Melissa Harris-Perry's Syllabus - BLACK LIVES MATTER Spring 2021

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POL 210-F: Black Lives Matter Spring 2021 Professor Melissa Harris-Perry Maya Angelou Presidential Chair Department of Politics and International Aairs Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Wake Forest University


Black Lives Matter. What does this assertion mean for American political life and public policy? Why does this simple, seemingly self-evident assertion evoke such a broad range of responses? What are the origins of this phrase and how has its meaning evolved over time? Who are the activists, thinkers, organizers, writers, and policymakers for whom Black Lives Matter is a guiding principle? This course is an eort to understand the contemporary web of social, political, economic, and direct actions operating under the broad theme of Black Lives Matter. Drawing on interdisciplinary approaches, this class will contextualize the long history of Black-led racial justice and anti-racist political movements within academic historical, social scientific, and legal frameworks. Students will enhance their critical questioning, writing, and engagement skills while deeply engaging historic and contemporary theory, texts, film, art, and media. Students will work collaboratively to create meaningful digital resources for future researchers and activists.


*Created by Melissa Harris-Perry, January 2021

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