Datura issue 6 December 2019

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Datura #6 | 12_2019

Baily - Breton - Docteur Burz Guzzi – Houssam – Jackson Markiewicz – Olson - Sager Seyedbagheri - Wilkens

Aux éditions Urtica. Déjà parus Civilisé de Walter RUHLMANN Civilisé cherche à tâtons dans le noir, la moiteur, la profusion des corps, sa nature perdue et ce jusqu’à l’excès et la turpitude. Cathy GARCIA, La cause littéraire, 2017 8€ (plus frais de port) - 42 pages noir & blanc, couverture couleur – ISBN: 9780244324759 Necro manigances Dandois saisissantes de Necro Mongers et Pascal Dandois Cette poésie est loin d'être sombre, même quand elle n'est pas drôle. En tant que lecteur, j'ai l'impression que le gars qui l'écrit rigole tout le temps. Et du coup, cela m'amuse aussi. Patrice Maltaverne, Poésie chronique ta malle, 2018 textes de Necromongers, illustrations de Pascal Dandois 6€ (plus frais de port) - 26 pages noir & blanc Fandango by Walter Ruhlmann These poems lay themselves bare, rejecting the false comforts of easy and joyous connection. Steve F. Klepetar, from the foreword 8€ (plus shipping) -54 pages noir & blanc ISBN: 978-0-244-10516-7

Contents | Sommaire Cover illustration | Illustration de couverture: Norman J. Olson Docteur Burz: editorial Deborah Guzzi: Tongue & Cheek, Bradbury's Warning, and Grandma Got Run-Over by a Prius (poetry) Yash Seyedbagheri: Chopping Heart (poetry) James Croal Jackson: I am waiting for my habits to change, NYE 2010, Welcome, draft, and Drinking a Rhinegeist Truth (poetry) Stéphane Breton: extraits de Rhizomatique (aphorisms) Heather Sager: Break (poetry) Paweł Markiewicz: Winter rain in my muse-like homeland (poetry) and I as the being sui generis (flash fiction) Stephen Baily: His Most Embarrassing Moment (fiction) Harry R. Wilkens: Vulcan Woman (poetry) Léonel Houssam: extrait de Notre République (roman)

Datura #6 | 12_2019

Ce nouveau siècle est une pizza à l’ananas par le docteur Burz Déjà paru dan Les déraisons du docteur Burz https://ledocteurburz.wordpress.com/2019/11/22/ce-nouveau-siecleest-une-pizza-a-lananas/ On en est sans doute rendu au point où la totalité de la garantie confiance de l’état et de la démocratie loge au fond du cul d’une grand-mère Sicilienne… et je peux vous garantir qu’il reste de la place. Macron a déclaré (et je ne l’invente pas) qu’il a été bouleversé par la justesse du film « Les misérables », de Ladj Ly. Il aurait ainsi demandé au gouvernement d’agir pour « améliorer les conditions de vie en banlieue ». Source RTL. Personnellement je ne l’ai pas vu le métrage. Mais déclarer ainsi une phrase comme à la sortie de « La Haine » de Kassovitz, c’est faire preuve d’un populisme putassier, comme seul un salopard méprisant peu s’enorgueillir de faire semblant de pouvoir maîtriser. On vit dans une époque tellement minée par le niveau descendant de l’humanisme, que ça créé des gens aussi bas de plafond qu’une tringle à rideau indépendantiste. Bref, y’a plus un seul individu capable de décrypter un dessin ou un film intelligemment sans vomir son incompréhension. Les gens ne comprennent rien, et quand ils essayent de réfléchir ils le font avec leurs interdits, leur censure dogmatique accrochée à leur dernier neurone apeuré. Vous me direz, je passe du coq à l’âne. C’est qu’aujourd’hui on n’a plus le choix, c’est tellement facile de se faire passer pour un homme politique méprisant et hautain quand le niveau de l’intelligence est descendu aussi bas qu’une merde de pigeon vegan. Le monde est devenu une pizza à l’ananas. C’est complexe une pizza à l’ananas. Ça produit des effets indésirables ou bien des plaisirs insoupçonnés. Et bien souvent, aussi, ça fait crier et hurler à l’attentat, au terrorisme buccal, à la perte de valeurs traditionalistes, ça effraie, ça fait gamberger, ça inquiète, ça procure de l’incompréhension, et donc ça fait dire des conneries 2

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plus grosses que nous (remplacez « pizza à l’ananas » par n’importe quel sujet polémique, vous verrez, ça fonctionne).

Le retour de l’ordre moral ? Sans aucun doute. Le moindre pétard mouillé prend quand-même, et si jamais tu as l’audace de réfléchir et de t’opposer à la pensée unique de gauche tu deviens un réactionnaire anti « tout venant », peu importe quoi. C’est assez amusant d’ailleurs, moi qui suis assez anti droite je ne supporte plus la gauche. Elle est le fer de lance des minorités absolues dont on ne peut plus dire de mal, une sorte de ligue du bien pensant dont on a le droit de ne rien penser d’autre. Si le fascisme doit revenir, ce sera en partie la faute du mauvais choix de la gauche, elle et son politiquement correct propret. Et puis, si je ne m’abuse, n’appelait-on pas le National Socialisme un machin dont le but était l’éradication générale d’une partie de la pensée libre ? Vous allez me dire, comment il exagère, c’est tiré par les cheveux, pur amalgame, la gauche c’est des valeurs… et tout ce genre de conneries limite témoin de Jéhovah. La politique moi, perso, j’en peux plus. Gauche, droite, centre, ni ni, mon cul sur la commode et la mouche qui pète. Même la religion rassemble plus, c’est dire ! Et d’ailleurs (oui parce que hein), quand on parle de retour à l’ordre moral, on ne peux pas ne pas évoquer l’influence évidente de la spiritualité de nos quartiers préprogrammés par une incidence dont on ne légifère pas vraiment sur le fond, vu que la grande majorité de la politique est acquise à la cause sousjacente d’une religion.

Et donc voilà, ça fait de notre siècle nouveau une aubaine pour pleurer sur son sort, vu qu’il récolte la merde mis en place depuis des décennies. Mais les gens se sont appauvris mentalement. Ils ont laissé leur savoir vivre au placard, grâce à l’indépendance de la dépendance forcée. Antinomique me direzvous ? Non, pas tellement, si on considère que la croyance en n’importe quoi fait faire n’importe quoi à n’importe qui. Aujourd’hui, tout comme moi, n’importe qui peut dire n’importe quoi sur n’importe quel sujet, et vomir à foison ses alibis foireux sur des situations critiques et complexes. Et bien, le 3

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niveau de notre politique s’en inspire tellement (ou l’a instaurée) qu’elle n’est pas plus intelligente sur la forme, et toujours aussi « déconstructive » sur le fond. Ce nouveau siècle est tellement pourri que même la musique a suivi le rythme. Mais faut pas désespérer, comme à chaque fin de décennie il nous reste des miettes originales des prochains nihilistes bénis des dieux païens.

Mon dernier coup de cœur nihiliste: The Chats « Pub Feed » www.thechatslovebeer.com Amen (tes anchois), Touti Quanti (la pâte à l’âne), et Tralala (les polémiques lambda)… ©Le Docteur fabrique la matière première pour étaler sur la pâte.


Datura #6 | 12_2019

Tongue and Cheek by Deboarh Guzzi snow in my eyes snow on my tongue tongue my teeth tongue your ear ear rings ear lobes lobes attached lobes descending descending to lips descending to ground ground into the snow ground beef-cake cake cream cake devoured devoured honey devoured passion passion for mankind passion of Christ Christ within Christ’s creations creations run rampant creations two-backed backed by blizzards backed by gales gales of snowflakes gales of laughter laughter melts hearts laughter mouths joy joy in the finding joy enraptured enraptured in eyes enraptured by sighs sighs on a spent wind sighs between snowy breasts breasts wind-kissed breasts hidden by pines pines of sweet balsam pines with needles sharp sharp as stigmata’s sharp as birth-pains pains of the virgin pains bringing pleasure pleasure winter-white pleasure overflowing 5

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overflowing kisses overflowing to cheeks cheeks rouged with passion cheeks dusted with snowfall snowfall passion

Bradbury’s Warning by Deborah Guzzi First published in Yellow Chair Review 2016 The thought ended: phrases ago, clauses ago, inferences …, with only a comic pause. I’m sure this-after-pause, post-traumatic shock, tail-down-curly-cue is best present than-no slow-roll at all (one has to breathe). The 19th century’s aversion to endings fits it’s ornate Victorian beginnings; it gloried in the small pauses (all there could be amongst a corseted upper-class pining away, with tuberculosis, malaria, or the fall of the British Empire, entwined in Dickens and blessed or damned with Proust). Breath came in fits and starts with the Charleston, flat-chested flappers in knee-knocking skirts slink irreverently through Gatsby fantasies on lily-stalk gams (excited by rampant dashes-titillated by ellipses) they roared into the 20th century. But thought, rambled-on, snaking through an inordinate amount of lines, ending gratefully in a final period. Kick-started to down-sized gasps of dialogue with strong doses of piss & vinegar, Hemingway howled, great lungfuls, of petulant conversation peppered with quotes, dancing with castanet-clicks off commas & semi-colons; titillating with ampersands unhooked like a bra-less woman in silk. Language somersaulted in2 the 21st century-slapdashed 2 syncopated shorts, OMGed in2 LOL, @Alice ed away from formality a populous who have lost all need 4, or sense in, prostrating 1self 2 periods when will do? Wil we cry lik doxies 4 anon’s N our push-up brassearch virtual reams of un-scented emails lacking ribbon markRS 4 traces of Heathclif N a torn fashion tear? (You wil not find him there.) Xcept the pressing nEd 6

Datura #6 | 12_2019

4 poor 2 B the nu $$$ in fashion the word? (Bware Bradbury’s warning, Fahrenheit 451. Hold yr Bronte tight.) < has becum > the nu opiate of the m-asses. Full. Stop.

Grandma got Run-Over by a Prius by Deborah Guzzi The scent of pine no longer rises from fallen needles of Balsam a green Village candle burns silver strands of tinsel gave way to shredded plastic, the cat can choke-on the 60’s aluminum tree mimics the red light district in Copenhagen no Flexible Fliers rut the fallen snow no carolers walk the street with lanterns it’s a new day, a new way, a stay at home day rummed-up with Golden Eggnog from Hood

Claw Marks by Matthew Yeo 7

Datura #6 | 12_2019

Chopping Heart by Yash Seyedbagheri the chopper lands, blades thumping, a heart. ambulances gather, red lights swirling mad spectators on the field trying to look just shocked enough, hands pressed to bosoms or mouths, they can’t decide what’s more realistic looking for mental voyeurs, imagining who X or Y is, being loaded with ginger caution, into the chopper heart thumping they imagine X or Y building a fire, or better yet, making love like virile rabbits, when nature took its course on their hearts, yes, grotesque mouths agree, making love has more verve than a walk or ruminating while health faded into the wintery days, or better yet, drinking or carousing, that’s the way to go into winter they stand and absorb the whir of chopper hearts, thump. thump. thump. the blades whisper an elegy for X and Y, while they rise into the sky, carrying the secrets only X and Y are privy to within ebbing hearts, winter demanding the spectators still watching the scene, trying to piece the story. they’ll tell stories, not of tears around a chopper, but pictures of X and Y, who allegedly made love and ran and caroused, felled by nature, while the chopper fades into the falling dusk X and Y unable to speak a word, about the love they leave behind, sons and daughters genuflecting before nature, begging for mercy, ruminating about loved X or Y in hushed whisper, the way they smelled of onions and perfume and booze while the chopper sinks into the nothingness of sky and night, and spectators chatter on


Datura #6 | 12_2019

I am waiting for my habits to change by James Croal Jackson but I keep bingeing the same drinks. Fireball, Tito’s, more and more– I tap my feet, wait by the window for the workweek to end to meet unknowns at bars. I blackout blind myself into the mistakes I always make– my legs pressed against yours in the Lyft, I want to say I don’t want tonight to be a ghost that haunts us, but I don’t move. I don’t say anything.

NYE, 2010 by James Croal Jackson that was the monochrome new year I reached for your leg like a frog with long tongue and you were on the couch flyswatting everyone the walls were drunk too the way we behaved in the wild dorms animals celebrating the turn of a page the setting of the sun it was winter in Berea and we held each other like it would never be warm again we caught snowflakes on our tongues left black bottles in dead grass


Datura #6 | 12_2019

Welcome by James Croal Jackson I walked your stairs up off snowy street you greeted me I’ve got something you don’t have besides I remember the baby’s birth your sister crying red tears I felt nothing in that hospital only a month before we said for good– I must have realized I was not in love I am not part of this family in the annex chatter what a joy screaming

this new life

draft by James Croal Jackson all of life’s a draft, shit foaming to the top, froth of your father coursing through you as you work the days and nights and women from your life, another drink ever present at your lip, you try to make the writing work, you work to make the writing worth more than your own


Datura #6 | 12_2019

Drinking a Rhinegeist Truth by James Croal Jackson 10:33 AM on July 4th & if that ain’t some gunslinging fortune my drinks have teeth can’t mix with coffee I am trying to stay awake I am trying to stay a firework of politically conscious colors most mornings the soup of ritual I gnaw at the aluminum’s tab when my beer has ended I am not satisfied no I am not satisfied with this ending


Datura #6 | 12_2019

Extraits de Rhizomatique de Stéphane Breton L’élan vital (extraits) La mort est la grande histoire du vivant. La mort n’est jamais tragique. Ce que vous en faites, l’est. Dans la mort, mon monde s’effondre, seul le monde se poursuit. Tout meurt. Personne ne sait mourir. Aucune expérience ne nous y aide totalement. C’est seul que nous affronterons le grand mystère. La mort nous en parlons par ignorance. Nous en avons peur par inconstance. Nous la vivons par procuration. Le politique (extraits) La violence du discours politique est proportionnelle au degré d’impuissance de ses auteurs à créer un désir commun. Le discours politique pour être effectif doit s’affirmer avant tout comme une esthétique de l’acte public. Le discours politique témoigne d’une érotique du pouvoir. Il est de ce désir de conduire, de séduire un peuple pour accoucher d’un destin, avec force et intention. Œconomicus (extraits) Le travail créatif est avant tout un temps intuitif et oisif. Nul besoin de se donner de la peine ! C’est une écoute attentive de ses potentialités. La « société digitale » porte en son sein un projet politique que l’on pourrait entrevoir sous cette forme : individualisme radical, démocratie confisquée par la privatisation des données, substitution progressive de l’intelligence artificielle à la présence sociale et économique de l’Homme, surveillance des comportements collectifs, prévalence de la prédiction sur la construction empirique.


Datura #6 | 12_2019

Break by Heather Sager Windows of houses. The lacquer of years reflected in brick facades on the gray river. The fog hanging thick as peat. Have you ever stared at a break in the skin on a loved one? Stared at a cut, gash or nick as if burly invaders rushed into the break of a cherished city. How you love so much you could scream But you’re often screaming quietly to yourself mentally tearing your hair as you drift alone past willow trees. That’s me. The birds laugh in the air. I’m hanging around the park bench, listless. The birds eye me. Maybe their laughter means I am the break in the skin of their world.


Datura #6 | 12_2019

Winter rain in my muse-like homeland by Paweł Markiewicz the eye-some fay at the crack of dawn in winter is weeping the winter rain in the form of magnificent teardrops is dropping down it is to be mesmerized in glaciated dreams of muses the shepherd boy hears the falling of the more tender rain like meek tears the docile Nixie by Christmas morning is crying the winter drops in terms of mignonne teardrops are falling down it is be-charmed in a snowy soul of muses the child of a falconer tastes these Apollonianly meek drops the meekly miraculous Siren at sunset glow bawling the winter snow - wonderfully tearling-shaped - falling down it can be ensorcelled in frosted muse-like hearts the druidical companion looks at flurries full weird of the tearlets the magnanimous Sibyl at midnight in December crying the winter snow-rain - marvelously tearlet-shaped - falling to the ground it's worth being enchanted in the hazy fantasy of the muses the guardian of Winter Queen's touches some Herculean traces of the rain


Datura #6 | 12_2019

I as the being sui generis sui generis – something odd by Paweł Markiewicz I have just returned from a walk with my beloved hound on foot, which has a good heart, the tenderly shaped by Erlking dog’s heartlet. I’m feeling very well at home, as well as blissfully. I have a light heart. It’s frosty outside, to wit It’s 3 degrees below zero, as If the Winter Queen ruled without any snow. There is not a starry night. A moon is not visible. I dream of starlings of philosophers on sibyl-like heaven. I have not seen a red sky in the evening, such an Apollonianly marvelous charm, a weird of druids. All night long my dreams will be live in my dreamy soul. Afterwards I will sleep in a meek silence. I want to say You, my tender reader, a manifesto of my dearest dreamiest being. As far as I’m concerned: My immortal soul is typically German. I am able to feel a sempiternity, each poetical winglings, namely: Apollonianly tender-eternal vans that philosophize about dawn of ontology of poetry. My poetry, like a poesy of Poseidon's dreamey, heralds fulfillment of each stars, morning starlet and shooting stars. Rilke likes me in the eternal time. Goethe said me he were proud of my meek poem, under the title: >Prometheus<. In effect my body is Polish. I can indeed design neither robots nor spaceships such the Americans. My parents, my home, my language are polish. My polish blood seems to be indeed red. My nation knows: mourning and death, wars and subservience. This time is my Polish time, the ontology and logic of starry night above the Polish homeland. In my heart the Japanese Basho lives who likes melancholic fantasy of a handful of haiku. My heart beats in rhythm of dancing samurais’, enchanted by each morning glow. My haiku are being carried by some metaphysical traces of the eternity which loves my gorgeous three verses. In each haiku the beauty of sirens-like dreamery-miracle comes true, as if the Japanese soul had told me: Be thankful valedictorian of a sheening time! Outside the body, there are magical romantic notions, which keep me one step closer to heaven, namely the gorgeous English 15

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poesy. Some Herculean muses bring me into: a woodland in the midst of England, next to a druidical fireplace. The druidic altar is also my heart, my whole being of the sui generis-miracle. English muses dancing under the most philosophical stars such my English hound, the mixed dog, between cocker spaniel and field spaniel, my houndlet, that likes hunting in a fairy-tale-like holt.

Vulcan Woman by Harry R. Wilkens Your ruby eyes Sparkle your tears All over me For happier Times to come


Datura #6 | 12_2019

His Most Embarrassing Moment by Stephen Baily

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to My Most Embarrassing Moment. I’m Bob Boberville, and my guest tonight, Dr. Elmer Duschitz, needs no further introduction. Why would he, when his syndicated column is carried in two thousand newspapers? Your most embarrassing moment, doctor? —Given the number of times I’ve put my foot in my mouth, that’s a difficult call, Bob, but I guess I’d have to award the palm to a misadventure that befell me at the outset of my career. Most people think my doctorate is in medicine. In fact, it’s in animal husbandry and, in the early seventies, husbands for animals were in so little demand that, to stop Xanthippe, my wife, from going on about our piles of unpaid bills, I had to take a job writing press releases for Herbler & Associates, the publicrelations firm. Short story long, one day Jim Herbler himself strolled into my cubicle with what was then a novelty to me—a videocassette. In it, he explained, was an X-rated movie primed to break out into the mainstream—The All-Day Sucker, it was called. Maybe you’ve seen it? I prefer not to strain my eyes on that kind of thing. —You’re a better man than I am, but it seemed Herbler, who’d been retained by the movie’s producers to cook up a publicity campaign for it, had stopped by my desk to invite me to a private screening at his penthouse. “Be sure to bring the little woman,” he told me. “We’re eager for female feedback.” And the—little woman? Was she pleased to be included in this invitation? —Anything but. As the product of a proper upbringing, Xanthippe had no interest in blue movies, let alone in watching them in the company of strangers. I was able to overcome her reluctance to accompany me only by pointing out that she couldn’t very well refuse to help me get ahead at a job she’d forced me to take. I assume you weren’t the only ones at this screening? —The other associates and their wives were there, too—some dozen couples. On our arrival, we found them downing drinks as fast as they could among the potted palms in Herbler’s sunken living room. What was in the offing made them nervous?


Datura #6 | 12_2019

—That’s a reasonable assumption, especially when you keep in mind that slick productions like The All-Day Sucker were unheard of in those days. Even the most dedicated deviants would have hunted for them without any luck. In any case, when we were all of us—except Xanthippe, a teetotaler—sufficiently lit for Herbler to start the film, reactions to the virtuoso performance of its star— the soon-to-be-notorious Franchette LaBouche—were mixed. People conspicuously stifled yawns, like me; or they laughed too loudly at their own wisecracks, like Herbler; or they professed nausea, like Xanthippe. She couldn’t drag me out of there fast enough once I’d endeared myself to Herbler by suggesting we send complimentary cassettes to prominent members of the clergy. In her disgust, she gave me the cold shoulder in the taxi on the way home, but that didn’t keep me, as soon as we got into bed, from making the mistake of pressing her to imitate the example of Franchette LaBouche. Why do you call it a mistake? —Because I knew from previous disappointments she didn’t approve of such practices. Creepy—that was her preferred adjective for them. You’re saying she rebuffed you? —Indignantly, after which she rolled over and went to sleep, without even offering me the consolation of a conventional go. I was left stewing and, in my need for relief, resolved to call on the services of my always dependable right hand. Only that wasn’t what I wanted. I hardly have to tell you what I wanted. And I’d be obliged if you didn’t tell me, since our broadcasting license is up for renewal. —Then I’ll skip the specifics and just note that I was driven by the logic of my situation to resort to a desperate measure. What’s so funny? Forgive me for laughing, but you must have been pretty drunk to attempt the impossible. —How do you know it’s impossible? What makes you so sure? Well, I—ah— —You’ve seen contortionists on TV, haven’t you—how they twist themselves into knots? Didn’t that ever make you wonder what they do when they’re alone? And you decided to try this yourself? Right there in the bed next to your wife? —It’s not as if I was running any risk. Like most people with clear consciences, Xanthippe was a very sound sleeper. You could set off a cherry bomb in her vicinity and she wouldn’t wake up. So it was without any worries on her account that I lifted my legs up 18

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in the air and bent them back over my head till the soles of my feet met the cold wall behind me. And? —The result, I admit, wasn’t encouraging. What appeared to be an unbridgeable gap remained. But ask anybody who knows me—I’m nothing if not determined and, by continuing to push my limits, after ten minutes or so I succeeded in—establishing contact. With what? —The tip of my nose! I can’t begin to describe my exhilaration. Columbus must have felt something similar when he first caught sight of Guanahani. Now it was only a question of making one last demand on the muscles of my back and neck—a demand I’m sure they’d have been equal to, if disaster hadn’t struck. Your wife woke up? —Weren’t you listening? I told you, she slept like the dead. No, what happened was there was a sharp crack, followed by sudden paralysis. You couldn’t move at all? — Only my fingertips. The revenge of anatomy, you might say. — Call it anything you like—all I could do was lie there praying in vain for deliverance, till the sun inexorably rose and Xanthippe had to call the paramedics. Enough said. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been talking with Dr. Elmer Duschitz. Be sure to tune in again next week, same time, same station, when, by a truly bizarre coincidence, our guest on My Most Embarrassing Moment will be Academy Award® nominee Franchette LaBouche.


Datura #6 | 12_2019

Notre République (extrait) par Léonel Houssam. Editions Burn-Out. De la viande molle gorgée d’excitation

Bertrand sort de sa gueule de bois pour déblatérer encore, à poil sur le matelas trempé moisi, il fait des gestes désordonnés avec ses longs bras aux muscles saillants. La lueur de la bougie dévoile un visage de moitié crispé par la colère et la souffrance. Son sexe s'écoule long sur sa cuisse droite, serpent mort qu'il frappe violemment avec la paume de sa main: "Mais c'est juste ça, c'est simplement ça ! La bite ! Elles disent qu'on pense qu'avec ça, c'est faux ! On pense avec la terreur des nuits, des coups de queue qu'on foirerait juste au bord d'un rendez-vous galant. Tous ces bâtards de militaires nous tirent dessus parce qu'ils ont une bite ?! Non ils le font parce qu'ils ont une femme, une copine, parce qu'ils pensent qu'ils vont les défendre, les protéger ! Et elles demandent que ça ! Que le Jules fasse la basse besogne, qu'il soit une bête féroce pour protéger leurs frêles corps tremblant de peur! Ils le font ! Ils butent, ils battent, ils combattent, ils gagnent des diplômes, du pouvoir, des territoires, des océans pour leur femme, leur moitié ou même pour cette pute pas trop chère qui a pris le temps d'écouter leurs lamentations après un fist-fucking à moins de vingt billets ! Des bulles d'air dans la tête, des papillons morts dans le ventre mais rien d'autre dans la bite que du sang, des veines, de la viande molle gorgée d'excitation ! Rien ! Pas même un message en morse entre le gland et le cerveau ! Rien... Juste la compagne, la mère des enfants, la pute ou la future petite amie. Ils tuent pour ça, ils cassent leurs cerveaux pour ça, ils boivent, ils se piquent, ils se tuent dans des accidents de bagnole pour ça ! Juste pour ça. Leur bite est juste une excroissance molle qui part en feu aussi légitimement qu'une vulve explose de fureur ! J'en ai marre. Je vais tuer tout le monde. Je 20

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vais détruire notre République et je le ferai pas parce que ma bite l'a commandée mais parce que je n'ai aucune femme sur qui compter " Il enfile son jean blanc. Torse nu, sans chaussures, il monte les marches trois par trois, attrape son fusil d'assaut et se plante au milieu de la rue, l'arme soulevée vers le ciel... Les soldats ennemis ajustent leurs viseurs, index prêts à déclencher le tir. D'une voix rauque et spectrale, Bertrand leur balance: "Butez-moi puisque vos salopes de femmes et votre chienne de nation vous l'ordonnent"

Aux éditions Urtica. Déjà parus


Datura #6 | 12_2019 Les biques suivi de Le prince Guido de Patrick Boutin Cette histoire de biches (« biques » en patois nordiste) dévoile les obsessions culinaires autant que calendaires du personnage, un ogre tapi au cœur d’une forêt semblable à celles des contes de l’enfance. Pierre Laurendeau (extrait de la préface) 5 € (plus frais de port) – 72 pages noir et blanc – ISBN : 978-0-24416230-6

Poèmes 1993-2001 de Walter Ruhlmann Je déclare que Walter Ruhlmann est la version française de Georg Trakl, et puis c’est tout. Marie Lecrivain, éditrice de la revue américaine poeticdiversity 15 € (plus frais de port)- 308 pages noir et blanc – ISBN: 978-0-244-445027

Journal de Jan Bardeau ...ce livre porte la marque du style de Jan Bardeau. Un côté distingué et un autre foutraque, voire barbare, à la fois. Une façon très imagée de décrire la marginalité, avec beaucoup d'humour, mais sans illusions. Patrice Maltaverne, Poésie chronique ta malle, 2019 8€ (plus frais de port) – 154 pages noir et blanc – ISBN : 978-0-24479269-5


Datura #6 | 12_2019

Aux éditions Urtica. Déjà parus

Kind Surgery by Matt Dennison The father figure is central to this book and the voice takes you down memory lane, but not in a morose or weak tone. $6 (plus shipping) – 42 pages black & white – ISBN: 978-0-244-53701-2

Previous titles. Titres plus anciens

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