Mid-Atlantic Events Magazine January/February 2022 Issue

Page 66

Managing Nutrition by Wendy Dickerman

Pandemic Pounds? You are not alone! Stress (especially from the pandemic) has impacted everyone in one way or another, and the hospitality industry is no exception. From shutdowns to partial openings to masks, sanitizing, day-to-day changes, virtual conferencing with learning curves and virtual platform rules and regulations to layoffs, furloughs or even complete job loss and businesses closing down. So, what do we do with all of that stress? Let’s start by talking about nutrition and stress. Many people have turned to food for comfort throughout the pandemic. It makes sense. When we were babies, we would cry when we were uncomfortable. Our caretakers would feed us and hold us, assuring us that everything would be all right. We had an innate appetite regulator. We would stop eating when we felt full and, if we ate too much, we may have spit up the excess. Once babies start eating solid foods, though, all bets are off. Bread making and craft beer brewing in our garage are not the healthiest outlets for stress. Sure, it is learning a new skill, but when comfort turns to excess the result often can be those pandemic pounds piling up. Now we are putting ourselves at risk for heart disease, diabetes, at least 6 types of cancer (colon, breast, esophageal, stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and more) and inflammatory conditions.

Mind/Body Practice: Consider taking a Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi or Melt class. There are many offerings free on YouTube, or your own gym may offer virtual classes or limited number of participants in-person. It is so worth it. YOU are so worth it. Even stretching your body before bed each night is helpful. Develop or Resume a Fitness Routine: It can be as simple as walking for 30-minutes every morning or every evening. The key is to do this consistently. Walking (especially outdoors) has been shown to decrease dementia/Alzheimer’s risk, too, and helps us to work through issues on our mind. Connect with Other People: Call your friends, family members or a therapist. Connect with your community or faith-based organization. Fill Up on Healthy Foods: Learn some healthy cooking techniques, try new recipes that focus on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. See a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for guidance (many medical insurers cover several visits - some even virtually). Take a Break from the News: Try not watching the news for a few days, disconnect from social media, and limit screen time. The bombardment of news involving traumatic events can be overwhelming.

Clients in my practice have gained anywhere from 5 to 60 pounds since March of 2020. So, what are some healthier outlets for stress management?

Get Enough Sleep: Aim to get 7- to 9-hours of sleep each night. Sleep is critical for metabolism, rest and repairing your body.


Avoid Drugs and Alcohol: These may seem to help at times, but even 1 or 2 drinks can factor into sleep disturbance, and the additional calories can lead to weight gain (not to mention potential for additional problems within your family and increased stress levels).

Breathing: Yes, breathing. Try this really quick - breathe in deeply through your nose to the count of four, then exhale slowly through your mouth to the count of seven. Do this as many times in a row as you need to in order to feel the effect. (I use my fingers to count - we have them for a reason, after all). This produces an immediate drop in blood pressure and also provides a calming effect - with no added calories. ­66 January­z February­2022

Wendy Dickerman, RD, LDN, co-owner of Advanced Nutrition Consultants, LLC, is a registered dietitian licensed in Pennsylvania with over 22 years of experience in the field of nutrition and dietetics.


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