Occasionally, in many aspects of life, countries, communities, businesses, and even individuals, need to stand up and be counted.
As a country, New Zealand has an enviable record of standing up when its people believe strongly in a cause, such as being nuclear-free, international war relief, and giving women the vote. The country’s clean green image is often under
scrutiny, and that’s an ongoing cause, along with the trend towards more sustainability, and lowering our carbon footprint.
Various industries have set the bar high when it comes to the above, and a key component of accountability for them is auditing. This ensures accountability during every step of their process, so they can show exactly where their product has gone.
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LInterior designer, jeweller and now artist, Christchurch’s Kate Senior has many strings to her bow. Metropol editor Lynda Papesch caught up with Kate to find out more about her journey, and her inspiration.
ooking back, Kate Senior realises creativity and art have always been a part of her life. They aren’t something she suddenly discovered, instead more an inherent part of who she is, and has always been.
“From when I can first remember, I was fascinated by interior and fashion magazines.
“One of my prized possessions at school was a large art gallery catalogue,” Kate recalls. “Back then, without the internet, every source of inspiration was cherished.”
Kate’s creativity initially grew into a career in interior design, before she switched to become a self-trained silversmith and co-owner of jewellery company Guthrie & Steele, which she founded with her mother, Sue.
Moving from interior design to jewellery, and now art, is part of an ongoing journey, and Kate feels lucky to do what she loves every day. Interior spaces that are harmonious yet interesting influence her style.
“It is a balance I strive for in my paintings, carefully selecting complementary colours, then adding a hidden element to create intrigue,” Kate says, adding that she didn’t set out to have a particular style, it has just developed over time.
Her painting started as a hobby, and she soon found that people kept buying what she was painting. Now Kate feels “incredibly lucky” that she can focus on her art as a business, with the ongoing opportunities that continually arise, from exhibiting, selling in Shopology, donating pieces in charity auctions, and next month (April 2024) launching a collection in Auckland. Kate’s artistic career developed through a series of activities, starting while at school.
“One of the best things for observational skills that I have done is life drawing classes. Later, I learnt how to make jewellery from my mother, who did a silversmiths course. I did a two-year diploma at the Christchurch Polytech [Ara] in Interior Design, and then various art classes, including a week at St Martins College of Design in London.”
Life these days revolves around art in some form or another. While Kate enjoys listening to audio books when out walking and gardening, what she likes doing most to relax is paint. “I now have the dream job,” she laughs.
Her surroundings are the source of Kate’s inspiration. “I am constantly absorbing visual stimuli,” she explains. “Whether it is watching movies, observing nature, or simply looking out a window, I’m always on the lookout for new ideas. “A glimpse of the sky can spark my creativity, making inspiration a neverending journey for me.”
Just as she trusts her instincts when painting, Kate advises others to do the same when buying art. “Many people feel intimidated when it comes to purchasing art because they’re unsure how to determine its quality. I believe choosing a painting should be about finding a piece that evokes feelings, a piece that for some reason resonates with you, and you really want to take it home because you enjoy looking at it.”
Her advice is to consider the size, colour scheme, and style of the space to ensure the artwork sits comfortably in the place you intend to hang it. “Ultimately, choose art that speaks to you personally, as you’ll be the one living with it.”
Cruising on the high seas, singing up a storm, marketing, and being a mum are all in a day’s work for Christchurch entertainer Ali Harper.
Lynda Papesch chats with Ali about life at sea, on the road, at home, and anywhere in between.
Asea day provides Ali Harper time in her busy schedule to answer a few questions.
Performing on a cruise ship at the time of the interview, this award-winning entertainer is as busy as ever, writing, travelling, planning, and enchanting audiences with her exuberance.
Her next project in Christchurch is a beautiful boutique musical called Fairystories, followed in August by a new show The Supper Club. Add in an Australian tour, more cruise ship entertaining, and a guest spot singing at the Lincoln Centre in New York in October, and you soon realise how busy she is.
Ali is no stranger to Christchurch audiences, having been entertaining in some form or other for 30 years. Initially training at Toi Whakaari: The New Zealand Drama School in Wellington, Ali is known locally for playing numerous glorious leading ladies at The Court Theatre in the Arts Centre, MCing, working in breakfast radio in Wellington, touring, producing, writing, and so much more.
“It has been, and continues to be, a very colourful life,” she laughs. “There have been moments where I have wondered if it’s time to pause and slow down. Then I have found a new energy, a responsibility to create and perform that reminds my audiences that anything is possible, and which provides a positive outlet that ignites nostalgia and hope.”
She is full of praise for husband Iain Cave for keeping the home fires burning. “I have an amazing husband who keeps the home running smoothly, and gets my boys Thomas and Archie off to school and their swimming, which happens to be seven times a week,” says Ali.
She is planning to be at home more this winter, as the cruise ships are seasonal, and her Australian tour, A Judy Garland Story, doesn’t kick in until September.
Home is Christchurch, where Ali loves being a mum, kicking back, and walks at the beach. “Being home and doing all those mum things feels a luxury these days.
“I am so happy when I am home, and able to go a school event, and not have that mother guilt that I missed another one. I love teaching yoga at the Flow Wellbeing Centre and provide weekly online yoga videos for Work-it Women’s Wellness. I find that yoga and meditation are a fantastic way to balance out my busy schedule,” she adds.
“Being in nature, and walking at Waimairi Beach with my dog Dusty is my happy place.”
Hopping on a cruise ship is one way Ali gets to “have a breather”. “Living like a passenger, and performing for only one night is rather a lovely gig. I treat my cabin, or the deck chair, as a mini office where I am working from my laptop writing my next show, or learning my lines.
“No dishwasher to empty, no dinner to make, the only hard part is returning to all that when I get home!” she elaborates.
On the road, touring can be challenging, especially with venues back to back. “I have to be super organised with my vitamins, ear plugs, shakti mat, and try and have vocal rest where I can.
“There is nothing worse than vocal fatigue kicking in and you have a matinée and an evening show to do, but as long as I have my tools with me, like simply placing my head over a bowl of hot water and breathing in the steam, then I’ll be okay. It’s not brain surgery after all.”
To keep up her energy, Ali balances work with yoga and intermittent fasting. Chilling out is a part of her life, although Ali is “an active relaxer”. “Being in nature, and walking at Waimairi Beach with my dog Dusty is my happy place,” she says.
“I visit a lot of beaches in the world, and this [Waimairi Beach] is by far one of my favourites.”
On a personal level, Ali is inspired by joy, and tries to find it in everything. “The people I meet, the places I visit, the opportunities that show up for me in my life,” she says.
“We have so much uncertainty in our lives that I try not to take anything for granted.”
Surrounding herself with people who bring her joy is an important part of her life, part, whether it’s the musicians she works alongside, the women she meets up with at the beach early on a Saturday for the New Brighton Sunrise Dippers morning swim, or the students in my yoga classes. Joy also just happens to be her middle name.
Lately Ali has been away from home a lot, having just finished a four-week season of The Supper Club at Circa Theatre in Wellington, and spending 18 days at sea prior to that.
Ali’s advice to those wanting to follow in her footsteps, or down a similar path, is simple: “Dream big! Break down that glass ceiling. Play! Create! Don’t limit yourself! What’s the worst that can happen?” she laughs.
One final piece of advice: “Have another skill to support you when times are lean, whether it is as a barista, or a house painter.
I remember the wonderful Elric Hooper saying: ‘Every actor needs to own a bike shop!’
A sandwich business, a food truck, a stint in catering, Kitty Williams knew she was destined to work with food. She just hadn’t quite figured out what that would look like.
Metropol Deputy Editor Nina Tucker catches up with her after the launch of her first cookbook about how things have changed since her viral ‘lockdown scrolls.’
Those things didn’t give me enough creative freedom,” Kitty explains, on the many realms of cooking she’s dabbled in. So, she turned to Instagram to create a cooking page and see where it went. She says that when she made that switch, “everything clicked.” “I could work off cravings and use whatever naughty ingredients I wanted.”
In a nutshell, that’s the basis of every delicious recipe in her book Just a Little Bit Naughty. Pages of meals that are “unapologetically delicious, easy, and comforting.” “I guess that’s what people needed during the 2021 lockdown, because my sweet chilli, ham, and cream cheese scrolls went viral. That’s when my life changed,” she explains. While her page was slowly growing, the jump that would come next was indescribable. Unexpected yet predestined, Kitty remembers the ‘pinch me’ feeling. “I was gaining thousands and thousands of followers within days. I couldn’t believe that so many people around New Zealand were recreating my recipe.”
Many recipe opportunities arise from using a brand product or food, Kitty’s work and creative cooking mind are used to promote advertising. The proof is in the pudding, because just watching one of Kitty’s videos will entice that product to be added to the shopping cart. No stranger to a range of cuisines, some of Kitty’s recent creations shared on social media include dumplings, vegetable pappardelle, bagels, chocolate oat peanut butter cups, and many more adaptations to the classic scroll.
“I was gaining thousands and thousands of followers within days. I couldn’t believe that so many people around New Zealand were recreating my recipe.”
Going viral on Instagram generated so much work in an aspect of cooking that finally felt right. “I feel very on track with what I enjoy doing,” she says, and now savours the ‘dream’ life, minus the fact that recipes often come to her at night. Kitty will sit in bed and type ideas into her laptop, setting aside the next day to bring them to life and recipe test. Aside from that, her days are spent largely in the supermarket and the kitchen, pulling together recipes and content for her social media pages.
The hecticness of being a rising cook does subside at times though, letting Kitty sit back and enjoy the life she’s created. Heading to workout classes, walking her pugs, which can be found featured in the pages of her book, and spending time with friends and family.
Creating and publishing a cookbook sat up there in her wildest dreams, but one recipe, for scrolls no less, was the catalyst to make it happen. Kitty was approached by publishers, and it was full steam ahead from there. The inspiration came from far and wide, quite literally. Social media, cafés, restaurants, and many places internationally travelled where the culinary creations wowed her.
Naturally, there were challenges along the way. Kitty faced lost confidence from her endeavours over the years, between struggling to get her businesses running, or feeling they weren’t the right fit once they were. Then came the precise qualities of baking recipes that never aligned with Kitty’s bake-from-the-heart approach. Yet, she endeavoured to become confident in baking and practised until she reached that level, so it became easy to include sweet treats in her cookbook.
Think friends, family, and a few margaritas, and you’ll picture the launch of Kitty’s book. “It was the perfect night,” she remembers. Pulling together a cookbook after a whirlwind claim to fame might scare some, but Kitty “just had fun with it.” She adds that opting for an approach to enjoy the experience made it one of such high spirits. It was an outcome meant to be, as Kitty now finds her book of fool-proof recipes appealing to all ages.
Kitty adds that having conquered the print world with her new cookbook, she’s looking ahead to creating a cooking show in the future.
proudest m ents
A radio interview with Jesse Mulligan following the viral lockdown scrolls.
Seeing Just a Little Bit Naughty in store for the first time.
Being interviewed by then Prime Minister Chris Hipkins about cooking on The Project.
Art is a creative medium, refle ed in numerous ways, throughout the lives of hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders. Paintings or prints, weaving, sculpture, po ery, and much more come to life thanks to the arti ic endeavours of Kiwis.
Many people, while not actively involved in the arts, support the industry in other ways such as purchasing, funding, and sponsoring artists.
In Christchurch, the arts add value not only to the city’s economy, they also brighten its facade, bring visitors here, and enhance the city’s international reputation as an arts destination.
According to a report from ChristchurchNZ, the creative arts sector employed over five and a half thousand people in 2022 and contributed approximately $718 million dollars over the same year.
Across New Zealand, the arts sector contributes almost $10 billion dollars annually to the country’s economy, and Christchurch makes up 7.3% of that annual output.
Film and television production is one of New Zealand’s largest export industries, contributing $3.5 billion to the New Zealand economy each year.
Christchurch with its Screen CanterburyNZ initiative, is committed to promoting Canterbury as an ideal location for filming.
Government, the business community, and individuals, play their role in funding the arts, and so too can the public. Visiting your local theatre, enjoying live shows, music gigs, local films, and art galleries, will all support this sector.
Other support comes from central and local government through a variety of sources, such as directly or through funding organisations, like the Royal New Zealand Ballet and Te Matatini Society, and via distribution agencies, such as the Arts Council of New Zealand, and the New Zealand Film Commission. They in turn support arts and film projects developed by a range of artists.
Local government is another significant contributor of public support for the arts, through owning galleries, museums, and performing venues.
Jack Walsh says it was procra ination that prompted him to finally begin his art journey seven months ago.
Coming here stopped me from procrastinating. If it wasn’t for these classes, I wouldn’t be drawing and learning in the first place.”
Jack found Art Metro by Googling art classes, and called in one day for a visit. “They were really friendly, and I loved the vibe.”
Jack currently works in fountain pen. He explains the expressive and strong lines are fun to work with.
“The positive feel to the page is a real plus. I’m also experimenting with mixing, using it on top of paints and under pastels to add colour to my work.”
Jack says being a complete beginner, he has found the guidance of his tutors really helpful.
“They have saved me from going down many rabbit holes, and have given me better insight into my strengths, and confidence to keep experimenting those early stages.”
For the time being, Jack wants to continue exploring options with his art for his own enjoyment.
“Although, I would like to work on some bigger projects in the future, that’s most likely quite far off.”
View the provocative ‘Springtime is Heart-break: Contemporary Art in Aotearoa’ exhibition where a diverse range of art explores ideas from nature’s renewal to emotional turmoil.
Christchurch Art Gallery, Te Puna o Waiwhetū showcases 24 innovative artists in this dynamic body of work, on display until 19 March 2024.
Curator Melanie Oliver invites us to be captivated by the paradoxical essence of contemporary art at its finest. The title, inspired by an Ursula Bethell poem so eloquently resonates the fragility of human connections, of bitter-sweet transitions between space and time, where beauty and pain intertwine.
The exhibition compels you to think and feel deeply, echoing a tenderness in the works poignantly expressed through various mediums, namely textiles, sculpture, painting, photography, moving images, and sound.
With storytelling at the helm, the artists convey the raw emotion of heartbreak amidst the promise of new beginnings. They consider ideas around communication, distance, memory, the body and materiality, questioning; how can we communicate through time or in a different tongue?
Experience the works of Heidi Brickell, Priscilla Rose Howe, Lucy Meyle, Steven Junil Park, and John Harris, to name a few, and let Christchurch Art Gallery entice you to contemplate life’s transient beauty in style.
IMAGE: Tia Ranginui, The tangi of Ruaumoko
Experience an art exhibition that speaks to the universal themes of love and humanity through the lens of time. PGgallery 192 invites you to view Euan Macleod’s collection, showcasing the bitter sweet journey of familial bonds through the unravelling timelines of youth and old age.
Having exhibited extensively in both Australia and New Zealand, Euan’s expressive use of acrylics and oils carve out the depth and complexity of life’s endings and beginnings. Masterfully crafted and titled ‘June and Henry,’ this internationally accomplished Sydney-based, Christchurch-born artist honours his mum June and grandson Henry, who have never met, in a vividly personal, emotive collection. “I urge you to find your own story in the work, your own memories,” shares Euan.
Through this powerful narrative, each artwork portrays the delicate balance of joy and sorrow. One theme resonating deeply; the heart-wrenching experience of witnessing one’s beloved mother, once strong, vibrant and talented, slowly fading away from the person they were.
Euan captures the raw emotion of loss and the enduring legacy of love amidst the dramatic landscapes of Sumner and Scarborough.
‘June and Henry,’ a touching tribute to the resilience of the human spirit.
On show: Tuesday 5 March—5 April 2024.
IMAGE: Euan Macleod ‘Road going up’ 2023, oil on polyester, 38x51cm (top). Euan Macleod ‘Mum On Closed Summit Road’ 2023, oil on polyester, 100x124cm (below).
A monumental-sized eel toki has a new home in New Brighton, Chri church.
SCAPE Public Art commissioned artist Jon Jeet to create the piece in 2022, and until recently it was on temporary display at Te Matatiki Toi Ora The Arts Centre. The artwork, He Toki Maitai 2022, now has a permanent home next to the Roy Stokes Community Hall on Seaview Road.
Jeet lives in North New Brighton, just a short walk away. The toki is located inside the boundary of the old New Brighton School. For Jeet, “it’s a full circle” since he had his art studio at the old school for several years after the Canterbury earthquakes. “It takes me back to building relations with Renew New Brighton and the many, many artists who were there.”
He Toki Maitai can be translated as beautiful toki or foreign/steel toki. A toki is usually translated as ‘adze’ in English. Traditionally, Māori shaped and used toki for several purposes, from gardening to wood carving, and adornment. Jeet has established a career as an outstanding sculptor and carver, having made thousands of toki.
Visit galleries in and around Christchurch and make a day of it.
VIMAGE: Courtesy of Tai Tapu Sculpture Garden.
9-10 & 16-17 MAR 2024
isit Tai Tapu Sculpture Garden, a stunning showcase featuring artworks by some of New Zealand’s most beloved sculptors, as well as mid-career and emerging artists. This year’s exhibition boasts a diverse collection of approximately 100 artworks consisting of indoor and outdoor pieces, small and large scale, sculpted in local stone, iron, steel, bronze, glass, ceramic, flax, and wood. Pack a picnic and take in the beauty of nature and art.
Tai Tapu Sculpture Garden, 1/199 Cossars Road, RD2, Christchurch.
LABOUR: 15 FEB – 20 MAR 2024
A year’s worth of work for her, Viv’s botanical pieces are in coloured pencil, perfectly capturing nature’s detail. Be entranced by her skill, and these exquisite drawings brought to life.
IMAGE: Courtesy of Viv Knowles. Art on the Quay, 176 Williams St, Kaiapoi.
Euan Macleod, who has exhibited extensively in Australia and New Zealand, presents expressive paintings in a landscape setting which speak to love and humanity with the unravelling timelines of youth and old age.
IMAGE: Courtesy of Euan Macleod. PGgallery192, 192 Bealey Ave, Christchurch.
This second collaboration by Jackie and Sarah is inspired by the natural environment and a love of creating art intuitively.
IMAGE: “Dusk to Dawn” by Jackie Hancock, “After the Rain” by Sarah Beal.
Chamber Gallery Rangiora, 141 Percival St, Rangiora.
Fascination and repulsion sit uncomfortably together in Stephen Clarke’s phantom skeletal boats and figures, inspired by the atrocities of Manus and Christmas islands, made from upcycled objects that are both ghastly and intimately familiar.
IMAGE: Stephen Clarke, Tuakitoto to Ōpōreaiti (May 2020).
Oxford Gallery, 72 Main Street, Oxford.
Contemporary and traditional artworks by renowned emerging artists including Llew Summers, Debbie Templeton-Page, Matt Williams, Mike Glover, and Nigel Brown. The gallery holds a selection of high quality artwork to view and to purchase. York Street Gallery, 21 York Street, Timaru.
Julie is a mixed media artist, creating representational paintings, using colour and form found in nature. She draws on a love of birdlife and nature, using the rolling green, trees of the Waikato and the coastal Coromandel Peninsula as inspiration.
Christchurch-based Sean Fietje uses oils to paint realism landscape scenes of Canterbury and the South Island, taking inspiration from beautiful tramps in his youth. Having spent almost 20 years teaching art worldwide, Sean has extensive talent, especially in capturing light sources to reveal subtle textures and details in his works. He aims to allow his viewers to feel they are standing within his paintings.
IMAGE: Sean Fietje, Cass Tracks, Oil on Canvas, 1020 x 510mm.
Get out and about with friends and family over the coming weeks, there’s something for everyone.
Te Matatiki Toi Ora The Arts Centre celebrates the best of the arts this weekend. Set to be bursting with music, comedy, busking, theatre, food, and vibrant entertainment, with lots of free and family-friendly fun. Don’t miss out on this eclectic and exuberant experience. artscentre.org.nz
Immerse yourself in art, nature, and birdsong in this gorgeous native garden, 25 minutes from central Christchurch, surrounded by works for sale from some of New Zealand’s favourite sculptors. taitapusculpturegarden.co.nz
A scenic individual or team triathlon, duathlon or trail running event in the beautiful Godley Head and Taylors Mistake area, with events for all ages and abilities from five years and up. sea2skychallenge.com
Taste the flavours of Southeast Asia at this pop-up food festival, where the city’s best street food vendors are coming to Oxford Terrace to bring flavour and fun to one and all. foodieslocalguides.com
Get out the glitter and get down to The Court Theatre for fabulous shows from comedy legends like the Topp Twins, cabaret superstars, and drag royalty, in celebration of Pride Week. courttheatre.org.nz
Embrace Easter at Canterbury Agriculture Park, and enjoy easter egg hunts, amusement rides, market stalls, food trucks, and live music. eventfinda.co.nz
The chart-topping country-pop sensation, Country Music Award winner, and Metropol interviewee is performing at Christchurch Town Hall, and it’s set to be an unforgettable show. premier.ticketek.co.nz
Celebrate nostalgia and browse a range of antiques, jewellery, furniture, crystalware and more at the Rangiora Racecourse, with nibbles and refreshments available. eventfinda.co.nz
Visit the Christchurch Gondola for loads of fun with friends and family.
Offering stunning 360-degree views of Christchurch, Lyttelton, and beyond to the Southern Alps from the viewing decks after a 10-minute cableway journey, the summit station complex also provides access to various walking tracks throughout the Port Hills.
You’ll find a child-friendly café, an audiovisual Discovery Ride about the history of the area and a well-priced retail store. There’s plenty of parking available plus a bus stop at the door.
Chat to the team about the various ticket options available, including annual passes for unlimited entry to the Christchurch Gondola and Christchurch Tram for 12 months. They’re a fantastic option for Christchurch locals and frequent visitors.
Laser tag and jungle jeeps are the latest additions to Christchurch’s dinosaur-devoted theme park, right in time for family fun at Easter.
An excited Aaron Keown, co-owner of Jurassic Adventure with Peter Gatonyi, says “The park just keeps on growing.” The laser tag, which takes place inside the popular Raptor Run attraction, brings a new level of energy to the park.
From the staging room, enter the maze and assume the role of good or evil in a prehistoric setting. Become a poacher seeking out the raptors, or a gamekeeper doing everything to prevent their capture.
It’s suitable for birthday parties, holiday activities, and caters to burn off any child’s extra energy, yet works equally well to let out pent-up emotions after a week of hard work and ‘adulting’.
Replicating a slice of QEII’s loved and lost Drive World, Jurassic Adventure’s jungle jeeps allow children to drive full-engine vehicles like they’re on the set of Jurassic Park.
The track will be engaging and the experience exhilarating, Aaron adds. “They’ll get to be in control,” he explains.
The ever-popular mini golf and Raptor Run deal continues, with tickets to the maze granting half-price entry to the 18-hole wheelchair-accessible mini golf course.
There’s always excitement and anticipation brewing at Jurassic Adventure, 239A Opawa Road.
Many people think only in terms of the next financial year or, at the most, about the next few decades.
The effects of climate change are one result of this type of short-term thinking.
For years, people have prioritised making a quick buck, which research shows has led to longlasting consequences for our planet; consequences including increased air pollution, widespread deforestation, and rising sea levels.
Thinking beyond just ourselves, and our lifetimes, will help ensure future generations enjoy a liveable world. Let’s not let our descendants live in a Thneedville (the world in which Dr Suess’ The Lorax is set) type dystopia where trees are extinct and the need to purchase air becomes a reality.
Christchurch has a special slice of nature in the heart of Riccarton, and it needs help now to survive for future generations to enjoy and learn from.
Pūtaringamotu/Riccarton Bush needs donations so it can continue to tell the story of Christchurch’s first permanent European settlement, and highlight the importance of native flora and fauna to our local ecosystem so our descendants can continue to
prioritise protecting it.
Since 1914, the Riccarton Bush Trust has sought to protect and enhance Pūtaringamotu Riccarton Bush from ever-increasing pressures brought on by urbanisation, and introduced pests and weeds.
Against all odds, the bush has survived, and today residents and visitors can see it firsthand, and witness conservation efforts.
“This special place, this link to our past, with its unique sights, sounds, smells, culture and history, must be protected and conserved for the people, not only of Waitaha Canterbury, but all of Aotearoa,” says the Trust.
“Pūtaringamotu/Riccarton Bush is a place of living history, a gift to future generations and it must be protected.”
The Riccarton House and Bush Trust acknowledges the current financial challenges faced by everyone and warmly welcomes any donation, even if it is as small as the price of a daily coffee.
Donate via the link below or visit the bush and donate using the handy payWave set up in the Riccarton house.
Certain areas of the boardwalk have started to deteriorate; the concrete paths have become uneven, posing a tripping hazard. Additionally, the signage is outdated, providing visitors with limited information on the cultural importance of this special place.
The Enhancement Project aims to achieve the following objectives:
Integrate Ngāi Tūāhuriri values, associations, and narratives into the design, art, entrance experience, and interpretation of Pūtaringamotu/ Riccarton Bush.
Improve the track system and infrastructure.
Develop the Grove area to accommodate larger groups visiting Pūtaringamotu/ Riccarton Bush.
Provide educational interpretation that encourages engagement and participation.
To ensure the future of Riccarton Bush, $2.4 million is needed to fund the Enhancement Project.
Your donation can help protect, conserve, and enhance this important heritage landmark far into the future.
Style isn’t just for grown-ups - check out some of the coolest goodies and gifts for the little ones, available in and around Christchurch.
from The Playcentre Shop, see online www.playcentreshop.co.nz,
at www.fantailsandroses.co.nz, and
Ivy & Co, www.ivyandco.co.nz,
Little Brown Kiwi, check our Facebook or email littlebkiwi@gmail.com,
in your life, www.swarovski.com.
Now is the time to think ahead, and plan an itinerary to enjoy and explore the village for all those moments in between the action.
Treat yourself to a dopamine rush with one of the many walking tracks around Lyttelton, such as the popular Bridle Path, or the seaside Coastal Path to Corsair Bay. If you’re up high enough too, you might be treated to a unique viewing experience of the sailing. Or lose the crowds for a while and head to Quail Island, home to a serene two-and-a-half-hour loop track.
Discover London Street, the heart of Lyttleton’s retail scene. Stroll past its shops and eateries, deciding where you’d like to enjoy your spare time. Whether you cocktail-hop or browse a few local artisans, set time aside to enjoy the stores and cuisine at leisure.
rom Simone Rocha’s runways to our local streets, they’re seen decorating hairstyles and shoes, some ribbons even tied into bows on singlet straps or the buttonholes of a shirt. Everything is circular in fashion, and bows are certainly coming back big. Feminine and sweet, bows add a subtly chic, yet youthful touch to a look. They’re a way to adopt a bit of high fashion with only a few dollars, and can be manipulated into the size, length, or colour that’s preferable with a trip to the fabric store.
Details: Gloria cheek and lip tint
Find Me: Aleph x Kate Sylvester
Parker tailored red jacket
Find Me: Camilla and Marc
Cherry Red’s fiery colour wheel seamlessly complements Lunar New Year and Dragon capsule collections, making it easy to blend both trend and occasion into your wardrobe.
Details: Boyfriend Year of the Dragon shirt
Lily off the shoulder top
Find Me:
Parker red
Find Me:
Camilla and Marc
Details: Tiffanys dress
Find Me: Caitlin Crisp
Details: Sweet Alhambra effeuillage earrings, rose gold, carnelian, round diamond
Find Me: Van Cleef & Arpels
Bias Cut Year of the Dragon pants
Find Me: Silk Laundry
Find Me: Silk Laundry
Rosie scarlett red mini bag
Find Me: Aje
Details: Marley deep red patent heel
Find Me: Mi Piaci
Vagamann Nissa red
Find Me: REPRESENT Footwear
Here at Metropol, our team is lucky enough to receive some of the latest beauty and fashion products to try, so we thought we’d share some with our readers.
My first picks are both serums, which as I get older, I find I’m turning to more often. In a skincare regime, it is best to apply serum before moisturiser, giving the skin more opportunity to absorb all of the active ingredients.
A triple action serum, this one smooths lines while lifting and firming the skin. Crafted to lift, brighten, tighten, and plump skin on application, I enjoy the fact that it is made using premium natural and organic ingredients, such as gleditsia triacanthos seed and nannochloropsis occula extracts, hyaluronic acid, sea buckthorn berry oil, avocado, jojoba and olive oils, and also probiotic ingredients.
A facial serum, this one has been created to prevent premature skin ageing caused by external aggressions, for sensitive and sensitised skin. A long-lasting, thin moisturising concentrate, I found it cooling on the skin when applied, and it it sank easily into my skin, leaving a smooth base which proved good for under makeup. Key ingredients include a fucose polymer that helps soothe inflammation, antioxidants Carnosine and Vitamin E, plus red sage polyphenols provide a potent anti-inflammatory action.
Ask any time-pressed person what they could not live without and often the answer is a manicure or pedicure.
One recently established nail studio steadily building its clientele believes success stems from its point of difference.
Aura Nail Studio promotes the “aesthetic manicure and pedicure” - four words which underline the purpose of the business and the philosophy of its owner/operator.
Tamana Sandhu began her nail career in Hawke’s Bay seven-years ago, and the expertise she has accumulated in that time is evidenced by her work.
Tamana excels in manicures (including French manicures) and pedicures, extensions, gels and acrylics, hot stone massage therapies, and dry skin treatments. Be it a wedding, event, or party, discuss your envisioned look with Tamana and watch her weave nail magic.
A 10% discount promotion starts you on your journey to beautiful nails, then pass on the happiness by gifting your favourite people with an in-house gift voucher. “Being the sole face of the business brings an authentic one-on-one service. I love seeing people leave much happier than when they arrived.”
Easy wheelchair access and a private bathroom make for ultimate convenience. Call Tamana on 021 516 616 to book an appointment. Follow on Facebook and Instagram.
The secret to glowing skin is Janesce. We believe in the power of concentrated plant actives, and Janesce contains up to 70% more plant actives than many other botanical ranges. Start with our fabulous new Hydrate & Glow pack. The Beauty Parlour | www.thebeautyparlour.co.nz |
Experience the Hifu advantage in Selwyn! Elevate your skin’s wellness without the hassle of driving into town. Visit us today and uncover its remarkable possibilities first hand!
Acacia Skin Health & Beauty, winner of the New Zealand Dermapen High Performance Practitioner of the Year 2023, is your trusted beauty salon to go to. Call us today for a complimentary consultation..
You have found New Zealand’s premier laser tattoo removal and lightening specialists. We have searched the globe to bring you the best laser removal tools that we could find, the Cynosure Medlite C6 and the PicoSure. With these machines we are able to target ALL colours and ensure the best possible results using the correct wavelengths. Book your free consultation today!
www.sacredlaser.co.nz | Ph: 022 035 8349
GERnétic Laboratories do not imagine, they research and study, and understand the difference between mature and young skin.
‘Applied Cellular Biology’ is the science behind the resulting products, and these products have captured a global fanbase.
Wendy Barker of Beauty Progress is a facial therapist of 37 years. Wendy chose GERnétic skin and body products in accordance with her knowledge of skin and its needs.
Combine Wendy’s knowledge and passion for skincare with the GERnétic team’s fervour for their brand, and customers are assured of outstanding results in relaxation and skin therapies.
Prior to each GERnétic facial, especially for new customers, a consultation involving questions as to lifestyle, specific skin conditions, and their intolerances, helps form a diagnosis and start the correct journey.
Skin problems can range from dull skin, excess shine, blackheads, dehydration, loss of elasticity, excess keratinisation, and loss of muscle mass, through to irritated, red congested skin, spots and pigmentation, reactive, sensitive skin, and bags and dark circles under the eyes.
Contact Wendy on 03 3794 315 to book a luxurious facial and skin consultation, or book online.
If you have a problem hearing, this is the month to do something about it.
March is Hearing Awareness Month, raising awareness for the experiences of the 880,000+ New Zealanders who are deaf or hard of hearing. Hearing is essential for maintaining relationships and connections with friends and family, fully participating in team and community activities, and experiencing life events. Hearing makes it possible to engage, listen, laugh, and enjoy many of the things that help shape your quality of life.
New Zealand Hearing explains that there are three types of hearing loss:
Sensorineural hearing loss—a sensory loss refers to damage to the inner ear (the cochlea), whereas neural loss refers to damage to the auditory nerve cells (those in the central pathway). Often, hearing loss is a combination of both.
Common causes for sensorineural hearing loss are aging, noise, and genetics. Permanent, with no known cure, it can be treated with hearing aids.
Conductive hearing loss means there is a problem sending the sound to the inner ear. Sound is not conducting through properly. The inner ear is not damaged and capable of representing the sound accurately to the nerve. Depending on the cause, this type of hearing loss may be medically treatable, and an audiologist can discuss appropriate action.
Common causes for conductive hearing loss are ear infections, earwax build-up, and damage to the eardrum.
Mixed Hearing Loss—means there is some type of obstruction where sound cannot get to the inner (conductive hearing loss), and some type of damage to the inner ear or the nerves (sensorineural hearing loss).
A full diagnostic evaluation will allow your audiologist to determine what type of hearing loss you have, and how much of your loss is related to conductive or sensorineural.
Our brains are deeply interconnected with our social, spiritual, and physical health, making good brain function or brain health essential to quality of life and longevity.
Sadly, as the population ages, the number of people suffering neurological disorders increases, and so too do the challenges for the preservation of brain health. In the coming decades, governments will face increasing demand for treatment, rehabilitation, and support services for neurological disorders.
Stroke, migraine, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, and meningitis, are the largest contributors to neurological disability. Research shows that about one in four adults will have a stroke in their lifetime, from the age of 25 years onwards, and predictions are that roughly 152 million people worldwide will be living with dementia by 2050.
Medically, neurological disorders that cause brain dysfunction can be classified into three groups:
• Brain diseases with overt damage to brain structures, such as cerebrovascular diseases, traumatic brain injury, brain tumours, meningitis, and communication and sensory disorders.
• Functional brain disorders with detectable destruction of brain connections or networks, such as neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementias) and mental disorders (schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, alcoholism, and drug abuse).
• Other brain disorders without detectable structural or functional impairment, such as migraine and sleep disorders.
In Christchurch, the BrainTree Wellness Centre is an innovative, first-of-its-kind facility that supports people living with neurological conditions to live well in the community. The centre opened its doors to the community in July 2022, and since then, thanks to ongoing fundraising efforts, has supported hundreds of people in the community.
Warm, inviting, modern, professional and at the forefront of radiology in Canterbury.
Words such as these instil confidence, and that’s essential when dealing with medical matters.
The team at New Zealandowned clinician-led radiology practice Beyond Radiology, in Merivale, know that and they deliver on all counts.
The practice is indeed “beyond” the concept many patients may have of radiology clinics. A first-class patient-centred experience is the prime focus and begins the moment a patient walks through the door. Welcomed by the friendly team, patients are then guided through their imaging journey with dignity, respect and compassion.
Chief Medical Officer Dr Philip Clark ensured the careful design of the clinic would create a calm and accessible environment where each patient’s comfort is prioritised.
Of course, it’s the imaging service that patients come to the clinic for, and that is state-of-the art. “We offer the best image quality available, with a complete suite of modalities including MRI, CT, ultrasound, and X-Ray equipment for diagnostic and interventional procedures,” explains practice manager, Serena Hitchings.
“Our latest 3T MRI scanners utilise some of the most up-to-date Artificial Intelligence technology to produce incredibly sharp images of fine bone structures and cartilage detail that could not previously be seen. Referees are extremely impressed with the clarity of the scans. The scanner rooms
are also designed to minimise stress with beautiful floral decals on the ceiling in the MRI and CT rooms. Alleviating stress and putting the patients’ needs first is of paramount importance to us,” says Serena.
Patients can also be assured that the clinic’s CT, X-Ray and ultrasound equipment is the latest, most sophisticated technology. The latest gadgets, however, are nothing without the team of experienced radiologists who interpret the findings and provide reports to referring clinicians.
“We have an incredibly talented, highly skilled team of radiologists covering specialities including musculoskeletal, neurology and paediatrics who provide precision and clarity in reports,” says Serena. “We also provide patients secure access via our innovative Patient Portal to view their own images and reports online–something they really appreciate”.
Since opening in March 2023, the clinic has grown to keep up with demand from patients and referrers alike. “We have expanded to include a site at Dudley Creek Health, Strowan, and the recent installation of our second MRI scanner means greater capacity and shorter waiting times for patients,” adds Serena.
Beyond Radiology is striving for better health outcomes, setting new standards of care for patients in Canterbury, while going above and beyond every single day.
Call 03 964 7459 or visit the website.
Anyone who loves Korean food will be familiar with kimchi. Mild or fiery, it’s your choice depending on how much chilli you add. This is a basic recipe using cabbage, although other vegetables—such as carrots, capsicum, cucumber—may also be added.
1 medium cabbage 1/4 cup sea salt
Water, preferably distilled or filtered
1 Tbsp grated garlic (5 to 6 cloves)
1 Tsp grated peeled fresh ginger
1 Tsp granulated sugar
2 Tbsp fish sauce or salted shrimp paste, or 3 Tbsp water
1-5 Tbsp red chilli flakes
1 cup Korean radish or daikon radish, peeled and cut into matchsticks
4 medium spring onions, trimmed and cut into 2.5cm pieces
1 litre jar or 4 smaller jars with canning or closable lids
Cut the cabbage into 5cm strips, after removing the core.
Place the cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle with the salt. Massage the salt into the cabbage until it softens.
Cover the cabbage with water, place a plate and heavy weight on top, and let stand for 1-2 hours.
Rinse the cabbage under cold water three times. Drain for 15-20 minutes.
Make the spice paste. Mix the garlic, ginger, sugar, and fish sauce, shrimp paste, or water, and stir into a smooth paste. Stir in the chilli flakes, using one tablespoon for mild and up to five tablespoons for spicy. Set aside until the cabbage is ready.
Gently squeeze any remaining water from the cabbage and add it to the spice paste. Add the radish and spring onions, and mix thoroughly, until all the vegetables are coated.
Pack the kimchi into the jar, then press down on the kimchi until the brine liquid that comes out of it covers it. Leave a 3cm space at the top, and seal the jar.
Leave to ferment for one to five days, at cool room temperature, out of direct sunlight.
Check the kimchi once a day, opening the jar and pressing down on the vegetables with a clean finger or spoon to keep them submerged under the brine. When the kimchi tastes ripe enough for your liking, transfer the jar to the refrigerator.
Kimchi can be eaten right away, but is best after a couple of weeks.
Can be refrigerated for a few months. Too much garlic can make the kimchi bitter. Too much ginger can make it sticky.
Looking for your next oasis? Look no further than Thirsty Acres Kirwee.
Whether you’re looking for a hearty meal to fuel your day, a light snack, or a few drinks with friends, Thirsty Acres restaurant has got you covered. Including a range of vegetarian and gluten-free options. We believe that dining and drinking should be an experience, and we strive to make your visit a memorable one.
Great Alpine Highway No.73
Ph. 03 318 1814
Find us on: www.thirstyacres.co.nz
The Phat Duck Brew Bar + Kitchen is all about serving heartwarming fare and beverages in a family-friendly atmosphere welcoming everyone.
Open from 8am for breakfast and coffees.
Check out our amazing new lunch menu including this delicious Thai Duck Salad.
360 West Street, Allenton, Ashburton
P. 03 3077032
Q: What makes a mad hatter mad?
A: Missing a trip to the White Rabbit Café.
You will leave smiling like a Cheshire cat and feel fitter than a March Hare after you’ve had your magical food and quenched your thirst with one of our delicious drinks.
Our food is of the highest quality fit for a Mad Hatters Tea Party.
1683 Christchurch Akaroa Rd
Ph: 022 156 7527
Find us on:
Find us on: www.phatduck.co.nz
Enjoy a refreshing drink, a fun night but a clear head and healthy body tomorrow. Monday makes non-alcoholic drinks and adult beverages that taste like your favourite cocktails and look the part too. Sugar Free. Alcohol Free. Forever tasteful. Contact us today for a special clearance price on Classic Gin, Exotic Gin, Margarita Spritz, and Coconut Margarita. Just $10 for 24 bottles!
Call 027 520 2250 or email brentforbes@me.com
Find us on: www.mondaydistillery.com
Experience Vietnam’s culinary delights at our restaurant! From fragrant Pho to fresh Chop Chop Bun Salad or crispy Spring Rolls, our menu offers a delicious journey through Vietnamese cuisine. Using traditional recipes and fresh ingredients, we bring the authentic flavours of Vietnam to your plate. Join us for a mouthwatering dining experience!
23 Mandeville St, Riccarton
P. 03 925 9744
194C Williams St, Kaiapoi
P. 03 327 5009
Find us on: www.saigonsister.co.nz
BEE stands for long days in the sun, BBQs with mates, creativity and individualism. BEE celebrates everything you want to BEE. Our naturally brewed BEE-licious alcoholic lemonade, and now Pink Lemonade is available from grocery and liquor stores across New Zealand. What do you want to BEE?
Available from select New Worlds, PAKn’SAVES, Liquorlands and more!
us on:
Maddison Eatery is a gorgeous licensed eatery based in Rolleston with a delicious all day menu, a special charcoal cooked grill menu for evenings and a range of outstanding cocktails, local wines and beers. Come and experience great food and service in a beautiful rustic venue with outdoor dining and games for the kids available.
971 Goulds Road, Rolleston Ph. 021 0230 2045
Find us on: www.maddisoneatery.co.nz
Join Christchurch’s coolest foodie club! Get exclusive dining experiences and deals in over 100 local eateries!
Whether it’s a long lunch, date night, birthday brunch or after work drinks, we’ve got something for you! Start on our free membership today!
Find us on: www.treat.nz
Grandma’s Lunch
Every Sunday Entree Main Dessert $65
Menu changes weekly
Travel to the South of France in an instantno need for your passport to experience exquisite French wines and delectable culinary delights. We offer over 300 varieties of wine, including a large number or everyday wines to be enjoyed with dinner at home; some occasional wines that are perfect to enjoy with friends; and an exclusive selection of exceptional vintage wines for your collection or for those special occasions.
Wed-Sat: 5pm till late.
Sunday 12-3pm, 5pm-late 1027 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
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If incredible food, craft beer and exceptional customer service is what you enjoy, you won’t be disappointed. Set in an idyllic rural setting just 7 mins out of Geraldine. Chef Dion and the team will wow you with their amazing food while Lisa and The Brew Crew show you what top service is all about. New summer menu now available, please book ahead to avoid disappointment.
3 Gualter Road, Geraldine Ph/txt. 029 0202 0399 info@houseofhop.co.nz
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Our ever-popular Avocado on Toast. A healthy breakfast that will kick-start your day in the best possible way.
Vegan, gluten free and keto options available, and fantastic coffee as always.
Eat in, takeaway and catering available. Easily accessible, with parking directly outside.
4/57 Mandeville Street, Riccarton Ph. 03 343 6394
Find us on:
Gold Card Lunches Mon-Fri
Mon/Tue Wood-fired pizzas $22
Tues Quiz night - free entry & prizes
Wednesday $18 Burgers
Thursday Rib night $22
Sunday Roast $24
Function Room - fundraisers/private functions
Takeaways available.
Open 7 days: 11.30am-late
Weedons Ross Road, West Melton Village Ph 03 421 6481
Merivale’s Best Little Local. Discover our relaxed, dog friendly tavern, with 18 craft beers + ciders on tap, wines, spirits, non-alc, plus exceptional meals. Our two decks ensure all day sun for you and your furry friend!
Takeaways (food + beer) available, Quiz Night every 2nd Tues + monthly events.
Open Tues - Thu from 3.30pm, Fri from 2.30pm, Sat - Sun from midday.
7 St Albans Street, Merivale Ph: 03 260 0015
Find us on: sprigandferntaverns.co.nz
The Fine Lion welcomes you to Ashburton with a relaxed atmosphere and a delectable menu for casual dining.
Drop in for a meal with friends, a snack or a drink at the bar - check out the full cocktail menu!
Our very popular private outdoor, heated balcony area is the place to be seen all year-round. Drop in and see what everyone is talking about.
Level 1, 152 Burnett St, Ashburton
Ph. 03 307 0629
Whether you’re hosting a corporate luncheon, birthday party, or a casual get-together, we’ve got you covered with delicious and freshly prepared platters of salads, pastries, and Asian-inspired hors d’oeuvre. Don’t settle for boring catering options, let Daily Wonders make your event extra special. Contact us today to place your catering order and impress your guests!
31 Birmingham Drive, Middleton hello@dailywonders.co.nz
Find us on: @dailywonderscafe
Eat - Drink - Play
New Menu - Daily Specials
• Functions • Quiz Nights • Meetings! Superb food, great prices.
Ample free parking! Your new local!
Open 7 Days 10am til Late HNZ Excellence 2023 CANTERBURY ‘BEST LOCAL’
Find us on: www.thefinelion.co.nz
1 Normans Road, Strowan
Ph: 03 355 5345
Find us on: www.theelmwood.co.nz
Our new class timetable is out now. With some favourite classes and some new editions there is plenty to choose from. Whether it be a private dining experience, cooking class, team building “Masterchef Challenge”, or one of our other amazing options, we have the package available to suit your needs.
Make going out to dinner a memorable occasion.
Upstairs - Riverside Market
Cnr Lichfield St & Oxford Tce Ph 021 168 7209
Find us on: www.riversidekitchen.co.nz
Aroy Thai Eatery is a hip and trendy yet casual local Eatery established in Wellington in 2008.
Priced for value, our menu features delicious authentic Thai options of appetisers, noodles, and classic Thai dishes as well as house-made Thai beverages and Thai Desserts. We are open 7 days.
20 Waimairi Road, Upper Riccarton
Ph. 03 341 1384
Find us on: www.aroy.co.nz
This pasta is “right up there” as one of cook Kitty Williams’ favourite recipes in her new book Just a Little Bit Naughty. Her advice is not to be put off by the vodka in this dish, as it gives the sauce an incredible depth.
500ml cream
2 shallots, finely diced
1 garlic clove, finely diced
400g shell pasta
280g tomato paste
150g parmesan cheese, grated
1 Tsp chilli flakes
1/4 cup vodka
Mozzarella balls
1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs
1 Tbsp dried oregano
1 Tbsp dried mixed herbs
1/2 garlic clove, finely diced
Preheat oven to 200 deg C.
Bring a pot of water to the boil and add pasta shells. Cook until al dente.
Place a pan over a medium heat and add a knob of butter along with the shallots, chilli flakes, and garlic. Stir for a couple of minutes or until the shallots are translucent. Add the tomato paste and stir. The tomato paste needs to darken. Let parts of it stick to the pan. This adds to the flavour. Add the vodka which will deglaze the pan. Stir for at least a minute, then add cream.
Simmer and let the sauce reduce. Season to taste and add parmesan cheese. Add the pasta shells to the sauce and stir. Transfer to a baking dish, add mozzarella, and put in the oven until the cheese has melted.
Place a pan over a medium to high heat and add butter, panko crumbs, garlic, dried herbs, and keep stirring until golden brown.
Garnish the pasta with more parmesan cheese, breadcrumbs, and fresh basil.
Here’s to is a beautifully crafted New Zealand Vodka. Here’s to was designed to elemenate any bad association to vodka. Its smooth taste and finish has been recognised throughout the world.
With a great foothold in Christchurch and the nation’s most recognised bars, make sure you ask for our vodka to support local this summer!
Find us on:
We are famous around Canterbury as specialists in rustic home-cooked savoury and sweet foods.
We have heaps of great gift ideas in our store, championing all that is local and you will not find a better wine or craft beer selection anywhere on the Peninsula.
Open 7 days.
Main Road, Little River Ph 03 325 1933
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We have just the Tonic for you… whether it be a pick me up cocktail, wine or two, or our exquisite menu. Whether you are in for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the menu is fresh and quirky with a touch of science. And don’t forget the awesome coffee, with takeaway available.
Close enough for a walk in Hagley Park before or after dining with us.
See you soon at Town Tonic.
335 Lincoln Road, Addington Ph 03 338 1150
Find us on: www.towntonic.com
Fig is your favourite suburban restaurant located within the newly refurbished Hotel Elms. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner daily along with an array of cocktails, Fig is an oasis just outside the city. Hosting your next conference or event is simplified with our custom catering options. Join us at Fig for an unforgettable meal!
456 Papanui Road, Christchurch Bookings: 03 352 4903 or ravi@hotelelms.co.nz
Find us on: www.hotelelms.co.nz
Casual beachside eatery and bar for brunch favourites and house-made cakes. Dinner of modern small plates to share with friends.
Great coffee, tea and local wines, beers and gins. Check out our website or Facebook page for regular events.
16 Beach Road, North New Brighton Ph. 03 382 8599
Find us on:
Repetition makes reputation and reputation makes excited customers.
We have built an awesome reputation at Saket Edgeware, NOW we have also opened a Saket at Prebbleton!
The same mouthwatering dishes from unique Sakeet recipes. Exotic, and spicy authentic Indian cuisine now in Prebbleton and Edgeware. 10% discount on takeaways.
563 Springs Rd, Unit 14, Prebbleton Village
76 Edgeware Road, St Albans
Find us on: www.saket.co.nz
When searching for a venue to host an event, a long established and well-renowned venue cannot be overlooked.
If the venue holds a proud record of serving its community well, the search ends here.
Cashmere Club boasts a rich history of over 45 years hosting weddings, private and corporate functions, fundraisers and seminars. With four rooms to choose from, all space and atmosphere requirements are sorted.
The Garden Bar’s partial glass ceiling truly brings the outdoors in. With direct access to both garden and children’s playground, it seats 120 people or 170 standing.
The Cashmere Lounge seats 50 people or 70 standing. Bi-folding doors make for perfect indoor/outdoor flow. While the Heathcote Lounge is the ideal intimate space, seating 40 people or 50 standing.
The Sports Hall regularly hosts sports events and shows. It seats 250 people or 350 standing. A PA system, mics, and whiteboards are also available.
Kayla Woolley, function and events manager, works together
with the head chef and clients to achieve their dream wedding reception.
“We’ve got great food and great people. We constantly receive compliments about our warm and friendly staff. We always say nothing is a problem.”
Contact Kayla on 03 332 0092 to book a consultation.
Indulge guilt-free this Easter with our delectable gluten-free hot cross buns! Made with premium ingredients and bursting with traditional spices, each bun is soft and perfectly crafted for everyone to enjoy the classic taste.
Just $16.99 per packet of 6. Order now! Final orders by 3pm Friday 22 March.
The Provedore, Bush Inn Centre, 20 Waimairi Rd (in front of Coreys Butchery and beside the local Produce market)
Ph. 022 691 8809
Find us on:
Riverview Restaurant open Tuesday through Sunday for lunch and dinner.
Enjoy our new summer menu in beautiful outdoor areas including a kids playground for the little ones.
• Private functions
• Weddings
• Birthdays
• Fundraisers
50 Colombo Street, Cashmere Ph: 03 332 0092
Find us on: www.cashmereclub.co.nz
Savour authentic Chinese cuisine, delighting in true flavours. Our chefs have all worked in 5-star hotels in China, and exhibit exquisite skills, presenting regional specialties, notably Sichuan dishes.
Join us to explore a culinary journey and taste the essence of Chinese cuisine.
Addington Mall, 300 Lincoln Road
Call ot txt: 021 289 9608
Dine at Formosa for exquisite flavours and a stellar ambience. A perfect blend of culinary excellence awaits you!
173 West Street, Ashburton Ph 03 308 7874 info@formosainash.com
Find us on: www.formosainash.com
Born as a humble food truck in 2015, our culinary journey has evolved, and we’re thrilled to announce that we have opened our first restaurant. Join us on this gastronomic adventure as we bring the spirit of global street food to a vibrant restaurant setting.
The world is our kitchen, and we can’t wait to share it with you at The Vagabond Chefs – where the journey began, and the taste never ends.
6/987 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
Find us on: www.thevagabondchefs.co.nz
The Rabbit is definitely out of the hat! Ashburton has recently performed the ultimate act of magic with the opening of “The Rabbit – Cocktail & Dessert Bar”. The Rabbit is a memorable journey into a fantasy world, offering beauty, relaxation and sensory food and drink adventures - day and night. The décor is magical and the food and drink menu is divine. Bookings are recommended.
110 Victoria Street, Ashburton, Ph. 03 932 7847
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There is no substitute for perfect repetition. A brand new Cocoa Black will be opened on 23 February in the Old Brick Mill, Waikukuwith all new features, a beautiful garden, and the same Cocoa Black quality you’ve come to expect. Wherever you are in Christchurch, there is a Cocoa Black just a short drive away. Come in and see what all the fuss is about!
4 handy locations:
1473 Main North Rd, Waikuku, Merivale Mall, Bishopdale Mall
110 The Runway, Wigram
Ph. 03 974 9198
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Smoke ‘n’ Barrel takes classic low ‘n’ slow BBQ and combines it with local products and the international experience of our chefs to create flavours like nowhere else. Order a meat board and sides for the whole table or pop in for a beef brisket reuben and a craft beer. Quiz nights, movie nights and Sunday Roast Beast run weekly. Book online.
616 Ferry Road, Woolston Ph. 03 260 1558
Find us on: www.smokenbarrel.com
Cnr Main South Rd & Trents Rd
Ph. 03 349 7022
At The Golden Mile we pride ourselves on our consistently delicious meals ranging from Freshly Battered Blue Cod & Chips to our famous Roast. Also, our Breakfast menu is available from 9am on weekends with something for everyone - bring the family! Check out our full menu on our website and Facebook page. Find us on: www.thegoldenmile.co.nz
Celebrate every occasion with our Thai dishes that are fresh, healthy, and simply unforget-table.
A healthy Thai that tastes different from the experienced Thai chef, who is passionate about serving his special sauces. Vegan, gluten-free options available. Eat in for big group,s and takeaways are welcome. Plenty of parking outside.
8/77 Hilton St, Kaiapoi
Ph. 0210 710 935
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Head west to West Melton for a beautiful winery lunch experience.
Melton Estate is the home of Summer Love and eight other wines.
Gather your friends and family for a short drive and treat yourself to stunning local wine and fine fare.
Open for lunch Thurs to Sun, 10am to 5pm. Bookings essential.
Cnr Weedons Ross & Johnson Rds
West Melton
Ph 03 347 4968
Find us on: www.meltonestate.co.nz
All our delicious pies, savouries, quiches, and sausage rolls are made here onsite.
Choose from: Mince, Mince & Cheese, Steak, Steak & Cheese, Peppered Steak, Steak & Mushroom, Steak, Cheese & Bacon, Steak, Cheese & Jalapeño, Gourmet Chicken, Chicken & Apricot, Chicken & Mushroom, Chicken, Cranberry & Camembert. Sandwiches made fresh daily using top quality bread and fillings.
Open Mon - Fri 6am - 4pm, Sat 7am - 3pm
7a Normans Road, Elmwood
Ph: 021 144 1059
If you are looking for coffee on the go or a gourmet meal, Cafe Mayfield is the stop for you. Dine in or takeaway here as you go through the beautiful Mid Canterbury scenic route. We provide a diverse menu, including barista coffee, all day breakfast, Sally’s homemade sausage rolls, fish and chips, and much, much more. Make us your next stop for the whole family; we even have a playground for the kids!
1992 Arundel Rakaia Gorge Rd, Mayfield
Ph: 03 303 6210
Find us on:
South East Asian dishes that are often described as a “Taste of Heaven”.
All our food is freshly cooked to perfection which has made NomNom a true Chch icon with their warm, inviting setting – perfect for every occasion. Our wine list has the perfect match for your choice of dishes. Consistently delighting all who visit. Perfect Ambiance, Awesome Food, Great Wine.
7 Normans Road, Strowan
Ph: 03 355 3909
Find us on: www.nomnomkitchen.co.nz
Xbeerience is a small craft beer ‘taste & takeaway’ shop with 25 tap beers & ciders in the heart of the Faringdon Village. We are here to help craft beer lovers access the rare and non-mainstream tipples they desire, not to mention He-shed and She-shed memorabilia, home brew supplies and good yarns about the industry and its products.
4a 55 Faringdon Boulevard, Rolleston
Ph: 027 458 7946
Find us on: www.xbeerience.co.nz
Discover in the heart of Christchurch, beside Victoria Park, The Victoria Free House Pub. Indulge tasty food, local wines, craft beers, and curated cocktails in the Historic Lady Issac House.
Family-friendly and kids’ menu available. Open 7 days from midday, serving lunch and dinner.
779 Colombo Street, Chch P. 03 925 9280 pub@thevictoriafreehouse.co.nz
Find us on: thevictoriafreehouse.co.nz
A big thank you from all of us at Ris’tretto cafe for your continuous support. Award winning fair trade coffee roasters. St Albans most loved community café, offering its award winning No. 1 fair trade organic coffee, specialising in homemade sweets and savouries including gluten-free/ dairy-free wares, all day brunch menu and featuring indoor/outdoor dining area.
Open 7 days: 8.30am - 3pm
670 Barbados Street, St Albans
Ph. 03 385 8670
Find us on:
Gatehouse Cafe, a hidden gem in Canterbury, offers an inviting atmosphere perfect for gatherings of friends, families, and cyclists. Open 7 days to enjoy exceptional food, and good coffee on a lovely deck with a charming rural backdrop.
Catering to various dietary needs, the cafe also features indoor/outdoor dining, excellent service, a dog-friendly environment, and a private meeting room for 12.
185a Kirk Rd, Templeton 03 344 2052 info@gatehousecafe.co.nz
Find us on: www.gatehousecafe.co.nz
Your new local hangout in the CBD!
• Great vibe
• Secluded outdoor area
• Good music
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• Open till 3am weekends
185a Manchester Street, Christchurch Ph. 027 883 6236
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Superb food, great prices.
Ample free parking! Your new local!
Open 7 Days 10am til Late
HNZ Excellence 2023 CANTERBURY
1 Normans Road, Strowan
Ph: 03 355 5345
Find us on: www.theelmwood.co.nz
Queenstown’s well-loved Japanese restaurant has arrived on The Terrace Precinct. Tanoshi offers Osaka-inspired Japanese tapas and a ‘build your own ramen’ concept with extensive sake and whiskey lists, and Japanese lagers on tap.
It all began only a few years ago with maple syrup—the very best quality organic-certified maple syrup from family farms in Canada and Vermont, imported into New Zealand. It’s now stocked by the major New Zealand supermarket chains.
Entrepreneur Isaac Firestone of Whole Harry Wholefoods wanted more. He wanted a way of utilising the maple syrup in a gourmet food product. And so along came Well and Truly
gourmet food stores with its new Natural Abundance range of dehydrated crackers. These artisan products, hand-crafted on site in Christchurch by its baking team are plant-based, high in protein, gluten-
The crackers are in unique and tempting flavours of apple, hemp, tomato, or kumara. “Crunchy, delicious, and addictive, these crackers are good for you, and like everything we do, taste good as
First Australia–next stop the See the website for recipes.
How good is salmon?
So easy, so healthy and so convenient –call in and see us at Salmon Heaven.
The Provedore, Bush Inn Centre, Chch - and -
124 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland
Ph. 0800 222 811
Find us on: www.salmonheaven.nz
Lake Hood - Ashburton
A stunning lake side restaurant and functions venue, open for lunch and dinner. Enjoy our NEW fully covered and heated dining area on the deck for the ultimate in lakeside dining with beautiful views over the lake to the alps.
The perfect venue for functions – weddings, family celebrations or a day trip for lunch. 5mins off the main highway from Ashburton.
Lake Hood Drive, Lake Hood, Ashburton
Ph 03 302 6064 info@lakehouselakehood.co.nz
Find us on: www.lakehouselakehood.co.nz
Cameron Douglas MS
Your good old neighbourhood Savoire Cafe in Merivale has been operating for more than 15 years. We are excited to announce that under new ownership and management, we will carry on offering fresh seasonal cabinet selections, our delicious homemade baking and a new al la carte menu coming soon! We are here for your caffeine fix and can cater for all dietary requirements. We can’t wait to see you all at Savoire Cafe and share some times together!
189 Papanui Rd, Merivale
Ph. 03 355 5645
Find us on: www.savoirecafe.co.nz
Hillary House Restaurant and Bar provides classic Kiwi cuisine including our very popular roasts, alongside all your favourites from around the world.
Many of our dishes can be altered to be vegetarian or gluten-free. Just ask!
Our chef has 17 years of cooking experience, and extensive knowledge of Mount Everest. Fully licensed. Open 7 days 11am-9pm.
493 Papanui Road, Papanui, Chch
Ph. 021 0838 5337
Find us on: www.hillaryhouserestaurant.co.nz
Esses Estate creates sophisticated sparkling for every occasion. Esses is a premium producer of vintage Méthode Traditionnelle. Esses Estate offers exclusive private tasting experiences, which are hosted by the owners, in their house on the vineyard. This is a unique tasting experience and bookings are essential.
Esses Estate has been named in the Top Wineries in New Zealand for 2023.
280 Postmans Rd, Kaikoura
Ph: 021 256 4383
Find us on: www.esseswine.com
Newly opened Chinese restaurant located in central Riccarton. It is a must go place!
With very unique hand pulled noodles and hand made dumplings, and of course lots of delicious Chinese cuisines.
Plenty parking on site, bring your family and friends, and your dinner is sorted.
74 Riccarton Road, Riccarton
Ph. 03 322 1060
Providing hot beverages and sweet prepackaged snacks around the community. We are avaliable for bookings, private events, sports events, markets, corporate events. Also daily or weekly coffee runs to work places. We look forward to meeting you at your next event.
Ph Mel: 022 396 4092
screaminbeanscoffe.wixsite.com/ screamin-beans
Give your salads and BBQs a spicy and fruity lift with our extensive range of sauces, marinades and dressings. Drizzle over a warm lamb salad to bring it to life, baste some pork ribs or chicken wings for finger-licking, sticky goodness. Shop online or visit us at Riccarton Sunday Market.
0800 244 554 (0800 CHILLI)
Yummy things for humans!
Yummy things for dogs!
Fresh baking is my family’s love language! Yummy homemade treats for humans and dogs from Una Bakery. Relax and let us do your baking. Pop into our great location and indulge in our heavenly baked goods. Delicious pies, bread, slices, biscuits and pastries all made on site.
Serving barista coffee 6 days a week.
73 Centaurus Road, Huntsbury
Ph: 337 8214
Country Kitchen Bakery now offers sports supplement drinks with your food for all you hard working tradie or fitness fanatics. Prime, C4, Ghost, Optimum Nutrition, Musashi, GFUEL, etc. All the big brands!
Most are priced between $3.30-$6.50
356b Main North Road, Redwood
Next to Mobil Garage
Ph: 03 352 8111
invites you to treat your tastebuds and support a fabulous local eatery at the same time.
The only hard part is deciding where to go first!
Caffe 1808 has a fabulous selection of fresh food, all made on site daily. Come and visit us and pair your food with a fine Italian coffee, a selection of teas or a delicious smoothie.
Open Mon-Fri 7am-3.30pm.
23 Islington Avenue, Waterloo Business Park, Islington www.caffe1808.co.nz
Our Easter Opening Hours are:
Fri & Sat 6am-5.30pm, Closed Sunday & Monday
Taking orders for Hot X Buns.
Now available bread, buns, pies, sandwiches, sweet treats & more. Catering orders welcome.
346 Halswell Road
Ph. 03 322 4600
Cater for a crowd with our fresh and vibrant platters or grazing tables. We help bring people together using exceptional local produce, easy ordering and free delivery within our travel range. For cost effective catering, head to our website!
getgrazy@gmail.com www.getgrazy.co.nz
When delicious flavours come together, a spectrum of colours emerges. Experience the exquisite taste and vibrant hues at omi sushi.
ach encourages a unique set of moods and behaviours. The autumn shortening of daylight brings thoughts of cosy indoor living. We aspire to a home environment that both protects us from, and prepares us for, the daily adventure that is the South Island’s volatile winter climate.
If your home requires anything from tweaking to full scale renovation, then the team at DGI Morgan are the people to talk to.
Adding double glazing to some or all of your windows is easy with company owner David Morgan also Director of Morgan Glass and Glazing. “Catching more of the winter sun is a great way to warm your home without the big power bills,” says David. “Skylights or extra windows can completely change a cold dark area of your home into a space you will be keen to use because it is warm and light-filled.”
Renovating for winter is about tailoring your property to meet your year-round needs. A cold and damp bathroom can be
replaced with one which is warm and removes steam without throwing open a window.
If life pivots around the kitchen, yours can be transformed into picture-perfect comfort food central. “We can advise on practical improvements for heat retention and minimising drafts, and ensure your windows and doors seal properly,” says David.
Outside areas have their seasonal life extended with solid or glazed walls and roofing, either fixed or retractable if flexibility is your aim. “The outdoor room has become non-negotiable for everyone with ‘spirited’ family members, those who like to watch sports at a stadium-like volume, and enthusiastic entertainers,” explains David. “Again, this is going to be straightforward for us to create for you, because we have DGI Morgan Ltd Steel and Fabrication within our stable of companies.”
Bathrooms I Staircases I Wardrobes
25a Lunns Road, Middleton, Christchurch
P. 03 343 0360 | E. info@mhj.co.nz
Ph: 0274 907 364
Is it time to clean the exterior of your property before winter? Then call us!
We are your local specialists in House Washing and Moss Treatments, including paths, roofs, decks, and much more. Rejuvenate and prolong the life of your paintwork - saving you money!
Ph: 0800 155 166
• Pest control
• Window cleaning
• Gutter cleaning
• Carpet/upholstery cleaning
• Spider-proofing
• Moss & Lichen spraying
• Water blasting
While awards are nice, we value our clients' opinion above all else.
Do you have an outdoor area space at home, or the office, that’s a little run down and possibly an eye-sore? Maybe it’s time for a revamp.
Why not take the opportunity to create a little slice of paradise in your backyard or professional workspace with an upgraded, shaded outdoor area. Think great gettogethers or to simply enjoy your outdoor space more.
After all, you deserve it and what’s nicer than being able to enjoy being outside under an elegant and sheltered cover?
In addition to their functional benefits, outdoor shade solutions contribute to the aesthetic appeal of outdoor environments with versatile and creative options. These functional style possibilities play a vital role in enhancing comfort, usability, and owner appeal for relaxation and entertainment, when dining, lounging, and socialising.
Whether it’s for weather-proofing a pool, patio, or simply for some extra privacy, Shade Smart has some sensational New Zealand-made louvre and outdoor shade products to suit, and to solve a variety of outdoor shade needs.
One example is the Skyline Louvre Roof System which blends e ortlessly with any architectural style, combining both form and function.
Another is the LuxeShield Retractable Roof System, a more engineered shelter solution to give you complete control over the position of your roof requirements.
Yet another option is the Transroof pergola, which provides 99% UV protection without sacrificing beautiful
sunlight, and which is built to withstand the multitude of Kiwi weather conditions.
Other high-end quality alternatives include a wide range of outdoor blinds, o ering great weatherproofing with an elegant touch of privacy for any outdoor area, in both residential and commercial settings.
“Our passionate and dedicated Auckland and Christchurch-based teams are ready to design, manufacture and install custom-made aluminium shades to your specific needs,” says owner Angus Chan. “Our friendly and highly experienced sta specialise in building aluminium fixed frame pergolas with di erent styles of roofing, compatible with any and all outdoor screen systems.
“Whatever your outdoor shade needs, we’ll do our best to make it happen,” adds Angus.
“Finding solutions to match our customers’ tastes and style is what we do best. Manufacturing everything in-house means you have complete flexibility with your dream build, perfectly suited to fit your lifestyle needs at the most competitive prices nationwide.”
Find your perfect outdoor shade solution with Shade Smart. shadesmartnz.com
Renovations and rebuilds, porcelain benchtops, and kitchen islands, are among the top home interior trends for 2024, says the National Kitchen and Bath Association of New Zealand.
Compiled using association designers and tradespeople, the results form a tangible reference point if you’re looking to upgrade your kitchen in 2024, especially in creating something of timelessness and modernity. The first is a result we all saw coming. Renovations are the ‘it girl’ of kitchen redesign. According to the NKBA report, more than half of kitchen uplifts are renovations rather than new builds. Whether the increase is due to budgeting needs, people adopting sustainability practices, or ease and efficiency, renovations are growing in popularity.
Price indications varied in the survey results, and the quality of materials and budget means that no kitchen renovation cost is the same. The report noted that 22% of kitchens cost between $20-$40,000, 29% between $40-$60,000, and 19% from $60$80,000.
The annual industry-driven trend reports can help determine the colours and finishes to consider when looking into a kitchen renovation. Anticipate oak and walnut to be big this year, as timbers were voted as the most popular cabinetry finish by 53% of respondents. For the minimalists out there, you’re in luck; 30% chose the calming palette of classic creams, whites, and beiges as a trend for 2024, while some predicted bold yet serene hues to be popularised, including deep green, muted sage, and navy.
In the benchtop space, 76% of respondents picked porcelain as the material of choice, increasing significantly from 48% in 2023. This trend is as equal in practicality as it is in looks, as a hard-to-scratch and heat-resistant material. The finish of benchtops, however, predicts no clear winner, between matte, voted by 32%, and textured, by 29%. Getting to specifics, three-quarters predicted splashbacks to correspond with benchtops, making it that much easier to cultivate your kitchen colour palette.
Other predictions cover aspects such as integrated appliances, sustainable considerations, innovative smart technology, and beverage centres that combine everything needed from coffee to cocktail making. The ‘kitchen island’ still reigns supreme in layout design, chosen by 48%, closely followed by an open-plan design at 41%, despite layout largely depending on available space.
Even with the demand, the renovation sector still faces hardship. Material supply, sourcing great tradespeople, affordability, clients using finance, and silicosis are all hurting the industry. The biggest impact in 2024 looks to be developments using silicosis and engineered stone, according to Rachel Kwok, Executive Officer of the NKBA, as a ban on such stone fabrications in Australia could impact sourcing, or become a catalyst to reviewing New Zealand’s methods and rules.
From minimalist to eclectic, the look you choose should be a reflection of you, your character, and of those living in the home.
Individual rooms, for instance, such as an office or a child’s bedroom, can reflect their occupier. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a home. Filling your house with personal mementos and one-off pieces collected over time will make it unique.
Here are a few ideas to try:
Start with a clean-out. Get rid of any unnecessary clutter.
Add a few indoor plants. Choosing which plants and pots can be fun.
Fresh flowers will brighten any room.
Create spaces for individuals, for instance, a cosy reading corner.
Invest in some new cushions and throws, towels for the bathrooms, and new duvet covers.
Fill your home with personal mementos— your favourite books, items from your travels, treasures from grandparents.
Add a few rugs to anchor spaces.
Hang pictures of friends and family, and favourite artworks.
Create interesting groupings of photos and ornaments.
Enjoy freshly brewed coffee and great shopping, thanks to an innovative family-run business.
Aiming to inspire and delight customers, these two exceptional brands; ‘Station Coffee’ and ‘Farmhouse Design and Décor’ are uniting under one roof, opening in late March.
“With a focus on family and community, we’ve catered for you and your children with an engaging play area.
Savour great food and coffee whilst exploring locally and internationally sourced furniture, home décor, gifts, and unique toys that encourage a world of play,” say owners
Donna and Jason Elliot.
“Having raised a tribe, we believe in fostering moments of connection for families, making every visit a cherished memory.”
Design, Renovate, Decorate Seminars sponsored by Resene 2pm
Maddy Houtos – Resene
Andrew Gill – Gill Paint & Paper
Paul Collins – Kitchen Studio
Joel Crack – Butterfield Bathrooms
Robert Whitehouse –Whitehouse Builders
John Wilson – Sunshine Solar
Willie – WilliamsWarn
Paul Collins - Kitchen Studio
Timetable may be subject to change
Maddy Houtos – Resene
Andrew Gill – Gill Paint & Paper
Joel Crack – Butterfield Bathrooms
Paul Collins – Kitchen Studio
John Wilson – Sunshine Solar
Hanshu – warmth.nz
Robert Whitehouse –Whitehouse Builders
Joel Crack - Butterfield Bathrooms
Willie – WilliamsWarn
Emma Kelsen – Resene
Joel Crack – Butterfield Bathrooms
Paul Collins – Kitchen Studio
Willie – WilliamsWarn
Robert Whitehouse –Whitehouse Builders
Christchurch Solar
Paul Collins - Kitchen Studio
The Canterbury Home Show has been helping homeowners plan their renovation and new home build projects, since 2013.
This annual event is the first home show in the calendar year, catering for homeowners looking to complete their home improvement projects before the weather takes a cooler turn, and also when skilled professionals are usually more readily available.
Showcasing more than 140 leading brands and attracting 10,000+ visitors over three days, it is the South Island’s longest running and most successful event of its kind.
5 reasons to attend a home show:
The perfect destination for a busy person. Having lots of options in one place means attendees find everything under one roof, from new lawns to appliances, to spa pools, and new homes. To save money. Everyone loves a deal, and exhibitors at the show often have ‘show deals’ on their products and services. Often, these deals are exclusive, and they are a tremendous bonus for attendees.
Quality products and services. Shows feature the highest quality exhibitors. Attendees browse through exceptional products and meet skilled individuals without worrying about scams or shortcuts.
DIY help and advice. Whether an attendee is looking for quick advice from a stage presentation, or project assistance from an exhibitor, a home show will provide options for them to choose from to get their job done.
Fun, fun, fun. They’re not just about tiles and sofas. They feature competitions, food and drink, artworks and much more for an enjoyable day out, for young and old alike.
Canterbury Home Show
22—24 March 2024
Wolfbrook Arena
Current building costs could have you resigned to compromises. You might be thinking the beautiful kitchen and bathroom you dreamed of are destined to remain a dream.
Happily, the Golden Homes team has solutions. “We have huge capability under our brand,” says local branch co-owner Dean McGuigan. “We have the advantage of suppliers who are experienced and large enough to carry a depth in their range of materials. This enables us to cater for upgrades without the common cost hikes.”
The new architectural design and build show home at Faringdon beautifully illustrates their approach. “It has incredible specifications and cleverly clean lines. It doesn’t have unnecessary complexity designed into it,” says Dean. “That way a good proportion of the budget can go into including special features that the homeowner can use and love every day. The features absolutely give it the wow factor.”
The Mal Corboy designed kitchen and scullery, together with the dining area, form the hub of the beautiful and functional home. “We’ve ensured the master bedroom and bathrooms are stunning to further increase the desirability of this cost-effective home,” says Dean, adding that it is open seven days 12-4pm with someone at the home to answer all your questions.”
Many Kiwis have never received KiwiSaver advice or learned how to maximise their investment. It all comes down to the advice you receive. That was why Generate was set up. An award-winning KiwiSaver provider, with a ‘people first’ approach. They’re a team committed to being that point of communication to educate and empower Kiwis to make smart KiwiSaver decisions that lead to better outcomes at retirement.
With over 10 years of impressive results, the Generate team is a valuable resource, and their advisers will be available at the Canterbury Home Show on 22-24 March.
“Getting KiwiSaver advice now is an investment in your future,” says Generate adviser, Matthew Abbott.
“It’s important to be aware of what fund type will work best for your savings goals and timeframe. Small changes now could make a significant impact on your KiwiSaver balance by the time you retire,” he explains. “And, if you’re planning to withdraw your funds in the next few years, either for your first home or retirement, getting advice on what changes you might like to make to your KiwiSaver plan is really valuable.”
Matthew, who will be there to help at the Canterbury Home Show, says no two people are the same with KiwiSaver.
“Every client is unique in the world of KiwiSaver, we each have different goals and timeframes for those goals,” he explains, “So, understanding a client’s story enables an
for your goals, KiwiSaver is a voluntary savings scheme created by the government to help Kiwis save for their first home or retirement. Despite its nearly 17-year existence, KiwiSaver is frequently overlooked.
adviser to help guide them on their KiwiSaver journey.”
The Kiwi founders of Generate remain with the company, continuing to make a difference in the communities of New Zealand. Gaining industry recognition for their community and environmental impacts, Generate has even invested $14 million into 25 new community homes with the local Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust.
Receivers of many awards, a passionate team, and advisers set up nationwide to meet with you and discuss your options, it’s an easy road to becoming smart and financially savvy with your KiwiSaver.
No part of this article is intended as financial advice; it is intended as general information only. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. To see the Generate KiwiSaver Scheme Product Disclosure Statement see generatekiwisaver.co.nz/disclosures. For more information about Generate’s approach to responsible investment see generatekiwisaver.co.nz/responsible-investing. The issuer of the scheme is Generate Investment Management Limited. generatekiwisaver.co.nz See
To keep you covered, Metropol has thought up an easy-to-remember acronym to ensure you get the most out of the Canterbury Home Show.
Don’t forget to PLIMP:
Prepare for a long day and a lot of information. It’s smart to take along a tote or backpack, to carry snacks and water, and fill up with the goodies and reading material you’ll receive along the way.
List all of the things you’re interested in learning.
Think about financial and home investments, upcoming home projects, material options you’re looking for, contractors you’ll need, and any tools or gadgets that might help.
Ideas and inspiration will follow you as you make your way around the show. Avoid limiting yourself to the projects you know you want to complete and be open to stalls and conversations that could benefit your home in unexpected ways.
Measure your home spaces before you go. There’s nothing worse than discovering the ultimate piece of furniture or structure that may or may not fit. Find the distances and depths of all the spaces and projects you’re looking into.
Photograph the stalls and sta you talk to. After a long day browsing, it’s easy to forget some of the information you gathered. Photos are a handy way to remember who and what was on o er, making the follow-up process smooth.
Building a new home is not for everyone. A decision to build brings the need for an experienced team to see it through to completion.
EBuilding a new home is not for everyone, yet with a decision to build comes the need for an experienced team to see it through to completion.
Building new is not for everyone, with a to build the need for it
ssential to any successful build is a proven team that knows what it is doing. “Building a home shouldn’t be a stressful process,” says Christchurch based Absolute Homes owner and director Chris Cawthray.
“We ensure our processes are consistently applied, from concept to completion, so you’re left with wonderful memories of building your home.”
Absolute Homes is a family-owned and operated residential building company. “We specialise in building new homes throughout Canterbury, for first-home, investment property, or forever home buyers, including large lifestyle builds.
managers and contractors, and our fantastic o ce team keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes,” adds Chris.
“I will personally oversee your build, start to finish,” Chris Cawthray, Owner of Absolute Homes.
Our mission is to build warm, high-quality homes that we’re extremely proud of and that our customers are proud to call home,” says Chris. Building with the company means you have the option to select one of its concept plans, or work with the company designer to create a tailored plan that best suits your section, lifestyle, and budget. “We have an experienced team of project
Essential to any successful build is a proven team that knows what it is doing “Building a home shouldn’t be a stressful process,” says Christchurch based Absolute Homes owner and director Chris Cawthray “We ensure our processes are consistently applied, from concept to completion, so you’re left with wonderful memories of building your home ” Absolute Homes is a family-owned and operated residential building company “We specialise in building new homes throughout Canterbury, for first-home, investment property, or forever home buyers, including large lifestyle builds Our mission is to build warm, high-quality homes that we’re extremely proud of and that our customers are proud to call home,” says Chris Building with the company means you have the option to select one of its concept plans, or work with the company designer to create a tailored plan that best suits your section, lifestyle, and budget “We have an experienced team of project managers and contractors, and our fantastic office team keep everything running smoothly behind the scenes,” adds Chris Initially he trained and worked in the New Zealand building industry, becoming a qualified carpenter and Licensed Building Practitioner, before moving overseas Fifteen years in the United Kingdom gave him valuable insight, knowledge, and experience in running his own construction business These days, he is renowned for his decisive and results-driven leadership style, always ensuring customers are satisfied throughout the building process Absolute Homes are proud to be New Zealand Certified Builders, providing clients with the Halo 10 Year Residential Guarantee and the Absolute Homes 1-Year Service guarantee (with cake!) These guarantees are proof of their commitment to building high-quality homes and strong client relationships Visit them at the Canterbury Home Show, 22-24 March.
Essential to build is knows what “Building shouldn’t be says owner director our processes from so left with your Homes family-owned and building in new throughout first-home, property, buyers, lifestyle builds mission is build warm, high-quality extremely of and that are Chris with company means you the to select concept plans, with designer to create best suits your lifestyle, “We have an team project and and fantastic office keep everything running behind scenes,” Chris and the building industry, a qualified Practitioner, overseas Fifteen years the Kingdom him insight, experience in running own These days, is renowned his and results-driven ensuring satisfied throughout building Homes to be New Zealand Certified Builders, providing clients Halo Year
Initially he trained and worked in the New Zealand building industry, becoming a qualified carpenter and Licensed Building Practitioner, before moving overseas. Fifteen years in the United Kingdom gave him valuable insight, knowledge, and experience in running his own construction business. Now, with more than 25 years in the industry, he is renowned for his decisive and resultsdriven leadership style, always ensuring customers are satisfied throughout the building process.
Absolute Homes Service guarantee (with are proof of commitment to homes strong client relationships. Visit them the Home
"I will personally oversee your build, start to finish"
- Chris Cawthray | Owner of Absolute Homes
Absolute Homes are proud to be New Zealand Certified Builders, providing clients with the Halo 10 Year Residential Guarantee and the Absolute Homes 1-Year Service guarantee (with cake). These guarantees are proof of their commitment to building high-quality homes and strong client relationships. Visit them at the Canterbury Home Show, 22-24 March.
So, it’s finally happened. From April 1st, owners of light EVs and Plug in Hybrids (PHEVs) will have to pay Road User Chargers as part of the Government’s RUC for electric vehicles legislation.
That means that if you plug your car, van, or SUV, into the mains or fast charger, you will have to pay per 1000km of distance travelled.
The RUC exemption for electric vehicles began in 2009 and now that two percent of the current New Zealand car fleet is made up of BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles), which according to information provided by NZTA sits at roughly 100,000, the decision was made to implement RUCs for BEVs and PHEVs for this year.
Owners of BEVs which rely on electric power alone will have to pay $76 per 1000km, whereas PHEVs will have to pay $53 for the same distance. That said, I feel the $53 is a bit much for PHEVs. Bear in mind that PHEV owners already have to pay a fuel tax, like anyone with an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) does. Half price of the full $76 would be better surely?
Regardless, the fact remains, whether some like it or not, RUCs for EVs and PHEVs take effect real soon.
With no carbon scoops, gargantuan alloys or big wings, the only thing which says it’s a BMW is, of course, the badge and the now familiar large kidney front grill. The subtlety continues inside, but with added touches which are now familiar BMW cues, such as the BMW Live Cockpit Professional digital screen encompassing the 10.7-inch touch screen infotainment system and instrument cluster.
The 225e isn’t bursting at the seams with gadgets, but there is still a generous amount of toys to keep even the most tech savvy guru happy. Features like a power tailgate, heated front seats, wireless phone charging, a head up display, Apple CarPlay/ Android Auto Connectivity, adaptive LED headlights and a 360-degree rear view camera all come as standard. You can even choose to have some digital art on display via the screen for your passengers to enjoy.
The interior is also a most capacious one. There is more than ample storage space and head and legroom for front and rear passengers is also very generous.
Being a plug-in hybrid, you can travel some distance on electric power alone.
Amazingly, the Active Tourer can manage up to 90km, which in the PHEV world is mighty impressive. What is equally impressive is when combined with its 1.5L turbocharged three-cylinder petrol engine, you could manage up to 800km on a single tank. You can also charge the 14.1kW battery pack up again in around three hours or so via an AC charger.
You may think at first glance the 225e wouldn’t be a terribly entertaining drive, but it’s actually bit of a giggle. The X-Drive AWD system, coupled with the electric motor and three cylinder turbo petrol engine, makes for some eagerly brisk motoring.
Wind it out in Sport mode and you dart forward towards that next set of lights in a matter of moments which would put some performance hatches to shame. Throttle o in Sport mode and you even get a faint whoosh of turbo noise, not something one would expect with an MPV.
While the 225e doesn’t have the same sharp cornering characteristics as a hot hatch, it is still a supple handler and ride comfort isn’t bad either.
There is no doubt the BMW 225e xDrive Active Tourer, for me anyway, has been the biggest pleasant surprise so far of 2024.
Having peace of mind when it comes to your ride of choice, whether it is your daily driver or weekend cruiser, is essential.
You want to be safe in the knowledge that said vehicle has been thoroughly kept in check by a team of professionals who know their stu . This brings us on to Marshall Automotive and Tyres. For almost 20 years, Greg, Lyn, and the tightly knit team of mechanics, technicians, and general automotive experts have built a solid base of satisfied customers throughout the greater Christchurch area. Greg leads the team with 40 years in the industry.
As said in the name, Marshall Automotive and Tyres are about all things automotive and tyres, including mechanical and electrical repairs, wheel alignment, and servicing. The servicing part goes even deeper when you discover the business not only adheres to all MTA requirements, but also the manufacturer’s requirements for each car. Basically, it doesn’t matter the make of the car, it will receive the exact treatment as prescribed by its maker.
With a comprehensive selection of new tyres to choose from, and with decades of experience between them, Marshall Automotive and Tyres are, for many, the only choice.
Have you ever had the experience of launch control in a Tesla Model S? Ben Selby reports.
Thanks to Andrew Farrow of Eyrewell Forest Motor Company, I was able to experience the equivalent of interstellar warp drive on tarmac.
The Tesla Model S was the first mainstream o ering from Elon Musk. The twin electric motor 680hp Model S P85D not only sounds like a fighter jet, but goes like one too. To initiate launch control, come to a complete stop and select Insane+ mode. Foot on brake hard with your left foot and
apply pressure from your right foot on the throttle. Once you get the message that everything is ready, release the brake.
The end result is zero to 100km/h in three seconds and every ounce of the squishy organic mass which is your body is left soaked with adrenaline.
Its perfect weight distribution means it can corner like a blowfly too.
Neck snapping acceleration aside, the Model S also proves Musk has a sense of
humour. You can turn the minimalist cabin into a lounge with fireplace via the large infotainment screen and even turn your passengers leather clad seats into built in whoopee cushions, making it the perfect trick to play on distant relatives.
For a sub $70,000 car, it’s hard not be impressed with this Tesla Model S P85D.
Increasing in value. Better than money in the bank!
This 3.6 Litre flat six air cooled 911 is the coolest Porsche EFMC has ever procured - with an electric folding soft top, electric spoiler & Porsches first ever tiptronic automatic transmission this beauty is sure to be a safe bet.
The aluminium Single Overhead Cam double chain drive produces 295bhp (184kW) at 6100rpm. With Electronic fuel injection and twin spark this was Germany’s finest offering of the early 90s. Top speed is limited to 260kph and 0-100kph is 5.5sec. 109,019km.
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