FDPP - Issue 18 2018

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Hi Europe & Ni celebrates 10th edition with inspiring events programme Issue 18 2018

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Biometric access control offers a complete security package to process facility managers www.ievoreader.com Shaun Oakes, Managing Director of ievo Ltd, the Newcastle-based manufacturer of biometric recognition systems, explains how modern fingerprint scanners prove a highly cost-effective and superior alternative to traditional access control methods for the food & drink processing and packaging sector which offers managers additional benefits. The risk to the food and drink industry from accidental contamination breaches right up to food terrorism increases annually with facility managers requiring a robust security strategy to balance safety, reliability and accuracy whilst adhering to risk management assessments. With increasing

When this technology is then seamlessly

The readers are also designed for both

linked to advanced time & attendance

external and internal use and are equipped

software, facility and site managers have a

with an internal thermostat controlled

multi-level security system which prevents

heater allowing them to operate in

non-authorised access to different areas of

conditions as low as -20˚C and, being

the plant and records time and attendance

IP65 rated, they also function in adverse

data – a further benefit for managers

weather conditions.

where continuous operations is common

pressure on profit margins in the whole

and production staff work 24/7 shift

The readers can be installed to work

sector, it is vital to find a balance between


with a variety of access points such as

essential security and available investment without compromising on safety.

turnstiles, barriers, doors etc. and integrate Biometric solutions can help alleviate

into existing access control systems

a number of risk issues, allowing for

from well-known manufacturers such as

The growth of modern biometric access

greater accountability, staff tracking and

Paxton, PAC, Honeywell and Nortech, with

control systems linked to time and

monitoring, accurate health & safety and

more integration options constantly being

attendance software, is now able to provide

fire safety records, along with a deeper

released. ievo systems can be customised

a highly cost-effective security system that

layer of multi-level access security, all

with a variety of options depending on

not only controls who goes into which areas

of which helps builds a sophisticated

requirements of the installation/end user,

of a processing plant, but can also provide

risk management technique to provide

but using biometrics as an identifier, food

vital data for health & safety, payroll and

robust liability. This approach to security

and drink process facility managers can be

other HR requirements.

protocol could be seen as a benefit to risk

sure that only those with permissions will

management assessments, and has the

be able to access specific areas without the

Whilst access control has traditionally relied

potential to help reduce risk and possibly

additional cost of dedicated access control

on key fobs, PINs or swipe card technology

even insurance premiums.


The flagship of the ievo range, the

The result is a highly secure recognition

CPNI-approved ievo ultimate™, scans

system unaffected by lost or stolen fobs

and captures data using multispectral

or swipe cards and one that cannot be

imaging (MSI) technology where multiple

deceived by the entry of fraudulent PIN’s

light sources read not only the surface

into numeric key pads, coupled with a

of the skin, but also data points from the

data acquisition system that supplies

subsurface level (up to 4mm deep) of a

reliable information for payroll, flexi-time,

finger. These different light sources can

absenteeism control and holiday planning.

penetrate levels of moisture and debris

Just as importantly, this flexible integration

present on the skin to read data points

eliminates the need for multiple systems

below which produces a high number of

and installations, which can prove costly

uniquely identifiable data points to be

to both time and resources, and can be

recognised and used for a more accurate,

adapted or upgraded as businesses or

reliable and efficient verification process.

properties grow and develop.

as identifying measures, biometrics offer a more advanced and adaptive solution. Numeric codes and cards can be forgotten, swopped, lost or even stolen allowing potential access to unauthorised personnel, resulting in possible security breaches, or systems could be exploited for time and attendance records. Biometric technology provides a solution that captures unique biometric data to infallibly determine identify of the individual who is present. The data cannot be shared, or replicated, and fingerprint readers themselves have built in systems to identify and deny access to ‘fake fingerprints’.

4 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk


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Ishida Solution Solves Problem Of Water Ingress For Fresh And Frozen Weighing Applications Ishida Europe has introduced an internal moisture sensor and monitoring system for its latest

packing environment. While models for these applications

damage that can result in expensive downtime and repairs.

typically have appropriate IP ratings

The Ishida solution is three dew

and waterproof washdown designs,

and temperature sensors which

these cannot prevent incidents such

are placed at key points within the

as doors and drive weigh units being

weigher – under the top cover, in the

loosely torqued, or doors being

turret and in the main body. These

inadvertently left open, even if just

provide a constant monitoring of

for a short while. In addition, air

humidity levels within the weigher

purge systems designed to push out

and send out a series of escalating

moist air may be poorly maintained

alerts to operators if levels become


and lead to humid air being used.

too high. There are three stages of

Excessive water or humidity within a

alerts. A humidity level of between

Water ingress is a common problem

multihead weigher will cause loss of

70% and 79% triggers a yellow alert.

in the fresh and frozen weighing and

machine performance and significant

This humidity can typically be cleared

multihead weighers, which will enable fresh and frozen food producers to more easily control and prevent water ingress into their critical production equipment. Coupled with Ishida’s advanced Sentinel monitoring and reporting system, this will ensure an enhanced performance and longer term

6 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

by use of the air purge system

The new moisture sensors can be

compromised,” explains Ian Atkinson,

to remove the moisture from the

linked with Ishida’s recently-launched

Ishida Europe’s Business Manager


and unique Sentinel Reporting,

EMEA – Multihead Weighers. “As a

Intervention and Service packs.

result, operators may be unaware of

Humidity levels between 80% and

major faults until it is too late to take

89% - which could occur if the air

These combine immediate alerts

purge system itself is compromised

to water ingress problems with an

- creates a red alert that results in

in-depth historic analysis of each

the weigher’s Remote Control Unit’s

issue as and when it occurred. This

“The availability of our moisture

power being automatically switched

more in-depth level of monitoring

sensors, together with the real time

off. It cannot then be switched back

enables specific areas that may need

reporting capabilities of Sentinel,

on until moisture levels have dropped

attention to be highlighted. The

eliminates this problem so that

below the 80% threshold.

ability to take immediate action for

the weighers are able deliver

any of these issues will ensure that

their highest speeds and accuracy

the weigher can maintain a longer

unimpeded, and in this way maintain

productive life.

constant high production throughput

Anything above the 90% critical level will see a bespoke input/output module come into operation. This can be configured to customer requirements such as an audible alarm or a series of beacon warning lights to indicate that critical moisture levels have been reached.

“Our multihead weighers are

remedial action, leading to unwanted downtime and frustration.

and efficiencies.”

renowned for their reliability and

The moisture sensing options are

efficiency, but the downside to

available on all Ishida RV and RVE WP

this is that the machines can still

models and are fitted as standard

continue to operate for a long time

to the company’s fixed Sector

even in harsh environments where

Solution models for fresh and frozen

their levels of protection have been

applications. FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 7

Quick wins with Blue Planet Packaging - Solutions which don’t cost the Earth!

Lindum Packaging


Modern consumers are demanding action in relation to plastic packaging with Blue Planet II images vivid in their

make the difference? Only time will tell.

minds and the daily reminder in our

But what about the quick wins? In all this

littered hedgerows and streams. There

excitement and rush for improvement

is no point denying that plastic waste

there is one immediate solution which

is accumulating across the planet at an

cannot be contradicted - start using less

unacceptable rate –blighting landscapes,

packaging from today.

polluting streams, rivers and oceans and harming wildlife.

There is so much that can be done so quickly to reduce your contribution to

There are wide ranging discussions relating to many aspects and possible remedies, such as: n

Removing plastic packaging and replacing with entirely “non-plastic” alternatives


Awareness and education to reduce littering


Better recycling facilities which are more accessible to consumers


Use of bio-degradable products


Introducing packaging free aisles in

passionate about and have conducted

some merit, all have drawbacks and

over 175 Lean Integrated Packaging

implementation challenges. There

Surveys (LIPS) in UK Food Factories which

will be cost involved - new stock, new

have collectively identified average waste

methods, new machinery and trials

reductions of 53%. In 2017 alone, we

causing production interruptions and

delivered a staggering 219,386KG waste

potential food waste. R&D budgets will

saving for our new customers. In Co2

need ramping up and NPD resources

savings, that’s the equivalent of 1089

will be challenged – but we will live with

fewer cars on the road!

this as British manufacturing rises to the challenges in true style.

Could you reduce plastic packaging on

More analysis to establish the root

Can we eliminate plastic? Are we taking

Together, we can help each other to

causes of this waste dilemma

the correct approach? Will these actions

continue this staggering waste reduction.

supermarkets n

plastic pollution. It’s something we are Whilst all these opinions have

8 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

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getless@lindumpackaging.com FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 9

Arla Foods is the first to choose SIG’s innovative Arla Foods Germany is the first

Promoting environmental

company to opt for the innovative


SIGNATURE PACK from SIG – the world’s first aseptic carton pack that is 100% linked to plant-based renewable material. Arla now offers its 1 litre 1.5% and 3.8% organic milk (Arla® BIO Weidemilch) in the SIGNATURE PACK. Responding to consumer demand

SIGNATURE PACK cartons are made from 77% paper board from wood and 23% plant-based polymers through mass balancing. This means that for the polymers used in the

By choosing SIG’s innovative

SIGNATURE PACK, an equivalent


amount of bio-based feedstock

demonstrating its commitment to

went into the manufacturing of the

sustainability as it strives to increase

polymers. To ensure the integrity

the market share of its organic

of this process, the mass balancing

dairy products. Arla’s organic milk

is certified through internationally

cartons now carry a clear message

recognised third-parties.

to consumers: buying this pack promotes the use of renewable raw materials to protect fossil resources while making a positive impact in reducing the CO2 level compared with a standard carton pack.

The packs are aluminium-free, while maintaining product quality. Their carbon footprint is 72% lower than a standard SIG carton pack of the same format, based on a life cycle assessment (CB-100732

Elise Bijkerk, Marketing Director

of 02.03.2018) carried out by

at Arla Foods Germany said: “The

independent experts using the ISO

SIGNATURE PACK from SIG is a great

14040 international standard.

match for our Arla® BIO Weidemilch. Consumers that choose for our pure Arla® BIO Weidemilch also have an increasingly strong interest in sustainable packaging. With the value-added pack from SIG, we can demonstrate our commitment to transparency and our holistic approach to sustainability across the value chain. We are happy to be the first company to use SIGNATURE PACK and to be able to offer consumers in Germany this solution.” 10 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

These credentials are displayed on Arla’s organic milk packs, together with the FSCTM label which shows consumers that the wood-based content comes from well-managed forests and other controlled sources

audited certification schemes (ISCC PLUS and TÜV SÜD CMS71) to ensure strict traceability and accountability. The SIGNATURE PACK is one of the latest innovations supporting SIG’s Way Beyond Good ambitions to offer customers the most sustainable food packaging solutions and contribute more to society and the environment than it takes out. Martin Herrenbrueck, President and General Manager Europe at SIG, commented: “With Arla we have found a partner who shares our vision of creating a more sustainable future by doing more for the environment and reducing the consumption of fossil resources. By choosing the SIGNATURE PACK, Arla is getting the benefits of a global innovation that better cares for the environment and caters for consumer

in accordance to FSC requirements.


The polymers that make up the rest

For more information on SIGNATURE

of the SIGNATURE PACK cartons,

PACK, see www.signature-pack.com

including the barrier and the spout,

For more on Way Beyond Good, see

are linked to 100% plant-based


material using recognised and

Intelect Engineering

Food factory conveyers and platforms

Food Factory oven and ductwork Installations

New relocation of Intelect

Stailines Steel access platform, designed, fabricated and installed to CE 1090 standards

At Intelect Engineering we have extensive experience providing engineering expertise to process industries involved in food & beverages manufacturing, utilities, heavy industry and renewable energy. We maintain an ongoing program of investment in staff, equipment and infrastructures in order to respond to the needs of our customers, many of which are market leaders in their own industries. We also fabricate food factory process pipework and have orbital welding machines. We carry out turnkey installations from design to conception, we also carry out full plant installations as the Principal Contractor to the 2015 CDM regulations. Alongside our technical ability, we have an excellent reputation for delivering projects within time and budget whilst maintaining the highest standards in health & safety. We work nationally and internationally and are CE certified to BS EN 1090.

Unit 6, Omega Business Park, Estate Road No.6, South Humberside Industrial Estate, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN32 2TG Tel: 01472 344901 | Fax: 01472 349202 | Mobile: 07725 028939 For further enquires please Email: rj@intelecteng.com or rm@intelecteng.com

Due to popular demand, we have created another addition to our introductory ebook series; now on volumetric powder filling! Visit http://bit.ly/ebooklet5 to download your free guide

www.biopharma.co.uk | bps@biopharma.co.uk | +44 (0) 1962 841092 12 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

YULEYS® reusable overshoes ABOUT YULEYS® The YULEYS® Clean Step System is a reusable shoe cover that allows workers to enter clean environments without removing their dirty footwear. An alternative to disposable shoe covers or rubber overboots, YULEYS® fit quickly and conveniently over safety footwear to prevent contaminants from getting into sanitized environments – a must for the food processing industry. YULEYS® are easy to use, with a handsfree design that allows you to slip them on and off without bending over. Once on, the design


and are a great solution for a captive

Not only do they prevent contaminants

footwear policy in a food processing

incorporates a heel-lock system that keeps

from being tracked into the food


them firmly on your feet. The slip-reducing

processing environment, but they’re also

tread keeps your feet firmly on the ground

more durable than the rubber overboots.

For more information about Fortress

as you stride confidently into a clean

Employees find them easy to slip on and

Distribution Ltd or its full line of products

environment to do your work. YULEYS® are

off, so they’re much less of a burden to put

please visit www.fortressdistribution.co.uk

made with high-quality, industrial-grade

on before work. YULEYS® are also easy

or call 01908 676869.

rubber and built for heavy use. If they ever

to wash and sanitize, which is essential

need to be replaced, they can be recycled,

for use in a food processing environment.

so they’re an environmentally friendly way

They’re very effective for helping ensure

to keep contaminants out of clean spaces.

cleanliness and a high level of productivity

FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 13

Empteezy: helping you comply with H&S legislation The Food and drink processing

shower and tank shower applications) and

In the event of a spill the most important

industry is subject to strict regulatory

waste handling projects.

factor to consider is health and safety. Oils and chemicals can pose major health

H&S compliance and as such the storage and secondary containment

With our products, tailored to meet the

and safety risks through skin/eye contact

should be a serious consideration

requirements of a variety of different

and through inhalation of the fumes they

when making processing provisions

working environments including

give off, many oils and chemicals will be

and procedures.

industrial, commercial, military,

flammable and as minimum can cause a

marine and educational settings, we

slip hazard.

At Empteezy, we have been working

manufacture in excess of 70% of the

with the food and drinks processing

products available in our portfolio in our

We offer solutions to a number of

industry for a long time and as such

own factories, making us well placed to

potential hazards which can be found

are well placed to offer compliant and

provide you with expert advice on how

by visiting website or by googling

safe solutions. Our overriding aim is to

our products can help you meet UK, EU

“Empteezy Brewery”.

help you comply with legislation and

and International standards relating to

implement best practice in connection

spill containment and spill control of

with your oil and chemical storage

most liquids.

needs, spill response programmes (including spill kits, emergency safety

Driving innovation. Achieving flexibility. Improving simplicity. Ultrasonic Sensor UMB800

Ultracompact all stainless steel ultrasonic sensor (1.4404/316L) EHEDG and ECOLAB certification: specifically designed for use in food

contact zones (hygienic design) Resistant against aggressive chemicals and detergents Maximum flexibility for integration into existing equipment and machinery


14 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk


Hamilton Control Systems

UNIT 8/11 WHISTLEBERRY PK, IND. ESTATE, Phone: 01698 822022 HAMILTON, SCOTLAND, ML3 0ED Mobile: 07879072086 sales@hamiltoncontrolsystems.co.uk www.hamiltoncontrolsystems.co.uk

. .EUROTHERM SOLUTIONS PROVIDER for control, data management and power products in SCOTLAND. Calibration and certification of control equipment and sensors to UKAS, panel build and design . (IEE 17th Edition, CE compliance), Third party sales, sensors, wireless sensors and data loggers. Furnace surveys (API6A-M), TUS +Nadcap small plc systems, mini scada ,and recorder hire. Serving Heat treatment, Petroleum Oil & Gas , test- houses, Food and Beverage , fridge + freezer monitoring Fish Farming , Plastic Forming, Injection Moulding, Pharmaceutical, Aerospace, Automotive, and Universities. Conveyor control

Q-Tex Film Terinex, the market leading food


and ovenable packaging solutions


an exciting new product to bring

supplier and manufacturer with over 50 years of experience has to market. Introducing Q-Tex film,



a heat sealable PET mono layer HD printed food grade ovenable film, pira certified and suitable for freezer, microwave and oven usage, that’s more environmentally friendly


than the alternative laminate applications, which will reduce plastic consumption.

has the experience and industry knowledge to develop and supply packaging solutions that cater to the needs of the food packaging industry and changing consumer demands.

house, ambient & chilled as well as bakery usage. Terinex have recently collaborated with Kraft Heinz using


food service businesses, Terinex

and gluten free food applications foods, frozen food, retailer in

01506 430309

the largest global food brands and

The perfect product for food-to-go as well as prepared & processed


Through partnering with some of

Q-Tex Film with their exciting new Heinz Beanz toastie product that

For more information on this product and how Terinex can assist you with your food packaging solutions, please email: sales@terinex.co.uk or telephone: 01234 364411

introduces the iconic beans on toast meal now available in a mess free, food to go application.

FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 15

Robots Fit For Food Production A combination of economic drivers

determine which technology is best suited

Integrating robots further upstream in

and future concerns over long term

for bacteria control, and to show how

the manufacturing process does bring

labour resources within the UK’s food

European Hygienic Engineering & Design

additional complications, including the

manufacturing sector has initiated a

Group (EHEDG) hygienic guidelines have

variability of food products, the fragile

significant rise in interest towards robots

been used to improve the engineering of

and often perishable characteristics of the

in recent times.

these technologies.

product to be handled, high production

However, as robots continue to move

Historically, robots first found their

further upstream in the manufacturing

way into the food-manufacturing

processes, the requirements for

sector through end of line packaging

Today’s robot technologies have

cleanliness, hygiene and food safety

and palletizing applications. The ready

successfully addressed the issues of high

become more stringent. This means

availability of robots with a high payload

speed, and deal with product variability

that robot manufacturers, system

capacity and large work envelopes made

and positioning through the use of

integrators and end users must give

them the ideal fit for these relatively

sophisticated sensors and machine vision

serious consideration, not only to adhering

simple applications. Safety considerations

systems. In addition, clever and innovative

to current food safety directives, but

within these applications were focused

gripper concepts have made it possible for

ensuring that the type of robot used and

entirely on protecting operators through

robots to handle a vast array of different

its design characteristics are appropriate

the use of fencing and / or light-guard

food products.

for the specific application.

systems. Other than maintaining the

In this article by Staubli UK’s Laurence Wood, robot technologies are considered from a cleanliness standpoint to

16 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

integrity of the cartons and populated pallet, within this environment there are minimal requirements and few considerations in relation to hygiene.

speeds and of course a much greater emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene.

From a hygiene and cleanliness perspective, using robots does eliminate the many potential opportunities for human borne sources of contamination

during food handling. However, the type

result of this collaboration over a number

In sensitive environments, where

of robot used, and equally importantly,

of years has been the development of

operating temperatures range between

its design characteristics, require detailed

a consistent, high-performance and

4°C and 10°C, condensation, oil expansion

consideration if the highest standards

cleanable robot designed specifically for

and cooling off occur within a few minutes.

of cleanliness and food safety are to be

sensitive food industries.

The effect of the heat generated by the

maintained within hygienically sensitive environments. Little will be achieved if the potential human sources of contamination

A primary objective of the project was to consider the potential sources of

robot is most noticeable when the robot reaches the end of the production cycle.

contamination, and how best to eliminate

The ideal conditions for bacterial

them. This encompassed a detailed review

growth inside a robot include: medium


of not only by the mechanical elements

temperatures between 15°C and

of the robot, but also how the working

40°C; water presence and activity;

The HE project – developing a clean robot

environment and temperatures could

vapour condensation drawn from the

for sensitive environments

influence the generation of contaminates.

environment directly into the robot

A collaborative study between the

Of the three main types of robot used

European Hygienic Engineering & Design

within the food-manufacturing sector:

Group (EHEDG), ECOLAB (Minneapolis,

Delta, 4-axis and 6-axis, the Delta

MN) and STÄUBLI ROBOTICS, known as

configuration holds the greatest potential

The collaboration and study, took into

the Humid Environment (HE) Project,

for contamination. The architecture of

account multiple factors including:

set out with the goal of achieving

this type of robot means that its motors,

robot arm design, potential for bacterial

technological advances that would elevate

transmission oils, retention zones and the

contamination, retention zones, dielectric

the standards of hygiene for robots used

overhead mounting frame itself, are all

exchanges between cleaning solutions

in sensitive environments to the highest

located directly above the food product.

and the various metals used in the arm

are replaced by others resulting from the use of robots of an inappropriate design or


Another factor which is not always

(including bacteria); neutral pH; and most significantly, lack of access for cleaning the inner parts of the equipment.

construction and surface treatments.

The project brought together

considered carefully enough, is that during

Ultimately, the cooperative study showed

dairy manufacturers, freezing and

operation a robot can heat up to 70°C,

that ‘HE grade’ can be considered as a

thermoforming equipment manufacturers

especially when installed within a high-

recommended standard for use in the

and robot manufacturers familiar with

speed line.

design and engineering of both 4-axis

EHEDG guidelines and specifications. The

and 6-axis robots. To achieve enhanced

FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 17

hygienic features a HE robot should be

bacteria such as salmonella and listeria

Staubli worked with a manufacturer of

used. Parallel (or delta) architecture robot

from developing.

detergents and sterilization products

design is not recommended and any delta robots used in sensitive food production areas should be covered to prevent

Secondly, the connectors are integrated into the body of the robot so that all of the

possible contamination.

equipment can be cleaned. The equipment

Staubli’s growing range of “HE Grade”

pressurised arms eliminate the risk of

robots are designed with two things in

contamination. The robot arms are water-

mind. Firstly, the arm’s exterior is designed

tight, and designed to allow water to

to comply with EHEDG recommendations

drain away. To make sure the robots can

on minimizing water retention to prevent

withstand frequent wash down cycles,

18 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

is smooth (with rounded edges), and

to make the outside surface of the arm chemically compatible with the cleaning products commonly used within the industry. Phone: +44 1952 671917 E-Mail: l.wood@staubli.com Web: www.staubli.com

Impact Handling acquires Bendigo Mitchell to consolidate midlands coverage Impact Handling continues to strengthen its UK operation with the acquisition of Midlands-based Fork Lift Truck Specialist Bendigo Mitchell. The acquisition brings the total number of wholly owned Impact branches across the UK to twelve, further supported by its seven dedicated dealer sites and a workforce of over 200 mobile technicians. Bendigo Mitchell will now offer the full Impact premium brand product portfolio, led by the acclaimed Cat Lift Trucks range of material handling and warehouse equipment. “The coming together of the businesses will result in a wider range of product choice, enhanced service support and greater value for Bendigo Mitchell’s customers as well as for other lift truck users across the midlands”, said outgoing Bendigo Mitchell Managing Director Duncan Nealon. He went on to say, “The two businesses really do represent the perfect fit, with a shared belief in the value of truly personal service, delivered at a local level, and of the importance of ensuring customers have the right machines for their specific applications – so the synergies were obvious”. Impact is the sole UK and Ireland distributor for Cat Lift Trucks and maintains over 10,000 customer machines across the UK. Impact also exclusively distributes Konecranes lift trucks, Carer heavy duty electric fork Lifts, Rocla automated guided vehicles and Spijkstaal electric vehicles in the UK, as well as being

an official dealer for a range of specialist

the needs of lift truck users in the area, no

equipment brands.

matter how large or small their fleet.”

Terry Kendrew, Managing Director of

Alongside Impact’s extensive new product

Impact Handling commented, “We are

inventory, Bendigo Mitchell will also

excited to welcome Bendigo Mitchell into

have access to Impact’s in-house flexible

the Impact family and look forward to

financing, nationwide short term hire

building on their excellence in customer

fleet and it’s factory approved refurbished

service, now with the full backing of our

equipment stock.

nationwide support network, extensive product inventory and OEM parts supply.” He went on to say, “Strategically for Impact this consolidates our capability in the Midlands region and means we are now better placed than ever to support

Impact is a subsidiary of South African based enX Group, which holds interests in the distribution of industrial equipment, materials handling, commercial and public service vehicles.

FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 19

Hi Europe & Ni celebrates 10th edition with inspiring events programme With healthy foods and beverages more in demand than ever before, Health ingredients (Hi) Europe & Natural ingredients (Ni) is adding new features that cover the expanding market’s reach into current consumer lifestyles. Europe’s leading health, natural and nutrition show, Hi Europe & Ni, is celebrating its 10th edition with a move to a larger hall at Messe Frankfurt this year. From 27-29 November 2018, visitors will be able to access all of the show’s many features and live events under one roof.

20 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

In addition, the Healthy Finished Products Expo will launch this year and Health & Nutrition Week will run once again, following a successful debut in 2016. Located in the heart of Germany, the leading European market for health and nutrition, Hi Europe & Ni is the premier nutritional ingredients event, offering the best in business opportunities, networking connections, trend insights and product development solutions. The industry has evolved significantly in recent years and, as vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian lifestyles

move from niche to mainstream, the market is entering a new era of clean label food and beverage products with rising numbers of natural, organic, functional or “free from” claims. According to Euromonitor, products positioned towards food intolerance, fortified, functional, naturally healthy or organic are expected to enjoy global growth of 5 percent in retail value terms every year until 2020. In contrast, products with reduced sugar, caffeine or fat content will grow at just 1 percent. The “naturally

healthy” sector is ripe for innovation: valued at €251bn in 2015, further growth of more than €63bn is expected by 2020. Hi Europe & Ni 2018 will reflect this booming marketplace with numerous not-to-be-missed highlights. Spanning three days, the event provides a complete overview of the health and nutrition industries. International leaders in healthy food and beverage innovation will showcase the latest solutions for food and drink formulation and reformulation, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, organics, packaging, processing – and more. This year’s conference will follow four main themes: Focus on Functional: what’s new in gut health, protein and naturally functional foods

Clean, Natural and Transparent: developments in clean label, natural ingredients and the growing consumer demand for trust and transparency Reduce, Remove and Reformulate: solutions for sugar, salt and fat reduction as well as the latest in “free from” Personalising Nutrition: innovations in personalised nutrition for consumers at all life stages In excess of 465 exhibitors are confirmed, including global players such as ADM, BENEO, Glanbia Nutritionals, Lonza and Naturex. More than 10,000 attendees from 94 countries are expected to attend and explore several themed pavilions: Organic, Natural, Free From, the Healthy Finished Product Expo, Expo FoodTec and country pavilions.

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Health & Nutrition Week will run alongside Hi Europe & Ni 2018, offering a top-level thought leadership programme, starting on November 24. Working together with external experts from the food industry, academia, market research and more, organiser UBM has created an inspiring line-up of topical presentations and workshops. The Week includes, for example, the one-day Hi Future of Nutrition Summit on November 26, which will explore cutting-edge innovations that are likely to change the food and beverage industry. On November 27-28, the immersive, interactive Hi 5-Senses Conference will

22 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

target all five senses via an insightful mix of keynote presentations, panel discussions and debates. Additionally, on November 29, it is the third year that women in the industry are invited to attend the Women’s Networking Breakfast to make connections and share advice and for the first time this year, also men are invited to join. “Hi Europe & Ni is a true powerhouse for the industry,” says Julien Bonvallet, brand manager for event organiser UBM. “Attendees will find business opportunities that they simply won’t find anywhere else. As 2018 marks our 10th anniversary, we have put together an exciting programme

of events, showcases and platforms for innovation, and have attracted an incredible array of exhibitors and expert speakers. We look forward to opening the doors and welcoming a record number of visitors.” UBM’s main partners for Hi Europe & Ni 2018 are KSM 66, Mintel and Innova Market Insights. For Health & Nutrition Week 2018, UBM is working in partnership with IUFOST, ESSNA, ProVeg, StartLife and Smart Short Courses. Free pre-registration will open today. For details, please visit: www.figlobal.com/hieurope/

Handling a Better Solution Embracing the latest technology, Kensal consistently delivers improved line efficiency for customers, whilst reducing operating costs. Stainless steel conveyor systems

Integration and project management

Stand alone units or fully integrated

Service support and upgrades

Robotic and end of line equipment

Partnered with Lita Palletising Systems for over 30 years

Bespoke engineering capabilities Turnkey and standalone solutions

www.kensal.com sales@kensal.com | tel: +44 (0) 1 582 425 777 Kensal Handling Systems Ltd, Kensal House, President Way, Luton, LU2 9NR

New: VC LibQ based on Halcon for fast application development with embedded vision systems Pre-programmed machine vision functions make work easier for software developers and significantly shorten the time to market. Vision Components therefore now also offers its Linux-based VC Z series embedded vision systems with an extensive software library. VC LibQ contains more than 300 functions developed by the manufacturer for all common image processing tasks. In addition, all capabilities

of MVTec's Halcon software are also part of the package. The algorithms are specially tailored to embedded systems from Vision Components. All functions are thoroughly time-tested, as versions of these software products have been successfully used for more than 20 years. The full VC LibQ package covers a wide range of applications including optical character recognition and verification (OCR/OCV), 3-D image processing,

measurement and inspection, blob analysis, color image processing, hyperspectral imaging, morphology, and motion analysis. OEMs can also purchase dedicated packages for their specific applications: code reading, OCR, pattern recognition, or the combined package code reading + OCR. After purchase of the software, there are no additional license fees.

FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 23

Vogelsang to present rotary lobe pumps for chemical media at ACHEMA 2018 Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG will be showcasing rotary lobe pumps for demanding applications across a wide variety of industries at ACHEMA from June 11 to 15 in Frankfurt/ Main (hall 8.0, booth F64). The focus here is on the pumps of the IQ and VX series. “Especially when it comes to the process industry, we often have to deal with highly viscous, aggressive media. Oils, dyes, acids or other chemical fluids can only be efficiently pumped using robust and reliable pump technology that meets the strict safety standards. Thanks to their hard-wearing and compact design, our rotary lobe pumps are

part, so that access to the conveying

requirements in material, equipment

perfectly suited and have stood the

elements is free in a few easy steps.

and power. The reversible flow

test in numerous applications,� says

By simply removing the cover, the

direction makes it possible that

managing director Harald Vogelsang.

inside can be cleaned, foreign matter

containers, tanks, etc., can be filled

The models of the IQ and VX series

removed quickly and blockages

and emptied. Pulsation-free HiFloÂŽ

are available in steel, stainless steel

cleared. There are only few spare

lobes ensure gentle pumping, ideal

and a nickel-based alloy, making them

parts, which reduces the time and

for media and substances that

particularly resistant to chemicals.

cost of replacing wearing parts. The

are sensitive to shear forces. The

The rotary lobe pumps are easy to

gearbox housing with integrated

integrated InjectionSystem increases

maintain, self- priming and resistant

liquid buffer ensures excellent dry-

the efficiency of the pump and thus

to dry running.

running protection and a high suction

improves the suction capacity.

The IQ series: high pumping capacity combined with minimal wear The IQ series is easy to handle and cheap to operate. Variable connections provide flexible

capacity. The IQ pump delivers up to 154 m3/h at a pressure of up to max.

The pumps of the VX series are also

7 bar.

suitable for mobile use and provide the pumping power that is required

The VX series: individual and mobile

regardless of location.

application Vogelsang at ACHEMA, June 11-15,

installation options. For maintenance

As an all-round pump, the VX

2018, Frankfurt/Main Exhibition

the pump remains completely

series is suitable for numerous

Center: hall 8.0, booth F64

screwed into the pipe. The pump

industrial applications and can be

chamber consists of one central

individually adapted to the respective

For more information, visit: vogelsang.info

24 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

Helping food processors stay in control of dosing with PC pumps

WRITTEN BY Lesley Eaton, Business Development and Marketing Manager, SEEPEX Right first time, every time

When food processors need to dispense

By providing an accurate, linear flow, PC pumps

a constant, accurate amount of product,

dispense the correct amount of ingredients every

dosing pumps are essential. But not all

time, maintaining product quality and reducing

dosing pumps are the same – progressive

wastage. Installation and maintenance costs

cavity (PC) pumps are fast becoming the

are reduced compared to alternative solutions,

dosing pump of choice for customers looking for superior performance.

too. System costs are also lower, as the lack of

What’s the problem?

as PC pumps can be wall-mounted or installed

Many traditional dosing pump designs have a pulsating action. This results in a gap in the process and can cause uneven distribution of ingredients. Some of these pump designs also require check valves; if solid or viscous particles get caught behind the valves it can cause them to stick, blocking the pump and halting the process. In contrast, PC pumps are virtually pulsation-free. They use a rotor/stator pumping action which delivers

pulsation reduces the wear on pipework. And vertically, horizontally or even upside down, they

A sticky situation Unlike traditional pump designs, PC dosing pumps can handle highly viscous products, sticky materials and those that contain solid particles. The action of PC pumps is also low-shear, meaning they can dose traditionally difficult-to-pump solid, semi-solid or shear-sensitive materials without damaging them. The use of pulsation dampeners, flow control valves and ball valves is not required,

are suitable for almost any site. Pumped up about Industry 4.0 Finally, it’s important to keep in mind the impact that Industry 4.0 is set to have on UK food manufacturing. SEEPEX’s range of PC dosing pumps includes a Smart Dosing Pump. Users input just one parameter – the proportional flow ratio – and the pump, featuring an integrated

a continuous flow into the product stream.

either. This means they can be used in complex

PLC monitor, makes any necessary adjustments

In the case of SEEPEX’s PC dosing pumps,

applications, such as dosing directly into product

automatically. It provides all the benefits of a

this produces a stable flow rate with a linear

streams for in-line blending. They are also able to

PC dosing pump with enhanced control options,

accuracy of +/-1%.

handle corrosive and abrasive materials.

future-proofing your dosing system.

SMART DOSING PUMP (SDP). A progressive cavity pump with integrated controls for optimum dosing performance SEEPEX’s SDP has an intelligent inverter drive programmed locally via a HMI or centrally via a fieldbus interface. The SDP can be controlled by analogue or digital I/Os either locally or remotely by a PLC. The flow rate is controlled entirely from the pump drive which adapts to variations in operating conditions ensuring accurate repeatable dosing of thin to highly viscous products.

BENEFITS  Easy implementation of complex dosing in continuous and batch modes  Minimal pulsation and high accuracy  Easy integration into higher-level controls and automation systems  Temperature /pressure sensors protect the pump  Conveying capacity: up to 2,000 l/h  Pressure: up to 48 bar SEEPEX UK Ltd. sales.uk@seepex.com www.seepex.com

FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 25

Robust and reliable manual machine function switching: Herga Technology launches new multi-function industrial footswitch range Herga Technology, the UK’s leading switching and sensing component manufacturer, has launched a new range of engineered heavy-duty footswitches aimed at operator control for industrial production environments. Available in multiple configurations with slow or snap, break & make switching, the modular and robust design of the new 6256 series allows unlimited footswitch expansion and simple adaptation for optional safety guards. Herga’s new 6256 series

The fully waterproof IP67 protection

In addition to the safety guard, the

footswitches will suit applications

class footswitch accommodates

modular construction concept of

where durability, reliability and long

safety shoe use, includes a non-slip

the 6256 will also allow application-

working life are key factors for plant

base and has through holes for direct

specific accessories to be added

& equipment OEMs and machine

floor mounting plus three alternative

such as custom protective shields,


M20 conduit entry points.

safety trips, mechanical interlocks, foot rests etc.

Using Herga Technologies unique

The design & construction allows

development gate process, the

fast assembly and easy adaptation

The footswitches can be

modern and aesthetic high impact

to the application whilst quick access

manufactured locked together to

injection moulded ABS/PC housing

to the large wiring compartment

form sturdy multiple footswitch

design has been extensively

with screw-terminal connection

groups, machine ergonomics and

validated for durability, temperature,

and an integral a self-lifting clamp

scalability is easily achieved.

environmental conditions and is

ensure dependable installation. As with all Herga Technology hand

a significantly cost-effective but highly capable alternative to more

The 6256 footswitch suits motor

or foot switching components and

expensive cast-metal footswitch

and heavy duty loads thanks to a

sensing solutions, custom colours,


rated operational current of 6A at

customer logos, and electrical or

250V AC (AC-15) or 24V DC (DC-13).

mechanical modifications may be available for OEM customers on

Applications areas include operator enabled function switching where

Long electrical life is assured with

hand control is not feasible or safe

a rated five hundred thousand

in metal or plastics processing, laser

switching cycles when interrupting

For further details of the new 6256

machining, hydraulic press, welding,

6A AC-15 at 250V.

series visit www.herga.com or email

riveting stamping and more.


sales@herga.com or call +44 (0)1284 701422.

26 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

All Eyes On The Pies As Major Investment Project Completes Lorien Engineering Solutions has completed a major refurbishment for the UK’s leading pork pie brand. Addo Food Group enlisted the help of Burton on Trent based Lorien to augment manufacturing facilities at its Tottle Bakery in Nottingham, a specialist pork pie bakery that sits within the PGI-designated Melton Mowbray pork pie region. Lorien was appointed as designer and project manager for the 12-month, multi-million

The year-long investment project,

is accustomed to integrating

led by a team of specialist utilities

seamlessly with in-house teams and

engineers from Lorien, reaffirms

project managing the entire process

Tottle Bakery’s position at the

from start to finish. It took the

forefront of FMCG manufacture and

pressure off our internal resources

production downtime.

signifies the Group’s commitment to

and allowed our focus to remain

meeting the needs of the UK’s major

entirely on production. This was a

Tottle Bakery is the only UK


demanding project and the team at

pound project, which has seen manufacturing areas further enhanced to meet the large-scale needs of a major UK multiple. The works were completed with zero

manufacturer with process capability in every type of pork pie

Lorien rose to the challenge.” Phil Colquhoun, senior project manager at Lorien Engineering

Lorien is a division of GP Strategies

in a hoop, tin or freestanding.

Solutions, said: “We are delighted

Corporation, a global engineering

to work closely with the technical

and technical services organisation

The flagship facility makes and

team at Addo Food Group in bringing

headquartered in Maryland USA.

manufacturing, whether it is baked

distributes over 40 million pork pies each year, with a heritage that stretches back to the 1940s, when local lad Ken Parr took out a loan to

a major project such as this to completion on time, within budget,

Based in Burton on Trent in the

and with no production downtime.”

UK and Wroclaw in Poland, Lorien specialises in capital projects for

open his first bakery.

Tony Ombler, general manager of

household names in sectors such as

the Tottle Bakery, added: “From

food and drink, brewing, life sciences,

Today, the business is an integral

the outset it was clear that Lorien

biotech, safety and compliance,

part of Addo Food Group, the UK’s premium producer of chilled savoury pastry products. The Tottle Bakery is the home of the Pork Farms and

advanced manufacturing and retail supply chain logistics. www.lorienengineering.com

Bowyers brands and is one of six Addo Food Group business locations around the UK. FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 27

Consul™ Building

Warrior™ Building

Defender™ Housing

Warrior™ Building

Fortress™ Housing

Genesis™ Kiosk


Beacon™ Building

With over 40 years’ experience in the design, manufacture, delivery and installation of a wide range of portable housings from office accommodation, to security control, gatehouses and check point cabins, Glasdon have now extended their range of IP rated enclosures and outdoor equipment cabinets with the launch of Citadel™.

Citadel™ Cabinet

Glasdon’s Customer Support Manager of the Buildings and Housings Division said: “Our customers were asking us to develop a more ‘off-the-shelf’ cabinet solution. They trust the quality of our design and the materials we use to create reliable and resilient products. It’s been our aim to deliver on their brief and with the versatility and standard features the Citadel range offers, we hope we have.” Manufactured from plastic coated steel with a 2mm stainless steel chassis and stainless steel door hinges, all-round double skinned insulation and a reinforced door, the Citadel cabinets are strong, weatherproof and resilient. The range of industrial cabinets is available in five industry standard sizes, with an IP56 rated enclosure, or as a ventilated model for the secure housing of electrical equipment, monitoring devices and network technologies.

Glasdon also offer you the option to add your own ‘personal touch’ to many of their products. Add your company’s logo or crest, co-ordinate with colour options or re-create entire corporate themes with wraparound graphics. In-house graphics experts will make sure your Glasdon products achieve the unique promotional impact you require.

All models feature a 3 point locking system, flush back and forward sloping roof as standard. A timber backboard is also available where equipment needs to be fixed. Need to securely store essential equipment? Glasdon’s GRP and steel housings, and equipment cabinets are a perfect solution for generators, switch gear and valves, monitoring equipment, control panels, substations, meters, mobile and broadband networks and power supply rooms. Glasdon also offer a wide selection of GRP and steel buildings ideal for production offices. With an extensive choice of colours, panel options and interior fittings available, their team work closely with clients to achieve exact requirements. Their attention to detail and use of the highest quality materials ensure customers’ satisfaction for many years.

To find out more about Glasdon products, or to arrange your own no obligation site survey, call (01253) 600418 or email bh@glasdon-uk.co.uk today.

01253 600418 www.glasdon.com bh@glasdon-uk.co.uk

HYGIENEFENCE: The stainless steel safety fence For hygiene and safety in the food industry

Intended use The HYGIENEFENCE protective fencing system is designed to establish a fixed, safe distance to protect people from coming into contact with hazardous machinery and facilities, including in the vicinity of food processing machinery.

When it comes to production processes in the food industry, we offer a marketleading solution for added hygiene and security in the form of our HYGIENEFENCE® protective fencing system. Our comprehensive modular system is ready and waiting for you to give it a try. Our product is designed to live up to the requirements for guards used in the food industry. Their outstanding flexibility is enhanced further still through the use of frameless protective mesh elements. Flexible mesh customisations and releases can even be incorporated on site. Requirements profile the food industry When it comes to food processing machines, legal requirements are in place for establishing a fixed, safe distance (in line with ISO 14120) to protect people from coming into contact with hazardous machinery and facilities whilst also living up to the highest hygienic requirements.

30 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

Product and user benefits Hygiene certified for food processing machinery in accordance with EN 16722:2009-07 + (EC) No. 1935/2004 n

Our industry solution The innovative, future-oriented HYGIENEFENCE® protective fencing system complies with the stringent legal requirements surrounding hygiene and safety at all levels of the food processing industry. It can be used wherever flexible and hygienic protection is paramount.





DGUV type-tested – Compliant with Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC High flexibility – mesh elements can be customised on site Short lead times – modular system available ex works All components made of 100% stainless steel Supplied with EC Declaration of Conformity and CE mark as standard


meets all the hygiene requirements for food-processing machinery as per DIN 1672-2:2009-07 + (EC) no. 1935/2004. hygiene-certified and type-examination tested

THE STAINLESS STEEL SAFETY FENCE Tiemann Schutz-Systeme GmbH 32257 Bünde, Germany www.hygienefence.com FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 31

Handshake Bühler Chairman Calvin Grieder and Microsoft’s Çağlayan Arkan

Bühler and Microsoft committed to improving availability of safe and healthy food At Hannover Messe, Bühler and Microsoft have committed themselves to build a powerful alliance that will increase the availability of safe food and enhance food integrity and traceability. The aspired alliance will extend the partnership the two companies have just built. Microsoft and Bühler aim at rolling out cloud-based solutions to eliminate contaminated grains and to rapidly introduce new services to improve the availability of safe and healthy food. An important part of the planned cooperation are block-chain applications, whose feasibility is currently being

32 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

evaluated. Food safety and availability is still one of the most demanding global challenges. Whilst 30% of all food is lost or wasted, 800 million people are starving. The application of digital technologies, such as offered by Microsoft’s Azure cloud, artificial intelligence and block-chain technologies, combined with inspection and processing technologies of Bühler and partners, will provide transparency and greater efficiency in food value chains.

“Bühler impressively demonstrates that manufacturers can be digital innovators, by strategically combining their industryspecific know-how with artificial intelligence, intelligent cloud and IoT solutions,” says Çağlayan Arkan, General Manager Worldwide Manufacturing at Microsoft. Calvin Grieder, Chairman of the Bühler Board of Directors, adds: “By interweaving Microsoft’s capabilities and Bühler’s innovations for food safety and availability, we strive to stand up to some of the most pressing issues in the global food system.”

LumoVision addresses problem of

This example demonstrates the

toxic aflatoxin

impact that the partnership of Bühler

Around 25% of all harvested grain is contaminated with mycotoxins. “It

and Microsoft can bring to bear in food safety.

is clear that the global food value

“The Bühler and Microsoft partnership

chain is not sustainable yet and the

proves that the rigorous digital

consequences of climate change and

transformation of the business

the rate of population growth result

enables companies operating in

in a challenge of daily increasing

traditional industries not only to

magnitude”, says Bühler CTO Ian

win new customers and expand


their markets, but also solve major

At Hannover Messe, Bühler has launched LumoVision, the first optical sorting technology which is able to

challenges for humanity,” says Marianne Janik, General Manager of Microsoft Switzerland.

identify aflatoxin based on direct

“We see two companies that are

indicators of contamination, while

evolving fast, have demonstrated

simultaneously using real-time, cloud-

alignment in culture, goals and

based data to monitor and analyze

action, and a shared commitment

contamination risk. LumoVision

to improving global access to safe,

eliminates up to 90% of contamination

healthy and affordable food,” adds Ian

and reduces yield loss to below 5%.

Roberts, Chief Technology Officer at Bühler. aflatoxin contaminated grains


FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 33

At Hannover Messe, Bühler and Microsoft

camera assembly in Bühler clean room

have committed themselves to build a powerful alliance that will increase the availability of safe food and enhance food integrity and traceability. The aspired alliance will extend the partnership the two companies have just built. Microsoft and Bühler aim at rolling out cloud-based solutions to eliminate contaminated grains and to rapidly introduce new services to improve the availability of safe and healthy food. An important part of the planned cooperation are block-chain applications, whose feasibility is currently being evaluated. Food safety and availability is still one of the most demanding global challenges. Whilst 30% of all food is lost or wasted, 800 million people are starving. The application of digital technologies, such as offered by Microsoft’s Azure cloud, artificial intelligence and block-chain technologies, combined with inspection and processing technologies of Bühler and partners, will provide transparency and greater efficiency in food value chains. “Bühler impressively demonstrates that manufacturers can be digital innovators, by strategically combining their industryspecific know-how with artificial intelligence, intelligent cloud and IoT solutions,” says Çağlayan Arkan, General Manager Worldwide Manufacturing at Microsoft. Calvin Grieder, Chairman of the Bühler Board of Directors, adds: “By interweaving Microsoft’s capabilities and Bühler’s innovations for food safety and availability, we strive to stand up to some of the most pressing issues in the global food system.” LumoVision addresses problem of toxic aflatoxin Around 25% of all harvested grain is contaminated with mycotoxins. “It is clear that the global food value chain is not sustainable yet and the consequences of climate change and the rate of population growth result in a challenge of daily increasing magnitude”, says Bühler CTO Ian Roberts.

At Hannover Messe, Bühler has launched

“We see two companies that are evolving

LumoVision, the first optical sorting

fast, have demonstrated alignment in

technology which is able to identify

culture, goals and action, and a shared

aflatoxin based on direct indicators of

commitment to improving global access

contamination, while simultaneously

to safe, healthy and affordable food,” adds

using real-time, cloud-based data to

Ian Roberts, Chief Technology Officer at

monitor and analyze contamination


risk. LumoVision eliminates up to 90% of contamination and reduces yield loss to below 5%. This example demonstrates the impact that the partnership of Bühler and

New technologies such as block-chain applications have an immense potential to enable full traceability within food

Microsoft can bring to bear in food safety.

value chains. They could be key to

“The Bühler and Microsoft partnership

against food fraud. “We live in exciting

proves that the rigorous digital

times; digitalization has now reached

transformation of the business enables

the global food system,” says Bühler CTO

companies operating in traditional

Ian Roberts – reason enough for the two

industries not only to win new customers

industry leaders Microsoft and Bühler to

and expand their markets, but also solve

explore the technological and business

major challenges for humanity,” says

opportunities together.

Marianne Janik, General Manager of Microsoft Switzerland.

34 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

New opportunities emerge

ensuring food integrity and in the fight

Toxic food: a global challenge What is aflatoxin?

… groundnuts

Aflatoxin can be found in …

Aflatoxin is an invisible, major threat to health and food supplies. This naturally occurring poison (mycotoxin) is produced by a fungal spores mold (Aspergillus spp.). No treatment is available to destroy aflatoxin in contaminated food crops.

… rice

… oilseeds

Maize is most vulnerable to contamination

… chili peppers

of the global population relies on maize as a food staple. It is also the main feed material for livestock.


Aflatoxin B1 is the most toxic.

… sorghum

… dried fruit

C 500 million of the poorest people in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Asia are at risk of chronic exposure to aflatoxins throughout their lifetimes. Acute and chronic exposure is more likely to occur in developing countries where less strict regulatory limits, poor agricultural practices in food handling and storage, malnutrition, and disease are problems.


… milk (from dairy animals fed with contaminated maize)





155,000 cases of liver cancer a year are attributed to aflatoxin. The rate of liver cancer in Africa is up to 60 times higher than that of the United States.

Chronic exposure to the poison weakens immune systems in humans and animals. It leads to nutrition-related chronic diseases in adulthood.

Children in countries that rely on a maize-based diet are exposed to aflatoxin through the food they eat or as infants through mother’s milk.

Long-term exposure causes stunting in children. Stunting goes beyond impaired growth to include poor cognitive and organ development.

LumoVision will help save lives and reduce food waste Special cameras and sensors enable LumoVision sorters to reduce aflatoxin contamination in maize by up to 90% with a yield loss of less than 5%*, while a Microsoft cloud solution helps the processor to estimate contamination risk of the raw material to maximize productivity.

* This result is based on using the SORTEX A LumoVision sorter alone, however, it would be one part of a cleaning workflow.

Grains under ultraviolet light

LumoVision, using fluorescence, detects kojic acid in the maize. Kojic acid is also produced by the Aspergillus fungi. It glows a bright greenish-yellow under UV light.

NORMAL The good grains glow blue

CONTAMINATED The bad grains glow bright greenish-yellow

Sources: International Agency for Research on Cancer; Global Burden of Aflatoxin-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma; Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations; Benedict Deefholts, Senior Research Engineer at Bühler. Infographic by: Daniel Röttele

Innovations for a better world.

Energy-efficient forklift battery charging for long-term success Fronius

For Schachinger Logistik Holding GmbH, sustainability is a core principle. Schachinger uses Selectiva battery charging systems


from Fronius to cost effectively and efficiently charge the

Phone: +44 1908 512300

traction batteries in their fleet of 67 electrically-powered forklift trucks, while the Cool Battery Guide Premium information and


management system optimises utilisation of the battery pool and extends the service life of the batteries. Sustainable intralogistics Schachinger’s new 10,000m2 warehouse makes up a fifth of their Hörsching site and is made completely of wood, aiding Schachinger’s sustainability principles. Meeting all passive house requirements, the warehouse already achieves a high level of energy efficiency and low CO2 values by utilising LED lighting and groundwater sourced heating and cooling. Mainly used for storing food, it provides space for roughly 20,000 pallets and around 400 tonnes of goods are moved every day. 67 electric forklift trucks are in use at the site as they are quiet, do not produce exhaust fumes, consume energy sparingly and are low maintenance. Back-up batteries are also used as the vehicles need to be available at all times during their two-shift operation. Several charging stations are spread across the site, allowing forklift truck drivers to change batteries within minutes. At this warehouse, a total of 49 Selectiva devices from Austrian charging technology specialist Fronius are available to charge the variety of traction batteries with a voltage of up to 80. A gentle and cost-effective charging process The secret behind the battery chargers is Active Inverter Technology and the innovative Ri charging process developed by Fronius. The charging process adapts to the requirements of each battery according to the age, temperature and state of charge of the battery making every single charging cycle unique which minimises losses at the start of the process and during the recharging phase resulting in an ultra-cool and gentle charging that increases the service life of the traction batteries With a total efficiency of up to 84%, roughly 30% higher than conventional 50 Hz charging technology, the Selectiva devices are extremely energy efficient, reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, thereby lowering the cost of the entire forklift truck fleet. The availability of the batteries - and therefore the forklift trucks - has increased thanks to innovative charging technology from Fronius. “Before using these devices, we carried out frequent

36 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

opportunity charges,” recalls Gerhard Gillmair, Warehouse Manager at Schachinger. This is no longer necessary. The gentle, tailored charging process provides sufficient battery power for a complete shift, reducing battery maintenance and replacement. “This benefits us financially as battery damage is not covered by the leasing contract,” adds Gillmair. Straight to the coolest battery Fronius installed the Cool Battery Guide Premium information and management system for Schachinger. This system intuitively guides the forklift truck driver to the battery that has been fully charged and the coolest by means of a coloured LED strip on the charger, thus dramatically increasing the service life. The Cool Battery Guide Premium also allows Schachinger to continually monitor and optimise the charging process. The system automatically records the relevant data, analyses the charging cycles and logs errors, making battery charging safer, more reliable and efficient. Technology that supports sustainability Managing Director Max Schachinger is impressed by Fronius’ innovative charging technology: “The savings with regard to energy consumption are enormous compared to our previous battery charging systems,” he explains. “The Fronius system fits in perfectly with our plans to increase sustainability and efficiency.”

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Cheese Pack Serves Up A Solution A convenient bespoke solution from

with an inner plastic seal and an oxygen

The signal that production could begin

RPC Superfos is breathing new life into

barrier label. Part of the upper section is

came when consumers who tried the final

cheese packaging for the latest high-

transparent, making the tempting yellow

version at home for a week gave very

end cheese from Skånemejerier, the

colour of the cheese visible as part of the

positive feedback.

leading manufacturer of mature cheese

overall artwork design. All consumers

in Sweden. Used for the company’s new

need to do is remove the base and the

Allerum mature cheese, the wedge-

plastic seal, put the base back on, turn the

shaped pack with oxygen-barrier label

container upside down, remove the top

ensures that customers have no need for a

cover – and the cheese is ready to serve

serving plate and hardly any finger-contact

on its triangular plate base. To re-seal and

is required to serve the product.

store, they simply replace the top cover.

this provider of packaging solutions could

“Convenience is a significant trend and,

“Our new packaging from RPC Superfos

has been creative, attentive and flexible in

generally speaking, cheese packaging

means that re-packing the cheese into a

respect of any changes in the packaging

has not really changed since the

plastic bag after first use for cool storage

development process.”

1950s,” explains Jannica Andersson,

becomes superfluous,” continues Jannica.

Brand Manager Allerum & Cheese at

“The cheese stays aromatic and is well-

Skånemejerier. “We wanted to step up and

protected in the pack after opening.

offer consumers a striking new solution

Additionally, you reduce the number of

for our Allerum series of mature cheese.

plates that go into your dishwasher as the

With the bespoke pack from RPC Superfos,

lid works as a serving plate.”

in its climate impact by changing its

During the pack’s development phase,

heating – an impressive achievement

Skånemejerier subjected it to a range of

that is displayed on the base of the


qualitative and quantitative tests with

RPC Superfos solution using In-Mould

consumers, whose responses occasioned


The solution features a wedge-shaped

new adjustments to the product and its

injection moulded polypropylene pack

technical drawings.

we are now rejuvenating the image of cheese packaging and have a container that makes our cheese stand out from the

38 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

“We approached a few packaging suppliers to get the project started and worked with several of them during the sketching and testing phase,” says Jannica. “At the end of the day, we opted for RPC Superfos, as meet all our requirements. Their team

A further benefit of the solution from RPC Superfos is its full recyclability. This is of special importance to Skånemejerier, which recently achieved a 90% reduction source of energy from fossil fuel to district

New sponsor for National Forklift Safety Month Windsor Materials Handling has con-

Explaining the company’s decision to

The FLTA’s Peter Harvey added: “Safety

firmed that it will sponsor the Fork Lift

take its safety commitment to the next

Month is one of the most important

Truck Association’s National Forklift

level, managing director Stephen Bur-

things we do. We’ve been gradually

Safety Month 2018.

ton from Windsor Materials Handling

building the campaign year-upon-year

said: “The Fork Lift Truck Association

and the 2017 campaign was recently

does a lot of fantastic and important

nominated for an award.

The annual safety campaign, which runs throughout the month of September, was launched in 2008 to raise awareness of key issues affecting

work to drive the conversation around lift truck safety.

forklift safety for operators, as well as

“It’s a subject the whole team at Wind-

their colleagues.

sor feel very strongly about… which is why we made the decision to sponsor

The latest statistics from the HSE

safety month. It underlines our com-

reveal that every working day in the

mitment creating safer workplaces –

UK, five people are left with life-chan-

not just for ourselves, for our custo-

ging injuries, such as dislocations and

mers and the wider industry, too.

amputations, as a result of forklift

“Having a company like Windsor on board brings an exciting new dynamic to the event and that’s sure to take it to the next level. “As Windsor have highlighted, there’s still so much more that can be done to make our industry safer and having a highly respected company like Windsor behind the campaign will make a big difference.”


“You don’t walk away from a lift truck accident and the rate of serious injury

A steadfast supporter of the campaign

The Fork Lift Truck Association is the

is truly shocking. As an industry, we

UK’s independent authority on fork

since its inception, Windsor is one of

need to come together and have frank,

lift trucks. For more information on

the UK’s largest independent suppliers

honest discussions on what needs to

National Forklift Safety Month, visit

of materials handling equipment and a

be done. And that’s exactly what we’ll

www.fork-truck.org.uk or call 01635

long-serving Member of the FLTA.

be doing this September.”

277577. FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk 39

Line Equipment not resting on their laurels Line Equipment, past winners of the PPMA Certificate of Merit for Design and Manufacture in packaging machinery, are not resting on their laurels, even after 30 years in business. Instead they have developed 3 powerful new machines in the last three years.

The LE360 PDQ is the latest machine to be developed by Line Equipment specially to meet our customers demands, by providing both ‘standard’ and ‘Doy style’ stand-up pouches from the one machine. More and more of our customers, whether they are contract packers or supplying own brand products into supermarkets report that they are being ‘guided’ to supply more ‘stand up pouch’ Doy style packaging. Like most manufacturers Line Equipment build and supply a dedicated Pouch machine as part of their range. However if you are a producer / contract packer and have already

a decision. To develop one machine

brand, with the extra marketing

invested in a line of machines

capable of producing most styles

needs that that success carries,

that produce the ‘standard’ range

of bags, including Doy style, while

including a move to more prominent

of Pillow, Block Bottom or Quad

keeping to the same quality and

packaging display requirements.

bags then this supermarket driven

cost effectiveness that the rest of

move towards Doy style Stand-Up

our range is renowned for”.

this customer took advantage

Pouches will have implications in terms of investment and space.

For additional end-user satisfaction,

After a year of development and

of our optional Zip Applicator for

testing we finally launched the

recloseable bags.

What do you do? Rip out and

LE360 PDQ at the beginning of

replace one or more standard VFFS

2018. The first commissioned

The LE360 PDQ is a solution that

baggers? Swap completely to Pouch

machine went to a customer typical

allows customers to produce


of the implications of own brand

various bag styles from one

success, where, from a new product

machine, filling the gap to a move

John Blashkiw, Managing Director

launch of gluten-free products

to dedicated machines for each

stated “As our own customers came

in 2006, they have developed in

product bag range, as and when the

to us with those questions we made

popularity to become a High Street

production levels demand.

40 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

Alternative Chemical-free Disinfection for Food Products From Poultry to Egg Disinfection

Food microbiology is one of the most discussed subject within food safety. Invisible living microorganisms are constantly showing excellent survival strategies beyond our expectations.

The quick and yet effective treatment Cutting Campylobacter Numbers on

of combined steam-ultrasound can


offer a broad range of solutions for food products, including whole eggs.

Abilities such as resistant to common

SonoSteam solution for poultry

antibiotics and cross-resistant to

decontamination was one of the

chemicals and detergents, are just

three strategies applied by the Food

the tip of the iceberg. Researchers

Standard Agency in 2014 for lowering

and experts have never been clearer

numbers of Campylobacter in the UK.

with warning signs and strong

Together with improved biosecurity

recommendations, of choosing

and neck skin trimming, the three

alternative non-chemical solutions

approaches have resulted in decreased

with limited bacterial adaptation

levels of Campylobacter from 30%

responses. SonoSteam is a

to below 10% on infectious broilers

sustainable chemical free technology,

with higher levels than 1,000 cfu/g.

that only applies the combination of

This effect was also observed on

steam and ultrasound in a superfast

human cases with foodborne illness,

glance of previous performances.

treatment within seconds. The

where 100,000 fewer cases was

With SonoSteam disinfection, more

technology is already in use in several

reported in 2017. Today, SonoSteam

than 5 logs in Salmonella levels can

food industries for treating food

has 5 installations at three different

be reduced on the surface of whole

and non-food surfaces in Europe,

slaughterhouses in Europe as a part of

eggs in a continuous treatment of

where the use of chemicals on food

farm-to-fork commitment to reduce

2 seconds with no impacts on the

products are prohibited.

levels of foodborne illnesses.

quality of eggs.

42 FDPP - www.fdpp.co.uk

The latest technology is a compact solution for continuous disinfection of eggs. The installation fits most production lines and is easy to operate. The integrated PLC system controls the process automatically, and the process can either be monitored directly at the production site or at another location via an internet connection. The package solution includes access to log files and data, for a quick and easy

Non-chemical Decontamination Process for Poultry and Egg Combined steam - ultrasound process Green and sustainable technology Effective reduction of pathogens Fast continuous treatment within seconds Already in use in several food industries

An ongoing success from poultry to eggs Years of knowledge, professional experience with food decontamination and now introducing our latest intervention:

A safe and clean decontamination process for whole eggs

Would you like to learn more about our processes for food products?

Contact our team at SonoSteam.com



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Given the volume of mechanical process equipment involved in the food and beverage industry combined with the shift towards increased automation through conveyor and feeder systems, there are often thousands of power and data cables that need to be protected. Adaptaflex Anti-microbial food and beverage conduit systems, are designed to protect complex processing equipment with sensitive electrical wiring systems, controls and automation. These solutions enable food and beverage processors to increase revenue, plant sustainability, food safety and brand equity. Tel. +44 (0) 333 999 9900 | www.adaptaflex.com

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