Middle Market Growth - 2022 Guide to Dealmaking // Special Edition

Page 34


What, if anything, do you think are the benefits of working in a global team? 60%

Team diversity More creativity


Global insights into other markets


Cost-effectiveness Responsiveness to clients




I don’t think there are any benefits to working in a global team

10% 0%

Other Less than a year

1 year, up to 2 years

More than 2 years, up to 3 years

More than 3 years, More than 4 years, up to 4 years up to 5 years

How long people expect to stay in their jobs

Source: Work Trend Index: Microsoft’s latest research on the ways we work

Improved perception of employers

to stay in their current job for more than

employees’ trust, but other findings sig-

four years declared that diversity was

naled different areas of opportunity that,

The changes adopted by companies

the main advantage of their team. It’s no

if tapped into, can boost talent retention.

during the pandemic had a positive

coincidence that teamwork and the abil-

For example, 32 percent of the employ-

effect on the perception employees

ity to express opinions influence people

ees surveyed felt less connected to

had toward their jobs. According to

to keep their current positions.

their coworkers. The three biggest chal-

the global employee survey results,

Happiness with the reporting line also

lenges global teams face are scheduling

48 percent of employees felt happier

correlates with retention: 44 percent stated

across time zones, process speed, and

since they started working remotely,

that their perception of company leader-

lacking communication methods. We

and 34 percent sensed that their voices

ship improved in the last year. From this

can surmise that technology plays a key

mattered more in the company.

group, 50 percent plan to stay at their com-

role in connecting people in different

panies for more than three years. Retention

countries—if done in an efficient and

top three factors that contribute to a better

can be promoted by leadership – by setting

nonintrusive way, employees will be

work experience globally. The first aspect

goals and objectives that encourage

more likely to report happiness and,

was a better work-life balance, followed by

healthy work habits, and empowering

therefore, stay longer in their roles.

being part of a team, and having the right

middle management to do the same.

Surprisingly, compensation was not in the

tools/equipment for the job. Workers realized,

One thing that both surveys clearly

Leaders’ ability to steer their teams

revealed, when interviewing employees as

after a year at home, the value of well-

through a crisis correlates strongly with

much as CFOs, is that remote hiring is not

being—and employees want to hang onto

employee loyalty. In fact, response to the

the future; it is our present. Companies

this learning. Companies that understand

Covid-19 pandemic significantly impacted

that understand this shift and adapt will

how their workforce feels about their work-

teams’ loyalty towards those in charge,

have a competitive advantage in employee

life balance can enhance talent retention.

suggesting that transparency is more valu-

retention. But the message from the work-

able than appearing calm and collected.

force is clear: A healthy work-life balance is

At times when they perceive their leader

more important than compensation. If that

According to those surveyed, diversity is

stretched and stressed, and seeing how

means that employees need to quit their

the main advantage of remote work. This

stress is handled among leadership, work-

jobs and find a new remote role, they will.

has a direct correlation with talent reten-

ers become either more convinced of their

tion: 58 percent feel that diversity is the

loyalty or more set in their unhappiness

ees and take measures to value their

most important benefit of global teams,

with current leadership.

global teams, and keep them connected

Diverse teams nurture retention

followed by more creativity (51 percent),


More than 5 years

and global insights into other markets

Retention boosts opportunities

(49 percent). Moreover, people who plan

Diversity and leadership build up


05_GlobalizationPartners.indd 32

Companies that listen to their employ-

and happy, will see a boost in their productivity—motivating their talent to continue working for them. //

Content Provided by ACG Partners and Featured Firms

12/8/21 2:36 PM

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