…what a wonderful place! A juxtaposition of a concrete jungle with the green space of Central Park in its midst, New York City is easily one of the most popular places to visit on the East Coast of the USA. There is always something new to see around every corner so don’t miss any of these hot spots with eight of the best photo locations in New York City.
1. The High Line
We love how historic rail lines have been upcycled and transformed into the High Line, a phenomenal urban green space that stretches through the Chelsea and Meatpacking neighbourhoods. First opened in 2009, the High Line is elevated above street level and offers several vantage points as a photo location – like the everchanging art displays to areas featuring the retired rail tracks.
2. Flatiron Building
The great thing about photographing the Flatiron Building is that it’s near impossible to muck it up! From whatever angle you choose, the triangularshaped Flatiron Building has become one of New York City’s most iconic buildings. To get the full scope, you’re best to line your shot up at 23rd Street and Fifth Avenue.
3. Times Square
Abuzz with neon lights, rotating billboards, and yellow taxis, you can’t help but get swept up in Times Square’s energy. The red stairs are a key photo location: you can either get a sweeping photo heading downtown or place your subject on the stairs for a great angle encompassing the bright lights. A 360-degree photo is also a neat way to capture the atmosphere.
4. Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village holds so much of New York City’s history. Formerly built up as a neighbourhood that housed the wealthy, avid photographers will love the area for its distinctive buildings. We would recommend spending a few hours here to make sure that you’ve explored all its nooks and crannies! From the crisp white homes of Washington Mews, covered in climbing vines during the warmer months, to the Jefferson Market Library with its quirky architecture, Greenwich Village offers so many unique photo locations!
5. Williamsburg
One of the trendiest neighbourhoods to explore, Williamsburg is full of fun photo locations. From the hip Brooklyn Brewery to Williamsburg Bridge (Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridge’s often-forgotten sister bridge!) to quirky street murals, there’s something to suit every photographer’s tastes.
6. Pebble Beach
To get that winning snap of New York City in all its glory, head to the Pebble Beach area. A popular photo location is at Washington Street in DUMBO where your view will encompass landmarks like Manhattan Bridge and the Empire State Building. Nearby you will also find Brooklyn Bridge Park, another popular place to wander through with its piers, green spaces and views of Brooklyn Bridge.
7. The Oculus
Also known as the World Trade Centre Station, the Oculus is hard to miss with its spectacular ‘spine’. Located next door to the 9/11 memorial site, the Oculus also operates as a shopping, dining and entertainment space so the peoplewatching is top notch. The stairway platforms offer the best views along its length meaning you can capture the crisp white interior to perfection.
8. Empire State Building
From the ground floor with its art deco lobby to its two observatories high above the street, you certainly won’t fall short of photo locations at the Empire State Building! Time your visit with sunset to watch the sky change colour across the famous skyline. On the clearest of days, you can see six states from the observation decks – New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Delaware!
Is New York City on your bucket list? To plan your next escape contact your House of Travel consultant today!
I’m back after a relaxing three weeks in the land of smiles (Thailand), and dealing with the trials and tribulations of international travel.
Many of us fly north for a spell during the colder months, and often find that international travel can be a testing time. Border and customs control vary from country to country, and even from region to
region, including in New Zealand.
Di erent bag scanning machines, di erent operators, and even di erent requirements sometimes create problems when there really aren’t any. Take for instance a half a tube of toothpaste setting o alarm bells, or a surfboard-shaped beer bottle opener being mistaken for a knife.
As travellers, it is mostly a case of shu ing along in a queue, and then a ‘grin and bear it’ attitude with customs so you can make your flights on schedule, and chill out either on holiday, or on your return home.
For me, one of the joys of travel is returning home to New Zealand, and to Christchurch; remembering all over again why I love my country and where I choose to live.
I’m not alone in making this city my home; the latest Census figures show that almost 400,000 people reside here, and that may swell to 445,000 within 10 years. Neighbouring Selwyn and Waimakariri districts had an estimated combined population of 150,300 at June 2023.
Cultural diversity, economic development, and a lot of new beginnings have all been part of the equation helping Christchurch grow. Seeing how other countries are developing in comparison shines a light on how well we are doing. Keep it up!
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History, connection, and quality combine in this adored Christchurch hotel. Now is the time to celebrate.
OnFriday, 12 July, the iconic Chateau on the Park will celebrate 50 years of impeccable hospitality, and a legacy as one of Christchurch’s favourite accommodation and cuisine destinations.
Designed in 1974 for the Christchurch Commonwealth Games, Chateau on the Park has a rich history and a longstanding link to the city’s people. In honour of this special bond, the doors will open to a monumental banquet gala in celebration. Entertainment, live music, a drink on arrival, and a retro-style banquet dinner are on o er on the night, a fabulous opportunity to dress to the nines and acknowledge a cornerstone of local heritage. The team encourages everyone to bring family and friends, to toast the milestone and revisit the history.
The event will do what the Chateau does best - bring joy and foster connections, marketing executive George SinclairThomson says. “This is an occasion to celebrate all the Chateau is about, where
people can meet others who have been coming to the hotel over the past 50 years.”
It is a hallmark Christchurch spot, known for warm welcome arrivals, a serene garden setting, and its commitment to entertaining, whether at a Sunset Session or a meal at the Garden Court Brasserie.
Originally the Chateau Commodore, it was designed by acclaimed New Zealand architect Peter Beavan, before becoming a DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in 2016. Over the years, the space has been refurbished and updated. Never has it lost its esteemed touch, and it is now one of the last of Beavan’s neo-Gothicism-inspired hotels after the devastation of the earthquakes.
Between accommodating conference and event groups, out-of-town holidayers, locals on staycations, regular restaurant-goers, and everything in between, the Chateau continues to serve thousands.
The memories of locals and years of service from sta prove it’s the relationships that make it such a treasure. It made sense
that the cherished Chateau would recognise such loyalty and spirit with a magnificent celebration.
Its 50th birthday marks an incredible achievement, the withstanding of turbulent times that would see it grow to become a beacon of longevity and comfort for locals and tourists alike.
For $139, enjoy all on o er at the gala plus a night of connection, commemoration, and nostalgic emotion beyond compare.
Email chcnz_cb@hilton.com with your ticketing details to secure your tickets, and enquire about special accommodation rates for the night.
Discussing the tragic loss of three siblings, surrogacy, multiple health problems, and a life in the spotlight,
Toni used one thing she’s best at - telling stories to bring people together.
It was Reese Witherspoon’s Instagram that inspired the idea. “I had been following Reese’s Book Club on Instagram and thought it would be great for my Coast Breakfast radio show. I love reading and it grew from there.” Initially a segment on the radio, it gained so much traction that Toni set up a live event. The sibling-like relationship between her and colleagues Sam Wallace and Jason Reeves, who joined her at the Book Club, o ers an authentic, feel-good experience on the airwaves and in person. “We tease each other in good faith, but pull each other up when we need to.”
Her book, and the subsequent Book Club was an incredibly therapeutic process. It was an opportunity to voice topics she had battled yet never shared. “When you lose someone, particularly when that person is a child like my brother Stephen who died at 14, it’s incredibly painful for everyone to talk about. I still struggle to talk about his death now. The book brought up those conversations, and I heard things from my mum and dad that I had never heard before,” she reflects.
Stephen was crushed by his quad bike in a farm accident.
It was the resilience from such loss so young that made way for her strength. “I’ve always had a natural drive to succeed and to bring others with me. I think that’s partly genetic but also the way I was raised.”
On each impossible day, it was for her family that she stayed afloat. With her husband, former Super Rugby player Matt France, who she met while studying at Lincoln University, she shares three delightful children. “I adore being part of my children’s lives, whether coaching their netball and cricket teams or running through their lines for theatre,” she says. Toni tells me that her two daughters have been cast in G&T Production’s Matilda in September, Juliette as Matilda, and Mackenzie as Amanda. “Anything we get to do together, I cherish,” she says.
“Losing my siblings has undoubtedly made me more fearful of losing my children.”
Toni’s face was plastered on billboards and marketed across Auckland and Christchurch. Despite a career in the public eye, Toni found it strange to have the focus on her. “It was weird, especially when I had to voice ads that said, ‘Toni Street’s Book Club.’ It was kind of a Ron Burgundy moment.”
She’s quickly becoming a household name, yet a selfless Toni remains focused on how she can use her story to aid others. “I love connecting with people and sharing my life story and helping people wherever I can.”
Toni’s time in the spotlight hasn’t always been as glamorous as she made it look. When undergoing treatment for the rare autoimmune disease Churg-Strauss, Toni was determined to keep on. “Fronting up to host Seven Sharp every night was hard, but staying at home moping was harder,” she says.
Between the stories she tells on the radio, through her book, or to her almost 90,000 Instagram followers, Toni’s purpose is to foster togetherness and aid others. “I love that I can say what I’m thinking at any minute of the day and get support from people that are going through similar things. It’s a real lifeline for people.” To keep it a safe space, Toni strictly limits who she follows and has a no-troll toleration policy. “It has to be uplifting,” she declares.
It’s fair to seek positivity, given Toni’s experienced more than her fair share of heartbreak and loss. She lost her twin brother Lance to leukaemia when they were both 18 months old, and sister Tracy Ann, who was born a year after losing Lance. Sadly, Tracy had no kidneys, and after just 14 short hours earthside, her machines were turned o .
Tragically, in unfathomable circumstances, Toni’s brother
Anxiety still creeps up on her, like reminders of her past. “Losing my siblings has undoubtedly made me more fearful of losing my children. I still struggle with this sporadically. I’ve recently been thinking about how my eldest daughter isn’t far o the age Stephen was when he died and that is terrifying.”
Unsurprisingly, weekends are just as impressive, as expected in a family with the natural talent and dedication that comes with Toni and Matt’s genetics. “A typical weekend is rugby for all three kids in the morning, followed by theatre rehearsals for the girls in the afternoon.” Then, it’s an event or birthday party in the evening, or their “favourite downtime activity,” a family movie night. That’s followed by a Sunday of slightly more relaxation, with a walk on the beach, shopping or housework, and netball practice finished with a parents versus kids match at the local school.
How she juggles it all can only be explained as otherworldly. “Luckily, I have heaps of energy and I enjoy being busy. I have an incredibly supportive, organised, and hands-on husband.” Toni laughs that the stage her kids are at means they are her priorities for now. “I put my kids first and myself second, probably to a fault at times, but I am also acutely aware that these days don’t last forever.” She adds how great it is that her current passions, sport and theatre, align so well with their kids.
• Favourite sport to report on? Cricket or netball.
• Favourite food? Hot chips or any form of seafood.
• One thing you can’t live without? Sleep. I’m an 8-hour plus girl, or I’m miserable.
• Best Mum hack? Pre-made meals on sports days.
• Advice to your 20-year-old self? Don’t worry about the end outcome, put your head down and work hard doing what you love. The rest will take care of itself.
Showcasing 19 gardens and two historic homesteads, each as diverse as their owners. Join us!
Breast Cancer Cure’s fashion show at Christchurch’s Majestic on 20 June will showcase garments from some of New Zealand’s most iconic fashion houses. Metropol’s Deputy Editor Nina Tucker caught up with six of the incredible and influential designers behind some of the labels.
With the recent announcement that transitions
New Zealand Fashion Week Kahuria to a biennial event, the need to keep in-person fashion shows like these alive has never felt more real. They foster connection, unity, joy, and passion, and most importantly, in the case of Breast Cancer Cure, raise vital funds to continue research.
New Zealand has the 7th highest incidence of breast cancer in the world, and about two women a day die from the disease. Breast Cancer Cure has raised more than $11 million, with more than
$1 million of that raised through its Tees for a Cure campaign.
According to the designers, the atmosphere at a Breast Cancer Cure show is energetic, fabulous, positive, generous, hectic, and filled with laughs. Multiple times a year, they put down their sketchbooks and get on the road with a runwayready collection. Presenting their current designs, and sometimes auctioning them o on the night, the commitment is large, and it is one they will keep making.
Tickets are available via the website breastcancercure.org.nz
“My mother is a breast cancer survivor, so anything we can do to raise awareness is important to me,” says Kelly Coe, the designer at Augustine. To her, energy at each show is always happy and fun. Everyone in attendance is there for a great time, excited to be “treated to such a variety of New Zealand fashion.” Her clothes add to that excitement. Kelly says her one aim with Augustine is to “create clothes that add colour to the world and make women feel confident and empowered”.
Jenny Joblin, who lost her mother to breast cancer at 17, shows at every single show she can. She designs for Federation, explaining that backstage at a show is always hectic, as each designer sends clothes down the runway. “The di erence with doing it for Breast Cancer Cure is that everyone is there for the cause. You know that the other designers also share a passion for the charity. So many people are giving their time and energy to the event and there is a special kindness.” For Jenny, the aim is simply to help the cause, although she embraces every opportunity to style and showcase current collections. “Using a tool like us as designers, and a fashion show, means that people are donating while having a great experience.”
Supplying quality, educational resources for over 70 years, the Playcentre Shop can help you build a safe and challenging play environment where children can explore, experiment and imagine.
NOM*d’s Margarita Robertson says a Breast Cancer Cure show is unforgettably enjoyable for all involved, a social night out contributing to the cause. The feeling of playing a part in that is like no other. “Having witnessed the audience and the enthusiasm for the event, the auctions that are hotly contested and the funds that are raised for such an important and common disease is so rewarding as a participant,” Margarita says.
“Breast Cancer Cure shows are crucial because they serve as a powerful platform to raise both funds and awareness for breast cancer research. Fashion has a unique ability to captivate and engage a wide audience, making it an ideal medium for spreading such an important message,” Deborah Caldwell of STORM explains. Deborah says involvement with the shows is a contribution to the cause. She started STORM to foster confidence and powerful fashion choices. At each show, Deborah extends this mission by “showcasing how strong women are”.
Vicki Taylor of taylor loves seeing where the money raised goes, and hearing the progress of researchers at di erent shows. “Luckily, you don’t need a science degree to understand.” Each show o ers insight into the taylor woman, to leave the audience inspired and empowered. “We do it for our clients, our mothers, daughters, and team members.” Each show is all about unity. “What makes a Breast Cancer Cure show unique is the group of New Zealand designers, with di erent aesthetics and collections, all working together for one cause,” Vicki explains. Despite an extremely competitive industry, Vicki explains that for these shows, they all come together. “You often have the designers themselves behind the scenes dressing their models and, in the breaks, chatting and sharing this common goal.”
Celebrating collections on the runway lets customers make joyful memories with her brand, says Kathryn Wilson of her namesake label. Functional and comfortable, yet elegant and glamorous, her footwear reflects those feelings. Putting together the show is a big task, yet the outcome is always worth it. “The production involves months of planning and preparation from the team at BCC, everything from staging, lighting, music, model casting, seating plans, fittings, styling. I enjoy being involved and find the process energizing and exciting to help out where I can,” she says. From front-of-house to the backstage excitement of models, dressings, and the hair and makeup frenzy, every show is buzzing. “The designers are proud to be part of such a high calibre presentation.”
There is no shortage of things to do around Canterbury in the coming months.
Encounter extravagant outfits and toe-tapping tunes at the La Vida Centre in Riccarton, in this country music extravaganza. Enjoy a complimentary morning tea and a show brimming with tomfoolery. operatunity.co.nz
Celebrate New Zealand’s finest fashion designers whilst raising vital funds for research into breast cancer. Experience an all-inclusive evening of fashion, entertainment, and delicious food, with a live and silent auction to support the cause. breastcancercure.org.nz
With help from stylist Georgette Pollock-Johnston, The Palms Winter Styling Sessions will teach the best colour and fashion combinations to suit you in just 20 minutes. Bookings essential, and receive a goodie bag on the day. thepalms.co.nz
Head to Pioneer Stadium, with free entry, for a unique shopping experience to browse and purchase from local food producers, artisans, and craftspeople. Take home a piece of creativity and craftsmanship. encraftmentmarket.com
Experience two unforgettable evenings under the stars, with over 60 local artisans, live performances, and tantalising food at Te Matatiki Toi Ora The Arts Centre. artscentre.org.nz
Discover a mixture of farmer’s market products and local artisan crafts, alongside delicious eats and live entertainment at Heritage Square. Make it a day trip with the whole family. timaruartisanfarmersmarket.com
Comedic legend Jerry Seinfeld is sure to leave you in stitches with his renowned stand up comedy. Don’t miss out on your chance to see him at Wolfbrook Arena. premier.ticketek.co.nz
Comedic Jerry sure to leave you in stitches renowned comedy. miss on your to him Wolfbrook Arena. premier.ticketek.co.nz
Back red and black with the Trident Homes Tactix, taking on the MG Mystics at Wolfbrook Arena. premier.ticketek.co.nz
Luke Graham, son of New Zealand rugby league player Mark ‘SHARKO’ Graham, will premiere his feature documentary about his father’s story in Christchurch in late June.
Alook at one of this country’s most enigmatic league heroes, reknowned for his speed, size, and skill, SHARKO provides intimate insight into a man who ruled the field here from 1976 to 2006.
Described as a predator in a sea of sharks, Mark was the catalyst that brought his teams and country to greatness. While he reached new heights in his sport, Mark was a mystery to his son and biggest fan, Luke.
SHARKO’s world premiere will take place on 27 June at Lumiere Cinemas, followed by an encore screening on 29 June at Alice Cinema, with Luke attending for a questions and answers session.
In the documentary, follow Luke as he learns about his father’s past, through the hardships and glory, and the cost of success. Luke shares Mark’s story through a skewed perspective, a history that is scarred by pain and loss.
SHARKO is written, directed, and produced by Luke, who says it is an honour for the documentary team to be included in the Doc Edge Festival. “Our world premiere screening is going to be thrilling, and a little scary for all of us.”
The documentary is also produced by Jonathan Page (H is for Happiness) and Kylie Pascoe (The Art of Incarceration). Executive Producer is Jonathan Shteinman (Brabham).
SHARKO has received principal production funding from Screen Australia and was developed and produced with investment from Gladstone Regional Council, Regional Arts Australia, Regional Arts Fund, Capricorn Film Festival and Screen Queensland. Doc Edge festival producer Rachael Penman says it is a “deeply personal and moving story,” one they are excited to premiere at home.
In its 19th year, the Doc Edge Festival is one of the most prestigious documentary film festivals worldwide, celebrating, supporting, and showcasing ground-breaking documentaries.
As one of the few Academy Awards® qualifying festivals for feature and short documentaries, the festival organisers strive to select world and international premieres that are eligible for Academy Awards® contention. They take pride in being one of the leading film festivals in the Pacific and are particularly interested in supporting filmmakers with Pacific content and subjects.
Each world and international premiere is carefully selected for its eligibility in contention for an Academy Award®.
Cameron and his team were wonderful in getting my house sold in a very difficult market. His support and knowledge are amazing. I was overseas for the entire sale process and he and his team kept me up to date and involved and I never felt pushed or rushed to accept an offer.
I would highly recommend Cameron to get you the best result possible.
snow beneath your feet, before burning o that morning hot chocolate or bakery treat.
A neighbourhood of boutiques provide your every need for chic snowsport dressing, to a comfortably elegant night out. Finish with a hearty, warming meal at one of the many restaurants around the town. Cooking up local cuisine, the local chefs specialise in everything from succulent cuts of meat served with delightfully complementing flavours, to indulgent pastas and sharing platters for the whole crew.
With time to kill, browse the township for arts, crafts, gifts, and activities to be enjoyed with your mid-winter Christmas celebrations.
Wrap up at the Hanmer Springs Alpine Winter Festival. From 6 to 16 July, the picturesque alpine village transforms into a wonderland of winter activities. Bring your family to dazzling light displays, quizzes, glowing mini golf, and movie screenings. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
On the drive there and back, visit the roadside stores and cafés to refuel or warm up.
Get set for action-packed family fun at Hanmer Springs Attractions these school holidays.
There are exciting and family-friendly activities on o er to suit a range of ages, including jet boating, river rafting, bungy jumping and o -road buggy adventures. Plus, the latest addition is laser clay shooting, o ering competitive fun for families.
The team will guide you through fun outdoor adventures safely and professionally. Hanmer Springs Attractions is the only adventure tourism operator in Hurunui to be awarded both a Qualmark Gold Sustainable Tourism Award and an AdventureMark by independent safety auditors.
Find them above the Waiau River, only a 90 minute drive from Christchurch. There’s a viewing platform, an onsite snack bar and plenty of parking. See their website for great school holiday deals.
Start the morning with a yummy pancake breakfast, encouraging cooking skills.
Make your way to one of Christchurch’s weekend markets and grab a delicious snack from a vendor, an opportune time to teach about budgeting for di erent prices.
Go to Hagley Park to let children of all ages run around, and explore the botanic gardens.
Enjoy the cuisine at a nearby café, restaurant, or picnic with a packed lunch under the trees.
Challenge the children (young and old) to a game of mini golf.
Finish the afternoon learning about the history of Christchurch at Quake City Museum, or explore Canterbury Museum’s current exhibitions.
Stop by a local café or ice cream shop to end the day on a sweet note, before heading home to relax.
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Sometimes, you want to escape the busy city. That doesn’t mean you don’t want to go shopping.
In North Canterbury, there are many ways to embrace wildlife, walking and hiking trails, and nature’s gorgeous scenery. However, you’ll also find hundreds of retail gems, and dotted-about eateries to appropriately refuel between browsing.
Take your clothing wishlist with you, or make your errands interesting, combining them with good company and new surroundings.
Walk through the main streets, and find boutiques, restaurants and co ee shops to stop in at. Meander through, making purchases that will remind you of a laidback day, and take a drive through the backroads for those hidden-away spots.
Make your next trip to the malls look a bit di erent, and find places you never knew existed.
“Tiggers don’t like honey,” says Tigger in Winnie the Pooh. Contrarily, Pooh Bear loves honey, as do many Kiwis. That’s not surprising as our native honey is some of the best in the world.
Aplace to try the best of the best is The Hive Café at Springbank Honey in North Canterbury. “We established The Hive to give locals a chance to try and buy some of our unique honey varieties, much of it usually destined for international markets,” says co-owner Tracy Brown.
Some of the honey on o er can be produced only in New Zealand, floral flavours such as pohutukawa, rata, kamahi and manuka. “Unique to us is our organic manuka honey,” says Tracy. “This is from manuka grown on our family farm in the Lees Valley.”
Just 30 minutes from Christchurch, you can drink beautiful co ee, and indulge in a pie or a delicious slice
at The Hive Café, all while perusing the range of honey extracted, blended, and packaged in the plant next door.
“We are passionate about producing a consistently high grade of honey free from chemicals and pesticides. It is certified and independently tested to ensure absolute pure quality. Apiarist and co-owner Steven Brown has been beekeeping for over 30 years. He is committed to producing honey that is a pleasure to consume.”
Swing by this honey of a café, get away from the city bustle and enjoy the beautiful mountain views.
The aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes wrought countless hardships to both homeowners and businesses.
Community markets also su ered, with many artisans losing their regular stalls. Thanks to Bronwyn Finch and Paula Park stepping up, stallholders are able to set out their wares once again.
Encraftment Market opened in 2011, and Bronwyn still heads the team. This winter, around 130 stallholders were chosen to participate. Solely dedicated to handmade, only excellent craftmanship and unique products are selected to sell.
Longtime stallholder Lee Arthur explains that time, care, and thought are put into creating exclusively handmade, highquality products with ethically sourced materials. “You won’t see anything that has been produced in some huge manufacturing plant or sweatshop.”
Instead, visitors see beautifully handcrafted products, such as art, jewellery, ceramics, toys and games, homeware, candles, bath and beauty products, clothing and accessories, and pet items.
“Once the market opens, it’s non-stop chatting to customers, which is always a highlight because we hear firsthand why people love the products they’re buying,” Lee says.
The camaraderie within this market is special. Stallholders enjoy catching up, connecting, and sharing ideas and stories. “It’s a great, positive vibe.”
Foodies can roam the wide range of gourmet foods inside, while food trucks provide tasty lunch and snack options outside.
With an eye to its future, Lee says the market has worked on growing its relationship with Felt, an online platform for Aotearoa artisans. “Our values align well, which has helped us encourage our makers to have an online presence alongside their market presence.”
“We’re always looking for like-minded businesses to partner with, and because we’re creatives, we’re never short of ideas for the future.”
Encraftment Market opens twice yearly, in June and November, at Christchurch’s Pioneer Stadium, from 10am to 4pm.
Road trip to the inviting Akaroa, just 75km from Christchurch, treating yourself and your family to our home away from home.
Astop at the iconic Little River Inn, named in the Top 50 New Zealand Gastropubs by Hospitality New Zealand, or the historic Duvauchelle Hotel, established in 1850, is a must on the way there and back.
When you reach Akaroa, find yourself caught up in the quaint cottages and ‘French-isms’, the town being founded by French settlers in 1840.
The village scene is everything you might expect, wonderfully charming with an old-world feel.
Many galleries and boutiques make a walk through the town mesmerising, filled with clothes, artwork, gifts, and knick-knacks.
Feast on classic fish and chips or indulge in one of the local eateries, with seafood dishes galore to excite your palate.
See wildlife like seals and penguins, and support conservation e orts through local trips and tours.
Rest in the evenings, putting your feet up at one of the quality accommodation hot-spots in the township.
Walk the Children’s Bay Rhino Walk, a popular trail amongst locals and visitors alike. Animal sculptures along the way keep children, and adults, entertained, making for a sweet, short escape from a busy, adventure-filled holiday.
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Little River Inn is surrounded by rolling tussocky hills, has delicious menu o erings like Akaroa Salmon and Canterbury Lamb, and a great selection of drinks to wash it down. Dog friendly, live music, zero waste initiatives… it’s no wonder we’ve secured a spot as one of NZ’s top 50 gastropubs!
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Situated right on the beachfront, we o er an abundance of fresh fish and chip options. Come and enjoy amazing waterfront views with either inside or outside seating available.
A must when you visit Akaroa. Open 7 days.
03 304 7464
59 Beach Road, Akaroa
03 304 7173 | 75 Beach Road, Akaroa www.aiherestaurant.co.nz
In the heart of Akaroa lies a hidden gem: Crater Café. Cosy and welcoming; where the scent of freshly brewed co ee mingles with freshly baked treats and flavourful cabinet food, in a warm, inviting atmosphere. From the first sip to the last crumb, each visit is a delightful taste of local charm. Open daily.
74 Rue Lavaud, Akaroa www.cratercafe.co.nz
New Zealand made possum/merino clothing at the best prices.
Come and visit our friendly sta . Open Sunday to Friday, closed Saturday. Or visit us on our website chillwindclothing.com
7 Church Street, Akaroa. P. 03 304 8035 14 Weld Street, Hokitika. P. 03 755 5099 www.chillwindclothing.com
Based in Akaroa, our number one goal is to protect and preserve white-flippered penguins (endemic to Canterbury) from predators and other threats. The family has been doing incredible work saving these beautiful birds for over 35 years. By taking a guided tour of the colony, you too are contributing to their future.
03 304 8542
tours@pohatu.co.nz | www.pohatu.co.nz
A warm, cosy, friendly café with daily fresh baking to make you feel right at home. Open early, breakfast, morning tea, lunch or afternoon tea. club sandwiches, paninis, croissants, bacon & eggs, homemade pies, a wide range available. Co ee, milkshakes and smoothies available also. Pop in and say hi to our friendly team. Pet friendly.
0210 843 8307 | 40E Rue Lavaud, Akaroa
‘How will the new GST rules in place regarding website platforms returning the GST impact you? Thomas & Sherry are Akaroa based property managers here to help you with your investment property or holiday home. We can collect and pay GST on your behalf so no need to worry.
03 304 7500 | reservations@tresori.co.nz www.tresori.co.nz
If you love chill vibes, great food, co ee, craft beer and wine then The Common is the place for you!
Come on over to Akaroa and visit The Common, Akaroa’s latest cafe, garden bar and Shopping Hub. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Attached to The Common is The Captain’s Quarter Gallery and gift shop, The Cake Room, home of beautiful cakes and high-teas and The Good Story, New Zealand’s cutest independent book store!
Situated in the heart of Akaroa at 65 Rue Lavaud, The Common is a favourite amongst the locals and visitors alike.
65 Rue Lavaud, Akaroa | 0210 591 075 | hello@thecommon.nz | www.thecommon.nz
Christchurch’s property market is buzzing with activity. Nathan Miglani from NZ Mortgages shares his insights.
The o ce at NZ Mortgages is seeing the prewinter rush with interest rates coming down and housing prices set to rise, Nathan says. As a result, people are acting now, particularly firsttime homebuyers. With quality properties selling for under $650,000, the dream of homeownership is increasingly attainable. Nathan reminds us that securing a first home can be possible with as little as a 5% deposit, making it an appealing prospect for many.
The city’s outskirts are also thriving. North Canterbury o ers an a ordable entry into the housing market, while the Selwyn district continues to expand. Notably, Rolleston is experiencing steady growth, and Lincoln is set for a significant development, including 1600 new homes
and enhanced public transport facilities. These expansions represent excellent opportunities for those seeking a lifestyle shift away from the urban centre.
Interestingly, while the expected active market range was between $750,000 and $1.2 million, current trends are shifting. Transactions between $1 million and $1.5 million are becoming more prevalent, as individuals rush to upgrade their living situations before potential price hikes. Popular areas include sought-after school zones and lifestyle blocks, underlining a robust buyer’s market, despite a lag in supply to meet the growing demand.
Moreover, the commercial sector is witnessing a surge in business sales. “Our o ce is actively facilitating deals for standalone shops and leases in key centres, assisting clients in embarking on new professional paths or taking bold steps into business management,” Nathan explains.
For anyone considering selling or buying, whether residential or commercial, now is an opportune time to explore your options. Contact the team at 0800 100 300 or visit the friendly advisers, who are ready to guide you through to secure you the best deal in the market.
There has been some positive news over the recent weeks for home buyers.
Banks ontinue to bring better o ers to the table and lower their interest rates. We’ve seen some special rates dip into the 5.9% range, with other o ers in the mid to low 6% looking especially appealing compared to where the rates where 12 months ago.
If your home loan is up for renewal, our advice is to fix it short-term. Rates are still trending downwards, and you do not want to get caught out by locking in for a long period of time, only for much better o ers to come up going into 2025.
Refinancing is still a popular option, with many banks o ering cashbacks that in some cases can pay your rates and insurance for an entire year. If this is something you have been considering, reach out to the team at NZ Mortgages – we are here to help you make an informed decision for your property and finance goals.
Contact us today at 0800 100 300 or visit our website at www.nzmortgages.co.nz.
‘Inflation,’ I’m sick of hearing the word! However, as people tighten their belts, many small businesses are finding it tough. How do you weather the storm and thrive?
Adjusting pricing and staying on top of increased supplier costs in real time is crucial. Increasing prices while also inflationary might be necessary. You must maintain your margins, and more often customers are loyal to a business for reasons other than price.
Labour is often a business’ biggest cost, and with substantial strain in the New Zealand labour market in recent years, employers have had to find ways of attracting and retaining quality sta . This has often resulted in a higher cost of labour for companies to produce their goods, but not necessarily the same improvement in productivity.
If you want to navigate the tough times and thrive, then it is time to start ‘thinking smarter’. Companies that are investing in strategies to improve their productivity in tight times will not only survive, they will thrive.
Firstly, you can maintain competitive pricing in a tight market by gaining e ciencies in output. Secondly, small improvements in productivity can mean big gains on the bottom line. Investing in technologies to improve even just one step of a process or software, to track time on job and production schedules can make a significant impact to the productivity of your company.
Put simply, the aim is to produce more by maximising the time you have available to do it.
To make the right decisions for your business, contact EBI for a no obligation discussion and review.
With tax relief on the way, investors welcome the upcoming changes to the bright-line property rules.
Relief is on the way for many property owners come 1 July 2024. The current bright-line tax rules are being significantly altered. These rules essentially taxed capital gains on the sale of a property that wasn’t a person’s main home, if sold within 10 years of it being acquired. They are now being reduced to apply to a two-year period.
Soon all property bought before 1 July 2022 can be sold without triggering the bright-line rules, irrespective of the bright-line rule it was bought under.
This will come as welcome news for property owners feeling restricted by the current bright-line rules. Often, there are situations where selling the property is necessary, but the bright-line rules and the potentially hefty tax bill that comes with it, make this a di cult and expensive option.
We are already hearing from clients who wish to sell when the new rules come into e ect. It is important to get specific advice from your accountant and lawyer on how the bright-line rules will impact you. For most, the bright-line period will start when the transfer of the property is registered, and end on the date which the owner enters into an agreement for the disposal of the land, but there are exceptions to this, and it is is not always straight forward.
White Fox & Jones are experts in residential property transactions, and can provide practical advice, support, and guidance on navigating these changes to ensure there are no nasty tax surprises when you decide to sell your property.
We’re here to manage and maximise your investment property, so you don’t have to.
Let us take the stress away.
Call Brent & Steve today for a FREE rental appraisal on your property
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Shiree and Unicia know how to listen. They take great care in getting to know your unique circumstances, your values and dreams for the future. Talk to Shiree and Unicia about your personal financial plan.
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Whether a rental property owner or someone seeking to rent, it pays to have a trusted property manager looking after your interests.
Steve Hawker and Brent Manderson not only solely manage one of Christchurch’s largest independent property portfolios, they also keep well-informed of government regulations and rental market trends.
Rentworks Property Management delivers a premium service, backed by a consistently transparent and open communication system with clientele.
For instance, the April announcement from Housing Minister, Chris Bishop, that the coalition government will not pursue the former administration’s plans to regulate residential property managers came as a surprise to Steve and Brent.
“The initiative to introduce basic training requirements wasn’t about burdening property managers with additional tasks, but about creating consistency within the industry. It was also about establishing a solid foundation of best practices for newcomers entering the field.”
Another legislative update is the government’s introduction of Pet Bonds (not in e ect until the end of 2025).
Set at a maximum of two weeks rent, the pet bond can be charged in addition to the existing bond. Steve and Brent say that while any additional protection is a positive step for landlords, under existing regulation standard bonds (capped at four weeks) already provide coverage for pet damage.
“It remains to be seen if an extra two weeks bond will really make that much di erence.”
Looking at the current market, Steve and Brent have noticed that there is an increase in the time it takes to rent properties heading into winter. “However, there are always people looking to move from their current homes, as well as new arrivals to Christchurch looking for rentals. It just takes a bit longer. This is the main reason we prefer 12 months fixed term tenancies, Jan/Feb to Jan/Feb.”
Another trend sees more investors moving into the market, while those investors who were planning to exit the market are now sitting tight.
Two reasons for this would be the return of interest deductibility for landlords, and the current buyer’s real estate market. Steve and Brent cite the high number of properties available for sale currently, with a 23% rise nationally in listings over the last nine months.
Anecdotally, attendance is weakening again at auctions and open homes. Unemployment is rising and job growth is slowing, so potential buyers are starting to worry about their incomes. “All this tends to soften prices, so in our view, it is a great time to buy a new investment property, but a terrible time to sell one,” they say.
Getting together with like-minded people stimulates ideas, creativity, projects, and even partnerships leading to successful ventures, such as in property investment.
Canterbury Property Investors Association (CPIA) was the first of its kind, established in New Zealand in 1971. An independent property investing hub, the CPIA was set up to promote and represent the common interests of responsible property investors in the community.
Those tenets still hold true today, with a focus on networking and events to promote and educate property owners.
“We’re keen to connect with other property investors, hear their strategies for success, plus have some fun along the way,” says CPIA president Nigel Barker. “We also have access to exclusive industry discounts for our members. These include building materials, insurance and property management tools.”
An incorporated society, governed and run by an executive committee, the CPIA is a liated with the New Zealand Property Investors Federation, and through it the federation’s 17 member associations.
Nigel says members and prospective members do not need to own property, but do need to have an interest in property investment, and/or how to be a better landlord.
Advice and courses are available to help self-managing landlords to understand the Residential Tenancies Act legislation. Social get-togethers provide valuable forums for exchanging ideas, and solutions, and all of the CPIA events encourage networking before and after the main event.
“We host about five events monthly, including many with industry experts including mortgage brokers, solicitors, and accountants who regularly network with our members,” says Nigel.
Members include both young and more mature, first-time investors, and seasoned professionals. “They may have one rental property or 50, but they all have one thing in common: a passion for property investment,” he adds.
From Friday 18 to Sunday 20 October, the CPIA will host the New Zealand Property Investors Federation National Conference at Te Pae. International keynote speaker Michael Yardney, and a wide range of knowledgeable industry and other experts will be there to help navigate the changing landscapes of property investing. Changing Landscapes is not just the vista investors view. It includes the landscape of property investing, the political environment and the minefield of finance and insurance industries, says CPIA president Nigel Barker. Visit the website www.propertyconference.org.nz
Co ee mornings, breakfast club, new member evenings, monthly forums, and more. Visit the events page at cpia.nz for more information, and to register for events.
Tuesday 18 June Forum: Economist Tony Alexander 7pm, The Camelot Room, Double Tree by Hilton, 189 Deans Ave, Christchurch.
Tuesday 23 July AGM
7pm CPIA o ce, 22 Buchan St, Sydenham.
Breakfast Club
Friday 7 July
Friday 4 August
Friday 8 September 7.30am Foundation Cafe, Turanga (Christchurch City Library), Cathedral Square.
Monday 24 June
7pm Corcoran French o ce, 166 Moorhouse Ave, Addington.
Wednesday 21 August Mid-winter Social & Quiz Night, 7pm Elmwood Trading Co. 1 Normans Rd, Strowan.
Tuesday 11 July
Tuesday 15 August
Tuesday 12 September 10am Riccarton House, Kahu Road, Fendalton.
We’re Canterbury’s independent property investing hub Keen to connect with other property investors, hear their strategies for success and access exclusive industry discounts, plus have some fun along the way? Then you are in the right place.
As a business owner, do you find yourself asking questions about your success in the industry?
Why am I not making enough money or less than I used to? Why can I never find enough time for my business or family? I need to make some changes, but where do I start? I want to expand, but how?
Kendons Business Advisors are here to help. In today’s dynamic business environment, navigating challenges and seizing opportunities requires expert guidance. They are the premiere choice for businesses seeking comprehensive and personalised advisory services.
Whether you’re struggling with profitability, planning to expand, or preparing to buy or sell a business, Kendons provides tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Expert consultants o er strategic guidance and practical advice, ensuring optimised operations and sustainable growth. With proven success stories, like doubling a client’s profitability through strategic planning and financial restructuring, Kendons demonstrates its commitment to driving business success.
Business advisor Liam O’Shea (pictured) assisted a wholesaling company in doubling their profitability. The business struggled with supply chain issues due to Covid-19, leading to decreased sales and margins, and significant cash flow problems. Liam and the client developed a 12-24 month roadmap to tackle these issues, secure
appropriate financing, and set up e ective systems. Regular reviews of business margins and sales systems were implemented, with accountability measures in place.
Now, the client’s profitability is on track to more than double, while gross margins increased from 18% to 22% and cash flow stabilised. This newfound control has opened substantial growth opportunities that were previously unattainable, and they are now working on reducing the business’s reliance on the owner.
If you want to see the same results for your business, call 03 343 4448 or visit the website to book a complimentary meeting.
Turbulence has again hit the property market, this time shifting in the favour of buyers.
Residential real estate resale performance has deteriorated in the first quarter of 2024, according to CoreLogic’s latest Pain & Gain report. Stretched a ordability and high mortgage rates are the likely cause, the report says, as increased house listings put pricing power into the buyers’ hands.
CoreLogic reported that the proportion of properties resold for over the original purchase price in quarter one dropped to 92.9% from 93.5% in quarter three last year. Further, the median gain dropped from $315,000 to $302,500, and the median resale loss jumped from $46,000 in quarter four of last year, to $50,000.
Chief Property Economist Kelvin Davidson cited many contributing factors to the shift. “We’ve seen flattening property values since the end of 2023, as a result of stretched a ordability (and low gross yields), high mortgage rates, and the rise in available listings on the market. These factors are all working together to swing the market back around for buyers,” Davidson said.
He says that although the market is swinging around, sellers are still profiting from properties resold. Christchurch, alongside Hamilton and Dunedin, delivered resale profits in the $275,000-$300,000 range.
“Of course, hold period plays a key role here. Anybody who has owned for the typical seven to eight years will almost inevitably sell for a gross profit. It’s also important to point out, though, that this isn’t always a cash windfall. Many owner-occupiers will simply be recycling the new equity into their next purchase,” he adds.
To read the full report, visit the link: www.corelogic.co.nz/newsresearch/reports/pain-and-gain-report
When a business is sold, there is normally a period of restraint on the Vendor to prevent them owning or working in a similar business for a specified period after the sale, within a specified distance of the business. The reason for this is to prevent the Vendor competing directly with their Purchaser, who has paid goodwill for the opportunity to own and operate the business. Sometimes a Vendor may be aware that they intend to be involved in a similar business close to the original business (e.g. with a branch of the original business) after the
sale. If this is the case, it is important for the Business Broker handling the sale to be aware of that and insert a clause in the Agreement to the effect that nothing in the Agreement will prevent the Vendor from operating XYZ Business at the new location – the key point here is to have complete transparency, so that the Purchaser isn’t blind-sided by the Vendor’s actions.
An experienced Business Broker will be able to assist in ensuring that the parties are fully informed and are aware of what is happening and that there are no future ramifications.
Athol and Cecilia are
Not just a tool for holding pants up, a belt combines practicality with sophistication and accentuation.
For definition through oversized or baggy clothing, to cinch a waist and create an hourglass e ect, or to add another dimension or colour to a monochrome look, a belt is your best friend. To create the illusion of longer legs, pair a sleek tailored pant with a belt and a French-tucked top or knit. It’s an accessory with many strengths.
Through breaking up an outfit or accentuating the middle of your body, belts o er a splash of drama and a luxe upgrade to the look.
Aim to tie it in through another colour on your body. A black belt pairs seamlessly with a sleek black boot, while a brown belt works nicely to tie in a brown leather bag. Use a silver or gold buckle to draw out tones of silver or gold through your jewellery. Always match the aesthetic of the belt you choose with the tone of the outfit you’re wearing.
A belt is a wonderful way to wear your favourite brand, with a friendly price tag compared with a bag or garment. Like the classic Hermes belt or Gucci’s infamous double G number, brand logos have adorned the buckles of belts for years.
Details: Aurora sky blue silk dress
Find Me: Caitlin Crisp
Details: Cotton Poplin V-neck maxi dress Find Me: Ganni
Details: Danessa Fluid Acetate satin dusty blue dress Find Me: Acne Studios
Details: Marta candy pink dress Find Me: Kowtow
Details: Good Girl Blush Elixir perfume Find Me: Carolina Herrera
Details: Roma ballet flat Find Me: Scarpa
Details: Albini printed mauve dress
Find Me: Isabel Marant
“When I shop, the world gets better – is better,” said fictional journalist Rebecca Bloomwood in the film Confessions of a Shopaholic. Women the world over knew exactly what she meant.
Shopping is more than retail therapy. It is the thrill of the chase, the triumph of victory. Becky Dennison of clothing boutique
Lynn Woods sees it all the time.
“With the store under new ownership, we now have a bigger selection of sizes and new, exciting labels. Customers are really enjoying the fun, positive atmosphere. There’s a great energy.”
Wrap up in earthy neutrals, chocolate, taupe and cream, beautifully showcased this season under labels such as Harris Tapper.
Australian label Alémais is the Frida Kahlo in your wardrobe, with vivid colours in exotic print patterns. “The biggest range of Alémais in New Zealand can be found here,” Becky says.
“Denim also features this winter. We have lots of denim jackets and shirts, while the jeans styles are more elevated, taking you from drinks to dinner.”
The lovely team instore have invaluable styling knowledge, and love sharing their expertise to help customers find their look. Open seven days, shopping here definitely makes the world better.
If you like to keep up to date with trends and treatments overseas, you will have heard of EmFace.
While still a relatively new treatment, it already has a list of celebrity fans, including Rebel Wilson, Jenna Dewan, and Alicia Silverstone.
No Botox, no fillers, no injectables and clinically proven to lift, EmFace increases collagen and elastin, and lessens wrinkles, Skin Rejuvenation Clinic cosmetic medicine specialist Dr Brigid Lee says.
EmFace naturally improves the cheeks and midface contours, lifts the mouth corners, and reduces the signs of sagging (jowls). It also helps to define the jawline and lift the brows.
Targeting the elevating muscles of the face, which weaken and cause sagging of the face as we age, the toned muscles then lift and support the SMAS, to then support the facial tissues.
It’s like “pilates for the face,” Dr Brigid says, by toning the facial muscles and connective tissues without causing bulky muscles. This results in a face with “less wrinkles and more lift”. EmFace specifically targets the lifting muscles of the face with HIFES (High Intensity Facial Electrical Stimulation).
There is also a radiofrequency component that simultaneously stimulates collagen and elastin production in both the skin and the connective tissues. Only available at the Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, book your free consultation to find out if it is a suitable treatment in your anti-ageing journey.
lift, less wrinkles, needle
Rejuvenate the lower face for a smoother, more youthful appearance. Transform Clinic offer high-quality dermal filler treatments to soften fine lines and wrinkles and restore lost volume to beautifully rejuvenate the lower face with refreshing, natural-looking results. Book a free consultation today with one of our experienced appearance medicine nurses.
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Fall asleep faster and wake up better with the Signature Sleep Set from Manuka Dreams. A pure silk pillowcase and manuka lavender sleep mist with antioxidants combine to restore, hydrate and soothe skin, protect hair from static and encourage healthy hair growth, while promoting better sleep.
uch changes to our day-to-day wardrobes can feel daunting and overwhelming, especially if you’re unsure how to style it all.
Georgette Pollock-Johnston’s speciality is finding the right colours and fashion combinations for individuals of all shapes, sizes, and colours. The renowned fashion stylist is coming to The Palms for one-on-one styling sessions this winter, the helping hand in finding outfits that make you look and feel great.
Adding layers, seasonal colours, and a different mood all come with the colder weather. thepalms.co.nz
On Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June from 10am to 5pm, The Palms Styling Sessions are the place to be.
In just 20 minutes, you will be granted tips and tricks, from the best hues for your skin colour and characteristics to the right garments for your shape, and a special goodie bag.
The Palms’ team encourage bookings to secure your spot, with a fee of just $10.
Georgette comes with a wealth of knowledge and expertise, drawn from her passion, dedication, and from working with industry giants such as Vogue, Elle USA, and Gucci. An expert in colour analysis and editorial and commercial styling, Georgette knows the best pieces to wear, and the right ways to wear them.
Regain your confidence if there have been ‘problems’ with your teeth and you have been left with the overwhelming thought of what to do now.
There is no need for dentures to look false, Richard Greenlees makes bespoke dentures that look 100% real and natural. Some options for you may be dentures, partial dentures, implant dentures, crowns or veneers all of which will be crafted with precision to enhance your unique smile, crafted with the finest materials and world leading techniques. You will be thrilled with the results. Contact Lovebite on 03 379 1222 (consultation fees apply) or email richard@lovebite.com
At Earth Organic, our experienced stylists combine their expertise with a dedication to organic and sustainable methods, ensuring your hair shines with health. Enter a salon where creativity aligns with conscious living, using only biodegradable products. Indulge yourself with a fresh new look that’s both luxurious and eco-friendly. This is your go-to place for a hair salon that is trending, unique and environmentally friendly.
Hair and scalp conditions affect men, women, and children. Consulting a trichologist such as Dr Padmaja can help identify the causes of hair and scalp problems, so they can be treated effectively. An honest consultation and microscopic check-up will always clarify any doubts/concerns related to hair and scalp issues.
Dr Padmaja says early diagnosis is key to having a healthy head of hair... “Prevention is better than cure.”
Hairmantra 81 Stourbridge St, Spreydon P. 021 069 0058
Choose KM Surgical for your appearance medicine and laser treatments, we provide expert care with specialist dermatologists onsite, ensuring top-tier medical oversight and personalised treatment plans.
Our advanced technology and commitment to patient safety and satisfaction make us the ideal choice for achieving your aesthetic goals. Trust KM Surgical for exceptional results and peace of mind, knowing you are in the hands of experienced professionals.
As the frosty Christchurch winter approaches, it is time to summon those extra layers to combat the chilly temperatures.
Wearing merino is your best choice, The Wool Company owner Margot Riach says.
With over 66 years in business and a loyal customer base, The Wool Company team know what they are doing. With a wealth of experience over so many years, Margot says their passion and knowledge ensure they can deliver a quality range of products.
As a New Zealand-owned and family-operated business, The Wool Company use a completely vertical farm-to-garment process. Buying direct from farmers, knitting, dyeing, and sewing it to their specifications, “a full traceability story,” Margot explains.
Some of their bestselling products include merino socks, underwear, and merino possum knitwear, with many of the colours and styles exclusive to them. The breathability of wool means it is a natural temperature regulator. These days, many Kiwis are returning to wool for its sustainability, with no microplastics to shed.
Margot credits New Zealanders’ commitment in supporting locally owned businesses to the success of The Wool Company. The team will continue to deliver great quality New Zealand made merino and merino possum knitwear, sure to keep you warmer this winter. It is well worth the investment.
If regrowth is creeping up on you, consider embracing the grey and entering a new hair era.
Just because you have silver hair coming in, and you want to go grey gracefully, doesn’t mean it has to be a silver colour,” says Vicki Ogden-O’Fee of V for Hair and Beauty.
The team specialise in finding the best style for you, both in colour and shape. Whether it be a shade of platinum or butterscotch, or strawberry and silver tones, the stylists are available from consultation to your new look.
Vicki encourages everyone to pop in for a chat, client or not. “It doesn’t matter to us. We are just passionate and want to see you become the most confident version of yourself.”
The capabilities of 3D printing continue to amaze users of the technology, especially in its advancement of human experience, including health.
One area which direct 3D printing has made a significant impact is dentistry.
The latest in-house technology at OrthodontiX is the Luxcreo iLux Pro Dental, a cutting-edge direct 3D printer which produces clear aligners.
Specialist orthodontist
Dr Ronald Sluiter says this technology’s astounding feature is that the aligner can be delivered and fitted on the same day, instead of waiting weeks.
“A patient can receive their aligner in two to three hours from the initial scan, so they can then begin their treatment that same day, resulting in shorter treatment plans, fewer visits, and less chairside time.”
Compared to other methods of producing aligners, such as the conventional thermoformed process, the direct 3D printer has little to no waste, and reduces error, steps of work, labour, and inaccuracies.
Because of the high degree of accuracy and customisation requirements, digital technology and 3D printing techniques are fast becoming the preferred pathway for producing dental appliances.
OrthodontiX regard 3D printing as the holy grail of printing for the proven ability to create accurate, reproducible, and aesthetically pleasing clear aligners.
With the harrowing statistics of men’s health in New Zealand, there is no better time than Men’s Health Week, 10-16 June, to advocate for better outcomes.
Men sit on the bottom half of most health statistics in New Zealand. They are 20% more likely than women to die prematurely from heart disease or diabetes, three times more likely to commit suicide or die in a car crash, and have a one in four chance of dying before retirement age.
Men su er all too much from poor mental health, prostate health, diabetes,
and cardiovascular health. Each of these potential risks makes getting regular checks crucial. The Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand is asking for “less dead men,” with the current statistics at 4000 diagnosed and 750 deaths a year. Approximately the same number of men lost their lives to prostate cancer as they did to Covid-19, over the length of the pandemic. “This is a killer,” it says.
Men’s Health Week is about encouraging
men in New Zealand to bring their health into focus and take small steps to better health habits. The movement hopes to make Men’s Health Week like the process of getting a warrant of fitness. “Most guys will go to great lengths to ensure their vehicle is fit for purpose, yet too many men can’t translate that to their own bodies,” the team say.
For resources, quizzes, and information, go to menshealthweek.co.nz.
Men’s Health Week messages:
Small changes can make big di erences. Generate momentum with small lifestyle changes, such as giving positive feedback and forming habits that provide ongoing benefits.
Tough times shouldn’t be tough on your health. Avoid bottling things up, instead communicate with those you trust. Focus on exercising and consuming good foods.
Kudos for doing it. There are plenty of guys who are doing the right things for their health. Let’s salute, not exclude those already onto it.
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At Fertility Associates, we understand the joy babies bring as well as the difficulties faced by many who struggle to conceive.
As medical professionals, you understand the joy babies bring as well as the difficulties faced by many of your patients who are struggling to conceive.
We also believe that providing exceptional care goes beyond just medical expertise. Our team of compassionate and experienced professionals is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that you feel safe, heard, and valued.
By referring your patients to Fertility Associates, be assured that they will receive the highest qu ality c are an d t he m ost a dvanced f ertility p rocedures a vailable.
Seeking fertility advice can be overwhelming. With our experienced professionals, you can be sure that you will receive the guidance and information you need to make informed decisions. You can make an appointment with any of our fertility doctors, you don’t need to have a GP referral.
Your patients can be confident that they are being cared for by New Zealand’s pioneer in fertility m edicine w ith excellent live b irth r ates* t hat are am ong t he highest in Australasia.
Early r eferra ls g ive y our pa tients t he b est c hance an d, together, w e c an he lp them achieve t he f amily o f t heir dr eams.
If you feel that you’re not quite ready to book a doctor’s appointment, you can always make use of our Free Nurse Consult service, where you chat to one of our qualified fertility nurses for 15 minutes. They can answer your questions, talk about your unique situation, and map out some possible options.
Get in touch, and start your journey to parenthood today. where life begins SINCE 1987
* Fertility Associates take home baby rates
Developing when the skin stretches or shrinks abruptly, stretch marks are a type of scar so common that most people will have them.
Such a quick change causes the collagen and elastin within the skin to rupture, causing stretch marks to appear when the skin starts to heal. According to multiple studies, around 80% of adults will experience stretch marks and one-third of women will lose confidence as a result. Embarrassment and self-consciousness are the top feelings associated with stretch marks, and the negative stigma associated with them doesn’t help.
From pregnancy, weight loss or gain, hormonal changes, and rapid muscle growth, we are often unconscious of when stretch marks begin to appear. It can make a frustrating realisation, and a fleeting vow to whip out the Bio-Oil.
However, many products, from moisturisers to serums, have been tried and tested, and scientists still can’t pinpoint one specific solution.
Each treatment is di erent, as is the skin it targets. If you find yourself purchasing many products with no results, it may be best to look into other options. Experienced dermatologists o er procedures such as chemical peels, laser therapy, and microdermabrasion to reduce the noticeability of stretch marks.
The best advice is to embrace them. They are natural, showing the journeys we navigate and the ways our bodies change. At the very least, they are nothing to be ashamed of.
• Pre/postnatal physiotherapy
• Urinary incontinence
• Pelvic organ prolapse
• Menopause education/exercise
• Maternal birthing injuries
• Abdominal /pelvic surgery rehab
• Pelvic pain (incl. endometriosis/ adenomyosis)
• Sexual pain or dysfunction
our increasingly noisy world, maintaining
good hearing health is crucial for overall wellbeing and quality of life.
Yet, many people overlook the gradual deterioration of their hearing until it becomes a significant issue. As hearing technology rapidly improves through artificial intelligence and wireless connectivity, there has never been a better time to take a proactive approach to protecting this precious sense.
Bellbird Hearing are locally-owned clinics based in Timaru and Christchurch, with a focus on providing personalised service and ongoing support to ensure that clients receive the best possible care for their hearing needs.
Established in September 2020, Bellbird Hearing stands out as an independent clinic, while most clinics are owned by a manufacturer. This independence allows the clinic to o er a tailored approach, providing solutions that are specifically suited to each individual’s unique hearing needs rather than being limited to a single product line.
As Juliet Marsden, leading audiologist and clinic manager at the Timaru branch, explains, “We can access any manufacturer, so we can tailor the solution to the individual.” This is especially important because no two ears are alike - hearing abilities and personal preferences can vary enormously.
One of the hallmarks of Bellbird Hearing’s approach is their commitment to ongoing client support. “We regularly get in touch with our clients to encourage them to come back for an appointment, so that we can adjust their hearing aids and make sure everything’s going well,” says audiologist Caroline Smales. This approach ensures that clients receive the necessary adjustments and software updates, ensuring their hearing aids remain optimal for their changing needs and lifestyles over time.
Beyond hearing aid services, Bellbird Hearing holds a comprehensive range of o erings, including ear wax removal services provided by a qualified ear nurse and specialised tinnitus assessments conducted by an experienced audiologist.
What sets Bellbird Hearing apart is their commitment to leveraging the latest technological advancements in the field. Caroline explains, “Hearing aids these days have AI in them, so they learn how you’re using them and adapt.” With features such as deep neural networks, bluetooth connectivity, and rechargeable batteries, the clinic connects clients to state-of-the-art solutions. Just like smartphones, modern hearing aids can be updated to take advantage of new breakthroughs.
Experience the di erence personalised care can make and prioritise your hearing health with Bellbird Hearing. Both clinics at 240 Ilam Road, Christchurch (03 351 1172) and 245 Otipua Road, Timaru (03 683 1545) are easy to find, and have ample parking. With free hearing tests available, it is easy to take that first step towards better hearing.
Looking good and feeling good go hand
Think Purple. Drink Purple.
When you’re looking for an 100% natural and caffeine-free brain support*, reach for Ārepa. Rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, we’ve designed and tested our patented formula in Aotearoa with our world-leading neuroscientist to ensure your brain is getting the nutrients it needs*.
*Ārepa reduces tiredness, fatigue and helps with normal psychological and neurological function, thanks to the high Vitamin C content in our Neuroberry® Blackcurrants and when consumed as part of a healthy and varied diet.
Enjoy the foods you love
When taken with the first bite or mixed with highFODMAP meals (such as gluten products, milk products, onions and garlic), FODZYME’s enzymes begin breaking down FODMAPs into smaller and more digestible carbohydrates to prevent intermittent symptoms like gas, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea or constipation. Enjoy your favourite meals painlessly, wherever you are.
Brewed right here in Ōtautahi, our Kombucha is bitsy because it’s Unfiltered & Unpasteurised. Fear not, every bit is brimming with goodness. Crafted with a unique tea blend, aged, naturally carbonated in glass & infused with our cold-pressed juice. Simply irresistible! Find it at New World, Fresh Choice, and Raeward Fresh today! www.bornandraised.nz
Single-serve sachets filled with 15 grams of pure collagen peptides come to the rescue of compromised skin, hair, nails, joints, and gut. Mix one sachet with cold or hot water and enjoy the delicious taste.
Increase focus, improve memory, reduce brain fog and boost mental clarity with Brain Wave by Two Islands, which works by effectively stimulating brain activity.
This sweet snack is naughtily moreish. Quick, easy, with minimal ingredients, pretzel crack has become a staple in our household.
Now, it is our go-to when we’re craving something sweet. Wrap it up in cellophane with a ribbon, it’s perfect for a token of appreciation or a delicate gift, too.
Not only is this a reasonably foolproof recipe, it is also quite customisable. Some people use Salada crackers, while I prefer pretzels for a sweet and salty combination. To the chocolate layer, you can add and experiment with nuts, sprinkles, or sea salt for an extra savoury flavour.
1 pack or around 200g pretzels, or 1 box Salada crackers
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
2x 180g blocks chocolate of your choice, melted
Preheat oven to 180°C and line a baking tray with baking paper. Layer pretzels or crackers, covering most of the area.
Add the sugar and butter to a saucepan, and stir over medium heat until the mixture is smooth.
Bring the butter and sugar mixture to the boil, and sit for 30 seconds or until thick.
Pour the mixture evenly over the pretzels or crackers and place in the oven for five minutes, or until bubbling.
Remove from the oven and pour over melted chocolate, and any extra toppings. Set aside, or refrigerate if you’re impatient like me, until set.
Crack it into pieces, bitesize or bigger, and enjoy.
Boasting an outstanding menu of elevated pub classics, this local favourite also makes the perfect destination for diners looking for a warm and relaxing meal and a drink to savour. Merely thirty minutes drive out of Christchurch, and perfectly situated on your way to or from the slopes, is West Melton’s Two Fat Possums.
The menu includes sumptuous king salmon and blue cod dishes, as well as a slow-cooked lamb shoulder and a mouthwatering range of handcrafted, wood-fired pizzas. With the weather turning, nothing quite beats that uniquely Canterbury feeling of hunkering down somewhere warm. With the hot pizza oven gently smoking in the corner, and a steaming plate of delicious and country cuisine plated up in front of you, Two Fat Possums provides this in spades.
The function room is also available for family gatherings, or other events deserving of a warm, welcoming space that lends itself so well to recharging and reconnecting.
Two Fat Possums is your perfect mid-winter gem in West Canterbury’s backyard.
Recognised national leader in the verification of food control plans and national programmes across the wider food industry sectors in New Zealand.
Our personable team are immersed in this process every day and are here to assist you.
Unlock your child’s culinary creativity this school holidays! Join our Junior Chef Holiday Programme (Ages 8-16) for a funfilled learning experience. From baking to gourmet meals, ignite their passion for cooking with expert guidance. Limited slots available.
Enrol now!
1/57 Warrington St, St Albans Ph. 027 5344 149 internationalculinarystudio.com
Explore Cafe Elia’s charm! Under new ownership and licensed, delight in our delectable on-site cabinet food, mouthwatering brunch, and renowned coffee. Step into our inviting, newly renovated space for convenience and friendly vibes. Easy off-street and on-site parking make your visit stress-free. Join our vibrant community today!
At Route 72 Café & Emporium we provide healthy, wholesome and high quality meals. The kind and committed team happily caters for special dietary requirements with gluten and dairy free variations on the menu. From lighter bites, including sandwiches, through to heartier eats including gourmet burgers and meals with Oriental accents, Route 72 will spoil you for choice. Open Wed-Sun. Closed Public Holidays.
1697 Cust Road, Cust P. 03 312 5595 www.route72.co.nz
From our family to yours – we bring you a lifetime of bakery know-how to offer a wide variety of cakes, cheesecakes, cupcakes, doughnuts, breads, pies, sandwiches and slices. Edible images for any special occasion also available.
Catering available for morning and afternoon shouts, and office catering a speciality. Shop in-store or online.
The Colombo and Fendalton Village 376 Ilam Rd, Bryndwr Ph. 03 351 0555 www.naturallydelicious.co.nz
Find us on:
Discover vibrant Middle Eastern flavours at Christchurch’s premier grocery and Halal Butchery. Our diverse selection spans Middle Eastern, Persian, Turkish, Afghan, and Asian delicacies. Specialising in gourmet foods, spices, sweets, teas, coffees, and premium Halal meats, we cater to various cultural traditions and dietary needs. Immerse yourself in a rich and diverse experience with special occasion cuts and an array of serving essentials.
403 Colombo St, Sydenham Ph. 03 332 1897 www.maihansupermarket.nz
Being NZ’s first authentic Moroccan restaurant, we feel a great responsibility to introduce the wonderful flavours and hospitality of Morocco, providing an unforgettable dining experience. Savour the many layers of herbs and spices, infused oils and fragrant waters, the sweetness of syrups, honeyed fruits and nuts, the pungent saltiness of preserved lemons and olives. So, take time to share the pleasure of eating at Mosaic by Simo.
Shop 3/300 Lincoln Rd, Addington Ph: 03 335 0082 www.mosaicbysimo.nz
Both modern transportation and the internet have contributed to our desire to learn about other countries and cultures. This includes learning about and cooking dishes from cuisines that contrast from standard Kiwi fare.
By stepping outside our culinary comfort zone, we can discover a new world of taste sensations that we never knew existed. Middle Eastern food, with its unique blend of flavours, spices and fresh ingredients, is becoming more and more popular.
One supermarket in Christchurch has all the ingredients you need to create a stunning tagine, shakshuka, hummus, baba ganoush, kofta, or falafel. The Maihan Supermarket in Sydenham is Christchurch’s premier Middle Eastern grocery store and Halal Butchery. They stock a variety of unique and authentic Middle Eastern food, spices, candies, biscuits, dried fruits, nuts, and condiments. The selection of gourmet Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Afghani, Indian, and Asian delicacies is truly amazing. Chefs from local restaurants frequent the store just to browse the ingredients to inspire their next culinary creation.
The Halal Butchery stocks a large selection of Halal meat, both fresh and frozen. Their specialities are goat, lamb, and beef. If you are catering for a special occasion, speak to one of their onsite butchers, who will be more than happy to assist with special cuts.
This supermarket is indeed a treasure trove, a place to immerse yourself in a rich and diverse experience.
Morocco is known for its beautiful architecture, exquisite ceramics, and fragrant, hearty cuisine. As Morocco is at the crossroads of many civilisations, its food is a mélange of different culinary influences.
Here in Christchurch, we are fortunate to sample authentic Moroccan dishes at Mosaic by Simo in Addington. Now under new ownership and with a new chef highly experienced in Moroccan cuisine, by day this eatery continues to provide an astonishing variety of cabinet food. You will marvel at the display of falafels, kebabs, dolmades, vegetable frittatas, and the vast selection of salads. Everything is made fresh on-site each day. The customers’ absolute favourites for lunch are the bocadillo wraps containing meat, vegetables or salad and spicy sauce, the perfect lunchtime treat.
From 5pm, Mosaic transforms into an a la carte restaurant. Tapas and mezze platters feature on the menu – everything from mussels and meatballs to prawns, chicken and calamari. All dietary requirements can be catered for. Of course, there are tagines, the famed Moroccan casserole, and specialty filo parcels and kebab selections. To finish, choose from a scrumptious range of desserts and sweet treats.
Mosaic by Simo is fully licensed with ample parking. Look out for some new features coming soon.
Coffee is a daily ritual for many. If we can combine our morning cup with nutritional benefits through the likes of collagen, we can boost our health and get that coffee fix.
In Nespresso’s collaboration with Zeenat Wilkinson, founder of New Zealand lifestyle magazine Sauce, this wish has been granted. Making up 30% of the body’s protein, collagen supplies structure, support, and strength for the skin, muscles, and bones. It has shown to promote brain health, and improve heart and gut health, amongst other things. Lately, collagen has entered many households’ supplement rotation.
40ml Altissio co ee 4 large ice cubes
Auntie Niks brand new coffee and food trailer. Same yummy coffee from Crafted Coffee Company. New grill for toasted sandwiches and bacon butties etc. Also same deep fried chips, hot dogs anything else deep fried. To book, call Auntie Nik: 021 412 746
At Pebbles we provide delectable Frenchinspired desserts with a chic flair. From éclairs to seasonal tarts, petit gateaux and travel cakes, our small batch treats are lovingly crafted using the freshest local ingredients. Pop in for a treat with some coffee. Open Wed-Fri from midday till 4pm. 122 Riccarton Road Opposite Westfield Mall www.eatpebbles.com
Nutrition experts recommend eating 30g of raw nuts each day. A monthly pack of 1kg Trickett’s Grove walnut pieces fits perfectly! Try our subscription service online: Choose your desired quantity and delivery frequency, and enjoy delicious New Zealand walnuts delivered to your door.
Come and treat yourself to a scrumptious scallop pie or maybe an Italian eggplant pie! Fairlie Bakehouse pies in store too. Fine. Food. Fast.
Come and treat yourself to a scrumptious scallop pie or maybe an Italian eggplant pie! Fairlie Bakehouse pies in store too. Fine. Food. Fast.
Takeaway Cafe and Delicatessen
Takeaway Cafe and Delicatessen
Mon-Fri 8.30am-2.30pm
Mon-Fri 8.30am-2.30pm
Come and treat yourself to a scrumptious scallop pie or maybe an Italian eggplant pie! Fairlie Bakehouse pies in store too. Fine. Food. Fast. Takeaway Cafe and Delicatessen.
168a Kendal Ave, Burnside
168a Kendal Ave, Burnside Ph: 03 357 4516
Mon-Fri 8.30am-2.30pm Ph. 03 357 4516 027 469 0206
Ph: 03 357 4516 or 027 469 0206
168a Kendal Ave, Burnside
After almost 4 years, 2.30am alarm clocks, dedication and hard work we have sold our food cart.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have supported us.
Have you tried this amazing flavour? Pick up delicious black garlic from: Fresh Choice Merivale, Mediterranean Foods, Piko Wholefoods, Ballantynes, Harbour Coop and Frances Nation. Gluten-free, easy to use.
Indulge in bespoke, locally crafted organic cakes from Harpers House. Perfect for any occasion, our treats are made with whole food ingredients, ensuring delicious, beautifully designed creations that cater to your unique tastes and dietary preferences.
hello@harpershouse.co.nz www.harpershouse.co.nz
Fresh on Kendal exclusively presents products from The Shaggery Farm in Nelson, an Organic Certified establishment known for its edible landscape. We provide weekly deals and a community-centric shopping experience in a warm, welcoming environment. 70 Kendal Ave, Burnside Ph. 027 389 9666 www.freshon.co.nz
East or West - Our food is the best!
All day breakfast menu and Filipino menu with daily specialities.
Cosy atmosphere with a log burner.
Open 8am-2.30pm Tues & Weds 8am-9pm Thurs-Sun
Closed Monday
1266 West Coast Road (1km past
West Melton traffic lights heading towards Darfield)
Be playful, make the backsplash a focal point by choosing one that contrasts the cabinetry, shelving, and bench tops. Doing so accentuates certain parts of the space and intrigues the eye of all who visit.
Create dimension in your kitchen, a unique take on the common backsplash. Make use of tiles that are textured or multi-dimensional to create movement and a soft feeling in a space that is otherwise often harshly stark.
For a point of di erence, commit to a bold backsplash and go glassy. Take it a step further and have an original image or graphic printed on the glass backsplash, sure to attract attention and start conversations.
The same rules can also be applied to other “wet” areas in a home. Think about bathrooms, laundries, and butlers’ pantries; anywhere there is a tap.
In some laundries, a stainless steel backsplash will do the trick, although - as with kitchens - if you want to add colour, character, and uniqueness, then think tiles or glass.
The latter add a sleek, modern, and ultra-stylish look, bringing a touch of luxury to any space. Like tiles, glass backsplashes are available in an endless array of colours, patterns, and textures. They come in various colours, sizes, and textures, making them perfect for creating unique designs. They’re also easy to clean and maintain, essential in high-tra c areas like kitchens and bathrooms.
A glass backsplash will also help to reflect light, making smaller kitchens appear brighter and more open. Additionally, glass tiles are heat resistant, durable, stain and fade-proof. They won’t crack or chip like ceramic tiles and are impervious to water damage, making them ideal for areas with tra c or moisture, such as behind a kitchen sink or stovetop.
In need of a special and unique gift for that special someone? Look no further than Merivale’s Exquisite Gifts by AJ.
The gift shop, which is owned and operated by Amanda Ward and her husband Dave, is popular among locals with its range of products for everyone. From unique homeware and custom refurbished furniture to scented candles and their bestselling crystals, Exquisite Gifts by AJ is home to sustainable and locally designed gifts which have been “handmade with love”.
Owners Amanda and Dave say that customers can shop at Exquisite Gifts by AJ with confidence that all their pieces are ethically sourced and of the best quality.
Pop in to Exquisite Gifts by AJ in Merivale, for a pat and a chat with marketing manager Oscar, and to find a unique gift like no other.
Exquisite Gifts By AJ
A glass might feel no different to the next one. However, there’s a whole world of meaning behind the glassware we use for each drink.
Ihad never paid much thought to the e ectiveness of elegant, quality glasses until I inherited crystal glassware from my late grandmother. Besides the sentiment, they’re refined, sophisticated, e ortlessly gorgeous, and greatly enhance the experience.
The act of curating a glassware collection is a discerning one, and funnily enough, widely discussed.
There are tumblers, champagne coupes, highballs, flutes, martini glasses, red and white wine glasses, shot glasses, the list goes on. Then, there’s the competition between glass and crystal, the latter made with added minerals which lift its brightness, and durability.
The appropriate glass for your drink of choice will highlight its specific texture, colour, aroma, and flavour. On the other hand, nice glassware is luxurious, crafting a delicate, opulent energy whenever you drink.
With a recent growth spurt in popularity, there are now many options in the market for ever-chic glassware that makes a drink even more enjoyable and looks stunning doing it.
Purchasing high-quality from the start can lead to significant long-term savings, on cost and the environment.
First, a traditional ‘on the rocks’ tumbler. Its simple, sturdy base keeps your drink cool, so look for something with character. For a highball glass often filled with ice, soda, liqueur, garnishes,
and bubbles, go plain. Gins and martinis work wonders in a martini glass, naturally. Garnish with circular items like grapes or olives to accentuate the shape. Classic red and white wines have their respective bowls, the red being wider to give the wine more air, while the white’s narrow height retains a cold temperature. A well-designed glass will bring the aromas to your nose, o ering an authentic tasting experience.
Showcase your collection on a neat console table and finish the look with a whisky decanter and wine cooler.
One of Christchurch’s leading Canvas Specialists, locally owned and operated. Specialising in all things Canvas & PVC.
Shade Sails, Awnings, OzTech Retractable Roofs, Canopys, Awnings, Retractable Screens, Caravan Awnings, Covers, Squabs, Chair Covers, and much more.
A new outlet store selling only 100% wool carpet area rugs has just hit the city. From Canterbury’s masters of edging carpets into rugs, the outlet store has the same impeccable quality and style in a stand-alone location.
Carpet binders’ latest venture, the Rugs For All Outlet Store, at Unit 8, 37 Washbournes Road, Sockburn, Christchurch. Michelle MacWilliam, co-owner, explains the outlet store only stocks 100% New Zealand wool carpet pieces that can be turned into rugs to become your favourite home addition.
“Choose your carpet, tell us the size, pick your edging finish, and collect it the next day. That’s a unique service.”
Michelle, highly respected for her knowledge in the rug industry, adds that Carpet Binders has been a leading rug specialist for more than four decades. It’s a family business that comes with care and expert advice. “You’ve got a team that understands,” she adds. So, why shop at the Rugs For All outlet store and purchase 100% New Zealand wool carpet area rugs?
No one regrets buying quality
In almost every area of life, quality comes high on the list of importance. Rugs For All focuses on 100% New Zealand wool carpet that can be turned into rugs. The durability, insulation, stain resistance and thus easy maintenance, and renewable and sustainable credentials of wool rugs make their quality unmatched. Your feet will be treated to absolute cosiness with each step.
With many carpet edging finishes, you can enhance any room and add that pop with an area rug tailored to your requirements.
Often completed within a 48-hour turnaround, the team is e cient and professional, and, for those that need it, can deliver to your home, or arrange for freight if you live outside of Christchurch.
Only promoting 100% New Zealand wool
Specialising in only 100% wool carpet pieces suitable for turning into carpet area rugs, Rugs For All uses its expertise carefully. They do not dabble in other areas of flooring. Patterned and hand-knotted rugs can only be purchased online.
1. Limited Editions by Ross Jones, available at Art & Frame, 2. Elegance Throw, sophisticated with a modern flair now instore at Exquisite Gifts by AJ, 3. Beautiful Custom Furniture, expertly made at Gavin Cox Furniture, 4. Art & furniture with a definite wow factor, available from Belish Boutique, 5. Proudly restoring your loved pieces of furniture, Seaton’s French Polishing & Furniture Repairs, 6. Pearce Malcolm - Softly White 1/6 Colours, Powder Coated Steel and Bronze, 550H 370D 320W, available at Windsor Gallery.
It is smarter, and probably less time-consuming with a puppy, however, there is no reason why you shouldn’t engage in obedience training for a dog of any age.
Obedience training is the process of teaching your dog how to respond to certain commands and setting necessary boundaries. Through this, it should achieve the desired behaviour in social settings, with people, other animals, and at home. Is there any better feeling than a well-behaved dog?
There’s more to obedience training than new skills and tricks. The positives that come out of it make it well worth the commitment of both time and money. Providing mental stimulation to prevent boredom or mischief, confidence, safety, and a stronger bond, enrolling your dog in obedience training is a sound investment in the long-term well-being of yourself, your dog, and probably your belongings. It is in a dog’s nature to be a keen learner, and focused on a positive outcome. Most often, outbursts of naughty behaviour are signs they need something, potentially food, water, exercise, or attention.
While it is a valuable tool, it can become a long, expensive, and frustrating journey to get there.
SPCA New Zealand encourages those
embarking on that road to keep sessions short and sweet, just five to 10 minutes, and focus on one goal each time. Patience and positivity are key to keep things progressing, and fun.
• Establish good behaviour, to create a positive home environment with fewer negative bursts, and encourage good interaction with guests.
• As emotive animals, obedience training helps set a better connection between dog and owner, as you understand their needs and learn the best ways to accommodate these.
• You will find that through obedience training, a stronger, more-loving relationship emerges. This is through setting boundaries and respect for both parties, which enable positive actions, ease, and enjoyment.
• Conflict is avoided, especially in social situations, when your dog is well-trained. Say goodbye to those awkward interactions when your dog growls at another or refuses to give a toy or ball back.
• Obedience training helps your dog stay safe when out and about, or when interacting with other animals and people. With an obedient dog under e ective control, you can feel comfortable taking them o the leash in permitted areas.
Achieving healthy, nutritious food relies a lot on where you grow it, not just how you care for each plant. Strip it back to the base and look at the health of your soil.
Understanding your soil takes time. It is important to consider your location, how you nourish it, and its moisture levels. For well-grown and delicious crops next season, now is the time to start tracking and planning ahead.
Expert gardeners encourage looking into which plants did well and which didn’t, and the factors that played into this, such as disease, PH levels, and soil acidity.
Experts say creating a garden map is a helpful tool. Think of it like a game plan for your garden, considering all the outside influences on each spot, such as shading and sunlight, microbes, and manure compost levels.
Just like a person’s health, soil is as healthy as what it consumes. So, think of ways to add and retain nutrients, and maintain a good soil balance without the need for chemicals.
Create healthier soil and reduce your carbon footprint by composting. Add household food and garden scraps, incorporating green and brown materials, disposing of waste like grass clippings and general green kitchen and garden waste. This recycles valuable nutrients back into your soil, contributing to healthier plants.
Avoid chemicals
An easy way to fast-forward to healthy soil and healthier food is to cut out the middlemen: chemicals. If you can, minimise chemicals that might leave residues in the ground. This will help to create a welcoming environment for bugs, and benefit your garden’s ecosystem over time too.
Add mulch
Mulch is the material used to cover the surface of your garden. It inhibits weed growth, retains moisture and nutrients, and helps maintain soil structure and an even temperature. Organic mulch is best, and options include straw, lucerne hay, lawn clippings, and wood chips.
With consistent frosts and hard winds creeping in, this might be the solution to leave winter and enter summer with a lively, blooming garden. Plants can struggle with the temperature drop, such as those in the citrus or fern families, while some can withstand the cold. Even so, caring for your potted plants in winter is essential, especially in a notoriously cold Canterbury, and for pots in outdoor spaces with little shelter.
Often, you can tell if a plant is battling against the weather by its foliage. Discolouration, frostburn, and windburn are all indicators of sensitivity to the cold. Research should always come first, to ensure the best possible pathway to overwintering for the plant in question.
Seek a cold or shade frame, perhaps the oldest trick in the book for overwintering plants, especially for those you harvest from.
Use sheltered parts of your backyard, such as a side alleyway, where the house and fence can o er protection. In extreme cold, consider wrapping the pot with bubble wrap or horticultural fleece, or bringing it inside into spaces like the garage or a spare room, ensuring it can get enough light.
For overly sensitive species, consider relocating them to a sunny spot by a window.
In many cases, the exposure a plant has received a ects its survival, too. For example, a new plant raised in a nursery will likely not last a week, let alone the winter if left outside. It is best to condition the plant to colder temperatures slowly and harden it for the next season.
Create an ambience and the garden of your dreams with fountains and gorgeous garden art from Grow Landscapes & Lifestyle.
The gentle murmur of trickling water and elegant art sculpt a serene atmosphere for winter evenings, whether you’re admiring from your window or outside enjoying it.
This is where a water feature takes centre stage. Incorporate corten steel garden art, its rustic charm introduces character and a touch of history to your landscape.
Heighten your garden aesthetics by embracing these vital elements, transforming your backyard into a season of visual delight. Corten spheres immediately grabbed attention upon their arrival at the store, while the range of unusual and captivating trees are a forever staple.
Stop by Grow Landscapes & Lifestyle to pick up a piece from the wide selection and make your garden its best.
Grow Landscapes and Lifestyle is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, and Saturdays from 10am to 4pm (closed Sundays), at 69 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch. Phone 03 365 9945.
If you drive past any real estate company at this time of year, particularly those belonging to the same brand as we do, you’ll probably notice some kind of award marketing at play. Acknowledgment of success for client service, sales volumes (dependent on the size of the office, company or franchise), auction excellence and property management are the most common.
There’s a strong desire to compete for the public’s attention and it can’t be easy for anyone to decipher exactly what it all means, which is why I’ve often been asked ‘how can there be so many number-one offices or franchises?’.
It comes down to metrics, or measurements that allow you to track performance and productivity.
In Harcourts, one such metric looks at the size of an office based on the number of consultants they have and then how they compare to other offices of the same size across New Zealand, hence number one, two and three awards for small, medium and large offices.
There are also international awards, which look at productivity based on the volume of revenue produced. Next come the awards for consultants, which acknowledge 30 consultants working for our brand out of almost 500 consultants in our fair city.
Then there are awards for the top 20 consultants in New Zealand (out of over 2,500 in total) and the top 20 internationally (out of a staggering 6,800 agents across 10 countries).
Yes, I know that’s a lot of acknowledgement and it’s a little confusing, but if you cut through the rhetoric, it’s worth
considering the following: should I work with an individual, team or company that is award-winning? Will working with people acknowledged for results and performance make a difference to the price that’s achieved?
I happen to believe it does, but there are questions to ask first.
Are their results staggering or paper thin? This question refers to both the agents and the companies.
Is their award local or international, and is it for doing more than any other company could or does do?
Are their consultants household names, achieving consistently year on year, or even rookies who have come along, fresh and fabulous, with the energy to take the world on?
And, finally, when you contact them, do they respond with purpose and exceptional knowledge?
Although it’s hard to gauge which are the ‘best’ awards, it’s those coveted ‘number ones’ which herald a company or individual that’s worth investigating and considering.
After all, when you’re thinking, what am I going to do with my precious family home or investment property, it’s vital to get it right. And getting it right starts with knowledge, so here’s what I know for sure.
We are lucky here in Christchurch that there is a tremendous amount of excellence and expertise across a number of different offices and franchises, but of all the many businesses the one I know the best is the one I’m part of.
And what awards did we win?
The number-one residential office for
Harcourts in NZ (Papanui).
The number-one office for income, income per sales consultant, number of auctions, auctions per sales consultant … and the number-one office out of almost 870 internationally. This large scoop of awards has been an annual occurrence year after year after year for our Papanui office, as the award for NZ’s top franchise for income per sales consultant has been for our company.
In addition to this, this year there was an excellence award for our property management division and our snazzy best-presented (yes, that’s also an award) Spitfire Square office. Our incredible team of consultants were also award-winners across local, national and international platforms, and I’m constantly in awe of their staggering results.
Cameron Bailey, the number-one agent across every brand in NZ and the international number-one for Harcourts stands out as the ultimate professional, and this time he was joined internationally by Michelle Fu and Mark Wang. On other occasions it’s been Mary Turnbull and Mark O’Loughlin.
Although it’s usually my preference to let actions do the talking rather than words, this year – a year full of turmoil and change, where all most people want is some certainty and a safe place to land – I thought I’d shine a light on a group of people and a company that epitomizes what it means to be award-winning.
I hope you’ll allow my deep pride to show on this singular occasion.
027 432 0447
Claiming the victories in Sydney, Daniel Sullivan of COMMON used the existing homes in the area to inspire a bright colour scheme, and bring to life these ‘Seven Colourful Little Houses.’
Utilising an extensive range of Dulux products, COMMON, HRS Construction, and A1 Decorating collaborated to “eschew the prevailing cookie-cutter style and add a street presence that is truly uplifting,” according to judge Sarosh Mulla.
Built with healthy homes standards in mind, the seven houses are low-maintenance, long-lasting, and vibrant additions to Rolleston’s residential landscape.
Colour blocking was a focus,
and each dwelling received a tailored colour scheme to maintain individuality yet carry an overall aesthetic. “Colour was used to create a sense of harmony and balance to the overall street elevation, creating the illusion of depth, movement, and texture as important design elements to the wider suburban context,” says Daniel.
Flooring finishes, joinery, and interior paint elements all contributed to the look.
By seeking out hints of colour already in place across the wider built context, the COMMON team reinterpreted these hues, demonstrating a fun and playful approach while maintaining a consistent theme.
Rolleston’s Whittington Drive has been reimagined by Christchurchbased COMMON Architecture + Interiors, in a project that took home two awards at this year’s 38th Dulux Colour Awards.
Christchurch is buzzing with creativity this winter, and our city’s talent is on display with all things art and culture.
It will make a nice break from the Long Term Plan process which is almost finished.
First up, we’ve got Tīrama Mai from 21–30 June to mark Puaka-Matariki. Think lighting displays, cultural performances, storytelling and local artwork.
This great event is the perfect excuse to wrap up warm and make the most of all the restaurants and bars in the central city.
The Winter Fireworks Spectacular will be shooting o from New Brighton Pier on Saturday 6 July.
This one’s a particular favourite with my family and really shows o what the beachside suburb has to o er, I hear you can even watch the display from the hot pools.
There’s also KidsFest for families from 6–21 July. Then in the depths of winter on Saturday 17 August, the Go Live Festival will be filling the Town Hall with local musicians.
If you aren’t too keen on big events, there’s still plenty to do. Head to one of the city’s markets, take a walk around the Botanic Gardens and through the Art Gallery, or park up at a café.
When winter comes around in Christchurch it’s not just about staying at home, rug up and get out there to enjoy everything happening around the city.
One week, three events, infinite ideas and opportunity, that’s Innovate Ōtautahi in a nutshell.
That’s not wishful thinking, we’ve transformed into a modern city with a thriving ecosystem of businesses and innovators.
Last year Innovate Ōtautahi brought together over 9000 delegates, whānau, educators, exhibitors, and speakers. The convergence of ideas, sectors and networks and the ability to showcase the brilliant innovation we have here in Christchurch was a real ‘pinch me’ moment for the city and one we look forward to repeating in September.
The event has global reach, with international attendees, cutting edge ideas and a whole new level of collaboration. Businesses here are solving global problems, and that’s why we’re also seeing many young professionals move to Christchurch.
The week’s three events have distinct themes, but a common thread. The Aerospace Summit highlights New Zealand’s globally recognised sustainable approach to aerospace technology. The Canterbury Tech Summit brings together a well-established and high-growth sector, connecting industry leaders and fostering innovation. The Innovation Expo showcases exciting new technologies and groundbreaking ideas, it’s also a lot of fun for the whole family.
So, mark your calendar for 23 to 28 September at our wonderful Te Pae Convention Centre. I’m very excited for what will be an epic week of conversation, collaboration, and insights.
Situated opposite the University of Canterbury Priced from $625,000
Highly sought-after area in the best school zones. 1 or 3 Bed options.
Architecturally designed by Buchan Group. Completion due July 2024.
With all the media coverage of the Government’s 2024 Budget, it is timely to update you on how businesses across Canterbury are feeling right now.
Our most recent Quarterly Canterbury Business Survey, a measure of regional business confidence and economic activity, showed that businesses are hurting.
Some business confidence metrics are at the lowest levels we have seen since February 2023, with nearly 40% of businesses reporting significant impacts from rising costs, and well over two-thirds bracing for continued cost increases over the next year.
On a net basis, only 19% of businesses are positive about future financial performance, a significant decline from 34% in the previous quarter, and 44% six months ago. Fifty-nine percent of businesses are now worried about consumer demand, an increase from 27% this time last year, likely the reason behind cashflow concerns creeping into the top five.
The flow-on e ect is uncertainty, and a smaller appetite to invest and grow; concerning because this is what will bring the economy out of stagnation and even contraction right now.
There is positive news. Seventy-two percent of Canterbury businesses remain confident in their ability to manage disruption, buoyed by an influx of migration and students at the University of Canterbury, a promising winter tourism season, and a resilient primary sector. These factors really do set us apart from other main centres.
For more information on our topical issues and to read our latest survey results, please head to our website www.businesscanterbury.co.nz.
I was interested to read the information from the 2023 Census released recently, which shows the greater Christchurch population grew nearly 10% between 2018 and 2023.
Surely this is confirmation that Christchurch is New Zealand’s second largest city, with the greater Christchurch regional population well exceeding greater Wellington. It was also exciting to learn that our city is becoming more diverse and multicultural. At Te Pae Christchurch, we pride ourselves on being an international standard convention centre and with our diverse workforce representing more than 35 nationalities, our team are representative of our new world city.
Having a diverse team is important for Te Pae, ensuring a flow of fresh and innovative ideas for our organisation.
The key ingredient that binds us all together is the opportunity to make a di erence to this city, in which we all call home. We are passionate about hosting national and international delegates for a wide range of events, proud to put our revitalised city and region on the world stage and to celebrate the cultural heritage that is reflected throughout our awardwinning building.
While we have one of the finest convention centres in the world, it is our people that make it world-class. It doesn’t matter where we come from, the important thing is that we have all made Christchurch our home.
It is inspiring to see our city and region thriving and growing, long may that continue.
Building with Lockwood means choosing a trusted name in innovative and sustainable home construction, known for delivering high-quality, uniquely designed homes that stand the test of time. Experience the exceptional craftsmanship and resilience of a Lockwood home for yourself.
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sca old structure, platform width, edge protection, and a lengthy list of assessments to avoid safety hazards.
If you’re involved in the sca olding process at all, it is essential to have the knowledge, skills, and certifications to work safely. It is not an area to apply the ‘she’ll be right’ attitude. Some of these specifications are the ability to make calculations, read site plans and design drawings, understand equipment and assembly methods, and set up and dismantle sca olding correctly.
Prior to starting any work, there are a few hoops to jump through. Various forms specific to di erent heights and sca old sizes, such as hazardous work and tra c and risk management, are required to be completed and ticked o by site management. A sca older’s certificate of competency should also be provided.
The appropriate inspections must be completed. Site management must ensure information tags are fitted, the sca old is su cient for its use, suspended and special sca olds are registered and inspected, a sca old’s support and its foundation and access areas are suitable, and much more. To put up sca olds over five metres high, a specific class of certification of competence is needed.
is a modern and spacious 2 bedroom, 65m2 home. Perfectly suited as a secondary dwelling or an additional income stream.
Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 5.00pm, Sat - Sun: 12.00pm - 4.00pm. P: 03 348 8704
Abeautiful garage door can lift a property, tying in with the style and colour of the home.
“Our pressed panels often give a traditional feel suited to colonial style or country homes, or they can create a traditional look from a house that lacks in design direction,” says Aaron Harvey, director of Garador Christchurch. “Perhaps you would like to do the opposite and bring your older style home into step with modern homes. Flat panelled garage doors can accentuate the modern aesthetic. They also look sleek alongside monolithic cladding.”
Windows are another style choice that can impact the overall design feel. The positioning and shape of windows can be a fun way to inject character into your home without a major dollar outlay.
A bold colour can make a statement on its own and might be just the personality boost needed to give your home a point of di erence. Matching the garage door to the house colour can give a sense of space, helping smaller homes appear less cluttered.
“You can select a standard colour from the New Zealand Colorsteel®’s range or have the garage door powder-coated,” says Aaron.
An insulated garage door reclaims the versatility of garage space lost when winter comes. It prevents heat loss from inside, and helps to keep the cold out. Insulation also acts as a noise barrier, so activities inside the garage needn’t create a racket outside. “These are all great selling points for family homes especially, when the garage is often utilised as another room in the house,” says Aaron.
Along with state-of-the-art openers, Garador o ers total peace of mind with their Smartphone Control Kit. “You can check from anywhere and get a notification when anyone else opens the door,” says Aaron. “Gone are the days of driving away and then suddenly wondering if you closed the garage door. A quick consult of your app will let you know its status, and if you did leave it open, you can close it. This security and peace of mind is a significant selling point. Buyers can move in and feel secure right away.”
Desirable homes rely heavily on an excellent view from the street, and the humble garage door forms a key part of many a Kiwi home’s façade. It detracts from the market value if it looks tired or makes a racket when raised.
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Fuel cards are a great way to ensure you and those in your business keep moving.
They’re a payment method for anyone in your business that will allow you to easily manage vehicle fuel costs, no matter how many you might have in your fleet. Additionally, they can o er savings at the pump and make reporting and admin a breeze.
RD Petroleum o ers a fantastic fuel card that will give you 24/7 access to its ever-increasing network of rural service sites across the South Island. They’re accepted at BP service stations as well as Gasoline Alley (G.A.S) sites and RD Petroleum’s fuel sites throughout New Zealand.
“Our fuel card has no annual fees or transaction fees,” Hamish Harvey at RD Petroleum says. “It’s the perfect solution, allowing you to consolidate all your fuel expenses into one simple monthly statement.”
Established to provide a professional, competitive, and service-driven distributor for fuel and oil products, their services stretch beyond the fuel card, o ering farm deliveries, commercial bulk deliveries such as contractors and transport companies, aviation bulk fuel services, and home heating deliveries. As local suppliers of many community service stations, they’re constantly adapting and making use of new technologies.
Another benefit of their fuel card is that you’re not locked
into a term deal, and you can add other purchase options to the card such as oil, or diesel only. You’ll also be saving per litre at the pump.
Originally starting as a grass-roots business in rural New Zealand, they now have fuel sites across the South Island. This means you can access their fuel whenever you need it.
The way pricing works for the fuel cards is beneficial to your business’s bottom line, too, o ering a weekly price that is the same throughout the country, except for Auckland where the regional tax of 11.5c per litre will be applied. The cards are also available for individuals, meaning you can access some great savings even if you don’t run a business.
“We currently have a large number of fleet customers on our fuel card o ers. The combination of our leading-edge technology, modern fleet, and highly experienced sta means we can o er our customers the most cost-e ective solutions,” Hamish says.
Applying for an RD Fuel Card is simple and will give you access to a range of great benefits. You can head to their website and fill out a form, or give the friendly team a call on 0800 44 00 14.
These are an extremely warm panel type homes, with thermal properties that exceed new council regulations! At 111 sqm in size, these are a generous 2-bedroom home, compact enough to be erected on most sized sections, without any issues.
With the construction period being only several weeks, from a flat pack, this process is as quick and painless as it possibly could be.
It also contains superior floor to ceiling UPVC windows.
If build price is an issue, and let’s face it, build price is always an issue, chances are there is a fabulous option you haven’t considered.
It is suitable for first-homers, families, retirees, and investors. It could be a home, a bach, a studio, or a workshop.
Designed and built in Canterbury, Durasteel Structures specialise in providing cost-e ective building projects. “We do this by taking a unique approach that di ers from traditional building methods,” says director Brent Collins.
“Our builds are strong and structurally secure because of our design approach. Our steel frames use up to 33% more steel than other manufacturers. Our company focus is quality.” The portal mainframe is C250. “We’ve chosen this because it is stronger and lighter than any comparable product,” adds Brent.
The builds all feature a steel floor subframe and an extremely lightweight structure. “Our homes are ideal for relocation because of their strength and weight,” says Brent. “We also keep gib-type internal linings to a minimum. It means you get little to no gib cracking on relocation or if we have earthquakes.” The steel portal frame and panels flex beautifully during seismic events. “The materials used in our structure promise extreme strength and all-round durability,” explains Brent.
If you have always considered steel more of an industrial material, you’ll be amazed at the beauty of the homes created by this team. “We are happy to facilitate custom-designed ventures in the commercial and industrial arena, if you are building for a business or a hobby,” says Brent.
The team is proud of the thermal superiority of their builds.
“The R-values reached by the PIR panels used on both our walls and roofs are superior to virtually any comparable product,” says Brent.
They have also chosen UPVC windows for their non thermal conductivity and general superiority as a product. “We like to use larger than normal floor-to-ceiling windows to allow for natural light throughout,” says Brent.
The materials are locally sourced where practicable. “The nature of the materials we use means we have a brilliantly fast build time. We can often be complete in approximately 10 weeks,” explains Brent. “Even better, almost all the products we use are backed by large local manufacturers who happily stand behind their products.”
With plummeting recent temperatures, New Zealand residents are blasting the heaters in their homes to combat the cold. However, the increased usage continues to create power outage fears.
Advocates for sustainable, healthy home building standards urge the New Zealand government to commit to better standards and avoid remaining decades behind other countries in The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
The Green Building Council chief executive Andrew Eagles calls for a nationwide shift to building healthier homes. “It’s like watering a garden with a leaky hose filled with holes. We can turn on more water, but what’s the point if we don’t stop the leaks?” The discussion to find new ways of generating electricity will climb, Andrew says.
He adds that cold, ine cient housing is one of the main reasons so much power and heat is needed in Kiwi homes.
“For years we’ve been calling for [governments] to deal with the terrible state of New Zealand homes. Millions of New Zealanders live in poorly insulated and draughty housing, there’s no wonder when the weather gets cold, they need to blast the heater,” Andrew explains.
Supply and demand are a game of tug of war played by energy systems. Finding future sources of renewable energy is paramount, as is an investment in sustainable, healthy homes by both construction companies and individual buyers. It is in the occupier and the environment’s best interest to move away from non-renewable resources, and instead focus on green building.
DESIGN | Optimal orientation, function & aesthetics
STRUCTURE | Super-insulated floor, walls & roof
WINDOWS | High-performance & recessed
AIRTIGHTNESS | Confirmed by air test
VENTILATION | Whole home heat recovery ventilation
ENERGY | Solar system, heat pump hot water, etc
WATER | Efficient fittings & rainwater recycling
MATERIALS | Low carbon & responsibly sourced
WASTE | Plan, reduce, reuse, recycle
Tour NZ’s most beautiful sustainable homes. One day only Saturday 20th July 10am - 4pm
Future-focused investment in design & performance. Healthy for People and the Planet
Thinking of building or renovating? Take a peek inside some of New Zealand’s most thoughtfully designed and sustainable homes at this year’s Superhome Tour.
This year’s Superhome Tour will take place on Saturday 20th July, featuring an array of super sustainable, energy-e cient and healthy homes. It gives you the chance to experience leading-edge design ideas and construction techniques. This unique annual event is a rare opportunity to visit homes that are well above the minimal building code homes often featured on the market.
Visit these beautiful recently completed Superhomes including an under-construction exemplar, to see behind the scenes of what makes a Superhome tick. Schedule your visits during a variety of ‘Tour Talks’ on o er, where industry leaders in design, building, and sustainable home products and materials share their ideas. It is a fantastic opportunity to network and ask questions.
The tour will include homes in Christchurch, open for one day only (Saturday), and a Hanmer Springs holiday home open on both Saturday and Sunday. Be in to win a free night’s accommodation at this Hanmer Springs Superhome, built by Baumann Builders.
All tour ticket holders go into the draw to experience this fantastic prize. For more details on this, and the other homes, visit superhome.co.nz
This recently completed a ordable 172m2 3-bedroom Superhome is the builder’s own home. Built by Guy and Jo Gillespie of Character Builders for under $500,000, this e cient Superhome is partially two-storey with the master and ensuite upstairs, and a voluminous doubleheight living space. Guy’s son Dan has also built a space-e cient 121m2 3-bedroom Superhome next door for his young family and this will also be open to view on the tour.
Built by Dan Saunders Construction and designed by Bob Burnett Architecture, Balmoral Ōtautahi is this year’s under-construction exemplar.
This hill site Superhome’s brief was to capture the stunning views without compromising on thermal performance, comfort, and earthquake resilience. Replacing an earthquake-demolished house, Balmoral Ōtautahi aims to combine performance, resilience, and safety with beautiful organic architecture. Out of adversity, comes something super.
Expansive windows highlight the stunning views without compromising thermal e ciency, using high-performing uPVC, triple-glazed European joinery. In summer, the windows are protected by large eaves and vertical external blinds to prevent overheating. Sheltered clerestory windows in the split roofs allow quality morning light to enter deep inside.
The high, voluminous ceilings create a luxurious
sense of space, yet the home is still cost-e ective to heat and cool, thanks to the Warmth.nz central heating and Moisture Master ventilation systems. Fully insulated foundations use Firth Ecomix concrete with 40% fly-ash resulting in 40% less carbon. Generously thick airtight walls and beautiful timber ceilings crafted from cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels, are also structural, forming the underside of a warm roof by SealCo with continuous insulation, combining structural integrity with aesthetic appeal.
The Japandi design embraces the natural materials throughout helping to enhance the occupants’ comfort and mental well-being through biophilic design principles.
This innovative underconstruction Superhome can be viewed on the 2024 Superhome Tour for one day only at an informative stage of construction. Register online for tour talks on key topics and an onsite windows workshop demonstrating how recessed windows are installed.
Designed by Fiona Macpherson Architecture, this energy-e cient home seamlessly nestles into a small space within Lyttelton’s historic village. Its layout cleverly maximises the limited area, while paying homage to Lyttelton’s past with a classic weatherboard exterior. Beneath the surface, a fully insulated foundation is accompanied by a hydronic underfloor heating system. The 140 Series Ecopanel Wall System provides excellent insulation and airtight layers, achieving an impressive airtightness test result of 0.48 air changes per hour.
It’s all about open sharing of ideas and information on designing and building better homes to help create a better life for yourself. Tour attendees will experience more than just the look and feel of the homes, they will understand the performance and quality, feel the warmth, air quality, the standard of light and acoustics, and more. Experience everything you only get from visiting a building rather than looking at pictures on a website. The beauty of the tour is you can hear directly from the owners, designers, builders and others involved in creating the Superhome, and ask important questions about processes, what is it like to live in, the costs involved, including power and heating bills, and about environmental considerations and credentials.
Saturday 20 July, 10am - 4pm. Earlybird discount tickets are $5 per person+ GST (usually $10 per person + GST). Book now at superhome.co.nz
When choosing a townhouse, the smart money lands on a new build, where the performance is as attractive as the modern clean lines. Inbuilt durability is a must for the discerning buyer, ensuring a warm, dry home for generations to come.
Developing good-looking, energy-e cient, soundproof townhouses at an a ordable price is the central objective of Nest Residential. Owners Simon Fenwick and Mark Teesdale have always focused on quality rather than quantity. “New Zealand is 10 years behind OECD standards in home building, and we are passionate about contributing high-quality housing that takes us to where we need to be,” says Simon.
“Every Nest Residential home has upgraded insulation as its baseline.” The green initiatives inherent in the team’s new builds have inspired confidence from the financing perspective, with $80k available at a 1% interest rate.
Security is featured, with fencing and automatic gates coming as standard. The large single garages have the capacity for a car, and space for bikes and other leisure equipment. “Each garage is fitted with a 16A connection for electric car charging, and a ply wall which makes fitting shelves hooks and tools a breeze,” says Simon.
New build projects are under construction lakeside in Pegasus, Woolston, and Addington. “We have two remaining homes in Pegasus,” he adds. “In Woolston, we have seven townhouses that will be complete by the end of 2025, and 12 townhouses in Addington will be ready for occupation early in 2026.”
Accolades from those already in a Nest home are easy to come by, with one lucky owner saying “I love my house. I think every day how lucky I am to live here. Thank you very much Simon and Mark, you are doing good work.”
COLORSTEEL® - designed, tested and approved to stand up to New Zealand’s unique environments and become a part of them. Reflecting a connection to the natural world around us, while protecting us from it, at its most extreme.