
Family and friends joined the first troop meeting to celebrate the achievements of the previous year and to gently push the Girl Scout Brownies out of the nest as they flew up to become Girl Scout Juniors.
Family and friends joined the first troop meeting to celebrate the achievements of the previous year and to gently push the Girl Scout Brownies out of the nest as they flew up to become Girl Scout Juniors.
Troop 10116 is a multi-level troop During 20232024 the troop had 7 Girl Scout Daisies, 2 Girl Scout Brownies, and 7 Girl Scout Juniors. Meetings and events were well attended with robust parent and Girl Scout participation.
Troop 10116 contributed to Goodwill, Second Harvest Food Bank, the Diaper Bank of NC, Ronald McDonald House and Crossnore Communities for Children The troop donated cookies to nurses at UNC-Chapel Hill Cancer Hospital. The troop partnered with Piedmont Environmental Alliance.
Troop 10116 took part in
Troop 10116 successfully completed the Citizen Science Journey including a Take Action Project in partnership with the Piedmont Environmental Alliance. All members of the troop earned Art in the Outdoors badges corresponding to their appropriate level. Girl Scout Daisies completed steps for petals. Girls began learning outdoor skills such as knots and tents.
Troop 10116 celebrated Halloween, Christmas, and the end of the school year with troop celebrations that included seasonal crafts. The troop went hiking, roller skating, and to a trampoline park. The troop was represented at the Service Unit 141 Cookie Rally, Spring Tea Party, Sneaker Ball, and Girl Scout Sunday worship service.
Troop 10116 enjoys an extraordinarily engaged and dedicated group of parents, caregivers, and siblings. The families of Troop 10116 attended meetings, supported activities, made cookie season a huge success, supported one another, communicated regularly, and showed incredible commitment to the work of Girl Scouting. The troop is lucky to have parents (and grandparents!) with their own history of Girl Scouting. We have younger and older siblings who have helped make every effort a success and a a success and a joy.joy.
Troop 10116 completed the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey. The troop used a number of activities to hone observation skills, note taking, and hypothesis making. The Girl Scouts took part in a real citizen science project by taking photos of bodies of water in their community and uploading them to the Sci Starter Stream Selfie Project. Their efforts combined with thousands of other citizens to help document water quality in local communities. The Girl Scouts partnered with the Piedmont Environmental Alliance for their Take Action Project.
Troop 10116 completed Art in the Outdoors badges corresponding to their Girl Scouting levels.
After coming across a Fairy House in the woods during their Fall hike, the girls used found natural objects to create fairy houses. Additionally, the girls completed a photography project that included playing with natural lighting and darkness and exploring size and proximity of objects found in nature.
Check it out!
Troop 10116 established practices which allowed the girls to work toward their Daisy Petals and Girl Scout Way badges.
These included using a kaper chart, learning the Girl Scout promise and pledge, singing traditional Girl Scout songs, making sit-upons, discussing the lives of girls and women in the past, learning about the lives of girls in other nations, working together on collective projects, and learning the principles of leave no trace.
Click here to check out Troop 10116's photography project
As part of their journey to thinking like citizen scientists, Troop 10116 practiced observing carefully and taking notes abot their observations This is how scientists collect data
For their Take Action Project, Troop 10116 partnered with the Piedmont Environmental Alliance for their annual Earth Day Fair Using recycled boxes from cookie season, the girls built a model of a sustainable tiny home, which they displayed at the fair as public art Also, they worked in shifts to collect more than 150 signatures from Earth Day Fair attendees who pledged to swap their gas fueled appliances to cleaner, electric, appliances
WXII News interviewed Girl Scouts from Troop 10116 during the PEA Earth Day Fair! Click here to see the segment on the local, evening news.
The Troop Kaper chart is an important tool for learning and practicing the Girl Scout Way.
Troop 10116 collected gently used clothing, household appliances, computing resources, and toys as part of the Good Turn for Goodwill program.
Troop 10116 wrote letters of encouragement for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. Members of the troop helped prepare bag lunches and toured the Ronald McDonald House.
Troop 10116 collected non-perishable food items and donated them to the Second Harvest Food Bank.
Troop 10116 collected diapers and donated them to the Diaper Bank of North Carolina.
As part of the commitment to be a sister to every Girl Scout, Troop 10116 supported Troop 10255, the Girl Scout Troop of Crossnore Communities for Children. The troop donated Christmas gifts to the girls. During the Cookie Program, Troop 10116 shared proceeds and sales opportunities with the Crossnore Girl Scouts.
Troop 10116 donated $150 toward the Bronze Award project of Troop 13394
Troop 10116 took a troop hike in Fall and another in the Spring.
Girl Scouts learned level appropriate knife skills.
Girl Scouts learned the square knot and were introduced to several other traditional knots.
Girl Scouts practiced pitching and repacking tents.
In October, Troop 10116 attended the Carolina Classic Fair and celebrated Halloween with a pumpkin carving party.
Troop 10116 celebrated Christmas with a party that included holiday crafts, cookie decorating, and t-shirt design.
Troop 10116 celebrated the end of Cookie Season with a troop evening of fun at Urban Air Trampoline Park.
Troop 10116 took part in several events hosted by Service Unit 141 including:
Cookie Rally
Spring Tea Party
Girl Scout Sunday Worship
Sneaker Ball
In September Troop 10116 explored the Murray Mill Loop Trail in Catawba County In April Troop 10116 enjoyed the Stuart and Emma Thomas Trail in Winston-Salem
The Girl Scouts of Troop 10116 learned knots and tent skills to prepare for the troop’s first camping adventures, which will begin in Summer and Fall 2024.
In October, Troop 10116 enjoyed the sights, sounds, and flavors of the Carolina Classic Fair. The Troop donated school supplies to earn more affordable admission. The rides were a great chance to work on courage and sisterhood.
Halloween pumpkin carving was a perfect opportunity for the Girl Scouts of Troop 10116 to practice their skills with knives.
Urban Air Trampoline Park was the perfect place to celebrate all the achievements and hard work of Cookie Program Season!
The Girl Scouts of Troop 10116 love the opportunity to dress up a bit!
The Girl Scouts of Troop 10116 treated Girl Scout cookie sales as a collaborative, not competitive, effort The Girl Scouts supported one another through long, cold hours at booth sales Even as they helped one another they also set and met individual goals Everyone in the troop is amazed by and proud of our top seller, Khalani Moore-Cowan.
Daisy Khalani Moore-Cowan had the most Cookie Sales for Troop 10116.
Khalani attended nearly all the troop booths, arranged her own booths, walked about her community and established a terrific sales pitch.
Khalani sold 1,694 packages!
In Fall 2023 Service Unit 141 established a Girl Scout troop for girls living at Crossnore Communities for Children in Winston-Salem It is impossible to establish a bank account or typical parental permissions for these Girl Scouts to participate in Cookie Program sales Troop 10116 made their bank account, cookie orders, and digital site available so that the Girl Scouts of Troop 10255 could take part in the Cookie Program. This is what it means to be a sister to every Girl Scout!
In-kind donations from Troop Leader
Badges, patches, insignia
Donation to Troop 13394
Crossnore Christmas Gifts
Urban Air Party, WS Dash Tickets, Pizza for Troop Events, Troop Snacks, Project Supplies
Revenue share accounting for Crossnore Troop Cookie Sales
Available for Troop 10116 to use at start of 2024-2025
Troop 10116 began the 2023-2024 fiscal year with no financial resources. The troop had never established a bank account, never asked for family dues, and never taken part in the Fall Products or Cookie Program At the start of the year the troop leader donated uniforms, insignia, badges and art supplies to allow the troop to begin with a solid footing for equitable participation Two parent volunteers and the Troop leader established the banking committee and opened a bank account at Truist. If they were able to do so, families contributed through modest family dues of $25 annually
The Girl Scouts of Troop 10116 and their families worked hard and collaboratively throughout Cookie Program to earn funds to support troop activities and service in the coming year. The troop voted on how to use their funds and will begin the 2024-2025 troop year in a much stronger financial position.
Troop Leader Melissa Harris-Perry served as the Guest Speaker for the Girl Awards Ceremony for the region in May.
Troop 10116 will grow to include Girl Scout Cadettes and will accept up to 25 total Girl Scouts.
Troop 10116 will stagger meetings so that Daisies and Brownies meet in the first hour (6-7 PM) and Juniors and Cadettes meet in the second hour (6:30-7:30 PM) with a 30 minute overlap
Troop 10116 will significanlty increase service hours in 2024-2025 by incorporating community service opporutnities into scheduled troop meeting time
During summer 2024 current Juniors will complete their Bronze Award
Troop 10116 will work toward completing two journeys in 2024-2025. Girl Scouts indicated their topic preferences during the last meeting in June A parent has volunteered to ensure Daisies earn all petals Individual Girl Scouts at the Junior and Cadette level will pursue at least two independent badges.
Camping and troop travel are the two highest rated activities the girls have asked to participate in for 2024-2025 Now that the troop has earned financial resources to support these activities we expect to camp at least once during the troop year We will increase our hiking and outdoor opportunities as well