Flagship 05.11.2023

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USS Cooperstown (LCS 23) commissions in New York

Commander Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet NEWYORK TheU.S.NavycommissioneditsnewestFreedom-variantlittoral combatship,USSCooperstown(LCS23) May8,2023,inNewYorkCity,NewYork.

USSCooperstownwillbethefirstnaval shipnamedafterCooperstown,NewYork and honors the 70 Hall of Famers who servedtheUnitedStatesduringwartimein arangeofconflictsspanningtheCivilWar, WorldWarI,WorldWarII,andtheKorean War.

“Iampleasedtobehereinmyhometown ofNewYorkCitytocommissiontheNavy’s newestlittoralcombatship,USSCooperstown,”saidSecretaryoftheNavyCarlos DelToro “LCS23honorsthebaseballgreats whoinserviceofourNation,sacrificedtheir baseballcareersforus Ihavefullconfidence

thattheofficersandcrewofthisgreatship willcontinuetohonortheirlegacy.

Major League Baseball Hall of Fame playerandmanager,JoeTorre,wastheceremony’sprinciplespeakerandhighlighted theship’stieswiththenamesakeservice members “Itiscriticalthatwehonorthelegacyof theseHallofFamers notjustforwhatthey didonthefield,butforwhattheysacrificed andwhattheyaccomplishedoffthefield. TheirlegacylivesonwiththeUSSCooperstownandwiththeSailorsheretodayandin theyearstocome.”


Vice President and General Manager of Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems,IntegratedWarfareSystemsand Sensors MrChaunceyMcIntosh;Chairman oftheBoardofDirectors NationalBaseball HallofFameandMuseumandHonorary

Sponsor,Ms.JaneForbesClark;andChief ofNavyReserve,ViceAdm.JohnMustin

TheShip’sSponsorMs.AlbaTull,gave thefirstorderto“manourshipandbring hertolife.”

“Cooperstownhasalong-standingtraditionofexcellenceanddedicationtopreservingthehistoryandlegacyofbaseball,andthe USSCooperstownisafittingtributetothat tradition,”saidTull.“Theshiprepresentsthe bestofAmerica,ourvalues ourcommitment todefendingourNationandtheinterestsof ourcountry Built by the Lockheed Martin and FincantieriMarinetteMarineinMarinette, Wisconsin. Cooperstown was launched Jan.19,2019,christenedonFeb29,2020, completedacceptancetrialsDec 14,2020, andwasdeliveredtotheU.S.NavySep 20 2022.


isaproudmomentforusall,madepossiblebythetirelesseffortsofourdedicated crew,”saidCooperstown’sCommanding Officer,Cmdr DaxtonMoore.“Theyhave demonstratedremarkableteamworkanda relentlesscommitmenttoexcellence,workinghardtoensurethatthisshipisreadyWe arehonoredtocarrythenameCooperstown intothefleet.”

CincinnatiRedsCatcher JohnnyBench, whowaselectedintotheBaseballHallof Famein1989,presentedthelongglassduring theceremony.Thecrewwashostforaweeklongseriesofeventscelebratingtheship,its namesakecity,andthecommunityithonors LCSarefast,agile,mission-focusedplatformsdesignedtooperateinnear-shore environments,winningagainst21st-century coastalthreats Cooperstownwillsailtoitshomeportof Mayport,Fla.

Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group deploys


NORFOLK, Va The capital ship of theGeraldR.FordCarrierStrikeGroup (GRFCSG),thefirst-in-classaircraftcarrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), departed NavalStationNorfolkforaroutinedeployment,May2.

“Thisstrikegroupisthecornerstoneof ourNavy’sforwardoperations capableof meetinganytaskingprovidedbyregional combatantcommanderstoensurepeaceand stabilityatsea,”saidRearAdm.GregHuffman,Commander,CarrierStrikeGroup12 “OurpresenceatseathroughoutthedeploymentwillprovidereassurancetoourpartnersandAlliesthatsealaneswillremain openandourjointoperationswilldemonstrateourcommitmenttointeroperability andmaritimestability.”

Ford’sseconddeploymentmarkstheflagship’sfirstcombatdeployment,followingits two-monthdeploymenttotheU.S.2ndand 6thFleetareasofoperationinautumn2022.

“TheSailorsofGeraldR.Fordareready andabletoperformbecauseofthestrenuoustrainingtheyhaveputintogetthisship readytodeploy,andalsoinlargeparttothe supportoftheirfamiliesandfriends,”said Capt.RickBurgess Ford’scommandingoffi-

THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! Mutts with a Mission deploys with USS Gerald R. Ford Sage,a three-year-old femaleyellow LabradorRetriever,deployed aboard the aircraft carrierUSS Gerald R. Ford,May2,as part ofthe Expanded Operational Stress Control Canine pilot program. PageA7
NewYorkCity(May6,2023) –The Freedom-variant littoral combat ship USS Cooperstown (LCS 23) sits pierside in NewYorkCitypriorto the ship’s commissioning ceremony.Cooperstown is the first U.S.Navywarship to honorCooperstown,NewYork,home ofthe National Baseball Hall ofFame.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSKEVINC.LEITNER)
NORFOLK,Va –The capital ship ofthe Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group (GRFCSG) the first-in-class aircraft carrierUSS Gerald R.Ford (CVN 78),departs Naval Station Norfolkfora routine deployment May2.GRFCSG consists ofGerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group (CSG) 12 Carrier AirWing (CVW) 8,DestroyerSquadron (DESRON) 2,Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiserUSS Normandy(CG 60) andArleigh Burkeclass guided missile destroyers USS Ramage (DDG 61),USS McFaul (DDG 74),and USSThomas Hudner(DDG 116).(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSNATHANT.BEARD) www.flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship IN THIS ISSUE VOL.31,NO 17 Norfolk VA| flagshipnews.comMay 11-May 17 2023 Commander, Navy Installations Command introduces new Force Protection Billet: 815A, Installation Security Specialist (Access) The three-year shore duty billets are open to E1-E5 applicants and draw heavily from sea duty-intensive ratings. PageA2 TurntoUSSGeraldR.Ford Page 2 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, May 11, 2023 1

Commander, Navy Installations Command introduces new Force Protection Billet: 815A, Installation Security Specialist (Access)


Commander Navy Installations Command

Commander, Navy Installations Command(CNIC)hasintroducedanew primarydutybillet,815AorInstallation SecuritySpecialistforaccess,inorderto increase base sentries and bolster force protectionatNavyCONUSinstallations Thethree-yearshoredutybilletsareopen toE1-E5applicantsanddrawheavilyfrom seaduty-intensiveratings

“Sailors assigned to 815A duties will serveassentries,protectingaccesstoour installations,andsupplementingbaselaw enforcement,whichwillstillbeprimarily comprisedofmasters-at-arms,”saidRon Herb,CNIC’sdirectorofforceprotection. “ThisisagreatopportunityforyoungSailors who may be interested in exploring

from Page 1

cer“ThisshipandcrewareactivelyreshapingthefaceofourNavy’scapabilitiesand strengtheningthefutureofnavalaviation.”

TheGRFCSGprovidesaninherentlyflexiblenavalforcecapableofdeployingacross combatantcommandstomeetemerging missions,deterpotentialadversaries,reassure allies and partners, enhance securityandguaranteethefreeflowofglobal commerce

TheGRFCSGconsistsofCarrierStrike Group(CSG)12staff,GeraldR.Ford,Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 8, Destroyer Squad-

othercareeroptionsintheNavy,suchas forceprotection.”

815ASailorsperformspecializedduties asmembersofinstallationNavySecurity Forces(NSF)throughthepreventionof unauthorizedaccesstoinstallationsand restrictedareas Theyareresponsiblefor controllingentryandexitofvehiclesand equipment;patrollingpropertyconcentrationareas;enforcingorderandregulations intheirareaofoperations;andperform inspectionsofvehiclesanddefenseagainst intrusionbyhostileindividuals

“The815AprogramreplacesthepreviouslyverysuccessfulNavylawenforcement specialist billet, FP NEC 9545,” said Herb “FP NEC 9545 was available toenlistedpersonnelpriortoSeptember 11,2001andthenwassun-downeddueto increase master-at-arms support to the

ron (DESRON) 2 staff and units, Ticonderoga-classguided-missilecruiserUSS Normandy(CG60)andtheInformation WarfareCommanderIntotal,theGRFCSG deployswithmorethan6,000Sailorsacross allplatformsreadytorespondgloballyto combatantcommander’stasking TheshipsofDESRON2aretheArleigh Burke-classguided-missiledestroyersUSS Ramage(DDG61),USSMcFaul(DDG74) andUSSThomasHudner(DDG116)

The squadrons of CVW-8 embarked aboardGeraldR.Fordarethe“Tridents” ofHelicopterSeaCombatSquadron(HSC) 9,the“BearAces”ofAirborneCommand and Control Squadron (VAW) 124, the “Rawhides” of Fleet Logistics Support


Since 815A Sailors aren’t expected to havepriorlawenforcementexperience onceattachedtotheirnewdutystation, they receive thorough and comprehensivetrainingforsentryduty,includinglaw enforcementpractices,self-defenseand forceprotectioninordertosupporttheir installation’sNavalSecurityForce.Should 815ASailorsbecomeinterestedinpursuing acareerinlawenforcement,815Acanserve asasteppingstonetobecomingamasterat-arms

Thereare120815Abilletsavailablenow for Navy CONUS installations, with an additional130billetsslatedforadvertisementinJune CNICwillcontinuetomonitor and evaluate the program’s mission supportefficacyandoverallperformance throughout the coming months If the

Squadron(VRC)40locatedinNorfolk,Va., the“Ragin’Bulls”ofStrikeFighterSquadron (VFA)37,the“Blacklions”aofStrikeFighter Squadron(VFA)213,the“GoldenWarriors” ofStrikeFighterSquadron(VFA)87,the “Tomcatters”ofStrikeFighterSquadron (VFA)31locatedinVirginiaBeach,Va the “GrayWolves”ofElectronicAttackSquadron(VAQ)142locatedinWhidbeyIsland, Wa.,andthe“Spartans”ofHelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)70locatedin Mayport,Fla.

FordistheU.S.Navy’snewestandmost advancedaircraftcarrier Asthefirst-inclassshipofFord-classaircraftcarriers, CVN78representsagenerationalleapin theU.S.Navy’scapacitytoprojectpower

programissuccessful,CNICmaylookto releaseadditionalbilletslaterthisyear Ifyou’reinterestedinapplyingtooneof the815Abillets,askyourdetailerformore information.

Commander, Navy Installations Commandisresponsibleforworldwide U.S.Navyshoreinstallationmanagement astheNavy’sshoreintegrator,designing and developing integrated solutions for sustainment and development of Navy shoreinfrastructureaswellasqualityoflife programs CNICoversees10Navyregions 70bases,andmorethan43,000employees whosustainthefleet,enablethefighterand supportthefamily FollowCNIConsocial media:Facebook,Facebook.com/NavyInstallations;Twitter,@cnichq;andInstagram,@cnichq

onaglobalscale Ford-classaircraftcarriers introduce23newtechnologies,including ElectromagneticAircraftLaunchSystem, AdvancedArrestingGearandAdvanced WeaponsElevators.ThenewsystemsincorporatedontoFord-classshipsaredesigned togenerateahighersortieratewitha20% smallercrewthanaNimitz-classcarrier pavingthewayforwardfornavalaviation For more information about the USS GeraldR.Ford(CVN78),visithttps://www. airlant.usff.navy.mil/cvn78/ and follow alongonFacebook:@USSGeraldRFord, Instagram: @cvn78_grford, Twitter: @ Warship_78, DVIDS www.dvids.net/ CVN78andLinkedInatUSSGeraldR.Ford (CVN78).

Editorial Staff

MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil

GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com

Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Kaitlyn Hewett MC2 Leo Katsareas MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com

distribution@pilotonline.com Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at P.O. Box 2820, Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021 Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved The Defense Department pays tribute to the contributions and dedicated service ofAsian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Learn more about #AsianAmericanPacificIslanderHeritageMonth: https://www.defense.gov/Spotlights/ Asian-American-Pacific-Islander-Heritage-Month/
Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com FreeClassifiedAdvertising 757-622-1455
Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 3rd Class Daniel Reents checks a driver’s ID during sentryduty.NAS Patuxent
adjust its gate hours and
USS Gerald R. Ford
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, May 11, 2023


Naval Education and Training

Professional Development Center

PENSACOLA Fla FleetSubjectMatter Experts(FSMEs)areneededtoparticipate inupcomingAdvancementExamReadiness Review(AERR)panelsinPensacola,Florida,toreviewexambanksanddevelopNavywideadvancementexamsfortheirrating Navychiefpettyofficers(E-7throughE-9) whoareonactiveduty,TrainingandAdministrationoftheReserves(TAR),andReservistsonActiveDutyforOperationalSupport, areencouragedtotakepartintheprocess by contacting their Type Commander (TYCOM)orratingsponsorpointofcontact (POC)forapplicationinformation

“Wehostmorethan400seniorenlisted personnelannuallytoconductAERRpanels for83Navyratings,”saidNavalEducation and Training Professional Development Center(NETPDC)CommandMasterChief AndrewRockman “Mostofourfirst-time FSMEsaresurprisedtolearnthattheChiefs Messownsexamcontent.

Rockmanalsoexpressedtheimportance of bringing in the right combination of FSMEsfortheAERRpanels.

“Weneedtherightmixofskills,rating knowledge, and platform experience to ensuretheexamquestionsarebalanced across the entire rating,” said Rockman. “This way, FSMEs can review the exam bankforrelevanceandcorrectness,aswell as ensure the questions are current and importantforwhatisbeingevaluated.”

ChiefAircrewSurvivalEquipmentman RaymondRainer,whoattendedtheAircrew SurvivalEquipmentman(PR)AERRpanel inApril2023 believesAERRsareimportant tokeeptheexamscurrent.

“Inbringinginthesubjectmatterexperts tovalidatethecurrentexamquestionsand developingnewquestions,wearehelping thefleetstayactivelyreadyandrelevantin today’stimeswiththeinfluxofever-changingequipment,publications,andmessages,” saidRainer.

Rainerbelievesitisimportantforallchief pettyofficerstoattendAERRssometime duringtheircareertohaveanimpactonthe futureoftheirrating

“NotonlyshouldchiefsattendtheAERR toensurethattheyandtheirSailorsknow theprocessandhowtoprepareandstudyfor theexams,butasleaderswearealsoneeded behindthescenestoensurewedevelopand makethebestproductthatdeterminesa

Sailor’sadvancementandexperienceinthe Navy,”saidRainer.

Rainer added that another benefit to attendingisself-improvementinhisown ratingknowledge

“Thisprocesshasopenedmyeyestohow thetestsareoverallcreated,”saidRainer“It notonlyhelpstheSailorsofthefleet,butit alsostrengthensthechief’sknowledgeas well.Italsogivesyoutimetonetworkwith fellowchiefsandgivesyouasenseofownershipknowingthatyouaredirectlyinvolved intheadvancementoftoday’sSailors.

EachAERRpaneltypicallyconsistsofsix toeightFSMEsrepresentedbyagoodmix ofexperienceandplatformsasspecifiedby theTYCOMorratingsponsor,withpanels

normallyheldonceayearinPensacola,Florida.EachAERReventisoneortwoweeksin length.TravelispaidforbyNETPDC.

To view the annual AERR schedule, locateaspecificratingpointofcontact,or viewAERReligibilityrequirements,loginto MyNavyPortalatwww.my.navy.mil.Search under“ProfessionalResources,”then“Navy AdvancementCenter,”then“Advancement ExaminationReadinessReview.”Contact theTYCOMorratingsponsorPOCtodeterminesubmissiondeadlines

Thoseselectedtoparticipatewillreceive aselectionemailfromtheNavyAdvancementCenter(NAC)approximately45days priortothestartoftheAERRpanel SelecteesshouldmakeearlycontactwithNAC

stafftoansweranyquestionstheymayhave concerningtheAERRprocess

DetailedAERRinformationandguidance canbefoundinMILPERSMANarticle1401020

AspartoftheMyNavyHRForceDevelopmentteam,NETPDCprovidedproductsand servicesthatenableandenhanceeducation, training careerdevelopment,andpersonnel developmentthroughouttheNavyPrimary elementsofthecommandincludetheVoluntaryEducationDepartment,theNAC,and theResourcesManagementDepartment.

AdditionalinformationaboutNETPDC canbefoundathttps://www.netc.navy.mil/ NETPDC

for Navy-wide Advancement Exam development PENSACOLA,Fla (April 28 2023) – ChiefAircrewSurvival Equipmentman Raymond Rainer reviews referenceswhile attending theAircrewSurvival Equipmentman (PR)Advancement Examination Readiness Review(AERR) in Pensacola,Florida,April 28 2023.AERRs bring togetherfleet subject matterexperts to develop and reviewNavy-wide advancement exam content fortheirrating (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHERYLDENGLER) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, May 11, 2023 3 TWO WEEKS ONLY! OFFER VALID UNTIL 5/14/23 FREE INSTALL all shower &bathprojects 12 MONTHS no payments &nointerest LOCK IN YOUR LIMITED TIME OFFER BEFORE INTEREST RATES GO UP DON’T DELAY –LOCK IN OUR COMPETITIVE INTEREST RATES BEFORE THEY’RE GONE Avoid wasting time shopping around for affordable interest rates –get your project installed quick, easy,and stress-free! Simply meet with one of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, and receive an exact quote with our competitive interest rates. 4.8/5 COMPANY AVERAGE OUT OF 17,000+ GOOGLE REVIEWS (Company reviews across all branches as of 3/02/2023) EVENING &WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALLNOW TO STARTYOUR PROJECT 757-280-2257 *Financing offers anopayment -nointerest feature (during the “promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures,and you will not have to pay amonthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay your purchase in full before the end of the promotional period you will not have to pay any finance charges. You may also prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financing is subject to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal latecharges apply once the promotional period has ended. Call 866-393-4573 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannotbecombined with other offers. Offer expires 5/14/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON
subject matter experts needed

NAVIFOR announces IW Domain Sailors of the Year

Naval Information Forces


CommanderViceAdm.KellyAeschbach announced the Shore and Sea Sailors of theYearfortheNavyInformationWarfare domain and the overall type command (TYCOM)SailoroftheYear(SOY)during aceremonyheldattheNavalInformation ForcesMay4.Theawardrecognizesthe outstandingperformance,leadership,and dedicationofSailorsfromglobalcommands acrosstheinformationwarfaredomain

LeadinguptotheawardsceremonyMay 4,theNAVIFORSailorsoftheYeargatheredinSuffolkforthreedaysoflearning networking andprofessionaldevelopment, aswellasexploringNavyheritagesitesinthe HamptonRoadsarea TheweekwillculminatewiththeselectionofthetopSailorfrom bothSeaandShorecommandsandtheoverallTypeCommand(TYCOM)Sailorofthe YearfortheInformationWarfaredomain


„ CTT1(IW/AW/SW)BrandonGalbraith, NavalInformationWarfareTrainingGroup -SanDiego

„ STS1(SS)JeremyGalli,FarragutTechnical AnalysisCenter,OfficeofNavalIntelligence

„ CTT1(IW/SG/NAC/AW/SW) Shelby

Parmentier,NavyInformationOperations CommandGeorgia „ AG1(IW/AW/SW)RussellRose,Strike GroupOceanographyTeam-SanDiego

„ IWSailorsoftheYear(Shore)include:

„ AG1(IW/EXW/AW)DeseraeLaczniak, FleetWeatherCenterSanDiego „ IT1(IW/SW/AW)BrianShainin,Naval ComputerandTelecommunicationsStation Naples,Italy „ YN1(IW/SW/AW)NatalieVela,Officeof NavalIntelligence „ IS1(IW/EXW/SCW/SW) Adrian White, Naval Information Warfighting DevelopmentCenter NIWDC

„ The IW Sailor of the Year (Reserve) is YN1(AW) Keturah Milford, Naval Information Force Reserve Region, Mid-Atlantic “AchievingSailoroftheYearrecognition atthecommandlevelisdifficult.Makingit totheImmediateSuperiorinCharge(ISIC) levelisaremarkableachievement,andthen makingittotheTYCOMleveliseyewatering,”said NAVIFOR Force Master Chief LauraNunleyattheawardceremonyMay

4.“ThesenineSailorshavedonejustthat. Theyhavesetthemselvesapartinevery arena.Theyaretechnicalexperts,exceptionalleaders,standoutmentors,andare thetrueexampleofmeetingandexceeding

everystandardwesetforourNavyTheyare forcemultipliersandIexpectallofthemto influencetheNavyformanyyearstocome.”

NAVIFORCommanderViceAdm.Kelly Aeschbachalsohighlightedtheimportance ofrecognizingtheSailorsoftheYearand theirimportancetoinformationwarfare

“Thisisouropportunitytorecognizeour risingleaders.Wehaveassembledagroup herethisweekthatisindeedeye-watering InformationWarfareisindemand andIstruggletomeetthatdemand,”said Aeschbach.“ButwhenIsleepatnight,I sleepreallywell,asI’vemetandI’vehadthe opportunitytoworkwithindividualslike youwhohelpensureweremainincompetition.”

CryptologicTechniciansTechnicalFirst Class (IW/AW/SW) Brandon Galbraith, NavalInformationWarfareTrainingGroup, SanDiego,wasnamedtheSeaSOY.InformationSystemsTechnicianFirstClass(IW/ SW/AW)BrianShainin,NavalComputer andTelecommunicationsStationNaples, ItalywasnamedtheShoreSailoroftheYear Thefinalistsforthe2023NAVIFORSailor oftheYearwereallexceptional,notedNunley, buttherecanonlybeoneTYCOMwinner. TheannouncementwasmetwithastandingovationasInformationSystemsTechnicianFirstClassBrianShaininwasnamedthe NAVIFORTYCOMSailoroftheYear

“Iwantto giveaspecial thankstomy family,includingmywifeIsabelandmy parents,andtomychainofcommandand my Sailors I wouldn’t be here without them,”saidShainin. Shaininalsohadsomewordsofadviceto sharewithSailorsaspiringtoberecognized astheircommand’sSOY.

“Takecareofyourself takecareofthe peoplearoundyou,andstaytechnical! said Shainin.

TheNavy’sSailoroftheYearprogramisa time-honoredtraditionintroducedin1972 bythen-ChiefofNavalOperations,Adm. ElmoZumwaltandMasterChiefPettyOfficeroftheNavyJohnWhittet.Thisannual competitionisheldtorecognizesuperior performance of individual Sailors who exceedinpersonifyingtheidealsoftheNavy CoreValues

NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directlyandthroughourleadershipofthe IWEnterprise,agileandtechnicallysuperiormanned,trained,equipped,andcertifiedcombat-readyIWforcestoensureour NavywilldecisivelyDETER,COMPETE, andWIN.

FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR visit the command Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/NavalInformationForces/orthepublicwebpageathttps:// www.navifor.usff.navy.mil.

Naval Station Norfolk Child & Youth Programs to hold Navy Civilian Hiring Event


NORFOLK Va (NRMA) NavyChild&Youth Programs(CYP)atNavalStationNorfolkwillhold ahiringeventonTuesday,May23,2023from11a.m. to1:30p.m.attheNon-AppropriatedFundHuman Resources(NAFHR)officelocatedat1200Fechteler RoadinNorfolk,Virginia.

CYPprovidesallagesofcareincludingChild DevelopmentCenters(6weeksto5yearsofage), School-AgedCare(6to12years)andTeenPrograms (13to18years) Wearealsohiringforour24/7Care Centers whichprimarilyservemilitarypersonnelwhoworknon-traditionalhourssuchasshift workersorwatchstanderssothattheycanbalance thecompetingdemandsoffamilylifeandmilitary readiness

Eligibleapplicantsmustbeage18andolderwith aminimumofahighschooldiplomaorGEDtobe consideredforfull-timeandflexible,directcareCYP positions Operatinghoursatthesefacilitiesare5 a.m to7p.m.andshiftscanincludeweekends nights andspecialevents

Thehiringeventwillincludeon-sitequalifications screening,interviews,andNon-AppropriatedFunds (NAF)HumanResourcesorientation.Beprepared tostayasneededastentativehireletters,onboarding paperwork,drugtestingandbackgroundscreeningswillbecompletedthesameday.Allapplicants shouldbringtheirresume,aphotoIDcard,SSN card,certifications(CPR etc.),highschooldiploma/ GEDorofficialcollegetranscriptsifapplicable and bankaccountandroutingnumbersfordirectdeposit payments CYPapplicantsarerequestedtobring threereferencesorlettersofrecommendation(two professional,onepersonal)

Visit www.navylifema.com/hiring-events to downloadandcompletetheformsrequiredtoapply forVeteransPreference(VP)orMilitarySpousal EmploymentPreference(MSEP).

NavyCYPandMWRprovideequalemployment opportunities(EEO)toallemployeesandapplicants foremploymentwithoutregardtorace,color,religion,sex,nationalorigin,age,disabilityorgenetics. Visit www.navylifema.com/hiring-events for moreinformation.

Mr JoelVargas,USAAMilitaryAffairs Rep,Naval Information Forces Force MasterChiefFORCM Laura Nunley,Information SystemsTechnician First Class (IW/SW/AW) Brian Shainin,Naval ComputerandTelecommunications Station (NCTS) Naples,Italy and CommanderNaval Information Forces ViceAdm.KellyAeschbach pose fora photograph during the Shore and Sea Sailors oftheYearceremonyon May4.IT1 Shaininwas selected as the Naval InformationWarfare domain Shore SailoroftheYearand overallTYCOM SailoroftheYear The SailoroftheYearprogram sets
high goal forSailors to
and brings
to those Sailorswho selflesslygive themselves to the Navyand to theircommunities.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY:ROBERTFLUEGEL/RELEASED)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, May 11, 2023

Mission: Breakfast, serving those who serve

Oceana Public Affairs

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Approximately 4000 active duty

and retired service members and their families in the Hampton Roads area enjoyed a free breakfast May 3 at a Mission: Breakfast eventhostedbytheJ.M.SmuckerCompanyinpartnershipwiththe DefenseCommissaryAgency(DeCA)

ThebreakfasteventwasawardedtotheNASOceanaCommissary forwinningtophonorsinSmucker’sJune2022contestforbuilding themostcreativeproductdisplayofthecompany’sproducts.

DeCA’s partnership with industry suppliers and manufacturers likeJ.M.Smuckerprovidesmillionsofdollarsannuallyingiveaways andpromotionaleventsthatgreatlyenhancemilitaryqualityoflife, saidBillMoore DeCAdirectorandCEO

The Defense Commissary Agency is all about supporting our military families and veterans through unbeatable pricing and a welcomingatmosphere,sothisisawonderfulwaytorecognizetheir hard work,” said Naval Air Station Oceana Commanding Officer Capt SteveDjunaedi “WearealsoreallyproudofourNASOceana commissary for winning the Smucker’s display contest and we are gratefultoSmucker’sforhostingthismassivecelebrationofservice toournation!”

DeCA’spreviouswinnersoftheMission:Breakfastcontest includedthefollowingcommissaries:

„ JointBasePearlHarbor-Hickam,Hawaii(2021)

„ MarineCorpsBaseQuantico,Virginia(2019)

„ FortBelvoir,Virginia(2018)

„ NavalBaseSanDiego,California(2017)

„ EglinAirForceBase Florida(2016)

„ FortCarson Colorado(2015)

„ FortBliss,Texas(2014)

„ FortSamHoustonatJointBaseSanAntonio,Texas(2013)

„ FortEustisatJointBaseLangley-Eustis,Virginia(2012)

„ JointBasePearlHarbor-Hickam,Hawaii(2011)

„ Langley Air Force Base at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia(2010)

Naval Air Station Oceana Wins CNRMA Annual Culinary Competition

The competition gathers culinary specialistsfromgalleysacrosstheMid-Atlanticregion,testingtheirculinaryknowledge, professional skills, and personal

competitiveness “Eventslikethesearejustawholelot offunfortheCS’stoparticipatein,”said MasterChiefCulinarySpecialistJenifer Hutt.“Typically,onboardaship,CS’swillbe preparingfoodforthemasses butduring thisweek,theyreallygettoshowofftheir cooking skills and learn new, advanced techniquesfromexperiencedchefs.

Thecommandsthatparticipatedinthis year’s event were Submarine Base New London,NavalStationNewport,NavalAir

StationOceana,DamNeckAnnex,Naval StationNorfolk,NorthwestAnnex,Naval WeaponsStationYorktown,JointExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreek-FortStory,and Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic.

“Time management and teamwork is veryimportantinordertoputoutagood product, saidCulinarySpecialist1stClass Kenyon Baptiste “It’s stressful but it’s rewardingtoseehowhappytheCS’sare andtoseetheproductstheycomeupwith.” Thewinnerofthisyear’scompetitionwas

theNavalAirStationOceanagalleyteam, whowillrepresenttheMid-AtlanticRegion intheNavyInstallationsCommand’sFood ServicesAshoreCulinaryCompetitionheld atNavalStationGreatLakes “CS’sthriveonalittlebitofchaosand stressbecausethat’swhatthegalleyis— chaosandstress,”saidHutt.“Watchingthe Sailorsbejudgedonwhattheycookedand watchingtheirreactionswasjustapricelessexperienceforme!”

(May3,2023) -Approximately4000 active dutyand retired service members and theirfamilies in the Hampton Roads area enjoyed a free breakfast May3 at a Mission: Breakfast event hosted by theJ.M.SmuckerCompanyin partnershipwith the Defense CommissaryAgency(DeCA) The breakfast eventwas awarded to the NAS Oceana Commissaryforwinning top honors in Smucker’s June 2022 contest forbuilding the most creative product displayofthe company’s products (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMICHAELBOTTS/RELEASED) ByMC2Botts Oceana Public
StationOceanahostedCommander,Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s
annual Regional CulinaryCompetitionattheNASOceana Galley,April20
NavalAirStation OceanaApril 20,2023.NAS Oceana’s
(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMEGANWOLLAM) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, May 11, 2023 5
Beach,Va (April 20,2023)Aculinaryspecialist adds finishing touches to an entree during a cooking competition onboard
Hornet’s Nest Galleyhosted the event forculinaryspecialists from NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic installations.

FRCE hosts college project to assess space realignment



Ateamofsenior industrialengineeringstudentsfromNorth CarolinaStateUniversity(NCSU)recently put their skills to the test in a project designedtoimproveefficiencyandworkflowwhilepreparingforfutureworkloadin someareasatFleetReadinessCenterEast (FRCE).

ThefourstudentsvisitedFRCEaspartof theirseniordesigncapstoneproject whichis acomprehensivegroupprojectthatrequires studentstoapplythetechniquesandmethodologiestheyhavelearnedintheirundergraduatestudies.Asaresultoftheirefforts atFRCE,thedepothasbeenabletoconsider reallocatingspaceinpreparationforfuture workload,whichcouldrepresentsignificant costavoidanceoverbuildingnewfacilities

FRCEInfrastructureInvestmentBranch HeadErikLewis himselfanNCSUalumnus saidhewasconfidentthatateamofNCSU studentscouldbringfreshideastosolve somespace-relatedchallengesatthefacility Thesestudentsarethefirstindustrial engineeringmajorsFRCEhassponsored, althoughstudentsfromotherengineering disciplineshaveconductedtheircapstone projectsonFRCE’saircraftlinesorcomponentsshops

“Inwalkingaroundtheplant,manyof our shops have the same footprint they hadwhenIstarted20yearsago,andwe’re installingnewequipmenttosupportthe F-35,”Lewissaid.“Ihavetoconsider,isthe workloadmixthesame?Dotheshopsstill needallthespace,ordotheyneedmore? Thosearethesortofquestionsthatwould makeagoodcapstoneproject.”


P. Fitts Department of Industrial and SystemsEngineeringtoinquireabouthow FRCEcouldhostacapstoneproject.Hewas referredtotheNationalSecurityInnovation Network(NSIN),whichprovidesfunding andsupportforinnovativedefense-related researchprojects,likecapstoneprojects

“The National Security Innovation Networkprovidessolutionstonationalsecurityproblemsandworkstobringnontra-

ditional actors into the defense arena, saidAlisonBeatty,NSINDigitalEngagementPrincipal “Capstonesareagreatway toshowstudentsthattheycanhelpsolve nationalsecurityproblemsalreadywiththe skillsthatthey’relearningintheirundergraduateprograms.”

Lewiswroteaprojectproposalforthe studentteamtosolve involvingreal-world spaceallocationchallengesatFRCE Once NSINapprovedfundingfortheproject,four NCSUstudentsselectedLewis’proposalas theircapstoneproject.

“FRCEhasthreeavionicsandelectronics shopsthatarespreadoverthreebuildings withfiveshoplocations,”Lewissaid “We werelookingforthemostefficientwayto consolidatetheshopstofreeupworkspace andreducetraveltime Byframingthisas acapstoneproject,thestudentsgetsome real-world,problem-solvingexperience,and FRCEgetsafreshanalyticalperspectiveon theproblem.”

Team members made three trips and frequentphonecallstoFRCEfromRaleigh to evaluate the spaces they were tasked withconsolidating Theycollecteddataon availablespace presentandfutureworkload,currentprocessesandothervariables

President, Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) Changes Command

changeofcommandceremonyheldatthe DrexlerManorConferenceCenterMay5, 2023 ViceAdm.JimKilby,commander,Task Force80anddeputycommander,U.S.Fleet

eventandhonoredceremonythatsignifies the transfer of authority, responsibility, andaccountabilityfromonecommander toanother INSURVis responsible for inspecting

thefleet’sin-serviceandnewconstruction ships,determiningtheirmaterialreadiness, andreportingthisassessmenttoCongress andNavyLeadership

TheBoardofInspectionandSurveywas initiallyestablishedin1870toensurethat theshipsoftheUnitedStatesNavywere properly equipped for prompt, reliable sustainedmissionreadinessatsea.In1882, CongressenactedlegislationwhichestablishedtheBoardofInspectionandSurvey understatutoryauthorityU.S.CodeTitleX, 7304requiresaBoardofNavalOfficersto conductaMaterialInspectionofallnaval shipsatleastonceeverythreeyears,ifpracticable.INSURVhasbeenoperatingcontinuouslyunderthisauthoritysincethatdate.

TodayINSURViscomposedofnearly 200highlytalentedmilitary,civilian,and contractorsdispersedinvariouslocations intheUnitedStates,andconcentratedin SanDiego,CAandVirginiaBeach,VA

todevelopaproposalforwhattherealigned shopscouldlooklike TeammemberMackenzieBarnettsaidFRCE’smissionasarepair facilitycreatedsomeadditionalchallenges fortheteamintermsofdatacollectionand modelingafuturestate.

“Repairiswildlydifferentfrommanufacturing Youdon’tknowwhat’scoming throughthedoors necessarilybeforeitgets there, Barnettsaid.“Soitmakesplanning andforecastinglessprecise Wecouldgive abestguess,butthere’snoguaranteelikein amanufacturingenvironment,whereeverything’sgoingtobethesameeveryday.”

Asaresultoftheirresearchandanalysis ofthedata,theteamrecommendedbringingthefiveavionicsandelectronicsshops underoneroof Thiswouldmeanlesstravel betweenbuildingsforemployeesandamore efficientworkflowwithinandbetweenthe shops FRCEComponentsDivisionDirectorLennyDomitrovitssaidthestudents’ worksparkedsomecreativebrainstorming astohowthedivisioncouldrealignspacefor futureworkloadneeds.

“Thecapstoneprojectdidopenoureyes tosomeotherpossibilitiesthatwemightnot haveconsidered, Domitrovitssaid “Consolidatingtheshopswouldcreateamoreeffi-

cient production environment than the currentlayout.It’scertainlyagoodidea tohaveallthepeople equipmentandtest benchesincloseproximity.”

Lewissaidthatreimagininghowexisting spacecouldbeusedmoreefficientlymight reducetheneedforsomeconstructionprojects,which,inturn,couldsavemoneyforthe government.

“Therecommendedspacefortheavionics andelectronicsshopsisabout27,000square feetand,withcurrentconstructioncosts, creatingabuildingofthatsizewouldrun upwardsof$30million, Lewissaid.“Bythe teamshowingthatthecurrentspacewas underutilized and that realignment is a viableoption,asignificantcostavoidance hasbeencreatedforFRCEast.”

Thefourteammembershavenowgraduated,andallhavefoundjobsaftertheir capstoneexperiences,includingBarnett, whonowworksatFRCE.Anewteamof NCSUindustrialengineeringstudentsis wrappingupFRCE’ssecondseniordesign project.

According to Kanton Reynolds, directorofundergraduateprogramsforNCSU’s EdwardP.FittsDepartmentofIndustrial andSystemsEngineering,participatingin acapstoneprojectallowsstudentstogain reallifeexperienceintheworkplace,while employerscanseepotentialemployeesin action.

“Thecapstoneprojectofferstheunique aspectofrelevantworkexperiencewhile stillhavingthesupportoffacultyandstaff toguidestudentsinthedevelopment,design andimplementationofsolutionsthatcan be put into practice by the sponsoring company,”Reynoldssaid.“Thisprovides substantialvaluetoemployersaswellasa pipelineofpotentialnewhiresthatalready understandtheorganization’sdynamics.”

FRCEisNorthCarolina’slargestmaintenance, repair, overhaul and technical servicesprovider,withmorethan4,000 civilian,militaryandcontractworkers.Its annualrevenueexceeds$1billion.Thedepot providesservicetothefleetwhilefunctioningasanintegralpartofthegreaterU.S. Navy;NavalAirSystemsCommand;and Commander,FleetReadinessCenters

Assistant Director of Housekeeping (00457A)

The Custodial Services Department at Old Dominion University is seeking candidates for the Assistant Director of Housekeeping (full-time, 12 month) position. The Assistant Director of Housekeeping will manage all Housekeeping Services of the University by developing, implementing and maintaining programs to identify housekeeping service levels, staffing requirements, inspection program and staff training. All operations should be conducted in amanner consistent with the University’sgoal of becoming more sustainable. Manage the University’spest control program inside assigned buildings. Position is designated “essential personnel” for emergencyclosings.

Required Education: Extensive knowledge of Housekeeping procedures in an institutional setting. Demonstrated ability to manage, supervise and train staff.

Required Qualifications: Demonstrated team building, conflict management and problem resolution skills. Demonstrated ability to effectively manage acomplex staffing schedule for alarge staff with multiple shifts. Demonstrated ability to communicate both orally and in writing. Demonstrated ability to interact effectively with adiverse clientele. Demonstrated ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.Demonstrated organizational skills to include records management, scheduling, planning and time management. Demonstrated ability to prepare reports and keep supervisor abreast of current issues, make budget projections and effectively manage resources. Extensive supervisoryexperience or demonstrated experience in aprogressive responsible position thatdemonstrates leadership skills. Considerable experience in housekeeping profession. Considerable experience managing resources and budgets. Some experience conducting training sessions preferred. Special licenses, registration or certification: Valid driver’slicense and insurable driving record.

Preferred Qualifications: Bachelor’sdegree in management, business or administration or equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Some computer training.

North Carolina State Universityindustrial engineering students,from left Cameron Loy Mackenzie Barnett DudleyManess,and SpencerBuzzard recentlycompleted a plan to consolidate several electronics and avionics shops at Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) as part oftheirseniordesign capstone project The team presented theirproject at the Fall 2022 Engineering Design Day held bythe Edward P.Fitts Department ofIndustrial and Systems Engineering at NCSU Capstone projects provide studentswith real-world experience solving problems in the host company, while project sponsors can see first-hand howpotential employees perform in theworkplace.(COURTESYPHOTO)
State Universityindustrial
Engineering Design Day
6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, May 11, 2023
engineering student
explains his team’s seniordesign capstone project at the Fall 2022
held bythe Edward P.Fitts Department ofIndustrial and Systems Engineering at
of Employment: Position is considered Essential Employee during emergencyclosings. This is an open until filled recruitment. This recruitment may close after the five-day required posting period when a suitable pool of applicants has been generated.
15, 2023, and will
filled. To
Review Date: The
application review date for this position is May
remain open until
apply,please visit https://jobs.odu.edu/postings/18543. Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity,affirmative action institution.

Mutts with a Mission deploys with USS Gerald R. Ford


NORFOLK,Va Sage,athree-year-old femaleyellowLabradorRetriever,deployed aboardtheaircraftcarrierUSSGeraldR. Ford,May2,aspartoftheExpandedOperationalStressControlCaninepilotprogram.

Sage is part of Gerald R. Ford’s warfightertoughnessmentalhealthandresiliencyteam,andsheisspecificallytrained tohelpSailorscopewiththeoperational stress associated with deployment. The intentisforSagetoprovideauniqueoutlet andcomfortforSailorsduringdeployment. Animalsareproventobeanotherformof stressreliefandprovideasenseofcompanionship

MuttswithaMission,aVirginia-based non-profit organization accredited by AssistanceDogsInternational,raisedand trainedSage,andloanedhertotheGerald R. Ford crew for the ship’s scheduled deployment.GeraldR.Fordwillbethefirst U.S.Navyshiptohaveanexpandedoperationalstresscontrol(EOSC)canineaspart ofthecrewthroughoutdeployment,and thiswillserveasanopportunitytoevaluate theefficacyoftheprogram.

Chaplain Genevieve Clark, Gerald R. FordandCarrierStrikeGroup12’sChaplain,servesasSage’sprimaryhandler In preparation to deploy with Sage, Clark completed120hoursofhandlertraining withMuttswithaMission.Threeother volunteer handlers aboard Ford also supportClarkinSage’scareandmission.

“One of the positives of having Sage aboard the ship is her help in breaking downsomebarrierstoutilizingmental, emotional, and spiritual resiliency resources,”saidClark.“Sailorsarecoming to more warrior toughness events and improvingtheirmoralethroughthevast networkofresiliencyresourcestheship offers with Sage now present at these opportunities.” Duringdeployment,allSailorswillbenefitfromspendingtimewithSage,whowill be present with Chaplains, Resiliency Providers,andMentalHealthprofessionals therebyhavingtheopportunitytoreceive counseling sessions Sage will be availabletoSailorsduringship-wideMorale, Welfare,andRecreationevents Herdaily schedulewillalsobemadeavailabletoSailorsforgeneralvisitationandmoraleboosts throughouttheday.

MuttswithaMissionsentSagewithall necessarysuppliesfordeployment,includingawastecollectionmat,properbedding locatedinthehandler’sstateroom,personal protectivegearincludingpaw,hearing,and eyeprotection,andalifevest

“TheSailorsofGeraldR.Fordareexcited towelcomeSagetotheship Muttswith aMissionprovidesaninvaluableservice toSailors,onethatwillaidinstressrelief duringtheship’sdeployment,”saidCapt RickBurgess,Ford’scommandingofficer “Sageisoneofthemanyresourcesaboard theshiptohelpSailorsbuildresiliencyand


The Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group(GRFCSG)isconductingascheduleddeploymentintheAtlanticOceanin supportofinteroperabilityandmaritime security TheGRFCSGprovidesaninherentlyflexiblenavalforcecapableofdeployingacrosscombatantcommandstomeet emergingmissions,deterpotentialadversaries,reassurealliesandpartners,enhance security and guarantee the free flow of globalcommerce Intotal,theGRFCSG isdeployedwithmorethan6,000Sailors acrossallplatformsreadytorespondgloballytocombatantcommandertasking.

GeraldR.FordistheU.S.Navy’snewest and most advanced aircraft carrier As

the first-in-class ship of Ford-class aircraft carriers CVN 78 represents a generational leap in the U.S.Navy’scapacitytoprojectpoweronaglobalscale Ford-classaircraftcarriers introduce23newtechnologies,including ElectromagneticAircraftLaunchSystem, AdvancedArrestingGearandAdvanced Weapons Elevators. The new systems incorporated onto Ford-class ships are designedtodelivergreaterlethality,survivabilityandjointinteroperabilitywitha20% smallercrewthanaNimitz-classcarrier, pavingthewayforwardfornavalaviation For more information about the USS

GeraldR.Ford(CVN78),visithttps://www. airlant.usff.navy.mil/cvn78/ and follow alongonFacebook:@USSGeraldRFord, Instagram: @cvn78_grford, Twitter: @ Warship_78 DVIDS www.dvids.net/ CVN78andLinkedInatUSSGeraldR.Ford (CVN78).

part ofthe Expanded Operational Stress Control Canine pilot program.Gerald R.Ford is the flagship ofthe Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group As the first-in-class ship ofFord-class aircraft carriers,CVN 78 represents a generational leap in the U.S. Navy’s capacityto project poweron a global scale.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJACKSONADKINS) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, May 11, 2023 7 Navy Federal is insured by NCUA. *Membership required. Loanssubject to approval. Equity Lines of Credit arevariable-ratelines. Ratesare as low as 7.750% APR and arebased on an evaluation of credit history,CLTV (combined loan-to-value)ratio,line amount and occupancy, so your rate maydiffer.This rate is current as of 2/10/2023and is subject to change.The plan has amaximum APR of 18%, and the minimum APR thatcan apply during the Home Equity Line of Credit Plan is 3.99%. Forloan amounts of up to $250,000,closing coststhatmembers mustpay typicallyrange between $300 and $2,000.Closing costsare costspaidtothirdparties rather than an application or origination feeretained by Navy Federal. Theclosing costsdependonthe location of the property,property type,and the amount of the Equity Line.Rates aresubject to change—information provided does not constitutealoan commitment. Youmustcarry homeowners insuranceonthe property thatsecures this plan. Home Equity Lines of Credit arenot available in Texas. ©2023NavyFederal NFCU 14215 (2-23) Nail Down Your Home Upgrade navyfederal.org/equity • AHome Equity Line of Credit gives youconvenient access to funds when youneedthem at avariable rate. • Afixed-rateloan allows youtoset monthly payments for big purchases. See which loan is right foryou. Whether you'rerenovating akitchen or building a newone,NavyFederal Credit Union has home equity loans with no application or origination fees.*
Sage,a three-year-old femaleyellowLabradorRetriever,is deployed aboard the aircraft carrierUSS Gerald R.Ford (CVN 78),May3,as
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, May 11, 2023


NSWC Panama City Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Spotlight: Dominic Gabreleski

Forthepast15years hehasusedhisattentiontodetailand dynamicproblem-solvingabilitytopositivelyimpacttheNavy Lab’sabilitytosupportthefleet.

“Iensurethat[our]division’sworkforcehaswhattheyneed todelivermaterialsolutionsandsupporttothewarfighter,”said Gabreleski “Itinvolvesamultitudeoftaskssuchasensuring facilitiesaresufficient,thatthereareenoughpersonnelwith therightexpertisetoperformthetasking,interfacingwith sponsorsandendusers,maintainingopencommunicationwith leadershipinternallyandexternally,andensuringeverything alignstotheNavalSeaSystemCommandandNSWCPCDstrategicvision.

BornandraisedinaChicagosuburb,hegraduatedfrom PurdueUniversityinIndianabeforearrivingatPanamaCity, Fla.,in2007 Hesharedwhatfoundationswerekeytohis successandhowheacquiredthem.

“EducationandahardworkingmentalityarehighlyemphasizedinFilipinoculture.Ibelievetheemphasisofthosetwo itemshavehelpedmegettowhereIamnow,”saidGabreleski “IlivedinthePhilippineswhenIwasyoungandhavevisited severaltimesasanadult Itisaparadiseforthosethatenjoy outdooractivities,beinginoronthewater,goodfood,andlearningaboutnewcultures.Themostexpensivepartofthetripis theflight,butonceyougetthere,everythingisrelativelyinexpensiveandthepeopleareextremelyfriendlyandpolite.”

Gabreleskihasachievedseveralcareerhighlightstoinclude attendingU.S.NavyDiveSchool,spendingnearlyfouryearsto standuptheUnderseaSpecialWarfareEngineeringSupport OfficeinHawaii andservedinnumerousprojectmanagement leadershiproles.Despiteallthesuccess,heexplainedthedrivingforcebehindhisworkatNSWCPCD

“WhatIenjoymostaboutworkinghereistheabilitytopositivelyimpactthewarfighterbydeliveringtothemmaterial solutionsthatincreasetheirlethalityWorkingwithandgetting capabilitytotheenduseriswhatmatterstome,”saidGabreleski.“Theworkisveryinteresting,diverse,andever-evolving duetothespecializedcustomerbaseinthemaritimemission systemsdivision.Italsoallowsmetoworkwithveryfascinating peopleandequipment.

Camp Lemonnier Bazaar connects Djiboutian artists, vendors with military members U.S.militarymembers shopped,engaged and connectedwith local Djiboutian artists and vendors during Camp Lemonnier’s biannual bazaar,May6. PageB3

From saving lives to changing lives

Commander Navy Recruiting Command NavyCounselor1stClassDeborahFisher, anativeofAlamogordo,NewMexico,has excelledandachievedmanyaccomplishments through her career, but this past yearhasbeenespeciallysignificant.First, shewasnamedastheNavyTalentAcquisitionGroup(NTAG)PacificNorthwest2022 SeniorSailoroftheYearthenshewentonto earnthetitleofNavyRecruitingCommand RegionWest2022SailoroftheYear

“I’mtrulyhumbled,butSailoroftheYear itisnotaboutme,”Fishersaid.“Ijustgetto wearthecrownbuttherearealotofpeople thatcomeintoplayforthiswholething A lotofmentorship alotofguidance andalot offaithbecausemyuniquepositionisnot possiblewithoutthefaiththatmychainof commandhasinme.

Fisher serves as the Division Leading ChiefPettyOfficerforallNavyRecruiting StationsinAlaska.

“Iamafirstclasspettyofficerrunning anentirestate Thatisnotsomethingthat isnotcommonintherecruitingworld.This isnormallyachiefpettyofficer’sposition. Ifeelveryhonoredbecausemyleadership trustedandprovidedtheguidancetohelp mesucceedsothatIcaninturnhelpmy Sailors succeed. It’s all encompassing,” Fishersaid

Whilebothofthesehonorsaremomentousachievementswithtoughcompetition, herlistofachievementsdidn’tendthere

Fisherjumpedintolifesavingactionto provideemergencymedicalassistanceto apassengerindistressduringaflightfrom WashingtontoAlaska.Herquickresponse inthissituationavertedadangerousmedicalsituationandearnedFisheraNavyand MarineCorpsAchievementMedal. Priortodiscoveringherloveforrecruiting,Fisherwasexcellingasahospitalcorpsmanearlyinhercareerwhereshecreditsthe extensivemedicaltrainingshereceivedfor helpingherrespond.

Iwasathirdclassservingasateamlead foranentireemergencyroomflooratBalboa NavalHospital,”Fishersaid “Otherteam leadsweresecondorfirstclassesassigned toFleetMarineForceexperienceandhad 7-10years’experienceintheNavy Iwas onlyinmysecondyearintheNavyatthat time.Ihadextremeattentiontodetailand Ipickeduptheknowledgeveryquickly I thinkthat’swhyIhadsomuchsuccess I loveditsomuch.”

DuringthistimeFishergotmarriedand madethedecisiontoleaveactivedutyforthe NavyReserves,soshecouldfocusonpursu-

inganursingdegree.Afterleavingactive dutyshewashiredataTraumaCenteras atraumatechnicianwhenshequicklyrealizedthatshemighthavemadeamistakeby leavingtheNavy “IlearnedthatIamnotagoodcivilian.I wassostructuredinthemilitaryandadapted forthemilitarythatbeingacivilianwasvery difficultforme,”Fishersaid She also was surprised to learn that

hermilitarymedicaltrainingwasfartoo advancedforwhatshewasexpectedtodo asacivilian.

“TheNavytrainedmeextremelywell,” saidFisher “Myjobexperienceandmedicalexpertisewastoofaradvancedforthe civilianmedicalfield.Iwasdoingprocedures in the Navy that civilian nurses aren’tauthorizedtodo Withintwoweeks ofworkingattheTraumaCentertheysat

medowntoexplainthelimitationsonmy scopeofpracticeanditwaslikedoinga quarterofwhattheNavytrainedmetodo.”

Fisherknewshehadtogetbacktoactive duty

While assigned to Navy Operation SupportCenterFt.Carson,Fisher’supbeat personalityandachanceencounterwith aNavyrecruiterchangedthedirectionof herlife

IhappenedtomeetNCC[ChiefNavy Counselor] Elissa Cook at the time who thoughtmypersonalitywouldbeagoodfit forrecruiting Iwasinstantlyexcitedandput inapackagetostartrecruiting,”saidFisher Shebeganherrecruitingjourneyasaprior servicerecruiterandmuchlikeshehasdone consistentlythroughouthercareer Fisher quicklyexcelledatrecruiting.

“Thechiefrecruiteroftheschoolhouse emailedthechiefrecruiterofRecruiting DistrictDenverandsaidthatmytalentsas arecruiterwouldbewastedinpriorservice andthatIshouldbeutilizedintheactive dutymission”saidFisher

“Iloverecruiting!Itallowsmetheopportunitytopossiblychangesomeone’slife to beaninfluencertoaworldtheymaynever knowexisted Oneofthemostrewarding partsiscalls,texts,ormessagesfromnew Sailorsthathavejustgraduatedbootcamp FacebookupdatesofmyfutureSailors(now realSailors)makingrankortraveling,and gettingawards Itislikelivingvicariously throughtheiradventures Apieceofme knowsthatIwasapartoftheirjourneyto getintotheNavy,”Fishersaid.

Fisher’sbubblyandpositiveattitudeand tremendoussuccessinhercareerdidnot comewithoutherhavingtoenduresome verydifficultlifesituations PriortojoiningtheNavy,shesufferedthelossoftwo lovedones Bysharingherstory,shewants peopletoknowthattoughsituationsdon’t lastforeverandgrowthhappensinthehealingprocess “Themomentintime thehardsituation isnotforever,”saidFisher “Youcanchoose toliveinthatmomentandletitdrownout therestofyourfutureoryoucanmovepast itandletitbeaconstantremindertokeep movingforward,keeplookingforthepositive,andfindinggrowthineverysituation. It’seasytobesadwhensadthingshappen. Tomovepastthosefeelingsistheprocess ofhealingandovercoming.”

NavyTalentAcquisitionGroupPacific Northwest’sareaofresponsibilityincludes morethan34NavyRecruitingStationsand NavyOfficerRecruitingStationsthroughout Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska

NavyCounselor1st Class Deborah Fisherassigned to NavyTalentAcquisition Group Pacific Northwest is highlighted as thisweeks recruiterin the spotlight (U.S.NAVYPHOTOCOURTESY OFCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTJESSICAVARGAS)
CenterPanama CityDivision Maritime Mission
overall health and success ofthis division.He attended U.S.NavyDive School,helped stand-up the Undersea SpecialWarfare Engineering Support Office in Hawaii and learned the importance ofeducation and hardwork from his Filipino upbringing (COURTESYPHOTO)
Dominic Gabreleski is the head ofthe Naval SurfaceWarfare
is responsible forthe
ByJeremyRoman Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division DominicGabreleskiistheheadoftheNavalSurfaceWarfare CenterPanamaCityDivision(NSWCPCD)MaritimeMission SystemsDivisionandheisresponsibleforitstheoverallhealth.
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, May 11, 2023 1

54th Annual Explosive Ordnance Disposal Memorial Ceremony

FromNavalEducationandTraining Command

NavalSchoolExplosiveOrdnanceDisposal (NAVSCOLEOD)willbehostingthe54th annualExplosiveOrdnanceDisposal(EOD) MemorialCeremonyonEglinAirForceBase, May6,2023

Theceremonywillbeheldat9:00a.m. centralstandardtimeinhonorandremembranceofthe344EODtechniciansthatmade theultimatesacrificeandgavetheirlivesin thelineofduty TheMemorialCeremonywillalsobelive

streamedandavailableforviewingonlineby visitinghttps://eodwarriorfoundation.org/ events/.

TheoriginalmemorialstructurewasdedicatedinIndianHead,Maryland,June12, 1970 Itconsistedoffourwhitecenotaphs, oneforeachbranchofservice,andwasfaced withbronzetabletscontainingthenamesof EODtechnicianswhodiedinthelineofduty.

AfterNAVSCOLEODwasconsolidated onboardEglinAirForceBase theoriginal memorialwasdisassembledandredesigned. Thenewstructureconsistsofasinglewhite wallfacedwithfourbronzetabletsidentify-

ingthenamesofthefallen.Abrickfromone oftheoriginalcenotaphswasincorporated intothecurrentmemorialbyentombingit withintheconcretewall.

Thewallcurrentlyhonors344fallenEOD technicians,from1942tothepresent.

Thisyear,Lt j.g.AaronP.Fowlewillbe memorializedduringtheceremony.Fowle passedawayApril17,2022.

Forquestionsormoreinformation please contactJosephSeverinoatjoseph.j.severino civ@us.navy.mil.

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:


Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing

GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated

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REDCOM Everett hosts Returning Warriors Workshop


AndrewGordon Navy Region Northwest Reserve Component Command

JACKSON HOLE, Wyoming Navy Reserve Region Readiness and MobilizationCommand(REDCOM),Everetthosted aReturningWarriorsWorkshop(RWW)at theSnowKingResortinJacksonHole,Wyo. RWW,acomponentoftheYellowRibbon Program,providesanopportunityforReserve Component(RC)Sailorsthathaverecently returnedfromadeployment,mobilization orindividualaugmentationtogainknowledgeandsupportastheyacclimatebackinto theircivilianlivesandrelationships The Sailorsareencouragedtoinviteadesignated representativewhotheSailoridentifiesas anyonethatprovidedthemsupportduring their deployment. It is usually a spouse familymemberorfriendbutcanbeanyone theSailorchoosestoinvite.

TheSailorsandguestsattendtheevent incivilianclothesandnormallyinlocations awayfrommilitarybases.Thecasualdress codeandlocationareintendedtoprovidea relaxedatmospherewheretheycanexplore and address stressors and difficulties of post-deploymentlife Facilitatorsprovidea weekendisfullofpresentations counseling sessions workshopsandresourcebooths.

“WehaveawonderfulgroupofREDCOM Everettstaffmembers,facilitatorswhovolunteertheirtimeandexpertise,dynamicspeakers, and representatives from supporting

resourceorganizationswhocometogetherto provideanincredibleweekendfortheattendees WeprovideworkshopstogiveSailorsand familymembersalikethetoolstoaddress potentialreintegrationissuesandenhance theiroverallmentalandemotionalwell-being.”JolieHarris,YellowRibbonReintegrationProgramSpecialist,REDCOM,Everett.

The workshop has breakout sessions scheduled throughout the weekend that cover topics like couples reconnecting communication skills temperament and parenting financialplanning findinghappiness,andmindfulnessandmeditation.The facilitatorsalsoofferfreegroup,couples’and one-on-onecounselingsessionswithmental healthtrainedprofessionals Guestshavethe opportunitytopickandchoosewhichbreakoutsessionsappealtothemmost.

“MywifeandIhaveenjoyedtheweekend andtopicscovered.Therehavebeensome thingsthathavecometoourattentionthat wehadnotconsideredpriortotheworkshop Thefacilitatorsandcounselorshave been helpful and caring The location is beautifulandIwouldrecommendanRWW toanySailorreturningfromadeployment,” saidEquipmentOperator1stClassAnthony Ferris,ReservistSailorandattendee,assigned toNavyReserveCenterCheyenne The weekend peaks on Saturday night withtheBanquetofHonor.Theguestsare encouragedtochangeintoformalattire.The eveningstartswithasocialhourtomingle, decompressandtakephotos Theguestsand facilitatorsthentaketimetorecognizethose

thathavecomebeforethemandthosewho paidtheultimateprice Sailorsassignedto REDCOMEverettconductaprisonerofwar/ missinginactionceremonytohonorthose servicemembers Gueststhenenjoydinner andthenightconcludeswithaguestspeaker

“Itwasanhonortobetheguestspeaker andsharetheweekendwiththeseamazing warriorsandfamilymembers I’velearned somuchfromtheirstoriesandchallenges I’moverwhelmedandhumbledwiththeir resolve,unwaveringmotivationandmost cherishedsupportsystem, saidRearAdmiral JackieMcClelland,ViceDirector,NavyStaff, OfficeoftheChiefofNavalOperationsand DeputyCommander,NavalSupplySystems Command.

Thelastdayoftheworkshopcontinues withmorebreakoutsessionsandgeneral presentationsfollowedbyguestreviewsand evaluationsoftheevent

“I think it is great the Navy provides a workshoplikethisforRCSailors Wehope theyhavelearnedafewthingstoaddtotheir resiliencyandfortitudetoolsboxes.Hopefullytheyareabletoapplythesenewskillsto allowthemselvesandtheirfamiliestohave ahappierandhealthierlife,”saidCommand MasterChiefJerryDotson,SeniorEnlisted LeaderREDCOM Everett.

For more information about Returning WarriorWorkshopsandtheYellowRibbon Reintegration Program, visit the YRRP websiteatwww.yellowribbon.mil.

Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance
FamilyAdvocacy Program
Deployment and Mobilization Support
Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance
Parenting Programs
Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support
EGLINAIRFORCE BASE,Fla.(May4,2019)Wreaths remain on displayafterthe 50thAnnual Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Memorial Ceremonyin front ofthe EOD Memorial at Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal.The EOD communityfrom each ofthe joint services gathered to honorthe memoryof338 fallen EOD heroes and add the names ofthree additional EOD technicians to the memorial.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBILLY P.MARTIN/RELEASED)
JACKSON HOLE,WYOMING (May6,2023) RearAdmiralJackie McClelland,Vice Director,NavyStaff Office ofthe ChiefofNaval Operations and DeputyCommander Naval SupplySystems Command,poseswith ReturningWarriorWorkshop (RWW) attendees inJackson Hole,Wyo.RWW, a component oftheYellowRibbon Program,provides an opportunityforReserve Component (RC) Sailors that have recentlyreturned from a deployment,mobilization orindividual augmentation to gain knowledge and support as theyacclimate backinto theircivilian lives and relationships.
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 11, 2023

Camp Lemonnier Bazaar connects Djiboutian artists, vendors with U.S. military members

ByLt.j.g VictoriaPiccoli

Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti

CAMPLEMONNIER,Djibouti U.S. militarymembersshopped,engaged,and connectedwithlocalDjiboutianartistsand vendorsduringCampLemonnier’sbiannual bazaar May6.

Thebazaarraised$51,113U.S.dollarsin proceedsthatgoesdirectlytothelocalartists andvendors

“We prioritize events like the bazaar becauseitmatterstoourservicemembers andourlocalcommunitynotonlyfroman economicperspective,butitcontinuesto buildpartnershipsandconnections,”said U.S.NavyCapt.SuzanneKrauss commanding officer CLDJ. “We gain an appreciationfortherichandwarmcultureherein Djiboutithrougheventslikethis.”

CampLemonnierhashostedthebazaar biannuallyforthepast16yearsasaway to give back and connect with the local community InNovember2022,thebazaar raisedover$72,000U.S.dollarsinproceeds.

ForHaboneMahamoudFarah,afirsttime vendorsellingchildren’sclothingandother itemssaidshefoundthebazaartobeapositiveexperiencefromherinteractionswith servicememberstothefinancialimpact.

“Sofarthishasbeennice,”saidFarah. “The bazaar gives visibility for small vendors,andithelpsoutfinancially,andthis


$30 million in drugs with international task force


U.S.NavalForcesCentralCommand/ U.S.5thFleet

MANAMA,Bahrain AU.S.CoastGuard fastresponsecutterseizedmorethan$30 millionofheroinandmethamphetamine fromafishingvesseltransitingtheGulfof Oman,May8.

OperatinginsupportofCombinedTask Force(CTF)150,USCGCGlenHarris(WPC 1144)seized580kilogramsofmethamphetamineand35kilogramsofheroinfroma vesseltransitinginternationalwatersafter departingChahBahar,Iran. CTF150isoneoffourtaskforcesthatform theworld’slargestmultinationalnavalpartnership CombinedMaritimeForces Naval forcessupportingCTF150haveseizedillegaldrugsworthacombinedestimatedU.S. streetvalueofnearly$200millionin2023. GlenHarrisarrivedintheMiddleEastlast yearandoperatesfromtheU.S.Navybasein BahrainwhereCMFisheadquarteredwith U.S.NavalForcesCentralCommandandU.S. 5thFleet.

ThefastresponsecutterispartofacontingentofU.S.CoastGuardshipsforward-deployedtotheregionunderPatrolForces SouthwestAsia(PATFORSWA) PATFORSWAdeploysCoastGuardpersonneland shipsalongsideU.S.andregionalnavalforces throughouttheMiddleEast


This year’s bazaar includedadiversegroup ofvendorsandartisans withtablesofbeautifully displayed basketry , textiles jewelry sculpturesandpaintings

“This is a chance to comeandinteractwith Djiboutians, and let’s service members buy something for their wife, husband, or kids to capture their time in Djibouti,” said Capt. Mark Moreno CLDJ’s chaplain.

The bazaar had 20 tablesof5artisansand 15vendorssetupinside, and for Bouh Hachim Ibrahim,whohasbeen avendoratfivedifferent CampLemonnierbazaar overtheyears saysitstillservesasawayto connectwithU.S.militarymembers

“(Thebazaar)isverygoodforustoget closertoeachother,eventhoughweare fromdifferentcultures,environments,countries,andorigin,”saidIbrahim.“Itisvery importanttogetcloseformutualunderstandingandcooperation.”

The bazaar connects U.S. military memberswithlocalDjiboutiansthrough art,whereartcanbreakbarriersandform bonds

“We try to make sure we emphasis artisans,overvendors,sotherearealot ofhandmadeitems,Ihaveseenpottery, beads,jewelry,andcarvings,”saidMoreno

“PartofwhatanAmericanthinksofart orAfricanartmaybecapturedhere,and oftentheyfindsomethingtheyweren’t imaging,andhavetobuyit.”

Thisyear’sbazaarincludedvendorsand artisans from the different regions and ethnicgroupsfromDjiboutisupportedby theU.S.EmbassyinDjibouti,theDjibouti ChamberofCommerce,andtheDjibouti MinistryofCommerceandTourism.

Thisbazaarisapartofaseriesofevents where members of the community are invited to Camp Lemonnier, like the annualIslamicCemeteryVisitandannual Iftarevent,thataredesignedtoenrichthe enduringrelationshipbetweenU.S.service membersandDjiboutianswhoareneighborsandapartofacommunity

“Connectingasacommunitythrough aneventlikeourbazaarmakesusstrongerneighborsandhelpsusallunderstand eachotherbetter,”saidKrauss.“Ican’t waittocontinuetoengagewithourlocal communityandpartnershereinDjibouti.”

CLDJisanoperationalinstallationthat enables U.S. allied, and partner nation forces to be where and when they are needed to ensure security in Europe, Africa and Southwest Asia. The base enablesmaritimeandcombatoperations intheHornofAfricawhilefosteringpositiveU.S.-Africarelations

“ThededicationandexpertiseofGlen Harris’sleadershipandcrewembodyour commitmenttointerdictandremoveillicit narcotics from the sea, denying malign actorstheabilitytodestabilizetheregion,” saidCapt.EricA.Helgen,PATFORSWA’s commander.“Icouldnotbemoreproudof


CurrentlyledbytheUnitedKingdom, CTF150conductsmaritimesecurityand counter-terrorismoperationsintheGulfof OmanandIndianOceantodisruptcriminal andterroristorganizationsandtheirrelated illicitactivities,includingthemovementof

personnel,weapons narcoticsandcharcoal.Theseeffortshelpensurelegitimate commercialshippingtransitstheregionfree fromnon-statethreats.

U.S.andinternationalnavalunitsinthe MiddleEastseizedillegaldrugstotaling$1 billioninvaluefrom2021to2022.

base enables maritime and combat operations in the Horn ofAfricawhile fostering positive U.S.-Africa relations.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSRIONCODRINGTON)
Djibouti (May6,2023) U.S.service members and base personnel attend a bazaaron Camp Lemonnier Djibouti,May6.Formore than 16years,local Djiboutianvendors and artists have collaboratedwith CLDJ Chaplains,the U.S.Embassyin Djibouti,the Djibouti ChamberofCommerce and the Djibouti MinistryofCommerce andTourism in holding a biannual bazaar featuring local artistryand crafts CLDJ is an operational installation that enables U.S.,allied,and partnernation forces to bewhere andwhen theyare needed to ensure securityin Europe, Africa and SouthwestAsia.The Coast Guard seizes
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, May 11, 2023 3
GULFOFOMAN (May8,2023) Bags ofillegal drugs sit on the deckofa fishingvessel seized byU.S.Coast Guard fast response cutterUSCGC Glen Harris (WPC 1144) in the GulfofOman,May8,2023.(U.S.COASTGUARDPHOTO)

U.S. Navy hosts Oman’s Naval Commander at Headquarters in Bahrain



U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet MANAMA,Bahrain U.S.NavalForces CentralCommand(NAVCENT)welcomed Oman’stopnavalcommandertotheU.S. NavybaseinBahrain May7,coinciding withthestartofanOman-ledmaritime exerciseintheGulfofOman.

ViceAdm.BradCooper,commanderof NAVCENT,U.S.5thFleetandCombined MaritimeForces,hostedCommanderof theRoyalNavyofOmanRearAdm.Saif

binNasserbinMohsinAlRahbiandother seniorOmaniofficialsfordiscussionson strengtheningregionalmaritimesecurity cooperation.

“Omanisanimportantregionalmaritimepartneranditwasapleasurehostingdiscussionsonoursharedvisionfor advancingcooperationamongourforces atsea, saidCooper.“Welookforwardto strengtheningourcollaborationinthedays ahead.”

ThevisittoBahrainfellonthefirstdayof anannualOman-lednavalexercisecalled KhunjarHadd,inandoffthecoastofOman.

Thisyear,minecountermeasuresshipUSS Dextrous(MCM13),personnelfromaU.S. 5thFleetexpeditionaryminecountermeasuresunitandaU.S.NavyP-8APoseidon maritimepatrolaircraftareslatedtoparticipate InadditiontotheOmanandtheUnited States theweeklongexercisewillinclude forcesfromFrance JapanandtheUnited Kingdom. Training will focus on mine countermeasures, explosive ordnance disposal,maritimeinterdictionandother combinednavaloperations WhileattheU.S.NavybaseinBahrain,

senior Omani officials met with leaders fromU.S.5thFleet,CombinedMaritimes Forces and the International Maritime Security Construct. They also received briefingsandtouredfacilitiesshowcasing unmannedsystemstheU.S.Navyhasintegratedintoregionalmaritimeoperations

U.S.5thFleet’sareaofoperationsencompassesapproximately2.5millionsquare miles of water area and includes the ArabianGulf,GulfofOman,RedSea,parts oftheIndianOceanandthreecriticalchoke pointsattheStraitofHormuz,SuezCanal andStraitofBabalMandeb.

VP-16 holds in-flight change of command




Eagles”ofPatrolSquadron(VP)16helda changeofcommandceremonyinwhich ExecutiveOfficerCmdr TerrellRadford relievedCmdr VesWhittemoretobecome thesquadron’s69thcommandingofficer, May3.

Thisceremonymarkedtheconclusionof animmenselysuccessfultourforWhittemoreas68thcommandingofficer,inwhich heledthesquadronthroughachallenging FleetResponseTrainingPlanandarigorous deploymenttothe7thFleetareaofresponsibilityWhittemorereportedtoVP-16inApril of2021astheexecutiveofficerbeforetaking commandofthesquadroninAprilof2022.

Duringhistimeascommandingofficer, WhittemoreinspiredVP-16toreachunprecedented levelsofoperational excellence whileconductinganti-submarinewarfare, anti-surface warfare, and intelligence surveillance andreconnaissancemissions insupportofU.S.NorthernCommandand Commander,U.S.7thFleetobjectives.

WhittemorehailsfromForney,Texas.He enlistedintheNavyin1995,andthengraduatedfromRTC,GreatLakes,ILin1996.Asa GasTurbineSystemsTechnician(mechanical),hisassignmentsincludedtoursinUSS

John Hancock (DD-981) and USS Deyo (DD-989) wherehequalifiedasEngineeringOfficeroftheWatch,andwasselected forcommissioningthroughtheSeamanto Admiral-21program.Whittemoregraduated fromTheCitadelwithaBachelorofArtsin PoliticalSciencein2004andreceivedhis commissionin2005.

Whittemorewasthendesignatedasa NavalAviatorinMay2007,andfollowing P-3CtrainingatVP-30,Jacksonville FL beganhisfirstflyingtourwiththe“Fighting Tigers”ofVP-8 Brunswick,ME.Hethen returnedtoVP-30,servingasaninstructorintheP-3COrion,andthenasaWeaponsandTacticsInstructorattheMaritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Weapons School Duringthistour,healsoreceived aMaster’sofScienceinInformationTechnologyfromtheFloridaInstituteofTechnology Followingthistour Whittemore servedasassistantnavigatoraboardUSS GeorgeWashington(CVN-73),Yokosuka, Japan.Hethenjoinedthe“WorldFamous GoldenEagles”ofVP-9atKaneoheBay,HI andWhidbeyIsland,WAforhisdepartmentheadtour Afterhisdepartmenthead tour,WhittemoreservedasChiefofOperationsatCommander,PatrolandReconnaissanceWingFiveSeven,Manama,Bahrain. Hisnextassignmentwillbetoserveas theReadinessOfficer Commander Naval AirForces,PacificinSanDiego,California.

Whittemore has completed deploymentstoU.S.4th,5th,6th,and7thFleetsin supportofOperationsFreedom’sSentinel,

InherentResolve,RestoringHope Unified Response,andothernamedoperations.His awardsincludetheMeritoriousService Medal,AirMedal(twostrikeflightawards), NavyandMarineCorpsCommendation Medal(withgoldstars),NavyandMarine CorpsAchievementMedal(SilverStar),as wellasmultipleunitandserviceawards

FollowinginCmdr Whittemore’sfootstepsisCmdr TerrellRadford.Anativeof MineralWells,Texas,Cmdr.RadfordgraduatedfromtheUniversityofNewMexico in2006withaBachelorofScienceinPhysicsandreceivedhiscommissionin2006 HeearnedhisNavalFlightOfficerwingsin October2007andsubsequentlycompleted fleetreplacementtrainingwithVP-30in Jacksonville FloridainMay2008 Radford’sfirstoperationaltourbeganin 2008withtheVP-16“WarEagles”atJacksonville,FL.Followingthistourhereturned toVP-30toserveasaP-3Cfleetreplacement squadron instructor naval flight officer Duringthistourhealsoreceived

aMaster’sDegreeinAcousticEngineeringfromtheNavalPostgraduateSchool. Radford then joined the Commander, U.S.7thFleetStaffembarkedinUSSBlue RidgeinYokosuka,JapanasFleetSecurity CooperationOfficerinchargeofSoutheast AsianPlansandPolicy Subsequently,he reportedtotheVP-46“GreyKnights”in WhidbeyIsland,WAforhisdepartment headtourwhereheservedasthesquadron’smaintenanceofficer Followinghis departmentheadtourhereportedtothe JointStaffatthePentagoninArlington,VA whereheservedastheexecutiveassistant fortheDeputyDirectorforISROperations (J-32).RadfordreturnedtoJacksonville, FLandcompletedthetransitionfromthe P-3COriontotheP-8APoseidon,February 2022.TheninApril2022,hereturnedtothe VP-16“WarEagles”andassumeddutiesas theexecutiveofficer Radford has completed deployments totheU.S.4th,5th,6th,and7thFleetsin supportofOperationsInherentResolve

andRestoringHope HispersonaldecorationsincludetheDefenseMeritorious ServiceMedal,theJointCommendation Medal,NavyandMarineCorpsCommendationMedal(3),andNavyandMarine Corps Achievement Medal (2) in additiontovariousunit,service,andcampaign awards Cmdr PatReillywillbejoiningVP-16on deploymentasthesquadron’snewexecutiveofficer TheWarEaglesofVP-16arebasedin Jacksonville, Florida and are currently operating from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa,Japan.Thesquadronconducts maritimepatrolandreconnaissance,aswell astheateroutreachoperations,aspartofa rotationaldeploymenttotheU.S.7thFleet areaofoperations

7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinelyinteractsandoperateswith35 maritimenationsinpreservingafreeand openIndo-Pacificregion.

MANAMA,Bahrain (May7,2023) Commanderofthe Royal NavyofOman RearAdm.Saifbin Nasserbin MohsinAl Rahbi saluteswhile entering U.S.5th Fleet headquarters in Manama,Bahrain, May7,2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJACOBVERNIER)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 11, 2023
KADENAAIRBASE,Japan (May3,2023) Cmdr VesWhittemore (center) informs Capt.CliffordToraason (left),CommanderTaskForce 72, that he has been properlyrelieved byCmdr Terrell Radford (right) as commanding officerofVP-16 May3.The“WarEagles”ofVP-16 are based inJacksonville,Florida and are currentlyoperating from KadenaAirBase in Okinawa,Japan.The squadron conducts maritime patrol and reconnaissance,aswell as theateroutreach operations,as part ofa rotational deployment to the U.S.7th Fleet area ofoperations.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSJESSICAHATTELL)

CNRMA HostsManagement Bootcamp Course


U.S.NavyRearAdm.ScottGray,Commander,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA),engages in adiscussionwith civilian employees at NRMA’s 2023Management Boot Camp in Norfolk,Virginia,May1,2023.Participants attendedthe fourdaytrainingtolearn howtosucceed as asupervisorand build trustunderpressure.

U.S.NavyRearAdm.ScottGray,Commander,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA),speakstocivilian participantsat NRMA’s 2023 Management Boot Camp in Norfolk,Virginia, May1,2023.

Latisha Early,a financial management analyst for Commander,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA),speaksto participating civilians at CNRMA’s 2023Management Boot Camp in Norfolk,Virginia,May1,2023.

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USS Oakland (LCS 24) Blue crew changes command


Squadron One


VanWagonerrelievedCmdrDerekJaskowiak,anative ofSt Louis,Mo ascommandingofficerofIndependence-variantlittoralcombatshipUSSOakland(LCS 24)BluecrewduringaceremonypiersideatNavalBase SanDiegoaboardUSSKansasCity(LCS22),May4.

DuringJaskowiak’stenureascommandingofficer, OaklandBluecrewembarkedontheship’smaiden deploymenttotheIndo-Pacificregion,conducting forwardpresenceanddeterrencemissionsinwaters liketheSouthChinaSea Additionally,thecrewsailed withtheBangladeshNavyandeightothernations duringthecombinedInternationalFleetReview2022, participatedinthecommemorationofthe80thanniversaryofthebattleofGuadalcanal,andexecuted theSecretaryofDefense’sOceaniaMaritimeSecurityInitiativewiththeU.S.CoastGuardandpartners throughouttheregiontosuppressillicitmaritimeactivitieslikeillegal,unregulated,unreportedfishingand transnationalcrime

“IamtrulythankfulforthetimeIhadwithOakland Bluecrew,”saidJaskowiak. Thecrewisanaward-winningteamthathasseenitallfromdeliveryinAlabama, commissioninginOakland,andadeployment.

UnderJaskowiak’scommand,theOaklandBluecrew receivedtheBattle“E”efficiencyawardthatrecognizes outstandingcommandperformanceforbothcommand andoverallForcewarfightingreadiness.Thecriterion fortheBattle“E”Awardistheoverallreadinessofa crewtoexecuteitscombatmission.

OaklandGoldcrewiscurrentlydeployedontheship, servingasaready-responseforceinsupportofafree andopenIndo-Pacificregion.

VanWagoner,anativeofAnnapolis,Md.,previously servedasexecutiveofficeraboardUSSJackson(LCS


Oakland,homeportedinSanDiego,Calif.,isafast, optimally-manned,mission-tailoredsurfacecombatantthatoperatesinnear-shoreandopen-oceanenvironments,winningagainst21st-centurycoastalthreats AsashipwithinLittoralCombatShipSquadronONE Oaklandintegrateswithjoint,combined,mannedand unmannedteamstosupportforward-presence,maritimesecurity,seacontrol,anddeterrencemissions aroundtheglobe

FormorenewsfromCommander,LittoralCombat ShipSquadronOne,visithttps://www.surfpac.navy. mil/comlcsron1/orfollowonFacebookathttps://www facebook.com/COMLCSRONONE/.

(May4,2023) SAN DIEGO Cmdr.John“Nick”VanWagoner center commanding officerofIndependence-variant littoral combat ship USS Oakland (LCS 24) Blue crew salutes sideboys during Oakland’s change ofcommand ceremonyheld aboard Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Kansas City(LCS 22),May4.Littoral Combat Ships are fast optimallymanned, mission-tailored surface combatants that operate in near-shore and open-ocean environments,winning against 21st-century coastal threats LCS integratewith joint,combined,manned and unmanned teams to support forward-presence,maritime security,sea control and deterrence missions around the globe.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1ST CLASSVANCEHAND)

Navy Housing introduces Unaccompanied Housing ‘Bill of Rights & Responsibilities’


Commander, Navy Installations Command

Commander, Navy Installations

Command(CNIC)hasimplementeda‘Bill ofRights&Responsibilities’forUnaccompaniedHousing(UH) whichoutlinesresident rightsthatareguaranteedbyNavyHousing aswellasresidentresponsibilitiesformaintainingthespacewheretheylive.

“The Navy is committed to providing highqualityaccommodationstoallSailors, especiallythoseresidinginUH,”saidSteve Drumm,CNICDirectorofHousing “This BillofRights&Responsibilitiesmakesit clearwhatguaranteeswepromiseUHresidentswhileestablishingwhattheirobligationsareformaintainingtheirhousing Thesebarracksaretheirhomesandtheyare expectedtomaintaincleanlinessandreport maintenance issues in a timely manner, whichcanbedonequicklyandconveniently byutilizingournewQRCodemaintenance reportingprocess.”

TheResidentRightsforgovernment-controlled Unaccompanied Housing are as follows:

1. The right to reside in a communitythatissafe,secure,andmeets applicablehealthandenvironmen-

talstandards,withwell-maintained commonareas,andamenities

2. Therighttoresideinahousingunit thathasworkingfixtures,appliances, andutilities

3. Therighttoverifytheconditionand cleanliness of the assigned room, sharedspace(ifapplicable),andthe furnishingsprovidedduringcheck-in andcheck-outinspections

4. TherighttoclearlydefinedregulationsregardingoccupancyofUHand useofcommonareasandamenities

5. TherighttoreportinadequatehousingstandardsordeficitsinhabitabilityofthehousingunittotheUHstaff housingmanagementoffice andthe chainofcommandwithoutfearof:

• reprisalorretaliation;

• decreasedservices,orincreased obligationsasaresident;

• interferencewithrighttoprivacy orharassmentasaresident;

• refusal to honor the terms of occupancy;or interferencewiththecareerofa resident.

Resident Responsibilities for government-controlledunaccompaniedhousing areasfollows:

1. Theresponsibilitytotakeprideand ownershipofyourassignedquarters, commonareas,andamenities,andto complywithUHRulesandRegulations.

2. Theresponsibilitytomaintaindaily livingstandardsinaccordancewith theWelcomeAboardHandbook.

3. Theresponsibilitytoallowaccess toyourroomandsharedspacefor inspections,necessarymaintenance, andrepairs

4. The responsibility to report any issuesinthehousingunittotheUH staffforcorrectiveactionsinatimely manner

5. Theresponsibilitytoprovideaminimumof30daysnotificationpriorto move-outandcorrectanydiscrepanciesidentifiedduringthepre-terminationinspectionpriortothefinal checkoutinspection

ThecreationoftheUHBillofRights& ResponsibilitiescameaboutaftertheChief ofNavalOperationsandfleetcommandersidentifiedunaccompaniedhousingas anareaofimprovementthatwouldpositivelyimpactSailormorale NavyHousing workedwithfleetcommanderstocomeup withrightsthatsuccinctlyaddressedtheir

Sailors’needsandconcernsinunaccompaniedhousing,whilesettingclearexpectationsthatresidentsmustalsodotheirpart inmaintaininghighqualityhousing

“TheBillofRights&Responsibilitiesis justthefirstinaseriesofeffortsthatNavy Housing plans to roll out in the coming months, saidDrumm “Ourhopeisthatby settingacollaborativetonewithresidents, wewillbeabletomaintainandimprovethe qualityofunaccompaniedhousinglongterm.”

Installationcommandingofficersmust posttheUHBillofRights&ResponsibilitiesthroughouttheUHfacilitiesandincorporate its content into all UH Welcome Aboard/new resident orientation handbooksbyMay26,2023

Commander, Navy Installations CommandisresponsibleforworldwideU.S. Navyshoreinstallationmanagementasthe Navy’sshoreintegrator,designinganddevelopingintegratedsolutionsforsustainment anddevelopmentofNavyshoreinfrastructureaswellasqualityoflifeprograms CNIC oversees10Navyregions 70bases,andmore than43,000employeeswhosustainthefleet, enablethefighterandsupportthefamily FollowCNIConsocialmedia:Facebook, Facebook.com/NavyInstallations;Twitter, @cnichq;andInstagram,@cnichq.

6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 11, 2023
(May4,2023) SAN DIEGO Lt Cmdr MichaelTomsic,ChiefEngineeraboard Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Oakland (LCS 24) Blue crewand Cleveland,Ohio native,stands at parade rest at the head ofthe crew’s formation during Oakland’s change ofcommand ceremonyheld aboard Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Kansas City(LCS 22),May4.Littoral Combat Ships are fast,optimallymanned,mission-tailored surface combatants that operate in near-shore and open-ocean environments,winning against 21st-centurycoastal threats LCS integratewith joint,combined,manned and unmanned teams to support forward-presence,maritime security,sea control and deterrence missions around the globe.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSVANCEHAND)
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8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 11, 2023

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Spoil Mom with delicious Mother’s Day brunch recipes

Delight the special mom inyourlifewith these delicious brunch recipes:AvacadoToast topped with RosemarySmokedTomatoJam and Poached Eggs and Mini Frittatas. PageC4

Ynot Wednesdays FREE outdoor concert series returns to the Sandler Center for its 15th Season


TheSandler CenterforthePerformingArtsisthrilled toannouncethereturnofYnotItalian’s YnotWednesdayssponsoredbySouthern AutoGroupforitsfifteenthseason!This freeoutdoorsummerconcertserieswill takeplaceontheSandlerCenterOutdoor PlazaeveryWednesdayfrom5-9PM.The 2023serieswillkickoffonJune14andrun throughAugust30


Overtwelveweeks,visitorswillenjoya musicalpanoramaoflive,localbandsshowcasingadiversityofgenresfrompop,country,bigbrass Motown,rock,jazz,andmore. Alongsidefreemusic guestswillbeableto purchasefood,water,andsoftdrinksfrom titlesponsorYnotItalian,whowillbeservingupdeliciouspizza,sandwiches,and gelatoallseasonlong Beer,wine,andcraft cocktailswillalsobeavailabletopurchase

Feelingthesummerheat?Visitorsmay ventureinsidetheSandlerCentertocool off,visittherestroomsandbars,ortake a gallery stroll through the public art displayedonthesecondandthird-floor lobbies The Kids’ Craft Corner in the MillerStudiowillalsobeopenforfamiliestoenjoymake-and-takeartprojectsand activities*.

TheNightMarketwillalsoreturntothe SandlerCenterlobbyonJune21,July12, andAugust2withvendingopportunities forartists,craftspeople,andretailsales Thisapplicationcanbefoundatsandlercenter.org/nightmarket.

Lookingtoupgradeyourplazaexperience?VIPandcafétablesforYnotWednesday are available to purchase reserving upfront seating for a single show or for theentireseries Topurchaseatable,orto becomeavendororsponsor,pleasecontact NadinePanicciaatnpaniccia@sandlercen-

Event Schedule


TheYnotWednesdayconcertserieshas beenalongstandingsummerfavoriteof HamptonRoadsresidentsandvisitorsalike Formoreinformation,pleasevisitsandlercenter.org/ynot.

About the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts: The Sandler Center opened on November 3, 2007 and is managedbyOakViewGroup(OVG360). With1,308seatsandasoaringglassfaçade, the building is located in the heart of VirginiaBeach’sTownCenter,ahubfor cultural entertainment With local and internationaltalentvisitingtheSandler Center,performancesareperfectforaudiencesofallages Patronswillexperience an intimate environment when visiting theSandlerCenter,asnoseatisfurther than100ft.fromthestage Learnmoreat SandlerCenter.organdFacebook,Twitter, andInstagram.

„ June14–Brasswind

„ June21–TheGentlemen&TheirLady

„ June28–WOAH!90sBand

„ July5–AllenHudsonand TheHalfmoons

„ July12–TheNashvilleNightsBand

„ July19–TheGrooveMotive

„ July26–TheEnglishChannel

„ August2–Buckshot

„ August9–AnthonyRosano& TheConqueroos

„ August16–TheFuzzBand

„ August23–Lucky757

„ August30–ThePartyFins

*Kid’sCraftCornerdatesmaybesubjecttothe availability of the Miller Studio

Norfolk Festevents announces 2023 Norfolk Harborfest poster artist and artwork


NORFOLK,Va,–NorfolkFestevents,Ltd.isthrilledtorelease theartistsnameandartworkforthe47thAnnualNorfolkHarborfest®FridayJune9,2023 Sunday,June11,2023,inTownPoint ParkontheDowntownNorfolkWaterfront.Thisyear’sartist, RyanJones,isathirdgenerationHarborfestposterartist.

Ryan’sfirstcommunicationwasnotinwords,butinpaintand brushstrokes.Hisgrandfatherpaintedtohimbeforehecouldtalk, andheansweredbackwithstrokesofcolor Withbothparents beingthrivingprofessionalartists Ryanalwaysknewtherewas nootherpaththathedesired.Ryanneverwonderedwhathewas goingtobewhenhegrewup Hejustknewwhathewas,anartist Therearemanyformsofgreatartintheworld,butRyanfound hispassionwithpainting,predominatelyinwatercolorsandsideliningwithacrylics Helearnedearlyonthatapaintingmeans nothingifitdoesnotevokeanemotionintheviewer Hefound thatifhepaintswhatheloves,thenheissuccessfulatachieving thisemotion.Ryanpaintsthingsthathe’sdeeplyconnectedto andpeopleconnecttothatfeeling Hisinspirationcomesfrom beinganavidwaterman,whetherfromsurfing fishingonhis boat,orkayakingundertheeveningskyTheChesapeakeBayhas providedhimwithcountlesshoursofinspirationandamazement. Lifelessonsarelearned,andangstislost,asthebaybecomeshis comforter Onegreatthingaboutbeingaprofessionalartististhat heneverforgetstoopenhiseyestothebeautyoftheworld.The sunset,thelightonatree,thegoldenreflectionofthewater all ofthisishisresearchandsalvation

After receiving his bachelor’s as an art major at Virginia WesleyanUniversity Ryanbecameco-owneroftheJonesArt Gallery ThegallerybeganinNorfolkandhasnowbeenatTown CenterinVirginiaBeachfor17years,atotalof30yearsbetween alllocations Ryanhasbeenluckyenoughtohavegreatsuccess insellinghisworksincehewas7yearsold.He’ssoldthousands ofpiecesofartwork,severalalbumcoversandmanypublications throughouthiscareer Whenheisnotonthewaterorpainting inthegalleryyoucanfindhimspendingtimewithhiswonderful daughtersandwife.Familyiseverything

“Afterspendingmuchofmylifeonthewater ithasbeenagreat honortocreateapaintingforHarborfest2023.Thirtyyearsafter myGrandfather,HerbJones,and26yearsaftermyFather,Louis Jones,completedtheirpaintingsfortheposter Iamnowcontinuingthefamilytradition.Ifyoulovethenauticallifestyleyou’ve beentoHarborfestandI’mveryexcitedtobeapartofthisfestival. Thisyear’sposterisinspiredbythefeelingofexcitementnehas whilesailingintoHarborfestwithanticipationofthefestivitiesto come.Iusedmybrightpaletteofwatercolors,thatI’vebecome knownforintheartworld,tocreateanupliftingpaintingthat embodiestheexcitementofHarborfest.”


2023 Norfolk Harborfest Commemorative Posters will be

availableforpurchaseattheOfficialFestivalMerchandiseTent throughoutthefestivalweekend.Postersare$30unsignedand $40signedbyRyanJones Visit bit.ly/Harborfest2023 for more details on the 2023 NorfolkHarborfest:Music,Food&MaritimeFestival,including acompletelistingofmaritimeevents,family-friendlyentertainment,andmore. FormoreinformationonNorfolkFesteventsandthe2023 SeasonofEvents visitFestevents.org.

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, May 11, 2023 1
Artist RyanJones’s artworkwas chosen forthe official 2023 Harborfest festival poster.(COURTESYPHOTOS)


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May is National Bike Month: Norfolk and cities across Hampton Roads are gearing up for pedal powered fun!

Press Release

NORFOLK, Va. — This May, shift your gears to two wheels and pedal for power for Norfolk Bike Month, which celebrates the many benefits of a bike lifestyle and how Norfolk keeps getting better for bikes.

Residents can celebrate the 12th annual Norfolk Bike Month in a variety of ways to let the good times roll safely — whether it’s a family trek through the Northside Park Bike Trail, a solo ride on the Elizabeth River Trail or meeting fellow bike enthusiasts at Bike Month signature events like the Norfolk Bike Expo and Glow Ride VII. Download a printable and sharable calendar that links to each day’s events and choose your own Bike Month adventure.

New this year, enjoy the Granby Street bike bypass through Lafayette Park, the innovative new Glow Line at Jeff Robertson Park and expanded, upgraded path along Water Street and Park Avenue near Harbor Park and Norfolk State University.

Norfolk Bike Month is also an opportunity to remind bicyclists and motorists to be safe and vigilant while on the road. In 2019, the City adopted a Vision Zero resolution — an initiative to create a safer environment for all who travel through Norfolk whether by foot, bike, scooter or vehicle.

Motorists are reminded to:

Share the road with cyclists. Bikes are allowed on City of Norfolk streets whether in a bike lane or not.

Keep a distance of at least three feet when passing a cyclist on the street. It’s the law!

Watch out when opening car doors when parked on a city street.

Follow the posted speed limits. Speeding can have fatal consequences for both motorists and cyclists.

Bicyclists are reminded to:

Follow the same rules of the road as a vehicle. Stop at stop signs and yield to pedestrians. Bike with the flow of traffic.

Wear a helmet! Helmets are mandatory for those 14 years of age and younger.

Be Seen! Wear bright clothing in the dark and use a white headlight or red taillight at night so others can see you.

Use the bike lanes and buffered bike lanes. If you must ride on a sidewalk, be courteous to pedestrians. Riding on sidewalks is prohibited downtown.

Park responsibly at designated parking corrals or bike racks. Do not park in front of building entrances and do not block sidewalks or pedestrian access.

Norfolk Bike Month is sponsored by Lime and presented in partnership with the City of Norfolk, Downtown Norfolk Council, Hampton Roads Transit, TRAFFIX, Elizabeth River Trail and community partners.

To find Norfolk Bike Month events, citywide biking information, resources and safety tips, visit www.norfolk.gov/bike.

In additon, TRAFFIX and HRT staff will be supporting many Bike Month events throughout Hampton Roads including: „ May 19 - DNC Pit Stop at Elizabeth River Ferry Dock from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. „ May 19 - DNC Pit Stop at EVMS Light

to 9:00

Wheel of Fortune LIVE! comes to Chrysler Hall this November. Tickets on sale now!

Press Release

NORFOLK, Va. — “Wheel of Fortune

LIVE!,” a theatrical experience, will be coming to Chrysler Hall in Norfolk on Friday, November 3, 2023. The live stage show, produced by Right Angle Entertainment in collaboration with Sony Pictures Television and UTA, is the one-and-only way fans can experience America’s Game® in person outside of Sony Pictures Studios. Tickets go on sale Friday, May 5 at 10:00 a.m. and can be purchased at the Scope Arena box office and at Ticketmaster.com.

One of the greatest game shows of all time has been adapted into a stage show to give more fans access and more chances to win at “Wheel of Fortune LIVE!” Guests are randomly selected to go on stage and feel like they stepped into the game show itself. The live stage show is the only way you can have the chance to spin a full-sized replica of the iconic Wheel. At Wheel of Fortune LIVE!, contestants are selected from the audience to go on stage for the chance to call consonants, buy vowels, and maybe even solve puzzles to win fantastic prizes, including trips to destinations like Paris and Hawaii or up to $10,000 in cash. Everyone gets in on the fun and a chance to win at Wheel of Fortune LIVE! because there are audience games too!

VIP Packages will also available, and they give fans early access, premiere seats,

pre-show lounge access and photo opportunities to spin the wheel. For tickets and more information, visit www.WheelofFortuneLive.com. and SevenVenues.com.

Pat and Vanna will not be on tour, and the hosts for this engagement will be announced at a later date. “Wheel of Fortune Live!” is a live touring production and is not for broadcast.

Tickets for Chrysler Hall’s Wheel of Fortune LIVE on Friday, November 3 at 7:00 p.m. can be purchased at the Scope Arena Box Office and at Ticketmaster. com. For more information visit SevenVenues.com.

About Wheel Of Fortune: Wheel of Fortune, a TV version of the popular game ‘Hangman,’ is the most successful syndicated program in the history of TV and has earned 7 Emmy® Awards including the 2011 Emmy® for Outstanding Game Show. Hosted by Pat Sajak and Vanna White since its debut in 1983, the show has awarded more than $250 million in cash and prizes to its contestants. Can you believe that over 10,000 people audition each year for the chance to appear on the show? With more than 26 million viewers per week, America’s Game continues to attract a larger audience than many primetime TV shows.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ wheeloffortunelive/

Instagram: https://www.instagram. com/wheeloffortunelive/

a.m. „ May 19 - Portsmouth Annual Lunchtime Bike Ride from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. „ May 19 - Suffolk Lunch Bike Ride at 12 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. „ May 19 - Glow Ride VII in the Neon District from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. „ May 20 - Bike Rodeo at Great Neck Rec Center from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. „ May 20 - Bike Ride of Historic South Norfolk from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. „ May 25 - Virginia Zoo Bike Night from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Rail Station from 7:00 a.m.
2 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, May 11, 2023

WWE Hall of Famer Road Dogg, talks WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures DX episode, WWE’s SuperShow at the Hampton Coliseum, wrestling stories, and more

With us today is World Wrestling Entertainment’s (WWE) “Road Dogg” Jesse James whose real name is Brian James. He is a world renowned WWE Hall of Famer and a member of the famous D-Generation X on WWE. Brian was just featured in season two, episode two on A&E’s WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures looking for DX’s wrestling memorabilia. Brian also recently celebrated a year anniversary of his podcast called, Oh You Didn’t Know? Brian also has a relatively new WWE administrative position as the Senior Vice President of Live Events Creative. Today we will talk all about that and so much more.

Yiorgo: Brian, thank you for coming back and being with us today. WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures episode just aired and it was incredible. One of the memorabilias was the Jeep/tank that was used here at the Norfolk Scope, about the World Championship Wrestling (WCW) invasion angle. That night, I was at the Hampton Coliseum for the then WWF show and all of a sudden they showed you guys on the Titantron and you were at the Scope. Everyone went crazy with excitement. Can you share several memories?

Brian James: It was definitely a gutsy maneuver. We went there in a jeep/tank that had a canon on it. We drove on the street, talking smack and once we got to the underground parking ramp, we went down there. If they opened the door, I don’t know what would have happened. I knew my brothers were in there but I didn’t know on whose side they would fight on. It was really a cool opportunity for us. And the next week or the week after that, it was the first week that we started winning in the ratings war against WCW. It was a plethora of things such as Mick Foley winning the WWF World Title and WCW stooging it off on their channel and 500,000 people tuned in to see Mick win the title. So it started the wave of the WWF/ WWE winning the ratings war.

Y: Can you talk about the logistics of it?

BJ: We all got into a big van and the guy with the jeep/tank was behind us. We drove from the Hampton Coliseum to the Norfolk Scope. We parked out on the street, got the jeep of the trailer and we said let’s go. We really didn’t know what we were going to do. The driving down the ramp and beating on the door, that was totally last minute. It was like, just go down there, just go down there, they’re closing the door. The door started closing. Of course we shot it a little later so it made it look like we were going down there so they closed the door on us. But the truth was they started closing the door, so we started driving down there. Perception is reality. Had that door open, I don’t know what would have happened. I knew they had Haku, the toughest wrestler around so I was going to run from him, but some of the others I knew I could take.

Y: Can you tell us about filming the segment for WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures in Hickory, North Carolina when you and Mick Foley saw the jeep/tank used in the WCW invasion angle?

BJ: Yes it was Mick and I and the production team of course that went down there. It was actually at the guy’s house. The funny story was that I got to his house two hours early. I was supposed to be dropped off at the hotel, but I was dropped off at his house, which had the military memorabilia and the jeep. So I got to hang out on the guy’s

front porch and take a nap until the people got there. We had a really good time and the family that owns the jeep have been working with the WWE for a long time and we will be working with them in the future with that same jeep. We used the jeep in the WWE RAW DX 25th Reunion episode in Brooklyn. I took Shawn Michaels and Kid (X-Pac Sean Whitman) to see the jeep there and they used that footage in this episode.

Y: How did everyone react when you and they saw it for the first time after all these years?

BJ: When I first saw it, it was really awesome to see it. It’s in better shape now than it was back then. Coming from my military background, it was really cool for me to see it. We actually got to fire the cannon at the house. Both Kid and Shawn loved seeing it. You know Shawn (Michaels) was not there when we filmed the invasion in Norfolk. But It was really cool for me to show it to both of them. Shawn comes from a military family and is an avid hunter and outdoorsman. It was cool for us to talk about the military aspect of it. I remember thinking when I saw it, where and how were we sitting on this thing. Now we are older and bigger and I don’t know how we negotiated and sat on it.

As you saw on the episode, we tried to buy it from the family. Colonel Willie has passed on and he left it all to his son John Warren. We spent the day together and the amount of historic memorabilia, full uniforms from some of the first marine paratroopers, a Japanese machine gun, an incredible collection, just so much to look at. I actually could have stayed there all day. We tried to buy the jeep from him. He wanted $300,000 for it and we only had a budget of $50,000. Instead we agreed to pay him to bring him, his family and the jeep in and use them on as a needed basis.

Y: For me, it was really cool seeing your New Age Outlaws Championship Belt in your showcase. What’s your favorite moment with that belt?

BJ: That’s the title that the fans love, the old school tag-title, all the way from the 80’s into the Attitude Area. It’s the actual title that the Hart Foundation, the Legion of Doom, all those guys and I were blessed to have custody of that title for a brief time. It’s that big, beautiful WWF at that time tag team title. I had it here at my house and they came to get it. Truth be told, they took it

from my house and I don’t think I’m getting it back. The truth of it is, I also got it by nefarious means too. A friend of mine absconded with it from the WWE warehouse. He is a WWE employee and was with the Archivist Ben Brown when it happened, so I don’t think we “stole” it, but it was in my office at Stanford, Connecticut. When I got fired, I brought it home with me and had it on display here. Look, it was easy come, easy go. I enjoyed shooting the thing with Mick Foley.

Y: It was nice to see the segment about looking for China’s gear. What are some fond memories working with being around China?

BJ: She was a kindred spirit. She was tortured inside like me, but we weren’t old enough to realize what was going on at the time. She was all about having a good time and having fun. She was like one of the boys in the sense of being right there with us, laughing and joking, having fun and being fun to have around.

Y: Let’s change gear. Super congratulations on your recent WWE position as the Senior Vice President of Live Events Creative. How does it feel to get that position and how did it all fall in place?

BJ: Thank you for having me here and thank you for the congratulations. It was all an incredible story with divine intervention for sure. I was released in January 2022 and I had nine months of severance pay because I was a full time employee for a decade. Literally the month the severance pay was due to end, Paul (Levesque, Chief Content Officer for WWE) or Hunter as most people know him, called me and asked me if I wanted to come back. It was incredible and that’s why I say it was divine intervention. I do believe it was God looking out for me even when I was worried and was not being faithful. At the same time, I was thinking, the right thing will happen. I was praying and believing. And it did happen, it was not what I was expecting.

Y: What does the job entail?

BJ: It’s very time consuming. It’s not a difficult job, it’s basically following creative on television and making sure the live events match that creative. I have to come up with some creative, like some angles for the live events, just putting together creative and the matches and coming up with the finish, so it’s all the creative of the live events. Every now and then I have to stray from the

formula but it’s really just following what creative they are doing on television and making sure the live events replicate that.

I have a small team and we write or book the live events that are not on television. Now that the RAW and SmackDown Drafts are done, I can jump in and write these live events like the WWE SuperShow coming up at the Hampton Coliseum on May 21st and we have many others coming up in May, June and we have another overseas tour in the UK coming up and we just had a really successful one there. Business is booming and I love the business. I am working a lot in putting together these live events, but I’m at home doing it. I have a balance in my personal and work life. It’s a blessing to have this opportunity. Hunter called me when the time was right and asked me if i could do this job and I said, yea I’d love to. He has always looked out for me and I’ll always look out for him. And that’s the way it is.

Like I said, the business is booming right now and I credit it to the three T’s: Time, Talent and Team. Time is the time that we are in now, the culture, the way the world is going. The people want to be entertained. They are back now after the pandemic. The Talent is all that talent that is out there. Roman Reigns is on top of the world, the Bloodline, Sammy Zane, Kevin Owens, The Usos, all the Bobby Lasley’s and Austin Theory’s of the world, all the new stars that came up from NXT. And Team is the team or leadership that has been put in place to create and produce our amazing product that is WWE.

Y: You mentioned the WWE SuperShow Sizzler May 21st at the Hampton Coliseum, where the actual WCW invasion was launched 25 years ago, on April 27th, 1998. Tickets are now on sale and for a limited time to those reading this, if you use the special code “CODY” as in Cody Rhodes, you get a buy one and get one for free. Go to, https://www.ticketmaster.com/wwe-sunday-stunner-hampton-virginia-05-21-2023/ event/01005E6246D6A84C

So Brian, why should people come to a live show? What will they see and experience that they will not get from watching RAW Turn to Road Dogg, page 8

Brian James Podcast image. (COURTESY PHOTO)
www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, May 11, 2023 3
Brian James at left, and above with his wife Tracy. (COURTESY PHOTOS)

Spoil Mom with delicious Mother’s Day brunch recipes


AVOCADOTOASTISABRUNCHSTAPLEFORAREASON it’screamy,deliciousandcompletelycustomizable Ifyourmom’safan,considerputtingtogetheran avocadotoastbarforeveryonetomaketheirown.Mixandmatchslicedandmashed avocado,arugula,roastedredpeppers,eggsandseasonings(especiallycumin,seasalt, andredpepperflakes),alongwithsweetingredientslikeslicedfigsandhoneytogive yourguestsalmost-limitlesscombinations Orifyouprefertofollowarecipe,trytopping youravocadotoastwiththisrosemarysmokedtomatojamrecipewithpoachedegg

Avacado Toast with Rosemary Smoked Tomato Jam

Prep time: 20m

Cook time: 1hr 15m

„ 8slicesthick-slicedrusticbread

„ Avacados,sliced


„ 2poundsplumtomatoes,cored,halvedandseeded

„ 1mediumonion,cutintothickslices

„ 1smallpoblanochile,seeded „ ¼cupfirmlypackedbrownsugar

„ 2tablespoonscidervinegar

„ 1teaspoonMcCormick®WholeRosemaryLeaves,crushed

„ ½teaspoonsalt


„ 1tablespoonwhitewinevinegar

„ 8eggs

FortheRosemarySmokedTomatoJam,grilltomatoes,onionandpoblanochile onmedium-highheatabout5minutesoruntillightlycharred,turningoccasionally Coarselychoptomatoes onionandpoblano Placeinmediumsaucepan.Addbrown sugarcidervinegar,rosemarysaltandpepperBringtoboil.Reduceheattolow;simmer 1houroruntilthickened,stirringoccasionally

Meanwhile,forthePoachedEggs,filllargedeepsaucepanwith2inchesofwaterAdd whitewinevinegar Bringtoboil.Reduceheattomedium.Break1eggintosmalldish. Carefullyslideeggintosimmeringwater(bubblesshouldbegintobreakthesurfaceof thewater).Repeatwithremainingeggs Poacheggs3to5minutesoruntilwhitesare completelysetandyolksbegintothicken Carefullyremoveeggswithslottedspoon.


Toserve,place1sliceofbreadoneachplate.Topwithslicedavacado poachedegg andRosemarySmokedTomatoJam.

Test Kitchen Tip: Storetomatojamincleancoveredcontainerinrefrigeratorupto 2weeks

MINIFRITTATASAREAGREATBREAKFASTORBRUNCHOPTIONforMother’sDayoranydayoftheweek.Bakedinamuffintinandreadytoeatinaboutahalf hourtheseminifrittataswithbaconandcheeseareeasytomakeandfuntocustomize Justbeateggs,milkandspiceslikeMcCormick®PerfectPinch®ItalianSeasoninguntil wellcombined thenaddthemeat,vegetablesandsomecheese Thesefluffybacon andcheesefrittatasarebestservedwarm,butcouldeasilybemadeaheadoftimeand reheatedforaquickmealonthego.

Mini Frittatas




„ 8eggs

„ ¼cupmilk

„ 1½teaspoonsMcCormick®PerfectPinch®ItalianSeasoning

„ ¼teaspoonsalt

„ ⅛teaspoonMcCormick®PureGroundBlackPepper

„ 1cupcrumbledcookedbacon

„ 1mediumonion,finelychopped

„ 1mediumzucchini,finelychopped

„ 1cupshreddedCheddarcheese,divided

Preheatovento350°F.Beateggs,milk,Italianseasoning,saltandpepperinmedium bowluntilwellblended Addbacon,onion,zucchiniand½cupofthecheese;mixwell Spray1(12-cup)muffintingenerouslywithnostickcookingspray.Spoonabout ¼ cupeggmixtureintoeachcup.Sprinklewithremaining½cupcheese. Bake20to22minutesorjustuntileggsareset.Runsmallknifeorspatulaaroundeach cuptoloosenminifrittatas Letstand5minutesbeforeserving

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, May 11, 2023

Turning 65 soon? Sign up for May 18

TRICARE For Life webinar


MostpeoplebecomeentitledtoMedicare whentheyreachage65 Ifyouorafamily memberwillturn65thisyear,joinusThursday,May18 from1to2p.m.ETforawebinar “GettingStartedWithMedicareand TRICARE.

ThisTRICAREwebinarwillgiveyoua step-by-stepoverviewofwhenandhowto signupforMedicare.You’llalsolearnhow MedicareandTRICAREworktogetherto minimizeyourout-of-pocketmedicalcosts


TRICAREForLife(TFL)istheTRICARE healthplanformilitaryretireesandtheir familymemberswhoareeligibleforMedicarePartA,PartB,andTRICARE.Youmust haveMedicarePartAandPartBtouseTFL, asdescribedintheTRICAREForLifeHandbook.WhenyouenrollinMedicareduring thefirsttwomonthsofyourMedicareInitial EnrollmentPeriod,youcanavoidabreakin yourTRICAREcoverage

“WhenyouhaveMedicarePartAandPart B,MedicareandTRICAREworktogetherto coordinateyourbenefits,”saidAnneBreslin,TRICAREForLifeprogrammanager withtheDefenseHealthAgency.“Whenyou gethealthcarethat’scoveredbybothMedicareandTRICARE,you’llpaynothingout ofpocket.”

AQ&Awillfollowthewebinarpresentation.RegistrationfortheMay18webinaris limited,sosignuptoday

Would you like the latest TRICARE newssenttoyoubyemail?VisitTRICARE Subscriptions,andcreateyourpersonalizedprofiletogetbenefitupdates,news, andmore

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Road Dogg

from page 3 or SmackDown on TV?

BJ: It is literally the best of both brands all in one night. You get the best of the best facing each other with clean finishes and a clean show. I like to keep it around seven matches and at around 2 hours and 45 minutes. There is nothing like sitting in the arena and feeling the palpable energy that is the fans and that the fans get from the athletes. When you witness it live, you become a part of the WWE universe and you feel the energy that they exude. This to me is this generation’s Barnum and Bailey. It’s an entertainment show, a variety show, you get wrestling, reality, comedy, brutality, we give you our all. Since I’m asking you to bring your family and spend your hard earned money, I’m going to write the best show I can and try to leave you wanting more.

It will definitely be worth it when you come see the show.

That SuperShow at the Hampton Coliseum on May 21st and all the other live event SuperShows that we put on, means we have combined RAW talent and SmackDown talent. On this day, those two brands come together, it is top notch, it is the top athletes in WWE today and you really get your bang for your buck when you come to a combined live event show. It is also a time when you may see a RAW superstar wrestle a Smackdown superstar. Those types of matches are not as rare as you think because I actually like the opportunity to do that. It gives it an extra advantage to go to a live event because you may see things that you may never see on television. Omos is an attraction, and he is going to wrestle on every show. I guarantee you that he will be there. It was kinda like an edict that came down. He is literally a Nigerian Giant.

Y: I am a huge fan of your podcast Oh You Didn’t Know? and you just completed episode 56. How does it feel to already have a year under your belt and what have been some of your highlights from doing your podcast?

BJ: To have done a year already with our podcast does not seem real to me. When Ryan Katz and I were both released from WWE, we started this podcast. My wife Tracy and I spoke about it and I am going to do another year of it. The highlights are that the podcast is very therapeutic for me. It’s a lot of laughs for me personally. It’s great for me and brings me joy and laughter and I hope the same with our listening audience.

I love the relationship that I have with both the first host Ryan Katz who now is working back with WWE and now with the second host, The Casio Kid. He is Conrad Thompson’s friend and a morning disk jockey in Huntsville, Alabama, does stand up comedy too. Casio is a great guy and so are the Deangelo brothers Tom and Markus who have been producers and handle social media for the podcast. I have a small team there and a small team at my WWE job and forging

those relationships has been a big part of this year for me.

Y: Let’s talk about some important people in your life. Let’s do a word association with a little explanation. What does Jeff Jarrett mean to you?

BJ: Best friend. Brother. I’ve always revered Jeff. I’ve always looked up to Jeff as a smarter big brother and a smarter businessman.

Y: Billy Gunn.

BJ: Brother. I feel like me and Billy grew up together. Like Jeff was our older brother and Billy and I were the young ones that were screwed up longer then Jeff did. I do feel the same way about both, I respect them both, but I’ve always looked up to Jeff as a smarter, bigger brother.

Billy is really a big baby with a really soft heart. I get goosebumps just talking about him. He’s a Texan and a bull rider and a big bad dude. He’s 6’ 6” and 285 Lbs of solid muscle and when he looks and browsers down at you you want to step away. He has changed a lot. He is so much in a different head space now and fun to interact with. There was one time that we had a moment where I was like, dude, you keep talking to me this way and I’m going to fight you. You may beat me up because you’re big and athletic but I’m going to punch you in the face. It was a changing point but he also let me know right then, “Oh man, I don’t mean nothing by that, that’s how I talk.”

Y: Hunter/Paul Levesque.

BJ: Faithful or loyal. When I was released from the WWE, in those nine months when I didn’t hear from him, I didn’t talk to him and I was unemployed. I didn’t know where we stood and I feel horrible for that now because he stood at the same place the whole time. It was me that veered away from him. He never had in mind to not bring me back. He waited for the right position to do so. Things had to happen and I didn’t need to know about them until I needed to know about them. In that period of time of me not knowing, I doubted him and what he

was willing to do for me. I should not have doubted either because when he was able, he proved he was willing and here I am, back with the company. So loyal and faithful and I wish I could say the same about me.

Y: Shawn Michaels.

BJ: Transformation. And I say that because man, what a transformation he has made in his life from 20 years ago, to today. He is somebody that I look up to, I respect his spiritual walk, his commitment to living right now. It is so impressive to me because I know where he’s been because I have been there with him. And now to be where he’s at, I guess I can only keep trying.

Y: Not only are you trying, you are succeeding.

BJ: I am spiritually blessed. I am succeeding and I am doing alright. And you know what’s really crazy? Three of the guys from DX are now helping to run the company. Shawn is Senior Vice President of Talent Development Creative, I am Senior Vice President of Live Events Creative and Hunter is the boss as WWE’s Chief Content Officer.

Y: X-Pac/Kid/Sean Waltman.

BJ: Eternal friend. Here’s a great example. We have not seen each other in over two years. We are going to Brooklyn for the Degeneration X 25th Anniversary, I’m checking in at the hotel, I look and I see Kid sitting at the bar in the hotel lobby. I go there, we hug, he’s drinking a Diet Coke, I put my bags in my room then we had dinner together, talking for over two hours. Me and X-Pac are so similar to each other in just about everything. So from Jeff to Billy, to Kid, Shawn and Hunter, we are all peas in a pod. I love having them in my life.

Y: What are you most proud of in your wrestling career?

BJ: I’ve made a bit of a transformation of my own. My favorite picture that I have on my wall and it’s behind me when I do my podcast is of a match with Big Boss Man I think on RAW for the Hardcore Title. It was just a match and I cut a promo that talked

him into putting the title on the line. We had the match, Mick Foley got involved, cheated and I won the match and the Hardcore Title. In the match, I had a noose around my neck, blood coming out of my mouth, I just beat Big Boss Man who I watched growing up, we became friends and of course now he is no longer with us, so it’s my favorite picture, of me holding that Hardcore Title, with the noose around my neck and blood coming out of my mouth. It looks like I’ve been through a war and I came out on top.

It was also a time when I was doubting myself. Billy and I had just broken up as a team and I had to stand on my own two feet. I was also in active addiction, a narcissist who had an inferiority complex. Imagine that dichotomy. I want to rule the world but I want none of the responsibility. Now I was scared because I had to try to succeed on my own. All that to say, that was a moment in my career that means a lot to me personally.

Y: Can you share a pinch me, wow moments or two?

BJ: Beating the Road Warriors for the WWF at the time tag team championships. It was a big deal to me that those two guys did that for us. Ours is a very respect driven game and you gotta give it to get it. These guys showing us that respect, doing the honors for us, putting that title on us, the rocket on us basically, I’ll never forget that.

I grew up watching them hitting the ring on Georgia Championship Wrestling beating the crap out of everybody, they were the baddest dudes in the world and here I am, beating them on a Pay-Per-View for the WWF Titles, yes a definite pinch me moment. There was a pinch me year, that happened all around that and the fact that we are talking about it 25 years later is a testament to how impactful all that was.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer. A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.

Wrestlers from left to right, front row: Chyna, Hunter/Paul Levesque and Shawn Michaels. Back row: X-Pac/Kid, Billy Gunn and Road Dogg. (COURTESY PHOTO)
8 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, May 11, 2023
WWE invaded WCW at the Norfolk Scope on April 27, 1998. (COURTESY PHOTO)

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