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NAVIFOR Celebrates Women’s History Month
from Flagship 03.30.2023
Naval Information Forces
Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) joins the Navy in celebrating Women’s History Month throughout the month of March.
NAVIFOR’s celebration of women in the Navy was held at the Hall of Heroes at the SuffolkDoDComplexMarch24 Established by Public Law 100-9, Women’s History Month was created to recognize women’s contributionsandachievementsthroughout the history of the United States. The 2023 DepartmentofDefensetheme“Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories,” is a tribute to women’s storied history in the Navy and thelegaciestheyhaveleftovergenerations
NAVIFOR is uniquely positioned to celebrate this month, as the command triad consists of an all-women leadership team.
NAVIFOR Commander Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach is the only woman Navy type commander; NAVIFOR’s Force Master Chief Laura Nunley is currently the only womanForceMasterChiefintheNavy;and Ms. Liz Nashold is the first woman deputy commanderofNAVIFOR Theyhavenearly a century of active duty and federal service betweenthem.
Nashold opened the event by highlighting the critical contributions of women to theNavy
“This month, as the history and legacy of women are celebrated across the Navy, the Department of Defense, and our nation, I can’thelpbutpersonallyreflectonhowthe inclusionofwomenhasmadeusmorecapable, more competitive, and more effective. If you look around the room today we have hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years of experiences centuries of legacies,” said Nashold. “Women active, reserve, and civilian arecriticaltoeverysinglemission, everythingwedo,aroundtheglobe Wedon’t havetolooktoofartoseehowwomen,time and again, have chosen to serve and how theirinclusionhasmadeussharper,bolder, andbetter.”
Nasholdreflectedonhowmorethan20% of the Navy’s active force now are women, serving in all capacities to defend the maritime domain, enhance the Navy’s lethality, and deter strategic competitors The Navy hasfifty-sixthousandtalentedwomenwho serveasNavycivilians Navyhistoryisfullof trailblazingpioneerswhopavedthewayfor morethan138,000women active,reserve, andcivilian servingintheNavytoday
The Navy has more women leaders in servicethaneverbefore.Twenty-twofemale admiralsand1,580femalemasterchiefsand seniorchiefpettyofficersleadfromthefront MorethanthirtypercentoftheDepartment oftheNavy’scivilianleadershipinthesenior executive service are women. Every rank is opentowomenservinginnearlyeveryNavy community,fromtheseafloortothestars.
Force Master Chief Laura Nunley introduced the event’s guest speaker, Master Chief Courtney Barber whois not only one of the Navy’s most senior enlisted women but also an accomplished Navy life coach, three-time published author, civilian life purpose coach, host of a iHeart radio show anda2022humanitarianawardwinner
“She is a polished professional and still relatableandapproachable,whichiswhatI loveabouther,”saidNunley “Noonemeets MasterChiefBarberwithoutwalkingaway leaving a better person. Her story is our story.” Barber reflected on the adversities she faced after enlisting in the Navy and while working as a young airman, to now serving asaMasterChief.
“When you walk in your purpose every day,fullofauthenticity,fullofrealness,confidence, passion, respect, humble arrogance, grace, and strength, it will NEVER matter what people think of you,” said Barber. “It will NEVER matter the conversations that arebeinghadbehindyourback.WhatWILL matteristheattentionandenergyyouwaste worrying about it and how you allow it to controlyou.
Barber shared invaluable words with everyoneinattendance
“Your struggles and your setbacks were doneonpurpose Andtheyarethestepping stonesthataregoingtopropelyoutowhere you are supposed to be in life,” said Barber “All you must do is change your mindset. If you change the way you look at things the thingsyoulookatwillchange Itisuptoyou to embrace all that you have endured and learnedthroughoutyourlifesothatyoucan useyourstory,yourtestimonytosharewith otherswhoarelookingformotivation,inspiration, and encouragement. Your story to shareisimportant.”
Vice Adm. Aeschbach closed the ceremony with a recount of her story of attending George Washington University and acceptinghercommissionasanintelligence officer in the Navy a career path that she creditstohermother,Roni,whoAeschbach noted is “pretty remarkable” and was the main driver to putting her on the path to obtainingaNavyROTCscholarship
“Everybody has a story and you need to shareyourstory Youneedtolookforopportunities to mentor and sponsor because without even realizing it you are inspiring someoneevery singleday,” saidAeschbach.
“Shareyourstory,becausethisisareallycriticaltimeforusandyouwanttokeepinspiring people to do what we do and follow behindus.”
Theeventalsoincludeda“Pow-HER-full” wall display with photos of more than 50 womennominatedbyNAVIFORpersonnel and local Information Warfare commands thatservedasinspirationalrolemodels
Information warfare is a wide-ranging community that includes communications networks intelligence oceanography, meteorology,cryptology electronicwarfare, cyberspace operations, and space experts amongmanyothers.
NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directly and through our leadership of the IW Enterprise, agile and technically superior manned, trained, equipped, and certified combat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER, COMPETE, andWIN.
FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR visit the command Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/NavalInformationForces/ or the public web page at https:// www.navifor.usff.navy.mil.