Flagship 04.27.2023

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Norfolk Naval Shipyard cuts ribbon on $191 million renovation of historic Dry Dock 4

Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) cut the ribbon for the completion of its Dry Dock 4 renovation April 19 Spanning more than three years, this $191 million project will allow NNSY to continue servicing a variety of submarine classes decades into the future.

Reassure and Deter: George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group




Carrier Strike Group (CSG) - comprised of theNimitz-classaircraftcarrierUSSGeorge H.W. Bush (CVN 77), Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26, the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55), and the Information Warfare Commander returnedtoNorfolk,April23

ThestrikegrouparrivedintheEuropean theaterinAugustoflastyear,projectingU.S. and Allied power and deterring aggression by training and operating with allies and partnersfornearlyeightmonths

Further showcasing the U.S.’s ironclad commitment to NATO, George H.W. Bush CSG hosted NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg while under NATO command for the vigilance activity Neptune Strike (NEST)22.2.

“This carrier sends a powerful message ofAllieddeterrenceeveryday,”Stoltenberg said during his visit. “A perfect example of thetransatlanticbond EuropeandNorth AmericaworkingtogetherinNATO.

Stoltenberg said the George H.W. Bush

CSG’s participation in the vigilance activitydemonstratedourabilitytorapidlyreinforce our Allies and project power across theAlliance He added, “NATO’s strength helps to prevent any miscalculation by sending a clear message: NATO will protect and defendeveryinchofAlliedterritory.”

In addition to NEST 22.2 and NEST 23.1, the strike group played a key role in major events with allies and partners throughout deploymentincluding:

„ Dualandtri-carrieroperationsfivetimes in theater with ESPS Juan Carlos I, ITS Cavour andtheFrenchCarrierStrikeGroup withFSCharlesdeGaulle;

„ ExerciseMareAperto22-2;

„ Exercise Juniper Oak, the largest U.S.Israelimilitaryexerciseinhistoryinsupport ofU.S.CentralCommandandU.S.5thFleet whileassignedtoU.S.6thFleet;

„ ExerciseHemexOrion;

„ ExerciseDynamicManta;

„ Shipboard exercises and events with ITS Caio Duilio, HRV Dubrovnik, ALS Butrinti and ALS Lissus, ITS Carabiniere, ITS VirginioFasan,andTCGGungorDurmas;

„ Two iterations of the Spanish Tactical

Leadership Program (TLP) for Carrier Air Wing(CVW)7personnel;

„ TheAthensInternationalAirShow;

„ TheEURONAVALTradeShowinParis;

„ Thirty-five key leader engagements five major receptions and protocol events in Crete, Croatia Italy France and Greece which included more approximately 1,536 visitorstotheaircraftcarrieralone;

„ MultiplepressconferencesinNATOport visitstoreassurehostnationaudiencesand reinforce existing relationships for future maritime operations and international stability

Rear Adm. Dennis Velez, commander George H.W. Bush CSG and his major commandersandsubordinateunitscontinuously engaged senior military and civilian leaders throughout the region to increase unity of effort within the Alliance through 21stCenturyMaritimeDiplomacy.

“Since the beginning of our Navy, we have been seagoing diplomats I have operated that way throughout my entire career and our Sailors represented U.S. and Allied interestsincrediblywellthroughoutdeployment, Velezsaid.“Thetrustourstrikegroup built with our Allies and partners is our

competitive advantage as an Alliance Our teamwork increased our collective capability and deterred our adversaries, which I believe helped prevent expansion of war intoNATOterritory.”

George H.W. Bush is the flagship of CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W. Bush, CVW-7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26, the Information Warfare Commander, and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USSLeyteGulf(CG55)

The ships of DESRON-26 completing deployment with CSG-10 are the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Nitze (DDG 94), USS Truxtun (DDG 103), andUSSDelbertD.Black(DDG119).

The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboardtheGeorgeH.W.Busharethe“Sidewinders” of VFA-86, the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103,the“Knighthawks”ofVFA-136,the “Pukin Dogs” of VFA-143, the “Bluetails” of Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Patriots” of Electronic AttackSquadron(VAQ)140,the“Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, and the “Grandmasters” of HelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)46

time afterthe ship’s return to Naval Station Norfolk.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMCS2ANDERSONW.BRANCH);

ABOVE CENTER: Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 143,the“Pukin Dogs,”returns to NavalAirStation Oceana.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMCS2MEGANWOLLAM);

ABOVE RIGHT: ChiefFire Controlman Blake Kloepping,assigned to the USS Leyte Gulf embraces his daughteron the pierat Naval Station Norfolk.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMCS1KRISR.LINDSTROM);FARLEFT: Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 103,the“JollyRogers,”returns to NavalAirStation Oceana.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMEGANWOLLAM);

LEFT: Capt.MichaelWeeldreyer commanding officerofthe USS Leyte Gulf reuniteswith his sons on the pierat Naval Station Norfolk.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYMCS1KRISR.LINDSTROM)

2nd Fleet Sailors, Allies remember the victims of the Holocaust

Naval SupportActivityHampton Roads service members and international allies gathered at the POW/MIAChapel to observe a Days ofRemembrance ceremonyhonoring the six-millionJewish people killed during the Holocaust. PageA5

THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free!
NORFOLK,Va (April 23,2023) Sailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),alongwith the staffofcarrierStrike Group (CSG) 10 wave to familymembers as the ship returns to Naval Station Norfolkfollowing an eight-month deployment April 23,2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSANDERSONW.BRANCH) www.flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship VOL.31,NO 15,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comApril 27-May 3,2023 ABOVE LEFT: ElectronicsTechnician 1st Class Karl Kraft,assigned to the USS George H.W.Bush meets his daughterforthe first
completes historic deployment
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 27 2023 1

Veteran-founded organization ‘Giving light to those who serve at home’

NORFOLK,Va Whenitcomestomilitaryservice,themonthofAprilisdesignated as the Month of the Military Child, highlightingtheimportantrolemilitarychildren playinmilitaryfamilies

Navy veteran, and founder of the Hero Kids Foundation, retired Chief Hospital CorpsmanJohnA.Raniowski seesmilitary childrenastheheroesbehindmanymilitary careersincludinghisown.

“WhenIretired,IpromisedIwouldlearn to be a parent, a father more important a ‘Papa’,” said Raniowski who served as a Fleet Marine Force Corpsman on multiple combat, contingency and training missions duringhisNavalservicewhilehisfamilywas backhome “serving”.

Raniowskisayshedidnotseetheimpact, at the time, or the consequences of his devotion to military service and how it had impactedhischildren.Itwasn’tuntiltheend ofa25-yearcareer,thathestartedtoseethe


“As I began my journey out of uniform, I began to spend more and more time with themandtheiranimals,”saidRaniowski.“As we did so, I noticed my daughters began to discuss what had been their perspectiveviewpointofmyservice…ourservice.”

Raniowski explained that he noticed

himself feeling more comfortable with theseconversationsasheandhisdaughters were working at a barn with their horses a passion his daughters had been doing for years

Aftermanytouchinganddeeplypersonal revelations between him and his daughters while working with the horses, Raniowski

begantoseeavaluable,therapeuticelement emerge.

Upon speaking with some of his fellow veteransandformerteammatesaboutthese experiences and theirs as well, Raniowski knew there were more military families who could benefit from these therapeutic relationships, so he formed the Hero Kids FoundationinOctoberof2013withtheaim of“givinglighttothosewhoserveathome.”

Currently,HKFisadedicated,non-profit organization offering mentoring equine therapyandmultipleengagingprogramsto military and first responder families in the Hampton Roads Area aiming to “connect families at their core, restore family spirit andhelpthemthriveinanewnormalcy.”

Thisyear,tohonortheMonthoftheMilitary Child, the HKF partnered with Hunt ClubFarmofVirginiaBeach,astheyhavein the past to offer free tickets to the farm for militaryfamiliesintheHamptonRoadsarea

For more information about signing up for HFK programs, visit their website at hkfva.org.

Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com FreeClassifiedAdvertising 757-622-1455 Distribution&HomeDelivery757-446-9000 distribution@pilotonline.com Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at P.O. Box 2820, Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021 Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved April is the #MonthoftheMilitaryChild! This month the #MHS and #DHA celebrate the strength and resilience #MilKids and families show through life changes like military moves. https://www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-housing/ moving/pcs-and-military-moves/ #MOMC 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 27 2023

Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems

Support provides experts during Sea-Air-Space 2023

NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md Several senior leaders from Naval Supply Systems Command Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUPWSS)wereselectedtoparticipate asexpertsonpanelsofferedduringthethreedaySea-Air-SpaceconferenceApril3-5.

The event brought together U.S. defense industry and key military decision-makers for informative educational sessions, importantpolicydiscussionsandexhibits.

Rear Adm. Ken Epps commander NAVSUPWSS,wasapanelistforNavyShip and Submarine Maintenance The panel brought together the front-runners in ship and submarine maintenance, as well as

supply chain management, to discuss the Navy’sholisticapproachtodeliveringships andsubmarinesoutofmaintenanceontime and on budget, along with some of its challenges Epps discussed NAVSUP WSS’s Get Real Get Better and Naval Sustainment System(NSS)initiativesfocusingonhowthe command is tackling end-to-end material challenges for shipyard maintenance availabilities Lynn Kohl, vice commander, NAVSUP WSS, was a panel member on the Navy’s Office of Small Business event. During this event the Department of the Navy (DON) Office of Small Business Programs selected fivesmallbusinessestopresenttheirideaor producttothepanelofexperts Theexperts offeredsuggestionstohelpthebusinesses

Kohl was also panelist for the Maintenance Transformation Challenges and Opportunities panel. This panel centered discussions on the question: How can governments and industry partners jointly navigatethemanychallengestoupgradeand expand shipyard and aviation maintenance capacity and transform into world class maintenance organizations? Kohl briefed the audience on NAVSUP WSS’s plan to buildagreatsupplycapacityandvelocityto meetmaintenancechallenges Inadditiontotheseniorleaders,acontingent of approximately 40 employees traveledtotheconference Theemployeeswere abletonetwork,speakwithindustryprofessionalsandattendinformationpanelslearningmoreonhowtobettersupportNAVSUP


NAVSUP WSS is one of 11 commands under Commander NAVSUP Headquartered in Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania, NAVSUP employs a diverse worldwide workforceofmorethan22,500militaryand civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enable supply chain,acquisition,operationallogisticsand Sailor and family care activities with our mission partners to generate readiness and sustain naval forces worldwide to prevent and decisively win wars Learn more at www.navsup.navy.mil, www.facebook. com/navsupwss , and https://twitter.com/ navsupsyscom.

Panelists including Mr JimmySmith,Director,Office ofSmall Business Programs,Department ofthe Navy Mr KurtWendelken,Vice Commander Naval SupplySystems Command,Capt.Joseph Cohen,U.S.NavyMedical Service Corps,Ms.MercedesThurston,MentorProtégé Program Manager Department ofthe NavySmall Business Program and Ms.Lynn Kohl,Vice Commander Naval SupplySystems Command,Weapons Systems Support heard from small businesses and gave feedbackon theiridea orproduct during the Navy’s Open forBusiness event at Sea-Air-Space 2023April 4 in National Harbor,Maryland.(PHOTOBYANGELAKING-SWEIGART,NAVSUPWEAPONSYSTEMSSUPPORT) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 27 2023 3 OFFER VALID UNTIL 4/30/23 Free Install all shower &bath projects 18 MONTHS No Interest if paid in full KICKOFF THE SPRING WITH A NEW SHOWER OR BATH OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet with one of ourdesign consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, and receive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installers will remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. 4.8/5 COMPANY AVERAGE OUT OF 17,000+ GOOGLE REVIEWS (Company reviews across all branches as of 3/02/2023) EVENING &WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALL NOW TO STARTYOURPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Plan 2631. Subject to credit approval. Rates range from 17.99% -24.99% APR. Loan amount and rate will vary based on your income and creditworthiness. 18 month promotional period ("Promo Period") during which interest is billed but will be waived if the amount financed is paid in full before Promo Period expires. Monthly payments are required during the Promo Period, but making only the required monthly payments will not pay offthe amount financed by Promo Period expiration date. Any unpaid balance and amounts owed after Promo Period will be paid over 66 monthly payments. For example, assuming the full credit limit is used on loan approval date, for every $1,000 financed at 24.99% APR, 84 monthly payments of $25.30. This example is an estimate only.Actual payment amounts based on amount and timing of purchases. Call 866-936-0602 for financing costs and terms. Financing for the GreenSky® consumer loan program is provided by Equal Opportunity Lenders. GreenSky® is aregistered trademark of GreenSky,LLC, asubsidiary of Goldman Sachs Bank USA. NMLS #1416362. Loans originated by Goldman Sachs are issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch. NMLS #208156. www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 4/30/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON

DAHLGREN,Va (April 20,2023)

the region’swaterways and the land-based ecosystems throughwhich theyrun.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSOLIVERSERNA)

NDW celebrates Earth Day with activities across the region

Naval District Washington

NavalDistrictWashington(NDW)installations are honoring Earth Day throughout outthemonthofAprilwithstreamcleanups tree plantings and other activities aimed at protecting the region’s waterways and the land-basedecosystemsthroughwhichthey run.

“Wetrytobegoodstewards,bothbalancingthemilitarymissionwiththepublicrelations of the community Showing that we can balance the needs of the military with theenvironment,”saidLauraLaBella natural resources specialist at Naval Air Station (NAS)PatuxentRiver.

NASPatuxentRiversitswherethePatuxent River empties into the Chesapeake Bay andrecentlycompleteda“livingshoreline” project to stop shore erosion by laying out rocks, sand, and plant beds along a nearby shorearea Foritsefforts,St Mary’sCounty will honor the installation with a Sustainability Award in a ceremony this Saturday, April 22—Earth Day—at Summerseat Farm inMechanicsville

TheinstallationalsohostedanEarthDay observance Thursday morning, April 20, at the Patuxent River Beach House Volunteers from the Forrest Technology Center in Leonardtown gathered at the water to cleanthebeachand,elsewhereontheinstallation theyworkedtoclearthehighlyinvasiveBradfordPeartrees.

NAS Patuxent River Environmental staff andtheTechCentervolunteersalsostaffed tables at the Beach House, where they gave students from three nearby schools—St Michael’sSchool,LeonardtownElementary, andGreenHollyElementary—presentations

about nature and how the installation is protectingit.Thestudentslearnedaboutthe installation’sbeepollinatorsites,batconservation,stormwatermanagement,recycling and natural resources conservation efforts. Inaddition,thePortOperationsboatthatthe installation uses to clean up chemical spills onthewaterwasondisplay,withcrewavailabletoexplaintheboat’soperation.

“We have set up a strong active habitat management and outreach program,” LaBella said “We work closely with the tenant commands and outside schools and organizations aswell.”

Naval Support Activity (NSA) WashingtonhostedaSpringCleanup,onWednesday, April 19 Volunteers collected thousands of poundsofusedcomputerhardware,batteries,lightbulbs,andotherusedproductsfrom officebuildingsforrecycling.

“Throughout the year, we get emails:

‘HowdoIdisposeofthis?’‘HowdoIgetrid of that?’ ” said Justin Barlow, Environmental Program Director with Naval Facilities EngineeringSystemsCommand(NAVFAC) Washington “We’rekeepingtheseelectronics out of the landfills keeping them out of waterways.

NSA Washington will also participate in a volunteer stream cleanup, Clean the Bay Day,onWednesday,April26 Volunteerswill clearlitterfromthePotomacRivernearthe Naval Surface Warfare Center-Carderock DivisioninBethesda.

The event was in partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Jasmine Tyson, NSA Washington stormwater programmanager,saidthatthekeepingthe Potomac clean benefits the Bay because all ofthePotomacandotherareariversallflow intoit “All of our installations are near water

bodies that impact the Chesapeake Bay,” Tyson said. “DC, Maryland, Virginia, parts ofPennsylvania,allofthoseareasdraininto theChesapeake.”

Naval Support Activity (NSA) Annapolis personnel will team up Saturday with the Midshipmen Action Group to clear overgrown vegetation and clean up litter along the trails of the Greenbury Point ConservationArea,anaturepreservenearAnnapolis. NSAAnnapolisEnvironmentalDepartment personnelwillalsogivenatureconservation presentationstothepublicatthepreserve’s GreenburyPointNatureCenter

NSA South Potomac held a volunteer event with the Dahlgren School on Thursday, April 20 Students from the school helpedplanttreesandpickuptrash

Another tree-planting project added 50 new trees to NSA Bethesda over the last few months to replace trees that were lost to development or adverse weather The lastfivewillbeplantedinfrontoftheWalter Reed Medical Center on Friday April 28 in an Arbor Day ceremony that is open to the public.

“This base is part of the community, and maintainingthattreecanopymatterstothe community We’remakingsurethatweplant trees in order to keep that canopy in place,” said Jeremy Brooks, NSA Bethesda public affairs officer “What’s important to them andtothecountyisimportanttous.”

Arbor Day is one of four environmental events happening at NSA Bethesda this week and next. The installation had a NAVFAC information fair on recycling and environmental programs Tuesday, April 18; on-basetrashcleanuponWednesday,April 19; and there will be an internal Earth Day observanceWednesday,April26.

USS Arlington arrives at General Dynamics NASSCO shipyard


USS Arlington (LPD 24)

TheSanAntonio-classamphibioustransport dock ship USS Arlington (LPD 24) arrivesatGeneralDynamicsNASSCOshipyard in Norfolk, Virginia, for a scheduled maintenanceavailabilityperiod,April18

After having completed three deploymentsandamaintenanceavailabilityperiod thatwasconductedpiersideatNavalStation Norfolk,inNorfolkVirginiafrom2019-2020, this is the first time Arlington has transitioned to the shipyard since being commissionedin2013

Upon returning from its most recent seven-month deployment in Oct. 2022, Arlington maintained an active operational tempoleadinguptothistransitionbytravelingtoandparticipatinginNewYork’sVeterans Day events; it conducted Sea Trials for theU.S.MarineCorpsnewesthelicopter,the CH-53K King Stallion; and the ship represented the amphibious fleet on the Norfolk waterfront as groups from NATO, the U.S. Marine Corps and Navy JROTC visited for tours.

“Entering the shipyard is bittersweet,” saidCapt.EricKellum,commandingofficer of the Arlington “On the very positive side, itprovidesopportunitiestogetSailorssome much needed time off, required schooling, and a predictable weekly schedule All of which are well deserved and necessary.”

“However, Sailors are made to be on ships and ships are made to be at sea, so we will maximize this time in the yards to get the ship and our Sailors operating at 100% and getArlingtonbackintothefight!”

Over the last couple months it was an all-hands effort to prepare the ship for the shipyard All office items and equipment throughout the ship had to be boxed up andhauledoffforstorage;hazmathadtobe removedfromtheship;andthecrewhadto prepare to transition their work spaces to a bargethatwillsitalongsidetheship Arlington has definitively entered its maintenancephaseashundredsofcontrac-

Sailors assigned to the SanAntonio-class amphibious transport dockship USSArlington (LPD 24),gatheronArlington’s flight deckas the ship maneuvers toward the General Dynamics NASSCO shipyard in Norfolk,Virginia.Arlington is homeported at Naval Station Norfolkand transitioned to the shipyard fora scheduled maintenance availabilityperiod.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASS JOHNBELLINO

tors make their way aboard every day. The diligentworkofthecrew however,remains asimportantasever Itwillcontinuetotake an all-hands effort to maintain the safety of the ship and personnel throughout the entiretyoftheyardperiod.

“It involves a whole team concept, from

weekly damage control training and drilling to laying out a comprehensive and sequenced plan to repair the ship over the next 550 days,” said Command Master Chief Christopher Farrar, the command master chief assigned to the Arlington “It involves the Arlington crew, the shipyard

maintenanceteam,theashoremaintenance communityandamyriadofotherpartnersto make it all work seamlessly.” “The Captain andIcannotbemoreproudoftheextended Arlington team on a successful start to a maintenance period at Norfolk General Dynamics/NASCCOshipyards.”

TravisWray,Naval Support FacilityDahlgren natural resources program manager,holds a trash bag forstudents from Dahlgren Middle School,as theyclean up trash on Naval Support FacilityDahlgren.NDWinstallations are honoring Earth Daythroughout the month ofAprilwith stream cleanups,tree plantings,and otheractivities aimed at protecting
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 27 2023
(Left to right) BU2 Madeline Henry; Meg Frew NAVFACWashingtonAirProgram Manager; Seabee – BUCREmma Forst; and SW3Albert Bruno sort tonercartridges and cardboard boxes forrecycling at NSAWashington’s Spring Cleaning event onApril 19 (PHOTOBYRICKDOCKSAI, NAVALDISTRICTWASHINGTON)



base chapel,April 20 2023.ATorahwhich originated from central Europe,and is on loan to the aircraft carrierUSS Dwight D.Eisenhower(CVN 69) from Temple Israel inAkron,OH,was present forthe ceremony.Service members gathered to rememberthevictims ofthe Holocaust.Days ofRemembrancewas established bythe U.S.Congress to memorialize the sixmillionJews murdered in the Holocaust aswell as the millions ofvictimswhowere targeted forracial,political,ideological,and behavioral reasons.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASS COMMUNICATION1STCLASSNATHANT.BEARD)

2nd Fleet Sailors, Allies remember the victims of the Holocaust


Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads service members and international allies gathered at the POW/MIA Chapel to observe a Days of Remembrance ceremony honoring the six-million Jewish people killedduringtheHolocaust Thisyear’sthemeis“BehindEveryName AStory:TheWomen.”Thisparticulartheme highlightsthebraveryofwomenduringthe Holocaust,includingIrenaSendler,aPolish social worker who helped rescue 2,500 JewishchildrenfromtheWarsawGhetto

“Every year, our military gets a new generation of young service members It’s importantthattheyunderstandtheworld’s historyanditschallenges,”saidChiefHospitalCorpsmanAliciaBarkers,theMulti-culturalandHeritageCommitteeleadassigned to Commander, US Second Fleet (C2F). “During this ceremony, we are reliving history, and that allows us to understand where we came from. More importantly, we understand a place we would never like torevisit.”

Guest speaker, Cmdr Lara Bollinger of C2Frecountedthestoryofhergrandmother Rosalie Bollinger who lived a three-hour walk from the German border in a small Belgium town. Prior to the war, Rosalie heard the stories of the many Jewish refugeesfleeingGermany


the stories my grandmother would hear became more terrifying Hearing about fellow Jews being forced to live in ghettos, being rounded up and sent to these mysterious camps where few survived,” said Bollinger to the ceremony’s audience “My

grandmotherstartedhearingwhispersthat there could be a German invasion coming Shehadheardenough.

Bollinger’sgrandmother,Rosalie,lefther home with her family in 1940 to escape the war. During a particular bold interaction

at her synagogue Rosalie removed a small Torahscrollfromitsark,placeditinhersuitcase, and pleaded with her rabbi to leave ThisactinspirednearlyonehundredJewish refugeesinhercommunitytoleaveBelgium andrelocatetoFranceandEngland.

Inhonorofthosewholosttheirlivesduring theHolocaust,aTorah,whichoriginatedfrom Central Europe and is on loan to the aircraft carrierUSSDwightD.Eisenhower(CVN69), waspresentfortheceremony

ThisTorahhadasimilarhistoryasrecords indicate it was brought to the United States in the 1930s amid rising anti-Semitism and worseningEuropeanpoliticalconditions

“This Torah is the closest we could find to a survivor of the Holocaust to join us for thisceremony,”saidBollinger “Itrepresents andconnectsustosomanycommunitiesin Europe that were displaced and destroyed We are grateful to have such a meaningful reminder to serve alongside our Sailors at seaaswefighttopreservehumandignityin thisworld.Sothatwetoomayremember.”

This year marks the 78th anniversary of theliberationoftheconcentrationcampsby AlliedForcesduringthefinaldaysofWorld WarII Days of Remembrance was established by the U.S. Congress to memorialize the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, as well as the millions of victims who were targetedforracial,political,ideological,and behavioralreasons

US Naval Community College selects Arizona State University for Maritime Logistics Program


U.S. Naval Community College

QUANTICO, Va The U.S. Naval Community College selected Arizona State University for one of the Pilot II maritime logistics associate degree programs March 29,2023.

Thisnewagreementprovidesactiveduty enlistedSailors,Marines,andCoastGuardsmenanopportunitytoearnanaval-relevant associatedegreeinmaritime-focusedlogisticsthatwilldirectlycontributetothereadinessofthenavalservicesandsetthemona pathoflife-longlearning.

“Asageneral,DwightD.Eisenhowersaid ‘battles,campaigns,andevenwarshavebeen won or lost primarily because of logistics,’ ” saidUSNCC’sPresidentRandiR.Cosentino, Ed.D.“Weareexcitedtobeapartofthelifelong journey of education for those logisticianswhokeeptheDepartmentoftheNavy aglobalNavyandMarineCorps.”

Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen who pursue the Associate of Science in Logistics through USNCC will have an opportunitytogainanin-depthunderstanding of the theories, concepts, and components of logistics, with particular attention to serving and supporting maritime and military logistics operations. Students will gainanunderstandingoflogisticsandsupply chainmanagement,communication,financial management and accounting, analytics,andthemanagerialskillsnecessarytobe successfulinmaritimeandmilitarylogistics,

as well as in private industry The degree whichispendingapprovalfromtheArizona Board of Regents and ASU faculty governance, will also have an established transfer path to a Bachelor of Science in Supply

Chain Management, a Bachelor of Arts in Business (Global Logistics), a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Business and Technology Solutions, or Bachelor of Arts in EntrepreneurialLeadershipofferedbyASU.

“Arizona State University is proud to continueprovidingsupportandpartnership with the U.S. Naval Community College in our joint mission of providing naval-relevantlogisticseducationforSailors,Marines, and people serving in the Coast Guard. We could not be more excited about the potentialthisprovidesforawell-educated,highly skilled,andpowerfulAmericanpresenceat sea,” saidViceProvostCherylHyman,ASU


ThedegreepathwayalsoincludesaCertificateinNavalStudiestaughtbytheUSNCC’s faculty and a Certificate in Logistics taught bythefacultyatASU.

ASUisregionallyaccreditedbytheHigher Learning Commission. While the USNCC is pursuing accreditation a process that typically takes two to three years ASU will be the primary degree grantor for this associate degree program, ensuring the service members who graduate from this programreceiveatransferabledegreefrom anaccreditedinstitution

ActivedutyenlistedSailors,Marines,and CoastGuardsmencanfilloutastudentinterestformontheUSNCCwebsite,www.usncc. edu, and the USNCC anticipates accepting applicationsonthewebsitestartinginMay. Thefirstcourseswillstartinthefallof2023

The United States Naval Community Collegeistheofficialcommunitycollegefor theNavy MarineCorps andCoastGuard.To getmoreinformationabouttheUSNCC,go towww.usncc.edu.ClickontheInquireNow link to learn how to be a part of the USNCC PilotIIprogram.

– Rabbi Mitchell Schranz a retired naval chaplain,speaks about the significance oftheTorah to theJewish people during a Days ofRemembrance ceremonyheld at the Naval Roads
in May.Courseswill start in the fall of2023.The United States Naval CommunityCollege is the official communitycollege forthe Navy,Marine Corps,and Coast Guard.Formore informationvisitwww.usncc.edu.Clickon the Inquire Nowlinkto learn howto be a part ofthe USNCC Pilot II program.(U.S.NAVYGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONBYCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTXANDERGAMBLE) NORFOLK,Va –Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuel) 2nd ClassJasmine Lee
a Days ofRemembrance
the Naval SupportActivityHampton Roads
April 20 2023. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 27 2023 5
Marines,and Coast Guardsmen can fill out a student interest form forthe Maritime Logistics Program on the USNCCwebsite,www.usncc.edu,starting
candle during
base chapel,

Norfolk Naval Shipyard cuts ribbon on $191 million renovation of historic Dry Dock 4

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) cut the ribbon for the completion of its Dry Dock 4 renovationApril19

Spanningmorethanthreeyears,this$191 millionprojectwillallowNNSYtocontinue servicing a variety of submarine classes decades into the future This is the biggest completed dry dock project yet across the nation’s four public shipyards under the Navy’s Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP) SIOP oversees infrastructure investments modernizing the nation’spublicshipyardsthroughupgraded drydocksandfacilities newequipmentand improvedworkflow.

The renovated dry dock includes a new caisson for sealing the facility, replacement

of the dock walls and floor, complete restoration of the pumpwell and upgrading all mechanicalandelectricalequipment.Additionally,improvementstothefacilitygreatly safeguardagainstamajorfloodingevent “BecomingtheshipyardourNationneeds requiresinvestment—inourdrydocks,inour infrastructure, and in our industrial plant equipment, said NNSY Operations Officer Capt.LawrenceBrandonattheribbon-cutting “Ittakesacoordinatedcombinationof dedication, design and dollars in all these areastoenableAmerica’sShipyardtodeliver ships back to the Fleet on time, every time, everywhere to protect America. Combined withtheamazingpowerofourpeopleinour 10,000-plus member workforce facilities likeDryDock4arewhatwillhelpournation maintainitsmaritimedominance.

To deliver the first fully renovated dock

under SIOP, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) established aResidentOfficerinChargeofConstruction (ROICC) for NNSY The ROICC office, led byCmdr KendallChapman,provideddedicatedoversighttotheprojectandwillshare learning with the other public shipyards to leverage on other large-scale construction projects “As we look back on all that was accomplished, I think it is important to reflect on two key items that enable projects like this to be successful: one, a common mission in support of national security; and, two, our industry partnerships,” said Rear Adm. Lore Aguayo, commander, NAVFAC Atlantic, at the event. “Partnerships like we have here are a model for what NAVFAC strives to achieve around the world as we build the infrastructure the Navy needs for

strategic competition. I am proud of what our combined teams have accomplished, and thank everyone who worked so hard to execute this impressive and critically importantprojectfortheNavy.”

First opened in April 1919, Dry Dock 4 is the first of three dry docks built at NNSY duringitsWorldWarI-eraexpansion Notable ships the dock has hosted include USS Langley(CV1),thenation’sveryfirstaircraft carrier; USS Texas (BB 35), a battleship that fought in both World Wars; the battleship USS Arizona (BB 39) that received its modernizationatNNSYadecadepriortoits tragiclossintheattackonPearlHarbor;and theBritishaircraftcarrierHMSIllustrious, one of many Allied fleet repairs conducted atNNSYduringWorldWarII.

NAVSUP Business Systems Center Meets the Fleet in Hampton Roads

NAVSUP Business Systems Center

NORFOLK, Va Thirty Navy military and civilian personnel from Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Business Systems Center (BSC) in Mechanicsburg, Pa.,traveledtotheHamptonRoads,Virginia, area of operation to participate in NAVSUP BSC’sMeettheFleetevent April10-13

The four-day event provided an opportunity for NAVSUP BSC employees to observe fleet operations spanning multiple warfare communities, engage directly with Sailors, and gain a deeper understanding of how NAVSUP BSC supported systems impact fleet readiness, modernization, and lethality These systems range from inventory management software to financial management systems and play a critical role in ensuring the fleet has the supplies and equipment needed to accomplish the mission.

“Meet the Fleet helps answer questions on how our employees fit into this big giant logistics puzzle that is NAVSUP,” said Lt Salvador Lievanos, project manager and Business/EnterpriseSupplyChainManagement (BEM) intern assigned to NAVSUP BSC “NAVSUPBSC is sofarremovedfrom a fleet concentration area that it can be difficultforthecivilianworkforcetounderstand how their hard work supports Sailorsaroundtheworld Wewereabletomeet withsupplydepartmentsatasubmarineand helicopter squadron, allowing us to better understand where parts and food orders start before they make their way through thelogisticspipeline.”

During the trip, NAVSUP BSC personnel familiarized themselves with fleet operations during visits to the Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Albany (SSN-753), Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG-58), Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Two Eight (HSC28) “Dragon Whales,” Henry J. KaiserClass fleet replenishment oiler USNS Leroy Grumman (T-AO 195) Assault Craft Unit Four (ACU-4), Submarine Learning Facility Norfolk, NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) Norfolk, NAVSUP BSC Regional Support Site (RSS) Norfolk and Navy Exchange Service Command’s Navy ExchangeNorfolkcomplex.

NAVSUP BSC employees caught a firsthand glimpse of how information systems they develop and maintain are used in the fleetandgarneredfeedbackfromSailorsand otherend-users.

“Visiting HSC-28 ‘Dragon Whales’ was especially beneficial,” said Tanya Wang, a businessanddataanalystforNAVSUPBSC

Norfolk,Va (April 11,2023) Lt j.g SethAbbott an MH-60 Seahawkpilot assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC)Two Eight“DragonWhales,”speaks to personnel from Naval SupplySystems Command (NAVSUP) Business Systems Center(BSC) during a tourofHSC28 onboard Naval Station Norfolk,April 11,as part ofNAVSUPBSC’s Meet the Fleet event.The four-dayeventwas held in the Hampton Roads area ofoperation,April 10-13,and served as an opportunityto engagewith Sailors from the surface,expeditionary and aviation communities and thosewho use supply logistic,and financial systems supported byNAVSUPBSC NAVSUP BSC provides the Navywith information systems support through the design,development and maintenance ofinformation systems in the functional areas oflogistics,supplychain management transportation,finance,and accounting and is one of11 commands under Commander NAVSUP (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJAMESE.FOEHL,RELEASED)

CoreBusinessSolutionsdepartment “Ihave coworkers working on MH-60R hangar decommissioning and transporting the MH-60s to another location. After visiting the squadron and hearing from the crew I wasabletoconnectitbacktoworkandtruly understandtheproject.”

ForsomeNAVSUPBSCemployees,Meet theFleetwastheirfirstencounterwithNavy ships.

“As someone who has never been very close to a Navy vessel before, it really gave meaning to the work I do and helped show that it’s more than just working in an office programming on a computer,” said Neil Yoder, an information technology specialist for NAVSUP BSC’s Logistics Integration andAuditSolutionsteam.“Goingonthistrip helpsshowthatwhatwedoreallydoesmake adifferencewhenitcomestothesepeople’s lives.”

Aboard Albany, employees experienced the tight working and living conditions aboard a submarine and how their efforts enabledreadinessandlethalityforthecrew

“I think it’s important to show how the work done at NAVSUP BSC enables us to accomplish our mission, no matter where

weareintheworld,”saidLt j.g.RimarWest, supply officer assigned to Albany.“Meeting the men and women who support us is a rewarding experience. It reminds us that weareallpartofthesameteam,andittakes allofustobesuccessful.”

Aboard Philippine Sea, employees met with Ensign Alexander Bowling and discussed NAVSUP BSC-supported programslikeOneTouchSupport.

“IuseOneToucheveryday.Iwouldn’tbe able to do my job without it,” said Bowling “Whenever we have an issue or there is an outage wegetgreatsupportfromNAVSUP BSC It’s great to be able to put a name to a facetowhowe’vebeenworkingwith.

AtJointExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreekFortStorythegrouptalkedwithSeniorChief Gas Turbine Systems Technician James Howard, a craftmaster for landing craft, air cushions (LCAC) assigned to ACU-4, and sawtheamphibiouscraftupclose “Hearingabouttheirdeploymentworkup schedule maintenance andtrainingrequirementswasmind-blowing,andbeingableto step on the LCAC and see the vehicle firsthandwasincredible,”saidScottFrederick,a financial management analyst for NAVSUP

BSC Business Management department. “WatchingtheLCACfireupandflyaround the flight line and on the water was captivating.”

During a visit to Naval Station Norfolk, employees met with Jeff Yates, site lead for NAVSUP BSC RSS Norfolk, and Cynthia Brown, executive director for NAVSUP FLC Norfolk, to learn more about how the NAVSUPEnterpriseissupportingSailorson the waterfront. NAVSUP BSC RSS employeesarepositionedregionallytosustainfleet supportgloballyandarelocatedinNorfolk, Virginia; Jacksonville, Florida; Bremerton, Washington;SanDiego,California;andPearl Harbor,Hawaii

One of the programs highlighted at NAVSUPFLCNorfolkwastheConsumable Asset Reutilization Program (CARP). The program provides a Navy-managed capabilitytoreutilizeexcessmaterialfromNavy Working Capital Fund (NWCF) activities andprovideacentralizedNAVSUPlocation for ready-to-issue material NAVSUP BSC supports the program by providing information technology solutions that enable the CARP team to receive and stow material as-is and repack it for shipment when re-issued.

“Being able to meet with the personnel at FLC Norfolk was very impactful, said Gabe Witmer, a validator for NAVSUP BSC Technology Services department. “They discussedITsystemsthatIdirectlyworked on to authorize, and it was really great to see how they were being used to support programstosavetheNavymoney.”

TodTyler projectmanagerforNAVSUPBSC Data/AnalyticsSolutionsdepartment,saidthe experienceprovidedhimanewperspectiveon howhisworksupportstheNavy

“Being able to tour the ships, buildings, andworkspacesoftheNavyfleetinNorfolk givesmeabettersenseoftheenvironmentin which some of the systems I help support,” said Tyler. “It empowers me to realize how my actions can help to directly affect the warfighter in successfully executing their mission It also heartens me to feel I’m also a part of the Navy family and integral to the successoftheNavymissionnomatterwhere theymightbearoundtheglobe.”

NAVSUP BSC provides the Navy with information systems support through the design, development, and maintenance of systems in the functional areas of logistics, supply chain management, transportation, finance and accounting and is one of 11 commandsunderCommander,NAVSUP

For more information about NAVSUP BSC, visit https://www.navsup.navy.mil/ NAVSUP-Enterprise/NAVSUP-Business-Systems-Center/

The Honorable Shannon Glover,Mayor,CityofPortsmouth; NorfolkNaval Shipyard (NNSY) Operations OfficerCaptain Lawrence Brandon;William S.“Bill”Magann Sr CEO,W.F.Magann Corporation; and RearAdmiral MariaAguayo Commander Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command cut the ribbon during the DryDock4 Ribbon Cutting CeremonyApr 19 to celebrate the completion ofits renovations at NNSY.(PHOTOBYSHELBYWEST)
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Hosted at Naval Special Warfare Group Four

Husband andwife both complete 22years of militaryservice byretiring on the same day.


(April 21,2023) U.S.Navyand

U.S. Navy Ship patrolling Middle East seizes $42 million in drugs


U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet MANAMA, Bahrain A U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer interdicted a fishing vessel attempting to smuggle $42 million in illegal drugs while transiting the Gulf of Oman,April21.

USS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60) was operating in support of Combined Task Force (CTF) 150 when it discovered the fishing vessel smuggling 802 kilograms of methamphetamineand1,000kilogramsofhashish.CTF150isoneoffourtaskforcesunder CombinedMaritimeForces,amultinational navalpartnershipconsistingof38nations

Before U.S. Navy and Coast Guard members from Paul Hamilton seized the vessel, five smugglers on board attempted to discard 50 bags of methamphetamine weighing 35 pounds each by throwing the drugsoverboard.Someofthebagswereable toberecoveredfromthewater.

The vessel’s crewmembers identified themselvesasIraniannationals “Thiswasoutstandingworkbytheentire Paul Hamilton team,” said Capt Anthony

GULFOFOMAN (April 21 2023) Guided-missile destroyerUSS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60) sails neara fishingvessel in the GulfofOman,April 21 2023.Thevesselwas interdictedwhile attempting to smuggle illicit drugs.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO)

Webber, commander of Task Force 55 and responsible for overseeing U.S. maritime surface operations in the Middle East “These interdictions remove illicit narcot-

ics from the high seas and help deter destabilizingactivityinregionalwaters.”

In 2023, maritime forces supporting CTF 150 have seized illegal drugs worth

a combined estimated U.S. street value of $150 million, adding to record-breaking drug interdictions by U.S. and internationalnavalunitsin2021and2022totaling $1 billion in value

“I am incredibly pleased with the performance of our Sailors,” said Cmdr Jake Ferrari commandingofficerofPaulHamilton. “We remain committed to delivering consistentmaritimesecurityandcountering illicitactivitiesandcontrabandsmugglingin theregion.”

CTF 150 conducts maritime security and counter-terrorism operations in the Gulf of OmanandIndianOceantodisruptcriminal andterroristorganizationsandtheirrelated illicit activities including the movement of personnel, weapons narcotics and charcoal. These efforts help ensure legitimate commercialshippingtransitstheregionfree fromnon-statethreats.

Combined Maritime Forces is the largest multinationalnavalpartnershipintheworld whosepartnerforcesoperateintheRedSea, GulfofAden,NorthernArabianSea,Gulfof Oman, Indian Ocean and Arabian Gulf to promoteregionalsecurityandstability

US Naval Community College selects Tidewater Community College for Maritime Logistics Program



U.S. Naval Community College

QUANTICO, Va The U.S. Naval Community College selected Tidewater Community College as one of the Pilot II maritime logistics associate degree programsMarch29 2023.

Thisnewagreementprovidesactiveduty enlistedSailors,Marines,andCoastGuardsmenanopportunitytoearnanaval-relevant associatedegreeinmaritime-focusedlogisticsthatwilldirectlycontributetothereadinessofthenavalservicesandsetthemona pathoflife-longlearning.

“Asageneral,DwightD.Eisenhowersaid ‘battles campaigns andevenwarshavebeen won or lost primarily because of logistics,’ saidUSNCC’sPresidentRandiR.Cosentino, Ed.D.“Weareexcitedtobeapartofthelifelong journey of education for those logisticianswhokeeptheDepartmentoftheNavy aglobalNavyandMarineCorps.”

NavalprofessionalswhopursuetheAssociateofAppliedScienceinTechnicalStudies through USNCC will have an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of maritimelogisticsandsupplychainmanagement includingpurchasingandinboundlogistics; handling;warehousing;inventoryandfinancialcontrols;andtransportation.Thedegree will also have an established transfer path

edu.Clickon theApplyNowlinkto become a part

to a Bachelor of Science in InterdisciplinaryStudies-LeadershipMajorthroughOld DominionUniversity “TidewaterCommunityCollegeisproud to support the lifelong learning efforts of

world Thesharedcommitmenttoeducation andpartnershipamongTCCandUSNCCis commendable, and we look forward to this significantcollaboration,”saidTCC’sPresidentMarciaConston,Ph.D

ThedegreepathwayalsoincludesaCertificateinNavalStudiestaughtbytheUSNCC’s faculty and a Career Studies Certificate in LogisticstaughtbythefacultyatTCC

TCCisregionallyaccreditedbytheSouthern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges While USNCC is pursuing accreditation a process that typically takes two to three years TCC will be the primary degree grantor for this associate degree program, ensuring the service members who graduate from this programreceiveatransferabledegreefrom anaccreditedinstitution

Active duty enlisted Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen can fill out a student interestformontheUSNCCwebsite,www. usncc.edu, and the USNCC anticipates acceptingapplicationsonthewebsitestarting in February. The first courses will start inthesummerof2023

The United States Naval Community Collegeistheofficialcommunitycollegefor theNavy MarineCorps andCoastGuard.To getmoreinformationabouttheUSNCC,go towww.usncc.edu.ClickontheInquireNow link to learn how to be a part of the USNCC PilotIIprogram.

Naval professionals in Maritime Logistics. This partnership with the U.S. Naval Community College will allow maritime logisticians to support the Hampton Roads community and communities across the The United States Naval CommunityCollege is the official communitycollege forthe Navy, Marine Corps,and Coast Guard.To get more information about the USNCC,go towww.usncc. ofthe USNCC Pilot II program.(U.S.NAVY GRAPHICILLUSTRATIONBYCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTXANDERGAMBLE) GULFOFOMAN Coast Guard members from guided-missile destroyerUSS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60) interdict a fishingvessel in the GulfofOman,April 21,2023.The vesselwas seizedwhile attempting to smuggle illicit drugs.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO)
uarterdeck Rare Retirement Ceremony
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 27 2023 1

NORFOLK,Va -TheTiconderoga-class guided-missile cruiserUSS Leyte Gulf(CG 55) returns to Naval Station Norfolkfollowing an eight-month deploymentwith CarrierStrike Group (CSG) 10 April 23,2023.The George H.W.Bush CSGwas deployed to the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area of operations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1ST CLASSKRISR.LINDSTROM)

USS Leyte Gulf returns home from deployment



Carrier Strike Group 10

NORFOLK America’sBattleCruiser,the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55), returned to Naval Station Norfolk following an eight-month deploymentwithCarrierStrikeGroup(CSG)

10 George H.W. Bush CSG to the U.S. 6th Fleetareaofoperations,April23 LeyteGulftravelednearly65,000nautical milesoverthecourseofdeploymentastheair defensecommanderoftheGeorgeH.W.Bush CSG after departing Naval Station Norfolk, Aug.8,2022.

“Thetangibleaspectsofenhancedregional stability witnessed and reinforced through NATO Allies and partners’ credible deterrence and defense in depth exercises will certainly complement Leyte Gulf’s 36 years of service, but they pale in comparison to the intangible aspects our returning Sailors possessinpersonalandprofessionalgrowth, unmatched tactical acumen development, and well-deserved celebration of uninterrupted operations,” said Capt. Michael Weeldreyer, commanding officer of Leyte Gulf “OurSailors’enhancedknowledgeand professional pride will serve as our greatest achievementsandyieldconsiderablereturns overtime.”

The George H.W. Bush CSG transited the Strait of Gibraltar Aug. 25, 2022, beginning thestrikegroup’scontinuedoperationsinthe MediterraneanSea.LeyteGulfwasinstrumental in providing maritime stability and security in the region, while demonstrating equal commitment and power projection capabilityoftheU.S.Navy’sglobally-deployedforces

In October, Leyte Gulf participated in the eighthphaseoftheNATO-ledvigilanceactivity,NeptuneStrike22.2.Thetwo-weekexercisehighlightedtheGeorgeH.W.BushCSG’s ability to integrate with NATO Allies and partners in a series of dynamic evolutions

Neptune Strike is a joint-military exercise that included assets from Albania Croatia, AlliedMaritimeCommand’sStandingNATO MaritimeGroup2,andStandingNATOMine CountermeasuresGroup2.

Throughout deployment, Leyte demonstrated superior interoperability training by playing host to sailors from Italian navy Andrea Doria-class destroyers ITS Caio Duilio (D 554) and ITS Andrea Doria (D 553). Embarked Italian naval officers participated in valuable air defense training that greatly enhanced integration between U.S. andNATOAllies

“The Sailors of Leyte Gulf have been true ambassadorsoftheUnitedStatesaswehave operated in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations,” said Cmdr Adam Ochs, executive officer of Leyte Gulf “Whether conducting training on ship boarding exercises, coordinating multinational, multi-ship gunnery exercises, or controlling aircraft from multiple countries, they always get the job done Each event our Sailors receive accolades fromourAlliesandpartnersforhavingdone an exceptional job and how seamlessly they worktogether.”

Leyte Gulf also participated in the nineday NATO-led vigilance activity Neptune Strike 23.1 The ship participated in a series ofmulti-warfaretrainingexercisesalongside supporting units from Greece, Italy, Spain, and Türkiye. The exercise featured tri-carrierevolutionswiththeNimitz-classaircraft carrierUSSGeorgeH.W.Bush(CVN77),Italian aircraft carrier ITS Cavour (C 550), and Spanish amphibious assault ship ESPS Juan Carlos (LHD 61). Of significance, this marks the first time three NATO aircraft carriers performedcoordinatedsimulatedstrikes

While in U.S. 6th Fleet, Leyte Gulf completed port visits throughout the Mediterranean with stops in Souda Bay, Crete; Dubrovnik, Croatia; Rhodes, Greece; Koper, Slovenia;andPalmaDeMallorca,Spain LeyteGulf’screwparticipatedincommu-

nityserviceprojectsandhostedmilitaryand political leaders from Slovenia, including U.S.AmbassadortotheRepublicofSlovenia, Jamie Harpootlian, highlighting U.S. bonds withanimportantNATOally

Throughout the course of Leyte Gulf’s scheduled deployment, the crew celebrated personal achievements with 82 Sailors advancing to the next paygrade, 46 earning their enlisted surface warfare specialist pin, four officers earning surface warfare officer qualificationandtwosurfacewarfaresupply officerpins.

“It has been an honor serving alongside the Leyte Gulf’s Sailors and watching them setandachieveaggressivegoalsforqualificationsandadvancementthisdeployment,”said Leyte Gulf Command Master Chief Jason Kutsch. “They have exceeded my expectations and are returning home an even strongercrew OurSailorsandtheirfamiliesshould be proud of all that they accomplished these lasteightmonths.”

GeorgeH.W.BushistheflagshipofCSG-10, GeorgeH.W.BushCSG CSG-10iscomprised of George H.W. Bush, CVW-7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26, the Information Warfare Commander, and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf(CG55).

The ships of DESRON-26 completing deployment with CSG-10 are the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Nitze(DDG94),USSTruxtun(DDG103),and USSDelbertD.Black(DDG119)

ThesquadronsofCVW-7embarkedaboard theGeorgeH.W.Busharethe“Sidewinders” of VFA-86, the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103, the “Knighthawks” of VFA-136, the “Pukin Dogs”ofVFA-143,the“Bluetails”ofAirborne CommandandControlSquadron(VAW)121, the“Patriots”ofElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ) 140, the “Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, and the “Grandmasters” of Helicopter Maritime StrikeSquadron(HSM)46

Rare retirement ceremony hosted at Naval Special Warfare Group Four


DustinKelling Naval Special Warfare Group Four VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Naval Special WarfareGroupFour(NSWG-4)hostedarare dualretirementceremonyonMarch16

The ceremony highlighted the military service of Lt Jeremy Campbell assigned to NSWG-4, and Chief Yeoman Ebony Campbell,assignedtoU.S.FleetForcesCommand, both completing 22 years of military service byretiringonthesameday.

Capt. Joseph Geary, commodore, NSWG4, spoke about the importance of family in the Naval Special Warfare Community and how the Campbells were examples of that throughouttheircareers.

“This is important, he said “A husbandand-wife retirement after 21 years together in the Navy; such a great example of service to our country We should take a second to recognizethat.”

The Campbells met during training after boot camp and spent their naval careers successfully navigating the challenges of a “mil-to-mil” family During the ceremony, they spoke about their experiences navigatingthosechallengesandfindingsuccess

“Our road hasn’t been without hurdles,” saidLt Campbell.“Everytimewe’vereached out, it helped, and we’ve gotten stronger becauseofthat.It’soktoaskforhelp It’snot justok,it’snecessary.”

Chief Campbell spoke about the positive impacts of asking for help and how her serviceintheNavywillhelpintothefuture

“I’mthankfulfortheexperiences thechallenges and opportunities that helped shape my career,’ said Chief Campbell. “As I move ontothenextchapterinmylife,Idosowith a deep sense of pride, service and commitment to continue to make a positive impact ontheworld.”

VIRGINIABEACH,Virginia.(March 16 2023) Lt JeremyCampbell,right assigned to Naval Special Warfare Group Four(NSWG-4),and ChiefYeoman EbonyCampbell,assigned to U.S.Fleet Forces Command,renderhonors during theirretirement ceremonyonboardJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Story March 16 The Campbells chose NSWG-4 to host theirdual ceremony. NSWis the nation’s elite maritime special operations force,uniquelypositioned to extend the Fleet’s reach and gain and maintain access fortheJoint Force in competition and conflict,and USFFC is responsible formanning,training,equipping and providing combat-readyforces forward to numbered fleets and combatant commanders around the globe.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEF MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTDUSTINKELLING/RELEASED)

Naval Special Warfare is the nation’s elite maritime special operations force uniquely positioned to extend the Fleet’s reach and gain and maintain access for the Joint Force incompetitionandconflict


Command,visithttps://www.facebook.com/ NavalSpecialWarfare or https://www.nsw. navy.mil/

FormorenewsfromNSWG-4,visithttps:// www.dvidshub.net/unit/NSWG4

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:


Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy

The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing

GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing

While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government

Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated


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2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 27 2023

Select commissaries hosthealthy lifestyle event, April 28-29, offering giveaways,coupons,samples; all patrons worldwide can participate in contestfor $100 gift card


FORTLEE,Va. —Service members and their families interested in savingmoney whilelivingahealthierlifestyleareencouraged to attend the Defense Commissary Agency’s Health &Wellness Expo,April 28-29,3-5p.m.,atselectlocations

“This eventisgrowing by leaps and bounds,” said Marine Sgt. Maj. Michael Saucedo,seniorenlistedadvisortotheDeCA director.“The expo is just one moreexampleofhowcommissariesaresupportingthe healthandnutritionalneedsofourpatrons.

Fifty stateside commissaries areparticipating in the expo,upfromfive lastyear Eventually,DeCAhopestooffertheexpoat all stores.Patronsare encouraged to check the Health and Expo webpage (https:// blog.mymilitarysavings.com/dont-missthe-commissary-health-wellness-expo/) or the schedule belowtosee if their store is participating.They should also check their commissary webpage (https://www commissaries.com/shopping/store-locations)ortalktotheirstoremanagerformore details or updates.The expo will feature somethingfor everyone —prizes,coupons andsamples

In connection with this event, through April 30,eligible commissary customers worldwide can enter asweepstakes for a chance to be one of 20 winners of a$100 CommissaryGiftCard.Checkhttps://www mymilitarysavings.com/brands/commissary-health-and-wellness-expo for more details

“Wedeliverasavings benefit to service memberswhoarechargedwithbeingphysically fit,”Saucedo added. “AtDeCA,we neverlose sight of that as we aim to be the militarycommunity’sgrocerofchoice.”

Commissaries participatinginHealth & WellnessExpo:

„ ALABAMA—FortNovosel(formerlyFort Rucker) „ ALASKA—Elmendorf Commissaryat


„ ARIZONA— Davis-Monthan Air Force


„ CALIFORNIA —Marine Corps Base

Camp Pendleton, Marine CorpsAir Station Miramar,NavalStationSanDiegoandTravis

AirForceBase „ COLORADO—FortCarsonandPeterson

SpaceForceBase „ FLORIDA —Eglin Air ForceBase,Naval

Air Station Jacksonville, MacDillAir Force



„ GEORGIA —Fort Benningand Fort


„ HAWAII —Hickam and Pearl Harbor commissaries at Joint Base Pearl HarborHickam, Marine CorpsBase Kaneohe Bay andSchofieldBarracks

„ ILLINOIS—ScottAirForceBase

„ KANSAS—FortRiley

„ KENTUCKY—FortCampbell

„ MARYLAND—AndrewsCommissaryat


„ MISSISSIPPI—KeeslerAirForceBase

„ MISSOURI—FortLeonardWood

„ NEVADA—NellisAirForceBase

„ NEWJERSEY—McGuireCommissaryat


„ NORTHCAROLINA— Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Fort Bragg North and FortBraggSouth

„ PUERTORICO—FortBuchanan

„ TEXAS —Fort Bliss, SamHouston and Lackland commissaries at Joint Base San Antonio,Fort Hood (ClearCreek) and RandolphAirForceBase

„ VIRGINIA —Fort Belvoir,Eustis and

LangleycommissariesatJointBaseLangleyEustis, Fort Lee(changestoFort GreggAdamsonApril27),FortMyerCommissary atJointBase Myer-HendersonHall, Naval AmphibiousBaseLittleCreek,NavalStation Norfolk, NavalAir Station Oceana and MarineCorpsBaseQuantico

„ WASHINGTON —Lewis Main and McChordcommissariesatJoint Base Lewis-McChord

About DeCA:The Defense Commissary Agencyoperatesa worldwide chain of commissariesprovidinggroceriestomilitary personnel,retireesandtheirfamiliesinasafe

andsecureshoppingenvironment.Commissaries provide amilitary benefit, saving authorized patrons thousands of dollars annually on theirpurchases compared to similar products at commercial retailers. The discounted prices include a5-percent surcharge,whichcoversthecostsofbuilding newcommissariesandmodernizingexisting ones.Acoremilitaryfamilysupportelement, andavalued partofmilitary payand benefits,commissariescontributetofamilyreadiness,enhancethequalityoflifeforAmerica’s militaryand their families,and helprecruit and retain the bestand brightest men and womentoservetheircountry

NAVFAC MIDLANT awards contract for multi-discipline, architect-engineer services in NSA Crane Area of Operations

NavalFacilities Engineering SystemsCommand (Navfac) Mid-Atlantic

NavalFacilities Engineering Systems

Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC


Cincinnati, Ohio, a$7,500,000,firm-fixedprice,indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity,architect-engineeringcontract for multi-discipline,architect-engineer (A-E) servicesintheNavalSupportActivity(NSA)


The work will be performed primarily in

Crane and Sullivan, Indiana, and provides forA-E design and engineeringservices for various plannedprojects forconstruction, repair,replacement,demolition, alteration, andimprovementsfor special projects and militaryconstruction(MILCON)facilities. Task order 0001isbeing awardedat $104,521fortheseedprojectoftheresidentialareawater line,NAVFACBuilding 4, NSACrane

Thetermofthecontractisnot-to-exceed 60 months with an expected completion date of April 2028. Fiscal 2022operation and maintenance,Navy(O&M,N) funds

in the amount of $104,521 areobligated on this awardand will expire at theend of the currentfiscalyear.Futuretaskorderswillbe primarilyfunded by O&M,N and MILCON funds Thiscontractwascompetitivelyprocured via the System for AwardManagement website,withfouroffersreceived.NAVFAC MIDLANT isthe contracting activity (N40085-23-D-0017).

NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibility thatspans from South Caro-

linatoMaine,and asfar west as Michigan, anddowntoIndiana.Asanintegralmember of the Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlanticteam,NAVFACMIDLANT provides leadership throughthe Regional Engineer organizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilities and infrastructureare managed efficiently andeffectively Foradditional information about NAVFACMIDLANTonsocialmedia,follow ouractivitiesonFacebookatwww.facebook. com/navfacmidatlanticandonInstagram@ navfacmidatlantic.

www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, April 27,2023 3

Fleet Readiness Center Southeast conducts change of command and retirement ceremony

Fleet Readiness Center Southeast

JACKSONVILLE Fla. U.S. Navy Captain William A. Palmer relieved U.S. Navy Captain Grady G. Duffey, Jr as the 45th commanding officer of Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) during a Change of Command and retirement ceremonyinFRCSE’srecentlyrenovatedHangar 101 onboard Naval Air Station Jacksonville onApril21.

Captain Duffey formerly served as the organization’sproductionofficer,executive officerandfleeteduptocommandingofficer, relievingCol.FredrickSchenkinApril2021. Each commanding officer serves two years andcustomarilyservesastheexecutiveofficerbeforeassumingcommand

The ceremony, with its 400 guests, was steepedin time-honoredtraditions thatare indicative of a Navy Change of Command and retirement reading of orders reportingcommand,flagdetail,awards,customary readingsandmore A smooth transfer of authority passed the torch from Captain Duffey to Captain Palmerasbothfamilieslookedon.

Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers (COMFRC) Rear Adm. Joseph B. Hornbucklewastheguestspeakerandpresiding officer for the ceremony and expressed his gratitudeforthejobdonebyDuffey

“Captain Duffey’s superior performance during his tenure as FRCSE’s CommandingOfficerisaculminationofhis34yearsof honorable and dedicated military service,” Hornbuckle said. “I am confident that his nextendeavorwillbeequallyimpactfuland rewarding.”

Known throughout the command as a personable caring leader Captain Duffey led a successful career and command tour atFRCSE Despitenavigatingachallenging newworldpost-pandemic,theorganization continuedtomeetandexceedfleetrequirementsunderhisleadership

During the 2021 fiscal year, FRCSE returned 106 aircraft to the fleet, a historic firstforthecommand,butthat’sfarfromall

Additionally in FY21, FRCSE hired another round of apprentices; completed thefirstH-60inareducedturnaroundtime of 135 days; Trainers Production Line won the NAVAIR Commander’s Award for Best PerformingProductionLine;renovationsof hangar 101 commenced; and the command wontheFloridaGovernor’sSterlingManufacturing Business Excellence Gold Award tonameafew.

“My time here at FRC Southeast saw historical milestones, significant awards, incredible innovation, a first-of-a-kind responsetoworkingduringapandemic,and somuchmore,”Duffeysaid “ToFRCSoutheast’s top-notch workforce, I am humbled to have led you, privileged to work alongsideyouandextremelyproudofallyouhave accomplished.”

By 2022, FRCSE was fast and furious

Work commenced at Cecil Commerce Center in support of the P-8A Poseidon modification program, and the F-5 production line celebrated a significant improvementinthroughputthankstonewairframe shoring, created by the command, which enabled large areas of structural work to be completedconcurrently

With Duffey at the helm, successes within the trades apprentice program also abounded,includingthefirstapprenticeship graduation in more than 20 years. Former students are now fully employed journey-levelartisansworkingatFRCSE

The command was also activated as a Department of Defense Second Depot

Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5 returns from deployment


NORFOLK The “Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5 returned to its home base at Naval Station Norfolk, April 23, 2023, following an eightmonth deployment with Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 10 George H.W. Bush CSG, to theU.S.SixthFleetareaofoperations

Following completion of a four week composite training unit exercise, HSC-5 deployed Aug. 10, 2022, with Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7, embarked aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), with additional logisticspersonnelembarkedaboardtheSupplyclassfastcombatsupportshipUSNSArctic (T-AOE8)

HSC-5 completed inland training exercises in Bize, Albania, including mountain flying, a challenging and dangerous propositionforhelicoptersduetothethinairand high engine power requirements, low-level tacticalflying,off-airportlanding,andmultiunit coordinated exercises featuring an explosiveordnancedisposalunitandfixedwingsquadrons Jan.15-17.

HSC-5 completed combined training with Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 12 and Spanish allies from the Spanish Navy carrier ESPS Juan Carlos I (LHD-61) in Albania, during the NATO-led vigilance activityNeptuneStrike23.1

SourceofRepair(DSOR)fortheF135engine thepropulsionsystemthatpowerstheF-35

Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, emphasizing FRCSE’s ability to support fifth and futuregenerationaircraft

Various efficiencies adopted during Duffey’stourhelpedtheorganizationthrive inFY22,earningvariousprominentawards and accolades such as the Chief of Naval OperationsAviationSafetyAward,NAVAIR Commander’s Award for Best Performing Production Line (Vertical Lift) and the P-8 FST Supply Team being selected for the 2022 Department of the Navy Acquisition ExcellenceAward.

Also, during his tenure, the organization contracted, executed and completed numerous vital construction and MILCON projects, with several expected to come to fruition under Captain Palmer’s watch or well into the future many of which are geared toward modernization, innovation andfifthgenerationaircraft.

Projects range from a new Joint Strike Fighter Targeting and Surveillance facility, the first major MILCON in 25 years, to thesecondofatwo-phaserenovationofthe command’s main administrative building encompassing the quarterdeck, executive suite departmental offices cafeteria and more.

“Ifeelblessedandhumbledthatwewere successfulinrollingoutmanyinitiativesthat will pave the way for future generations at FRCSE,” Duffey said. “A skilled, diligent workforceandnewstate-of-the-artfacilities ensurethiscommandisreadyandprepared forwhatIbelievewillbeabrightfuture.”

Ashetransitionsintoretirement Captain Duffey does so with the respect of FRCSE’s workforce, departing with a legacy of charismaandcommitmentthatwillendure “Ididn’tjointhisorganizationtobecome rich.Ihave,however,foundmyselfwealthy inpatriotism,camaraderieandexperience,”

Duffeysaid.“Intakingsomeoneelse’splace on this watch I have given my best based on my ability grown beyond my expectations and served my country with pride. I am certain that Captain Palmer will lead FRCSE’s next watch with vigor, integrity anddistinction.”

CaptainPalmer,theformerexecutiveofficeratthecommand,assumedhisnewroleas commandingofficerduringtheceremony.

“To the men and women of Fleet Readiness Center Southeast, I am honored today to stand before you as your commanding officer,”saidPalmer,“Muchhasbeenwritten andsaidaboutleadership Mycommitment to you is simple, I will give you everything that I have In return I will only ask for one thing,andthat’syourpersonalbest.”

Captain Michael Windom former commanding officer of Fleet Readiness Center Northwest arrived in March and assumed duties as executive officer during theceremony AboutFleetReadinessCenterSoutheast Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) is Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia’s largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and technical services provider, employing approximately 5,000 civilian, militaryandcontractworkers.Withannual revenue exceeding $1 billion, the organization serves as an integral part of the greater USNavy,NavalAirSystemsCommand,and Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers by maintainingthecombatairpowerforAmerica’smilitaryforces

ADRIATIC SEA(March 26 2023) MH-60S Nighthawkhelicopters attached to helicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5,flyoverthe island of Capri,Italy March 26 2023.CarrierAirWing (CVW) 7 is the offensive airand strike component ofCarrierStrike Group (CSG) 10 and the George H.W.Bush CSG.The squadrons ofCVW-7 are Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 143,VFA-103,VFA-86,VFA-136,CarrierAirborne EarlyWarning Squadron (VAW) 121,ElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ) 140,HSC-5,and HelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46 The George H.W.Bush CSG is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSNOVALEEMANZELLA)

Throughoutdeployment,HSC-5executed 856sortiestotaling2,660flighthours Additionally, HSC-5 executed eight time-critical medical evacuations providing Sailors throughout CSG-10 with high-level medical care, and supported 158 vertical replenishment flights, delivering over 4.7 million poundsofcargotosupportsustainedcarrier operations “The courage and tenacity embodied by every‘Nightdipper throughoutthesemany months reflects the fighting spirit of the Helicopter Sea Combat community,” said Cmdr. Erik “Gus” Gustafson, commanding officerofHSC-5.“Wetakeimmensepridein

ourflexibility solvingoperationalproblems for the strike group, and delivering combat powertothefleet.Icouldnotbemoreproud toservealongsidesuchaninspiringteamof greatAmericanswhopersonifyourethosto ‘Rescue!Protect!Deliver!’”

George H.W. Bush is the flagship of CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W. Bush CVW-7 Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26 the Information Warfare Commander and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USSLeyteGulf(CG55)

The ships of DESRON-26 completing deployment with CSG-10 are the Arleigh

Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Nitze (DDG 94), USS Truxtun (DDG 103), andUSSDelbertD.Black(DDG119).

The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboardtheGeorgeH.W.Busharethe“Sidewinders” of VFA-86, the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103,the“Knighthawks”ofVFA-136,the “Pukin Dogs” of VFA-143, the “Bluetails” of Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Patriots” of Electronic AttackSquadron(VAQ)140,the“Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, and the “Grandmasters” of HelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)46

JACKSONVILLE,Fla (Apr 21 2023) Capt.GradyDuffeyis piped ashore forthe last time during the Fleet Readiness CenterSoutheast (FRCSE) change ofcommand ceremony.Capt.William Palmerbecame FRCSE’s 45th commanding officerafterrelieving Capt.GradyDuffeyduring a change ofcommand and retirement ceremonyApril 21st onboard NavalAirStationJacksonville.BELOW: Capt.GradyDuffeypresents the national ensign to hiswife,Kandi Duffey during the change ofcommand ceremony.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYTOIETEJACKSON/RELEASED)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 27 2023

U.S. Navy,JMSDF Conduct Training

Torpedo Exercise in Japanese Waters

Commander,Task Force70/Carrier StrikeGroup 5


—Aircrewsfromthe“Saberhawks”ofHelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)77 conducted anti-submarine warfare(ASW) torpedotraininginSagamiBay,April13.

ThistrainingwasthesecondtimetheU.S. Navy launched an inerttraining torpedo withJMSDFintoJapanesewaters.

Priortolastyear’s event,every torpedo exercise conducted by aforward-deployed squadron wasconducted in SanDiego.The benefitofthisparticularASWexerciseisthat theforward-deployedsquadronwasableto practice within the region they operate in, while also strengtheningbilateral capabilitiesbetweentheU.S.NavyandJMSDF.The aimisforthisexercisetocontinueanannual event.

“HSM-77isproud to takepart in highendwarfightingintegrationeffortswithour JMSDF counterparts,” saidLt. Cmdr.Eric Hodina,HSM 77 operations officer.“These exercisesallowustoimproveourcoordinated-ASWproficiencyandenhancejoint-warfightingcapabilities.”

The exerciseinvolved an inert torpedo beinglaunchedfromanMH-60RSeahawk, attachedtoHSM-77.Thetorpedowasrecovered by asmallboatteamfromthe JMSDF Futami-classresearchshipJSWakasa(AGS 5104).AnSH-60K, assigned to JMSDF Air Development Squadron (VX-51),provided rangeclearanceandtranslatedthecommunications

HSM-77isforward-deployedtoNavalAir FacilityAtsugiandembarksaboardmultiple shipsinthe7thFleetareaofoperations VX-51isasquadronintheFleetAirForce ofthe JMSDF based in Atsugi, Japan. This

SAGAMI BAY(April 13,2023)AnMH-60RSeahawkattachedtothe“Saberhawks”ofHelicopterMaritime StrikeSquadron (HSM) 77 flies alongside the Futami-class research shipJSWakasa (AGS-5104) in Sagami Bay,Japan,April13,2023.The Saberhawksare forward-deployedto the 7th Fleet area ofoperation in support ofafreeand open Indo-pacific.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASS ASKIACOLLINS)

event builds on the first of its kindbilateral Anti-SubmarineWarfaretrackingexercise that HSM-51 and VX-51flew togetherin October U.S.7thFleetexercisesoperationalcontrol of its unitsthrough designated Task Forces

orTaskGroups.Thesegroupsareorganized along domain andfunctionallines.CTF 70 is theater strikewarfarecommanderand theaterairandmissiledefensecommander.

CTF70isforward-deployedtotheU.S.7th Fleetareaofoperations in supportofa free


7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployednumbered fleet, and routinelyinteractsand operates withallies and partners in preserving afreeand open Indo-Pacificregion

www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, April 27,2023 5

HSM-46 returns from deployment


NORFOLK —The “Grandmasters” of HelicopterMaritime StrikeSquadron (HSM)46returnedhome to NavalAir Station Jacksonville in Florida, April 22, 2023,followinganeight-monthdeployment withCarrier StrikeGroup (CSG)10tothe U.S.SixthFleetareaofoperations.

The Grandmastershavebeen deployed since August10, 2022, as an integrated memberofCarrier AirWing (CVW) 7. The squadronsofCVW-7includethe“Sidewinders” of StrikeFighter Squadron (VFA) 86, the “JollyRogers” of VFA-103, the “Knighthawks” of VFA-136,the “Pukin Dogs” of VFA-143, the“Bluetails” of Command and Control Squadron (VAW)121, the “Patriots” of Electronic Attack Squadron(VAQ) 140, the “Nightdippers”ofHelicopter Sea CombatSquadron(HSC)5,andHSM-46 HSM-46 deployedcombat elements onboardthe Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USSGeorgeH.W.Bush(CVN77),theTiconderoga-classcruiserUSS Leyte Gulf(CG 55), andthe Arleigh Burke-class destroyers USSFarragut(DDG 99)and USSTruxtun (DDG103).TheirteamaboardtheTruxtun remainsdeployed

During deployment, the Grandmasters participated in anumber of multi-national exercisesandoperationsincluding,Juniper Oak, twoiterationsofNeptune Strike, and Mare Aperto. Theyworked alongside allies andpartnersfromAlbania,Croatia,France Great Britain, Greece,Israel, Italy,Spain and Turkey.These exercisesstrengthened partnerships and enhanced interoperabilityofU.S.andpartnernationmilitaryforces, honing high-end jointwarfightingtactics andtechniques.

TheGrandmastersexecuted2,484sorties totaling6,265 flighthours,and 5,126 deck landings.Theiraircraftandcrewsprovided aroundtheclocksurfacesurveillanceinthe European Theatre,and participated in live submarine tracking operations.All made possible by 80,898 manpowerhours their maintenance team executed to keep 10 aircraftinhigh-performingorder.

The Grandmasters were led by their CommandingOfficer, Cmdr.Jamie “Bogo” Powers,theirExecutiveOfficer,Cmdr.Anne “Bob” Bruckman, and Command Master ChiefCory“MaryPoppins”Ervin “I couldnot be more proud of this group

JACKSONVILLE,Florida(April 22,2023)The Sterling familyposesforas photoasHelicopterMaritime StrikeSquadron (HSM) 46,assignedto CarrierAirWing (CVW) 7,returns toJacksonville,Florida following an eight-month deploymentwith CarrierStrikeGroup (CSG)10,April 22,2023. The squadrons ofCVW-7embarked aboard the George H.W.Bush arethe“Sidewinders”ofStrikeFighterSquadron (VFA) 86,the“JollyRogers”of VFA-103,the“Knighthawks”ofVFA-136,the“Pukin Dogs”ofVFA-143,the“Bluetails”ofAirborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW)121,the “Patriots”ofElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ)140,the“Nightdippers”ofHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5,andthe“Grandmasters ofHelicopterMaritime StrikeSquadron (HSM) 46.The George H.W.Bush CSGwas deployedtothe U.S.NavalForcesEurope area ofoperations, employedbyU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,alliedand partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTMC2MATTHEW RIGGS/RELEASED)

of young men and women, who selflessly devoted themselves to serving our great nation,”saidPowers.“Theyaretheone-percentofAmericathatraisedtheirrighthand to defend freedomand democracy around the globe.Though we areall tired following these manymonths away from home, we all will returnwith asenseofprideand resiliency that we will carry for the rest of ourlives.Wegivethankstothosewhohave comebeforeusandshowedustheway,and we givethankstothe unwavering support of our lovedonesand friends on thehomefront.”


enablethe Grandmasters to perform anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare,intelligencesurveillanceandreconnaissance,search and rescue missions,and logisticsupportmissions

George H.W. Bush is theflagship of CSG-10, GeorgeH.W. Bush CSG.CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W. Bush,CVW-7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26,the Information WarfareCommander,and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USSLeyteGulf(CG55).

The ships of DESRON-26 completing deployment with CSG-10are the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS

Nitze (DDG 94), USSTruxtun (DDG 103), andUSSDelbertD.Black(DDG119).

The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboardtheGeorgeH.W.Busharethe“Sidewinders”ofVFA-86, the“Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103,the“Knighthawks”ofVFA-136,the “PukinDogs” of VFA-143, the“Bluetails” of Airborne Command and Control Squadron(VAW) 121, the“Patriots” of Electronic AttackSquadron(VAQ)140,the“Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, and the “Grandmasters” of HelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)46

6 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, April 27,2023

VAQ-140 returns to NAS Whidbey Island


NORFOLK Following an eight-and-ahalf-month deployment embarked aboard theNimitz-classaircraftcarrierUSSGeorge H.W. Bush (CVN-77) to the U.S. Sixth Fleet area of operations the “Patriots” of ElectronicAttackSquadron(VAQ)140returnto itshomebaseofNavalAirStationWhidbey IslandinWashington,April22,2023

VAQ-140operatestheEA-18GGrowler,an electronic attack aircraft that specializes in suppressionofenemyairdefenses

Whiledeployed,VAQ-140participatedin multiple joint exercises with international allies These events include a NATO integrationeventinNovemberinSpangdahlem, Germany, vigilance activity Neptune Strike in Romania and Hungary, and Juniper Oak the largest force exercise with the Israeli military VAQ-140operatedwithCarrierAirWing (CVW) 7, completing carrier operations in the Alboran, Tyrrhenian, Ionian, Adriatic, and Aegean Seas The Patriots also had the opportunity to visit several ports as ambassadorsoftheUnitedStates,includingSouda Bay, Crete; Naples, Italy; Split, Croatia; Marseilles,France;andAthens,Greece.

The Patriots began their 2022-2023 deployment under the command of Cmdr Alan “Carl” Carlson, but following an airborne change of command on March 22, 2023,theyarereturningunderthecommand of Cmdr. Erik “Squanch” Halvorson When asked about the Squadron’s performance throughoutthedeployment Halvorsonsaid “I’mextremelyproudoftheperformanceof my squadron while deployed to U.S. Sixth Fleet The Patriots rose to every challenge they faced and performed honorably with ourinternationalpartners.”

This was the first deployment for twelve of nineteen VAQ-140 aircrew and many Patriot Sailors First-time deployer Lt Robert “Niceman” Curry said he “will miss my mustache and comradery amongst the airwingbutambeyondexcitedtoreturnto WhidbeyIsland.”

Throughout the deployment Patriot aircrewloggedoverathousandflighthours and over 950 carrier arrested landings Lt Cmdr Anthony “Chazz” Nicolas’s most memorable moment on deployment was “definitely the Blanco Brown concert. I’m a

NAVALAIRSTATIONWHIDBEYISLAND Washington – Familymemberswelcome the“Patriots ofElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ) 140 home following an eight-month deploymentwith CarrierStrike Group (CSG) 10 April 22 2023.The squadrons ofCarrierAirWing (CVW) 7 embarked aboard the George H.W.Bush are the“Sidewinders”ofStrike FighterSquadron (VFA) 86 the“JollyRogers ofVFA-103,the Knighthawks”of VFA-136 the“Pukin Dogs ofVFA-143,the Bluetails”ofAirborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 121,the“Patriots ofElectronicAttack Squadron (VAQ) 140 the“Nightdippers”ofHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5,and the“Grandmasters ofHelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46 The George H.W.Bush CSGwas deployed to the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests VAQ-140 returned to NASWhidbeyIsland following an eight-month deployment as part ofCarrier AirWing (CVW) 7 embarked on Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77.)The George H.W.Bush CarrierStrike Groupwas deployed to the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.Navy photo byMass Communication Specialist 3rd ClassJacquelin Frost.)

huge fan and it was amazing to see him live whileunderway. ThePatriotsaregratefultohavereturned to their families and loved ones, and are gratefulforthesupportfromthemthroughout the deployment. They look forward to continuing to operate America’s Growlers inthePacificNorthwest George H.W. Bush is the flagship of CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W. Bush CVW-7

Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26 the Information Warfare Commander and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USSLeyteGulf(CG55)

The ships of DESRON-26 completing deployment with CSG-10 are the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Nitze (DDG 94), USS Truxtun (DDG 103), andUSSDelbertD.Black(DDG119).

The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboardtheGeorgeH.W.Busharethe“Side-

winders” of VFA-86, the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103 the“Knighthawks”ofVFA-136 the “Pukin Dogs” of VFA-143, the “Bluetails” of Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Patriots” of Electronic AttackSquadron(VAQ)140,the“Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, and the “Grandmasters” of HelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)46

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 27 2023 7
Search jobs. Post your resume.Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING 8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 27 2023

On iberty

A tropical twist sweetens mundane meatballs

Surfers Healing Virginia Beach returns, registration taking place May 1st - May 5th


The weekend of August 18th and 19th

Surfers Healing Virginia Beach is taking place at the Virginia Beach oceanfront. It is an incredible, magical surfing event for children with autism and their families to participate in. Everyone is welcome to this freeeventtocomeoutandwitnesstheunfiltered joy and happiness that surfing brings tooneandall.

Theslotsfortheautisticchildrentoparticipate ALWAYS fill up fast so please make sure to go to register on line May 1st-May 5thathttps://www.surfershealingvb.org/

Surfers Healing was founded by Israel “Izzy”andhiswifeDaniellePaskowitzover 27 years ago when their then three year old son Isaiah was diagnosed with autism and surfing was a source of calm and comfort for him. Since then, Surfers Healing offers free surf camps to thousands of children with autism throughout the United States, MexicoandPuertoRico

We are fortunate here in the Hampton Roads Area that Surfers Healing Virginia Beachwasfounded17yearsago Theweekend of August 18th and 19th will be full of surfing for the autistic children, a 5K run and many vendors for everyone attending tohaveagreattimeYoucangetmoreinfoat:


Yiorgo: On the phone with us today is Israel“Izzy”Paskowitz.Forthosenotfamiliarwithit,canyoutellusaboutSurfersHealingVirginiaBeach?

Israel “Izzy” Paskowitz: It’s my pleasure.It’swhyI’monthisplanet OurVirginia Beach camp is a two day event, averaging about 220 children per day, per camp It’s grown into a circus vibe, a fun event with many activities and resource booths It’s a beautifulbeach,Ilovethelocation,withthe small, fun waves that we can maximize our effortsinthewaterwiththechildren.It’san interesting dynamic, with an amazing surf community that loves their waves and the surfcontestthatgoeswithit.It’sagreatlocationforsurfingandit’slikeLasVegasonthe beachforallthetourismthatgoeson.

Y:HowdidtheSurfersHealingcampstart inVirginiaBeach?

IP: We have the camp in Virginia Beach because the wife of Paul Vaugh, one of the local surfers that taught a lot of people to surf had passed away years ago, and his wife wanted to donate some money in his memory.Iaskedher,wellcanwecomeoutto VirginiaBeachandspendthemoneylocally? And that’s how autism surfing started in Virginia Beach When you walk up to the camp, there is a billboard with a collage of


Y: How can people make contributions, becomevolunteers,etc.?

IP: I would like for people to watch the videosandpicturesatwww.surfershealing org We are always looking for partnerships and donations and after all these years, to maintain what we do, and take us into the next25years.


IP: I had a very unique experience. My father was a WWII Navy veteran, Stanford educated doctor, and we lived in a camper that sleeps six. We were poor as church micebecausemyfatherjustwantedtotravel aroundtheUnitedStates,MexicoandIsrael to surf There were 11 of us and when you stuff 11 people in a camper that sleeps 6, we were very close to each other I loved it. We are half Mexican, half Jewish and when I was 13 we traveled to New York City in our camper for my Bar mitzvah and celebrated our Jewish traditions on the beach and wherever we were. We didn’t know any different We could see people living in houses, driving fancy cars and we wanted that but everyday was so unique to us We would surf surf, surf but then explore and meetpeople


IP: I was a really good surfer And really,

The Hermitage presents May Day celebration


JointheHermitageCollectivetowelcome the warm weather and enjoy a day full of traditional,spring-inspiredactivities!

Enjoy special activities from our partners Norfolk Master Gardeners, Lil Truck of Tools Plant Norfolk and a book swap with Eleanor’s Norfolk. The event will also feature a May Pole tunes by DJ Ryan

Thomas, lawn games, spring themed art activities, garden tours, plus selfie, bubble andchalkartstations.

Grab a bite to eat at Sour Street Pizza, Hola Snacks, Lolly’s Creamery, and Kona Ice. Delectable mini-cakes will be available from Pownd Cakes by Jen. Purchase a bloody Mary craft beer or kid-friendly drinksfromthebar Toparticipateinthebookswap bringone

of your favorite (preferably used) books of anygenretotradeforanotherbook!Allages arewelcometoparticipate

This outdoor event is free to all guests areencouragedtoconsideradonationatthe door Pleasenotethattherewillbenoon-site parking Guestsareinvitedtoparkthroughouttheneighborhood The Hermitage Museum & Gardens is located7637NorthShoreRoad,Norfolk VA

reallyhandsome IwasaprosurferandIhad endorsements AtthetopofmycareerIhad a great relationship with Nike I was in ads with Bo Jackson, Agassi, MichaelJordan, it wasincredible,butIhadIsaiah.

Y: Because you had gotten married and startedafamily

IP: I got married very young to the prettiest girl in town and I just wanted to be normal like everyone else. We had our first child,abeautifuldaughterIsreaella,andour second child Isaiah was autistic. That was thewrenchinthegearsforme Ididn’tknow howtodealwithautismatallasayoungman and providing for my family was very, very difficultbecauseIhadnoeducation

Y: Why did you and your wife start SurfersHealing?

IP: It was a dark place in my mind and a hole in my heart I had really thin skin and everything really bothered me and it hurt. One day I took Isaiah in the water with me and everything changed. I wish I had taken him in the water sooner The parents these days say, I don’t know if you can handle my child That’s exactly the way I was. There’s no way my son can surf, that’s off the table becauseheneededtobelikeme Butinreality it didn’t matter as long as he was in the

These Sheet Pan Hawaiian Meatballs are a perfect example ofa quickyet delicious mealyourloved ones can enjoywithout committing an entire evening to the kitchen. PageC4 TurntoSurfersHealing Page 3

Sunday May 7

23505 For more information call 757-4232052, email info@thehermitagemuseum. org or visit us online at https://thehermitagemuseum.org. The Hermitage Collective is a group of young professionals committed to serving asambassadorstotheHermitage

Participants in a previous Surfers Healing event (PHOTOBYROBBIEHICKMAN) INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, April 27 2023 1



The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online.

Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/

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WWE returns to the Hampton Coliseum on May 21st with their SuperShow Sunday Stunner, Superstar LA Knight opens up about his life


The global phenomenon that is World Wrestling Entertainment and known to all wrestlingfansassimplyWWE,isreturning totheHamptonColiseumonMay21st.The advertised card as of this writing is incredible: For the RAW Women’s Championship Champion Rhea Ripley puts up her title againstShotzi.Itwillbeanalloutwarwhen Cody Rhodes battles Solo Sikoa in a street fight. There will also be a RAW Women’s Championship Fatal Four-Way match with RAW’s Women’s Champion Bianca Belair vs Becky Lynch vs Asuka vs Piper Niven.TheUnitedStatesChampionAustin Theory defends his title vs Matt Riddle The Intercontinental Championship will be up for grabs when Champion Gunther with Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci goes against Santos Escobar with Cruz Del ToroandJoaquinWilde.Therewillbemany morematchesaswellandasalwaysthecard issubjecttochange.

Ticketsareonsalenow,startingaslowas $20.00 as well as group sales, special offers including Superstar Experience and Walk

The Aisle For all the details go to https:// www.hamptoncoliseum.org/events/detail/ wwe-live-3

Yiorgo: With us today to tell us all about itisWWESuperstarLAKnight Thankyou for being with us. Why should fans come to a live show, when they can see it for free on TVandothersocialmediaoutlets?Whatwill theyseeandexperience?

LA Knight: That’s a great question. The different reasons are these: To be there in thebuildingliveandtofeelwhatishappeninginthereisjustsodifferent.That’swhatI always enjoyed as a kid When I was growing up watching, the people in the building lookedliketheywerehavingsuchafuntime TheylookedliketheyweresoinvestedthatI wantedtobethereandinthatenergy,tofeed offthatenergy,tobeapartofthatenergyand theshowessentially Alsoyouseethingsthat you might not see on TV Maybe something thathappensduringacommercialorsomethingthathappensbeforeoraftertheshow goesoffair TherearesomanyXfactorsthat go into that but the main thing for me is the energy and feeling of being a part of that actualshow.

Y: As a wrestling performer, what part of thebusinessdoyouenjoythemostandleast?

LK: The part I enjoy the most is getting out there and getting a chance of doing my thing When I get a chance to talk and have an open microphone there isn’t anything better than that. Also going out there and having a hell of a solid match, with a great opponent,youcan’tbeatthat.Asfaraswhat Ihate,sometimesthepreparation,youknow, havingtohavebootsandgearmade.Alotof times there is the business side of the businessthatcanbeveryfrustrating Itcanbethe worstpartorthebestpart,itreallydepends

Y: Full disclosure, I am a big fan of yours. Along with your great wrestling ability, you alsohavethegiftof“talkingthefans”intothe building You are really great on the microphone.

LK: Thank you. That has always been kind of my focus That has been the thing thatIbuildmyselfoninthesensethatthose werealwaystheguysthatIlikedandtriedto modelmyselfafterthem.

Y: What have been some of your favorite segments or moments that you are very proudofinyourcareer?

LK:Inthatcasethereisalot.Icangoback to“TheFactOfLife”asatalkshowthatIdid not have a lot of expectations to be honest whenitwasreallypitchedtomeanditended up being great because I put my all into it. I wantedtomakeitworkandIdid.

On WWE there is all that stuff I did with Bray Wyatt. That one night that I came out, he apologized and I slapped him and I slapped him again. That was my big solid moment that I am the real deal in WWE. When you make that kind of noise and that kindofbigstep IgottheirattentionandI’m buildingfromthere.

Y:HowdidyougetyourrecentLAKnight workname?

LK: It’s a long story, the short version is when I was comingin I was asked for some suggestions and the first suggestion I came up with was LA with a different last name. Theydidnotwantthatlastname Itwasbasicallyaconglomerationofthemgivingmethe lastnameandmethefirstname Sowekind ofmetinthemiddle.

Y: Let’s learn a little bit more about you. Where were you born, what made you fall in love with wrestling and who did you like growingup?

LK:IwasborninHagerstown,Maryland. Igrewuptherewatchingwrestlingwithmy dad. Ever since I was a real little kid, you’re talking about Hulk Hogan, The Iron Sheik Nikoli Volkoff Roddy Piper. It was around WrestleManiaI,that’saroundthetimethat Icanfirstrememberreallygettingintoitand reallygettinginvestedasafan


LK: I lived in Hagerstown until I was 20 years old. Other than the year and a half that I went to West Virginia University in Morgantown,WestVirginia,Istartedwrestling in Cincinnati, Ohio I also lived and worked in LA for about 10 years so I have beenallovertheplace

Y: In the wrestling promotion, Championship Wrestling From Hollywood, you had a chance to work and become friends withPercyPringleIII,alsoknownasWWE

Superstar Paul Bearer What are some of yourfavoritememoriesworkingwithPercy?

LK: Dave Marquez put Percy and I together thankfully It was actually in a tag Team with me and Brian Cage Eventually they split Cage off and I stayed with Percy. Inallhonesty,Idon’thaveaspecificmemory withhimbecausewehadsomanytimesthat it was pretty much a lot of business. We get there and do our thing Although I will say there were a couple of times that we had conversationsviaphoneortextandIwould ask him some bit of advice and just how thankful he was for me asking him. Afterwards he would impart whatever words of wisdomtomeandthenwouldbeincredibly thankful for the fact that I asked him and I foundthatsuperendearing.Usuallyyoufeel likeyouarebotheringsomebodyandtohim, he was thrilled to be given the opportunity to give me the advice That was not a point ofviewthatIconsidered.Tolookattheguy thatway,toexperiencetheguythatway,God Rest his soul I miss him. It was an amazing experienceandbigthankstoDaveMarquez forputtingthattogether

Y: You are a perfect example of never giving up Your WWE relationship goes back to 2008 in a dark match You signed withWWEin2013andreleasedin2014.You eventually resigned with WWE in 2021, on my birthday on February 14th Can you talk a little bit about that process and your willingnesstohanginthereandnevergiveup?

LK: It’s two pronged. Part of it was that I never gave myself a Plan B. I burned all the shipssortofspeak,becauseIdidn’thaveany options to do anything else really Now I’m sure I could learn and do other things, but for me I knew that I had something to offer to this business I am not the most technical greatest wrestler in the world, but as a professional wrestler in sports entertainment, I think I am up there with being one of the best in the world. I am the full package I hit all the things you need to succeed inthisbusiness

For me, to get into it and hit different bumps in the road, whether it be politics or meshootingmyselfinthefoot,morepolitics, there was never anything that would keep meoutbecauseIalwaysknewsomewhere,it wasgoingtohappen.I’llbehonest summer of2020Iwaslike,Ithinkthisisit,I’mdone, pretty sure it was over, and accept the fact that the window is closed, it’s done for me and that’s just what it is. I decided a month or two after I had come to that conclusion tomakeonemoreovertureandprobablyfor thefirstorsecondtimeinmylife Igotreally reallygoodatsellingmyselfandwaskindof relentlessinthatpursuit.Wehadtheconversation, thingsturnedoutthewaytheywere and I showed up on NXT, on your birthday, likeyousaid.HappyBirthdaytoyou,bythe way.



LK: Here’s the thing I left with heat in 2014.Iwasnotreleasedbecauseofmytalent That was made very clear to me There was nothingthatIwaslackinginanyway.There wastensionbetweenmeandtheheadcoach at the time and they said in order for the stigma to go away, I needed to go away Ok fine.Ayearlater,theyhadmadetheofferto

bring me back. The problem was that the place where I was working at the time was offeringmemoremoneysoIstayed.Inhindsightitwasprobablyabadideabecauseeven though WWE was offering me less money, theywerekindofdoingittoseeifIwouldbe a team player, and If I’m honest, the ceiling in WWE was way higher than where I was and I hit that ceiling really quickly at that place ItwasgreattomakethatmoneythatI hadneverseenbefore,althoughatthesame time this could have happened in 2016 had I made the move but I chose at the time to take the money that worked for me, kind of getmynesteggstartedIguess,getmyselfin abetterfinancialposition I have been broke all through my 20’s, barelygettingby,gettingevictionnoticeson mydoor,andwithgettingontheshow“The Hero ‘’ in 2013 and getting hired in NXT, it was the first time I was making any kind of justlivablemoney Nowyou’retalkingabout I almost feel like I’m rich, the other place wants to give me real, real money so ok, I gotta take that I ended up staying there for anotherthreeyears Italwaysdrovemenuts becauseIfeltlikenobodywaswatchingbut at the same time, I was always working and thought the WWE was watching because I felt that’s where I wanted to go I needed to go and where I and my level of work belonged. Finally when the time was right andwho’stosaywhenthetimewasrightor wrong, at some point, the stars aligned and wemadeithappen Y: SmackDown at WrestleMania 39 had

to be an incredible moment for you a few weeks ago Those fans popped HUGE for you.Andtheybooedbigtimewhenyoulost that match What was that moment like for you?

LK:SmackDowninLAwaswild.Thefans werefeelingit.Theywereonthetrain They did not want to see me loose, including me There’s never been anything like it and it’s going to continue to grow from there. That feelinginLA itwasruckus itwasravenous anditwasahellofatime

Y:Givemeawow pinchmemomentthat you can’t believe this little kid from Marylandgottoexperience.

LK: The first one would be having Percy in my corner all that time I’m sure there havebeensomeotherssincethenlikewhen I became the Million Dollar Champion for instance.Therehaveonlybeen5-6ofthose Between Ted DiBiase Steve Austin, that’s crazy and again looking at the Percy PringleDynasty,hemanaged:SteveAustin,Rick Rude, Undertaker, I’m in great company. Therearealotoftimesthatit’sprettycrazy of the people that I’m rubbing elbows with. At the same time, I aim to be above and beyond all of them so it’s one thing to rub elbowswiththemandallrespecttothembut asfarasI’mconcerned,I’mgoingtogoabove andbeyondwhatanyofthemdid.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, April 27 2023
LAKnight shown in both photos,above is hisfirst slapofBrayWyatt (PHOTOSCOURTESYOFWWE)

The Virginia Symphony Orchestra presents “The Music of Star Wars” Thursday May 4 at the Ferguson Center for the Arts



TheMusicofStarWarsperformance will be held Thursday, May 4, 2023, 7:30 p.m. at the Ferguson Center for the Arts in Newport News This high-energy show brings together exciting compositions from some of your favorite Star Wars movies and shows Some of the most popular compositions from Star Wars that will be included are Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Disney’s The Mandalorian, and Rogue One: A Star Wars Storyamongmanyothers American conductor and Norfolk native, Anthony Parnther, will conduct. Anthony has forged a singularly unique careerthatmeldshisloveforthemusicofallgenreswithhis prowess asaconductor,bassoonist,operasinger,producer storyteller comedian,andactivist.

On the scoring stages of Los Angeles, London, Nashville, Budapest, and San Francisco, Anthony has led and conducted recording sessions for many of the top international feature films, television series, and video game franchises in the world RecentprojectsincludeBlackPanther: WakandaForever,Avatar:TheWayofWater,Tenet,Ghostbusters:Afterlife TheAdamProject Slumberland,TheWay Back, Cheaper By The Dozen, Lost City, Little, The Hunt, Encanto, Turning Red, Ice Age: Adventures of Buck Wild, Diaries of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules, Star Wars: The Mandalorian,StarWars:BookofBobaFett,Fargo,TheNight Of, 4400, League of Legends, The Lamplighters League, GuildWars,AmericanDad,Arcane,andmanymore

As the Music Director of the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra in San Bernardino, California, Anthony has also conductedalonglistoftheworld’sgreatestartistsinvirtually

every genre, including Joshua Bell, Jessye Norman, Yundi Li, Lynn Harrell, Frederica von Stade, Roderick Williams, The Canadian Brass, Rihanna, Jennifer Holliday, Kanye West,ImagineDragons,OmarApollo,RyX,Zedd,andAlan Walker His recent guest conducting appearances include theLosAngelesPhilharmonic,AtlantaSymphonyOrchestra, SimfònicadeBarcelonaiNacionaldeCatalunya Jacaranda - Music at the Edge, the World Opera Forum in Madrid, Spain, and many more. Anthony studied at Northwestern UniversityandYaleUniversityandresidesinLosAngeles Tickets start at $25 and can be purchased in advance by calling 757.892.6366, visiting www.virginiasymphony.org or visiting the Virginia Symphony Box Office at 150 Boush Street, Suite 201, Norfolk, VA 23510 from 10 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Monday Friday. For group sales of 10 or more, call 757.213.1431


Attract backyard birds with the right seeds


While almost all bird seed may look pretty much the same to you, it doesn’t to the birds you’re feeding Knowing what kinds of seeds different birds like can help you attract a variety of fine feathered friends to your feeders

Consider these popular seed types and the common backyard birds they attract: Sunflower - Black sunflower seeds attract blue jays, goldfinches, woodpeckers purplefinches chickadees titmiceand nuthatches Stripedsunflowerseedsappeal

Surfers Healing

from Page 1

to chickadees, doves, grosbeaks, northern cardinals, nuthatches, titmice and woodpeckers Sunflower hearts (also known as “hulledsunflower”and“sunflowerchips”) attract chickadees common redpolls juncos, doves, finches, goldfinches, grosbeaks,nuthatches,pinesiskins,titmiceand woodpeckers Nyjer -Theselightweight, tinyseedsare a favorite of goldfinches Put nyjer seeds in a hanging feeder with tiny holes so the small seeds won’t get blown away Nyjer alsoattractsredpolls juncos doves,indigo bunting and pine siskin.

Safflower - These white seeds are slightlysmallerthanblacksunflowerseeds Because they are bitter grackles blue jays starlings - and squirrels - don’t like them. However, they do attract doves, purple finches, chickadees, titmice and downy woodpeckers White millet - Good for scattering on the ground, white millet attracts ground feeders such as juncos, sparrows, indigo buntings, towhees and mourning doves.

Crackedcorn-Popularwithgroundfeeders cracked corn appeals to doves, crows, jays sparrows, juncos and towhees Avoid

gettingfinelycrackedcornasit’svulnerable to rot and can quickly turn to mush.

When choosing a bird seed mix, pay attention to the ingredients list on the package Bird seed is required by law to list ingredients in order of content. Some cheaper mixes have filler seeds such as wheat, red milo, red millet or “assorted grainproducts.”Mostbackyardbirdswon’t eat those, and your seed mix could end up wasted on the ground.

Learnmoreaboutmakingyourbackyard an oasis for birds of all kinds at eLivingtoday.com.

water on a board surfing, we were connecting, we were justlikeanyotherfatherandson Itwasheartwarmingand created a relationship, we bonded and we started Surfers Healingbytakinghisclassoutsurfing Itwasmaybesixkids, asaspecialdayprogram.Ienlistedsixguys,myoriginalsix, thenwetookoutanothersixkids,andthatwasover27years agoinSantaOnofre California.

Y: How did you put such an amazing, diverse team of volunteers surfers workers together to give up their time money and everything else not just for Virginia Beach but theotherlocationstoo?

IP:Theyknowtheyaredoingsomethingincredible Last year was the biggest endeavor we’ve ever had We did five states and seven camps tours, greater than anything we’ve everdone Theyaregoinghomeafterbeinggonefor2weeks andwillstruggletopayrent Theydon’tmindbecausethey aresointothis Theyareverygratefultobeletintothelives of parents with autism. It means so much to the surfers to beapartofthatandyoucanhearmyguysandgalssaytothe families,thankyouforlettingmebeapartofthisandtaking your child out to the water to ride those waves together Andthat’stheworldtome,itwarmsupmyheartandthat’s whatmakesmecrywhenIheartheloveandpassionthatmy

guysandgalshaveforwhattheydo Idon’tcallthemsurfers anymore,theyarehealers It’smorethanaserviceorasport that can be misconstrued as trivial. There’s so much magic that happens with acceptance and healing, an awakening that the family needs as they continue this long life with autismthatwillbedifferent.


IP: We did summer programs, then we did North Carolina19yearsagoandMalibuandSanDiagoanditjustgrew fromthere.Ialwaysworryabouttakingchildrenoutinasafe wave Butconditionschangeinthewater.Alsoourgroupof volunteers got better and their length of time volunteering got longer Bucky, one of the surfers has been volunteering for 17 years and Blake for 13 They are maestros on the waterwiththechildrentothepointwheretheyareripping They are not just standing up and riding in, but ripping it withanautisticchildonaboard.Thatmomentonthebeach is elevated with excitement and you can hear the roars on the beach when either one of them takes off When I hear whistlingandscreaming,Iknowit’sthosetwo.Mygoalfor every child is to have only real hero surfers take them out, likeIdidmyson.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.


Participants in a previous Surfers Healing event (PHOTOS BYROBBIE HICKMAN)

LEFT: Surfers Healing founder Israel“Izzy Paskowitz (front) and his son Isaiah. (COURTESY PHOTO)

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, April 27 2023 3

Make an EGG-celent salad with fresh, seasonal aspargus

From Family Features

Nothing makes family time special quite like a homemade meal, especially one made with locally sourced ingredients that are as fresh and flavorful as they are thoughtfully prepared. Whether your gatherings with loved ones take place in the family kitchen, on the patio or at a picnic area, this Asparagus, Bacon and Egg Salad makes for a perfect brunch or appetizer that leans on local ingredients like asparagus, which takes just about three days to get from the field to your table. Grown by many family farmers, it can be found in your local store at 1-4 days old, compared to 10-20 days old for imported asparagus.

Local means fresh, which makes for an especially delicious meal, but it also means sustainability. Because asparagus season relies on the weather and uses rainwater instead of irrigation, it makes for a sustainable product that’s environmentally friendly.

As a nutrient-dense, low-calorie vegetable with no fat, no cholesterol and little sodium, it’s also easy to prepare - just don’t overcook it. Look for thicker spears at the store, as they tend to have greater texture and more flavor and tenderness because the fiber is less concentrated. Visit michiganasparagus.org to find more flavorful recipes to share with your nearest and dearest.

Asparagus, Bacon and Egg Salad

Recipe courtesy of Ashley from “Cheesecurd in Paradise” on behalf of the Michigan Asparagus Advisory Board

„ 6 bacon slices

„ 1 pound fresh Michigan asparagus, ends trimmed

„ 1/3 cup olive oil

„ 2 tablespoons champagne vinegar

„ 1 tablespoon honey

„ 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

„ 1/4 teaspoon salt

„ 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

„ 4 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and quartered

„ 2/3 cup halved cherry tomatoes

„ 1/4 cup sliced green onion

In skillet, cook bacon until crisp. Remove from pan. Set aside. Cut asparagus into four pieces. Add asparagus to same skillet used to cook bacon. Cook until fork tender, about 4 minutes, depending on thickness of asparagus.

While asparagus cooks, prepare dressing. Whisk oil, vinegar, honey, mustard, salt and pepper. Set aside.

Chop bacon. Remove asparagus from pan and place on platter. Top with chopped bacon, eggs, tomatoes and green onion. Pour dressing over top.

A tropical twist sweetens mundane meatballs

From Family Features

While the first step to a successful family meal is finding a recipe everyone loves, a second important piece to the puzzle is creating a dish that leaves enough time for special moments together at the table. You can skip complicated prep by serving easy-to-make favorites that call for versatile ingredients and simple instructions.

These Sheet Pan Hawaiian Meatballs are a perfect example of a quick yet delicious meal your loved ones can enjoy without committing an entire evening to the kitchen. With veal as a key ingredient that cooks fast and easy, it’s ideal for weeknights and meal prepping ahead of busy weeks.

Plus, it’d be a cinch to double the meatballs and freeze half of them to make prep even easier the next time your family craves the sweet and savory combination of pineapple, fresh veggies and tender veal.

To find more quick, flavorful dinner inspiration, visit Veal.org.

Sheet Pan Hawaiian Meatballs

Source: New York Beef Council

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 30 minutes

Servings: 6


„ 2 pounds ground veal

„ 1/2 cup plain breadcrumbs

„ 1/4 cup milk

„ 3 green onions, chopped

„ 1 large egg

„ 2 teaspoons garlic powder

„ 1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger

„ 2 teaspoons kosher salt

„ 1 cup Hawaiian barbecue sauce, plus additional for serving, divided


„ 1 small head broccoli, cut into florets

„ 1 small red bell pepper, seeded and cut

into 1/2-inch slices

„ 1 small yellow bell pepper, seeded and cut into 1/2-inch slices

„ 1 small red onion, cut into 1/2-inch slices

„ 1 small pineapple, cut into 1-inch chunks

„ 2 tablespoons olive oil

„ kosher salt, to taste

„ freshly ground black pepper, to taste

„ 2 green onions, for garnish

„ 2 teaspoons sesame seeds, for garnish

„ 6 cups cooked long-grain white rice

To make meatballs: Preheat oven to 450 F and line two rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper. In large bowl, mix veal, breadcrumbs, milk, green onions, egg, garlic powder, ginger and salt until just combined. Portion veal mixture into 2-inch balls. Place in even layer on prepared baking sheets. Bake about 15 minutes. Remove from oven.

To make vegetables: Toss broccoli, bell peppers, red onion, pineapple and oil

together until coated. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Arrange vegetables in single layer on baking sheets with meatballs. Flip meatballs and brush with sauce. Bake until vegetables are tender and meatballs are golden-brown, or until internal temperature reaches 160 F, about 15 minutes. Drizzle with barbecue sauce. Top with green onions and sesame seeds. Serve with rice.

4 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, April 27, 2023

Q&A: Getting


FALLS CHURCH, Va Getting sick or injured is never convenient. Fortunately, getting urgent care can take away some of the inconvenience of minor illnesses and injuries.

“Urgentcareisforwhenyoucan’twaitfor an appointment with your provider, but you don’tneedanemergencyroom,”saidDr Stacy Usher lead nurse of Clinical Oversight and IntegrationfortheTRICAREHealthPlan.

But, before you go to your nearest urgent carecenter,makesureyouunderstandyour rulesforgettingurgentcare.

“YourbeneficiarycategoryandTRICARE plandetermineyourrulesforgettingurgent care,”Ushersaid.“Followingtheseruleswill help you keep your out-of-pocket costs as lowaspossible.”Readontolearnmoreabout gettingurgentcare.


A:Urgentcareisformedicalconditionsthat aren’t emergencies but still need professional attention within 24 hours Examples ofnonemergencyconditionsinclude:

„ Coldandflusymptoms

„ Highfevers

„ Minorburns

„ Sorethroats

„ Sprains

Not sure if you need urgent care? The Military Health System Nurse Advice Line maybeabletohelp Youcangethealthadvice

24/7fromaregisterednursebyphone web chat, or video chat If you need urgent care, the MHS Nurse Advice Line can help you findanurgentcarefacility

YoucanusetheMHSNurseAdviceLineif youliveortravelintheU.S.oracountrywith amilitaryhospitalorclinic.


A: You can go to Find a Doctor or All ProviderDirectoriestofindaTRICARE-authorized (network or non-network) urgent carecenterorTRICAREnetworkprovider

If you’re enrolled in the US Family Health Plan, check your designated provider’s websitetolearnwheretogeturgentcare.

Urgentcareisalsoavailableatsomemilitaryhospitalsandclinics GotoFindaMilitary Hospital or Clinic to find your nearest militaryfacilityanditscontactinfo Callthe facilityorcheckitswebsitetolearnifitoffers urgentcare.

Youmayalsobeabletogeturgentcarevia telemedicine. Call your TRICARE contractororcheckitswebsiteformoreinfo

Q:DoIneedareferraltogeturgentcare intheU.S.?

A: This depends on your health plan and beneficiarycategory Ifyou’reanactiveduty servicemember youshould:

„ Seek urgent care at a military hospital or clinic when available. Call the MHS Nurse Advice Line if you need medical advice or guidanceonwheretogoforurgentcare.


„ Get a referral to get civilian urgent care. However, if you’re enrolled in TRICARE PrimeRemote,youcangeturgentcarewithoutareferral.

„ Follow up with your primary care managerwhenyougetcivilianurgentcare

Other types of beneficiaries don’t need a referraltogeturgentcare.

Q: Do I need a referral or authorization togeturgentcareoverseas?

A:ADSMsshouldfollowthesamerulesfor gettingurgentcareoverseasthattheywould followintheU.S.

Active duty family members enrolled in TRICARE Prime Overseas or TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas should contact the TRICARE Overseas contractor to get pre-authorization for urgent care. This ensures that your urgent care visit is cashlessandclaimless.Otherwise,youmayhave to pay the provider up front and file a claim forreimbursement

If you’re enrolled in TRICARE Select Overseas,youdon’tneedareferralorauthorizationtogeturgentcare.Youshouldexpect to pay up front for care and submit a claim forreimbursement

Q: How do I get urgent care when traveling?

A:Ifyouneedurgentcarewhiletravelingin theU.S.oroverseas,youdon’tneedareferral unlessyou’reanADSM.


plan stateside and you get urgent care overseas you’ll have to pay up front and file a claimtogetreimbursed.Ifyouneedhelp,you cancalltheTRICAREOverseascontractor


A: Your urgent care costs depend on your health plan, your beneficiary category, and where you get care. If you’re enrolled in TRICARE Prime point-of-service fees won’t apply when you get urgent care from a TRICARE-authorized urgent care center oraTRICAREnetworkprovider Ifyouseek carefromanon-networkprovider,theusual deductibleandcost-sharesapply

For details about network and non-networkcostsforurgentcare,youcan:

„ Use the cost comparison tool at https:// www.tricare.mil/comparecosts

„ Check out the TRICARE Costs and Fees Fact Sheet at https://www.tricare.mil/ Publications/Costs/costs_fees

Don’t forget: Urgent care can be convenient for your health and your wallet by following your plan’s rules Learn more aboutyoururgentcareoptions.

WouldyoulikethelatestTRICAREnews sent to you by email? Visit the TRICARE Subscriptions page today, and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates, news,andmore.

Health Getting sickorinjured is neverconvenient Fortunately getting urgent care can take awaysome ofthe inconvenience ofminorillnesses and injuries.(COURTESYPHOTO)
urgent care
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