28 JULY 2016
Hello, nineties era
The matrim check onial list
National Multi Award Winning Magazine
Metropol July 28, 2016 1
CASH SETTLEMENT? Whyte Construction has comprehensive packages for you to reinvest in Canterbury.
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2 July 28, 2016 Metropol
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Kate Pierson
EDITOR’S Kate Pierson PERSPECTIVE EDITOR’S Kate Pierson PERSPECTIVE EDITOR’S Kate Pierson PERSPECTIVE EDITOR’S ith Canterbury FashionPERSPECTIVE Week next week, and our latest cover a
fashionable nodFashion to whatWeek we can expect show, a I've ith Canterbury next week,from and this our year's latest cover Kate Pierson been thinking quite a lot about the subject. fashionable nod to what we can thislatest year'scover show,aI've ith Canterbury Fashion Week nextexpect week, from and our Generating billions ofa dollars per annum in New Zealand, fashion is been thinking quite lotwe about subject. fashionable nod to what can the expect from this year's show, I've the untameable beast at billions theFashion heart of consumer culture. chameleon likea is Generating of dollars per in The New Zealand, fashion ith Canterbury Week next week, and our latest cover been thinking quite a lot about theannum subject. nature of thefashionable industry keeps loyalists to 'what's hot and what's not' on their the untameable beast at the heart of consumer culture. The chameleon likeI'veis nod to what we can expect from this year's show, Generating billions of dollars per annum in New Zealand, fashion toes, and leaves the rest ofquite usloyalists who consider ourselves a 'work innot' progress' nature of the industry keeps to 'what's hot and what's on their been thinking a lot about the subject. the untameable beast at the heart of consumer culture. The chameleon like rather perplexed. toes, and leaves the rest of us who consider 'work in progress' Generating billions of dollars perourselves annum inaNew Zealand, nature of the industry keeps loyalists to 'what's hot and what's not' onfashion their is All of this 'threads andat kicks' talk has inspired some nostalgic and ratherlike cringerather perplexed. the untameable beast the heart of consumer culture. The chameleon toes, and leaves the rest of us who consider ourselves a 'work in progress' inducing memories forlaugh. me asItloyalists Imay reflect on myyears style – and or rather unstylish - cringe“Always fi nd a reason to not add to your life but will surely add All of this 'threads and kicks' talk has inspired some nostalgic and rather nature of the industry keeps to 'what's hot what's not' on their rather perplexed. evolution. It would be difficult determine ofor the styles as a kid life totoes, your years” – unknown. inducing memories for me astalk Ito reflect on mywhich style unstylish leaves the rest of us who consider ourselves arather 'work inI donned progress' All of and this 'threads and kicks' has inspired some– nostalgic and rather- cringeLaughing – it’sIt awould physiological response to humour – and ‘the’ antidote for of the perplexed. eighties and nineties eras the 'most heinous' fashion faux as pas evolution. todeserves determine styles I donned a kid rather inducing memories be for difficult me as I reflect on my which style –of orthe rather unstylish melancholy in my opinion. title. of the eighties and nineties eras deserves the 'most heinous' fashion faux All of this 'threads kicks' talk has inspired some rather cringeevolution. It would and be difficult to determine which ofnostalgic the stylesand I donned aspas a kid In today’s issue you will find wonderful article on a wideleg laughing class – yes, My obsession with unflattering fabrics;on oversized, jeans, and tie-dye title. inducing memories for meaas I reflect – or rather unstylish -that’s of the eighties and nineties eras deservesmy thestyle 'most heinous' fashion faux pas right,evolution. a laughing class – be on page spring 8. to When was working London across 2014 leggings with slouch socks to Imind as doeswideleg aindenim 'cowgirl' styled My obsession with unflattering fabrics; oversized, jeans, and tie-dye It would difficult determine which of the styles I donned asand a kid title. 2015 of and trying to stave offsocks thewhich blues while uncomfortably rubbing professional dress covered in sequins, Ideserves picked up second-hand shopping with my leggings with slouch spring to mind as does a denim 'cowgirl' styled the eighties and nineties eras the 'most heinous' fashion faux pas My obsession with unflattering fabrics; oversized, wideleg jeans, and tie-dye shoulders Public piranhas and living in awas concrete I stumbled Mum and wore toRelations the point of its extinction. That a sad jungle, day in our dresswith covered in sequins, my title. leggings with slouch sockswhich springI picked to mindup assecond-hand does a denimshopping 'cowgirl' with styled across laughing classes. household. Mum and wore to the point of its extinction. That was a sad day in our My obsession with unflattering fabrics; oversized, wideleg jeans, and tie-dye covered in sequins, which picked up second-hand shopping my At dress time, it forget seemed like such an Iabstract concept and my own and fear Iwith of looking Ithe also can't the pink, patent leather that friend wore household. leggings with slouch spring to mindheels as does a my denim styledon Mum andego) worestopped to thesocks point of itsgoing. extinction. a sad 'cowgirl' day in our silly (aka, my me from BeingThat backwas on home soil and once again girls' out. preoccupation with heeled shoes (nofriend longer thewith case these I alsonights can't forget the pink, patent leather that my and I wore on dress covered in My sequins, which I picked upheels second-hand shopping my household. enjoying copious amounts of laughter with friends and family, I can definitely see that days) in fact started at around the age of six when I begged my parents for my girls' nights out. My preoccupation with heeled shoes (no longer the case these Mum and wore to the the pink, pointpatent of its extinction. That was a sad day in our I also can't forget leather heels that my friend and I wore on some good old-fashioned giggling would have been a great remedy for what ailed me own pair of 'clip clops'. Iaround still vividly remember whenI they took me to buyfor them. days) in fact started at the age of six when begged my parents my household. girls' nights out. My preoccupation with heeled shoes (no longer the case these at the time. thinkpair I probably insisted on sleeping in them such was the love of Ito these $20 own of 'clip clops'. I still vividly remember when they took me buy them. I also can't forget the pink, patent leather heels that my friend and wore on days) in the factlast started around the until age of sixcried? whenIfI begged for my When was timeat you laughed you you havemy to parents think too long white, pointed with bows on. with I it think I probably insisted onvividly sleeping inheeled them such was love ofto these $20 girls' nights out.heels My preoccupation shoes (no longer the case these own pair 'clip clops'. I still remember when they took me buy them. about then itofwas defi nitely not recent enough! Laughter is the so part of our every day The interesting thing about lot ofIage the styles we have banished to the of white, heels with bows on. in fact started at around the six when Iwas my of parents for lives Idays) that we take it for granted. Iaknow did. days Ibegged crave I’mback drawn think Ipointed probably insisted on sleeping inofThese them such the laughter, love these $20my our isI that they find themselves back intook vogue when style Theminds/wardrobes interesting thing about a lot of the styles we have banished to the back of own pair of 'clip clops'. still vividly remember when they to buy them. to situations where I can experience more of it. It nourishes the soul,me which in turn white, pointed heels with bows on. decide toinsisted give abest second wind. our minds/wardrobes isthem that they themselves back in vogue style Iroyalists think I probably onasleeping them such wasbanished the ofwhen these $20of nourishes the mind and body. And of all, that we nourishment islove free! The interesting thing about lot offind thein styles have to the back Ultimately, fashion is an them extremely subjective, personal thing, but I of believe one royalists decide to give a on. second wind. white, pointed heels with bows A universal form of communication, laughter actually alters level cortisol our minds/wardrobes is that they find themselves back inthe vogue when style of the best parts about donning something you feel really proud of, is the Ultimately, fashion is an extremely subjective, personal thing, but I believe one The interesting thing about a aboosting lot of the wind. styles we have banished to the of in ourroyalists bodies, reducing and immunity. It’s been said that we back tend to decide to stress give them second confidence injection. Despite being somewhat offeel aback Tomboy thesecompany. days, I know of the best parts about donning something you really proud of, is the laughUltimately, more – sometimes up to 30 times more – when we are in great A bitI our minds/wardrobes is that they find themselves in vogue when style fashion is an extremely subjective, personal thing, but I believe one also lovedecide theinjection. feeling that comes oversomewhat me when wearing a beautiful garment. like sneezing, laughing can be contagious, and what better feeling than to confidence Despite a Tomboy these Iamong know I royalists give them abeing second wind. of the best partstoabout donning something youof feel really proud of,days, is be the Ialso hope reading through some of the not-so-fashionable hallmarks of my youth lovedUltimately, ones having a great laugh? love the feeling that comes over me when wearing a beautiful garment. fashion is an extremely subjective, personal thing, but I believe one I confidence injection. Despite being somewhat of a Tomboy these days, I know Call it what you will – laughing, chuckling, giggling, cracking up, merriment –youth it’s provides some great conversation starters this weekend as you share some ofa I hope reading through some of the not-so-fashionable hallmarks of my of the best parts about donning something you feel really proud of, is the also love the feeling that comes over me when wearing a beautiful garment. wonderful gift.some Perhaps reading thisstarters perspective today will give you and your your own sartorial sins withover friends and family. provides great conversation this weekend as you share some of I confidence injection. Despite being somewhat of a Tomboy these days, I know I hope reading through some of the not-so-fashionable hallmarks of my youth laughter alove newthe lease on sins life. Hopefully it brings somewearing hilarious memoriesgarment. to the your own sartorial with friends and family. also feeling that comes over me when a beautiful provides some great conversation starters this weekend as you share some of surface andreading is a catalyst for creating I hope through some of more. theand not-so-fashionable hallmarks of my youth your own sartorial sins with friends family. provides some great conversation starters this weekend as you share some of your own sartorial sins with friends and family.
Kate Pierson Kate Pierson Kate Pierson Kate Pierson
Publisher Metros Publishing Group Ltd Publisher Metros Publishing Group Ltd Publisher Managing Director MetrosTrevor Publishing Group Ltd Laplanche Managing Director Publisher trevor@metros.co.nz Trevor Laplanche Managing Director Metros Publishing Group Ltd trevor@metros.co.nz Trevor Laplanche Advertising: Tracey Prince trevor@metros.co.nz Managing Director advertising@metros.co.nz Advertising : Tracey Prince Trevor Laplanche advertising@metros.co.nz trevor@metros.co.nz Advertising: Tracey Prince Editorial: Kate Pierson advertising@metros.co.nz kate@metros.co.nz Editorial: Pierson Advertising : Kate Tracey Prince kate@metros.co.nz advertising@metros.co.nz Editorial: Kate Pierson Production: Julian Laplanche kate@metros.co.nz production@metros.co.nz Production: Laplanche Editorial: Julian Kate Pierson production@metros.co.nz kate@metros.co.nz Production: Julian Laplanche Administration: Emma Dyer production@metros.co.nz admin@metros.co.nz Administration: Dyer Production: JulianEmma Laplanche admin@metros.co.nz production@metros.co.nz Administration: Emma Dyer Photography: Wendy Cook admin@metros.co.nz wendy@metros.co.nz Photography: Wendy Administration: EmmaCook Dyer wendy@metros.co.nz admin@metros.co.nz Photography: Wendy Cook Ph: (03) 343 3669 wendy@metros.co.nz Fax: 3659 Ph: (03) (03) 343 343 3669Cook Photography: Wendy Fax: (03) 343 3659 wendy@metros.co.nz Ph:Leslie (03) 343 16 Hills3669 Drive, Fax: (03) 343 Riccarton, 16 Leslie Hills3659 Drive, Ph:P.O. (03) 3439362 3669 Box Riccarton, 16 Leslie Hills Drive, Fax: (03)Box 3439362 3659 Christchurch, NZ P.O. Riccarton, Christchurch, NZ P.O. Box 9362 16 Leslie Hills Drive, Christchurch, Riccarton, NZ Metropol is published every fortnight and delivered to P.O. 9362 and Canterbury the best addresses in theBox Christchurch Metropol published every fortnight and delivered region. It isisalso available from manyNZ selected stores,to Christchurch,
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290 Papanui Rd, Merivale
w w w. o n e i l . c o . n z
4 April 21, 2016 Metropol Metropol July 28, 2016 3
COVER STORIES 25 FASHION Hello, nineties era 45 CUISINE Rise of the flexitarian 58 HOME Green with envy
28 JULY 2016
Hello, nineties era
Th matrim e checklonial ist
National Multi Award Winning Magazine
Let them eat cake! Yes, we’re all about cake right now, and there’s a cheesecake recipe boasting a very sweet personality with your name all over it on page 46. Indulge your sweet tooth with this delicious pleasure, minus any of the incumbent guilt. Life’s too short to eat bad cake!
28 JULY 2016 VOL 19 ISSUE 15
4 July 28, 2016 Metropol
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Metropol July 28, 2016 5
The force majeure of the Canterbury earthquakes may have changed the course of our existence, but it has exposed the raw talent flowing through our veins as we not only pick up but reinvent the pieces.
A new generation of contemporary photographers based in New Zealand, Germany and Japan.
6 July 28, 2016 Metropol
hristchurch’s arts and culture scene has become an outlet for our grief, joy, pain and perseverance and the beneficiary of talent that is divorced from conventionalism and defined by a sense of liberation. The ever-evolving creative landscape is the personification of tenacity. Case in point is Selective Exposure - a group exhibition, curated and organised by Haruhiko Sameshima, featuring a new generation of contemporary photographers based in New Zealand, Germany and Japan. It features samples of prints from each photographer’s sustained projects. Originally exhibited at Photospace gallery in Wellington in November 2015, the opening at In Situ Photo Project is the first time the exhibition has graced South Island shores. Showcasing the work of Caryline Boreham, Conor Clarke, Peter Evans, Shelley Jacobson, Julius Margan, Asumi Mizuo, Solomon Mortimer, Stephen Roucher, Shigeru Takato and Tim J. Veling, Selective Exposure involves the use of analogue film technology to reflect
aspects of reality filtered through their own experiences, mediated by the old world photographic process. The constituent members of this artistic collective have all graduated from New Zealand art schools majoring in photography, within the last 25 years. Having gone in pursuit of the esoteric, the abstract, the ordinary and the completely extraordinary, their work portrays diverse subject matters such as steaming towers in the industrial hub of Germany, television news studios from 40 countries and 70 cities, contemporary views of a rebuild after destruction by an atomic bomb, and petroleum industry related sites across New Zealand from the perspective of ‘peak oil’. Others travelled to scout for alternative identities in the country’s heartlands, the shifting border between urban and rural in a home suburb or, even closer to home, looking deeply into family and kinship under duress. The exhibition closes on Friday 5 August. Visit In Situ at 120 Hereford Street.
Homeiis whereitheiheart is
Kristin Cameron, Ann-Marie Manson Kristin Cameron, Ann-Marie Manson
On Tuesday 21 June, friends of Ballantynes came together to enjoy an evening of entertainment and inspiration as the beloved store showcased how to bring a little magic into the home. Styling and brand experts presented the latest trends and ideas while guests enjoyed tastings, live music, special offers and spot prizes.
Steph Stevens, Deb Hymers-Ross, Emily Glubb (Ballantynes) Steph Stevens, Deb Hymers-Ross, Emily Glubb (Ballantynes)
Liz Mills, Tracey Prince Liz Mills, Tracey Prince
Andrew Brown, Lawrence Dawson, Janet Vincent, Janet Vincent, Maria O’Halloran, Paul Tweedale Maria O’Halloran Julie Endacott, Marie Lawder Brown, Lawrence Janet Vincent, Maria O’Halloran, Photos by Jane Wyles Andrew Photography - for copies email:Dawson, janewyles@paradise.net.nzJanet Vincent, Photos by Jane Wyles Photography -Paul for copies email: janewyles@paradise.net.nzMaria O’Halloran Tweedale Julie Endacott, Marie Lawder
Judy Wilson, Tracey Dempsey Judy Wilson, Tracey Dempsey
Liz Mills Liz Mills
Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email: janewyles@paradise.net.nz
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Metropol July 28, 2016 7
Playing for
LAUGHS By Celine Gibson
Photos: courtesy Krissy Dwyer
t was a chilly Wednesday night when nine people came together at St Marks Methodist Church Lounge, corner of Barrington and Somerfield Roads, to work up some merriment. The sign outside the door was encouraging – This Way to Laughter. It’s a strange concept – that of laughing on cue, without the aid of a funny or bawdy joke to tickle the funny bone. However, it is possible, and laughter clubs are catching on world-wide as people seek ways to lighten their load. Sarah, our tutor at the Midweek Laughter Club, told us that her sessions were more play based, because when adults play – as they did when a child – inevitably laughter will result; and Sarah was right. If there were shy members amongst our number, it wasn’t obvious. Once Sarah got the music going it was full on as we tapped and massaged lazy limbs,
8 July 28, 2016 Metropol
exercised facial muscles by pulling comic expressions, and flung our arms and legs about with carefree abandon. Our laughter was real and infectious because we were invigorated and energised. When Sarah had us affirm aloud, “I am alive!” the chant was mighty.
It’s a strange concept – that of laughing on cue, without the aid of a funny or bawdy joke to tickle the funny bone. This laughter club has a great vibe; it’s empowering, physically engaging and enormous fun. Where else can you go on a Wednesday night and be allowed to turn a chair into a horse, and pretend you’re galloping off to Happy Land? Yee-ha! For further information email midweeklaughterclub@yahoo.co.nz
Terms and conditions apply. Promotional period 1st July - 31st August 2016. All prices include GST. For more information www.edwardgibbon.co.nz
SHOWROOM: 293 Cranford St. St. Albans Christchurch Ph.03 3667137 75 Kingsley St. Sydenham Christchurch Ph.03 366 7199 www.edwardgibbon.co.nz Metropol July 28, 2016 9
Lights, camera, action… film festival When film found its feet in the 1890s thanks to the invention of motion picture cameras, a new world of imagination and innovation was born. It is a world that continues to thrive and flourish, fertile as ever, as creatives nurture its potential and that of its inhabitants – the actors and actresses who make us cry tears of pain and laughter; encourage us to question our existence and our experiences; take us back in time and catapult us into the future. Such is the immersive power and experience of cinema.
As it celebrates its 40th year, Metropol talks with the Director of the world-famous New Zealand International Film Festival, Bill Gosden, about his living life in art and Aotearoa’s role in performance at home and on the world stage.
Le Ride credit Doug Jensen
How did your career evolve to this point? I’ve been on the same track (without realising it) since writing film reviews in the high school newspaper and student jobs as a cinema cleaner and doorman. The next step was a job in distribution with Richard Weatherly at New Zealand Film Services, then to the New Zealand Federation of Film Societies and the Wellington Film Festival. How would you describe the calibre of New Zealand actors? One of the pleasures of Wilderpeople was its parade of utterly distinctive talents already known and beloved throughout
the land. One of the pleasures of The Rehearsal is the mix of known talent (James Rolleston and Kerry Fox) with a host of riveting young players. They just happen to be playing up-and-coming actors, and there can be no doubt that that’s exactly who they are. What do you think are some of the challenges they face? To make it in the movies they (actors and actresses) have to register with audiences beyond these shores. The competition may be daunting, but it has never been more possible than now to do it without first leaving home.
Tariq Kundan Brand & Territory Owner 0800 700 111 • 027 440 1908 tariq.kundan@mikepero.com 356F Main North Road, Christchurch Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA (2008)
10 July 28, 2016 Metropol
The New Zealand International Film Festival celebrates its 40th year in 2016. The organisation is a charitable trust creating movie magic and overseeing the festivals around New Zealand.
How has the NZIFF evolved since inception? It’s much bigger and the films are newer and much more diverse in their appeal. The digital revolution has been the single most transformative influence in the 30 plus years I have been involved. What have been some of the milestones you are particularly proud of? I am immensely pleased that NZIFF has contributed so significantly to the continuing use of three of the country’s great movie palaces as film venues – crowned by the inauguration of the Isaac Theatre Royal as a movie palace in 2015. Are there any films you are particularly excited about for 2016? The Isaac Theatre Royal provides the ideal venue for celebrating homecoming screenings for Tearepa Kahi, Phil Keoghan and Alison Maclean. Personally, the line-up of films direct from Cannes, most of which I have yet to see myself for
the first time, is extremely enticing. And nothing beats the Live Cinema experience. This year the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra returns to accompany Easy Street, one of the great Charlie Chaplin shorts and the great 20s classic comedy Safety Last! What are the ultimate ambitions of the NZIFF? To explore and celebrate the medium still known as cinema and expand the options of New Zealand filmmakers and filmgoers. What advice would you give to aspiring creatives? Get out there and be amongst it. Beware the echo chamber. What is your ‘go to’ advice or mantra for living life to the full? I’ve found this advice from Mark Twain helpful for staying sane during NZIFF: “When an audience do not complain, it is a compliment, and when they do it is a compliment, too, if unaccompanied by violence.”
To make it in the movies they (actors and actresses) have to register with audiences beyond these shores.
Metropol July 28, 2016 11
amily Law is just one service that Cameron & Co lawyers provide. For Kelly Hawkins at the business’ Upper Riccarton branch, it was a natural fit for her
Kelly has experience dealing with a wide range of clients and areas.
When life
Throws a Curveball We all wish for a simple life, but in reality that is not what life is about - we get thrown curveballs, the unexpected just strolls on in, and challenging situations develop.
14 July 28, 2016 Metropol
skills. “The area of family law has always interested me,” Kelly says. “It is the helping aspect – the ability to take some of the burden away from my clients when they are going through a potentially difficult time.” Working as a Deputy Registrar at the Wellington Family Court, as a family lawyer in Porirua and the Kapiti Coast, and in her home town of Christchurch, Kelly has the experience of dealing with a wide range of clients and areas within family law and relationship property. She sees her other developing speciality, employment law, as requiring similar skills in terms of relating to her clients’ experiences and providing the best legal advice possible. In many cases this begins with a simple phone call or email from the client to see if legal input is required for their situation. “If the two parties involved can work it out themselves it will be a happier outcome,” Kelly says of finding ‘middle ground’, which is always a priority. Cameron & Co is part of the community it works in, and is based from four suburban offices across the city in Ilam, Upper Riccarton, Riccarton and Barrington. For more information give Cameron & Co a call on 348 8061, email mail@cameronco.co.nz or visit www.cameronco.co.nz
In FineiForm
Mary Patterson, Tony Mounce, Carissa McGregor, Mark McSkimmin
On Wednesday 15 June, highly respected chiropractor Mary Patterson celebrated the opening of her new business – Christchurch Wellness Centre – with friends, family and industry peers. The centre takes a holistic approach to the back and body.
Vanessa Lord, Angela Lumsden, Courtney Chappell, Carissa McGregor
Patricia Stowell, Caroline Morrison, Barbara Ryan
Ian & Joan Familton, Bud & Lindsay Stowell, Pat Ward, Rosemary Martin
Pat Ward
Ursula Rack, Daniela Liggell, Briar Schwalger-Smith
Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email: janewyles@paradise.net.nz Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email: janewyles@paradise.net.nz
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Repair Cafés By Melinda Collins
Buy. Use. Break. Toss. That’s how it goes for some 400 million pieces of electronic waste dumped in New Zealand every year. But the panacea has been revealed in the most unique of places, as cafés seek to fix the throwaway culture one repair at a time.
16 July 28, 2016 Metropol
our smartphone’s screen gets smashed, your bike wheel gets buckled, or your bedside lamp has become a unintentional strobe light. You could purchase an expensive replacement. Or you could go for a coffee and scone. That’s the idea behind the ‘Repair Café’ movement, a series of coffee shops which bring together the owners of broken devices and experienced repairers. What began as the idea of Dutch journalist and blogger Martine Postma in 2009 has led to the establishment of more than 800 Repair Cafés throughout the world today. While it has yet to reach our southern shores, it has got as close as our neighbour, with the Bower Reuse and Repair Centre in Sydney’s inner west holding weekly repair sessions focusing on bikes, furniture and electrical items. Conceived as a way to help people reduce waste, the Repair
Café concept has taken off since its debut seven years ago, but is today about so much more than just the material repairs it promotes. Clothing, electrical components and furniture are all making their way through repair cafés and getting a second wind. But during this process, participants get to learn new skills and understand the benefits in repairing and reusing. Repairs are not just about the fiscal benefits. Sometimes, the items are special - and that makes the repair experience special, too. Repair cafés change people’s mentality about repair because, once you experience the buzz of a successful repair, you continue to repair and you purchase products that can be fixed when they do break. Repair cafés seek to fix the throwaway society one repair at a time, helping people discover a new reality: Buy. Use. Break. Repair. Keep an eye out on an appearance of this concept in Christchurch.
To enter the draw to win simply head to www.metropol.co.nz/win (or scan our QR code with your smart phone), put in your details and tick the competitions you want to be in to win. Entries close on 8 August and the winners will be notified on 9August.
Red Tussock Winter Wellness
The Secret to Life, Love & Everything
Staying motivated and focused on health and wellbeing over the cooler months is a challenge. It’s just the time of year when extra inspiration and support can make all the difference. To keep you going, Metropol has one of Red Tussock’s 12-week winter wellness packages to giveaway. It includes motivational support from a health coach, tips from a nutritionist, an exercise plan, relaxing massage at Beauty at the Tannery, delicious recipes from French private chef Fabien Simon, and a sample of fine foods from Cashmere Cuisine. www.redtussock.co.nz/winter-wellness
Indian Ink Theatre Company presents: Guru of Chai Written by Jacob Rajan & Justin Lewis Directed by Justin Lewis Scooping Best Play, Best Actor and Best Composer on debut, Guru of Chai has gone on to sell out tours around the world. The contradictions of modern India with its iPhones and ancient gods come alive in this outrageously funny and heartbreakingly beautiful romantic show. September 1-3, 7.30pm. Metropol has two double passes to give away.
Rooms Available
Beautifully appointed with award winning gardens located right beside the heart of the Merivale shopping precinct with its many cafes, restaurants, boutique mall, doctor’s surgeries, pharmacies and adjacent to the Metro bus service and taxi rank.
4 McDOUGALL AVENUE, MERIVALE Enquiries and facility tours welcome, please telephone 3555888 for an appointment. www.fitzroyofmerivale.co.nz
Metropol July 28, 2016 17
Koru CayJrouern’sey
For more than 30 years, Koru Care Christchurch Charitable Trust has sent 24 deserving children to Disneyland. That amounts to over 720 lives powerfully changed thanks to the immeasurable value of philanthropy. Bree Cherry, Lianne Dalziel, Ruby Wilson
oru Care’s role is more than just making Disney dreams come true – its presence has been and continues to be felt in many other trips and experiences. It proudly provides
life changing opportunities for children with serious and often ongoing medical conditions. Responsible for ‘miles of smiles’, Koru Care is set to hold its annual charity auction. Another fabulous night of eating and drinking with a menu fit for culinary
connoisseurs is on the cards. The night of dancing, mingling and bidding led by auction extraordinaire Phil McGoldrick will see proceeds from the evening donated to Koru Care. Mixing the traditional values with brand new fun, the black tie ball will provide the opportunity for you and yours to don your most elegant wears and commit to cause that will change lives. BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW AT WWW.KORUCARE.ORG.NZ – search ‘The Cantabrians Ball’.
THE REVOLUTIONARY CONCERTINA LOUVRE Discover Australasia’s first retractable opening roof louvre. Unique Slideaway Technology. Designed and manufactured right here in Christchurch by Johnson & Couzins. 0800 664 083
18 July 28, 2016 Metropol
www. JohnsonAndCouzins.co.nz
Fashion for Philanthropy
Marcy, Katrina & Kylie
Jane & Shona
On Saturday 11 June, the ever-stylish Louis Who held a very special occasion. To raise funds for Pink Ribbon, the beautiful store – boasting sartorial treasures old and new – held a striking fashion show. Guests enjoyed a gorgeous showcase along with delicious eats and drinks.
Kathy & Annette
Sofia & Natasha
Di, Pattie & Sue
Courtenay & Emma
Dinah & Jacinta
Metropol July 28, 2016 19
Oil Workshop (July 30 & 31) Watercolour Workshop (August 6 & 7) Drawing Workshop (August 20 & 21) Three exhibitions by other artists are to be held simultaneously, opening at 5pm on August 10.
By Hans Petrovic
“I Frogprince_Fetching the Ball
Min Kim, who has been managing the Bryce Gallery for more than five months, is continuing to uphold the gallery’s fine-art reputation with first-rate exhibitions, as well as her own workshops.
t’s been an interesting period for me to learn about clients’ and artists’ desires, interests and lifestyles. I’ve also met some great New Zealand artists. Formerly, I had to find my own clients. Now, I meet them here,” says Min, who has much of her own varied work – ranging from paintings to sculpture – on exhibition at the gallery, on the corner of Riccarton Road and Paeroa Street. Winter painting will be the theme of three upcoming weekend workshops in which Min will teach various styles of painting and drawing. Anyone can apply to attend - phone 348 0064 or art2die4@brycegallery.co.nz
Exhibitions – August 10-30
Frog Prince: Fourteen original print-making illustrations from the Brothers Grimm fairytale, by Gabi Reade. Black and White: Expressions in drawing by Ken Porter. Angels: Work by two talented young artists, consisting of paintings by Da Won Choi, who is deaf and blind; and ceramic art by Sang Yun Kim, who is autistic. From September 1 to September 20, Min will join forces with another artist who also loves travelling, J.K. Reed, in an exhibition entitled Artist Journey. Min has studied art in Florence and travelled as far as Middle Eastern countries in search of inspiration. Reed has mainly travelled around Europe.
We’ve got your next step sorted.
Take the next step with one of Hagley’s tertiary pathway programmes or specialist courses. From Pre-Engineering and Sports Leadership to Cuisine, Fashion, Pre-Health and Animation, Hagley has a range of courses designed to pathway you to tertiary study or help you gain real skills for work. Visit our website today for more information on your study options for 2017!
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20 July 28, 2016 Metropol
HOT Hanmer
Home grown expertise Intellectual property – the kind one earns having lived and breathed an industry for many years – is a rare asset with a value that cannot be overstated.
Harley Manion
We all know Hanmer Springs has the recreational, cultural and hospitality goods. This much-loved village is more than just a one trick pony! Beyond its more recognisable attractions, what are some of the new must-do’s when visiting this national treasure?
arley Manion, from Harcourts Twiss-Keir Realty Ltd, has been investing his IP in Hanmer Springs for almost seven years, helping clients who are buying, selling and leasing. Harley’s already competitive edge is compounded by the fact that he lives in Hanmer with his family, living and breathing the area in every way. “I specialise in Hanmer Springs, whether it’s residential, lifestyle, rural, businesses or commercial. Hanmer’s growth has been incredibly impressive and I have had the pleasure of being involved with many significant developments and transactions in recent years.” A bona fide Hanmer specialist, Harley’s passion for his work and the area is seemingly
just minutes away... Beautiful Forest Walks Mountain Bike Tracks Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools
Close by to these amazing amenities Hot Springs Motor Lodge is perfect venue for a Romantic weekend, Conference venue or relaxing hideaway.
Reservations Freephone 0800 315 000 35 Hanmer Springs Road Hanmer Springs www.hotspringsmotorlodge.co.nz
tangible. His colleague and mother June Manion shares his honesty, integrity and ability to communicate. “I work alongside my mother June who has been in the industry for over 15 years, also focusing on Hanmer.” Harley has been involved with numerous notable sales in 2016 including the sale of Kakapo Lodge and Backpackers (freehold and business), the bottlestore building at 18 Conical Hill Road, and the guest lodge ‘Mad Cow Manor’. “We were also the leasing agents for the new ‘Village Shopping Centre’ which has been a phenomenal success.” For more information, contact Harley Manion Licensed Sales Consultant, phone 021 149 8050 or via email harley.manion@harcourts.co.nz
Hanmer Springs Animal Park – take the whole family along to visit the beautiful and friendly residents at the park. Our personal favourite is the wallaby! Thrillseekers – for those who love the outdoors and the feeling of adrenalin coursing through their veins, Thrillseekers holds the key to your heart. Experience the new rafting experience – it’s addictive so don’t say we didn’t warn you! Hanmer Springs Skincare – thanks to the innovation of the team at the Thermal Pools & Spa, you can now take a slice of Hanmer paradise home with you. The new skincare range contains natural and mineral rich thermal water!
Buying or Selling? Contact Harley Today! Your Hanmer Springs Property Specialist
Harley Manion
B.Com Economics & Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Ph/txt: 021 149 8050 Email: harley.manion@harcourts.co.nz
Metropol July 28, 2016 21
hesitation a beautiful
There is a provocative addition to the Christchurch art scene following the opening of the largest ever Fiona Pardington exhibition in the Garden City. Fiona Pardington Still Life with Albatross Feathers, Pounamu and Coral Hearts, Ripiro Beach 2013. Archival inkjet print on gesso substrate.
personal and cultural meanings. Particular work pays homage to Pardington’s Maori descent and to the colorful tapestry and trajectory of Christchurch’s history. A new acquisition, Still Life with Wild Wheat and Freesias, Waiheke, will be exhibited at Christchurch Art Gallery for the first time, along with Pardington’s very recent Flora_Unicorn, from a series of photographs which she describes as “impossible objects”. Developed in association with Auckland
Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki and City Gallery Wellington by curator Aaron Lister, the exhibition has already won hearts across New Zealand following presentations in Auckland and Wellington. It is also celebrated in an accompanying book potraying new and classic writings on the artist’s work published by Victoria University Press. Fiona Pardington: A Beautiful Hesitation is on display at Christchurch Art Gallery until 6 November 2016. Entry is free.
Sheer Brilliance… a joy to behold Dominion Post
Secrets of love, life & everything September 1 - 3 The Piano 0800 842 538 #bemorehuman 22 July 28, 2016 Metropol
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Beautiful Hesitation explores death, flesh and the female gaze – among many other themes – and is running until November at the heroworshipped Christchurch Art Gallery. Bringing together 100 photographs as a comprehensive survey of Pardington’s work, the collection spans three decades of her inspiration and innovation. “It reveals the key concerns that have shaped the creativity of one of New Zealand’s most important photographers,” says Christchurch Art Gallery Deputy Director Blair Jackson. “A Beautiful Hesitation will broaden viewers’ understanding and appreciation for Pardington’s significant and highly celebrated work.” Motivated by the hallmarks and virtues of seasons, Pardington’s recent stilllifes integrate raw and organic objects - materials salvaged from beaches, riverbeds, second-hand stores and the side of the road. Each item is imbued with deep
PRECIOUS POUNAMU Being of Ngai Tahu descent, Rowena Watson of Beadz Unlimited knows how precious pounamu is.
A “
s elusive as it is beautiful, pounamu is a treasure to protect, to take care of, and to pass from one generation to the next.
Beadz Unlimited has a wonderful selection of Ngai
A wonderful selection of pounamu pendants and earrings.
Tahu pounamu pendants and earrings available at its New Regent Street store. Ngai Tahu has been the legal kaitiaki (or guardians) of New Zealand greenstone and the only source for authentic pounamu since 1997 when the New Zealand government returned ownership rights to Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu. “I am truly proud to be licenced to sell authentic Ngai Tahu greenstone jewellery, each piece uniquely carved and with its own mark of authenticity and trace code showing the piece of stone and who carved it,” Rowena says. Few things speak of New Zealand as strongly as pounamu jewellery, so it makes wonderful gifts for friends visiting from overseas, or for Kiwis to take on their overseas trips as thank you presents, or to wear to remind them of home and to identify them as New Zealanders.
I.T . Pr ob lem s? Ye s
I.T . pro vid er issu e?
Ca ll RIC OH (03) 374 8399
Continue reading Metropol
Bus ine ss infr ast ruc tur e ina deq uat e?
“Pounamu comes in a variety of shades from the lighter Inanga Pounamu to the dark forest green Kahurangi Pounamu,” Rowena explains. “The traditional carvers also create a range of designs. The toki, or adze design, has a spiritual meaning associated with strength (mana) and is great for men to wear. The roimata looks like a tear drop and indicates healing and comfort, reassurance and positive energy, while the spiral-shaped koru design is derived from the unfolding of a silver fern frond.” View these and other very special and symbolic designs at Beadz Unlimited, 7 New Regent Street. Phone 379 5391.
Nicholas Henare Marketing is almost everything
Phone 0275 723 469
Yes Next Step Realty Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008)
Metropol July 28, 2016 23
America’s No.1 Top Seller ‘Out The Door’ top coat dries polish in 45 seconds. Professional Nail Supplies
Nailx Beauty Supplies 0800262459 sales@nailx.co.nz www.nailx.co.nz
Fredrick Ashley
Fendalton Mall, Memorial Ave. Phone: 03 351 5892 Open 7 days
Our focus is on handcrafted clothing using the finest natural materials. With truly styling, and a following overseas for the past 22 years...we are excited to have the very first New Zealand flagship store open in Merivale, Christchurch.
JNBY (Just Naturally Be Yourself) 205c Papanui Road, Merivale Phone: 03 355 4012 Opens 6 days www.jnby.co.nz
24 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Be bold, be brave, be an individual in unique and original pieces from
Madam Butterfly’s Vintage Style Boutique 477 Ferry Rd, Woolston Ph. 0274 594 052 Hire service available.
Untouched World™ Flagship Store and Café: 155 Roydvale Avenue, Ph: 357 9399 Untouched World™ Re:START Store: N13/96 Oxford Tce, Ph: 365 9533 www.untouchedworld.com
‘Adding the edge’
Sass Top $219.90 Dash Pant $249.90 Available from
Repertoire in The Colombo Mall 363 Colombo Street, Sydenham Ph. 366 1200 www.repertoire.co.nz
Hello, nineties era
By Kate Pierson
er We’ve put togeth you some top tips so your can wear the look g to in rd co way and ac e gu what’s in vo
It seems the nineties is back with a vengeance as chokers have made their way back onto the style scene.
hile one could argue they well and truly had their heyday, it would seem the powers that be think otherwise. A quirky and somewhat eclectic accessory, the choker fits the bill for an occasional or everyday piece to funk up your look. Teamed with aviators and a cropped top - even a denim jacket if you’re really feeling the vibe - the choker is the ‘IT’ look of the moment. From retro velvet to gold plated, cleopatra-esque designs right through to luxe leather, we’ve seen fashion heavyweights in New Zealand and offshore embracing the nineties favourite offering a grungy yet girly look to our wardrobes. In the spirit of this reincarnated aesthetic, we’ve put together some top tips so you can wear the look your way and according to what’s in vogue - the best of both worlds!
1. 2. 3.
Love those layers - a statement choker, particularly with a bit of bling, bodes well when you can wear it over a lovely woolen turtleneck. This creates an air of sophistication and helps an outfit effortlessly transition from day to night-time. Mix and match - a choker usually sits around the middle of your neck and packs a pretty punch when paired with a longer necklace. Like materials or styles look fab together as do complimentary colours, but contrasting colours such as black and gold are also capable of stealing the show. Embrace your femininity - with chokers sporting quite a grungy personality, playing around with a preppier or uberfeminine look for the rest of your apparel can provide quite an interesting style juxtaposition. Ultimately, rules are made to be broken with this look so experiment as you wish and flirt with the possibilities!
Metropol July 28, 2016 25
Workwear Fashion Rules By Majka Kaiser
Dressing appropriately for the kind of work you do is an important consideration when planning your work wardrobe.
f you work in a more conservative industry like finance or law, then a suit is imperative, but if your chosen career is more creative, then a smart jacket, jeans and loafers may be perfectly acceptable. Even if your workplace is more relaxed, there are still a few guidelines to follow to maintain respectability and professionalism, while still expressing yourself. Maybe it’s because I’m nearing 40, but even on younger women, I believe it’s best policy to keep your assets under wraps from 9 ‘til 5. Keeping hemlines on, or just below the knee, is not only
flattering and elegant, but most appropriate for the workplace. Even if you have a fabulous figure, the less flesh you bare the better. That goes for necklines and shoulders too. If one item of clothing is particularly casual, then it pays to balance it out with more formal pairings. This rule also applies to other elements of your outfit like colour, pattern and texture. If you particularly like bold patterns, then practice a little restraint and offset prints with plain colours in contrasting or complementary hues, basic black, navy or classic white.
Staple + Cloth
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Merrell Heritage collection Solo and eagle
AvAilAble now in our Queenstown And riccArton stores
26 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Affordable elegance Frogmore is recreated. After 21 years in Victoria Street this gem of a giftware store has moved to Merivale.
wner Rosie Austin has brought the delightful European feel of the former premises to a gorgeous new store next to Plume and close to the corner of Papanui Road and St Albans Street. The signature black and white awnings once more adorn the entrance, along with graceful topiaries and fleur de lis. It’s generally thought that Frogmore is French, whereas in fact it is named after the Frogmore Estate within the grounds of the Home Park, adjoining Windsor Castle. The name derives from the large number of frogs which have always lived in this lowlying and marshy area near the River Thames. Inside, the store is as beautiful as ever, with its extensive range of exquisite gifts, distinctive homeware, jewellery, scarves and other fashion items because
Frogmore specialises in affordable elegance from the smallest gifts to gorgeous pieces for the home. “We are very much enjoying being part of the community here in Merivale”, Rosie says, “and I’m as passionate about this business as I ever was. It’s such a joy to put the displays of our products together in themes and colours - that comes from being trained in art and design. I don’t buy in bulk at all which keeps the pieces special and there are new items arriving constantly.” Check out the new Frogmore at 176a Papanui Road. The hours are 9.00am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday and 10.00am – 4.00pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Phone 356 1997 or email frogmore@xtra.co.nz
Inside, the store is as beautiful as ever, with its extensive range of exquisite gifts, distinctive homeware, jewellery, scarves and other fashion items.
We’ve Moved
MERIVALE 176a Papanui Road. Merivale Phone: 356 1997
Metropol July 28, 2016 27
A beautiful celeibration
On Friday 10 June, the much-loved All About You Christchurch beauty clinic celebrated its brand new ownership. The new owner, Tracy Cox, welcomed friends of the business and loyal customers to join in the celebrations, marking the occasion with vinos and light bites. Tracy & Jonathan Cox (owners)
Liz Burt, Leah Tye, Angela Bowick
Hayley Pullyblank, Mel Coudret
Julie Donohoe, Georgia White, StephCaitlyn Stevens,Dunford-Baker, Deb Hymers-Ross, Liz Mills, Tracey Prince Emily (Ballantynes) TracyGlubb Cox, Tracy Ahern, Tracey Yates, Yolanda Lozada
Kristin Cameron, Ann-Marie Manson
Linda Nixon (Advanced Skin Technology)
Judy Wilson, Tracey Dempsey
Inna Leighs, Anna Pickett
Brown, Lawrence Janet Vincent, Maria O’Halloran, Photos by Jane WylesAndrew Photography - for copies email:Dawson, janewyles@paradise.net.nzJanet Vincent, Photos by Jane Wyles Photography Paul - for copies email: janewyles@paradise.net.nz Tweedale Maria O’Halloran Julie Endacott, Marie Lawder Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email: janewyles@paradise.net.nz
03 379 5782
027 531 5782
28 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Liz Mills
Beautiful You
What lies beneath your skin, tells the story of your life.
“We have made achieving results even easier for our clients .
our journey at All About You starts with our Advanced Skin Analysis,” says Tracy Cox, new owner of All About You. “From our boutique Cashmere setting or the convenience of central Riccarton, we’ve a full range of advanced skincare treatments, IPL, Endermologie Body treatments and offer a full beauty service.” All about You is the only Christchurch based clinic to offer Observ Diagnostic Imaging. This microscope builds a picture of each client’s skin condition - this enables experienced Senior Therapists to develop individualised plans for clients based on their greatest skin concern and end goal. This microscope can be used throughout treatments, recording progress and ensuring accountability. “We have made achieving results even easier for our clients by offering My Skin Plan Memberships, which offer the best value for long term skin care and a choice of three flexible customised plans.” New to Christchurch is the Carbon Laser Skin Rejuvenation. This non-invasive and pain free laser treatment is perfect for treating a range of skin imperfections – one treatment is equivalent to four peels. Keep an eye on Facebook for upcoming events and specials – Carbon Laser Skin Rejuvenation at an
introductory offer of $199.00 until August 31 and Get Ready for Spring with an August Special of three microdermabrasion treatments and a complimentary treatment for only $399. A special evening of entertainment with colour consultant Lady Butterfly, and a Jane Iredale makeup expert is also coming soon. For information and appointments (available across five days and three late nights) phone - Riccarton on 348 3949, Cashmere on 332 7017, visit Facebook or go to www.allaboutyou.co.nz. New clients should download their FREE $50.00 voucher from the website.
Bring back Luminosity to tired, de-oxygenated dull looking skin Microdermabrasion Treatments are the perfect way to polish your skin and prepare you for Summer. What to expect? One off skincare treatments are Deep exfoliation so clearer, polished skin a great pick me up for your skin Acne, blocked and larger pores improved and preparation medium, for a new homecare regime. A course Softening of fine lines and scarring of skincare treatments, correct a Pigmentation colour reduced problem, stimulate collagen and Collagen stimulation elastin to help reverse the signs Immediate results with NO downtime of aging. Effective on ALL skin types and colours What are the Benefits? Affordable treatments in 40 minutes Microdermabrasion buffs the epidermis, removing dead skins 3 microbrasion treatments cells, and imperfections. This results in the softening of fine SPECIAL 00 lines, lightens and brightens OFFER your skin and at the same time refines the texture of your Buy NOW on line at skin. Repeated treatments www.allaboutyou.co.nz yield excellent results for scar revision (whether from FREE With Package (Value 300.00) poor skincare, acne, chicken pox or even surgery). Deep Eye Brow Shape & Tint Eye Lash Tint discolouration(melasma) is Skin Analysis with Observe Microscope greatly improved leaving your Glycolic Peel with EACH Treatment. skin feeling renewed, fresh and displaying a visible healthy looking glow. UNDER NEW the science of skincare MANAGEMENT 162 Clarence Street | Riccarton | Phone: 348 3949
30 Rossmore Terrace | Cashmere | Phone: 3327017
www.allaboutyou.co.nz Metropol July 28, 2016 29
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A great tan is the perfect finishing touch to complete your look. Sun Kissed Tan has been in the business of providing professional spray tans for over five years - no one else in the world does more per day, week or year.
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Two Christchurch locations 213a Waimairi Road, Ilam, (03) 358 2883 Shop 3, 159 Cranford St, St Albans, (03) 355 1174
The shade of tan takes into account natural skin tone, and what colour will be worn for the special event.
Auckland location Shop 10c, 35 Saint Johns Rd, Saint Johns, Auckland, (09) 521 5887 Gold Coast location Shop 1, 110 Monaco St Broadbeach Waters, (07) 5527 6752
BOOK ONLINE www.sunkissedtan.co.nz
“I Mens & womans
30 July 28, 2016 Metropol
t’s not just about making you brown,” says owner Matt Docherty. A full consultation with one of the experienced team is an essential step in ensuring each spray tan is individualised for every client. “We want it to look natural.” The shade of tan takes into account natural skin tone, and what colour will be worn for the special event, whether it is a school formal, mid-winter ball or a wedding. For black or dark coloured dresses the tan needs to be darker also, while for pastel or light shades, a lighter tan looks best. For those with sensitive skin, it is important that the correct product is used to ensure the skin is not irritated. SKT also recommends teaming up trial makeup with a trial tan so that skin tone on the day will work with your makeup style. Keep an eye on Facebook for SKT’s latest news, visit www.sunkissedtan.co.nz for more information and to book your tan at two handy locations - 213a Waimairi Road, Ilam, or the corner of Westminster and Cranford Streets in St Albans.
Helping you get your
A holistic approach to the
Spine to work optimally
Back & Body
and keeping it that way
Upon entering Christchurch Wellness Centre, it is palpable this is an environment that extols the virtues of great quality service and care.
Mary brings a global perspective with local market knowledge to her practice.
he friendly face that greets you belongs to Doctor Mary Patterson, owner, operator and a highly regarded chiropractor whose knowledge and experience is proven and profound. Recognising the healing art, science and philosophy of chiropractic for back and neck pain and associated ailments, Mary’s clinic embraces a holistic approach to addressing the body. Chiropractic value has transcended generations and is utilised to combat physical, chemical and emotional stresses within the body. It helps with neck pain, back pain and headaches - ailments that 80% of the population suffer from. “Through state-of-the-art chiropractic we can manage our health and our potential,” Mary comments. “Our health is very valuable and I am so aware of the stresses that can create misalignment in the body. I use chiropractic
combined with practical tips to address this as well as mitigating lifestyle stresses.” With education and experience earned across multiple geographies including Australia, England and New Zealand, Mary brings a global perspective with local market knowledge to her practice. She offers one-toone sessions in homes and businesses as well as in her clinic to provide and promote a safe, natural and drugless way to achieve good health. Mary also offers workplace education. Visit Christchurch Wellness Centre at 390 Memorial Avenue to experience a brand new facility and techniques that can help you re-discover your health, balance and wellness. Mary’s opening special offer is a complimentary spinal health check and 50 percent off your initial exam... a saving of $49! Phone 357 9222 or 021 560 870. Email info@chchwellness.co.nz
Complimentary Spinal Check 50% OFF initial exam (limited time)
Chiropractic care Corrective exercises Lifestyle advice Nutritional counselling Massage therapy Spinal & postural screenings
ACC Accredited
Dr Mary Patterson 390 Memorial Ave, Christchurch info@chchwellness.co.nz www.chchwellness.co.nz Ph: 03 357 9222 M: 021 560 870 Mon - Fri 7.30am - 7.30pm
Sheila Larsen Helping you make and find solutions
Confidential & Trusting Support
Registered Psychotherapist and Counsellor R.P.N., Diploma of Adult Psychotherapy M.N.Z.A.P
Phone: 03 338 6433
www.sheilalarsen.co.nz Metropol July 28, 2016 31
smile A healthy
ph. (03)337 2270 e: mail@salone.co.nz w: www.salone.co.nz 81 Cashmere Road
Healthy, natural teeth play an important role in our general health and wellbeing. There are, however, many reasons why people lose their teeth at any age and this can have a strong impact on their health and quality of life. The benefits of dentures today are that they can be a discreet, functional, comfortable and appearance-enhancing solution for a range of ages and dental problems.
erivale Denture Clinic’s team is made up of first-class denture experts and is well respected in the industry. Senior Clinical Dental Technician, Gilbert Matravers, comes highly recommended via both word of mouth and dental referrals. His 40 years of experience have seen him gain considerable expertise in using the best techniques and producing the best results, with clients travelling from far and wide to access his denture services. Each of Gilbert’s clients undergoes a thorough consultation where their condition is assessed and bespoke dentures prescribed. All dentures are then carefully handcrafted using the latest techniques to ensure high-quality dentures that are closer fitting and longer lasting. While the lifespan of dentures is typically 8 to 10 years, this is of course dependent on the individual. At Merivale Denture Clinic the team ensures clients get the most out of their dentures – from durability right through to comfort and confidence. With its comprehensive range of services
Be nice to your nails Brighten up your Mother’s Nails
Day! Gorgeous colours! Manicure & Pedicure Shellac Acrylic Gel
180A Papanui Rd Merivale P. 355 2863 Open 7 days
32 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Gilbert Matravers
– first sets, replacements, relining, partial and cosmetic dentures and more – Merivale Denture Clinic is guaranteed to provide a solution that is both aesthetically pleasing and comfortably functional. To make an appointment call 355 4704. For all other information visit www.merivaledentureclinic.co.nz
“Someone has to make the best teeth...”
Merivale Denture Clinic The Denture Experts Combining 40 years experience with leading edge technology to handcraft the nest quality, natural looking dentures
Gilbert Matravers Clinical Dental Prosthetist
*Complimentary check ups
Our guarantee is in your smile Ph. 355 4704 206B Papanui Rd, Merivale
Roses and bright florals meet skulls, polka dots and parasols. Full skirts with petticoats mix with pencil skirts and cherry capri pants. Colour and cut is everything at Kabella Baby, with the newly opened store specialising in rockabilly and vintage inspired fashion and accessories.
’ve always gravitated towards dresses,” says owner Kaye. Today is no exception - her 50s styled swing dress covered in cupcakes, the best way to show the fun and versatility of Kabella Baby’s style. With nowhere local to buy the fashion she wanted to wear, Kaye took matters into her own hands last year to create Kabella Baby. She looks for quality first in all her garments, in both the finished product and the back story of how and where they were manufactured. Labels are a mix of local and overseas, with styles and cuts to flatter sizes 8-22. With an eye for design, Kaye will be releasing her own label, Lady Kabella, over the coming year featuring vintage patterns with quirky pop culture touches and a Kiwiana feel.
LABELS ARE A MIX OF LOCAL AND OVERSEAS, WITH STYLES AND CUTS TO FLATTER. “It’s not all about the shop – it’s about the community too,” says Kaye, who added her style in support of a young woman with cancer earlier this month, working with Rockabilly Show & Shine and Make-A-Wish New Zealand as they pimped up a Daihatsu Charade into a 50s classic car. Find Kabella Baby at Parkside Plaza, 33 Harewood Road and at local car shows. Give Kaye a call on 027 435 2056, or visit Facebook and www.kabellababy.co.nz for upcoming instore styling events.
Free Invisalign consultation
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Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten teeth using a series of custom made invisible aligners. No one will even know. Call today to make your appointment.
SOEUR CONCEPT STORE Elwood Minx Wish Love stitch Blacklist What woman want Cooper street Res denim Artstyle Federation Honey & beau Two by Two Anyone's Daughter Mesop Rollies Hot Mamma Stella & Gemma
www.crazefashion.co.nz www.facebook.com/crazekaiapoi
172 A Williams St Kaiapoi P. 03 327 2157
For the perfect destination
Discover a hidden treasure of clothes, art & gifts
www.soeur.co.nz 188 Papanui Rd, Merivale P. 355 9794 Metropol July 28, 2016 33
The Canterbury Medical Research Foundation has invested 55 years and more than $20 million into life-saving research. Your contribution matters. Visit cmrf.org.nz to donate today.
34 July 28, 2016 Metropol
There are many fertility treatment pathways ranging from relatively simple treatments to the more complex. Some may just need a gentle nudge with medications and others could need a cycle of ART, (Assisted Reproductive Technology). Here are the main options available:
Clomiphene Citrate was the original ‘fertility pill’ and it is still widely used. It is the most ‘natural’, scientifically proven fertility treatment – no injections and you still have sex to become pregnant. Clomiphene is mainly used for two groups of people – women who don’t ovulate or who have irregular cycles and women with a shorter duration of unexplained infertility. Letrozole is now also available as an ovulation stimulator at Fertility Associates.
IUI is the next step up and it can be used for quite a wide range of infertility causes. As its name suggests, it involves preparing sperm in the lab and then putting the best sperm directly into the uterus in a procedure that is a bit like having a cervical smear. IUI works by giving sperm a head start in their journey to the egg and is usually combined with medication like Clomiphene.
IVF is done in well-controlled conditions to give eggs and sperm the highest chance of getting together to cause a pregnancy. IVF starts with medications to increase the number of eggs, then moves to adding the sperm to the eggs, in a petri dish, to form an embryo which is then transferred into the uterus at the optimal time. Nearly all forms of sub-fertility can potentially be treated by using IVF. When IVF is combined with sperm injected directly into the egg, it is called ICSI. The embryologist selects the best embryo for transfer into the uterus, and any other good quality embryos can be frozen for another chance of pregnancy.
At Fertility Associates you’ll find a close-knit team of medical specialists who are committed to providing personalised patient care and giving you the best possible chance of having a baby. Fertility Associates is the only fertility clinic in the South Island with accredited Fertility Specialists holding the Certificate in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (CREI). This demonstrates that its doctors have the highest level of expertise in fertility treatment and managing infertility disorders. Fertility Associates is New Zealand’s leading provider of fertility diagnosis, support and treatment. With over 28 years experience and more than 16,000 babies born so far – you can feel reassured that you are in the best possible hands. To see one of the fertility specialists for the first time, or if you would like to talk through your options, Fertility Associates offers a free nurse consultation, with one of its trained fertility nurses. You can book this online at www.fertilityassociates.co.nz or phone 0800 10 28 28.
Dr Sarah Wakeman
Dr Michelle Bailey
Dr Angela Beard
Dr Catherine Conway
Metropol July 28, 2016 35
Crushing on co-ords By Kate Pierson
The expression ‘greater than the sum of its parts’ is very relevant in the context of co-ordinates or ‘co-ords’ for short.
o-ordinates straddle ‘classic’ and ‘craze’ categories as a hybrid of new and old world sophistication. Quite simply the result of pairing matching fabrics and colours on top and bottom, two becomes one with this fashion fixation. Our personal favourites are cape blazers with high-waist, peg leg trousers and bandeau crop tops with high waist, pencil skirts or a-line skirts. A great investment for work and play, co-ords can be discovered online and in store – we’re particularly fond of the vintage finds in thrift stores. You can opt for block colouring or pick a pretty flora fabric. Florals and co-ords seem to go hand-in-hand. One of the best parts about purchasing a twopart garment is that you can find purpose for each element outside of the pairing. You’re effectively getting two new pieces for the price of one. We’re sure, like us, that you’re also big fans of leveraging your buys!
Twenty Seven Names
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Our northern neighbourhood is visited by a large number of international and domestic visitors every year.
n area bounded by the Waimakariri River in the south, the Conway River to the north, foothills and mountain ranges to the west, and the dramatic coastline to the east, Cust is one of North Canterbury’s best kept secrets; a township that epitomises small town Kiwi charm with a personality that is all its own. Set on terraces overlooking rural farmland and across to rolling hills and the mountains of Thomas, Richardson and Oxford, Cust was first known as Moeraki Downs and spent some time as Middleton before taking on its modern moniker in reference to Canterbury Association member, Sir Edward Cust. Sitting comfortably halfway between Oxford and Rangiora, Cust is 30 minutes from the city and makes the ideal locale for a weekend away, or just an afternoon off from the hustle of the city. It is home to the Route 72 Café Bar Emporium,
a treasure trove of unique gifts and a popular stop for food and coffee. Along the road is the Cust Hotel, which was built in the early 1860s as an accommodation house. It became licensed in 1863, a licence which required stables to be available for traveller’s horses. The hotel became a favourite ‘halfway house’ for the bullock wagoners carting timber from ‘Harewood Forest’ (Oxford) to Rangiora. Just 1.5 kilometres north of Cust on Mill Road is the Cust Domain, an 11-hectare space featuring sports fields; equestrian, freedom camping and picnic areas; a kitchen, and pavilion available for hire. A popular stop on the Inland Scenic Route 72, Cust is a peaceful village with friendly locals. Take a weekend out to see for yourself.
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www.facebook.com/A-Pocket-Full-Of-Spices Metropol July 28, 2016 37
Beautiful Life The décor in our homes is important not only for its functionality but also for the aesthetic pleasure that contributes to a beautiful life.
n the emerging contemporary township of Amberley, a charming character building plays host to Amberley’s latest retail store, Ruby Six. Here you will find a vibrant array of design products and gifts sourced from New Zealand and around the globe, carefully selected by owner and operator Jenni Dobbie. Ruby Six will engage all your senses with amazing aromas, tactile furnishings and visually stunning decor. “It is a privilege and a pleasure to personally select every item in store. Our ambition is affordable luxury products that our customers feel proud to own and display in their homes – or indeed, on themselves.” Showcasing iconic New Zealand artists including Greg Straight, Hamish Allan and Marika Jones and featuring handcrafted items by artisans like JS Ceramics, Hayley Inder and Cloud
Nine, Ruby Six is your destination store for all things beautiful and unique. Brand favourites like Status Anxiety, Ashley & Co, Moana Rd, Citta Design and General Eclectic - to name but a few - are also found here. Warm and welcoming, Jenni along with her assistants Aleisha and Mandy pride themselves on offering customer service that is second to none. “We enjoy sourcing special pieces for our customers and believe that the small gestures like gift wrapping are just as important as having an inspirational range.” For more information, visit Ruby Six at 6 Markham Street in Amberley or on its Facebook page
“It is a privilege and a pleasure to personally select every item in store.”
It’s a foodie & shoppers heaven
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BREAKFAST, LUNCH OR DINNER. (Friday Nights) Enjoy an adventure shopping at our Emporium like Aladdin’s cave
1697 Cust Road, Cust Phone (03) 312 5595 Open Tuesday to Sunday
www.route72.co.nz 38 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Quilters Quarters A treasure trove for the craftsperson 9 High St Rangiora Ph. (03) 313 6765
Cassels & Sons Cra� beers & Local Waipara Wines, Gourmet Pizzas Garden Conservatory & available for Private �unc�ons
Open 7 days – 10am �ll late Ph 03 314 8030 150 Ashworths Road, SH 1, Amberley www.copperroad.co.nz
Lemongrass is a family business
The creative energy of Chef Sriamorn and the architectural prowess of her husband Paul is ubiquitous.
Heading up the picturesque, fruit tree lined driveway in Loburn and up to the elegant homestead, host to the divine Lemongrass Thai Restaurant, it’s immediately clear one is encountering something special. Surrounded by a hazelnut orchard, the magic of Lemongrass is palpable in every element of the atmosphere.
wo beautiful little faces appear at the door – Aaron and Chelsy. Intelligent beyond their years, and the distilled essence of sincerity, it is clear the children are cut from the same cloth as their innovative parents. The creative energy of Chef Sriamorn and the architectural prowess of her husband Paul is ubiquitous. You only need to look at the sophistication of the menu and then around at the décor featuring a mix of sustainable and upcycled materials to see the two bring a dynamic energy to the restaurant. With a culinary background that has seen her working for the crème of the crop including Chinwag and Strawberry Fare – Sriamorn’s Thai heritage is beautifully alive in all she does but she has ensured there is a strong Kiwi context too.
“Many different types of customers expect different things. It’s about creating a great relationship, knowing your product and offering them the best you can. “This applies to all our staff here at Lemongrass. We want them to be able to educate our customers and offer genuine recommendations. That’s how I train them – they have watched me make the dishes, helped me cook and tasted them.” Immerse yourself in the Lemongrass experience – enjoy a coffee and dessert, graze on a starter like sticky glazed pork and kaffir lime leaves with pineapple, or indulge in a main meal of wok fried noodles with prawns or grilled pure sirloin with lime and chilli sauce. Visit ‘Lemongrass Restaurant’ on Facebook and phone 03 310 3102 to make a booking.
Weird Fish coming soon! Only Southern hemisphere stockist VOTE FOR US Support us by voting at
49A Main Street, Oxford Tel: 03 312 3382 Metropol July 28, 2016 39
If you ever fancied yourself as a Meryl Streep in the making or daydreamed about being the next Marlon Brando, then North Canterbury may just have your next big break waiting in the wings of its Rangiora Hartley School of Performing Arts (HSPA) Improv Club.
ith the next session kicking off Tuesday 1 August from 7pm8.30pm at the HSPA Studios in Rangiora, the time to act out is on the horizon! The popular improvised acting club is open to 12 year olds through to
adults. Dabble in theatresports games and skills, and feed your inner actor or actress with the advice and experience of some bona fide industry experts. Only $5 a class, becoming a star won’t break the bank and a weekly commitment
14 nights of luxury accommodation, Rocky Mountaineer Rail journey, 7 night Alaska Inside Passage Cruise, 44 meals
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40 July 28, 2016 Metropol
The popular improvised acting club is open to 12 year olds through to adults.
could even see you stealing the spotlight in an end of term performance where you can dazzle a live audience with your charm. If the timing doesn’t work in with your schedule, hop on the HSPA website – www.dhssd.co.nz and peruse the theatrical possibilities. From children’s ‘Glee Club’ and private singing lessons through to dance classes, the options for creative experimentation are endless. Most importantly, don’t forget us when you’re rich and famous and gallivanting around the bright lights of Hollywood!
Kaiapoi’s Resurgence
The burgeoning Waimakariri has experienced an unprecedented 16 percent growth post-quake, as thousands left the city sanctum and headed to their northern neighbourhood.
espite Kaiapoi being one of the hardest-hit areas in the September 2010 earthquake – losing more than 800 homes, circa 1000 if you include Pines Beach – it is transforming into an attractive rural village and is a hive of activity as the North Canterbury township finds its commercial feet, led by council upgrades to the main street and the
reopening of a number of damaged buildings. The finishing touches are being introduced to Kaiapoi’s Town Centre – a plan adopted in June 2011 – and retailers are optimistic about the future as the town buzzes, nearly six years on from the devastating 7.1 magnitude earthquake. More than 8400 people have made their postquake homes in the greater Waimakariri, with council figures showing retail trade in the area has increased 14 percent compared to just 3 percent nationally, during the 2013/14 period. To meet the needs of this burgeoning population, a new commercial precinct is under development in the Silverstream subdivision to meet the infrastructural needs of the smaller catchments such as Fernside and the more than 1000 sections that make up the subdivision itself. A contemporary design by Kelly Rush at Krush Architects, the Silverstream Retail Village provides a marker point that can be recognised from a distance. Car parking enables Silverstream commuters to park at the retail precinct free of charge and catch bus services direct from there. This three stage development will encompass a ground floor retail area of more than 2500 square metres and first floor area of more than 1300 square metres. The initial stage due for completion by August comprises 11 retail outlets plus first floor airconditioned and carpeted office accommodation.
You'll treasure the treasures at
Village Green Antiques & Giftware We stock a wide range of an��ues from the Georgian period through to mid-century retro p�us �ua�ity gi�ware�
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55a Main Street, Oxford Phone 03 312 1689
Open Tuesday-Sunday: 10am-5pm
Metropol July 28, 2016 41
love air IS IN THE
By Majka Kaiser
Engagement photography has recently become far more fashionable than ever before.
his type of photoshoot has seen an increase in popularity among couples with impending nuptials, and the shoots themselves have become more fashionforward and focused on creating an editorial style. Gaining a huge momentum over the past 20 years, engagement photography has reached fever pitch. Engagement shoots give couples the opportunity to get comfortable with their chosen wedding photographer so they can feel more relaxed on the big day while providing the ideal opportunity to showcase the couple’s personal style in a more casual manner. Sifting through the myriad of on-trend wedding blogs, there is a plethora of imaginative and quirky ideas to inspire your own engagement shoot. There may be a
42 July 28, 2016 Metropol
certain location that has particular resonance with you both as a couple - like where you first met – or it may involve an activity you both love doing together, like sailing, walks in the hills, or picking fruit on a warm summer’s day.
Sifting through the myriad of on-trend wedding blogs, there is a plethora of imaginative and quirky ideas to inspire your own engagement shoot.
Add a touch of fun and set the scene with the addition of props. Whether it’s a pair of matching vintage bicycles with a rug in tow for a romantic picnic, or a makeshift tepee made with driftwood and blankets on the beach, there are numerous ways you can use props to add the personal touch to your engagement shoot.
m at r i m o n i a l checklist
erhaps you’ve just got engaged and the Pinterest board is raring to be pinned. Or maybe you’re the spontaneous type and your wedding is going to be whipped up in a whirlwind. Either way, we’ve got three top tips we wanted to share for tying the knot.
Don’t budge on the budget – unless your bank account can handle a blowout, it’s important to do the matrimonial maths before you get buying. The temptation may be to get the bridal ball rolling, but there’s nothing romantic about getting into the red. Save the date – while it’s important to ensure that you don’t just settle on any old date, ensuring that you set and save the date is essential in the early stages of your planning. A saved date means you can schedule what needs to be done when, and let your guests know nice and early. Prioritise your people – preparing and finalising the guest list may seem like a monumental feat, but there’s no way you can settle on a menu or venue until you know how many you’re catering for.
2. 3.
Beautiful hair at every age Have you heard about the ‘Golden Girls Club’ special rates for senior Gold Card Holders?
gainst a beautiful backdrop, you will be pampered and well looked after at V for Hair and Beauty with a refreshments menu and great service. Many mature clients go to V for Hair and Beauty Merivale after being dissatisfied with their cuts and styles elsewhere. It is important to have a style that suits your hair, face shape and most importantly, lifestyle. If you choose to let the greys come in naturally, your haircut needs to create shape and make a statement. There are lots of ways to add colour and minimise re-growth, such as foils with highlights and low lights. Perms don’t need to be taboo! A good perm or style support can add manageability and volume to hair. Clients love having hair and beauty therapy all under one roof. Indulge in a relaxing facial, pedicure, or an eyebrow tidy up, and you’ll walk away looking and feeling fabulous from head to toe. With the ‘Golden Girls Club’, you will receive 20 percent off all beauty services. If you’re looking for a new hairdresser, or just a change in style, book in today for a free consultation. The friendly team of stylists have over 60 years’ combined experience and the maturity and expertise to look after senior clients. Find the team upstairs in Merivale Mall or online at www.vforhair.co.nz
The memory of our attention to detail ...
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A very special setting for intimate boutique weddings where your own wonderful memories will be created.
227 Leeston Road Springston, Canterbury E: info@memorys.co.nz P: 03 329 5554
Metropol July 28, 2016 43
Kids ‘knead’
baking to know the art of
By Melinda Collins
It’s creative, messy and tastes really good – yes baking is everything your toddler wants from an activity. And, when it comes to the life lessons this tasty task can teach, it’s everything parents want too.
So what skills does baking teach?
Mathematics: Counting, measuring and weighing ingredients are mathematics at its finest. Why not practice counting and skip counting while the beater is running? Science: Baking is a delicious example of cause and effect. One of the most fascinating aspects of cooking, and in particular, baking, is the change that occurs when a few simple ingredients combine. Reading: At its most basic, baking is about reading – and understanding – a recipe. Following every step is what determines the finished product and reading in a real-life context can help children understand what they’re reading better. It can also introduce new vocabulary. Art: Get some edible decorations or cake writing pens and get creative. Hand eye co-ordination: Sifting, rolling balls of dough and cookie cutting are all examples of co-ordination skills your child can develop in the yummiest of ways.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Problem-solving: Children learn pretty quickly if they don’t follow the recipe, things go wrong, but what a great chance to think about how they can solve a problem. Hint, anything can look (and taste) great with some icing and sprinkles! Food innovation: Children learning about what goes in their food is a great by-product of a bake-off. Better yet, if you have fruit trees or a vegetable garden, why not incorporate something home-grown? Patience: The best things in life have always been the things worth waiting for and baking is certainly no exception. Getting messy: Messy play gives children the opportunity to experience a wide range of sensory experiences. And, the flip side, they can learn to clean up too. Love: To your little one, you are their world. Baking gives you a chance to teach, and what could be better than spending quality time together?
8. 9.
Delectable handmade cakes for special occasions. www.alanasmithcakes.co.nz 027 710 6405 44 July 28, 2016 Metropol
‘FLEXITARIAN’ By Melinda Collins
‘Meat and three veg’ has been the rule of thumb for many a Kiwi dinner table. But gone are the days when a good meal had to include meat.
desire to cut down, rather than cut out meat, has given rise to a growing number of consumers who identify themselves as ‘flexitarians’. Much more than a cool new millennial lexicon, flexitarianism is a semi-vegetarian diet with the occasional inclusion of animal products. Where vegetarianism and its gastronomic sibling veganism are governed by their rule books, the rule of flexitarianism is that there are no rules. While some will have a meatfree meal once a week, others will only eat meat on rare occasions. Over the past few years an increasing number of people who do not want to commit to a full vegetarian or vegan lifestyle have embraced flexitarianism. Whether it’s the health benefits, the
Flexitarians fuel global innovation in the taste and texture of plant-based meat alternatives.
environmental aspect, the financial savings, or just the flexibility, this culinary contemporary correlates to consumers regularly replacing meat for plant-based alternatives. They are pioneering the culinary crusade with food analysts predicting a sharp increase in the trend this year. Meanwhile vegetarians are enjoying the resulting increase in diversity as their flexitarian friends’ fuel global innovation in the taste and texture of plant-based meat alternatives. Offering an effortless compromise that can make a world of difference to our health and the environment, flexitarianism is all about getting the best of both worlds; ideal for those who want to have their beef cake and eat it too.
This distinctive centrally located restaurant & bar provides an inviting atmosphere in which to while away some time.
48 WORCESTER BLVD / PHONE 03 365 0533 Metropol July 28, 2016 45
Cheesecake H Cheesecake 400g cream cheese 2 Tbsp cornstarch/cornflower ¼ tsp fine sea salt ¾ cup mascarpone 80 ml runny honey, mild flavoured 1 Tbsp vanilla paste 30 ml elderflower liqueur 2 eggs, large, beaten
ave all ingredients at room temperature. Prepare six to eight 8cm ring forms or one 20cm springform pan. Wrap bottom and sides to make watertight with a double layer of foil and arrange forms in a roasting or baking dish. Set aside. Preheat oven to 160°C. Beat cream cheese with handheld mixer or in a stand-mixer with whip attachment and beat on a medium speed until completely smooth. Stop and scrape down the sides with a spatula and continue to beat and scrape until velvety smooth. Sift in cornstarch and salt.
Whip well and scrape down side with spatula. Add mascarpone and beat until incorporated. Add honey, vanilla and liqueur, beating until smooth, about one minute. Add eggs last, mixing until well combined. Scoop cheesecake batter into moulds, filling to 2/3 full. Place dish in oven and pour boiling water a quarter of the way up sides of forms to create a water bath. Bake 35-40 minutes, until cheesecake is jiggly in the middle with semi-set sides. While cheesecake is baking make the topping.
1 cup sour cream or crème fraiche 1 Tbsp white sugar 1 egg white, beaten to frothy 1 tsp pure vanilla extract ½ tsp orange blossom water (optional)
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46 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Topping Whisk all the ingredients together in a small bowl, beating until smooth. When baked, remove cheesecake from oven and carefully spread topping 1 ½ -2cm thick. Smooth tops and return to oven. Turn OFF oven and let sit for 30 minutes (do NOT open oven during this time). Lift forms out of water bath onto a cooling tray, cover tops with a piece of baking paper and refrigerate for at least 8 hours or overnight.
To serve Scatter a handful of shortbread or biscuit crumbs in the centre of each plate. Run a small knife around the inside of the form. Turn form upside down and peel away foil. Place the ring mould on crumbs and lift mould up and away. Decorate cheesecakes with seasonal fruit and micro herbs if wished.
Wild Pork & Rēwena bread sliders
The Villas recently paired this recipe with two contrasting Garage Project beers at a food and beer matched dinner and it was a match made in heaven.
Dough Starter or ’Bug’ (plan to make this a few day before you want to make the bread) • 100g peeled & diced potatoes, cooked in 165 ml water then left to cool • 70ml extra water • 165g strong flour • 1t honey • Using a whisk whip the potatoes with the extra water • Mix in the other ingredients and leave in a warm place covered until small bubbles appear (this could take a couple of days). Rēwena Bun Dough • 400g strong flour • 3/4t salt • 20g honey • 1/4t instant yeast • 220ml water • 330g of the starter (from recipe above) • Mix all ingredients and knead until smooth
• Place in a bowl and stand covered in a warm place until doubled in size • Divide into 8-10 dough balls. • Leave for a further 45 mins • Bake at 200°c for approximately 20 mins. Pulled Pork and Prune 1kg wild pork rump 1 large onion roughly chopped 3/4c pitted prunes chopped 500ml port Salt and pepper. In a casserole sear off the pork then add the onions and sweat down until they are soft. Add prunes and port, salt and pepper to your liking, cover and place in a moderate oven for 1-1 1/2 hrs until tender and port has all but disappeared. Shred the pork with a couple of forks and serve in the warm Rēwena buns with a little watercress or rocket. Metropol July 28, 2016 47
A memorableimilestonei
On Thursday 9 June, a popular fixture on the social scene celebrated its 10th birthday. No.4 Bar brought together friends, family and loyal customers to mark the occasion.
Kerrie Jacobs & Kerrie Jacobs & Ruby Adair-Jacobs Kerrie Jacobs & Ruby Adair-Jacobs Ruby Adair-Jacobs
James Mel Mel James & & Leanne Mel James &Tardieu Leanne Tardieu Leanne Tardieu
Ashley Merrick Ashley Merrick & & Girls Manu Aluni & Ashley Merrick Manu Aluni No4No4 Girls Manu Aluni No4 Girls Photos Sarah Jane Stringer - for copies email: stringer-x@hotmail.com Photos by by Sarah Jane Stringer - for copies email: stringer-x@hotmail.com Photos by Sarah Jane Stringer - for copies email: stringer-x@hotmail.com
Donna Combes, Tracey Campbell, Joanne Denise Robertson DeniseJenkins, & Friends Denise & Friends
Maee, Dawson, JudeJude Maee, TomTom Dawson, Brook &Dawson, Lucy Robins Jude Maee, Tom KateKate Brook & Lucy Robins Kate Brook & Lucy Robins
Metropol July 28, 2016 49
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Love Making Cakes? Everything you need to create fabulous cakes including expert advice. 10 % OFF your purchase with this advertisement.
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Heaven in A Jar! Delicious cheesecake jars and cake jars 10 Delectable flavours available.
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50 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Tohu Hawkes Bay Merlot 2014 Fruit driven with smooth, silky tannins leading to a dry, richly textured finish. Tohu Awatere Valley Pinot Gris 2016 White peach & juicy pear are balanced with smooth acidity, creating a dry, fresh style. Treat yourself today! www.tohuwines.co.nz
New Winter Menu Designed especially for the cooler months, the menu features hearty dishes and mouth-watering desserts using the best local produce and complemented by regional wines.
50 Bistro
50 Park Terrace P: 371 0250 E: 50bistro@thegeorge.com www.50bistro.co.nz
Delishimoes Bakery
263 Greers Road, Christchurch. Ph. 03 3597815
Brilliance Bakermans of Fendalton is bigger, brighter and better than ever in its new premises. This family owned and operated bakery has been an institution in the Fendalton Mall for the past 13 years, almost miraculously producing the highest quality fresh baking out of a very small shop.
03 359 2930 119 Farrington Avenue, Bishopdale www.bishopbrothers.co.nz
WITH YOUR DELECTABLE BAKED TREAT YOU ALSO GET DELICIOUS past with the opening of andCOFFEE. coffee shop where
ut “small” is now a thing of the the splendid new spacious bakery the Fendalton Post Office used to be. “We bake everything on site for maximum freshness and flavour,” says Peter Bakermans. “With new state-of-the art customdesigned facilities it’s a pleasure for us as bakers to work here even if we do start at two in the morning! Armitage Williams Construction did a superb job for us with the fit-out of the bakery and shop and we couldn’t be happier with the way it has all turned out.” Word has quickly spread about the new location. “We have seen an amazing increase in custom in the short time since we opened,” Yvonne Bakermans says. “With all the open space we have in the shop it’s really easy now for people to queue up and move around. “We showcase a real smorgasbord of baking from tasty quiches and meatballs to chicken croquettes, caramel slices, Dutch apple pie and savouries. The modern cabinetry and lighting makes everything look irresistible.” With your delectable baked treat you also get delicious coffee at Bakermans. It now has two coffee machines and two baristas producing great cups of Pomeroys coffee. Bakermans is open Monday – Friday 7.30am – 5.00pm and on Saturdays 8.00am – 3.30pm.
Metropol July 28, 2016 51
Gold Award Winner
delicious secret spot
376 Riccarton Rd Church Corner Mall, Upper Riccarton P. 341 7421 www.patisserieyahagi.com
Its location belies its exquisite creations – an epicurean’s dream. Yes, Patisserie Yahagi located in an old shopping arcade at Church Corner Mall, is quietly but confidently and compellingly winning hearts.
Dangerously good coffee for the true connoisseur to enjoy with the finest of deli food
Providing products of quality that would easily rival luxury restaurants.
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Ph: 962 9629 112 Wrights Rd Addington Open for Breakfast, Lunch & Tapa’s Menu www.milieu.net.nz info@milieu.net.nz
aving celebrated its seventh birthday on 4 March the hidden gem is a treasure trove of beautiful treats. Classic French pastries and a multitude of delicious desserts developed with innovation and inspiration are a true speciality. Justly proud of providing products of quality that would easily rival luxury restaurants, owner Eri says she wants the people of Christchurch to enjoy her delicious cakes and desserts. Patisserie Yahagi leads the charge on sweet treats blending western and Japanese cuisine. Eri says, “We regularly provide ‘Opera’. Opera cake is a French type of cake. It is made with layers of almond sponge soaked in coffee syrup, layered
with ganache and coffee buttercream, and covered in a chocolate glaze that is one of the best sellers in our shop. We will create another kind of Opera in August as our winter special – Green Tea Opera. “This is made from layers of butter cream mixed with real green tea powder from Japan, chocolate ganache and almond sponges. It’s gluten free and is the perfect marriage of Japanese and Western influences. I think the new taste will be exciting for customers.” The reputation of the patisserie’s creativity has spread as far and wide as Auckland and it welcomes many customers from Auckland every month. Experience the delight for yourself in Christchurch.
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Let us brew your perfect coffee using Switch beans. Choose from cow, or four dairy free milk options. Quality banter guaranteed!!
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OPEN 5 DAYS 7-4pm
Food with
For refreshingly different, unpretentious catering, the Purple Weka fits the bill.
right, welcoming and slightly funky, the Purple Weka is renowned for its genuine Kiwi food. “It’s good Kiwi tucker like mother used to make. We use genuine butter – no margarine here,” owner Stuart says. A curator and creator of hearty food with flair, Purple Weka’s breakfast menu satiates even the biggest appetite for great Kiwi tucker with options including fluffy pancakes with berry compote or bacon and banana, as well as lambs fry and bacon with a slow roasted tomato and redcurrant jelly. Menu favourites including creamy mushrooms, toasted muesli, three egg omelette and The Big Breakfast are also available for the taking. For those special occasions, the function menu includes cocktail finger food delights like tempura fish (blue cod of course) with tartare sauce; gruyere, mushroom and caramelised onion tart; cured salmon with horseradish cream on wholemeal; seared rare beef with beetroot on crisp bread, and crumbed prawns with dipping sauce. A full bar is available until 11pm and there’s plenty of parking. Check out the catering menus online at www.purplewekacafe.co.nz
A curator and creator of hearty food with flair.
New Zealand’s
Menu Online • Delivered or Click & Collect • FitCafé
Gourmet health food for busy people, delivered to your door. Designed by Nutritionists, prepared & cooked by our health food specialist Chefs, using local, free range, organic, wholefoods. Simply reheat & eat!
Fitfood Eat Fit. Live Well.
Metropol July 28, 2016 53
Nature lovers who haven’t yet experienced the joys of the Little River Rail Trail have something to look forward to. Following the 19th century railroad track over 45kms of rugged rural landscape and farmland, the journey takes hikers and bikers from Hornby Junction to Little River via Prebbleton, Lincoln, Motukarara and Birdlings Flat.
ince the Department of Conservation (DOC), Environment Canterbury, the Christchurch City Council, Selwyn District Council, Banks Peninsula District Council and Transit New Zealand collaborated with many others in 2003, the development of cycle and walkways from Christchurch to Little River has given locals and visitors to Canterbury the opportunity to experience the many wonders of the great outdoors at close range. Wrap up in your warmest gear and pick a fine day in winter to experience the majestic landscape of Banks Peninsula’s ancient volcanic hills, farms, lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands, and their inhabitants. Witness the miracle of
nature with the vast and varied native fauna and flora. With plenty of cafes, restaurants, quaint shops, art galleries, and cosy accommodation dotted along the way, it’s the perfect mix of town and country for a weekend away or a day trip. Time your out-of-town adventure with a trip to the famous weekly Lincoln Farmers’ Market. Found on Lincoln’s bustling main street, you can stock up on fresh produce, sample delicious culinary treats and pick up local art and crafts. Celebrating ten years in September, the Lincoln market is just one of the many attractions to visit along the rail trail. For more information visit www.littleriverrailtrail.co.nz
Wrap up in your warmest gear and pick a fine day in winter to experience the majestic landscape.
Meaningful & Enduring
Meals Available All Day Restaurant Booking Essential
design & build for life 81 Edwards Street, Lincoln Phone: 03 260 0333
www.montrose.co.nz 54 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Ph. 03 325 2408 Ethical Homewares Online
Clever ideas for small spaces
Contrary to popular belief small spaces can provide fertile ground for experimentation with bold patterns.
By Majka Kaiser
Just because you have a small space to work with doesn’t mean it should restrict its impact.
onsider scale and proportion when selecting your furniture. With large-scale pieces like sofas, be sure not to overwhelm a small footprint with furniture that’s simply too big for the space or is bulky in design. Instead choose pieces that are more streamlined and take up less visual space. When space is at a premium, opt for furniture that serves a duel purpose. This is a great way to maximise on function and minimise clutter. Choose a trunk that can be used as both a coffee table and storage for blankets or your magazine collection. Sometimes forgoing a large central piece like a coffee table and replacing it with smaller side tables can make a small room appear more spacious. Make the most of every nook and cranny by considering where you could add clever built-in storage under stairwells, either side of a chimneybreast, or anywhere where you can cash in on underutilised areas. Integrate a
petite workstation on a landing, create a window seat with built-in storage in between two windows, or a cosy reading nook in the corner of a room. Keep window treatments simple and a similar colour to the surrounding walls so as not to break up the visual flow. Extend curtains either side of a window so when they are open it allows more natural light to flood the room. Increase the height of a room by extending the pelmet right to the ceiling and allow curtains to fall to the floor. Enhance horizontal lines within a room to create length where height may be lacking. Amplify a room’s length with wall-mounted shelving that stretches the entire length of the room and fill with decorative objects, artwork and collectibles. Create a similar elongating effect with a horizontal mirror, a row of artwork, or horizontal linear stripes with paint or patterned wallpaper.
Metropol July 28, 2016 55
Experience the Gaggenau difference.
Enjoy your complimentary Gaggenau Dishwasher available with purchases $20,000 and over* from the 400 Series Gaggenau range. Offer valid 1 July – 30 September 2016. *Terms & Conditions apply Available from selected Kitchen Things stores: Newmarket (Auckland) Tauranga - Nelson - Moorhouse (Christchurch) - Dunedin
www.kitchenthings.co.nz 56 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Mirror mirror on the wall By Kate Pierson
Mirror mirror on the wall… your home is just one accessory away from becoming the fairest of them all!
mirror is by no means a revolutionary feature, but it’s difficult to overstate the transformative impact it can have on a room. From reflecting light through to creating the illusion of more space and giving your abode an aesthetical overhaul, mirrors boast a myriad of benefits. In the spirit of creating some mirror magic in your space we’ve pulled together some key tips for helping this accent to shine!
Be fussy about placement: If mirrors are in a position where they will reflect items in your home, ensure these are the types of features you want to enhance! Avoid positioning mirrors across from clutter or in dark spaces – they can’t fulfil their potential if the light is dull. Minimalism matters: Whether you opt for a small or large mirror as a statement in your space, remember that minimalism matters. While one strategically placed mirror can make the room, what can break it is a collection that creates a clash. Size up your space: Considering the size of your mirror is essential before you purchase. If you have a space with a high ceiling, you’ll find that it benefits from a vertical orientation whereas long rooms are best complemented by horizontally set mirrors.
Metropol July 28, 2016 57
By Kate Pierson
Green with
While we consider ourselves to be a little bit spontaneous, we’re also slaves to style and love sharing the inspiration around. We keep a finger firmly on the décor fashion pulse and we’ve discovered that green is a decidedly chic accent for the contemporary abode.
rom a pastel mint to a moody forest hue, you can make visitors to your abode green with envy with a colour palette that will stand the test of time. Creating and accentuating a fresh, clean vibe, green offers a compelling middle ground between playing it safe and pushing on the style boundaries. Green makes a great partner to other
traditional colours tones too – green and teal represents the quintessential peacock colour combination while some shades of green can really pop with the support of pink, orange and aqua. If you just want to dip your toe into the trending aesthetic, we’ve put together a list of desirables to keep your home and your bank account happy:
Design Build Install 303 Blenheim Road, Upper Riccarton. Ph: 03 343 3376 christchurchsouth@kitchenstudio.co.nz
58 July 28, 2016 Metropol
You can make visitors to your abode green with envy with a colour palette that will stand the test of time.
3. www.collected.co.nz
Cushions – a cost-effective and compelling statement for your furniture, boudoir or even the floor when positioned with intent. Green cushions can add the perfect pop of colour to your space. In a block colour, or a bold pattern, you can experiment with different shades and introduce a mix and match style.
Throw – cascading over an occasional chair or sofa, or layered over your bed, a green throw is an elegant addition to any home. A cosy and stylish option for winter, experiment with different textures – a chunky knit channels traditional sophistication while faux fur designs offer a contemporary twist.
Lantern – a statement lantern holds the key to creating beautiful ambience in your home. A glowing green lantern can be hung or placed on a mantelpiece. A striking lantern also looks divine on a coffee table sharing the space with some special trinkets or coffee table books. Accessories – investing in green accessories – like the speaker we sourced – can add a unique look or quirkiness to your space without going overboard. Less is always more on the accessory front so choose wisely.
We’d love you to share your intepretations of ‘green with envy’. Head over to Metropol’s Facebook page and upload your inspiring and innovative décor - #Metropolhome
027 310 0560 office@formbuilders.co.nz
Metropol July 28, 2016 59
Finding your slice of
Real Estate Paradise
“It’s something of a fallacy that winter is not a good time to put your house up for sale,” says Manny McIvor of Harcourts.
t’s actually a really good time, because there are always buyers around and right now there are more buyers than there are houses for sale, so it’s something of a seller’s market.” Manny’s advice is worth listening to as in her short seven months as a real estate agent she has impressive statistics for sales as well as for making vendors very happy. ”I have had great results and I can’t keep the smile off my face doing this job. I simply love it. As a ‘people person’ I think this is what I was always meant to do.” You just have to see how Manny’s face lights up as she speaks about her work to know that as a vendor you will receive outstanding service and professionalism from her. For Manny, being approachable, easy to deal with and aiming to achieve the
absolute best for both parties in a sale is key to everything she does. She also believes that providing comprehensive expert advice about sales options along with complete transparency about the intricacies of all the paperwork and procedures are of paramount importance. “There is definitely a place for auctioning property as one of the possible methods of sale, but some vendors are adamant that is not the way they want to proceed. Other methods have their advantages as well - as far as I am concerned it is my vendors’ wishes that determine the process.” You can call Manny for a free appraisal on 322 1197 or 021 388 924 or you can email her manny.mcivor@harcourts.co.nz
Off The Track C U R T A I N S
Are you or someone you know considering buying or selling property? I would love to help! I am committed to outstanding service and a professional experience. Call me today for a free appraisal or no obligation chat. Energy, Efficiency & Excellence
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60 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Making your dream kitchen your reality Owning a beautiful bespoke kitchen tailored to your personal style and budget is seamless with Kitchen Studio.
ince acquiring the successful business in January, Mark and Sharyn Guillemot have been in full momentum creating and installing customised kitchens for the Christchurch region. Mark has 30 years’ experience in construction while Sharyn is the friendly face of the welcoming showroom, which has four different complete kitchens on display. “We’re all about service,” Sharyn says. “Clients first spend time with our creative designers who really listen and get to know their lifestyle, taking all sorts of things into consideration. They then design a flawless
functional kitchen for their unique situation. The stress-free process is as it should be an exciting experience.” Mark expertly project manages and undertakes the work from inception to completion, typically between four to six weeks in duration, from design concept, removal of the old kitchen and any renovations through to final completion and after-sales service. Mark arranges and co-ordinates trusted contractors. The Kitchen Studio story originated in Christchurch over 30 years ago, and is now renowned nationwide, gaining the advantage of professional backup and
buying power of a national franchise. It is New Zealand’s only full service kitchen design and installation company offering a Total Trust Deposit Guarantee, securing the deposit during manufacture and for 10 years upon completion. Kitchen Studio has access to 23,000 products sourced from leading local and international manufacturers. All products have undergone rigorous testing to national and international standards and have demonstrated consistently high standards of performance to endure for years. Park outside the showroom door at 303 Blenheim Road or phone 343 3376
Enhance the natural beauty of your home with...
Quality Hardwood Flooring
Using locally-grown eucalypts
John Fairweather Specialty Timber Solutions Ph. 021 211 0705
Metropol July 28, 2016 61
Planting the seed What is a tree worth? People place different value on trees, says Mark, of Arbor Master Ltd Tree Specialists.
stablished planting adds considerable value to a property, and if the view behind the tree is more valuable than the tree itself, can you still have both? Making the decision whether to retain and prune or remove and replant isn’t always easy and can be an emotional one. “Often couples, as well as neighbours, can disagree on the best solution. We can help provide a compromise and find that balance of what’s best for the customer and best for the tree.” Mark established the company in 2000, with Simon joining as a partner six years later. Today they are celebrating 10 years of running the successful business together. “We really enjoy what we do and have a loyal clientele, which continues to grow
through referrals from many happy customers – my very first customer from my first day of business 16 years ago, Ken, is still with us!” Based in Waltham, Mark and Simon lead a qualified team of seven employees, offering a prompt and efficient service, from tree trimming, thinning and height reduction, to stump grinding, brush chipping and safe removals. “We work closely with our clients and have an in-depth knowledge to help them make the best decision possible and the experience to carry out a thorough and professional service.” It is essential to choose an experienced arborist, trained in the art and science of planting, caring for and maintaining trees. Phone 337 9776 or visit www.arbormaster.co.nz
Making the decision whether to retain and prune or remove and replant isn’t always easy and can be an emotional one.
Fences that look amazing...
PLUS No more painting, cracking, warping or twisting! · Street Frontage · Privacy Fencing · Boundary Lines · Subdivisions
P. 021 912 826 E. sales@paragonfencing.co.nz
www.paragonfencing.co.nz 62 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Birdbaths, Fountains, Pots, Planters, Statues & so much more!
Creative CASTINGS Ph: 366-1261
Available from leading NZ Garden Centres & from our factory direct at 240a Waltham Rd (under the Waltham Rd overbridge)
Manufacturers of Nz’s finest garden statuary for 25 years
Celebrating history, embracing the future On Thursday 9 June, the magniďŹ cent Great Hall at the Christchurch Art Centre played host to the Canterbury Heritage Awards. As esteemed guests and award winners feasted on culinary delights created by Continental, the awards recognised and commended pioneers of the heritage landscape. Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email: janewyles@paradise.net.nz
Trevor Watling, Ian Campbell, Lianne Dalziel, John Radburn
John Radburn, Neil Cox
Bernie De Vere, Jen Crawford, Chris Whitty, Andre Lovatt
Colleen Beattie, Trevor Laplanche, Kate Pierson, Mel Jack
Dr Anna Crighton, Jenny May
Greg Ward, Charles Dean, John Radburn
Energy Efficient, Sustainable & Eco Friendly Homes. LIFE STYLE SPECIALISTS.
Metropol July 28, 2016 63
A chic destination Up the Garden Path in Hanmer is looking very chic this winter.
“Little Houses” necklace handmade in Israel. Available from French Blue.
‘French Country Collections Lanterns $87 - $112’ Available @ Up the Garden Path www.upthegardenpathhanmersprings.co.nz
nject warmth into the home with French Country Collections’ Winter 2016 homewares range now in store. This season’s colour palette ranges from plush hues in teal, green and blue combined with gold metallic accents and black, to neutral
winter whites and chalky greys. “Our colour palette for winter is darker and moodier in tune with nature, but also manages to evoke a sense of calmness and warmth,” says Vanessa Bramely, CEO of French Country Collections. Synonymous with beautiful home products throughout Australasia, Sonia Watts founded French Country Collections brand in 1987 with creativity and kiwi ingenuity, combining her international background of design. Sonia’s passion for French Antiques and Objects D’Art, a constant theme in French Country products, came from living with and appreciating the old whilst travelling worldwide to experience the new - finding products relevant to modern living yet imbued with quality and care of handicraft tradition. For gifts, homeware and accessories, visit 5 Conical Hill Road, Hanmer and www.upthegardenpathhanmersprings.co.nz. Phone 03 315 7915.
Original painting by artist Kate Barry available at The Flock
NOA NOA clothing now available at Coco Gifts.
Gifts and flowers for any special occasion, available from Bourbon Rose.
Made by Karston, beautiful cotton towels from Brazil. Available at White Room Interiors.
Up The Garden Path 5 Conical Hill Road, Hanmer Springs. Ph (03) 315 7915 www.upthegardenpathhanmersprings.co.nz
bourbonROSE the wedding specialist
Beautiful home fragances by
Shop 7, The Tannery 3 Garlands Rd Ph. 389 9242 hello@theflock.co.nz 64 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Recycled Teak from India available at Impulse Imports
French Country throws/blankets $69. Available from et elle.
Ben Reid’s ‘Ruffled Feathers’ detail
Tim Wraight’s ‘Carpenter’s Song I’
Big talent in Little River Little River Gallery has evolved from an ice-cream pit-stop to an artistic destination.
Full picture framing service available at Windsor Gallery in their new location at 386 St Asaph St. New winter cushions at Terra Viva
Ben Reid’s original print ‘You Can Run And You Can Hide’ from a duo exhibition with Tim Wraight named ‘Out of Hand’ 31st August at Little River Gallery.
Pinprick porcelain lamps at Terra Viva
pecialising in unique, original New Zealand art, the spacious warm gallery brims with handmade treasures from skin care, jewellery and imaginative trinkets to original prints and sculptures. ‘Out of Hand’ exhibition, 6-31 August, displays works of two acclaimed artists with roots in Banks Peninsula. Renowned wood sculptor, Tim Wraight, is well-versed in traditional Maori carving techniques. His great-grandfather, Henry Menzies, intricately carved Little Akaloa’s St Lukes Church. Tim trained for eight years under John Mutu, becoming incredibly eloquent in the language of Maori motif - with a contemporary twist. Long-time Little River Gallery exhibitor, Ben Reid, is a mixed media artist and printmaker interested in the fragile relationship New Zealander’s have with the natural environment. His passion is conservation and the environment, especially birdlife and predator threat, telling a story in textures. With new exhibitions monthly, the gallery constantly evolves with quality innovative artwork.
500 Colombo Street - Ph: 365 1664
too good to be true well, almost - our best range of artificial flowers, foliage, and berries ever.
Metropol July 28, 2016 65
...always something stylish at
Contemporary Water Sculptures
- your choice naturally
Bespoke water features and sculptures of uncompromising quality, these works of art compliment their surroundings and lift the spirits of those who encounter them. Designed and made in Christchurch. Geoff McConnell 027 432 5642 66 July 28, 2016 Metropol
Floor it Our home is our haven – from the floor to the furnishings, each detail reflects us and contributes to an overall statement impressed upon us and visitors to our abode.
hat lies underfoot is a particularly important consideration – flooring may be first and foremost a functional attribute, but its aesthetic qualities have transformative potential. At the helm of leading the timeless looks for our floors is Naturally Tiles. Bringing together international influence and local insight, the business’ range is a
confluence of the best qualities in flooring – sophisticated styles and robust materials creating a bespoke look for your home. Dedicated staff members – tangibly passionate and knowledgeable about the world of tiles – include Jenny and Patsy. Each lives and breathes the impressive offering at Naturally Tiles.
Jenny shares insight on some of the most compelling looks available:
Fioranese - Concrete - channels an industrial look. It is trending in Europe and starting to gain traction in New Zealand. A natural tile with exposed aggregate, it is beneficial in wet areas like bathrooms. Fioranese - Wood – eight ranges including traditional, contemporary, rustic and natural. The range caters to all tastes and can be purchased in alternate sizes to create a pattern like herringbone that offers a bespoke look. If you’d like a more traditional approach, it can be laid like timber. Edilgres - Calacatta – is proving very popular offering a subtle but sophisticated impact. It has multifunctional purpose and pairs well with wood. It also looks fabulous when utilised as a splash back or hearth. Marca Carona - Tone (Subways) – used a lot in commercial and increasingly residential contexts, subways are a great way to introduce colour and can be stacked and staggered creating great impact. The current range of muted tones at Naturally Tiles is decidedly chic.
Visit Naturally Tiles at 13 Mandeville Street in Riccarton to discuss your floor and wall options. The team also has a trusted network of tradespeople who can install your beautiful new tile choice. Phone 343 0933 or go to www.naturallytiles.co.nz
Marca Carona - Stone One – a beautiful, simplistic stone range offering depth of tone and schist like features. Coem – Ardesia Mix – These tiles come from the oldest and most established tile manufacturer in Italy. Naturally Tiles’ high-end range offers beautiful options boasting pattern, texture, superb quality and movement. Marca Carona - Brick Lane - hexagon bricks channel a very New York loft-esque personality and make for effortlessly sophisticated feature walls. Fioranese - Urban Wood – available in polished and matte, Naturally Tiles’ offering is cutting edge as it forecasts what styles will make waves in New Zealand. The range has the first polished wood option ever stocked at Naturally Tiles. Cerim - Contemporary Stone – suitable for outdoor and indoor use, this style offers movement, suits walls and floors, and comes in the stunning hues of sandstone, white and grey. Ariana - Fluido – this is a tile with more movement than previously seen. A speciality Italian brand, each individual tile is slightly unique, but contributes to an overall cohesive look.
Metropol July 28, 2016 67
Give your home the world In a large building with a six metre glass frontage, the divine Vast Interior’s business spouts magic in every nook and cranny within the concrete atrium. Forget travelling around the world in 80 days, you can experience the generosity of the planet’s creativity in mere moments.
68 July 28, 2016 Metropol
wners and operators, husband and wife duo, Craig and Nicky, are the curators of all that the eye beholds upon entry. “It’s a bit like opening Pandora’s Box, but with only positive results,” Nicky quips. “A lot of our pieces here at Vast are exclusive to us.” Craig adds, “A huge coup for us is that our Indian suppliers do not supply to anyone else in New Zealand. Theirs is a family business like ours. We also have relationships with communities in India who we proudly support. Philanthropy is very important to us abroad and at home.” Having donated to families affected by the earthquakes via the Christchurch City Mission, Craig and
Nicky went one step further and also donated furniture to the mission’s new centre including refuge and rehab facilities. The wealth of Vast Interior’s experience and knowledge is further compounded by having the weight of an Australasian brand behind them giving their identity deserved kudos and clout in the market. Boasting a solid hardwood range that is recycled or sustainable – no veneer – the objective for Vast Interior is to give customers variety they won’t see anywhere else. It’s fair to say this objective has been fulfilled and exceeded. Vast Interior - the difference is everything!
as are the daily doses of speculation you receive from the media about interest rates and loan-to-value ratios. Now let’s consider some of the latest items of discussion.
This now includes a state of homelessness for a number of New Zealanders and their families. Deeply serious, this situation is an enormous challenge for politicians and social services alike, and it’s something that seems to be so much more visible and obvious in different parts of the country.
Rents are being pushed down and compliance costs are going up, but landlords who entered into investment property expecting a bed of roses were being naïve.
This presents against a background of decreased levels of affordability and home ownership, and is coupled with an increased interest in property investment. Even for an expert it’s a minefield of mixed messages,
The Christchurch Rental Market The Christchurch rental market was good – very, very good – for a long time for some landlords, especially post-earthquake where urgent needs, insurance payments and strong returns drove up rental prices. The picture now is completely different. It was recently reported in The Press that some Christchurch landlords were offering rent reductions, or even short periods of no rent, as an incentive for tenants.
Today’s marketplace requires a long-term view (as does most investment), a fair rent, a realisation that smoke alarms and insulation are expected, and an acknowledgement that capital gain still underpins wealth creation. Rental property acquisition is more than a speculative process and so you learn
to take the good with the not-so-good and, occasionally, ugly. If you’re being an unrealistic landlord and your property is vacant, do yourself a favour and address the rent! Affordability and First-home Ownership Despite the exorbitant prices of property in some parts of New Zealand, it’s still possible to purchase, but obviously compromise is an essential ingredient. Getting started is just that, and you should temper your expectations accordingly. Over the years I’ve tended to take the view that everyone wants everything now, without necessarily putting the hard work in but, judgement aside, finding the deposit for a first home is still an incredibly disciplined act. I’ve got to stand by sage advice that was given to me when we purchased our first property centuries ago: work hard, go without, save, and hope your parents can help in some way. I guess from that perspective nothing’s changed! Stay warm, spring is coming.
FOLLOW US ON... Metropol July 28, 2016 69
70 July 28, 2016 Metropol
The cane
By Kate Pierson
It’s hard not to notice the ongoing cane craze that’s commanding attention for its great looks and personality.
hile undeniably ubiquitous, the range of cane options is incredibly generous meaning you can have a bespoke look that complements your individualised abode. From chairs to tables, cane is derived from rattan vine native to Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia and is adding a very chic touch to living rooms, bedrooms and even outdoor areas. A particularly popular marriage of cane with furs is also taking place – from cow hide to sheepskin (faux and authentic depending on your preference). If you want to decorate with intention, then a cane chair dressed in a fur can fulfil its potential as a permanent
Available at White Room Interiors
fixture in your home. Given that cane has a rather classic personality and look that promises to remain current on the ever-evolving home fashion front, your investment is sure to stand the test of time. Perhaps you may want to DIY and revive a vintage piece found in a flea market, although our personal preference would be to purchase the cream of the crop such as the special find included in this story. Enjoy your design adventure and don’t forget to share – we love you picking up what we’re putting down! Find us on Facebook and use the hashtag #metropolhome
GOLDMEDAL MEDAL GOLD WINNERS! WINNERS! For your next commercial project be sure to get in touch with the team that wins Gold! From small warehouses, to large commercial developments we can deliver your project on budget, and with the942 flair1977 to make it stand out (03) from the crowd. office@apdesign.co.nz www.apdesign.co.nz (03) 942 1977 office@apdesign.co.nz www.apdesign.co.nz
For your next commercial project be sure to get in touch with the team that wins Gold! From small warehouses, to large commercial developments we can deliver your project on budget, and with the flair to make it stand out from the crowd. THE LABORATORY
THE LABORATORY 17 West Belt Lincoln: Boutique Brewery 17 West Belt Lincoln: Boutique & Gastro Pub extraordinaire! Brewery & Gastro Pub extraordinaire!
Metropol July 28, 2016 71
Dive Best into the
Low maintenance, flexibility, strength and fast installation - these are the attributes of fibreglass swimming pools. Lagoon Pools of Christchurch is proud to supply most of the South Island with the Australian-manufactured Leisure Pools’ range of composite fibreglass swimming pools.
here are few better ways to create and enjoy a fulfilling leisure lifestyle at your home than to have your own swimming pool. With a pool from Lagoon Pools you get cutting-edge technology and a proven international reputation as these pools are supplied to some 40 countries around the world. The manufacturer is so confident in its research that it offers a Lifetime Structural Warranty and Lifetime Structural Osmosis Warranty on all swimming pools.
Lagoon Pools supplies a modern and innovative range of swimming pool designs and colours from the Elegance, the Reflection and the Harmony to the Capri Spa and the Fiji plunge pool. You could have one of these installed with Lagoon Pools’ fully-integrated package of excavation, preparation and installation and be swimming in it within a week. Lagoon Pools is a true one-stop shop when it comes to things associated with swimming pools. It also offers various
types of pool equipment - pumps, filtration systems, cleaners, chlorinators, heating systems and lighting. And then there’s more – covers and rollers – especially the unique Elite Hideaway Pool Cover system - water features and swim jets, as well as landscaping – truly comprehensive. You can contact Lagoon Pools on Freephone 0800 92 72 82. Its website www.lagoonpools.co.nz details the full range of services and pool options.
Enhance your property with...
WE MAKE YOUR SPACE BEAUTIFUL - it’s in our nature
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72 July 28, 2016 Metropol
28 35
Metropol July 28, 2016 73
Web ref: 26273
Off the beaten track – a setting to dream about
Nestled snug within natural beech forest, this beautifully crafted property works splendidly with its surroundings. A breath-taking native bush backdrop and protected outlooks over the sapphire waters of Bob’s Cove lends beautifully to the distinctive Mary Jowett alpine-design home. Top-grade appliances, high ceilings, designer lighting and contemporary bathroom fittings hint at the superb quality on offer throughout. The open kitchen, dining and living area exudes a sense of space and warmth with its generously zoned layout. An office nook and second lounge add a touch above the expected. Striking views of the gardens, bush, lake and mountains expand from vast double-glazed sliding doors and windows (with thermal blackout blinds). Comprehensive heating options including two heatpumps, underfloor (bathrooms and entrance) plus a Woodsman log burner to keep your haven cosy year-round. Outside a double garage, ample off street parking, woodshed and spa add to the never-ending appeal. Ged Hay:
18 Falcon Heights, Queenstown
027 444 0089
03 441 8858 www.hoamz.co.nz hoamz Ltd, Licensed Real Estate Agent (REAA 2008)
Hanmer Springs 15 Leamington Street
3 A 2 C 2 F 3 I
If you’ve ever dreamed of owning your own piece of paradise in Hanmer Springs, the opportunity is here now, so act fast! Charm and character of a bygone era has been captured and with a modern extension creating more living space and enhancing the footprint. Stunning original features anchor the character in this home which has all the heart and soul you could want. The kitchen is modern and spacious and open plans with the dining/family area which has direct indoor/outdoor flow. There are three bedrooms and two living or four bedrooms and one living and with two bathrooms this could be the ideal family home or weekend escape for extended families and friends. An extra-large garage is the ultimate bonus for storing the extra vehicles and toys. All set on a large family friendly section. If this sounds like you, here’s the chance to take it ... and LIVE THE HANMER DREAM.
rwmetro.co.nz 74 July 28, 2016 Metropol
For Sale $475,000 View See website for viewing details www.rwmetro.co.nz/met24227 rwmetro.co.nz/met24227 Rebecca Toone Licensee Salesperson 0273 553 304 Elite Performer 2017 rebecca.toone@raywhite.com LICENSED (REAA 2008)
254 Waimairi Road
Deadline Sale
Originally a Don Donnithorne design this spectacular property has undergone a complete rebuild, renovation and extension under the guidance of Chris Prebble Architects and Honeybone Builders. Now 350m² and boasting a unique, contemporary style the Weatherboard and Hebel clad house comprises four bedrooms with the option of utilising a large games-room as a fifth bedroom. Multiple living and dining areas allow family flexibility and flow to the modern kitchen and informal hub of the home. Warmth and natural light is enhanced by double glazed, floor to ceiling windows and doors plus a variety of heating options. Attached single garage plus a separate quad garage. Zoned for Burnside High. TC1
1pm, Tues 9 Aug 2016 (unless sold prior) View Sun/Wed 12-12.30pm or by appt www.bayleys.co.nz/552586
Rosemarie de Jong Sarah Eastmond M 027 234 2607 B 03 375 4700
M 027 240 8005 B 03 375 4700
15 Botting Place, Wanaka Upon the Ridge
Sitting proudly elevated and backing onto the golf course is this solidly constructed home in original condition awaiting a new owner to add their touches. The views are spectacular from every room which bask in sunshine and the houses in front are well below giving reassurance of view protection. There are four bedrooms plus a spacious rumpus room to accommodate the extended family. The sellers have booked the removal truck to shift to their new retirement home so do not let this one get away. Property in this location is very rarely for sale. Open Homes Sundays 12:00pm and Wednesdays 5:00pm Auction Sunday 14th August 12:00 Onsite (Unless sold prior)
Phil Gilchrist 03 443 1121 0274 351 399 phil@primewanaka.com primewanaka.com Licenced Agent REAA 2008
Metropol July 28, 2016 75
one of a ind andcrafted n India
new shipment, just arrived
76 July 28, 2016 Metropol