D37S February 2019 Newsletter

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the Redbull Reader

Table of A Message From Your LTG


A Message From Your News Editor


Club Snapshots


Service Spotlight


Upcoming Events


Contents Division Goals Progress



12 - 13


14 - 15

Redbull Rewards Point Counts

16 - 17

Contact Info

18 - 19

A Message From Your LTG Hey Redbulls! I hope you all had a great first month of 2019! Lots of exciting things have happened, and there is still much more to come before the term ends. Most importantly, I am proud to announce that the Lieutenant Governor Elect for Division 37 South is Yolanda Mai from Del Norte! This means that starting at the end of DCON 2019, Yolanda will be serving YOU as your Lieutenant Governor for the 2019-2020 term. She has lots of big plans for the division, and I look forward to finishing this term strong so that she can take us to even greater heights next year! With that being said, I am also so proud of you all for coming this far. It is so exciting to see each and every one of you keep your motivation for service and Key Club, and I hope that you will come celebrate the term with us at DCON 2019. Keep up the amazing work, remember to keep pushing for those service hours, and lets get pumped for some Service In Wonderland!!!


Stomping for service,

Mimi Mayer

Hey Redbulls! I hope 2019 is off to a great start for everyone! With Valentine's Day fast approaching, attend some Valentine's Day themed events and don't forget to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you. (If the holiday is more like Singles Awareness Day for you, eat some heart shaped cookies to fill the void of emptiness inside your chest, then get off the couch and volunteer!) In this issue, you will find the usual club snapshots, service spotlights, and Redbull Rewards point updates. There is also a Conclave recap page, where you will find a special message from Yolanda Mai, our LTG Elect! Have a wonderful Febraury, Redbulls! Stomping for service,

Angela Chen

A Message From Your News Editor


Club Snapshots 1. Mt. Carmel Key Club at the San Diego Marathon 2. Del Norte Key Club at Helen Woodward Frosty Farm 3. Del Norte Key Club at Helen Woodward Frosty Farm 4. CCA Key Club at Breakfast and Santa Event 5. Del Norte Key Club at Helen Woodward Frosty Farm 6. CCA Key Club at Breakfast and Santa Event












CCA Key Club's Barnes and Noble Gift Wrapping Fundraiser A huge part of the holidays is giving back to the community around us. CCA key club's event of the month, the Barnes and Nobles Gift-Wrapping Fundraiser, allowed its members to serve the community while having a jollyfun time. This event sparked excitement in many people, motivating them to sign up and donate materials, such as wrapping paper and bows. Participants took shifts throughout the weekend to keep this event going from the store's open to close. Throughout this event, the holiday spirit was noticeably present in the air. Members worked together advertising, wrapping gifts to perfection, and organizing the booth as a whole. Life skills, like teamwork and communication, were strengthened in service. On top of satisfying gift-wrapping needs, CCA's key club raised over $800 towards PTP and DCON 2019! Overall, this event was very successful, and many hope to attend again in the following year.

The event I went for today was the Barnes and Nobles Gift Wrapping Fundraiser. It was the event of the month, and I can see why! It was so much fun and turned out to be a million times better than I had expected. In the beginning, there were a lot of people volunteering and not that many wanting their presents wrapped but after a while, it became really fun. Some times, like during the rush hour when there were a lot of people in line, it got very stressful but I still enjoyed it because it kept me on my toes. The more boring times are the ones that I didn’t enjoy as much because there was nothing to do. However, the wait was worth it because the I met some really nice people. If you messed up or took a while, they were really kind and understanding. We also met someone who said they were the president of the Key club in 1969 in Hawaii which I thought was super cool. I think the event was very successful because we raised a lot of money and wrapping gifts is one of my favorite things to do so in all, it was super fun!

Written by Anna Nguyen

Written by Erin Choudhari



Kiwanis Day of Service February 9th, 2019 DCON 2019 April 12th - 14th, 2019


Goal: 7,000 service hours

50% Goal: $2,200 raised for PTP






16 14

A Message from Yolanda Mai, our LTG elect! Hello Redbulls! My name is Yolanda Mai and I’m proud to be your LTG elect! I am currently a junior at Del Norte and I humbly serve as VP and am part if the Spirit Committee. I’m very excited for the next term and I have a lot of ideas! My acronym for this term is WARM standing for the warm feeling I get through service and Key Club. The W stands for Working with Kiwanis. The A stands for Acknowledging the small victories. The R stands for reinventing the term “service hours”. The M stands for Making new opportunities. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at anytime. I’ll always be available for my redbull ohana! My email is yolanda.mai02@gmail.com and my instagram is yolanda_mai.

17 15

How To Earn Points:

Service projects (+5) Dollars raised for PTP (+5) Emails forwarded (+100) On time MRF (+200) Early MRF (+50) Late MRF (-100) On time Articles AND Visuals (+150) Members at DCMs (+30) Officers at DCMs (+70) Members at OTC (+40) Members at Div. Events (+45) Officer at OTC (+50) Officer at Div. Events (+100) Members at RTC (+55) Members at Fall Rally (+60) Chaperone (+1000) Members at DCON (+250) Dues paid on time (+500) Dues paid early (+1000)

* Point values will be published each month in the newsletter!


Redbull Rewards Point Count 32558




21132 15254


10529 8,250



Po R an w ay ch o Be rn ar do To rre y Pi ne s W es tv ie w

C an yo n

C re st

D el N or te M t. C ar m el



Contac Key Club International: www.keyclub.org/

CNH Cyberkey: www.cnhkeyclub.org/

D37S Website: division37south.wixsite.com/home

DLT emails: Mimi Mayer, Lieutenant Governor: d37s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Dennis Li and Jaclyn Ha, Executive Assistants: d37s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com Destiny Do Thanh and Haley Tran, Spirit Coordinators: d37s.cnhkc.sp@gmail.com Fiona Choo, Secretary: d37s.cnhkc.ds@gmail.com Siham Bougour, Graphics and Tech Coordinator: d37s.cnhkc.gc@gmail.com Angela Chen, News Editor: d37s.cnhkc.be@gmail.com


ct Info Club emails: Canyon Crest: ccakeyclub@gmail.com Del Norte: dnhskeyclub@gmail.com Mt. Carmel: mchs.keyclub.photos@gmail.com Poway: powayhskeyclub@gmail.com Rancho Berardo: rbkeyclub@gmail.com Torrey Pines: tphskeyclub@gmail.com Westview: wvkeyclub@gmail.com

Club Websites: Canyon Crest: ccakeyclub.weebly.com/ Del Norte: dnhskeyclub.wixsite.com/redbulls Maranatha: sites.google.com/site/maranathakeyclub/ Mt. Carmel: mchskeyclub.wixsite.com/mchskeyclub Poway: powayhskeyclub.weebly.com/ Rancho Bernardo: www.rbkeyclub.com/ Torrey Pines: tphskeyclub.weebly.com/ Westview: wvkeyclub.wixsite.com/wvkeyclub


Thank you for reading!

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