Models in Motion Angela . Casey . Chanerica . Chimene. Micayla
WHY? Given the San Francisco culture, we believe the co-op model is the most sustainable approach to adding value to the hotel as well as the surrounding environment.
WHY? Given the San Francisco culture, we believe the co-op model is the most sustainable approach to adding value to the hotel as well as the surrounding environment.
Through the co-op model, economic democracy fuels the success of the hotel. Community members’ symbiotic relationship to the hotel will result in their being solidarily invested in it.
WHY? Given the San Francisco culture, we believe the co-op model is the most sustainable approach to adding value to the hotel as well as the surrounding environment. Through the co-op model, economic democracy fuels the success of the hotel. Community members have a symbiotic relationship to the hotel’s success and are therefore solidarily invested in it.
Although guests will not be direct benefactors of the co-op model, their experience in the hotel will be a consequence of the co-op’s mechanisms.
Chimene Model
Casey Model 2.0
Traditional Co-op vs. Our Co-op Structure Members
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
BOH + Middle Management Workers + Influencers Hospitality knowledge workers
Co-op Co-op
Core Values .
This not That Free People
Saks Fifth Avenue
This not That Tesla
Range Rover
This not That Barcelona Chair
Ghost Chair
This not That Pho
This not That D’orsay Flats
This not That Classic Fit
Skinny Fit
This not That Matcha Green Tea
Caramel Frapp
This not That Lauren Hutton
Kate Moss
This not That Coke
Diet Coke
This not That Drive In Theatre
Regular Theatre
This not That Jay- Z
This not That Bourbon
Cran Vodka
This not That Natural Curls
Tight Curls
This not That Classic Sailing Yacht
Luxury Yacht
This not That Stemless Wine Glass
Wine Glasses