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When a tradie says, “this is the type of house a builder would buy”, you know the potential is considerable.
With impeccable bones already in place, the current owners embarked on an ambitious renovation that transformed 19A Upper Crichton Terrace from a solid structure into an enviable and captivating home.
Positioned on Cashmere’s coveted lower hills, the property not only revels in sundrenched vistas across Christchurch City, extending breathtakingly to the Southern Alps, but also enjoys a harmonious modern history. Following the horror of the Christchurch earthquake, the Kalpa Bhadra Buddhist Centre shifted to this private and serene site, a perfectly positioned residence for retreats. Ironically, the current owner had attended onsite meditation classes and was captivated by the home. When the opportunity to purchase became available, she snapped it up. While the serenity was temporarily compromised during the large-scale renovation, the sense of calm quickly returned.
Today, The Newburys have been entrusted to find the next guardians of Upper Crichton Terrace. Miranda and Milla feel excited to be tasked with this responsibility and are confident the next owner will love the gracious charm, the advantageous location and the flawless renovation of this iconic home.
Fully rewired, reroofed and replumbed, the functionality of the home is firmly in place, promising many more decades of agreeable inhabitancy. Garaging has been upgraded, presenting ample room for cars and toys, while an external shed has been transformed into an indispensable home office.
However, this home isn’t just about function, it’s also about form. A scrupulously exceptional designer kitchen pays homage to clean lines and considered living, while three new bathrooms proffer tranquil sanctuaries to self-care.
Light and airy living and dining areas flow seamlessly onto a desirable 65m2 deck, extending the already generous interior and linking it flawlessly with the magnificently landscaped exterior.
It’s a beautiful home, one that has upheld it’s history while moving forward and providing the very best of form and function.
Call Miranda or Milla for an exclusive viewing.
When Winston Churchill said, “There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues are created, strengthened and maintained”, he could have been speaking of The Newburys. Together, this dynamic motherdaughter duo are bringing a new vision to Christchurch real estate, breaking barriers and raising standards.
Relationships are at the heart of Miranda and Milla Newbury’s ethos. Together, they draw on their shared background – the best of youthful exuberance, the capability of experienced wisdom, and the benefit of close family – to achieve results.
Commanding over thirty years of knowledge and expertise in retail sales, financial services and educational philanthropy, Miranda affirms, “All my skills previously acquired have come together, making my role as a real estate agent something very natural”. Miranda and her husband founded New Zealand Home Loans Canterbury
in 1998, Miranda owned and managed a notable portfolio of residential investment properties. However, it’s her willingness and ability to relate to people, her reputation for communication and her planning skills, that set her apart. Genuinely warm and welcoming, Miranda loves to help others
While mum, Miranda, is young at heart, Milla brings an openly youthful and fresh approach. Milla is the next generation of real estate and has been with the Harcourts family since 2022, initially honing her skills as an administrator and now as an agent. Specialising as a Buyers’ Agent, Milla rounds out the team, helping vendors and buyers separately. Engaging, vibrant and fun-loving, Milla is the generation of true Digital Natives, a marketing weapon who knows the power of technology and social commerce.
Drawing on only the best, Miranda and Milla have built a team based on excellence. Practically perfect, their personal assistant, Nadine, is vastly experienced, while awardwinning auctioneer, Mark McGoldrick, represents The Newburys. Part of the greater Harcourts Holmwood family, The Newburys are firmly backed by the Merivale branch. It’s a collaborative team effort that makes a genuine difference, a team of distinction.
A close-knit pair with a uniquely remarkable skill set, The Newburys are storming the Christchurch property scene.
From farm to fashion. Timeless knitwear made with sustainably grown, Davaar Station heritage wool.
Flagship store 6 Princhester Road, Davaar Station, The Key, Te Anau. davaarwool.co.nzTwice a year, Metropol publishes its popular wedding supplement, featuring many of the local retailers who support this lucrative industry.
Bringing bridal parties and wedding suppliers together is a marriage made in heaven for many parties. Ten years ago, the wedding industry in New Zealand was estimated to be worth $58 million annually. Now, a low-key wedding averages around $40,000, with
many couples spending a great deal more. From $80,000 to $120,000 is now considered mid-range, with highend nuptials around $300,000 plus.
Getting married comes in all shapes and sizes, depending on what the couples (or their families) want. The ceremony is usually just the start of the want list; what most couples really want is a marriage that endures, regardless of the cost.
The same can be said for other forms of marriage, those that are a combination or mix of elements, such as music, cuisine, and events. Most parties enter into such arrangements having agreed on the parametres, and conditions, just as SailGP did when marrying its foil racing event to Lyttelton’s marine mammal sanctuary.
Traditonal wedding vows often include “for better or worse”. Sadly Christchurch experienced the worst from SailGP CEO Sir Russell Coutts when, like a sulky little boy, he tossed his toys out of the playpen because racing was cancelled to protect dolphins in the sanctuary.
With talk of moving future SailGPs o shore, it seems like this is one marriage that won’t last. That really would be a shame, after all the e ort our region put into the event, not forgetting if it hadn’t been for Christchurch, when Auckland pulled the plug, the 2024 leg probably wouldn’t have happened at all.
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Audited circulation by Magazine Publishers Association (MPA) Metropol is the only free lifestyle magazine in the South Island with Audited Circulation. Verified by Magazine 360. This means we print and distribute the magazines we say we do. Assuring the reach and effectiveness of clients advertising. To view circulation of Metropol and other magazines go to: www.magazine360.co.nz
Find a range of entertainment to enjoy across Canterbury, and wider, in the coming weeks.
Insider cooking secrets and fresh recipes await at Wolfbrook Arena. Sample, taste, and discover hundreds of the best local and international food and beverages served by renowned chefs. foodshow.co.nz
If you’re a bride or groom to be, find the best in dresses, suits, celebrants, music, transport, hair and makeup, cakes, with nibbles and wines to sample at the Hotel Elms in Christchurch. events.humanitix.com
Andrew Bond opens his latest art exhibition, at PGgallery192, 5.30pm, which explores his love of music and its pivotal role within his painting practice. pggallery192.co.nz
Music and elegance entwines with excitement at the Christchurch Town Hall, through the symphonic and melodic music of the world’s most famous spy. premier.ticketek.co.nz
Get out and support the Trident Homes Tactix as they take on the Ascot Park Hotel Steel at Wolfbrook Arena, with on-court action and o -court entertainment. premier.ticketek.co.nz
A festival of architectural excellence, 50 local buildings, like the Former Law Courts, will be open for the public to explore, with talks, exhibitions, and expert tours on o er too. Image by Peanut Productions. openchch.nz
Dawn French brings her hilarious comedy to the Christchurch Town Hall, telling her tales of ‘twattery’ and o ering a sneak peek into her life beyond work. premier.ticketek.co.nz
Join bestselling Irish author Sinéad Gleason at Tūranga as she discusses her new novel Hagstone, a hauntingly atmospheric story of human nature, faith’s mysteries, and the magic of the natural world. nz.patronbase.com
Lace up on 21 April and get active for a cause with the Frontrunner Christchurch Marathon. Funds this year will go towards Rānui House, which translates to ‘big warm house,’ owned and managed by the Bone Marrow Cancer Trust.
Ahome away from home, Rānui House o ers 26 apartments for families who need to travel to Christchurch for life-saving medical treatment. Located opposite the Christchurch Hospital, it’s a welcoming and comforting space that keeps families close during treatment.
Choose a race distance that suits you, call on some running or walking buddies, and register online. If you’re looking for a di erent way to enjoy the atmosphere, the streets of Christchurch boast ample opportunity for spectators. Starting in the early morning, with podium awards in the late morning, it’s a great opportunity to rise and make the most of the Sunday, however you choose to get involved. Run, walk, cheer, and donate, for a cause that has longer arms than you might think.
Take in the full extent of Christchurch’s marathon course, with flat and scenic views of the city. Run 42.2km through local landmarks and celebrate well on the finish.
Half marathon
The half marathon is 21.1km of the same flat terrain with the ability to walk or run, a challenge in itself, or a stepping stone to a full marathon next year.
Get involved with this shorter distance, suitable for anyone looking to give it a go and support the cause, without as much stress on the body.
Kids Mara’fun
Bring the kids along, the mara’fun is a safe and exciting course through Hagley Park, with categories and distances for each age group, and a medal on the finish line.
Witty, a bit silly, and fairly dead pan are apt descriptives for Jo Prendergast’s special brand of humour. Known as a ‘clean’ comedian, Jo explains that her comedy seems to be relatable to a wide range of people. “You don’t need to be up to date with pop-culture references, or highly educated, to understand my jokes,” she laughs.
A medical doctor with a unique ability to share important health messages through comedy, Jo toured her Cancer and Cartwheels show earlier this year, and will also perform it in Christchurch on 4 May, then at the New Zealand International Comedy Festival, also in May 2024.
The one-woman show is especially relatable to women over 40 and to cancer survivors, their social networks, and anyone who knows someone with cancer - which is almost everyone, she says. “It’s about resilience in the face of adversity, acceptance of change in our lives and bodies, and finding the humour in di cult situations.” The show also explores the themes of toxic positivity (‘pink-washing’ of breast cancer), health care inequality, aging, and body neutrality, and is a celebration about cancer survivorship, a topic Jo knows all too well from her own experiences with the dreaded “C” word.
Turning her personal experiences into absurd and funny skits, she imparts educational and hopeful messages. “The show has a lot of body humour because of the subject; it’s hard to do a show about breast cancer survivorship without some boob jokes,” she laughs again.
Trying to break down the stigma about cancer and ‘women’s business’ by talking about the untalkable on stage means taking di cult content into some silly and sometimes ‘rude’ directions. Jo’s found that doing so encourages women to talk openly with her after shows. “We had a lovely post-show chat and a cup of tea after my Hokitika show. It felt like what I was supposed to be doing, combining being a doctor, performer, and patient advocate and having wonderful connections with the audience.”
Being a doctor didn’t save Jo from getting cancer, although it often helped her make sense of what she was going through. She found a lump in her breast and armpit only five months after a reportedly normal mammogram.
“I have extremely dense breasts, which increases the risk of breast cancer and the risk they can’t see your cancer on a mammogram. In some countries overseas, women legally have to be told their breast density, and if they have extremely dense breasts they are o ered MRI or ultrasounds as well as mammograms, but not in the New Zealand screening programme.
“It’s so important for women (and men) to be ‘breast aware’; knowing your normal, checking your breasts regularly, and seeing your GP if anything changes. It’s especially important if you know you have extremely dense breasts.” She believes people should be ‘armpit aware’ as well as ‘breast aware’.
Being in the medical field helped Jo’s awareness of cancer, and treatments. “My poor oncologist had to answer a full A4 sheet of questions about my chemotherapy options. I joined several
overseas breast cancer support groups and became aware of things that are standard care in the USA, UK, and Australia, yet rarely in New Zealand.
“I requested testing of my tumour (an Oncotype) which gives information about the percentage chance of your individual cancer spreading around your body, and how useful chemotherapy might be. I did ‘cold capping’ which meant I didn’t go bald during chemotherapy, and I also iced my hands and feet, so my nails didn’t fall o .”
Jo put together a website about reducing chemotherapy side e ects, particularly information about ‘cold capping’ and icing, and made short films interviewing women about hair loss grief and their experiences cold capping during chemotherapy. The Cancer Society has put the latter video on its website.
Currently, Jo is advocating for cancer patients to have the option of expensive cold capping treatment. “I wish the Breast Cancer Foundation could use some of the 2019 $500k cold capping fundraising to o er subsidies to women who can’t a ord it. If anyone would like to start a charity to o er financial assistance to cancer patients wanting to avoid chemotherapy baldness, let me know.”
As a doctor, Jo was more aware of some of the service gaps as she went through treatment; gaps such as post-surgical pain management after discharge, and trying to prevent lymphedema (arm swelling up permanently after armpit lymph nodes have been removed).
“It’s not just about surviving cancer; it’s about surviving it well,” she says, adding that many long-term cancer treatment sidee ects can be prevented.”
Married to Marty for 28 years, when she’s not touring, writing or producing, Jo enjoys the outdoors, swimming, walking, and horse riding. The family, daughter Charlotte (23), and son Angus (20), moved to Lyttelton after Jo’s cancer treatment.
“I decided that the thing I most wanted to change in my life was to live by the sea. My passion is swimming in the sea, and I can easily do that every day if I want to now. Looking at the sea is very calming for me, and there’s some evidence that ‘blue space’ time increases mental wellbeing.”
As for entertainment, Jo has that built-in, thanks to her job as a comedian, watching other people’s comedy sets, and helping others through her own tumour humour.
Ask how you can reduce the risk of long-term side-e ects from treatment. Ask about preventing lymphedema and reducing the risk of chronic pain. I’ve put information about reducing chemotherapy side e ects on this website. hairtodayandtomorrow.co.nz
Philanthropists, business owners, and drivers of systemic change, Angela and Theresa Gattung are shining trailblazers of female empowerment. Metropol Deputy Editor Nina Tucker sits down with them about their lifelong commitment through the Gattung Foundation.
The Gattung sisters are giving back. To charities and women in need, to provide the opportunities and the voice they were always given. Whether they’re providing food, pyjamas, ambulances, female budgeting advice, creating pathways for young women finishing school, or holding pre-loved clothing pop-ups, they are making a di erence, and it is the individual stories they impact that matter.
“It’s this idea that if I’ve got it, you can’t have it, but actually, we could all have it. You don’t need to have any kind of spirituality to want to see your fellow human being doing as well as you,” Angela explains.
The Gattung Foundation, founded in October 2022, focuses on women, Māori and Pasifika female communities, and animal welfare, from Northland to Invercargill. The programmes have large-scale potential. A current pilot sees the mentorship of young women who lost their way during Covid-19, constructing new paths and possibilities. “Are we all just going to walk away from everyone who had a terrible two years through the ages 17 and 18? Or, are we going to say that doesn’t have to be a wasted life?” Theresa says. The sisters are committed to putting e ort and money into initiatives not receiving funding otherwise. “What we’re trying to do is help those girls. We fund only girls, we don’t
apologise for that. Plenty of wealthy men and male philanthropists can fund boys,” Theresa explains.
Angela says it is the resources they provide and the communities on the ground that do the heavy lifting. “We partner with locals, organisations and people in the community who have the knowledge, respect, and trust of the community.” She adds that the foundation is often the “seed funding” for an idea to land traction, such as their support of Mindful Fashion through their Circular Design Award, which has prompted bigger support for this year’s event.
Just two years between them, they’re of seamless compatibility. “We’re like the yin and yang,” Angela says. “We’ve both been bosses in our other roles, and she [Theresa] still is. The only place I’m still the boss is at home with the dog.” To that, Theresa says, “I’m naturally collaborative, as long as I can be the captain of the team.” With the help of third trustee and longtime assistant of Theresa, Chris Woodwiss, decisions are collaborative and honest. The sisters now live across the road from one another, however, their physical lives only intersect when the two schedules align.
Their parents arrived in New Zealand from England with only their suitcases, and built a livelihood that a orded their children big dreams. “We were given all the opportunities they could provide,” Angela explains. Pioneered by their father, a man who only knew sisters and daughters, raised his four girls to be fearless. “We thought it was normal. I didn’t realise until later that not all men were like our dad,” Theresa says. “He saw the potential in everybody, he didn’t discriminate. He didn’t think that just because you came from no money or you’re a girl that there was a limitation.” “So, I grew up feminist and bossy,” Theresa explains, and it’s the same confidence you will find the pair working to instil in young women across the country today.
Angela and Theresa became powerhouses in their respective fields. Theresa, a businesswoman, has spent many years at the top of companies like Telecom (now Spark), AIA Australia and New Zealand, and co-founded others like My Food Bag, and Angela, a respected voice in education with an extensive background in nonprofits. Theresa uses her platforms and income to donate to multiple national and global charities.
Fashion Sister, a pre-loved clothing initiative that cancels out the barriers of accessing a ordable, but still gorgeous, clothing by bringing pop-up stores to unsuspecting towns and communities.
With the influence of their parents, the Gattung sisters rose up, while recognising the privilege that helped them there. With the ‘leg up’ that came with their skin colour, Angela and Theresa set out to do their bit to see everyone given a seat at the table.
“No one will ever convince me that every girl born in New Zealand, or born in the last decade, or born in the last 20 years, starts from the same spot.”
“We had a stable family with loving parents, enough food, and warm housing,” Theresa explains. “No one will ever convince me that every girl born in New Zealand, or born in the last decade, or born in the last 20 years, starts from the same spot.”
“There is unconscious bias. It’s been proven in the education system by Māori researchers,” Angela says. It’s those walls that years of systemic discrimination and inequality create, that the Gattung Foundation is breaking down.
Soon enough, Theresa found a way to combine these two passions with the Gattung Foundation: making money and philanthropy. “In the beginning, I thought I’d be some sort of crusading Joan of Arc but the truth is, I really like making money. So, I do try and save the world in little ways.” Funding the foundation makes a huge di erence to women’s lives, and through it, she can continue marrying the two things she loves. “I wanted to do something more than just give money. I really love the commercial cut and thrust. So, I still walk in both worlds,” Theresa shares.
Angela, through the opportunities of the foundation, created
The pair haven’t slowed down yet. Each with their side hustles, between Fashion Sister and learning te reo Māori for Angela, and Theresa’s recently-launched over-40 matchmaking agency Compatico, they both value their ‘me time’ – beach walks, swims and saunas, and quiet weekends. “I don’t have the energy I had 20 years ago. I need to have a restorative weekend,” Theresa laughs.
Whether in signing the petition to avoid reinstating the live animal exports ban, giving unwanted clothes to Fashion Sister, or donating to the foundation, support is still needed. “The foundation is built on the generosity, primarily, of Theresa,” Angela says. “We’ve always got ideas and work to do.”
Visit the website for more: gattungfoundation.co.nz
A game of golf is often an opportunity to combine business and recreation, and that’s exactly what the Property Council New Zealand did recently, teeing off in Christchurch.
Chief executive of Property Council New Zealand, Leonie Freeman says the Christchurch Golf Day is always a popular event. “This year was no exception, with a solid field of competitors enjoying a beautiful day on the greens at Harewood Golf Club.
“Although a social gathering at heart, these days are integral to bringing our broad church of members together from all sectors of the property ecosystem.
“From architects, planners, lawyers and engineers to property developers, construction professionals, and agents, any occasion where we can unite the local property community and strengthen business relationships is a pleasure to host.”
Leonie added that it is thanks to sponsors such as Kelleher Real Estate that events like this can take place. “We sincerely appreciate their partnership in helping connect Canterbury property professionals.”
Jeremy Kelleher, of Kelleher Real Estate, says it’s a great opportunity to meet colleagues in the same field of business, and to enjoy a day out, mixing business with pleasure.
Property Council is the leading advocate for New Zealand’s largest industry: property.
Each year, it canvases its members to craft its annual advocacy priorities. These priorities form the foundation of all the work the council does, both nationally and in the regions. In 2023/24 these priorities are grouped under five key work streams:
• Enable thriving cities and infrastructure
• Reform the planning system
• Deliver housing that enhances communities
• Adopt fairer regulation and tax settings
• Improve sustainability and resilience
Property is New Zealand’s largest industry, making up 15% of economic activity.
As a sector, it employs 9% of New Zealand’s workforce and contributes more than $41.2 billion (and growing) to GDP.
Property Council New Zealand is the one organisation that collectively champions property, bringing together members from all corners of the property ecosystem to advocate for reduced red tape that enables development.
Golf Day sponsored by Kelleher Real Estate
175 Montreal Street, Christchurch, 8011 027 873 5722
The Pounamu Pathway is a groundbreaking tourism initiative on the South Island’s West Coast, celebrating the region’s cultural, historical, and natural heritage.
Through creative storytelling and world-class experiences within four interconnected experience centres — Māwhera (Greymouth), Awarua (Haast), Kawatiri (Westport) and Hokitika — it o ers visitors a once-in-a-lifetime journey through the rich traditions and history of Aotearoa and the people of Poutini Ngāi Tahu.
A joint venture between Poutini Ngāi Tahu and Wētā Workshop, the pathway was opened by Regional Development Minister Shane Jones in February this year, and is already boosting local economies through visitor numbers and employment growth on the West Coast, with experience centres now open in Greymouth (Māwhera) and Westport (Kawatiri). Two more centres will open in Awarua and Hokitika.
The growth in job opportunities spurred by the Pounamu Pathway has been significant, with numerous local businesses, suppliers, and personnel contributing their expertise and dedication to the project.
This includes a diverse array of roles, from skilled labour, to the creative input of a design team and project management professionals and front of house sta . Additionally, the collaboration with local Poutini Ngāi Tahu artists underscores a commitment to showcasing regional talent and enriching the cultural fabric of the project.
The Pounamu Pathway has been managed by Sam Summerton of Smart Project Management. Māwhera was designed by RM Designs and built by Tony Wilkins Builder, with creative input from Wētā Workshop, and Christchurch-based Art Fetiche.
Poutini Ngāi Tahu are the people of the West Coast region of New Zealand’s South Island, specifically the related hapū of Ngāti Waewae, and Ngāti Māhaki. They have a deep connection to the land and its cultural heritage, which they share with the world through the Pounamu Pathway.
Wellington-based Wētā Workshop brings imaginary worlds to life by delivering concept design, physical e ects, collectables, immersive visitor experiences and games to the world’s entertainment and creative industries.
Established by Richard Taylor and Tania Rodger, they’re well-known for work on The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Avatar, and Dune, various immersive visitor experiences, and Wētā Workshop Unleashed.
Get ready for an immersive experience like no other on the West Coast, with the opening of the impressive, immersive Pounamu Pathway.
Acultural experience transcending boundaries, the pathway beats through the heart of Te Tai o Poutini (the West Coast). A vision sparked by Ngāti Waewae chair Francois Tumahai, this vibrant, interactive, cultural experience, o ers a window into the resilient culture of Poutini Ngāi Tahu.
“We really are creating a world-first cultural experience. We’re putting Poutini Ngāi Tahu on an international stage, while also bringing opportunities to the whole region,” says Francois.
The milestone was achieved with the support of Kānoa – Regional Economic Development and Investment Unit, which is aimed at enhancing economic development in the regions. The pathway centres are set to be a cornerstone of the West Coast’s economic revitalisation, providing local jobs and attracting visitors from near and far.
For the centres, the Government granted $17.87 million from the provincial growth fund in 2020, and it was matched with $17m from Poutini Ngāi Tahu, which is made up of Makaawhio and Ngāti Waewae rūnanga.
The experience focuses on the core themes of the Pounamu Pathway: Ancestors, Settlements, Battles, Legends and Trade, all represented in a ‘whare’ built around a central ātea (courtyard) space.
The free-roaming environment invites visitors to choose their own path and explore the incredible stories within. They’ll encounter the Poutini Ngāi Tahu ancestors, Tūhuru, Papakura, and Moroiti up close, visit battlefields, and learn about the sacrifices made for Ngāi Tahu to become the Guardians of Pounamu.
Westport’s Coaltown Museum has undergone a significant update to unveil its new identity as The Museum of Kawatiri, the second experience centre to open along the Pounamu Pathway. An enriching journey through the cultural and historical treasures of the region; its primary focus is on coal, gold, and pounamu, allowing visitors to delve into the rich history and cultural significance of these precious resources.
Four exhibits - Wealth of the Land, Early Settlement, Ecstasy of Gold, and People Pou – take visitors on a captivating journey to learn about the geological (and galactic) origins of three highly prized and precious elements, each shaping the face and history of Kawatiri.
Two more Pounamu Pathway experience centres are under way. The Haast centre in the existing Department of Conservation visitor centre will be the next to open in June 2024. The Hokitika centre will be in a new building after the rūnanga’s pounamu store is demolished, and is expected to be open by the end of 2025.
In its eighth year, the ZAFAA Awards (Zonta Ashburton Female Art Awards) were held on 1 March at the Ashburton Art Gallery. Marie Porter, for her work The Rocks, was announced as the winner of the Premier Award.
The Rocks installation began as a collection of small rocks from Horomaka Banks Peninsula. They were virtually the only remnants undamaged on the land, after the devastation of pine tree harvesting. Marie says she has imagined herself as a geologist, laying out the rocks in a grid formation. “Admiring each one’s form, weight, texture and colour, I began to re-imagine and re-make their unique forms in di erent materials.”
For Marie, interacting physically with The Rocks is essential to discovering their re-imagined materiality and the exhibition viewers were invited to explore the tactile aspect of the work. Accompanying The Rocks was The Collector, a small handmade book of poems that describes some of
the making process which the public could interact with and read for themselves.
Marie talks of how imagining, drawing, and playing with paint has always been with her. With a background in fine arts from the Ilam School of Fine Arts and a penchant for experimentation, Marie’s work resonated with the judges for its innovation and sensory appeal, with a judge commenting on The Rocks as “highly pleasurable material experimentation”. Winning the Premier Award not only validates her talent but also o ers her a platform to share her art with a wider audience.
Developing her studio practice and working collaboratively to become a member of the Christchurch art community are some of Marie’s plans for the near future.
“I am very grateful for the opportunity ZAFAA (soon to be ZAWAA) has awarded me, and highly recommend young and emerging artists participate in this friendly, professionally executed event.”
Coming this month to Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū is a major body of new work that reflects on histories of Pacific, Māori, and European exploration and navigation.
In this touring exhibition, artist Cora-Allan (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Tumutumu, Niue – Liku, Alofi) uses whenua (earth) pigment, hiapo (barkcloth from Niue) and other media to represent her recent two-week sea voyage from the bottom of Te Waipounamu to Te Tai Tokerau. On the journey, she painted the changing shapes and views of the whenua (land) of Aotearoa from the perspective of the moana (sea).
Accompanying Cora-Allan on her expedition was her father, Kelly Lafaiki (Niue – Liku and Alofi), who documented the passage through written notes and sketches in a travel journal. Their interactions, captured on film by artist Emily Parr (Ngāi Te Rangi, Moana, Pākehā), are represented by two moving-image works that will sit alongside the exhibition.
Carve out time to visit this exhibition which will be at Christchurch Art Gallery from 13 April – 25 August 2024.
To enrich your understanding of the works, attend the kōrero between Cora-Allan and Te Papa curator mātauranga Māori Isaac Te Awa at 1 pm on 13 April 2024, at the Christchurch Art Gallery. christchurchartgallery.org.nz
In the heart of Christchurch stands a testament to resilience and artistry, and this year, we celebrate the past, present, and future of this historical masterpiece. Thirteen years ago, the Issac Theatre Royal (ITR) fell to its knees. Today it shines brighter than ever, beckoning both seasoned theatregoers and newcomers alike to experience its magic.
Once a mere venue for hire, the ITR has undergone a transformative journey, emerging as a beacon of community engagement and education in the arts. Despite the challenges posed by a global epidemic, the theatre stands tall, embracing its role as not just a stage, but a platform for connection and enrichment.
In the next decade, the Isaac Theatre Royal seeks a future defined by inclusivity and innovation. While maintaining a commercial focus to sustain its operations, the theatre aims to deepen its roots within the community, breaking down financial barriers and fostering relationships with lowersocioeconomic areas. Driving this is the Isaac Theatre Royal Commissioning Circle, which enlists patrons of the arts to support the theatre’s programming.
For many, the ITR holds a special place in their hearts, evoking memories of childhood wonder and artistic inspiration. With some sta members boasting decades-long tenures, the theatre is not just a workplace, it’s a homecoming. Stepping into the hallowed halls of the ITR is akin to returning to a familiar embrace, a sentiment that speaks volumes about its enduring legacy. With 37 years in service, senior manager Lianne Hawthorne (pictured) says the entire journey has been incredible. “This place isn’t just a job, it’s my second home, where every moment on stage feels like pure magic.”
A yearlong celebration culminating in a spectacular variety show in November will mark its 10th anniversary, as a new vision is imagined and fresh faces continue the passion that permeates each corner of the theatre.
As we celebrate the past, revel in the present, and anticipate the future of the Isaac Theatre Royal, one thing remains abundantly clear: the stage is set for greatness, and the show will go on.
Visit galleries in and around Christchurch and make a day of it.
IMAGE: ‘ Besame, (Besame Mucho)’ 1800x2400mm. oil, acrylic, spray enamel, schlag metal on canvas.
Inspired by His Master’s Voice of a terrier named Nipper peering into the sound-horn of a gramophone, Andrew Bond’s exhibition ‘A Playlist For Nipper’ explores his love of music and its pivotal role within his practice. Featuring reworked images of Nipper and the gramophone within abstracted spaces or ‘worlds’ where Nipper can be seen engaging with the music that was created long after the dogs demise. Each painting is named after a piece of music that was played during its creation. PG gallery192, 192 Bealey Ave, Christchurch.
21 MAR - 1 MAY 2024
O ering a multi-dimensional experience, Metallica showcases hues interacting with the light casting enchanting reflections and shadows bringing the painting to life, as though dancing to its own unique rhythm.
IMAGE: Metallica - Words Unsaid. Art on the Quay, 176 Williams St, Kaiapoi.
Be treated to a captivating and unique experience where art and nature harmoniously intertwine. The Amberley Lime Works quarry has been reimagined into a beautiful and at times whimsical Sculpture Park. Enjoy a tranquil picnic in a hidden gem of North Canterbury, far removed from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life.
Iron Ridge Quarry Scupture Park, 707 Ram Paddock Road, Amberley
Love, beauty, and passion are three words synonymous with the artworks on display at Tait Gallery. Bringing your soul to its senses in all that you view, our art will inspire and enhance your vision.
11 APR - 12 MAY 2024
Selected photographs by four artists who travelled into Tamatea-Dusky Sound, Fiordland National Park, to engage with the extraordinary environment & cross-cultural history that occurred in this remote location.
IMAGE: Andrew Mcdonald, 1995 Cascade, Pembroke and us, 1995.
Oxford Gallery, 72 Main Street, Oxford.
Realising a life-long ambition of opening a professional studio, Beverley works mostly in acrylics and watercolours. Creating vibrant paintings with bold colours and precise definition, Beverley’s pieces are held in private collections all over the world.
Art Box Gallery, 1/16 Loftus St, Papanui.
Contemporary and traditional artworks by renowned emerging artists including Llew Summers, Debbie Templeton-Page, Matt Williams, Mike Glover, and Nigel Brown. The gallery holds a selection of high quality artwork to view and to purchase.
York Street Gallery, 21 York Street, Timaru.
CROSSOVER: 14 APR - 23 MAY 2024
Whakawhiti Crossover is a collaboration between Jan Robertson & Claire Aldhamland. “It’s been an adventure into the unknown with the outcomes not predetermined, with Claire responding to what I made. I produced a number of pots and then she added fibre to some of them. We made a foray to Birdlings Flat recently and I (Jan) have generated most of these objects following that day. For example, a chunk of bull kelp found was the influence for the free formed shapes.”
IMAGE: Karamea
Renting has many unwanted twists and turns for owners and tenants alike, which is why it’s essential to have an expert property manager.
REINZ accredited, Shona Saunders has been working in the rental field for more than 10 years, through her company Rent Wise Property Management.
“We [Shona and husband Michael Brookland] are dedicated to achieving the correct result, and always have high standards. Not only are we here for the owners of properties, we’re also here for the tenants as everyone involved plays an important role in successful rental properties,” Shona explains.
Key to her success is a dedicated team of long-serving sta , and professional support contractors, proving service 24/7. “We have four loyal sta , and they’ve all been part of the business for many years now. They’re respectful, they care, and they are a credit to us,” she adds.
People and property are Shona’s passions. Her home is in Christchurch, she experienced the earthquakes first hand, has dealt with EQC personally, and also project managed repairs and contractors for clients, while supporting tenants.
“Members of my family own rental properties, and I also have family members who are tenants so I can see both sides. My aim is to always ensure both parties are treated fairly, and we achieve the best possible outcome. I value my work and treat each property as if it was my own. I always ask myself, if this was my property would I be happy?
The word is out, and that word is “mesh”.
This lightweight, versatile and trans-seasonal fabric takes you from the o ce to co ee with the girls, out for lunch, and on into the night. It is the ultimate layering fabric. Zebrano, stockists of over 50 New Zealand, Australian, and international designer labels, carefully curated with curvy size 14+ women in mind, share some tips on wearing mesh.
A casual sporty take on mesh sees a singlet topped with an oversized mesh tee, matched with elevated joggers, a straight skirt or relaxed jeans. Accessorise with bold bijoux and chunky sneakers.
For o ce pizazz, wear a quality camisole or tailored shell top either under or over a long-sleeved mesh top. Pair with a tailored skirt or trousers, add heels or loafers, and finish with a sharp blazer.
Night time encourages a ‘go bold’ approach. Overlay a long-sleeved printed or colourful mesh top with a sleeveless dress, and team with dramatic jewellery, boots, or heels.
For pared-back European elegance, wear a silk camisole beneath your mesh, a sharp suit, and minimal jewellery.
Shop online or visit Zebrano Style Gurus Michelle, Carole, Jane, and Emily instore to find your unique style and perfect fit.
If the happy couple has nominated a dress code, whether it be the newly trending monotone and dark edit or classic floral patterns and bright hues, the quintessential look will be waiting for you at Darcy Boutique.
Embrace the colours of the season, stylishly suited for weddings or days out exploring the city, and pair with neutral hues to balance. Style and layer the range at Estilo Boutique for cohesive outfits that delight, from head to toe.
How many women long to wear luxurious lingerie that makes them feel beautiful, yet struggle to find garments that they love, and that fits them like a glove?
The Fitting Room lingerie helps women feel beautiful.
“Our luxurious lingerie excels in fit, comfort, and support, and clients love that our labels are so lacy and pretty to look at,” owner Deborah Lewthwaite says.
Prima Donna is a quality Belgian label that combines both fashion and support for women with a larger cup size.
“We are the sole exclusive stockists of Prima Donna in the South Island,” Deborah says.
UK brand Elomi ranges in size from 12 through to 24 DD-K cup sizes, and every woman looks gorgeous in this label, as nothing is compromised so far as style, design, fabric, and colour.
Panache is a UK brand renowned for its lace and feminine detail. Devotees of this label especially love its plunge styles and matching sets.
Deborah and The Fitting Room team give expert guidance in finding that perfect fit lingerie to make every woman look sensational.
One local brand that has kept feet looking fabulous for years is relishing these arrivals. Regular readers will know about the family-owned footwear company that is Mikko Shoes.
Founded by Michaela Longsta , the stylish European shoe haven for women has now been around for more than a decade. The brand recently celebrated its o cial launch for men, with a flagship store just next to its women’s boutique, on Christchurch’s Victoria Street.
Delving into its indulgent new season women’s o ering, as always, it does not disappoint.
This winter at Mikko is warm, elegant, and cocooning, with a rich palette of luxurious cocoa browns, creamy whites, and sophisticated cherry reds, the latter a freshly uplifting, yet elegant vintage-inspired palette that will work beautifully with wardrobe neutrals.
In addition, timeless navy is presented in chic updated styles, a shade that is just as classic as black.
There is an exciting breadth of styles to suit all tastes, with one thread in common, a wearable refined elegance. From romantic slip-on styles with hand-adorned embellishments, to tapered boots and luxurious loafers that are perfect for pairing with tailoring, denim and dresses.
For those who adore the outdoor look, enjoy lug-soled boots that will carry you through a variety of occasions, and for the minimalists, choose from their collection of must-have court shoes with chic silhouettes and elegant buckle details.
Beloved heritage Spanish designer Toni Pons features on Mikko’s shelves by popular demand, their sophisticated take on the humble rainboot being a popular favourite and a South Island staple.
All in all, it’s a beautifully refined collection that comes with the Mikko promise of impeccably designed, ultra-comfortable shoes that will stand the test of time.
Get inspired for the cooler months and visit Mikko at 134 Victoria Street, or shop their new catalogue online at mikkoshoes.nz, you’ll love this season’s o ering.
The days of men wearing formal suits to weddings are long gone, unless it is the dress code for a formal a air, or you’re part of the wedding party. A smart jacket or blazer, paired with stylish chinos, polished boots, and a collared shirt will hit the mark for men.
Women have so many more options, such as dresses, suits, skirts and tops and it all comes down to how they style them. Here are some current styles to consider.
Details: Classic shirt
Find Me: RM Williams
Details: Du y trucker jacket
Find Me: RM Williams
Details: Tevan trousers in bone
Find Me: Rembrandt
Damian Lillard special edition watch
Find Me: Tissot
Details: Ryder belt
Find Me:
Details: Tobacco suede
Chelsea boot
Find Me: Common Projects
RM Williams
London boot
Find Me:
ECCO Shoes
Hawker jacket
Find Me:
Wise is the bride who prioritises pre-wedding hair appointments for picture-perfect photos come wedding day.
Whether wearing a veil, flowers or hair jewels, when a bride walks down the aisle, she wants her hair to look fresh and fabulous.
Michelle Farmer of Kudos Hairdressers recommends a couple of sessions to discuss colours and trial any envisioned styles the bride might have.
Haircare treatments equal luscious wedding day locks. The new System Professional Luxeblond range helps to repair the hair fibre from inside out, while instantly neutralising unwanted warm undertones. Together, LuxeBlond formulas help to counteract the top issues of lightened hair for smoother and cool blonde hair, strengthened against breakage.
This year’s hairstyles for brides remain as before – no rules apply; however, Michelle says we can expect a return of some beloved hair trends. “E ortless waves and Hollywood waves, sleek buns, ballet corps inspired ponytails, high updo’s, top knots, and soft curls,” are all set to be popular.
The one thing all brides have in common, whether brunette, blonde or natural, is that shiny, healthy hair is a must.
Kudos Hairdressers’ new ghd Chronos is the magic wand that provides this, with 85% more shine.
It also performs three times faster for definition styling, has three times more breakage protection, two times less chance of frizz, and comes with a three-year warranty.
Less sun and UV rays during autumn and winter mean it is an excellent time to care for your skin. One option is Alma Hybrid™ Laser treatment, a safe, minimally invasive, laser process which produces natural-looking results that can last for several years.
A state-of-the-art laser that resurfaces the skin to reduce the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and sun damage, its ground-breaking technology allows for precise and safe treatment of various skin types and concerns with minimal discomfort and downtime.
By stimulating collagen production and promoting cellular regeneration, it works to restore a youthful glow and improve overall skin texture.
Besides its skin rejuvenation properties, the laser system is highly e ective in addressing uneven skin tone, texture, pigmentation, lines, and wrinkles.
It’s also a powerful tool for scar revision, whether it’s acne scarring, trauma or surgical scars.
Experienced dermatologist and laser specialist Dr Ken Macdonald and his team at KM Surgical work with clients to determine the best course of treatment for specific skin concerns and goals.
To discuss great options for rejuvenation, email reception@derm.co.nz or call 03 377 1010.
The Alma Hybrid™ Laser can help to treat wrinkles, sun spots, skin pigmentation, acne and other scarring, lines, freckles, droopy eyelids, crow’s feet, jowls, stretch marks, and more.
Any therapy that makes a positive difference is based on trust and attention to detail.
These qualities are not lost but a focus at a specialised boutique-style skin, brow, and beauty therapy studio in Fendalton.
Empowering clients to ‘get their mojo back’ is the bottom line at Mojo Beauty.
Specialising in the ‘Lunchtime Facelift’, HIFU is the non-invasive, painless face, neck, and body tightening and sculpting treatment creating amazing results.
Coupled with dermal needling, peels, and Medik8 skincare, Nik Henshaw-Dove is fully invested in high standards and results for her clients.
Another feather in her cap, is the
e ective hairline micro-blade brow tattoos gracing and defining many faces around town. These tattoos are so well-shaped and specific that they look completely natural, resulting in a younger-looking you.
Nik is internationally qualified and founded Mojo Beauty 10 years ago. She comes from a background in social work, and is committed to empowering her clients through education, visible results, and positive energy.
Wellbeing, a ordability, and satisfaction are the ingredients in the mojo of this business, and the reviews speak for themselves.
If it’s a personalised or mobile anti-ageing therapist you are after, you have found it.
Zinc may not immediately grab the gut health spotlight, yet this essential mineral plays a critical role in gut integrity and an endless array of processes that allow our digestive systems to do their vital work.
That’s the advice from leading Australasian nutritional biochemist Dr Libby Weaver.
“Imagine your digestive system as a bustling city, where the roads are the pathways that nutrients travel along to reach their destinations, the buildings are cells lining the gut, and the city’s infrastructure includes the enzymes and immune system that keep everything running smoothly,” she explains.
“Zinc, in this scenario, acts as the city’s chief engineer and health inspector rolled into one.
“As the chief engineer, zinc oversees the construction and maintenance of the city’s roads (the gut lining), ensuring they are strong, durable, and without leaks that could let unwanted substances into the city. It also designs and maintains critical infrastructure, like the power plants (enzymes) that break down food into energy and building materials (nutrients) the city needs to thrive.
“As the health inspector, zinc checks that the city’s sanitation (immune system) is e ective, preventing harmful invaders (pathogens) from causing chaos and ensuring that the clean-up crews (antioxidant defences) are equipped to deal with any waste or debris (free radicals) e ciently.”
Dr Libby says zinc ensures that the digestive system city operates smoothly, maintaining the balance between robust infrastructure and a healthy, protected environment where all residents (cells) can thrive.
The only touchless,
The Lunula Laser is the easy & convenient treatment – it helps turn your discoloured & disfigured nails into clearer, healthier looking nails.
Over the past few years, there has been increasing concern about the use of silica-containing artificial stone - which is used to make bench tops for kitchens and bathrooms.
When silica dust is inhaled, it can cause permanent damage to the lungs and the respiratory illness silicosis can develop.
Silicosis causes scarring of the lung tissue, which makes it hard to breathe. It can severely reduce quality of life, and - in extreme cases - be fatal. There is no cure for silicosis.
The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ is calling for a ban on engineered stone to better protect respiratory health for all workers throughout the country. This echoes calls from Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) and the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ).
In New Zealand, between 750 and 900 people die from work-related diseases each year. These are besides the 5000-6000 hospital admissions each year because of work-related ill-health.
Banning engineered stone will not eliminate silicosis, although it will protect those involved in very high-risk work from further exposure. In December 2023, the Australian Government announced a ban on the material, and now New Zealand respiratory groups are calling for a similar veto.
It can take up to 10 years after exposure for symptoms of silicosis to appear, meaning that people who work with silicacontaining substances rarely realise that damage is being done to their lungs while they are working with it.
The first signs usually include these bronchitis-like symptoms, and su erers also experience weakness, fatigue, fever, night sweats, leg swelling and bluish discoloration of the lips.
Silicosis is a long-term lung disease caused by inhaling large amounts of crystalline silica dust, usually over many years. Silica is a substance naturally found in certain types of stone, rock, sand, and clay.
Sustainable. Comfortable. Durable. Natural.
Born in the foothills of the Hurunui hill country, these mats were designed to bring the outdoors and the inner self together.
The wool was grown from Kaiora Downs farm, North Canterbury.
Keto X is a weight management dietary supplement to help the body enter the metabolic state of ketosis without changing to a ketogenic diet. Used by athletes, bodybuilders, and people who want to lose excess body weight. Ketosis is when the body burns fat and ketones are formed for energy, instead of carbohydrates.
The world of surgery has experienced a paradigm shift with the wide-awake surgery procedure called ‘WALANT’ (Wide Awake Local Anaesthetic No Tourniquet). Since the Covid pandemic, wide-awake surgery has become increasingly popular across the world.
For this procedure, local anaesthetic and adrenaline are administered to patients undergoing surgery without the requirement of conventional general anaesthesia.
The safety, e ectiveness and significant advantages of wide-awake surgery are well established and include:
• low infection rates
• less discomfort, less stress, and greater convenience for patients
• patients not being required to fast prior to surgery.
• patients not requiring blood tests and other special investigations prior to surgery
• hospitals and treatment centres being able to perform surgery more e ciently in terms of time, cost, materials, and personnel
• less clinical waste and a reduction in the carbon footprint of health care
Most importantly, with the patient being awake, there is increased opportunity for the patient to communicate with the surgeon and care team to confirm that the immediate outcome objectives of the surgery have been achieved.
A number of hand conditions are amenable to wide awake surgery such as:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - a ects up to 10% of the population and up to 10% of diabetic patients.
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome - the second most common nerve compression in the upper limb. This manifests in compression at the elbow of the ulna nerve (colloquially termed the ‘funny-bone’).
Ganglion Cysts - the most common hand lesion commonly presenting as a lump on the front or the back of the wrist/hand.
Lipoma - fatty growth beneath the skin or between muscles, which may cause symptoms of pain and dysfunction.
Dudley Creek Health is a purpose-built treatment centre in Christchurch, streamlined to provide the most favourable patient experience.
It is a fully accredited and licensed day-stay surgery and treatment centre, with two
Dupuytren’s Disease - more common in men than women and manifesting as a progressive tethering of tissues beneath the skin of the palm and fingers.
Trigger Finger - resulting in debilitating pain and the catching and locking of a ected fingers.
Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow - a common cause of elbow pain a ecting up to 3% of adults often engaged in the use of heavy tools, repeated lifting, and gripping activities.
De Quervain’s Disease - most common in women and associated with golf, racquet sports, and gardening. This manifests as pain and swelling just above the wrist in line with the thumb.
state-of-the-art wide-awake operating theatres, consulting rooms with specialist sta and on-site hand therapy and radiology providers. Dudley Creek Health has been providing Wide Awake Surgery (WALANT) for the past year with great success.
Style isn’t just for grown-ups - check out some of the coolest goodies and gifts for the little ones, available in and around Christchurch.
www.nanniekcreations.co.nz for more information,
see online www.playcentreshop.co.nz,
Earlier this year, New Zealand fashion designer Caitlin Crisp tied the knot with Andrew Vincent, in the garden of his childhood home. Metropol Deputy Editor Nina Tucker caught up with Caitlin for all the details.
Likeall good fairy tales, there’s a lot of thought, time, creativity, and planning that goes on behind the scenes to make the magic, as Caitlin discovered.
Her dress inspiration was nothing short of the same. A long process, for a showstopping dress to walk the aisle in, while friends and family watched on wearing Caitlin Crisp designs too. “I thought to myself, ‘What’s the most amazing, princessy dress I can possibly think of?’, and that’s what we made.” She adds it’s now the favourite of all her designs, even though creating her dream dress took some fine-tuning.
“To start with, I wanted to have the fairy tale experience that other brides get, trying on stunning white dresses with a [glass of] bubbles in hand, and finding ‘the one’. After trying many on, I never had that moment.”
A fairy tale is also how Caitlin describes her love for Andrew, laughingly explaining that meeting him “was the best thing that’s ever happened to me”. Her wedding was “the perfect day”; truly indescribable. “Having all the people you care for the most surrounding you while you marry the love of your life, nothing can top that.”
She laughs, saying that when emotional, people either become ‘gigglers’ or ‘criers’. “I am definitely a giggler, so my emotion just came out in a beaming smile the whole day.” That’s one tip she has for brides-to-be, “because with the right person, that’s all that matters”.
Together Caitlin and Andrew crafted a day so special to them, creating a lifetime of memories. Like most brides, Caitlin preplanned for months to avoid hiccups on the day. On the night before, Caitlin shot up out of bed and yelled, her veil had been left back in the city. That, rain, and a car nearly not starting all added to the wedding’s character, a day of imperfect perfection.
Caitlin’s gown used 200m of tulle and took a year to create with the help and hands of her friend Nolene. Sewing and crafting hoops from plumber’s pipe for the petticoat, Nolene worked on the physical dress, while Caitlin refined the design with each fitting. She began with the dream of a frilly skirt and experimented with the bodice, originally designed to be detailed, but then pared back to highlight the skirt. Hidden buttons of di erent colours and sizes held special meaning, once belonging to her late grandmother.
Caitlin fell in love with what they created so much she didn’t want to change into any other outfit, so fitted a zip to remove half of the skirt following the ceremony, a bonus when such a warm day arrived.
With much more to prepare for than just a dress or tuxedo, the accessories make up the small yet incredibly important extras to pull together a dream wedding. Make a Pinterest or mood board to save options and inspiration when you find it.
Like the gems adorning Caitlin Crisp’s ears, many brides are choosing jewellery that holds sentiment. It is a sweet way to have your loved ones walk down the aisle with you, through heirlooms passed down. If you have a special piece that doesn’t quite fit the theme, consider getting it reworked into something that suits. Stones can be made into drop earrings, while pendants or chains can easily be fashioned into new bracelets or necklaces. If you’re a groom, heirlooms can be worn or reworked into pins or jewellery. Simply choose what feels right.
As the bow trend skyrockets in the fashion industry, so does it for brides across the globe. Jimmy Choo’s Aveline asymmetric mesh bow heel solidified the style, making way for hundreds of gorgeous interpretations. Local brands hold a range of perfect wedding day pumps, from clean neutral styles to those embellished with diamantes, pearls, lace, or bows, and in everything from kitten heels to stilettos. Colourwise, white is popular, while pale pinks and beige shades nicely complement a white gown.
Roses and tulips are favourites for many weddings, for their class, simplicity, and entrancing e ect. Yet with thousands of flower possibilities, do search around to find the flower that feels right for you and your partner. Carnations, dahlias, and paeonies bring energy through colour, and hydrangeas make for a colourful big bunch of blooms. Scatter baby’s breath through your bouquet for a whimsical touch. Luckily, with our local flower industry, Christchurch has ample experienced florists to build a bouquet of one flower or a mixture. Always consider the season, especially if you’re wanting florals to be a dominant theme of your wedding.
Creating wedding ambience is about more than the dress code and bridal party accessories. Tablescapes are the finishing touch to the festivities, and for these there is inspiration everywhere. From garden themes of climbing vines and blooms, to colourful ribbons and candles, and succulent or seashell jars, if you’re saying ‘I do’ near the ocean. Have fun with silverware, crockery, tablecloths, placemats, and napkins, adding colour through one or more of these elements. Consider it an opportunity to add subtle nods to your love story too, through small decorations that pay homage to your journey together. Moreso, dedicate time with your partner to crafting your table numbers or place cards, an easy DIY that adds a personal touch.
When asked what sets ‘Brides of Merivale’ apart from other bridal stores, the dedicated team say, “We’re a one-stop bridal destination, offering leading bridal labels, accessories (including veils and jewellery), and a full in-house made-to-measure and alteration service of our own gowns”.
Team members feel incredibly proud to guide each bride through the entire process, from choosing a gown, to altering and customising a dress, to the completed vision. “We personally alter your gown in-store. You’re not sent o with a list of possible contacts to navigate. For us, it’s truly rewarding to spend time with a bride and see her dream come to reality. We can o er so much advice, and often end up being a calming influence closer to the wedding,” says owner Lisa Dermott.
Each consultant at Brides of Merivale is a fully trained couturier, who can also design and make a gown, adding more flexibility to each bride’s needs. “We stock amazing international labels, but some brides just want that little bit more.” “We work with some unique fabric suppliers, and we love getting creative designing and producing stunning gowns; it’s our happy place.”
To keep up with bridal style trends, Brides of Merivale are constantly evolving.
“Our in-store Ready to Wear ranges include Made With Love, Miss Chloe, Kellylin Couture, Wendy Makin and French Collection, Miss Scarlet, and our own one-o designs. Our gowns are priced from $1895 - $5000 o the rack (sale items priced from $500). We love contemporary styling but also stock modern and traditional styles”.
Brides of Merivale are open by appointment only. Lisa says brides should allow up to six months for a gown to arrive in-store once ordered, so starting the search for your gown 9-10 months prior to your wedding is ideal. “If you don’t have that much time, there is a ‘buy o the rack’ selection with over half of these gowns discounted or on sale.”
Each bride has the entire showroom to herself during a one-hour consultation booking. “We’re not afraid to encourage brides to browse through our gowns, as well as have our consultants assist them in choosing styles. Sometimes you see something close-up that just takes your fancy. Seeing and touching di erent textures and fabrics is all part of the process,” says Lisa. “We just want to make the experience relaxing and enjoyable for all brides.”
After being in the bridal scene for the last 27 years, Brides of Merivale has gained a passionate following. Their individual, personalised service allows them to cater to every bride’s needs, creating gowns that are ‘As Unique As You’.
The team at Brides of Merivale would love to help you find your perfect gown. Contact them to arrange your private consultation appointment.
Call 03 337 0226 or email info@bridesofmerivale.co.nz
Freeze in time one of the best days of your life, all with a fabulous photographer. To remember the people, the places, and the intimate moments that you shared throughout your day.
Capturing their memories, many just-married Cantabrians have called on the expertise of local photographers to forever remember their weddings.
Between the planned shots that decorate hallway walls and tabletops, to those special candids that keep record of moments otherwise forgotten, the power of wedding photography is without debate. When a day of so much anticipation, preparation, and money passes in just a flash, visuals become the defining moment in making the entire experience last a lifetime.
Think about the wedding books your grandparents showcased proudly, and the photos you might like to fill yours with to display for generations to come. Photographers encourage the preparation of a ‘shot list,’ to ensure a photo is taken with each loved one, and you have multiple angles of things like your dress and accessories, or with your partner, that might otherwise seem silly. When drafting a shot list, think of the people, the venue and landscapes, and the moments within the day such as getting ready, signing the marriage certificate, and your first dance. Look even to videographers or sound to capture the energy of the day.
Are you on the lookout for the perfect venue for your wedding? Perhaps you’re looking for a conference space, or a location for a family gathering.
Astunning backdrop, quaint boutique accommodation, and a space big enough for whatever activities your heart may desire is on o er at Mt Vernon Lodge in the hills of Akaroa. Tucked away in a secluded location, the lodge boasts breathtaking views of the harbour for you to enjoy.
They’ve mastered the art of making it feel intimate, whether that’s for 20 guests or 120. The large, tranquil grounds lend themselves to beautiful bird songs, and are surrounded by pine and gum trees, allowing for peace and quiet.
If you’re booking in for your wedding, owners David and Amanda will ensure it goes o without a hitch, providing a venue where you can create your own customdesigned reception space for your special day.
From the ceremony and photos to the reception and accommodation, it can all happen on site. And at the end of the day, you can just stroll back to the privacy of your room.
Mt Vernon Lodge want nothing more than to give you an indulgent and luxury event and take pride in creating that home-away-from-home feeling, so relax and let them take care of you.
We have a secret to share with you; it’s a gem of a venue –Ilam Homestead.
Tucked away at 87 Ilam Road, it’s a venue with sweeping lawns to the river, stunning rhododendron gardens to walk through, and old-style charm from the early 1900s.
There’s room for every type of function: cocktails for 20-30 in the nook, a 50-80 person canapés mixer outside, and 90 can be seated upstairs. Have your wedding photos in the manicured garden, or by the river. It’s similar in style to Mona Vale, with that beautiful 1900s décor, and sta who are just delightful.
Another surprise is the incredible range of boutique beers and wines available. With the choice of three catering companies to fit all budgets and styles, it would pay to take a wander down and have a look at Ilam Homestead.
The outfit is finally picked and so is the gift. The babysitter is booked for the dog and the children are going into the boarding kennels. Or is it the other way around?
There is a lot to think about when you are getting yourself organised to attend a wedding – it’s easy to get a bit frazzled.
The one element that is an absolute no brainer is where you are going to stay. Lincoln Motel is the obvious location, with everything needed to ensure you arrive at the wedding ready for the cameras, and to celebrate.
“We are just a short drive from wedding venues such as Pemberton Gardens, Melton Estate, Waipuna Estate, Trent’s Vineyard, The Vineyard at Rossendale, Langdale Vineyard, Cossars Wineshed, and Lincoln Events Centre,” says owner Craig Beswick. “Plus, there are a variety of cafés and amenities just a walk away in Lincoln village.”
The team has made sure each unit is the ideal base for a leisurely preparation session before heading to the event. “We love seeing everyone dressed up and excited and we’re always on hand with a safety pin or a needle and thread if something goes ping when it shouldn’t,” laughs Craig.
An elopement. With historic connotations of clandestine love and secret marriage, weddings don’t come more romantic than that.
In modern usage, the concept of elopement has shed most of its associations with melodrama and angry parents, and has come to represent a wedding that is romantic, removed from routine, and smaller in scale.
At Riverview Lodge in Hanmer Springs you can marry the love of your life with views of your dreams in plain sight.
Paradise Elopements have put together a package combining the stunning Riverview Lodge as the venue, celebrant Kineta Booker, photographer Chaznel Steenkamp, and Get Grazy. All you need to do is choose the date, your outfit, and get the marriage licence.
You can bring along your two witnesses, or the team will organise this for you. The bride and groom can stay in the private and secluded cottage, and there is room for elopement guests on site.
Riverview Lodge also o ers full lodge book-outs, entailing exclusive use of the entire venue, including accommodation, for five couples. It is ideal for the bride and groom, parents and/or bridesmaids and groomsmen. “Our website has all the information to plan your day,” say Riverview Lodge owners Sefton and Toni Early. “We’d love to be the location for the elopement of your dreams.”
Hanmer Springs is an idyllic honeymoon retreat for lovers who enjoy long walks, shopping, dining, and relaxing in fresh country air.
village at any time of the year, in autumn, it becomes the most romantic haven for couples wanting precious time out together.
Leave space in the suitcases because after a visit to clothing boutique Fashionworks, they’ll be filled with gorgeous garments, footwear, the odd bag or two, and stunning accessories.
From edgy and avant-garde labels, such as Knewe, Augustine, Molly Bracken, Amaya, and Noa Noa, through to those classic and established brands including R.M. Williams, Zafina, Seduce, and Vassalli, nobody goes home disappointed.
Owner Alice Stielow has not only curated the crème of women’s designer labels, she has also given menswear a stronger presence and increased her footwear, accessories, and jewellery collections. A honeymoon at Hanmer Springs is not complete without a dip or three in the hot pools, so a trip to Alice’s other store, Lifestyles, is a must.
Swimwear brands such as Jantzen, Sunseeker, Sea Level and Seafolly, plus leisure labels Billabong, All About Eve, and Levi’s, look sensational poolside. A pair of ultra-cool Woden sandals adds the finishing touch.
Ask any couple to name their most precious life memories and often the wedding day comes first.
The recalling of weather, food, and guest list may vary slightly, but the venue is clearly remembered as the place where married life began.
A mere 10 minutes’ drive from Hanmer Springs is the glorious Amuri Estate. Panoramic views sweep across historic farm stations, while the braided Waiau river meanders below the magnificent Southern Alps. Stunning by day, bewitching by night as the sky fills with stars and the twinkling lights of Hanmer Springs take on the look of glow worms in the deepening dusk, it’s a venue to be remembered, forever.
Vanessa Orr is the owner and qualified
event manager who ensures every couple experiences their dream wedding.
With regards to the ceremony, whether the couple desire an outdoor wedding with an archway to frame the spectacular view, or an indoor fairy-tale winter wedding, anything is possible. Up to 200 guests can be seated for outdoor ceremonies, plus a bank of grandstand seating is also available for the perfect birds-eye view of proceedings.
So far as catering, Vanessa works with top-quality catering companies from Christchurch, who travel up and cater each wedding, providing delicious spreads and options for guests with dietary requirements.
A modern and spacious barn-like building, comprising polished concrete floors and 16 metres of glass doors, creates an incredible vibe for mingling and dancing.
Accommodation at Amuri Estate’s lodge makes for an unforgettable stay. Each guest room has a private underfloor heated ensuite, heated towel rail, bathrobe, hairdryer, and quality toiletries.
Add in luxurious beds dressed in fine linen, wireless broadband and internet connection, free-view television, plus tea and co ee facilities, there is no wonder guests feel their own honeymoon weekend is well underway.
A party in a brewery with a brewery tour, craft beer tastings and pub-grub style food – that sounds like a dream come true for a groom and his friends for a pre-wedding shindig or a bridal party looking to make memories.
There is such a place in Wigram –Hangar 57, the social space at the Wigram Brewing Company’s premises. Available to hire, it’s a great area with its quirky vintage aviation-themed décor and a bar stocked with the brewery’s extensive product range of bespoke craft beers. That range includes pilsners, stouts, and all the shades in between, honey ale, wheat beers, porters, scotch ales, pale ales, and lagers.
Following a tour of the brewery with founder Paul McGurk who will explain the whole brewing process, guests have the opportunity to taste the various flavours and styles. There is a strong sense of pride at their over 20 years of
operation among the brewery’s team.
“We were at the start of the craft beer movement, and like any craft honed over time, it is now in our blood”, says Caroline McGurk, promotions coordinator.
If this sounds like your kind of gig, call the brewery on 03 343 4493 or visit them at 57 Sonter Road, Wigram.
When planning your big day, you don’t need a large catering budget if you head to Halswell Bakery.
Theexperienced family-owned bakery can take care of everything
from simple, rustic style cakes to beautiful fresh sandwich platters, handcrafted savouries, and everything in between. “Let us help you celebrate this special occasion without breaking the bank,” says owner Ruth.
At Halswell Bakery, they pride themselves on products being handcrafted with love, locally in store. Their bespoke service means you can get exactly what you want for your engagement party, hen/stag do, post-event gathering, or the wedding day itself.
Beyond just catering on the day, there are many other possibilities available; personalised ‘message’ cupcakes are a fun and creative way to pop the question to your bridesmaids, while personalised cookies beautifully packaged are great wedding favours.
You could also consider freshly-baked bread for each table, croissants for a Champagne breakfast, or sweet treats for a dessert table – the possibilities are endless, and a package can be tailored to suit your requirements.
Organising catering for your special day is easier than you think – you can simply head in store at 346 Halswell Road, call 03 322 4600 or email shop@halswellbakery.co.nz to discuss your options with the friendly team.
Treat yourself and your bridal party to the pampering you deserve and say ‘I do’ to an expertly curated spa package that will leave you feeling revitalised, refreshed and most importantly pampered. Moss Spa bridal parties, the perfect indulgence for your perfect day.
Several talented local musicians have united to create two cover bands, offering more than the typical pub classics. encoreentertainment.co.nz
Having studied and taught music, and entertained the Ōtautahi music scene, these talented musicians bring their music to special events. Each event is unique, and Encore Entertainment works with the client to customise the entertainment to suit the time and themes planned. The common goal is that the music provided is relevant and engages with people of all ages.
Assembled as two separate cover bands, Black & Gold, and Diamond Blue, provide high quality music across the country on a weekly basis, and occasionally internationally.
The bands enjoy weddings and private functions and creating events like the 70s Retro Party they have planned in June. With their extensive set lists, they can cater to Gatsby Nights, Halloween Specials, Bianco Nights, Christmas, Live Band Karaoke or to suit any era 1960s through to the current day, whatever be your interest.
Elly Rydge is the lead singer for Black & Gold and the driving force behind Encore Entertainment.
Not only is Elly a seasoned entertainer, she has over a decade of experience working with clients to ensure that their special occasion musically goes o without a hitch.
Preparation is key with sensitivity to unique details for each event. Elly will discuss options including; size and make up of the band, setlist including genre and special requests, seamless set-up and pack down, realistic expectations of timings with the primary focus of ensuring you get the most music for the time allocated.
Tell Elly your dream and she will pull out all the stops to make it happen. Contact her today.
Your wedding cake is a stunning centrepiece and a fun representation of you in both flavour and appearance.
If you’re planning your big day, a cake tasting is a must to ensure it’s everything you’ve dreamed of.
Professional baker Sam Stakenburg stresses the importance of this, yet also believes the process shouldn’t be drawn out and boring. Her business, The Sugar Room, o ers a unique tasting process entirely flexible to your needs.
“The process can be a sit down with me or it can be over the phone or email, whatever works best,” Sam says.
For the tasting itself, couples can choose between eight moreish flavour combinations. Sam encourages everyone to have fun and mix and match to make it their own.
For Sam, she strives to make sure you can decide without pressure. “I also have the tastings set up to take away so customers can try it in the privacy of their own home, or with friends and family. I’ve had people set up judging forms for their families. You can have a lot of fun with it.”
The Sugar Room does tastings every second month and there’s an array of flavours to choose, from citrus and light to more decedent milk or white chocolate, while banana is popular at the moment, too.
“Cake should look good, taste good, and be simple. It shouldn’t be one of the hard things leading up to a wedding.”
Situated amidst five acres of whimsical gardens, Chateau on the Park, Christchurch – A DoubleTree by Hilton, is an ideal location for creating everlasting wedding day memories.
The Chateau on the Park’s graceful architecture exudes an old-world charm that sets the stage for an incredibly unforgettable celebration.
Enveloped by a certain ambiance, the Chateau features a captivating rose garden, infusing an aura of romance fit for a fairytale wedding. With ample onsite parking for 160 vehicles, guests can seamlessly access the venue, ensuring convenience on your special day. The central location also makes it a breeze for guests to locate.
Renowned for their expertise in wedding
planning, the dedicated team are ready to transform your big day visions into reality. Whether it’s arranging an alfresco a air or catering to bespoke dietary preferences, every detail is considered.
From intimate ceremonies amidst the flourishing gardens to grand receptions in the Baronial-styled Camelot Room or The Great Hall, every setting promises an unparalleled experience. With bespoke wedding packages, Chateau on the Park o ers a seamless journey from venue selection to post-nuptial celebrations.
Beyond weddings, Chateau on the Park prides itself on event planning excellence, ensuring every occasion is the epitome of sophistication. Whether it’s a social soirée or a corporate gathering, their commitment to perfection ensures a truly memorable a air.
Enjoy the setting of timeless romance and bespoke elegance at this iconic Christchurch hotel. To commence planning, contact the team via the website or email chcnz_cb@hilton.com and let them arrange the wedding of your dreams.
The makeup you wear on your wedding day is crucial. It carries us through the best day of our lives, the smiles, laughs, and tears. It’s what you’ll stare at in your wedding photos for years to come. Just as crucial, is the person applying it. Local makeup artist Kasia Stanicich shares her tips and tricks.
In the bridal industry for six years, Kasia has painted her share of bride’s faces. Starting early many Fridays and Saturdays during peak wedding season, she’s an expert in creating beautiful faces to help brides shine on their special days.
“It’s one of the greatest honours,” she explains. “It’s high energy and high stress, but the idea that someone is willing to trust me with their makeup on such a special day is not something that I take lightly.”
Despite immense pressure on her shoulders, Kasia has her wedding day processes carefully methodised after years of experience. She’s reliability, dependability, and consistency blended together in the form of a makeup artist.
Makeup bag prepared the night prior, all that’s left for Kasia to do in the morning is pick up her brushes from her studio, and a snack along the way. On location, set up only takes a “few moments,” and begins with prepping the bridesmaids. The bride comes second to last, “so she can enjoy those last few moments, have a bubbles and not be the one everyone is waiting for”, Kasia explains.
Following that, it’s final touches and photo opportunities, interspersed with a few tears of her own, before driving back home after an exhausting day. “I’m a little old soul and my body
gets a bit run down,” she mentions, but “It’s a dream,” that she wouldn’t have any other way.
For brides-to-be, Kasia recommends following a proper skincare routine prior to the big day. The skin is the largest organ and it’s di erent for everyone, so it’s hard to know what works. “In a dream world, I’d be able to recommend a routine that works for everyone,” she comments, but suggests an easy system to start with and refine from there.
Begin with a creamy cleanser morning and night, and remove this with a clean face cloth for gentle exfoliation. Follow with a hydrating essence or mist, and a Hyaluronic Acid serum for maximum plump. Insert any products directly targeted to your own skin concerns here, Kasia says. Then, lock it all in with SPF and a good moisturiser, lighter weight for summer and richer for winter.
With all the work that goes into feeling beautiful on such a big day, those comical moments can still occur. “I try to be realistic with my brides. You’ll cry, you’ll sweat, and if you don’t, dance harder. Your loving but unknowing aunt will give you a huge smooch on the cheek leaving her lip gloss behind.” That’s where her somewhat lifesaving touch-up kits come in. She adds it gives peace of mind and minimises those stressors for her brides.
Apicturesque Victorian stone building with high ceilings and a treasure-trove of stained glass windows creates a stunning setting hard to beat; a picture-perfect backdrop for special wedding memories and gorgeous photographs.
Once a church, the Rose Historic Chapel is now administered by a trust, on behalf of the Christchurch City Council, leased out as a wedding and event venue. Both inside and out, with private gardens also for the guest’s enjoyment, the chapel is ideal for unique photo opportunities. Especially suitable for smaller
ceremonies, the chapel celebrates inclusivity, welcoming wedding ceremonies of all religions and cultures.
Conveniently located in the CBD, Rose Historic Chapel is great for weddings during any season, keeping you warm and dry in colder winter months and cool and shaded by lush greenery on hot summer days. If weather allows, the gardens o er a tranquil area for guests to gather before moving to a reception location.
Email bookings@rosehistoricchapel.co.nz for a viewing, call 021 178 6375 or visit the website.
A couple’s foodie personality is the top ingredient when planning their wedding feast.
If they usually party around the barbeque, a seated dinner may feel too formal, whereas fine diners will relish the traditional elegance.
G&T Catering is the beautiful Larcomb Vineyard’s sole caterer and matchmaker of wedding menus to personal tastes. They also cater at other venues far and wide, with an o -site liquor licence.
“Walk and Fork is becoming popular,” says sales and marketing manager Alice Boyd. “The idea is having something delectable you can just eat with a fork or your hand.”
While you wander the room and mingle as you munch, Alice says their endless options can replicate favourite foods into walk and fork style.
“It could be a mini-main of roast vegetable salad, bourbonglazed pork belly sliders, or a fancier small-plated roast meal, enjoyed at Larcomb’s bar leaners or out on the lawn.”
Also, a canapé hour is a perfectly non-filling interlude, before a sit-down bu et, platter, or a plated banquet.
866 Colombo Street
IMAGES: Steve Lloyd Photography
“It’s about challenging social norms, where no one-size-fits-all. We love to meet our clients face-to-face, and create a customised menu based on cuisines and foods they love, or dislike, discover their budget and a serving style they feel most comfortable with, so the menu reflects the couple’s personality and culture. No two events have ever been the same,” Alice explains. gtcatering.co.nz
Selecting a wedding venue is one of the most fundamental choices a bridal couple makes.
Setting is obviously important, yet so too is the service o ered and the quality of the catering. All these aspects are present at Mona Vale, the beautiful historic Christchurch homestead surrounded by over five hectares of elegant landscaped gardens along the banks of the tranquil Avon River.
Couples have called their wedding experience here “magical” and “romantic”, with “exceptional service being provided by the sta who take care of every minute detail with care and professionalism.” Brides especially have appreciated the extra personal attention they receive from the venue manager to ensure their day is simply perfect.
“Our venue specialises in creating bespoke wedding packages with the team working alongside couples from the very start”, says general manager Kate McLauchlan. “You can have your ceremony on the lawn in front of the homestead looking down the river, and then we have three di erent space options for the cocktail hour and the reception. Of course photos taken in our gardens add to the glamour and style of the occasion.” In-house chefs provide a range of uniquely-styled menus focusing on fresh local product, and it is all delicious and as beautifully presented as the venue. Mona Vale is an ideal location for weddings all year round. A winter wedding in such a warm environment would create unforgettable memories.
Keeping our clothes in good order not only makes us feel and look good, but lengthening the usable life of garments also creates less waste.
One team of people in Christchurch have the experience and knowledge to take expert care of your favourite garments and home accessories so that you are always looking your best. Sustainability is also at the heart of everything they do. From using eco-friendly processes that are gentle on your garments and the environment, to avoiding the use of unnecessary packaging, and always striving for increased water and energy e ciency.
Maxwells Drycleaning o ers specialist services in drycleaning and laundry, bridal, leather, workwear, corporate wear, and teamwear, using state of the art European equipment. For the home; linen, bedding, furnishings, and curtains are in safe hands. Repairs and alterations are available too.
“At Maxwells, we are committed to quality, convenience, and sustainability in garment care which makes us the top choice for customers in Christchurch,” says manager Olivia.
With seven stores located in convenient spots across the city, “We look forward to helping you to always live life in style,” says Olivia.
Wedding cake fashion is returning to its elegant roots. Wilder bohemian trends have been tamed into something more classic.
They’re now simpler with many in plain white,” says Kate Podmore from Twisted Flour and Sugar Merchants.
Flowers, fondant, and buttercream are sumptuous in soft summery colours like yellows, and peach, in trend with the Pantone colour for 2024.
“Another trend is layered piped frosting on intricately iced cakes, almost Victorian in style, and there’s more textured icing,” Kate explains.
Fastidious with fondant, Kate insists her icing is perfectly straight. Incredibly talented with flowers, her mother Sally Holt brings cakes to life.
From single cakes for smaller weddings to five tiers, the twisted duo does it all.
It’s in their name. “We love adding a twist, looking outside the cake box. For a couple engaged in Venice, we decorated with olive leaves and lemons with Lemoncello marshmallow between lemon cake layers. No cake has been made twice, bar our six-inch heart cakes.
“For fresh flowers, we work with the couple’s wedding florist for a cohesive look, and source the most amazing silk flowers.”
The mother and daughter have fun showcasing couples and their wedding
themes and can even make grazing boxes for the bridal parties as they get ready, because “sometimes they forget to eat,” they laugh.
“We’re also known for our incredible vegan varieties like the deep earthy double-chocolate beetroot cake, that we fooled a couple of farmers with, and, our gluten-free cakes made with our flu y, light flour blend.”
“Separate tiers or extra mini cakes sort any dietary di erences. Although, Keto cakes never really flew. Sugar is in our name after all,” the pair say.
Cosmetic tattoo/Micropigmentation for brows that won’t sweat, swim or swipe o . No more “pencil and pray” worries!
Bespoke Cosmetic 021 249 1499 info@bespokecosmetic.co.nz
From charming wedding favors to exquisite grazing platters and lavish grazing tables, we o er a range of premium services to elevate your special day.
021 058 8088
Explore a range of elegant décor and timeless treasures at Casual and Country, where you’ll discover the ideal wedding gift for every couple. Embrace love in every detail.
www.casualandcountry.co.nz 1027 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
A unique serviced trailer bar for your wedding. Drinks flowing all night long with bar service and a smile.
Real Fruit Ice Cream is also available as a sweet treat.
Jess 021 082 22660 jjchchevents@gmail.com
Be camera ready with a brighter, whiter smile. Easy, pain free whitening using the best in Gels and LED Ultrasonic technology.
Bespoke Cosmetic
021 249 1499
A unique way to entertain your wedding guests and serve up a signature cocktail or glass of bubbles.
vannoirbar@gmail.com www.tussockhill.com
Glamping tent hire based in Canterbury! We will come to your event and set up the tents complete with beds, bedding, rugs and lighting.
www.canterburyglampingco.nz @canterburyglampingco
Capturing authentic moments and documenting your special day with artistic, emotive imagery that tells your love story.
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Best venue in Canterbury. Stunning alpine setting winter and summer. Only one hour from Christchurch. Award winning hot pools and spa. Multiple options for your function, from room only hire to fully catered.
03 302 9666
Wow your guests with our delicious, locally sourced meats, ideal for your pre and post match get together BBQ
Warming, nourishing, and comforting, soup might almost be the perfect meal.
At home, work, and even exploring Canterbury’s great outdoors, soup is a highly versatile meal, making it great for any weather, and particularly welcoming during autumn and winter. Soup makes excellent use of leftovers, and can be cooked in large batches and frozen for a quick meal later.
From hearty pumpkin soup bowls to warm you in the winter to cold soups perfect for cooling you down in the sweltering summer heat, there’s a soup for every occasion, and to every person’s taste.
A pumpkin soup, for example, can be spiced up with the addition of chilli (flakes, chopped, or powder), made curry-like with turmeric and cumin, or Asian-style with coriander, ginger, and a sprinkle of spring onions on top.
Among the most popular soups in the world are leek and potato, tomato, pumpkin, vegetable, and French onion, although when it comes to ingredients think seasonal, and don’t be scared to experiment.
• Have a hand blender handy to turn any soup into a delicious, smooth, creation.
• Add a swirl of cream to the mix just before serving.
• A deep bowl or cup will keep soup warmer longer than shallow versions.
A wedding is often not simply about the marriage ceremony itself. Many events before and after the big day contribute to creating the memories couples talk about for years to come.
Everything needs to be just right. The hen party is one such event. Bridesmaids can experience stress when planning and thinking of something di erent to entertain the bride and her friends. Upstairs at Riverside Market, Riverside Kitchen is that something. Unusual, entertaining, informative, and memorable, it’s a Masterchef challenge and the best way to mix and mingle with family and friends before the wedding.
For this challenge, guests are placed into teams for a fast-paced canapé cook-o . Each team is given a recipe and ingredients, and the instructions to start cooking. When the dishes have been judged ‘Masterchef’ style, everyone will come together to taste the o erings.
If the canapé option is not quite what you are looking for, consider competing on a platter challenge, to put together a themed platter with ingredients provided by the kitchen’s chef, supplemented by additional ingredients sourced from the market itself.
Riverside Kitchen truly enjoys hosting these private functions. Coming up soon is their Mother’s Day High Tea where you can enjoy a glass of bubbles while the chef demonstrates a selection of cleverly crafted savoury and sweet treats, followed by a high tea at the dining table.
Celebrate Mother’s Day with your mother having a shared experience together. Enjoy a hands-on cooking class, or demonstration High Tea. If you are not able to be with your mother this year, a gift voucher for one of our fabulous classes would be the perfect token.
• French Classics: 11am-2pm Sat 11 May
• Hong Kong Street Food: 11am-2pm Sun 12 May
• Demonstration High Tea: 3pm-5pm Sun 12 May
Upstairs - Riverside Market
Cnr Lichfield St & Oxford Tce Ph 021 168 7209
Find us on:
The Dish welcomes you to experience our Asian Fusion menu.
We offer a tremendous range of entrees and mains. Providing gluten free options, vegan and vegetarian friendly.
Lunch Special - $18
Lunch: Mon-Sat 11.30am-2pm
Dinner: Mon-Sun 5pm-9pm
Open 7 days
376 Montreal St, City Centre
Ph 03 925 9787
Find us on:
Baked Blue Cod at its best served on gourmet potatoes with crispy balanced green beans and bok choy, topped with crispy bacon, roasted red peppers, and a lemon butter and chive sauce.
Brighton Beach House is a community focused, local cafe, with great coffee, cheeky service, and now open both Friday and Saturday nights till 9pm.
With happy hour tap beers and house wine 4pm - 6pm Fridays.
39 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton Ph 03 328 7530
Find us on:
South East Asian dishes that are often described as a “Taste of Heaven”.
All our food is freshly cooked to perfection which has made NomNom a true Chch icon with their warm, inviting setting – perfect for every occasion. Our wine list has the perfect match for your choice of dishes. Consistently delighting all who visit. Perfect Ambiance, Awesome Food, Great Wine.
7 Normans Road, Strowan Ph: 03 355 3909
Find us on:
16 Beach Road, North New Brighton Ph. 03 382 8599
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Your new local hangout in the CBD!
• Great vibe
• Secluded outdoor area
• Good music
• Serving delicious pizzas
• Shisha
• Open till 3am weekends
185a Manchester Street, Christchurch Ph. 027 883 6236
Find us on:
BEE stands for long weekends in the sun, BBQs with mates, creativity and individualism. BEE celebrates everything you want to BEE. Our naturally brewed BEE-licious alcoholic lemonade, and now Pink Lemonade is available from grocery and liquor stores across New Zealand. What do you want to BEE?
Available from select New Worlds, PAKn’SAVES, Liquorlands and more!
Find us on:
A big thank you from all of us at Ris’tretto cafe for your continuous support. Award winning fair trade coffee roasters. St Albans most loved community café, offering its award winning No. 1 fair trade organic coffee, specialising in homemade sweets and savouries including gluten-free/ dairy-free wares, all day brunch menu and featuring indoor/outdoor dining area.
Open 7 days: 8.30am - 3pm
670 Barbadoes Street, St Albans Ph. 03 385 8670 www.ristretto.co.nz
Repetition makes reputation and reputation makes excited customers.
We have built an awesome reputation at Saket Edgeware, NOW we have also opened a Saket at Prebbleton!
The same mouthwatering dishes from unique Sakeet recipes. Exotic, and spicy authentic Indian cuisine now in Prebbleton and Edgeware. 10% discount on takeaways.
563 Springs Rd, Unit 14, Prebbleton Village 76 Edgeware Road, St Albans www.saket.co.nz
Find us on:
At The Golden Mile, we pride ourselves on our consistently delicious meals ranging from Eggs Bene to our famous Roast of the Day. We open for breakfast from 9am on weekends and are currently offering a KIDS EAT FREE deal on Fridays- bring the family! Check out our full menu on our website or Facebook page.
Cnr Main South Rd & Trents Rd
Ph. 03 349 7022
Find us on:
Discover in the heart of Christchurch, beside Victoria Park, The Victoria Free House Pub. Indulge tasty food, local wines, craft beers, and curated cocktails in the Historic Lady Issac House.
Family-friendly and kids’ menu available. Open 7 days from midday, serving lunch and dinner.
779 Colombo Street, Chch P. 03 925 9280 pub@thevictoriafreehouse.co.nz thevictoriafreehouse.co.nz
Gatehouse Cafe, a hidden gem in Canterbury, offers an inviting atmosphere perfect for gatherings of friends, families, and cyclists. Open 7 days to enjoy exceptional food, and good coffee on a lovely deck with a charming rural backdrop.
Catering to various dietary needs, the cafe also features indoor/outdoor dining, excellent service, a dog-friendly environment, and a private meeting room for 12.
185a Kirk Rd, Templeton 03 344 2052
Savour authentic Chinese cuisine, delighting in true flavours. Our chefs have all worked in 5-star hotels in China, and exhibit exquisite skills, presenting regional specialties, notably Sichuan dishes.
Join us to explore a culinary journey and taste the essence of Chinese cuisine.
The one where they make it just right because they know how we like it, the sta are friendly, and there is a fabulous range of fresh food choices to have in house or take away.
Christchurch’s Yong Ren is bringing us closer to that perfect world, one co ee at a time. He has ensured you can get your favourite co ee across the city, with the now five Cocoa Black branches.
The newest café is in St Martins on Huntsbury Hill, joining Merivale, Bishopdale, Waikuku, and Wigram.
Each of the locations has its own kitchen where the Cocoa Black favourites
Customers are raving about our 500gm chargrilled Tomahawk Steak, cooked pefectly to your liking, served with fries, salad and a choice of sauces.
Addington Mall, 300 Lincoln Road
Call or txt: 021 289 9608
360 West Street, Allenton, Ashburton P. 03 3077032
Open from 10am till late. Happy hour Monday to Friday 4-6pm. Find
In a perfect world, our daily coffee would come from our favourite shop each time.
are turned out fresh every day. “It doesn’t matter which branch you visit,” says Yong, “each kitchen follows the same recipes that have been hand-picked by me. I love food and I’ve zeroed in on my favourites which you’ll find at each store.”
Great service completes the picture. In a previous life Yong was the very best kind of sociable taxi driver. “I decided to combine my love of talking to people with my love of food,” says Yong, “and now I get to do it in four corners of the city.
There is no substitute for perfect repetition. A brand new Cocoa Black will be opened on 23 February in the Old Brick Mill, Waikukuwith all new features, a beautiful garden, and the same Cocoa Black quality you’ve come to expect. Wherever you are in Christchurch, there is a Cocoa Black just a short drive away. Come in and see what all the fuss is about!
110 The Runway, Wigram
Ph. 03 974 9198
Maddison Eatery is a gorgeous licensed eatery based in Rolleston with a delicious all day menu, a special charcoal cooked grill menu for evenings and a range of outstanding cocktails, local wines and beers. Come and experience great food and service in a beautiful rustic venue with outdoor dining and games for the kids available.
971 Goulds Road, Rolleston Ph. 021 0230 2045
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Smoke ‘n’ Barrel takes classic low ‘n’ slow BBQ and combines it with local products and the international experience of our chefs to create flavours like nowhere else. Order a meat board and sides for the whole table or pop in for a beef brisket reuben and a craft beer. Quiz nights, movie nights and Sunday Roast Beast run weekly. Book online.
616 Ferry Road, Woolston
Ph. 03 260 1558
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Join Christchurch’s coolest foodie club! Get exclusive dining experiences and deals in over 100 local eateries!
Whether it’s a long lunch, date night, birthday brunch or after work drinks, we’ve got something for you!
Start on our free membership today!
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We have just the Tonic for you… whether it be a pick me up cocktail, wine or two, or our exquisite menu. Whether you are in for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the menu is fresh and quirky with a touch of science. And don’t forget the awesome coffee, with takeaway available.
Close enough for a walk in Hagley Park before or after dining with us.
See you soon at Town Tonic.
335 Lincoln Road, Addington Ph 03 338 1150
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Experience Vietnam’s culinary delights at our restaurant! From fragrant Pho to fresh Chop Chop Bun Salad or crispy Spring Rolls, our menu offers a delicious journey through Vietnamese cuisine. Using traditional recipes and fresh ingredients, we bring the authentic flavours of Vietnam to your plate. Join us for a mouthwatering dining experience!
23 Mandeville St, Riccarton
P. 03 925 9744
194C Williams St, Kaiapoi
P. 03 327 5009
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If incredible food, craft beer and exceptional customer service is what you enjoy, you won’t be disappointed. Set in an idyllic rural setting just 7 mins out of Geraldine.
Chef Dion and the team will wow you with their amazing food while Lisa and The Brew Crew show you what top service is all about. Please call or text Lisa on 029 02020 399 to book ahead of time and avoid disappointment.
3 Gualter Road, Geraldine
Ph/txt. 029 0202 0399
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Since the first recorded sip of this aromatic brown liquid, through to today’s coffee shop culture, coffee has become a staple.
For some even, a necessity, and takes prime placement in many pantries around the world, New Zealand being no exception. Indeed, co ee is a way of life in this country.
One joint in Christchurch aiming to provide its customers with the best co ee in the city is Wigram’s Sala Co ee. It refers to itself as a “specialty co ee shop,” one with its roots in Europe. Co-owner and barista extraordinaire Eduardo Santos trained in London with some of the pioneers of specialty co ee there.
Filter co ee is a feature of the co ees brewed at the co ee shop. Co-owner Jay Lee says that there is nowhere to hide with filter co ee, because this style is all about the beans. “Filter brewing is celebrated for its simplicity and ability to highlight the nuanced taste notes of the di erent beans,” says Jay. “It is also important to select the best milk available to complement the beans. We use A2 unhomogenised milk for a sweeter flavour.”
To accompany your very special cup of co ee, Sala has a variety of food made fresh daily. Focaccia sandwiches, cakes, pastries, scones, and brownies are lovingly crafted by Jay’s well-oiled hands on-site.
Well & Truly’s award-winning range is handcrafted in their Christchurch kitchen. Decadent and delightful, this artisan granola is naturally gluten free with the Crossed Grain Coeliac Certification.
Use code METROPOL for free shipping on your first order placed through their online store!
Order online now!
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84D Riccarton Rd, Riccarton Ph. 03 261 9061
Experience food as beautiful as the Mykonos landscape, and discover Mediterranean magic with every bite. Discover Mykonos Cafe, a genuine Greek cafe offering a taste of the islands. We prioritise quality, crafting delicious dishes with local ingredients, from Spanakopita to Baklava. Experience our warm hospitality and familylike atmosphere, where every meal celebrates Greek culinary traditions. Find us on:
Showcasing a slice of the international specialty coffee scene here in Christchurch, we offer a selection of fine coffee from New Zealand roasters and beyond. For the non-coffee drinker, our teas and chocolate celebrate some of New Zealand’s leaders in their craft. Pair this with our fresh food and famous home-made foccacia sandwiches and you have happiness served. Good vibes on the house.
1 Treffers Road, Wigram
Ph. 021 155 5538
If you are looking for coffee on the go or a gourmet meal, Cafe Mayfield is the stop for you. Dine in or takeaway here as you go through the beautiful Mid Canterbury scenic route. We provide a diverse menu, including barista coffee, all day breakfast, Sally’s homemade sausage rolls, fish and chips, and much, much more. Make us your next stop for the whole family; we even have a playground for the kids!
1992 Arundel Rakaia Gorge Rd, Mayfield
Ph: 03 303 6210
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Looking for your next oasis? Look no further than Thirsty Acres Kirwee.
Whether you’re looking for a hearty meal to fuel your day, a light snack, or a few drinks with friends, Thirsty Acres restaurant has got you covered. Including a range of vegetarian and gluten-free options. We believe that dining and drinking should be an experience, and we strive to make your visit a memorable one.
Great Alpine Highway No.73
Ph. 03 318 1814
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Q: What makes a mad hatter mad?
A: Missing a trip to the White Rabbit Café.
You will leave smiling like a Cheshire cat and feel fitter than a March Hare after you’ve had your magical food and quenched your thirst with one of our delicious drinks. Our food is of the highest quality fit for a Mad Hatters Tea Party.
1683 Christchurch Akaroa Rd
Ph: 022 156 7527
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Aroy Thai Eatery is a hip and trendy yet casual local Eatery established in Wellington in 2008.
Priced for value, our menu features delicious authentic Thai options of appetisers, noodles, and classic Thai dishes as well as house-made Thai beverages and Thai Desserts. We are open 7 days.
20 Waimairi Road, Upper Riccarton
Ph. 03 341 1384
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Born as a humble food truck in 2015, our culinary journey has evolved, and we’re thrilled to announce that we have opened our first restaurant. Join us on this gastronomic adventure as we bring the spirit of global street food to a vibrant restaurant setting. The world is our kitchen, and we can’t wait to share it with you at The Vagabond Chefs – where the journey began, and the taste never ends.
6/987 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
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The Coffee Club - a beloved café for locals and visitors, offering a wide menu range that caters to diverse tastes.
Whether you prefer a rich, velvety espresso or a creamy latte, the team will craft you a perfect cup to satisfy your caffeine cravings. Open 7 days a week.
Mon–Fri 7am–4.30pm, Sat & Sun 8am–5pm
14 Bob Robertson Drive, Ravenswood Central
P. 03 929 0040
One divinely delicious solution in Christchurch, Bubbles Gluten Free Catering, bakes food fresh in their coeliac kitchen with a myriad of options available daily.
Owner Lynette Cooper’s journey to gluten-free baking started across the ditch. She’s had an overwhelming response since opening and says that customers are most excited about the selection of savoury goodies, “It’s a big thing for coeliacs, they often see a lot of sweets but not much in the way of savoury items on o er.”
For Lynette, it was about becoming the solution. “I’ve worked in the industry for nearly 30 years. I was overseas working in Australia at a gluten-free bakery and
Rich & Indulgent
Cherry Gin Liqueur
Humdinger’s Autumn ‘24 seasonal release with notes of deep cherry and marzipan. Crafted with wild black Siberian cherries, hand-picked right here in Canterbury. Gold Medal winner in ’23, this seasonal release is sure to delight.
3a Talbot St alleyway, Geraldine
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café, and I came back after 10 years and noticed that there was a lack of options here, so I decided to open Bubbles,” she says.
Discover their scrumptious mu ns, scones, pies, cakes, biscuits, sausage rolls and more, all baked and served fresh, with no frozen nasties. Most recently added to the line-up is bread and it’s proven a huge hit.
You can head to the Bubbles Gluten Free Catering Facebook page to check out the creations and to find out where you can pick up your own.
Winner of the North Course 2022 & 2023!
Come and try The NC and View Hill Pizzas. Black Beech Wine & Pizza Bar offers a big selection of over 40 wines, 30 mainstream, craft beers and ciders, tapas, and gourmet pizzas with local ingredients in a cosy setting. We also have a dog-friendly area outside. Available for functions and wedding bookings. Check FB for live music and event info.
Unit 1, 46 Main Street, Oxford Ph. 027 312 3338
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Bush Inn
Indulge in our delectable gourmet pies and sausage rolls, crafted with love and premium ingredients.
A savoury delight for every foodie! Wholesale and retail available from the Bubbles kitchen located in Corey’s Master Butchers, The Provedore, Bush Inn Centre.
Call Lynette on: 022 691 8809
Xbeerience is an independent craft beer shop located in Rolleston. Our mission is to provide an immersive beer experience for our customers, allowing them to explore a wide range of craft beers from around the world. With over 250 different beers to choose from, you’re sure to find something that will tickle your taste buds. Pop in and say hello!
4a 55 Faringdon Boulevard, Rolleston Ph: 027 458 7946 www.xbeerience.co.nz
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Experience the perfect blend of rustic charm and modern elegance at The Rabbit Ashburton, where every visit is a unique, cosy gathering for any occasion. The Rabbit Ashburton - Where Every Meal is an Experience.
A stunning lake side restaurant and functions venue, open for lunch and dinner. Enjoy our NEW fully covered and heated dining area on the deck for the ultimate in lakeside dining with beautiful views over the lake to the alps.
The perfect venue for functions – weddings, family celebrations or a day trip for lunch. 5mins off the main highway from Ashburton.
Lake Hood Drive, Lake Hood, Ashburton Ph 03 302 6064 info@lakehouselakehood.co.nz www.lakehouselakehood.co.nz
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Dine at Formosa for exquisite flavours and a stellar ambience.
A perfect blend of culinary excellence awaits you!
Our ever-popular Avocado on Toast. A healthy breakfast that will kick-start your day in the best possible way.
Vegan, gluten free and keto options available, and fantastic coffee as always.
Eat in, takeaway and catering available. Easily accessible, with parking directly outside.
4/57 Mandeville Street, Riccarton Ph. 03 343 6394
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110 Victoria Street, Ashburton, Ph. 03 932 7847
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173 West Street, Ashburton
Ph 03 308 7874
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Cameron Douglas MS
Esses Estate creates sophisticated sparkling for every occasion. Esses is a premium producer of vintage Méthode Traditionnelle.
Esses Estate offers exclusive private tasting experiences, which are hosted by the owners, in their house on the vineyard. This is a unique tasting experience and bookings are essential.
Esses Estate has been named in the Top Wineries in New Zealand for 2023.
280 Postmans Rd, Kaikoura
Ph: 021 256 4383
Merivale’s Best Little Local. Discover our relaxed, dog friendly tavern, with 18 craft beers + ciders on tap, wines, spirits, non-alc, plus exceptional meals. Our two decks ensure all day sun for you and your furry friend!
Takeaways (food + beer) available, Quiz Night every 2nd Tues + monthly events.
Open Tues - Thu from 3.30pm, Fri from 2.30pm, Sat - Sun from midday.
7 St Albans Street, Merivale Ph: 03 260 0015
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Fig is
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unforgettable meal!
We are famous around Canterbury as specialists in rustic home-cooked savoury and sweet foods.
We have heaps of great gift ideas in our store, championing all that is local and you will not find a better wine or craft beer selection anywhere on the Peninsula.
Open 7 days.
Main Road, Little River Ph 03 325 1933
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Take the work out of your next dinner party. Providing a genuine customer-focused experience using natural products, delivered by our family-focused team.
• Private Functions
• Weddings
• Events
• Consulting & Temp Chefs
chantelle@twentyfourcatering.co.nz www.twentyfourcatering.co.nz
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Gold Card Lunches Mon-Fri
Mon/Tue Wood-fired pizzas $22
Tues Quiz night - free entry & prizes
Wednesday $18 Burgers
Thursday Rib night $22
Sunday Roast $24
Function Room - fundraisers/private functions
Takeaways available.
Open 7 days: 11.30am-late
Weedons Ross Road,
Melton Village Ph 03 421 6481
Here’s to is a beautifully crafted New Zealand Vodka. Here’s to was designed to elemenate any bad association to vodka. Its smooth taste and finish has been recognised throughout the world.
With a great foothold in Christchurch and the nation’s most recognised bars, make sure you ask for our vodka to support local this summer!
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Located on Cavendish Road, locally owned café with a wide range of homemade cabinet food, full breakfast, brunch and lunch menu available. Providing gluten free options and can cater for any other dietary requirements on request.
Enjoy our Hummingbird roasted coffee blend made by our experienced baristas. Open 7 days, Mon-Sat 7am–4pm, Sun 8am-3pm.
24/150 Cavendish Rd, Casebrook
Ph. 03 352 0412
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Queenstown’s well-loved Japanese restaurant has arrived on The Terrace Precinct. Tanoshi offers Osaka-inspired Japanese tapas and a ‘build your own ramen’ concept with extensive sake and whiskey lists, and Japanese lagers on tap.
93 Cashel Street, Christchurch City www.tanoshi.co.nz
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Scan to book
Riverview Restaurant open Tuesday through Sunday for lunch and dinner.
Enjoy our new summer menu in beautiful outdoor areas including a kids playground for the little ones.
• Private functions
• Weddings
• Birthdays
• Fundraisers
50 Colombo St, Cashmere Ph: 03 332 0092
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KIDS EAT FREE* on Wednesdays and Thursdays at Chalmers Restaurant.
Hornby Club has an indoor and outdoor playground, kids’ menu, and a welcoming family environment.
Perfect for the school holidays.
*each child must be accompanied by an adult who spends $25 on food.
*The adult must be a member of Hornby Club.
*Membership is just $34 per annum
17 Carmen Rd, Hornby
Ph: 03 349 9026
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Enjoy a refreshing drink, a fun night but a clear head and healthy body tomorrow. Monday makes non-alcoholic drinks and adult beverages that taste like your favourite cocktails and look the part too. Sugar Free. Alcohol Free. Forever tasteful.
us today for a special clearance price on Classic Gin, Exotic Gin, Margarita Spritz, and Coconut Margarita. Just $10 for 24 bottles!
027 520 2250
From sweet treats to savoury snacks and everything in between, bakeries deliver the goods to get your tastebuds excited.
As far as amazing bakeries go, you can’t go past Japanz Bakery at South City Shopping Centre. Operating in Christchurch for almost 20 years, they have mastered the art of perfect cream pu s.
Owned by Takuya and Makiko Iyoda, Takuya was born to be a baker, first working in his family’s cake shop in Japan before bringing his skills to Christchurch.
A crowd favourite are their delightfully flu y cream pu s. They really are the crème de la crème of their o erings.
“We have custard cream, chocolate cream, salted caramel cream and matcha-green tea cream,” Makiko says. “They’re light
Head west to West Melton for a beautiful winery lunch experience.
Melton Estate is the home of Summer Love and eight other wines.
Gather your friends and family for a short drive and treat yourself to stunning local wine and fine fare.
Open for lunch Thurs to Sun, 10am to 5pm. Bookings essential.
Cnr Weedons Ross & Johnson Rds
West Melton
Ph 03 347 4968
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in texture and filled with our custard and whipped cream mixture. They’re so silky and smooth.”
Their extensive o erings also include an amazing range of pies boasting flaky layers and made with 100% New Zealand butter to give a rich taste, and filled doughnuts with house-made filling. Their custard creams are among the most popular, “The custard starts with cracking the eggs and separating them from the yolks. Our baker takes their time to achieve the best taste and texture,” they say.
Pop by Japanz Bakery to indulge in some of their tasty eats yourself.
Newly opened Chinese restaurant located in central Riccarton. It is a must go place! With very unique hand pulled noodles and hand made dumplings, and of course lots of delicious Chinese cuisines. Plenty parking on site, bring your family and friends, and your dinner is sorted.
74 Riccarton Road, Riccarton Ph. 03 322 1060
To those who love Matcha (GreenTea)... Enjoy our range of delicious Matcha sweets.
• Matcha Cream Puffs
• Matcha Doughnuts (limited time only)
• Matcha Cookies
• Matcha Pudding
• GreenTea Cakes (order required)
• GreenTea Latte (hot or cold)
South City Mall Colombo Street
Ph: 03 943 4066
One of the delicious pleasures in life is finding an intimate local café you love to frequent.
Even better is one that exudes an oasis of calm where you have time and space to savour the taste and aroma of freshly brewed co ee.
Such a little gem of a café exists tucked away on Normans Road. Enter Elmwood Fine Foods, now under new ownership, and you are immediately drawn not only towards the smell of co ee, but also their tremendous food cabinet.
Inside lies a veritable cornucopia of colour and variety. Drool over sandwiches and quiches, savouries and mu ns, custard pies and cinnamon scrolls.
Everything is made fresh on-site, and that is what customers really
We make the freshest and best authentic Chinese food to delight your palate and feed your soul. Our food is made with healthy ingredients using our very own recipes. Try our homemade dumplings, made fresh for you everyday. No MSG. Gluten free options available. Dine-in or takeaway + DoorDash and UberEats.
BYO wine & fully licensed. Open Tues to Sat 11.30am-9.30pm, Sun 11.30am-9pm.
21a Main North Rd, Papanui
Ph. 03 354 6818
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appreciate. You can choose to dine-in with your cup of co ee or takeaway for lunch, or a delicious morning or afternoon snack.
Over the years, Elmwood Fine Foods has become especially well-known for their range of pastry pies. There are so many to choose from, mince and cheese, peppered steak, steak and mushroom, steak, cheese and jalapeno, chicken and apricot, chicken and mushroom – the list goes on.
A popular service the café o ers is catering. Specialising in finger-food platters, ideal for any function at home or work, the team will work within your culinary preferences.
For fine food, excellent co ee, and great customer service give this little café a try.
Your good old neighbourhood Savoire Cafe in Merivale has been operating for more than 15 years. We are excited to announce that under new ownership and management, we will carry on offering fresh seasonal cabinet selections, our delicious homemade baking and a new al la carte menu coming soon! We are here for your caffeine fix and can cater for all dietary requirements. We can’t wait to see you all at Savoire Cafe and share some times together!
189 Papanui Rd, Merivale
Ph. 03 355 5645
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All our delicious pies, savouries, quiches, and sausage rolls are made here onsite.
Choose from: Mince, Mince & Cheese, Steak, Steak & Cheese, Peppered Steak, Steak & Mushroom, Steak, Cheese & Bacon, Steak, Cheese & Jalapeño, Gourmet Chicken, Chicken & Apricot, Chicken & Mushroom, Chicken, Cranberry & Camembert.
Sandwiches made fresh daily using top quality bread and fillings.
Open Mon - Fri 6am - 4pm, Sat 7am - 3pm
7a Normans Road, Elmwood
Ph: 021 144 1059
Country Kitchen Bakery now offers sports supplement drinks with your food for all you hard working tradie or fitness fanatics. Prime, C4, Ghost, Optimum Nutrition, Musashi, GFUEL, etc. All the big brands!
Most are priced between $3.30-$6.50
356b Main North Road, Redwood
Next to Mobil Garage
Ph: 03 352 8111
Give your salads and BBQs a spicy and fruity lift with our extensive range of sauces, marinades and dressings. Drizzle over a warm lamb salad to bring it to life, baste some pork ribs or chicken wings for finger-licking, sticky goodness. Shop online or visit us at Riccarton Sunday Market.
0800 244 554 (0800 CHILLI)
Looking for that perfect gift that will last a lifetime? We stock quality brands catering for your everyday items as well as those specialty items. If you have something particular in mind, please ask as we are more than happy to order on request.
34b Talbot Street, Geraldine P. 03 693 8632
info@thekitchencupboard.co.nz www.thekitchencupboard.co.nz
The Bikkie Jar offers you gorgeously gift boxed, baked to order yumminess!
Original Gourmet Shortbread, No Gluten Added, Vegan options available. The ideal delivered gift for someone who has everything!
In addition to a great range of dried food ingredients, come and explore the attached cottage where an extensive range of British sweets, Dutch liquorice, Kiwi favourites, handmade chocolates, fudge and beautifully wrapped gifts await you. Open 7 days.
24 Wilson Street, Geraldine 7930 P: 0272 472 863 | cottagepantry@xtra.co.nz
Our fresh, in-store made catering is perfect for those family get-togethers, work shouts, birthday parties, BBQs, or just because!
Check out our website and order your catering directly online, or pop in and see us. Open 7 days.
346 Halswell Road
Ph. 03 322 4600
Caffe 1808 has a fabulous selection of fresh food, all made on site daily. Come and visit us and pair your food with a fine Italian coffee, a selection of teas or a delicious smoothie.
Open Mon-Fri 7am-3.30pm.
23 Islington Avenue, Waterloo Business Park, Islington
Yummy things for humans!
Yummy things for dogs!
Fresh baking is my family’s love language!
Yummy homemade treats for humans and dogs from Una Bakery. Relax and let us do your baking. Pop into our great location and indulge in our heavenly baked goods. Delicious pies, bread, slices, biscuits and pastries all made on site.
Serving barista coffee 6 days a week.
73 Centaurus Road, Huntsbury Ph: 337 8214
Cater for a crowd with our fresh and vibrant platters or grazing tables. We help bring people together using exceptional local produce, easy ordering and free delivery within our travel range. For cost effective catering, head to our website!
Are you looking for something special for your special someone.
Artisanz can provide gift boxes delivered to their door.
Filled with quality locally sourced products. We can provide anything from gift boxes to grazing tables.
Ph: 027 559 0222 www.artisanzplatters.co.nz
When delicious flavours come together, a spectrum of colours emerges. Experience the exquisite taste and vibrant hues at omi sushi.
180 Papanui Road, Merivale Directly opposite Office Road
Welcome to Vinyl Café. Come in and try our own Four Aves roasted coffee. We have fresh daily cabinet food as well as “Roast your own” coffee available. Relax to some great music, play some “old school” video games or just read a magazine. Support small locally owned and operated business.
24/B Essex Street, Phillipstown www.thecoffeeworkshopnz.com
Our fresh, in-store made catering is perfect for those family get-togethers, work shouts, birthday parties, BBQs, or just because!
Check out our website and order your catering directly online, or pop in and see us. Open 7 days.
346 Halswell Road
Ph. 03 322 4600
Wolfbrook Arena
As the days get shorter, and the autumn chill sets in, it’s time to bring out cosy throws, blankets, and cushions to combat the cold.
They make wonderful accessories, and are a quick way to change the vibe of a room, whether it is a bedroom or living room.
Piled in a handy basket (indoors or out), stacked neatly on the end of your sofa, or artistically draped across it, throws especially add a cosy ambience to the room, and provide extra warmth when needed. They are a quick way to add visual interest and make a room appear more stylish.
For a more casual, lived-in feel, drape a throw blanket across the corner of the couch, or for an ultra-tidy aesthetic fold a blanket into thirds, length-wise, and place it, or a pile of them, neatly on a corner seat.
Many cafés o er customers a warm rug to wrap up in during autumn, winter, and spring, and if you have an outdoor area, or a fire pit, having a pile of snuggly throws and blankets will help perfect its appeal.
Experiment with di erent colours, fabrics, and textures to add even more interest.
When it comes to rugs in your home, you can’t go past wool. It’s durable, high-quality, looks great, and is affordable when you know where to shop.
Finding a rug that’s the right size for your space can be challenging, enter Rugs For All, a division of Carpet Binders.
Experts in edging carpets into rugs, they’ve just launched their brand new outlet where they provide high-quality 100% wool carpet mats with the most a ordable price tag around. The Rugs For All Outlet Store at unit 8, 37 Washbournes Road in Sockburn is the perfect place to stop by and pick up a new made-to-measure custom carpet area rug.
Co-owner Michelle MacWilliam is well-respected for her knowledge in the rug industry and explains that there are many reasons you may want a quality New Zealand wool rug.
“Say you have got a big open-space lounge and you have got a log burner, and you are after a mat that you want the kids to sit on and another by the front door, well we can make all three matching mats here, made to your size requirements and your choice of finish,” Michelle says.
“For polished and hard-floor homes, especially new
homes, having an area rug on the floor that is wool will provide insulation, comfort, and is fire retardant. We have a whole range of finishes for you to choose from once you have selected your carpet piece, so you can tailor your area rug to suit your décor.”
One of the benefits of heading into Rugs For All is their quick turn around on custom rugs. If you’re passing through town or in a bit of a rush, simply stop by, choose your carpet and edging finish, and let the team know your specifications. They’ll have it ready for you to pick up later in the day. It is as easy as that.
“We specialise in 100% quality New Zealand wool products. We don’t do cheap and cheery, but we do a ordable.”
Stop by Rugs For All where you will receive expert advice, a caring and friendly team, and quality a ordable rugs with all the benefits. woolarearugs.nz
Sparkling blue water, comfortable loungers, soft music, a drink or two; get the picture?
An inground swimming pool adds another dimension to a lifestyle, from cooling off on hot summer days (and nights), to socialising with friends and family, and putting in a few fitness laps.
Winter is an excellent time to plan an inground pool, and have it installed before summer comes along.
Doing so doesn’t have to be complicated, thanks to Chris Thelin and his team at NOVAspace. They’ll handle everything for you.
“We are not a big conglomerate where you get handed from person to person and never know who you need to speak to. It is my company, and I am there with you every step of the way,” says Chris.
The AquaTechnics pool shell that the team sell is the best quality pre-made fibreglass swimming pool coming into the country. ISO accredited in Australia, with anti-fade ColourGuard embedded in the
surface of the shell and a lifetime structural guarantee. In his career, Chris has dealt with many pool shell brands and can vouch for the vastly superior quality of the AquaTechnics product.
“This pool is 30% stronger than its competitors,” says Chris, “hands down it is the best pool shell on the market by far.”
If you are looking to install a pool, Chris is very happy to share his extensive knowledge with you. “If it should happen that another product is a more economical way for you to go, I’m absolutely going to let you know that. I know the pool installation business has seen a few operators come and go over the years so I understand that people can feel a bit wary. I’m all about building trust, and leaving my
clients with a brilliant outcome.”
The company o ers a 360-degree service. “I’ve been landscaping my whole working life. The first pool I installed was my own concrete pool 20 years ago,” says Chris.
He personally guides clients through all parts of the process, so they don’t feel overwhelmed.
Pool suitability, design, consenting and project management are all part of the service, and you are dealing with Chris through pool choice and installation, landscape design, and landscape construction.
Searching for that spectacular wedding gift is made easy with this local ‘has-it-all’ store.
Between stunning houseplants, elegant decor pieces, and fashion and home accessories, Terra Viva has something for everyone. To turn an already beautiful houseplant into a glamorous wedding present, consider using containers. From ceramics, to baskets, to hand-finished aluminium, they add the finishing touch without taking away from a bunch of blooms, or plant.
Add a stylish pot, have it gift-wrapped, and presto, you have the complete present with minimum fuss. Plus, artificial options become an easy alternative if the couple you’re buying for aren’t into houseplant care. So realistic only an expert could tell the di erence, artificial flowers mean show-stopping blooms or foliage all year round.
Aside from their wide selection of gift options, Terra Viva also boasts an awardwinning café, and landscape design services. With friendly and knowledgeable sta available to o er their trend and style advice, you can be sure that your selection will be a hit.
So, come and explore the abundance of options available at Terra Viva on the corner of Wairakei Road and Roydvale Avenue, or call the team on 358 5565 and make your giftgiving experience stress-free.
If the thought of negotiating busy shopping centres in search of a gift puts you off before you even begin, it’s time to shop smart.
The easiest place to start is the renowned destination boutique in St Albans that has everything under one roof, where browsing is a joy.
Since opening in 2012, Coco Gifts has grown a large and loyal clientele who appreciate that here is where they will find that something di erent, unique, and special.
Owner Liz Bloomfield has an unerring knack for getting it right, so far as knowing exactly what customers, both longstanding and new, are looking for.
From homewares and seasonal gifts through to pieces for him, for her, and for children, the customer is wonderfully spoilt for choice.
Scented candles, fragrant skincare and soaps, led lights décor, handsome bookends, bijoux encrusted bags, novelty games, plus designer clothing and footwear, give a small indication of the treasure trove instore.
With Mother’s Day just a few weeks away, call into Coco Gifts to find something beautiful for the woman who deserves everything, a gift that she will love and cherish forever.
Harry's Garage Review
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As hybrid technology in high-end supercars becomes more commonplace, the new Artura is McLaren’s way to show the word “hybrid” should be embraced in the supercar world. Ben Selby reports.
Powered by an all-new mid-mounted 120-degree twin-turbo 3.0L V6 engine with 8-speed dual clutch transmission, the Artura also gets a plug-in 7.4kWh battery and axial flux electric motor. There is also a “powertrain chimney” which aids in channelling hot air out of the engine bay, keeping things cool.
Outside, the Artura’s functional and striking styling covers a carbon fibre tub which weighs a mere 82kg. It is unmistakeably McLaren, down to the now familiar dihedral doors. Inside you find a perfect driving position and everything you operate is immensely driver focused. There is plenty of kit in this very McLaren-esque cockpit and visibility for a car like this is rather good.
The Artura defaults to electric mode on start up, so instead of the usual supercar growling dawn chorus, you have what Simon and Garfunkel would describe as “the sound of silence”. Slicing quietly through urban Christchurch tra c soon becomes a familiar pastime, much to the surprise of other road users.
Naturally you do feel the bumps, but by low slung supercar standards it is rather tolerable. The Artura really could be used as a daily driver, McLaren even says you can travel 30km on electric power alone. However, it isn’t long before the temptation to wring its neck
becomes too much to resist.
To wake up the V6, either give it a good measure of one’s right foot or switch over to sport mode. Either way, the batteries are quickly accompanied by a sweet and raucous six pot ballad. It also does a first-rate job of recharging the battery while on the move too, meaning trips to the charging point for the Artura become minimal at the very most.
Its combined 500kW, 740Nm of torque and extra electric grunt kicks in very low down. Make no mistake, the Artura is astonishingly rapid. A sprint to 100kph takes three seconds as the car’s tech keeps the rear planted and under control. There is even a drift control mode where you can slide the Artura, safe in the knowledge the car is safely keeping you on your optimum drift angle, on track of course.
Handling wise? It’s perfection. Tight switch back corners or long sweepers are so easy and the Artura’s hydraulic steering feels old school and so communicative. You can push hard all day long and end up begging it for more.
Despite feeling somewhat clinical at times, the Artura’s docility around town, immense performance, driver involvement and dayto-day practicality means there is hardly a situation where it doesn’t feel at home. Basically, the McLaren Artura is probably one of the most complete feeling supercars out there.
BASE PRICE: $375,000
ENGINE: 3.0L V6 Twin-Turbo with 7.4kWh battery and electric motor
TRANSMISSION: 8-speed dual clutch seamless shift auto with paddles
0 TO 100KPH: 3.0 seconds
TOP SPEED: 330kph
WEIGHT: 1410kg
The benefits of going hybrid for your daily transport these days couldn’t be more obvious. Ben Selby reports.
Having a petrol engine working in harmony with a battery pack only significantly lessens the trips you make to the pump, and also leaves a much smaller carbon footprint with each drive. Plus, conventional hybrids are exempt from the Governments Road User Charges for electric driven vehicles which puts another feather in their cap as a whole.
Subaru’s incorporation of hybrid technology comes together in the new Crosstrek Hybrid. I was fortunate enough to spend four days experiencing the new flagship hybrid premium of the Crosstrek family in a variety of disciplines thanks to Armstrongs Christchurch.
With a clean cut appearance, the Crosstrek has quite the striking stance. Inside, it is form and function with a good mix of durable feeling switchgear and quality materials. You have plenty of toys too like an 11.6-inch touch screen infotainment system, heated seats, wireless phone charging, satellite navigation and Apple CarPlay/Android Auto connectivity. It’s probably also worth mentioning the Harman/Kardon sound system sounds epic too.
Subaru’s latest generation Eyesight Safety System gives you plenty of gear to keep your journey as safe as possible. While one could wax lyrical endlessly about each feature like the radar adaptive cruise control and lane keep assist which keeps you in your lane and prevents you from wandering, stu like the 360-degree rear view camera and driver monitoring system are two features which really stand out.
The camera gives you a full panoramic view when reversing or parking and thanks to the cameras relaying your immediate surroundings via that sharp looking infotainment screen means you are fully
aware of just where that shopping trolley is in relation to your new Subaru’s left rear door.
The driving monitoring system is also on hand to ensure your eyes stay firmly on the road ahead. If you are distracted for a certain period of time, the Crosstrek will remind you to look ahead. Some systems like this can be rather intense, with the driver only taking their eyes o the road for a fraction of second before the system cuts in, but the driver monitor set up in the Subaru does not su er this problem, making it one of the most polished systems out there.
One thing that is also worth mentioning is the amount of space in here. Both front and rear passengers have plenty of room with excellent head and legroom. The leather seats also feel rather plush and o er good levels of support.
The boxer four-cylinder engine coupled with hybrid battery provides some meaty and strong acceleration. Be gentle with the throttle and you will seamlessly see-saw between hybrid and electric-only drive. The Crosstrek also does first-rate job of drowning out outside noise, leaving you feeling cocooned in quiet ambience as you drive along.
Subaru has never downplayed their abilities to venture o the beaten track and it’s very much a case of business as usual with the Crosstrek Hybrid. Subaru’s X-Mode all terrain system has multiple driver modes for dirt, mud, snow and deep snow surfaces. This coupled with Subaru’s proven all-wheeldrive system means those trips, whether it’s traversing the steep snowy inclines of Mt Hutt or the muddy lanes of your friend’s lifestyle block’s paddock, are a doddle.
Whether you factor in price, equipment, or ability, the Subaru Crosstrek is certainly one of the most complete crossovers out there.
ENGINE: 2.0L boxer four cylinder petrol hybrid
POWER: 110kW
CO2 EMISSIONS: 147g/km
DRIVETRAIN: All-wheel-drive
CARGO SPACE: 315L (Rear Seat Up)
922L (Rear Seat Down) Multiply
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The Jaguar F-Pace has been a firm favourite in the immensely competitive market that is the luxury SUV segment. While late to the party compared to its competitors from Porsche and Audi, the F-Pace has held its own over the years, but is it still a proper Jag? Ben Selby reports.
The Jaguar F-Pace P400e R-Dynamic HSE PHEV, while being quite a mouthful to say, is the most frugal and eco focused F-Pace out there, while not skimping on the refinement and quality a Jag is known for. Overall, the shape hasn’t really changed much from the first F-Pace, yet details such as the revised headlight and taillight cluster, along with black accents and a mesh-like grill, really make this a good-looking luxo SUV. Even more so, my test car with its shade of Portofino Blue and 10-spoke 21-inch gloss black alloys.
The cabin is very well polished and, like all JLR products, it leaves you feeling just that little bit special. Leather and quality materials are the name of the game and there is ample storage space and plenty of tech. The 11.4inch touch screen infotainment system is one of the clearest and sharpest looking around, as is the 360-degree reversing camera. Equipment levels are decent and the Meridian sound system is rather good too, I must say.
Plug in the F-Pace PHEV into a 7kW wall box charger and you will have a full battery in around 2 hours 16 minutes, while a 50kW DC fast charger will give you 80% charge in half an hour. You can choose between
either Hybrid, EV or Save mode while driving, the former allows the car to discern whether electric or petrol power is required depending on your driving habits. EV is solely electric drive and Save allows you to hold the remaining charge left in the battery for later use.
Whichever way you choose to motor, the F-Pace’s ability for chapel-like silent running and burbling turbocharged velocity is rather impressive. The torque curve is very linear and when you flick over to Sport mode, this British leviathan can blissfully barrel along well. The eight-speed auto box o er progressive and responsive shifts and things feel rather well balanced in the bends too, with Jaguar’s AWD system giving plenty of grip. While there is a smattering of body roll, it doesn’t feel anyway under damped.
The production of petrol and diesel engine Jaguars is reportedly winding up before year’s end as the Coventry automotive icon moves ever closer to its new all-electric future. As a result, this current F-Pace PHEV epitomises the brand’s transitional period in the best possible way. It provides a good helping of the familiar while looking firmly at the future. Oh, and it still feels like a proper Jag too.
PRICE: $155,000 + ORC
ENGINE: 2.0L Turbocharged Four Cylinder with 15.4kWh battery pack
TRANSMISSION: 8-speed automatic
POWER: 297kW
0 TO 100KPH: 5.3 seconds
CO2 EMISSIONS: 56g/km combined
FUEL CONSUMPTION: 2.3L/100km combined
WEIGHT: 2189kg
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