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NAS Oceana announces its 2023 Air Show
from Flagship 03.30.2023
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana will host its annual airshowSept.16and17thisyear
Leaders from NAS Oceana gathered with officials from the City of Virginia Beach to announce the air show today. The show’s thrilling lineup this year will feature the Navy’s flight demonstration team, the Blue Angels, the F-35C II Lightning Demonstration Team, and the F-22 RaptorDemonstrationTeam.
The2023NASOceanaAirShowisopen to the public, and admission and parking are free The performance schedule is underdevelopmentandwillbeannounced astheeventnears Thethemeforthisyear’s air show is 50 Years of Women in Naval Aviation
“Our theme this year pays tribute to the Navy’s women trailblazers, from ‘The FirstSix’toearntheirWingsofGold,tothe exemplaryleaderswhohavesincechosen toservetheirNationintheskies,”saidNAS Oceana commanding officer, Capt. Steve Djunaedi. “Our Nation and our Navy is strongerbecauseoftheirservice.”
Djunaedi was joined by Cmdr. Melissa Moravan, commanding officer of Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VR) 56 the “Globemasters,”featuringtheC-40AClipper VR-56’s hangar will host a variety of engaging Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities during theairshow
“The Globemasters look forward to opening our doors and welcoming the worldtoengageinahands-on,real-world STEMexperiencerightalongsidethemen and women of naval aviation,” said Moravan. “This is a great opportunity to show theworldwhatit’sliketo‘FlyNavy.’
“As a military community, Virginia Beach will always have a special kinship with those who fight to defend our freedoms,” said the City of Virginia Beach MayorBobbyDyer “TheNASOceanaAir Showisaterrificeventforfamiliesthatwe lookforwardtoeveryyear.”
The mission of the Blue Angels is to showcase the teamwork and professionalismoftheUnitedStatesNavyandMarine Corps through flight demonstrations and community outreach, while inspiring a culture of excellence and service to country Since 1946, the Blue Angels have performedformorethan450millionfans worldwide
Additional information about the 2023 NAS Oceana Air Show will be released on the air show’s website and social media page as it becomes available: www.oceanaairshow.com and www.facebook.com/ oceanaairshow. Air Show performances aresubjecttochange.
Unmanned aerial systems, commonly knownasdrones,arenotpermittedatNAS Oceana. The unauthorized use of drones canthreatenthesafetyofaircraft military personnel and nearby civilians Flying a drone within five miles of NAS Oceana, including the Oceanfront resort area, is alsoprohibited history Harrisnotedtwoofthemostrecent achievementsofwomenintheU.S.Navy:Lt Cmdr.AmandaCowanandLt AmandaLee
Cowan, a native of Colorado Springs, Colorado became the first woman to serve as executive officer on a U.S. Navy Ohioclass ballistic missile submarine, and Lee of Mounds View, Minnesota, was the first woman to join the Blue Angels team as a F/A-18E/Fdemonstrationpilot
“It’s very empowering to see that it’s not takenwomen50yearstoachievesuccessbut thatwe,aswomen,haveachievedexcellence throughoutthepast50yearsandwithmore greatachievementstocome,”saidHarris HarrisencouragesherfellowSailorsnever to let anyone tell them they cannot achieve something saying, “Success is not final and failure is not fatal, it’s the courage we have thathelpsustocontinuethroughoutlife.”
In addition to advancing in rank, Harris sharedthatherongoinggoalistobecomethe leader she desires to be, noting that growth occurs every day and that no one is perfect, andgrowthisabigpartofanavalcareer
“I strive to continue improving myself as aSailorandaleadersoIcanbettertheSailors whom I work and interact with daily,” saidHarris.
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