by External Electric Fields. (2002, november 21). 133 pp. Enschede Twente University Press Thesis advisor(s): Prof. H. Rogalla, Dr. ir. H. Graafsma. ISBN: 9036518253 Rensen, W.H.J. Tuning fork tunes: exploring new scanning probe techniques. (2002, mei 17). 117 pp. Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. N.F. van Hulst. ISBN: 90-365-1753-2 Roeloffzen, C.G.H. Passband flattened binarytree structured add-drop multiplexers using SION waveguide technology. (2002, september 25). 142 pp. Enschede University Press Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. T.J.A. Popma, R.M. de Ridder. ISBN: 90-365-1803-2 Schulte-Ladbeck, R.J. Trace analysis of peroxide-based explosives and related compounds. (2002, december 19). 129 pp. Enschede Twente University Press Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. U. Karst, Prof.dr. J. Feijen. ISBN: 9036518512 Segeren, L.H.G.J. Microparticle Adhesion in Xerography. A Combined Atomic Force Microscopy and Inverse Gas Chromatography Approach. (2002, juni 21). 198 pp. Enschede Twente University Press Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. G.J. Vancso, Dr. J.W.A. van den Berg. ISBN: 90 365 177 29 Visser, T.P.P. Modelling and Analysis of Long Josephson Junctions. (2002, juni 7). 103 pp. Enschede TUP Thesis advisor(s): E.W.C. van Groesen, Dr. S.A. van Gils. ISBN: 9036517591 Wensink, H. Fabrication of microstructures by powder blasting. (2002, februari 22). 144 pp. Enschede Thesis advisor(s): Prof.dr. M.C. Elwenspoek. ISBN: 90-365-1698-6
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MESA+ Governing Board, Scientific Advisory Board and Management in 2002
MESA+ Governing Board Ir. J.J.M. Mulderink Dr. A.J. Nijman Prof. dr. ir. J.H.A. de Smit, Prof.dr. J. Feijen Ir. C.M. Vermeulen Prof. dr. H. Wallinga, Prof.dr. W.H.M Zijm Ir. M. Westermann
Chairman of the Foundation for Development of Sustainable Chemistry Director Research Strategy & Business Development Philips NatLab, Eindhoven Dean Faculty of Applied Physics and Faculty of Chemical Engineering Managing director of Constant Venture B.V., Amsterdam Dean Faculty of Electrical Engineering Managing director of Twinning, Amsterdam
MESA+ Scientific Advisory Board Dr. J.G. Bednorz Prof. H. Fujita Prof. M. Möller Dr. H. Rohrer Prof. F. Stoddart Prof. E. Thomas Prof. E. Vittoz Prof. G. Whitesides
IBM Zürich Research Laboratory, Switzerland University of Tokyo, Japan University of Ulm, Germany IBM Zürich Research Laboratory, Switzerland University of California, Los Angeles Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM), Switzerland Harvard University, USA
MESA+ Management Prof. dr. ir. D.N. Reinhoudt Dr. C.J.M. Eijkel
Scientific Director Technical-Commercial Director
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