Technical characteristics of the maxit LWA used in geotechnical applications: maxit LWA Geotechnical Applications
Product description: Characteristic
Test method
Declared value
Loose bulk density
EN 1097-3
260 (+/-15%)
Particle size
EN 933-1
8 - 20
Undersize/ oversize
EN 933-1
< 15 / < 10
mm % by mass
Particle shape Water absorption:
24 hours 28 days 300 days
EN 1097-6
Round/ crushed < 20 < 30 < 60 NPD
% by mass
> 0,7
N/mm2 %
Water suction height
EN 1097-10
Crushing resistance
EN 13055-1 Annex A
Percentage of crushed particles
EN 933-5
Volume stability
EN 13055-1
Durability against freeze/thaw
EN 13055-2
Release of dangerous substances
EN 13055-2
NPD Stable according to long term experience Durable according to long term experience See note in ZA.1
Particle density
EN 1097-6
490 (+/-15%)
Water permeability
> 10 -3
Fire properties Compressibility and compressive strength: 10% deformation CS (10) 2 % deformation CS (2)
Classified as A1 without testing
Compressive creep (200kPa 24 hours) Cyclic compression (120kPa)
EN 13055-2 Annex A prEN 00088199 Annex C prEN 00088199 Annex B
> 650 > 300 < 0,5 < 2,0 after 2.000.000 cycles
kPa kPa % %
Attention: The indicated values are merely reference values and should be treated as so. maxit Group has no responsibility, what so ever, in the use of the indicated values, as they may vary slightly from country to country. Exact material characteristics can be obtained from maxit Group internet-pages. You may also contact your local maxit country for further material information.
File: â&#x20AC;&#x153;maxit LWA Geotech - Standard material characteristics.docâ&#x20AC;? Update: December 2006
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