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CNRMA hosts training for Culinary Specialists


CNRMA Public Affairs


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Commander, NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA)hosted training for culinary specialists at the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story galleyMarch13-16. The 4-day training, led by CNRMA’s regional chef, Scott Cooper, guided Sailors through the process of preparing a variety of bread products such as pizza crust and Irishsodabread.

Cooper said the training goal is to teach culinary specialists how to utilize their resources to make a wider variety of meals fromscratchtoserveSailorsintheregion I’vebeeninthefoodserviceindustryfor about 28 years now, said Cooper “My job istomakesureweprovidethebesttraining opportunitiesforalloftheculinaryspecialists region-wide I also incorporate a lot of the [culinary specialists] into the training becausealotof[them]arejustastalented,if notmoretalentedthantheoutsideindustry professionals.”

Thetrainingalsogavetheculinaryspecialists an understanding of time management and how to work as a team alongside their shipmates.

“[I learned] how to get a lot more done in a shorter amount of time, and I enjoyed meeting new people from other galleys,” said Culinary Specialist Seaman Kimberlee Dillon, assigned to Naval Station Norfolk’s galley Pizzasmadebytheculinaryspecialistsin thetrainingwereservedforlunchaspartof thegalley’s21-daymenurotation.

Lt Gov. and First Lady honor service of Virginia’s women military veterans

Virginia Lieutenant GovernorWinsome EarleSears and First LadySuzanne S.Youngkin kicked offVirginiaWomenVeteransWeek2023with a special ceremonyon Monday,March 20 at the MilitaryWomen’s Memorial inArlington. PageA2

Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears and First Lady Suzanne S. Youngkin honor service of Virginia’s women military veterans at a special pinning event

FromTheVirginiaDepartmentof VeteransServices

ARLINGTON, Va Virginia Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears and First LadySuzanneS.YoungkinkickedoffVirginia Women Veterans Week 2023 with a special ceremonyonMonday,March20attheMilitaryWomen’sMemorialinArlington.

TheHonorableCraigCrenshaw,Virginia Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs; DanielGade,CommissioneroftheVirginia Department of Veterans Services; the Honorable Kathleen Murphy; Virginia House of Delegates; Phyllis Wilson, President of the Military Women’s Memorial, and other government and military officialsgatheredattheMemorialtohonorand recognize women military veterans from throughout the Commonwealth and present them with “Virginia Women Veterans Lead the Way” lapel pins

March 19-25, 2023 is officially Virginia

Women Veterans Week. This is the sixth consecutive year the Commonwealth has honored and recognized the more than 107,000 women veterans that call Virginia home and all women who have served our state and nation from the Revolutionary War to today. The week is part of Virginia’s month-long celebration of March as Women’s History Month. Women veter- ans are the fastest-growing segment of our Nation’sandVirginia’sveterancommunity, andVirginiaishometothelargestpercentage of women veterans per population of any state

“As a proud Marine veteran myself, it is a privilege to be here to recognize the sacrifices and accomplishments of my sister Virginia veterans today,” said Lieutenant GovernorWinsomeEarle-Searsattheceremony.“Eachofyouknewtherisksofenlisting in the armed forces where you might evenbecalledupontogiveupyourownlife, yetyoubravelydecidedtoserveyournation Today,wesaluteyouandsaythankyou.”

“Virginia’swomenveteranshavenotonly served proudly in uniform but continue to serve our Commonwealth as civilians in business,education,medicine government, in raising families and more, said Virginia’sFirstLadySuzanneS.Youngkin.“They play a vital role in making sure Virginia is thebeststateforalltolive,workandthrive It is my honor to be part of this ceremony highlighting their contributions to the Commonwealth and this great nation.”

“We are pleased to host today’s event on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia here at the Military Women’s Memorial in Arlington, saidPhyllisJ.Wilson,president oftheMemorial“TheMemorialisatribute toAmerica’sServicewomen,pastandpres- ent. One of our most important missions is to collect, preserve and share the stories of these servicewomen We encourage every woman who has or is serving today to take her rightful and visible place in history by registeringherservicewiththeMemorial.”

Additionalspecialeventscommemorating Virginia Women’s Veterans Week 2023 are plannedthroughoutthestate Formoreinformation,pleasevisitwww.dvs.virginia.gov

About the Virginia Department of Veterans Services: The Virginia Department of Veterans Services (DVS) is a state government agency with more than 40 locations across the Commonwealth of Virginia. DVS traces its history to 1928 and the establishment of the Virginia War Service Bureau to assist Virginia’s World War I veterans Today, DVS assists veterans and their families in filing claims for federal veterans benefits; provides veterans and family members with linkages to services including behavioral healthcare, housing, employment, education, and other programs The agency operates two long-termcarefacilitiesofferingin-patient skilled nursing care, Alzheimer’s/memory care, and short-term rehabilitation for veterans; and provides an honored final resting place for veterans and their families at three state veterans cemeteries It operates the Virginia War Memorial, the

Commonwealth’stributetoVirginia’smen and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice from World War II to the present. For more information, please visit www.dvs virginia.gov

About the Military Women’s Memorial: The Military Women’s Memorial is America’s only major national memorial to honor and tell the story of the some 3 million women who have served in the nation’sdefense,beginningwiththeAmericanRevolution Locatedatthemaingateto ArlingtonNationalCemetery,theMemorial andits33,000sq ft educationcentertellthe collectivestoryofmilitarywomen’sservice with exhibits, never-before-seen artifacts, period uniforms, rare photographs, video, programming and the like. The Register the very heart of the Memorial, captures preserves, and makes accessible women’s individual stories An interactive database, the Register today houses more than 306,000individualwomen’sstories Asthe remarkable story of these women patriots willneverbecompleteuntileverywoman’s story is told, the Memorial has launched a registration campaign to add 23,000 more stories in 2023 For more information, please visit womensmemorial.org,

Editorial Staff

MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm

757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil

AssistantEditor | MC2 Leo Katsareas

757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com

GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com

Contributing Staff

Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com

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