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I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS II CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS CAN ISOLVE CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS IPROBLEMS CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS I CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS Cite the strong point(s) abou t yourself that has allowed you to do we ll (or at least survive) in General Mathematics this qu arter. How can these strength s of yours be used in crisis situa tions at the local, national or global level? Social Issue Prompt: The inc oming president asked you to be one of their cabinet secretaries. In this case, what office/depa rtment would you like to serve? Als o, what is the immediate problem would you solve or focus on?
y ld say that md u o w I r, e rt a u o eq I have a gothat Throughout th t a th is t in o strongest p in mathematics. I think vious background ve done well in my pre e of mtg! because I ha and I am familiar with somigest math classes already, I was able to dem. I the conceptseasily when I studied th ings the lessons ipated in different trainf the have partic have an idea of most o been before, so I some have already topics, whilemy previous school. discussed in of mine th g n e tr s r e th is, ano can’t Adding to thgood time management. I o n in would be my ave a lot of things going nage deny that I h omehow, I was able to ma my my life, but s it all happen. Despite le to and make nd involvements, I was abarter. academics a ach on weekends this qu was go to the be per time management, I With my prorough the module in advance so able to go th wouldn’t get that during consultati for myself. I thlost and I would also hav ons I have to cramink that because of this, e time wasn’t hard to studying for the final I didn’t and it study for it. proof of my M y g ra d s e help of muccess in the subject w s are management y background and ith the skills. time I think that, problems in d with this, I can help things in ifferent sectors efficiently solve mathematics,life have a foundatio. Most is not seen and use mathematics ev n in specifically, th with the naked eye. en if it crisis of cli is can be helpful as we fa More predicted tha mate change. It has ce the we don’t stop t we only have a few years been believe that climate change now. With left if good backgrothose (including me) ha that, I with the gove und in mathematics canving a making thes rnment and scientist to work possible becae predictions as accura aid in use there is no te doubt that ma as th
TIME MANAGEMENT ANCE FINANCE FINAN CY TRANSPARENCY TR ND BACKGROUND BAC NT ENVIRONMENT ENV TIME MANAGEMENT ANCE FINANCE FINAN CY TRANSPARENCY TR ND BACKGROUND BAC NT ENVIRONMENT ENV TIME MANAGEMENT ANCE FINANCE FINAN CY TRANSPARENCY TR ND BACKGROUND BAC NT ENVIRONMENT ENV TIME MANAGEMENT ANCE FINANCE FINAN is involved in these predictions, be they simple or complex. Furthermore, with the predictions and estimated time, we can manage it so that we maximize the time we have. We can use proper time management to create a timeline, allotting the things we have to do by this certain period of time. This way, we can do everything we can to hopefully stop climate change and have more than a few years.
Other than that, I think with the knowledge that I have a good background in math and that I did well in general mathematics as well as other math subjects, I would choose a department involved with it. With that, I would choose the Department of Finance. This department is in charge of managing the financial resources of the country, which would require mathematics. Although the math required could just be simple, it heavily relies on numbers, which tells us that a person good with numbers is required. On the bright side, I believe that having a good background in mathematics also entails that I am good with numbers, as I have dealt with them.
As the cabinet secretary of the Department of Finance, I would focus on solving the transparency problem. It is no longer news to us that the government as a whole lacks transparency, and there may also be financial problems. To solve this, I would produce transparency reports. These transparency reports, being in the finance department, would require the mathematics to be accurate so that we are providing the truth to the people and would need a deep understanding of how mathematics works in the department. To be able to do this, I myself will personally check the work that has been done, making sure that it is 100% true and accurate. In some cases, there is a chance that corruption has occurred wherein funds may be missing, but it could be easily covered up. So, I would always compare the final reports to the initial ones so that I myself could monitor and check them. If I do find missing funds or unequal equations, it could easily be reported and investigated. To make this all possible, my time management skills come in handy. By creating a schedule and setting a target date for these reports, I can track our progress and make sure that we are on track.
Source: PhilStar
Source: Twitter
I CARE FOR OTHERS CARE FOR OTHERS II CARE IFOR CARE FOR OTHERS OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS I CARE FOR OTHERS Cite qualities or points abou t yourself which you think you should work on for you to be able to relate or work better with your group mates, classmates or neigh bors in your community. Describe an experience with your group mates, classmates or neighbors wh ich could've turned out differ ently if you had a different attitude or behavior. Social Issue Prompt: In your own way, how do you remem ber the victims or honor the sacrifices of those who were oppressed during Martial Law?
en good at e b s y a lw a ey I’ve Growing up, s, or at least that’s what ath d a various thing om this, I’ve always h t and say. Aside frpirit, always trying my bes this competitive s to no mistakes. Althougho my making little it always drove me to d king was good as developed a fear of ma d to best, it also asking for help. I also ten ent, mistakes andomfort zone. This was evidwere stay in my c , when my group and I for instance ur Problem Set. working on o d ur numbers anlly o d e n ig s s a re a e As usual, we w someone. I was person the h it Yana, and ere paired w h it w rk o w assigned to were tasked to answer we we numbers we 2, 4, and 5. During the tim ugh about module on it, I had only gone throe, so were working ost twice & module 5 onc were module 4 at mething I mastered. There it wasn’t somfor the ones regarding module 2, b no problems module 4 & 5ut for the one that requ admit, it reall , I had my share of strugg ired way, too simpy was a simple problem, les. I how I got to m le that I found it hard to s in a the only thingy final answer. For my atte how transformatio I did was to graph it an mpt, "correct", or ens, but not the actual "prod do using this me xpected method. I ende per", about asking thod initially because I feltd up believed that Yana or Zaq for help sin shy was good en it was an easy problem a ce I easily. I staye ough to be able to solvnd I explore otherd in my comfort zone, d e it idn methods, and help. didn’t ask fo’tr This really ha how we work. d an effect on the efficien but we weren We had our target date to pcy of had some re’t able to pass it then sinc ass, answers to sovisions to our solutions e we When Zaq app me numbers, including mand roached me, th ine. is was
NOT EXPLOR EXPLORING OUT OF COM COMFORT ZO ZONE OUT OF SPEAK UP SP MARTIAL LAW LAW MARTIA NOT EXPLOR EXPLORING the only time I decided to explore a different method, go out of my way, and out of my comfort zone. Although it was not convenient, I went through the module again and the worksheets to get an idea of how to solve this. In the end, I was able to "properly" solve it. Additionally, we got a similar problem to this during the finals, so it really helped that I went out of my comfort zone to learn how to "correctly" solve it. We were able to finish it early and, aside from this, I also learned to ask for help and clarify problems I am uncertain about, so this made communicating during our finals better, thus making our work more efficient.
In relation to this, with the upcoming presidential elections in May wherein Bong Bong Marcos, son of former president Ferdinand Marcos, who implemented martial law, is running, we have to remember the victims during this time. Some may say that they have done well for our country, but I would have to say (and disagree with it) that we should not be blind to what cruel things they have done during that time. It is scary to know what has happened during the reign of Ferdinand Marcos, yet many people pretend to be blind to and deny these facts. Remembering and commemorating those oppressed during the time of martial law is essential, especially with Marcos running for president, because we have to learn from this and make the right decision. Personally, I believe that this is not the time for us to stay in our comfort zones. I think now is the best time for us to take that risk and speak up to honor those victims of martial law. I know that this is not something that we would be comfortable with, as red-tagging is a big deal nowadays. However, we should let go of our fears and start educating others, letting them know the truth. By simply sharing posts on social media (even if our own family disagrees with this and we don’t usually do this), doing our own research, and campaigning and supporting the right candidate, we may be able to remember the sacrifices that these martial law victims have made and learn from them so that they may not be repeated again. Not only are we going out of our comfort zone for our future, but also to honor those oppressed.
CRITICAL THINKER I AM A CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL CRITICAL THINKER THINKER CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL THINKER CRITICAL THINKER Identify a difficult situation du ring the quarter and share how you faced thi s challenge. How did you make the important decision s to address the concern? Social Issue Prompt: Fake ne ws has different forms, but no one can deny that it is everywhere . Its presence affects how people think about anyth ing around them. As a student, how can you help lessen (if not eradicate) the spread of fake news?
as one of they w r e rt a u q is m , th In my opinioen had because all of d the heaviest I’v were becoming active an , but involvementsmselves were quite heavyne of subjects the ink that even if this was o was not Math. I th uarters to manage, mathbout, the harder q didn’t worry too much a way the subject I ause we’ve gone through t the probably bec math subjects throughou dule more difficultd math as soon as the mo the year. I studie but I kind of forgot h as was given, I had for the subject, suc had requirements sually, the situations I quiz. the OFQ. U ith were during the th due to theI a m difficulties w t c le g e n e, d to Because I ten h the modules ahead of tim iz, u q fact that I finisme to study before the ing it didn’t allot ti to do before, thus mak which I used difficult.
With that bein prepared an g said, I struggled with fe during the qud certain with my anseling should’ve to taiz. I took more hours th wers to get over th ke the quizzes because an it only one thingis. To overcome this, thereI had again and aga I did. I went over my solu was tions more and se in so that I could process th though I still e if there was an error. em quiz, those w made some errors in myEven overconfiden ere due to the fact that last solutions as t and didn’t look throughI got though, I rea much. For the other my triple check mlly made sure to double two, solutions, so y answers and go back to and solution and metimes even redoing my was able to s comparing it. Through th the and the overaomehow ease the uncert is, I taking the quizll difficulty of the situatioainty with my perfo and became more confi n of rmance. dent
UNCERTAIN UNPREPARED ONLINE QUIZ GO BACK TO Y HISTORY H SOLUTIONS TS FACTS FAC UNCERTAIN UNPREPARED ONLINE QUIZ The same way I was able to overcome the uncertainty I had can be applied to a bigger issue. For one, it can be used to eradicate fake news. As a student who has developed the habit of going over work multiple times to check, I can also do this for articles, sources, news, and other materials that inform us. Especially with the upcoming elections, it is hard to tell if a particular article or post is credible.
This is why, even as students, we must do our part. We ourselves should double check the articles that we find and those being shared. We must go back to history, as it cannot be rewritten, and see what actually happened. At the same time, go back to the trusted sources for so long now, such as Rappler, and share these. Going back to the past and what actually happened repeatedly and comparing them with what is being spread now is not the end of contributing to lessening or eradicating fake news. More than that, aside from being our own fact-checkers by going back to the past, we must be the ones to speak up on whatever factual information we gather. As fake news continues to spread, we combat it by spreading the truth and flagging the fake news as we verify it by looking back. All in all, as I go back to my solutions to verify my answers in uncertain and difficult situations, we must go back and correct false information being shared.
I CONTRIBUTE II CONTRIBUTE CONTRIBUTE I CONTRIBUTE I CONTRIBUTE I CONTRIBUTE I CONTRIBUTE I CONTRIBUTE I CONTRIBUTE I CONTRIBUTE I CONTRIBUTE I CONTRIBUTE I CONTRIBUTE Identify your most significa nt achievement in Math this quarter and explain what thi s says about you as a Math student. How can you use thi s concretely in addressing a specific concern or issue pre sent in your community or our country now?
omes hievement cla c a t n a ic if ses n ig The most s portunity to take math c sghly from the op ich I could say that I thorouis my on-site, in wh e lessons. I say that this se I understood thant achievement becaunline most significght that, being in the ole to initially thou years, I wouldn’t be ab back setup for 2 e lessons when we came ally, I understand thce classes. More specific with to face-to-fa tting good grades evenue to think that ge ps, which is very tiring d ht of switching setu is the highlig ss. I , e k ta to e v a the travel I h ment in this math cla ad a this achieve e first day on-site, we h if I remember th er. I honestly wasn’t sureI was quiz right aft e Online Quiz because am. could take th ended it at 12w as d n a id d I t u b very tired, g the quiz, I didn’t revie was Before takin se I truly think that I pus. much becauuring the class on cam refreshed d uring the quiz, I could remem ber the dif Meanwhile, d ferent thing mentioned in s the class I atte nded easily, li the fact that ke (for the table critical values of signs), the for it should m atch and mak a zero for a fa e ctor. These c ritical values a the Vertical A re symptote and the x-intercep As a student, t. this tells me th at I am able to adjust to diffe ren for me to stud t setups and that it is easie r y in on-site cla sses. However, this achievement would not be possible witho ut my family’s support. Takin part in the p g ilot in-person classes was shock to us. W a ew study in Que ere not prepared for me to zo Paranaque. A n City while still living in lthough we d id a part in this, w e were not su gree to take re chosen as I li ve far from th if I would be e school, but was. My family I had to make s acrifices for m e
FACE-TO-FACE ADJUSTMENT ADAPTATION ASHS COMMU FAMILY: MOM IMPROVEMENT ADVANCEMENT FACE-TO-FACE ADJUSTMENT ADAPTATION ASHS COMMU FAMILY: MOM to be able to attend class on campus. My mother was a big part in making this possible. She would drive me to school within one and a half hours from where I live, and she would drive me home from school. She would be absent from her work during the days that I had to go to school, and apart from driving me to Ateneo, she would wait for me for two hours while I was in class. We weren’t familiar with the north, so luckily, my sister was also available. My sister would accompany us when I went to school, especially my mom. They would go to the mall and keep themselves entertained while I was in class. There was one time when my classmates decided to go to UP Town Center before going to school. I was worried that they wouldn’t allow me to go since there might be traffic when we decided togo home, but they did and waited for me. All in all, more than this is an achievement of mine, it would not be possible without my family’s help, especially my mom.
Moving forward, I say that being able to have a class on campus and still do well despite the sudden shift is an achievement for myself and my fellow classmates who took part in it, as this shows that there are real advancements in classes. With this, we can use it to provide the necessary improvements as we make an attempt to go back to face-to-face next year. By participating in these pilot in-person classes, we can contribute to the educational adjustments that have to be made. We were able to test the waters again of possible faceto-face or blended learning in the upcoming school year after two years of being purely online. Not only did this help in preparations for the upcoming school year, but I believe that it also gave hope to students. Like me, many students prefer face-to-face interaction and are too tired of online classes. Some are even losing hope. I think the issue of online class fatigue or burnout in general has been talked about a lot in the ASHS now, and it is related to the issue of lack of motivation and hope for almost everyone nowadays. I think that with them knowing that there are on-going face-to-face classes, they are given hope for a better future. In a way, with my experience and as I believe that this tells me that I am a student who could easily adjust between setups, I could also contribute to the preparations of the students of the ASHS community themselves by sharing with them my experience and tips. As early as now, in my different involvements, we have already discussed how face-to-face classes go as of the moment. Usually, we share how our experience being on-campus is and the struggles that come with it. Ultimately, I feel that many are starting to have that motivation and hope again, together with their excitement as they learn about the pilot classes. I strongly believe that, although only a few took part in the pilot face-to-face classes and it is my personal achievement, it is an achievement of the whole ASHS community and country. It is proof that there are advancements in our situation and education as well as how, as a student, I can adapt easily to different setups.
click here to see the process (aka the math behind this):
Produce an original work tha t will demonstrate your ability to make mathematic al connections (how you use Math outside your Math classe s). Present it in a form that you are most comfortable wit h. You may also submit an Assessment from another su bject for the ‘I Create’ and explain how General Mathema tics can be used or was used in the submitted output.
Reflect, Stretch or Shrink, Translate. These are the steps in transforming a graph, and these are the things that my brain struggles with at first, just like how we can’t imagine math all around us. It’s so hard to see things when we’re only focused on what we see with the naked eye or what we first see. It made it even more difficult when I wasn’t physically seeing the graph being transformed and it was only in my head. I struggled a lot just imagining transformations and graphs of inverse functions. So, when it came to preparing for the finals, I decided to draw out graphs. As I graphed multiple functions, I started to understand it. More than that, I saw figures similar to those I would use in art and graphic design, especially when they intersect. Something beautiful came out of my struggle.
In terms of graphs, think of ourselves right now as the parent function. This parent function will then be altered with the different transformations, which are our struggles (as I struggled with it a lot). These transformations make us all somehow unique. If we look at the new graph as ourselves, as we have grown when we overcome and continue our struggles, all that we've been through, the highs and the lows, when all graphed or seen as who we are now, we create something beautiful.
With that being said and the graphic I have made, I basically realized that it is best to see things more than what they are, to see the beauty in the struggles as, with them, we grow to become better. The graphic I made not only represents this realization of mine, but also how I have applied math outside of class, specifically in art. The main elements that are present in it are made of different functions and their transformations, including their domain restricted (as I struggled with this too). This, taken as a whole, exemplifies the beauty of struggle. If I hadn’t struggled with transformations and randomly graphed functions to understand them, I wouldn’t have made this. Struggle is truly what shapes us to be beautiful. This is why we must learn to see things from a different perspective, looking at the good more than the bad. I applied math in my art, more specifically the math I struggled with to see it differently and grow to love it more.
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GEN MATH uts In the future, choose a career that yo have a good background with. This will enable you to do well in it.
Thus, in the future, I choose to pursue a Mathematics degree and a Data Science degree.
Go out of your comfort zone to grow. Do not be afraid to make mistakes as it will help you succeed if you learn from them. Never forget history and facts, go back to them and learn from them because this will only make things better. Adapt to change, change is good. Help others adapt as well. There is beauty in your struggle. With struggle, you grow and are made to be wonderful, appreciate it.
note: the font colors correspond to the section with the same color, same colors mean that it is a life lesson from that section :)
SIR DAN SIR DAN SIR DAN But wait, SIR DAN there's more... SIR DAN SIR DAN SIR DAN SIR DAN papunta palang tayo sa exciting part hehe
SIR DAN, bigay niyo na po yung E, jk.
Jokes aside, it has been such a wonderful experience being taught by you. Honestly, a year ago I wouldn't have imagined to be in the ASHS yet I am here being taught by you and it is truly an honor. You have taught us so well that I feel equipped to take on the next year of my life (kahit na wala na pong math subjects sad). Math is a really challenging subject, but in my case I find it fascinating and interesting. It has always been a passion of mine, something I want to pursue, and you have made me realize that even more. I really appreciate everything you've done for us, from the lessons, to trying to get to know us personally. My whole gen math and stat prob journey, although mahirap, was super fun and I feel like I actually understood it. With that, super duper thank you for everything you have done po! I hope we get to see you again (in person) soon, Sir. Dan! (sir wala tayong pic T__T)
- Mich <3
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