"Okular" Interview

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After the band's debut album “Probiotic” back in 2011, Norvegian outfit “Okular” has unleashed a full­length titled "SexForce", which incorporates elements of everything from acoustic playing to death metal. With this new album dropping few months ago, “Okular” got in touch with me to discuss the full­length's recording process and let us know what they can fell from this latest opus. Composer, lyricist, backing vocalist and mastermind “Okular”member, Andreas Aubert, spoke with “Milfits 'zine” about merging disparate music styles on “SexForce”. How did the project “Okular” come together, and what did you want to accomplish with it when you started? I, Andreas Aubert, have written songs using the software “Guitar Pro” since 2004. In 2009 I found suitable musicians to record a full length album. At that point, my concern was simply to get an album professionally recorded without thinking too much about what would happen later. I became very happy with that first “Okular” album, entitled “Probiotic”, which was eventually released in 2011. So as you understand, “Okular” started 20

as a project. Then we agreed to record another album, and it was still a project at that point, with me writing everything and also paying for everything. But we have now finally managed to get a full lineup and have already played our first concert. Things will work differently from now on. Although I will continue to write most of the music and probably also a good deal of the lyrics, it will be more of a group process where everyone gives their input. The idea is to record pre­ production of several songs, and let the songs mature over time, before we February 2014 I Milfits 'zine

finally record the third album. It should also be noted that I am not performing anything except some additional/backing vocals on the albums and I am not part of the live­ lineup. So far I have also taken care of most of the practicalities regarding the band, but now the areas of responsibilities have been distributed more evenly among us. I still have a difficult time trying to describe what “Okular” sounds like. If I could, I would just say "progressive death metal," but it would sound incomplete. How would you describe the style of “Okular”? I am happy to hear that and take it as a compliment. It probably means there is some extent of originality to our music. Yes, it might be difficult to explain our style with precision. Here is an attempt: We play progressive death metal with many technical elements, and with a sense of adventure and exploration to it. Some songs are long, some are short, some are very technical, some are more straightforward. The songs do not follow any fixed formula or pattern. The music is arising very spontaneously and playfully, mostly written into “Guitar Pro” without the help of a guitar. I think that this form of composing is part of what makes the music sound a bit different and hard to categorize. I can also mention some established bands as a reference to give some idea of our music, but none of those references alone can fully give you the idea of what we are doing: “Death”, “Morbid Angel”, “Decapitated”, “Gojira”, “Obscura”, “Immolation”, “In Flames”, “At The Gates” etc. Actually, this may not February 2014 I Milfits 'zine


make you much smarter. It would be better for the readers simply to check out our music! These days we often simple refer to our sound as “Extreme metal with progressive elements”. That is probably good enough. However, Prog­extreme­metal has seen a bit of a resurgence recently with bands like “Opeth” and “Enslaved” bigger than ever. Why do you think this is? Possibly it has something to do with the times we live in. One cultural trend in general seems to be the mixing of various elements that have previously been seen as opposites. This can also include influences from different cultures and different parts of the world. It is becoming more common to mix various styles and influences and see them as complementary to each other. The narrow confines of genre definitions are starting to break down, and creativity seems to flourish in new and exciting ways. Maybe it also has something to do with the internet and social media making the world “smaller”, leading to many perceived boundaries breaking away. To explain my point about combining elements together in an unusual and exciting way, I can point to the bands you mention who are combining extreme, aggressive parts with more atmospheric and “clean” parts. I think that part of the appeal of such styles can by explained by a certain shift of consciousness taking place in a greater number of people these days. A larger segment of humanity is seemingly waking up to the reality that life is life is not as black and white as we often take it to be, and that different people, phenomenon and modes of expression



are interconnected in many subtle ways. The progressive music of the bands you mention, and many others, might to some extent illustrate this shift in perception – even if the musicians themselves may not necessarily be fully aware of these dynamics. With the new album titled “Sexforce”, what is it exactly that you’re looking to say about? How did it come about? First I would just like to make clear that while the first two albums were all written by me (including “Sexforce”) – meaning I wrote the music, lyrics and made the concepts – “Okular” is now a band with 6 members. Our views might differ in some aspects. The other guys may not necessarily agree with everything I say. I am speaking on my own behalf. On to your question: There are many angles from which I can explain the title. The term sexforce is referring to the sexual energy in humans, which is very much connected to our passion, creativity and our will to live. If sexuality is repressed, it is difficult to really flourish in life – creatively and in other ways. The music and lyrics, as I see it, is an expression of sexforce expressed in an unapologetic and life­celebrative way. There is no holding back of passion and pure vitality and no holding back of the longing for something that is true and real. It is life­affirmative death metal. When I use the word sexforce, I am refering to much more than just sexuality or the sexual act. I am refering to an explosive force that can erupt from inside, bringing aliveness and joy, and a fierceness that will not allow half­truths and 22

superficiality to give direction for ones life. The cover displays a couple in a naked embrace, sitting in some kind of volcano which is erupting. They are in a frozen, icy landscape, with a city in the distant – tall buildings etc covered by ice. This is symbolizing the frozen, rigid aspects of human civilization. This includes dead, outdated belief­ systems and everything which tries to keep people in place – as opposed to truly living and expressing their subjectivity, which exists on a deeper level of who we are. This deeper level can become veiled, but cannot be completely destroyed by belief­systems – there is always hope. The sexforce which the couple expresses and allows through their love­making, is here coming to life as a volcano. It is dynamic and cannot be controlled. It will by its nature shatter the old and dead and create new life – in the individual and in society. How does “Sexforce” compare to “Probiotic”. Did you pursue a different direction or do you perceive this album as a continuation? There was no agenda behind it, other than to make the best album we could. As “Okular” is about aliveness and creativity, as I see it, it would not be possible that the new album would sound like a poor mans version of the first album. It is the nature of life itself that there will be a progression – unless we are stupid enough to hinder that from happening due to being influenced by some alienating ideas. The album is perhaps not a continuation seen from a linear and logical perspective, but if you look at the deeper driving forces behind the music, there IS a continuation. You February 2014 I Milfits 'zine

could say the album is a continuation of the first one, although it represents something different.


enough are often already too busy in various bands and projects to be able to commit to being permanent members. But we eventually got a complete “Sexforce” has got a multifaced lineup together, and this lineup will sound. Was there any deliberation or also be featured on the next album. So specific goals about the kind of music it is not only a lineup for liveplaying – to write for “Sexforce”, or did this is how “Okular” now appears as a everything come naturally when you complete band. started jamming together? When we decided to do this second What artists shaped you most? Who album, the songs were for the most part do you come back to now that you already complete. It was mostly a even listened to as a kid? question of me selecting the right I can answer only for myself: songs. There was no jamming involved. “Pantera”, “Morbid Angel”, “Death”, When selecting the songs, I wanted it “In Flames”, “Kreator”, “At The to sound a bit different from the first Gates”, “Decapitated”, “Gojira” are album, and to explore some things that perhaps the ones that have perhaps were not covered on the first album. shaped me the most. But it is quite rare Such as having some of the songs be a that I listen to “all­time­favorites” such bit more crazy and technical, yet on the as these nowadays. I rather listen to other hand also feature some more new stuff. And I never listen to straightforward and simple songs. “Metallica” or “Iron Maiden” anymore, although I will still count a lot of their Other than the stable band members, music as very good. When I listen to how easy or difficult was it finding music, I usually emphasise to listen to session musicians to fit into the something I am not yet familiar with. puzzle? Such as in example listening to newer It was fairly easy to find session bands who are “pushing the musicians to be featured on the album boundaries” of extreme music, or – as we already had guitars, bass and listening to older bands within the drums covered by the stable band death metal genre which I may not be members – and those are the so familiar with yet. I rarely listen to instruments that demanded the most music for nostalgia etc, I find that preparation. We mainly used session quite boring. At the moment I am people for some of the vocals, as well actually not listening that much to as a few other things such as some music at all, and I often choose piano/orchestration and one song with something else than metal. acoustic guitars, done by another guitar player. On the other hand, it was very How much of the Viking philosophy hard to find musicians to complete the is ingrained into your everyday life? live­lineup. It was difficult specifically I can only speak for myself. I am not because the music is hard to play – even sure what you mean by Viking harder than what many musicians are philosophy. I prefer to stay away from able to. And those who are skilled philosophy, in terms of belief­systems February 2014 I Milfits 'zine



that are rigidly followed, as it can easily be a substitute from experiencing life directly and following my own heart and intuition. That said, I do believe that the Vikings embodied some desirable and distinct qualities. Every culture has its strengths and weaknesses. I do believe that the Vikings were intense and strong people – and that those qualities can be used in both good and bad ways. I can sometimes feel a connection to what I perceive as a “Viking fierceness”, especially when it comes to the sense of not compromising with what I perceive to be true. I can sometimes tap into a courage that does not allow me to accept half­truths and superficial politeness. This might be something that lies within me partly as universal qualities, but also partly as a Viking heritage. But in either case it is not a matter of philosophy, it is a matter of allowing what naturally wants to express itself – when cultural dogmas and psychological defences are put aside. What are your artistic ambitions? What would you like to achieve as a musician? Speaking for myself as a composer and lyricist, I would like to continue to push my own boundaries, and I would like our coming albums to take new and interesting turns. I would also like to see a decent level of success for “Okular”, both in terms of concerts and in terms of getting more established within the metal scene in general. In regards to this, there are many practicalities that needs to be taken care of. It is not enough to write good songs or be good musicians. We need to promote the band in a good way, 24

have a long term vision of what we want to achieve etc. What's in the future for “Okular”? More albums, more liveplaying, reaching out to more people. Thanks man! Last words are yours. Check us out, and thanks for the support! www.facebook.com/okularmetal www.okularmetal.com

February 2014 I Milfits 'zine

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