A monument of soft curves and purposeful presence
↙ ↙ IntroducIng IntroducIng VIa VIa del del corso corso by by man man of of Parts. Parts. InsPIred InsPIred by by the the hIstorIc hIstorIc centre centre of of rome rome and and Its Its monumental monumental curVes. curVes.
Showrooms Showrooms in in Belgravia Belgravia and and Chelsea Chelsea (0)20 7952 || +44 +44 (0)20 7952 6070 6070
LALIQUE BOUTIQUE 47 Conduit St, Mayfair London W1S 2YP +44 20 7292 0444 /
High-quality wall art, art prints & frames | Affordable, fast & secure delivery
Designed and dressed by the award-winning design studio Goddard Littlefair - one of London’s most exclusive residences.
Bringing timeless elegance outdoors, FBC London has launched its latest furniture collection - handcrafted for city, country, beach, ski and yacht living.
TG Studio was appointed to reconfigure and refurbish a tired three-bedroom purpose-built apartment in the leafy suburbs of Hampstead in North London..
Lighting is undoubtedly the final touch of interior design and a factor to take into account when designing the ambience.
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GLOBAL DESIGN PUZZLE PIECES WITH TOLLGARD LONDON DESIGN WEEK, MARCH 2022 FEATURED BRANDS & PIECES MAN MAN OF OF PARTS PARTS Founded Founded by by design design aficionado aficionado Stephan Stephan Weishaupt, Weishaupt, Man Man of of Parts Parts intends intends to to reflect reflect the the attitudes attitudes of of its its customers, customers, global global citizens citizens for for whom whom travel travel and and exploration exploration is is aa way way of of life. life. Hailing Hailing from from Munich Munich and and aa long long line line of of craftspeople, craftspeople, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, architects architects and and artists, artists, Stephan’s Stephan’s philosophy philosophy centres centres around around
the the notion notion that that we we need need few few items items but but what what we we do do have have should should be be beautifully beautifully made made and and enhance enhance the the way way we we live. live. In In collaboration collaboration with with aa close close group group of of design design partners, partners, he he has has created created aa capsule capsule collection collection of of seating, seating, tables, tables, lighting, lighting, and and accessories accessories to to improve improve time time spent spent at at home. home. LOMBARD LOMBARD STREET STREET ARMCHAIR ARMCHAIR Lombard Lombard Street Street is is famous famous for for aa steep, steep, one‑block one‑block section section with with eight eight hairpin hairpin turns turns in in San San Francisco’s Francisco’s Russian Russian Hill Hill and and was was
Explore Explore how how the the puzzle puzzle pieces pieces of of global global design design come come together together this this London London Design Design season. season. Tollgard Tollgard showroom showroom founders, founders, Staffan Staffan && Monique Monique Tollgård Tollgård invite invite you you to to enjoy enjoy aa glass glass of of something something sparkling sparkling and and discover discover the the latest latest metropolitan metropolitan offerings offerings from from Canadian Canadian studio studio Man Man of of Parts, Parts, Italian Italian artisans artisans Ceccotti Ceccotti Collezioni Collezioni and and South South African African specialists specialists OKHA. OKHA.
designed designed to to help help residents residents descend descend the the hill hill gracefully. gracefully. The The Lombard Lombard Street Street armchair armchair by by Yabu Yabu Pushelberg Pushelberg references references the the beautifully beautifully structured structured curves curves and and formality formality of of the the street, street, providing providing both both comfort comfort and and poise. poise. RUA RUA TUCAMA TUCAMA HIGH HIGH & & LOW LOW COFFEE COFFEE TABLES TABLES One One of of Sao Sao Paulo’s Paulo’s premier premier addresses addresses in in the the lush lush and and posh posh Jardins Jardins district district takes takes its its name name from from aa palm palm tree’s tree’s fruit. fruit. The The Tucumã Tucumã fruit fruit is is aa rich rich burnished burnished colour colour on on the the outside outside and and
MORE MORE THAN THAN THE THE SUM SUM OF OF ITS ITS PARTS: PARTS: CREATIVITY CREATIVITY ACROSS ACROSS THE THE WORLD WORLD Monday Monday 14th 14th March. March. 3:30pm 3:30pm –– 4:30pm. 4:30pm. Tollgard Tollgard Showroom Showroom First First Floor, Floor, Centre Centre Dome, Dome, Design Design Centre, Centre, Chelsea Chelsea Harbour Harbour SW10 SW10 0XE. 0XE.
SOUTH SOUTH AFRICAN AFRICAN SOUL: SOUL: TOLLGARD TOLLGARD MEETS MEETS OKHA OKHA Tuesday Tuesday 15th 15th March. March. 2:45pm 2:45pm –– 3:45pm. 3:45pm. Tollgard Tollgard Showroom Showroom First First Floor, Floor, Centre Centre Dome, Dome, Design Design Centre, Centre, Chelsea Chelsea Harbour Harbour SW10 SW10 0XE. 0XE.
GENERATIONS GENERATIONS OF OF CRAFT: CRAFT: CECCOTTI CECCOTTI COLLEZIONI COLLEZIONI Wednesday Wednesday 16th 16th March. March. 11:30am 11:30am –– 12:30 12:30 pm. pm. Ceccotti Ceccottishowroom, showroom,First FirstFloor, Floor,Centre CentreDome, Dome, Design Design Centre, Centre, Chelsea Chelsea Harbour Harbour SW10 SW10 0XE. 0XE.
Featured Featured Speakers Speakers Staffan Staffan Tollgård, Tollgård, Founder Founder && Creative Creative Director, Director, Tollgard. Tollgard. Sebastian Sebastian Herkner, Herkner, Designer. Designer.
Featured Featured Speakers Speakers Monique Monique Tollgård, Tollgård, Head Head of of Tollgard Tollgard Studio. Studio. Adam Adam Court, Court, Director Director && Designer, Designer, OKHA. OKHA.
Featured Featured Speakers Speakers Gianluca Gianluca Ceccotti, Ceccotti, EMEA EMEA Sales Sales Director, Director, Ceccotti Ceccotti Collezioni. Collezioni. Staffan Staffan Tollgård, Tollgård, Founder Founder && Creative Creative Director, Director, Tollgard. Tollgard.
Description Description Hosted Hosted by by Livingetc Livingetc Editor, Editor, Pip Pip Rich, Rich, this this engaging engaging panel panel discussion discussion takes takes an an in‑depth in‑depth look look at at how how the the puzzle puzzle pieces pieces of of global global design design come come together together to to produce produce exceptional exceptional results. results. Joined Joined by by renowned renowned designer designer Sebastian Sebastian Herkner Herkner and and Tollgard Tollgard Showrooms Showrooms founder founder Staffan Staffan Tollgård, Tollgård, they they explore explore Herkner’s Herkner’s latest latest pieces pieces for for Canadian Canadian studio studio Man Man of of Parts, Parts, revealing revealing how how creative creative collaborations collaborations work work across across the the world. world.
Description Description Lead Lead designer designer Monique Monique Tollgård Tollgård and and contemporary contemporary furniture furniture atelier atelier OKHA OKHA explore explore their their shared shared South South African African design design roots. roots. Design Design Director Director Adam Adam Court Court reveals reveals what what makes makes the the nation nation and and its its makers makers so so special, special, delving delving into into OKHA’s OKHA’s unique unique relationship relationship with with local local designers, designers, craftspeople, craftspeople, and and the the material material landscape. landscape.
Drinks Drinks reception reception to to follow follow from from 4pm 4pm –– 6pm. 6pm.
Rua Rua Tucama Tucama High High && Low Low Coffee Coffee Tables Tables opens opens to to beautiful beautiful rings rings of of dark dark brown brown and and white white within. within. Osvaldo Osvaldo Tenorio’s Tenorio’s Rua Rua Tucumã Tucumã coffee coffee tables tables mirror mirror the the natural natural inspiration inspiration evident evident in in all all things things Brazilian Brazilian where where the the line line between between indoors indoors and and outdoors outdoors disappears. disappears. VIA VIA DEL DEL CORSO CORSO ARMCHAIR ARMCHAIR Via Via del del Corso Corso is is the the centre centre of of life life in in historical historical Rome. Rome. Meeting Meeting at at the the Piazza Piazza Venezia Venezia with with its its three‑sided three‑sided roundabout roundabout and and monumental monumental churches churches “the “the Corso” Corso” is is impressive. impressive. Yabu Yabu Pushelberg’s Pushelberg’s lounge lounge chair chair has has the the same same purposeful purposeful and and imposing imposing profile profile as as the the via via but but isis balanced balanced by by soft soft curves curves and and aa lightness lightness from from its its floating floating feet. feet.
Via Via Del Del Corso Corso Armchair Armchair
Description Description Gianluca Gianluca Ceccotti Ceccotti lives lives and and breathes breathes craft, craft, working working alongside alongside his his uncle, uncle, the the iconic iconic Franco Franco Ceccotti Ceccotti from from their their workshop workshop in in Cascina, Cascina, Italy. Italy. In In this this exclusive exclusive talk talk with with Tollgard Tollgardshowroom showroomfounder, founder,Staffan StaffanTollgård, Tollgård, they they discuss discuss the the importance importance of of keeping keeping craft craft alive alive for for the the next next generation. generation.
Savignyplatz Savignyplatz Console Console
SAVIGNYPLATZ SAVIGNYPLATZ CONSOLE CONSOLE The The Savignyplatz Savignyplatz in in Berlin Berlin is is an an idyllic idyllic park park in in aa city city square square intersected intersected by by streets streets horizontally, horizontally, diagonally, diagonally, and and asymmetrically asymmetrically and and an an ever‑changing ever‑changing landscape landscape of of people people enjoying enjoying it. it. Designer Designer Sebastian Sebastian Herkner’s Herkner’s Savignyplatz Savignyplatz console console reflects reflects that that dynamism dynamism in in its its multiple multiple uses uses and and original original lines lines that that have have aa sense sense of of movement. movement. TAKAYAMA TAKAYAMA FLOOR FLOOR LAMP LAMP Takayama, Takayama, an an Edo‑era, Edo‑era, rural rural mountain mountain town town in in Japan’s Japan’s Gifu Gifu Prefecture, Prefecture, is is famed famed for for Ukai Ukai fishing. fishing. The The Fishermen Fishermen employ employ aa 1300‑year‑ 1300‑year‑ old old technique technique using using trained trained Cormorant Cormorant birds. birds. The The birds birds swoop swoop in in and and catch catch fish fish using using the the light light of of burning burning baskets baskets hung hung on on rods rods over over the the edge edge of of boats boats to to see see their their prey. prey. The The arc arc of of the the Takayama Takayama floor floor lamp lamp by by Yabu Yabu Pushelberg Pushelberg bears bears an an uncanny uncanny resemblance resemblance to to the the fisherman’s fisherman’s friend. friend.
GIN GIN LANE LANE STORAGE STORAGE BAR BAR CART CART AA signature signature address address in in The The Hamptons, Hamptons, the the “gin” “gin” in in Gin Gin Lane Lane does does not not actually actually imply imply an an alcoholic alcoholic spirit spirit but but an an old old English English term term for for grazing grazing area. area. While While Yabu Yabu Pushelberg’s Pushelberg’s design design is is intended intended to to support support libation libation itit also also reflects reflects the the simplicity simplicity and and restrained restrained demeanor demeanor of of the the original original residents; residents; New New York’s York’s hard‑working hard‑working professional professional class class who who made made itit an an escape escape long long before before the the image image of of luxury luxury and and indulgence indulgence itit is is now now known known for. for. MAINKAI MAINKAI 33 TABLE TABLE LAMP LAMP Mainkai, Mainkai, or or Main Main River River Quay Quay in in English, English, is is the the riverside riverside boulevard boulevard in in Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, Germany, close close to to where where designer designer Sebastian Sebastian Herkner Herkner grew grew up up and and still still calls calls home home today. today. The The spherical spherical fishing fishing floats floats and and mooring mooring buoys buoys that thatbob bobalong alongthe theriver riverwith withan anethereal etherealglow glow at at night night inspired inspired the the Mainkai’s Mainkai’s lamps’ lamps’ design. design.
Gin Gin Lane Lane Storage Storage Bar Bar Cart Cart
Mainkai Mainkai 33 Table Table Lamp Lamp
Takayama Takayama Floor Floor Lamp Lamp
CECCOTTI COLLEZIONI T-BONE T-BONE CHAIR CHAIR This This year year at at London London Design Design Week, Week, Ceccotti Ceccotti Collezioni Collezioni celebrates celebrates creativity creativity in in design design with with the the newly newly launched launched T‑Bone T‑Bone chair. chair. Designed Designed by by Jaime Jaime Hayon, Hayon, this this playful playful design design is is the the perfect perfect mixture mixture of of beautiful beautiful design design and and impeccable impeccable craftsmanship. craftsmanship. SWEET SWEET DREAMS DREAMS BED BED The The Sweet Sweet Dreams Dreams bed bed by by Cecotti Cecotti Collezioni. Collezioni. Crafted Crafted from from solid solid and and veneered veneered American American walnut walnut with with aa comfortable comfortable headboard, headboard, upholstered upholstered in in aa range range of of satin, satin, velvet velvet and and chenille, chenille, or or natural natural leathers. leathers. PETIT PETIT DÎNER DÎNER Designed Designed by by Giuseppe Giuseppe Casarosa, Casarosa, this this small small table table is is crafted crafted from from solid solid American American walnut walnut with with double double top top in in glass, glass, wood wood or or marble. marble.
T‑Bone T‑Bone Chair Chair
OBLIQUE OBLIQUE CABINET CABINET From From the the Italian Italian masters masters of of craft craft Ceccoti Ceccoti Collezioni, Collezioni, comes comes the the Oblique Oblique Cabinet. Cabinet. Combining Combining elegant elegant form form with with efficient efficient function, function, this this beautiful beautiful structure structure is is crafted crafted from from solid solid American American walnut. walnut. AA playful playful expression expression is is found found in in the the lacquered lacquered exterior exterior of of this this piece; piece; choose choose from from ebony, ebony, leather leather or or matt matt lacquered lacquered doors doors for for aa refreshing refreshing light light composition. composition.
ITALY’S OWN MOLTENI&C D.847.1 D.847.1 DESK DESK More More than than 70 70 years years after after its its original original design, design, the the D.847.1 D.847.1 console console table table is is reborn reborn thanks thanks to to the the Heritage Heritage Collection Collection reissue reissue project project by by Molteni&C, Molteni&C, in in collaboration collaboration with with the the Gio Gio Ponti Ponti Archives. Archives. The The desk desk is is characterised characterised by by aa top top with with curved curved ends, ends, resembling resembling an an aeroplane aeroplane wing, wing, and and aa small small drawer drawer underneath underneath with with aa rounded rounded front front— —aa real real innovation innovation and and hallmark hallmark of of many many Ponti Ponti products products in in the the following following years. years.
D.847.1 D.847.1 Desk Desk
Repose Repose Sofa Sofa
SOUTH AFRICA’S OKHA Hailing Hailing from from Cape Cape Town, Town, OKHA OKHA embodies embodies South South Africa’s Africa’s artisanal artisanal history history and and unrivalled unrivalled beauty. beauty. Its Its founder, founder, Adam Adam Court, Court, sees sees each each piece piece he he creates creates as as blurring blurring the the line line between between art art and and design. design. Collaborating Collaborating with with South South Africa’s Africa’s finest finest artists artists and and artisans, artisans, OKHA OKHA turns turns to to natural natural materials materials— —brass, brass, leather, leather, copper, copper, timber, timber, wool, wool, marble marble and and stone stone— —to to yield yield graceful graceful forms forms and and contemporary contemporary furniture furniture that that respects respects the the natural natural world world and and speaks speaks of of traditional traditional craftsmanship. craftsmanship.
REPOSE REPOSE SOFA SOFA The The Repose Repose sofa sofa represents represents this this meeting meeting of of art art and and design design perfectly perfectly with with its its elegant elegant lines lines and and beautiful beautiful shape. shape.
Tectra Tectra 22 Coffee Coffee Tables Tables
TECTRA TECTRA 22 COFFEE COFFEE TABLES TABLES The The Tectra Tectra 22 coffee coffee tables tables presents presents an an interesting interesting discourse: discourse: each each organic organic marble marble table table top top rests rests gently gently on on aa substantial substantial powder powder coated coated steel steel base. base. GLOOB GLOOB 22 ARMCHAIR ARMCHAIR Envelope Envelope by by nature, nature, the the charming charming Gloob Gloob 22 armchair armchair rests rests on on aa base base of of the the most most beautiful, beautiful, polished polished brass. brass.
Gloob Gloob 22 Armchair Armchair || @tollgardshowroom @tollgardshowroom
Sir William Bespoke & antique billiards. Chosen by design.
Bentley Billiards | +44 (0) 1264 731 210
Prominently positioned at the forefront of Southbank Place, with sweeping views of the Houses of Parliament, London Eye and across the River Thames onto the City of London, is The Penthouse at Belvedere Gardens, a spectacular four-bedroom apartment.
OFFERS ICONIC VIEWS AND DISTINGUISHED DESIGN Just released onto the market for £17.5
an irresistible inspiration for the scheme,
plan living/dining area, two guest bathrooms,
million, The Penthouse at Belvedere
which once occupied some of the land
expansive terrace and a private balcony.
Gardens, which has been designed and
that was used for The Festival of Britain,
dressed by the award-winning design
held in 1951, with the studio drawing on
Benefitting from two separate entrances,
studio Goddard Littlefair, is one of London’s
the energy, optimism and creativity that
accessed via a private corridor, The
most exclusive residences.
the festival embodied throughout the
Penthouse at Belvedere Gardens provides
building’s interior and architecture styling.
visitors with immediate, show-stopping views as they enter the open-plan living/
Goddard Littlefair is responsible for creating the design-led interior schemes
Occupying the entire 10th floor, the 3,778
dining area, where they can soak in the
for all 97 apartments, communal areas and
sq. ft. penthouse comprises two master
incredible sight of the London skyline
state of the art spa facilities at Belvedere
bedroom suites with walk-in-dressing rooms,
through floor-to-ceiling triple-glazed
Gardens. The spirit of the South Bank was
two guest bedrooms, two kitchens, an open-
A key element of Goddard Littlefair’s design
Facing onto Jubilee Gardens, the expansive terrace is the perfect space for a spot
process for the Penthouse was anticipating the
of mindfulness, dine in the warmer months, enjoy a front seat view of the New Year
needs and requirements of future residents –
celebrations or simply savour the sights from one of the city’s best vantage points.
creating a home that complements a lifestyle that features travelling, food, luxury and
Behind the main kitchen is a compact production kitchen, which provides the perfect
prep station for caterers, for example, to set up when entertaining. Two spacious guest bedrooms are located beyond, with a connecting shower room.
The design of the double height lounge has been assembled for residents to watch the sun set or rise, with the apartment’s elevated position lifting them above the cityscape, in perfect view of the London Eye. The views across London are reflected in a double height mirrored fireplace, which is placed between the lounge and the dining area. The dining area is characterised by a bespoke 5-metre book matched Patagonia stone table, with bronze tubular legs, which has been positioned along the axis from the kitchen through to the bedroom wing to accentuate the substantial volume of the space. The living/dining area leads onto the main kitchen, which features integrated Miele appliances, a wine cooler, polished marble worktops and a breakfast bar. Due to its position in the building, it provides a direct view of Big Ben through a full-height glazed sliding door - leading onto a private terrace. With this in mind, the arrangement of the kitchen inspired Goddard Littlefair to dress the space without a kitchen clock, seeing no better alternative to the world-famous clockface outside.
Across the entrance hallway are the two
The design team has also commissioned
Matthew Freeman, Senior Interior Designer
master bedroom suites, which both include
bespoke artwork throughout. One of the
at Goddard Littlefair, commented: “Our
spacious walk-in-dressing areas. The
statement pieces is a bespoke chandelier
initial concept for the penthouse started
principal double-height master, located
in the main living area, with amber hand-
with a round table to share ideas and
at the front of the penthouse, includes
blown glass discs, suspended on antique
construct the narrative for the project,
access to a private balcony, and features an
brass clasps and meticulously positioned
beginning with imagining the future
impressive headboard embroidered with
to capture the eye.
resident and creating a personality for
glistening and shimmering metallic threads
them. The influence of their culture Continuing the celebration of
and lifestyle can be seen through
craftsmanship, bicarbonate of soda is used
personal touches throughout the home
Goddard Littlefair has celebrated art and
to create a delicate effervescent texture
that harmonise together to create an
craftsmanship throughout the apartment,
within these pieces of glass that glints in
enchanting apartment that represents
depicting culture and nature through subtle
the light during the day and becomes a
the best of London and provides endless
elements that tailor to the design narrative
constellation in the evening.
spaces to relax, work and entertain.”
and glass beads.
in each room.
The eventual owners of The Penthouse at Belvedere Gardens, one of five top floor apartments present at Southbank Place, will benefit from direct access to a private amenities space located within the building. The facilities include a private residents’ lounge and outdoor terrace looking out onto Jubilee Gardens, the London Eye and the River Thames. It also features a dedicated health and fitness facility, with steam and sauna rooms, gymnasium, treatment rooms, wet room and relaxation room.
Residents of Belvedere Gardens can also enjoy use of the 17,000 sq. ft. health club located in the basement of the wider Southbank Place development. Also designed by Goddard Littlefair, the amenities space includes a 25-metre swimming pool, his and hers steam and sauna rooms, expansive gymnasium with specialist workout rooms, relaxation pods, treatment rooms and a hair and beauty studio. Discussing the penthouse launch, Brian De’ath, Director of Residential Sales at Canary Wharf Group, commented: “The Penthouse at Belvedere Gardens is such a special apartment that we hope will captivate potential purchasers from the moment they walk through the door. The views on offer are arguably the best in London, with almost every landmark visible, whilst the designs by Goddard Littlefair combine perfectly to create a truly extraordinary home.”
For more information on The Penthouse at Belvedere Gardens or to book a private viewing call 0207 001 3600 or visit
Cast Frost 1800mm x 800mm Porcelain Floor Tiles
Beginning in the entrance hallway you are met by a grand T shaped Solid Oak staircase that leads up to the first and second floors. The hallways hand finished Virley Oak flooring runs straight into the adjoining dining room and office, where you will find handmade and finished Versailles panels, which have been set out to mirror the ceilings lighting recesses to create a “matt” effect. This is a great example of the attention to detail you find throughout this property. A staircase at the back of the hallway leads down to the basement which houses the Gym, Sauna and Cinema, complete with bespoke home bar, furnished with Eden Clays Melfort Black Brown Wood effect tile range. Torano Calla Antique Marble Effect Porcelain Tiles
Cast Frost 1800mm x 800mm Porcelain Floor Tiles
Virley Oak Flooring and matching Versailles Panels Virley Oak Flooring and matching Versailles Panels
Wood Flooring and Tiles
01277 624966 The heart of this home is the large Kitchen Family The heart of this home is the large Kitchen Room,Room, which houses a well proportioned island Family which houses a well
proportioned with breakfast bar, a with breakfastisland bar, a sumptuous comer sofa sumptuous comer sofa seating area complete seating area complete with a movie lovers 8K TV, with a movie lovers 8K TV, and large dining and large dining area overlooking the landscaped area overlooking the landscaped garden and garden and swimming pool. Eden Clays Cast swimming pool. Eden Clays Cast Frost floor Frost floor tiles justbackdrop the right backdrop tiles create just create the right to allowtothe allow the the furnishings to takestage. centre stage. the furnishings to take centre The featuresa ashower shower wall TheMaster Master Bathroom Bathroom features wall furnished with Eden Clays striking book furnished with Eden Clays striking book matched matched Arabescato polished Marble effect Arabescato polished Marble effect porcelain porcelain tiles. The floor is laid in the tiles. The floor isWarley laid in the complimenting complimenting Marble effect polished Warley Marble effectmatching polished porcelain tiles with porcelain tiles with mosaic border.
Melfort Black Brown feature bar front & Melfort Black Brown Etched Villandry wall with brass inserts
Melfort Black Brown feature bar front & Melfort Black Brown Etched Villandry wall with brass inserts
matching mosaic border.
The award winning Eden Clay are The award winning Eden Clay are known forquality the quality of their known for the of their products, but its their ability to products, but its their ability to expertly install their wood flooring expertly install their wood flooring and tiles, as demonstrated here in this multi faceted project, and tiles, as demonstrated here in that is getting them noticed by architects, interior designers and this multi faceted project, that is developers alike. getting them noticed by architects, interior designers and developers The client for this project just happened to be the owner of a high alike.
end independent house building company, so their own home was
Arabescato Marble Effect Polished Book Matched feature wall & Warley Marble Effect Polished floor tiles with matching mosaic border
always going to be well thought out and beautifully specified. The client for this project just happened to be the owner of a high end independent house building so their own For further details oncompany, this project or home was always going to be to discuss your wood flooring andwell thought out and beautifully tile needs, contact Eden Clays sales specified.
team on 01277 624966.
Arabescato Marble Effect Polished Book Matched feature wall & Warley Marble Effect Polished floor tiles with matching mosaic border
For further details on this project or to discuss your wood flooring and tile needs, contact Eden Clays sales team on 01277 624966.
Omexco is a Belgian family owned manufacturer of fine wallcoverings founded
in 1976. Represented in more than 80 countries world-wide, its products are designed at the brand’s atelier close to Brussels and are mostly produced locally or in collaboration with specialised craftsmen around the world with eco-friendly materials and methods. Omexco launches 4 to 5 new collections per year which are all developed in-house with its own designers
JOY Designed to inspire. Daring to delight.
Printed on 100% recycled fibres and cellulose, reflecting Omexco’s long tradition of sustainable sourcing of materials, j oy collection is steeped in environmental consciousness and goes even further in the brand’s ecological aspirations. An explosion of colour, a journey to exuberance.
or in collaboration with famous designers or artists. Printed, woven or natural, each
Joy collection conjures a lightness of being and a flash of zest. Stand-out designs and
one of the creations is handmade, custom
playful colours unfold a feeling of happiness.
cut and aims to bring a sense of poetry to spaces.
We don’t cover your walls, we make them stand out. Printed, natural or textile, all of the wall-coverings are sold by the metre and consist of a non-woven, highly durable and breathing backing specially developed for Omexco. Always aiming for the highest quality and aesthetic results, the company has worked and continues to collaborate with prestigious brands (Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Dior and Four Seasons Hotel being just some of them) that share the same values of high standards for design and quality.
The collection includes 7 designs.
MOONSTONE Luxurious. Mysterious. Dazzling. Moonstone is a timeless collection of beautiful wallcoverings crafted from natural mica. Luxurious 3D textures subtly reflect light to dazzling effect. Available in a range of stone sizes, from super-fine to tantalizingly textured. Elegantly embellished by abstract art. Handcrafted into a magnificent mosaïc. Softly sprinkled in striking geometric designs. The collection includes 7 designs.
ATELIER An eclectic offering of couture and contemporary wallcoverings. An eclectic offering of couture and contemporary wallcoverings A tactile tribute to the importance of handmade craft in interior design, the Atelier collection provides the perfect wallcovering to luxury interiors. With hand-spun fantasy yarns intertwined into chunky weaves and recycled sari silk fabrics twisted into ribbons and woven with abaca stem as well as handmade paper sculpted into mural artwork, the atelier collection gives voice to creativity. Appliquéd botanical fibres and striking patchworks of woven natural raffia come together and burst into this eclectic collection of couture and contemporary wallcoverings, sprinkled in striking geometric designs. The collection includes 8 designs.
Atelier | Instagram/Facebook: @omexcowallcoverings
Good value, high quality, design focused products All products are made in the UK and Western Europe All products are available from stock
w w w. h e a l e y a n d l o r d . c o . u k Tel: 01603 488709 | E-mail:
Combining joie de vivre with undeniable elegance, Interior Architect Stéphanie Coutas has designed a playful pied-à-terre for even the most discerning of Parisienne.
ENTRANCE Flooring: Sivec white marble custom floor mat - Fior di Bosco Mirror: Mirror frame, model to pose (Starck, FIAM) Chairs: Goldschmidt chairs 2019 (Object Studio)
MAIN LIVING ROOM / DINING ROOM Sofas: Custom Sofas SC, Pasha fabric (Elitis) Side tables: SC Edition bespoke Chandelier: Chandelier Paris, custom piece SC Edition (Baccarat) 36 Lights Lamps: Brass and alabaster lamps (Glustin Gallery) Tall Side Table: SC Edition bespoke, bronze Work on the side table: “Air” Ceramic sculpture by Wouter Hoste (Patrick Fourtin Gallery)
MASTER BEDROOM Chandelier: Chandelier Empire (Luxxu) Curtains: Oratorio Decorative Stripes (Ardecora by Zimmer Rohde) Carpet: Silk carpet (Ambadi companies LTD) Armchair: Louis XV Cabriolet (Collinet) covered with Orylag Side Table: Custom-made in ray skin leather (Ginger Brown) Cushions: Oratorio decorative striped cushions (Ardecora by Zimmer Rohde) Bed Linen: Milborne Bedcover (G.P. & J. Baker) Ceiling Mirror: Custom layout (SC Edition) aged mirror with bronze pins with decorative heads Wall Lights: Chanel 2 branches (Italamp)
A collaboration born out of a mutual admiration and a professional ‘love at first sight’ meeting be-tween Stéphanie and her client, Kate, the designer was given carte blanche to design a classically Pa-risian space, albeit with a unique sense of creativity and tone. Luscious velvets combine with graphic floorings that envelop the apartment with just the right amount of focus and line, while sumptuous textures suggest an effortless serenity, perfectly positioned for an unquestionably chic home away from home. Steps from the Eiffel Tower on the famed Trocadero, the home is an homage to the owners’ uniquely contemporary
spirit. Signature to her style, Stéphanie has utilised noble materials through-
lustrous tones of cream and gold adorning
boutique-like dressing space, with style and
out - exceptional marble and crystal in
the master bedroom. Woven glass, wood
taste to revival any fashion atelier found on
the master bathroom, echoing the same
and polished brass are found in the
the Ave-nue Montaigne.
LAUNCH THE ‘MAGIC HOURS’ LUXURY WALLPAPER COLLECTION The Magic Hours Collection was specifically designed with the
home office space in mind, following research from VELUX which shows that of those working from home, 46% of Brits are currently working from home 5 days a week. The Golden Hour features colours proven to aid productivity - warming hues of oranges and caramel tones, was inspired by sunrise. Soft hues of blues backed by a sapphire evening sky and evoking a sense of serenity, The Blue Hour is designed to bring a calm and relaxing energy, whereas The Twilight Hour - featuring magical tones of purples and deep pinks is designed to complement sunset. Lisbeth Collignon, Marketing Excellence, VELUX ; “Over the last couple of years we have witnessed a cultural phenomenon in the unprecedented shift from office to home-working. And our research shows this trend is very much here to stay. At VELUX, we’re committed to helping homeowners transform the spaces they spend the most time in and this collaboration with Poodle & Blonde allows us to do just that. We’re very proud of the Magic Hours range, the first of its kind created specifically with the home office in mind, which truly celebrates the impact of daylight from above.” Whinnie Williams and Kierra Campbell, Founders, Poodle & Blonde; First-of-its-kind range designed specifically for the home office to showcase the transformative impact of daylight .
“For us, VELUX are our go-to whenever we want to introduce more light to a space no matter how large or small the project. Whether it’s flooding a room with daylight or simply framing a view to bring the outside inside, the results are truly transformative. When VELUX
Home improvement brand VELUX has joined forces with stylish
suggested a collaboration, we jumped at the chance, and straight
duo Whinnie Williams and Kierra Campbell of Poodle & Blonde
away began designing a wallpaper print inspired by movement and
to launch the ‘Magic Hours’ luxury wallpaper range designed
light, and how those changes affect our mood throughout the day.
specifically for the home office space.
Our favourite colourway from the new collection is Golden Hour simply because it conjures a real sense of warmth and light, which
The limited-edition collection comes in a trio of colourways
we’re always drawn to, especially when designing a space which is
inspired by the three ‘Magic Hours’ of daylight - featuring hues of
used for both living and working from home.
orange, blue and pink that echo the way light changes from dusk to dawn. Designed to complement daylight from above, each piece
We love it when something as simple as introducing a pattern into
features the collection’s signature light-reflective texture and wood-
your home, can make such a big difference to the way you use and
grain print, which nods to VELUX’s sustainable wood frame range.
feel about the space.”
The VELUX x Poodle & Blonde ‘Magic Hours’ wallpaper collection is available in a limited run from 06.12.21 and can be purchased from RRP £115 per roll.
CONCEALED, CONNECTED, COMPACT Whether you prefer your appliances concealed, connected or capable of fitting into a smaller space without compromising performance, Elica can meet those requirements.
SKYDOME is a powerful cooker hood that fits flush with the ceiling and has a 28W LED lighting panel to provide the cooking area with ambient lighting that can be “tuned” to exactly match the other lighting in the room. Finished in white, when it is turned off it simply blends into the ceiling. It’s also powerful with a maximum airflow of up to 770m³/h. There are three models in the range: a standard 30cm deep model, a slim 16cm deep model for installation in shallow false ceilings, and a remote motor
capture. Designed in keeping with the
model also only 16cm deep. All come with
trend for minimalism and clean lines Super
a remote control which can also control
Plat perfectly fits the linear kitchen style.
any of the additional lighting accessories.
It is available in two distinctive material finishes: cast iron and grey glass, and
Elica also offers new WiFi-connected
black glass. Its Multi-d Capture function
extractors that can be operated via the
ensures extraction takes place from all
Elica App on a smartphone or tablet or
round the hood’s perimeter and gives it
using “voice assistants” including Amazon’s Alexa. This enables homeowners to
offers a beautiful aesthetic, and being a
remotely control extraction speeds and
single piece, there are no joints to impede
lighting functions, whilst the extractors
a perfect flush installation. SLEEK2.0@ also
themselves can advise when grease
has a dimmer and has Elica’s “Tune White”
filters need cleaning or high-performance
feature so you can match the warmth of
charcoal filters needs regenerating.
the light with the other lights close to it.
Those who prefer their cooker hoods built-in to a cabinet should consider new SLEEK2.0@. The latest version of Elica’s
SLEEK2.0@ is available in 60cm and 80cm sizes and in stainless steel or soft touch black and black glass.
Sleek models is now Energy Efficiency Class
The new connected range also includes
A but has an increased maximum airflow
Super Plat, an ultra slim wall-mounted
of 700 m³/h. Its elegantly simple design
cooker hood with multi-directional fume
a maximum airflow of 730 m3/h. Super Plat is also equipped with a dimmer to adjust the lighting to create the optimum environment in the cooking area.
TG Studio was appointed to reconfigure and refurbish a tired threebedroom purpose-built apartment in the leafy suburbs of Hampstead in North London.
KIDDERPOORE GARDENS – HAMPSTEAD, LONDON This second-floor lateral apartment is well sized for London and spans both sides of the block, featuring two long balconies overseeing communal front and rear gardens. TG Studio started the project by stripping back the apartment back to the concrete base and reconfiguring the layout to cater for the client’s needs. The retired owners live between London and Tel-Aviv and wanted a more spacious pied d’terre where they could truly enjoy London metropolitan life and catch up with their London family in light airy and spacious accommodation.
Our clients wanted a more modern
As you enter the apartment the newly
hall, square in footprint contains a ceiling
design with minimal detailing and clear
formed entrance hall, flooded with natural
recess with LED lighting and a centre
lines while incorporating some of their
light through four black Crittal style doors,
surface mounted pendant light from Porta
existing furniture. A palette of cream with
separating but still linking to the open plan
Romana. The spacious guest WC also has
hints of colour and quality built was the
living room. What was a dark uninviting
a calming feel created by white Carrara
brief. TG negotiated the contract with
entrance is now light and open and leads
marble, organic oak veneer and linen
the local building firm Amirilan and work
you straight into the open plan living area.
wallpaper from Stereo. The beautiful stone
began during lockdown.
Off the entrance is a oak wood clad guest
sink is made from blue marble. Light fittings
WC and a neatly concealed wardrobe for
are also again from Porta Romana. The taps
shoes, jackets and hats. The entrance
are from Dornbracht.
TG Studios’ full Interior architecture and interior design skills and experience were used to open up the apartment to create one very large open plan living, dining and kitchen area which now oversee the rear communal gardens with light pouring in from 3 sets of French doors. And what was a three bedroom apartment is now two with a much larger master suite incorporating sleeping, dressing, working and bathing areas.
The living, dining and kitchen room were
The new oak flooring from Parquet flooring
created by removing internal stone walls
is soft in appearance and allows the built-
and connecting the three rooms which
in library wall in the living room and the
is now 16m long. The ceiling height was
bespoke dining table to stand out by using
increased and was pushed up as high as
a dark stained oak finish. The built-in library
possible exposing the structural concrete
allows plenty of room for the owners to
beam with only the perimeter lowered to
put their favourite books, photographs and
allow for cabling and recessed lighting. The
ornaments on. The focus of the centre of
lighting on the higher part of the ceiling is
the living room area is a recessed TV with
achieved through high end surface fixed
large wall art either side which balances the
lighting tracks by Deltalight.
wall space.
On the other side of the great room is the all-new kitchen that gives access to a compact utility space. The kitchen was manufactured in Italy and plays with Japanese inspired finishes – light oak above the worktop, white stone for worktop and backsplash and an oiled metal finish below the worktop. The large black extractor separates the kitchen from the dining area and offers storage and lighting at the same time. At our clients request we reused their existing dining chairs as they find them very comfortable.
The master bedroom suite consists of a large room cleverly divided into a dressing and sleeping area by a table that also forms the headboard to the bed. The table, a TG bespoke design, offers working space for a home office, or a make-up area and is designed to hold filing and other storage. Behind the desk is a run of wardrobes stretching the full width of the room. Enough space to hang and house all the owners clothes. The wardrobes and kitchen were supplied by Kochwerk Design. Bedside and table lighting are all by TG Studio and are part of the Hurricane range. From the dressing area two mirrored sliding pocket doors allow access to the now spacious bathroom that features a walk-in toilet room, a walk-in shower, a double vanity unit and sinks and a freestanding bath. The design is kept very light. Cream porcelain tiles from Marca Corona for durability were used on the floor with white marble tiles and mosaics from Fired Earth cover most of the walls. The wall behind the bath was only painted to allow the use and changing of Art without damaging
The double basin stand is a bespoke
walls. The toilet enclosure is entirely clad in
designed by TG Studio and built by the
Oak timber and links to the entrance guest
contractors Amirilan. The client agreed to
wc. Lit marble niches are recessed into the
use a wonderful lilac spray finish exuding
walls to allow for storage.
modern contemporary luxury. The clients are thrilled with the end result and feel and are now really enjoying their London pied d’terre. Photography: Philip Vile
THE LATEST LUXURY INTERIORS TREND WITH JULIETTES INTERIORS Offering an array of soft and sumptuous home furnishings and elegant accessories, luxury interiors brand Juliettes Interiors provides homeowners and designers with a vast
With the desire for soft nature-inspired neutrals on the rise, Founder & Director of Juliettes Interiors, Juliette Thomas takes a look at how to incorporate these elegant shades into the upmarket home.
array of superior homeware to create
“Sometimes, to find the perfect colour
sophisticated on-trend abodes.
palette all you need to do is look at nature. Pairing naturally warming hues and rich colour palettes inspired by the natural world can really give a home a down to earth aura, whilst still being interesting and inviting.” “Natural wood furniture, brass fixtures and warm decorative rugs are great examples of how to bring the full colour palette to life. Working in perfect harmony, bring in elements of caramel, earthy browns, autumnal orange hues and soft neutral beiges to create interest in the space.” “When decorating with earthen hues, lighting is essential to bring in an added element of warmth. Simply adorn your interior with plenty of lamps with soft yellow bulbs and cosy fur throws for an elegant touch of cosiness that exudes luxury.” “Complete the look by combining a mixture of materials, from lacquered finishes and velvet sofas to suede chairs and quilted accessories, to tie the scheme together and add depth to the interior.” From offering one-off bespoke, made-toorder furniture pieces to full interior design management, Juliettes Interiors ensures the very finest interior solutions are created to suit the desires of its clients. As an established member of the British Institute of Interior Design, the highly qualified team is on hand every step of the way to service project briefs of all types.
British sculptor Halima Cassell MBE joined IP Surfaces at the Surface Design Show at London’s Business Design Centre, to highlight their collaboration. Halima discussed her use of strong geometric elements and recurrent patterns and how she combined these with architectural principles to create a dynamic sense of movement. IP Surface’s innovative use of materials and world-class embellishment techniques ensures that any space, external or internal, uses lighting and textures to create a dramatic environment.
TO FIND OUT MORE VISIT: IPSURFACES.CO.UK/COLLABORATION IP Surfaces Ltd. Telephone: 0333 344 1691. Email:
The bedroom turned out to be very theatrical, with a large sitting area and a cube clothes room that resembles a dressing room. We built it on purpose to hide all things here and free space up from unnecessary details as much as possible. The space in the kitchen-living room has Color isn’t something to be afraid of. Bright
As our customers gave us freedom, the
colors fill our lives with emotions.
project was implemented without any special requirements and restrictions,
Rich blue and noble maroon colors have
except for the budget. If you live in the
become the leitmotifs of the Musician’s
same environment all the time, you will
get stuck and bored. Therefore, we tried
Something special can be created even using simple materials as a play of colors, texture and rhythm of tiles, rare musical instruments, ceramics and decor.
to avoid stagnation, using unusual shades and trying to leverage them somehow giving the dynamics to the interiors.
become quite free, we have hidden the refrigerator, there is a lot of cupboards and shelves. The color of the kitchen is called “Silk stone” – a very beautiful calm color that plays interesting shades at different times of the day. Bright green Svartisen chairs add emotion to the calm graphite background and complement the overall picture with the mood of Northern Scandinavian design, turning out stylish and functional.
Website: | Instagram: @juliabaydyk Photographer: Andrey Avdeenko
Vicaima unveils the trends that will shape the interior design sector in 2022, reinforcing the importance of the personalisation factor in each project.
VICAIMA AT THE FOREFRONT OF DÉCOR TRENDS FOR 2022 The beginning of another year symbolises the closing of cycles and the beginning of others, making room for growth, change and progress. 2022 invites us to open doors and appreciate the light and Nature that surrounds us, bringing fragments of these elements into the interior, without neglecting the importance of imagination and resilience that characterised last year’s trends. Vicaima shares the innovations that will dominate the interior design sector throughout 2022, demonstrating that it is possible to follow trends and integrate them into different projects in a customised way.
A trend originating in 2021, the
incorporation of natural elements in decoration will gain even more prominence this year, being present in colour palettes, textures and decorative elements.
Nature-inspired materials and textures create holistic and relaxing environments that promote well-being. For those that love the visual effect of wood and want to break free from the limitations of the species or shade, the Naturdor® Vision range of finishes is an excellent option, as it brings together wood veneer and the use of technology, allowing you to explore new dimensions of tone and design. Vicaima’s Naturdor® Stained Extra finishes also present innovative possibilities
In 2022, the production and use of raw
interior spaces, being particularly trendy in
Pantone’s colour of the year for 2022 is
Hospitality projects, where the creation of
Very Peri, a violet shade that combines
Vicaima, as an environmentally conscious
cosy environments is a must.
the constancy of blue with the energy of
for interior projects, through the use of natural wood veneer with striped veining, available in various tones. Wooden panels will also be protagonists as they bring the warmth and comfort of Nature into
red. The shade chosen for next year also symbolises a new stage, as for the first
time Pantone created a brand-new colour instead of choosing an existing one. The tone integrates in perfect harmony within the huge palette of Vicaima’s Naturdor, Dekordor and Lacdor range of finishes,
In these past couple of years, society was
capable of giving subtlety to the spaces
forced to rediscover spaces, making them
that include this new fashionable tone.
materials obtained in an environmentally responsible way will be in the spotlight. This together with product durability being another major customer concern.
manufacturer, promotes the use of technologies and raw materials that minimise environmental impact. All of Vicaima’s products are available with FSC® certification, an entity which ensures that the raw materials come from responsibly managed forests. Vicaima also makes sure that wood waste resulting from production is reused and recycled. Vicaima, national leader and one of the
multi-purpose. In 2022, professionals in
biggest European players in the production
the sector will be challenged to design
of avant-garde solutions for interior and
multifunctional rooms, not out of necessity, but because there has been an adaptation of lifestyles. Minimalism has never been so present, showing that little can become
much. For the new generation that favours
technical doors, wardrobes, panels and furniture pieces, works continuously to bring innovation and respond to the 2022 trends and market demands with distinctive, modern and elegant
simplicity without neglecting the design
The theme of Sustainability remains firmly
solutions. The mission to be constantly
component, the “EX70” door collection
on the media’s agenda, due to the fact that
at the forefront of design remains,
from Vicaima’s Exclusive line may be the
it is increasingly relevant for the current
along with the search for increasingly
ideal choice. This collection stands out for
generation of consumers. The responsible
sustainable solutions that mirror a robust
its elegant design and geometric patterns
use of raw materials is a growing concern,
environmental responsibility.
and is available in 5 contemporary models
especially with increased exposure to
that create a dramatic and luxurious style
climate change, influencing the way in
in any environment.
which we buy and produce.
For further details telephone 01793 532333 or visit
SUMMER READY SALE SAVE UPTO £1,500 ON EXTERNAL SHADING LOUVERED ROOFS | PATIO AWNINGS | EXTERNAL BLINDS From outdoor living to solar shading, we’ve got you covered, whatever the weather. Proudly UK Manufactured Since 1987.
rue t e om c s m making drea
Bringing timeless elegance outdoors, FBC London has launched its latest furniture collection – handcrafted for city, country, beach, ski and yacht living.
FBC LONDON LAUNCHES TIMELESS NEW OUTDOOR COLLECTION WHERE CONTEMPORARY CRAFTSMANSHIP MEETS DURABLE MATERIALITY This unique new collection, by award-winning interior designer Fiona Barratt Campbell, has been created with durability and practicality in mind and each individual piece reflects FBC London’s commitment to craft in the modern age. Inspired by the movement of textures, colours and patterns found in nature, the quality, time and creativity that has been invested in each and every piece is evident. A versatile collection, many of the existing families of furniture are now available for both indoor and outdoor use, such as the very popular Sol collection, Edesia dining chairs,
Having noticed a shift in demand over
the evolution of Fiona’s style over the
the past two years for usable luxurious
years. The more delicate materiality and
outdoor living spaces - and following
brighter colourways are representative of
a series of successful indoor collection
warmer climes and lighter summer months
launches at FBC London - the high-end
although a bronze finish is also available
furniture brand has adapted the materiality
as standard. All furniture is exclusively
of several existing pieces to create the
manufactured in the UK and Europe, often
new outdoor offering where distinctive
by hand, and every piece can be fully
finishes have not been compromised. Each
customised. Prices start from £990. To
piece has been constructed using high
download the full FBC London Lookbook,
performance materials made to withstand
please click here For a video showcasing
outdoor climates. Known traditionally
some of the new collection click here For
for creating highly textured furniture, this
more information please contact Ebury
collection by FBC London is much lighter,
both in colour and style, and respects
Roman and evolution side tables. New pieces include upholstered sofas, dining tables and chairs, armchairs, ottomans, side tables and loungers, all of which can be customised if required. “Our intention with FBC London as a brand is to create antiques of the future, and that can now extend to fully furnishing outdoor living areas too. Lockdown in the UK played a huge part in the decision to expand our existing indoor ranges to be suitable for outdoor entertaining. Our gardens, terraces and balconies became multi-functional, doubling up in some cases as home offices, gyms, yoga studios and dining spaces, and so the barriers between indoor and outdoor have become seamless. Tried and tested in my own garden with friends and family last summer, our new outdoor range allows you to entertain al-fresco all year round.” Says Fiona Barratt Campbell.
PROVIDING HEALTH AND WELLBEING THROUGH EXCEPTIONAL POOLS, SPAS AND WELLNESS ROOMS Buckingham Pools has provided leisure and pool solutions throughout the UK for over fifty years. And the same dedication to exemplary customer service, unique design features, state of the art technology and attention to detail is applied to each project.
From Olympic size competition and school pools to luxury and boutique hotels: and from country manors to City Centre townhouses: size does not dictate the level of service received from this team. Founded by J K Buckingham (inventor of the engines powering the 746 cc cyclecar and the 1492 cc V-twin-engine light car; and also the tracer bullet!): the company’s
room of a prestigious Grade
future is now guided by an energetic, highly
11 listed North London family
experienced and proactive team. They work
home. The open design would
in partnership with some of the UK’s most
have you believe you are a far cry
prominent architects and construction
from a city location. It is part of
companies to bring every project to life and
the most incredible architectural
achieve the highest standards.
concept featuring many bespoke elements: such as seamlessly
Paul Walton-Collet, MD says: “Our industry
integrated glass walls encasing
expertise and excellent reputation,
the vitality pool, resulting in a
spanning fifty years, has resulted in our
luxurious, stylish pool design.
involvement in some of the most talked-
luxury swimming pool installed was one of
about pools, spas and wellness room
The pool itself features unique elements
the best decisions we have made and using
installations in the UK.“
too. In particular, massage jets - essential
Buckingham Swimming Pools was the second!
after a long, hard day. And the integral
We use the pool on a daily basis and can
The Buckingham Pools portfolio is
swimming jets allow a full ‘Olympic pool
wind down from a long day in the office to the
overflowing with impressive examples to
workout’ in a residential size pool. This
soothing colours and relaxing atmosphere of
back up that statement. It demonstrates
project falls firmly in the category of ‘you
gentle lighting and the mellow ripple of water.”
their wealth of experience delivering
have to see it to believe it’.
projects that feature truly unique and exquisite designs and state of the art
If you need a further recommendation,
the proud owners were delighted with the result and said:
For example, the images on the right show a stunning project located in the basement
*“…I can honestly say, having an indoor
*Name withheld for privacy but available on request
BUCKINGHAM POOLS Buckingham Pools is renowned for its award-winning swimming pool Design and Build using state-of-the-art technology and advanced engineering systems. Excelling at all types of pools, spas and wellness complex installations nationwide, they are known to consistently be one of the most unrivalled choices for innovative, fit-for-purpose facilities. Their industry-leading expertise and partnerships with some of the UK’s most distinguished high-end developers, architectural firms and main contractors both contribute to their impressive portfolio in commercial and residential projects to date. The in-house specialists have built an exceptional reputation for bringing bespoke concepts to life in prestigious addresses in the UK with truly unparalleled, cutting-edge features. Interested in a stunning pool or wellness suite at the heart of your home? Delivering specialist services for over 50 years, you will be in good hands and part of a collaborative process with Buckingham Pools to enjoy a high standard finish, the perfect luxury statement for your home! 01926 852351
Marketa Rypacek Managing Director, Industville Ltd
1. How do you first approach a
To accomplish a warm, welcoming room,
Think about the function of the room and
lighting design brief? What are the
you need to embrace the whole range of
how you could enhance or compliment it.
key considerations when working on a
lighting sources available, pendant lights,
Would you like warm lighting to create a
lighting design brief?
recessed lights, chandeliers, track lighting,
cosy environment in your bedroom, or a
tall floor lamps, small table lamps, wall
cooler gallery style lighting for kitchens and
All too often with interior design, the
sconces, under cabinet lighting, and other
work rooms? Would you like the lighting
lighting is an afterthought, but it is
spot lighting. I always advise customers
to wash the wall in a decorative fashion or
important to do your research and invest
to vary the lighting in a room to create
do you need focused task lighting over a
in quality lighting. The material the lights
little pockets and pools of light. Consider
countertop or desk space? In a kitchen for
are made from makes a big difference, so
task lighting such as a table lamp with a
example, you will need to consider where
avoid plastic finishes as these will devalue
moveable head or an adjustable floor lamp
you will be preparing food and cooking
the whole look of the interior. Choose
to help with activities such as reading or
whereas in a bathroom, extra lighting for
handcrafted, high-quality fixtures that will
working. Accent lighting can then be used
daily tasks such as applying makeup or
bring an extra touch of luxury and add
to highlight a piece of artwork, plants or
shaving, will require additional thought.
some texture to the space too.
architectural features in the room.
Different functions will demand different
types of lighting. If budget allows, I always
their personality, and this is particularly
complement any interior style – classic,
advise to set the lighting controls to work
true in their interior design choices. When
contemporary, Scandi, mid-century,
independently of each other based on their
considering the lighting within the home
industrial and everything in between; it’s
task in one room.
or commercial setting, customers want
like a piece of jewellery that enriches and
something that feels truly unique to them
blends seamlessly within any décor.
and to be involved in the design itself. I 2. How has sustainability changed lighting design? Socioeconomic factors continue to influence consumer choices and hence the buying process. Instead of buying constantly low priced and low-quality goods, customers are searching for products for their home that will last longer, which do not hurt the environment and that they are proud to own. As a lighting designer and manufacturer, sustainability is at the core of what we do. We only use natural, raw metals for all of our lights (pewter, brass and copper), reducing the reliance on plastic and other chemicals. Keeping to this simple but effective formula not only ensures easy mixing and matching across our entire range, but also allows us to have comprehensive control over quality and sustainability.
3. Are you seeing a particular trend for any type of lighting products when working on a design? Statement lighting is having a moment, with oversized pendant lights providing the focal point for wow factor interiors. We are finding that customers are knowledgeable about interiors and what they want to achieve from the space in which they live. Customers want products that reflect
have noticed a particular trend for matt black lighting, either used alone or with a copper or brass combination for a hint of metallic luxe. The latest trend combines the raw and rustic, with the sleek and modern. This transition freshens up the signature industrial aesthetic, providing an excellent opportunity for creative expression. Matt black designs are ultra-versatile and can
4. What are your predictions for the next big trends in lighting design? I believe the next big trend for 2022 is bold bespoke lighting. We’ve seen an increase in customers wanting to create statement pieces that reflect their own tastes and so it is likely that this will continue into 2022.
Spending so much time at home during the
likely to see more of. Minimalistic, Nordic
where you can feel restful and at peace.
pandemic inspired people to invest more
style is also likely to be big in lighting
Sculptural lighting is likely to take centre
in their own surroundings and gave them
next year. Lighting is key in creating an
stage with materials such as brass and clear
the opportunity to focus on their décor. I
atmosphere and the Hygge look is all about
glass being used to create a soft, warm
think the pandemic also made people think
creating a warm and welcoming space
glow or even a more playful atmosphere.
more about how much we waste bringing sustainability to the forefront of our minds, custom-made lighting pieces made from sustainable materials have a quality, handmade feel and are something we are
020 7971 7871 |
GIESSE LIGHT SRL Producers and distributors of indoor and outdoor lamps in treated brass and stainless steel
GIESSE LIGHT SRL UNIPERSONALE PIAZZA VECCHIA FILANDA N.9, 24060 – PREDORE (BG) ITALY Tel: +39.035 938573 | Fax: +39.035 923721 | Email: |
INSIDE A TRENDY LIGHTING COLLECTION Cobermaster Concept developed a lighting
Lighting is one of the most important
line that challenges the pre-defined
elements of a decoration project.
concept of lamp, designing irreverent, bold
While it’s true that strategically placed
and simultaneously practical and effective
pieces of furniture create the perfect
pieces from the lighting point of view.
setting, lighting is undoubtedly the final touch of interior design and a factor to take into account when
designing the ambience.
Floor lamps are great for recreating reading
This component is essential to create
spaces and lighting up armchairs or
ambience and functionality to the different spaces so that they benefit from the fluidity and harmony of the design.
sofa corners. Origin and Studio are great Studio
examples of this range.
The high degree of technical complexity and the highly innovative design make these pieces authentic works of art. At Origin it is still possible to see the beauty of the deconstruction of the threedimensional railing, in a piece that keeps know-how and some manufacturing secrets.
CASE Table lamps make evenings more cozy and inviting, while increasing the brightness of prominent spaces. The Case, Bulldog and Prism were designed to enhance any type of environment, from the most industrial and modern to the most luxurious, providing a warm and comfortable light. Simple and irreverent, Studio
these lamps are designed to give that final touch to a console or sideboard, making each space unique and sophisticated.
DISFORM These lamps are essential, since they are responsible for the wide distribution of light throughout the room, and are also an extension of the decoration of the environment. Disform was thought and conceived with the aim of giving an exclusive shape and volume to the lighting itself. The three-dimensional grid allows the creation of complex but elegant lines at the same time.
CASADISAGNE is a French manufacturer of high quality interior decorative lightings : table lamps, floor lamps, wall lights, ceiling lights, which was founded in 1997. Since more than 20 years, we design and manufacture our products in France, in our workshop located in Provence, near Avignon. Our lightings are made in brass, a noble material, and a guaranty of elegance and quality. Casadisagne combines noble materials and traditional technics to make quality its top priority. Specialized in brass work, the expertise of Casadisagne optimizes the brass qualities, and then allows any creativeness. The Casadisagne’s speciality is handmade patina, slowly revealing all the nuances of brass and in particular the depth of the material. Black or matt gold, patina are obtained through the traditional techniques of oxidation, dyeing and waxing. Casadisagne style is definitely elegant, refined, contemporary and timeless. The creations are mainly made in-house, in order to give a strong consistency with style and image. Occasionally, some creations are made by external designers. They have been designed to decorate and lighten with elegance and discretion all kinds of interiors, whether classical, contemporary or modern. Our broad collections allows us to meet all expectations : lighting an office, a bedroom, an entrance, or screenind a living room.
Made in France Fabrication française
Originally a former farmhouse, the Little Dinnabroad house situated on the Cornish coast recently underwent a stunning renovation into the ultimate eclectic home in the hills.
THE LITTLE DINNABROAD PROJECT WITH AMOS LIGHTING This highly sustainable property has been moulded into a picturesque south-facing grassland setting, providing the perfect location for those beginning a new life in the countryside. The interior exudes a spacious and functional appeal that comprises luxurious sofas, giant entertainment areas and cool collectables, showcasing a mix of different décor styles. Accentuating the rooms throughout the home, Amos Lighting was commissioned to create a bespoke lighting scheme, illuminating each area and breathing life back into the property.
Across the main living room area, the stunning black mesh hanging pendant designs from the Moooi range have been used in a grouping over the central coffee table, leaving an inviting appeal that lights up the whole room. The guest room offsets a neutral boho vibe, using soft white furnishings, wicker accessories, wood details and a stunning hanging fringed lamp from the Amos Lighting range for added character. The master bedroom embraces more luxury details with velvet accessories, deep-buttoned furnishings and rod pendant lights placed over the bedside tables for extra ambiance.
Designs from the Tom Dixon, Original BTC and DCW ranges have also been used across the garden, indoor pool and games room adding the perfect mood for entertaining friends and family all year round. With help from the Amos Lighting range, this property now has creative flair and artistic illuminations that form a seamless and uninterrupted flow of light – leaving a breathtaking appearance from any angle.
WOKA LAMPS VIENNA® is a Viennabased Manufacturer of Iconic 20th Century Lighting Design. Lovers of iconic lamps from the early 20th century were for decades deprived of the possibility of owning some of the most striking pieces by the Wiener Werkstaette and the Bauhaus, which had long fallen out of production.
WOKA The designers whose work WOKA is
On request all antiques and pieces of arts
Outstanding pioneers of this movement
licensed to produce read like a who’s who
are delivered with an expertise made out by
were, as mentioned above, the designers
of the Vienna design pantheon. In addition
a certified appraiser for art and antiques on
Otto Wagner, Josef Hoffmann and Kolo
to Hoffmann and Koloman (Kolo) Moser,
the commercial court in Vienna.
Moser in conjunction with members of
the manufacturer has reissued striking
the "Wiener Werkstaette", an organization
table, ceiling, wall and floor lamps, as well
WOKA LAMPS VIENNA® presents in its
where the best craftsmen an most
as chandelier pieces, by the likes of Adolf
Showroom in the centre of the city of
distinguished designers of the period
Loos, Otto Wagner and Carl Witzmann.
Vienna and on our website the complete
worked in collaboration.
collection of the lamps designed by Josef A collection of very rare antiques of the
Hoffmann, Adolf Loos and other leading
early 20th century as well as a large
architects of the first part of the 20th
collection of chandeliers from the 18th
century Lamp-designs of the second part of
century until the 1960s is completing the
the 20th century up to today’s creativity.
business of the WOKA GALLERY.
CONTACT WOKA LAMPS VIENNA Wolfgang Karolinsky e.U. Singerstraße 16, 1010 Vienna, Austria | Phone: +43 1 5132912 |
FRENCH SAVOIR-FAIRE THAT BRINGS ANY CULINARY DREAM TO LIFE Established in France in 1908, La Cornue ( is renowned for its superbly crafted range cookers. A combination of exceptional performance, authenticity and versatility ensures that La Cornue range cookers are ideal for passionate home cooks with a love of fine food, conviviality and a touch of culinary theatre.
The La Cornue brand is also a popular choice among the world’s leading chefs for their personal kitchens. Already available in several locations throughout the UK, La Cornue has recently launched a spacious showroom in the centre of Harrogate. The new showroom – which is La Cornue’s first joint UK
showroom with sister brand AGA – offers an unrivalled shopping experience for anyone
including stainless steel, brass and copper),
and the Flamberge rôtisserie, cooker
looking for an expertly designed range
hoods and cabinetry – is created with
cooker. Knowledgable staff are on-hand to
uncompromising attention to detail, quality
discuss projects of all sizes, from selecting
and savoir-faire.
the perfect range cooker to designing made-to-measure cabinetry in La Cornue’s
The perfect choice for contemporary and
distinctive enamel finishes, and choosing
traditional kitchens alike, La Cornue aims
beautifully made accessories.
to bring any culinary dream to life, offering
Ovens are the cornerstone of La Cornue’s
craftsmanship, performance and
expertise, and the brand offers customers
refinement. As with the Château collection,
a host of options. The prestigious Château
customers can specify a cooker that
collection features a patented vaulted
meets their needs, choosing everything
oven design inspired by the arched tunnels
from cooktops to colours and trims. The
of the Paris metro. This unique shape
design team at La Cornue can also work
allows air to circulate naturally and evenly,
with clients to create bespoke cookers
locking in cooking juices and intensifying
and cabinetry tailored to any culinary
flavours. Handmade in France from the
requirement. Every element – from high-
finest materials, the Château collection is
performance gas and electric cook tops
available in more than 8,000 configurations,
with the option of teppanyaki and lava-
ensuring that there’s a Château cooker for
rock grills, to distinctive enamel finishes
any style and colour of kitchen.
and metal trims (select from options
everything a discerning cook could need. It’s no surprise that La Cornue’s customers have always been the brand’s best ambassadors.
The CornuFé collection makes the French art de vivre widely accessible and showcases the brand’s exceptional | @lacornueofficial
For more information and distributor details please visit or contact us at Find more kitchen inspiration on Instagram @lacornueofficial.
Occhio’s new black phantom finish stirs emotion through its dark elegance. The brushed finish with metallic depth gives new expression to luminaires and spotlights while setting commanding accents in interior spaces. The new finish is now available for all Occhio luminaire series.
The exquisite new finish black phantom will appeal to all those who love purist design and the expressive power of the colour black, yet do not want to sacrifice elegance. With its metallic depth and refined brushed sheen, the new finish injects a compelling accent into the living spaces where it appears while also harmonizing with these spaces. The finish is produced using high-temperature anodizing, a complex aluminium-refining process. The process ensures the finish has exceptional scratch and wear resistance, is easy to maintain, and does not tarnish or oxidise. Black phantom is now available for all Occhio lighting series.
OCCHIO – THE COMPANY Occhio stands for exceptional design, unique light quality and the highestpossible ‚joy of use‘ - and thus for a new culture of light. Established by Axel Meise in 1999, Occhio was based on a simple yet revolutionary idea: creating a luminaire system that is consistent in design and light quality, offers an optimal solution to meet every room need – and turns people into the lighting designers of their own space. Offering universal designs and quality light, Occhio connects spaces and enables entire buildings to be designed with the highestpossible quality of light – in both private and commercial areas.
Today, Occhio is one of the most innovative and fastest-growing companies in the industry. It has evolved from a German design icon into an international luxury brand. With its headquarters in the heart of Munich, Occhio now employs more than 240 people. Its European sales are channelled through premium speciality lighting retailers and the company’s flagship stores in Munich, Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Copenhagen and Milan – as well as in Shanghai since January 2022.
Find more information about Occhio at
Designers, Artists, Storytellers.
Virserius Studio is a multidisciplinary team of designers, artists, and storytellers. We draw from our diverse backgrounds in interior architecture, business, fashion, and the fine arts to create unexpected hospitality experiences that bring joy to guests and deliver exceptional results for our clients.
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THE BIGGEST LUXURY INTERIOR TRENDS FOR SPRING/SUMMER Celebrity Interior Designer Sanel Konyar and Founder of Interior Kollection, a luxury online interiors emporium, shares five of the biggest luxury interiors trends for this season.
MINDFUL INTERIORS My passion is creating interiors that are not just beautiful but also comfortable and practical. We don’t change our interiors daily so we need it to be timeless and super comfortable, making our homes a true sanctuary. My design principles always lean towards creating a home that offers a peaceful, tranquil environment that flows with ease throughout, and 2022 is the year of the mindful home! Our clients want to elevate their homes to create experiences they would have pre-pandemic sought away from home. We are now creating luxury home spa environments, yoga and meditation rooms, home cinemas, opulent dining experiences and executive office spaces that harmonise function with beautiful, thoughtful design.
competitive price point. Keeping your
GLAM WALLS Dressing plain walls is a prominent interior trend right now. Bold and eye-catching wallpaper is very in vogue right now but not always possible to undertake in a rented home or period property. However, an alternative to wallpapering to add equal interest to a plain wall is to use large framed artwork. Choose prints and textile art showcased by a plain wall backdrop. Textural art is a huge trend this year,
bathroom furniture minimalist and storing away everyday items to keep it clutter-free and allowing for more space to showcase your luxury bath products adds to this look. Soaking tubs, hot tubs and baths with whirlpools are all trending when elevating the home spa experience. Walk in showers and ‘raindance’ showers with heated flooring are the ultimate 2022 luxury for the home. Tick the whole trend or take elements that work for your home and budget.
inspired by nature. Antique mirror panels are huge in luxury interiors and one of my
favourite combinations is teaming textural wallpaper with an oversized antique mirror,
The trend to bring the outside indoors
this creates a really luxe finish.
is undoubtedly a strong movement we have seen grow within interiors since the Pandemic started as people confined to
their homes during lockdown came to appreciate the tranquillity that fauna and
2022 is all about the spathroom! A spa-like
flora in the house can bring. This trend
bathroom is no longer the preference
to bring nature inside has seen a boom
of those who live in mansions. Even
in earthy colour tones, natural fabrics
modest-sized bathrooms can elevate
and an explosion in ‘garden rooms’.
their bathroom to embrace this welcome
Bathrooms have also become more than
trend. Marble is the preferred choice for
just a functional space; they have also
those with large budgets but choosing
become a place for relaxation. Whether it’s
natural stone mimics this look at a more
wetrooms or freestanding baths, the desire to share your bathroom with greenery has commanded both hanging and floor to
ceiling planting to create an oasis of calm.
Bold colour and pattern are trending for 2022. From soft furnishings, accessories, furniture, art and wallpaper, big and bold are on trend this year. Whether you choose a neutral base palette and add accents to highlight this trend or go all out on this interior movement, tropical, geometric, and retrospective are significant themes for the stylish home this year.
The Tojo Möbel GmbH is a dynamic,
Benefit also from these bestsellers and the minimalist products, which bribe by
innovative company that was founded in
characterize simple elegance and superior functionality.
June 2000. The aim is to create furniture with alongside timeless design which
By working with various young designers Tojo could expand constantly.
distinguish them from its functionality,
For innovation and attractive design, the products were awarded with several design
ecology and economy. The sales success
and innovation awards and nominations.“
of the design-oriented and award-winning products at affordable prices shows that the Tojo Furniture Co reflects the times. |
Innovation is our drive
Design Furniture The Tojo Möbel GmbH is a dynamic, innovative company that was founded in June 2000. The aim is to create furniture with alongside timeless design which distinguish them from its functionality, ecology and economy. The sales success of the design-oriented and award-winning products at affordable prices shows that the Tojo Furniture Co reflects the times.
The stunning Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens, nestled in the heart of West Sussex, now boasts accommodation in the form of 10 individually designed exquisite bedrooms, alongside its Michelin-starred Restaurant Interlude.
AT LEONARDSLEE LAKES & GARDENS Overseen by the Johnston Parke Interiors
from an original domed atrium and with
and Fowler and Christopher Farr (Classic
and architects Gould Baxter, the bedrooms
magnificent views of the 240-acre estate
are located within the main Leonardslee
– each individually designed, luxurious
House – a Grade II listed, 19th century
bedroom features the fabric and wallpaper
The focus is on artisan composition and
Italianate mansion and their arrival allow
style of a quintessential British interior
sustainability, antiques sourced to reduce
guests to enjoy the full Leonardslee
design house. Designers include Lewis
environmental impact and furniture
experience, from exploring the expansive
and Wood (Deluxe Magnolia Suite); Penny
commissioned from suppliers who make
estate through to the tasting menu at
Morrison, Veere Grenney and GP J Baker
their products in the UK. These include
Restaurant Interlude.
(Superior Rooms); Sanderson and Soane
David Seyfried for upholstery, Hypnos for
Britain (Superior Classic Rooms), and Nina
beds, BTC Original for lighting, as well as
Campbell, Rapture and Wright, Colefax
Edward Bulmer and Farrow and Ball for
Accessed by a magnificent hallway and galleried landing – bathed in natural light
The elegant and spacious Magnolia Suite, accessed via arched doors off the galleried landing, features pastel blue and pink wallpapers and fabrics from Lewis and Wood, with teal velvet cushions and soft furnishings bringing pops of bright colour to the space. The largest bedroom and only suite, it has a separate sitting room with plush armchair and sofa. The room contains many of the original features with marble fireplaces, elaborate cornicing, and window shutters, alongside Calacatta marble-clad bathrooms with antique chandeliers and a classic double vanity from Catchpole and Rye. The delicate wallpaper ‘Bella’ in the bedroom is one of four designs in Lewis and Woods Voysey collection, based on original drawings by the Edwardian architect and textile designer C.F.A Voysey, and is hand printed in the UK with the permission of the V&A. The sitting room wallpaper ‘Indienne Tint’ is a pretty panel design, painted by Parisian textile designer, Serge Maury and based on the 18th century chintzes from the Coromandel Coast in Southern India. Other opulent rooms, all with soaring ceilings and grand views of the estate, take guests back to a bygone era of country house interiors with beautiful décor, stunning attention to detail and striking bathrooms featuring dramatic veined Calcatta Viola marble and freestanding nickel baths for a touch of old school British glamour.
Estate owner and award-winning entrepreneur Penny Streeter
The design concept was to make an immersive experience for
OBE says, “We’re delighted to see the launch of the new
guests and appointing renowned British designers, was key in
accommodation as it allows visitors from afar to stay and enjoy the
delivering my vision.”
full Leonardslee experience – from the beautiful gardens to classic afternoon tea and wine tastings and dinner at Michelin-starred Restaurant Interlude.
INTRODUCING THE NEW ULTRAMARINE SURFACE FROM STARON Inject a pop of vibrant colour into interiors and create a space that makes impact upon entry with renowned solid surface brand, Staron’s new Ultramarine hue. Adding depth and dramatic style to kitchens, bathrooms, workspaces, bars and restaurants, the decadently deep blue and on-trend shade is guaranteed to add a stylish touch to spaces wherever it is used. For a striking look, pair Ultramarine surfaces with a contrasting white surface and gold accessories for a visually appealing aesthetic. For a dramatic effect, ideal for bars and nightclubs, combine with chrome barware for a moody atmosphere designed to attract visitors. Ideal for projects great or small, Staron’s unique process of thermoforming provides homeowners, designers and specifiers with the opportunity to be incredibly creative. The super-malleable award-winning surfaces are an extremely hygienic, durable and practical choice for a multitude of applications.
A REGAL RESIDENCE BY THE RIVER WITH HAVWOODS The design brief was to maintain character whilst delicately introducing modern touches through minimalist décor and the exposed wooden window frames. To complete the space and provide the perfect finishing touch, Havwoods was specified to provide herringbone flooring that would contribute to the overall flow of the property.
With outstanding views overlooking the River Dee and stunning Welsh coastline, Abbotsford is the epitome of residential luxury. This impressive detached period property recently underwent a substantial renovation and extension to reconfigure its internal layout undertaken by Mark Watson Architects.
The Cocoa Herringbone from the V Collection was chosen for its traditional yet contemporary appeal, perfectly complementing the features of the house. Its popular and on-trend design, rich wooden hues and intricate pattern beautifully reflect the natural light from the hallway of the property. Combined with the stunning views of the countryside from the floor-to-ceiling windows, the natural flooring truly helps bring the outdoors inside. Complemented by soft, grey walls and matt black accents on the doors and furniture, the planks help to tie the entire scheme together resulting in a warm and welcoming home.
Renowned as an industry leader, innovation and aesthetics are pivotal when it comes to designing an interior scheme. Havwoods has continued to stay ahead of the trends by providing consumers with cutting-edge wood floor solutions that deliver on both functionality and style. Photographer: David Butler
CONCRETE OIL Makes Concrete Stain Resistant 610 Satin
Natural Ingredients Highly water repellent Protects against dirt & wear Enhances the natural surface
SILICATE MASONRY PAINT FOR ALL SURFACES A newly formulated Bonding Primer from Earthborn can now be used alongside Silicate Masonry Paint for exterior masonry surfaces that do not need to breathe. Bonding Primer provides a mechanical bond between a ‘sealed’ wall and the paint, allowing Silicate Masonry Paint to ‘stick’ to the pre painted surface. And in places where there is a mix of painted and unpainted masonry, you can now spot prime the patches where the previous paint cannot be removed with Bonding Primer and prime the rest of the unpainted area with Silicate Primer.
The updated Earthborn product range means that Silicate Primer used on uncoated masonry with Silicate Masonry Paint will create a highly breathable and permanent chemical bond. This new primer means the 48 beautiful shades can be used on an even wider range of buildings, including those with a mix of previously painted and bare masonry.
The gap between interior design in the UK and interior design in Dubai is mainly down to materials. In the UK and throughout Europe, we benefit from a raft of artisan producers, exceptional craftsmen and woman and of course, high quality materials which can be naturally sourced.
The Dubai property market is blossoming again with many European expats choosing to make it their home away from home. With this sudden influx of Europeans comes the need for a more rounded approach to design, combining the elegance and mystery of Dubai with European interior design trends, handmade and crafted bespoke furniture items, and luxury fixtures and finishes that are from international artisan producers. The provenance of the design is matched by the exceptional levels of finish warranted by the European market. The blend of countries and their wants and needs are all different, from rich earthy colour palettes of Spain to the natural woods, tones and materials of Scandinavia. The one thing that ties all of Europe, and the UK together, is the quality of the materials used to create these unique finishes.
The technical detail needed to deliver these stand out finishes is a constant challenge especially as artisan makers retire. Much of what you find in the local interiors offering in Dubai is imported, however, programmes like QUEST in the UK ensure that young artisans are recognised and their talent nurtured. We are fortunate in Europe to have access to a vast array of craftspeople keen to deliver projects that highlight the tremendous talent found across Europe and bring this offering to the Dubai market. This skills shortage is becoming more and more apparent with some artisan and bespoke manufactures not wanting to commit to the move needed to become ingrained in the Dubai interiors world. Although everything is imported in Dubai, the companies and skilled staff need to be on the ground, working, living and doing business in the region to really be able to deliver what is required. With very few companies willing to do this, there’s a real gap for those suppliers that could do exceptionally well. While shops and cafes are starting to move towards a more western European style with lots of wood, neutral and industrial finishes, the hotels are still playing catch up. Forward thinking groups like the Dorchester are starting to make headway bringing in new designs which reflect the new trends as well as bespoke furniture that caters to the European market. Dubai is a city full of inspiration and London is fast catching up with the luxury apartment style living on offer across the UAE, through the installation of high end ultra-luxury apartment blocks which
With Dubai being a market leader in opulence and luxury
seamlessly blend UK quality with Dubai style.
living, we’re starting to see a transition into a greater depth of craftsmanship that will only continue to grow in the forthcoming years. As Dubai gains access to a better choice of materials, finishes and most importantly, the talent to install and curate them into the design, the future of interiors in Dubai looks bright. The market, and the consumer, is ready for the next stage of Dubai design. It is certainly an exciting time for interiors in Dubai, and in 2022 we will begin to see the high-end European ‘look’ curated in an elegant manner which will complement the ultramodern architecture found in this fabulous country.
The ultimate luxury is taking time to unwind in a bed so comfortable that you never want to leave. The quality of our sleep defines our day – and a good night will always lead to happier, more productive and successful waking hours. But how to achieve it?
BY SWEDISH NATURE UNWIND WITH CARPE DIEM BEDS When designing a bedroom, there are lots of factors to consider – lighting, temperature, colours. But most important is, of course, the bed itself. Swedish bed company Carpe Diem Beds was founded in 1995 by chiropractor Börje Thuleskär, a firm believer in the importance of sleep for body and mind. He sought out the best mattress on the market, but wasn’t impressed by it and one day fell asleep on a bed of heather by the sea in Sweden – where he realised that nature contoured to his body far better than any bed ever had.
This led him to embark on a quest to build the perfect bed, one that would mimic the feeling of weightlessness he had had on the heather. The quest took thousands of hours and a partnership with the Spinal Unit at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden. The result is Carpe Diem Beds’ patented Contour Pocket System, which has a unique cushioning ability. You can feel the mattress embrace your hips and shoulders while gently supporting your lumbar and waist. Your spine is relieved of tension, and your muscles can finally relax. Just like lying on a bed of heather on the cliffs by the Swedish West Coast. Now style, like comfort, means different things to everyone - and Carpe Diem Beds’ range of beds and accessories is designed to inspire creativity and nurture uniqueness. The belief is that beds should not only soothe the body, but also the soul. That is why Carpe Diem Beds provides a perfect balance of luxurious comfort and exquisite style. With a range of legs, headboards, fabrics and functions, customers are free to customise the bed to reflect their own taste, personality and needs. And, as trends come in and out of vogue, you can simply update accessories without replacing the entire bed. All beds are built with the finest raw materials available on the market - slow-growth Nordic pine, Talalay latex, organic cotton, and stunning fabrics from Designers Guild and The Romo Group.
Carpe Diem Beds’ aim is that the bed becomes an integral part of customers’ lives, providing years of restful sleep and aesthetic pleasure. The company want to transform the bedroom to a place that reminds you of your own happy place. Beautiful, serene, tranquil - the perfect place to unwind.
Go to to discover more and visit the Carpe Diem Beds Flagship Store at Marylebone, 15 Wigmore Street London W1U 1PE to see the full range of beds.
A TRUE MUSEUM OF DESIGN The Cairene interior designer Nada Shehab, in partnership with LUXXU and Boca do Lobo, launch the brand new Eclectic Deluxe Villa. A multibrand mansion with a plethora of design pieces that are pure art. Home of a very sophisticated personality, with refined taste and a high cultural level – a true museum of design.
It’s easy to get lost within so many works of art while walking through the polished marble floor, enlightened by the multiple lighting fixtures that provide a unique sense of movement. Overall, this project is composed of a living room and dining room, in an open space concept with the kitchen, which is an ode to perfectionism and refined taste. Among other brands, LUXXU and Boca do Lobo stand out with the usual luxurious touch and well-known designs. Starting with the upholstery pieces, LUXXU’s red velvet Ocadia armchairs and the Odette sofa by Boca do Lobo breathe comfort and an opulent design while beautifully contrasting with the blue velvet sofa in the living room. Making a perfect match, at the kitchen counter were placed three Charla bar chairs. The glamorous Nº11 chairs by Boca do Lobo close this red velvet selection.
Other LUXXU pieces are the Empire side table, which always adds that golden vibe to any space with its fluted brass exterior. The Tycho torch wall lamp is the epitome of elegance and distinctiveness. From Boca do Lobo, the Lapiaz console, inspired by authentic karst formations, grabs the attention of those who pass by. Above the console is the Robin mirror, which embodies the strength and character of noble ages, giving them a modern approach. By honoring the history of one of the best archers in English literature, this wall mirror has a strong and textured visual due to the use of handmade nails, each one unique in its finishing, size, and character. In short, LUXXU continues to prove his strength in the luxurious market and the ability to adapt to the client’s needs with custom versions of his design pieces.
JEFFREYS INTERIORS Based in a Georgian townhouse in the heart of Edinburgh’s Stockbridge neighbourhood, the ten strong team of design professionals at Jeffreys Interiors are renowned for their bold designs, intelligent and functional choices, and playful sense of colour and proportion. Entering on the ground floor, you are taken into Jeffreys Interiors award-winning retail showroom. Following the layout of a traditional home, you can walk through curated room sets and purchase pieces sourced from the forefront of the design industry, including Tom Faulkner, Julian Chichester, Porta Romana, and William Yeoward, as well as an ever changing collection of unique accessories and artworks.
Downstairs, you’ll discover the design studio – a warren of interlinked offices, presentation areas, and creative working space with expansive fabric and wallpaper libraries. Recent projects include full townhouse designs in Edinburgh, a stately home renovation in East Lothian, and a commercial wedding venue and hotel in Northumberland. No visit to Edinburgh is complete without a visit to Jeffreys Interiors and the adjacent insta-famous Circus Lane, however, if you aren’t in the area, they travel nationally and work remotely to deliver your scheme. Review the portfolio and get in touch via the website.
exceptional Interior design. From lands end to john o’groats.
Call us. 0131 247 8010 8 North West Circus Place, Edinburgh EH3 6ST
LISA BUTTERS Lisa Butters is a North American artist with a passion for translating the beauty of the American West into expressionist paintings that evoke a sense of wonder and shared experience. Cowboy Rising is a new series of work celebrating the legacy, rugged beauty, and athleticism of Professional Rodeo and the cowboys, cowgirls, horses, and bulls who are its stars. Spinning personal memory and experience into a visual fabric, her paintings invite viewers into moments that are alive with color and suspended in time. Lisa’s work can be found in private collections throughout the United States, as well as in the permanent collection of the Museum of Encaustic Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Commission inquiries are always welcome. To view current and prior works, please visit the website or her Instagram: Web: | Instagram: lisa____________butters
ROSEBERYS LONDON Roseberys London Design auctions aim to present the highest quality examples of Design objects and furniture and highlight the diverse range of styles present from 1860 to the present day. The upcoming sale on Tuesday 26 April will feature a private collection of beautiful and intricate Loetz glass from the Art Nouveau period, alongside a selection of elegant Art Deco Sculptures, including a cold painted bronze figure of a nude by Albert Hindrich Hussman. In Post War Design, we are delighted to be offering a rare ‘Puntini’ glass bowl by Paolo Venini, an Iconic ‘670’ chair and ottoman by Charles and Ray Eames as well as an array of Studio Pottery, silver, metalware, Post Modern and Contemporary Design. Find out more information by visiting the website. Web: | Email:
ADVANCED AICO ALARM SERIES UTILISED IN LUXURY DEVELOPMENT Stothers M&E Ltd was awarded a £75m development of two tower blocks in Manchester. In order to ensure the residents were safe and protected from fire, Stothers worked with Aico to utilise their flagship 3000 Series throughout the development. The new homes for private rent will transform the area of Cornbrook in Trafford, Manchester. Comprising of one- and two-bedroom units, duplex and townhouse apartments, the development will also incorporate a library, gym, private gardens and resident lounge areas with the view to creating strong community bonds. The project will see over 1,800 Aico Fire and Carbon Monoxide alarms installed in the 363 apartments. Aico are proud to be the leader in home life safety, offering a variety of devices and solutions to guarantee protection for every home. The Cornbrook development will utilise Aico’s technologically advanced 3000 Series, including the pioneering Multi-Sensor Fire alarm, for complete coverage. Web: | Email: | Tel: 01691 664100
78 DERNGATE If you love and appreciate historic interiors that startle and amaze – especially given the era in which they were created, then you will love The Charles Rennie Mackintosh House @ 78 Derngate. This hidden gem of a heritage house in the heart of Northampton is an ordinary Georgian terrace made extraordinary by the innovative genius of the Glaswegian architect, artist and designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh. One of the most individual and creative designers of the twentieth century, Mackintosh is particularly famous for his earlier works including the Glasgow School of Art, The Hill House and the Willow Tea rooms. Commissioned by the thoroughly modern WJ Bassett-Lowke, Northampton born founder of a prosperous model making business, 78 Derngate was dramatically remodelled by Mackintosh in 1916/17. Featuring simply extraordinary striking interiors, it was his last major project and the only house he designed in England. Open to the public 6 days a week. Web: | Tel: 01604 603407 | Twitter/Facebook: @78derngate Instagram: @78derngatehousemanager | Email:
BESPOKE SELF-PLAY PIANOS HAND BUILT IN CAMBRIDGESHIRE, UK Edelweiss experienced design studio work with individuals to create truly individual musical masterpieces for the modern home. Pianos come equipped with optional self-play and climate control, programmed with over 1,000 songs and an accompanying iPad. Makers of the world’s smallest baby grand piano, the Sygnet, Edelweiss hand build their creations to suit their customer requirements on space, style and sound. View our range of designer pianos, choose your own colour combination and specialist finishes or match your piano to your interior specification by speaking to our studio. Web: Email: | Tel: +44 (0)1223 881691
TILES R US NATURAL STONE Tiles for all your internal décor designs, all rooms whether wall or floor. External patio or pool and surround; travertine, limestone, marble, slate, quartz or slate cladding with mosaic and border tiles to compliment your home or commercial improvement ideas. We also carry a select range of premier quality Porcelain tiles and of course, a comprehensive selection of Tiling Essentials for perfect installation for all types of natural stone wall and floor tiles. Our natural stone range is sourced exclusively from an international stone quarry and their stone dressing facility or from similar manufacturers they cooperate with. This means we can offer you high-quality tiles & accessories, brought to you locally so you can create the design, project décor and homes for you and your customers dreams. Tiles R Us Natural Stone - great quality - great choice - modern trends - amazing value! Web:
TRUE LINEN True Linen is a young and fast developing UK brand and online store specialising in Japandi and a touch of French Country style home furnishings made of authentic European, premium quality 100% softened linen. We believe that simple designs and neutral colour tones bring the tranquillity and calm to one’s surroundings. Designed in the UK, consciously, with you in mind, our soft furnishings are created for functionality and offers the ability to impact the way one feels. All our products are Oeko-Tex Standard certified, they are sustainable, durable and produced in eco-friendly environment. They are timeless, durable and easy to care for. We can offer table & bathroom linen, bed linen sets, cushions & throws. We work with interior designers and independent hotels that require luxury yet simple soft furnishings to complement their minimalistic interiors and space. Web: | Tel: +44 (0)7811 407882
QUINTESSENTIALE: AN ECLECTIC AND CURATED RANGE FROM ELSTEAD LIGHTING Featured is the Ludlow eight light pendant (QN-LUDLOW8-GR) which is designed by Californian Lisa McDennon and produced by Hinkley Lighting. Ludlow cleverly blends a penchant for industrial features with inspiration drawn from Palladian architecture. Designed around the retro style Edison light source, Ludlow plays with the simple geometry or circles and squares for an ultra-stylish composition. It is finished in brushed graphite but is also available in clear acrylic and polished nickel. There is also a single pendant which features a genuine cow-hide strap, and a contemporary 26cm square wall light in this range. Lisa has also designed several other beautiful statement lighting fixtures such as the Laguna, Ren and Skye ranges. See this collection online and look out for the new Quintessentiale catalogue coming out this spring. Web: | Email: Tel: +44 (0)1420 82377
SPOKE PLANTERS - BESPOKE METAL PLANTERS A family-run business based in Surrey with over 30 years of experience in metal fabrication. We have a passion for creating bespoke metal pieces which complement modern gardens. We manufacture these from materials such as Stainless, Corten and Galvanised Steel for both commercial and residential gardens. Each planter is tailor-made to your exact specifications. From modular planters to unique shapes, we can bring your ideas to life! Get in touch with us for a full and competitive quotation.
Web: | Email: Instagram: @spokeplanters
THE GAME-CHANGING ALTERNATIVE TO TIMBER SASH WINDOWS ECOSlide is the UK’s number one vertical sliding sash window brand, known for combining timeless aesthetics with outstanding twenty-first century performance. ECOSlide has been expertly designed to replicate the classic style of a Victorian sash window using robust PVCu profile. Each window is bespoke, with the option to incorporate features such as run-through horns, Georgian bars, a choice of hardware finishes and a vast array of woodgrain foils and colours. It’s also extremely secure – using top and bottom toughened glass as standard as well as an anti-jemmy bar for extra security and peace of mind. Designed to offer A-rated energy efficiency as standard, with the option to upgrade to A+ rating, ECOSlide and all its components can be recycled up to ten times, too. Most crucially, it delivers all this without the risk of rotting and warping that comes with timber, or the pricey and time-consuming regular maintenance. Web:
THE POWER OF RESTORATIVE REST Everything centres around sleep, with about a third of our lives spent between the sheets. At London & Avalon we believe in the power of restorative rest; setting yourself up for tomorrow so you can navigate life firing on all cylinders. Our collection of luxury bed linen transcends the world of sleep and interiors, weaving our deep-rooted connection with nature and wellness into all that we do. Each of our products is designed with the same nurturing philosophy in mind – to elevate the moments that bookend your day, with elegant and luxurious essentials at home. We take pride in working with world-class artisans, using age-old techniques and the finest raw materials, to guarantee unrivalled longevity across our range of bedding. London & Avalon bridges the gap between the timeless style of Savile Row tailoring and the dreamy wilds of Avalon, the mythical island of peace and serenity. We all need a sanctuary to retreat to at the end of the day, and we’re here to help you create yours. Web:
LALIQUE CELEBRATES 100 YEARS IN ALSACE Lalique the iconic French crystal house celebrates 100 years of its only factory in Alsace, Northern France this year (2022). A century of art and brilliance. To celebrate the anniversary of its factory, Lalique’s most iconic pieces have been re issued in a vibrant new colour - cerulean blue. Lalique classics - the Bacchantes, Mossi and Languedoc vases and the Champs- Élysées bowl are available in an enchanting shade of azure to celebrate the centenary – set to become collectors’ items of the future. The pure blue hue is extremely hard to achieve – evidence of the crystalworks’ craft expertise, creative genius, and mastery. The Lalique factory is a temple of high-end crystal craftsmanship in a small hamlet which also houses the state-owned Lalique Museum in Wingen-sur- Moder, Alsace. Web:
S TAY I N B E D The ultimate luxury is taking time to unwind in a bed so comfortable that you never want to leave
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