MEXCHAM 7º Newsletter - 中国墨西哥商会的资讯简报

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7º Newsletter January 2017 第7本资讯简报1月2017年

January 2017


Directory 人员构成 Executive President Executive Vicepresident

主席 执行副主席

General Secretary


Efrén Calvo Víctor Cadena

Pablo Aguayo

Senior Staff 行政人员 Francisco Suazo Zhexin Pan Guillermo Esparza Karla Zapata Luxi Yu Fernando Damian

Honorary Advisers 荣誉顾问

Regional Chapter Presidents in Mexico 墨西哥地区代表

Jalisco: Jaime Plasencia Colima: César Bustos Veracruz: Aníbal Zottele Oaxaca: Francisco Porras

Edo de México y CDMX: Rubén Valdez Coahuila: Roberto Cárdenas Bajío: Octavio Corona

Regional Chapter Presidents in China 中国地方代表 Beijing: Efrén Calvo Shanghai: Yonanetl Zavala Guangdong: Humberto Valles Heilongjiang: Ernesto Cruz

January 2017

Hebei: Carlos Santos Zhejiang: Saúl Fernández Liaoning: Jesús López




内容 Contents

Previous Events


Foreign Trade Forum & Exhibition “Mexicoxport Querétaro 2016” 5 2016年克雷塔罗州Mexicoxport出口贸易世博会&论坛 7th Latin America China Investors Forum (LACIF) 6 第七届中国-拉美投资论坛 The 10th China Latin America and Caribbean Business Summit and MEXCHAM’s participation 7 中国墨西哥商会在第十届中国拉美企业家高峰会 China and Mexico Celebrate and Strengthen Their Relation 9 墨西哥中国庆祝晚宴 Seminar on Branding, Entrepreneurship and Startups in China successfully carried out ! 11 中国品牌和创业研讨会成功举办! Seminar by Dr. Anibal Zottele 14 Anibal Zottele先生的演讲 The 10th China International Household Appliances and Consumer Electronics Fair 第十届中国(合肥)国际家用电器暨消费电子博览会


Coming events


January 2017


17 17 17

All Chamber Welcome Back Networking Cocktail 众商会一同庆祝假日回归 45th Anniversary of the Bilateral Relation Between Mexico and China 墨西哥-中国建交45周年纪念会 10th Aniversary of the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China 中国墨西哥商会成立10周年纪念


Welcoming Message


Dear members and friends,

For MEXCHAM last 2016 has been a year full of activities, work and above all to continue building bridges that day by day are needed in a country that evolves daily.

2016年对于中国墨西哥商会来说 是充满丰富活动和工作的一年,我 们也一直在搭建这些一天天在发展 的国家之间的桥梁。

Our goals have been exceeded with great efficiency, which forces us to continue with enthusiasm and increase our activities and projects. For the year 2017 we plan to commemorate the 45th Anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between Mexico and China by taking part several events and organizing some others in China and Mexico. Additionally, this year we also will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of MEXCHAM. We wish to continue and maintain a close and inclusive relationship with all of you under a win-win formula. In light of the various statements by the President of the United States of America that could affect and restrict world trade, MEXCHAM ratifies its vocation as a bridge builder between Mexico and China. MEXCHAM wishes you a prosperous year of the rooster in 2017.

我们以高效率逐步实现了我们的目 标,并且这也使我们充满了激情来 继续展开新的活动和计划。 2017年我们预计将组织并参加一 些在墨西哥和中国召开的活动,以 此来纪念墨西哥中国建立外交关 系45周年。此外,2017年我们也 将庆祝中国墨西哥商会成立10周 年。 我们希望能继续同诸位在双赢的前 提下保持密切的联系和合作。新召 开的美国总统选举有可能给世界经 济带来重大影响,中国墨西哥商会 将坚定地搭建墨西哥和中国之间贸 易的桥梁。 中国墨西哥商会祝诸位 中国农历鸡年大吉! 艾夫仁·卡尔沃 中国墨西哥商会主席 (MEXCHAM)

Efrén Calvo Adame President of the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China (MEXCHAM)


January 2017



Eventos pasados


Foreign Trade Forum & Exhibition “Mexicoxport Querétaro 2016”

2016年克雷塔罗州Mexicoxport出口贸 易世博会&论坛

On August 11-13, 2016 , the Foreign Trade Forum and Exhibition “Mexicoxport Querétaro 2016” was held in the City of Querétaro, Mexico

2016年八月11-13日,在城市克 雷塔罗的会议中心举行了2016年克雷 塔罗州Mexicoxport出口贸易世博会& 论坛。

The State of Querétaro is a world leader in aeronautics. It is the only State in the country that has two aircraft carriers and possesses the only Aeronautical University in Mexico (UNAQ). For now, more than 5 thousand jobs have been generated in the aeronautical sector and more than one thousand one hundred million dollars in direct foreign investment in this sector.

克雷塔罗州的航空业全球领先。 这里是全国唯一一个拥有两个航空公 司以及墨西哥唯一的航空航天大学 (UNAQ)的城市。到目前为止,他 们已经为航空业提供了5000多个就业 岗位,并在该领域的外国直接投资超 过亿美元。

中国墨西哥商会有幸参与了此次展 会,代表出席的有中墨商会克雷塔罗 州主席Octavio Corona,青年企业家 副主席Fernando Damian,外贸专家 Nhataly Martinez。

January 2017


MEXCHAM participated with a stand represented the President of MEXCHAM in the of Querétaro, Octavio Corona, its Vice President of Youth Entrepreneurs, Fernando Damian, and Nhataly Martinez, Foreign Trade Specialist.


7th Latin America China Investors Forum (LACIF)


On October12, 2016, Latin Finance hosted its 7th Latin America China Investors Forum (LACIF) at the Westin Hotel in Beijing, connecting Latin American issuers, bankers, funds, advisors and government officials with senior representatives from Chinese state owned enterprises (SOEs), multilaterals, asset managers, banks, and government agencies. Featuring a full day of forward looking panel discussions, presentations and private 1-1 meetings, LACIF once again emergedas the preeminent forum to review the progress of the China-Latin America evolving relationship, compelling opportunities and sectors.

2016年10月12日,拉美财经 在北京威斯汀酒店举办第七届拉丁 美洲中国投资者论坛(LACIF), 旨在连接拉丁美洲发行人、银行 家、基金、顾问和政府官员,与 中国国有企业高级代表、资产管 理家、银行和政府机构进行多边联 系。通过一整天的前瞻性小组讨 论,演讲和私人会议,中拉投资论 坛又一次成为审查中国 - 拉丁美洲 不断发展关系,引人机会和部门发 展的杰出论坛。

The event was opened by Mr. Yuan Xingyong, Vice President of The Export Import Bank of China followed by the opening panel which talked about the evolving partnership between China and Latin America. Mr. Victor Cadena, Executive Vice President of MEXCHAM participated as speaker during the panel “Beyond Agriculture: Cultivating China’s Breadbasket” pointing out the trends, challenges and business opportunities in a wide range of commodities and services between China and Latin America.

January 2017


该活动由中国进出口银行副总 裁袁兴勇先生主持开幕,随后开幕 小组讨论了中国与拉丁美洲之间不 断发展的伙伴关系。 中国墨西哥商会副主席维克多 卡德那先生作为演讲嘉宾参加了“ 超越农业:培育中国面包篮”专题 小组讨论,指出中国和拉丁美洲之 间广泛的商品和服务的趋势、挑战 和商业机会。


The 10th China Latin America and Caribbean Business Summit and MEXCHAM’s participation

中国墨西哥商会在第十届中国拉美企 业家高峰会

The 10th China Latin America and Caribbean Business Summit (“China LAC”) was held last October 14-15, 2016, in Tangshan, Hebei. The China LAC is organized since 10 years ago by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) alternated one year in China and one year in Latin America.

第十届中国拉美企业家峰会 (“China LAC”)于2016年10月 14 - 15日在河北唐山举行。此峰会 自十年前起,每年由中国国际贸易 促进委员会(CCPIT)和美洲开发银 行(IDB)主办,分别在拉丁美洲和 中国召开。 开幕式的讲话 包括:中华人民共 和国副主席李源潮 先生,乌拉圭总统 塔巴雷·巴斯克斯 先生以及中国国际 贸促会主席姜增伟 等。

The opening ceremony included speeches of Mr. Li Yuanchao, Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China; Mr. Tabare Vazquez, Uruguay’s President; and Mr. Jiang Zengwei, Chairman of CCPIT, among others.

January 2017


中国墨西哥商会(“MEXCHAM” )由商会主席艾夫仁卡尔沃先生领 导,并携由60多位热情的商业代表组 成的领导代表团前去参会。除了会议 之外,中墨商会还在此次展会中拥有 大型展区,用于展示墨西哥产品和服 务。展区中不仅展示了世界闻名的墨 西哥产品,也向大家展示了有望进驻 中国市场的墨西哥中小型企业。

The Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China (“MEXCHAM”) headed by his Executive President, Mr. Efrén Calvo, participated with a leading delegation of more than 60 enthusiastic business delegates. In addition to the conferences, MEXCHAM also had large pavilion allocated for the exhibition of Mexican products and services, where companies strategically selected participated not only for representing worldwide well known Mexican products, but also promising SMEs aiming successful track in China´s market.


On the same day Mr. Victor Cadena, Executive Vice President of MEXCHAM, participated as speaker at the Symposium on China-LAC Commercial Legal Cooperation, where he shared experiences and advices on risk control doing investments and trade between China and Latin America.

Mr. Ernesto Cruz, regional President of MEXCHAM in Heilongjiang Province, participated as speaker in the parallel session focus on Agribusiness in China where he shared experiences due to his +30 years experience in the agriculture sector.

同日,中墨商会副主席维克多卡德 那先生作为演讲嘉宾参加了中国拉美 商业法律合作研讨会,在会上就中国 与拉丁美洲之间投资和贸易风险控制 的实用建议和与会者交流了经验。

中墨商会黑龙江 省区域主席Ernesto Cruz先生作为演讲嘉 宾参加了中国农业综 合企业并行会议。他 和与会者分享了自己 在农业部门工作30多 年的经验。 中墨商会还有幸接待了河北廊坊 市副市长及中国商务代表团前来参观 中墨商会的展馆,副市长表示有兴趣 加强地方政府和墨西哥公司之间的联 系。同时,中墨商会还在展会期间与 其他公司领导举行了会议,如中国冶 金集团公司,Ansteel和其他潜在本地 买家。

MEXCHAM was also honored to receive the Deputy Mayor of Langfang, Hebei, together with a Chinese business delegation who did a tour around visiting the Mexican booths and expressed his interest in strengthen relations between the local governments and Mexican companies. Other meetings were held with leaders of Chinese companies as China Metallurgical Group Corporation, Ansteel and potential local buyers.

January 2017




To commemorate the 95th anniversary of the formation of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the 67th anniversary of the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China, the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China (MEXCHAM) organized a dinner with members of the CCP, friends and members of the Chamber, as well as diplomatic representatives from some Latin American Countries and renowned researchers in the field of the relations between Latin America and China.

为纪念中国共产党成立 95周年和中华人民共和国成 立67周年,中国墨西哥商会 (MEXCHAM)与中国共产党 党员朋友,拉丁美洲国家的外 交官代表和中拉关系领域的知 名研究人员共进晚餐。

The Executive President of the Chamber, Mr. Efren Calvo, stressed out the role played by the CCP as a ruler and conductor of the outstanding development in China over the past decades. Such development can be seen not only domestically, but also externally as a top one player in the Global Economy. Mr. Calvo expressed that MEXCHAM has been settled for 9 years in China, along this time we have been working together with Chinese public and private sectors promoting business and win-win cooperation. The dinner of this year was the result of the continuous work to preserve and improve the communication that will lead both countries to more cooperation and understanding in business and trade.

中墨商会主席艾夫仁卡尔沃 先生强调了中国共产党作为过 去几十年中国发展的领导者和 指挥者所发挥的重要作用,其 不仅是中国发展的推动者,也 是全球性活动的参与者。卡尔 沃先生表示,中国墨西哥商会 已在中国成立9年,在这期间, 我们一直与中国公共和私营部 门合作,促进中墨商贸往来和 双赢合作。今年的晚宴是继续 保持和改善沟通中墨交流的象 征,也意味着两国将在商业和 贸易方面更多的合作和理解。

January 2017


China and Mexico Celebrate and Strengthen Their Relation


作为一直致力于推动这一关系 的重要行动者,多米尼加共和国驻 华代表Rosa女士表示,在五年多 期间,她一直积极为将拉丁美洲和 加勒比地区同中国的交流而努力。

Some of the guests were Mr. Wei Qiang, Director of the CCP for Latin America who expressed the long and strong ties between China and Mexico including the role played by the private business organizations as MEXCHAM. Among the attendants were also Mr. Zhang Jingzhong, Alternative Director of the International Cooperation Center of the CCP, Mr. Ivan Chiu, CEO de BIMBO Group, Mr. Jose Borja, Ambassador of Ecuador in China, Mr. Jorge Heine, Ambassador of Chile in China, Mr. Victor Cadena, Vice President of MEXCHAM, Mr. Anibal Zottele, Director of the China Mexico Studies Center from Veracruz University, Mr. Enrique Dussel, Director of China Mexico Studies Center of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, among others.

拉美中国共产党主任魏强先生 也发表了讲话,介绍了中墨两国长 期以来的紧密联系,包括私营企业 组织作为墨西哥的作用。其他参与 的嘉宾还有:中国共产党国际合 作中心副主任Zhang Jingzhong先 生,宾堡集团首席执行官赵逸泉先 生,厄瓜多尔驻华大使Jose Borja 先生,智利驻华大使JorgeHeine 先生,中墨商会副主席Victor Cadena先生,Veracruz大学中国 墨西哥研究中心主任AnibalZottele 先生,墨西哥国立自治大学墨西哥 中心研究中心主任Enrique Dussel 先生等。

Finally, during the closing remarks of this meeting, Mr. Calvo said that “MEXCHAM congratulates the CCP for its anniversary and wishes the People’s Republic of China more years of successful and peaceful development in benefit of the Greater China. MEXCHAM continues building bridges.”

最后,在这次晚宴的闭幕词 中,卡尔沃先生说:“中墨商会再 次庆祝中国共产党的成立,并祝愿 中华人民共和国在发展的道路上一 帆风顺。中国墨西哥商会将继续为 中墨贸易搭建桥梁。”

January 2017


As part of the important actors that have been working on this relation Ms. Rosa NG, Representative of Dominican Republic in China expressed that for more than 5 years she has been working actively in China to bring near the Latin American and Caribbean region with China.


Seminar on Branding, Entrepreneurship and Startups in China successfully carried out !


On Tuesday October 25th, 2016, the Mexican Chamber of Commerce (MEXCHAM) together with Yenching Academy of Peking University successfully carried out an unprecedented Seminar on Branding, Entrepreneurship and Startups in China in Peking University.

2016年10月25日星期二,中国墨 西哥商会(MEXCHAM)与北京大学 燕京学院一起在北京大学成功举办了 前所未有的中国品牌和创业研讨会。

The seminar began with the opening remarks by Mr. Hector Zavala followed by the opening speech by Mr. John Holden, Scholar and Associate Dean of Yenching Academy of Peking University, respectively. Afterwards, Mr. Efren Calvo, Executive President of MEXCHAM addressed a speech welcoming the panelist, business people and students as well as celebrating the organization between Peking University and MEXCHAM for the ongoing event. Mr. Victor Cadena, Executive Vice-President of MEXCHAM, moderated the first session focused on “Branding and Marketing Strategy in China”.

January 2017


研讨会开始于Hector Zavala先生的 开幕致辞,随后分别是北京大学燕京 学院学者和副院长John Holden先生 的开幕词。 随后,中国墨西哥商会主席艾夫仁 卡尔沃先生致辞欢迎各个成员、商界 人士和学生,并表达了对即将召开的 由北京大学和中国墨西哥商会组织的 活动的祝贺。 中国墨西哥商会副主席维克多卡德 那先生主持了会议的第一部分,主题 为“中国的品牌和营销战略”


The first session started with the participation of Mr. Ivan Chiu, CEO of BIMBO Group China, who briefly introduced how BIMBO became the largest bakery company in the world with +120,000 employees and operations in + 20 countries, including China. Chiu pointed out the strategies and core values that identifies BIMBO as trademark as well as the challenges that BIMBO is facing in the Chinese market.

第一部分的会议的首位 演讲者为宾堡亚洲区总裁赵 逸泉先生。他简要介绍了宾 堡集团是如何成为世界上 最大的面包店公司,拥有 120,000多名员工,并在包 括中国在内的20多个国家 开展业务。Chiu指出了宾 堡作为商标的战略和核心价 值,以及宾堡在中国市场面 临的挑战。 第 二 位 发 言 人 Iran-Monroy是来自 DeerJet(HNA集团)的全 球品牌传播总监,他谈到了 HNA如何创立并成为一家 500强公司,强调了HNA集 团m&a战略和核心愿景。

The second speaker was Mr. Iran Monroy, Director of Global Brand Communications of Deer Jet (HNA Group) who talked about how HNA started and then became a Fortune 500 company emphasizing the m&a strategy and core vision HNA Group.

Afterwards, Mr. John Holden, also Professor of Guanghua School of Management of Peking University and former CEO of Cargill China, shared some useful insights about doing business in China thanks to his over 30 years work experience in Asia.

之后,北京大学光华管理学院教 授、嘉吉中国前首席执行官约翰·霍 尔顿先生,分享了他在亚洲工作30多 年的工作经验以及在中国做生意的一 些有用的见解。

Subsequently, a panel discussion started with a moderated discussion among the panelist and a q&a session with a very active audience interacting with the panelists.

随后,主持人和嘉宾与观众进入了 提问环节,大家进行了活跃的讨论。

After a coffee break, the second session focused on “Entrepreneurship and startups in China” started. This session was moderated by Mr. Antonio Riva Palacio, Chief Representative in Beijing of Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle.

在简短的休息过后,研 讨会第二部分开始了。第二 部分主题为“中国的创业” ,并由美国柯特思律师事务 所的首席代表Antonio Riva Palacio先生主持。 第二部分的第一位发言 者是萨孚凯信息系统有限 公司中国总经理Bo Song先 生,该公司是一家全球IT解 决方案供应商,总部位于墨

The first speaker of the second session was Mr. Bo Song, General Manager of Sofftek China, a Global Provider of IT solutions with HQ in Monterrey, Mexico and offices in China.

January 2017



Mr. Bo shared some experiences about how to get over the cultural barriers in Global Companies particularly in the IT industry. He explained some challenges integrating 400 people as a team in China within 8,000 global team. Mr. Bo stressed the competitiveness in China’s IT market as well as the importance of inner communication among multicultural teams.

西哥蒙特雷,在中国设有办事 处。他介绍了一些关于如何克 服全球公司,特别是IT行业的 文化障碍的经验。解释了将在 中国的400名员工组成的团队 和一个8000名员工的国际团队 结合在一起所面临一些挑战。 他还强调了中国IT市场的竞争 力以及多元文化团队之间内部 沟通的重要性。 接下来,Alan-Olvera先 生,年轻而富有经验的企业 家,Wozlla-Hurakan美洲主 管兼CEO,在线视频游戏开发 商,介绍了他的公司并解释了 他引进中国的在线视频游戏到 拉丁美洲的战略。奥维拉先生 还解释了现代工业的趋势和挑 战。

Later, Mr. Alan Olvera, young and experienced entrepreneur, CEO of Hurakan and Head of Americas at Wozlla, developer of online video games, introduce his company and explained his strategy for bringing Chinese online video games into Latin America and vice versa. Mr. Olvera also explained the trends and challenges in this modern industry.

随后,来自北京电影学院 的墨西哥电影制片人Pablo Mendoza先生简要介绍了中 国电影史,解释了拍摄项目需 要的要求,并介绍了他最新的 项目“彼岸”,此项目将在墨 西哥城、北京和哈尔滨进行拍 摄。

Afterwards, Mr. Pablo Mendoza, Mexican Filmmaker post graduated from the Beijing Film Academy, made a brief introduction on Chinese film history, explained the requirements that filming projects need and presented his newest project “Bi’an” a fascinating co-production MexicoChina that plans to be shot in Mexico City, Beijing and Harbin. The last speaker was Mr. Wang Geng, Co-Founder of Weiresearch, a startup listed in the “New Third Board” specialized in handle big data for the marketing and film

最后一位发言者是微瑞思创 的联合创始人王耿先生,该公 司在“新三板”上市,专门为 营销和电影业处理大数据。 王 先生解释了大数据分析如何为

January 2017



industry. Mr Wang explained how big data analysis can provide competitive advantages to business as well as his challenges as entrepreneur in China. Finally, the speakers of this session came back to the stage for a moderated discussion and q&a session with an active audience. MEXCHAM ratifies its permanent commitment for supporting and promoting business between China and Mexico and thanks Peking University for co-organizing this wonderful event. MEXCHAM continues building bridges.

企业提供竞争优势,以及他作为中国 企业家的挑战。 最后,发言人们回到了舞台,与活 跃的观众进行了提问环节的互动。 中国墨西哥商会承诺今后将会继续 推动促进中国和墨西哥之间的贸易, 并感谢能与北京大学共同组织这次精 彩的活动。中墨商会为您搭建桥梁。

Seminar by Dr. Anibal Zottele El Dr. Anibal Zottele, Presidente de la MEXCHAM en el Capítulo Veracruz, participó como orador en el pasado V Congreso - Tequio de la Feria Internacional Regional celebrada de 17 al 20 de Noviembre de 2016 en Xalapa, Veracruz.

Anibal Zottele先生的演讲

中国墨西哥商会Veracruz区主席 Anibal Zottele先生于11月17至20日 作为受邀发言人参加了于Xalapa州 Veracruz举办的第五次国际区域性交 易会。

January 2017



The 10th China International Household Appliances and Consumer Electronics Fair

第十届中国(合肥)国际家用电器暨 消费电子博览会

The 10th China International Household Appliances and Consumer Electronics Fair was held from November 18th to 20th, 2016 in Hefei, Anhui Province. This event was organized by Anhui Provincial People’s Government, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

第十届中国(合肥)国际家用 电器暨消费电子博览会于2016年 11月18至20日在安徽合肥召开。 本次活动由安徽省人民政府、工信 部和中国国际贸易促进委员会主 办。

The household appliances industry is a leading industry of Hefei. The annual output value has exceeded 100 billion RMB and the output of refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner and color TV has numbered more than 60 million for many consecutive years. As the number one city in this term for six years in arow, the products from the city have taken over nearly 20% of domestic marketshare. The Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China (MEXCHAM) represented by Yonanetl Zavala and Francisco Suazo, Regional President in Shanghai and Project Manager of MEXCHAM, respectively, joined this specialized fair along with other diplomats and trade representatives from United States, South Africa, Spain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil, among others.

家电行业是合肥的主导产业, 年产值已突破1000亿元。冰箱、 洗衣机、空调和彩电产量连续多年 超过6000万台。作为这个时期连 续六年产量第一市,该市生产的产 品占据了国内市场份额的近20% 。 中国墨西哥商会上海区域主 席Yonanetl--Zavala和项目经理 Francisco Suazo代表的中墨商会 (MEXCHAM),分别与来自美 国、南非、西班牙、埃及、沙特阿 拉伯、印度,巴西等国的外交官和 贸易代表参与了此次活动。

Enero 2017 January 2017



Mr. Han Bing, Executive Vice Mayor of Hefei City introduced the city, specially its economic growth and the implementation of the 11th Five-Year Plan for achieving economic development.

合肥市执行副市长韩冰先生介绍了这座 城市,特别是这座城市的经济增长以及对实 施经济发展“十一五”规划的落实。 工业和信息化部党组成员金书波,中国 贸促会副会长张伟,中国轻工业联合会会长 张崇和,副省长周春雨,省政府副秘书长汪 莹纯,中科院院士、北京理工大学副校长梅 宏,工信部消费品司司长高延敏,工信部节 能司副司长杨铁生,副市长王翔出席签约仪 式。省经信委主任牛弩韬主持。

Attended the opening of the exhibition Jin Shu Bo, a member of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of China; Zhang Wei, Vice President of the China Light Industry Federation; Zhang Chong He, Governor of the province; Zhou Chun Yu, Vice Governor of the province; Wang Yin Chun, Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Mei Hong, Vice-President of the Polytechnic University; Gao Yan Min, Director of the Consumer Division; Yang Tie Sheng, Deputy Director of Division, Department of Energy Saving Technology; And Wang Xiang, Deputy Mayor. Niu Nu Tao, Director of the Province Commission, conducted the ceremony.

此外,由美国认证机构的专家进行了关 于智能家电标准化的研讨会,该专家简要介 绍了与智能家电和消费电子相关的国际标准 及法律法规的重要性。

In addition, a workshop about the standardization of smart home appliances was carried out by experts from the “American Certification Body” who briefly introduced importance of the International Standards, Laws and Regulations related to smart home appliances and consumer electronics.

January 2017



Coming events


All Chamber Welcome Back Networking Cocktail


Over 15 Chambers of Commerce will gather together on February 23, 2017 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm at Beijing Marriott Northeast Hotel.

各商会回归交流酒会将于2017年2月23日周 四晚6点半~9点在北京海航大厦万豪酒店召 开,届时将有超过15家商会参加活动。

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Mexico-China Business Survey TBA

墨西哥-中国 商务调研(待定)

Celebration of the 45th Anniversary of the Bilateral Relation Between Mexico and China. TBA


Celebration of the 10th Aniversary of the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China. TBA


Fairs to be promoted in 2017. TBA

January 2017


中国墨西哥商会成立10周年纪念 (待定)


Become MEXCHAM member: 1. Apply on the website or download the application format and send it to 2. Wait for an email or notification, you information will be approved by the Board of Directors 3. Complete your payment online Find the benefits of becoming a MEXCHAM member in our website.

Application form

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Edition by Pablo Aguayo

January 2017



January 2017



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