NSA Hampton Roads hosts 10th Annual Wounded Warrior 5K
Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads Public Affairs Officer
NSA Hampton Roads
hosted its 10th Annual Wounded Warrior 5K, drawing over 300 participants to show their support for veterans and active-duty servicemembersonNov.15 Theevent,organized by Morale Welfare, and Recreation (MWR), in support of Wounded Warrior Month.
“MWR hosts the Wounded Warrior 5K Run each November, during Warrior Care Month,tohelpadvocateandraiseawareness fortheNavy’sWoundedWarriorProgram,” saidAndrewThomas,NSAHamptonRoads MWRDirector
Runners walkersandparticipantsinbikes came together foster sense of community andcamaraderie RepresentativesfromNavy Wounded Warrior were on site to promote theirprogramsandoffersupporttothosein need.NavyWoundedWarriorprovidescritical resources for wounded, ill, and injured
“We want to ensure that we are providing a fun environment to educate those who may not be familiar with the support services and resources available to Sailors who have been seriously injured or suffering from psychological illness,” said Thomson. “Shipmates command leaders friends and family can refer those individuals to the Wounded Warrior Program so they can enroll and receive the proper care.It’simportantforMWRtousethe5K Run to assist with promoting the Program to a wide audience, and in turn, positively impactthegreatestnumberofaffectedindividuals possible.”
This annual run has become a meaningful tradition at NSA Hampton Roads, uniting service members families and local supporters in honoring the sacrifices made bythosewhohaveserved.The10thiteration oftheeventwasapowerfulreminderofthe enduring spirit of the military community and the importance of continued support forwoundedwarriors
Naval Station Norfolk
NORFOLK, Va Sailors and civilians fromacrossNavalStation(NAVSTA)Norfolk gathered together to honor the life of Military Working Dog (MWD) Max during a remembrance ceremony at the NAVSTA NorfolkChapel,November14,2024
MWD Max served as an explosive detection dog during his service as part of the NAVSTA Norfolk Security Precinct MWD Max with his handlers undertook a variety of missions which included supporting the UnitedStatesSecretServicewhenPresident JoeBidenvisitedtheinstallation.Hesniffed out explosives, assisted in apprehending suspects,andensuredthesafetyofourSailorsandcivilians
The remembrance ceremony began with opening remarks from Capt. Matthew Schlarmann, the commanding officer of NAVSTANorfolk.
“Today, we gather to honor and remember a remarkable companion, a devoted
service member and a cherished friend: Military Working Dog Max, said Schlarmann. “While he may have walked on four pawsratherthantwo,Maxservedournation withunparalleledcourage,loyalty,anddedication, embodying the very spirit of what it meanstobepartofourmilitaryfamily.”
As Schlarmann spoke, he went over the deep bond between Max and his handler, Master-at-Arms1stClassMichealHopkin.
“Today, as we reflect on Max’s life and
NORFOLK,Va (November14 2024) Items belonging to MilitaryWorking Dog (MWD) Maxare displayed at the memorial ceremonyforMaxat the Naval Station (NAVSTA) NorfolkChapel, November14 2024.Maxserved as an Explosive Detection Dog at NAVSTA
Spit restoration project aboard
Annex restores lost land and habitat areas
ByMaxLonzanida Naval Weapons Station Yorktown
CHEATHAM ANNEX, Va Naval Weapons Station Yorktown celebrated the completion of a nearly five-year long project to stabilize and reclaim nearly two acres of the Penniman Spit area with a ribbon cutting event on Tuesday, November12th.Theribboncuttingoccurredonan areaofthespitthatwaspreviouslywashed out by the ebb and flow of the York River; this area was previously in danger of being lost completely This collaborative project and efforts to reclaim the area was made possible through a cooperative collaboration with installation leadership, the Chesapeake Bay Trust, National Fish and WildlifeFoundation,theVirginiaInstitute ofMarineScienceattheCollegeofWilliam and Mary Pew Charitable Trust and the Department of Defense’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program (REPI) among other partners Penniman Spit is situated on the southern side of the York River approximately five miles north of Route 17 and Coleman Bridge onboard Cheatham Annex It is attached to Cheatham Annex and protects the entrances to both King Creek and Felgates Creek. Aerial photos show that the area itself was once a continuous spit; however, the York River’s flow over the years has caused it to split into two sections in 2011. In fact, in 1937 the spit itself was over 3,000 feet long and encompassedanareaofjustover14acres.Surveys conductedin2019notedthatthespit’stotal landmass had decreased to just over four acres Thespitalmostbecamearemnantof theinstallation’spastby2019 withjustover 1.7acresremainingduetotheebbandflow oftheYorkRiver Historicphotosshowthe spititselfbeingusedfortrainingandrecreation dating to the 1960s, complete with a walking trail that took visitors onto the York River itself Planning and execution for this first of its kind restoration project started nearly five years ago when funding from a combinationoffederal,stateandnon-profitpartnerswereutilizedtoexecuteaconceptplan to rebuild sections of the spit and protect theremainingsectionsfromcontinuedloss. This called for a series of permits which were needed to install a hybrid living shoreline to provide habitat restoration by rebuilding the nearly diminished marshlands and sandy beach ecosystems This was augmented by rock structures that would shield the area from the tides. This
it presents a wonderful opportunity to preserve and this project can be used as an example of a marriage between readinessandenvironmentalstewardship,”said Burke. Ron Lipcius, Professor of Marine Conservation at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science remarked simple that “for me, this is an ecological dream come true, and it is an almost once in a decade type of project to be part of.” Also present during the ribbon cutting was Tom Olexa, NWS Yorktown’s Natural Resources Manager and Jeff Kissler, the installation’s Environmental Director Both provided some brief remarks Thereafter, the stakeholders in attendanceeagerlygrabbedtheendsofthe ribbon and applauded as Captain Patrick cut the ribbon that officially signaled a successful conclusion to this first of a kind project at the installation. Penniman
past summer nearly 10,000 tons of rock; 24,000 tons of sand were brought in and placed strategically along the shoreline Oyster reefs were also strategically placed to augment these structures and add to the stabilization of the spit. Additionally, over 90,000 native plugs of native saltmarsh cordgrass were planted to stabilize the sand, capture sediment and add to the existing habitat. Constructionforthisfirstofitskindproject was completed earlier this fall. A gathering of nearly a dozen key stakeholders in this project occurred on the windswept morningofTuesday,November12thatlow tide Keyindividualstotheprojectdonned rubber boots and slogged happily through the mud onto the newly restored spit for a brief ribbon cutting like no other CaptainDanPatrickexpressedgratitude for the multi-year effort. “Your insights,
your perseverance your resilience is what makesthisprojectstandout.Overtimethis is a step in this living shoreline project and it’s the kind of project that we can all build upon. It is a cornerstone to highlight.” As these remarks were made, several persons inthegroupremarkedaboutthesuccessful oystergrowthontheseriesofoystercastles that were placed just two summers ago while others reveled at the newly restored land that presented a vibrant ecosystem. Additionally remarks were centered around how this small step in stabilization andrestorationwouldeventuallyaddtothe surroundingarea;andmanymadeplansto returnduringthewarmermonthstoseethe gauge the success of the project.
Russ Burke, Senior Lecturer of Environmental Biology at Christopher Newport University also chimed in with some remarks “Pennimanspitisuniquebecause
DAR presents Women in American History Award to NSA Mechanicsburg’s first female CO
ByChristyTrabun Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg
CARLISLE, Pa —“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare,andsecuretheBlessingsofLiberty toourselvesandourPosterity,doordainand establish this Constitution for the United States of America,” recited a room full of womenattheCumberlandCountyHistoricalSocietyNov.16
These familiar words, the preamble to the Constitution of the United States, helpedmarktheopeningoftheCumberland CountyChaptermeetingoftheDaughtersof theAmericanRevolution(DAR).
Captain Johnetta C. Thomas, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg, attended the meeting as a specialguesttoreceivetheWomeninAmericanHistoryAward.
Coanne O’Hern, chapter regent, and Laura McCabe, chapter National Defense Committee chair, presented Thomas with a certificate and medal while introducing her to the group Captain Thomas is the first woman to serve as the commanding officer of NSA Mechanicsburg in its more than 80-year history and the DAR chapter wantedtorecognizeherforit
especiallyfromanorganizationthathasbeen dedicatedtopreservingournation’shistory and honoring those who have contributed toit.Yourmissionofservice,education and patriotism resonates with me deeply, and I am grateful to share in this commitment, saidThomasduringherremarks
According to the DAR’s website, the Women in American History Award recognizes women who have made significant contributionstotheircommunitiesinareas suchasintellectual,educational,social,religious political, scientific, or cultural innovation.
The DAR, founded in 1890, is described as “a non-profit, non-political volunteer women’s service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future throughbettereducationforchildren.”
Captain Thomas expressed her gratitude and pride in receiving the honor “I’m proud to be part of the story of women in leadership, and I hope my journey encouragesotherstopursuetheiraspirations With faith,perseverance,andsupport,thereisno challengethatcannotbeovercome Iaccept this award with profound gratitude and a renewedcommitmenttoserve.”
She concluded by expressing her gratitude for the recognition and her respect for the organization’s mission. “Thank you to the Daughters of the American Revolution forthishonor.”
ABOVE: CaptainJohnetta C.Thomas the first female commanding officerofNaval Support ActivityMechanicsburg,was honoredwith theWomen inAmerican HistoryAward bythe Cumberland CountyChapterofthe Daughters oftheAmerican Revolution.During a ceremony held at the Cumberland CountyHistorical Society,CaptainThomas expressed gratitude for the recognition and reflected on herjourneyas a leader.The award celebrates herhistoric role and contributions to hercommunity,marking anothermilestone in herdistinguished career (PHOTOBYCHRISTYTRABUN,NAVALSUPPORTACTIVITYMECHANICSBURG)
LEFT: Cumberland CountyChapterDARmembers Coanne O’Hern (right), chapterregent and Laura McCabe (left),chapterNational Defense Committee chair presentThomaswith a certificate and medalwhile introducing herto the group CaptainThomas is the firstwoman to serve as the commanding officerofNSAMechanicsburg in its more than 80-year history,and the DARchapterwanted to recognize herforit bygiving herthe Women inAmerican HistoryAward.(PHOTOBYCHRISTYTRABUN,NAVAL SUPPORTACTIVITYMECHANICSBURG)
NSA Hampton Roads conducts hostage situation training
NORFOLK, Va Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roads conducted a high-risk hostage situation training on November 13 2024 where the executive officer,CommanderChristopherJohnson, was taken hostage in his office by a sailor simulating to be a suspect holding a pipe bomb This high-stakes training exercise
is designed to simulate real-world crisis scenarios The drill was part of an ongoing effort to ensure that all security personnel are fully prepared for emergencies
Commander Christopher Johnson, Executive Officer at NSA Hampton Roads, emphasizedtheimportanceofthesetraining exercises in maintaining operational readiness “NavalSupportHamptonRoads Security Department is tasked with the responsibility protecting all personnel
within the Hampton Roads jurisdiction, Commander Johnson stated. “Today’s training ensures we are prepared for reallifesituations,onhowtorespondtothreats, and can work together as a unit during any and all crises.”
Thetrainingwasdesignedtotestnotonly the tactical skills of the security personnel butalsotheirabilitytoworktogetherunder pressure. In these high-intensity scenarios,coordinationandclearcommunication
arecritical Thedrillaimedtoreinforcethe valueofteamwork,swiftdecision-making, and adherence to security protocols
CommanderJohnson’sstatementunderscoresthecommitmentoftheNSAHamptonRoadsSecurityDepartmenttoensuring the safety of personnel and the protection ofvitalresources Bycontinuouslyconductingandrefiningtrainingexerciseslikethis the department remains at the forefront of readiness and operational excellence
NAVIFOR’s 2024 Commanders’ Summit tackles Information Warfare challenges
Naval Information Forces
NORFOLK, Va Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) hosted its annual Commanders’ Summit Nov. 19-21, gathering more than 300 commanders and senior enlisted leaders across the global InformationWarfare(IW)community In addition to discussing key community updates and initiatives, this year’s summit also incorporated, for the first time, a series of working groups dedicated to addressing criticalproblemsetsfacingtheIWcommunityinthecomingyears ViceAdm.MikeVernazza,commanderof NAVIFORandtheNavy’sIBoss,highlighted the importance of the summit as a frameworkforinnovationandproblem-solving
“Earlier this year, Chief of Naval OperationsAdmiralFranchettireleasedherNavigationPlanforAmerica’sWarfightingNavy, which drives toward two strategic ends: readiness for the possibility of war with the People’s Republic of China by 2027, and enhancingtheNavy’slong-termadvantage Every one of the NAVPLAN’s focus areas involves IW in some capacity some more than others but it is undeniable that the entirety of the NAVPLAN requires a huge liftfromtheIWCommunity.”
“There is no denying IW will be the critical difference-maker in whatever fight is ahead,” continued Vernazza. “Being in demand in our Navy is a good problem to have but it’s not without its challenges Yet, leaders in our community throughout the years have embraced these challenges by pushing the limits of their skills and resources.Wemustcontinuetheirlegacyto grow our community, innovate faster than our enemy, embrace the red, and be ready tofighttonight.”
Ms. Roni Rogers, NAVIFOR’s assistant chief of staff for Enterprise and Strategic Initiatives explained this year’s summit focusonproblem-solving
“At the heart of the ‘Get Real, Get Better (GRGB) mindset is the imperative to think critically, self-assess, and continuously improve,” said Rogers “It’s rare that we havesomanyleadersandexpertsacrossour community in one room so what better opportunity to tap into this deep pool of talent and expertise to innovate and solve problems.”
Throughoutthethree-dayevent,16working groups worked for nearly ten hours applyingtheGRGBmethodologytoaddress 11 problem sets central to IW’s mission, including cyber resilience, fleet synchronization, data integration, and others These
sessionshighlightedtheimportanceofdatadriven decision-making, innovation, and embracingfeedbacktoimproveoutcomes Vernazzanotedtheresponsibilityofeach IWleader eachwithuniqueperspectives and career paths in thinking critically and proposing solutions to the challenges oftodayandtomorrow
“We will equip each one of you with the tools, techniques, and knowledge to better prepare yourselves for the challenges ahead,”saidVernazza “Whileyouarehere,I amtaskingeachofyoutocriticallythinkcritically,analyzeandinnovate Ineedyoutoask thehardquestionsalongtheway.Encourage collaboration within your groups We must bringallvoicesintotheconversation.”
Mr Wes Latchford, NAVIFOR’s GRGB lead and a summit working group facilitator,emphasizedhowworkingthroughproblemsetswithintheGRGBframeworkleads todrivingsolutions
“GRGB is about taking ownership and fostering a culture where leaders at all levels aren’t afraid to ask the hard questionsorconfrontuncomfortabletruths,”said Latchford.“Atthisyear’ssummit,weworked to embed these principles into how the IW community tackles its challenges ensuring that every leader walks away knowing howtouseprovenproblem-solvingtoolsto develop solutions for these problems over thecomingmonths.”
Inadditiontoafocusonproblem-solving, the summit also reinforced the IW community’scommitmenttodevelopingandretaining talented Sailors and civilians Leaders discussed key foundational issues such as ongoing efforts to provide world-class training and career development opportunities, Sailor resiliency and mental health initiatives, 3M (Maintenance and Material Management) programs, and IW community updates from personnel and resources
“We succeed because of our people,” Vernazza noted during a panel discussion “Empoweringourwarfighterswiththetools, training,andtrusttheyneedtoactdecisively is at the cornerstone of our strategy This summit has reaffirmed our commitment to delivering results that enable our Navy to compete,deter,andwin.
NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directly and through our leadership of the IW Enterprise, agile and technically superior manned, trained, equipped, and certified combat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER, COMPETE, andWIN FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR,visit the command Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/NavalInformationForces/ or the public web page at https:// www.navifor.usff.navy.mil.
Student Accounts Director/Bursar (FP137A)
ODU is seeking candidates for a Student Accounts Director/Bursar (full-time, 12 month) position. The Student Accounts Director/Bursar works to develop and implement shortand long-range departmental goals, objectives, policies, and operating procedures. The position leads the Student Accounts, Third Party Billing and Cashiering staff; manages the programs administrated by the offices; develops and implements new initiatives and ensures compliance with rules and regulations that govern federal state, and institutional student aid programs, privacy of data, taxation, and collection practices. The position works collaboratively with the Registrar and Financial Aid partner offices to develop strategies and lead efforts to improve the student customer ser vice experience.
Required Education: Master’s degree in accounting, finance, business or related field (or a combination of education and experience that equates to an advanced degree).
Required Qualifications:
• Demonstrated super visor y skills with the proven ability to manage large, multifunctional teams, building on efficient and positive office culture and empowering teams to provide the highest levels of customer ser vice.
• Strong project management and organizational skills to include ability to multi-task, organize, prioritize and follow multiple projects and tasks with competing priorities through to completion with attention to detail and within specified deadlines.
• Demonstrated knowledge of federal and state regulations related to student accounts, including Title IV and FERPA.
• Demonstrated ability to analyze problems, identify solutions, and take appropriate action to resolve problems using sound judgment and decision-making processes and to maintain strict confidentiality related to sensitive information.
• Understanding of financial principles and internal controls and demonstrated ability to apply those principles in an operational environment.
• Thorough knowledge of AIR technology systems, as is an understanding of TouchNet, FlyWire (or related technologies).
• Strong customer orientation while using diplomacy and discretion in all interactions.
• Excellent interpersonal oral and written communication skills with the ability to work effectively with campus partners and collaboratively as a team.
• Propensity to thrive and flourish in a rapidly changing environment, energized by the opportunity to offer a consistent and disciplined approach to new challenges.
• Relevant professional experience (typically, eight or more years) in student accounts, financial aid, or accounting related area.
• Experience as a leader, providing vision and clear communication of vision at var ying levels of the university and division.
Preferred Qualifications:
• Excellent computer skills are preferred with proficiency in MS Office applications including, but not limited to, Word, Excel, Outlook, SharePoint, and Teams. Banner experience a plus.
Conditions of Employment: This position is required to file a Statement of Economic Interest upon hire.
Review Date: This position is open until filled.
To apply, please visit https://jobs.odu.edu/postings/21988
It is the policy of Old Dominion University to provide equal employment, educational and social opportunities for all persons, without regard to race (or traits historically associated with race including hair texture, hair type, and protective hairstyles such as braids, locks, and twists), color religion, sex or gender (including pregnancy childbirth, or related medical conditions), national origin, gender identity or expression, age, veteran status, disability political affiliation, sexual orientation or genetic information. Minorities, women, veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply
NSGL Safety Department wins CNO Award
GREATLAKES Ill. NavalStationGreat Lakes’ (NSGL) Safety Department was awarded the fiscal year 2023 Chief of Naval Operations(CNO)ShoreSafetyAwardsFor SignificantContributionstoNavySafetyAnd Occupational Health for large, non-industrialactivity,November7,2024
The annual CNO Shore Safety Awards recognize commands with the best overall safety programs that emphasize risk management and mishap prevention, and are considered the top safety award within theNavy ThisisNSGL’ssecondconsecutive award,andhasbeennominatedforthefiscal year2024aswell.
Inamessagetothefleet,RearAdm.Christopher Engdahl, commander, Navy Safety Command, noted the winning organiza-
tions excelled in implementing the safety managementsystem,achievinghigh-velocitylearning reducingmishapsandcostsand promotingastrongsafetyculture.
“Safety is one of the core tenets of our command,andhavingourhardworkrecognized by the CNO is an honor,” said Ross Johnson, NSGL safety and explosive safety officer “By fostering a culture where safety isatoppriority,weensurethateachperson from our safety professionals to our deck plate civilian and Sailors makes it home every night. It has been a long journey but our collective commitment to safety excellence is what sets NSGL apart from other commands, and I am proud of this achievement.” NSGL leadership embraced safety as a top priority, stressing empowerment amongst supervisors and ensuring safety concerns were addressed at the appropri-
atelevel.Additionally,thecommandcreated amultilingualtrainingcurriculum,enabling employeestoreceivesafety-relatedtraining intheirnativelanguage NSGL’s safety program’s effectiveness is honed in on training compliance, near mishap trends and ergonomic complaints Inthecrucialareaofexplosivesafety,NSGL has been 100% compliant for the previous two fiscal years Near-miss reports have decreased from three in fiscal year 2022 to one in fiscal year 2023 A reduction in near-missincidentsdemonstratesitsstaffis takingstepstoreducethesituationsthatcan cause injury Lessons learned are discussed at least quarterly in the base safety council meetings The command plan of the week alsocommunicatessafetytipsandlessons Wetandfreezingconditionsareexpected at NSGL, and it was identified in a safety council meeting that some staff were slip-
ping on icy surfaces As a result, ice hazard signs were placed near walking surfaces to alertthemtofreezingconditions
“The Great Lakes safety team and the installationasawhole,hasexcelledatsafety and at creating a safe environment for the 40,000 new Sailors here on the base,” said NSGL Commanding Officer, Capt. Stephen M. Yargosz. “They have achieved this throughaggressiveandholisticsafetyinitiatives, evidenced by their multiple awards I’m proud of what they have been able to achieve and I look forward to their continuedsuccess.”
For more news from Naval Station Great Lakes, visit www.dvidshub.net/unit/ NSGLPA or www.facebook.com/NavalStationGreatLakes
Advancing Navy readiness: NSA Mechanicsburg breaks ground on Navy’s first 5G tower
Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg
MECHANICSBURG, Pa “We are gatheredheretomarkanimportantmilestonefor ourinstallationandfortheNavyasawhole, as we break ground on the first 5G tower to be established on a Navy installation,” said Capt. Johnetta C. Thomas commanding officer of Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg,duringaceremonyonNov.6.“This initiative… positions NSA Mechanicsburg at the forefront of innovation in military communications.” While5Gtowersaren’tuncommoninthe area, breaking ground for one on a military installationissignificantandhasbeenyears in the making said Lou Zeisman, Military LiaisonforBoldynNetworksandoneofthe project’svendorrepresentatives Thisproject, he explained, symbolizes “our mutual commitment to building the smart base of thefuture.” Zeisman also extended personal thanks to NSA Mechanicsburg’s Program DirectorofInformationTechnology RalphLeutbecher, commending him by saying “there hasbeennoonebetteronanyinstallationto workwithinpursuitofthisproject.” Scott Solomon, representing AT&T, highlightedthesignificanceofthisgroundbreaking Henotedthatreachingthisstage— turningsoilwithshovelsinhand—isnosmall feat.“Togiveyousomeperspective,wehave defunded 130 military installation projects in the last 10 years because they simply sat idle,”Solomonshared.
Beyondimprovedcellularsignalanddata, the 5G tower will feature FirstNet integration. According to FirstNet’s website, this service is “the only nationwide wireless
Military Working Dog Max from Page 1
service, we also acknowledge the unique bond between military working dogs and their handlers,” said Schlarmann. “This relationship is built on trust, communication, and an understanding that transcends words. To Max’s handler MA1 Micheal Hopkins who stood by him through thick and thin, we express our deepest gratitude YourcommitmenttoMaxandtoourmission didnotgounnoticed.Together,youexemplified what it means to serve with honor and
Representatives fromAT&T(left) and Boldyn
groundbreaking ceremony.On this spot the Navy’s
broadband communications platform built withandforAmerica’sfirstrespondersand thepublicsafetycommunity.”Thededicated system ensures reliable, secure communicationsbypreventingfirstrespondertraffic fromcompetingwithcommercialusers
“Additionally this infrastructure has future potential to support smart warehousing, which could modernize our logisticschainwithmoreefficientandresponsive
After concluding his remarks, Schlarmann stepped down from the podium, and Hopkinstookthestagetotalkabouthistime withMWDMax. “I stand before you today to honor MWD Max, a truly exceptional partner and companion,” said Hopkins. “On June 14 2024 I had the honor of becoming his last handler The first time I saw Max in his kennel I thought, “Why is he standing like that?”AnyonewhoknewMaxwouldrecognize his unique stance, with his front legs slightly bowed like he was puffing out his chest. That stance became his signature, a
systems,”Thomasadded. The initiative has been championed by Commander,NavyInstallationsCommand, andatleastfiveadditionalNavyinstallations havesimilar5Gprojectsindevelopment.
With shovels in hand, representatives ceremonially turned soil at the future location of the 5G tower, while installation staff lookedon.
Captain Thomas closed the ceremony,
stating, “This new infrastructure will not onlyserveasatestamenttoourcommitment toinnovation,butitwillalsoensurethatour installation remains a leader in cellular 5G securityforyearstocome Together weare building a safer and smarter future for our Navy.”
displayofconfidencethatdefinedhim. Hopkins would go on the explain how Max’s experience made up for his novice nature as a handler Following these statements Hopkins would deliver what Max meanttohim. “Hisdedicationandinstinctswerebeyond special,” said Hopkins “I knew I could rely on him completely Even now I believe, somewhere across the rainbow bridge Maxisstillworking stilldrivenbythatsame unstoppablespirit.Maxwasmorethanjust amilitaryworkingdog;hewastheverydefinition of one I may not have been his first handler,buttomehewillalwaysbemyfirst dog.”
AfterHopkinsfinishedhisspeech,apoem wasreadinhonorofmilitaryworkingdogs Followingthereadingofthepoemaflagwas presentedandwasplacedfoldedatopMax’s formerkennel. Theeventconcludedwithafinalcallover RegionalDispatchcommendingMaxforhis many years of service to NAVSTA Norfolk, the Navy and the United States followed by theplayingofTAPS
FRCE inducts first Navy CMV-22B for maintenance
Readiness Center East
POINT, N.C. Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) met a new milestone with the induction of its first Navy CMV-22B Osprey for maintenance Aug. 21. With receipt of this aircraft, the depot now services all three variants of the V-22 platform,whichalsoincludethe Marine Corps MV-22B and theAirForceCV-22.
The CMV-22B is the newest member of the Osprey family, entering service in June 2020 on the West Coast and April 2024 on the East Coast In comparison, the Marine Corps MV-22B Osprey has been in use since achieving initial operational capabilityin2007 andtheAirForce CV-22 variant has been in operational use since 2009 FRCE will take on responsibility for the Navy’s East Coast-basedCMV-22Bfleet
FRCE Commanding Officer Capt. Randy J. Berti said the new workload comes in asadirectresultofthequalityworkmanshipthecommandisknownfor acrosstheboard.
“FRCEast’smaintenanceofallthreevariants of the V-22 Osprey, for three different branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, really highlightsthereputationforexcellenceour artisans, engineers and support staff have built,” Berti said. “I couldn’t be more proud thattheNavyisentrustinguswiththisnew mission Everyday,ourworkforcestrivesto provide high-quality service to the fleet at thebestpossiblecost,andoursuccessinthat effort leads to the mutual trust and respect we have with our customers our nation’s warfighters. The work we do here makes a real-worlddifferenceforthem.”
The Navy is fielding the CMV-22B for long-range medium-liftaeriallogisticscapabilities includingthecarrieronboarddelivery(COD)mission.LikeallV-22aircraft,the tiltrotor, vertical/short takeoff and landing aircraft can take off and land as a helicopterbuttransitasaturbopropaircraft,andis capable of shore-based, “expeditionary” or sea-based operations Its features include anextendedoperationalrangecomparedto theMV-22B,andtheaircraftoffersincreased mission flexibility over the Navy’s legacy C-2AGreyhound,whichitisreplacing FRCE V-22 Branch Head Allen Williamson said the depot will provide Planned MaintenanceInterval(PMI)1servicetothe CMV-22B aircraft. He anticipates the work scope will closely mirror the PMI-1 evolu-
tions already performed on the MV-22B whichthedepothasservicedsince2009,at MarineCorpsAirStationsCherryPointand New River, and the Air Force CV-22 variantatFRCE’sdetachmentatHurlburtField, Florida.
“While the CMV-22B does have some additional capabilities the maintenance specifications largely remain the same between the Navy and Marine Corps variantsoftheOsprey,”hesaid.“TheCMV-22B aircraft is structurally identical to the MV-22B,withtheexceptionofthestubwing fuel tanks Those tanks on the Navy aircraft areactuallyquiteabitlarger,toprovidethat extraflightrangeneededforcarrierdelivery operations
“There are very very low flight hours on theseinitialCMV-22aircraftwe’llbereceiving,sothey’reessentiallyinnewcondition, Williamson continued. “We presume the work scope is going to build in the future, based on the theater they’ll be operating in. The Navy has indicated they plan to deploy the aircraft on ships, which is a harsh environment,andtheywillbehigh-useaircraft With that in mind, I believe there will be a learning curve in regard to what condition wecanexpecttoseetheseaircraftinasthey comeinformaintenanceinthefuture,based ontheenvironmentalfactors.”
Williamson said his guidance to the artisans on the production line is to approach the CMV-22B maintenance as if it were a
new capability rather than an extension of the familiar workload. This will give the team the opportunity to look at the aircraft and its needs with fresh eyes, rather than withpreexistingexpectations,headded.
“Obviously,theinstructionsshouldmarry overfairlywell everything,wepresume,is thesame,”Williamsonexplained.“Butespeciallywiththisfirstaircraft we’reemphasizing to the team that they should take their time and really explore whether there are any additional differences in the aircraft itself, of the way we work it versus how we wouldworkanMV.”
At the moment, Williamson said, the biggest difference in CMV-22B depot-level maintenance appears be the aircraft’s paint job thenewervariantusesadifferenttype ofpaintthanthestandardMV-22Band,asa Navy aircraft, has different markings than theMarineCorpsversion.
“The aircraft uses a high-gloss paint, so theprepandtheapplicationaregoingtobe a little bit different than what we’re used to with the standard MV-22B,” said Paint and CleanBranchHeadMattSinsel.“Therewill besomedifferencesinthemaskingprocess, because the paint scheme is a little higher-profilethanthestandardgreyOspreys “Spraying high gloss is nothing new for theourteam;wedoitwiththeMarineHelicopter Squadron 1 Ospreys, and we do it with the white-top H-1 helicopters for the Air Force, and the State Department H-46
helicopters,” he added. “But there will be some differences,andtherewillbesome learninginvolved.”
Sinsel said the unique paint scheme of the CMV-22B also gives his team another opportunity to use the laser projection system the depot began using in January to streamline the final finish process, during which an aircraft’s insigniaandothermarkings are applied to the finished base paint. The system acts as a guide for the precise placement of the markings without having to use paper stencils
Despite the anticipated challenges that come along with learning the ins and outs of maintaining a new aircraft evenonesosimilar to familiar products leaders believe the new workload offers FRCE a chance to shine by rounding out its support of the entire V-22 family “The V-22 program at FRCE has received its accolades,” Williamson said “We’re known for what we do and not just within the brick-and-mortar site at Cherry Point We have our detachment at NewRiver,whichisreveredinitsownlight forthewaytheyconductaPMI.Wehavethe In-Service Repair team down at New River that is making depot-level repairs while embeddedwiththeMarinesquadrons And we have Hurlburt Field, where we support Air Force Special Operations Command. Thisisn’tatotallynewworkload,butitadds anewcapability
“Idon’tthinktheNavywouldhaveconsideredusfortheCMV-22workloadifwedidn’t have that track record of superior performance with the products we return to the fleet, and didn’t have the good rapport that we already have with our current customers,” he continued. “I think this is a chance for us to succeed. This is an opportunity to showtheNavythatweownthemaintenance processontheMV-22s nowletuskeepthis CMV business for a while and show them oursuccessinprovidingthefleetwithaquality product that we know is going to make thatnextflightwindowwithnoissues.”
FRCE is North Carolina’s largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and technical services provider, with more than 4,000 civilian, military and contract workers Its annualrevenueexceeds$1billion.Thedepot providesservicetothefleetwhilefunctioning as an integral part of the greater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; and Commander,FleetReadinessCenters
Pleasevisit our Customer Service area and showyour valid military ID. Ourcustomer service associates will provide you with abar-coded shopping pass to use throughout the day.Pleaseretain this shopping pass and show it to our sales associates at the beginning of every transaction.Your appropriate discount will be applied toeach transaction. This pass is valid for one day.Should you decide to shop both days, you will need to request anew shopping pass on day two. **Theseindividualsand/or arepresentative from theirimmediatefamily arecordially invited to shop any area Dillard’s storeoneither or both days.
A living legacy,
ByLt.j.g JulianJacobs Commander, Naval Surface Force,
U.S. Pacific Fleet
On Saturday morning, nestled between the USS Intrepid,NewYork’sHell’sKitchen,andthecruise terminal, the Navy’s newest Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS John Basilone was broughttolife Commissioning ceremonies, as described by Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy, are a time-honored tradition dating back to 1775 Now, 249yearslater,theUSSJohnBasilonebecamethe 74th ship of her class and the second ship to bear thenamesakeofJohnBasilone Throughouttheweekleadinguptocommissioning the crew of the USS John Basilone spent time learning about the life and legacy of Gunnery Sgt. JohnBasilone theonlyEnlistedMarinetoearnthe Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross during World WarII.
WhileJohnBasiloneandhisbelovedwifeLenah Mae (Riggi) Basilone didn’t have children, GySgt Basilone’s niece, Diane Hawkins, has taken up the mantle of representing her uncle’s memory and his heroism. While exploring the history behind heruncle’sactions aMarineCorpsrepresentative sent Hawkins a bottle of black sand, a vial taken fromIwoJima,thebeachwhereherunclegavethe ultimate sacrifice That bottle included a recommendation to retrace her uncle’s footsteps. In her remarks, Hawkins recounted traveling to Guadalcanal, where Basilone and his regiment defeated a much larger Japanese force, to the Philippines, where he earned the nickname “Manilla John,” to Australia where he received the Medal of Honor, andtoIwoJimawhereheperished“withhisboys.” Throughherjourney Hawkinslearnedmoreabout the man behind the myth and gained a deeper appreciation for his legacy Most importantly, she recounted John’s love for his wife, Lenah Riggi, and how Basilone outranked Riggi: “It was Lenah who was in charge.” Hawkins closed her remarks by thanking the crew of DDG 122, saying that those who comprise John Basilone’s legacy are delighted to have this magnificent ship become part of his legacy “to the service tothisnation. Unique to this Navy event was the presence of Marines from John Basilone’s historic 1st Battalion, 7th Regiment, and the references and speeches related to USMC culture throughouttheevent.
USS John Basilone commissions
Continuing on themes of sacrifice, the ship’s sponsors Ryan Manion and Amy Looney Heffernen, both from Gold Starfamilies,spoketothegriefthatcomeswithlossandthe responsibilitytoupholdthememoryofthefallen.Heffernen notes that she believes her late husband, Navy Seal Brandon Looney, was “cut from the same cloth as John Basi-
lone”makingherpresenceandparticipationinthelifeofthe USS John Basilone all the more meaningful and humbling Standing before the crew Manion, sister of fallen Marine Travis Manion, noted the towering shadow over the crew of the Basilone, the shadow of a man who made the ultimatesacrificeandbuiltaprofound“legacyofservice”inhis wake Heffernen recounted moving her way through grief withaquote,“Nooneisdeaduntiltheripplestheycausein the world fade away.” It is evident from the passion, dedication to service, and commitment to excellence shown by theDDG122crewthatJohnBasilonewon’tfadeforgenerationstocome Inhisprincipaladdress SecretaryoftheNavyCarlosDel Torospokeabouttheroleofthesponsorsofaship.According
commissioning ceremonyin NewYorkNov.9.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MC2THEOPLISSTEWARTII) Ms.Diane Hawkins,left niece ofJohn Basilone,speaks to the crewofthe Navy’s newest Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSSJohn Basilone (DDG 122) during the ship’s commissioning ceremonyon Pier88 in NewYorkCity,N.Y. Nov.9,2024.This is the second Naval warship to bearthe nameJohn Basilone.(DEPARTMENTOFDEFENSEPHOTOBYMC2COLBYA. MOTHERSHEAD)
tonavaltradition,aship’ssponsor“guidesherand hercrew”throughhertimeinservice,offeringhis gratitude that Manion and Heffernen will forever betheconnectionbetween“thisship,hercrew,and thenation.”HetalkedabouthisconnectiontoNew York, having grown up just blocks from where the shipsitstoday,thesamepierwheretheUSSBulkeley (DDG 84) commissioned under his command. PayingtributetoBasilone,SecretaryDelTorotook amomenttospotlightMarineSgtDakotaMeyer,a Medal of Honor recipient for his heroism in Iraq, resultinginastandingovationtotheMarine DelTororecognizesthe“rapidlyevolving”global securityenvironmentforDDGsliketheJohnBasilone He remarked that today’s world differs from the American Revolution, World War II or even his active duty tenure twenty-three years ago Today,shipsofthesameclassastheJohnBasilone are over the horizon, defending America and her allies from the threat of “Iranian-aligned Houthi attacks” in the Red Sea. Making it clear that there is “nothing ordinary” about what is being asked of America’s Sailors and Marines since the October7,2023attacksinIsrael,DelTororemindedthe crew of the USS John Basilone and event participantsthat“Serviceisnotanobligation,itisaprivilege achancetobepartofsomethinggreaterthan ourselves and uphold the values that define us as anation.
Referencingahistoryofsacrifice,theperilsofthe future,andthehopeforthepresent,thecrewofthe former USS Basilone (DDE 824) passed the torch as John Basilone’s living legacy as sponsors Ryan Manion and Amy Looney gave the order to “man ourshipandbringhertolife.”
Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers are the backbone of the U.S. Navy’s surface fleet Thesehighlycapable,multi-missionshipsconduct avarietyofoperations,frompeacetimepresenceto national security, providing a wide range of warfightingcapabilitiesinmulti-threatair,surface,and subsurface Flight IIA DDGs host dual helicopter hangers, allowing for expanded anti-submarine, anti-surface, and anti-air warfare capabilities through integrated operationswithhelicoptersquadrons
The mission of CNSP is to man, train, and equip the Surface Force to provide fleet commanders with credible navalpowertocontroltheseaandprojectpowerashore.
For more news from Naval Surface Forces, visit DVIDS - Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, https://www.dvidshub.net/unit/COMNAVSURFPAC or Commander,NavalSurfaceForce,U.S.PacificFleet,https:// www.surfpac.navy.mil/.
Foradditionalinformationabouttheship visitUSSJohn Basilone(DDG122) https://ussbasilone.org/uss-john-basilone-ddg-122/.
Ms.AmyLooneyHeffernan,middle,and Ms.Ryan Manion,right the sponsors ofthe Navy’s newestArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSSJohn Basilone (DDG 122),give the command to“man ourship and bring herto life”during the ship’s commissioning ceremonyon Pier88 in NewYorkCity N.Y. Nov.9,2024.This is the second Navalwarship to bearthe name John Basilone.(DEPARTMENTOFDEFENSEPHOTOBYMC2COLBYA.MOTHERSHEAD)
Kearsarge crew honors veterans in namesake town As part oftheirvisit to the town in New Hampshire that’s home to the landmarkthat shares the ship’s historic name,sailors from the USS Kearsarge tooktime to honorlocal veterans overtheVeterans Dayholiday.PageB7
Navy culinary specialists prepare for Thanksgiving
As Thanksgiving nears the Navy’s more than7,800culinaryspecialists(CSs)arebusy preparing the season’s staples for Sailors aroundtheworld.
Sailormorale,akeycomponenttomission success,hasanincreasedsignificanceduring the holiday season. The food CSs prepare during this time of year produces a sense of familiarity among Sailors that raises spir-
its and gives them a chance to recharge together
“Thanksgiving has many meanings for our Sailors, said CS2 Daviontee Robinson “It’s a time of thankfulness, appreciation, andunity.”
Successfullyfeedingashipisasignificant enough task under normal circumstances, during the holidays that job increases tenfold.
ThisyeartheNavypredictsafloatCSswill prepare44,815poundsofroastturkey 11,457
ByJenniferGoulart Naval Medical Forces Atlantic
In alignment with the Navy’s “Get Real, GetBetter”initiative,NavalMedicalCenter Portsmouth (NMCP) has overhauled its chaplain referral system, transforming it from a cumbersome, inefficient process into a streamlined, user-friendly digital platform. The project was driven by Naval Medical Forces Atlantic’s (NMFL) Improvement Sciences team, aiming to inspireothercommandstoharnessprocess improvement techniques to modernize their own chaplain referral programs
The outdated system relied heavily on paperforms,scanning,andmultipleemails, creating barriers for service members and staff seeking pastoral care The inefficiencieswereespeciallyhighlightedinthewake oftheCOVID-19pandemic,whenreferrals droppeddramaticallyduetostaffrotations and lost institutional knowledge
Martin White a project manager along with Derek Murray a certified Six Sigma Black Belt with NMFL Improvement Sciences, and Lt Hyun Namkung, a Division Officer at Chaplain Spiritual Readiness Office (CSRO) were key members of the initiative.
“The old system was clunky and hard to use People didn’t even know it existed, which made access to pastoral care difficult. We knew we had to get real about the challenges and take actionable steps to improve, said White TheNMFLImprovementSciencesteam, leveragingLeanSixSigmatechniques,and the Project Management Institute (PMI), project management methodology took on the challenge. The team collaborated to train one of the facility’s chaplains and a Religious Program Specialist in process improvement methodologies This effort empowered Namkung and the CSRO Religious Ministry Team to redesign the chaplain referral system. The new automated processnowallowsforreal-time,self-referrals and peer or provider referrals through NMCP’s SharePoint site, significantly lowering the administrative burden and ensuringanyoneseekingcaredoesnotslip through the cracks
“This system exemplifies what it means to get better,” said Namkung “Our administrative workload has decreased, and our responsetimehasimproved,makingpastoral care more accessible than ever.”
The initiative also addresses a critical focus of both the Navy and the Defense Health Agency’s (DHA), which is access to care, a longstanding concern for service members Capt.WilliamHlavin,aChaplain for both NMFL and NMCP emphasized, “Chaplainsarenotmentalhealthproviders, butweoffercrucialemotionalandspiritual supportthroughpastoralcounseling With thenewreferralsystem,wecanbetterserve
those who don’t need clinical intervention but still need someone to listen and help them process their challenges.” He added that by increasing access to pastoral care, the system complements mental health services and promotes overall resiliency among Sailors and staff
antasupdatingthesystem,”saidNamkung “People need to know that these resources are available and easy to use The increase inreferralssincethecampaignbeganshows that we’re making a real impact.”
According to Namkung self-referrals in particular, have skyrocketed, indicat-
Theprojectdidn’tstopatautomatingthe process NMCP Chaplains also launched a comprehensive awareness campaign, educating two subordinate commands about the new system and encouraging its use “Raisingawarenesswasjustasimport-
ing that many service members appreciate the newfound ease of access White who worked closely with the chaplain team, noted, “The self-referral feature is a game changer Previously, individuals felt they had to explain their need for pastoral care
While Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and give thanks Sailors remain focused on themission.
“During deployment, a great meal boosts the morale and camaraderie for everyone onboard the ship,” said Robinson. “While our attention is on the mission, our hearts arewithourfamilies.”
poundsofmashedpotatoes,5,654poundsof stuffing 21,906 pounds of sweet potatoes 6,630poundsofgreenbeancasserole 4,606 poundsofcranberrysauce,11,960gallonsof gravy,and23,678assortedpiesforSailors “ServingtheThanksgivingmealthroughout Navy galleys around the globe, both afloatandashore,isoneofthelargestevents of the year for food service personnel,” said Navy Food Service Director Cmdr Brian Bieber “ItisanopportunitytoprovideSailors a comfort of home despite the fact they maybedeployed,onduty,orseparatedfrom family.”
totheirchainofcommand,whichdeterred many from seeking help Now, they can reachoutdirectlyandconfidentially,which has removed a significant barrier.”
ChaplainHlavinexplained,“Confidentialityandtrustareattheheartofwhatwedo as chaplains, and this system honors that. According to White, the success of this project has broader implications for other commands across Navy Medicine “This was a collaborative effort involving NMFL Improvement Sciences, and it serves as a model for what other commands can achieve,” he said. “We encourage other units to reach out to their own improvement science teams to explore how they can update their processes, whether for chaplain referrals or other areas needing efficiency improvements.”
The “Get Real, Get Better” philosophy is embedded in every aspect of this initiative. White concluded, “We identified the gaps and inefficiencies, got real about the issues and took steps to make meaningful improvements Thisprojectisn’tjustabout pastoralcare;it’saboutusingourresources wiselyandcontinuouslystrivingtoimprove how we support our Sailors and staff.” By reducing administrative hurdles and fostering collaboration between pastoral and mental health services, NMCP is setting a new standard in healthcare delivery The hope is that other commands will replicate this model, ensuring that service members and staff receive the timely confidential care they need. Hlavin added, “This initiative demonstrates the power of process improvement and serves as a reminder that when we work smarter, we createamoreresilientandpreparedforce.”
For NMCP, this project is just the beginning The team is committed to ongoing improvements and sharing their success with other commands “We’re proud of this accomplishment, but we’re even more excited about the potential for this to be adopted fleet-wide,” said Namkung “It’s a testamenttotheimpactofthe‘GetReal,Get Better’ initiative and what we can achieve whenweinvestinimprovementsciences.”
NMFL, headquartered in Portsmouth, Virginia, delivers operationally focused medical expertise and capabilities to meet Fleet, Marine and Joint Force requirements by providing equipment, sustainment and maintenance of medical forces duringcombatoperationsandpublichealth crises NMFL provides oversight for 21 NMRTCs, logistics, and public health and dental services throughout the U.S. East Coast, U.S. Gulf Coast, Cuba, Europe, and the Middle East.
Navy Medicine represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilian health care professionals provides enduring expeditionary medical support to the warfighter on, below, and above the sea, and ashore.
NAVFAC Washington celebrates completion of critical air defense facility at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling
ByNatashaWaldronAnthony Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Washington
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Washington marked the completion of the Joint Air Defense Operations Center (JADOC) Phase II with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Nov. 7. This $24.1 million project delivers essential infrastructure
supporting the National Capital Region IntegratedAirDefenseMission,whichsafeguardsWashingtonD.C.’sairspacefromaerial threats
The newly constructed two-story facility complements the existing JADOC Phase I operations center It provides vital space for technical training, mission planning and specialized functions that include an arms vaultandmaintenanceshop Theprojectalso enhanced site security with perimeter fenc-
ingandstrengthenedinfrastructuretoensure operationalresilience
TheJADOCPhaseIIcontractwasawarded in September 2022 and is being executed by Grunley Construction. The project demonstrates successful collaboration between multiple stakeholders including the Army andAirNationalGuard,AirForceCivilEngineer Center, 11th Civil Engineer Squadron, andNAVFACWashington’sResidentOfficer inChargeofConstructionteam.
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems
Command Europe, Africa, Central and Public Works Department Naples employees engaged future leaders during the 2024 NaplesMiddleHighSchool(NMHS)College andCareerFairaboardNavalSupportActivityNaples,Italy,Nov.19,2024
Studentsexploredopportunitiesforeducationandcareers connectingwithalumniand organizations offering guidance on diverse paths to success. Events like this expose students to a wide array of options for their futures
“Thank you to the various commands and organizations from around the base who cameouttosupportthisevent,”ChrisBeane, NMHS principal said. “This was invaluable forourstudents Astheypreparetostepinto adulthood, they need to understand what is outthereandstarttappingintothosepassions theymayhave.” SabrinaHecht,aU.S.MarineCorpsveteran and 1991 University of South Carolina graduate who now serves as the real property manageratPWDNaples,talkedwithstudents who stopped by her booth about the many benefitsofattendingheralmamater
“The students were very inquisitive and asked great questions about majors sports andadmissions,”Hechtsaid “Itwasrewardingtobehere,sharingmyjourneyandhelping themseethepossibilitiesfortheirownlives, including the excellent opportunities at the
TheUnitedStatesMerchantMarineAcademy (USMMA) also stood out as another option for students Lt j.g. Paul Anderson a 2022graduatenowworkingasanexpeditionaryprojectmanagerwithNAVFACEURAFCENT, shared his insights about the of the lesser-knownserviceacademies Andersonsaid,“IhopeIwasabletoinspire a couple of students to attend a school that openedmanydoorsforme.”
Andersonwentontosay,thattheUSMMA provided him with hands-on engineering experience while sailing aboard large ships duringseayearattheacademy.
“Choosing the right college or career path can lead to incredible experiences and opportunities,” Anderson said. “For me, it meant solving complex engineering problems and now, in my current job, improving lives through humanitarian projects I hope thesestudentsfindthatpaththatsuitesthem in achieving their goals and that starts by makingtherightchoiceinhighschool.
NAVFAC EURAFCENTs GeoReadiness Center (GRC) was also on hand to highlight the cutting-edge applications of geographic information system (GIS) technology The event also coincided with GIS Day, celebratinginnovationingeospatialdataanalysisand visualization
“Many students we spoke with had little awareness of GIS and its potential applications,”AaronEckert,NAVFACEURAFCENT, GRC program manager said. “We hope our interactions sparked an interest in GIS as a dynamicandrewardingcareerfield.”
Capt. Rafael Miranda, NAVFAC EURAFCENTcommandingofficer waspleasedthat many NAVFAC EURAFCENT and PWD Naples employees took the time to engage andpreparethenextgeneration.
“To ensure the Navy continues to attract and retain top talent, we must inspire and equip today’s students to lead in both industryandthemilitary,”Mirandasaid.“Ourteam who participated aimed to provide students with the knowledge and encouragement to explorediversepossibilities preparingthem to identify and solve the complex problems ofthefuture.
About Naval Facilities Engineering CommandEuropeAfricaCentral Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command is the naval shore facilities, base operating support, and expeditionary engineeringsystemscommanddeliveringlife-cycletechnicalandacquisitionsolutionsaligned tofleetandMarineCorpspriorities.NAVFAC EURAFCENTsupportsfleetcommandersby providingengineeringassessmentsandagile acquisition strategy, constructing and maintainingshoreinfrastructure,andmaximizing force readiness to enhance warfighter
EURAFCENT serves as the engineering link between the shore and the Fleet in
African, and Central Commandareasofresponsibility For
USS Annapolis holds change of command
Commander, Submarine Squadron 15
NAVAL BASE GUAM The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Annapolis (SSN 760) conducted a change of command ceremony on Monday Oct 28, onboard Naval Base Guam. During the ceremony, Capt. James Tuthill turned over command of Annapolis to Cmdr Clinton Emrich.
Rear Adm. Rick Seif, commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet served as guest speaker, and Capt. Neil Steinhagen, commander Submarine Squadron 15 presidedovertheevent.
During his remarks Seif reflected on the impact of Tuthill’s leadership, stating, “James, I know you will take with you the proudmemoriesofthelivesandcareersyou affectedascommandingofficerofAnnapolis,theSailorswhoearnedrankandwarfare qualifications on your watch, and the Sailorswhodecidedtore-enlistandcontinueto serveinourSubmarineForceandstandthe watch. He continued, “Your legacy will be imprinted upon the deckplates of warship Annapolisforyearstocome.”
During Tuthill’s tenure, USS Annapolis completed two Western Pacific deployments, multiple missions supporting U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, and a change of homeport. Annapolis also became the first U.S. submarine in over five years to visit three foreign ports—Chile, Peru, and India—and also visited Australia as the second U.S. fast-attack submarine to arrive at HMAS Stirling since the announcement oftheAustralia UnitedKingdom United States(AUKUS)OptimalPathwayinMarch 2023
“Under James’ leadership, the crew of Annapolis set a new standard in warfightingbrilliance tacticalproficiency,andoperational readiness,” said Steinhagen. “As the only forward-deployed submarine squadronintheU.S.Navy,weoperateunderahigh operationaltempowithrelentlessdemands Jamesandhisteammeteachchallengewith unwaveringresolve,executingeverymission withprecisionandexcellence Theyembodiedthesubmarine’smotto,‘BornFree,Hope to Die Free,’ as they excelled on all of their WesternPacificdeployments strengthening theNavy’sroleinsupportingmaritimesecurityandpromotingafreeandopenIndo-Pacific.
Tuthill oversaw the training of over 300 Sailors,leadinghiscrewtoachieveanexceptional record of tactical and operational success,culminatinginback-to-backBattle
Efficiency awards from Submarine Squadron15in2022and2023 Theseaccomplishments underscore Annapolis’s pivotal role in helping to strengthen deterrence and promoteapeacefulandprosperousIndo-pacificregion.
“The crew and I deployed across the Pacificoverthepast43months I’mequally humbled and impressed by the team’s performance over that time The faces changed over my time in command, but our spirit remained constant. These Sailors deliveredhigh-endresultswhenitmattered most—on the scene, unseen, over and over I worked to leave the crew with the best partsofmyself,developingtheteamthrough experienceandhigh,achievablestandards I leavethemreadyforwhatliesahead.”
Tuthill, a native of Fort Wayne, Indi-
ana, and a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, will continue his service at the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington D.C. Emrich, from Cleveland, Ohio, and a 2006 Naval Academy graduate, assumes commandofAnnapolisafterhismostrecent assignmentwiththeJointChiefsofStaff “Captain Tuthill, your leadership, courage, sacrifice, and unparalleled excellence deservethehighestrecognition.Congratulationsonajobwelldone,”saidCmdr Emrich
“This is a fine ship one of the finest—not because of its design or capabilities but becauseitisoperated,maintained,andcared for by the 160 Sailors with whom we share thispiertoday.CrewofAnnapolis,asweply thedepthsofthesea,practicingourcraftand performing the missions that our country relies on us to execute without fail, it is my
honorandprivilegetojoinyouandserveas yourcommandingofficer.”
Commander, Submarine Squadron 15
based at Polaris Point, Naval Base Guam, is home to four Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarines forward-deployed in the Pacific. Renowned for their unparalleled speed, endurance, stealth, and mobility, these submarines are the backbone of the Navy’ssubmarineforce Asapexpredatorsof thesea,fast-attacksubmarinesplayacrucial role in safeguarding our nation’s interests andensuringpeacethroughstrengthinthe Pacificregion. FormorenewsfromCommander,SubmarineSquadron15,visitourwebsiteathttp:// www.csp.navy.mil/css15 or our Facebook pageathttps://www.facebook.com/SubmarineSquadron15
ByMatthewSchehl Naval Postgraduate School
Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) physicists are on track to bring the institution’s new atomic fountain online the largest of its kind in the world for applications to quantum sensing experiments in precise navigationandtimekeeping
Using a Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) award bestowed last year and plenty of elbow grease Dr Frank Narducci Chair of the NPS Department of Physics and his Ph.D student U.S. Navy Cmdr Jens Berdahl, a former Navy pilot currently pursuing his doctorate through the service’s Permanent Military Professor program, are nearing completion of the first phase of construction in what will be a superlatively precise atomic-basedinstrument.
The device will open the door to a host of defense applications of quantum sensing based on atom interferometry research in generalandgyroscope,gravimeter,accelerometerandclockresearchspecifically This hasthepotentialtoprovidealternativenavigation means in GPS-denied environments aswellasdetectthreatsadversarieswantto keephidden.
“The work being conducted by Professor Narducci is an excellent example of the benefits of basic research in support of national defense,” said Dr Kevin Smith, NPS Vice Provost for Research and Innovation. “This research is advancing our state of knowledge about quantum sensing in general but is also being pursued in the context of advanced sensors and the development of precision navigation and timing instrumentation,whichiscriticalforfuture systems employment in contested environments.”
This combination of cutting-edge technologyandresearchcoupledwithadefense focusiswhatdefinestheuniqueeducational experienceatNPSforitsmaster’sandPh.D students deliveringacompetitiveadvantage ascalledforintheNavalEducationStrategy in technical disciplines directly relevant to modernnavalwarfighting
Quantum science is one of 14 Critical DefenseTechnologyAreasidentifiedbythe OfficeoftheUnderSecretaryofDefensefor Research and Engineering (OUSD R&E), which also funds the DURIP program. The OfficeofNavalResearch(ONR)overseesthe Navy’sportionofDURIPgrantsandcompetitively awards proposals to universities conducting high-quality, relevant research addressingnaval-uniqueneeds Anatomicfountainisessentiallyaninterferometer adevicethatextractsinformation from determining interference that tosses atoms up and down in the air, not unlike a water fountain. By measuring minute fluctuations in gravity for example,thedevicecanrevealatreasuretroveof information.
Lobbing cold atoms up in an ultra-high vacuum system and measuring how long they take to come down using wave properties of atoms give quantum sensors their extremeprecision Tolaunchtheatoms,two finely-tunedlasersaredirectedattheatoms one closer and one further from resonance (thefrequencytheatom“likes”toabsorb).
Narducci explained that pushing the atoms with a single laser, the atoms will overheat. The design instead uses two low powerlasers,thatvaryinfrequencythathas theeffectofgentlytossingtheatomsup
For their initial experiments, Narducci and Berdahl, along with other members of the growing research team, will use the atomic fountain to measure the period of
a Foucault’s Pendulum swinging in SpanagelHall.
Doingso however,isnotsoeasyaswatching it with a stopwatch in hand, Narducci noted.
“If I tell you to measure the swing of the pendulum, but you’re not allowed to look at it, how would you do it?” he asked. “One way to do it is the swinging of the pendulum changes the force of gravity on you; a very, very, very, very small amount, but it does change and the atomic fountain can measurethat.”
Findingalocationforthetowerinvolveda cleverapplicationofre-employingaformer elevator shaft in Spanagel Hall, the tallest buildingontheNPScampus Narducci and Berdahl are constructing thefountainthereintwophases.Theinitial version,whichNarduccitermsa“babyfountain,”willmeasurenearly12feet(4meters) inheight;thefinalwillstandapproximately 100feet(30meters)tall.
Whileatallerfountaindoesimplygreater sensitivityingeneral,biggerdoesnotnecessarily mean better when measuring a relativelysmallobjectlikethependulum:asthe atomsgetfurtherandfurtheraway,thegravitationaleffectofthependulumgetssmaller and smaller On the other hand, the baby fountainmightnotbetallenoughtoprovide thebestmeasurement Havingtherangeofa tallfountainaffordsmaximumflexibilityin determining the optimal configuration for experiments Furthermore, Narducci observed, taking measurementswithatallfountainishardly fieldexpedient.
“If we’re talking about taking this technology out into the field, we don’t have the luxury of taking a tall instrument out and puttingitinthegroundandlettingitrecord for24hours,thenmoveittwofeettorecord
another 24 hours,” he said. “We would like to do this on operationally-relevant timescales.”
ThisispreciselywhatBerdahlisconductinghisPh.D workon.
“My dissertation is studying the atomic fountain and showing its precision over operationally-relevant timescales. We’re trying to rapidly capture any changes to the gravitational acceleration vector,” he explained. “The time period that we’re hopingtoresolveisthetimethatittakesfor the pendulum to swing once Overall, we arecharacterizingthepossibleprecisionwe can achieve while constraining our system inalloweddwelltimes.That’sachallenge!”
Designed as a “user facility” with both on-site and virtual access planned, the atomic fountain will be completely automated and configurable via a web-based interfacetoconnectwiththeNavalResearch andDevelopmentEstablishment(NR&DE) andotherpartnersinvolved
Ultimately the atomic tower will be in thehandsofNPS’studentsanddefense-expertfacultyin2025whowillbelearningand working on it, offering unparalleled educationandresearchopportunities
Berdahl is immeasurably excited at the prospectofimpartingthisknowledge
“Havingagroundinginquantummechanics and how we might use these technologies in the field its capabilities and constraints is everything for the leaders who are coming through NPS and moving on to different acquisition jobs, engineering or duty officers,” he said. “They have to understand what this environment in the future might look like, and that includes all thetechnologiesthatmightbeavailable.” “Thatconversationisvery verydifferentif youhavequantumsensorsthanifyoudon’t,” Berdahladded.
U.S. Marine squadron conduct first combat strikes using F-35C platform
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72)
U.S. Marine Corps
F-35C Lightning II aircraft, assigned to Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 314 conducted the first F-35C combat air strikesfortheplatform,Nov.9-10
VMFA 314, assigned to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 9 aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft
carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), conductedmultiplestrikesonHouthiweapons storage facilities within Houthi-controlled territories in Yemen. The facilities housed conventional weapons including
anti-ship missiles The Iranian-backed Houthis used these weapons to target U.S. and international military and civilian vessels navigating international waters in theRedSeaandGulfofAden.
“TheF-35Cdemonstrateditswarfighting advantage by transiting contested airspace and striking targets in the heart of Houthi territory over multiple days,” stated Lt Col. Jeffrey“Wiki”Davis,commandingofficerof VMFA-314. “My Marines are honored to be firsttofightwiththeF-35C.”
The F-35C is a fifth-generation, longrange stealth fighter jet used by the U.S. Navy Marine Corps and Air Force, and is a multi-role aircraft able to perform a vari-
etyofmissions,includingair-to-aircombat, air-to-ground strikes, reconnaissance and electronicwarfare
“The offensive and defensive capabilities of the F-35C absolutely enhance our air wing’s striking arm,” said Capt. Gerald “Dutch” Tritz commander, CVW 9. “The now battle-tested Air Wing of the Future has proven itself a game changer across all carrierairwingmissions.”
Other variants of the aircraft include the F-35A and the F-35B The F-35B first saw combat in 2018 when units assigned to the EssexAmphibiousReadyGroupconducted airstrikesagainsttheTalibaninAfghanistan and ISIS in Syria. Air Force F-35A’s first
combat mission was completed the year afteragainstISIStargetsinIraq
The“BlackKnights”ofVMFA-314,based out of Miramar, Calif., transitioned from the F-18 to the F-35C in 2020 making them thefirstfleetsquadroninboththeNavyand MarineCorpstooperatethe5thGeneration fighteraircraft.VMFA314wasalsothefirst operational Marine squadron to fly the F-4 PhantomandF-18Hornet. VMFA 314, part of 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, is the only deployed F-35C squadron intheMarineCorps
NAVAL AIR STATION SIGONELLA, Sicily (Nov 20, 2024) Naval Air Station (NAS) Sigonella K-9 Handler Master-atArms 3rd Class Brandon Browning, from Knoxville, Tennessee, chose to carry on a legacyofNavalservicefromhisgrandfather and uncle, when he enlisted in the Navy, March 19 2022.
“MA3 Brandon Browning gives his all every day to the mission and his shipmates. If there is work to be completed, MA3 is on it,” said Chief Master-at-Arms Michael DeCarli, military working dog kennel master, security department, NAS Sigonella. “The example he sets for his peers is one of impeccable work ethic, empathy, competency and character I cannot count the amount of times I have needed something accomplished and could count on MA3 to have it completed correctly and expeditiously.
Browning’sfirstdutystationintheNavy isatNASSigonella,andhetakesgreatjoyin his job working with service animals.
“My favorite part of the job is being able to work with my four-legged partner,” said Browning “I have the best job in the Navy and am very grateful for it.
Browning is also secretary of Sigonella’s GayLesbianandSupportingSailorsAssociation,whereheassistswithrecordkeeping and event planning
“I want to immerse myself in the diversity the Navy offers,” said Browning.
Browning takes pride in his service to date and continues to serve honorably, guided by his commitment to doing what he believes is right.
“Servingmeansgivingbacktosomething biggerthanmyself,”saidBrowning “Dothe right thing, that’s all that matters.” When he’s off the clock, you can often find Browning playing video games or brainstorming his next tattoo design.
NASSigonella’sstrategiclocationenables U.S. allied, and partner nation forces to deploy and respond as required ensuring securityandstabilityinEurope Africaand Central Command For more news and information from NAS Sigonella, visit https://cnreurafcent.cnic.navy.mil/Installations/ NAS-Sigonella/ or https://www.facebook. com/nassigonella/.
Beyond the classroom: HM1 Domenic Nasuta’s role in Navy survival training
Naval Education and Training Command
HospitalCorpsman1stClassDomenicNasuta,assignedtoCenterForSecurityForces(CENSECFOR)DetachmentNorthIsland,hasapassionfortheoutdoorsandadedicationtoservicethathas definedhisNavycareer FromworkingasahospitalcorpsmanwiththeMarineCorpsondeploymenttohiscurrentroleasaSERE(Survival Evasion,Resistance andEscape)instructor Nasuta’s journeyintheNavyreflectsacommitmenttosupportinghisfellowSailorsandMarinesinsome ofthemostdemandingenvironments.
A Family Legacy of Service and a Path to the Navy GrowingupinNewJersey,Nasutawasinfluencedbyafamilyhistoryofmilitaryservice
Bothof hisgrandfathersservedintheArmyduringWorldWarII,withonesupportingOperationNorthern Torch in Africa and the other in the European campaign His uncle also served as a combat camerainVietnam.Inspiredbythislegacy,NasutaenlistedintheNavyin2011,choosingtojoin themedicalfieldasahospitalcorpsmantomakeadifferenceinothers’lives.
“Service runs deep in my family and I knew I wanted to contribute in my own way, ” Nasuta reflects.“Becomingacorpsmangavemetheopportunitytohelppeopleintheirmostvulnerable moments,whichhasbeenoneofthemostrewardingpartsofmylife.
A Career of Challenge and Transformation
AftercompletingHospitalCorpsman“A School,Nasutaembarkedonajourneythattookhim acrosstheglobe.HisearlyassignmentsincludedservingasalaboranddeliverycorpsmanatNaval HospitalBremertonandlaterasalinecorpsmanwiththe2ndMarineDivision,wherehedeployed with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit Throughout his career he quickly advanced earning multiplehonors includingBluejacketoftheYearandJuniorSailoroftheYear forhisexceptional serviceandleadership
In 2021, after assignments in Sigonella, Italy, and with Marine Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC), Nasuta found himself at a crossroads. After attending SERE training at theEasternschoolhouse,hewasinterestedinthesurvivaltechniqueshelearnedandbeganconsideringanewpathasaSEREinstructor
“Ihavealwayslovedtheoutdoors,andthesurvivalskillsIlearnedresonatedwithme,”Nasuta said “I realized I could use my passion to teach and help enhance the survivability and lethality oftheforce.”
Joining NETC as a SERE Instructor
In2023,NasutabeganhistransitionfromfleetservicetoinstructordutyatSEREWest,partof the Naval Education and Training Command (NETC), which oversees nearly all Navy training frombasictoadvancedtechnicalschools.AfterarigorousscreeningprocessandintensivetrainingthroughtheNavalInstructorTrainingCommandandSEREInstructorUnderTraining(IUT) pipeline,NasutaearnedhisqualificationandjoinedthefielddepartmentatSEREWestonNorth Island SanDiego.
“The flexibility and passion of the instructors set NETC training apart,” Nasuta said “Everyone here truly cares about what they are teaching. It is evident in the way they adapt to different students’ needs and ensure that standards are met, so students leave prepared for the challenges theywillfaceinthefield.
Mentoring Students and Sharing a Love for the Outdoors
InhisroleasaSEREinstructor,Nasutafindsimmensefulfillmentinguidingstudentsthrough survival training teaching them everything from land navigation with a compass to identifying edibleplants.Herecallsonestudentwhostruggledwithlandnavigationbutshoweddetermination to improve. Over the weekend, with support from Nasuta and other students, the Sailor steadily builtconfidenceandendedupmasteringtheskill.
“Ialwaystellmystudentsthatiftheymeetmehalfway,I’llgetthemwheretheyneedtogo,”Nasuta says.“It’sincrediblyrewardingwhenIseetheirmotivationandwatchthemgrow.”
The Power of Transformation through Training
ForNasuta theimpactofNETCtraininggoesbeyondteachingsurvivaltactics;itisabouthelping studentsfaceandovercomechallengesthatpushthemphysicallyandmentally.
“Students come to SERE not fully aware of what they are capable of,” he shares “The training teachesthemresilienceandtheimportanceoftakingcareoftheirbodiesunderpressure Bythe end,theyhavelearnednotjustsurvivalskillsbutalotaboutthemselves.”
Asaninstructor Nasutaisconstantlylearning strivingtobringnewskillsandknowledgetohis students.“Mystudentsdrivemetokeepimproving, hesays “Whetheritisidentifyingwildlifeor preparingedibleplants,theoutdoorsismypassion,anditisamazingthatIgettoshareitwithothers.”
Future Aspirations and Personal Growth
Nasuta’sjourneythroughNETCtraininghasnotonlyadvancedhiscareerbuthasalsoprepared himforhisfutureaspirations.Anaspiringwildlifebiologist,heseeshisroleasaSEREinstructor as an opportunity to align his love for the outdoors with his professional life He encourages his studentstokeepanopenmindandembraceeverychallengeasalearningopportunity Reflectingonhiscareer,NasutanotestheimpactNETChashadonhimpersonally “Workingas acorpsmanandnowasaninstructorhasallowedmetogrow,notonlyasaservicememberbutasa person, hesays TheNavyhasgivenmethechancetohelppeople,learnfromincrediblementors, andmakearealdifference.”
Nasuta’sstoryisoneoftransformation resilienceandtheenduringpowerofmentorship From hisrootsinNewJerseytohisroleasaSEREinstructoratNETC’sSEREWestschoolhouse,Nasuta exemplifies the Navy’s commitment to training Sailors who are prepared for any challenge His passionfortheoutdoorsanddedicationtohisstudents’successcontinuetoinspirethosearound him,showcasingthecareer-changingpotentialofNETCtraining. FormoreinformationonNETC’strainingprogramsandhowtheyprepareSailorsforsuccess inthefleet,visithttps://www.netc.navy.mil/
Kearsarge crew honors veterans in namesake New Hampshire town
ByPettyOfficer1stClass JamicaBallard
USS Kearsarge (LHD 3)
WARNER,N.H. Aspartoftheirvisitto thetowninNewHampshirethat’shometo thelandmarkthatsharestheship’shistoric name, sailors from the USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) took time to honor local veterans over the Veterans Day holiday.
The Kearsarge crew, which was in Warner from Nov. 8-12 to participate in a variety of community engagement events, attended special Veterans Day breakfasts andceremonieshostedbyAmericanLegion posts in the surrounding area OnSunday,Nov.10 thesailorsattendeda VeteransDaybreakfasthostedbyAmerican Legion Post 39 in the town of Wilmot. The following day, they participated in a Veterans Day service held by American Legion Post 40 in New London
“Seeing the pride and gratitude these communitieshaveforourservicemembers istrulyhumbling,”saidHospitalCorpsman
1st Class Krystle Batey Kearsarge’s Sailor of the Year “It reminds us of the importance of our mission and thelegacywe’reupholding.”
The visit to the Kearsarge’snamesaketown is part of an ongoing effort to connect the ship’s crew with the legacy of their vesselandthecommunities it represents The current Kearsarge is the sixth U.S. Navy ship to bear the name, which dates back to a Civil War-era vessel that hunted Confederate raiders “As sailors, we’re often focused on our day-today duties,” said Aviation Ordnanceman 3rd Class Abigail Morris, the Kearsarge’s Junior Sailor of the Year “But coming here and seeing how much the Kearsarge means to these veterans and their families puts it all in perspective.”
Forthesailors thechance to engage with local veterans during their time in Warner held special meaning “The American Legion posts here have welcomed uswithopenarms,”saidBoatswain’sMate 1st Class Jasmine Huweart, Kearsarge’s Senior Sailor of the Year “Sharing a meal and hearing their stories is a privilege that strengthensthebondbetweenourshipand this community.” The connections forged during the trip extended beyond the formal Veterans Day observances On the final evening, the Kearsarge crew joined members of American Legion Post 39 in Warner for a special dinner, an opportunity to further strengthen the ties between the ship and its namesake community
“To see this connection continue year after year, with crews coming to experiencethesamethings,istrulyamazing,”said Command Master Chief Charles Horgan. “It means so much to this community, and you can feel that in the stories they share.” USS Kearsarge is currently undergoing a depot-level maintenance availability at BAE Systems Norfolk Ship Repair in Norfolk Virginia.Theextensiveoverhaulis focusedonmodernizingtheship’ssystems and capabilities to support its continued roleinexpeditionarywarfareandamphibiousoperationsaspartoftheNavy-Marine Corps team.
On iberty
VCW Tidings of Destruction returns to Norfolk on Dec. 7
Virginia Championship Wrestling’s seasonal event Tidings of Destruction is set to return on Saturday, December 7 at the Norfolk Masonic Temple The show will feature six matches intotal,includingaTidingsofDestructionDerbyfortheVCW Liberty Championship and a Virginia Heavyweight Championshipmainevent.
At VCW Liberty Lottery in July Joseph Keys was set to defend his Virginia Heavyweight Championship in a Triple Threat match that also included “The Hoss of all Hosses” Devantes and “Greek God” Papadon. Unfortunately, Devantes was involved in a car accident prior to the match and was not medically cleared to compete This led to Papadon capturing thetitleafterpinningKeys DevantesmadehisreturnatVCW GraveConflictinOctober,answeringPapadon’sTrialsofOlympus Open Challenge and winning the Virginia Heavyweight Championshipforthefirsttimeinhiscareer
NowDevantesissettomakehisfirstchampionshipdefense at VCW Tidings of Destruction against Keys This will be Keys’ first rematch for the title after losing it in the aforementionedmatchatVCWLibertyLottery.Onemustspeculatethat Devantes’attentioncannotbeexclusivetoKeys,however.After atagteammatchvictorywithTheBoarand“MushMaster”Tim SpriggsinNovember,hispartnersmadeitclearthattheywant the Virginia Heavyweight Championship The Boar still has not received a rematch for the title after losing it last year and followinghis2024LibertyLotteryvictory,Spriggsannounced thathewouldbeusinghiswintochallengeforthetopprizeof theCommonwealth. Despite this, Devantes must give his undivided focus to Keys “Top G” is infamous for his in-reign prowess, reigning as Virginia Heavyweight Champion for over eight months A victoryagainstKeysonDecember7wouldsolidifyDevantesas adeservingchampion,butKeysisexpectedtodoeverythingin hispowertoregaintheVirginiaHeavyweightChampionship WhileTheBoarintendstoregaintheVirginiaHeavyweight Championship a6’6”roadblockstandsinhisway.RexLawless was on a path of domination through VCW until November 9 when he fought former WWE World Champion and current TNAWorldHeavyweightChampion,NicNemeth Aftertaking “TheWantedMan”tohislimit,Lawlesswasinevitablydefeated after being hit with three superkicks and the Danger Zone A competitiveperformanceagainstadecoratedstarlikeNemeth shouldbesomethingtocelebrate,butLawlesshasonlygrown moreangryandmotivatedfollowinghisloss Twodetermined and dominant giants are expected to take each other to the limitwhenRexLawlessandTheBoarcollideatVCWTidings ofDestruction.
As mentioned earlier, Tim Spriggs won the 2024 Liberty LotteryinJulyafteroutlasting19othermen,earningachampionshipmatchofhischoosing Heannouncedthathewouldbe challengingfortheVirginiaHeavyweightChampionship,buthe stillhasnotstatedwhenthatmatchwouldbe Heisscheduledto appearontheLouliesLoungeatVCWTidingsofDestruction, hostedbyTimLoulies Afterayearofincredibleperformances including a spring match against former WWE and UFC star Matt Riddle, Spriggs has more than earned his championship match.LoulieshopestoreportwhenSpriggsplansonclaiming hischampionshipopportunity
Hyena Hera’s VCW winning streak came to an end on November 9 after losing a hard-fought match against Erica Leigh.SimilartoRexLawlesswithhislossagainstNicNemeth, Hera’sdefeathasonlymadeherbecomemoreangryandmore dangerous ShelookstogainmomentumwithawinonDecember 7 against Megan Meyers in her VCW debut. Meyers is a seven-yearveteranandtrainedintheNightmareFactoryunder current WWE Champion Cody Rhodes and 20-year veteran QTMarshall.WithMeyerslookingtoimpresstheVCWaudi-
Chris Van Vliet (CVV) Wrestling podcaster extraordinaire
the mold interview, so much to be
Greetings fellow readers and friends I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!IamverythankfulthatIhave had the pleasure and privilege to have been and continue to be the sports and entertainment writer for the Flagship Newspaper, going on now for over 15 years. I look forward to another 15 years of serving you with entertaining interviews, great anecdotes and breaking news in the world of sportsandentertainment.
With us today is four-time Emmy Award winning TV host, Content Creator Podcaster,YouTuber,Inc.500entrepreneur, friendandfellowGreekCanadian,ChrisVan Vliet,whosepodcast“InsightwithChrisVan Vliet” and his YouTube channel are breakingeveryrecordpossible Asofthiswriting, Chris’sYouTubechannelhasamindblowing 218,250,171views! As Chris says on his website at https:// podcast.chrisvanvliet.com/heis“ obsessed with reverse engineering the mindsets and habits of world class performers. Each episode features in-depth conversations withtopathletes,celebrities,entrepreneurs and thought leaders If they are the best at whattheydo,CVVwantstogettheirinsight andhelpyouapplyittoyourownlife.”
Itisthismindsetthatmademefallinlove with Chris’s podcast. The more I listen, the moreIenjoyhisamazing“InsightwithChris Van Vliet podcast. And I love how Chris endseveryoneofhispodcastswiththesame question to the guest and that is, what are three things that the guest is thankful for? And so I decided to reach out to Chris and interview him, reverse the roles if you will andIpurposelychosetodoitonThanksgivingDay,thedaythatweareallthankfuland gratefulforsomethinginourlives.
Just about every famous professional
wrestler has appeared on Chris’s podcast andonceonit,theyarealwaysverycomplementary to Chris and how thankful and grateful they are to be on it. That in itself speaks volumes about this happy go lucky, caring, respectful, thoughtful, knowledgeableyoungman.Hereisourinterview
Yiorgo: Chris, thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview I am indeed verythankfulforyou.Wewillstartwithyour own question first. When you woke up this morning,whatarethethreethingsthatyou aregratefulfortoday?
Chris Van Vliet: I love that question so muchandthereasonwhyIdothatquestion attheendofeachepisodeisbecauseIwant people who are listening or watching the interviews to realize that the people I am talkingtowhoaresomeofthemostsuccessfulpeopleonthefaceoftheplanet,aregratefulforsomeofthesamethingsthateachand everypersonhas Iwantthepeopletoframe intheirmind ohwow,thatpersonwhoisso successful is thankful for something I have inmylife
FormeNumberone:Iamalwaysgrateful for my family, super grateful for my beautiful wife Rachel, our two equally beautiful daughters and my parents I am super grateful for them. Number two: I am grateful for our health and for everyone around me for having their health. I always come backtothisquote “Thewellmanhasthousandsofproblemsandthesickmanhasone. Number three: Just really grateful for the opportunities We live in a time right now where Yiorgo, you and I are talking from one side of the country to the other in real time like we are sitting next to each other right now and I love that it exists I love that we are living in a time when we have asupercomputerinourpocket,thatallows
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
The NHTSA offers winter weather driving tips ahead of the busy holiday travel season
ByNationalHighwayTrafficSafety Administration
Whetherit’ssnow sleetorice winterweather cancauseextremelydangerousroadconditions In2022therewere498fataltrafficcrashes,and anestimated32,213injurycrashesthatoccurred when there was snow/sleet conditions at the timeofthecrash Preparingyourself andyour vehicle forwinterweatheriskey.
The Basics
Slow down. It’s harder to control or stop your vehicle on a slick or snow-covered surface In fact, 2022 there were an estimated 153,620 police reported traffic crashesthatoccurredwhentherewassnow/ sleet conditions at the time of the crash. On the road, increase your following distance enough so that you’ll have plenty of time to stopforvehiclesaheadofyou.
Don’tcrowdasnowplowortravelbeside the truck. Snow plows travel slowly make wide turns, stop often, overlap lanes, and exittheroadfrequently Ifyoufindyourself behindasnowplow,stayfarenoughbehind itandusecautionifyoupasstheplow.
What to Do in an Emergency
If you are stopped or stalled in wintry weather, stay focused on yourself and your passengers,yourcar,andyoursurroundings
Stay with your car and don’t overexert yourself
Let your car be seen. Put bright markers on the antenna or windows and keep the interiordomelighton.
Be mindful of carbon monoxide poisoning Make sure your exhaust pipe is clear of anysnowandrunyourcaronlysporadically just long enough to stay warm. Don’t run your car for long periods of time with the windowsuporinanenclosedspace
Astheoutsidetemperaturedrops sodoes tireinflationpressure.Makesureeachtireis filled to the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendedinflationpressure,whichisinyour owner’smanualandonalabellocatedonthe driver’ssidedoorframe Donotinflateyour tires to the pressure listed on the tire itself That number is the maximum pressure the tirecanhold,nottherecommendedpressure fortheyourvehicle
Inspect your tires at least once a month andbeforelongroadtrips
It’s best to check the tires when they’re cold,meaningthattheyhavenotbeendriven onforatleastthreehours
Checkeachtire’sage Somevehiclemanufacturers recommend replacing tires every sixyearsregardlessofuse
An inspection is not just about checking tire pressure and age Remember to check foranydamageorconditionsthatmayneed attention, and check the spare tire, too When checking the tread and sidewalls, lookforanycuts,punctures,bulges,scrapes, cracks or bumps You also want to look for the built-in wear bar indicators or use a quarter to help determine when it’s time to replaceyourtires Forthequartertestinsert aquarterintoyourtreadgroove Ifthetread doesn’t touch George Washington’s head, youshouldthinkaboutreplacingyourtires.
If you find tire damage, take your vehicle to atireserviceprofessional.
Considerinstallingsnowtires,butbefore buying new tires, visit NHTSA’s Tires page (online at https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle-safety/tires)toreviewtiresafetyratings
The Uniform Tire Quality Grading System (UTQGS) lets you compare tire treadwear traction performance and temperature resistance
Car Seats
In colder weather, parents typically dress their children in winter coats But it’s important to know that heavy coats can interfere with the proper harness fit on a child in a car seat. When your child will be securedinacarseat,pickthin,warmlayers, and place blankets or coats around your child after the harness is snug and secure forextrawarmth.
Also,makesurecarseatsandboosterseats areproperlyinstalledandthatanychildren ridingwithyouareintherightseatfortheir ages and sizes See NHTSA’s child passengersafetyrecommendationstofindtheright seat for your child’s age and size You can visit NHTSA’s Child Car Seat Inspection StationLocatortofindafreecarseatinspection site near you, or to get information on virtualinspections.
When the temperature drops so does batterypower.Incoldweather gasolineand diesel engines take more battery power to start, and electric and hybrid-electric vehicles’ driving range can be reduced. Have a mechanic check your battery, charging system, belts, and for any other needed repairsorreplacements
Safety Technologies
Familiarize yourself with the safety technologies on your vehicle and how
tips for celebrating your pup
It’snosecret-peoplelovetheirpets Last yearalone,peoplespent$147billionontheir pets accordingtotheAmericanPetProducts Association,whichincludedthrowingwhat hasturnedintooneofthehottestinviteson social media these days: pet parties There have been more than 1 million posts using #DogBirthday to show off these celebrations With dog birthday parties and adoptions being celebrated across the country, entertainmentideascanbeborrowedfromregular parties - but the special guests will need to be taken into account when planning a partydesignedforpooches Plan a pup party with these tips from MindyWeiss,abest-sellingauthorandevent plannerfornotablecelebrityclients.
Plan for a Place to Play
When hosting a dog party make sure thereisplentyofspaceforthepupstoplay, whether it’s a fenced yard or a large indoor area. The more room they have to zoom around, the happier (and safer) everyone will be Keep the dogs entertained with activities like a ball pit, kiddie pool or basket of tennis balls If you’re feeling ambitious, hide treats around the yard for the dogs to find. It’s a great way to keep their tails wagging and their minds engaged while they have a blast.
Personalize Party Details
Subtleaccentscanelevateanyparty Pick
a theme that can come to life through the decoranddetails,suchasa“retrodogdisco,” where both the humans and dogs can dress up Smalltoucheslikepersonalizeddogtags or themed water bowls and dog treats can makeanypetpartyamemorableevent.
Avoid Party Crashers
Whenguestsanddogsaremovingindoors andout,alongside(oftenmessy)food,flying insects will likely try to sneak their way in.
That’s why no party is complete without this top pet party essential - the STEM
Attracts and Traps Flying Insects Light Trap It is people- and pet-friendly when used as directed, insecticide-free and uses asoftUVlighttoattractflyinginsectswitha dual-sided,refillablecartridgetotrapthem. It can also be used throughout the home in kitchens, garages, around pet feeding stations and more.
Remember the Pup Parents
Don’tforgetaboutthehumans Whilethe dogs are the guests of honor, the humans might also enjoy a nibble Consider staying on theme with mini hot dogs, bone-shaped pretzelsor“puppop”cakepops
Bring on the Besties
Just like humans have best friends dogs dotoo.Beforesendingoutinvites,makesure theguestlistincludesdogsthatarefriendly with your pup and play well with others A littlepre-partycheckcanhelpensureeveryonehasagoodtime
LEFT: Use the quartertest to checkyourtire tread insert a quarterintoyourtread groove If the tread doesn’t touch George Washington’s head,you should thinkabout replacingyourtires (PHOTOSCOURTESYNHTSA)
they perform in wintry conditions Know
whether your vehicle has an antilock brake system and learn how to use it properly Antilock brake systems prevent your wheels from locking up during braking If youhaveantilockbrakes,applyfirm,continuouspressuretothebrakepedal.Ifyoudon’t haveantilockbrakes youmayneedtopump your brakes if you feel your wheels starting to lock up For more information on driver assistance technologies, visit NHTSA.gov/ DriverAssistTech.
Floor Mats
Due to slushy winter conditions you might consider switching out your usual floor mats for thicker material or rubbery ones Improperlyinstalledfloormatsinyour vehicle could interfere with the operation oftheacceleratororbrakepedal,increasing the risk of a crash. Follow the manufacturer’sinstructionsformatinstallationanduse retention clips to secure the mats Always use mats that are the correct size and fit for yourvehicle
Check your headlights, brake lights, turn signals, emergency flashers and interior lights Be sure to also check your trailer brakelightsandturnsignals,ifnecessary Windshield Wipers
Youcanquicklygothroughalotofwindshield wiper fluid in a single snowstorm. Make sure your vehicle’s reservoir is full of high-quality “winter” fluid with de-icer before winter weather hits Make sure defrosters and all windshield wipers work and replace any worn blades Consider installing heavy-duty winter wipers if you liveinanareathatgetsalotofsnowandice Cooling System
Make sure you have enough coolant in your vehicle, and that it meets the manufacturer’s specifications See your vehicle owner’s manual for recommendations Check the cooling system for leaks, test the coolant,anddrainorreplacetheoldcoolant Youmayalsowanttovisityourmechanic foratune-upandaskthemtocheckforleaks badly worn hoses, or other needed parts,
Stock Your Vehicle
Carry items in your vehicle to handle common winter driving-related tasks, and supplies you might need in an emergency, including: asnowshovel,broom,andicescraper; abrasive material (sand or kitty litter), in caseyourvehiclegetsstuckinthesnow; jumper cables flashlight, and warning devices(flaresandemergencymarkers); firstaidkit,includingtourniquet; blanketsforprotectionfromthecold;and acellphoneandcharger,water,food,and anynecessarymedicine
Gas Up or Plug It In
Keepyourgastankclosetofullwhenever possible Similarly in the case for electric and hybrid-electricvehicles itisimportantkeep your battery charged and to also minimize thedrainonthebattery Ingeneral,batteries withliquidelectrolytehavereducedenergy storage and delivery capabilities at lower temperatures,whichiswhymostallvehicle batteries use battery power for self-heating in low temperatures. The battery drain due toheatingcanbeminimizedbykeepingyour electric vehicle as warm as possible during freezing temperatures A common way to do this is plugging your vehicle in at night during the winter keeping the battery in itsoptimaltemperatureranges.
Plan Your Route
Check your local weather and traffic reports before heading out. If your roads are not in good shape consider postponing non-essential travel until the roads are cleared. If you do have to go out, make sure youarepreparedincaseyoubecomedelayed while traveling If making a long road trip whenwinterweatherisforecasted,consider leaving early or changing your departure to avoid being on the roads during the worst ofthestorm. Familiarize yourself with directions and mapsbeforeyougo—evenifyouuseaGPS— and let others know your route and anticipated arrival time On longer trips, plan enoughtimetostoptostretch,getsomething toeat,checkyourphone,andchangedrivers orrestifyoufeeldrowsy
Check for Recalls
NHTSA’s Recalls Look-up Tool lets you enteravehicleidentificationnumber(VIN) to quickly learn if your vehicle has a critical safety issue that has not been repaired, and howtogetthatrepairdoneforfree Youcan also download NHTSA’s SaferCar app and enteryourvehicleandequipmentinformation.Ifarecallisissued,you’llgetanalerton yourphone
Avoid Risky Driving Behaviors
You know the rules: Do not text or drive distracted; obey posted speed limits; and always drive sober Both alcohol and drugs can impair safe and responsible driving by affecting things such as coordination, judgment, perception, and reaction time And remember:alwayswearyourseatbelt.
International Greek superstar singer Glykeria will perform Thanksgiving night at Greektown Square in Baltimore, shares her life story
(Editor’s note) This interview with Glykeria was conductedinGreekbyYiorgoandtranslatedinEnglish
ApolloniaProductionsisveryproudtopresentonThanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28, 2024 at Greektown Square in Baltimore, Maryland the world renown, Greek superstar singing sensation, who has captivated her loyal fans for over 40 years the one and only Glykeria as well as world famous Greek lyre player and singer Nikos Zoidakis This one night show also features Charis Makris and The EthnikBandProjectF.Theshowiscurrentlyontheir2024 North American Tour that has taken them to New York, Boston, Toronto, Atlantic City, Pittsburgh and now Baltimore.
ForticketpricesandalltheinfoonanunforgettableGreek night as if you have traveled to Greece, at a Greek nightclub filled with music, songs, dancing and so much more call Tony at (443) 794-9195 or go to https://dcgreeks.com/ event_display.asp?EventID=2024112801
Yiorgo: Thank you so much Glykeria for agreeing to do thisinterview.Itisindeedahugehonorandpleasuretotalk with you today. I had all your records, cassettes, and cds as theywouldcomeout.Iworethemalloutplayingthemand enjoying them over and over Your show is the most anticipatedeventoftheyear Tellus,theaudiencethatwillcome toyourshow,whatwilltheyseeandhear?Whatsongswill yousing?
Glykeria: Thank you so much Yiorgo It is my honor to do this interview with you. We want everyone attending to come prepared to have a lot of fun. We are a group with a large orchestra that includes myself, Nikos Zoidakis from theislandofCretewhosingsandplaysthelyreandperforms many Cretan songs but also other types of songs as well. I mainlysingsongsfrommypersonalrepertoire’searlydays Most of these have become hits And of course we place great emphasis on Greek folk music because first of all, we love it very much. We also know that our Greek friends here in America, hold onto these memories and traditions fromtheirgrandparentsorparentswhohaveinheritedthe Greekmusic,theyalsoloveitandknowthefolksongsthemselves So it’s a program with different songs: from Cretan, to contemporary, to folk music where people will have fun and we bring that atmosphere and zest for life of Greece to thevenueforeveryonetolisten,danceandhaveagreattime Y:CanyoutellusmoreaboutMr.NikosZoidakis?
G:Nikos Zoidakis is a world famous very talented musician who plays the Cretan lyre and sings classical Cretan pieces alongside numerous mantinades or mostly humorousfour-lineversesbasedonsituationsthathehasencountered. Mantinades are created within seconds depending oncircumstances Mr Zoidakisalsosingssomenon-Cretansongsthatothers might have sung before yet mostly focuses on traditional Crete tunes accompanied by his lyre naturally, as well as our orchestra. He also has four members forming his own band and collaborating seamlessly together alongside our othermusicians There’sevenonegirlamongthemplaying the santouri, a hammered dulcimer, essential for performingthosemoretraditionalnumbers,thatmakesforsuchan enjoyablelineupandatrulyentertainingshow.
Y:AlsoperformingintheshowareMr CharisMakrisand TheEthnikBandProjectF.Whatcanyoutellusaboutthem?
G:Charisismylong-timecollaboratorwhohasbeenwith me for many years now. He is truly a great singer who will beperformingwell-lovedsongsbyeveryone;he’saversatile singer performing beautiful tunes participating actively in the program and singing alongside me too. He is younger thanbothmeandZoidakis WealsohaveourmaestroStelios Fotiavisleadingouramazingorchestrawhowillbeplaying allkindsofGreekmusic,everythingfrom:Cretan,tofolk,to modernfeaturingvariousinstrumentslikebouzouki,guitar, violin, accordion, piano, percussion and drums—I hope I haven’tforgottenanything It’squiteanimpressiveorchestraoverall!
AndsinceinBaltimorewearenotconfinedwithintheater settings, where audiences sit below merely watching us perform, instead, those attending Thursday night will be abletodanceandenjoythemselvesfully Thisreallycreates afantasticatmosphere,filledwithlotsoflovelyGreeksongs and offering those attending an unforgettable, once-in-alifetimeexperience
Y:Speaking of the island of Crete, I believe your roots go backtoCrete correct?
G: Yes indeed, our family roots are deeply tied to Crete so yes—you guessed right—I do hail from Crete myself: My grandfatheronmymother’ssidewasoriginallyfromthere, followed closely behind by my father being likewise from there.AndIhavefamilymembersthatwereoriginallyfrom AlikarnasoinAsiaMinor.
Y:So where were you born? Where did your mom & dad comefrom?HowdidtheyendupatAgioPnevma?
G: I was born in Serres, specifically the Agio Pnevma region.Ilivedthereuntiltheagetenbeforemovingawayand settling down within our province of Serres then relocatingagaintowardsthelarger,urbancenter,thecityofThessaloniki Originally my parents lived in the nearby villages and they walked frequently, eventually meeting each other duringtheGreekfestivals,fallingdeeplyinloveandeventuallymarrying.Theyfirstgavebirthtomeandfiveyearslater myyoungerbrotherwasborn.
Y: I was born in Dafia, next to Kalloni on the island of Lesvos(Greece.)IknowyouhavevisitedmyislandofLesvos As a matter of fact, I saw you perform in Kaloni about 15 years ago You were absolutely incredible Everyone loved youandadoredyou!
G: Absolutely, yes indeed, I’ve played numerous times at Kaloni, Skala Kalloni at the celebration of the Sardines Festival, additionally I have performed on countless occasions at various places around Lesvos itself On a personal note in regards to your island of Lesvos, I have also done a pilgrimage to Saint Taxiarchis Monastery located near the town of Mantamados as well as another Monastery that of SaintRafael.
Y:That’ssowonderful.Godblessyou.Thankyoufordoing that.Iamcuriousastowhatdrewyouintobecomingavocalist and which singers inspired you during your childhood days?
G:AsachildIwouldlistentotheradioandtotherecords thatmyfatherwouldplayontherecordplayer IlovedlisteningtopredominantlytraditionalGreeksongsandespecially thosesongsbroughtovertoGreecebyrefugeesoriginating from Asia Minor Those songs have impacted the overall musical landscape of Greece shaping the contemporary Hellenicsoundscapetoday.
Howevermykeyreasonbehindmyinterestinmusicand singing stemmed from the fact that my father possessed remarkablevocalabilities HewasalsoachanterintheGreek church that was located literally across the street from our house HisByzantinehymn-singingwasamazing,hisvoice resonating beautifully through the church and out into the courtyard. Although my father never pursued singing professionally he would have been a great singer if he did. My mother was equally talented in her singing. When they sang together, they complemented each other in beautiful harmony. They also greatly enriched other people’s lives, fosteringconnectionsthroughsonggatherings,celebrating joyousmomentsamidstcommunityfestivitiesthattheyheld
frequently inviting neighbors to partake in the merriment with everyone showcasing their talents displayed collectively and generating unforgettable memories that forged deepbonds,lastinglifetimesbeyondthemeresongsthatwe wouldallsingtogether
So it was that initial exposure, derived from those interactions that I witnessed firsthand observing my then elders, revealing joyously, engaging in spirited renditions of predominantly rebetika styles (the Greek version of the Blues,) and infused with Asia Minor musical influences. This formed the foundation and subsequent appreciation of music and singing and it cultivated further and fueled my desire to pursue singing, with our entire family moving to Athens, (the capital of Greece) that ultimately led me to whereIamtoday.
G: Yes I do but I don’t know how to tell you the titles becauseIdon’tknowthelanguagewellenough;Ionlyknow very little English. But I love the sound; I love the dynamics;Ilovetheenergythesemusicshavebecausenowthere’s something more modern; there are probably many genres now too Blues is something else that appeals greatly to me because they resemble our rembetika and smyrneika emotionallysomuch.Ilistentoeverything—Imeanthere’s no restriction on my part—let’s say maybe I’ll hear various songs by different singers, if their voice pleases me, then I willlistentoit.
Y:There are many famous Greek singers musicians that you have worked closely with I’d like to mention several names and I am curious what your initial thought is upon hearingeachname Thefirstoneis:GeorgeDalaras
G:IadoreGeorge Heprovidedopportunitiesformeatthe beginningofmycareer Weoftencollaboratedonnumerous occasions working together and sharing stages and great memories Iimmenselycherishhimanddeeplyappreciate hisartistry Y:AntonisRemos?
G:Antonisisasignificantcontemporaryfigure possessing immense vocal prowess We have collaborated frequently we enjoy a mutual admiration of our work and we worked harmoniously together showcasing our songs that have aired regularly via Spiros Papadopoulos’ show, “Stin Eyia Mas” featuring both Antonis & myself performing jointly andcreatingunforgettable,memorableexperiencesalike…
International Greek superstarsingerGlykeria. (COURTESYPHOTO)
G:MyadorationrunsdeeptowardsMikis I truly revered him immensely beyond his historical significance His musical legacy thathehasleftbehind,Ipersonallyamvery fortunate that we have worked together on multiple instances crafting renditions and original songs We primarily focused on folk compositions, a double album project realizing dreams alongside him and revealingheartwarmingnarrativesthatheshared throughout his lifetime filled with exiles, engagingremarkablepersonalitiesglobally, hosting concerts everywhere—all inspiring. Mikis is a deeply respected individual deservingtheutmostadmirationindeed
G: I’ve collaborated closely with Marinella. She’s a phenomenon, maintaining vocal strength, managing skillfully and balancing age-related challenges Marinella is an exceptionalartistwhocontinuestoinspireothersandIam hoping for her recovery soon, restoring her health entirely Amen—
G:YesIhavecollaboratedwithBobby.Hedoesextensive summer tours showcasing his vast repertoire of predominantly focusing on the Rembetiko style Bobby also has a particularlyaristocraticstyle fittingperfectlyandresonating nostalgiabyinvokingbelcantoqualities Heisanexceptionallyskilledworkerandatalentedvocalistwhoundoubtedly shinesbrightamongsthispeers
Y: One question I love asking everyone is what’s something incredible when thinking back on how you’re just a little girl from Agio Pnevma who managed to do all of this? Do you sometimes pinch yourself saying “Did this actually happentome?”
G: I do understand your question very well what you’re asking—it’s just that there’s nothing spectacular for me in response here… What happened to me was as if…it was meantformypath…Inotherwords—Ienjoypeopleaccepting who I am and understanding what kind of artist I am along with how I sing How can I explain it? Because I’ve been born into this road—it feels almost like all of it was expected by me Back then when I rose up in the musical world, things weren’t planned out so meticulously—they were spontaneous events—we made lots of albums since records were still selling quite well back then—I sold many records myself—we released an album every year during thosetimes—thealbumsleftbehindsomemajorhitsknown byeveryonetoday—butwedidn’tplanthingsoutastheydo now—we didn’t plan ahead saying “We’ll make such-andsuch” or “How will we turn?” Everything was done spontaneously—as demanded by those times—and now those timesrequiredifferentthings—theyneedstudy—theyneed planning—andeveryonedoesthisnowadays…butluckilyI’ve completedonecyclealreadyduringanotherera…Ihavebeen recognizedworldwideandlovedbypeopleeverywhere. Yiorgoisanarts,entertainmentandsportswriter Astage,TV andmovieactor,heisalsoasportsentertainer,educator,motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.
Classic dessertsthat combine Christmases pastand present
Source: Culinary.net
If holidaygatherings have started to feel moreoverwhelming than celebratory,it’stimetogobacktothe basicswithseasonaldessertsthatareeasyyetelegant. Wowyour crowd this year with amouthwatering HummingbirdCakeor CoconutCakethat call to mind holidayspastwithoutrequiringhoursspentinthekitchen (likegrandma used to do). Or fora classic take on an old favorite,theseChristmasCinnamonCookiescanevenlet the kiddosget involved -justmakethe doughthenhave yourlittlehelpersusetheirfavoritecookiecutterstomake festiveshapesbeforetheovendoestherestofthework. Find these recipes and morefrom“Cookin’ Savvy”at Culinary.net.
Recipe courtesyof“Cookin’Savvy”
Heatovento350F. In mixingbowl, mixspice mixand sugar.Blend in yogurt,eggsandpineapple.Inseparatebowl,mixpecans, flourandbutterthenaddtocakemixture. Greasetwo8-inchcakepanswithbutter.Pourhalfthe mixtureintoeachpanthenbake45minutes.Coolonrack beforeicing
To makefrosting: In mixingbowl, mixbutter, cream cheese and heavy whipping cream. Slowly blend in powderedsugar Icecakethendecoratewithpecans,ifdesired.
Coconut Cake
Recipe courtesyof“Cookin’ Savvy”
Frosting: 1stickbutter,softened
Greasetwo8-inchcakepanswithbutter.Pourhalfthe mixtureintoeachpanandbake45minutes.Coolonrack beforeicing
To make frosting: In mixing bowl,mix butter,cream cheese andheavy whipping cream. Slowly blend in powderedsugar Icecakethenpatshreddedcoconutgentlyintoicing
Christmas Cinnamon Cookies
In mixing bowl,combine flour,cinnamon, ginger, cloves, sugar,brown sugar and egg to makedough. If doughistoo drytoform intoball, addwater.Forminto logandwrapinparchmentpaper.Refrigerate1hour. Heatovento350F. Rolldoughoutandcutintoshapeswithcookiecutters Place on cookie sheetcovered in parchment paperand bake8-10minutes.Let cool on rack then dustwith powderedsugar,ifdesired.
How to schedule an appointment using the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal
FALLS CHURCH, Va Navigating your healthcare appointments at military hospitals and clinics is convenient with the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal’s scheduling feature.
“The scheduling feature allows you to managemostofyourmedicalappointments online,whetherit’sonasmartphone,tablet, orcomputer,”saidU.S.PublicHealthService Cmdr Minh Doan, patient portal solution ownerattheDefenseHealthAgency Here’showyoucantakefulladvantageof theschedulingfeature.
Step 1: Log in
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Note: Access to the MHS GENESIS PatientPortalrequiresaDSLogon,Common Access Card, or Personal Identity Verification. If you don’t have a DS Logon, you can registerforoneontheportalsitebyclicking “CreateNewAccount.”
For issues accessing the patient portal with your DS Logon, contact the DMDC CustomerContactCenterat800-368-3665
Help is available Monday through Friday from5a.m.to5p.m.PT
Have more questions about logging in to the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal? Check out “How To Access Your MHS GENESIS PatientPortal”ontheTRICARENewsroom.
Step 2: Navigate to Appointments
Once you’re logged in, look for the “Appointments” tab This section allows youto:
See all your upcoming and past appointments
Reschedule or cancel existing appointments Click “Schedule Appointment” to begin. Looking to schedule an appointment for a family member? Select the name of the persontheappointmentisfor
Step 3: Select the appointment by Provider
or Appointment Type
There are two options available when scheduling an appointment: by Provider or byAppointmentType
By Provider: If you’ve already seen a provider,theirnamewillappearatthetopof the provider list. You can choose a provider from the larger list of available providers After selecting your provider you’ll need to selecttheAppointmentType
By Appointment Type: Choosing the right type of care ensures you’re matched with the appropriate provider Click on the cell and a dropdown list will show available appointment types to choose from Forexample,youcanchooseafamilymedicine visit for routine care or general health concerns You can also choose between an in-personortelephoneappointment.(Note: Telephonevisitsmaynotbeappropriatefor allhealthconcerns.)
After selecting the Appointment Type, you’ll be asked to select the location where you want to be seen. Search for the military hospital or clinic where you’re normally seenorwhereyouexpecttobetreated. If you can’t find your military hospital or clinic, it may be listed by another name or, it may not have appointments available toscheduleinthepatientportal.Pleasecall
thefacilitydirectlytomakeanappointment or contact your care team for more information.
Step 4: Pick a date and time
You’llseeavailabledatesandtimesforthe provider you selected, or for the appointmenttypeatthelocationyouselected.Scroll through the options to find a date and time that works best for you. MHS GENESIS allows you to select appointments based on your schedule, providing flexibility and convenience Ifyoudon’tseeatimethatworks,youcan alwayscheckbacklaterorcontactthehospitalorclinicdirectlyforavailability
Step 5: Add details about your visit
Beforefinalizingyourappointment,you’ll have the opportunity to provide additional details Youmustspecifywhyyou’rescheduling the appointment. You can also add notesforyourprovider Thisstephelpsyour care team prepare for your visit by ensuring they have all necessary information in advance You’ll also choose how you’d like to be
contacted if a follow-up is needed for your appointment.
Step 6: Confirm the appointment
Once you’ve filled in all details review your appointment to ensure everything is correct.Confirmthelocation,provider,date, and time When you’re ready, click “Book Appointment.” You can then see the details under “UpcomingAppointments.”
Step 7: Managing appointments
Need to make changes to your appointment?Simplyreturntothe“Appointments” tab From here, you can modify or cancel yourappointmentatanytime
1. Under “Upcoming Appointments,” find the appointment you want to modify Select“Options.”
2. Select “View Details,” “Reschedule appointment, or“Cancel. Rescheduling will let you change the date or time of your appointment. Cancelingwillremoveascheduledappointmentthat’snolongerneeded (Note: If you cancel, you’ll need to create a new appointment if you still need to seeyourprovider.)
3. Fill in required fields with the red asterisk.
4. Click “Send request” or “Yes, Cancel Appointment after you’ve filled in all required fields
us to connect to other people whether it’s friends or family or job opportunities and I just love that that exists I love that we have the opportunity to take that and do with it whatwewant.
America is truly a great country There’s no country in the world that has places like the Rockies beautiful Hawaii, the desert in Arizona, East Coast, West Coast, It’s such a diversecountry
Y: Welcome to fatherhood How are you enjoyingbeingadaddy?
CVV: How much time have you got? I love it so much They have changed my life in every single absolutely incredible, best possible way! I can’t imagine life without themrightnow.Theirsmilesmeltmyheart. Whatever tough guy persona I may have thoughtIhadisallcompletelygone Soyes, it’s seeing those smiles from both of them. Every single day, there’s something new to witness and be a part of and I love that my beautifulwifeRachelandIareabletoexperiencetheseincrediblemoments,thatwe’re doing this together I think that nothing’s betterthanthat.Butthere’slittlethings you know, you’ll make a funny face at them or you’ll sing them a silly song and to see the smilesback,itjustmeltsmyheart.And,you know, whatever tough guy persona that I may have thought that I had at one point in mylifeisallcompletelygone Yeah,sothat’s probablyit.It’sseeingthosesmiles
Y:Youhavejustcompleted684episodes Bravo, bravo, super congratulations What doesitfeelliketohavethataccomplishment underyourbelt?
CVV: It’s a huge number And I guess I don’t really think about the number until someone brings it up like this, because whenyou’reinitandyou’recreating,you’re just kind of thinking about what’s the next episode And then once that was finished, what’s the next one after that? I will say the most interesting part about being a podcaster YouTuber creator in general, is that you’re creating so often in a vacuum Right? It’s just you and a microphone or it’s just you and a camera. And it’s so easy to forget that on the other side of that microphone or on the other side of that camera lens is someone who is listening or watching And it’s just really cool now that we’re 684 episodes into this, and find other great conversationswithsomanytalentedpeople It’sjustreallycoolknowingthatsomeofthe storiesthatIwastoldduringtheseepisodes arethingsthatarehelpingotherpeopleout aswell.Becauseselfishly,George,IaskquestionsduringtheseinterviewsbecauseIjust genuinelywanttoknowtheanswer Igenuinelyjustwanttofigureout,picksomeone’s brain and figure out how did you get from whereyouweretowhereyouarenow?And if someone listening to that can take that littlenuggetofadviceandapplythattotheir
ownlife,Idon’tthinkitgetsanybetterthan that.
Y:Yourinterviewsareawho’swhointhe wrestling world. I know my next question willbehardtoanswerbutI’dlikeforyouto try From your interviews what would you consider to be your 4 favorite episodes that youaremostproudof?
CVV: It’s difficult because every interview means something different to me, but if I had to narrow it down, I think it’s The Rock for sure. The Rock’s got to be on thatlist.He’ssomeonewhomeantsomuch to me when I was growing up I became a massive wrestling fan during the Attitude Era in the late 90s I remember dressing up as The Rock for Halloween one year So to fast forward however many years later, to be able to interview The Rock for the first time about 11 years ago, and now I’ve interviewed The Rock like 10 times. I just don’t think you could go back to the high school version of me and tell him that story and he would believe it. Like, it’s just, you know, crazy They always say you shouldn’t meet your heroes but if your hero is Dwayne Johnson,dowhateveryoucantomeethim. He’sfantastic.SoTheRockforsure.
The next one I’m going to go with is “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Just what an absolute legend. And the one after that would be The Undertaker As you know George,TheUndertaker,thecharacter,and Mark Calloway, the human, are two very different people Yes, indeed And for me to be able to share a conversation with Mark
and to be able to talk about The Undertaker was a really cool thing to be part of Anddependingonwhoyouask,TheUndertaker is either the greatest or one of the greatest. But he’s certainly someone who’s completelychangedprowrestling Andthis is the tough thing about pro wrestling as far as who’s that fourth person going to be?
Ah, man. I’m going to go with Hulk Hogan. Because I think that he really changed the landscape of pro wrestling In the 80s, my favoritematchofalltimewasWrestlemania 18, Rock vs Hogan. I was there in Toronto. So to be able to tell him that, to be able to tell him that I was there in attendance for your favorite match, a match that meant a lot to him and his career that was cool. So yeah, there’s my four. But that’s not to say that there weren’t a whole bunch of other greatconversationsthatIlovedhaving But yeah, if I had to narrow it down to just four, thosearetheones
Y: I love how you go to the source of the interviews With that in mind, what have been some of the most challenging interviews that you did, having to go track down someoneoraclandestineoperationtomeet someone?
CVV: Well, look, the reason that I prefer to do interviews in person is because I just don’t think that anything could match the energy of being able to shake someone’s hand, give them a hug, look in their eyes, feeltheirpresence And,youknow,technology is great right now, but as good as Zoom is there’s still that tiny little delay and also
the idea that you’re looking at a computer screen.You’relookingatatwo-dimensional version of a three-dimensional person It’s justneverthesame So Iheardaquoteyears ago that has always stuck with me It was, “If you do things that other people are not willingtodo,you’regoingtogetresultsthat other people aren’t going to get.” Yeah, so I waslike,ifIcangooutofmywaytositdown inpersonanddoaninterviewwithwhoever itmightbe that’sagoodstart. So IthinktheonewhereIwentoutofmy way the most was right after Chris Jericho signedwithAEW.Andthatwashugenews Itwasthebeginningof2019whenhesigned withAEW.AndeveryonethoughtthatChris Jericho was going to stay at WWE forever And I knew Chris through a mutual friend. So,IjustshothimamessageandIsaid,“Hey, I don’t know if you’re doing any interviews about this but if you are, I see that you’re doing a live podcast about five hours from whereIlive.Ifyouhaveanytimebeforethat, I’llcomethereandI’llmeetupwithyouand wecandoaninterview. Andhesaid,“Sure, yeah. I can give you like 15 minutes.” So, I drovefivehoursfromwhereIlivedinSouth Florida to Central Florida, sat down with him and interviewed him in the back seat of his car because we didn’t have anywhere elsetodoit.Therewerefanslineduparound the building So we did the interview in the backseatofhiscar,IthankedhimandIleft. Onthewayback,Iknewthatwehadsuch goodstuff IwaswithmyfriendDaniel.Ihad Danieldrivemycarback Isatinthepassenger seat. I was editing the video because I wanted to get it up as quickly as possible because there was some real news that we broke during that interview So I’m editing the interview sitting in the passenger seat and the computer died. So we had to stop on the side of the road at some gas station or something to plug the computer in to continue editing it. Then we rushed back home to get some Wi-Fi to upload it. I wouldsaythatwasit.Aroundtrip,10hours of driving for a 15 minute interview But I thinkwithinadayortwoofitbeingup itgot amillionviews So itwaswellworthit.The proofisinthepudding right?
Editor’s Note: Next week Part II including Chris’s: huge announcement about the very first live Insight podcast the night before WWE’s Royal Rumble; InterviewingTheRockforthefirsttime;Whyshould people listen to the Insight podcast over others?; Emmy Award winning Best Sports Story episode; Life story Training to be a wrestler Becoming a journalist, Covering the Oscars on the Red Carpet and so much more.
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker writer storyteller and columnist.
ence and Hera attempting to avenge her recentloss,awiniscrucialforbothwomen. Similar to Hera, “Greek God” Papadon is determined to score a victory at VCW TidingsofDestruction.TheformerVirginia Heavyweight Champion lost his title at GraveConflictandmostrecentlylostaDirty MoneyCupfirstroundmatchinAlexandria. Twoconsecutivelossesisuncommonforthe decorated25-yearveteran.Hisopponentat the event will be the returning Ken Dixon. Dixon is a former Virginia Heavyweight Champion that defeated Papadon two
yearsagoinafatalfour-waymatchthatalso includedBrandonScottandDirtyMoney A win could give either man credibility for a futuretitleopportunity Delinquents and the Golden Pinky Society renew their rivalry at VCW Tidings of Destruction when they compete for the VCWTagTeamChampionship.“Diamond” Victor Griff earned the championship opportunityforhimselfandBenjaminBanks after pinning both Josh Fuller and Mikey Banker in a non-title Ghouls and Goblins Elimination match. A win for the Golden PinkieswouldawardthemtheirthirdVCW Tag Team Championship reign, but Delinquentsareexpectedtouseanyunderhanded tricktoensurethattheyretaintheirgold.
Saul Esparza has held onto the VCW LibertyChampionshipbyanymeansnecessary typicallythroughunderhandedtactics with the help of his manager Neil Sharkey However, he has never faced a challenge as daunting as the Tidings of Destruction Derby. Esparza will defend his title against Dirty Money Cup (DMC) winner Chris Slade, “Mr. Xcellence” Brandon Scott, CommanderKing,MyronMalone,andLDJ. The match ends when one of the six men scoresthefirstpinfallorsubmission.
adarkhorseinanunpredictablematchlike the Derby. King Malone and LDJ have all shown promise in their performances in VCW, and A VCW Liberty Championship victory would launch any of them into a new level of superstardom. The challengerscannotoverlookEsparza,however,who notably captured his championship in a multi-manmatchearlierthisyear Tickets for VCW’s final show of the year are available at vcwprowrestling.com and at the door on Saturday, December 7. The Norfolk Masonic Temple is located at 7001 GranbySt,Norfolk,VA23505 Doorsopenat 6:30p.m.withbelltimeat7:30p.m. Tidings of Destruction from Page 1
Slade is arguably the favorite of the match after winning the DMC in November Despite recent losses due to interferencefrom“TheDirector”JerryStephanitsis, Scott’sdecoratedcareerinVCWmakeshim