Juan miguel palacios

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la luna art

juan miguel palacios miguel morales ruiz, editor luis f. morales ruiz, ar tistic director and design


Since the very beginning the internet was to me like an open window to the global village that could eliminate frontiers. This might explain why I created LA LUNA ART with the idea of a free and transnational project; a place to meet and where art, ideas and persons could gather. A kind of a different magazine bringing art from around the world to the entire planet. A sort of virtual gallery born out of passion and with no intermediaries; only the artwork, the artist and the viewer/reader should be the protagonists. miguel morales ruiz, editor

m i g u e l

m o r a l e s

r u i z ,

e d i t o r

l u i s

m o r a l e s

r u i z ,

d e s i g n

f .

While my work has a clear figurative language, my large-scale paintings, contain a strong conceptual load, where my work developed as seri es has a constant wandering about the individual’s identity and its relationship with the environment. Concepts such as mourning, duel, luxury, restlessness, and gesture are constants vital in my work.

The Hunte II-Dermis mix tech / clear PVC vinyl 225 x 132cm

A diferencia de la palabra escrita, del logro ingenioso de una pirueta linguística; el trazo, l a d i s p o s i c i ó n d e m a s a s d e c o l o r, los vectores que hacen gravitar los centros temáticos del cuadro, sin dejar de impactar en las esferas de la racionalidad, se expanden en

orbitas cromáticas

dirigidas a lo más profundo de la irracionalidad sensorial. Con la palabra se puede conjugar pasión e inteligencia; pero dificilmente se logra ir más allá de

glosar un estímulo

emotivo o intelectual. Mientras que la pintura, -cuando es pintura de verdadtiene el centro en sí misma: irradia entidad y es

dificilmente traducible.

Miguel Morales Ruiz

The Hunter VI-Dermis mix tech / clear PVC vinyl 122x92 cm

Statement Bio While his work has a clear figurative language, the large scale paintings of Juan Miguel Palacios contain a strong conceptual load, where his work developed in series, has a constant wandering of the individual’s identity and its relationship with the environment. Concepts such as mourning, duel, luxury, restlessness, and inequality, are constants vital in his work. Juan Miguel Palacios, continually explores the complex range of human emotions, with a free, powerful and always modern technique. He is driven by the search for new forms of expression and fuses sociopolitical themes with personal experiences and historical antecedents of art, creating a unique and modern environment on the most ou tstanding and controversial issues of contemporary society. Canvas, vinyl, methacrylate, aluminum, drywall...surfaces where Juan Miguel Palacios presents his shocking and extensive work. Born in Madrid in 1973,Juan Miguel Palacios begins to paint at the early age of 6 years. After a long journey with many Art Professors and Fine Art Schools, at age 12 he joined the studio of the renowned Spanish painter Amadeo Roca Gisbert (disciple of Joaquin Sorolla) for six years. Along those years, he was educated and formed in a strict academic training until he joined the Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid in 1991. When he had completed his college degree, in 1997 he founded the Laocoonte Art School of Madrid. During this period, he will combine mentoring and teaching with the development of his artist career with exhibitions in different cities of Spain and countries of Europe. Works as a muralist, theater scenographer, and film posters painter will string along with him during these years. Currently, he resides in NY since 2013.



Madrid, Spain,1973

www.juanmiguelpalacios.com juanmiguelpalacios@msn.com

Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts by Complutense University. Madrid, Spain

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7 T H 1 1 2 1 1

S T . N E W


SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2017 “wounded” L a z a r i d e s G a l l e r y. Lo n d o n , U K 2015 “ U n e a s i n e s s ”. S U S A n n u a l g a l a . R u m n e y G u g g e n h e i m G a l l e r y . N e w Yo r k , E E U U 2014 “ U n e a s i n e s s ”.

A l e j a n d ro G a l l e r y.

Barcelona. Spain

2009 “ E m o c i o n e s ”. E l Q u a t r e G a l l e r y . B a r c e l o n a , S p a i n 2008 “ E m o c i o n e s ”. A n n t a G a l l e r y .

Madrid, Spain

2006 “ I n g r a v i d o s ”. E l Q u a t r e G a l l e r y . B a r c e l o n a , S p a i n 2005 “ I n g r a v i d o s ”. J u a n d e J u a n e s

Gallery- Alicante, Spain

“ I n g r a v i d o s ”. A n n t a G a l l e r y , M a d r i d , S p a i n . 2004 “ D e s i e r t o s ”. J u a n d e J u a n e s G a l l e r y . A l i c a n t e , S p a i n 2003 “ I m p u l s o s ”.

G e m a L a z c a n o G a l l e r y. M a d r i d , S p a i n

2001 “ O l e o s y D i b u j o s ”. E l v i r C a r r e r a s G a l l e r y . M a d r i d , S p a i n 2000 “ O l e o s y D i b u j o s ”. D a s t o G a l l e r y . O v i e d o , S p a i n 1999 E l v i ra Ca r re ra s G a l l e r y. M a d r i d ,


1998 E l v i ra Ca r re ra s G a l l e r y. M a d r i d , S p a i n








Lazarides is pleased to present ‘ Wounded’, Juan Miguel Palacios’ first solo London exhibition.

“I have always been fascinated by the human face and it’s gestural language because of its communicative character and beauty. A face can transmit so many different emotions with only a small modification of the facial features and this is what I want to explore through the featured works. A common denominator of the big cities we live in, such as New York or London, is the racial and cultural diversity. Dynamic cities, full of life that attract and welcome millions of different people. Fascinating cities, offering all kinds of comforts, luxuries, and pleasures which at the same time can be extremely individualist and solitary where very few people manage to realise their dreams. An amalgam of apparently happy and blissful faces that after a closer inspection reveal an expression of fatigue and pain, as a result of dayto- day experiences. I identify all these life experiences as ‘wounds’ and it is these ‘wounds’ that inevitably leave an imprit or a mark on our faces. This was the starting point for the works in this series and the exhibition is an investigation of these different emotions through gestures. In a metaphorical way, I use the ambiguous face of a woman, in which pleasure and pain are mixed in a single gesture, generating a feeling of uncertainty. I have tried to investigate further by looking for new ways of representation, I use a drywall and transparent vinyl, replacing the traditional canvas. I strike and burn the drywall until it is broken, as a synonym of all those experiences that mark us and configure our expressions. The transparent vinyl is a synonym of identity, where I represent different facial gestures and because of their transparent nature, allow us to see their interior.” - Juan Miguel Palacios

Lazarides is pleased to present ‘Wo u n d e d ’ , Juan Miguel Palacios’ first solo London exhibition.

Lazarides • 11 Rathbone Place • London • W1T 1HR • +44 (0)20 7636 5443 • www.lazinc.com

Private View: Thursday 22nd June 6-9pm Exhibition runs: 23rd June – 22nd July 2017



Aleksandre Chavchavadze, Tsinandali , Georgia

Rumney Guggengeim Gallery. Miami, Alejandro Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark Opera Gallery. New York


Opera Gallery. Miami,

The Bogart Salon Gallery. New York, Chelsea International Competition. Agora Gallery. New York Corcoran Gallery. Washington DC The Hogarth

Worldwide Biannual. New York

Yiayiannos Gallery. Athens,

O p e r a G a l l e r y N e w Yo r k

installment of our new and emerging artist

is pleased to present the third

e x h i b i t i o n : Yo u n g b l o o d . T h e f i e l d o f C o n t e m p o r a r y a r t h a s a l w a y s b r o u g h t t h e promise of something exhilarating and exciting. New images created from multi-faceted and complex techniques capture the v i e w e r ’s e y e a n d a t t e n t i o n , a n d b e g t h e m t o q u e s t i o n w h a t t h e y s e e . 2 0 1 3 ’s g l o b a l r o s t e r o f Yo u n g b l o o d artists does not fail in bringing us this strong visual and sensory experience. “ Pa i n t i n g B o d i e s ,” t h e b a s i s o f J u a n M i g u e l Pa l a c i o s ’ w o r k , b r i n g s f o r w a r d t h e simplicity and complexity of the h u m a n b o d y t h r o u g h b r u s h s t r o k e a n d c o l o r. H e e x p l o r e s t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p s between these two aesthetic elements and sets out to prove that the brush strokes evoke the colors of the human form. Contemporary Art can be created in many different forms, in different m e d i u m s , e v o k i n g d i f f e r e n t i d e a s a n d p o i n t s o f v i e w. T h i s y e a r ’s p a r t i c i p a t i n g Yo u n g b l o o d a r t i s t s e m b o d y t h e b e s t a n d b r i g h t e s t o f t h e s e t e n e t s . O p e r a G a l l e r y N e w Yo r k i s p r o u d t o p r e s e n t t h i s m u l t i - a r t i s t e x h i b i t i o n t o o p e n t h e 2013-2014 exhibition season. (Opera gallery press-release) A r t i s t s : Pa c o Pr o a n o , D i n o r a h D e l f í n , J e a n n e Pa l o m b o , J u a n M i g u e l Pa l a c i o s , N i l s Fo l k e A n d e r s o n , A l e x a n d r o s Va s m o u l a k i s Rone, Shane McAdams. O p e r a G a l l e r y, 1 1 5 S p r i n g S t , N e w Yo r k , N Y 1 0 0 1 2 h t t p : / / w w w. o p e r a g a l l e r y. c o m h t t p : / / w w w. j u a n m i g u e l p a l a c i o s . c o m I m a g e . E p i d e r m i s I I . J u a n M i g u e l Pa l a c i o s .

Juan Miguel Palacios , 3D painted work

Throughout the centuries, the painter through the development of perspective and the play of light and shadow, has always looked to creating an optical illusion to get more depth in the paintings

and create a three dimensional effect on a

two-dimensional work. Discover how to make this real. This workshop presents an innovative 3D technique consisting of superimpo sing painted transparent layers to create a single compo sition. Working in different sheets of Plexiglas for one sole painting.

Rumney Guggenheim Galley





abundancia, pero




una visión paradójica que interpreta a través del lenguaje plástico





Pa l a c i o s .



n a c i m i e n t o p e r o a f i n c a d o e n N u e v a Yo r k , Pa l a c i o s p r e s e n t a s u ú l t i m a s e r i e , ‘ U n e a s i n e s s ’, d o n d e t r a z a l a f r í a r e a l i d a d e n l a s g ra n d e s c i u d a d e s q u e é l c o n o c e t a n b i e n . Pa l a c i o s r i n d e homenaje al duelo y a la pérdida del duelo que provoca la vorágine de la ciudad, donde prevalecen el dinero como valor absoluto. Cuadros de estancias vacías donde se palpa la opulencia perdida y donde sólo queda la verdad desnuda, sin artificios, del pincel de este pintor figurativo.

Uneasiness. Juan Miguel Palacios


2 0 1 4

M o M A

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M u s e u m

o f

M o d e r n

A r t

a f f i l i a t e

“Colour is not a dress has written Didi-Huberman ; colour should not never settle on bodies� What is colour then and how it is connected with t h e b o d y ? Fo r a w h i l e n o w J u a n M i g u e l Pa l a c i o s i s d e v o t i n g h i m s e l f t o answering this question and he has made it in the best way we could imagine: by painting bodies. If we take a look at the career of the painter, it will remain well in sight to what extent he has engaged in it. Epidermis, Abandonos (Abandon),Emociones (Emotions), Ingravidos (Weightless), Desiertos (Deserts), Ocultos (Conceal), in this manner he has entitled the series of paintings that has been exhibiting in the last years. In them appear faces, torsos, hands, bodies which embrace themselves or simply disappear, but never stop shining, albeit it is by its absence. Juan Miguel’s artcraft focuses on the brush stroke; thereof resides the art of painting and it is found the secret of its relation with the body. Here, this painter wonder us with his series of Epidermis by showing how the colour is not which settles on the body, but the body, by way of well composed b r u s h s t r o k e s , a p p e a r s a s s e t t l e d o n t h e c o l o u r. Pe r h a p s , t h i s i s b e c a u s e t h e brush stroke and the colour have their origin precisely in the body, and this knows it well who being touched is embarrassed, it goes red in the face as one usually says. But one could also be green with envy, blue with cold or go white with fear. It is not stranged then that for the body and the colour our painter has come to accomplish a series as Emociones that with joy, will or even with sorrow he gets the colours out of us. (...) Body and color: the painting of Juan Miguel Palacios by Daniel Lesmes

press_links (click links)

http://momaps1.org/studio-visit/artist/juan-miguel-palacios https://vimeo.com/69968876 http://www.agora-gallery.com/invite/juan_miguel_palacios.aspx http://hyperallergic.com/52414/56-bogart-street-bos-2012/ https://www.spainred.us/people/juan-miguel-palacios https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4qH4QAb-NE (video quiet lunch) http://www.galleryintell.com/bushwick-open-studios-top-three-artists-2013/ http://squa.re/2013/07/09/cool-hunting-video-juan-miguel-palacios/ http://www.artnouveau.com.gr/photo-gallery/juan-miguel-palacios/ http://hmsthenotebook.tumblr.com/post/151163292785/discovered-the-work-of-juan-miguel-palacios-at https://www.evensi.us/3d-layered-paintings-with-juan-miguel-palacios-the-art/103431212 http://www.sienteamerica.com/posts/6512-juan-miguel-palacios-pinturas-tridimensionales https://www.timeout.es/barcelona/es/arte/uneasiness-juan-miguel-palacios http://www.bonart.cat/actual/uneasiness-de-juan-miguel-palacios-a-alejandrogallery/

While my work has a clear figurative language, my large-scale paintings, contain a strong conceptual load, and they have a constant w a n d e r i n g a b o u t t h e i n d i v i d u a l ’s i d e n t i t y a n d i t s r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h t h e e n v i r o n m e n t . C o n c e p t s s u c h a s m o u r n i n g , d u e l , l u x u r y, restlessness, and gesture are vital signs in my work. juan miguel palacios

London next exhibition, L o nudnodne n t iiognu,e l Pa l a c i o s . Wo debx yt eJ xuha inb iM Wo dw b yi l lJ o up an o s2. 0 1 7 . . . T h eu snhdoew e nMoi g n u2e3l rPa d Jl aucni e T p e3n0 b oM n 12l3Cr d J u n e 2 0 1 7 . . . hh t tep :s/h/ o ow w. lwyi/lSl poTz h t t p : / / o w. l y / S p Tz 3 0 b M 1 l C

la luna art

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