
6 www.TampaBayMetro.com MetroLife 6 The Publisher’s Notes 12 Art Meet Street Artist Alessandro Etsom 12 Event Pavilion XXXVI: Humana vs. Machina 16 Spotlights Events, Business & Promotions 20 Sponsored Events 20 Successful Jocks at Neiman Marcus 22 16th Annual Martinis for Moffitt 24 METROmixer at Mise en Place Met roGuide 62 Getaways Margaritaville Beach House Key West 64 Foodie Vizcaya Soho: Spanish Cuisine in the Heart of SoHo 66 Latitude Unique Sightings Around Tampa Bay Met roHome + Design 40 Portfolio Giving Hope, Love and A Touch of Whimsy Local Interior Design Firm Gives Back 42 Real Estate Water Street Now Boasts ROOST An Elevated Boutique Hotel at Asher Tower 44 At Home Total Transformation To A Resort-Style Condo 64 Hot Property Contemporary Condo in the Sky Met ro Special Sections 26 Private Schools Open House Guide Bay Area’s Top Private Schools 53 Inspiring Women in Business Profiles of Business Women in Tampa Bay Feature 30 Women’s Health: Magical Beginnings A Guide to Prenatal Care BY MARY LOU JANSON 32 2022 Fall Fashions Metro’s Style Trends BY VALERIE ROMAS 32 1244 Contents Vol. 21 | No. 5 30 64 $5.95 On the PhotographerCover : Brian James – @brianjamesphoto Wardrobe Stylist: Valerie Romas – @valerieromas Makeup & Hair: Monique McLaughlin – @moemakeup Model: Kathleen, Benz Models & Talent Agency – www.benzmodels.com Wardrobe: Alice & Olivia, Macey cuffed shawl collared blazer in Flower Garden - $550 at Jackie Z Style Co.; Alice & Olivia, Dylan high waisted wide leg pant in Flower Garden- $395 at Jackie Z Style Co.

Want a taste of Spanish food right in the heart of SoHo? Chef Felix Piedra has created the tantalizing flavors of Spain that will delight the palate at Viscaya Soho.

It’s that time of year when the kids have gone back to school and our Tampa Bay area social season has started back again. We are looking forward to connecting to many of our local charities that do so much good in the community.
For a Changes in Attitude, Changes in Latitude, head down to Key West and stay at the Margaritaville Beach House Key West. The hotel offers spacious accommodations and delicious cocktails and dining for a weekend escape.
Publisher / Editor-in-Chief
Stephen Parag II
Contributing Writers

Bos GregImagesByron
Sept. 30 Bespoke & Co. 7th Annual Signature Event – Goldfinger Sponsorships available at kperkins@bespokeandcofl.com or 813.825.2350
Mary Lou Janson
Oct. 15 The FARA Energy Ball | www.cureFA.org/now or 813.600.8179
Valerie Romas
Upcoming Metro Sponsored Events:
In the women’s health feature, writer Mary Lou Janson speaks with BayCare’s Dr. Sites who offers tips for mothers-to-be on a healthy preg nancy. His best advice is to think about what you need, before you actually get pregnant.
Fall and Fashion are in the Air.
Ferris Roach
Chad Vorbrich
Joe Photo Tampa
StephenCheers, Parag II Publisher/ Editor-in-Chief
Executive Art Director
Contributing Photographers
Daniella Paris Greco
Vanessa Wenzl Photography
Kate Wernert Studio
@tampabaymetro #tampabaymetro
8 www.TampaBayMetro.com Publisher’s Notes Tampa Bay METRO Magazine (ISSN 1536-4909) is published bi-monthly by Metro Life Media, Inc. at 3404 S. Omar Ave., Tampa, Florida 33629 (813) 835-7700 Fax (813) 835-7700 • Copyright 2022 Metro Life Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of, or use without written permission of the publisher, of editorial, pictorial or design content in any manner is prohibited in the United States. Tampa Bay METRO Magazine™, METROHome™, METROGuide™, METRO’s Best™, METRO Home Buyers Guide™, METROBiz™, METROStyle™, METROStop™, METROLife™, METROFamily™, Suncoast Life™, Tampa Bay METRO Charity Register™ are trademarks of Metro Life Media, Inc. • Subscriptions: In the Continental U.S. one year $14.95 Canada and U.S. Possessions, $30. Overseas, $36. POSTMASTER Send address changes to Tampa Bay Metro, 3404 S. Omar Ave., Tampa, Florida 33629 • Advertisements in this publication do not constitute an offer for sale in states where prohibited or restricted by law.
Publisher / Managing Editor Ronda M. Parag
It was time to get the team of photogra pher Brian James, stylist Valerie Romas and hair and makeup artist Monique McLoughlin back together for a fall fashion shoot. It was lively on set with Benz models and colorful, trendy fashions from Deborah Kent’s, Penelope T Boutique and Jackie Z Style Co. We hope to inspire you with designs and trends from Tampa Bay’s best boutiques.
Oct. 7, 8, 9 Oktoberfest 2022 Tampa | www.oktoberfesttampa.com
In METROHome, we feature a Bayshore condo that was completely transformed by the design team at McKinley Rose Interiors. The retired Delta pilot wanted an inviting space that was reminiscent of some of the best hotels that he had stayed throughout his travels. We think mission accomplished as his home is warm, inviting and totally luxurious.
Nov. 10 - 13 19th Annual Junior League of Tampa Holiday Gift Market | www.HolidayGiftMarket.org
Brian James Gallery Photography
On Our Minds and In Our Hands
The important conversations about how you can take control of your breast health are happening now. Hear the stories and learn how taking control of our breast health is in our hands. To watch and to schedule your mammogram: ItsInOurHands.org Our breasts. Our health. Our care.

Welcome to an oasis of sophistication Bayview condos and villas available from $1.5MM Schedule your appointment WhereTheResidencesTampa.com (813)today.261-3862legendaryRitz-Carltonserviceawaits.Imagine a home defined not only by striking contemporary style and luxurious finishes, but equipped to deliver world-class Ritz-Carlton service. Discover a lifestyle of distinction and comfort that combines warm hospitality, personal touches, and thoughtful details. Oral representations cannot be relied upon as correctly stating representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this brochure and the documents required by section 718.503, Florida statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. This Condominium is developed by Tampa Bay Oaks Condo PH 2, LLC ("Developer") and this offering is made only by the Developer’s Prospectus for the Condominium. This offering is not directed to any resident of a jurisdiction in which this offering is prohibited by law. Developer, pursuant to license or marketing agreements with each, has a right to use the trade names, marks, and logos of: The Related Group and of Marriott International, Inc., both of which are Licensors only and neither of which is the Developer. Consult the Prospectus for all terms, conditions, and unit specifications and to learn what is included with purchase. This condominium is not oceanfront; the sight line of the tower depicted is conceptual and situated with frontage along S Ysabella Ave in Tampa. This ad is summary in nature generally depicting The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Tampa and Developer’s contemplated features and amenities, all of which is subject to change or modification by Developer. The Ritz-Carlton® is the registered trademark of Marriott International, Inc. 2022© Tampa Bay Oaks Condo Phase 2, LLC with all rights reserved. The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Tampa are not owned, developed or sold by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. or its affiliates (“Ritz-Carlton”). Tampa Bay Oaks Condo Phase 2, LLC uses The Ritz-Carlton marks under a license from Marriott International, Inc. which has not confirmed the accuracy of any of the statements or representations made herein. The Ritz Carlton Residences, Tampa are not owned, developed or sold by The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. Tampa Bay Oaks Condo Ph 2, LLC uses The Ritz Carlton marks under license from The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C.

“Thegarage.new work from Alessandro Etsom is another testament to the dedication to public art for us here at CASS and our partners at Water Street Tampa,” said Cassie Greatens, Co-Founder of CASS Contemporary. “Alessandro celebrates local wildlife and brings life to public spaces. We look forward to seeing this space transform with his artwork.”
Bringing Nature Into The City Street Artist Alessandro Etsom Completes Striking Murals
Alessandro Etsom on-site
Alesandro Etsom’s newest artwork featuring red and brown leaves that together create a Reddish Egret
It seems that outdoor public art is making appearances all over Tampa Bay. In Water Street Tampa, CASS Contemporary commissioned Italian artist, Alessandro Etsom, recently completed his first project in the United States — three large scale murals of an egret, parrot and whale. The murals were created on the loading dock doors and parking garage entrance to Asher building in the Water Street
Onceday.”on-site, the project took Etsom 10 days to complete. Etsom’s newest work features red and brown leaves that together create a Reddish Egret, a species of heron that can be found along the coast of Florida. His mural serves as a natural connection between nature and public art, combining two core values of Water Street Tampa.
“Alessandro Etsom’s striking murals connect us to nature in unexpected places,” said Jessica Barnes, Vice President at Strategic Property Partners. “An ordinary moment like parking your car can become extraordinary when you stumble across a piece of art that moves you.”
Italian Street Artist, Alessandro Etsom
METROLife Art 12 www.TampaBayMetro.com
“Beforeneighborhood.Istartpainting, I like to spend time researching the local environment,” said Alessandro Etsom. “I use native plants to create an image that can be viewed in several ways, adding intrigue and interest to the art. I want the residents of the neighborhood to stop and enjoy my work in what might otherwise be a mundane, routine
CASS Contemporary has brought several art installations to the Water Street Tampa neighborhood. Most recently, they commissioned Dutch artist Leon Keer to create an augmented reality mural spanning 100 feet on the East Cumberland Avenue parking

Two murals, a whale and a parrot, adorn loading dock doors at the Asher building


The philanthropic celebration of the arts unfolds as Tampa Museum of Art hosts the 36th annual Pavilion gala on November 5, 2022 to support Tampa Museum of Art’s programs and educational offerings. Presented by PNC Bank, Pavilion is one of Tampa Bay’s most exclusive black-tie events. Pavilion XXXVI will be co-chaired by Cassie & Jake Greatens, owners of CASS Contemporary and will honor the Adams and Casper Families.
“Humana vs. Machina is about staying current and moving toward the future, which is exactly what TMA represents, from their expansion to their impressive 2023 exhibition list,” said Cassie Greatens. “We are honored to be chairing such a special event and are excited about the future of the Museum.”
“Jake and I love being involved with the Tampa Museum of Art,” said Cassie

Pavilion XXXVI Chairs: Jake & Cassie Greatens

Greatens. “TMA brings a dynamic element to the art community and the Tampa Bay Area as a whole. From engaging exhibits to outstanding educational programming, the Museum exemplifies excellence in all areas. This Pavilion is particularly special due to the theme of the event. Jake and I wanted to capitalize and bring attention to the growing popularity of incorporating
METROLife Event 14 www.TampaBayMetro.com
Honorees: Blake Casper, Allison Casper Adams and Robby Adams
different technological elements into art, while still paying homage to the more traditional processes.”
Honoreesevent.at Pavilion XXXVI include Allison Casper Adams, her husband Robby Adams and brother Blake Casper, who have a long-standing legacy of commitment to the Museum. In fact their parents, Bunny and Joe Casper, were active supporters of TMA and part of the first Pavilion committee in 1981. Allison was co-chair for Pavilion in 2021 and serves on the Tampa Museum of Art’s Governing Board of Trustees since 2007. Both Blake Casper and Robby Adams serve on the Pavilion’s Gentleman’s Committee to support the Museum.
For tickets and more information about Pavilion XXXVI, visit www.tampamuseum.org/event/pavilion-xxxvi
Pavilion XXXVI: Humana vs. Machina will transform the Museum into a futuristic landscape that explores the boundaries between human and machine. Inspired by advances in digital art and the limitless opportunities that new immersive technology will create in the art landscape, Humana vs. Machina will add a touch of futurism to the signature
Moving Towards the Future
Pavilion XXXVI: Humana vs. Machina

16 www.TampaBayMetro.com METROLife Spotlight
Morgan Auto Group Sponsors Tampa New Auto Dealers Assocation Luncheon

After a two year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Tampa Bay Auto Show was back at the Tampa Convention Center and Morgan Import Motorcars were in full force with BMW, Maserati, Porsche, Audi, Land Rover, Subaru and Volkswagen represented at the show. New Auto Dealers Assocation Executive Director, Robert McElheny kicked off the opening of the Tampa Bay Auto Show with an invite-only luncheon, and Florida’s Attorney General Ashley Moody as the keynote speaker. Morgan Auto Group was a sponsor of the luncheon, and Larry Morgan gave a personal introduction to the Plant City native, Ashley Moody.
To arrange a test drive or learn more about Morgan Import Motorcars, visit www.morganimportmortorcars.com.

The Junior League of Tampa Holiday Gift Market is going Hollywood this year! The theme of the event that takes place Thursday, November 10 - Sunday November 13, 2022 at the Florida State Fairgrounds is Tampa Tinseltown. There will be lots of extra touches that make guests feel like a star!

Time: 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM | Free and accessible to all. Visit www.soaringcity.com for more information.
For tickets and more information, visit HolidayGiftMarket.org. Tickets are available at www.jltampa.org/hgm
18 www.TampaBayMetro.com METROLife Spotlight
Preview night, Thursday November 10, 2022 starts at 6 p.m. As guests enter they’ll be greeted by paparazzi clamoring to get a photo. The show will feature over 200 carefully selected merchants, most of whom are local celebs known for great merchandise.
The Junior League of Tampa Annual Holiday Gift Market Goes Hollywood

The Innovation Gathering is a sampling of the good things happening in Uptown where Soaring City has been paving the way for transformation based on the foundation of Uptown’s research and innovation.

Soaring City leadership envisions the community as a vibrant place for people to live, work, and play by leveraging emerging technologies to strengthen the local workforce and create opportunity, thus closing the income gap and ending generational poverty within the Uptown District.
New this year is the Bargain Bracelet (available for just $20) to get a 10 percent discount on everything at the market. Many of these merchants don’t normally offer discounts, so this pricing will only be available to those who get ‘on the list’ with a bracelet!
Proceeds from the Holiday Gift Market raise vital funds for community projects and programs.

The Metaverse may be just a buzz word to most of us, but it will soon be a tool as common as our smartphones. That’s why the Soaring City Innovation Partnership is devoting its 8th Annual Innovation Gathering on October 27th to bringing the Metaverse into clearer focus for attendees. The event centers around exhibits and break-out sessions from experts in metaverse-related fields. Featured speakers Rony Abovitz (founder of Magic Leap) and Guy Gilliland (Boston Consulting Group) help attendees understand the Metaverse and how it will impact their lives.
8th annual Innovation Gathering | October 27, 2022 RITHM (University Mall/2nd floor next to LOOK Theater)
The Metaverse and You
19www.TampaBayMetro.com THE TRUTH ABOUT MAGAZINES: “ 61% of tookreadersactionasaresultofanadinsideamagazine.” Source: GfK MRI FromShoes the runway to Tampa Bay... •Arche • A.S. 98 • Coclico •Homers • Pedro Garcia •Robert Clergerie • Shoto•Avant•SoftwavesToi• Collaboration •CT Plage • Falliero Sarti •Forte Forte • Fuzzi • Gilda Midani •GRP 1 • Jaga • Lamberto Losani •Marella • Matthildur • Moussy •Nells Nelson • Nili Lotan •Pas de Calais • Peter Cohen •Raquel Allegra •Ulla Johnson deborahkents.com 2120 S Dale Mabry Tampa, Florida 33629MTWTFS 9:30-5:30 813 - 259-1150 FeaturedDesigner: DKents2022TampametroJFeb10.qxp_DecJanMetroDKentPeterCohen 2011 9/16/22 10:40 AM Page 1

20 www.TampaBayMetro.com METROLife Sponsored Event

Photography: Ferris Roach, III @A3rdGenerationsView Tampa Bay METRO
Tampa Bay METRO was a proud media sponsor.
Throughout Neiman Marcus there were crafted cocktails, passed hors d’oeuvres, music, artists, and models in the latest fall fashions. Special thanks to Neiman’s VP Kim Biehl and PR Manager Robert Roubideaux for bringing the event to life. The Celebrity Shoe Auction included donated and signed shoes by current and former players including Sean Murphy-Bunting, Mike Evans, Tristan Wirfs, Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, Jamel Dean, Mike Edwards, Cam Gill, Devin White, Mike Alstott and more. It was a perfect evening to mix and mingle to discover the latest fashion trends.

Successful Jocks Stepping Into A New Season
Where: Neiman Marcus Tampa Bay
Starting the new football season with an evening of fashion and foot ball at Neiman Marcus complete with at VIP Reception and Lounge Access to benefit Successful Jocks hosted by Kim Murphy and title sponsor Tampa Bay Buccaneer Foundation.

When: August 14, 2022
Tampa Bay METRO was a proud media sponsor.

Special thanks to presenting sponsor Anthony R. Abraham Foundation and VIP Sponsors Fortress Commercial Real Estate and Power Design.

Photography: Joe Photo Tampa
July 16, 2022
The Bay Area Advisors hosted the annual fundraising event of the summer to raise funds to support the Adolescent & Young Adult Program and the Advanced Prostate Cancer Collaboration at Moffitt Cancer Center. Since 2005, the event has raised over $1.8 million for Moffitt Cancer Center initiatives. Guests enjoyed sipping on crafted martinis with Tito’s Handmade Vodka, delicious food, music with DJ Fresh, silent auction and more.
22 www.TampaBayMetro.com METROLife Sponsored Event
Where: Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Events Center Tampa

23www.TampaBayMetro.com SIMPLYTHEBESTSEASON TICKETS NOW ON SALE! 813.229.STAR (7827) • STRAZCENTER.ORG Group Sales: 813.222.1016 or 1047 Events, days, times, performers and prices are subject to change without notice. Additional fees will apply. THU • FEB 16 • 8:00PM FERGUSON HALL REVELATIONS SAT • FEB 18 • 1:00 & 4:00PM FERGUSON HALL WED – SUN • OCT 5-9 JAEB THEATER SAT • OCT 15 • 7:00 & 9:30PM MORSANI HALL FRI • NOV 4 • 7:30PM FERGUSON HALL FRI – SUN • DEC 16-18 MORSANI HALL

We mixed and mingled to celebrate the latest issue of Tampa Bay METRO, along with the many FACES of Tampa Bay at the classic restaurant and lounge, Mise en Place. Proprietors Maryann Ferenc and Chef Marty Blitz showcased their fine dining restaurant with delicious appetizers and crafted cocktailsSpecial thanks to Compass Land & Title, LLC and Phil Yost for sponsoring the evening. It was delightful to showcase and network with so many supporters of METRO

24 www.TampaBayMetro.com METROLife Mixer

Photography: Daniella Paris www.daniellaparisgreco.comGreco,
August 17, 2022
Where: Mise en Place
We look forward to the next METROMixer coming soon.

813-600-8179cureFA.org/now| info@cureFA.org For additional information and to purchase tickets: HONORARY CHAIRS: Steve and Janell Griggs, CEO Tampa Bay Lightning Join us on Saturday - October 15, 2022 JW Marriott Water Street 6:00 PM Cocktail Reception and Silent Auction 7:30 PM Seated Dinner and Live Auction Live Entertainment by : Paradigm Party Band 25www.TampaBayMetro.com

26 www.TampaBayMetro.com2022Private Schools Open House Guide METROFamily Schools

registration begins at 5:30pm
Corbett Preparatory School of IDS
Visit www.tampaprep.org or call 813.251.8481.

October 12
6:00 - 8:30
Tampa Preparatory School
Tampa Prep is a non-denominational, independent school for students in grades 6-12. Our culture of creativity, willingness to think differently and dedication to serving students means our students graduate uniquely prepared to succeed in a world of accelerating change. Located in the heart of downtown Tampa, Tampa Prep is Florida’s most innovative school. We offer a dynamic education taught by the state’s educational thought leaders.

Founded in 1968, Corbett Prep uses research- based teaching strategies and offers hands-on learning experi ences to develop a positive approach to life and learning for 500+ students in Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade. Corbett Prep offers the International Baccalaureate program of study for all students in a community that encour ages collaboration, fosters artistic expression, and develops international connections. Teachers are endorsed in gifted education through a masters-level grant with the University of South Florida. Corbett Prep is a fully accredited, nonsectarian private, independent school located in North Tampa.
For more information, visit www.corbettprep.com or contact the Admissions Office at 813.961.3087.
Visit www.smeds.org or call 813.258.5508.
At St. Mary’s Episcopal Day School, your child will experience challenging academics, exciting performing and visual arts, competitive athletics, enrichment classes, global studies, advanced technology, public speaking, foreign language, community service, religious education, and more. St. Mary’s is an independent, co-educational Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade school providing intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth. Our highly-qualified faculty inspires students to achieve their best, developing well-rounded individuals ready for the challenges ahead. Specific character development goals include integrity, self-discipline, self-motivation, good citizenship, kindness, the ability to communicate and collaborate well, and a love of learning.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Day School

28 www.TampaBayMetro.com HAPPY STUDENTS SERIOUS EDUCATION COME FOR A PERSONAL TOUR! (813) 961-3087 • PreK3-8th Grade • www.corbettprep.com Transportation Available

29www.TampaBayMetro.com DateOKStudio#: 132494 File CreationReleaseMediaJobName:Desc:Type:Date:Date:LastModified:Publication:FileLocation:JOB#: 4/2/08 2:52 PM 4/2/08 3:07 PM Mac OS X:Users:user:Desktop:ACA7008 punchbag A Folder:ACA7008 punchbagACA7008A.indd punchbag A.indd Punch Bag Magazine Ad Magazine 301-4163ACA7008Bleed:Trim:Live:ScaleRatio:Output%ActualSize: APP: CS2 INK: BlackYellowMagentaCyan FONTS: None LINKS: heavybag 7 wide Luminaaclogo_KO.epsACElogowtagwhitwR.epsPRINTEDFROMDISK.epslores_V2.psdwhite.eps Art Dir: Creat. Dir: CopyTraffiWrtr:c:Prod: Acct. Proofreader:Mnger:Studio:AEOKRel:Notes: AlanAlanT.TakiguyamaDiGravioDiGravioChrisL Name WC Colors:7Noneinx 4.875 in yesNone1:1None 4C CLIENT: Ad Council VENDOR: MUNDOCOM NY Mundocon 132708_3_v1NY T: 7 in (14 ft) ft)(9.75in4.875T: 132708_3_v1 1 4/7/08 8:44:16 AM

“For a while we have been struggling to lower (Caesarean deliveries) but there are times when you may need to make that judgement call,” he advised. “Given the choice, natural childbirth is better for mom in terms of her recovery and long-term health as well as the baby’s breathing status when delivered. It is the preferred way to go.”
“Tylenol is always the go-to for aches and pains. If you develop something that requires serious pain relief, like a broken leg, there may be stronger medications that you can
Magical beginnings
“If you eat a normal, healthy diet, then you will likely have a normal, healthy baby,” said Dr. Sites. “There is a lot of maternal guilt in our society regarding whether someone didn’t eat right or didn’t breast feed long enough. Women are baby making machines and are very good at it.”
“If your doctor is recommending a C-section, that is not something that is going to change the entire trajectory of your child’s life. There are lots of way to deliver a healthy baby and there is no right or wrong answer. A healthy, safe delivery is what you want.” M
Mothers-to-be are advised to monitor their personal physical and mental conditions throughout their pregnancies. Anyone under a physician’s or psychiatrist’s care should make sure the medications they take are compatible with their condition. If adjustments or changes are needed, then allow adequate time to transition under your doctor’s guidance and adhere to regular follow up appointments.
uestions, concerns and confusion about what to do to next, and when to begin, are normal. Taking care of yourself and your baby during the critical months ahead requires commitment, but the time to take action is now. In fact, it’s never too soon to prepare for pregnancy.“Theoptimal time to think about what you need is to start before you realize you are pregnant,” said OB/GYN and BayCare Women’s Service Line Medical Director Ira Sites, MD FACOG. “Taking prenatal vitamins is more effective if taken consistently before conception. Everything in life can’t be planned.”
And always avoid alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and illicit drugs. Even medically-prescribed marijuana use should be discussed with the patient’s ob-gyn so they can assess and advise what’s best for both mother and child.
To find an obstetrician to help guide you through your pregnancy, visit: baycare.org/services/maternity.
Dr. Sites also advises caution when considering over-thecounter medications for common ailments like pain or allergies that could contain ingredients potentially detrimental to the developing baby’s health.
safely take but this should be discussed with your physician,” he said.Regular exercise is recommended to maintain strength, ensure better sleep and manage stress levels, but nothing too extreme.
By Mary Lou Janson
For More Information
Natural birth is the optimal option for most people while others may need to consider surgical assistance.
With the wave of a wand — an ultrasound wand, that is — the pregnancy you wished for has been confirmed...
“Moderation is the key. This is not the time to summit Mt. Everest. Save your personal bests for after delivery,” he suggested. “That is the time when you may really need to focus on exercise. Too often the tendency is to spend time relaxing with your Followingnewborn.”adaily diet that addresses nutritional needs will be far more beneficial than counting calories and carbohydrates.
By Valerie Romas Express your style with the latest trends to turn heads this fall season. From stylish suits and multi-textures, METRO has you covered in styles from Tampa Bay area boutiques. Match Point – Statement Suiting Taking a classic houndstooth, floral or stripe, and putting a modern spin on it is what we’re talking about! There may be nothing more chic than a beautifully tailored matching suit. Whether the jacket is paired back to a wide leg pant, high waisted short or flirty skirt, it’s all sophisticated to us. Go Bold or Go Home – It’s All About Color Usually we expect dark monotone colors for fall but not this season and we couldn’t be happier about it. From olive to plum to burnt orange, Floridians can transition effortlessly into fall with this color palette. Even leather moto jackets are rich in color. Think pairing them back to a satin floral jogger and you are good to go! Architecture – Mesh, Chunky Knits & Suede Don’t be shy when it comes to wearing multiple textures. Have fun with your fall wardrobe by pairing your knit sweaters back to a leather or suede skirt. We love the idea of a mesh fitted maxi-dress to provide some drama - especially one that features every option in the color wheel. Participating Boutiques: Penelope T – 3310 W Bay to Bay Blvd., Tampa, FL 33629 Deborah Kent’s Women’s Apparel – 2120 S Dale Mabry Hwy., Tampa, FL 33629 Jackie Z Style Co. – 113 2nd Avenue North Sundial, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Zara – 2223 N. Westshore Blvd., Tampa, FL 33607 PHOTOGRAPHER: Brian James, Brian James Gallery, @brianjamesphoto - 727.744.2254 | WARDROBE STYLIST: Valerie Romas, @valerieromas - 813.335.9974 | MAKEUP & HAIR: Monique McLaughlin, @moemakeup –Moemakeup.com | MODELS: Annalise, Kathleen – Benz Models & Talent Agency – www.benzmodels.com; Lauren Alexandra FALL FASHIONSStyle Trends 2022

LAUREN: Carolina K, Silk Tropical Print Keyhole MaxiDress - $625 – Penelope T Boutique

LAUREN: Textured Gingham
Suit - Cropped jacket - $60, High Waisted Shorts - $46 Mini-tote - $40 – Zara

ANNALISE: Saylor, Crochet Knit Sweater - $264, YFB, trouser shorts - $120 –Penelope T Boutique; *Necklace and Shoes –Model’s Own.

KATHLEEN: Marie Oliver, Moto Jacket in Forest - $299; Jackie Zstack, The Becky Bracelet - $125; 7 For All Mankind, hight waisted cropped jean with frayed hem - $198 – Jackie Z Stye Co.; Pelle Moda, Viena2 Platinum Gold Sandal - $150 - Deborah Kent’s LAUREN: Fuzzi, 3/4 Sleeve Mesh Floral Print Maxi Dress$695 - Deborah Kent’s; Shoes – Model’s Own.

Patty Drape
Short Sleeve Dress in Leather Brown - $148 – Jackie Z Style Co.; Gissa Bicalho, Protea Pale Earring - $122 – Penelope T Boutique; Jackie Zstack, The Marie bracelet - $95 – Jackie Z Style Co.; Boots and Clutch – Model’s Own.
LAUREN: Ecru, Never Sleep tee shirt - $95 – Penelope T Boutique; Johnny Was, Floral Print Jogger Pant - $328Deborah Kent’s; ShoesModel’s

TAMPA | ST. PETERSBURG | CLEARWATER | BEACHES | LONDON | 813.981.7410 | SMITHORANGE.COM/LUXURY LOCAL ♥ GLOBAL REACH Our GlobalPartnersOur Global Partners SMITH IS HOME Your neighborhood experts since 1969 MCNULTY LOFTS 175 2nd Street S #1011 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 1,825 SF | $1,075,000 Dina Sierra Smith 813.760.6354 THE RESIDENCES AT ORANGE STATION Starting from the $800s | 1,210 - 2,542 SF Orange Station Sales Team 727.235.7125 OrangeStationStPete.com GOLF VIEW NEW CONSTRUCTION 3410 W Mullen Avenue 5 Bed | 6/1 Bath | 6,822 SF | $5,592,851 Mary Pond & Ed Gunning 813.294.8867 DAVIS ISLANDS 120 Biscayne Avenue 5 Bed | 3/1 Bath | 4,598 SF | $2,795,000 Scott Wolfe 813.601.5751 MARSH POINTE 7824 Marsh Pointe Drive 6 Bed | 5 Bath | 4,362 SF | $2,150,000 Amanda Siftar 813.857.9093 SUNSET PARK ISLES 2514 S Dundee Street 5 Bed | 5/2 Bath | 6,603 SF | $7,490,000 Julie Atkinson 813.833.5550ALTURAPENDINGBAYSHORE Starting at $1.8M | 2,176 - 3,575 SF Altura Sales Team AlturaBayshore.com813.492.2420 BEACH PARK 415 S Royal Palm Way 5 Bed | 7/1 Bath | 9,269 SF | $10,500,000 Anne Mullis & Cindy Richards 813.624.5739 PASADENA 6436 Fairway View Boulevard S 3 Bed | 2/1 Bath | 2,454 SF | $1,079,900 Kristen Arseneau 443.243.4738 HISTORIC OLD NORTHEAST 316 8th Avenue NE 8 Bed | 5/1 Bath | 4,329 SF | $2,190,000 Justin Smith 407.579.0425 ONE ST. PETERSBURG - PENTHOUSE 100 1st Avenue N #4201 3 Bed | 3/1 Bath | 4,062 SF | $6,995,000 Liz Heinkel 727.239.5623 HARBOUR ISLAND 1424 Harbour Walk Road 3 Bed | 2/2 Bath | 2,112 SF | $825,000 Traci Burns 813.833.7510


iving back to the community, while owning and operating a successful interior design firm has always been a priority for Ponton Interiors owner, Kylie Ponton. In 2018, Ponton and her design team launched the Savvy Giving By Design, Tampa Chapter, and since then have completed more than 25 room makeovers for children facing severe medical crisis in the Tampa Bay area. The mission is to provide comfort, support, and healing to families with a child facing a medical crisis by transforming the interior spaces of their homes at no cost to them.
“As a mother of three, some of my favorite rooms to design are for kids. As soon as I heard about Savvy Giving By Design, I knew I had to help bring this to Florida” said Kylie Ponton, Chapter Leader SGBD Tampa, FL. “My hope is these spaces will give the children and their families hope, love and a touch of whimsy.”

“We are so lucky that we get to use our unique skills as interior designers to create really unique and personalized spaces that we hope will be uplifting and inspiring and create space for healing and growth,” said Ponton. M
Giving Hope, Love and A Touch of Whimsy Local Interior Design Firm Gives Back
G 40 www.TampaBayMetro.com
Also addressed is the importance of a healthy space for healing by removing old carpet harboring allergens, adding wipeable hard surfaces, low pile rugs, organic bedding and easy to clean flooring.
For more information, visit www.savvygivingbydesign.com.www.pontoninteriors.com,
“We are a 100 percent volunteer run organization which means that all of the funds we raise for these rooms go directly to the cost of creating magical spaces for kids that need them most,” said Ponton. “Our incredible volunteer team includes vendors who donate some of the hard costs in the room like new closets, electrical installations, paint and flooring.”“We’vemet some amazing children and their siblings and connected with beautiful families through this journey,” said Ponton. “When we design each room, we meet with the child and really find out what they love. Their hopes and dreams and favorite colors. We meet superheroes and princesses and artists and builders.”
By Ronda M. Parag | Photography by Bos Images

By Ronda M. Parag | Photography by Matthew Williams
For more information on reservations for long or short term stays, visit www.myroost.com.
42 www.TampaBayMetro.com
‘co-living apartment’, introducing a communal living environment for travelers with a shared common area and living room, and full-sized kitchen.

National hospitality operator Method Co. will operate all public spaces & guest services within the building, including the 30,000 square foot amenities floor, which includes Water Street’s largest rooftop pool deck with cabanas, outdoor bar, and an entertainment lawn, and plans to introduce new lifestyle programming (such as outdoor fitness classes, wine tastings, cooking classing, etc.).
Water Street Tampa Now Boasts ROOST An Elevated Boutique Hotel at Asher Tower

Designed by renowned Morris Adjmi Architects, ROOST Tampa, a concept known for bridging a boutique hotel experience with apartment-style living, boasts 97 studio, one and two bedroom apartments. Intentionally created for comfort-seeking, design-driven travelers in need of a long-term stay, each spacious unit is outfitted with full-sized kitchens and modern appliances. ROOST Tampa design elements embraces the nostalgia of stories embedded in the local Latin American heritage, while referencing subtle characteristics of Tampa’s historic Ybor City. The resulting design palette includes elements of warm walnut, vintage foliage motifs, hemp strapping and woven textiles.
A first for the brand, ROOST Tampa also marks the debut of the concept’s first
“Opening our fifth and largest ROOST in the newly developed Water Street Tampa neighborhood is an incredible achievement and we’re thrilled to bring it to life in Water Street Tampa,” said Randall Cook, CEO and Co-Founder of Method Co. “The live-work-play district has completely transformed downtown Tampa and is making the city one of the most desirable places to live in the country. It’s a change that we’re excited to be a part of, especially as we explore new dimensions of ourROOSTbrand.”Tampa guests will have access to the brand’s custom amenities, including an in-room artisanal coffee program with La Colombe, Mauviel cookware, a high-end cocktail kit, and signature bike share program.
The property will premiere the brand’s first co-living units, which will provide the option for ROOST guests to experience a communal living environment. The four- and eight-bedroom units feature a shared common area with a living room, full-sized kitchen and washer-dryer. Both co-living units offer a spacious communal balcony with a large dining table, while select rooms boast a private balcony and/or private bathroom. Each co-living unit can be rented by individual room or as a cohesive four- or eight-bedroom suite, ideal for larger groups. M
uxury, comfort and convenience describe the brand new concept ROOST Tampa. For those travelers seeking a more home-like environment over a traditional hotel room, check out ROOST Tampa. Situated on six floors within Asher tower in downtown Tampa at the Water Street Tampa development, ROOST brand’s first location in Florida and the first high-design, extended-stay hotel concept for Tampa opened in July 2022.
Not intended to solicit currently listed property. © Compass Florida, LLC. Equal Housing Opportunity. All information furnished regarding property for sale or rent or regarding financing is from sources deemed reliable, but Compass makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy thereof. All property infor mation is presented subject to errors, omissions, price changes, changed property conditions, and withdrawal of the property from the market, without notice. Natalie Scott The Natalie Scott Team Principal NatalieScottRealEstate.comnatalie.scott@compass.com813.310.8982Agent Your Home Solution As a South Tampa resident before relocating to Indian Rocks Beach, Natalie will provide you with the unique attributes of living the city or coastal lifestyle. As a real estate advisor and vacation rental investor, Natalie’s clients benefit from her expertise as she brings a wealth of knowledge and interior design experience into her real estate business. 3607 Royal Palm Drive | Bradenton 5 BD | 4 BA | 3,952 SF $2,725,000 Buyer Under Contract Altura Bayshore #1202 | Tampa 2 BD | 3 BA | 2,176 SF $1,735,000 Whether by land or by sea, the Natalie Scott Team is here to help you navigate Tampa Bay’s coastal living 43www.TampaBayMetro.com

However, the high-rise building that hosts his two-bed room, two-bathroom condominium overlooking Bayshore Boulevard, Harbour Island and Tampa’s iconic Jose Gasparilla pirate ship, felt cramped and dark.
For help hiring interior design professionals, Soli turned to his daughter, an Atlanta-based pilot and flight instructor, also for Delta, who scoured the internet and social media channels to find just the right firm.
By Mary Lou Janson Photos by Kate Wernert Studio
design, timeless décor and understated luxury, were among his preferences she said.

Kristen McKinlay and Melanie Rose of McKinlay Rose Interiors were tapped to handle the total renovation of the 1,349-square-foot space that formerly featured dated archi tectural elements that the designers eliminated, simplified and updated.
“He knew the condo had the potential to feel bigger. And he wanted it to look more modern and upscale,” said Taylor Meierhoefer, who reviewed web sites and Instagram posts of design projects before sharing her recommenda tions. “He wanted a one-stop shop that would manage the entireProfessionalproject.”
“I was a pilot for Delta Airlines and stayed in some of the best hotels in some of the most interesting cities in the world. My request was simple. Make my place look like a five-star hotel and, at the same time, make it comfortable for my friends and family,” Soli said.
44 Totalwww.TampaBayMetro.comTransformation To A Resort-Style Condo
high flying career as an airline pilot enabled Bryan Soli to travel the world and enjoy world class accommodations at leading hotels. The décor defining those high-end retreats influenced the look and lifestyle he longed for in his own home.

“No detail was left unattended,” said Rose. The most significant change was to open up, lighten and brighten the entire space. Bathrooms were updated to create a clean, fresh finish. Wide plank French wood floors were installed throughout the penthouse for seamless continuity.Theprimary
bedroom now combines warm, neutral tones with luxurious bedding fabric that blend with a monochromatic wallpaper background. Major renovations to the main bathroom include the addition of a luxurious spa bath and large shower separated by a custom glass partition and accented by a stone floor that provides a subtle foot massage. The mosaic tile inset adds elegance while the polished chrome finishing touches complete the look.
An oversized, open custom kitchen overlooking the dining and living rooms is accented by a beveled mirror backsplash with tortoise shell brown highlights and a modern chrome hood. A large mirror mounted to reflect the spacious “dinner party” sized table flanked by comfortable slipcovered dining chairs creates the illusion of a more expansive space.
The second bedroom that does double duty as an office and guest quarters, capably serves both roles with the help of a white pearlized sofa sleeper covered in a performance fabric. A rich marble inlaid floor in the guest bathroom matches the custom cabinetry to evoke a “classic style in new, modern, subtle tones,” according to the designers.

An intricately patterned hair on hide rug adds an organic element that works well with the black metal industrial-style desk. Artwork installed on the wall depicting airplane designs serves as a nod to the now retired homeowner’s aviation career.
The sophisticated color scheme, custom furnishings that include a living room sectional featuring shades of white leather and objets d’art like the hand blown glass pendants above the kitchen’s quartz countertops further elevate the home’s distinctive design.

McKinlay Rose Interiors 706
“The overall look of the condo is masculine , casual elegance,” said McKinlay. “McKinlay Rose meets Tom Ford.” M S Moody Avenue Tampa FL

two long islands with waterfall edge topped with quartz and granite backsplashes. The designer-grade appliances are WOLF and SUB-Zero including a 6-burner gas stove, refrigerator, beverage refrigerator, two wine coolers and two dishwashers. The home was made for entertaining with a built-in wet bar area.
The ONE building has state-of-theart amenities including a 5,000 square
Whether you are a morning person enjoying coffee and a balcony sunrise, or an evening person that enjoys a glass of wine with sunset, this hi-rise home offers the best of both worlds with three outdoor balcony spaces and stunning waterfront city views. M
By Ronda M. Parag
50 www.TampaBayMetro.com
Two spectacular design elements include curated antique doors from India opening to a dedicated home office and a back lit Onyx piece that serves as a focal point in the living space and placement for the flat screen TV. Each room showcases designer lighting from brands including Arteriors, Hinkley and Visual Comfort.
n the heart of downtown St. Petersburg the ONE building offers luxury living with incredible amenities. On the market is an incredible penthouse residence offering three bedrooms, three full and one half baths with over 4,000 square feet. The home was creatively designed by the high-end residential interior design firm Michelle Miller Design. Amazing design details are highlighted from ceiling to flooring with the design style of Urban Modern.
The flooring is solid engineered white oak wood with tile inlays of limestone, marble and onyx throughout the living spaces. Ceiling designs with beams and patterns are showcased throughout the home. The kitchen space is ideal for anyone that loves to showcase their culinary talents with
Contemporary Condo in the Sky
foot fitness center, social gathering rooms, library, game room with billiards table, heated lap pool, hot tub with waterfall, two fire pits, 12 cabanas and outdoor kitchen with four grills.
Located in Pinellas County in downtown St. Petersburg, the residence at 100 1st Avenue N. #4201 is offered at $6,995,000 through Smith & Associates Real Estate. Presented by Liz Heinkel, cell at 727.239.5623, or call the office at 727.342.3800 and visit www.smithandassocates.com.


52 www.TampaBayMetro.com

In Business Inspiring Women

They say that behind every strong business is… an even stronger team. OLDER LUNDY is a multi-specialty law firm comprised of some of Florida’s best attorneys and most dynamic professionals. The team has been carefully curated to handle just about any legal issue our clients may face including family law, commercial litigation, estate planning, personal injury claims, property insurance disputes and corporate law. The culture is one of uncompromising convictions, hard work, extraordinary service, aggressive representation and integrity. OLDER LUNDY attorneys and professionals collaborate to powerfully represent clients ultimately producing the best possible results in Tampa Bay and beyond. 1000 West Cass Street Tampa, FL www.olalaw.com813.254.899833606

In Business Inspiring Women
In Business Inspiring Women

Custom Home, LLC info@bayshorecustomehomes.com813.444.1414
Shannon Mathews COO and Senior Designer Bayshore Custom Homes, LLC
Using her creativity and passion for design allows Shannon Mathews to serve as one of the primary points of contact at award-winning Bayshore Custom Homes. Mathews facilitates the construction process from start to finish, and acts as liaison between the client, project managers, vendors and construction teams. Balancing work, and parenting two teenage sons, Shannon utilizes her organizational skills to keep projects moving and inspiring her children. Her oldest son is now following in his mom’s footsteps by studying construction management in college. Mathews is especially proud of two recent awards from Tampa Bay Builder’s Association Parade of Homes in the 2022 Custom Home Winners for homes in the $25M+ and the $2.0M+ Combiningcategory.herlove of water and fishing will often find Mathew’s out on the waters of Tampa Bay during her free Bayshoretime.
Photo: Brian James Gallery Photography
MONIQUE MCLAUGHLIN Makeup & Hair by Monique
Since being featured in 2016’s Inspiring Women’s issue, after success in print and television, Monique’s career has expanded to include mostly film work. She has amassed 26 movie credits in the last 5 years and has managed to work closely with several notable actors. Known as the “go to” makeup and hair artist, Monique is requested often because of her speed, creativity and ability to build trust with the talent in her chair. “An actor told me that she was only as good as her last movie and how she looked. I take that responsibility very seriously,” Monique said. “I am only as good as they look and feel.”

www.makeupandhairbymonique.cominfo@makeupandhairbymonique.com813.765.1354Monique In Business Inspiring Women
Makeup & Hair by
In Business Inspiring Women
Kristen McKinlay and Melanie Rose McKinlay Rose Interiors
New Location! Over 3,500 square feet interior Design Studio and Market Boutique now in the heart of South Tampa’s prestigious Hyde Park. Interior designers Kristen McKinlay and Melanie Rose have over 27 years of design experience that will transform a home into a place that clients never want to leave. Kristen and Melanie bring a passion for the design process and offer a seamless approach to transforming spaces into functional and luxurious interiors. As colleagues and friends, Kristen and Melanie opened McKinlay Rose Interiors over seven years ago and have recently expanded their business to South Florida. Visit the new location or call to schedule a design Interiors 706 S. Moody Ave. Tampa, FL www.mckinlayrose.com813.981.061333609

unique business removes the high start up costs for food entrepreneurs by providing the space, equipment, mentorship, and ability to scale their company in a collaborative environment. Opened since 2015, Kristin’s 24 years of culinary experience, helped her create the community that currently is home to over 125 businesses. In 2019, she expanded and opened The Bakery Box Pop up and a retail store front for a growing client. An immensely proud small business owner, she takes pride in supporting our local economy with new culinary opportunities! Pro Kitchen Hub Tampa 5224 S. Dale Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL Kristin@ProKitchenHubTampa.com813.804.894433611ProKitchenHubTampa.com In Business Inspiring Women

ALICIA SMITH VP HR at NTC A Covius Solution

Alicia has progressively climbed the ranks at NTC, serving as Director of Finance Disbursements, Director of Personnel, and Director of Talent Acquisition and Development. For a year now, Alicia Smith has served as the VP of Human Resources and has been instrumental in the evolution of the HR team and integrating with Covius. Alicia’s commitment to her team and the organization as a whole is giving rise to a new class of employee experience and engagement.Nationwide Clearing 2100 Alt 19 North Palm Harbor, FL,
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The Margaritaville Beach House is a nice distance from the craziness on Duval Street and offers round-trip transfer service to Key West International Airport and local shuttle service to and from the Downtown Seaport Harbor on the top of each hour through 11 p.m., although
subject to change.
Located directly across from Smathers Beach on the Atlantic Ocean, the resort offers 186 rooms with a variety
There are a variety of boating and water activities in Key West and on this trip we experienced a fantastic Dolphin Watch & Sunset Sail through Sebago Watersports. The weather was spectacular and we enjoyed sunset sips of champagne, beer, or sangria, and a sampling of hors d’oeuvres while being on the open water.
The property unveiled in August 2022, a custom-crafted mosaic mural of two macaw parrots designed by Whitespace Interiors and crafted by Mosaicos Venecianos de Mexico (MVM Studios). The Parrott-Head influenced artwork is 21” wide and 25” feet tall made with 250,000 tiles hand-cut by 26 female artists. The installation took 6 days and the entire project was 8 months, from concept to installation.
As Jimmy Buffet would say – might be time for “Changes in Latitude. Changes in Attitude.” M
Calling All Parrott Heads
of standard, one and two bedroom suites to accommodate friends or families. The décor is coastal inspired with tropical paintings of Jimmy Buffet quotes from his songs. For convenience, each guest room also offers a retro-style refrigerator and Themicrowave.FinsUp lagoon-style pool offers a refreshing place to relax and get your daily dose of vitamin D with plenty of umbrella’s and lounge chairs.
Key West is one of our favorite locations in Florida. While there is still plenty of drinking, music and fun, Key West has also become a family-friendly destination, and we had a recent stay at the re-imagined Margaritaville Beach House Key West opening in November 2021.

ey West holds a special place for many people, including our family, as Steve and I got engaged in the tropical destination many years ago. For years, we have traveled at least once, sometimes twice year to the island where creative-types and free-spirits gather to unwind and soothe the soul.
On-site is also a 24-hour fitness center, dining and cocktails at the Tin Cup Chalice Bar & Chill, kid’s activities, lawn games and a business center, if you must get some work done.
Inspired by all things Jimmy Buffet, it’s only fitting that there is now a Margaritaville Beach House Key West. At check-in we were welcomed with a delicious Margarita, which sets the intention for a great start to our stay.
Margaritaville Beach House Key West | By Ronda M. Parag
METROGuide Getaways 62 www.TampaBayMetro.com
New custom-crafted mosaic mural of two macaw parrots designed by Whitespace Interiors and crafted by Mosaicos Venecianos de Mexico (MVM Studios)

Lush and tranquil courtyard

The Fins Up lagoon-style pool

Relax in the Margaritaville Beach House lobby

Modern accommodations with coastal-inspired décor
For hotel reservations, call 888.389.4921 or visit www.MargaritavilleBeachHouseKeyWest.com Follow on social media @MargaritavilleBeachHouseKW For water activities, visit Sebago Watersports, www.keywestsebago.com

While enjoying our dinner, Chef Felix visited each table to make sure each guest was enjoying their meal. It certainly makes you feel welcome and appreciated as a guest. We could not decide on dessert, so we ordered both the homemade caramel custard Flan and the toasted-topped Cheesecake served with raspberry jam and whipped cream – each were delicious and we finished with complete satisfaction. With plenty of parking onsite, it is easy to stop in for a leisurely and delicious Spanish meal. M
Spanish Cuisine in the Heart of SoHo
The menu offers a selection of cheeses and charcuterie, soups, salads, tapas style appetizers, main dishes and of course, a specialty of the house – Paellas. One of the popular appetizers and a favorite of
day. Other main dishes include fresh fish options including Black Grouper, Salmon, Red Snapper, Sole or a Seafood Zarzuela with jumbo prawns, mussels, clams, crab simmered in a sherry sauce. The menu also offers Duck, Chicken and Beef including a Black Angus Filet Mignon or Tenderloin Tips.
64 www.TampaBayMetro.com Vizcaya SoHo | Open for Lunch and Dinner daily; Closed Monday | 401 S. Howard Ave., Tampa, FL 33606 | 813.374.7164 | www.vizcayasoho.com
Vizcaya Soho | By Ronda M. Parag
n the heart of South Tampa is a gem of a Spanish-influenced restaurant that operated for many years in Carrollwood before closing in 2019. In May 2021, Chef Felix Piedra opened Vizcaya Soho at the corner of Azeele and Howard Avenue in South Tampa. The restaurant is the site of an old gas station from the 1950s and was carefully renovated to create a casual and comfortable vibe. Inside, a small bar area is perfect for sipping house-made sangria, or a bottle of Italian or Spanish wine, as well as, outside seating, perfect for the cooler fall temperatures. The main dining room is cozy and intimate with seating for about 30.

our servers was the Pulpo A La Gallega –imported octopus baked with Spanish pimentos and EVOO. Another popular starter is the Ceviche Mixto a trio of seafood with scallops, Key West pink shrimp, and Faroe Islands salmon marinated in citrus and coriander. We tried the tasty Croquetas De Jamon Serrano made with serrano ham, béchamel cheese along with another popular menu item the Datiles Con Pancetta – dates stuffed with Manchego cheese, serrano ham wrapped with crispy bacon. We also enjoyed the Langostinos Rellenos – the pan-fried Key West shrimp stuffed with béchamel, and wrapped in porkThebelly.Paella Campesina made with chicken and chorizo was ideal as an entree for sharing and we even had enough to bring home for lunch the next
METROGuide Foodie PhotographyWenzlVanessaPhotos:

Photo: Courtesy of Tampa International Airport @flytpa
Taking Flight 27.97998051119459, -82.53467438248327
METROGuide Latitude 66 www.TampaBayMetro.com
Whether you are leaving or arriving to the Tampa Bay area, you’ll be greeted inside the main terminal at Tampa International Airport with a giant-sized, massive floor-to-ceiling flamingo titled “ Home ” by artist Matthew Mazzotta. The recently completed 21 feet high flamingo sculpture is part of the airport’s public art program M