Dry Skin Brushing The skin is the largest organ of the body and one of the main channels of elimination and detoxification. Body soaps, creams, antiperspirants, and synthetic fabrics that trap sweat and irritate skin contribute to a variety of skin problems and conditions. But despite everything we do to hinder our skin’s natural health and beauty, our bodies still have a natural cycle of renewal. Every thirty-five days we complete a cycle of shedding our skin cells. Think about it: ten times a year we are given the opportunity to literally walk around in a brand-new skin! It is important to detoxify both inside and out to ensure that our renewed skin glows with radiant health. Dry skin brushing not only removes dull, fl aky, toxic skin cells, but also stimulates the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is an internal network made up of organs, glands, and nodes. A clear fluid called lymph travels through this network, distributing immune cells and other substances throughout the body. It also interacts with the blood circulatory system to drain fluid from cells and tissues. A healthy lymphatic system is essential to a strong immune system and detoxification of our internal organs. Dry skin brushing helps your lymph system to circulate more vigorously, opens the pores of your skin to encourage discharge of metabolic waste, and improves the surface circulation of your skin. The result? Glowing, healthy skin and a bonus boost of energy. You will need a natural, nonsynthetic bristle brush that will not scratch the surface of your skin. Look for a brush that feels really great when you brush your back with it, like a delicious back scratch. The rest of your skin will adapt quickly to this and soon fi nd it just as yummy as your back does. You can find one at any drugstore or bath specialty store. I prefer a brush with a long handle that lets me brush hard-to-reach areas of my body. Before showering or bathing, begin to brush your dry skin using long firm strokes. Always brush skin toward the heart. Begin with the soles of your feet and brush up toward your ankles. Continue brushing from ankle to knee; knee to thigh; and thigh to groin, buttocks, and hips. When you reach your abdomen, use circular, counterclockwise brush stokes. Brush lightly around the How to Begin
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breast area, avoiding the nipples. Brush from the palms of your hands toward your wrists and continue the pattern, brushing wrists to elbows, elbows to shoulders. When you have fi nished, take a warm bath or shower and fi nish with a cooling rinse to invigorate blood circulation and stimulate surface warmth. To benefit from a cleansing cool rinse without the uncomfortable shock factor, turn the hot shower down just a little bit and get used to the slightly cooler temperature, then turn it down a little more, and allow a moment to adjust. Continue slowly, and just two seconds before you leave the shower, make it cool, but not icecold, and then slowly (and carefully) spin once around in a circle before turning off the water and stepping out. You will feel like your aura is ten miles wide! Before toweling dry, massage a pure, natural oil (such as almond oil) into your damp skin. Because you will be performing dry skin brushing before showering, as well as enjoying detoxifying baths during this ritual, you may choose not to use commercial antiperspirants during your cleanse. As you release toxins your body’s pH will become rebalanced and alkaline. As a result, the odor of your sweat may become less noticeable. If you wish, you may apply a mixture of baking soda and a few tablespoons of water under your arms, allowing it to dry before you get dressed. But it is best, if possible, to allow your body to sweat freely during the cleanse in order to aid the efficient removal of toxins. When you practice dry skin brushing on a daily basis, your skin will become tighter, clearer, and will glow with good health. Your lymphatic system will be renewed and your glands will operate at peak efficiency, resulting in improved digestion, reduced cellulite, and a stronger immune system. What a beautiful thing to do for your body in just a few minutes before your daily shower or bath!
Yoga and/or Breathing Exercises Whether you already have an established yoga practice or have avoided exploring this ancient art of uniting body and mind, there is no better method for achieving a union of Self. The consensus of physical and mental health experts is growing: yoga is a safe, positive way to [ ]
The Seven-Day Cleanse