NWS Yorktown Sailor competes as part of All Navy Wrestling Team
ByMaxLonzanidaNaval Weapons Station Yorktown
YORKTOWN, Va WrestleMania 40 promises to draw crowds to Philadelphia this year on April 6-7th as fans from near and watch this signature World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) event. The 40th iteration of the annual event promises to draw in some of the WWE’s most talented wrestlers
Earlier this year Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Yorktown’s Security Department sent one of their own to compete as part of the All Navy Wrestling Team across the continent to Naval Base Kitsap in Bremerton,Washington.Enterinto theringMasteratArmsThirdClass PabloMonreal.
Monreal, a native of Colorado enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 2021 He was part of his high school’s varsitywrestlingteam,anditwashis recruiterwhooriginallypointedout theuniqueopportunitytowrestleas partoftheAllNavySportsProgram “The Navy has a lot of Sailors that havetheabilitytocompeteinsports attheNationallevelandhigher.The All-Navy Sports program is here to assist those Sailors in making that happen, said Michael Morris, All-Navy Sports Program Manager After completing the rigorous Master at Arms “A” school and upon reporting to NWS Yorktown, he pursued the opportu-
CWO3 (Ret.)WesWeir a NWWprogram participant picturedwith one ofhis daughters.(COURTESYPHOTO)
Navy Wounded WarriorProgram assists service members during critical times
ByNinoshkaBasantesand MC1MaddelinHamm
Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs
nity to wrestle at the national level. “The Navy All sports website has an application process where you fill out a form and your accolades and what you’ve achieved in wrestling,”saidMonreal.“Icompletedthe applicationonmyoffhours,andIhaditup throughmychainofcommand OurSECO, and installation leadership they were great,andtheysupportedmeonehundred percent.” He also noted that “it just shows that the Navy does offer opportunities for sailorstobranchoutsideofwhattheydo.”
That support and desire to hone his repertoire of Greco-Roman style wres-
tling paid dividends when he was selected andreceivedTAD orders in January2024. He joined other Sailors who hailed from points far and near at the MWR wrestling camp at Naval Base Kitsap in Washington. Conditioningandtrainingstartedfromday one after arriving and possibly enjoying an obligatory cup of brew from the state’sthrivingcoffeescene. There was a diverse mixture of Sailors “who had experience wrestlinginhighschoolorattheamateur level. There was a mixture of third classes and there was even a Senior Chief on the team training with us,” recalled Monreal Training and learning from others was tough and regimented, and he recalled a few times where he was slammed to the mat “so hard that I may have saw stars.” He didn’t recall how many times he threw fellow Sailors onto the mat, and pointed out that he returned to his room after each trainingdayexhaustedandsore;but veryeagerto learn morethe following day. They trained and honed theirskillsfornearlyamonthbefore departingforhishomestateofColoradotocompeteintheArmedForces WrestlingChampionshipsattheAirForce Academy There,hecompetedaspartofthe All Navy Wrestling Team during the first weekofMarch2024.“Webattleditoutthe bestwecouldagainsttheArmyandtheAir
The Navy Wounded Warrior Program (NWW), previously known as Safe Harbor, stands as a beacon of support and care for active duty Sailors, Reservists serving on activeduty,andCoastGuardsmenwounded, ill,orinjuredinthelineofdutyoroffduty. Establishedtoprovidepersonalizedassistance and resources, NWW serves as a lifeline for service members and their families navigatingthecomplexitiesofrecoveryand rehabilitation From physical injuries to invisible wounds, NWW offers a comprehensivenetworkofsupporttailoredtomeet theuniqueneedsofeachparticipant
“Many Sailors enroll in the program not sureaboutwhoweareorwhatwedo,butat the end of their transition we become their bedrockforaccurateandtimelyinformation and resources,” said Marc Puco recovery carecoordinator(RCC)withNWW
Puco said every enrollee is unique and requires different resources and support RCC’s provide one-on-one concierge supportandresourcesspecifictotheirindividualneeds
NWWisanon-medicalcaremanagement team,whichassignsadedicatedRCCtoeach participant TheseRCCsserveasadvocates and guides assisting service members and their families in navigating the maze of medical appointments, paperwork, and rehabilitationprogramsthatmaycomewith injury With a deep understanding of military culture and the challenges of recovery, RCCsofferpersonalizedsupporttailoredto theuniquecircumstancesofeachindividual.
“I was immediately impressed by the team,” said Retired Navy Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jonathan Weir “Even during my intakeinterview,Ifoundmyselfsurrounded by capable, well-connected and passionate professionals who very clearly had my best
ByMassCommunication Specialist 2nd Class Joseph T. Miller
NORFOLK, Va The Norfolk Commissary won the Bill NicholsAwardforBestLargeCommissary in the United States March 1, 2023 Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) presented the Norfolk Commissary with the prestigious award for their hard workanddedicatedservice
Currently, DeCA operates nearly 240 commissary stores worldwide Fortheawardprocess, DeCA managed the judging of their large inventory of stores by separating their stores into categoriessortedbysizeandlocation.
From there, DeCA judged their stores based on qualities such as their work ethic, team cohesion, work environment, safety, sales, and accountability, among other factors
John Hall DeCA director and CEO and Robert Bunch, the DeCA acting Deputy/Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director for Store Operations, presented all the awards during the annual Store Operations Conference Theawardpresentationtookplacebetween Feb.26andMarch1attheDeCAHeadquarters and Support Center at Fort Gregg-AdamsinPrinceGeorgeCounty Virginia
“This year’s winners put a lot of hard work into providing the best benefit for our patrons,” Bunch said. “We have a lot of greatemployeesatthestorelevel,andthese awardsareatestamenttotheircommitment totheirpatrons.”
All Navy Wrestling
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Force Teams,” he recalled “We went out there withtherightmindsetandweallgaveitallthat we had And we went hard. Unfortunately, on my side I did loose some of my matches,” said Monreal.
He did note some key takeaways from his stellar experiences in the Pacific Northwest andwhilecompetingagainstotherteamsinhis homestateofColorado Henotedthatthesecan be applied to his role here as part of the dedicatedSecurityDepartmentonboardNWSYorktown “Iftherewasasuspectwhowashandson fightingus,Ithinkwiththeenhancedskillsthat I have now I could definitely and safely return them to the floor without injuring them, he said. “I wouldn’t want to do a complete suplex onasuspectbecausethereisachanceofinjuring them, but with the correct techniques that Ipickedup,Icandefinitelyhavethemreturnto thefloor,”remarkedMonreal.
He clarified for this Public Affairs Officer exactly what a suplex is In very articulate words, he described a suplex as a throw that involvesliftinganopponent andusingcoreand upperbodystrengthtobridgethemorrollthem onto their back to gain the control And quite fortunately, there was a time constraint that preventedthedemonstrationofsaidsuplexon thisPublicAffairsOfficer
PartoftheNorfolkCommissary’ssuccess comesfromtheleadershipofXavierMiller, site director for the Norfolk Commissary, who assumed the position in Feb. 2022. Miller previously worked in other areas of DeCA dating back to July 2016. Miller however, brings over 30 years of retail management experience to the Norfolk Commissary. Miller contributes the success of the Norfolk Commissary to one major thing—-
-his team’s dedication to their jobs Miller stated that each one of his workers exemplifies DeCA’s vision of ‘To be the grocery provider of choice for our eligible patronsdelivering a vital benefit exclusively for our military community and their families’ and thattheawardiswelldeserved.
“This recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitmentofourentireteam,”saidMiller “Each and every one of my staff members
Navy Wounded Warrior
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interestsinmind.” Weir said the medical evaluation board process he was going through was confusing,butNWWwasabletohelphimnavigateit
“My non-medical care manager continued to check in with me to offer assistancewhereneeded,”Weiradded.“Onnumerousoccasions andwithoutsolicitation, he would scan various online databases to give me updates on critical milestones
Inadditiontocarecoordination,NWWplacesastrongemphasisonadaptive sportsasameansofphysicalandemotionalrehabilitationforservicemembers in the program. Through partnerships with organizations like the Paralympic Military Program and the Invictus Games, NWW provides opportunities for woundedwarriorstoengageinadaptivesports,rangingfromwheelchairbasketballtocycling.Theseactivitiesnotonlypromotephysicalfitnessbutalsofoster camaraderieandasenseofaccomplishment empoweringparticipantstoovercomeadversityandreclaimtheirindependence
Beyonditspracticalsupportservices,NWWisacommunityofresilienceand solidarity.Throughpeer-to-peersupportgroups,woundedwarriorsfindcamaraderieandunderstandingamongfellowservicememberswhohavewalkedsimilar paths.Thissenseofbelongingandconnectionisinvaluableinthehealingprocess providinganetworkofsupportthatextendsfarbeyondmedicaltreatment.
“Navy Wounded Warrior provides the Navy and commands the support to treat Sailors in theMedical Evaluation Board or LIMDU [limitedduty] process with the dignity and respect they earned and deserve. Sailors remember how theyweretreatedtheirlastmonthsintheNavy,”saidPuco.
CurrentlyNWWhasprovidedassistancetomorethan7,600wounded,illand injuredservicememberslocatedthroughoutthecountry Forcommands,leaders and service members looking to get linked with the program and its resources, pleasereachouttoNWWat1-855-NAVY-WWPorvisittheprogramwebsiteat www.navywoundedwarrior.com
has played an integral role in makingtheNorfolkCommissary thebestinthenation Theyhave goneaboveandbeyondtocreate awelcomingandenjoyableenvironment for our military family Theircommitmenttodelivering thisvitalbenefitwithexcellence istrulycommendable.
Inadditiontovaluingthework his employees do, Miller also valuestherelationshipsfostered with the Commissary’s partners and patrons These two items, Millerstated,helpedtheNorfolk Commissarycrossthefinishline andultimatelywintheBillNicholsAward.
“Behind the scenes we have the support of the installation, contractors, vendors and industrypartnersthatareinstrumental in our success,” said Miller “We deeply value these relationships and look forward to continuing these partnerships. Finally, I would like to express my deepestgratitudetoourloyalpatrons Withouttheirtrust,supportand feedback, this would not have beenpossible.”
OnceMillerannouncedtotheemployees that they won the award, the store hosted a smallcelebrationattendedbybothemployees and shoppers alike. As part of their award, Norfolk Commissary also earned a physicaltrophy,whichisproudlydisplayed atthestore’sentrance
For more information on the Norfolk Commissary, please call (757) 423-6070 or visit https://corp.commissaries.com/shopping/store-locations/norfolk-navsta.
RICHMOND, Va A diverse group of femaleleadersinthecentralVirginiaregion shared their stories during a panel discussion in observance of National Women’s History Month, hosted for Defense Logistics Agency Aviation employees during a March 19 event on Defense Supply Center Richmond.
This year’s theme, provided by the National Women’s History Alliance is “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. The event was coordinatedbyDLAAviation’sEqualEmployment andDiversityOfficeinconjunctionwiththe Supplier Operations Original Equipment
The panelists included several local community leaders a member of the Virginia National Guard and two Aviation leaders They were: Danielle Bowers, owner of the Lifestyle Realty Group, LLC, a veteran-, female-, and minority-owned realty team based in Petersburg, Virginia; the Honorable Sheriff Vanessa Crawford of Petersburg; Army Chief Warrant Officer 5 D’JuanaGoodwin,VirginiaNationalGuard’s G-1personnelchief;GowriMandgi division chief, Procurement Programs at DLA Aviation; and Martha Tuck director ProcurementProcessSupportatDLAAviation.The U.S.ArmyWomen’sMuseumalsoprovideda displayexhibitfeaturingwomeninservice
Throughout the event, each panelist shared their stories of their career journey and how they advocate for others to follow intheirsuccess
AfterjoiningtheArmyNationalGuardat 17 Bowerssaidshewasexcitedtobepartof the 3647th Maintenance Company within theVirginiaNationalGuard However,after completing her job training, her platoon sergeant stuck her in a back office, filling out paperwork, because they didn’t think a femaleshouldbeoutinthemaintenancebay.
“I experienced some challenges (there) as a woman as a minority female,” she said. “It was like, ‘you’re a girl, you’re joining the Army at 17 and you don’t know anything.’ Atleast,that’showtheymademefeelatthe time, but what it really did was prepare me for the many additional challenges I was goingtofacelateroninlife
“Being discounted is not a good thing, and I think the other women (here) can relate with me that when you are climbing that ladder and doing everything you can to achieve your goals you face so many different adversities,” Bowers continued. “Thebiggestexcuseisthatyou’reawoman But we’re proof here, and many of you are proof that it isn’t the case, and it isn’t what matters Aslongasyouhavetherightmind-
set, you’re going to achieve anything you wanttoaccomplish.
While in the National Guard, Bowers soughtwaystoachievehergoals.Shecontinued her schooling at Virginia Commonwealth University, went to ROTC and Officer Candidate School, and worked in banking customer service After experiencing a miserable situation with different real estate agencies when buying her first home in her early 20s, Bowers decided to become a real estate agent to help others as she wished she had been treated. In her firstyear,sheoutsoldallotherrookieagents in her company. She then set her sights on beingoneofthetopthreesellers,whowere recognized with their pictures featured withintheofficeonatopboard.
“Our industry is dominated by men, and there weren’t a lot of female real estate agents,” she said. “They were constantly being overshadowed by the males there. I wanted to be on that top board. I was tired of seeing the same faces over and over. We (need to) all focus our energy on what we want and constantly imagine and envision the things we want in life I made it to the top board every month, every quarter and everyyear.”
Bowerswasalsorecognizedasoneofthe top 100 real estate agents in Richmond out ofabout7,000in2021and2022.Duringthis time, she realized she wanted to do more to encourage diversity in real estate, so she opened her own brokerage company in
No stranger to receiving accolades, the Honorable Vanessa Crawford was sworn in as the first female sheriff for the City of Petersburg in 2005 Since then, she’s been reelected every four years, making her the longest-serving elected official in Petersburg. Other achievements for her include: first female to run an all-male facility in the Virginia Department of Corrections; only African American female sheriff in the United States from 2014-2017; and unanimously elected by the National Sheriff’s Association as the Sheriff of the Year for 2022. She also served as a leader of many associations, such as Virginia’s Sheriff’s Association, Virginia Correctional Association, and Virginia Sheriff’s Institute, among many others and was selected for many awards honoring her dedication and communityserviceefforts.
“Thejourneytowardsuccessisnotalways asmoothpath,butitisalwaysaworthwhile accomplishment,” she said. “Every action I ever took was driven by a desire to make a positive difference, no matter how small, in the lives of the citizens (I serve for), those whoaredisenfranchised
“Forthosenavigatingtheirownjourneys I canofferyouthesewordsofencouragement: believeinyourselfandembraceyourunique qualities and talents, Crawford continued “There’sapotentialtoachieveextraordinary feats and surpass all expectations Success is not instantaneous; it requires dedication,
Being the first to achieve a goal is often a hard step to overcome but Goodwin managed to do it on her own terms, even without the knowledge she was making history
“I made history when I pinned on chief warrant officer 2, and no one knew,” she said.“SameforCW3andCW4 WhenIwas selectedforCW5,that’swhenpeoplestarted to say something about being the first AfricanAmericanCW5intheVirginiaNational Guard Iwashappytomakethathistory,but Ididn’trealizeitwhileitwashappening. Goodwinsaidshemadeitasfarasshedid by doing the best she could at any job the Army threw at her during her 40 years of service and keeping her head down, pushing forward. Now, as the personnel chief for the Virginia National Guard, she takes timetomentornewSoldiers sotheyarealso successful
After joining the Pathways to Career Excellence program as a newly naturalized citizen, Mandri said DLA offered terrific opportunities.
“For a newly minted U.S. citizen, it was likeadreamcometruetogetintothefederal government and have an opportunity,” she said. “How many jobs will take the time to spend two years teaching the job and help yougetyourcertification?
OnethingMandrireferstooftenisaquote by Katherine Graham, the first American female of a Fortune 500 company: “To love what you do and feel like it matters, how couldanythingbemorefun?”
“Ireallykindoflivemylifethatway,”she said. “This has been a great opportunity for me andIlovewhatIdo.”
Finding a job that matters is essential to one’s success, said Tuck, who loves informal mentoring and seeing her fellow team membersreceiveaccoladesandpromotions She said she is quick to give recommendationstootherslookingtosucceed,including takingchallengingassignments
“Ilookedforprojectsthatwerehard,ones that had never been done,” Tuck said. “You may not want to take every volunteer project, but there are some projects out there that are worthwhile Get that knowledge. Noonecanevertakeawayyoureducationor theknowledgethatyouhave,andwhenyou start gaining the knowledge you also gain competence.”
Other recommendations from Tuck included: “always follow your heart, take thejobthatworksforyou,andlistentoyour conscience.”
Thefivepanelistsansweredvariousquestions from the event moderator and the audience,sharingmentoringtips,keepinga healthywork-lifebalance,andcontinuously helpingotherssucceed.
Bataan ARG, 26th MEU(SOC) return from 8-month deployment TheWasp-class
CourtesyStory Commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet
NORFOLK,Va Morethan4,000Sailors andMarinesassignedtotheBataanAmphibiousReadyGroup(ARG)andembarked26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) (MEU(SOC)) returned to Hampton Roads following an eight and a half-monthdeploymenttotheU.S.2nd,5th and6thFleetareasofoperations,March21.
Two of the ARG ships, the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5) and Harpers Ferry-class dock landing ship USS Carter Hall (LSD 50), returned to NavalStationNorfolkandJointExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreekinVirginia.
“It is great to be home,” said Amphibious Squadron (CPR) 8 Commodore, Capt. Martin Robertson. “I’m proud of the Sailors and Marines of the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group who return home today knowing that for eight and a half months, theywerethenation’srapidresponseforce.”
TheSanAntonio-classamphibioustransport dock ship USS Mesa Verde (LPD 19) is expectedtoreturntoNavalStationNorfolk, Virginia, in the coming days Most of the Marines assigned to the 26th MEU(SOC) departed the ARG ships and returned to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina earlier this week While in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of operations the Bataan ARG and 26th MEU(SOC)teamsupportedawiderangeof interoperabilityopportunitiesandexercises acrosstheNorthAtlantic,EasternMediterranean, Baltic region, Red Sea and Arabian Gulf,increasingcombatreadinessandcrisis response capabilities while strengthening relationshipswithbothAlliesandpartners
“These young men and women were calledintoactionfromthestarttohelpstop the spread of wildfires in Southern Europe to deter Iran from seizing U.S.-flagged merchant vessels in the Middle East, and theyreactedswiftlyattheonsetofthecrisis in the Bab-El Mandeb to ensure merchant shipping access to the Red Sea,” Robertson said “Your sons and daughters stood ready to assist American citizens in countries
impacted by the Israel-Hamas conflict, and their efforts directly prevented the conflict from expanding to other nations in the region Simultaneously,weoperatedcloseto Russia in the high north and Baltic regions, reinforcing America’s commitment to the NATOalliance,emphasizingtheimportance of regional peace and security Thank you to our families and friends. Your love and supportmadealloursuccessespossible.”
In July 2023, following the wildfires in Greece, the Bataan ARG disaggregated, with Mesa Verde remaining in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations supporting Allies andpartnersthroughvariousbilateralexercisesandoperationsacrossthetheater Mesa Verde and the embarked Marines visited Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom. Additionally SecretaryoftheNavyCarlosDelTorovisitedMesa VerdewhiletheshipwasinDublin,Ireland, fortheU.S.NavalAcademyversusUniversity ofNotreDamefootballgame,Aug 26,2023.
BataanandCarterHalltransitedtheSuez CanalandoperatedintheU.S.5thFleetarea of operations for more than four months,
ensuring the free flow of navigation and regional stability. Following the outbreak of conflict between Israel and Hamas, both ships participated in Operation Prosperity Guardian in the Red Sea to deter further escalationandprotectopensealanes “It’s been a challenging deployment, but we have accomplished a lot, and I am extremely proud of the hard work and resilience of every member of the Bataan team,” said Capt. Paul Burkhart, Bataan’s commanding officer “Throughout the past eight months, we have really shown what it means to be ‘Bataan tough.’ We were able to showcase our amphibious capabilities throughout three Navy fleets, deter aggressionthroughourpresenceandwereableto create and share countless memories that willlastalifetime.”
Notable visitors to the Bataan and Carter Hall included commanders and staff of U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa, U.S. 6th Fleet, U.S 5th Fleet, U.S. Central Command, Task Force6½,TaskForce51⁄5,French,Italianand Turkish navies, along with distinguished guestsfromtheKingdomofBahrain,Cyprus,
Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Kingdom of SaudiArabia,UnitedArabEmiratesandU.K.
The ARG/MEU presence overseas supported strategic interests and contributed to regional security and stability and reassured U.S. commitment to multiple regions Theblue-greenteamprovidedoperational flexibility to combatant commanders by providing a versatile contingency responseforceusingsea,air,landandlogistical assets The versatility inherent to the amphibious force allowed for flexible and mission-tailored forces, while representing ournation’sstrength,capabilityandresolve to partners and Allies and deterring potentialadversaries
“History has proven the necessity of having forward-deployed Marines, embarked aboard amphibious ships Over thepasteightmonths,theMarinesandSailorsofthe26thMEU(SOC)haveshowcased the value, utility and unique all-domain operational capabilities you only find in a marineexpeditionaryunit,”saidCol.Dennis Sampson, commanding officer of the 26th MEU(SOC). “When coupled together the ARG and the MEU(SOC) form a flexible navalexpeditionaryforcecapableofreassuring our Allies and partners of our commitment to maritime security and capable of dominating within the littorals against any adversaryinanyclimeorplace.”
The Bataan ARG is comprised of the Bataan, Mesa Verde, and Carter Hall. Embarked commands include CPR 8, Fleet SurgicalTeam8,TacticalAirControlSquadron21,HelicopterSeaCombatSquadron26, Assault Craft Unit 4, Beach Master Unit 2 andthe26thMEU(SOC).
The 26th MEU(SOC) consists of the Command Element; Aviation Combat Element, Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 162 (Reinforced); Ground Combat Element, Battalion Landing Team 1⁄6; and Logistics Combat Element, Combat LogisticsBattalion22.
For more information, please contact Amphibious Squadron 8 Public Affairs Team,CPR8PAO@lhd5.navy.mil.
ByLashawnSykes USN Military Sealift CommandA group of local middle school students received a once in a lifetime experience aboard Military Sealift Command’s fleet replenishment oiler USNS Joshua Humphreys(T-AO188),locatedinNorfolk, Va Feb. 28 Twenty-five, focused and highly motivated, eight graders from the OscarSmithMiddleSchoolinChesapeake Va., participated in a 90-minute interactivelearningexperienceaboardthevessel. There the AVID (Advancement via IndividualDetermination)eightgradestudents had the opportunity to tour the entire vessel, have their endless supply of questions answered by the Civil Service Mariners(CIVMARs)whorunandmaintainthe vessel, and enjoy a very special sit-down lunch with the ship’s master Capt. Patrick T. Christian.
Before lunch, the students received a very detailed and informative tour of the ship led by Chief Mate Thomas Pace, Second Mate Joseph Redwood Jr., Operations Chief Larry Gonzales, and a few moreselectedCIVMARs saidTechnology & AVID Teacher MaRae Fleming Gonzales, who collaborated with Fleming to organize the ship visit, was very excited to host the students “I am always honored to welcome young people aboard the vessel. Being able to show off one of MSC’s 17 fleet replenishment oilers that specializes in refueling and resupplying Navy warships at sea; so that these ships can remain on station and in the fight, makes me so proud.
This was an exceptional experience for mystudents,Flemingsaid Shefirstbecame aware of USNS Joshua Humphreys, after Pace and Supply Officer Khalil Moye visited the school, Feb. 16, and delivered a presentationabouttheircareersasanMSC CIVMAR. Enthralled by their presentations Fleming requested a ship tour She wanted her students to see up close and personal how this massive Combat LogisticsForcevessel,thatcansupplyeverything from food, to repair parts, to movies, mail, and the everyday consumables, daily operatesinordertosustainboththewarshipsat seaandthemenandwomenwho“proudly” serve aboard them.
Fleming said, her students “absolutely lovedeverythingabouttheexperienceand have yet to stop talking about it. Darius Moore said, “The food on the ship was amazing!Ireallyenjoyedeverythingabout this field trip.” Kenniya Worsley echoed
Moore’s sentiment, by stating “I really enjoyed this field trip seeing how everything works onboard the ship was very cool.
Aftertheshiptour,boththestudentsand teachers were treated to a delicious lunch, alongwithanassortmentofdesserts,which wereexecutedexceptionallybyChiefSteward John Robinson, Fleming said. The students especially loved the delicious chocolatechipcookiesmadebyCookBaker GlendaHarris,shesaid “Itwasevidentthat Capt. Christian and all of the civil service mariners who serve aboard USNS Joshua Humphrey worked very hard to ensure that my students enjoyed every aspect of the ship visit.”
Whatawonderfulcaptivatingexperience formystudents,Flemingsaid.“Capt.Christian, along with many other CIVMARS, graciously shared various aspects of their careers working for the Military Sealift Command. This was a once in a lifetime experienceforallofus onewewillcherish forever.” Saying thank you does not
adequately express how grateful and overjoyed you have made us feel. Blessings to everyone.”
Going forward Fleming would like to capitalize on this budding partnership between Oscar Smith Middle School and USNSJoshuaHumphreysbyaddingannual ship visits to the school’s curriculum. “An AVID class provides professional learning for educators to close the gap and improve collegeandcareerreadinessformiddleand high school students A yearly ship visit would be very beneficial to my students and, hopefully, help peak their interest for future career goals with MSC.”
The mission of Oscar Smith Middle Schoolistoprovideaqualityeducationfor all students by setting high academic standards and providing diverse instructional, social,physical,andculturalopportunities withthesupportofstudents families staff and community in an inclusive, safe and caring environment.
Oscar Smith AVID students maintain averagetoabove-averagegrades,testscores
andattendancerecords Allhavethedeterminationtoimprovetheirwriting inquiry collaboration, organization, and reading skillstosucceedacademically;andsuccessfully transition into further education.
MSC directs and supports operations for approximately 140 civilian-crewed ships that replenish U.S. Navy ships at sea, conduct specialized missions, preposition combatcargo atseaaround theworld, perform a variety of support services, and move military equipment and supplies to deployed U.S. forces Celebrating its 75th anniversaryin2024,MSCexiststosupport the joint warfighter across the full spectrum of military operations, with a workforce that includes approximately 6,000 Civil Service Mariners and 1,100 contract mariners, supported by 1,500 shore staff and 1,400 active duty and reserve military personnel.
To learn more about MSC ships visit https://sealiftcommand.com.
CourtesyStory USN Military Sealift Command NEWPORT NEWS Va The Bob Hope-classMVRoyP.Benavidez(T-AKR 306),alarge,mediumspeedroll-on,roll-off ship, departed its pier in Newport News, Virginia, March 21, carrying heavy equipment and material needed to construct a temporary pier to support the flow of multinationalhumanitarianaidintoGaza.
The ship will anchor in the area to receive fuel prior to proceeding to the MediterraneanSea MV Roy P. Benavidez, part of the U.S. DepartmentofTransportation,U.S.Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) Ready ReserveFleet,istransportingcomponents for a floating modular pier system which will be delivered to the U.S. Army’s 7th TransportationBrigadewhowillconstruct thetemporarypierintheMediterranean.
“JLOTS is a critical capability that allows ship-to-shore cargo distribu-
tion in the absence of a usable pier,” said Army Lt Gen. John P. Sullivan, deputy commander U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM). “It can be used to augment an established port or to create a pier where one is needed and allows us to support areas where large populationsareisolatedfromfood,water, andotherformsofhumanitarianaid.”
JLOTS operations are part of USTRANSCOM’sstrategicsealiftmission. Operated by Military Sealift Command for the current JLOTS mission, MV Roy P. Benavidez is crewed by contracted merchantmarinersandisdrycargosurge sealiftcarriercapableoftransportingupto 380,000squarefeetofcontainerizedcargo androllingstockbetweendevelopedports.
“MARAD’sability to activate theReady ReserveForcevesselMVRoyP.Benavidez is a hallmark of our strategic sealift capability,”saidMaritimeAdministratorAnnC. Phillips “Missions like this supporting the Armed Forces highlight the cornerstone capabilities MARAD delivers in supportofinteragencyoperations.”
Marine’s quick-thinking saves the life of another Marine
BySgt.HannahAdams Fleet Marine Force Atlantic, Marine Forces Command, Marine Forces Northern CommandVIRGINIABEACH,Va AlocalMarine was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal the highest non-combat award for heroism for saving the life of a fellow Marine.
In May 2022, Gunnery Sgt. Benjamin Frazier, an intel instructor with Marine Corps Detachment Dam Neck, Virginia, spotted a young man contemplating jumping off a bridge while driving northbound interstate 64 Without hesitation, Frazier pulledoveranddialed911.
Therewasonewomanalreadyattempting to talk the man down from the bridge but once she glanced around for help, Frazier enteredthescene
“It was just one of those sixth-sense moments,”Frazierstated.“Imadetheinitial report to first responders and engaged the situationafterthewomanwaspushedaway multipletimes.”
It was clear that the man was distressed andadamantabouthisdecisionofendinghis life. Frazier grabbed his left arm and leveraged his bodyweight backward to prevent the man from jumping The man tried to breakfreemultipletimes.
“I remember seeing the ocean,” Frazier vividly recalled of the moment when they teetereddangerouslyclosetotheedgeofthe bridge with the fast-moving waters below. Unsettled by the sensation, Frazier swiftly and tactfully maneuvered the man away
from the ledge, determined to ensure their safety Recognizing the individual as a fellow Marine, he eagerly embraced the chance to discussmilitarylifeandtheirsharedexperiences Frazierknowsfirsthandtheprofound effect that subtle actions have on subordinates prompting him to skillfully create a connectionwiththeMarine “I was a young Marine at one point in my career too,” Frazier reflected. “We talked about hometowns and how his younger siblingsneededhimasamentor.”
Once first responders arrived, Frazier ralliedthosearoundtoassistintheprocess Taking charge of the group, he ensured the service member was safe in the escorting process He attributes his ability to mitigate the situationtothecomprehensivetraining,critical thinking skills, and military leadership instilledinhimbytheMarineCorps
Itwasforhisheroismandleadershipthat FrazierwasawardedtheNavyCommendationMedal.
Since December 6, 1941, this medal has been awarded to Sailors and Marines that have distinguished themselves through heroicormeritoriousservice Frazierhumblyacknowledgesthatreceiving this medal provides an opportunity to advocate for the importance of looking out foroneanother. During the ceremony, Frazier concludes, “As Marines we need to hold the brotherhood and sisterhood principles in combat, tothegarrisonsetting.”
March Civilian in the Spotlight: Dominique VanGundy
ByOscarPopeMid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center
Dominique VanGundy a San Antonio Texas native has made a significant impact at Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center(MARMC),servingasthecommand’s SharePoint Team Leader Also serving as the command’s Webmaster and technical expert, VanGundy is responsible for technical planning,design development,testing,implementation and management of both internet and intranetactivities.
VanGundyservedasanaviationmaintenance administrator in the Navy for four years and hasbeenpartoftheMARMCfamilyforseven “My job in the Navy directly translated to what I do today, so it’s a good fit for me,” said VanGundy “SharePoint has come a long way, andIamjustthankfultohavedevelopedusable skillswhileIwasintheNavy.”
Over the past six months VanGundy has earned several Bravo Zulus, On the Spot Awards and a recent nomination for the IT-Individual Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)ExcellenceAward.
“All of her recognition has come from her superb commitment to the command, said DaveShutter,InfrastructureManagementdivisionhead “Herattitudeandinteractionsshow continuousdedicationtotheteam.”
“I definitely am blessed to have the leadershipthatsupportsmeandisthereforme who believeinmytalent, saidVanGundy “Having a great set of leaders make this process easier IespeciallywouldliketothankmySharePoint teamfortheirsupport.We’vespentmanyyears together.”
VanGundy has been the mainstay in the InformationManagementBranchthroughthe meticulousre-writeofover20command-specific web tools. In addition she took over all responsibilities of the ShVR (Ships Visit Request) tool from Commander, Navy RegionalMaintenanceCenter(CNRMC)and
completely modified the process of onboardingcontractorstonavalvesselsandshipyards. Itisherworkandsignificantcontributions within the SharePoint team that has earned her recognition as March’s Civilian in the Spotlight!
NUWC Division Newport’s impact on economy was $1.7 billion in 2023
ship Division Newport’s incoming funds for fiscal year 2023 totaled $1.6billion
In 2023, the Navy and Marine Corps represented Division Newport’s largest customer with $862 million in funding The next largest were private parties at $20 million, other Department of Defense outfits at $12 million, and the Air Force with $7 million. IncomingfundsfromtheArmyand other governments represented approximately$3million
Click here to view the report. [link- https://www.navsea.navy mil/Portals/103/Documents/ NUWC_Newport/NUWCDivisionNewportEconomicReport2023. pdf]
Of the approximately $1 billion spent on contracts, small business obligations accounted for about $545 million. About 92.9% of Division Newport’s contract obligations paid for new services in Rhode Islandand95.7%percentoffiscalyear2023 contractswerecompetitivelyawarded Academic and intellectual outreach in 2023 included 12 programs and 38 educationalpartnershipsthattotaled$1.37million andreached10,030studentsinpre-KindergartenthroughGrade12programs
In 2023, Division Newport had 150
Division Newport’s employee base includes 3,585 federal civilian employeesand57militarymembers with a total gross payroll of $582 million. Of the full-time government civilian staff, 73% are classified as scientists or engineers, with 86% having four-year degrees and 30% having graduate-level degrees This includes 1,981 bachelor’s degrees, 937 master’sdegreesand156doctoraldegrees Inadditiontothegovernmentworkforce Division Newport contracted for approximately 2,990 work years during fiscal year 2023, which ran from Oct 1, 2022, to Sept. 30, 2023, from companies located in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, bringingitscombinedgovernment,military andcontractorworkforceto6,632positions
active cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs), four university contracts and employees published 155 technical papers Between fiscal years 2019 and2023,DivisionNewportemployeeshave generated82patentedinventions Division Newport operates under the NavyWorkingCapitalFund(NWCF)model, whichmeansitreceivesfundsfrommultiple “customers” to execute tasking within its assignedmission.ThoseutilizingtheNWCF model receive no directly appropriated funding and operate like a nonprofit business with a “customer-provider” relation-
NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare center in the country, tracing its heritage to the Naval Torpedo Station established on Goat Island in Newport Harbor in 1869 Commanded by Capt Chad Hennings NUWC Newport maintains major detachments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Andros Island in the Bahamas, as well as test facilities at Seneca Lake and Fisher’s Island, New York, Leesburg, Florida, and Dodge Pond, Connecticut Join our team! NUWC Division Newport, one of the 20 largest employers in Rhode Island, employs a diverse,highlytrained,educated,andskilled workforce We are continuously looking for engineers, scientists, and other STEM professionals, as well as talented business, finance, logistics and other support experts who wish to be at the forefront of undersea research and development Please connect with NUWC Division Newport Recruiting at this site- https://www.navsea.navy.mil/ Home/Warfare-Centers/NUWC-Newport/ Career-Opportunities/ and follow us on LinkedIn @NUWC-Newport and on Facebook@NUWCNewport
The HIPAA Privacy Rule and military health care: What parents of minors need to know
legalsponsor Overseas, a minor can request reproductivehealthservices Thisincludestelehealth servicesreceivedfromaproviderlocatedat a military hospital or clinic. If their health care provider determines that the child is matureenough,thechildcangetcarewithoutparentorlegalguardianconsent.
Accountability Act Privacy FinalRuleprotectsminors’privacy concerning their health care choices and treatment. To protect your child’s health records, this rule limits your access to your child’sprotectedhealthinformation(PHI).
“The HIPAA Privacy Rule gives clear guidance to ensure Americans’ private health information is protected,” said Dr Anmarie Widener chief of the Defense HealthAgency’sPrivacyandCivilLiberties Office “The HIPAA Privacy Rule extends this protection to minors. It’s important for parents and legal sponsors to understand what they can and can’t access about their child’sownhealthcareinformation.”
The Defense Health Agency (DHA) complies with HIPAA privacy rule policies on how parents and legal sponsors access their minors’ PHI. These policies apply stateside. The privacy rule defines minors aspeoplewhoare:
Under the care, custody, and support of theirparentsorlegalsponsoruntilthechild is18
Students under 21 years old who are still under the care, custody, or support of their parentsorlegalsponsor
Under 18 years old who aren’t or haven’t beenmarried
Not a member of the U.S. uniformed services
Under 18 years old and not self-supportingorlivingseparatelyfromtheirparentsor
Key points for stateside
PHI access Stateside, all Americans have access to bothelectronicandprinthealthrecords
So, what are the limitations for accessing yourchild’sPHI?
Within the military’s health system you canaccessyourandyourfamily’selectronic health records (EHRs) using MHS GENESIS MHSGENESISofferseachbeneficiary a secure patient portal. This portal lets you view health records and prescriptions You can also use it to make and track appointments,sendmessagestoyourprovider,and more.
According to the Parental Access to Protected Health Information of Unemancipated Minors Memorandum, access to EHRsisasfollows:
Minors ages 12 and under: Parents and legal sponsors can access EHRs and all onlinePHI Minors ages 13-17: Parents and legal sponsors have access to their children’s onlinepatientportaltoviewappointments, messaging,immunizations andallergycare only. You can also access paper health records undercertaincircumstances:
Minors ages 17 and under: Parents and legal sponsors may still get health records
for their children. To get paper records you must go through the hospital or clinic’s medicalrecordsdepartment. Keepinmind,youcanonlygetbothpaper andelectronicrecordswhenyourchild: Didn’tgivetheirownconsentforthevisit, or Consented to the care and gave their permissioninwritingtoallowyouaccessto theirPHIforthatvisitonly. Informed consent is when a patient is competent to make a voluntary decision about whether to undergo a procedure of intervention. Minors can give informed consent for certain types of care. This includesmentalhealth,pregnancy,andsexuallytransmitteddiseasecare.Inthesecases, state and federal HIPAA laws protect their privacy Each of the 50 states U.S. territories andtheDistrictofColumbiahavetheir own rules for when a minor can consent to the care they get. The DHA observes those state-by-staterulesunderallcircumstances Checkyourstate’slawsfordetails.
Key points for overseas PHI access
ThingsaredifferentoverseaswithaccessingPHIrelatedtoyourchild’sreproductive healthcareservices TheDHAcan’tmandate stateorfederallawoverseas Becauseofthis, military hospitals and clinics must follow guidanceprovidedbytheMinorsandReproductive Health Care Services (Overseas) Memorandum. This guidance helps military providers overseas decide if a minor is matureenoughtomaketheirownreproductivehealthcaredecisions
Asdefinedinthismemo: A“minor”isapatient18oryounger.
A“matureminor isapatient15orolder
Somecountriesmayinterprettheseterms differently CheckwiththeTRICAREOverseascontractortolearnmore
The minor’s informed consent to receive care at a military hospital or clinic overseas determinesparentalaccesstoPHIoverseas If the minor gives consent for a healthcare visit, you can’t access to the child’s health records for that visit unless the child has consentedtoprovideyouthataccess
As defined by the memo, reproductive caremayinclude:
Prescription drugs and treatment to preventpregnancy
Examstodiagnoseandtreatreproductive healthconditions.
Tests related to reproductive health, includingsexuallytransmitteddiseases
There are situations however, when a provider may have to notify a minor’s parentsorlegalsponsor Theseinclude:
Life-threateningconditions Conditions that may require removing reproductiveorgans
Changesinbehaviorthatmaycauseharm tothemselvesorothers.
Formoreinformation refertotheParental Access to Protected Health Information ofUnemancipatedMinorsMemorandum.If you’reoverseas,gototheMinorsandReproductive Health Care Services (Overseas) Memorandum. Call your military hospital or clinic to speak with its records department if you have questions about accessing yourchild’sPHI.
Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your
ized profile to get benefit updates,
Navy identifies Sailor lost overboard in the Red Sea
RED SEA The U.S. Navy on Saturday identifiedtheSailorlostoverboardfromUSS
Sea,March20 Aviation Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class
Oriola Michael Aregbesola, assigned to the
“Swamp Foxes” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 74, was deployed with a detachment aboard Mason, which hasbeenoperatingintheU.S.5thFleetsince November Aregbesola, of Florida, joined the Navy in July 2020 He reported to HSM-74 in December2020
“PettyOfficerAregbesolafullyembodied theselflesscharacterandthoughtfulwarrior spirit of the United States Navy Sailor,” said Cmdr Eric Kohut, HSM-74 commanding officer “Hisoutstandingperformanceprior toandduringdeploymentwentwellbeyond aircraft maintenance; he truly saw and valued every member of the ship/air team.
He will continue on in the heart of every Swamp Fox and our brothers and sisters in the IKE Carrier Strike Group. Our deepest thoughtsandprayersarewithhisfamily.” MasonandHSM-74arepartoftheDwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group and currentlydeployedtotheU.S.5thFleetarea ofoperations.
U.S., India launch Exercise Tiger TRIUMPH 2024
Indian and U.S. combined armed forces began Exercise Tiger TRIUMPH 2024 with thearrivalofamphibioustransportdockship USS Somerset (LPD 25), March 18 and an openingceremonyMarch19
ThisisthethirdtimeU.S.andIndianforces have come together for Tiger TRIUMPH, which stands for Tri-Services India U.S. AmphibiousExercise Thecombinedexercise willtakeplaceMarch18-31nearVisakhapatnamandKakinada,India
The opening ceremony was held aboard Austin-classamphibioustransportdockINS Jalashwa (L41) the former USS Trenton, where key leaders held a press conference withmediatodiscusstheimportanceofExerciseTigerTRIUMPH
“First and foremost, our message is to one another that we are close friends that think alike, that feel alike; now the question is can wemovealike,”saidU.S.AmbassadortoIndia Eric Garcetti during the press conference “Can we integrate two different great militariestoseamlessly intimesofemergency act handinhand,joinhandstogetherandIthink thathasdeepenedsince2019.”
This year’s exercise will focus on advancing large-scale joint and combined interoperability for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) operations, as well as work through standard operating proce-
dures(SOP)betweenthecombinedandjoint forces Theexerciseisscheduledtoincludea harbor phase followed by a sea phase where U.S.andIndianforceswillpracticecombined operationalmaneuver,commandandcontrol and joint sustainment operations Service memberswillalsoparticipateinculturaland athleticevents.
“Tiger TRIUMPH provides an opportunity for combined and joint U.S. and Indian forcestodeepenourpartnershipandinteroperabilitytoworktogetherintheregion,”said Rear Adm. Joaquin Martinez, commander of the U.S. Joint Force for Tiger TRIUMPH. “This is the largest and most complex Tiger TRIUMPH and I couldn’t be more excited for the opportunity to work with our Indian partnersaswecontinuetobuildonourrelationshipinordertomaintainafreeandopen Indo-Pacific.”
Somerset includes embarked elements of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit and is joined by a P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft from Patrol Squadron(VP)47 ArleighBurke-classguided missile destroyer USS Halsey (DDG 97) will also participate in the exercise, along with U.S.ArmyandAirForceassets.
Indian forces include ships, aircraft and personnelfortheexercise
“Thecommandexerciseherebetweenthe Indian Navy and the U.S. Navy aims to standardize the efforts of both navies in work-
ing out the SOPs and share their practices amongstthem,”saidFlagOfficerCommanding in Chief, Eastern Naval Command Vice Adm.RajeshPendharkarduringtheopening ceremonypressconference “Wegettolearn fromeach other astowhythey’redoingand whatthey’redoingandhowwecanincorporate what they do well into our own procedures and therefore have that collective and better and synergized response to any situationlikethis.”
Somerset and Halsey are underway conducting routine operations in support of afreeandopenIndo-Pacific
The “Golden Swordsmen” of VP-47 stationed in Whidbey Island, Washington, arecurrentlydeployedtoMisawaAirBasein Aomori, Japan, as part of Commander Task Force72
Throughout the deployment, they will be conducting maritime patrol and reconnaissanceandtheateroutreachoperationswithin the7thFleetareaofoperations.
U.S. 7th Fleet conducts forward-deployed naval operations in support of U.S. national interests in the Indo-Pacific area of operations. As the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployedfleet,7thFleetemploys50to70ships and submarines across the Western Pacific and Indian oceans U.S. 7th Fleet routinely interacts and operates with allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacificregion
U.S., Seychelles conduct bilateral maritime security engagements
able training and realistic scenarios for partnersandAlliesthattheycanthenapplyinreal worldoperations,asisthecasehere.
Q: Whattypesoffamily
EEZ which extends into significant portions of East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean. After identification, the U.S. and Seychelles teamed up to intercept vessels of interest to conduct compliant boardings of Seychelles-flagged vessels, ensuring adherence to Seychelles Maritime law.
“Our cooperation on maritime security is a visible sign of our mutual goal of a more secureandprosperousIndianOceanRegion, said U.S. Embassy Seychelles Chargé d’Affaires, Adham Loutfi. “It gives me enormous satisfaction to know that Seychelles and the UnitedStatescontinuetoworksidebyside demonstratinggreatdedication,courage,and sacrifice—toensurethesafetyandsecurityof ourmaritimespaces.”
These bilateral engagements come immediately after the East African maritime exerciseCutlassExpress2024,whichwashosted byDjibouti,KenyaandtheSeychelles Cutlass Express focused on a variety of maritime securityandstabilityissues,providinginvalu-
“The 2024 enactment of the U.S.-Seychelles Bilateral agreement is the second major operation performed with our key Indian Ocean partner, Seychelles Coast Guard, since the agreement was signed in 2021,”saidCmdr BeauPowers,Chiefoflaw enforcementoperationsatU.S.CoastGuard Atlantic Area. “Seychelles is a distinctly maritime nation, committed to meeting obligations to counter Illegal, Unreported, andUnregulatedFishingaswellasdeterring illicit maritime activity The U.S. Coast Guardiscommittedtoperformingcombined operations with our highly capable counterparts in the Seychelles Coast Guard to stem such global problems Training on law enforcement tactics, practicing information exchange, and then working together in operational law enforcement patrols, bolsters maritime security in a perfect demonstration of the U.S. and Seychelles’ commitment to keeping the international rules-based order in this region.
Seychelles Special Forces, agents from Seychelles Maritime Safety Authority, the Seychelles Fishery Authority, and the U.S. CoastGuardkickedoffthebilateralengagement on March 14 From day one, the team completed joint small boat sorties and maritime operations center communication rehearsals as part of a harmonization period to bring the team together Once underway aboard the Seychelles Coast Guard ship SAYA DE MALHA, their meticulousplanningandpre-underwaycoordination was evident as their efforts led to eight
vesselboardingsandover700nauticalmiles steamedthroughouttheWestIndianOcean.
This also continues a history of maritime cooperation between the United States and theSeychelles,asbothnationsarecommitted to preserving peace and stability upholding freedom of the seas in a manner consistent withinternationallaw,maintainingtheunimpeded flow of commerce, and opposing any attempt to use coercion or force to settle disputes. In addition to Coast Guard operations and the Cutlass Express series of exercises,theLewisB.Puller-classexpeditionary sea base USS Hershel “Woody” Williams (ESB 4) conducted a port visit in Victoria in July 2022, and U.S. Navy Divers have collaborated with Seychellois Divers to conduct surveyandsalvagemissionsintheSeychelles as recently as January 2023, demonstrating thediversityofcooperationbetweenthetwo nationsinthemaritimedomain
The Coast Guard Atlantic Area located in Portsmouth,Virginia isresponsibleforoverseeing all Coast Guard operations from the RockyMountainstotheArabianGulf.
For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S Naval Forces Africa (NAVEURNAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with Allies and partners, leveraging a foundation of shared values to preserve security andstability
HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.NavalforcesintheU.S. European Command (USEUCOM) and U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S.SixthFleetispermanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritimeforcesthroughthefullspectrumof jointandnavaloperations
USNS Trenton (T-EPF 5) arrives in Algiers, Algeria
FromU.S.NavalForcesEurope-Africa PublicAffairs
Military Sealift Command (MSC) Spearhead-class expeditionary fast transport USNSTrenton(T-EPF5)arrivedinAlgiers, Algeria for a regularly scheduled port visit, March22,2024.
The port visit provides an opportunity to enhance the U.S.-Algerian partnership as the two nations work together for a stable secure and prosperous Mediterranean Sea It also allows the sailors and Civilian Mariners of USNS Trenton a chance to experience the unique culture, historic sights and hospitality of an important North African partner
While in port, the ship’s leadership will engagewithAlgeriancounterpartsinavarietyofevents,includingameetingwithAlgerianNavy’sregionalcommander
“We are excited to once again be in AlgeriatospendtimewithourAlgerianpartners strengthening our relations and gaining a deeper understanding of the history and culture of this incredible country,” said Cmdr Damon Bateson, military detachment (MILDET) officer in charge “This is ourthirdvisittoAlgeriainninemonths,and eachvisitprovidesanoutstandingopportunity for us to discuss ways we can continue toincreaseourinteroperabilityintheMediterraneanSea.
Trentonpreviouslyconductedportvisits in Algiers in July 2023 and Oran in November 2023 The pervious Algiers port visit coincided with the United States IndependenceDayaswellasAlgeria’sIndependence Day,whilethevisittoOranmarkedthefirst port call by a U.S. naval vessel in several decades TrentonandtheAlgerianNavywill conduct a passing exercise (PASSEX) upon
Trenton’s departure from Algiers as they havedoneinpreviousinstances. “Passing exercises provide an excellent opportunityfornaviestoworktogetherand learn how each other operate underway, saidCaptainMatthewSalas,Trenton’sShip’s Master “Cooperativeengagementslikethis alsobuildcoreseamanshipskills.” Inadditiontoportcalls,theU.S.andAlgeriacontinuetostrengthentheirpartnership and collective maritime capacity through bilateralandmultilateralexercisesandoperations Algeria is a longtime participant in theU.S.NavalForcesAfrica(NAVAF)-facilitatedexercisePhoenixExpress.Theexercise brings together North African, European, and U.S. maritime forces as part of a global network of navies to enhance cooperation and expertise in maritime security operationsintheSouthernMediterraneanSea USNS Trenton is a high-speed, shallow
draft ship with the capability to deliver operationallyreadyunitstoflexiblysupport a wide range of missions including disaster relief, theater security cooperation and maritime domain awareness It is crewed by civilian mariners, with military personnelembarkingasrequiredbythemission. For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEURNAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with allies and partners, leveraging a foundationofsharedvaluestopreservesecurity andstability HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrumofjointandnavaloperations.
USS Paul Ignatius (DDG 117) Public Affairs Officer
USS Paul Ignatius (DDG 117) a cuttingedge Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer assigned to Forward Deployed Naval Forces-Europe (FDNF-E), docked in Copenhagen,Denmarkforascheduledport visit,March22,2024
This visit to Denmark underscores the U.S.Navy’scommitmenttofosteringstrong partnerships with NATO allies bolstering maritime security, and promoting regional stability Cmdr Corry Lougee, Commanding Officer of Paul Ignatius, expressed his enthusiasm for the visit, emphasizing the significanceoftheship’spresenceinCopenhagen “It is a privilege to lead the exceptional crew of USS Paul Ignatius in our visit to Copenhagen,” said Lougee. “This port call not only allows us to strengthen our bonds withourDanishpartnersbutalsoprovidesa platformforustoshowcaseourship’scapabilities. We are proud to represent the U.S. Navy in Denmark and further our commitmenttomaritimesecurityandcooperation. The ship’s visit to Copenhagen comes aftertheshipandcrewparticipatedinexerciseSteadfastDefender,NATO’slargestmilitary exercise since the Cold War. Steadfast
Defender took Paul Ignatius into the High North,includingascheduledportvisitinthe northern Norwegian city of Narvik, March 15 The ship’s presence in the High North demonstrates the U.S. Navy’s commitment totheregionandunderscorestheversatility oftheFDNF-Eforce USSPaulIgnatius,namedinhonorofPaul Ignatius,adistinguishedpublicservantand World War II Navy veteran who served as the 59th Secretary of the Navy is equipped with advanced technology and weaponry, enabling it to execute a wide array of missions,includinganti-air,anti-submarine, andanti-surfacewarfareoperations For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces
Europe-U.S NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEURNAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with allies and partners, leveraging a foundationofsharedvaluestopreservesecurity andstability HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF and employs maritime forces through the full spectrumofjointandnavaloperations.
Medal of Honor Highlight: Army 1st Lt. Stephen H. Doane
ByKatieLange DOD NewsArmy 1st Lt Stephen Holden Doane could have remained in college during the Vietnam War, but he decided to serve his country instead He was only 21 when he gave his life to save other soldiers around him.Hisvaloranddevotionearnedhimthe Medal of Honor
Doane was born on Oct. 13, 1947, in Beverly, Massachusetts, to David and Joan Doane A few months after his birth, his father received his medical degree and joined the Navy, serving through the Korean War.
In1953,Doane’sfathermovedthefamily toWalton,NewYork,whereDoaneandhis four siblings sister Leslie and brothers Eric, Geoffrey and Michael grew up As a teen, Doane excelled in sports especially wrestling He was also a member of his school’sband,orchestraandyearbookstaff
After graduating high school in 1965, DoanebrieflyattendedtheTiltonAcademy, a prep school in Tilton, New Hampshire, before enrolling at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania. In the one semester Doane attended, the college said he was on the wrestling team and in the process of joining Phi Kappa Psi fraternity until he opted to join the Army in March 1967
Doane’s choice to serve inspired his father to return to the military. His dad,
who was now a doctor joined the ArmyReserve,servingasthecommanding officer of a field hospital in Binghamton, New York.
About a year after enlisting, the younger Doane became an Army Ranger and graduated from Officer Candidate School. He initially served as an instructor before being sent to Vietnam in January 1969. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion,5thInfantry 25th Infantry Division.
In the three months Doane was there, he earned a Bronze Star and Purple Heart. His most gallant actions came on March25,1969,whenhegavehislifetosave his fellow soldiers On that day, Doane was serving as a platoon leader for Company B during a tactical operation when they came across an enemy force concealed in protected bunkers and trenches in Vietnam’s Hau
Nghia Province A firefight ensued
Three of the leading soldiers in the company one of whom was seriously wounded were pinned down by enemy crossfire. According to Doane’s Medal of Honor citation, one platoon tried to rescue the stranded soldiers When that failed, it became clear that the only way to evacuate them was to send in a small group who could move close enough to destroy theenemy’sposition. Doane knew how dangerous this missionwouldbe,butthatdidn’tdeterhim. He crawled to the nearest enemy bunker andsilencedit.Despitebeingwounded,he continued on to a second enemy bunker. Whilehewaspreparingtothrowagrenade into it, he was injured again.
Doane ignored the pain of his wounds pulled the pin on the grenade and lunged with it into the enemy bunker, destroying
the last obstacle that was impeding their rescue By giving his life Doane saved the trapped men and kept his company from suffering more casualties
Doane’s body was returned to the U.S. andburiedinArlingtonNationalCemetery
On Feb. 16, 1971, Doane’s entire family wasonhandtoreceivetheMedalofHonor on his behalf from President Richard M. Nixon during a White House ceremony. SevenothersoldiersandfourMarinesalso posthumouslyreceivedthehighhonorthat day. Around the same time, Doane’s father who joined the Reserves when his son joinedthemilitary wasinspiredtoactyet again, this time to go back on active-duty The elder Doane was granted reactivation and served until 1981, retiring as a colonel. 1st Lt Stephen Doane’s sacrifice has not been forgotten. In 1997 the fallen soldier wasinductedintotheArmyRangerHallof Fame AndwhileheonlylivedinMassachusetts for a few brief months of his life as an infant, the town of Beverly considers him a native son, naming a veterans’ post there in his honor More recently, in 2018, Gettysburg College unveiled a Vietnam memorial that honored its alumni and staff members, includingDoane whodiedduringthewar. InJuly2023,abridgeinDoane’shometown of Walton was renamed in his honor, and a memorial was presented to his family
To meet security challenges, DOD makes investments in strategic forces
ByC.ToddLopez DOD NewsThe Defense Department is making investments in strategic force capabilities inthefiscal2025budgetinordertomeetthe security challenges posed by competitors, such as nuclear-capable China and Russia, aswellasIranandNorthKorea,aDODofficialsaid.
John Plumb the assistant secretary of defense for space policy, on Thursday, told lawmakers at the House Armed Services CommitteethattheFY2025budgetrequest includes investments to modernize the nuclear triad. This includes land, air and sea-based nuclear capabilities and investments to ensure continued access to space anddefenseagainstmissilethreats
“We have competitors who are modernizing and diversifying and expanding their nucleararsenals,”Plumbsaid.“Theyarealso rapidly fielding space and counter-space capabilities and developing and fielding advancedmissilesin greaternumbersand greaterdiversity.”
Plumb told lawmakers that DOD, within thepresident’sbudgetrequest,hasaskedfor $49.2billiontomodernizethedepartment’s nuclear triad. Included in the request are investmentsfortheColumbia-classballistic missilesubmarine theB-21bomberandthe Sentinel system, which is a modernization fortheground-basedportionofthenuclear triad.
AlsointheFY2025budgetrequest,Plumb said,is$33.7billionforspacecapabilitiesand $28.4billionformissiledefeatanddefense.
“Across each of these portfolios we’re investing not only in capabilities but in our networkofalliesandpartners bothofwhom provide advantages that our adversaries or potentialadversaries,likeRussiaandChina, can never hope to match,” Plumb said “All of these capabilities nuclear, space and missiledefense remaincentraltoourability to deter and also central to our ability to prevailinconflictifdeterrencefails.”
Air Force Gen. Anthony Cotton, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, also reminded lawmakers that the U.S. is confrontedbytwonuclearpeers:Chinaand Russia, and that threat is compounded by missile developments in North Korea and the nuclear ambitions of Iran. With this threat, he said, it’s imperative that the U.S. pressonwithmodernizationofthenuclear triad.
“It is absolutely critical we continue at speed with modernization of our nuclear triad, hesaid.“Thisincludestheland-based [intercontinentalballisticmissiles],theB-21, the B-52J, the Columbia-class submarine, thenuclearsea-launchedcruisemissile,the long-range standoff weapon and numerous relatedsystems.”
Also a focus, he said, is updating and modernizing the antiquated nuclear command, control and communications system,alsocalledNC3.
“The most important message I want to deliver is this: While modernization will continuetobethepriority,U.S.Stratcomand its component forces are ready to deter our adversaries and respond decisively should deterrencefail, Cottontoldlawmakers
Space Force Gen. Stephen N. Whiting, commander of U.S. Space Command, said the command has a moral responsibility to ensurespacecapabilitiesremainavailableto thejointforce,thenationandallies
“The U.S.military servicesaresized with the assumption of always having access to space, Whiting said. “And this is why U.S. Space Command must protect and defend ourcriticalspacesystemstoensuretheyare available in the face of the growing threats nowarrayedagainstus.”
Part of that responsibility, Whiting said,
involvesexpandingtheexistingU.S.competitive advantage by leveraging assets of the interagency, the joint force and U.S. allies and partners Also an asset, he said, is the U.S.spaceindustry
“I think one of our nation’s principal advantages is our commercial space industry,”hesaid.“Itismovingatincrediblespeed withinnovation,anditisoutpacingcommercialindustryfromtherestoftheworld.And so today, we partner with those companies inanumberofways.”
Intestimonygivenearlierthisyear,Whiting discussed Space Command’s Commercial Integration Center, for instance, where thecommandpartnerswith10commercial missionpartnerstoimproveontheabilityto defendsatelliteconstellations
The joint commercial operations effort also includes eight commercial mission partners across the globe to provide space domain awareness information to the joint force,alliesandpartnernations
“We’re always looking at how we can
better both share information and leverage the capabilities that commercial [companies] brings us because we believe that makesusmoreeffective,”Whitingsaid.
Air Force Gen. Gregory M Guillot took overascommanderofUnitedStatesNorthern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command in February. He told lawmakers that, upon assuming the role hedirecteda90-dayassessmentofboth organizationstoexecutetheirmissionsand toalsomakerecommendationsonwherethe commandscandomore.
“Once complete, I will share my findings and updated vision for how NORAD and Northcom will best execute the noble mission of homeland defense,” Guillot said. “The challenges facing our nation are real, butthereshouldbenodoubtaboutNORAD andNorthcom’sresolvetodeteraggression andifnecessary,defeatthreatstoournation andourcitizens.”
Hicks again makes case for strengthening industrial base, eliminating continuing resolutions
ByJimGaramone DOD News“Production is deterrence,” Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks told the Reagan Institute’s National Security Innovation Base Summit today. America’s military is unchallenged because of the quality of its people and because the American defense industrial base provides them with the weapons systems and equipment that is ahead of anything a potential enemy could field.
But that equipment lead is in danger “Today, America’s defense industrial base [is] at a pivotal moment,” Hicks said. “The COVIDpandemicrevealedhowfragileand brittlesupplychainshavebecome Thewar in Ukraine has revealed how nation-state aggression is a real threat requiring information age ingenuity and industrial era capacity And the need to modernize and stay ahead of our pacing challenge reveals how the [defense industrial base] has been affectedbydecadesofyo-yodieting,inconsistent funding and blinkered demand signals.”
The Pentagon, Congress and the industrial base must work together to deliver combat-credible capabilities to the warfighteratspeedandscaletodeteraggression and win if called on to fight. “But the truth is the engines of production never spin up from zero to 60 overnight, Hicks said.
When Ronald Reagan was president from 1981 to 1989, the Soviet Union was the threat and America could tolerate years and decades-long equipment timelines because the Soviets, the pacing challengeofthe1980s wererelativelyslowand lumbering. “However this is not the Cold War or the post-Cold War era, she said. “With[China],weareinapersistentgenerational competition for advantage, and we have to double down with urgency and confidence That’s why the Biden-Harris administration’s focus on American innovation, manufacturing and production has been so important for national security because our military strength depends in partonouroveralleconomicstrengthhere at home.”
DOD has made serious, significant and sustained investments across four annual defense budgets and multiple supplementalfundingrequests Thebudgetshowsthe department recognizes the threat and has asked Congress to strengthen the health, workforce supply chains, viability and productivity of the U.S. defense industrial base short term and long term, she said.
DOD has spent billions on the industrial base and sought to expand production. The department has also spent billions in research and development to ensure
service members never go into a fair fight, Hicks said.
“Alloftheseinvestments andmore,have beenalignedwiththeneedsofourNational DefenseStrategyandtheNationalDefense IndustrialStrategythatbuildsuponit,”she said. The National Defense Industrial Strategy is new and is a “recognition that our defense industrial base is something we must actively and strategically shape to meet this generational strategic moment, she said.
Whilethemilitaryisthecustomerofthe industrialbase,Congressandindustrymust workwiththemilitary “WhileIbelievewe allagreeontheurgencytoinnovate,Imust say one of the most serious obstacles to doingsohasbeenthelackofstable,predictable timely funding,” Hicks said.
The current circumstances are a case in point. “For the 11th time since I became deputy secretary [in 2021], DOD is operating under a continuing resolution: And we look to be headed toward a 12th time,” she said.
Hicks called the continuing resolutions “stopgap measures that are really half measures.” Under CRs DOD cannot start new programs CRs compress the time to dotheacquisitionworktoawardcontracts. “Theyrobusofcriticalmomentumforcing ustostandstill,whileBeijing,Moscowand Tehranmovetomodernizetheirmilitaries, coercetheirneighborsandworktooutpace us,”shesaid.“[Government]shutdownsare even more damaging.” Congress needs to pass the fiscal 2024 appropriations bill, she said. The department has already lost six months on the legislation.“It’slongoverdue,andthedelay has already been devastating,” Hicks said. This is a problem that has grown. Again, she pointed to the process during Ronald Reagan’sterm.“ForalleightyearsofRonald Reagan’s presidency DOD spent, on average, 45 days a year under CRs about six weeks not great, but doable,” she said. “But over the last three years, that number has more than tripled. DOD has operated underCRsforanaverageof143daysayear [under CRs].”
This amounts to almost five years where the department has operated under continuing resolutions “No amount of money can buy that time back, she said. “It’s impossible to compete and out-compete the PRC with one hand tied behind ourbackforsixmonthsofeveryfiscalyear Washingtonhastodobetter AndIknowit is possible.” Congress industry and the Pentagon must “work together around our shared recognition that we are in a generational era of strategic competition with [China],” Hickssaid.“Andcentraltothatcompetition is investing to take care of our troops and their families.”
John F. Plumb, assistant secretary of defense for Space Policy, Gen.AnthonyJ. Cotton, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, Gen. Stephen N.Whiting, commander of U.S. Space Command, and Gen. Gregory M. Guillot, commander of U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command, testify before the House Armed Services Committee in Washington, D.C March 21 2024. (DODPHOTOBYEJ HERSOM)DOD
Air Force 2nd Lt Madison Marsh made big plans for herself when she was young, although she never really factored becoming Miss America into that equation However, after a tough competition in January, Marsh became the first active-duty service member to earn the crown.The22-year-oldU.S.AirForceAcademygraduateis nowlearningtonavigatelifeasamilitarymember acancer researchscholarandapublicfigure.
An Early Eye on the Sky
Growingup,Marshwantedtobeapilotandanastronaut, so she attended NASA’s Space Camp at age 13 Whenshelearnedthatshecouldfurtherherambitions by going to the Air Force Academy, she started workingtowardbecomingacadet,evenearninghercivilian pilot’slicenseat17yearsold
In2018,Marshlosthermother,Whitney,topancreaticcancer.Inherhonor,thefamilystartedtheWhitney MarshFoundation,whichraisesfundsforresearchand awareness to increase patients’ chances of early detection. Marshtookontheroleofco-founderandpresident.
Thefollowingyear MarshmadeittotheAirForceAcademy,butsheinitiallyhadboutsofhomesickness.
“Iwasstruggling beingremovedfrommyfamily,grievingmymom,andnowI’minareallytoughmilitaryenvironment,”shesaid,thinkingbackonherfreshmanyear That’s when she was inspired by her cousin, who was a pageant
contestant, to give pageantry a try. “I decided to take a stab at pageants to see all the different ways that it couldhelpme.”
Highlighting Similar Values
There are a lot of stereotypes regarding beauty pageants and the people involved in them, but Marsh said there are actually a lot of overlapping core values thatpageantsandthemilitaryshare
“Irealizedpageantshavealwaysbeenaboutcommunity service, leadership, resume building and public speaking, and I think that is what made me be able to besuccessfulintheAirForce,”shesaid Shesaidit’salsoablessingforhertobeabletoshare hermother’sstoryonsuchalargestage.
“Losingherwhenshewas41topancreaticcancer I wantpeopletoknowherstory.Iwantthemtoknowthe signs,thewaystogethelp becauseIdon’tthinkwedo enough for pancreatic cancer,” Marsh said “My mom was misdiagnosed when we had no cancer history in ourfamily Shewashealthy.Shedidn’thaveanyofthose warningsigns,andshestillpassedaway Weneedtodo moreforourpatients,andbeingabletohaveanationalplatformandavoicenowtoworkwithpeopleissoimportant.I
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
The Military Aviation Museum announces new webinar on April 3rd: Bombing Hitler’s Hometown: The Untold Story of the Last Mass Bomber Raid of WWII in Europe
InApril1945,thecityofLinzinAustriawasoneofNaziGermany’smostvital assets It was a crucial transportation hub and communications center, with railyards brimming with war materiel destined for the front lines Linz was also the town Hitler claimed as home and had long intended to remake as the culturalcapitalofEurope,fillingitsplannedFührermuseumwithworld-famous artstolenfromhisconqueredterritories
Inevitably, Linz was also one of the most heavily defended targets remaining in Europe The airmen of the Fifteenth Air Force were a mix of seasoned veteransandnewcomers Astheirmissionwasunveiledinthepredawnhours ofApril25 audiblegroansandmuffledexpletivespassedmanylips Thereality ofthatmissionwouldprovemorebrutalthananyimagined.
Intheunheated unpressurizedB-24LiberatorandB-17FlyingFortressheavy bombers, young men battled elements as dangerous as anything the Germans couldthrowatthem WhenbatteriesofGermananti-aircraftgunsopenedfire, the men flew into a man-made hell of exploding shrapnel Aircraft and men fell from the sky as Austrian civilians on the ground also struggled to survive beneaththebombsduringthedeadlyclimaxofHitler’swar.
Drawing on interviews with dozens of America’s last surviving World War IIveterans,aswellaspreviouslyunpublishedsources,MikeCroissantcompellinglyrelatesoneofthewar’slasttrulyuntoldstories—agrippingchronicleof warfare, the death of Nazi Germany, and the beginning of the Cold War. It is also a timeless tale of courage and terror, loss and redemption, humanity and savagery.
ThiswebinarisApril3,2024form7to8pm.Registeronlineforthiswebinarat https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2595654921137092448orbycalling themuseumat(757)721-7767 TheMilitaryAviationMuseumislocatedat1341 PrincessAnneRoad,VirginiaBeach,VA23457 Formoreinformation,visitour websiteatwww.militaryaviationmuseum.org.
Miss America from Page 1
can’tthinkofabetterwayto[showcase]the legacyofmymom.”
Dispelling Misconceptions
About Pageantry & Service
As the first active-duty service member to earn the Miss America crown, Marsh’s nationalplatformmayhelpdispelthelingering assumption that military roles are too masculine for the average woman. Marsh said young women can make any position theirown.
“I hope that women are able to see that they can define their own role in the military whether they want to take it in the more feminine path or not knowing that theyareempoweredtomakethatdecision,” Marshsaid “Ihopeyounggirlscanseethat you can lead in the military, or you can lead inaboardroom inthecourthouse,inmedical boardrooms whatever it might be andyoucanbetakenseriously.WhetherI’m in a crown and sash or whether I’m in my uniform,Iserveas2ndLt MarshandIserve asMissAmericasimultaneously,andtheydo nottakeawayfromoneanother.”
WhenitcomestoMissAmerica,thereare severalphasesofcompetition:thepublicand private interviews, the talent portion, the evening gown and fitness competitions, as wellasthesocialimpactpitch.Betweenmilitaryfitnessrequirementsandherworkwith the Whitney Marsh Foundation, the latter two weren’t a problem for Marsh. For her, shesaidthehardestpartwastalent.
“I’m not conventionally talented. I can’t fight, sing, dance or play an instrument everyone would run off with their eyes and ears closed,” she joked. “So, I did a monologue on my first solo flight It was really nerve-wracking because I’m not trained in theater and I knew the weight of what I had to carry in my speech that I needed to deliver it perfectly, so I was able to carry thestrengthandtheimageofwhatIwanted military women to be portrayed as So, that pressurewasweighingonmebackstage,and itwasreallyscary.”
For Service Members
Considering Pageantry
Whenaskedwhatadviceshehadforother active-dutywomenconsideringgettinginto pageantry,heranswerwassimple “Just do it,” she said, mentioning all the differentopportunitiesthathaveopenedup for her “Without pageants, I never would have had this giant platform for communityservice,and you canreally dowiththat whatever you want They leave it as a blank slate. The Miss America opportunity has also enabled me to practice so much on public speaking, and that is a skill that you need throughout the military and throughouttherestofyourlife.”
Not to mention the great scholarship opportunities.
“I received $70,000 in educational scholarships through Miss America, and I think that’ssuchabeautifulwaytoopenupdoors foryouandwhateverphaseoflifethatyou’re in,” Marsh said. “So, I would challenge all
themilitarywomentojoinanddoitbecause it’s only up from here. I would love to see some more girls in uniform showingup and competingintheMissAmericaopportunity.”
Her Air Force Future
Withinfiveyears Marshwentfrombeing a small-town girl to a strong successful figure who’s blazing a path in public policy cancer research and the military She said she’sstilltryingtocomprehenditall.
“I feel like I haven’t had a moment to breatheyettoletitallsinkin,butIwillsayI dofeelverylucky.Withoutthisopportunity, Iobviouslycouldn’tshareallthewonderful things the Air Force has given me whether it be all the opportunities at the Air Force Academyornowbeinganofficer,”shesaid.
Marshclearlyhasalotonherplateatthe moment.AsfarasherfutureintheAirForce goes,shesaidatthispoint,anythingispossible “This year has just opened up so many opportunities,” she said. “The Air Force has givensomuchtometoletmedothisyear[as MissAmerica],andIwanttomakesurethat I have my best skillset and training in mind with whatever job they put me in post-Harvard,becauseIwanttoensurethatIgiveback totheminthebestwaythatIpossiblycan.”
Marshstillhastheoptiontoattendundergraduate pilot training once she completes
ABOVE:Afterlosing hermotherto pancreatic cancer AirForce 2nd Lt Madison Marsh started theWhitneyMarsh Foundationwith herfatherandyoungersister. Theyhost an annual 5Kand 10Kin theirhometown ofFort Smith,Ark to raise moneyforpancreatic cancerresearch and to educate doctors and the public.
LEFT: 2nd Lt Madison Marsh,crowned MissAmerica 2024,meets future Airmen just before theytake the oath ofenlistment at the Daytona International Speedwayin Daytona Beach,FLon Feb.17,2024.Ahead ofthe Daytona 500 NASCARCup Series race Marsh spokewith students across the cityabout serving both in and out ofuniform.(U.S.AIRFORCEPHOTOBYMIRIAMTHURBER)
hermaster’sdegree Shecouldalsochooseto pursueoneof42otherlineofficercareers thechoiceishers After a lot of studying and several internships, including with NASA, Marsh graduated from the Air Force Academy in the spring of 2023 with a degree in physics Upon her commissioning she received a pilot’sbillet.Butsoonafter shewascrowned Miss Colorado and her career trajectory startedtochange.
InSeptember,Marshdecidedtodeferher pilottrainingtopursueamaster’sdegreein public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School an option made possible through theAirForceInstituteofTechnology’sCivilianInstitutionPrograms She’salsoagraduateinternatHarvardMedicalSchoolandis workingwithexpertsfromtheDanaFarber Cancer Institute on early cancer detection research continuing her work for the foundationdedicatedtohermom.
In January, Marsh won the title of Miss America during the national pageant in Orlando, Florida. Between her Air Force commitment, her studies and now these public-facingduties she’sgotalottojuggle. Thankfully,theAirForcehasrolledwithher change of fortune and put her into a public affairs/recruiting position for the year that sheisMissAmerica.
“The Air Force has been really, really wonderful with me,” Marsh said during a
USO event she attended on Capitol Hill in February “Basically, anytime I go and do Miss America events, I’m also giving back totheAirForcetoensurepeopleknowabout themessageofwhatitmeanstoserveas2nd Lt Marsh thedifferentwaysthattheycan getinvolvedinthemilitary,whetheritbein theAirForceorotherbranchesordifferent jobs.
Honoring Her Mother
AsfarasherHarvardresearchgoes,Marsh saidshe’sstillworkingwithheradvisorand is excited about the possibility of bringing potentiallegislationrelatedtotheirresearch toCapitolHilloverthenextyear “Now I understand the science side and [how to ask] medical professionals ‘What do you think needs to be done for patients, andhowcanwegetthatdonethroughlegislation?’ Because through Harvard, even thoughIonlygottodoonesemesterthere,I havelearnedthatitisreallyeasytomakebad policy,” Marsh said “I think the best way to making good policy is by intimately understanding from the source with patients andintimately understandingthat scientifically so we’re enacting it properly Now that I have all of those communities able to givemethatknowledge,I’mreallyexcitedto gettousethatpiecetocomeforwardhereon theHillandmaybegetsomethingsdone.”
Whatbetterway to celebrate friendship and camaraderiethanwith comforting foods all can enjoy. Sourdoughsand friendship breads may go in and out of fashion, butyou can makethemastaple ofyourinner circlewithrecipesthatareeasierthantheyappear.
Consider this Sourdough Starter,a7-day process that mayseem lengthyatfirstglance but requires justafew minutes in the kitchen eachday.Without breakingthe bank, this made-from-scratch solution includesjusttwo ingredients-unbleached flowerand warm water-so youcanwhipupfavoriteslikePlainSourdough,EverythingLoaf,CinnamonBrownSugarLoafandChocolateLoaf
Somearetemptedtogiveuponaweeklongrecipe,butifyoucankeep ahouseplantalive,youcanfinishthissimplestarterandreapitsdelicious rewards.FindmorehomemadefavoritesatCulinary.net.
Total time: 7days
Day1:Inglassbowl,stir50gramsflourand50gramswarmwater.Let sitatroomtemperature,covered
Day2:Add50gramsflourand50gramswarmwatertobowl.Stirand letsitatroomtemperature,covered.
Day3: Discardhalfthe starter.Add 100 grams flour and 100 grams warmwater.Stirandletsitatroomtemperature,covered.
Day4: Discardhalf the starter.Add 150 grams flour and 150 grams warmwater.Stirandletsitatroomtemperature,covered.
Day5:DiscardhalfthestarterthenpourremainingstarterintoMason jar.Add150gramsflourand150gramswarmwater.Stirandletsitatroom temperature,covered.
Day6: Discardhalf the starter.Add 200grams flour and 200 grams warmwater.Stirandletsitatroomtemperature,covered.
Day7:Placewarmwaterinbowlandaddspoonfulofstartertowater Ifitfloats,it’sreadytomakebread.Ifitsinks,repeatDay6instructions IfnotfloatingbyDay10,throwoutandstartover
Tips: Ifmakingbreadeveryday,starterwillneedfedeveryday.Ifnot makingbreadeveryday,startercanstayatroomtemperatureandbefed every other day. If starter can’t be fed, it can be safely stored in refrigeratorupto10days,covered,withoutfeeding
To measurecorrectly,place empty bowl on scale then clear to zero beforeeachmeasurement.
Inmediumbowl,combine330gramswarmwater,90gramssourdough starterand 10 grams salt.Stir well then add 525 gramsflour. Usingsiliconespoon,mixdoughtostickyball.Letrest,covered,about45minutes Pulldoughfrombottomandstretchtotopofdoughball.Repeataround entiretyofdoughballafewtimesthencover.Repeatprocessfourtimes then coverand let sit at room temperatureatleast 6hoursbut no more than14hours.Doughshoulddouble
Sprinkle flour on counter then spread dough flatonflouredsurface. Fold dough from sides then turnand roll intoball. Place on parchment paperandputbackinbowl1hour
Heatovento500FwithuncoveredDutchoveninside. Usingsharpknife,scoredoughthenplaceparchmentpaperanddough inDutchoven.Coverwithlidandbake20minutesthenremovelidand lowertemperatureto475Ffor25minutes.Internaltemperatureshould reach195-205F.Letrestatleast1hourbeforecuttingandserving
Mediumbowl Warmwater
Salt Unbleachedall-purposeflour
Siliconespoon Everythingbagelseasoning
Inmediumbowl,combine330gramswarmwater,90gramssourdough starterand 10 grams salt.Stir well then add 525 gramsflour. Usingsiliconespoon,mixdoughtostickyball.Letrest,covered,about45minutes Pulldoughfrombottomandstretchtotopofdoughball.Repeataround entiretyofdoughballafewtimesthencover.Repeatprocessfourtimes then coverand let sit at room temperatureatleast 6hoursbut no more than14hours.Doughshoulddouble
Sprinkle flour on counter then spread dough flatonflouredsurface. Sprinkle with everything bagel seasoning.Fold dough from sides then turnand roll intoball.Placeonparchment paper andput back in bowl 1hour
Heatovento500FwithuncoveredDutchoveninside Usingsharpknife,scoredoughthenplaceparchmentpaperanddough inDutchoven.Coverwithlidandbake20minutesthenremovelidand lowertemperatureto475Ffor25minutes.Internaltemperatureshould reach195-205F.Letrestatleast1hourbeforesprinklingwitheverything bagelseasoning,cuttingandserving
Mediumbowl Warmwater
Siliconespoon Softenedbutter
Brownsugar Cinnamon
Inmediumbowl,combine330gramswarmwater,90gramssourdough starterand 10 grams salt.Stir
Walter Reed champions women’s health during National Endometriosis Awareness Month
ByJamesBlack Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterEndometriosis is a disease in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows in other places in the body, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).Researcherssayitisoneofthemost common gynecological diseases and its primary symptoms include pain and infertility
Statistically, endometriosis may affect more than 11 percent of American women between15and44,mostcommonlyimpacting women in their 30s and 40s, potentially makingitmoredifficulttobecomepregnant
A Patient’s Journey
“I sought medical advice for excessive bleedingandpainwhenIwas12or13years old, shared Patient T, a commander in the U.S.PublicHealthServicewhomanagedher symptoms for more than 20 years by taking medicallyprescribedbirthcontrolpills.
Duringher30s,PatientTsaidherpainand bleeding increased and became irregular, sparking concern and a bit of trepidation. Asaresult,shestoppedtakingbirthcontrol and tried different medications In her 40s Patient T started on a monthly medication tocontrolherpainandbleeding
“The [monthly] medication shot worked well, but then I got hot flashes and the doctors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center were concerned about my prolongeduseofthismedication,”confided PatientT.“Evidently theeffectsofthemedication’s long-term use are unknown, and I wastiredofgoingintotheofficeeverymonth to get the shot. Later, Patient T was fitted with an intrauterine device (IUD), a tiny devicethat’sinsertedintoawoman’suterus topreventpregnancy
Once Patient T connected with Dr Candice Jones-Cox, the Women’s Health
Services director at Walter Reed, her prognosisandprospectsvastlychanged.
It was a breakthrough for Patient T, who, growing up, visited with several obstetrician-gynecologists (OBGYNs), attempting to discern what was causing her bleeding and discomfort. Some OBYNs brushed off herpainwhileothersjusttoldherthiswould be my life recalled Patient T. “When I look back, I think about all the days of school andworkthatInevermissedandstruggled through,Ibecomeupsetbecauseeveryone convinced me that this was supposed to be my ‘normal’ life,” confided Patient T, recalling the mood changes and depressive episodesshe’sendured
Turning Point
“The turning point for me was when I fainted at home by myself and woke up in a pool of blood because of my period, explained Patient T, who was afraid to go to the emergency room because she was ashamed and temporarily immobile as a result excruciating pain in her left side “I thoughtIwasdying.”
A few days later Patient T returned to WalterReedandlearnedthatshelikelyhad a chocolate cyst/endometrioma that burst, a potentially fatal outcome “This is when I woke up and was determined to do something about my condition,” shared Patient T, recalling that it was the first time in 30 yearsthatadoctordiagnosedhercondition asendometriosis
Protect Your Mental Health
“I wish I had sought mental health assistance for my bleeding and pain as a teenager,”reflectedPatientT,acknowledgingher embarrassment as a young athlete trying to fit in while dealing with mood swings and persistentdiscomfort.
Dr CandiceJones-Coxmade historyon March 17,2023,as the first surgeon in DOD to perform a revolutionaryrobotics surgery forhysterectomypatients calledvNotes, which stands forvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery said to be a less discomforting procedures forpatients. (PHOTOBYRICARDOREYES)
Reproductive Health
“I can’t explain it, but I had so much fear aroundmyreproductivelifethatIjustruled out having children because I thought it wouldbemorepainfulformetogothrough,” acknowledged Patient T. “I wished one of the doctors that I saw through all the years encouragedmeotherwise,butnoonedid!”
That’s why Patient T advises women to researchandfindanOBGYNwillingtolisten.
Jones-Cox’speerssayshe’safiercepatient advocate and a meticulous surgeon with a reputationforpassionatelylearningcuttingedge techniques to adapt to an ever-changing medical landscape In 2023, Jones-Cox becamethefirstsurgeonintheDepartment of Defense medical community to perform a robotic minimally invasive natural orifice transluminalendoscopicsurgery(vNOTES), vastlyreducingapatient’srecoverytimeand discomfortwhileminimizinghospitalstays.
Dr Jones-Cox advises patients to consider their family planning aspirations before optingforaprocedureorcourseoftherapy.
AccordingtotheAmericanMedicalAssociation, women with endometriosis may become pregnant and have a natural childbirth. The AMA advises women to consult with an OBGYN to learn about endometriosis,potentialtreatmentoptions,andfamily planning.
ByReeseBrown Alexander T. Augusta Military Medical CenterVa (March 5, 2024)
Brightlights,loudnoises,unfamiliarpeople, sterilesmells,andintimidatingequipmentin thehealthcareenvironmentcaninvokefear and inner chaos for all children, especially children with autism spectrum disorder (autism,ASD).Accordingtothe2020Center for Disease Control’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, autism is a common disorder affecting an estimated 5 million people in the United States People with autism spectrum disorderhaveacombinationoffundamentaldeficitsinsocialcommunicationandinteraction acrossmultiplecontextsandrestrictiveand repetitive behaviors interests or activities The prevalence of ASD in 8-year-old children is 2.8% and affects 1 in 36 children of allethnic,racial,andsocioeconomicgroups
On March 14, 2020, TRICARE reported to the Congressional Research Service that 34,361 military children have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, with approximately 60% of that number belonging to families of active-duty service members.Asdependents militarychildren faceuniquechallenges HavinganASDdiagnosis as a military child with core deficits in social communication and interaction, restrictive and repetitive behaviors, and movingevery2-3yearscanpresentextreme challenges and regression. As our hospital systemhastransitionedtoamedicalcenter, we have also transitioned our patient care and will continue to develop an inclusive environmentforourspecialneedspatients.
At the Alexander T. Augusta Military Medical Center (ATAMMC), we realize our patients with autism require personalized patient care. The healthcare environmentcanbeoverstimulating,unpredictable, and ASD treatment plans are complex and involve an individualized team of medical experts which may require frequent office visits. We have developed autism-specific programs here at ATAMMC to build an autism culture of excellence Within the department of developmental behavioral pediatrics, we have a multi-disciplinary diagnostic clinic ACDC (Autism and Communication Diagnostic Clinic), as wellastheAutismResourceClinic(ARC),a half-dayclinicwherewebringlocalmedical, community andmilitaryexpertstoparents to empower parents to build their child’s autismteam.Withinthedepartmentofchild and adolescent behavioral health service, we have social skills groups for elementary, middle,andhighschoolstudents,toinclude a Lego social skills group, a parent training support group, and a monthly educational seminar Additionally, in combination with the department of nutrition, we have quarterly autism cooking classes entitled “What’s Cooking? Life Skills for Kids with Autism”.
We strive to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and ideal healthcare environment for our neurodiverse patients with ASD The following is a shining example of this coordination and forward-thinking effort as expressed by Dr Jennifer Hensley Developmental Behavioral Pediatric Nurse and PractitionerAssistantProfessorofPediatrics UniformedServicesUniversity:
“Fall of 2022 was just a normal day in Devo Clinic when Gavin Blair and his mother came for a scheduled appoint-
That’s why Patient T advises similarly affected women, regardless of age, to considerjoiningawomen’sgrouporseeking privatetherapy
A New Life
“Basically, I self-medicated with lots of IbuprofenandneverthoughtIshouldseek help for my mood swings,” shared Patient T. “It’s been a long road. I wish my family and friends understood that my condition wasnotnormalbecausemanyjustbrushed it off or just thought I was always moody,” reflected Patient T. “But I was sad and angry at what I had to endure for many decades without a diagnosis or anyone listening to me
Patient T believes she’s now living her best life, managing her occasional discomfort with newfound resilience empowered by her medical team. “Walter Reed was the first place that developed a treatment plan forme,andIfolloweditfaithfully, confided Patient T. “I finally found a group of people who cared and wanted me to feel like a ‘normal’woman.Ittook36years!”
To learn more, visit this link: https:// walterreed.tricare.mil/womens-health.
ment. Gavin Blair is a 19-year-old remarkable young man and boy scout with autism spectrum disorder Gavin shared with me he was contemplating what he should do for his Eagle Scout project and that he wanted to give back to other patients with autism. As our conversation evolved, we concluded that the healthcare environment was a scary place for many children, andGavinwantedtobeabeaconofchange by designing a sensory room. Understanding that crying, agitation, and fear can envelopchildrenwithautismastheyenter the hospital, and a sensory room would be the solution to alleviate our patients’ anxieties and distress Gavin developed his vision,draftedhisroomlayout,researched costs, and presented to our developmental behavioral team throughout the next year and a half Gavin’s hard work, motivation, and dedication led to the grand opening of the ATAMMC Gavin Blair Sensory Room on February 15, 2024 The Gavin Blair Sensory Room is a multi-sensory room with calming lights tactile wall décor calming colors soothing fidget toys welcoming scents, soft flooring, and rocking chairs paving a path for our patients to escape the overwhelming healthcare environment. Clinical symptoms vary for people with ASD and may include comorbid conditions such as communication impairment, intellectual disability, insomnia,feedingdisorders,mentalhealthcondi-