The MidCoast 2030 Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is a roadmap for the future of the MidCoast Council area. In the development of the CSP, other key government plans and legislative frameworks were considered, in particular the NSW State Plan, the Hunter Regional Plan, the Local Government Act 1993 and the Integrated Planning and Reporting Guidelines, to ensure that there is alignment and the community is working towards a shared vision.
The Vision of the CSP, which is consistent with the Manning River ECMP, is:
The Manning River ECMP Reference Group: a formally appointed committee of Council with 15 members made up of 10 community representatives, four government agency representatives and the CEO of the Purfleet-Taree Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC). Community members recruited via an advertising campaign represent beef, dairy and oyster farmers, Landcare, Coastcare, recreational fishing and broad community interests.
“We strive to be recognised as a place of unique environmental and cultural significance. Our strong community connection, coupled with our innovative development and growing economy, builds the quality of life we value.”
Council was committed to engaging with our community throughout the planning process. We used the Public Participation Spectrum (IAP2 2018) to assign participation levels for stakeholder and community engagement. The spectrum sets out the level of consultation for each target group from inform to consult, collaborate and empower, and our commitment to acknowledging and using community feedback. A diagram of the spectrum is provided in Appendix 2. Unless otherwise shown below, formal consultation has been documented in the Manning River Estuary CMP Stakeholder Consultation Report (MCC 2021 Annexure B) available on Council’s web site. Groups are described below.
Agencies represented include: • Hunter Local Land Services (LLS) • Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) – Water, Floodplains and Coast team • DPIE – National Parks and Wildlife Service • Transport for NSW – Maritime The ECMP Reference Group was established in December 2019 and was co-chaired by Councillors Len Roberts and Katherine Smith. The group met five times between December 2019 and July 2021, with minutes presented to Council for adoption. The level of IAP2 participation with the Manning River ECMP reference group was involvement. The ECMP Technical Advisory Group: an informal group with meetings held as needed. Members represent a range of Council teams, government agencies and academic institutions. The Group met four times between November 2018 and May 2020. Members also participated in workshops held for issue analysis and management options. The IAP2 level of participation was collaboration.
Manning River Estuary and Catchment Management Program (ECMP)