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Norfolk Mail Center received software upgrade to better serve customers
from Flagship 03.30.2023
NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) Norfolk Regional Navy Mail Center (RNMC) recently implemented an upgrade to the software they use to process mail.
RNMC Sailors, civilians and contractors received training on the new Pitney Bowes(PB)SendSuiteLiveandSendSuite
Tracking systems with the Pitney Bowes
SendPro (SP) 360 software March 6-9.
“The benefit of this software upgrade is an improved graphical user interface for clerks processing mail for best cost savings, while ensuring the customer’s special services requests are being considered,” explained NAVSUP FLC Norfolk RNMC Director of Postal Operations Tom Wilson. Previously clerks processing mail had to take extra steps to manually perform rate shopping between different carriers to find the lowest price, where the new system automatically performs that function. “Reducing carrier charges and overheadcostsareakeycomponentofthisnew software,” said Wilson. “Rate shopping capabilities enable the mail system operator to choose the most economical mail carrier and class from NAVSUP approved carriers.”
The new software also validates each shipping address automatically. This is especially helpful with foreign, Military FPO and APO addresses
“The processing clerk can now choose between multiple workstation shipping label printers rather than as before where they could only print to the attached printer,” said Wilson. He added the end of day (EOD) carrier report is no longer required to be manually performed. The EOD function is now automaticallyperformedatintervalsthroughout the day.
“Regional Navy Mail Center Norfolk now has administrative roles granted that allow appointed supervisors the ability to designate new clerks, remove departed clerks, reset passwords and add or adjustcostcenteraccountingcodes,” Wilson explained. ““Once logged in, the system tracks everything that is shipped, which is great for both metrics data gathering and clerk accountability.”
Wilson added that NAVSUP FLC Norfolk RNMC welcomes this new software rollout for continued improvement of the processes and capabilities to reduce postage cost of Navy official mail generated by supported customers throughout the Hampton Roads area.
Renita Manning uses newPitneyBowes SendPro (SP) 360 software to process mail.(PHOTOBYJIMKOHLER)
Sailor earns second consecutive SOY award
Center for Security Forces
AviationOrdnanceman1stClassKimberly Harris was selected as the Center for SecurityForces2022SailoroftheYear Sheisthe firstSailorinthecommand’shistorytobear thathonorfortwoconsecutiveyearsandone among tens of thousands of women in the Navymakingadifference
“Petty Officer Harris truly encourages others to operate at a higher level, and Sailors thrive under her leadership and mentorship as the leading petty officer at Learning Site Gulfport,” said CENSECFOR CommandingOfficerCapt.DouglasPegher “Sheisarolemodelforpeers,subordinates, andseniorsalike.”
“I was at a loss for words when I learned
I was selected as the Sailor of the Year for thesecondyearinarow,”saidHarris “Iwas convinced there was no way I could win it again, and after the announcement, I was sittingthereinshockandoverwhelmedwith afeelingofgreataccomplishment.”
Harris credits her passion for excelling in and completing whatever tasks she is assigned as what sets her apart from other candidatescompetingforthehonorofbeing selectedasthecommand’sSOY.
“Womeninmilitaryservicehaveachieved great success over the last 50 years, and we’re still doing a lot of ‘firsts’ for women,” said Harris as she reflected on the progressionofwomeninthemilitary
March is Women’s History Month, a month that recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of women throughout