Strategic Management and Balanced Scorecard Course

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Strategic Management Course Balanced Scorecard Certification The Kaplan-Norton BSC Framework


Bucharest, Romania, 2015

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Are your December 31st company results the same as those planned 12 months earlier? You are now probably in full process of cascading the company objectives and KPIs, in order to obtain at the end of 2015 the annual planned results. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg, because the fundamentals of your Strategic Planning and Strategy Execution might have not been properly set. Strategy is both Art and Science. The Art of Strategy is acquired and refined after many years of managerial experience. However, for ensuring the Strategy Formulation and Execution success, we need to know how to build a Strategic Management system that has to be based on a rigorous, systematic, logic and clear methodology and run like clockwork. Comprehensive international studies show that most organizations fail to achieve their strategic vision and implement their Strategy. The reason behind this failure is most often, not the Strategy itself, but the capability of Strategy Execution.

The successful Strategy Execution has two basic rules: â?ś an adaptive management system that consistently links the Strategy to the operations, integrating both performance and risk management and â?ˇ an accurate organizational alignment system going down to the individual employee level.

Š 2015 Balanced Scorecard Romania

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The Strategic Management and Balanced Scorecard Certification Course, based on the Kaplan-Norton BSC Certification Boot Camp curricula, adapted for the Romanian market and delivered in Romanian language, aims to improve the skills and expertise of top executives and experts in Strategy Execution doing business in Romania, by equipping them with a practical toolkit for the implementation and the successful use of the strategic management system based on Balanced Scorecard, with practical application (case study exercise, during the course). The Certification Exam ensures that all BSC concepts and methodology are mastered by the course participants. The exam includes a set of 100 questions and three essays on topics from the curricula studied. The Certificate BSC Expert diploma confirms the detailed knowledge of the principles, implementation methodology and proper use of the strategic management system based on Balanced Scorecard, according to the most advanced internationally-adopted framework today, the Kaplan-Norton BSC Framework (XPP Execution Premium Process™).

The Course is structured on five days of theory and practice, including an applied exercise on a Case Study, using the BSC Board™ specialized strategy execution platform. The details of the case study are presented at the beginning of the first day of the course. The course exam is available online, as well, and includes 100 multiple-choice question items and 3 short essays; the exam duration is 3 hours. On the same exam platform we make available an exam simulation (25 items and 1 essay).

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Course Audience:

At the end of the course, the participate who successfully take the certification exam will know how to develop, integrate and manage their organization's Strategic Plan using a robust framework, field-tested in thousands of Balanced Scorecard implementation projects worldwide, the Kaplan-Norton BSC Framework (XPP - Execution Premium Process™). The knowledge gained & tested and the practical exercises conducted within the course will enable the participants to take specific responsibilities for: 

Company’s Strategy formulation and clarification

Strategic Planning / development of the Strategic Plan, as part of company’s Business Planning cycle

Organizational Alignment / convergence of processes’ transformation and improvement actions

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Top Executives / VPs CFOs / Financial Directors HR Directors / Managers Quality Systems Managers Risk Management responsibles Experts in planning, control and evaluation of economic performance

In previous course sessions, the participation of CEO, General Director, Deputy General Director, Managing Director / Partner has accounted for 54% of all participants.

The course is developed for senior-level professionals, who have responsibilities for: 

Strategically-aligned performance improvement throughout the entire organization

Fulfilling company’s Strategy (Strategy Execution )

Transformation and improvement of the operational processes

Integration of performance and risk at strategic management level

Strategic level integration of performance and risk management

Management of the periodic review and of the corrective actions, as part of the Strategy Execution

Analysis and strategically-balanced reporting of company’s economic performance

Strategic Planning and integration of the Strategic Plan with the Budget and with the operational plans

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BENEFITS FOR THE COURSE ATTENDEES The course participants who pass the certification exam will know how to develop, integrate and manage their organization's Strategic Plan, developed using the latest Balanced Scorecard framework existing today: The Kaplan-Norton BSC Framework (XPP - Execution Premium Process™). As part of the course package, the participants will receive: • • • •

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A binder manual, in Romanian language, including the detailed BSC implementation & use methodology, according to the Kaplan-Norton BSC Framework (XPP - Execution Premium Process ™) The electronic-format version of the manual (on CD) The electronic-format toolbox, including templates required for each stage of the BSC-based management system’s implementation During the four days, the students will participate in a case study, building a fully developed strategic plan, based on the Balanced Scorecard methodology employed (XPP) Participation certificate (at the end of the four-day course) The user profile required for taking the certification exam The Certified Balanced Scorecard Expert diploma (after the exam) Access to the Balanced Scorecard Romania online documentation area, including hundreds of articles on BSC, case studies, video recordings, etc. Free access for 3 month to the BSC Board™ specialized strategy execution platform, including all features, unlimited number of scorecards and users.

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The first eight course sessions (May 2013 – July 2014) have been attended by 145 employees of the following 54 companies and institutions: • Altimex Pro International SRL • Archibus Solution Center Romania • ASA Environmental Services SRL • Autodesk Romania SRL • Avantera SRL • Avon Cosmetics (Romania) SRL • AXA Life Insurance SA • Banca Comerciala Romana SA • Beco Logistic Serv SRL • Bitdefender SRL • Calsonic Kansei Romania SRL • Deloitte Consultanta SRL • Dr. Reddys Laboratories SRL • Dr. Dietrich Bock und Partner • Distrigaz Sud Retele SRL • Ernst & Young Romania • Elpreco SA • Enterprise Concept SRL • E.ON Romania SA • Euralis Seminte SRL • Future Capital SRL • Gedeon Richter Romania SRL • GDF Suez Energy Romania SA • Green Light Group SRL • Hidroelectrica SA • IBM Romania SRL • Icelandia SRL • Impersior SRL

• Industrial Access SA • ING Bank (Romania) • Insoft Development & Consulting SRL • Intrarom SA • Iquest Technologies SRL • Mazars Romania SRL • MKB Romexterra Leasing IFN SA • McKinsey & Company Romania • Mobius Software SRL • P&A Recovery Management SRL • Porsche Group Romania SRL • Provident Financial Romania SRL • PSS Prosoft Solutions SRL • Rohe Romania SRL • Roland Berger Romania • Rompetrol SA • Santierul Naval Damen Galati SA • Tarom SA • Transelectrica SA • Transfond SA • VB Leasing Romania SRL • Volksbank Romania SA • Wrigley Romania SRL • ProConsulting SRL (Rep. Moldova) • StarNet SRL (Rep. Moldova) • World Vision - E-Europe & Middle Eeast (Cipru) • Administratia Natională a Penitenciarelor • Societatea Romana de Televiziune © 2015 Balanced Scorecard Romania

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The course curricula include the Strategic Business Model methodology for Strategy Formulation and the Balanced Scorecard implementation & use methodology, in compliance with the updated Kaplan-Norton BSC Framework (XPP - Execution Premium Process™). The curricula consist of six stages, which will enable the course participants to acquire the necessary knowledge and expertise in the following 34 framework items, applying the information gained within the course for the development of a practical strategic plan (Case Study exercise).

Modules and Subjects



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Module 1: STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT 1.1 The Strategic Business Model - the Strategy Formulation methodology 1.2 The Wining Aspirations & Strategic Choices (Quadra Model α & β) 1.3 The Impact Analysis and the new Transient Competitive Advantage 1.4 The Strategic Destination and the Extended Strategic Vision 1.5 The Core Capabilities and the Strategic Gaps 1.6 Strategic Planning - the Strategy Execution methodology Module 2: TRANSLATING THE STRATEGY 2.1 Translating the Strategy into Strategic Action - Strategy Execution Dynamics 2.2 Key Success Factors, Strategic Objectives and Strategy Map 2.3 Cause-Effect Relationships between Objectives - Diving & Driven 2.4 Target Processes and the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) - Lead-Lag 2.5 From top Corporate Goals to annual Targets deconstruction - the Targets Tree 2.6 Strategic Initiatives and the Objectives/KPI-Initiatives Matrix. Targets setting 2.7 Risk Factors and Risk Events - the Key Risk Indicators (KRI) 2.8 Strategic Initiatives for Risk Prevention and Mitigation 2.9 Allocation Responsibilities for Strategy Execution

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Modules and Subjects



Module 3: ORGANIZATIONAL ALIGNMENT 3.1 Alignment - Identical, Contributive and New Objectives 3.2 Business Units Alignment - the Contribution Analysis. SLA & OLA 3.3 Alignment, Cascading & Aggregation - the Use Cases 3.4 Aligned Targets deconstruction - the Organizational Targets Tree 3.5 Individual Alignment - Strategic Jobs Families - Performance Incentives 3.6 External Alignment (Customers, Suppliers, Partners) 3.7 Strategy Communication - The Strategy Communication Plan

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Module 4: OPERATIONAL INTEGRATION 4.1 Setting change Priorities for the Strategic Processes 4.2 Integration of the Budget and Ops Plans with the Strategy 4.3 Integration with BPM and the Quality Systems 4.4 Strategic Planning of the Human Capital (HR Readiness) 4.5 Strategic Planning of the IT infrastructure (IT Readiness)

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Module 5: MONITORING AND LEARNING 5.1 Strategy Review Meetings organization 5.2 Initiatives Realization - Integration with PMO 5.3 The Office of Strategy Management (OSM) and its functions

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Module 6: TESTING AND ADAPTING 6.1 The Assumptions and Tolerances Register - the Strategic Early Warning System 6.2 The Adaptive Strategy Management – Strategic Scenario Planning 6.3 The Decision Support System - the software platform for Strategy Execution 6.4 The Project Plan for the Strategy Management System (SMS) implementation

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Mihai Ionescu has accumulated a diverse business experience in many fields and countries in which he has spent the 27 years of his professional career. Since 2008 has been dedicated to management consulting and to the strategic management system based on the Balanced Scorecard, becoming Kaplan-Norton BSC Certified in 2009. During the last five years he has founded the Balanced Scorecard Romania regional center of BSC excellence, has created an online community focused on BSC, where discussions are held in Romanian language and has participated in several local and regional Balanced Scorecard implementation projects. After several BSC seminars and workshops organized in Bucharest in 2011, he has been instrumental in the organization in 2012 of the first Balanced Scorecard România Conference where one of the BSC internationally-recognized thought leaders has participated.

LinkedIn profile:

The Strategic Management and Balanced Scorecard Certification Course is organized by: Balanced Scorecard România ( .

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Course Registration Fee The course registration fee for the February 2015 session is 610 Euro/participant (VAT is not applicable). Following the registration confirmation, you will receive a Pro-forma Invoice, based on which you are required to pay the registration fee by 20th February (registration deadline). The fiscal invoice shall be issued upon the fee payment. The exam and the eventual re-exam are free of charge, due to the online exam platform used, which is owned by our company. For participants registering and paying the fee individually, we are offering the possibility to pay the registration fee in two monthly installments, one before the course and one in the following month (March 2015). The exam access is allowed only upon full registration fee payment.

Discounts For groups of 3 or more participants the registration fee is 550 Euro/participant (10% group discount). An ‘Early-Bird’ discount of 10% is applicable to the registrations submitted before 10th February. The group and ‘Early-Bird’ discounts cannot be cumulated for the same participant.

Registration The registration for the February 2015 session of the Strategic Management & Balanced Scorecard Certification you can use phone, e-mail or the web form on the course registration page. The number of participants is limited to maximum 15. The program for the 5 course days is 9:00-16:00 and includes the lunch and the coffee breaks.

Phone & E-mail registration

Course venue

Mihai Ionescu Managing Partner Balanced Scorecard Romania

ActivOne Center Str. Dr. Felix Nr. 55 Sectorul 1, București Area: Piața Victoriei

Phone: 0766-323675 E-mail: /

Google Maps link

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