June 2021
Happy June! Hope this finds you well and starting to enjoy the shift to summer on the North Shore! The Club just closed a busy month of May with Mother’s Day, graduation dinner, spring pickleball season starting, the official opening of the summer season with our Memorial Day weekend events and of course our signature club event, International Night. Members had an unforgettable night as The Club magically transformed into a Monte Carlo casino night experience. Extraordinary job by our staff. Enjoy some of these pictures below.
Board Membersers Suzanne M. Eschel President Benjamin Rodman Vice President Laura K. Mostofi Secretary Charles E. Glew Treasurer
Board of Directors
Onward to June! As of this writing we are optimistically anticipating a forward progression from the current Bridge Phase in Restore IL to Phase 5. We have welcomed all our furloughed staff back to The Club though, of course we had some attrition with some staff changing industries, taking other jobs, or going back to school.
Cathy Albrecht
June is kicking off with our first ever Kids Summer Reading Club. In addition, check
Richard O. Doran
out the FOUR sessions of summer camp options from July 26 to August 20!
Suzanne M. Eschel Charles E. Glew Edward J. Hungler Nicole F. Keenan David H. Melsheimer Laura K. Mostofi Eileen A. Noren Matthew J. Revord Benjamin Rodman
For dining, the Oak Room will reopen the first Friday of the month! Outside, look forward to a decorating renovation of the Patio and Deck this summer. The space will be upgraded with new tables, chairs, lounge furniture, new cushions, lighting, paint and more! Due to COVID, shipping is delayed, but we are excited for its pending arrival. For activities, The Club will host Father’s Day and let’s not forget about your four-legged friends with Dog Days. Get inspired with painting on the Patio and a Journaling Workshop. Mark your calendar for June 19! Rodney Strong blending event is back at The Club. Not to be repetitive but certainly worth continuing to underscore the gratitude I have for the management team, our dedicated staff, and our loyal members. Look forward to seeing you on the Patio this summer! Be well,
Suzanne M. Eschel President
www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
Upcoming Events
May Birthday Night
Father’s Day
Thursday, June 3 | Seatings 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Sunday, June 20 Brunch Seatings | 10:30 am & 12:30 pm BBQ Seatings | 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm No a la carte will be available for dinner service.
The birthday member will be treated to a complimentary dinner entrée and choice of Chocolate or Vanilla Cake. Reservations required. Tastefully casual dress. Maximum allowed per reservation is 6.
Kids Summer Reading Club June 1 - August 31 Help us achieve a collective goal of 100 books by August 31! To participate, email Lloy Johnston at ljohnston@michiganshores.org. Kids will report their completed books as they finish. Other opportunities for engagement surrounding reading will happen throughout the summer. Prizes will be awarded to all who participate!
Painting on the Patio Wednesday, June 16 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm $55 Per Person + Service Join us on the Patio for a painting class. Members will enjoy a 2 hour painting class with instruction to paint beautiful strokes of your own work. All while sipping a glass of wine! 48-hour cancellation policy. The class includes all painting supplies. Member signature bar. Register online.
Young at Heart Thursday, June 17 | Seatings 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Come enjoy a dinner at The Club for members and their guests 55 years of age or older. Reservations up to 4 guests max per member. Singles welcomed and encouraged. New live entertainment will be provided each month. Please note, there will be no dancing until allowed under State guidelines
Celebrate the special Dad in your lives by enjoying Father’s Day on the Patio. Treat Dad to a day of relaxation and fun with a morning brunch or evening BBQ Buffets. Tastefully casual dress. Rain or shine (the event will be moved inside with inclement weather).
Journaling 101 Wednesday, June 23 | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm $25 Per Person + Service Limited to 15 Participants Write, reboot, and restore in a journaling session that will focus on self-care. Try some writing prompts to explore, prioritize, and set goals to help you engage in your favorite personal care activities. No writing experience necessary! All you need is a notebook, a pen, and a willingness to create and connect with others. Michelle Wirth Fellman is a certified facilitator of Journal to the Self, a workshop created by Kathleen Adams, a pioneer in using writing as a tool for personal growth.
Rodney Strong Blending Saturday, June 19 | Cocktails at 6:00 pm Seminar 6:30 pm | $38 Per Person + Service Join us for an educational seminar on “The Art of Blending” and learn what a Meritage is, how Rodney Strong put Symmetry together, and how the final blend is an improvement over the sum of its parts.
experience the tradition of excellence
Summer Food and Beverage Listed hours and availability are subject to have changed since the publishing of the June Shorelines. Please continue to review your emails and the MSC website for the most up-to-date information.
Patio, Deck, and Bellows
Oak Room
May 28 - September 5
June 3 - July 2 - August 6 - September 3
Tuesday - Saturday | 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Sunday | 11:00 am - 8:30 pm * * Reservations only on the half hour
The Oak Room will reopen on the first Friday of each month June - September, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm with reservations on the half hour. Please see the calendar for dates and make reservations through the Front Desk. A limited menu will be available.
South End Café The South End Cafe is closed for the summer. We anticipate it will reopen for service in October.
To make a dining reservation, please call the Front Desk at 847-251-4100 and press 0 or 1.
Michigan Shores Club Dining Menus Click the buttons to view the Bellows menus. LUNCH MENU
www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
experience the tradition of excellence
The Aquatics Center has been making a splash this year and we are continuing that momentum into summer. Take a look at some of the upcoming offerings happening on the pool deck over the next few months, grab your suit and join us!
Swim Technique Program
Stroke Refresher and Clinic
Want to swim faster? Longer? Better?
Get ready for camps and summer vacations
Try our Swim Technique Program. Kathryn Friedman will video your stroke (above and below the water) provide feedback and suggested drills to help you meet your goals. Contact Lloy Johnston for more details.
Private Instruction 1:1
Tuesday - Thursday | June 8, 10, 15, and 17 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm | Ages 6 -10 years Aquatics Members: $88 Non-Aquatics Members: $100
$35/ half hour
Session 2
Semi-Private Instruction 2:1 $24 per student/half hour
Small Group Instruction 3:1 $20 per student/ half hour
MSC Tri-Challenge There is still time to participate in the MSC Tri-Challenge. Now through June 20, participants will complete a sprint, half, or full triathlon. Complete it as a team or individually, adults and children are welcome to participate! Register with Lloy Johnston at ljohnston@michiganshores.org and share your preferred Triathlon distance. Registrants will have 26 days to complete a Triathlon, as a team or as individuals. To aid you in your efforts to complete your Tri, we will make a Spin Bike available for use on the pool deck. Lane reservations will be complimentary to all non-aquatics participants during the duration of the challenge. You must be enrolled in the challenge to qualify. This is for fun, no entrance fee required.
Session 1
www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
Tuesday - Thursday | June 22, 25, 29, and July 1 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm Aquatics Members: $88 Non-Aquatics Members: $100 No make-ups available. To register, email Mary Lynn at mloconnel@michiganshores.org or by phone at 847-254-5014.
Pool Parties 1 hour pool rentals are available Aquatics Members: $125 Non-Aquatics Members: $150 Make it special with pizza, bowling and cake! Parties including F&B are subject to room rental fees. Pool parties are booking with limited capacity. Bowling billed separately. To coordinate a pool party at MSC, contact Lloy Johnston at ljohnston@michiganshores.org.
Summer Swim Lesson Packages One month swim lesson packages are now available for June, July, August. Packages must complete within 30 days of purchase - no rollover. Contact Lloy to set up a package with your favorite instructor
Aquatics Members
Aquatics Non-Members
30 min. Private
$200 for 8 lessons
$220 for 8 lessons
30 min. Semi-Private
$160/child or $320 for 8 lessons
$176/child or $352 for 8 lessons
1 hour Private
$400 for 8 lessons
$440 for 8 lessons
1 hour Semi-Private
$320/child or $640 for 8 lessons
$352/child or $704 for 8 lessons
Family Aquatics Membership Options $509 Per Year (prorated)
$258 Add-On to Fitness (prorated) $54 per month
experience the tradition of excellence
Fitness and Wellness As summer approaches and we all start to travel more, the temptation for junk food will rear its ugly head. But being away from home doesn’t have to mean poor food choices. Here are some tips to stick to your healthy habits no matter where life takes you.
Staying at a hotel? Consider booking a room with a kitchenette. Eating at restaurants while traveling is a big source of hidden calories. As often as you can, try to prepare your own meals with your own choices.
Don’t have a choice (see above)? Sometimes we have to eat at a restaurant whether for a business meeting or just lack of options. Just try to pick the menu item that is best for you, and don’t be afraid to ask about how the food is prepared.
Eat a healthy meal.
Make a plan.
Planning to be on the go for several hours? Eat something satisfying before you leave so that you aren’t reaching for junk food shortly into your trip.
Try to be as prepared as possible for your trip. Look online for healthy food sources near your lodging.
Pack a snack (or several). Try to have a bag packed with some healthy and filling snacks such as hard boiled eggs, almonds, raw veggies and hummus, quality jerky, or greek yogurt. Remember to bring a soft cooler and ice if packing perishables. **Bonus tip - pack lots of water!**
Aim for better, not perfect. Being too strict with food choices can lead to a difficult mentality around your diet. Don’t feel like you need to be perfect or punish yourself if you get off track. Remember the 80/20 rule - eat 80% what you need, 20% what you want.
www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
Decide whether you’ll stick to your healthy habits or take a temporary break. Either way is good as long as it’s a conscious choice. Don’t let your circumstances choose for you - be in charge of the decision.
Remember - you can always get back on track. Nothing is permanent and you can always get back into your healthy habits.
experience the tradition of excellence
10 www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
Golf Society
MSC Golf Society One of the benefits of the Golf Society is participation in a summer 9-hole league at The Glen Club. Al Golembeski & Tony Lazaro are coordinating the league this year. The group plays on Thursday nights with tee times starting at 5:00 pm. There is no every-week commitment – you can simply play when your schedule permits. Click the button below to view additional details about the program. We play with handicaps, and have low handicappers as well as high handicappers represented. To be put on the weekly mailing list to see who wants to play the following Thursday, email Al Golembeski at agolembesk@aol.com. If you would like to play, let him know by noon on the Tuesday before the Thursday. If you have any questions on the 9-hole league, feel free to email Mr. Golembeski, or give him a call at (312) 718-5861. Golf Society Members only.
Reminder We are still offering a dozen MSC logoed Pro V1 golf balls for any Golf Society referrals to our program.
Upcoming Events The Glen Club Wednesday July 21 | 1:00 pm Multiple long drives & closest to the hole contests throughout the day. Enjoy a post-golf meetup on the patio by the fire pits for some heavy apps and adult beverages. Golf Society Members only.
Looking Ahead The Golf Society will be hosting additional golf events this summer. Following those events, there will be a Ryder Cup event with the Winnetka Men's Golf Club in October. Additional details will be available in the coming weeks.
For any additional questions or details on the MSC Golf Society, contact Golf Chair, Ed Hungler, at edhungler@me.com.
experience the tradition of excellence
Welcome New Members Michigan Shores Club is happy to welcome the following new members and their families into membership in May. Michelle and Mason Miller Jennessa and Saqib Tabba Mary E. Reilly
As a Reminder Initiation Fee | $12,500
Happy Anniversary The MSC team would like to wish the following members a Happy Anniversary for your years of membership in June!
5 years Judith Healy
10 years Paul and Jane Pasin
15 years John and Lucine Nersesian
Waiting List Deposit | $6,250
Craig and Diane Schmidt
Current Monthly Dues | $325
Richard and Marla London
Waiting List | 8 – 10 months The waiting list is growing, but it is still a great time to join! If you know someone that you think would be a great fit for membership at Michigan Shores Club, connect them with Cody Czmyr, Director of Membership, at cczmyr@michiganshores.org to arrange a tour and discussion!
20 years James and Sue Blomberg
25 years Peter and Anastasia Coorlas John and Sharon Conklin Gary and Margaret Benz
30 years Vincent and Kathleen Cook
www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
experience the tradition of excellence
experience the tradition of excellence
Updated MSC Web Security The Club has recently implemented a new technology that is an added layer of security to protect your personal data online. In the recent wave of increased global cyber attacks, we know that we must pay closer attention to cybersecurity. You may have noticed that there is a new icon on the member login page that designates our site as being secured by BlindHash. BlindHash is the most advanced technology available to protect passwords online. You have probably seen in the news the last couple of years about many high profile breaches that have taken place: LinkedIn, Yahoo, LogMeIn, Dropbox, Verizon, and most recently Equifax.
By installing BlindHash’s patented technology, we are removing the possibility of our members’ passwords being stolen from our site via an offline attack.
It is the most secure password protection available anywhere today. Michigan Shores Club takes the security of our member data seriously and we are constantly improving our operations and technology.
Hackers realize that there is a good chance you are using the same password for your Club access as you do for other online accounts. Once they steal your password, they then use it throughout the web to gain access to your accounts elsewhere.
MSC Kids Summer Reading Club Open to all the kids of MSC! June 1 - August 31 Help us achieve a collective goal of 100 books by August 31! To participate, email Lloy Johnston at ljohnston@michiganshores.org. Kids will report their completed books as they finish. Other opportunities for engagement surrounding reading will happen throughout the summer. Prizes will be awarded to all who participate.
www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
Get Social
Follow Michigan Shores Club on Social Media! Click the images below to bring you to the social media page. We encourage you to share your experiences at The Club on your social media accounts and tag @michiganshoresclub and use #memoriesatMSC.
Facebook @michiganshoresclub
Instagram @michiganshoresclub
LinkedIn Michigan Shores Club
YouTube Michigan Shores Club
experience the tradition of excellence
MSC Graduates Congratulations MSC Class of 2021! It has been an interesting 1.5 years for our newest class of graduates, but they persevered and overcame the challenges of remote learning, cancelled traditions and missed opportunities for engagement. However, it is time to turn the page on that chapter and move to the next. We are thrilled to present the MSC Class of 2021. Please take some time to review the individuals below who are taking the next step in life. Congratulations, we look forward to watching you shine!
“ The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” - Alan Kay
Beatrix Colin (Left)
Penelope Colin (Right)
Tommy DeMarino
Graduating from St. Joseph School
Graduating from St. Joseph School
Graduating from St. Joseph School
Attending McKenzie Elementary School
Attending McKenzie Elementary School
Attending St. Francis Xavier
www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
Dean Vandewater
Elle Anderson
Caroline Hague
Graduating from Rose Hall Montessori School
Graduating from St. Francis Xavier
Graduating from Wilmette Jr. High School
Attending Central Elementary School
Attending Loyola Academy
Attending New Trier High School
Arin Jain
Jack Keenan
Maxsen Anderson
Graduating from Wilmette Junior High School
Graduating from St. Francis Xavier
Graduating from New Trier High School
Attending New Trier High School
Attending Loyola Academy
Attending Purdue University
experience the tradition of excellence
Meg Armour
Kit Bennett
Madeline Brown
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from New Trier High School
Attending Tulane University
Attending Pitzer College
Attending University of Arizona
Katia Chiampas
Henry Gilson
Daniel Frederic Greiner
Graduating from Loyola Academy
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from New Trier High School
Attending Johns Hopkins University
Attending DePaul University
Attending Boston University
20 www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
Wynne Hague
Lilly Harris
Sam Harvey
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from New Trier High School
Attending Denison University
Attending DePauw University
Attending Texas Christian University
Thomas Kunkler
McKayla Hope Lyons
Luke McDonnell
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from New Trier High School
Attending Cornell University
Attending Providence College
Attending Marquette University
experience the tradition of excellence
Brian Mostofi
Beckett Murtaugh
Colleen Murdock
Graduating from North Shore Country Day School
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from Regina Dominican
Attending Santa Clara University
Attending Washington University in St. Louis
Attending University of Notre Dame
Allison O’Bara
Lily Scott
Ryan Schultz
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from Loyola Academy
Graduating from New Trier High School
Attending Washington University in St. Louis
Attending Butler University
Attending Penn State
22 www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
Jordan Spencer
Isabel Sullivan
William Terry
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from Dana Hall School
Graduating from New Trier
Attending Indiana University
Attending Boston College
Attending University of Illinois
William Trukenbrod
Matina Vasilatos
Bridget Vitu
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from New Trier High School
Graduating from New Trier High School
Attending University of Virginia
Attending University of South Carolina
Attending Yale University
experience the tradition of excellence
Daniel Albrecht
Caroline Kelly Drake
Isabel Victoria Greiner
Graduating from Butler University
Graduating from University of Pittsburgh
Graduating from University of Illinois
Mia Haggerty
Elizabeth M. Mather
Ingrid Wall
Graduating from Cornell University
Graduating from Indiana University
Graduating from Harvard University
24 www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
Andres Mombela
Emma Brady
Zoe Cventas
Son of Raul Mombela
Daughter of Marianne Brady
Current Employee, Aquatics
Graduating from Richardson Middle School
Graduating from Loyola Academy
Graduating from Evanston Township High School
Attending Mansueto High School
Attending Miami University
Attending Santa Clara University
Luna Johnston
Luis Enrique Flores
Lila Garfield
Current Employee, Aquatics
Son of Emilio Flores
Current Employee, Aquatics
Graduating from Northside College Prep HS
Graduating from Lane Tech College Prep HS
Graduating from Evanston Township High School
Attending Macalester College
Attending Colorado College
experience the tradition of excellence
Katie Holland
Christian Cortes
Diana Flores
Current Employee, Aquatics
Son of Paco Cortes
Daughter of Emilio Flores
Graduating from Evanston Township High School
Graduating from Wright College
Graduating from Beloit University
Attending University of Illinois
Attending University of Illinois Chicago
Jessica Garcia
Ciera Johnson
Cheyenne Martinez
Current Employee, F&B
Current Employee, Reception
Current Employee, F&B
Graduating from Northeastern Illinois University
Graduating from Northeastern Illinois University
Graduating from St. Norbert College
26 www.michiganshores.org 847-251-4100
911 Michigan Ave. Wilmette, IL 60091
Like us on Facebook @michiganshoresclub
Find us on Instagram @michiganshoresclub
Follow us on LinkedIn michiganshoresclub
Staff Tom Conroy
General Manager tconroy@michiganshores.org
Eddie Cruz
Assistant General Manager ecruz@michiganshores.org
Ed Strzelecki
Executive Chef estrzelecki@michiganshores.org
Marianne Brady
Lloy Johnston
Controller mbrady@michiganshores.org
Director of Aquatics ljohnston@michiganshores.org
Tony Colosimo
Irene Aceves
Director of Athletics acolosimo@michiganshores.org
Director of Catering iaceves@michiganshores.org
Cody Czmyr
Chris Warner
Director of Communications & Membership cczmyr@michiganshores.org
Paddle Director cwarner@michiganshores.org
experience the tradition of excellence