John Muir Land Trust 36-page Brochure

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Greetings John Muir Land Trust supporters want to make the world a better place. They believe in demanding a high level of accountability from themselves and our organization. And they work hard putting their values into action. They take the initiative. They are proactive. They expect the organization to support them in their endeavors. We often do. Our work ethic, our rigor, our willingness to take risks, our belief in permanent land protection, our belief in providing access, our embrace of life — these are the strands of JMLT’s collective DNA. They link JMLT supporters of all ages. While members of the JMLT community may be from vastly different socioeconomic circumstances, or hold different religious or political beliefs — they feel kinship. Together, we can build upon JMLT’s efforts and secure our place as one of the country’s great conservation organizations. We can ensure that JMLT’s values continue to inspire and transform our community for future generations. That is why we are preparing to launch a comprehensive campaign intended to more than double the acreage under protection by JMLT across the next five years. It is our opportunity to make strategic investments that will ensure regional conservation now and in the future. These are ambitious goals. But JMLT has always been a place of driving ambition and high moral purpose. Please read about JMLT’s many aspirations and accomplishments, and join our Saving Contra Costa campaign. Help us make the world a better place. Linus Eukel Executive Director John Muir Land Trust

Table of Contents INTRODU CTION

About JMLT........................................................................ 2 What We Do........................................................................ 4 Get Involved......................................................................... 8 Support................................................................................10 Giving Circles......................................................................12 JMLT PROPERTIE S

Fernandez Ranch.................................................................14 POINT Mobile App...........................................................15 Franklin Canyon..................................................................16 Acalanes Ridge....................................................................17 Sky Ranch...........................................................................18 Dutra Ranch........................................................................19 Gustin Ranch......................................................................20 Mount Wanda.....................................................................21 Contra Costa Goldfields......................................................22 Pacheco Marsh....................................................................23 Bodfish Preserve..................................................................24 Stonehurst...........................................................................25 JMLT DONORS

Giving Circles......................................................................26 Foundations, Family Funds & Businesses...........................30 ADDITIONAL

Board of Directors...............................................................31 Community Gardens...........................................................32 Looking Forward.................................................................33 BRO C HU RE P ROD U C T I ON Managing editor................................................................................ Mike Charlasch Design...............................................................................................Meghan Mahler Photography......................................................... Walt Denson, Richard Gylgayton, ................................................................ Steve Hutchcraft, Stephen Joseph & others Research...........................................................................................Helen Christophi Printing....................................................................................Concord Graphic Arts



I N TR ODUCTIO N About JMLT In just 25 short years, John Muir Land Trust has risen from its humble beginnings to become one of the leading forces for conservation in northern California. With more than 2,000 acres now under stewardship, many of the most beautiful places in Contra Costa County are permanently preserved for recreation, wildlife and scenic views. MISSION

John Muir Land Trust protects and cares for open space, ranches, farms, parkland and shoreline in Contra Costa County. VISION

John Muir Land Trust believes that the vitality of our open spaces is essential to the health of our earth, air, water and our native plants and animals — and all of us. Our vision is to ensure that the beauty, diversity and fullness of our natural areas continue to enrich and sustain all generations of life. We acquire, protect and steward these diminishing lands, and we foster environmental awareness so that each person understands the need to preserve our natural heritage. BRIEF HISTORY

The Martinez Regional Land Trust was incorporated in 1989 to protect 150 acres of Alhambra Valley open space. We now call that property Stonehurst — located within the community of the same name. Just three years later, the Land Trust made possible the addition of a 325-acre Mount Wanda property to the John Muir National Historic Site. By 1997 the stakes became much greater with Sky Ranch in the Franklin Hills, a vital 242-acre parcel with a purchase price of $685,000. In order to finance such a significant acquisition, the Land Trust had to grow into a professional fundraising organization. As we reached our 10th anniversary, membership grew to 700 individuals and the name was changed to Muir Heritage Land Trust to associate our mission with John Muir and his heritage of conservation. The purchase of the 80-acre Gustin Ranch followed in 2000, just to the north of Sky Ranch. In 2015 we evolved the name to John Muir Land Trust ( JMLT). Less than 10% of saltwater tidal marshes remain in the Bay Area, so the protection of 247-acre Pacheco Marsh was a key priority. After a decade of effort, it was acquired in 2001. The following year we began stewardship of the Contra Costa Goldfields, protecting 30 acres of what had been the county’s last stand of an endangered species of wildflower. In 2003, we acquired Bodfish Preserve, a small but treasured Orinda property with dream-world woodlands. Acquired in 2003, Dutra Ranch made for a perfect trifecta of three adjacent lands on the Franklin Ridge — which are now protected as 480 acres of contiguous open space. JMLT’s largest property, 702-acre Fernandez Ranch, was purchased in 2005 and fully restored to its current glory. Stunning Franklin Canyon, a long sought25TH ANNIVERSARY after 483-acre parcel next to Fernandez Ranch, was acquired in 2010. Dramatic JOHN MUIR LAND TRUST Acalanes Ridge was also purchased that year and opened to the public in 2011. Franklin Canyon opens for public use in 2016. JMLT recentlypurchased and donated to the John Muir National Historic Site West Hills Farm, an additional 44-acre property adjacent to the southern border of Mount Wanda. JMLT


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“Nature is always lovely, invincible, glad... All scars she heals, whether in rocks or water or sky or hearts.” — John Muir


John Muir Land Trust works to permanently protect our most precious natural areas by identifying critical open spaces throughout Contra Costa County. Through a painstaking multi-year process, we negotiate fair purchase prices and ownership rights to these lands, often dealing directly with ranching families that have held the properties for generations. Individual contributions from private donors enable us to leverage matching funds from state and federal agencies to help secure our region’s precious natural legacy. We also receive support from a variety of private foundations and sponsors (see below). By saving these lands from development, JMLT ensures their survival as wildlife habitat, ranches and farms, creeks, streams and shoreline. They become public recreation areas for local residents to enjoy today and for future generations. BOARD OF DIRECTORS

An engaged Board of Directors and a number of dedicated committees oversee all JMLT activities. Detailed biographies of each Board member appear on our website. And for those who might like to get involved, brief descriptions of our committees appear on page 9 of this brochure. We invite you to participate! PARTNERS

JMLT attracts substantial support from a wide variety of public agencies, private foundations and corporate sponsors. Through their generous contributions, our partners have distinguished themselves as true community leaders. For a comprehensive list of these organizations, please see page 30.



INTR ODUCTIO N What We Do Everything we depend on comes from the earth. Some of these resources are non-renewable, or in limited supply. There are many ways to live responsibly and sustainably, now and in the future. John Muir Land Trust permanently protects land throughout Contra Costa County to safeguard our beautiful environment for people and animals alike. PROTECTING WOODLANDS

JMLT has preserved thousands of acres of beloved oak woodland and grassland that supports high quality habitat for a diversity of native Contra Costa wildlife and plants. Gentle trails provide public recreation through rolling grasslands and oak woodlands, spring wildflowers, and spectacular views that attract visitors who enjoy and appreciate the natural setting of Contra Costa County. PROTECTING CREEKS & STREAMS

Water is the foundation for all life on earth — it is a fragile resource that must be managed for sustainable use. Drinking water shortages caused by drought and pollution pose an ongoing threat to our community. But thankfully, wetlands filter toxins and store excess water. Streams shape the landscape and transport vital nutrients. Ponds and lakes support a rich diversity of life. Groundwater reserves store and supply filtered drinking water. Contra Costa watershed, crucial to our future, is protected by JMLT. PROTECTING RANCHE S & FARMS

JMLT works to preserve agriculture in Contra Costa County. Ranch and farmland is rapidly disappearing, as a result of skyrocketing local real estate prices. We purchase agricultural land that is at risk of development, and then lease it back to ranchers and farmers to help preserve agriculture in our area and ensure sources of fresh food close to home.

“Keep close to Nature’s heart... break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your

spirit clean.” — John Muir


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Contra Costa residents are fortunate to have protected open space and parklands that offer scenic vistas, abundant recreational opportunities and reprieve from urban closeness. All of these factors play a role in the quality of life for local residents. JMLT helps to ensure a high quality of life for future generations by strategically purchasing key natural areas. These properties provide maximum public benefit to our regional community and capitalize on a wide range of partnership opportunities. PROTECTING SH ORELINE

Our beautiful bay and delta shoreline is part of what makes Contra Costa such a wonderful place to live and it is essential habitat for wildlife. We are a regional leader in protecting shoreline properties and improving public access to them. JMLT projects include Pacheco Marsh, at the foot of the Walnut Creek channel on the Carquinez Strait, and Point Molate, near the San Rafael Bridge in Richmond. PROTECTING WILDLIFE

Biological diversity refers to the variety of life that exists in our world. Every organism, big or small, plays a role — yet our world and region are becoming less diverse. Partly due to human activities, the rate of extinction is accelerating rapidly and thousands of species of animals are already classified as “threatened” or “endangered.” What we do now, and how we choose to do it, matters a lot to other creatures — and to ourselves. Construction of homes and buildings; the strain on natural resources for food, clothing, fuel and all the stuff we consume; and the waste we produce — contribute to the main cause of animal species loss. JMLT protects the lands and critical habitats for Contra Costa wildlife.



INTR ODUCTIO N What We Do There is a long-term life cycle to finding, acquiring and taking care of all JMLT properties. When we say “permanently protected” we mean it. And the acquisition and stewardship of our properties means cleaner air, more abundant water supplies and increased opportunities for environmental awareness throughout Contra Costa County. RE SEARCH

Before John Muir Land Trust considers a property for potential acquisition, there is typically a long and rigorous process of investigation, review and negotiation. Many criteria are considered. Where in Contra Costa is it located? Is it intrinsically beautiful? Which plant and animal species will be protected? What are the opportunities for human recreation? How will county residents gain a direct benefit? What resources are needed to acquire and maintain the property? What will happen to the land if JMLT does not intervene? Are developers of housing or commercial real estate involved? Do the overall benefits justify the costs? ACQUISITION

After the research and negotiation phase is complete, JMLT arrives at an agreement with a willing seller to acquire their property for a certain price, not exceeding the objective appraised value. At that point we turn to the community — foundations, sponsors and individual donors — to raise the necessary funds for acquisition. Depending on the size and price of the property, this phase often requires the focused collaboration of many highly motivated people, including everyone on the JMLT Board, staff and committees. But we are a determined group, having raised well over $20 million for land acquisition and stewardship since 1989. We expect this figure to increase substantially in coming years with some important new properties on the horizon, such as the proposed West Hills Farm project on the border of Mount Wanda. STEWARDSHIP

Land is more than just property to be bought and sold. It is a critical element of our environment, providing food, water, recreation, natural beauty and wildlife habitat. Once we acquire a property, our philosophy is to responsibly manage and care for these resources — now and going forward. JMLT utilizes traditional and innovative stewardship techniques to carefully maintain, restore and enhance the unique conservation values of each property. Taking care of these Contra Costa lands is essential to the health of our earth, air, water, plants and animals — and all of us.


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“One touch of nature makes all the world kin.”

— John Muir


JMLT’s land conservation activities sustain Contra Costa County air quality by preserving open space and providing a home to tens of thousands of trees. Further, our protected lands help mitigate the climate change impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) — the primary greenhouse gas emitted by transportation and industrial sources of air pollution. Without JMLT’s land protection successes, many of our properties would have been developed, further depleting natural resources and increasing air pollution in our area. SAVING WATER

The quality and quantity of water in our region is threatened by expanding population, development, pollution and climate change. Open space with native vegetation helps maintain sources of clean water and costs less than mechanical water treatment systems. In fact, some of the world’s best drinking water is a product of the filtration processes found in natural landscapes. All of JMLT’s protected properties serve as critical watershed in Contra Costa County, supplying water and wildlife habitat — and contributing to an enhanced quality of life. ENVI RONMENTAL AWARENE SS

Central to JMLT’s mission is to foster environmental awareness among residents of Contra Costa County. This is especially important among young people and JMLT makes its properties readily available for outdoor-based school programs. Further, we have developed our first pilot program using POINT, an interactive GPS-based system providing a variety of fun and informative tours of Fernandez Ranch (see page 15).



INTR ODUCTIO N Get Involved Get outside and enjoy life! It reduces stress; improves your self-esteem, confidence and creativity; provides for spiritual growth; and increases your sense of exhilaration. Outdoor recreation offers physical benefits including aerobic, cardiovascular and muscular fitness, as well as improved functioning of the immune system. And JMLT’s beautiful properties let you bond with family, friends and other like-minded people who enjoy outdoor activities. Stunning lands are just minutes from your own home, so take in the beauty of Contra Costa’s precious natural heritage — life is all around you. WALK, HIKE, BIKE & RIDE

Several of JMLT’s properties have well-maintained multi-use trails for a quick jog or an all-day affair on foot, horseback or mountain bike. Many of the trails lead to panoramic views of Mount Diablo, the Carquinez Strait, the Oakland Hills and much of Contra Costa County. Some of our paths provide important connectors to the Bay Area Ridge Trail and the San Francisco Bay Trail. While our trailheads are just a short drive from heavily populated Contra Costa cities, you’ll feel like you’re on vacation! Dogs are welcome throughout JMLT lands. For a special treat, experience the POINT mobile app, providing a free digital tour guide in Fernandez Ranch (see page 15). Portions of Fernandez Ranch are accessible to people of limited mobility. SEE WILDLIFE

Various JMLT properties are host to many indigenous plants and animals, with a wide range of possible wildlife viewing opportunities. In some cases they are classified as “threatened” or “endangered” species, such as the Alameda whipsnake, California red-legged frog, golden eagle, Cooper’s hawk and the Mount Diablo sunflower. Our wild lands serve as home to deer, fox, coyote, badger, mountain lion, raptors, a variety of reptiles and many other animals, but please don’t worry! They keep their distance and your dogs and children are safe. VOLUNTEER

Volunteers provide a tremendous benefit to JMLT. You can contribute to the preservation of our community’s natural heritage by lending a helping hand in the following areas: • • • • •


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Outdoor Stewardship Communications & Development Outreach Events Fundraising Office Administration


JMLT has seven active committees comprised of volunteers and chaired by our Board members. Upon appointment, committee members provide a wealth of expertise and experience that directly applies to critical JMLT functions. Responsibilities of these committees are as follows. •

Executive Committee — Composed of the four officers on the Board of Directors, plus one other Board member. Works in support of the full board.

Land Acquisition Committee — Land acquisition priorities, funding sources for acquisitions, land acquisition transactions and services.

Finance Committee — Financial accountability including annual budgets, reports and audits, investment management, insurance, ensures financial system of internal controls.

Stewardship Committee — Manage property, monitor and enforce easement agreements, habitat protection and restoration, baseline resource documentation and maps.

Engagement Committee — Implement and coordinate educational programs with schools, docents and volunteers, organize and participate in JMLT programs and special events.

Development Committee — Work with other committees to oversee development, communications and fundraising activities.

Audit Committee — Oversight and review of the audit, selection of an independent accountant.

“The clearest way into the Universe is

through a forest wilderness.” — John Muir Visit


INTR ODUCTIO N Support A donation to John Muir Land Trust helps save Contra Costa lands forever. Not distant forests or rivers, but the familiar vistas and valleys we see each day. Places we know and whose preservation is not just a noble ideal, but is a very real and local need. Saving land means clean air and water, recreation, family bonding and a place where all of nature can thrive. Your donation helps to ensure a better quality of life that you can enjoy today and future generations will always have.

“Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.” — John Muir ANNUAL GIFTS

You can make a big difference to JMLT! Annual giving is the foundation of our work, making our day-to-day operations possible. By becoming an annual donor, you provide essential support so we can: • • • • • •

Acquire land in one of the world’s most expensive and competitive real estate markets Conduct research and analysis of new conservation properties, trail linkages and land connections for migrating wildlife Form strong partnerships with landowners, public agencies and other organizations Preserve fragile and unique plant and animal species in our region; Address long-term impacts of climate change on the lands we save; Restore and maintain these properties for recreational use.

JMLT can do all these things and more — but only with your help. Make your gift now and create a lasting legacy of beautiful open space for future generations. QUARTERLY & MONTHLY GIFTS

Aside from the periodic acquisition of new lands, JMLT incurs significant stewardship and operating expenses to manage our existing properties. Having a smooth, predictable flow of income enables us to more accurately plan these operations. Please consider setting up a quarterly or monthly contribution plan — it’s quick and easy, either by phone or online! LEGACY GIVING

You can help provide a solid foundation for JMLT’s conservation efforts through the donation of a legacy gift. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including: • • • • •

Bequests Stock Gifts Retirement Plans Charitable Trusts Life Insurance

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Your tribute gift to John Muir Land Trust honors the importance of someone special, creating a lasting tribute by helping to protect vital open space. The benefits will be forever preserved in Contra Costa’s rolling meadows, tree-covered hills and stunning vistas. JMLT will promptly acknowledge your gift with a card to the person or family you ask us to notify. If it’s a milestone to remember, it’s worth a tribute gift to JMLT. STOCK GIFTS

Gifts of stock are an easy way to make a lasting contribution to JMLT while realizing significant tax benefits. By donating appreciated securities held for at least one year, you can take a tax deduction for the fair market value of your gift and avoid paying capital gains taxes. JMLT sells donated stocks tax-free, using 100% of your gift to support our land conservation efforts. VEHI CLE GIFTS

Are you on the verge of buying a new vehicle? Donating your used car, truck or boat to JMLT is tax-deductible. And by working with our partner, Car Donation Services, the transaction is easy and hassle-free. Learn more at CORPORATE SUPPORT

JMLT is proud of our many partnerships with concerned corporations and businesses that share our desire to protect natural areas in Contra Costa. Whether you seek to enhance your company’s philanthropic reputation, build brand awareness or offer valuable employee benefits, you’ll find a JMLT sponsorship opportunity that meets your needs and matches your ability to give. Many employers have a payroll deduction program and some even have a matching program to double the impact of your gift. 1% FOR THE PLANET

JMLT is an approved partner of 1% for the Planet. Learn about this great alliance of environmentally concerned organizations at

You can donate to any JMLT program online or by contacting us at or by calling us at (925) 228-5040. Visit


INTR ODUCTIO N Giving Circles Individual contributions to John Muir Land Trust are recognized at three distinct levels: Partners Circle, Stewardship Circle and Leadership Circle. PARTNERS CIRCLE

JMLT owes its success to the generosity of donors like you, making our day-to-day operations possible. Thanks to this community of support, we have established a reputation for achieving successful land protection objectives. When you join JMLT, you are welcomed into a family of dedicated individuals, committed to protecting Contra Costa’s most precious natural resources. With an annual gift of $1 to $999 at the Partners Circle level you: •

Help provide essential, ongoing support for our conservation initiatives, permanently protecting lands now and for future generations • Receive invitations to join special outings and exclusive property tours • Get a copy of Horizons, a physical newsletter that lets you see first-hand the results you have helped JMLT to achieve

It’s easy to contribute to JMLT online, by mail or by phone. STEWARDSHIP CIRCLE

As a Stewardship Circle donor, you join generous individuals who support JMLT with an annual gift of $1,000 or more. This strong commitment to land conservation allows JMLT to play a leadership role in preserving the treasured landscapes of our region. With a gift at the Stewardship Circle level you:

• Help JMLT complete the complex process of acquiring open space for permanent protection • Provide greatly needed operating funds for the stewardship of our properties • Are invited to gatherings with other Stewardship Circle members • Receive invitations to join special outings and exclusive property tours • Become the first to know about new property acquisition projects • Receive special updates to see the results you have helped us achieve • Inspire others to support the protection of our local lands

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“There is a love of wild nature in everybody...” — John Muir LEADERSHIP CIRCLE

The Leadership Circle honors those individuals who make a generous annual gift of $10,000 or more to support our conservation initiatives. Major gifts from friends like you are the foundation for all that JMLT is able to accomplish. Your financial commitment enables us to permanently protect our region’s most precious natural resources now and for future generations. Through the Leadership Circle program we keep you informed about how your investment in JMLT is making a difference. Additionally, we provide you with special information and activities to see the results you have made possible. With each Leadership Circle gift, you: • • • • • •

Advance JMLT’s mission to save and care for open space and wild lands in Contra Costa County Are among the first to learn about new property acquisition projects Get opportunities for exclusive tours before these natural areas are open to the public Are invited to gatherings to meet other Leadership Circle members Receive other special invitations to events, hikes and outings Leave a legacy of beautiful lands, for all to enjoy now and into the future

As a member of the Leadership Circle, you become a role model in our community, encouraging others to play a significant part in protecting our local lands.

You can donate to any JMLT program online or by contacting us at or by calling us at (925) 228-5040.



JM LT P RO P E RT I ES Fernandez Ranch 702 ACRES • FRANKLIN RIDGE Located just off Highway 4 between Hercules and Martinez, Fernandez Ranch offers stunning views, shaded hiking trails FERNANDEZ RANCH and a variety of wildlife, including several threatened plant M U I R H E R I T A G E L A N D T R U S T and animal species. Visitors can gaze at the glittering blue of the San Francisco Bay from the ranch’s summits and the northern Bay Area is visible from its ridge tops. The historic property of Bernardo and Carlotta Fernandez remained within the family for nearly 150 years. John Muir Land Trust approached the Fernandez family to preserve what remained of the original 7,000-acre ranch and raised funding for a $3.5 million dollar restoration project that began in 2008. Two years later, the property was opened to the public. Recreation opportunities abound at Fernandez Ranch! Miles of multiuse trails are available for hiking, mountain bikes and horses, including 1.5 miles of ADA-accessible trails and connections to adjacent protected lands. Dogs can be off-leash on the ranch’s trails as long as they are under control at all times. There are three picnic areas and a staging area for horse trailers. Fernandez Ranch is accessible to those with limited mobility. Hike the Windmill Trail to see a mid-20th century dairy farm, the old windmill and Fern Creek, before ascending to a segment of the Bay Area Ridge Trail and into the Pinole Valley Watershed. Or, enjoy a meal and bird watching after walking the ADA-accessible Black Phoebe Trail, where you’ll find picnic tables and benches at the edge of South Meadow. Breathtaking views await at the top of the Whipsnake Trail and kids can have a giggle rambling the hills and meadows looking for a variety of bugs, beetles and animal tracks. You may even catch a glimpse of a rare animal or two, including the endangered Alameda whipsnake, the California red-legged frog and maybe an American badger. But keep a keen eye out for the whipsnake — despite the two bright yellow stripes on its back, it is shy and hard to spot. At dawn and dusk, the meadows at Fernandez Ranch come alive! Deer emerge from the woods and coyotes howl to one another. Oak-studded slopes and freshwater wetlands give way to Rodeo Creek, whose banks are cloaked in Coast live oak. In the springtime, poppies, lupine and the threatened Mount Diablo sunflower — which only grows in Contra Costa County — blanket the ranch in vibrant color.

GET TING TO FERNANDEZ RANCH From I-80: Head east on Highway 4. Take the first exit after the Franklin Canyon Golf Course onto Christie Road. Use caution; Christie Road is a minor exit off of Highway 4. Fernandez Ranch is .7 miles down Christie Road on your right. From Martinez: Head west on Highway 4. Take the Franklin Canyon exit. Turn left and merge onto Highway 4 eastbound. Take the first exit after the Franklin Canyon Golf Course onto Christie Road. Use caution; Christie Road is a minor exit off of Highway 4. Fernandez Ranch is .7 miles down Christie Road on your right.

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POINT Mobile App POINT turns your smartphone into a powerful tool to connect with what’s around you. It’s like having a personal tour guide in your pocket! The POINT mobile app brings Fernandez Ranch to life as you use any of our four guided tours to discover the lesser-known aspects of this fascinating environment. Just download the app to your smartphone, select a tour, and as you stroll along the selected route you’ll be notified automatically by GPS when key points of interest have special stories. Each one covers three miles of beautiful Fernandez terrain and they are available in a variety of languages: • A Walk on the Wild Side — This engaging guided tour offers scenic views through grasslands and oak woodlands that support over 60 types of mammals and 110 species of birds. • A Stroll Back in Time — Learn how the land has provided food and shelter for the Ohlone peoples through the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, in this interesting tour. • Pacing Planets — We have scaled the distances of the planets to the 3-mile trail on Fernandez Ranch so you can get a real sense of our vast solar system. Join us as we review basic facts about astronomy and the planets. • Bringing Back the Land — In 2010, JMLT completed a 5-year, $3.5 million restoration project to improve Fernandez Ranch. Protecting this dynamic landscape was — and still is — like solving a never-ending mystery. This unique tour explains what we’ve done to protect resources, improve habitat and hydrology, and create visitor access. POINT makes environmental education fun, for people of all ages. Please stay tuned as we announce POINT mobile tours for other JMLT properties in the future!



JM LT P RO P E RT I ES Franklin Canyon 483 ACRES • HERCULES One of the most important projects ever undertaken by the FRANKLIN CANYON John Muir Land Trust, Franklin Canyon is a 483-acre property JOHN MUIR LAND TRUST comprised of rolling hills, deep canyons, and spectacular panoramic views in every direction. Combined with JMLT’s Fernandez Ranch, which is immediately adjacent, Franklin Canyon creates a 1,185acre preserve of permanently protected open space in which people, plants and animals can thrive. JMLT

Wooded hills on the property, visible just south of the John Muir Parkway (Highway 4), provide a scenic display rising behind the Franklin Canyon Golf Course. A segment of Rodeo Creek flows perennially in Franklin Canyon, as well as key tributaries that contain water much of the year. JMLT is the permanent owner and steward of more than one-fifth of the land within the Rodeo Creek watershed. A fragile ecosystem preserves habitat for a variety of special-status species such as Cooper’s hawk, northern harrier, California red-legged frog and western pond turtle. Riparian scrub along Rodeo Creek includes arroyo willow, thickets of California blackberry and short-spiked hedge nettle. This vegetation serves as a movement corridor for both aquatic and terrestrial species, providing relatively secure cover along its length. Public access to Franklin Canyon is scheduled to begin in spring 2015. The area is especially well suited for hiking, with paths that provide important connectors to the 550-mile Bay Area Ridge Trail and the 500-mile San Francisco Bay Trail. Dogs will be welcome! The property offers a striking and peaceful contrast to densely developed areas in nearby Hercules.

GET TING TO FRANKLIN CANYON Note: Franklin Canyon will open for public use in spring 2015. Access will be through Fernandez Ranch (see map and directions on page 15).

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Acalanes Ridge

While the 23-acre Acalanes Ridge is physically small compared to other John Muir Land Trust properties, it is of exponential importance to those who live in the community and enjoy its scenery, trails and sweeping views of the region. The land is located within the boundaries of the City of Lafayette, and encompasses a scenic ridgeline visible from Lafayette, Walnut Creek, the Highway 24 corridor and beyond. Acalanes Ridge is accessible for day use via several trails, including the regional trail between Briones Regional Park and Mount Diablo State Park. Hikers reaching the 781-foot summit of this sky-reaching open space will find a 360-degree panorama of the Livermore foothills, Mt. Diablo, Suisun Bay, the Carquinez Strait, Briones Regional Park, the Oakland Hills and Las Trampas Regional Park. The property’s location adjacent to Acalanes Ridge Open Space (AROS) offers trail connectors to that recreational area’s popular trail system as well. Dogs are welcome on the trails, but they won’t be the only animals in the area! Acalanes Ridge provides suitable habitat for a variety of wildlife including deer, fox, coyote, mountain lion, raptors and a variety of reptiles.




JMLT purchased Acalanes Ridge in partnership with the City of Lafayette, City of Walnut Creek and the East Bay Regional Park District. Protection of this land from development could only have been achieved through this unique partnership and JMLT will continue to own the property in perpetuity.




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From I-580: Head east on Highway 24 and merge onto I-680 south. Keep left and follow the signs for Mount Diablo Blvd. Make a left on Camino Diablo. Make a right on Springbrook Road. Make a right on Bacon Way and a left on Bacon Court. Make a left on Peaceful Lane and park in the lot at the end of the road.

Acalanes High School

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From Martinez: Head south on I-680. Merge onto Highway 24W and take the exit for Pleasant Hill Road. Make a right on Stanley Blvd. Stanley Blvd. becomes Springbrook Road. Make a left on Bacon Way and another left on Bacon Court. Make a left on Peaceful Lane and park at the end of the road.







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JM LT P RO P E RT I ES Sky Ranch 242 ACRES • FRANKLIN RIDGE Overlooking Suisun Bay and with glorious views of Mt. Diablo, this extraordinary property nestled in the hills southwest SKY RANCH JOHN MUIR LAND TRUST of Martinez was acquired by John Muir Land Trust in 1998, saving it from impending development. Sky Ranch provides important wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities and access to a key segment of the Bay Area Ridge Trail. It remains a glimpse of a distant era, when open land stretched for miles with few signs of human presence. JMLT

Sky Ranch links existing East Bay Regional Park District parklands and preserves the Bay Area Ridge Trail and Contra Costa Feeder Trail #1. These trails span the ranch and also connect with a section of the California Hiking & Riding Trail. While hiking, biking or riding your horse along these trails you might see deer, fox, coyote, red-tailed hawk or American kestrel, whose presence speak to the property’s timeless value as a home for both resident and migratory wildlife. Shady oak woodland and native grassland embrace the upper portions of Alhambra and Rodeo Creeks, where reptiles and amphibians such as the threatened California red-legged frog and the Alameda whipsnake make their residence. Several large and small mammals, songbirds and raptors thrive here, as well as threatened, endangered and special status animals including the golden eagle and the Cooper’s hawk. Majestic mountain lions have been occasionally observed here and one aim of JMLT’s conservation effort is mountain lion habitat protection. But not to worry — the animals keep their distance and your kids and dogs are very safe on all JMLT properties! You can begin your visit to Sky Ranch on the Feeder Trail, whose first mile offers native plants such as Sticky Monkeyflower and Coyote Mint, before crossing Franklin Creek and climbing the ridge. Elevation gain up to the Sky Ranch Kiosk is 700 feet. Extend your hike via the Tina Batt Trail (3 miles) for excellent views of Mt. Diablo, Contra Costa and the Carquinez Straight. From the Kiosk you can also take the Dutra Loop Trail (2.5 miles) or simply return down the Feeder Trail (1 mile) to your starting point. Regardless of your chosen path, it will be a day well spent! GET TING TO SKY RANCH From Highway 4 eastbound: Exit Alhambra Avenue. Turn right onto Alhambra Avenue. Make your first right onto Franklin Canyon Road. From Highway 4 westbound: Exit Alhambra Avenue. Turn left onto Alhambra Avenue. Turn right onto Franklin Canyon Road. Then: Continue on Franklin Canyon Road for one mile. Turn left onto Dutra Road. The trailhead marked “Contra Costa County Feeder Trail #1” is on the left about one-tenth of a mile up the road. Watch for the yellow “END” sign on the left and park on the left side of the trailhead and before the Franklin Canyon Stables. The Feeder Trail leads a mile up to the gate at the entrance of the Sky Ranch property. The Sky Ranch Kiosk is there, with signs and a map.

18 Call (925) 228-5460

Dutra Ranch 158 ACRES • FRANKLIN RIDGE The Franklin Hills represent an important wildlife corridor that allows animals to roam and thrive in natural habitat. By 2003, JMLT held two wonderful properties there — Sky Ranch and Gustin Ranch — but they did not connect. The historic 158acre Dutra Ranch was the link in between, so JMLT acquired it from the Dutra Family in 2004. Collectively, these three beautiful properties now offer 480 acres of contiguous open space along the Franklin Ridge, punctuated by a variety of native wildflowers and four kinds of oak trees. JMLT’s purchase of Dutra Ranch ensures it will remain unspoiled and wild, available for recreation and permanently protected from development. The ranch’s trails meander up grassy hillsides and down through the densely wooded canyon floor, giving hikers, bikers and equestrians an enchanted setting for adventure. The Dutra family ranch site and the interpretive sign along the Dutra Loop Trail provide a glimpse into the history of the land and how the family used it in the late 1800s. Here you will also find a picnic area with breathtaking views of Mt. Diablo, the Carquinez Strait and indeed, much of Contra Costa County.




Dutra Ranch habitat includes annual and perennial native grasslands, bay laurel and coastal scrub. The property hosts a variety of oak trees — blue oak, coast live oak, valley oak and California black oak. Poppies, lupines, yarrow, Sticky Monkey Flower and Mt. Diablo sunflowers are abundant. A vital segment of the 550-mile Bay Area Ridge Trail runs through here, as do the upper reaches of the Alhambra and Rodeo creeks, supporting reptiles and amphibians including the threatened California red-legged frog and the Alameda whipsnake. You can begin your visit to Dutra Ranch on the Feeder Trail, which crosses Franklin Creek under bay laurel trees before climbing the ridge. Elevation gain up to the Sky Ranch Kiosk is 700 feet. Extend your hike via the Tina Batt Trail (3 miles) through grasslands and oak for great views of the surrounding area. From the kiosk you can also take the Dutra Loop Trail (2.5 miles) through the canyon or simply return down the Feeder Trail (1 mile) to your starting point. Dogs are welcome! GET TING TO DUTRA RANCH From Highway 4 eastbound: Exit Alhambra Avenue. Turn right onto Alhambra Avenue. Make your first right onto Franklin Canyon Road. From Highway 4 westbound: Exit Alhambra Avenue. Turn left onto Alhambra Avenue. Turn right onto Franklin Canyon Road. Then: Continue on Franklin Canyon Road for one mile. Turn left onto Dutra Road. The trailhead marked “Contra Costa County Feeder Trail #1” is on the left about one-tenth of a mile up the road. Watch for the yellow “END” sign on the left and park on the left side of the trailhead, just before the Franklin Canyon Stables. The Feeder Trail leads a mile up to the gate at the entrance of the Sky Ranch property. The Sky Ranch Kiosk is there, with signs and a map.




To the north of Dutra Ranch lies Gustin Ranch – 80 acres of thick woods and grasscovered hills, offering sweeping views of the Carquinez Strait, Mt. Diablo and the Sierra. This gorgeous property was on the verge of being subdivided, with plans to pave historic Feeder Trail #1 and turn it into a road for homeowner access. John Muir Land Trust stepped in to acquire Gustin Ranch in 2002, forever protecting the popular multi-use trail and leaving both land and wildlife intact. Collectively, Gustin Ranch, Sky Ranch and Dutra Ranch offer 480 acres of contiguous open space along the spectacular Franklin Ridge, providing permanent wildlife protection to several threatened, endangered and special status animal species GU ST I N R ANCH including the golden eagle, Cooper’s hawk and Alameda whipsnake. Blue oak, coast JOHN MUIR LAND TRUST live oak, valley oak and California black oak cover the properties, while native grasses and wildflowers, including the rare Mt. Diablo sunflower, are abundant. JMLT

An integral portion of the 550-mile Bay Area Ridge Trail traverses these ranches, as do the Alhambra and Rodeo creek watersheds, supporting the threatened California red-legged frog and the western pond turtle. Many large and small mammals, songbirds and raptors also thrive here. You can begin your visit to Gustin Ranch on the Feeder Trail, which crosses Franklin Creek under the shade of bay laurel trees before winding up the ridge. Elevation gain up to the Sky Ranch Kiosk is 700 feet. Extend your hike via the Tina Batt Trail (3 miles) through grasslands and oak for extensive views of the region. From the kiosk you can also take the Dutra Loop Trail (2.5 miles) through the canyon or simply return down the Feeder Trail (1 mile) to your starting point. Dogs and horses are welcome! GET TING TO GUSTIN RANCH From Highway 4 eastbound: Exit Alhambra Avenue. Turn right onto Alhambra Avenue. Make your first right onto Franklin Canyon Road.

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From Highway 4 westbound: Exit Alhambra Avenue. Turn left onto Alhambra Avenue. Turn right onto Franklin Canyon Road. Then: Continue on Franklin Canyon Road for one mile. Turn left onto Dutra Road. The trailhead marked “Contra Costa County Feeder Trail #1” is on the left about one-tenth of a mile up the road. Watch for the yellow “END” sign on the left and park on the left side of the trailhead, just before the Franklin Canyon Stables. The Feeder Trail leads a mile up to the gate at the entrance of the Sky Ranch property. The Sky Ranch Kiosk is there, with signs and a map.



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Mount Wanda 325 ACRES • MARTINEZ When John Muir explored the terrain around his Martinez home, he often took his daughters Wanda and Helen with him. About one of their Contra Costa strolls he wrote: “Another lovely day, mostly solid sunshine. Took a fine fragrant walk… the babies delighted.” This beautiful land, named after his daughter, is now a public treasure!




The 325-acre property, once part of Muir’s landholdings, was not included when the U.S. National Park Service established the John Muir National Historic Site in 1964. The NPS had planned to buy the land from local rancher Gordon Strain in 1991, but the deal came to the brink of collapse. JMLT stepped in to save the property for public use by pledging the funds required to complete the purchase. Now, you can take your own “fine fragrant walk” on Mount Wanda. Go for a full moon walk, seasonal wildflower walk or bird walk, each hosted by the National Park Service. Hike, bike, ride a horse or take your dog for a stroll through the property’s oak woodland and grassy hills, dotted with native wildflowers such as California buttercup, shooting stars, woodland star, lupines and fiddlenecks. Take the Mount Wanda trail and enjoy views of the Carquinez Strait and surrounding hills. Coast live oak, blue oak and valley oak line the trail as it ascends the summit. Once at the top, Mount Diablo and the surrounding hills become visible. The more gradual John Muir Nature Trail provides views of Mount Diablo, the Carquinez Strait and Briones Park. On a clear day, you might also spot cows across the valley grazing in the sunshine. JMLT has recently signed an agreement to purchase West Hills Farm, an additional 44acre property adjacent to the southern border of Mount Wanda. This strategic ridgeline acquisition will protect quality wildlife habitat that would otherwise have been developed as residential housing.


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From I-80: Head east on Highway 4. Exit at Alhambra Avenue and turn right. Make a sharp right onto Franklin Canyon Road. Park in the lot at the intersection of Alhambra Avenue and Franklin Canyon Road.

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JM LT P RO P E RT I ES Contra Costa Goldfields 30 ACRES • HERCULES Freshwater vernal pools along busy Highway 4 seem an C O N T R A C O S TA GOLDFIELDS unlikely home for an endangered plant. But here, a golden, JOHN MUIR LAND TRUST daisy-like wildflower makes the most of its ephemeral display on spring days. JMLT protects and cares for this last-known stand of Contra Costa goldfields within its namesake county. JMLT

The shocking-yellow flowers grow thickly in meadows, creating sheaths of vibrant color that astound onlookers. Although this species used to grow throughout a large swath of coastal California and in some inland areas, development nearly brought it to extinction and the federal government classified the goldfields as endangered in 1997. Non-native grasses have also played a part in the plant’s near-demise, killing nearly all the other goldfields growing in Contra Costa County. In 2002, the Contra Costa Transportation Authority awarded JMLT a conservation easement on a 30-acre preserve east of Hercules where the goldfields grow, enabling the trust to protect them. When JMLT took over the property, the number of plants had plummeted to nearly nothing. The trust used cattle grazing to beat back the deadly grasses and give the plants a chance to flourish — and it worked! To prosper, the plant needs pools that form in the winter but dry out in the spring. Interestingly, the churn and divots from cattle hooves create little pools, collecting water with which the plant can thrive. The goldfields have burgeoned there since, bringing their numbers back into the thousands. In addition to our stewardship of the seasonal wetlands comprising the Contra Costa Goldfields preserve, JMLT manages nearby vernal pools as well as a section of Rodeo Creek that traverses the area. Annual biological assessments track the number of flowers that now thrive on the property. Spring is best for viewing the gorgeous goldfields in bloom and JMLT leads wildflower hikes during that time of year. GET TING TO CONTRA COSTA GOLDFIELDS The Goldfields are located adjacent to Highway 4 near the city of Rodeo. From Eastbound Highway 4: Take the Sycamore Ave exit, turn left onto Claeys Road, go over the overpass, the Goldfields will be on the right just past the overpass. From Westbound Highway 4: Exit on Claeys Road, the Contra Costa Goldfields property is on the left.

22 Call (925) 228-5460


The percentage of saltwater tidal wetlands remaining in the vast San Francisco Bay is small, perhaps just three to five percent. Regardless, John Muir Land Trust played a critical role in protecting this rare habitat when it purchased the 247-acre Pacheco Marsh, in a 2001 partnership with the East Bay Regional Park District and the Contra Costa County Flood Control District.




This former saltwater tidal marsh located within the lower delta of the Carquinez Strait Corridor is not currently open to the public, but JMLT plans are in progress to restore saltwater tidal flow to the marsh’s marine habitat and offer public access to a premier bird watching site. Pacheco Marsh was originally part of a section of brackish marshland bordering the southwestern edge of Suisun Bay along the Walnut Creek channel. Tidal flow brought water and nutrients from Suisun Bay to the wildlife living there, but the property was eventually diked, cutting off the wildlife from these vital waters. JMLT plans to restore tidal flow to the property and recreate the habitat that several threatened bird species depended on, before the tidal marsh habitat was destroyed. Several species of the threatened birds can be seen at Pacheco Marsh, including California black rail, California clapper rail and the Suisun song sparrow, as well as nesting Forster’s terns, foraging and roosting willets, and long-billed curlews. The marsh’s tidal channels are also home to several marine invertebrates and coastal fish. During the winter, waterfowl such as northern shoveler and northern pintail rest and forage for food in Suisun Bay’s tidal pools, while American white pelicans use its wetlands to forage and roost. Come autumn and spring, shorebirds, including least sandpipers, western sandpipers, dunlin, American avocets and black-necked stilts, can also be found foraging and roosting in Suisun’s tidal pools. Once JMLT restores the habitat at Pacheco Marsh and creates public access to the area, visitors will be able to watch these birds in all their glory. Note: Pacheco Marsh is not currently open to the public. Stay tuned for further announcements.



JM LT P RO P E RT I ES Bodfish Preserve 7 ACRES • ORINDA With its dream-like woodlands and footpaths that connect to nearby trails, the 7-acre Bodfish preserve is now known as a community treasure. But it wasn’t always this way.




Before her death in 1999, Margaret Bodfish established a trust so that her Orinda property and its adobe home on Miner Road would be preserved as a public park. In the ensuing years, the Canyon Ranch Homeowner’s Association, the Orinda Highlands Homeowner’s Association and the Orinda Parks and Recreation Foundation all worked together to protect the oak-covered property, but had not found a permanent solution before a vital deadline approached. The Bodfish Trust specified that if the property did not become a park within four years, ownership would be transferred to UC Santa Cruz. Had that happened, it likely would have been auctioned off to a developer. At the 11th hour, when the land was just days from being transferred to the university, JMLT stepped in and took ownership instead — to preserve it as public open space and a wildlife sanctuary. In order to more effectively preserve and maintain this area, the Land Trust eventually sold the property to a private party and now permanently protects it with a conservation easement. The Bodfish preserve remains open to the public, and those neighbors who fought so long to preserve this property are happy to share it with the wider community.

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From Highway 24: The Bodfish Preserve is located along Miner Road in the hills of Orinda. From Highway 24: Take the St. Stephens exit. Drive north up St. Stephens Drive about 1/2 mile. Turn right on Las Vegas Rd. and immediately bear right on Via Las Cruces. Turn left on Honey Hill Road and continue straight as Honey Hill becomes Miner Road. Bodfish Preserve is on the left approximately 1/3 mile past Gardiner Court. It is unmarked.

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A large parcel of 150 acres of pastoral land in Alhambra Valley was at risk of subdivision and development, but at the time, no effective organization existed to defend it. The Martinez Regional Land Trust — which would eventually become the John Muir Land Trust — was incorporated in 1989 to protect this open space with a conservation easement. Contra Costa County had granted a developer the right to build on 5-acre lots on the property, but he instead built the houses on 1.5-acre lots, creating 150 acres of open space with the intention of giving the development rights back to the county. But the county voided a scenic easement for the property, allowing the landowner to build there. JMLT’s soon-to-be founders weren’t happy with the decision, and set out to form a land protection organization that could hold the development rights in perpetuity. In 1991, Stonehurst’s developer transferred the rights to the 150 acres of open space to the fledgling land trust, making it our first acquisition. Today this beautiful area is open to Stonehurst residents, who enjoy walking the open space. The land will always be protected, providing recreational opportunities for families and habitat for native wildlife.




GET TING TO STONEHURST The Stonehurst property is located off Alhambra Valley Road outside Martinez. From Highway 4: Take the Alhambra Avenue/Martinez exit. Drive south on Alhambra Avenue about .3 miles. Make a right onto Alhambra Valley Road and drive approximately 2.5 miles (staying right at the “T” with Reliez Valley Road) to Vaca Creek Road. Make a right. The hiking trail entrance is 100 yards ahead on the left.




(partial list)

We express deep appreciation to JMLT’s large community of supporters. LEADERSHIP CIRCLE Anonymous Carol Baier Tina Batt and Bob Doyle Bruce and Sandra Beyaert Ronald and Rosemary Clendenen Marilyn Cooper Ann and Robert Cormack Kay Cox and Paul Craig Janet and William Cronk Alan and Lauren Dachs Joffa and Ellen Dale Patricia Derickson David Deutscher Dawn Block and Michael Harris Edward and Yoshimi Downer Robert Elia and Suzanne Jones Linus and Stephanie Eukel Ken and Martha Fischer Jim and Mary Ann Gaebe Kenneth and Gay Gerlack Larry Hanson David and Susan Hodges Eliot and Martha Hudson Mary Israel John Kiefer Wally Kubicek Sloan McDonald Amara Morrison R. Clark Morrison Eugene Onopko Jerry and Kim Overaa Steve and Cathy Pardieck Norman and Janet Pease Lawrence E. and Mary Peirano Paul Radosevich and Elise Thomas Kathryn G. Riddell Marj and Gene Ross W. Dirk Sikkema and Linda Young Barclay and Sharon Simpson Lou and Marilyn Stoddard John and Wilma Telfer Donn and Tracy Walklet Bill Weiner Mark and Anne Wilson

STEWARDSHIP CIRCLE John and Cheryl Abel John and Barbara Ahlquist Carol Alderdice Susan Allison and Rande Allison Carol Anderson Carl and Sharon Anduri Robert Aston R. Mitch and Carolyn Avalon Diane Aven Miriam Awenius Celia Baller Bob and Bambi Barker Paula Barnett Deen Michael Barry Mona N. and Robert Batt DeRoyce and Linda Bell Ricki and Richard Bell Frank and Joanne Bellecci Gregory and Regina Benz Robert and Marie Blits Margaret Bloisa Polly Boissevain Lorraine Bray Larkin Breed Bill Brobeck Ron and Sharon Brown William and Elizabeth Brown Erik Bruce Gwendolyn Buchholz Pamela Burns and William Edick

26 Call (925) 228-5460

Harriett Burt Sherida Bush and Timothy Platt David L. and Susann Calkins Patrick and Shirley Campbell Laurie Amick and Doug Carson Alice Castellanos Raymond and Karen Cauayani Gordon Chamberlain Sara and Brian Cherry Cameron Clarke and Ellen Visser Roy Coats Marshall and Ann Cochrane Chris Codding and John Ricca Colin and Mila Coffey Peter and Susan Colby Jan Rae Cook Jennifer Cook Michael and Sandra Cook Douglas and Rosemary Corbin Marc and Diane Coventry Bruce and Janet Dalen Madelon and Joe Davis Vickie Dawes Donald de Fremery John Deeming Tom and Marty DeJonghe Robert DeVries Mary Dubitzky Linda and Duane Duchscherer Marie and Anthony Emerson Russell J. and Patricia Erickson Peter and Virginia Estabrook Kenneth Everett and Linda Bloom Cheril Fagan Chris and Allison Farnitano Gary and Laura Febus Sheri Ferguson Jane Fernandez Harry and Sheilah Fish Nina and Michael Fluss Christopher Forrest and Manisha Ojha Fernanda Franco-Ferrara Rhonda and Matthew Futterman Jayme D. Gallagher and Leonard Goldman Judy Garvens Mike Gilson and Cathy Blake Patricia Gleason Kara and Gary Gragg Bill and Diana Granados Melissa Griggs Dana Grisham Susan Gustofson Thomas Hagler Jean Halford Frank and Sandra Hall Janice and David Hammond Doug Hanford William and Joan Herrick Hansen Patricia Harris Steve Harvey and Pamela Seifert Mary and Charles Haupt James Haynes Jacqueline Heath Russ and Kathy Heath Claudia and Scott Hein Judy Helder Maurice and Jean Heley Karl and Linda Hempfling Tyche Hendricks Sharon Hicks Alison Hill Jeanne Hilson Sally Holzman and Robert Hoagland Kent and Nancy Hobert Susan Horn Michael and Malvine Howard Harter and Elaine Hudson Elizabeth Hudson and George Doddington Denis and Cathy Huston Steve and June Hutchcraft Lesly Higgins and David Hutchings Eleanor Jardine Ami Sun and Pierre Jasmin Bob and Sue Jeanes Robert E. Johnson Laury Joseph and Doug Rowe Linda and John Judd David and Lois Kail Richard Kawin Steven Kirby Glenn Kirby and Ro Aguilar Norman Kirshen Nancy Kittle Ron Kline Tim and Julie Kruse Nancy Kuchins Donald and Charlotte Kuehne

Carol Lane and Larry Bradley Peter and Early Langley Bob & Beverly Lauderdale Mark and Marjorie Leeds Chaz and Tonya Lemmon Ernest and Carole Leopold Kenneth and Carol Lewis Glen Lewis and Martha Joseph Charles and Elizabeth Lewis IV Stuart and Mary Beth Lilly Samuel Lipson and Sabiha Gokcen Janet Luhmann Norm and Christy Lundberg Mark and Teresa Makarewicz Michael and Elizabeth Mallonee Jon and Kimberly Marangoni Steven and Susana Maron Daniel Matson Garnet McClure Don and Nancy McCormack Stuart and Barbara McCullough Helene and Mark McElyea Andrea and Michael McGill John and Diane Meade Mike and Jamie Menasco Val and Geoff Meredith Terri Mockler Albert and Jerry Anne Morris Richard Morrison Cathy Moyer Joyce Munson Alexander and Joohee Muromcew Louise and Steve Noroian Frank Nunes Valerie Kimmel and Nelson Oliva John and Dianne Ollila M. D. and R. P. Olowin Charles and Anne Olsen Harold and Marie Olson Jean Olsson Jean O’Neil Dr. Joseph and Debbie Tyler- Ovick Susan Hattori-Oyama and Lawrence M. Oyama Don and Sheila Pallotta Susan Palo Jag and Judy Patel Nancy and Thomas Patten Anne-Lise Peachee Anita Pearson Thomas and Cynthia Peters Susan Petersen Brad and Trish Piatt Elizabeth and Tom Piatt Cleone Pink Gary and Jean Pokorny Janet Popesco Archibald Helene and Roy Powlan Ted Radke Dylan Radke and Deidre Siguenza Ted Radosevich and Stephanie Smith Wendy Raggio Charleen Raines Gary and Lauren Ranz Wayne and Barbara Rasmussen Constance Regalia Rudy and Laurie Reich Garrett Riegg Jeffrey and Jodi Riley Peter and Eileen Robertshaw Lisa and Scott Robinson William G. Robinson Aldo Rocca June Rogers Ed and Dawn Roth Rosalie Rowsey Gaile Bronson Russ John Sadowsky and Connie Fischer Roger and Jeane Samuelsen Jan Sanderson Subir and Mary Sanyal Nancy Schaefer Mark and Leslie Schillinger Bill Schilz Alice Schofield Jacqueline and Jeff Schubert Bill & Jeanne Sharkey Thomas and Valerie Sheaff Jeff and Tina Sherwin Cindy and Thomas Silva Robert Simmons and Judy Whelan Laurel Singer Igor and Shirleymae Skaredoff Elizabeth and Thomas Slate Dana Slauson Genny Smith Sharon Smith Mildred Snelson Charles and Muriel Sonne Marty and Wanda Sorensen

Judith Ann Stadler-Lothrop Mary Alice and Joe Stadum Frank and Carey Starn Margaret H. Steele Donald and Beverly Steffen Harold and Diane Steuber Donald and Gail Stock George and Helene Strauss Harlan Strickland and Carol Wiley Tom and Karen Sturges David and Linda Sturgis Maura Sullivan and Mary Hamilton John and Elouise Sutter Scott and Ginger Tandy Bruce Teel and JoAnne Dunec Asilee Telfer Brian Thiessen Robert Townsend and Pamela Turner Robert and Cherie Trautz Harvey & Ramona Trowbridge Mike Tuciarone Petal Turner Grace Underwood Kris Valstad Marta Van Loan and Barbara Hannafan Diane and Frank Vervoort Martin and Polina Vitz Virginia and William Wadsworth Michael and Joyce Wahlig Brian and Gigi Walker Constance and Jack Wallace Jerry and Linda Wendt Nancy Wenninger Roger and Penny Westphal Robert and Karen Wetherell Mark Whatley and Danuta Zaroda Claudia Whitnah Billie and Barry Whittaker Tim and Meredith Wieland Richard Will Gary and Betsy Willcuts Michael and Juliana Williams Virginia Williamson Chris and Teri Wills Peter and Amelia Wilson Fred and Diane Wilt Anna Wolf Thurston Womack and Charlotte Cranmer Stephanie Woods Ruth Zamist Bonnie Zell Mark and Karen Zemelman Lisa Zinkan

PARTNERS CIRCLE Janet and Ross Abbott Linda Abe Shayna Abraham Betty Abramson Susan Aceves Denise Acker Terry Adami Howard and Jane Adams Judy Adams Seth Adams Karen Adams Vercella and Edward Aguilar Lisa Aguirre Terry Airaudi Silvia Akinaga Eva and Vilis Akmentins Richard and Marjorie Albert Howard and Billie Albrethsen Hugh and Barbara Alderdice Dariel and Ken Alexander Donna Allen and Ken Dothee Joan Allen John Allen Pam Allio Linda Almond-Nichols Pege Kramer and Thomas Amann Elaine Ames Diana Amo Lovie Amos Melanie Andersen Steven Andresen Burt Anderson Catherine Anderson John Anderson Donald Anderson E.P. Anderson Janice Anderson Joyce Anderson

Twila Anderson Paul and Hanako Andrews John and Anna Andrews Mary and Norman Anduza Karla and Martin Angle Lisa Anich Jeff and Jennifer Apkarian Jay and Janet Archibald Dimitris and Luz Argyriou Nancy Arkwright Janet Bayer and Arl Nadel Carol Arnold Steve and Joyce Arnon Patricia Ashley Kate Ashley Robert and Marilyn Aston Don and Vieda Athanacio Donald and Mary Kay Atherton Guy and Diane Atwood Nancy Augustine Jean Autrey Robert and Virginia Avalon Patricia Avalos Paulette Avery Kristin Avicolli Teiko Ayers David Azevedo Rebecca Babayans Jay and Beverly Babcock William and Janice Bacigalupi Aaron Baggs Molly Baier Kathleen and Roy Bailey Kathleen Baird Lucille Baker Raymond Baker Richard and Lynda Baker Barbara Balbi Julie Ballard Mary Balog Ray Bambha Thurman and Grace Bane Charles Banfield Christine Bara Paul Barale and Katheryn Kenworthy William Barber Katherine Barde Cynthia Barden Levi and Katherine Barger Kelly and Carrie Barlow Sarah Barnard David Barnes Kathleen Barnett Shirley Barnum Rose Barquist Nora Barr Pamela and Gerald Barry Barbara Barsanti James and Phyllis Barthman Beth and David Bartke Jane and Richard Bartke Monique Barton Lynn Baskett Ron and Sue Bass Brian and Anna Bates Brita Bautin Barbara Baxter Robert Beach Elaine Beale Charles Beaman Martha Beames Ellen and Larry Beans Kellie Beaubelle Audrey Beck Elaine and Mervyn Becker Jerry and Beverly Becker Gordon Becker Sarah Beecroft Don and Joan Beerline Diane Beeson Andrea Behr and Steven Murphy Valerie and Mel Behrendt Jr. Richard and Linda Beidleman Cheryl Belcher Dena Belinkoff and Sol Feldman Gretchen Bell Thomas Bell Thomas and Mary Bell Anne and Jack Belvedere Colleen and Jay Benatar Evelyn Bencini Arlene Benigni Edward Bennett Kathleen Bennett Susan Bennett Susan and Jay Bennett John and Lucia Bennhoff Barbara Benton Eva Berek Hans and Gail Berg

Katherine and Marc Berger Rasjidah and Rosalind Berger Harry Bergland, Jr. Belinda Berry Holger Berthelsen Doris Bertoni Dale and Joanne Berven Edward and Linda Best Gordon and Jane Beveridge Duane and Georgina Beyer Kim Bhatt Audrey Bible Bill Bicker Janet Bindas Peter Binstock and Diana Procter Bob and Sarah Birkeland Andrea Blachman Jerry and Floy Blair Barbara Blake Barbara Blalock Hadley and Mary Anne Bland Anne Blandin C. Jean and William Blaser James Blickenstaff Carolyn Blowe Nancy and Peter Bluford Elsie Boarman Jackie and Richard Bobrosky William and Linda Bodnar Elizabeth Boehm Burt Bogardus Gary Bogue and Lois Kazakoff Diana Bohn Jim and Sandy Bonato Betty Bones Susan Bonilla Jack and Barbara Bontemps Art Bonwell Joan Booty Ann and Edward Borden Tracy Borden Christine Bosnian and Alain Descoins Richard and Mary Bowers Stewart Bowers Larry Bowman & Li Tsang, M.D. Bill and Wendy Boyer Madaline Boyes Azlyn Boyle Sandra Bozarth Roy and Karen Brandreth Richard and Christine Braunlich James and Christa Brazier Carolyn and Richard Brear Martha Breed Elaine Brennan Ellen Brennan Lou Briggs Hollie Briggs Lily Briles Carol Brinkerhoff Donna Britton Linda Brockway Tom and Celeste Brodehl Jennifer Brodie Jane Brogna Barbara Bronken Allynee Brown Diana Brown Dorothy Brown Judith Brown Lois Brown Lynne and George Brown Robert and Pat Brown Valerie Brown Carol Lynn and James Bruen

Erasimo and Lory Bruno Linda Bryant William Buchanan Marykay Buckley Nicola Budd Philip Morton and Paula Buel Beth Buggs John and Betty Buginas Bev and Bob Buhnerkempe Holly Bullard Bob and Mary Burchard Virginia Burgess Holly and Buddy Burke Marti Burke Jean Burnett Sharon Burnham Sara Bursac Dennis Butkowski Cynthia Butler and John King Dorothy Butterfield Daniel and Kathy Button Katherine and Russell Button A. J. Buxton Richard and Gayle Buxton Madelyn Byron Peggy Cabaniss Jeanne Mary Cabral Muriel Cabral Helene Cahill Doug and Denise Cain Roger Cain Valarie Ann Caldwell Catherine Cale Gregory Caligari Angela Call Stanely and Donna Callon Winifred Camacho Chris Cameron Stephen Campbell Betty and Wade Cantrell Donna Jeanne Card-Cockburn John and Andrea Cardinale Margaret Cardoza Prudence Carier Miriam Carlson Ellen Carlson Melvin and Mae Carlson Diana Carlton Carmelo and Alicia Carone Andrew Carota Laura Carstens Margaret Carter Prudence Carter Phyllis Carvalho Marilyn and Edward Carville Karen Cascio Tracey and Vincent Casey Elizabeth May Cash Eva Marie Cassell Laura Castellanos Katherine Castro Sharon and Ed Castro Roger and Carla Caswell June and Ray Catalano Laurence Caughlan Diane Caughrean-Viera Joseph Cavaness Phyllis and Harvey Ceaser Peter Ceresa Bob and Donna Cerri David Chalk Marie Chan June Chandler Philip Vince and Karen Chandler Ann Chaney Margaret Chapel

Connie Chapman Duane and Darlene Chapman Lloyd and Frances Chapman Diana Charrette Serge F.M. Chaumette Vikki Chavez Josephine Chen Philip Chernin Penelope and Richard Chiado Francie and Eugene Chiara Nancy Christensen Priscilla Christensen N.A. Christin Susan Chwistek Kathleen Cichanowski Harvey and Donna Clar James and Margaret Clardy Betty Clark Julie Clark Duane Clark Monica Clark Edmund Clausen Greg Clayton Timothy Cleere Richard Cleereman Donald and Diane Clements Louise and Charles Cline Francine and Raymond Cloutier Steve Cloutier Alexander and Stephanie Coate Greg Coburn Gerald Cockrill Mitch Coffman Theresa Coffman Joyce Cohen Lucy Cohen Mitchell Cohen Marcella Colarich Harley Colbert Nairy Colello George Coles Patricia Collins Paulette Collins Ruth Collins Donald and Barbara Colvin Katherine and Scott Compton Paul Compton and Renee Cheney Elwood Cone Maria Banuelos Connell Frank Conners Pat Consul Gregory Cook Joanne Cooke Karen Cook Michael and Jeffra Cook Donna and Gary Cooper Alison Cormack and Tom Kuhnle Patricia Corr Nancy Corser Dr. Guy and Elizabeth Corynen Kenneth Cossart Janice Costella Charles and Virginia Cowden Roger Craig Veronica Crane Keith Craven Patricia Cripe Kathy Cronin Dee Dee and Chris Cross Donald and Helen Crowe Antonio Cruz and JoAnn Milne Don Cuffel Kathleen Culhane Joan Culver Kathy and Stephen Cummings John Curtis

Joseph Cussary Vincent and Mary Custodio James and Gail Cutler Suzanne D’ Arcy Anne Daftary Barbara Dahl Mary and Dale Dalgaard Wanda Rae Dalmas Thelma and John Dana Marinell Daniel Ray and Anna Daniels Brian and Michelle Danley Katherine Dano John Dark Patricia and Victor Darner Maeve Daugharty Linda Daulton Don and Beverley Davis Dr. Judith Davis Mary and Jay Davis Ramona Davis Richard Davis Mildred Day Beryl De Borba Catherine De Martini Joe and Beryl Deas Pamela Deas and Ralph Rader D. M. Defreese Debbie and Frank DeFreitas Raul Deju Dolores Del-Cerro Domingo Delgadillo, Jr. David and Gloria Delgado Tim and Nancy Schley Delgado Pamela Della Steve and Lisa Dell’Anno Doyle Carmicheal and Bill DeMaestre Gayle Den Daas George Denney Debbie and Steven Derby Lynda Deschambault Paul and Charla Detjens Scott Detrow Patricia Deutsche John and Charron DeVilliers Vivian and Dario Devincenzi Donna Dewitt Sean Dexter Jon Dickson Madge Dimmick Beatrice Dimpfl Stephanie and Thomas DiPalma Eric and Karoline Doberenz Ora Dobin Vlade and Margaret Dobrohotoff Kirk Dobson Marilyn Dodds Mike Dolphin Jean Dominguez Maralyn Dorcey Douglas Dormandy Shirley and Gary Dornan Vivian Dorsch, MD Dorothy Dorsett Marilyn Dorsey Margaret Dosch Charles and Sarah Doster Margaret Dowd Hazel and Russell Dowling Marika Dragotti Victor Dragotti Jill and Bruce Dresser Ann Drewry Janet and David Drumm Christopher Duncan

Frank and Madeline Dunphy Donald Dupont and Meg Murray Dora Page Duran Wil Durden Mildred Dusha Diane Dyke Rita Marie Dykes Don Eacker Karin Eames Kathryn Eaton Jane Ebe Beverly Edwards Carolyn Edwards Frances and James Edwards Doris Eggers Donna and George Eiler Ann Einstein James Eitel Jon and Julie Elam James H. Eldredge and Anne M. Breedlove Joe and Lorraine Eleccion Margaret Elizares Denise Ellestad Dana Ellingson Robert and Margaret Elliott Joyce Ellis Nancy and Michael Emley Donald and Joyce Emmons Johanne Emrich Jan Enderle Jean Ellen Endres Mark Engle Meriel Ennik Elizabeth Enoch John and Ruth Enrico Karen and Michael Erickson Colleen Erickson Charlotte Ertel Alex and Ann Espinosa Marke Estis Ariel and Larry Etcheverry Brian Eukel Olivia Ingeborg Eukel Nancy Evans Joan Evans Janice Fabini Neil and Barbara Falconer Rebecca Falk Geraldine and Alan Farrell Martha and Richard Fateman Martin and Julia Faulkner Ann Mari Faut Sonya Fecho Douglas and Carol Federighi William and Lydia Feng Mary Ellen Fennessey Pat and Saul Ferdan Ginny Fereira RT and KL Fernandez Anna Ferragallo Elizabeth Ferree Jean Ferreira James and Katherine Ferris Susan Ferro Jerri Fields Joan Field Barbara Fierner Willard and Ann Fine Geoffrey Fink Craig and Leslie Finta Jim and Dina Finta Carol Fisher Joel Fisher Anthony Fisher and Margaret Bentson Kenric and Billie Fivella



JM LT DO N O RS Allison Koerber and Tim Flaherty Don Flaskerud and Norma Hawkins-Flaskerud Vicki Flickinger Barbara Fogerson Ralph Foltz Dr. Wayne and Joanne Fong Jane Fontius Larry Ford Dubose Forrest Clifford and Billie Fortner Brett and Marguerite Foster Jean and Donald Foster Margaret Fouda Joe and Shirley Fox Judy and Vincent Franceschi Ruthann Frank Deanne Fredericks Steven and Meg Freedman Elizabeth Frei Harold and Wilma Frey Craig Frieders Gary and Ruth Friedman Deborah Friedman DVM William Frohlich Linda Fromich-Smith Don and Peggy Fromm Jack and Catherine Frost Roger and Muriel Fry Kevin Fuerte Cheryl Fulton Jeane Furness Aileen Furuyama Charla Gabert Jimmy and Lynn Gadberry Milton and Phyllis Gaines James Galletly Penny and Greg Gallo Rosemary Galloway Katherine Galvin Helen Gann Christine and James Garcelon Julie and Jerry Gardner Alan and Trudi Gardner Diane Gardner Mary Ann Garvey Dorothy and Raymond Gaschk Peter and Ann Gates Stacey Gauny Karen Gauss Judi and David Gavin Michael and Kathleen Gay Elizabeth Gazzano Winifred Gegan Mark Geiser Jeannine Gendar Louise Genosick June Gentry David and Carol George Richard Gerber Pat and Bob Gerdsen Betty and William Geritz Susan Gerson Linda Giacobazzi Mary Gibbons and John Coakley Gale and Barbara Gifford Linda Gilbert Peter Gillen Verla Gillikin Myron Jones and Cindy Giltner Masa Gin Vanessa Girard Paul Glad Roger Glafke Judith Glas Powell Ellen Glasser Kathy Gleason John Goins Emily Gold R. Stanley Goldman Madeline Gomes Betsy and Bobby Gonzales Mark Goodenough Diane and Howard Goodrich Peter and Laurie Goodwin Sara Goolsby Mary and Gillette Gordon Timothy Gordon Jeremey Gorman Lisa Gorrell Nancy and Mark Gorrell Maria Gounaris Maria Grabowski Doris Graesser Ann Graf Anne Graham Bonita Granlund Gia Granucci John Gravell Helen Graziano Janice and Robert Green Eugenia Greene Hildegarde Greene Judith Greene Roger Greene Linda Gregersen Pearl Gregersen

28 Call (925) 228-5460

Lisa Gregersen Bruce and Jan Grenke Marjorie Grennan Richard and Laurie Griffee Mike Griffin Tanja Griffin Sarah Gross Paul and Mary Grunland Rich and W. Faye Guarienti Peter Guedmin Pamela Guida Thiede Franco Guidone Rey and Aurora Guingon Mary Gulbranson Gayle Gull Chris Guptill Irene and Frank Guros Richard Gutierrez Yezdi and Perveen Guzdar Kathleen Gyulai and David Robbins Annette and Ian Hackett Frank Hackett Anthony Hahne Barbara Haines Dean and Lucinda Muniz Hale Walter and Eugenie Halland Richard Hallford Maureen Hallisy Barbara Hallmeyer Michael Halperin, M.D. Janice Halseide Jean Hambleton Martin and Stacy Hampton Ross and Gladys Hanna Chris Hannafan Laura Hansen Melva and Thomas Hansen Rose Marie Hansen Janess Hanson Steven Hanson Dan Hansson Jill Harcke Laurel Harken William Harmon David Harnish Carl and Barbara Harper Pat Harris Grace and Peter Hartdegen Marjorie Harter Victoria Harvey Mary Hasson Carol and James Hatch Karl Haug Annick Hawkins Lillian Fujii and Steven Hayashi Leslie Haydel Joyce Hayes Melinda Hayes Michael Hayes Sally Hayward James Head David Hearst Gerry and Roger Heath Jo Heathcote Kathleen and Harry Heckman Brad and Judy Heckman Ed and Sherill Hecock Al and Patty Telfer- Hector Carolyn Hedgecock Sherrill and Ellsworth Hedman Khin Hein Donovan Heinlein Adele Heinz Glenn and Margot Heltne Geoffrey Hendricks Jon and Joanne Hendricks Ronald and Harriette Henrickson Terri Hernandez Cal and Lani Herrmann Daniel Hersh Cheryl Hess Janet Hewins Alice Hewlett Harlan Heydon Thomas Hibdon Christina and Norman Higashi Barbara Hill David and Barbara Hill Diane Hill Nancy and David Hill William and Mildred Hill Iris Hillman Donna Hills Michael and Judith Hill-Weld Jonah Hinckley Diane Hinds Betty Hinz Jacob Hirsch Joan Hishida Michael Hitchcock Bert and Brenda Ho Randall and Anastasia Hobbett Mary and Robert Hobson Judie and Jack Hockel Anne Hoff Arnold and Donna Hoffman Tyler Hofinga

(partial list)

Mary Ann and William Hoisington Joanne Holcik and Michael Anderson Bert and Norma Holder Joanne Holland Evelyn Hollidge Sandra Hollman Donald and Helen Holm Annette Holmberg Russell and Betty Holt Catharina Holthuis Kay Honodel Jessica Hood Mary Hook Arlene Hoover Hillary Hoppock Peggy and Alan Horn Jonathan and Kimberly Horne Christine and Terrence Horner Jeff and Trina Horner Don and Jane Houser Barbara and G. Michael Hoversten Irja Howton William and Patricia Hudson Linda Huffman Jane Hufft Heidi Hug Carol Huhn Clara Huillade Allan and Evelyn Humphrey Jeanette Huneke William and Lesley Hunt Mary Hutchcraft Patricia Hutchins Anina Hutchison Joseph and Patricia Huyssoon Miles and Brittany Imwale Rob and Linda Ingalls Joan Intrator Cathy Ivers Dorothy Jacklin Dorothy Jackson Elaine P. and Phred Jackson Robert Jackson William and Rosemarie Jackson Lauren Jacober Marcia Jacober Carol Jacobs Annie Jacobsen Helena and Lars Jacobsen Robert Jacobsen Bern and Nancy Jacobson Donald Jacobson Toris Jaeger Ruth James Muriel Jameyson Sharon Jandik Martin and Mary Anna Jansen Paul and Deborah Jansen Roy Jeans Thomas Jenckes Barbara Jennings David and Melinda Jensen Tara Jensen Rene Jerez Margaret Jesseph David Jesson Ken Jessup Violet Jew Marlene and Jerry Jobaris Carole Jobe Mary Johnson Robert Smith and Mary Johnson Farol Johnson Frank Johnson Gailyn Johnson Jane N. and Marvin C. Johnson Steve and Carol Johnson Kevin and Joan Johnston Georganna Johnston Gun Johnston Kathleen Laplante and James Johnstone Jacqueline Jones Jean Jones Kathleen and David Jones Mary-Ellen Jones Peter and Jeanne Jones Richard Davis and Sandra Jones Sally Jordan Eric and Constance Jorgensen Chad Jorgensen Joey Judge Carol Jurasin Don Jurasin Elizabeth Kackman Karen and George Kalvass Terry Kamrin Tiffany Kane Thomas Kapsar Donna Karbach Fonda Karelitz Kellie Karkanen Jonathan Nack and Hannah Karpilow Lois Kary Steven Kaspar Ed and Sue Katibah

Jeanette Kattlemann Diane Kauffman Alan Kaufman Jane Kay Maryann and Norman Kay Penny Kayano Lisa Keenan John Keibel Dean Kelch and Daniel Weinstein Phyllis Kelleher Janice Kelly Dr. Robert and Patsy Kennedy Jim and Janet Kennedy Maya Kennedy Virginia Kennedy Sally Kennedy Ramona Kennon David Kenny Jack and Annie Kenny Donald Kenton Hannah Karpilow and Jennifer Kern Marilyn and Stephen Kestler Scott Kidder Russell Kilday-Hicks and Sara Hicks-Kilday Richard Kilker Gregory Killam Carolyn Kilmer Matty Kilpatrick Caroline Kim Rita and Dong Kim Rosalind and Sung-Hou Kim Helen Kimball Marilyn and Joseph Kimble Nina Kindblad Palma Kinder Bill and Dixie King Joseph and Betty King Marian King Katherine Kinoshita L. Patricia Kite David and Lynda Klapprott George Kleeman Kathy Klein Delma Kline Kathleen Klipera Frank and Jan Klobas Stanley and Dawn Klosinski Pete Klosterman Linda and Bob Kluber Laurene Knedlik Doris Knowlton Sallie Knowlton Charlie and Leila Knox Helen Knudson Werner Koellner Margarete Koenig Barbara Lee Kohn Therese Konz Gregg and Anne Korbin Gunther Korshak Adri Kouwenhoven Kathy Kozak Ralph and Carolyn Kraetsch Arlene Krager Jerry and Joan Kramer Mark Krauth Christa and Harold Krick, Jr. Sheila Krishnaswamy Frances Krug Rolf and Irmgard Krumbiegel Barbara Kuklewicz Victoria Kurtz Heinz and Anneliese Kurz Robert Kuykendall Edgar and Grace Kwan Norman La Force Steven and Rose Marie Lachman Kathleen LaCross Eric Lacy Elizabeth Ladouceur Catherine Lafaye-Scott Gloria Laird Sherry Laird Gordon and Lynn Lakso Kristan Lamb Juliet Lamont and Phil Price Ormond Lamson James and Linda Landau Antoinette Landis James and Beverly Lane Don and Joyce Lane Virginia Lane Roger and Sue Lang Dorothy Lang Laurie Langford Dorrie Langley Matt and Caron Larkin Michael and Jane Larkin Jeri and Steven Larsen Virginia Larsen Joann Larson Joanna Larson Don and Gladys Laston Jennifer Latham Ron and Paula Lathrop

Willard and Sandra Lawrence Melissa and Stephen Lawton Misa Leal Roxene Leal Ettore Leale Jan Lecklikner Danielle Lederman Brian and Susan Lee Delia and Kai Lee John and Aiko Lee Myron Lee John and Pamela Leggett Mary and Bud Lembke Barry and Linda Leng Sarah Leonard Renick and Mary Leoni Paula Lepak Rose and Ronald Lernberg Barbara Levander Rodney Levander Patti Lew Jody Lewen Donna Lewen John and Florence Lewis Richard Lewis Jr. Anne Libbin Kay Lilja Anna Marie Lindner Richard Lindsey Hwi Ling Ng Dr. Richard and Anna Marrie Lininger Richard and Charlotte Liniger John and Constance Linneman Patricia Lipsey Llinda Lipson Harold and Betsy Little Marjorie Litz Leland and Karen Llevano Edith and William Locher Linda Locke Joy and Eric Lofdahl Jane Logan Marilyn Logan Winnie Chow and Michael Lohman Patricia Lohman Carol Lokke Brandy Lokken Bill and Tieli Long Laura Loper Shirlee Loret Saundra and Robert Lormand Kathleen Loss Barbara Lowell Sally Lowery Bob & Carol Lowitz Wencke Lubbock Teresa Lucchesi J. Ludwig J. Rockne Luna Margaret Luna Donna Lunney Sandra Lura David and Juanita Luther Robert Luther Deborah Lutz Suzanne and Nathan Lutz Kathryn Lyddan Barbara Lynch James and Shirley Lynch Kathleen Lynch Luita Lynch Nancy Lynn Alice Lynn-Wilkinson Lennis Lyon Peggy and Craig Lyon Tatia Mac Kinnon Bonnie Macbride Launa MacCarthy John and Shirley MacDonald Rennett MacIntyre Mary MacPhee Patricia Macsata Beth & Scott Macy Gloria Magee Betty Maggiora Julie Magilen Margaret Magyary Judith Ann Mahan Jane Mailander Carol and Hugh Maiocco Karen Majors Cathy Malkin and George Currea M. G. Mammon Greg Mangani & Tiffany Yee Janet Mangini Barbara Mann Michael and Jennifer Mann Sara Manning Vanessa Hua and Marc Puich Ellin Marcellus Janice Marcisisin Jo Ellen Marcotte J.G. Margolis Linda Margulies Michael Marion Eric Mariotti Joe Mariotti, M.D.

Valerie Mark Jack and Judith Marks Helen Marlow Virginia Marques Richard and Kathleen Marshall David and Marilyn Martin Michael and Amy Martin Howard and Barbara Martin Socorro Martinez Joyce Mason Louise Massante Fred Massell Joan Massey Darcy Mathews Margaret Mathias Gregory and Valerie Matonis Marjorie & Kimble Mattingly Sherrill Mattson Ellen Maurer Bradley Mayberry Donna Mazaika Anna and Floyd Mc Carty Kathleen McAdam Jean McBride Gene McCabe Anne McCabe Judith and Lindsay McCall Donna McCarty David McCauley Lorraine McCausland Lois McCleary Doug McConnell and Kathleen Taft Robert McCormick Joye & Charles McCoy Robert McCrae Kathleen and Richard McCrite Arlene and Alan McCulloch Henry Mcdermott Alice McDevitt Rosemary McDonald Robert and Edith Ann McDougald Richard and Gloria McDrew Julia McEvoy Jack and Nancy McFarland Lisa McGraw Maureen McGuire Adele McHale Joyce and John McIntyre Helen McKennon Ancilla and Don McKenzie Jo Anne McKinney Rose McKinnon Judy McKissack Elisabeth McKnight Nancy McLaughlin Ernestine McLaughlin Louis and Janice McLean Darlene and Richard McLean Judy McLouth Virginia McMenemy Randy McMullen Joan and Royal McPherson Virginia McRae Judith Mears Kathleen Medeiros Judy Meegan Laura Meeks Michelle and Rolf Mehlhorn Lynn Meisch Grete Meiter Nerissa Melendez Diane Melvin Edgar Mendelsohn Marisol Mendez Nanci & Richard Menise Laura Mercier Ina and Roy Merrill Elaine Merrill Robert and Robin Merritt Donna Merritt Shawn and Matthew Mesa Mary Jo Metzger Colton Meyer Lindsey and Kenneth Meyersieck Donna Mickleson Martha Mikesell Bob Milbourn Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milcovich Cynthia and Forrest Miller Stephen and Nancy Miller Adeline Miller Patricia Miller Ruthanne Miller Daphne Miller Barry and Susan Miller Carrol Mills Carolyn Mills Barbara Minneman Mary Minor Yuka Minton Aiko and Bob Mitchel Monica Mitchell Malcolm Mitchell Raymond and Joanne Mizokuchi Fred and Jean Mock Angeline Moeller Earle and Sandra Moeller

Ann Moldenschardt Greta and Louis Moncher Lorna Moniz Rey and Ray Monson Carolina Montufar Bill Mooney Flo Moore Freda Moore Karren Moore Carla and George Moore Jane Moore Elizabeth Morais Beata Morena Whitney Hischier and Simon Morris Andrew Morris Toni Morris Jean Morris Dolores Morrison Sharron Morrison Elizabeth Morten Kristi Mortensen Russ and Jean Morth Betty Morton Shereen Motarjemi Joan Motes Linda Moulton Mary Moulton Virginia Mouw Margaret Mowery Russell and Sandra Mowrer Joan Mueller Shelley Mueller Constance Muir Pat Mulholland-Beecroft Frank and Jo Anne Muller April Mulqueen Alice and David Munger Elenita Muniz Robert and Suzanne Murillo Lynn and Charles Murphy Charlotte Murphy Kevin and Debi Murphy Catherine Murray James Murray Penny Musante Cyrus Musiker Carole Muth Ellis and Rose-Mary Myers Katherine Myskowski Sylvia Nachlinger Jeff and Chris Naff Rita and Richard Nahm Arthur Nakashima Patricia Nargang Barbara and Bradford Nash Doris Nattinger Valerie Neale Sharon Neilon L. Pat Neller Janet Nelson Howard and Dorothy Nelson Marygail Nelson James and Catherine Nemechek Edwin and Lane Nemeth Edwin and Kathy Nesmith Jan Neufeld Candice & Stephen Newburn Helen Newman Jennifer and Mark Neys Carol Nguyen Jeff Nicholson George Nicoud Lynn Nieberding Craig Nielsen Rosanne Nieto Robert Nisbet Carl and Kristine Nishi Barbara Nissen Jean and Louis Nobbe David and Ellen Noller Pamela and Dean Norgaard Barbara Norris John Northey Donna Northway Lindy Novak Vern Nuanez Larry and Linda Nunnally Mary Jane Obrien Pat O’Brien George Ochikubo, DDS Nancy O’Connell Charles S. O’Connor Lisa O’Connor Jim and Yuriko Oda Rudolph and Margaret Oehm Ray and Judy Ogata Mary and Woodruff Ogden Iola O’Grady Kinuko Oiye Grace Oki Jean and Dale Olds Margaret Oliver John Ollila Lois Olmstead Carol Olson William O’Malley Terrance O’Malley

Kathy O’Melia Brad and Jane Omick William and Phyllis K. O’Neil Royce Ong Diana O’Rourke Lorraine Osborn Lura D. Osgood Elizabeth O’Shea Don Osias Mary Ostrander Peter Ostrosky Esther Oswalt Mary Ann O’Toole Deborah Ott Jennifer Overaa Carl and Cora Owens Daniel Owens Betty Owiecki Ruth Paglierani Momii Palapaz David Palmer Sally Palmer E. Palmer Paul Palubicki Roberta Palumbo and Arlene Woehl Anniz Pang Christopher and Margaret Panton Chandra Paolini-Poole Donald G. and Mary Ann Parachini Diane Pardee Beth Pardieck Gene and Martin Parese Edward and Marcia Parham Sam and Mariette Parino Kathleen Parker Kathie Parker Roger and Jo Ann Parkinson Mary Jean Parton Doreen Pasco Marilyn Paskert Mei-Ling Pastor Joan Paul Dante & Jacqueline Paulazzo Nancy and Darrell Paulson Lindsay and George Pavel Joyce Payne Johanna Payne Mary Payne Martha Pearsall Sandra Pearson Birgit Pearson Thomas and Lauren Peatman Pamela Peck Cynthia Peete Hildah Pemberton Carol Penovich John and Dianne Pereira Thomas Pericola Doris Perillo Cyrle Perry Richard and Sharon Perry Dolores Petersen D J Petersen Elaine and Michael Petersen Judith Petersen Veronica Petersen Ellen and Allen Peterson Greg and Libby Peterson Juanita Peterson Donald Peterson Teri Peterson Lois Phelps Becky Pheng Thong Pheng Alice Philipson Jerry & Virginia Phillips Merry Phillips Linda Pierce Christine Pirtz Gisela Pitre Jordan and Noreen Pitta Beatrice Pixa Spencer Platt Maureen Plimier Anthony Poggio, DPM, MS Susan & Leslie Polgar Zeta Poli Bernice Poli Ted Mermin and Claudia Polsky Karen and John Pontrelli Ruth Poole Linda and Win Porter Patricia Porter Lorraine and Warren Possin Ellen Potthoff D.C., N.D. Mac Powell Loann Powell Jill Powell Genevieve Power Robert and Jeannie Power Eleanor Pozzesi Rajiv Prabhakar Barbara Pratt Colleen Prawicki Michael and Rita Press Richard and Patricia Pribyl Albert Price

Carol Pritchard-Martinez Nora Privitera Barbara Profe Penelope Profumo Geraldine and Charles Pugh Deborah Pulido Elizabeth Pun Betty and Kenneth Purchase Geneva Purvis Rina Putnam Alice Quadros Ming Quong Rosalind Raab Suzanne Radford Phil Radlick Louanne Klein and Dave Radosevich Aleta Rafton Phoebe Rainbeau Shivani Rajan Mitch and Kirsten-Taylor Randall Susan & Doug Randall A. John and Susan Randazzo Zandra Raphael Jeane and Jim Rashe Ken and Marilyn Rasler Irene Ratti Donald and Daisy Ray Marie Rea Virginia and Blake Reames Eugene Redding Evelyn Reed Christopher Reed Gwen Regalia Kay and Paul Regan Pam Regatuso Luana Reichard Jeanne Reid Jean K. Reilly Victor and Jean Remorini Jeanne Remund Betty Renkert Virginia Renwick Steven and Angelica Rettig Kristen Revell Tommiette Rey Robert and DeEtta Kay Reynolds Harold and Turi Reynolds Ann Rheiner Steve Riccobono Robyn and Christopher Rice Donald and Phyllis Rice Helen Rice Charles and Linda Rickenbacher Charles Rickershauser Lisa and Ron Rigge Eileen Riley Sharon Ring Bernard Ringer Ashley and Matt Rinn Don and Sharon Ritchey Ronald and Amy Rizzo Marilyn Roach Jane Roberts Carol Roberts John and Pat Robertson Sarah and Jeffrey Robinson Mardy Robinson Francine Roche Gael Rodgers Rachel Rodrigues Muriel Rodrigues Susan Rogers Diana and James Rogers Deborah Rokeach Kevin and Susan Romak Janet Romine Marion Rood Shari Rosales Carlos Rose Jeffrey and Carole Mukai- Rose David Rose Jeanine Strickland and Jamie Rosen Melvin Rosenthal Margaret Rossoff Maxine Rosston Kathleen Roth M.D. Barbara Rothway Joyce Rovanpera Pamela Rudd John Rudolph Jim and Sonya Runyan Warren and Carole Rupf Floyd Rupp Virginia Russ Mary C. Russell Mona Russell Elisabeth Rutter Judith Ryan Madeline Sabo-Jackson David and Shari Safianoff Patricia Sagenkahn Brent and Debra Salmi Helen Sandberg Teri Sandholdt Christine Sandoval Barbara and Richard Sandow Martha and Jim Sanford

Barbara Sanford Lawrence and Elaine Santone Mark Sarconi Glendoris Sargent Nancy Sasser Laura and Lance Savatgy Sheila Saxby Elene Sayre Julie Scaff William Schaefer Joan and Wilhelm Schaeffler, DVM Roberta and Timothy Schane Christopher and Amy Schatz Nancy & Donald Schauer Albert and Joy Schindler Walter and Beverly Schlehuber Paul Schmidt Lorilei Schneider A.C. Schoch Frieda Schonach Elizabeth Schulz Virginia Schwab Beverly Schwan Mary Schwartz Theodore Sciacqua Wendy Scott Robert and Bonnie Scott Tiana Scott David and Adele Seaborg Patricia Seals Anne Seaman Kathleen and John Searles Julie Seelen Helen Serio Carol Severin Jane and James Severns Kay Seybert David Shackelford Charles Shaddle Edward and Laurie Shaffer Joseph Shami Kathleen Shannon Linda Shaves Kimberly Shaw Peter and Helen Sheaff Robert and Michele Sheehan Joanne and William Sherrard William Shewry Richard and Midori Shiraishi A. and M. Shirazi Richard and Barbara Shoop Sharie Shute Ronald and Karin Siemens Rafael Siero Evonne Siguenza Janis Silberhorn Richard Silbert Lorraine and George Silva Judith Silva Tara Silver Mervyn and Deborah Silverman Patricia Silverstein Katherine Silvey Nancy and Frederick Jr. Silvey Leslie and Elizabeth Simmonds Barry and Zina Simon Kathryn Simoni Kay Simoni L. Jeanne Simons Barry and Theresa Sims Barbara and John Skidmore Fern and Roger Skowlund W. L. and Evelyn Slessinger Jack & Joan Slobodin Nan Smekofske William D. and Phyllis Smith Elizabeth Smith Diana and Thomas Smith Gary Smith Alan & Joan Smith Jeanette and Harley Smith Joanne and Gregory Smith Caroline Smith Brenda Smith William and Barbara Smith Holland Smith David Smith and Theresa Blair Gregory and Jocelyn Smyers Nilda Smyth Carol Soc Bernice Sotelo Ricardo and Maria Spampinato Robert Sparrow Howard Spencer Carol and George Spindler Cathy Sponseller Ernest Sponzilli Elizabeth and Keith Spooner Malcolm Sproul Richard and June St. John Fred and Esther Stabell Konni Stalica Amy Standen Deborah Standring Donna Stanley Henry and Susan Stauffer Barbara Stein



JM LT DO N O RS Laura and Mark Stein Conrad Cherie and Philip Stephens Janet Stephenson Ann Steppan Mr. and Mrs. B. Albert Stern, Jr. Susan and Maury Stern Barbara and James Stevens Ken and JoAnn Stevens Carolyn and Craig Stewart Jerry and Maryland Stewart Susan Stewart Carol Stockbridge Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoddard Breana Stokes Carol Stone John Storella and Lisa Aliferis Rita Streuli James Strong Elen Helen Stuart Martin and Sandra Stuart Peter Stuart Jo Ann Stumpf Clark Sturges Fred and Georgine Sullivan Arlene Sullivan Susan Sullivan Gretchen Summers Donna Sumner Eleanor Sunkel Alan and Dawn Surges George and Anna Sutherland Terry and Corinne Sutherland Greg Sutton Ward and Marie Sutton Rebecca Suzanne Donald and Lavinia Swain Everette Swan Virginia Swanberg Patricia Swanson Stuart Swanson Teddi Swanson Sherry Swartout George and Madeline Swartz Martha Swatek Robert and Jean Sweeney Tim and Renee Sweeney Joyce Hawkins and Jack Sweitzer Rand and Barbie Swenson Joseph Swicegood Catherine Syversen Thomas Taba Norma and William Tabler Gene and Judy Taggart Deborah Talebi Wendy Tamis and Scott Hampton William and Elizabeth Tanner Ria Tanz Kubota Richard and Colleen Tapia Kimberly Tarman Chris Tarp Margaret Tarp-Watchers Teris Taskey Ellen Reintjes and Don Tatzin Geraldine Tavis Delia Taylor Jodie Taylor Sheryl Taylor Stephen Taylor Virginia Tebelskis Dennis and Sally Teeguarden Judith Teitler Art Tenbrink, MS, MFT Jane and Nicolas Thakar Ann Thatcher Melinda Theilen Maria Theren Thomas and Sharon Thie Gregory and Kristin Thigpen Reba Thoele Herbert and Marcia Thomas Jeanne Thomas Joann Thomas Joe Thomas Richard & Penny Thomas Carol and Harley Thompson Marlene Thompson Marie Thompson Mark Thompson Sandra and Lee Thompson Jeannie Thomson Patricia Thorne Kevin and Margaret Thorpe A. Thorwirth Lisa Throolin Patricia Thunen Marcus and Patricia Tibbetts Gail Tieman Sean Tierney Judy Tillson Barbara Tilton Rita Tischler Kathryn Tobias Jan Toepfer Yulan Chang Tong Laurence and Judith Tong Helen Tonti Nancy Topp

30 Call (925) 228-5460

Ronald Topping Linda Torgeson G. Torno Kathryn Toronto Ed and Dee Totman George and Jeanne Townsend Simon and Patricia Trapani Sheila Traum James and Janice Travis Catherine Travlos Dick and Betty Tremaine Leslie Tremaine, L.M.F.T. Carol Tretten Marilyn Tribble Robert Trimingham Laura Trinies David and Kristen Trisko Tracy and Anne Trotter Thomas Trowbridge, Jr. Nell Trundle Joan Tryon Gay Tsuma Angela Tucker Doris Tucker Thomas and Joann Tucker Steven & Diana Turnbloom Brian Turnbloom Karen Turnbull Bill and Betty Turnquist Thomas and Mary Twist Barbara Tyler John and Paula Tyler Bessie and Lawrence Udell Gloria Uhl Rachel Westlake and Bill Uhlman III Laurie Umeh Caroline and Donald Underwood Gene Underwood Arliss and A.J. Ungar Nadine Ustick Jim and Rita Utz Ralph and Veronica Vaca Dale and Diane Vaccarello J. Frank and Edith Valle-Riestra Christopher Valle-Riestra Paul Valle-Riestra Maxine Van Der Haeghen Letty Van Der Vegt Evelyn Van Dreser Linda Van Loon Darcy Van Valkenburgh Jeff and Kathryn VanBuskirk Elizabeth Vanden Huevel Annette Vanderslice Janet and David Vanetten Helen Vanwinkle Victor and Hasmig Vasgerdsian Susan Vega Monica Venables Monica Ventura Maryann Venturi Steve and Wendy Vest Denise Vickers Suzanne Viger Sharon Vincent Susan J. Vincent Robert and Erma Virgilio Joan Visser Mari Vlastos Jules and Cecilia Voerge Patricia Vogelenzang Irene Vollbrecht Joyce Vollman-Hill Maris and Daniel Von Behren Norine and John Vouri Richard and Maxine Vrmeer Sue-Ellyn Vuylsteke Penny and Jere Wade Polly and Curt Wade Philip Waggoner Eleanor Wagnor Elizabeth Waidtlow William Wainwright Kathleen Waite Julie Walcer David Walker Beverly Walker Jean Walker and Marnix Van Ammers John Walkinshaw George and Marilyn Wall Harvey and Louise Wall Gilbert and Linda Wallace Catherine Wallen Robert Walls William J. and Elizabeth Walsh Elaine Wander Mashuri and Rahima Warren George and June Wasson William and Marie Waterman Rod and Bonnie Watkins Beryl Watson Janice Watson Rosa Watson Thomas S Watt Tommy and Annamarie Weatherton Dion Weaver

(partial list)

Marlene Webber Michael and Theresa Weber Yoshiko Weber George Webster Laura and John Weeks Virginia Weightman Wilma Weinshelbaum David Weir Jacquelyn Weiss Jeffrey Weiss Mari Weiss Judith Weitzner Else Welch Mary Weldy Mary Well Jeffrey Wellemeyer Mary Wells Kay and Donald Welsh Jerry Wendt Ann and Edward Wensel Edwin and Marie West Carolyn and R. Thomas Westhoff Idell Weydemeyer Jeffrey and Nancy Wheeler David and Carol Whetstone Kay Whipp David and Alan Whippy Priscilla Whitaker Bernice White Bill and Kendra White Christopher White James White Jeanine White Dorie Whitemore Lou Ann Whitley John Whitmore Helene Whitson Victor and Ronna Widenbaum Clifford Wiest Jeanne Wilcox Janice and Paul Wilcox Eva Wilde Anne Wildermuth Valerie Wilgus Jeri Wilgus Donovan and Phyllis Wilgus Jean and Conrad Wilgus Tom and Andrea Wilkes A. Kim and Sonja Wilkin Patricia Wilkinson Burlington Willes Joscelyn Willett Kathleen Willett Bobbe Williams James and Wendy Williams Judith Williams Mike and Cecil Williams Scott and Kay Williams Barbara Williamson Dolores Williard Ms. Willow Souleymane Sao Willow Williamson John Willson and Ginger Ogden John and Bobbie Wilson Maggie and James Wilson Rebecca Wilson Fred Wilt Velvia Wimmer Shirley Winchester Rob Winn Janet and George Winter Jeannette Wise Raymond and Dorothy Wison Howard Witt Judy Wobleski Mary Wolfe Kalina and Robert Wong Carolyn and Edwin Wood Michael Wood and Birgit Hueglin-Wood Helene Woods Anne Woods Frank and Tania Woodward Mary Woollett Thomas and Amy Worth Richard and Betty Wren Francis and Mary Wright James and Cynthia Wright Elizabeth Wylie Janet Ann Wyllie Shirley Wynn Martin and Jenelyn Wyspianski Don and Carolyn Yancey Al and Pat Yarrington Carol Yates Debi Yeager Owen Yeager Patricia Yollin Constance Young Glenn Young Margaret Young Mary Young Mary and Virgil Young Meredy and Greg Young Steven Young & Rochelle Lipman Monica Youngquist Jane and Paul Yriberri

Gina Zagotta Marilou Zahn Flavia Zaro Victoria and Steven Zatkin Genevieve and William Zavanelli Bette and Jon Zbasnik Victor and Pamela Zeid Geoff and Lynn Zimmerman David Zimpfer Roz Zinns Valerie Zito Daniel Zoll T.J. Zuiderhoek Frances Zurilgen

AGENCIE S Bay Area Ridge Trail Council California Coastal Conservancy California Council of Land Trusts California Department of Fish and Wildlife California Department of Transportation California Department of Water Resources California Natural Resources Agency California Wildlife Conservation Board City of Lafayette City of Martinez City of Walnut Creek Contra Costa County Contra Costa Fire Protection District Contra Costa Fish and Wildlife Committee Contra Costa Resource Conservation District East Bay Regional Park District Land Trust Alliance National Fish and Wildlife Foundation National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Park Service

BUSINE SSE S Archer Norris Big R Bridge C. Overaa & Co. California Bank of Commerce Canogle Inc. Car Donation Services Carone & Company Chevron Products Company ConvergenceMedia Productions Cox, Castle, & Nicholson LLP Dawn Block Consulting DC Solar DLA Piper LLP Dow Chemical Company First Republic Bank Garcia Associates GANDA Hanford A.R.C. Hanson Aggregates West Region IBEW Local 302 John Muir Health Kaiser Permanente Loving & Campos Mechanics Bank Morrison Foerster Mt. Diablo Recycling Nutiva Old Republic Title Company Parsons Pacific Gas and Electric Company Phillips 66 Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union No. 159 Praxair R-Computer Republic Services Restoration Design Group Scott Valley Bank Shell Oil Products U. S., Martinez Refinery Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co. Telfer Oil Union Bank of California Valero Benicia Refinery Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting LLC Zell & Associates Organizations Contra Costa Hills Club El Cerrito Garden Club Friends of Orinda Creeks Orinda Hiking Club Port Costa Conservation Society Sierra Club

Tilden-Wildcat Horsemen’s Assoc. Trails Club of Rossmoor Wednesday Walkers

FOUNDATIONS & FAMILY FUNDS A.D. & Martha Michelbacher Fund B.T. Rocca, Jr. Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation Compton Foundation Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation David and Lucille Packard Foundation David B. Gold Foundation East Bay Community Foundation Firedoll Foundation Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation J. M. Long Foundation Johnson and Louise H Clark Charitable Foundation Kiryle Foundation L. J. & Mary C. Skaggs Foundation Lafayette Community Foundation Macy’s Foundation Martinez Community Foundation Mendelson Family Fund Morrison & Foerster Foundation Oakmead Foundation Pease Family Fund PG&E Corporation Foundation Pleasant Hill Community Foundation Richmond Community Foundation S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Seaborg Open Space Fund Strong Foundation for Environmental Values The San Francisco Foundation The Simmons Family Trust Trust for Public Land Union Bank Foundation Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation Wayne and Gladys Valley Foundation William G. Robinson Family Trust Employee Matching Gift Programs Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Bank of America Charitable Foundation Bank of the West - Employee Giving Program California Bank of Commerce Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Compton Foundation Heller Consulting IBM Corporation Matching Grants Program Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Campaign Liberty Mutual Foundation Match Microsoft Matching Gifts Program PG&E Corporation Foundation S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Seva Unlimited LLC Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co.

IN KIND Americano Restaurant Berkeley Repertory Theater Broadway Plaza Casa Orinda Restaurant California Shakespeare Theater Cavallo Point Community Focus Contra Costa Country Club Contra Costa Times/BANG Diablo Foods Diablo Publications Diablo Theatre Company Gather Restaurant Hafner Vineyard Haute Stuff Bistro Kaur Photography Lemongrass Bistro Meritage Resort & Spa Oakhurst Country Club OCSC Sailing Oliveto Restaurant Pegasus Voyages Renaissance ClubSport Round Hill Country Club Safeway Saintsbury St. George Spirits San Francisco Business Times Savoy Events Sports Basement Tiffany & Co. Trader Joe’s Wente Vineyards Wine Thieves

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles Lewis IV, Chair Dawn Block, Vice Chair Eliot Hudson, Secretary Bill Wadsworth, Treasurer Arthur Bart-Williams Paul Craig Denis Huston Steve Hutchcraft Steven Kirby Joseph A. Ovick Ted C. Radosevich Linus Eukel, Executive Director







Today’s greater housing density squeezes garden space from homes. But community gardens provide a place for people to produce healthy food and connect to a living, growing and rewarding part of nature. When Martinez residents wanted a place to dig in the dirt, to plant, to reap an edible harvest, we helped establish a community garden in partnership with the City of Martinez. JMLT has sponsored the popular 4-acre garden, which is located in Hidden Lakes Park, since its 1997 inception. Participants can rent one of 19 plots of land here for a nominal fee, to grow vegetables and flowers. Even local elementary school students can share the bounty of their efforts with friends, family and other community members.

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” — John Muir

32 Call (925) 228-5460

LOOKING FORWARD . . . We hope you agree that John Muir Land Trust has made a real difference in Contra Costa County over the past 25 years. Our conservation efforts have protected several of the area’s most beautiful properties for now and future generations. But while we already steward over 2,000 acres of open space, we’re really just getting started. This brochure serves as the launch of our Saving Contra Costa campaign, with objectives to more than double the acreage under protection by JMLT across the next five years. It is an audacious goal, but everything we have accomplished as an organization to date fuels our confidence. Of course, our ability to succeed in land preservation is a direct consequence of your support. In coming months we will contact you about specific properties to be acquired by JMLT. Please be on the lookout for these communications — and help us save Contra Costa!

“One day’s exposure to mountains is better than a cartload of books.” — John Muir



(925) 228-5460 | P.O. Box 2452, Martinez CA 94553 |

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