Book mark tennant special issue

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la luna art

Mark Tennant special issue

Since the very beginning the internet was to me like an open window to the global village that could eliminate frontiers. This might explain why I created El Patio De la Luna with the idea of a free and transnational project; a place to meet and where art, ideas and persons could gather. A kind of a different magazine bringing art from around the world to the entire planet. A sort of virtual gallery born out of passion and with no intermediaries; only the artwork, the artist and the viewer/ reader should be the protagonists. miguel morales ruiz, editor


el patio de la luna art magazine

miguel morales ruiz, editor luis f. morales ruiz, design

Mark Tennant


Mark Tennant’s work is so multi-faceted that it is difficult to only dedicate one addendum to it.

And perhaps for this reason, in this first tentative approach of EL PATIO DE LA LUNA ART MAGAZINE to the paintings and drawings of Mark Tennant, we have focused on its more pop aspects: those of the paintings of superimposed surfaces that distil tenderness, nostalgia and satire where loose pencil strokes coexist with a disjointed figuration, at times almost abstract.

On the other hand, we allowed ourselves to be seduced by the dexterity of his majestic collection of drawings.

But we are aware that our selection could have been very different, and yet equally faithful to Mark Tennant’s charismatic trajectory

miguel morales ruiz

Mark Tennant received a B.F.A. from the Maryland Institute College of Art, in Baltimore, and an M.F.A. from the New York Academy of Art, in New York City. For the years 2008 and 2009, he was the Director of Graduate Fine Art Painting at Academy of Art University, in San Francisco, where he had been an instructor since 1998. Among other exhibitions, his paintings have twice been displayed in the Salon d’Automne, in Paris. He has taught Museum Copying at the Louvre, Paris, at the Metropolitan in New York, and the Legion of Honor in San Francisco.

E s t a n p o l i é d r i c a l a o b r a d e M a r k Te n n a n t que resulta difícil dedicarle un sólo


Y quizás por eso en este primer acercamiento d e E L PAT I O D E L A LU N A A RT M AG A Z I N E a l a p i n t u ra y l o s d i b u j o s d e M a r k Te n n a n t

nos hemos centrado la de

en su vertiente

más pop:

esos cuadros de planos superpuestos

que destilan ternura, nostalgia y sátira y en los que conviven las pinceladas sueltas y una figuración disgregada, a veces casi abstracta.

Y por otra parte

nos hemos dejado seducir

por la destreza de su magistral colección de dibujos.

Pe r o s o m o s c o n s c i e n t e s d e q u e n u e s t r a


podría haber sido muy distinta y sin embargo igual de fiel a l a c a r i s m á t i c a t r a y e c t o r i a d e M a r k Te n n a n t

miguel morales ruiz

First Prize ModPortrait 2017 Barcelona/Zaragoza

2 d r a w i n g


For more information, visit:

la luna art

la luna art

LINK : el pato de la luna art magazine

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