MESA+ Annual report 2009

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MESA+ Annual Report 2009


Preface................................................................................................................................................................ 4 About MESA+, in a nutshell........................................................................................................................... 8 MESA+ Strategic Research Orientations................................................................................................ 10

Commercialization....................................................................................................................................... 18 The Dutch Nano-landscape........................................................................................................................ 20 National NanoLab facilities....................................................................................................................... 22

International Networks............................................................................................................................... 24 Education........................................................................................................................................................ 26

Awards, honours and appointments....................................................................................................... 28






























MESA+ Scientific Publications 2009....................................................................................................... 62

About MESA+

MESA+ Governance Structure.................................................................................................................. 68

Applied Analysis & Mathematical Physics........................................................................... 34

Biomolecular Electronic Structure........................................................................................ 35 BioMolecular Nanotechnology................................................................................................ 36 BIOS Lab-On-A-Chip................................................................................................................... 37

Catalytic Processes and Materials......................................................................................... 38 Complex Photonic Systems...................................................................................................... 39 Computational Materials Science........................................................................................... 40

Inorganic Materials Science.................................................................................................... 41 Integrated Optical MicroSystems........................................................................................... 42

Interfaces and Correlated Electron systems....................................................................... 43 Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics..................................................................................... 44 Materials Science and Technology of Polymers..................................................................... 45

Membrane Technology Group................................................................................................. 46

Mesoscale Chemical Systems................................................................................................. 47 Molecular nanoFabrication...................................................................................................... 48

Nanobiophysics.......................................................................................................................... 49

NanoElectronics......................................................................................................................... 50 NanoIonics................................................................................................................................... 51

Optical Sciences.......................................................................................................................... 52 Physical aspects of NanoElectronics.................................................................................... 53

Physics of Complex Fluids........................................................................................................ 54

Physics of Fluids......................................................................................................................... 55

Science, Technology and Policy Studies............................................................................... 56 Semiconductor Components.................................................................................................... 57

Solid State Physics..................................................................................................................... 58

Supramolecular Chemistry & Technology........................................................................... 59 Transducer Science and Technology.................................................................................... 60

Contact details.............................................................................................................................................. 69

[PREFACE] Prof. dr. ing. Dave H.A. Blank

“Always look on the bright side of life”

Come on guys, cheer up! And again a year has passed. A year with enjoyable moments and a year with uncertainties, especial on basic funding. Great successes in science, technology and in building things. Building on labs, building on scientific research programs and building on the institute. Indeed, it was a hectic year although at the end a successful one. Just before Xmas it became clear that NanoNed will have its successor in a High Tech Systems & Materials program within the national fund to strengthening the economic structure (FES). It’s broader, as well in partners as in subjects, compared to NanoNed with connections to microtechnology and with strong links towards industry. The program task will be bridging the gap between what’s happening in the lab and what can be developed into products. It was not an easy task to guide the proposal through the different panels and governmental organizations, but at the end, thanks to many people, the proposal got through. In 2010 this new program will start. 2009 was the year of completing our NanoLab. It is typically a year in between milestones, from the start in 2007 till the expected opening in 2010. This year the laboratory got its shape, its dimensions, and most of all its red color. It shows potential and we are really looking forward to move in. Unfortunately, 2009 was also a year with pressure on our financial budget. The basic funding from the government and university went down, telling us that, to compensate for that, we have to be even more successful in obtaining grants from science foundations, industry and European initiatives. Well you never can tell, but our history in successful obtaining grants and our new MESA+ NanoLab, lead us to the following Monty Python’s: Always look on the right side of life... Prof. dr. ing. Dave H.A. Blank Scientific Director MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology


[PREFACE] Ir. Miriam Luizink

“Providing the groundwork for



new industry”

A great team in motion Our new NanoLab, centre for nanotechnological research and innovation in the Netherlands, is reaching finalization. It’s been an immense effort from a lot of people to design and construct the building and its infrastructure, and moving all equipment over while keeping both facilities open for use will be another challenge. At the same time the majority of the MESA+ research groups will be moving to a new building on campus, neighboring the new NanoLab. You can truly say we’re in motion! We’re looking forward to making this exiting NanoLab our new base, a bright (red) future. Meanwhile we’re expanding our research activities and necessary infrastructure in bionanotechnology and nanomedicine. A start has been made to realize a joint BioNanoLab, while main investments will follow in the next two, three years to come. The conditions are being created to benefit from our new BioNanoLab in research and innovation, also facilitating risk-related research. The summer of 2009 formed the start of a new phase in research commercialization. Our spin-off companies increasingly develop towards high-volume production. High Tech Factory, to be located in the current MESA+ facilities after reconstruction, is to provide production facilities to micro and nano based SMEs. High Tech Factory will also offer an operational lease fund where (spin-off) companies with growth ambitions can apply for the investment and use of production equipment. High Tech Fund secured its 9 M€ funding, granted by national, regional and local governments, in 2009 and will be launched in June 2010. So, striving for scientific excellence brings us to open state-of-the-art facilities, over 40 spin-off companies, a production facility and a lease fund, providing the groundwork for a flourishing new industry. All that’s been newly realized or successfully kept ongoing is the result of teamwork. Teamwork within MESA+ and the university, and teaming up with innovative companies and supportive governments. It’s great being part of such a team. Ir. Miriam Luizink Technical Commercial Director MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology


[PREFACE] Prof. George M. Whitesides

“The most important product of nanotechnology has been the machinery of technology�


Nanotechnology started with a miracle Nanotechnology started with a miracle, and a shower of promises. The miracle, of course, was the scanning tunneling microscope. The promises were for radical technologies based on the premise that if you could see it, you could make it and manipulate it to advantage. Whatever it was, for better or worse, nano would make it: the Cray on a grain of sand, little anticancer submarines, gray goo, the assembler. And 30 years later, what’s come of nano? In technology, the answer is "A lot! In fact, an entirely changed world." The most important product of nanotechnology has been the machinery of information technology: cell phones, the World Wide Web, Google, social networking tools, and all the rest of it. The sizes of features in current devices are well into the regime nanooptimists promised in its dawn: 40 nm, with hints of 20 nm features (and possibly smaller, for memory) in the future, if someone is willing to pay for this very expensive technology. But this technological explosion has not - so far - been based on radical nanoscience, but rather on radical (and radically successful) engineering. The critical ideas in this technological revolution - phase shifting masks, multiple-exposure lithography, immersion optics, short-wavelength lasers, chemically amplified resists, chemical-mechanical polishing, and others - are extensions of themes in technology that developed independently of radical nanoscience. In nanoscience, progress has also been spectacular. Biology has begun to understand the importance of the nanostructures in the cell the ribosome, the photosynthetic light-harvesting apparatus, transmembrane channels, flagellar micromotors and ATPases, organelles. Materials science has generated a legion of materials with remarkable properties - from buckytubes to quantum dots. Self-assembled monolayers have moved surface science from high vacuum to the real world. Broadly, and not unexpectedly, most of this new science is still searching for applications. Nanobiomedicine, quantum computing, single-molecule transistors - all are still works in progress.



Nanotechnology has, then, unquestionably succeeded as a field in generating both new science and important engineering. It has also done something else: it has emerged as an area that is successful - probably uniquely - in integrating science and engineering across disciplines. The efforts of nanoscience in radical invention should and will continue, of course. At the same time, nanoscience will continue to support nanoengineering. Materials science will develop new photoresists; highresolution photolithography will spread into areas other than silicon electronics. Also, in the future: membranes for purifying water and natural gas, and for separating electrode compartments in fuel cells, with designed (nano-scale) pores; new types of heterogeneous catalysts (based on control of nano-scale particles) for production and storage of energy; aerosols and suspended particles (with nano-scale dimensions) to help understand climate change. That is, “nano” will do what MESA+ was established to do: to bridge disciplines and approaches—science and engineering; top-down and bottom-up; information technology, physics, materials science, chemistry, and biology. And as a separate, but intimately related activity “nano” (and MESA+) must promote teaching. Technology, as any area of science and technology, progresses according to the skill of the people who develop it. The Netherlands has a superb educational system. MESA+ can perform two final tasks requiring integration. It must keep the universities focused on the job of producing the best young scientists and engineers they can (where "best" as an adjective can mean many things, but certainly must include “curious, independent, unafraid to try new ideas, skilled in difficult subjects, rigorously honest, and broadly knowledgeable”). MESA+ must also remind industry of the cruel and conveniently overlooked fact that when it focuses on the comfortingly familiar activities of cash management, engineering improvement of existing ideas, and commoditization of its products, it loses proprietary advantage, cost advantage, margin, and ultimately the business itself. Universities and industry must cooperate - to mutual advantage - around nano to keep fresh ideas and fresh minds coming. Prof. George M. Whitesides Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Member MESA+ Scientific Advisory Board


[RESEARCH] “MESA+ Institute for

Nanotechnology is one of the largest nanotechnology research institutes in the world”

About MESA+, in a nut shell MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology is one of the largest nanotechnology research institutes in the world, delivering competitive and successful high quality research. MESA+ is part of the University of Twente, and cooperates closely with various research groups within the university. The institute employs 500 people of whom 275 are PhD candidates or postdocs. With its NanoLab facilities the institute holds 1250 m 2 of cleanroom space and state of the art research equipment. MESA+ has an integral turnover of approximately 45 million euros per year of which 60% is acquired in competition from external sources (National Science Foundation, European Union, industry, etc.). MESA+ supports and facilitates researchers and actively stimulates cooperation. MESA+ combines the disciplines of physics, electrical engineering, chemistry and mathematics. Currently 28 research groups participate in MESA+. MESA+ introduced Strategic Research Orientations, headed by a scientific researcher, that bridge the research topics of a number of research groups working in common interest fields. The SROs’ research topics are an addition to the research topics of the chairs. Their task is to develop these interdisciplinary research areas which could result in new independent chairs. Internationally attractive research is achieved through this multidisciplinary approach. MESA+ uses a unique structure, which unites scientific disciplines, and builds fruitful international cooperation to excel in science and education. MESA+ has been the breeding ground for more than 40 high-tech start-ups to date. A targeted program for cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises has been specially created for start-ups. MESA+ offers the use of its extensive NanoLab facilities and cleanroom space under hospitable conditions. Start-ups and MESA+ work together intensively to promote the transfer of knowledge. MESA+ has created a perfect habitat for start-ups in the micro and nano-industry to establish and to mature. MESA+ is a Research School, designated by the Royal Dutch Academy of Science.


[RESEARCH] Mission and strategy MESA+ conducts research in the strongly multidisciplinary field of nanotechnology and nanoscience. The mission of MESA+ is: n to excel in its research field; n to explore (new) research themes; n to educate researchers and engineers in its field; n to commercialize and valorize research results; n to initiate and participate in fruitful (inter)national cooperation. MESA+ has defined the following indicators for achieving its mission: n scientific papers at the level of Science, Nature, or journals of comparable stature; n 1:1 balance between university funding and externally acquired funds; n sizable spin-off activities. MESA+ focuses on three issues to pursue its mission: n to create a top environment for international scientific talent; n to create strong multidisciplinary cohesion within the institute; n to become a national leader and international key player in nanotechnology.

Organizational structure University Board

Scientific Advisory Board

Governing Board

Scientific Director/ Technical Commercial Director Management Support


Advisory Board: • Strategic Research Orientations • Research Groups

MESA+ is an institute of the University of Twente and falls under the responsibility of the board of the university. The scientific advisory board assists the MESA+ management in matters concerning the research conducted at the institute and gives feedback on the scientific results of MESA+. The governing board advises the MESA+ management in organizational matters. The scientific director accepts responsibility for the institute and the scientific output. The managing director is responsible for commercialization, central laboratories, finance, communications and the internal organization. The participating research groups and SRO program directors form the MESA+ advisory board.


[strategic RESEARCH orientations] Dr. Pepijn W.H. Pinkse:

"Applied NanoPhotonics: there's more to light than meets the eye"

Applied NanoPhotonics Optics has revolutionized fields as various as data storage and long-distance telecommunication. Optical systems have a chance to become similarly or even more ubiquitous in other areas like today’s smart devices, but this step requires further miniaturization. The example of electronics shows us that miniaturization will sooner or later hit physical limitations, which in the case of optics will be in the nanoworld. Working with optics on this scale requires new concepts to be developed and many questions to be answered: How can we shrink the dimensions of optical structures to or even below the wavelength limit? To what extend can we build so-called “meta materials” which have specially engineered optical properties by nanostructuring? How can we miniaturize lasers, reduce their threshold and increase their yield? How can one make high-sensitivity optical detectors, e.g. for medical applications, and integrate them in low-cost labs on a chip? And on the more fundamental side: Can single emitters be handled efficiently and embedded into nanophotonic structures? Can we use nanophotonics to study complex (molecular) systems and can we tailor light to efficiently steer their behavior? Are there opportunities to exploit the quantum character of light for new functionality? The goal of this SRO is to address some of these questions exploiting the present expertise in MESA+ groups. Building adaptivity into nanooptical systems will be a common paradigm in answering these questions. Adaptivity allows optimizing certain processes above unwanted processes with clever learning algorithms. Adaptive systems can react on external stimulus, can compensate for fluctuations and inevitable randomness in nanophotonical environment. The Strategic Research Orientation (SRO) Applied Nanophotonics (ANP) started in October 2009 with the arrival of Pepijn Pinkse, from the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, to become ANP program director at MESA+. ANP will foster new research and develop new expertise on a few key areas. For instance by means of ANP group meetings and colloquia, ANP will stimulate cooperation between the research groups at MESA+ which have a strong optical focus: COPS, IOMS, LPNO, NBP, and OS.


[strategic RESEARCH orientations]

We have organized a successful Kick-off Symposium, which featured five top speakers in the field of nanophotonics. The symposium was attended by over 100 participants from the University of Twente, institutes and universities in the Netherlands (AMOLF, Utrecht) and neighbouring countries (University M端nster, MPL Erlangen). Program director: Dr. P.W.H. Pinkse, +31 53 489 2537,,

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Sir John Pendry speaking at the ANP Kick-Off Symposium

Announcement of the Kick-off Symposium


[strategic RESEARCH orientations] Prof. dr. ir. Wilfred G. van der Wiel:

"Nanoelectronics is where

electrical engineering, physics, chemistry, materials science and nanotechnology inevitably meet"

NanoElectronics The NanoElectronics program’s aim is twofold. The first goal is conducting fundamental research on nanoelectronic devices with a curiosity-driven focus. Novel electronic concepts and/or materials are explored. Combination of different materials and expertise is leading to fascinating new results. The second, and more long-term, goal is the application of those new concepts in devices with superior or complementary characteristics as compared to today’s technology. In our interdisciplinary program we are studying hybrid devices composed of different types of materials, such as ferro­ magnets, complex oxides, semiconductors, organic single-crystals, and thin films and molecules. We also pay attention to the integration of nanoelectronic devices with mainstream (silicon) electronics. The projects include: n Spin injection in organic single-crystals n Design and optimization of silicon nanowires for biochemical sensing n Smart Self Assembled Monolayers for the Development of SAMFETs n Micro to nano interfacing n Physical Properties of Organic Molecules on Self-Organized Atomic Platinum Wires on a Germanium or Silicon Surface n Conducting interfaces between perovskite oxide insulators and their uses in novel devices n Photo and electro responsive assemblies based on organic and organometallic fragments and Quantum dots n First-principles studies of electron and spin transport through novel layered materials n Hybrid spintronics with ferromagnetic nanoparticles n Ballistic Electron Magnetic Microscopy (BEEM) Graphite n Spin transport in silicon


[strategic RESEARCH orientations]

Magnetic nanoparticles are of great scientific and technological interest. The application of ferromagnetic nanoparticles for highdensity data storage has great potential, but energy efficient synthesis of uniform, isolated and patternable nanoparticles that remain ferromagnetic at room temperature, is not trivial. We have developed a low-temperature solution synthesis method for FePtAu nanoparticles that addresses all those issues and therefore can be regarded as an important step towards applications. We show that the onset of the chemically ordered fct (L10) phase is obtained for thermal annealing temperatures as low as 150 °C. Large uniaxial magnetic anisotropy (107erg/cm3) and a high long-range order parameter have been obtained. Our lowtemperature solution annealing leaves the organic ligands in tact, so that the possibility for post-anneal monolayer formation and chemically assisted patterning on a surface is maintained. Program director: Prof. dr. ir. Wilfred G. van der Wiel, +31 53 489 2873,, nanoelectronics

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Figure 1. LEFT: TEM images of (FePt)85Au15 nanoparticles synthesized

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Figure 2. LEFT: NP magnetization curves for different synthesis conditions measured Figure 2. LEFT: NP magnetization curves for different synthesis conditions measured

at 5K(a) andand at room temperature (b).(b). TheThe inset of (b) is aiszoom in around zero under different (a)of 150°C, 30 min; (b) 150 °C, 3 hours; (c) 200 under by VSM by VSM at 5K(a) at room temperature inset of (b) a zoom in around zero Figure 1. LEFT: conditions: TEM images (FePt)85Au15 nanoparticles synthesized The The horizontal and and vertical axis axis range is 0.5iskOe respectively. In allIn °C, 3 hours; (d) 250 °C, hours;30 (e)min; 350(b) °C,150 3 hours. Scale bars correspond field. horizontal vertical range 0.5 and kOe 0.2 andemu, 0.2 emu, respectively. different conditions: (a) 3150°C, °C, 3 hours; (c) 200 °C, 3 hours; (d) field. the curve refers the different synthesissynthesis conditions: red 150 °C, 30150 min;°C, to 10°C, nm. (f) Particle size°C, distribution determined from TEMto images. all figures, thecolor curve colortorefers to the different conditions: red 250 3 hours; (e) 350 3 hours. Scale bars correspond 10 nm. (f) Particle figures, 3 hours; blue °C,blue 3 hours; and3cyan 350°C, 3 hours. RIGHT: Scanning Curves A-E correspond to figs. (a)-(e), RIGHT: spectra of 30 200 min;°C, green 200 °C, 3 250 hours; 250 °C, hours; and cyan 350°C, 3 hours. RIGHT: size distribution determined from TEMrespectively. images. Curves A-EXRD correspond to figs. green microscope images(SEM) of FePtAu NPsofmonolayer patterns. Thepatterns. insert The (FePt)85Au15 NPs, 150°C, minspectra (A); 150of°C, 3 hours (B);NPs, 200 °C, 3 hours Scanning electron(SEM) microscope images FePtAu NPs monolayer (a)-(e), respectively. RIGHT:30 XRD (FePt)85Au15 150°C, 30 min (A); electron (C); °C, 2503°C, 3 hours (D);°C, 3503°C, 3 hours (E).°C, 3 hours (D); 350 °C, 3 hours (E). 150 hours (B); 200 hours (C); 250

shows a zoom in on the patterned The scale 50 nm. insert shows a zoom in on the area. patterned area. bar Theisscale bar is 50 nm.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: S. Kinge, T. Gang, W.J.M. ­Naber, ferromagnetic H. Boschker, G.FePtAu Rijnders, D.N. Reinhoudt, W.G. T. van der Wiel, Low-temperature solution synthesis of chemically functional nanoparticles S. Kinge, Gang, W.J.M.LowNatemperature solution synthesis of chemically functional ferromagnetic FePtAu nanoparticles, Nano Letters 9 (2009) 3220. ber, H. Boschker, G. Rijnders, D.N. Reinhoudt and W.G. van der Wiel, Nano Letters 9, 3220 (2009).


[strategic RESEARCH orientations] Prof. dr. Serge J.G. Lemay:

"Most biological processes are and always have been 'nano' What is changing is our ability to understand and rectify problems directly on that scale"

Nanotechnology for innovative medicine The ever-present demand for a betterment of the human condition translates into strong societal support for research in medical science and technology. This research presents a broad range of challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, bettering our understanding and methods for treatment of pernicious conditions such as cancer demands new approaches and tools for advanced research. On the other hand, the basic needs of developing countries and rising health-care costs in developed countries call for the development of more affordable alternatives to current diagnostic and treatment methods. Directly coupled to the latter issue is also the desirability of dissimulating the underlying complexity from the end user for point-of-care applications. Nanotechnology is expected to contribute in the coming years to advances in these diverse, yet inter-related, fronts in medical research. Broadly speaking, nanotechnological approaches can be lumped into three main areas: New tools for biomedical research Biomolecular processes, including those responsible for most diseases, intrinsically take place on the nanometer scale. New tools from nanotechnology therefore enable, often for the first time, the study of the primary processes of disease. These tools range from super-resolution optical imaging to methods for manipulating and probing the response of individual macromolecules to external stimuli. Nanostructured materials and devices Top-down fabrication of textured materials and functional devices creates a range of new opportunities for both medical


[strategic RESEARCH orientations]

diagnostics and treatment. These range from enhancing tissue regeneration using nanostructured scaffolds, through diagnostics at the single-cell level, to the development of massively parallelized analytical tools based on approaches borrowed from the microelectronics industry. Medical applications of nanoparticles Bottom-up assembly of nanoparticles similarly holds enormous promise for enhancing both drug delivery and medical imaging (MRI, ultrasound, …) . A primary goal is to combine the transport of a cargo, such as a drug or a contrast agent for imaging, with

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the ability to target specific tissues or organs. Additional features may include the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, or the controlled release of a cargo once the nanoparticles have reached a target organ. Functional nanoparticles are by far the most intensively researched area of nanomedicine worldwide at this time. The SRO Nanotechnology for Innovative Medicine was launched in September 2009, starting with an inventory of the already broad ofimages ongoing activities in nanomedicine A key objective is to identify suitable partnersmeasured from the Figure 2. LEFT: NP magnetization curves for different synthesis conditions Figure 1. range LEFT: TEM of (FePt)85Au15 nanoparticles synthesized within MESA+. medical sector (locally, nationally internationally) to insure a true nanotechnology and by VSM at 5K(a) and atlink room between temperatureour (b). The inset of (b) is a zoom research in around zero under different conditions: (a) 150°C, 30 min; (b) and/or 150 °C, 3 hours; (c) 200 pressing medical °C, 3 hours; (d) 250 °C, 3problems. hours; (e) 350 °C, 3 hours. Scale bars correspond

field. The horizontal and vertical axis range is 0.5 kOe and 0.2 emu, respectively. In all

to 10 nm. (f) Particle size distribution determined from TEM images.

figures, the curve color refers to the different synthesis conditions: red 150 °C, 30 min;

Program director:toProf. dr. S.G. Lemay,RIGHT: +31 (0)53 489 2306, green 200 °C, 3 hours; blue 250 °C, 3 hours; and cyan 350°C, 3 hours. RIGHT: Scanning Curves A-E correspond figs. (a)-(e), respectively. XRD spectra of (FePt)85Au15 NPs, 150°C, 30 min (A); 150 °C, 3 hours (B); 200 °C, 3 hours

electron microscope (SEM) images of FePtAu NPs monolayer patterns. The insert

(C); 250 °C, 3 hours (D); 350 °C, 3 hours (E).

shows a zoom in on the patterned area. The scale bar is 50 nm.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: Low-temperature solution synthesis of chemically functional ferromagnetic FePtAu nanoparticles S. Kinge, T. Gang, W.J.M. Naber, H. Boschker, G. Rijnders, D.N. Reinhoudt and W.G. van der Wiel, Nano Letters 9, 3220 (2009).


[strategic RESEARCH orientations] Dr. ir. Mark Huijben:

"Breakthroughs in energy

applications can only be accomplished by manipulation of novel materials on the nano scale"

NanoMaterials for Energy The worldwide energy demand is continuously growing and it becomes clear that future energy supply can only be guaranteed through increased use of renewable energy sources. With energy recovery through renewable sources like sun, wind, water, tides, geothermal or biomass the global energy demand could be met many times over; currently however it is still inefficient and too expensive in many cases to take over significant parts of the energy supply. Innovation and increases in efficiency in conjunction with a general reduction of energy consumption are urgently needed. Nanotechnology exhibits the unique potential for decisive technological breakthroughs in the energy sector, thus making substantial contributions to sustainable energy supply. The goal of the Strategic Research Orientation (SRO) NanoMaterials for Energy is to exploit and expand the present expertise of the MESA+ groups in the field of nano-related energy research. Through multidisciplinary collaboration between various research groups new materials with novel advanced properties will be developed in which the functionality is controlled by the nanoscale structures leading to improved energy applications. The range of new research projects for nano-applications in the energy sector comprises gradual short and medium-term improvements for a more efficient use of conventional and renewable energy sources as well as completely new long-term approaches for energy recovery and utilization. Efficient energy harvesting by nanostructured thermoelectric materials Thermoelectric power generation offers a viable method to recover vast amounts of waste heat emitted by automobiles, factories, and similar sources by converting heat energy directly into electrical energy, irrespective of source size and without the use of moving parts or production of environmentally harmful wastes. However, implementation into practical applications have been delayed due to material problems such as low melting or decomposition temperatures, content of toxic and/or scarce elements, and high costs. Complex oxide materials have attracted a great deal of interest, although their relatively high thermal conductivity remains a large obstacle preventing utilization in thermoelectric applications. New developments in atomically controlled thin


[strategic RESEARCH orientations]

film growth enable us to design and fabricate novel artificial oxide superlattices to reduce the thermal conductivity through optimized phonon scattering by confinement in oxide nanostructures, and therefore, dramatically increasing the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT). Program director of the SRO NanoMaterials for Energy, Mark Huijben, has received a VENI grant for this project of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in 2009. Program director: Dr. ir. Mark Huijben, +31 53 489 2367,,

Figure: Efficient energy harvesting by nanostructured thermoelectric materials. (a) Schematic of a thermoelectric couple configured by superlattice technology. (b) Scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis of an oxide superlattice. (c) History of thermoelectric figure of merit, ZT, at 300 K.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: M. Huijben, A. Brinkman, G. Koster, G. Rijnders, H. Hilgenkamp, D.H.A. Blank, Structure-Property Relation of SrTiO3/LaAlO3 Interfaces, Advanced Materials 21 (2009) 1665-1677.


[commercialization] Commercialization





Commercialization Commercialization

Commercialization Commercialization Commercialization

Commercialization Commercialization



Commercialization Nanotechnology offers chances for new business. Around knowledge institutions, stimulated by a dynamic entrepreneurial environment, nuclei of spin-off companies arise. The number of new businesses based on nanotechnology is growing rapidly. MESA+ plays an important role nationwide, being at the start of more than 40 spin-offs. Access to state-of-the-art nanotech infrastructure, shared facilities functioning in an open innovation model, is of crucial importance for both creation and further development of spin-off companies. These spin-off companies are important for the national and regional economy; SMEs will become increasingly important for employment and turnover. MESA+ intensifies and strengthens its commercialization activities to further increase the number of patents, the number and size of spin-off’s and, consequently, its national and international reputation.

High Tech Factory MESA+ aims to establish the High Tech Factory, a shared production facility for products based on micro- and nanotechnology. Many of the companies involved market these products in medical and pharmaceutical sectors and in food industry. High Tech Factory is designed to ensure that the companies involved can concentrate on business operations and focus their energies on growth rather than on realizing the basic production infrastructure required achieving that growth. High Tech Factory will be realized in 2011 (phase 4). In 2010 the existing R&D facility will become available for redevelopment into a production environment (phase 3). The technical infrastructure fund will be launched in 2010 (phase 2). Phase 1, development of production processes, started in 2008.

MESA+ Technology Accelerator With the MESA+ Technology Accelerator, organized in UT international ventures (UTIV), MESA+ invests in early stage scouting of knowledge and expertise with a potential interest from the market. The first phase of technology and market development is developed in so-called stealth projects. A successful stealth project is continued as a spin-off or license. Through the initiative Kennispark, the UT is applying the UTIV model more widely at the University.

Kennispark Twente Commercialization of nanotechnology research is one of the very strong drivers of MESA+. As illustrated in the topics above, key aspects of the MESA+ agenda encompass business development, facility sharing, area development, and growth towards a production facility. With these key commercialization projects MESA+ contributes strongly to the Kennispark agenda and the provincial and regional innovation systems.


The Dutch Nano-landscape The Dutch Nano-landscape The Dutch Nano-landscape The Dutch Nano-landscape The Dutch Nano-landscape

The Dutch Nano-landscape



The Dutch Nano-landscape The Dutch Nano-landscape Dutch Nano-landscape The Dutch Nano-landscape

[the dutch nano-landscape]

The Dutch Nano-landscape NanoNed, the Nanotechnology network of the Netherlands, is an initiative of eight knowledge institutes and Philips. It combines the nanotechnology and enabling technology capabilities of the Dutch industrial and scientific nanotechnology knowledge infrastructure into a single national network. This network facilitates rapid progress in terms of knowledge through strong research projects, the infrastructure investment program NanoLab NL and the dissemination of knowledge and expertise in an economically relevant manner, resulting in high added-value economic growth. Since NanoNed was established, it is not only in the field of nano-electronics that progress has been made; tremendous improvements


have also been seen in nano-structured materials science, enabling technology for a broad variety of functional nanostructures VE

and applications in the field of life sciences and (sustainable) energy.



MESA+ is partner in NanoNed. NanoNed has a total budget of 235 M€, of which about 120 M€ was granted by the Dutch government.



NanoNed started in 2004 and runs till 2010.



Netherlands Nano Initiative The nanotechnology research area is comprehensive and still extending. The Netherlands makes choices based on existing strengths supplemented with arising opportunities. Generic themes in which the Netherlands excels, as mentioned in the NWO strategy nota ‘Towards a multidisciplinary national nanoscience programme’ (2006), are beyond Moore (nanoelectronics), nanomaterials, bionanotechnology and instrumentation. Application areas, added in the Cabinet’s vision ‘From Small to Great’ (2006), are water, energy, food and health, and nanomedicine. These generic and application areas are, when appropriate, covered by risk analyses and technology assessment of nanotechnology. The Netherlands Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) program, successor to NanoNed, covers all relevant generic, application and social themes. NanoLab NL provides the infrastructure for the implementation of this

needs in food, energy, healthcare, clean water and the societal risk of certain nanotechnologies. The main economic and societal

Clean Water

technology base and competitiveness of the high tech and materials industry and to apply them in support of a variety of societal

Risk and Technology Assessment


by the Dutch government with 125 M€. This business plan proposes to apply micro- and nanotechnologies to strengthen both the


The NNI business plan ‘Towards a Sustainable Open Innovation Ecosystem’ (2009) in micro and nanotechnology has been granted



issues addressed in this Initiative are: n the societal need for risk analysis of nanotechnology

Beyond Moore

n the need for new materials n ageing society and healthcare cost


n more healthy foods n need for clean tech to reduce energy consumption, waste production and provide clean water n advanced equipment to process and manufacture products that address these issues In addition this Initiative addresses n providing qualified knowledge workers

Bio-nano Sensor and actuators

n the need for innovation in value networks for the Dutch HTS&M industry to remain globally competitive


MESA+ NanoLab staff enjoy the new lab

National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities

National NanoLab facilities

National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities National NanoLab facilities


[national nanolab facilities]

National NanoLab facilities NanoLab NL NanoNed recognized the importance of a national facility, and therefore provided a large part of the driving force and the accompanying budget to establish NanoLab NL. NanoLab NL provides access to a coherent, high-level, state-of-the-art infra­ structure for nanotechnology research and innovation in the Netherlands. The NanoLab facilities are open to internal as well as external researchers from universities as well as companies. NanoLab NL seeks to bring about coherence in national infrastructure, access, and tariff structure. From 2004, when NanoLab NL was established, until the end of 2010, the NanoNed NL partners invest about 110 M€ in nanotech facilities through their own funding and additional public funding. NanoLab NL is listed on the first ‘The Netherlands’ Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Facilities’ (2008), as one of the 25 large-scale research facilities whose construction or operation is important for the robustness and innovativeness of the Dutch science system. The partners in NanoLab NL are: n Twente: MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology at University of Twente n Delft: Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology and TNO Science & Industry n Groningen: Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials at Groningen University n Eindhoven, Technical University Eindhoven and Philips Research Laboratories (associate partner). Together, these four locations cover most of the country and offer the widest possible spectrum of nanotechnology facilities for researchers in the Netherlands to use.

MESA+ NanoLab MESA+ NanoLab has extensive laboratory facilities at its disposal, offering a wide spectrum of opportunities for researchers in the Netherlands and abroad: n a 1250 m2 fully equipped cleanroom, with a focus on microsystems technology, nanotechnology, CMOS and materials and process engineering; n a fully equipped central materials analysis laboratory; n a number of specialized laboratories for chemical synthesis and analysis, materials research and analysis, and device characterization. The MESA+ NanoLab facilities play a crucial role in the research programs and in collaborations with industry. MESA+ has a strong relationship with industry, both through joint research projects with the larger multinational companies, and through a commercialization policy focused on small and medium sized enterprises. The University Twente, re-allocating the buildings for research and education, is building a new cleanroom and analysis facility, MESA+ NanoLab. With the investment in NanoLab the university shows the interest for and the importance of Nanotechnology research. MESA+ NanoLab is scheduled to be ready at the end of 2010.


[international networks]

International Networks (Inter)national position and collaborations MESA+ has a strong international position, several strategic collaborations and is active in international networks and platforms. MESA+ has strategic cooperation with: NINT (Canada), Ohio State, Materials Science Nano Lab (US), Stanford, Geballe Lab of Advanced Materials (US), Berkeley, nanoscience lab Ramesh group (US), California NanoSytems Institute at UCLA (US), JNCASR (India), NIMS (Japan), University of Singapore, and the Chinese Academy of Science CAS, and in Europe with: Cambridge, IMEC, Karlsruhe, M端nster, Aarhus and Chalmers University.

NaBia From 2009 the Frontiers Network of Excellence has found continuation, in a joint initiative with NoE Nano2Life, in NaBia, the European Alliance in Nanobiotechnology. The most committed partners of the two EU FP6 Networks of Excellence have agreed to join their forces and pull their best practices for the benefit of the European Science & Technology community in nanobiotechnology. NaBiA represents the single, largest and most competent network in Europe in nanobiotechnology. Visit the NaBia website for more information:

EICOON EICOON is the FP7 Euro-Indo forum for nano-materials research coordination & cooperation of researchers in sustainable energy technologies. The consortium intends to address the strategic assessment including synergy analysis of nano-materials research needs in the EU and India. It will establish and communicate the mutual interests and topics for future coordinated calls to enable the decision and policy makers and the funding bodies to make better informed decisions and to better select the implementation mechanisms and instruments. Besides the assessment, the project also addresses the dissemination of the "nano-materials research acquis" in the field by organization of events. Finally, it will bring together researchers for future research collaboration, to exchange ideas for joint projects and to inform each other on their core competencies and expertise. The project aims at the generation and enhancement of knowledge in materials science and research, especially nanomaterials applied to sustainable energy technologies. It also aims to increase the deployment of these materials in the technologies in both regions. Visit the EICOON website for more information:


International Networks International Networks International Networks International Networks International Networks

International Networks

International Networks International Networks International Networks International Networks

Impressions of MESA+ meeting



Education Master of Science Nanotechnology Access to the best research students worldwide is critical to the success of MESA+. In the academic year 2005-2006 a master track nanotechnology was started as the first accredited master’s training at the University of Twente. MESA+ invests in information to students of appropriate bachelor’s courses, and brings the master’s nanotechnology to the attention of its international cooperation partners and concerned embassies. The University of Twente is in the process of establishing a Graduate School. The participation in the Graduate School is limited to excellent research groups. Professors will be invited to submit research/education tracks in accordance with the research institute. MESA+ will encourage its research groups to participate in the Graduate School. The master Nanotechnology will be completely incorporated into the Graduate School. Goal of the Graduate School is to the reinforce collaboration, strengthen education and improve the skills of our PhD students.

Fundamentals of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary research field, and requires expertise from the field of electrical engineering, applied physics, chemical technology and life sciences. The workshop ‘Fundamentals of Nanotechnology’ is organized by MESA+ every year (October/November) and provides an initial introduction to the complete scope of what nanotechnology is about. The workshop is set up for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows that are starting to work or are currently working tin the field of nanotechnology. The workshop will be given in an intensive one-week format, in which the participants will attend about 20 lectures on different subfields of nanotechnology in the morning, accompanied with visits to the laboratories in the afternoon. Each year there are 25 to 30 participants.

Martin Jurna and Wilma de Groot


Awards, honours and appointments Spinoza award Prof. dr. ir. Albert van den Berg received the prestigious Spinoza award in 2009. He was granted the award by the Netherlands Science Foundation (NWO) for achieving key breakthroughs in the understanding and manipulation of fluids in micro- and nanochannels, and for applying this knowledge to areas such as new medical equipment. Spinoza laureates are internationally renowned Dutch researchers who rank among the world’s top scientists performing outstanding, pioneering and inspiring research. The award consists of 2.5 M€ and a Spinoza statuette. Prof. Van den Berg received the ERC Advanced Researcher Grant in 2008 and the Simon Stevin Meester in 2002.

Advanced Researcher Grant Prof. Luisa De Cola, department of Interface Physics at Westfälische Wilhelms University, Munster, Germany, and MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, has received a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Researcher Grant in 2009. Prof. De Cola will dedicate the 2 M€ grant to her research on porous nanomaterials and its application in medical imaging. The objective is to charge porous ‘containers’ with medicines or with molecules such as antibiotics, light-emitting colorants, radioactive ions or contrast agents for the purposes of medical diagnosis. The ERC Advanced Reasearcher Grant is awarded to outstanding and experienced scientists who are well established in their fields of research.

Prof. dr. ir. Albert van den Berg

Starting Independent Researcher Grant Prof. dr. Wilfred van der Wiel, newly appointed chair of the MESA+ research group NanoElectronics, has received the Starting Independent Researcher Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The 1.75 M€ grant will enable him to carry out research into the use of molecules as building blocks for new generations of chips.

Simon Stevin Meester award Prof. dr. Detlef Lohse, Physics of Fluids research group, has received the Technology Foundation (STW) Simon Stevin Meester 2009 for his outstanding fundamental research and his continued ability to couple this to practical issues. Detlef Lohse is an authority in the field of fluid dynamics and turbulence. Prof. dr. Lohse has received 500 k€ to spend on research at his discretion. Prof. dr. Lohse also received the Spinoza award in 2005.

VICI award In 2009 the National Science Foundation (NWO) granted Prof. dr. Jennifer Herek, Optical Sciences research group, with a VICI award. Prof. dr. Herek is inspired by complex structures of molecules nature uses to generate fantastically efficient solutions for a wide range of applications. The 1.5 M€ grant will allow researchers to construct artificial molecules that simulate the characteristics of these molecular complexes. With the aid of nanotechnology and ultrafast lasers they will try to develop new applications such as efficient solar cells. Prof. dr. Detlef Lohse (right)


VIDI award Dr. Mireille Claessens, NanoBioPhysics research group, has been awarded a VIDI grant. Dr. Claessens focuses on the accumulation of the protein α-synuclein. Up to date its unknown how the lumps of protein actually form but it is certain that α-synuclein plays a key role and may be the cause of certain diseases. Claessens studies the process leading to the formation of the lumps. The 800 k€ grant will enable her to develop her own line of research and build up her own research group.

VENI award The National Science Foundation (NWO) awarded a VENI grant of 250 k€ to dr. ir. Mark Huijben for his research on efficient energy harvesting by nanostructured thermoelectric materials. The project aims to realize a newly ‘designed’ oxide material with a high heat-to-electricity conversion efficiency for thermoelectric applications, e.g., for small self-powered systems as well as boosters of energy efficiency for cars, power plants and industrial processes. Mark Huijben is program director of the MESA+ Strategic Research Orientation ‘NanoMaterials for Energy’.

Rubicon grant Anil Agiral, PhD of the Mesoscale Chemical Systems group, has received a NWO Rubicon grant to gain experience at a top research institution outside the Netherlands. Anil Agiral will carry out his research on turning sunlight into clean fuels at University of Berkeley,

Prof. dr. Jennifer Herek


Top grants Dr. Jan Eijkel and prof. dr. ir. Albert van den Berg of the BIOS Lab-on-a-chip group received a TOP grant from NWO for the project Energy from streaming potential using nanotechnology. The researchers aim to convert energy of streaming water into electricity. This is based on the fact that if water fills a tube, a very thin layer of electrical charge appears next to the tube wall. The idea is to take this charge along with the streaming water. To maximize the extracted energy, membranes with many parallel nanopores will be made. Eijkel and Van den Berg expect to generate both electrical energy and hydrogen gas. Prof. dr. ing. Dave Blank and co-workers, Inorganic Materials Science group, received a TOP research grant from NWO for the proposal entitled Towards Self-assembled Inorganic Mesostructures. The proposed program addresses the design of new materials by assembling individual nanoscale building blocks in a controlled manner into larger, hierarchical structures. Such mesoscale materials may show novel, emergent properties that arise as a collective effect of the building blocks. TOP grants, consisting of 720 k€, are awarded to research groups that have a proven track record and excel in (bio)chemistry / chemical technology. The grants offer the opportunity and freedom to strengthen or extend excellent, challenging and innovative lines of research.

IUPAC Young Chemists Award 2009 Dr. Xing Yi Ling, a recent graduate of the Molecular Nanofabrication group, has received the IUPAC Young Chemists Award 2009. This is a yearly award for 5 outstanding young chemists worldwide. She has received the award for her contributions to 3D nanoparticle assembly. Dr. Ling is currently a postdoctoral student in the group of Prof. Peidong Yang, University of Berkeley, USA, on a NWO Rubicon grant.

Dr. Mireille Claessens


MESA+ research judged ‘outstanding’ The research achievements of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology are ‘outstanding’. The institute’s strategic research orientations (SROs) are highly successful, including with regard to the development of new talent. Furthermore, MESA+ is able to link high academic quality to the successful commercialization of knowledge. These are the conclusions of a prominent international committee that has reported on the institute. The committee has recommended that the institute's nanomedicine and bionanotechnology activities be reinforced by new facilities. MESA+ has built up a leading global position in these fields. The international review committee led by Prof. Nico de Rooij, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, has ascertained that the quality and quantity of publications produced, and the number of citations, are exceptionally high. MESA+ has a pioneering role in the strategic discussions on long-term technology policy carried out at national level. Amongst others, this has resulted in the NanoNed program and the National Nano Initiative. The committee is also full of praise for the manner in which MESA+ promotes commercial activities and, to this end, opts for new forms of collaboration with industry. Spin-off companies in the start-up phase can make use of the university’s advanced laboratory facilities by means of ‘facility sharing’. And that is not all: when they develop and expand, the new High Tech Factory also gives them the opportunity to produce batches of their innovative micro and nanosystems. The committee is ‘extremely impressed’ by the facilities provided and the success of the resulting businesses. In the opinion of the committee, the SROs chosen by MESA+ are very strong. They promote new talent and it is not uncommon for them to lead to chairs in new areas, such as Nanofluidics and Nanostructured Materials. The new SROs for the period 2009-2014 focus largely on Nanomedicine, a choice that the committee endorses. The reviewers do, however, advise that new facilities be developed for this purpose in the immediate vicinity of the NanoLab currently being built. The international committee consisted of: Prof. Nico de Rooij (professor at the Université de Neuchâtel and Vice-President of CSEM SA), Prof. Tord Claeson (professor at the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience at Chalmers University, Sweden), Prof. Reinder Coehoorn (Philips Research), Prof. Christoph Gerber (National Centre of Competence for Nanoscale Science, University of Basel) and Prof. Nils Petersen (National Institute for Nanotechnology, Canada). The committee carried out the evaluation at the end of 2008 and has published the final version of the Institute Review Report 20022007 in the beginning of 2009.


Cum laude distinction In 2009 Dr. Bram Borkent of the Physics of Fluids group received a cum laude distinction for his PhD thesis 'Interfacial phenomena in micro- and nanofluidics: nanobubbles, cavitation, and wetting'.

MESA+ meeting 2009 On September 21, 2009 the annual MESA+ meeting took place in the Grolsch Veste in Enschede. This year Alyona Ivanova (AAMP) won the 1st prize for the best poster in the scientific poster competition. The 2nd prize was won by Kim Sweers (BPE) and the 3rd prize by Rogier Veenhuis (BIOS). Goal of the MESA+ meeting is exchange of scientific work of all MESA+ participants.

Appointments Dr. J.J.L.M. Cornelissen has been appointed Professor of Biomolecular Nanotechnology at MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology as of February 1, 2009. The new chair focuses on the analysis, recognition, manipulation and repair of biological materials, such as DNA, proteins and cells. From October 1, 2009 Dr. ir. Wilfred van der Wiel, program director of the Strategic Research Orientation NanoElectronics, has been appointed Professor of the MESA+ research group NanoElectronics. Nanoelectronics comprises the study of the electronic and magnetic properties of systems with critical dimensions in the nanoregime, i.e. sub ~100 nm. Since September 1, 2009 Dr. Claudia Filippi accepted her appointment as Professor of the group Biomolecular Electronic Structure. The group works in the field of electronic structure theory and focus on the methodological development of novel and more effective approaches for investigating the electronic properties of materials. Dr. Serge Lemay has been appointed Professor of the group NanoIonics from September 1, 2009. The goals of the newly-founded group NanoIonics are to add to fundamental understanding of electrostatics and electron transfer in liquid, and to explore new concepts for fluidic devices based on this new understanding. Prof. Lemay is also paving the way for the Strategic Research Orientation Nanotechnology for Innovative Medicine.


MESA+ Annual Report 2009

[highlights] The group Applied Analysis & Mathematical Physics (AAMP) conducts research and teaching activities in ordinary and partial differential equations, and in mathematical

Prof. dr. ir. Brenny E.W.C. van Groesen

modeling of problems from the natural and technical sciences. Methods from nonlinear

“Our aim is to exploit

numerical calculations, and computer-algebra are the main mathematical tools used to

fundamental mathematical

study partial differential equations from a series of different areas of applications.

structures in the modeling of

The group contributes to MESA+ in the field of theoretical optics, with a focus on phenomena

light interference to design

related to the light propagation in nonhomogeneous linear and nonlinear dielectric media.

efficient simulation tools for

The Maxwell equations of classical electrodynamics are to be solved for structures and

integrated optics.”

devices from guided wave (integrated) optics or, more general, photonics.

analysis (variational methods, bifurcation theory, dynamical system theory), small scale

Applied Analysis & Mathematical Physics λ [μm]

Chains of simple square dielectric caveties Coupled-resonator optical waveguides (CROWs) have been discussed already for some years as a means to realize waveguiding x [μm]

along paths with small-size bends. Concepts based on series of microring resonators or sequences of defects in photonic crystal slabs exist. As an alternative we consider chains of simple square dielectric cavities [1], that support a single specific standing wave resonance in the wavelength region of interest. In line with the fourfold symmetry of their resonant field pattern, the individual cavities are arranged sequentially on a discrete rectangular mesh, with guided-wave excitation at one end of the chain. The figure shows an example. Rigorous semianalytical simulations based on quadridirectional eigenmode propagation (QUEP) [2] enable

x [μm]

convenient numerical experiments on these rectangular, piecewise constant configurations. As some step towards an interpretation of the spectral features we look at an intuitive coupled mode theory (CMT) model for the resonator chains. The overall field in the chain is assumed to consist of bidirectional versions of the guided mode of the bus core, with variable local amplitudes, together with the identical, properly positioned resonant field patterns of the individual cavities, each multiplied by a single scalar coefficient. These latter fields can be approximated quite well by a superposition of suitable slab mode z [μm]

profiles, oriented along the two coordinate axes [3]. Then one proceeds along the hybrid CMT approach of Ref.[4]: By variational

Figure, parts a, b+c: A chain of square microresonators [1], 2D-TE

means one extracts a linear system of equations for the coefficients of the resonator fields, and for the amplitude functions of the bus

QUEP simulations [2] for a double bend configuration with refractive

modes, discretized in terms of finite elements, as unknowns. No free parameters are introduced; the model, however, disregards any

indices 1.45 (background) and 3.4 (bus core, cavities), waveguide

radiative losses and thus cannot be more than an approximation of the resonator chain in a kind of high-Q limit.

core width 0.073μm, cavity width and height 1.451μm, gaps 0.4μm. Spectral relative guided-wave transmission and reflection (a); for vacuum wavelength λ = 1.5504μm: time snapshot of the physical principal electric field Ey (b), and field modulus Ey (c).


[1] M. Hammer, Chains of coupled square dielectric optical microcavities, Optical and Quantum Electronics 40 (11-12) (2009) 821-835.

[2] M. Hammer, Quadridirectional eigenmode expansion scheme for 2-D modeling of wave propagation in integrated optics, Optics Communications 235 (4-6) (2004) 285-303. [3] M. Hammer, Resonant coupling of dielectric optical waveguides via rectangular microcavities: The coupled guided mode perspective, Optics Communications 214 (1-6) (2002)


155-170. [4] M. Hammer, Hybrid analytical/numerical coupled-mode modeling of guided wave devices, Journal of Lightwave Technology 25 (9) (2007) 2287-2298.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The Biomolecular Electronic Structure group (BES) is a group in the field of electronic structure theory and focus on the methodological development

Prof. dr. Claudia Filippi

of novel and more effective approaches for investigating the electronic

“Electronic-structure theory has dramatically

properties of materials. Currently, we are particularly interested in the

expanded the role of computational modeling,

problem of describing light-induced phenomena in biological systems,

enabling a detailed atomistic understanding of

where available computational techniques have limited applicability.

real materials. Our research focuses on the

Deepening our physical understanding of the primary excitation processes

challenge to further enhance the predictive

in photo­biological systems is important both from a fundamental point

power of these approaches while bridging to the

of view and because of existing and potential applications in biology,

length-scales of complex (bio)systems.”

biotechnology, and artificial photosynthetic devices.

Biomolecular Electronic Structure Computational spectroscopy of biomolecules from first principles Computational modeling is a crucial complement to experiments in gaining a better understanding of optical processes in photosensitive biological systems. Despite significant theoretical progress in electronic structure methods, the computation of excitation energies of even relatively small organic molecules remains a demanding task. To this end, we have been developing a theoretical framework for the accurate and efficient computation of excited states based on quantum Monte Carlo methods, whose promising performance is here demonstrated on the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), one of the main workhorses of molecular biology. In this paper, we address the important issue of whether the protein plays a crucial role in tuning the spectral colors of the GFP chromophore with respect to vacuum. Despite the large body of theoretical and experimental literature on the optical properties of this chromophore, this question is still open and finding its answer is crucial to rationalize the spectral sensitivity of the chromophore to the protein microenvironment in wild-type GFP and its mutants. We investigate theoretically the excitation properties of the GFP chromophore and resolve the incompatibility between absorption experiments in solution and in the gas phase. Our results provide strong evidence that the optical properties of the GFP chromophore cannot be ascribed to its intrinsic chemical features, and that the protein environment must play a crucial role in tuning its colors.

Figure: Electronic states of the Green Fluorescent Protein chromophore in its protein environment.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: C. Filippi, M. Zaccheddu, F. Buda, Absorption spectrum of the Green Fluorescent Protein chromophore: A difficult case for ab initio methods?, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 5 (2009) 2074.


[highlights] The BioMolecular Nanotechnology group (BNT) is founded in 2009 by the appointment of it’s chair Prof. Jeroen Cornelissen and acts on the interface of biology, physics and materials science coming from a strong chemical back ground. The research of the group centers around the use of biomolecules as building blocks for (functional) nanostructures, relying on principles from

Prof. dr. Jeroen J.L.M. Cornelissen

Supramolecular and Macromolecular Chemistry. Current research lines involve the use of well-defined nanometer-sized protein cages as reactors and as

“Using the Building Blocks

scaffolds for new materials (Figure 1). The success of the multidisciplinary work

Figure 1: Schematic representation of the use of virus protein based

from Nature to make New

of the group partly relies on intense interactions within MESA+ and with other

capsules as reactors of templates for functional materials.


(inter)national collaborators.

BioMolecular Nanotechnology Encasing Cargo in Protein NanoCages Figure 2: Purification of the EGFP-capsid protein complex. Bacterial lysate containing the EGFP is added to a nickel-NTA

Viruses are masters of encapsulating nucleic acids; they are typically composed of a shell of highly organized protein molecules,

column. Only EGFP will bind to the nickel-NTA with its N-terminal

which surround densely packed DNA or RNA chains. Recently, these protein shells (also called capsids) have also been used

His-tag. A wash step removes all other proteins that lack the

to package other guest compounds. A virus that is particularly suitable for this purpose is the Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus

His-tag. The lysate containing the capsid protein is then added. The

(CCMV), an RNA plant virus 28 nm in size, which can be disassembled and reassembled reversibly after removal of the RNA by

capsid protein binds to the C-terminal coiled-coil (red) of the EGFP

adjusting the pH. At pH 7.5 it is dissociated into 90 separate dimers, while at pH 5.0 the capsid is formed. This makes it possible

with its N-terminal coiled-coil (blue). After another wash step,

to encapsulate compounds by mixing them with CCMV dimers at pH 7.5 and subsequently lowering the pH to entrap the material

the entire complex is eluted from the column, using an excess of

inside the capsid.


Inclusion of (bio)catalysts in the protein capsules is of great interest as the formed reactors can provide detailed inside on the progression of reactions in this confinement on one hand, and these are mimics of the naturally occurring protein organelles on the other hand. Controlling the encapsulation of materials, however, is not straight forward and to this end we developed a procedure that allows us to load the protein cage with high concentrations of guest molecules with a reasonable level of control. A noncovalent anchoring moiety was attached to the capsid protein and its complementary anchor to the guest system, i.e. Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) as a model system in this case, to form a protein complex (Figure 2). This complex can subsequently be mixed in different ratios with non-functionalized (wild-type) capsid protein and upon assembly the EGFP is Figure 3: Schematic representation of EGFP encapsulation. The

encased (Figure 2). The next step in these studies is the encapsulation of (different) enzymes in order to study biocatalysis in these

EGFP-capsid protein complex is mixed with wild-type capsid at pH

protein nanoreactors.

7.5 and subsequently dialyzed to pH 5.0 to induce capsid formation.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: I.J. Minten, L.J.A. Hendriks, R.J.M. Nolte, J.J.L.M. Cornelissen, Controlled Encapsulation of Multiple Proteins in Virus Capsids, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131


(2009) 17771.

[HIGHLIGHTS] In the BIOS Lab-on-a-chip group (BIOS) fundamental and applied aspects of miniaturized laboratories are studied. With the use of advanced and newly developed micro-

Prof. dr. ir. Albert van den Berg

and nanotechnologies, enabled by our Nanolab facilities,

"We do top-level research on

as chips for monitoring medication, counting sperm cells,

micro- and nanofluidics and new

discovery of new biomarkers and ultrasensitive detection

nanosensing principles, and the


microdevices for medical applications are realized, such

integration into real-life Lab-onChip systems that help patients."

BIOS Lab-On-A-Chip Sub-30 nm monocrystalline silicon nanowire biosensors The multidisciplinary work presented here concerns the research and development of silicon nanowire sensors for the ultrasensitive detection of biomolecular hybridization on their surfaces. Silicon nanowires are fabricated with a low-cost top-down technology that requires only conventional microfabrication processes

Figure 1: Fabricated silicon nanowire devices (top) SEM image of

including microlithography, oxidation, and wet anisotropic plane-dependent etching; high quality silicon nanowire arrays can

parallel nanowires (bottom) TEM image of nanowire cross-section.

be easily made in any conventional microfabrication facility without nanolithography or expensive equipment. Silicon nanowires with scalable lateral dimensions ranging from 200 nm down to 10 nm with lengths up to 100 Âľm can be precisely formed with nearperfect monocrystalline cross sections, atomically smooth surfaces, and wafer-scale yields greater than 90% using a novel size reduction method where silicon nanowires can be controllably scaled to any dimension and doping concentration independent of large contacting regions from a continuous layer of crystalline silicon. The electrochemical behavior of the depletion-mode p-type silicon nanowires is demonstrated by measuring the current response of three different gate oxide configurations to varying pH of an electrolyte solution. The three oxide configurations include a SiO2 gate oxide surface and oxide surfaces modified with organic monolayers 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS).

Figure 2: Measured pH behavior of silicon nanowires with (top) bare SiO2 (middle) APTES modified SiO2 and (bottom) HMDS modified SiO2 surfaces

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: S. Chen, J.G. Bomer, W.G. van der Wiel, E.T. Carlen, A. van den Berg, Top-down fabrication of sub-30 nm monocrystalline silicon nanowires using conventional microfabrication, ACS Nano 3 (2009) 3485.


[highlights] Prof. dr. ir. Leon Lefferts

The focus of Catalytic Processes and Materials group (CPM) is on applied heterogeneous cata-

“Heterogeneous catalysis is

ous catalytic reactions and materials on one side and their application in practical processes

one of the most important

on the other side. Research is focused on three research themes:

applications of nanotechnology

1. Catalysis for sustainable processes for fuels and chemicals

economy wise; the challenge is

2. High yield selective oxidation

to improve the level of control

3. Heterogeneous catalysis in liquid phase

over the active nanoparticles

We explore preparation and application of new highly porous, micro-structured support mate-

as well as the local conditions

rials as well as micro-reactors and micro-fluidic devices, supported by unique information on

at those particles.”

reaction mechanisms in liquid phase obtained by developing new experimental techniques.

lysis. The work in this area aims at building a bridge between new discoveries on heterogene-

Catalytic Processes and Materials Molecular events during catalytic cleaning of drinking water as observed with IR spectroscopy Figure 1: Reaction scheme of the catalytic hydrogenation of nitrite over

The mechanism of the heterogeneous hydrogenation of nitrite over a Pt/Al 2O 3 catalyst layer deposited on a ZnSe Internal

Pd/AI2O3 and Pt/AI2O3. The dotted lines represent possible reaction

Reflection Element was investigated in water using Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy. In addition to adsorbed

pathways for N2O and N2 formation, although at present there is no

nitrite, hydrogenation intermediates NO (ads), “HNO”(ads), HNO2-(ads) are formed on the platinum surface. Hydrogenation of the surface

evidence for these pathways. Step ➂ applies for Pt/AI2O3 only. All other

intermediates mainly results in NH4+, but also traces of N2O are observed as well, which is believed to be an intermediate in the

steps apply for both catalysis.

formation of nitrogen. “HNO”(ads) is the most prominent surface species during steady state operation and is therefore involved in the rate determining step. Some NO (ads) accumulates at steps in transient experiments, showing a very low reactivity towards N2O. The results show that although the reaction pathways of nitrite hydrogenation on platinum and palladium are rather similar, the rate determining steps on the metals are clearly different.

Figure 2: Home built in-situ ATR-IR (Attentuated Total Reflection Infra Red) spectroscopy flow-through-microreactor.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: Sune D. Ebbesen, Barbara L. Mojet, Leon Lefferts, Mechanistic Investigation of the Heterogeneous Hydrogenation of Nitrite over Pt/Al2O3 by Attenu-


ated Total R ­ eflection Infrared Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113 (2009) 2503-2511.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The Complex Photonic Systems (COPS) group studies light propagation in ordered and disordered nanophotonic materials. We investigate photonic bandgap materials, random lasers, diffusion and Anderson localization of light. We have

Prof. dr. Willem L. Vos

recently pioneered the control of spontaneous emission in photonic crystals and

“COPS strives to catch light with

the active control of the propagation of light in disordered photonic materials.

nanostructures. But beware dear

Novel photonic nanostructures are fabricated and characterized in the MESA+

colleagues, since Shakespeare once

cleanroom. Optical experiments are an essential aspect of our research, which

said: ‘Light, seeking light, doth light of

COPS combines with a theoretical understanding of the properties of light. Our

light beguile’. In other words: the eye in

curiosity driven research is of interest to various industrial partners, and to

seeking truth deprives itself of vision.”

applications in medical and biophysical imaging.

Complex Photonic Systems The role of the orientation of a source in spontaneous emission of light Spontaneous emission of photons is a fundamental quantum process that is of great relevance to technology and to basic science. It

Figure 1a: Cartoon of a source dipole close to a 80-nm radius

is the desired process by which light is generated in energy-efficient light sources, such as white LEDs. It is also an undesired loss

plasmonic silver nanosphere.

channel in photovoltaic solar energy conversion. For these and many other applications, control of spontaneous emission is crucial. In complex nanostructured environments, there are many factors influencing the emission rate of a light source: the structure of the environment, the emission frequency and the position of the source are variables that have been shown to control the emission rate. Our group was the first to experimentally demonstrate that spontaneous emission is controlled by photonic crystals. To date, however, the role of the orientation of the source’s transition dipole moment was unclear. COPS scientists recently found theoretically that the emission rate varies strikingly (by factors more than 100) as a function of orientation. Based on fundamental symmetries of Fermi’s golden rule, they show that the dependence of the emission rate on orientation can always be represented by a remarkably simple graph: It is always a quadratic form, shaped like a sphere, a donut (such as in Figure 1b) or a peanut. On the other hand, the radiation

Figure 1b: Emission rate surface showing the angle-dependent

pattern, which visualizes the emission rate versus direction of the outgoing radiation, remains a surprisingly complex figure (see

emission rate of the source versus its dipole orientation.

Figure 1c), even in the very simple system depicted in Figure 1a.

Figure 1c: Radiation pattern (intensity of radiation in a given direction) for the system depicted in Figure 1a.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] W.L. Vos, A.F. Koenderink, I.S. Nikolaev, Orientation-dependent spontaneous emission rates of a two-level quantum emitter in any nano­ photonic environment, Phys. Rev. A 80 (2009) 053802:1-7. [2] L.A. Woldering, A.P. Mosk, R.W. Tjerkstra, W.L. Vos, The influence of fabrication deviations on the photonic band gap of three-dimensional inverse woodpile nanostructures, J.Appl. Phys. 105 (2009) 093108:1-10.


[highlights] Understanding the magnetic, optical, electrical and structural properties of solids in terms of their chemical composition and atomic structure by numerically solving the quantum mechanical equations describing the motion of the electrons is the central research activity of the group Computational Materials Science (CMS). These equations contain no input from experiment other than the fundamental physical constants, making it possible to analyze

Figure 1: Band structures of graphene absorbed upon Al, Pt, and

Prof. dr. Paul J. Kelly

the properties of systems which are difficult to characterize experimentally

”Computational Materials Science:

or predict the physical properties of materials which have not yet been made.

taking the guesswork out of

This is especially important when experimentalists attempt to make hybrid

NanoScience and Technology.”

structures approaching the nanoscale.

Computational Materials Science

Co (111) substrates. The bottom left and right panels correspond, respectively, to majority and minority spin band structures. The Fermi level is at zero energy. The amount of carbon pz character is indicated

Doping graphene with metal contacts

by the blackness of the bands. The conical point corresponds to the crossing of predominantly pz bands at K. Note that on doubling the

Measuring the transport of electrons through a graphene sheet necessarily involves contacting it with metal electrodes. We studied

lattice vectors (for Al and Pt), the K point is folded down onto the K

the adsorption of graphene on metal substrates using first-principles calculations at the level of density-functional theory [1]. The

point of the smaller Brillouin zone.

bonding of graphene to Al, Ag, Cu, Au, and Pt (111) surfaces is so weak that its unique “ultrarelativistic” electronic structure is preserved (Figure 1). The interaction does, however, lead to a charge transfer that shifts the Fermi level by up to 0.5 eV with respect to the conical points. The crossover from p -type to n-type doping occurs for a metal with a work function ~5.4 eV, a value much larger than the work function of free-standing graphene, 4.5 eV. We developed a simple analytical model that describes ∆E F, the Fermi-level shift in graphene, very well in terms of W M−WG, the metal substrate work function relative to that of graphene (Figure 2). Graphene interacts with and binds more strongly to Co, Ni, Pd, and Ti (Figure 1). This chemisorption involves hybridization between graphene pz states and metal d states that opens a band gap in graphene, and reduces its work function considerably. The supported graphene is effectively n-type doped because in a current-in-plane device geometry the work-function lowering will lead to electrons being transferred to the unsupported part of the graphene sheet.

Figure 2: Calculated Fermi energy shift with respect to the conical point, ∆EF (dots), and the work function W−WG (crosses) as a function of the clean metal-graphene work-function difference WM−WG. The lower (black) and the upper (green/gray) points are for the equilibrium (d~3.3 Å) and large (d=5.0 Å) graphene-metal-surface separations, respectively. The solid and dashed lines follow from the analytical model with d = 3.3 and 5.0 Å, respectively. The insets illustrate the position of the Fermi level with respect to the conical point.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] G. Giovannetti, P.A. Khomyakov, G. Brocks, V.M. Karpan, J. van den Brink, P.J. Kelly, Doping graphene with metal contacts, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (2008) 026803. [2] P. A. Khomyakov, G. Giovannetti, P.C. Rusu, G. Brocks, J. van den Brink, P.J. Kelly, First-principles study of the interaction and charge transfer between graphene


and metals, Phys. Rev. B 79 (2009) 195425.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Prof. dr. ing. Dave H.A. Blank

The mission of the Inorganic Materials Science group (IMS) is to work at the

“The recent developments in atomically

international forefront of materials science research on complex metal oxides

controlled synthesis and characterization

and hybrids, and provide an environment where young researchers and students

tools increased the applicability of

are stimulated to excel in this field.

inorganic materials substantially. This

The research is focused on establishing a fundamental understanding of the

especially holds for complex oxide

relation­ship between composition, structure and solid-state physical and

materials, enabling new materials and

chemical properties of inorganic materials, especially oxides. Insights into these

devices with novel functionalities. The aim

relationships enable us to design new materials with improved and yet unknown

is to consolidate our leading role in this

properties that are of interest for fundamental studies as well as for industrial

field of oxides electronics.”

applications. With the possibility to design and construct artificial materials on demand, new opportunities become available for novel device concepts.

Inorganic Materials Science Tetragonal CuO: end member of the 3d transition metal monoxides

Color XPD patterns for CuO measured on the right at two binding energies: the O 1s and the Cu 2p3/2 main line. Simulations of the

How to make CuO sit up straight?

CuO in tetragonal form are shown on the left, as calculated with

Just like carbon changes its properties under extreme pressures to form diamond, copper oxide can be morphed into a different

software by Abajo et al. The Cu signal comes solely from the film,

crystal structure by using thin film epitaxial stabilization. When copper oxide is deposited onto single crystal SrTiO 3, under the

whereas the O signal has a contribution from the substrate. The Cu

right conditions a more symmetric crystal structure is formed, which resembles its form found in High Tc cuprate superconductors.

pattern shows clear fourfold symmetry, which is not what would be

Natural CuO (tenorite) is the exceptional member of the rock salt series as one traverses the periodic table from MnO to CuO. It

expected from a single domain tenorite film.

deviates substantially from the trends exhibited by the members with lower atomic number. All the others have the cubic rock salt structure and all are correlated antiferromagnetic insulators. The properties of CuO in higher symmetry structures would be of great fundamental interest in understanding correlated materials. The results demonstrate that higher symmetry phases of this important correlated oxide are possible and now available for physical studies. If these phases could be doped, its properties would be of great interest in the context of the earlier mentioned high-temperature superconductors. The work of Wolter Siemons, Gertjan Koster and colleagues of the IMS group as well as collaborators at Stanford University was highlighted as exceptional research by the American Physical Society and selected for a synopsis in Physics (http://physics.aps. org).

COMAT facility for synthesis and characterization of novel nanomaterials at Nanolab NL (MESA+, University of Twente). The facility includes, amongst others, Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and X-ray Photoelectron Diffraction (XPD).

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: Wolter Siemons, Gertjan Koster, Dave H. A. Blank, Robert H. Hammond, Theodore H. Geballe, Malcolm R. Beasley, Tetragonal CuO: End member of the 3d transition metal monoxides, Physical Review B 79 (2009) 195122.


[highlights] The Integrated Optical MicroSystems (IOMS) group performs research on highly compact, potentially low-cost and mass-producible optical waveguide devices with novel functionality. After careful design using dedicated computational tools, optical chips are realized in the MESA+ clean-room facilities by standard lithographic tools as well as highresolution techniques for nano-structuring, such as focused ion beam milling and laser interference lithography. Integrated optical devices, including on-chip integrated light

Prof. dr. Markus Pollnau

sources and amplifiers, optically resonant structures, micro-mechanically or thermo-

Figure 1: Schematic showing plugs of exclusively fluorescence-

“Guiding light into the

detection schemes based on these devices are developed for a variety of applications in

end-labeled DNA molecules migrating through the microfluidic


the fields of optical sensing, bio-medical diagnostics, and optical communication.

optically actuated switches, spectrometers, and novel light generation, manipulation, and

channel, intersecting the optical waveguide with laser light of different wavelengths and modulation frequencies, a plug containing DNA molecules with different labels emitting fluorescence light at the different modulation frequencies while crossing the optical waveguide, and detection by a color-blind photomultiplier.

Integrated Optical MicroSystems High-resolution, multi-wavelength fluorescent DNA analysis in an optofluidic chip Sorting and sizing of DNA molecules has enabled the genetic mapping of various illnesses. By employing tiny lab-on-a-chip devices, integrated DNA sequencing and genetic diagnostics have become feasible. Within the EU-funded project HIBISCUS, we investigated the optofluidic integration of DNA analysis by microchip capillary electrophoresis and laser-induced fluorescence excitation toward an on-chip bio-analysis tool. The use of integrated optical waveguides for fluorescence excitation [1] enabled a high spatial resolution of 12 μm in the electrophoretic separation channel and can lead to a further 20-fold resolution enhancement as soon as improved microfluidic protocols become available. We demonstrated better than 99% DNA sizing accuracy and an ultralow limit of detection of 220 fM, corresponding to merely 8 molecules in the excitation volume, during DNA analysis by integrated-waveguide laser excitation [2]. Subsequently, we introduced a principle of parallel optical processing to this optofluidic chip. Different sets of exclusively colorlabeled DNA fragments – otherwise rendered indistinguishable by their spatio-temporal coincidence – were traced back to their origin by modulation-frequency-encoded multi-wavelength laser excitation and fluorescence detection with a color-blind photomultiplier (Figure 1), followed by Fourier-analytical decoding. As a proof of principle, exclusively end-labeled fragments obtained by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification from independent human genomic segments, associated with genetic

Figure 2: (top) PMT-detected cumulative fluorescence signal from all

predispositions to breast cancer and anemia, were simultaneously analyzed, as shown in Figure 2. This technique for multiple, yet

35 end-labeled DNA molecules vs. migration time; individual signals

unambiguous optical identification of biomolecules can open new horizons for “enlightened” lab-on-a-chip devices in the future.

separated after Fourier analysis corresponding to (center) 12 bluelabeled breast-cancer probes and (bottom) 23 red-labeled DiamondBlackfan anemia probes.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] C. Dongre, R. Dekker, H.J.W.M. Hoekstra, M. Pollnau, R. Martinez Vazquez, R. Osellame, G. Cerullo, R. Ramponi, R. van Weeghel, G.A.J. Besselink, H.H. van den Vlekkert, Fluorescence monitoring of microchip ­capillary electrophoresis separation with monolithically integrated waveguides, Opt. Lett. 33 (2008) 2503. [2] C. Dongre, J. van Weerd, G.A.J. Besselink, R. van Weeghel, R. Martinez Vazquez, R. Osellame, G. Cerullo, M. Cretich, M. Chiari, H.J.W.M. Hoekstra, M. Pollnau, High-resolution


electrophoretic separation and integrated-waveguide excitation of fluorescent DNA molecules in a lab on a chip, Electrophoresis 31 (2010) 2584.

[HIGHLIGHTS] In the last years, the MESA+ part of the Low Temperature research division (LT: prof. H. Rogalla) was covered by the Condensed Matter Physics and

Prof. dr. ir. Hans J.W.M. Hilgenkamp

Devices (CMD) group lead by prof. H. Hilgenkamp. From the end of 2009

“The Interfaces and Correlated Electron

the name Interfaces and Correlated Electron systems (ICE). Its current

systems group (ICE) focuses on materials

research activities concentrate around basic studies of materials and

and interfaces with unconventional

structures with special electronic properties, such as superconductors,

electronic properties, especially related

doped Mott insulators, topological insulators and electronically active

to interactions between the mobile

interfaces between insulating oxides, as well as their use in practical

charge carriers.”


onwards, this activity has become an independent research chair under

Interfaces and Correlated Electron systems The physics of superconducting iron pnictides In 2008 a whole new class of high temperature superconductors was discovered, namely the iron pnictides (such as BaKFeAs and LaOFeAs), with critical temperatures (Tc) up to 53 K. Although this is lower than for the record-holding cuprate superconductors, like YBa 2Cu3O7, the iron pnictides have many similarities with these cuprates. Understanding the pnictide superconductivity may help to unveil the mechanism of the superconductivity in the cuprates and eventually to find ways to even higher temperature superconductivity. For low-Tc superconductors, like in metals such as mercury or niobium, the superconductivity mechanism is understood as a pairing of electrons via their interplay with lattice vibrations (phonons). Combining band structure calculations with phonon spectra and coupling functions, we have shown that the electron-phonon coupling in the pnictides is too weak to explain the superconductivity [1]. So, excitingly, a different superconductivity mechanism must be at hand, possibly related to magnetic excitations. Another interesting aspect is that the conductance in the pnictides involves different electronic bands. The combination of this multiband conductivity and magnetic interactions is predicted to lead to a new form of superconductivity, the so-called S± state. In Ref.2 we have formulated a theory for tunneling spectroscopy in such materials, and made various predictions for features that should show up in the tunneling spectra. It is now an experimental challenge to verify these theoretical predictions. Preliminary experiments are already on their way in our group. Additionally, efforts have started to realize thin films of these new superconductors, which besides for basic studies is also of importance towards practical use of these materials, for example in sensitive sensors or ultrafast electronic devices. Figure 1: Crystal structure of the new ‘pnictide’ high-Tc superconductor LaOFeAs.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] L. Boeri, O.V. Dolgov, A.A. Golubov, Is LaFeAsO1-xFx an Electron-Phonon Superconductor?, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (2008) 026403. [2] A.A. ­Golubov, A. Brinkman, Y. Tanaka, I.I. Mazin, O.V. Dolgov, Andreev spectra and subgap bound states in multiband superconductors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 077003.


[highlights] The Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics group (LPNO) studies the physics and applications of linear and nonlinear optical processes using coherent light. Research spans a wide range of wavelengths, from THz toward soft X-rays and a wide range of power levels, from mW to TW. This includes manipulation of matter on a micron to nanometer scale to tailor coherent light for a particular application, or coherent light

Prof. dr. Klaus J. Boller

is used to characterize matter. As an example, the group investigates

“Photon powered physics -

to provide coherent XUV radiation that can be used to study matter on

putting light to work.”

a nano-scale.

extreme nonlinear optical processes driven by Tera-Watt laser pulses,

Laser Physics and Nonlinear Optics Light generated by freely streaming electrons Very short wavelengths, such as soft and hard x-rays, are extremely important for a further improved resolution reaching towards the molecular and atomic level. Such wavelengths are generated, amongst others, by synchrotron and free-electron laser (FEL) light sources. Within our group we are studying alternative methods to generate these short wavelengths that should lead to Figure 1: Calculated evolution of the electron density from a thin foil

compact coherent light sources. One such method is the so-called Relativistic Oscillating Mirror mechanism where an extremely

when a high-contrast, ultra-high intensity laser pulse hits the foil.

intense infrared laser pulse is focused on a thin foil having a thickness of only a few nanometer. The foil becomes instantaneously fully ionised, and the resulting dense plasma acts as a mirror. The interaction of the laser field with the dense plasma results in highly relativistic oscillatory motion of the electrons (see Figure 1) and, consequently, the reflected infrared light is Doppler shifted to short wavelengths. The experiments were performed, for the first time, together with the Physique à Haute Intensité (PHI) group at CEA-Saclay, France. The collectively driven relativistic electron oscillations can also move through the target and create a huge electric field that will accelerate ions1. The experiments at PHI have shown that the thin foils enable to enter a novel regime of transparent and overdense plasmas, which promises that coherent soft x-rays and accelerated proton and ion beams can be provided with increased efficiency. Free-electron lasers (FEL) are now reaching even the sub-nanometer wavelength range, and can provide high average and peak brightness. We have been working on the modeling of high-average power FEL oscillators to better understand their operation and improve the design. As a test case2 we modeled the 10 kW average power FEL of the Jefferson Laboratory, USA. The model showed good agreement with the experiment and gives access to, e.g., intracavity field distribution (see Figure 2), which is otherwise difficult to obtain. The model also allows to study effects of various resonator configurations, mirror misalignment, determine tuning curves and can enable improved diagnostics.

Figure 2: Calculated optical mode at the downstream mirror of the 10 kW IR FEL oscillator, corresponding to the peak in the optical pulse.


HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] A. Andreev,, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (2008) 155002. [2] P.J.M. van der Slot, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 244802.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Prof. dr. G. Julius Vancso

The current research in the Materials Science and Technology of Polymers group (MTP)

“The general focus of research in the MTP

focuses on platform level research and the applications are utilized in collaborations

group revolves around devising and building

with specialized groups. The projects target problems aiming at controlled polymer

tools and synthesizing molecular platforms that

synthesis, manipulation and fabrication of complex polymeric architectures including

enable studies of macromolecular structure

stimulus-responsive polymers, block copolymers, and reactive macromolecular

and behavior from the nanometer length scale,

systems from the nanoscale to macroscopic dimensions, and their applications in

bottom up. This knowledge is then used in

surface engineering, responsive molecular architectures, devices such as molecular

macromolecular materials and devices with

motors, sensors and actuators, nanostructured composites, and molecular delivery.

enhanced or novel properties and functions for

The development of enabling tools such as scanning probe microscopes, and optical

targeted applications.”

approaches, including single molecule imaging, complements this effort. Figure 1: Enzymatic reactions in the confinement of block copolymer vesicles. The liberation of fluorescent molecules allows

Materials Science and Technology of Polymers

one to monitor reaction kinetics.

Block-copolymer vesicles as attoliter nanoreactors for enzymatic reactions The impact of the spatial confinement of polystyrene-block-poly (acrylic acid) block copolymer (BCP) vesicles on the reactivity of encapsulated enzymes, such as bovine pancreas trypsin, were studied (see Figure 1). Enzymes, as well as small molecules, were encapsulated with loading efficiencies up to 30% in the vesicles which exhibited internal vesicle diameters between 30 nm to 250 nm, obtained by manipulating the vesicle preparation conditions (see Figures 2, 3). The kinetics of the trypsin-catalyzed reaction of a fluorogenic substrate inside and outside the vesicles is quantitatively estimated using fluorescence spectroscopic analyses in conjunction with the use of a selective quencher for non-encapsulated fluorophores (see Figure 1). The values of the catalytic

Figure 2: A transmission electron micrograph of block copolymer

turnover number obtained for reactions in differently sized nanoscale reactors show a significant increase with decreasing vesicle


volume, while the values of the Michaelis-Menten constant decrease. The observed corresponding increase in enzyme efficiency by two orders of magnitude compared to bulk solution is attributed to an enhanced rate of enzyme-substrate and molecule-wall collisions inside the nanosized reactors, as predicted in the literature on the basis of Monte Carlo simulations.

Figure 3: AFM image of tightly packed block copolymer vesicles.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: Q. Chen, H. Schönherr, G.J. Vancso, Block-copolymer vesicles as nanoreactors for enzymatic reactions, Small 5 (12) (2009) 1436-1445.


[highlights] The Membrane Technology Group (MTG) focuses on the multidisciplinary topic of membrane science and technology. We consider our expertise as a multidisciplinary knowledge chain ranging from molecule to process. The group is organized according to research clusters based on five application areas: sustainable membrane processes,

Prof. dr. ing. Matthias Wessling

water, biomedical and life science, inorganic membranes, and micro/nano structuring.

“Permeable micro-molds

defined structures tailored for interfacial studies. Ongoing joint activities within

allowing vapor passage lead

MESA+ include the use of structured membranes and microreactors for enhanced

to new polymeric micro-

mass transport by controlling the fluid dynamics, and the design of well-defined


nanostructures for optimized molecular transport.

The cluster related to micro/nano structuring is focusing on the fabrication of well-

Figure 1: Microstructuring process using vapor induced phase separation. Two elastomeric molds are

Membrane Technology Group

filled with polymer solution and assembled. The assembly is subsequently

Vapor induced microfabrication

exposed to a water vapor atmosphere, whereby

Phase separation processes are used for the majority of synthetic polymeric membrane preparation. In such a fabrication process, a

water permeates through

polymer solution is thermodynamically destabilized and undergoes phase separation in a polymer rich and polymer poor phase. The

the elastomeric mold.

destabilization is mostly induced by a non-solvent (liquid induced or vapor induced) or a temperature change. We have previously

The polymer solution that

expanded this method of phase separation using microstructured molds combined with liquid induced phase separation. A solid

is contained by the mold

mold with a cast polymer solution is immersed into a non-solvent bath, resulting in a microstructured membrane. When using solid

phase separates, forming a

molds, the phase separation process always starts from the free surface, i.e. the non-structured side. The free surface side is then

porous polymer structure.

the side with the selective skin. This limitation has led to the adaptation of the process. Here, we employ a mold that is permeable for non-solvent, thereby allowing for the phase separation to initiate from the structured side. As such, a structured selective side can be obtained that influences the permeability positively. Furthermore, by squeezing structured molds it is possible to obtain perforated structures, as can be seen in the figures displayed.

Figure 2: SEM images of porous microstructures, obtained by vapor induced phase separation microfabrication.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: M. Bikel, I.G.M. PĂźnt, R.G.H. Lammertink, M. Wessling, Micropatterned Polymer Films by Vapor-Induced Phase Separation Using Permeable


Molds, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 1-12 (2009) 2856-2861.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Prof. dr. Han J.G.E. Gardeniers

Research of the Mesoscale Chemical Systems group (MCS) focuses on the themes

“The MCS team studies downscaling and

intensification (microplasma and sonochemical microreactors, microreactors with

integration concepts in order to enhance

integrated work-up functionality, electrostatic control of catalytic surface processes),

throughput and selectivity of chemical

Micro chemical analysis and process analytical technology (liquid and electro-

reactions and product purification, to

chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry or micro-optics, microscale NMR,

improve the analysis of mass-limited

microcalorimetric gas sensors), and (Bio)molecular dynamics in confinement: (protein

chemical and medical samples, and to

folding and complexation, systems biology). Applications are in sustainable energy,

contribute to the fundamental knowledge

process intensification, biocatalysis and biomaterials, chemical and forensic analysis,

of molecular dynamics in confinement."

and medical diagnostics.

Alternative activation mechanisms for chemical process control and process

Mesoscale Chemical Systems NMR on a drop of sample

Figure 1: Microreactor chip.

NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, is an indispensable technique in chemistry, biology and the medical sciences. In the medical field, where the analysis of minute sample volumes is of high importance, NMR is however rarely used, because of its intrinsic low sensitivity. The sensitivity problem can be solved by scaling the detection coil with the amount of available sample, but the main short-coming of most the developed microcoils is limited spectral resolution and a limitation to relatively low magnetic fields, which does not comply with state-of-the-art high-resolution and high-field NMR. In collaboration with Radboud University Nijmegen, an alternative micro NMR probe design was developed, based on a stripline integrated in a microfluidic chip (see Figure 2). A stripline consists of a flat metal strip through which a radiofrequency (RF) current is fed, resulting

Figure 2: Microfluidic NMR chip.

in a varying magnetic field around this strip, which can be used for the excitation of nuclear spin transitions. The geometry allows a highresolution spectra at high fields, with an intrinsic higher sensitivity: With a stripline-based microfluidic chip containing 600 nL of sample, a sensitivity of 0.47 nmol/√ Hz and a spectral resolution of 0.0012 ppm at a main magnetic field of 600 MHz was obtained. This is the highest resolution ever shown with a microfluidic NMR system! The RF-homogeneity obtained with the system is adequate for 2D NMR schemes, as was demonstrated via a COSY experiment on 13C labeled sugars (see Figure 3). The NMR chip was coupled to a microreactor chip (reaction volume 4.5 µL) and reactions could be followed on-line on a timescale of seconds, the limitation being the intrinsic acquisition time of the NMR. Since operating NMR under flow conditions may affect spectral resolution, flow-effects on the line width were studied and it was found that the line width remains below 0.004 ppm for flow rates up to 150 µL/min, which is a quite high flow rate for chip-based microreactors. Real-time monitoring of an acetylation reaction showed protonation effects and short-lived intermediates which were not visible in spectra obtained in a regular NMR system. As a second demonstration, metabolites were identified in a human cerebrospinal fluid sample. The measurements in the stripline (600 nL, 9× concentrated) were comparable in resolution with a reference measurement performed in a standard 5 mm tube (450 µL,

Figure 3: 2D 1H-1H COSY spectrum of 1.2 μmol 13C-labeled glucose

unconcentrated) and a 3.6 times higher mass-sensitivity was found in the stripline probe.

solution in D2O obtained with the stripline probe.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] J. Bart, A.J. Kolkman, A.J. de Oosthoek - de Vries, K. Koch, P.J. Nieuwland, J.W.G. Janssen, P.J.M. van Bentum, K.A.M. Ampt, F.P.J.T. Rutjes, S.S. Wijmenga, J.G.E. Gardeniers, A.P.M. Kentgens, A microfluidic high resolution NMR flow probe, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (2009) 5014-5015. [2] J. Bart, J.W.G. Janssen, P.J.M. van Bentum, A.P.M. Kentgens, J.G.E. Gardeniers, Optimization of Stripline-based Microfluidic Chips for High-Resolution NMR, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 201 (2009) 175-185.


[highlights] The Molecular nanoFabrication group (MnF), headed by Prof. Jurriaan Huskens, focuses on bottom-up nanofabrication methodologies and their integration with top-down surface structuring. Key research elements are: supramolecular chemistry at interfaces, multivalency, supramolecular materials, biomolecule assembly and cell patterning, nanoparticle assembly, soft and imprint lithography, microfluidics, and multistep inte­ grated nanofabrication schemes. The group has several collaborations within MESA+,

Prof. dr. ir. Jurriaan Huskens

e.g. on the assembly of proteins and cells on patterned surfaces and on the development

“Molecular nanoFabrication: shaping

participates in the Twente Graduate School program Novel NanoMaterials, and in the

the future of molecular matter.”

flagship Nanofabrication in the national nanotechnology program NanoNed.

of alternative lithographies and their applications. Furthermore, the group actively

Molecular nanoFabrication Self-assembling nanobridges In a collaborative effort, researchers from the MNF and MTP groups have for the first time succeeded in building free-standing bridges of particles on surfaces. An entirely new method was developed for building bridges of nanoparticles, using supramolecular forces. These forces cause the nanoparticles, which constitute the bridge, to fall automatically in the right place. In building the bridges, polystyrene spheres of around 500 nanometres in size were used. These dissolve in water, and the solution is subsequently deposited into grooves on a surface. The solution evaporates, leaving behind a line of spheres in the groove. A Figure 1: Scheme for the fabrication of supramolecularly glued

‘supramolecular glue’ is then added. This consists of two components: gold particles and so-called dendrimers. These particles

bridges of particles.

adhere to each other and to the polystyrene particles and thus fix the structure. This creates a barshaped structure. The bar is then stamped on to a different surface. By stamping the bar on to a grooved surface, the bridge of nanoparticles is created (Figure 1). All the dimensions of the bridge (Figure 2) can be determined accurately. The length of the grooves determines the length of the bridge, the breadth of the groove determines the breadth, and the speed with which the line is filled determines the thickness (number of layers). In this case, bridges were built of polystyrene and gold particles, but the method can also be used for other materials, such as silica. Nanomechanical studies (Figure 2) showed superb strength of the bridges. These nanobridges can potentially be applied in, among other things, the manufacture of optical filters that allow or disallow specific wave lengths to pass through. Another area of application is microelectronics, where the bridges could be used for minuscule links or sensors.

Figure 2. SEM images (left) of free-standing particle bridges and AFM bending cartoon and deflection data (right) obtained when probing a single bridge.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] X. Y. Ling, I. Y. Phang, W. Maijenburg, H. Schönherr, D. N. Reinhoudt, G. J. Vancso, J. Huskens, Free-standing 3D supramolecular hybrid ­particle structures, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48 (2009) 983-987. [2] X. Y. Ling, I. Y. Phang, H. Schönherr, D. N. Reinhoudt, G. J. Vancso, J. Huskens, 3D Free-


standing supramolecular particle bridges: Fabrication and mechanical behavior, Small 5 (2009) 1428-1435 (with cover).

[HIGHLIGHTS] The research mission of the Nanobiophysics group (NBP) is to perform worldclass research in molecular and cellular biophysics at the nanometer scale. We are particularly interested in the mechanisms of neurodegenerative disease

Prof. dr. Vinod Subramaniam

related protein aggregation, in protein-ligand interactions on cell surfaces,

“Our goal is to perform world-class

measurements of dynamic molecular and cellular biophysical processes at

research in molecular and cellular

high spatial, temporal, and chemical resolutions. We are also fascinated with

biophysics at the nanometer scale, to

developing cutting-edge technologies to address these challenging research

gain new insights into fundamental

questions. Strong collaborations with other MESA+ groups and national and

mechanisms related to disease.”

international collaborators are essential elements of our work.

and in the emerging field of nanobiophotonics. We strive for quantitative

Figure 1. (a) Fluorescence images of His-EGFP patterns acquired


after incubating metal-ion written areas with protein solution. The upper 5-line pattern was written first. The pattern includes five horizontal lines (10 μm in length) that were successively generated by using an AFM tip inked with Ni(II) ions, using scanning speeds

New strategies for patterning proteins with dip-pen nanolithography

of 10, 5, 1, 0.5, and 0.1 μm/s, from top to bottom. A second 5-line pattern was generated by using the same tip without re-inking. The camera exposure time for these images is 0.25 ms per pixel. (b)

In a joint project with the Laboratory of Supramolecular Chemistry and Technology (SMCT), MESA+ PhD student Chien-Ching

Average fluorescence intensity profiles and Gaussian fit (in red) of

Wu has been exploring new strategies to deposit nanometer scale patterns of proteins using dip pen nanolithography (DPN).

each line in 1st 5-line pattern.

DPN is an atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based lithography technique, in which a molecular “ink” is deposited on a substrate using the tip of the AFM (the “pen”), with feature sizes of the patterns approaching ~15 nm. This technique shows great potential for generating patterns approaching molecular sizes. Wu has focused on two different approaches to enhance the repertoire of DPN. In the first approach, she has used the smallest possible “ink”, metal ions, to deposit nickel ions onto nitrilotriacetic acid-terminated monolayer-functionalized glass, and has subsequently immobilized histidine-tagged visible fluorescent proteins exploiting specific metal-peptide interactions (see Figure 1). This indirect immobilization approach avoids problems of denaturation of proteins that often occurs upon direct writing. One of the issues with the DPN technique is the depletion of “ink” molecules over time, requiring multiple re-inking steps for writing large areas. Wu has also exploited a simple and elegant approach using layer-by-layer techniques to coat the surfaces of AFM tips with a thin porous film. This film can easily absorb proteins and act as a larger volume ink reservoir compared to a bare AFM tip (Figure 2). Fluorescent protein patterns were generated at micron and sub-micron length scales by using the porous tips. This work was performed in collaboration with several other MESA+ groups.

Figure 2. Fluorescence images of (a) a bare AFM tip and (b) a porouslayer functionalized tip, dipped into His-Ds Red solution (2 μM) for 10 minutes and then dried with N2. The exposure time of both images is 100 ms. (c) The intensity profiles of the lines shown in (a) and (b).

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] Wu, C.-C., D. N. Reinhoudt, C. Otto, A. H. Velders, V. Subramaniam, Protein Immobilization on Ni(II)-Ion Patterns Prepared by Microcontact Printing and Dip-Pen Nanolithography, ACS Nano 4 (2010) 1083-1091. [2] Wu, C.-C., H. Xu, C. Otto, D. N. Reinhoudt, R. G. H. Lammertink, J. Huskens, V. Subramaniam, A. H. Velders, Porous Multilayer-Coated AFM Tips for Dip-Pen Nanolithography of Proteins, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (2009) 7526-7527.


[highlights] Prof. dr. ir. Wilfred G. van der Wiel

The Chair NanoElectronics (NE) was established on October 1st 2009. It performs research and provides


boundaries of traditional disciplines, synergetically combining aspects of Electrical Engineering, Physics,

is where electrical

Chemistry, Materials Science, and Nanotechnology. NE consists of more than 20 group members and still


has some vacancies. Nanoelectronics comprises a mix of intriguing physical phenomena and revolutionairy

physics, chemistry,

novel concepts for devices and systems with improved performance and/or entirely new functionality. Our

education in the field of nanoelectronics. Hybrid inorganic-organic electronics, spin electronics and quantum electronics form important subfields of nanoelectronics. The research goes above and beyond the

materials science

research involves: n Quantum electronics n (Organic) spintronics n Hybrid inorganic-organic electronics.

and nanotechnology

NE has some dedicated infrastructure including MBE deposition, scanning tunneling microscopy, cryogenic

inevitably meet.”

measurement systems down to temperatures 250 mK in combination with magnetic fields up to 10 tesla.

Figure 1: (a)Three-terminal device (contact areas 100*200 m2) for injection and detection of spin polarization in n-Si under a single spin tunnel contact (left) consisting of an oxide insulator (0.5 nm) and a ferromagnetic-metal electrode (FM; blue). (b) Energy band diagram, depicting the ferromagnet,


the Al2O3 barrier and the n-type Si conduction- and valence bands bending up towards the oxide, forming a thin depletion region in the Si that acts as a second part of the tunnel barrier.

Electrical creation of spin polarization in silicon at room temperature A central theme in spintronics research is the control and manipulation of electron (and hole) spins in semiconductors. This development is stimulated by the prospect of semiconductor spintronic applications such as combined memory and logic on the single device level, enabling e.g. reprogrammable logic circuits, and the development of building blocks for future solid state quantum computation. Considerable success has been obtained in the field lately, as various research groups have realized the creation and detection of robust spin polarization in intrinsically non-magnetic semiconductors via all-electrical means at temperatures below 150 K. In this work, we demonstrate room temperature electrical injection and detection of spin polarized carriers in both n-type and p-type Si, using the electrical Hanle effect, e.g. spin precession in magnetic fields, to probe the spin accumulation beneath a ferromagnetic spin-tunnel contact. We show that the spin accumulation in n-type Si, i.e. the spin-splitting of the chemical potential, can be as large as 2.9 meV, which corresponds to a spin polarization of the conduction band electrons of nearly 5%. These results constitute a first step towards implementation of spin functionality in (complementary) silicon devices operating at ambient temperature. The work was rated as the number three Breakthrough of the Year 2009 by Physics World (see

Figure 2: (a) Hanle effect, producing a decay of the spin accumulation, Δμ, due

article/news/41270 ).

to spin precession in a magnetic field, B, perpendicular to the electron spins (s) in the Si. At constant current this produces a voltage change, ΔV. (b) ΔV (at 734 mA) across an n-Si/Al2O3/Ni80Fe20(5 nm)/Co(20 nm) tunnel junction at T=300 K, versus magnetic field. (c) ΔV for various temperatures for the same junction. Also shown (black symbols) is data measured at 10 K for a control device with 2 nm of Yb, inserted at the Al2O3/Ni80Fe20 interface, resulting in spin-independent tunneling.


HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: S.P. Dash, S. Sharma, R.S. Patel, M.P. de Jong, R. Jansen, Electrical creation of spin polarization in silicon at room temperature, Nature 462 (2009) 491.

[HIGHLIGHTS] Prof. dr. Serge J.G. Lemay

The goals of the newly-founded group Nanoionics (NI) are to add to

“The physics of ions in liquid are directly

fundamental understanding of electrostatics and electron transfer

relevant to a surprisingly wide array of

in liquid, and to explore new concepts for fluidic devices based on

research areas of current scientific and

this new understanding.

societal interest. These include nanoscience

Our experimental tools, which are largely dictated by the intrin-

(the ‘natural’ length scale for ions), energy

sic nanometer scale of the systems that we study, include single-

(fuel cells, supercapacitors), neuroscience

molecule techniques borrowed from biophysics, instrumentation

(signal transduction, new experimental tools),

from electrochemistry, and lithography-based microfabrication.

and health and environment monitoring (new

Through its focus on nanoscience and its multidisciplinary nature,

and better sensors).”

this research is a natural fit for MESA+.

NanoIonics Through the eye of a needle Gel electrophoresis, a technique for separating fragments of DNA of different lengths, is one of the main workhorses of molecular biology. Nonetheless, the physics of how a highly-charged DNA molecule winds its way through the twisted corridors of a gel under the influence of an electric field are still not well understood. Theory indicates that the forces acting on the DNA are not given solely by simple electrostatics, and instead that the dynamics of the water surrounding the DNA also play a crucial role. These ideas could previously be addressed only indirectly by experiments based on macroscopic porous gels. Our research provided a first direct experimental test by measuring the electrophoretic force on single DNA molecules threading through carefully engineered nanometer-scale pores. These pores, which were fabricated through a combination of lithography and electron-beam sculpting, acted as an artificial, idealized gel. To monitor the force exerted on the DNA by an applied electric field, we employed optical tweezers. These consist of a tightly focused laser beam that can be used to trap and manipulate small particles in water. We found that the force depends on the geometry of the nanopore, directly demonstrating that simple electrostatics does not suffice to describe electrophoresis. This research was performed at the TU Delft just before the new Nanoionics group was formed at MESA+, and is illustrative of the research that will take place in NI. Figure 1. Measuring electrophoretic forces: A single DNA molecule is pulled through a nanopore by an applied electric field. Optical tweezers, which interact with a bead attached to one end of the DNA, are used both to position the DNA near the nanopore and to measure the force.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: S. van Dorp, U. F. Keyser, N. H. Dekker, C. Dekker, S. G. Lemay, Origin of the Electrophoretic Force on DNA in Solid-State Nanopores, Nature Physics 5 (2009) 347-351.


[highlights] Optical Sciences (OS) is a dynamic and multidisciplinary research group, whose infrastructure and expertise ranges from near-field probing of (single)

Prof. dr. Jennifer L. Herek

molecules and materials through nonlinear spectroscopy and imaging to

“Shaped laser pulses are optical

of phase-shaped femtosecond laser pulses and adaptive learning algorithms

melodies, fleeting compositions

within these themes is leading to exciting new research at the interface of

of light in which different

chemistry, physics and nanomaterials science. Applications include improving

frequencies are arranged in

the efficiency of photodrugs, chemical-selective imaging in biology and

a tune, music to the ears of

pharmacology, and studying wave propagation and nonlinear phenomena in

molecules and nanostructures.”

nanostructured materials.

nanostructure fabrication, and ultrafast laser spectroscopy. The integration

Optical Sciences Nonlinear spectroscopy and imaging In biological samples, the resonant coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering signal of minor constituents is overwhelmed by non­ resonant background, preventing detection of those molecules. We developed a method to obtain the vibrational phase of the molecules in the focal volume that allows discrimination of those hidden molecules [1], and can be regarded as an extension of the Figure 1: Fixed HeLa cells in water imaged at 2845 cm , before (left)

linear (refractive index) phase contrast microscopy introduced by Zernike in 1933. The phase is measured with respect to the local

and after (right) suppression of nonresonant background signal.

excitation fields using a cascaded phase-preserving chain.


Coherent control Achieving control using phase-shaped laser pulses requires coherence in the quantum system under study. In the condensed phase, coherence is typically lost rapidly because of fluctuating interactions between the solvated molecule and its surrounding nanoenvironment. We found the degree of attainable control to vary with viscosity, revealing a striking trend that is correlated directly with the dephasing time [2]. Our results on solvated molecules, and analogous experiments on disordered metal nanostructures, provide clear evidence that the local environment influences the leverage of attainable control.

Figure 2: Schematic representation of potential energy surfaces for a solvated molecule, perturbed by the surrounding solvent nano-environment.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] M. Jurna, J.P. ­Korterik, C. Otto, J.L. Herek, H.L. Offerhaus, Vibrational phase contrast microscopy by use of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 043905. [2] P. van der Walle, M.T.W. Milder, L. Kuipers, J.L. Herek, Quantum control experiment reveals ­solvation-induced


decoherence, Proceedings of the National Academy of ­Sciences 106 (2009) 7714.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The research of the group Physical aspects of NanoElectronics (PNE) is devoted to the understanding of nanometer-sized building blocks (including single or small groups of molecules) in device-based structures, that constitutes fundamental units for electronic components such as nanowires, switches, memory and gain elements. At nanometer length scales quantum phenomena start to play an important role. For low-dimensional systems one expects a wealth of exotic physical phenomena, such as non-Fermi liquid behavior, Coulomb blockade, charge-density wave condensation due to

Prof. dr. ir. Harold J.W. Zandvliet

a Peierls instability, quantization of conductance etc. In order to obtain a deeper insight into the


are studied with high spatial resolution techniques. With our strong background and long-standing

is playing with atoms.”

expertise in interface/surface science we feel perfectly set for this challenging programme.

behavior of these nanoscale devices the physical, chemical and especially electronic properties

Physical aspects of NanoElectronics A molecule that wags its tail We have adsorbed octanethiol molecules on monatomic Pt chains. Scanning tunnelling spectroscopy spectra recorded on the octanethiol molecule allow us to separate between the head and the tail of the molecule. The sulphur atom of the octanethiol molecule binds to a Pt atom and its hydrocarbon tail is lying flat down on the Pt chain. Open-loop current time traces recorded at 77 K reveals that the octanethiol molecule occasionally wagged its hydrocarbon tail and attached to the STM tip resulting in a dramatic increase of the tunnelling current from 1 nA to 10-15 nA. In this metastable configuration, which can last for many seconds, the octanethiol mocule is trapped between two electrodes and thus its resistance be can measured accurately. The resistance of the

Figure 1: Scanning tunneling microscopy image (25nm x 25nm)

octanethiol molecule is estimated to be 125 MΩ and compares favourably with existing experimental data.

of a Pt-modified Ge(001) surface after a 60 Langmuir exposure to octanethiol. The octanethiol molecules (circular-shaped white spots) almost exclusively adsorb on the Pt atomic chains.

Figure 2: I: an octanethiol molecule lying flat down on a Pt nanowire. II: an octanethiol molecule trapped between the a Pt nanowire and the apex of an Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy tip.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: D. Kockmann, B. Poelsema, H.J.W. Zandvliet, Transport through a single octanethiol molecule, Nano ­Letters 9 (2009) 1147-1151.


[highlights] The goal of the Physics of Complex Fluids (PCF) group is to understand and control the structure and the mechanical properties of liquids from the nanometer to the micrometer range. Our activities cover the areas: i) nanofluidics, ii) (electro)wetting & microfluidics, iii) soft matter mechanics. In nanofluidics we

Prof. dr. Frieder G. Mugele

investigate phenomena arising from the breakdown of classical hydrodynamics upon approaching mo-

“Physics of Complex

(e.g. superhydrophobic surfaces) and external fields (electrowetting), focusing on dynamic phenomena,

Fluids: understanding

such as contact angle hysteresis and contact line dynamics, drop generation, thin film flows, and microf-

liquids and interfaces

luidic two-phase flows. Our soft matter mechanics focus on the correlation between the internal struc-

from the micro- to the

ture of complex fluids ranging from colloidal suspensions to living cells and their viscoelastic properties.


The PCF group contributes to the SROs Mesofluidics and Cell Stress.

lecular scales. In micro­fluidics we control and manipulate wetting phenomena using surface patterning

Physics of Complex Fluids Probing living cells via the dynamics of intracellular particles Following the incessant erratic motions of particles inside living cells can yield important information on either the state of the cell as a whole, or on local processes occurring within the cell. In both cases, an adequate sampling of the different intracellular regions might be obtained by using many particles per cell. However whether this approach actually works, also depends on how Figure 1a: Microscope image of a single adherent endothelial cell.

the dynamics of a particle can change as a function of time and/or location.

Dark (submicron) objects are endogenous lipid granules, whose

This largely unknown aspect was addressed by a study of the quantitative motions of endogenous lipid granules in endothelial

erratic motions can be tracked with high precision. Scale Bar: 10

cells (Figure 1a), using a confocal microscope and video particle tracking software [1]. We found that the motion amplitudes of


different particles showed considerable variation, however not according to an organized spatial pattern (Figure 1b). Temporal variations turned out to be weak at the typical second-timescale over which a particle is followed. These findings indicate that 1) individual particle motions can be studied to get insight into local intracellular mechanical environments and processes and 2) that Mean-Squared Displacement functions that are representative for the whole cell can be obtained by simply averaging over all particles. The latter result enabled the use of Intracellular Particle Tracking for studying the response of endothelial cells to drug treatments [2] [3] and shear flow, as well as for distinguishing between benign and malignant cancer cells from breast and pancreas tissue [4].

Figure 1b: Reconstruction of Figure 1a, showing only the particles, along with their motion amplitudes, indicated by the color scale.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] M.H.G. Duits, Y. Li, S.A. Vanapalli, F. Mugele, Mapping of spatiotemporal heterogeneous particle dynamics in living cells, Phys. Rev. E 79 (2009) 051910. [2] Y. Li, S.A. Vanapalli, M.H.G. Duits, Dynamics of ballistically injected latex particles in living human endothelial cells, Biorheology 46 (2009) 309. [3] S.A. ­Vanapalli, Y. Li, F. Mugele, M.H.G. Duits, On the origins of the universal dynamics of endogenous granules in mammalian cells, Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics 150 (2009)


1-16. [4] Y. Li, J. Schnekenburger, M.H.G. Duits, Intracellular particle tracking as a tool for tumor cell characterization, J. Biomed. Optics 14 6 (2009) 064005.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The Physics of Fluids group (PoF) is studying various flow phenomenona, in particular those related with bubbles. We use both experimental, theoretical, and numerical techniques and we do both fundamental and applied research.

Prof. dr. Detlef Lohse

Our main research areas are:

“The physics of fluids is very

n Turbulence and Two-Phase Flow

different on the nano- and

n Granular Flow

micro-scale as compared to the

n Biomedical Application of Bubbles

macro-scale and offers various

n Micro- and Nanofluidics

challenges of both fundamental

In the context of MESA+, the Physics of Fluids group dealt with the behavior of surface nano­

and applied character.”

bubbles, inkjet printing, thin films, and wetting phenomena on superhydrophobic surfaces. Figure 1: A Splash of Red. High-speed photograph of a 2-mm droplet

Physics of Fluids

of red dye impacting on a thin layer of milk reveals crown formation and secondary droplets with a splash of red. A single droplet of red dye is released from a height above a substrate. The extremely fast sequence of events following the droplet impact strongly depends on

Controlled surface cavitation on the sub-micron scale

the type of liquid, droplet size, impact velocity, and the substrate. For a substrate covered with a very thin layer of liquid the impact of a droplet results in an upward jet forming a crown – a crown splash. High-speed

The acoustic nucleation threshold for bubbles trapped in cavities has theoretically been predicted within the crevice theory

photography reveals crown formation with tips of entrained milk

by Atchley & Prosperetti in 1989. We have now determined this threshold experimentally, by applying a single pressure pulse

covering the rim of the coronet. The rim breaks up in a number of

to bubbles trapped in cylindrical nanoscopic pits (“artificial crevices”) with radii down to 50 nm. By decreasing the minimum

satellite droplets determined by the most unstable wavelength of the

pressure stepwise, we observe the threshold for which the bubbles start to nucleate. The experimental results are in excellent

Rayleigh-Plateau instability. The high-speed photograph is obtained

quantitative agreement with the theoretical predictions of Atchley & Prosperetti. In addition, we provided the mechanism which

using a very short flash illumination and a digital camera.

explains the deactivation of cavitation nuclei: gas diffusion together with an aspherical bubble collapse. Finally, we constructed

In the inkjet printing industry, better understanding of the formation of

superhydrophobic nuclei which cannot be deactivated, unless with a high-speed liquid jet directed into the pit.

satellites following droplet impact can improve the printing quality. (Picture taken by Wim van Hoeve)

Figure 2: A superhydrophobic pit (left) can be nucleated hundreds of times, provided that the liquid jet in the bubble collapse phase is not directed into the pit. Center: a hexagonal pattern of superhydrophobic pits (100 µm in between the pits) after 230 nucleation events shows only 2 defects. Right: a square pattern (300 µm in between the pits) is completely intact after 100 shots. (Picture taken by Bram Borkent)

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: B.M. Borkent, S. Gekle, A. Prosperetti, D. Lohse, Nucleation threshold and deactivation mechanisms of nanoscopic cavitation nuclei, Phys. Fluids 21 (2009) 102003.


[highlights] Prof. dr. Arie Rip “Bridge the gap between innovation and ELSA (Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects)”. That’s our aim, so we focus on what happens in and around the nano-world, rather than on public responses to nanotechnology, and work towards improving the anticipation on embedding of nanotechnology in society.”

Scenarios and responsible development rather than speculative ethics While it is important to consider ethical aspects at an early stage, this is not straightforward because eventual applications, let alone impacts, are still in the realm of speculation. Ethicists, however, love to create fictional worlds of human enhancement or smart environments, and then proceed to discuss ethical issues that might arise. Nordmann and Rip, in Nature Nanotechnology, argued forcefully against this. Such speculative ethics squanders ethical resources, which had better be deployed to consider choices about nanotechnology developments here and now. In the TA NanoNed program, the focus has been on here-and-now choices, and how these are shaped by institutional interests (in universities, in industry, but also with policy makers) and by attempts to address uncertainties about future performance of nanotechnology applications, as well as their risks (health, safety and environmental, but also broader social risks). Scenarios (instead of uncontrolled speculation) are created to explore future developments. PhD student Robinson has developed this approach,

Blowing speculative nano-bubbles (courtesy Douglas Robinson).

supported by the EU Network of Excellence Frontiers. In Robinson (2009), he reported on scenarios about risks and responsibilities in ongoing and future developments, and how various actors responded to them in a strategy-articulation workshop. The background to this are longer-term developments, for example how chemical companies are willing to address responsible development of nanotechnology because of the earlier Responsible Care Program (see forthcoming publications from the DEEPEN project). For nanoscience, funding agencies play an important role. Van der Most, in his 2009 PhD thesis, showed they have difficulty addressing the challenges of emerging nanoscience, even when they recognize the promise. All this reinforces the necessity of understanding ongoing dynamics, and how these enable and constrain further developments, before discussing ethical aspects of a brave new world full of nanotechnology which may – or may not – be realized.

A scenario-workshop with a mix of actors.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] Alfred Nordmann, Arie Rip, Mind the gap revisited, Nature Nanotechnology 4 (2009) 273-274. [2] Douglas K. R. Robinson, Co-evolutionary scenarios: An application to prospecting futures of the responsible development of nanotechnology, Technological Forecasting & Social Change 76 (2009) 122-123. [3] Frank Van der Most, Research councils facing new science and technology. The case of nanotechnology in Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland, PhD thesis, University of Twente,


defended 13 November 2009.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The research program of Semiconductor Components (SC) deals with siliconbased technology and integrated-circuit devices. Scope of the group is “More than Moore” microtechnology. Our aim is to contribute to this emerging field by adding functionality to completed CMOS microchips. The research comprises thin film

Prof. dr. Jurriaan Schmitz

deposition and low-temperature processing; the integration of new components

“Microchips are great, but we want

(such as silicon LED’s and elementary particle detectors) into CMOS; and advanced

them better still. In the EE-group

device physics and modelling. The group has strong ties with Philips, NXP

Semiconductor Components we study

Semiconductors, ASM International, and the CTIT-group IC-design. The Dutch

new materials and new device concepts

Technology Foundation STW and the Ministry of Economic Affairs are the main

for integrated circuits.”

funding sources.

Semiconductor Components Surface Plasmon Polariton generation in CMOS In the field of nano-photonics, surface plasmon polaritons are experiencing a strong revival in research. These SPPs, electromagnetic waves moving along the surface of a metal, may one day allow a very dense integration of photonic components on a substrate. SPPs are normally created using an external light source. In recent work, carried out by scientists funded by STW, SenterNovem and FOM (at AMOLF), we presented a new SPP source that may be fabricated on top of CMOS, and is fed by electric rather than optical power. The fabricated structure, a metal-insulator-metal sandwich with silicon nanocrystals inside the insulator, was known to emit photons and SPPs when a tunneling current is driven through it. The step made at the MESA+ laboratories, was to fabricate the dielectric and silicon nanocrystals at temperatures not exceeding 400 ºC, and using only processing steps that are commonly employed in CMOS technology (sputtering, CVD, and ALD). The samples were subsequently gold-plated and brought into final shape at AMOLF using focused-ion-beam-patterning. A variety of optical and electrical measurements has shown that the obtained devices indeed emit SPPs. In combination with integrated SPP detectors, recently shown e.g. by IMEC researchers, the integration of plasmonics with CMOS may have been


brought one step closer to reality. Figure 1: Electrical plasmon source. Plasmon waves propagate between two gold films. They are generated by silicon nanoparticles represented by the small balls. The plasmons escape though small holes made in the top gold film, and are then detected in a microscope.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: R. J. Walters, R. V. A. van Loon, I. Brunets, J. Schmitz, A. Polman, A silicon-based electrical source of surface plasmon polaritons, Nature Materials 9 (2010) 21-25.


[highlights] Prof. dr. ir. Bene Poelsema

The research of the Solid State Physics (SSP) group focuses on preparation and physical properties of

“It all happens at interfaces.

over materials on the nanometer scale, new properties resulting from that size, and the development

We have the distinct

of adequate research tools. We aim at providing fundamental principles for future application in nano-

ambition to excel in nano­

technology. A broad spectrum of surface and interface features is studied using ultra-sensitive laterally

scale control and analysis

averaging probes as well as techniques with high spatial resolution. Materials of potential interest for

of interfaces as our prime

futureapplications inspire the choice of subjects. Potential applications include nano-(opto)electronic

business on this highly

and nano-magnetic devices and truly new materials based on improved understanding of the under­

competitive playground with

lying physics on the atomic and molecular scale. Our studies range from state-of-the-art ultra-high-

ever gaining importance.”

vacuum based, curiosity driven experiments to strategic ones under ambient conditions.

materials in reduced dimensions. It incorporates surface science based methods to exercise control

Solid State Physics Manipulation recipes for the growth of mm-sized, defect-free graphene layers based on in-situ Low Energy Electron Microscopy Figure 1: 4 um FOV LEEM images of graphene growth on Ir(111) at a temperature of 1113 K. Ethylene exposure leads to the formation of dark

Within the graphene research field, we have investigated novel ways to grow graphene films that possess a high degree of

islands visible in panels (a)-(d) that eventually cover the entire surface.

crystallinity over a length scale of several millimeters. The Low Energy Electron Microscope (LEEM) facility of the research group

(e) shows an STM image of the partially completed film and (f) confirms

was used to directly visualize the growth process in-situ on an Ir(111) single crystal when exposing to ethylene. Manipulation of the

the single orientation of the closed graphene film.

growth parameters produced films that were not only of a thickness of exactly one monolayer over a distance of several millimeters (Figure 1), they also yielded films where the graphene lattice orientation could be maintained over that same distance. The morphology of the graphene films was investigated with LEEM as well and yielded a surprising insight. After cooling the films from their growth temperature of approximately 1000 C, the surface of the graphene films exhibits networks of branched line defects (Figure 2). These line defects were demonstrated to be topographic defects in the graphene film that form when the graphene film is cooled. Wrinkling of the graphene layer due to the difference in thermal expansion of the substrate and the graphene film was demonstrated to be responsible for the occurrence of these defects. This direct insight in the growth, thermodynamics and kinetics is one of the strengths of the LEEM technique.

Figure 2: LEEM image of a graphene flake on Ir(111). The graphene flake has superimposed on it a network of linear defects that branches out over the entire flake. The topographic nature of these wrinkles was confirmed with both LEEM and STM.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] R. van Gastel, A.T. N’Diaye, D. Wall, J. Coraux, C. Busse, N.M. Buckanie, F. Meyer-zu-Heringdorf, M. Horn-von-Hoegen, T. Michely, B. Poelsema, Selecting a single orientation for millimeter sized graphene sheets, Applied Physics Letters 95 (12) (2009) 121906. [2] A.T. N’Diaye, R. van Gastel, A.J. Martinez-Galera, J. Coraux, H. Hattab, D. Wall, F. Meyer-zu-Heringdorf, M. Horn-von-Hoegen, J.M. Gomez-Rodroguez, B. Poelsema, C. Busse, T. Michely, In situ observation of stress relaxation in epitaxial


graphene, New Journal of Physics 11 (11) (2009) 113056.

[HIGHLIGHTS] The Supramolecular Chemistry and Technology group (SMCT) investigates (macro) molecular systems and the self assembly of molecules into functional nanoscale structures. Current topics include: supramolecular chemistry at interfaces, reactive microcontactprinting, nanoelectronics, multimodality diagnostic labeling and labon-a-chip. Most of these projects are related to nanotechnology as they strive for the control over the preparation, positioning and analysis of molecules and supramolecular

Dr. Aldrik H. Velders

assemblies. More recently, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and

“SupraMolecular Chemistry and

imaging (MRI) are being investigated for micro-, nano-, bio-, and medicinal applications,

Technology’s mission: To boldly go

like small volume NMR-on-a-chip, mass-limited natural product analysis, and high-

where no chemist has gone before.”

resolution multidimensional heteronuclear NMR analyses of nanomaterials.

Supramolecular Chemistry & Technology Nanoparticle Size Determination by 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy In 2009, the Supramolecular Chemistry and Technology group has published a few key papers in the Journal of the American Chemical Society on the application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for the analyses of nanoparticle

Figure 1: Schematic representation and methylene group numbering


of sixth-generation, hydroxyl-terminated poly(amidoamine) dendrimer,

Metal particles encapsulated within higher-generation dendrimers, so-called Dendrimer-Encapsulated Nanoparticles (DENs),


are widely investigated in nanomaterial synthesis and model catalyst studies. In collaboration with Prof. Richard Crooks from the University of Texas (USA), the structure of palladium-DENs encapsulated in fourth-generation hydroxyl-terminated poly(amidoamine), PAMAM, has been elucidated using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, unambiguously proving the 1.5 nm sized Pd55 nanoparticles to be located in the inner voids of the dendritic structures [1]. Advanced NMR pulse-field gradient spin-echo experiments allow the accurate determination of the diffusion constants of molecules, which through the Stokes-Einstein correlation furnish the size of the molecules in solution. These diffusion measurements demonstrate that the PAMAM dendrimers with and without DENs have identical hydrodynamic radii, which excludes the presence of dendrimer/nanoparticle aggregates [1], [2]. Detailed NMR analysis of Pd DENs containing, 55, 147, 200 or 250 atoms, encapsulated within sixth-generation PAMAM dendrimers (G6-OH, Figure 1) shows that signals arising from the innermost protons of G6-OH(Pdn) decrease significantly as the size of the encapsulated nanoparticles increases. A linear correlation between this decrease in the integral ratio and the theoretical number of Pd atoms in the nanoparticle is found (Figure 2), and surprisingly straightforward solution-state 1H NMR spectroscopy enables the elucidation of the size of Pd DENs [3].

Figure 2: Integral value ratio of D and d signals of sixth-generation, hydroxyl-terminated poly(amidoamine) dendrimers, with and without encapsulated Pd nanoparticles, G6-OH(Pdn), plotted versus the average number of atoms in each Pd DEN.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATIONS: [1] M. Victoria Gómez, Javier Guerra, Aldrik H. Velders, Richard M. Crooks, NMR Characterization of Fourth-Generation PAMAM Dendrimers in the Presence and Absence of Palladium Dendrimer-Encapsulated Nanoparticles, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (2009) 341-350. [2] M. Victoria Gómez, Javier Guerra, Aldrik H. Velders, Richard M. Crooks, NMR Characterization of Fourth-generation PAMAM Dendrimers in the Presence and Absence of Palladium Dendrimer-Encapsulated Nanoparticles, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (2009) 15564. [3] M. Victoria Gómez, Javier Guerra, Richard M. Crooks, Aldrik H. Velders, Nanoparticle Size Determination by 1H NMR Spectroscopy, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 (2009) 14634-14635.


[highlights] The Transducer Science and Technology group (TST) has a history and focus on micro system technology. The research is highly multidisciplinary, ranging from the millimeter down to the

Prof. dr. Miko Elwenspoek

­nanometer range, including physical concepts, materials and micro- and nanofabrication

“Most interesting and

paths offered e.g. through foundry processes. Applications are clustered around Sensors,

relevant scientific

Actuators, Micro and nanofluidics and probe based data storage. Due to the multidisciplinary

and technological

nature of our work, strong cooperation exists with other MESA+ groups, but also with the IMPACT

problems are such that a

and CTIT research institutes, as well as many spin-off companies. The recent finding of a simple

multidisciplinary approach

process to machine particles in the range of 10 nm – 10 um in the form of tetrahedrons triggered

is absolutely necessary.”

interest in the self assembly to realize complex colloidal crystals and three-dimensional systems.

technology, as well as system aspects. The group works on micro- and nanosystems off the beaten

Figure 1: Silicon tetrahedron fixed to silicon nitride. a with 200 nm side length, b with 20 nm side length (scale bars: 100 nm).

Transducer Science and Technology Smarticles We developed a micromachining process that results in tetrahedra etched from monocrystalline silicon, which can be made chemically anisotropic due the dependence of the oxidation rate on stress, leading to thinner oxide at corners and tips. Additionally, in variants of the process there are situations where one, two or three silicon faces of the tetrahedra are open allowing further modification of the exposed surfaces. This finding offers a new route to the synthesis of complex nanoparticles with new properties and to the possibility of three dimensional memories, electronic circuits and new types of materials by means of self-assembly.

Figure 2: Nano-tetrahedrons resulting from releasing and/or oxidizing and back-etching the oxide. The two columns to the left are schematic drawings in perspective and in cross-section, the two to the right show SEM images of individual or groups of tetrahedrons. All scale bars are 100 nm. a shows the tetrahedrons as released in 1% HF (20 min). These and the other nano-particles in this figure are found on the wafer after rinsing in water and dry-spinning the wafer. b is a schematic of the result of growing a thick oxide. The thickness of the oxide on the faces (tf), edges (te) and tips (tv) is indicated. The wafer with the tetrahedrons was wet oxidized for 12.5 minutes. On a flat wafer this results in 108 nm thermal oxide. c after etching 8 minutes in 1% HF, d after etching 12 minutes in 1% HF. Note the difference in tetrahedron size in a compared to c and d, which comes from the consumption of silicon during oxidation.

HIGHLIGHTED PUBLICATION: J.W. Berenschot, N.R. Tas, H.V. Jansen, M. Elwenspoek, Chemically anisotropic single crystalline silicon nanotetrahedra, Nanotechnology 20


(2009) 475302.

MESA+ Annual Report 2009


MESA+ Scientific Publications 2009 PHD THESES

Bula, W.P. (2009, January 23). Microfluidic devices for kinetic studies of chemical reactions. University of Twente (176 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. J.G.E. Gardeniers & Dr. W. Verboom.

Agiral, A. (2009, November 06). Electron Driven Chemistry In Microreactors. University of Twente (160 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. J.G.E. Gardeniers.

Burresi, M. (2009, September 24). Nanoscale investigation of light-matter interactions mediated by magnetic and electric coupling. University of Twente (131 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof dr. L.

Bart, J. (2009, September 24). Stripline-based microfluidic devices for high-resolution NMR

Kuipers & Prof. dr. A. Fiore.

spectroscopy. University of Twente (179 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. J.G.E. Gardeniers, A.P.M. Kentgens & Dr. P.J.M. van Bentum.

Chefdeville, M.A. (2009, January 15). Development of micromegas-like gaseous detectors using a pixel readout chip as collecting anode. University of Amsterdam (219 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof.

Benetti, E.M. (2009, April 23). Molecular Engineering of Designer Surfaces by Controlled

dr. J. Schmitz, P. Colas & H. van der Graaf.

Radical Polymerizations: Brushes, Hedges and Hybrid Grafts. University of Twente (155 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. G.J. Vancso.

Chen, Q. (2009, December 17). Chemistry in block copolymer nanocontainers: self-assembly, container properties and confined enzymatic reactions. University of Twente (155 p.). Prom./

Beusink, J.B. (2009, February 26). Label-free biomolecular interaction sensing on microarrays

coprom.: Prof. dr. G.J. Vancso.

using surface plasmon resonance imaging. University of Twente (132 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ir. A. van den Berg, R.B.M. Schasfoort & E.T. Carlen.

Costantini, F. (2009, December 04). Supported organic, nano metallic and enzymatic catalysis in microreactors. University of Twente (138 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ir. D.N. Reinhoudt, Prof.

Bikel, M. (2009, December 18). Fundamental Aspects of Phase Separation Micro足Fabrication.

dr. ir. J. Huskens & Dr. W. Verboom.

University of Twente (133 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr.-ing. M. Wessling & Dr. ir. R.G.H. Lammertink.

Dijkstra, M. (2009, June 12). Low-Drift Micro Flow Sensors. University of Twente (160 p.). Prom./ coprom.: Prof. dr. M.C. Elwenspoek & Dr. ir. R.J. Wiegerink.

Blanco Carballo, V.M. (2009, June 17). Radiation imaging detectors made by wafer postprocessing of CMOS chips. University of Twente (138 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. J. Schmitz &

Er, S. (2009, October 29). Hydrogen storage materials : a first-principles study. University of

Dr. ir. C. Salm.

Twente. Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. P.J. Kelly & Dr. G. Brocks.

Borkent, B.M. (2009, October 02). Interfacial phenomena in micro- and nanofluidics:

Escalante Marun, M. (2009, December 11). Nanofabrication of Bioinspired Architectures

nanobubbles, cavitation, and wetting. University of Twente (189 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr.

with Light Harvesting Proteins. University of Twente (189 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. V.

D. Lohse.

Subramaniam & Dr. C. Otto.

Bradley, J.D.B. (2009, September 17). Al2O3:Er3+ as a gain platform for integrated optics.

Essen, M.C. van (2009, January 23). Capacitive MEMS-based sensors: Thermo-mechanical

University of Twente (146 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. M. Pollnau & Dr. K. Worhoff.

stability and charge trapping. University of Twente (229 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. H. Rogalla & Dr. ir. J. Flokstra.

Bruinink, C.M. (2009, March 19). Patterning strategies in nanofabrication: from periodic


patterns to functional nanostructures. University of Twente (178 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ir.

Hartsuiker, A. (2009, October 01). Ultrafast all-optical switching and optical properties of micro足

D.N. Reinhoudt & Prof. dr. ir. J. Huskens.

cavities and photonic crystals. University of Twente (167 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. W.L. Vos.

Brunets, I. (2009, December 17). Electronic devices fabricated at CMOS backend-compatible

Hassink, G.W.J. (2009, November 20). Two-dimensional electron layers in perovskite oxides.

temperatures. University of Twente (129 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. J. Schmitz & Dr. J.

University of Twente (182 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ing. D.H.A. Blank & Dr. ing. A.J.H.M.




Hegeman, J.G. (2009, January 16). Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in

Rooijen, B.D. van (2009, November 26). Structural and functional insights into interactions of

proton-antiproton collisions at Vs=1.96 TeV : hadronic top decays with the d0 detector. University

oligomeric alpha-synuclein with lipid membranes. University of Twente (148 p.). Prom./coprom.:

of Twente (185 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ing. B. van Eijk.

Prof. dr. V. Subramaniam & Dr. M.M.A.E. Claessens.

Husken, B.H. (2009, May 08). Spontaneous emission of near-infrared quantum dots controlled

Salieb-Beugelaar, G.B. (2009, October 30). Electrokinetic Transport of DNA in Nanoslits.

with photonic crystals. University of Twente (163 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. W.L. Vos.

University of Twente (137 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ir. A. van den Berg & Dr. J.C.T. Eijkel.

Irman, A. (2009, April 02). Integral design of a laser wakefield accelerator with external bunch

Shui, L. (2009, May 14). Two-phase Flow in Micro and Nanofluidic Devices. University of Twente

injection. University of Twente (130 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. K.J. Boller, Dr. ir. F.A. van Goor &

(164 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ir. A. van den Berg & Dr. J.C.T. Eijkel.

Dr. A.G. Khachatryan. Snuverink, J. (2009, October 16). The atlas muon spectrometer: commission and tracking. Jeurissen, R.J.M. (2009, October 23). Bubbles in inkjet printheads: analytical and numerical

University of Twente (120 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ing. B. van Eijk & Prof. dr. F.L. Linde.

models. University of Twente (149 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. D. Lohse. Sparreboom, W. (2009, April 02). AC electro-osmosis in nanochannels. University of Twente (145 Li, Y. (2009, November 11). Linking particle dynamics to intracellular micromechanics in living

p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ir. A. van den Berg & Dr. J.C.T. Eijkel.

cells. University of Twente (140 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. F. Mugele & Dr. M.H.G. Duits. Stavitski, N. (2009, December 03). Silicide-to-silicon specific contact resistance characterization. Loch, R.A. (2009, September 18). High Harmonic Generation and Ion Acceleration with High-

University of Twente (127 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ir. R.A.M. Wolters & Dr. A.Y. Kovalgin.

Intensity Laser Pulses. University of Twente (164 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. K.J. Boller. Tiggelman, M.P.J. (2009, December 03). Thin film barium strontium titanate capacitors for tunable Louwerse, M.C. (2009, October 30). Cold Gas Micro Propulsion. University of Twente (175 p.).

RF front-end applications. University of Twente (163 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. J. Schmitz & Dr.

Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. M.C. Elwenspoek & H.V. Jansen.

ir. R.J.E. Hueting.

Nichols, K.P.F. (2009, April 09). Droplet-based Microfluidic Systems Coupled to Mass Spectrometry

Tsarfati, T. (2009, June 26). Surface and interface dynamics in multilayered systems. University

for Enzyme Kinetics. University of Twente (149 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. J.G.E. Gardeniers.

of Twente. Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. F. Bijkerk & R.W.E. van de Kruijs.

Perl, A. (2009, January 08). Multivalent self-assembly at interfaces: from fundamental kinetic

Unnikrishnan, S. (2009, December 10). Micromachined Dense Palladium Electrodes for Thin-

aspects to applications in nanofabrication. University of Twente (143 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr.

film Solid Acid Fuel Cells. University of Twente (174 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. M.C. Elwenspoek

ir. J. Huskens & Prof. dr. ir. D.N. Reinhoudt.

& Dr. ir. H.V. Jansen.

Peters, A.M. (2009, January 09). Micro-Patterned Interfaces Affecting Transport Through and

Vanpoucke, D.E.P. (2009, September 11). Ab initio study of Pt induced nanowires on Ge(001).

Along Membranes. University of Twente (140 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr.-ing. M. Wessling & Dr.

University of Twente (183 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. P.J. Kelly & Dr. G. Brocks.

ir. R.G.H. Lammertink. Verwijs, C.J.M. (2009, June 25). Fractional FLux Quanta in High-Tc/Low-Tc Superconducting Pleikies, J. (2009, June 10). Strongly coupled, low noise dc-SQUID amplifiers. University of Twente

Structures. University of Twente (139 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ir. H. Hilgenkamp.

(150 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. H. Rogalla & Dr. ir. J. Flokstra. Zalk, M. van (2009, November 13). In Between Matters : Interfaces in Complex Oxides. University Prangsma, J.C. (2009, May 08). Local and dynamic properties of light interacting with

of Twente (128 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. ir. H. Hilgenkamp & Dr. ir. A. Brinkman.

subwavelength holes. University of Twente (112 p.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. dr. L. Kuipers.



Ling, X.Y., Phang, I.Y., Acikgoz, C., Yilmaz, M.D., Hempenius, M.A., Vancso, G.J. & Huskens, J., Janus particles with controllable patchiness and their chemical functionalization and supramolecular assembly, Angewandte Chemie - International edition 48 2009 7677-7682.

Dash, S.P., Sharma, S., Patel, R.S., Jong, M.P. de & Jansen, R., Electrical creation of spin polarization

Weinrich, D., Jonkheijm, P., Niemeyer, C.M. & Waldmann, H., Applications of protein bio­chips

in silicon at room temperature, Nature 462(4) 2009 491-494.

in biomedical and biotechnological research, Angewandte Chemie - International edition 48 2009 7744-7751.

Lohse, D. & Meer, R.M. van der, Granular media: Structures in sand streams, Nature 459 2009 1064-1065.

Ahmed, W., Kooij, E.S., Silfhout, A. van & Poelsema, B., Quantitative analysis of gold nanorod alignment after electric field assisted deposition, Nano letters 9(11) 2009 3786-3794.

Mugele, F., Fluid Dynamics: to merge or not to merge, Nature 461 2009 356. Delft, K.M. van, Eijkel, J.C.T., Mijatovic, D., Druzhinina, T., Rathgen, H., Tas, N.R., Berg, A. van Ahlers, G., Grossmann, S. & Lohse, D., Heat transfer and large scale dynamics in turbulent

den & Mugele, F., Micromachined Fabry-Perot Interferometer with embedded nano­channels

Rayleigh-Bénard convection, Reviews of modern physics 81(2) 2009 503-538.

for nanoscale fluid dynamics (addition to vol. 7, pg. 345, 2007)), Nano letters 9(8) 2009 30873088.

Walters, R.J., Loon, R.V.A. van, Brunets, I., Schmitz, J. & Polman, A., A silicon-based elec­trical source of surface plasmon polaritons, Nature materials 8(12) 2009 1-4.

Kinge, S.S., Gang, T., Naber, W.J.M., Boschker, J.A., Rijnders, A.J.H.M., Reinhoudt, D.N. & Wiel, W.G. van der, Low-Temperature Solution Synthesis of Chemically Functional Ferromagnetic

Balke, N., Choudhury, S., Jesse, S., Huijben, M., Chu, Y.-H., Baddorf, A.P., Chen, L.Q., Ramesh, R.

FePtAu Nanoparticles, Nano letters 9(9) 2009 3220-3224.

& Kalinin, S.V., Deterministic control of ferroelastic switching in multiferroic materials, Nature nanotechnology 4 2009 868-875.

Kockmann, D., Poelsema, B. & Zandvliet, H.J.W., Transport through a Single Octanethiol Molecule, Nano letters 9(3) 2009 1147-1151.

Blank, D.H.A. & Rijnders, A.J.H.M., Oxides offer the write stuff, Nature nanotechnology 4 2009 279-280.

Saedi, A., Houselt, A. van, Gastel, R. van, Poelsema, B. & Zandvliet, H.J.W., Playing Pinball with Atoms, Nano letters 9(5) 2009 1733-1736.

Nordmann, A. & Rip, A., Mind the gap revisited, Nature nanotechnology 4 2009 273-274. Tong, D.H., Chen, S., Wiel, W.G. van der, Carlen, E.T. & Berg, A. van den, Novel Top-Down WaferSparreboom, W., Berg, A. van den & Eijkel, J.C.T., Principles and applications of nanofluidic

Scale Fabrication of Single Crystal Silicon Nanowires, Nano letters 9(3) 2009 1015-1022.

transport, Nature nanotechnology 4(11) 2009 713-720. Rip, A., Futures of ELSA Science & Society Series on Convergence Research, EMBO journal Janczewski, D., Tomczak, N., Han, M-Y & Vancso, G.J., Designer polymer-quantum dot

10(7) 2009 666-670.

architectures, Progress in polymer science 34 2009 393-430. Acikgoz, C., Vratzov, B., Hempenius, M.A., Reinhoudt, D.N., Vancso, G.J. & Huskens, J., Chen, Q., Groote, R., Schönherr, H. & Vancso, G.J., Probing single enzyme kinetics in real-time,

Nanoscale patterning by UV nanoimprint lithography using an organometallic resist, ACS

Chemical Society reviews 38 2009 2671-2683.

Applied materials and interfaces 1 2009 2645-2650.

Reynhout, I.C., Cornelissen, J.J.L.M. & Nolte, R.J.M., Synthesis of polymer-biohybrids: from small

Bikel, M., Punt, I.G.M., Lammertink, R.G.H. & Wessling, M., Micropatterned Polymer Films

to giant surfactants, Accounts of Chemical Research 42 2009 681-692.

by Vapor-Induced Phase Separation Using Permeable Molds, ACS Applied materials and interfaces 1(12) 2009 2856-2861.

Bhosale, R., Perez-Velasco, A., Ravikumar, V., Kishore, R.S.K., Kel, O., Gomez-Casado, A.,


Jonkheijm, P., Huskens, J., Maroni, P., Borkovec, M., Sawada, T., Vauthey, E., Sakai, N. & Matile, S.,

Khan, S., Göbel, O.F., Blank, D.H.A. & Elshof, J.E. ten, Patterning lead zirconate titanate

Topologically matching supramolecular n/p-heterojunction architectures, Angewandte Chemie

nanostructures at sub-200-nm resolution by soft confocal imprint lithography and nanotransfer

- International edition 48 2009 6461-6464.

molding, ACS Applied materials and interfaces 1(10) 2009 2250-2255.

[SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS] Ling, X.Y., Phang, I.Y., Reinhoudt, D.N., Vancso, G.J. & Huskens, J., Transfer printing and host-guest

of the American Chemical Society 131 2009 7526-7527.

properties of 3D supramolecular particle structures, ACS Applied materials and interfaces 1 2009 960-968.

Xu, H., Ling, X.Y., Bennekom, J.G. van, Duan, X., Ludden, M.J.W., Reinhoudt, D.N., Wessling, M.,

Bart, J., Kolkman, A.J., Oosthoek-de Vries, A.J., Koch, K., Nieuwland, P.J., Janssen, J.W.G., Bentum,

particles by Porous Stamps, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 2009 797-803.

Lammertink, R.G.H. & Huskens, J., Microcontact Printing of Dendrimers, Proteins, and Nano­

P.J.M. van, Ampt, K.A.M., Rutjes, F.P.J.T., Wijmenga, S.S., Gardeniers, J.G.E. & Kentgens, A.P.M., A Microfluidic High-Resolution NMR Flow Probe, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(14)

Acikgoz, C., Ling, X.Y., Phang, I.Y., Hempenius, M.A., Reinhoudt, D.N., Huskens, J. & Vancso, G.J.,

2009 5014-5015.

Fabrication of free-standing nanoporous polyethersulfone membranes by organometallic polymer resists patterned by nanosphere lithography, Advanced materials 21 2009 2064-2067.

Costantini, F., Bula, W.P., Salvio, R., Huskens, J., Gardeniers, J.G.E., Reinhoudt, D.N. & Ver­boom, W., Nanostructure Based on Polymer Brushes for Efficient Heterogeneous Catalysis in Microreactors,

Diedenhofen, S.L., Vecchi, G., Algra, R.E., Hartsuiker, A., Muskens, O.L., Immink, G., Bakkers,

Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(5) 2009 1650-1651.

E.P.A.M., Vos, W.L. & Gomez Rivas, J., Broad-band and Omnidirectional Anti­reflection Coatings Based on Semiconductor Nanorods, Advanced materials 21(9) 2009 973-978.

Gomez Almagro, M.V., Guerra, J., Myers, V., Crooks, R.M. & Velders, A.H., Nanoparticle size determination by 1H NMR spectroscopy, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 2009

Duan, X., Zhao, Y., Perl, A., Berenschot, E., Reinhoudt, D.N. & Huskens, J., High-resolution contact


printing with chemically patterned flat stamps fabricated by nanoimprint lithography, Advanced materials 21 2009 2798-2802.

Gomez Almagro, M.V., Guerra, J., Velders, A.H. & Crooks, R.M., NMR characterization of fourtgeneration PAMAM dendrimers in the presence and absence of palladium dendrimer-encapsulated

Huijben, M., Brinkman, A., Koster, G., Rijnders, A.J.H.M., Hilgenkamp, J.W.M. & Blank, D.H.A., Struc­

nanoparticles, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 2009 15564-15564.

ture-Property Relation of SrTiO3/LaAlO3 Interfaces, Advanced materials 21 2009 1665-1677.

Gomez Almagro, M.V., Guerra, J., Velders, A.H. & Crooks, R.M., NMR characterization of fourth

Kim, K.T., Cornelissen, J.J.L.M., Nolte, R.J.M. & Hest, J.C.M. van, A polymersome nanoreactor with

generation PAMAM dendrimers in the presence and absence of palladium dendrimer-encapsulated

controllable permeability induced by stimuli-responsive blockcopolymers, Advanced materials

nanoparticles, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 2009 341-350.

21 2009 2787-2791.

Hsu, S., Yilmaz, M.D., Blum, C., Subramaniam, V., Reinhoudt, D.N., Velders, A.H. & Huskens, J.,

Perl, A., Reinhoudt, D.N. & Huskens, J., Microcontact printing: limitations and achievements,

Expression of sensitized Eu3+ luminescence at a multivalent interface, Journal of the American

Advanced materials 21 2009 2257-2268.

Chemical Society 131 2009 12567-12569. Chen, S., Bomer, J.G., Wiel, W.G. van der, Carlen, E.T. & Berg, A. van den, Top-down fabri­cation of Kim, K.T., Cornelissen, J.J.L.M., Nolte, R.J.M. & Hest, J.C.M. van, Polymeric monosaccaride receptors

Sub-30 nm Monocrystalline Silicon nanowires using conventional microfabrication, ACS nano

responsive at neutral pH, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 2009 13908-13909.

3(11) 2009 3485-3492.

Kishore, R.S.K., Kel, O., Banerji, N., Emery, D., Bollot, G., Mareda, J., Gomez Casado, A., Jonkheijm,

Dorokhin, D.V., Tomczak, N., Han, M-Y, Reinhoudt, D.N., Velders, A.H. & Vancso, G.J., Reversible

P., Huskens, J., Maroni, P., Borkovec, M., Vauthey, E., Sakai, N. & Matile, S., Ordered and oriented

Phase Transfer of (CdSe/ZnS) Quantum Dots between Organic and Aqueous Solutions, ACS nano

supramolecular n/p-heterojunction surface architectures: completion of the primary color

3 2009 661-667.

collection, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 2009 11106-11116. Senesi, A.J., Rozkiewicz, D.I., Reinhoudt, D.N. & Mirkin, C.A, Agarose-assisted dip-pen nano­ Minten, I.J., Hendriks, L.J.A., Nolte, R.J.M. & Cornelissen, J.J.L.M., Controlled encapsulation of

lithography of olignucleotides and proteins, ACS nano 3 2009 2394-2401.

multiple proteins in virus capsids, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 2009 1777117773.

Dolgov, O.V., Mazin, I.I., Parker, D. & Golubov, A., Interband superconductivity: Contrasts between Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer and Eliashberg theories, Physical review letters 79 2009 060502.

Wu, C.C., Xu, H., Otto, C., Reinhoudt, D.N., Lammertink, R.G.H., Huskens, J., Subramaniam, V. &

Gekle, S., Gordillo, J.M., Meer, R.M. van der & Lohse, D., High-Speed Jet Formation after Solid

Velders, A.H., Porous Multilayer-coated AFM Tips for Dip-Pen Nanolithography of Proteins, Journal

Object Impact, Physical review letters 102 2009 034502-1-034502-4.


[SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS] Giovannetti, G., Kumar, S., Brink, J. van den & Picozzi, S., Magnetically induced electronic

Slot, P.J.M. van der, Freund, H.P., Miner Jr., W.H., Benson, S.V., Shinn, M. & Boller, K.J., Time-

ferroelectricity in half-doped manganites, Physical review letters 103 2009 037601/1-

Dependent, Three-Dimensional Simulation of Free-Electron-Laser Oscillators, Physical


review letters 102(244802) 2009 244802-1-244802-4.

Giovannetti, G., Kumar, S., Khomskii, D., Picozzi, S. & Brink, J. van den, Multiferroicity in rare-

Stevens, R.J.A.M., Zhong, J.Q., Clercx, H.J.H., Ahlers, G. & Lohse, D., Transitions between

earth nickelates RNiO3, Physical review letters 103 2009 156401/1-156401/4.

Turbulent States in Rotating Rayleigh-Bénard Convection, Physical review letters 103(2) 2009 024503-1-024503-4.

Giovannetti, G., Kumar, S., Stroppa, A., Brink, J. van den & Picozzi, S., Multiferroicity in TTFCA organic molecular crystals predicted through ab initio calculations, Physical review

Tanuma, Y., Hayashi, N., Tanaka, Y. & Golubov, A., Model for Vortex-Core Tunneling Spectro­

letters 103 2009 266401/1-266401/4.

scopy of Chiral pi-Wave Superconductors via Odd-Frequency Pairing States, Physical review letters 102 2009 117003.

Golubov, A., Brinkman, A., Dolgov, O.V., Mazin, I.I. & Tanaka, Y., Andreev spectra and subgap bound states in multiband superconductors, Physical review letters 103 2009 077003.

Zhong, J.Q., Stevens, R.J.A.M., Clercx, H.J.H., Verzicco, R., Lohse, D. & Ahlers, G., Prandtl-, Rayleigh-, and Rossby-Number Dependence of Heat Transport in Turbulent Rotating

Gurlich, C., Goldobin, E., Straub, R., Doenitz, D., Ariando, A., Smilde, H.J.H., Hilgenkamp,

Rayleigh-Bénard Convection, Physical review letters 102 2009 044502-1-044502-4.

H., Kleiner, R. & Koelle, D., Imaging of order parameter induced pi phase shifts in cuprate superconductors by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy, Physical review letters

Bart, J., Tiggelaar, R.M., Yang, Menglong, Schlautmann, S., Zuilhof, H. & Gardeniers, J.G.E.,

103 2009 067011.

Room-temperature intermediate layer bonding for microfluidic devices, Lab on a chip 9(2009) 2009 3481-3488.

Houselt, A. van, Kockmann, D., Mocking, T.F., Poelsema, B. & Zandvliet, H.J.W., Comment on "New Model System for a One-Dimensional Electron Liquid: Self-Organized Atomic Gold

Illa, X., Malsche, D.M.W. de, Bomer, J.G., Gardeniers, J.G.E., Eijkel, J.C.T., Morante, J.R.,

Chains on Ge(001)", Physical review letters 103(20) 2009 209701.

Romano-Rodriguez, A. & Desmet, G., An array of ordered pillars with retentive properties for pressure-driven liquid chromatography fabricated directly from an unmodified cyclo olefin

Jurna, M., Korterik, J.P., Otto, C., Herek, J.L. & Offerhaus, H.L., Vibrational Phase Contract

polymer, Lab on a chip 9(11) 2009 1511-1516.

Microscopy by Use of Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering, Physical review letters 103(4) 2009 043905-1-4.

Martinez-Vazquez, R., Osellame, R., Nolli, D., Dongre, C., Van den Vlekkert, H.H., Ramponi, R., Pollnau, M. & Cerullo, G., Integration of femtosecond laser writen optical waveguides in a

Karminskaya, T., Golubov, A., Kupriyanov, M..Y. & Sidorenko, A.S., Josephson effect in

lab-on-chip, Lab on a chip 9(1) 2009 91-96.

superconductor/ferromagnet-normal/superconductor structures, Physical review letters B79 2009 214509.

Odijk, M., Baumann, A., Lohmann, W., Brink, F.T.G. van den, Olthuis, W., Karst, U. & Berg, A. van den, A microfluidic chip for electrochemical conversions in drug metabolism studies,

Maksymovych, P., Jesse, S., Huijben, M., Ramesh, R., Morozovska, A., Choudhury, S., Chen,

Lab on a chip 9 2009 1687-1693.

L.Q., Baddorf, A.P. & Kalinin, S.V., Intrinsic nucleation mechanism and disorder in polarization switching on ferroelectric surfaces, Physical review letters 102 2009 017601.

Salieb-Beugelaar, G.B., Dorfman, K.D., Berg, A. van den & Eijkel, J.C.T., Electrophoretic separation of DNA in gels and nanostructures, Lab on a chip 9 2009 2508-2523.

Rabbering, F.L.W., Kara, A., Wormeester, H., Warnaar, T., Trushin, O., Rahman, T.S. & Poelsema, B., Dispersed forces from measured shape anisotropy of adatom islands: Revelations from

Shui, L., Berg, A. van den & Eijkel, J.C.T., Interfacial tension controlled W/O and O/W 2-phase

an accelerated simulation scheme, Physical review letters 103(9) 2009 096105.

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Salluzzo, M., Cezar, J.C., Brookes, N.B., Bisogni, V., De Luca, G.M., Richter, C., Thiel, S.,

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porous silicon integrated in liquid chromatography chips, Lab on a chip 9(3) 2009 456-463.

reconstruction and the two-dimensional electron gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface, Physical review letters 102 2009 166804.


[SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS] Unnikrishnan, S., Jansen, H.V., Berenschot, J.W., Mogulkoc, B. & Elwenspoek, M.C., MEMS within


a Swagelok®: a new platform for microfluidic devices, Lab on a chip 9(13) 2009 1966-1969. Berenschot, J.W. & Tas, N.R. (06-07-2009). A method for making a 3D nanostructure having Vanapalli Veera, V.S.A.R., Banpurkar, A.G., Ende, H.T.M. van den & Mugele, F., Hydrodynamic

a nanosubsructure, and an insulating pyramid having a metallic tip, a pyramid having

resistance of single confined drops in microchannels, Lab on a chip 9 2009 982-990.

nano-apertures and horizontal and/or vertical nanowires obtainable by this method.

Vanapalli Veera, V.S.A.R., Wijnperle, D., Berg, A. van den, Mugele, F.G. & Duits, M.H.G.,

Berenschot, J.W. & Tas, N.R. (16-07-2009). A method for making a 3D nanostructure having

Microfluidic valves with integrated structured elastomeric membranes for reversible fluidic

a nanosubstructure, and an insulating pyramid having a metallic tip, a pyramid having

entrapment and in situ channel functionalization, Lab on a chip 9 2009 1461-1467.

nano-apertures and horizontal and/or vertical nanovires obtainable by this method.

Veenhuis, R.B.H., Wouden, E.J. van der, Nieuwkasteele, J.W. van, Berg, A. van den & Eijkel,

Berenschot, J.W., Wissink, J.M., Tas, N.R. & Boer, M.J. de (30-12-2009). Microneedle, micro­

J.C.T., Field-effect based attomole titrations in nanoconfinement, Lab on a chip 9(24) 2009

needle array and production method therefor.

3472-3480. Calzaferri, G., Cola, L. de, Busby, M., Blum, C. & Subramaniam, V. (30-01-2009). Methods Chen, Q., Schönherr, H. & Vancso, G.J., Block-Copolymer Vesicles as Nanoreactors for

for intercalating chromophores into Zeolite-L nanochannels and products thereof. No

Enzymatic Reactions, Small 5 2009 1436-1445.

GB/03.07.08/GBA 0812.

Ling, X.Y., Phang, I.Y., Schönherr, H., Reinhoudt, D.N., Vancso, G.J. & Huskens, J., 3D Free-

Hoekstra, H.J.W.M., Heidrich, H., Lutzow, P. & Venghaus, H. (01-01-2009).

standing supramolecular particle bridges: Fabrication and mechanical behaviour, Small 5 2009 1428-1435.

Ismail, N., Pollnau, M. & Driessen, A. (01-05-2009). Scattered light collector, light focusing apparatus, method for controlling the focus of a focused light source and method for

Müller-Meskamp, L., Karthaeuser, S., Zandvliet, H.J.W., Homberger, M., Simon, U. & Waser,

measuring the light scattered or originating from a point of an object.

R., Field Emission Resonances at Tip α-Mercaptoalkyl-ferrocene / Au Interfaces Studied by STM, Small 5(4) 2009 496-502.

Janczewski, D., Tomczak, N., Khin, Y.W., Han, M-Y & Vancso, G.J. (13-10-2009). Functional amphiphilic polymers-grafted nanoparticles for "click" chemistry-based sensing. No

Nallani, M., Woestenenk, R., Hoog, H.M. de, Dongen, S.F.M. van, Boezeman, J., Cornelissen,


J.J.L.M., Nolte, R.J.M. & Hest, J.C.M. van, Sorting catalytically active polymersomes by flow cytometry, Small 5 2009 1138-1143.

Nozaki, T., Nakase, M., Agiral, A. & Okazaki, T.. Method for oxidation of hydrocarbons and oxidation reactor. No 09T026.

Visit our website ( for the complete publication list. Unnikrishnan, S., Jansen, H.V., Berenschot, J.W., Fazal, I., Louwerse, M.C., Mogulkoc, B., Sanders, R.G.P., Boer, M.J. de & Elwenspoek, M.C. (28-10-2009). A method for making a glass supported system, such glass supported system, and the use of a glass support therefor.

Unnikrishnan, S., Chinthaginjala, J.K., Jansen, H.V., Elwenspoek, M.C. & Lefferts, L. (06-042009). Separatioon unit, method of making such unit, a fuel cell and separation devices comprising such units. No 09075166.0-1227.



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