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Navy Exchange, Marine Corps Exchange customers can support Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
from Flagship 03.30.2023
Navy Exchange Service Command
Springtime brings April showers, bloomingflowersandwarmertemperatures It’salsothetimeofyearthatNEX and MCX patrons have the opportunity to assist the Navy-Marine Corps ReliefSociety(NMCRS) bypurchasing a $5 benefit ticket This year the benefit tickets will be on sale April 2 May 13atselectNEXlocationsandonlineat
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems
Command Southeast myNavyExchange.com and April 2 May2atMCXlocations.
The purchase of the $5 benefit ticket entitles customers to $5 off as well as a 5% discount applied to a one time in-store or online purchase from May 7 13 for NEX customers and April 30 May 2 for MCX customers. The discounts are good on regular sale and clearance merchandise Some exclusions apply Customers purchasing the benefit ticket online at myNavyEx-
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems
Command (NAVFAC) Southeast held a groundbreaking ceremony, March 23, for two additions to Trident Training Facility Kings Bay (TTFKB) that will directly support the U.S. Navy’s Columbia (SSBN826)classballisticmissilesubmarine(SSBN) program onboard Naval Submarine Base (NSB)KingsBay,Georgia.

This project marks the beginning of the overhaulofNSBKingBay’sinfrastructureto directly support the delivery of the Columbiaplatformlaterthisdecadeandisacritical componentinadvancingournation’sstrategicdeterrencemission.
“This effort is top priority for the Navy and Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Commandasawhole,”saidRearAdm.Lore Aguayo commander NAVFAC Atlantic.
“To ensure the successful execution of this project, NAVFAC Southeast and Kings Bay Public Works Department are leveraging several lessons learned that we took from thesuccesswerecentlyaccomplishedinthe KingsBayDryDockproject.”
The mission of TTFKB is to train officers and enlisted personnel in the necessary knowledge and skills required to build competence and proficiency in operating andmaintainingtheTridentsubmarineand allassociatedsystems
The new additions include a Strategic Systems Program (SSP) Missile Control CenterTeamTrainerandNavalSeaSystems
Referral bonuses are a cost effective and efficient recruiting method that gives MSC another avenue to compete for the best mariners in an extremely competitive market.
“We’re in a significant competition for recruiting and retention of the force,” said MSC Director, Total Force Management Gregg Pelowski. “There are a lot of job opportunities out there in the maritimeindustrywithexpectedgrowthduringtheyears ahead. MSC currently has a number of critical shipboardratings suchasChiefMatesandAbleSeaman, such that we cannot man the ships to 100 percent of requirements This is a temporary situation that impacts operations and overall morale of the workforce We are asking and giving our employees the chance to help us change that and recognize them for their efforts.”
Perhaps the best thing about the Referral Bonus Program is there is no special set of skills required. For those looking to take advantage of this program, it’s as simple as talking about what it means to be a member of MSC change.com will receive an email with a coupon code for 5% off along with an additional$5offcoupon In 2022, NMCRS assisted 42,300 clients with $45.9 million in interest-freeloansandgrants NMCRSoffers visitingnurses,budgetingforbaby,thrift shops financial education and educational assistance programs to Sailors Marinesandtheirfamilies
“Everyone can be a recruiter at MSC This is an opportunity for our employees to tell people how great it is to work for MSC and share their personal experience,” said Pelowski. “I do it everywhere I go I listen to them talk about what they want to do or dislikeintheircurrentjobandthenItellthemabout MSC Italkabouttheadventure,thebenefits,training andpromotionopportunitiesandhowyoucanserve the nation as a federal civil service mariner What’s better than recruiting your future co-workers?”
The Referral Bonus Program is expected to be implemented this summer
Command (NAVSEA) Weapons Handling SystemTeamTrainer
“The expansion of the Trident Training Facility Kings Bay will ensure the United Statesmaintainsouredgeoverourstrategic competitorsfordecadestocome,”saidRear Adm.Thomas“TR”Buchanan,commander, Submarine Group Ten. “Columbia class is ourfuture.”
NAVFAC Southeast awarded the $37.6 millioncontracttoSauerConstructionLLC ofJacksonville,FloridaonDec.30 2022.
“Sauer is involved in military constructionbecausewegettobuildthefacilitiesthat trainandsupportthegreatmenandwomen who sacrifice so